loanee knual state f Hartford suteiuent of th. r Hartford. This su d hj the Legislature trpriutti ohftrter i T his suc- „ ^lature of -■h»rter, exceed ?>800 - l.^OO.OOO, in, “' »«• Thes* • “• uearly single change of • onducted with us far success- as we are in. t of about day s delay in • - notVitb- ... la *ble m ^ pi ai-tice of ’»•, carefully »t fifty distinct •nsuredou each '1 thereon, and the Mfu-Hti..n, extend- ’P^'rt\ lo a and presents \ ‘lu-o. iij,,,,, uliici, •*"t a ui.utor of ^ are ve>luoc.i to • uli - ,il w hicli lire The .Ktn* 0-^te,u. and " 'Obtained the uon t surpass, d hv n. ini-reased its year with h stendT •I'urity is tile wij^ '•■h it pursues with t.» he -ered in pU' -cd. with , „ia. - ^he most sweeping swallow,d up 01 her 'Ku .s. It is a sy«em wIiK-h pives stability th. assi#ed tou- )F T!1K ►rpt'iuul ulatinii s over c*,. »t refrrreil pori.«l of lOut a I heen been thus far WKing pnyinent iskine a d„., He litijjation. notw: transactions made. as pi>>ilhle in .j... en th> «at lab . ito about lount ceivc I cla.s inj pr.i data. 'xpt'rii »ce is its h le ud r> busine its .' ha xtont an( r to ,8 s. w hi lotini has of e > m.sinc fOWlW. I I lUTKR I’EKl'KTlAL 000,000. resldeut. fc. !>RAt E, Jr., Set'f, 1. l^-j9. Market Value. 5H5,o;>8 26 [ortgage. 4,:J12 1-5 crued in'st, 'iOy.lKu 35 in transit, 121.812 ai ntcrest, 44,(»>0 T cent. int'?t, 2'),(J0U at. interest, 10,0(>i L'o.CM.w- 5.(K)0 110 accrued in'*t 57,.502 12 linierasi, 52.376 H.l.^l 10.200 43.500 25.000 o^t.OOO 26.500 d Co 3tock, 60,0mj 10,272 12,6(JO I,260 ; Waterbury, Ct 5,250 Stafford Spa, “ 5,250 ProTidenceRI 1,872 Hartford, Ct 30.000 4o,bOO 13.500 28,080 11.400 5,400 9.600 60,450 10,300 10.500 10,100 J ersey C’y, N J 1,500 St Louis, Mo 20,6o0 New York. 10,400 10,000 36.000 22.400 30.600 34,2W 27,0f)0 10.400 24,4'X> 12,200 22.400 8,900 l=),i.H30 11,200 27.600 33,00J 22.0()0 19.6'^ 44.4(^0 23.6W 33.600 42.400 45,100 11.300 24.750 4R.055 67 28,659 68 $1,8^37,920 08 *.t: ue, 5" 1 ■ ■ •*7^j ^>4 apanv at FavettcviHe, ^ ' K .T. HALE. E'~ BODMi\tIjS. K, intiiiue to publish iah Pci judicals, vix: frvHiTa. i (Whig riEW t Free OLarch EW Li • ral.) H M.i- AZINE (Tory.) ‘sent th three great poli* -Whig, Tory and Radical, teai ^ of their character, mad writers on Science, iffioii, they itand, as they the world of letters, being le sch.)lar and the proies- Igeat rea.!='r of every class ind satisfactory record 01 a>> throughout the woria. Aoni auy other source. JliEETS from the British Jue to these Keprints, in- ^ed in the hands of sub- nginal •'JitioM- S Per ann. |8 00 6 00 7 00 8,00 3 00 9 00 hew. 10 00 Keviewi* all cas' t in advance. tute where isiued tcili be LNO. :r cent, from the above P*"* . iriug four or more copies 0 wort.,. Thus; Fourcopie* ;ew, will be sent to one ad- le four Kcviewi and blacn 10 E id Towns, these worKS POSTAGE. When sent by t of the United States wiU TS a year for “Blackwood, u year for each of the Kej re« Britain of the five ?:n yj. r annum, i ttbo-e publications shouia id, i« *lhe Publishers, »AhD SCOTT 9l Ca. . M Gold itmt, N#w Tor*. WB WU Ti«wi SEMI-WEEKL. Y. [VOL. VIII.] FAVETTKVIIXE, N. C., FEBRUARY 24, 1859. [NO. 7‘U.] PKINTEI) MONUAYS AM) TllUUSDAVS EUWAKD J. H.1LE It S0>, iiUITOR.S AND 1‘liOPHIETOUS. Prioc for the Semi-Weekly Obskkvek S3 00 if paid in ailvance; S3 50 if paid during the year of pubscrip- tion: or S4 after the year has expired. h’'0- iho Weekly Ohseiiver $2 00 per annum, if paid in julvance: $2 50 if paid during the year of siibscvip- ; fion: or $3 00 after the year has expired. | tiuT AlU’EKTISh.MENTS inserted for OO cent;- per ' ijuare of 16 lines for the tirst, and 30 cents lor each j succeeding publicaii"ii. Yearly advertisements by spe- ; cial contracts, at rensonable rates. Advertisers are reiiuested to state the number of insertions desired, or they will be continued till i'orbii. and charged :. coid- iiiirly. I Advertisements to be iiuerted insitU, charged 50 per ; c»nt extra. ^lOI .\T.ilA SCE.\EKV. Till Sn n*’ri/ of jXorth I'urolind amJ M'>7r7-/i South Cnrofhui. | BY HENHV E. (H)LTON. V\V(MIK upon the Scencry of the Blue Ridge and its fellow ranges of Mountains will be published early ' in .l.-inuary. The following will be its c^mteuts: ' rhap. 1—Introduction. II—Asheville. III—Routes to reach Asheville—the Swauaiioa :iMI' lUcld. ( hap. IV—The Hickory Nut Gap Road. i V—The Routes from South ('arolina—Salem j • i.ip an ’ .Tones Gap, Flat Rock, Hendersonville, ’«}sar‘s Head, Whiteside Mt. and (’ashier’s Valley. I ("hap. VI—A Route via Wilkesl>orough and Lenidr: the Vnlley i>f the Yadkin; Wilkesborougli; Hajipy Valley: Leniiir; Hi'bri’ten. etc. ('lifiji. VII—Morganton and its surroundings; the I’ii'lmout .'Springs: H-iwk' !5ill and TaMe Rock. • 'hap. Vlll.—Linville Falls; the Gingercake Rock; North (’ov.* and the t'Mve. rhrip. IX—The Vicinity of .\'heville: the White Sul- [ilmv; (he .Million Springs: Plea^atit Urives. ('Imp. X—The I’diick .\lountain; the Mountain House; .iMunial of a l’:irty. ’lia|'. XI.—The Roan Mountain: the l?ald Mount. XII—The Frencli Mii>ad River and the Warm .''I'Viinr-. t'liMp. Nil! — I’leas:int I’ountry Stopping l’laee: ’'ir- -iii - on ’ hf ('.iT;iwba;'i'i' at ('hininey Rm’k: Slierill's Ili-';..iy N»it J:ip; IViilaiid's at Flat Rock on Toe ■ tvi'v t!i X.ineey; ,Vlexauier's and \. F,. l’.aii-d ~ on tSe Fr-lu-h Rroad; Alt'xaiuler’s on the Sw.iiinaiio.-i. • Ii.-ip. XIV—The Western ('onnti« -; ll;iy«ooil. .I;n k- '■iii, Nlacnn and ('herokee; I’ii^eon Rivor; Franklin; u Winrer Trip: V.dley River: the .Nuntiiiala: Cherokee I I i:>p. XV—Proiluctions 'if the We-t. Virrieuliiirril aii.l ■>; Wild Flower*.. Tree Growth; WiM Aniiimls •in'1 " ■ptiles. \i i’KM)i.\.—The Pi'oi Mountain; I’ie'linorii ••^I'rings of Stokes: Shocco Springs; Ki'irell’s Spritiirs; Letters of Dr. Christy on Mountains of .N'orih t’arolinii The work will contain four vii-w- of Mountain Scenery Tnd a Map of that section of country. liowingall Road-, - i^e l-it^e^. Stopping Pl.iee';; Noted I’laees. etc. It will ■' o got up in the best style of :irt. and sold ni cents per eopy. \Vheii-ent by m.iil. f,t; cents. Person'-wi«li- ai^ cojiies, will address W. L. I'oineroy. Rrileiirh. N. A liberal di«coiinl to t]io..e inking a nuiiib«-r of copies tor ~ale or distribution. Itr.. ,\ nuuiJier ol a'hevti«enient of Hotels. Livery Si:i'r.,.'- .iti.l Spring' will be iii'cried u[>on tly-leaves. if •i-.vurded initiiediiUely. .t'' of the St.ite will confjr a favor by giving ,;i- one r ii' .re in>vrtion?. |i,- r i:7. 7C.- ' iiV TiiK NO U T H (' A li O L I X A JOl R\AL OF EDR ATIO\ FOR 1859. 'pllK .''.M-ond Volume of the Journal will cotnmeuce I I with the next 3’ear, and the first number will be is- 'iied ;ili,.ut ilie iiiidlle of January, it will be published 'litIlly, and ei.-h number will contain not less tliMi • ii-'y-iwo jiazes of reading matter. The .lournai will be neatly jiriiitpd. on hue paper and :ri :i • fiual to the present Volume. The aim of who have charge of it, will be to make it a valual'le o.xiliary iu the cause of education. ] it i> the property and organ of the State Educational j ^'^o■•ialion. and is under its control. Through its pages ' (ieneral Superintendent of Common Schools will j -■iiiinunicate with the School officers and teacheisof the '• !^e. Vrticles are solicited from teachers and other friend>■ r e'iucatiou. TERMS .INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE.) Five Copies, or more, ordered at one time, or to one .id'lress, ONE DOLLAR each, per annum. ■Additional copies at the same rate. Single copy. S2 Mi .Vll teacher^ and school officers are requested to act u» a'.:‘nts. The Teacher who sends us the largest nunil>er of sul>- seriliers i'not less than thirty.) before the 1st of January, will be entitled to half a page of advertising for the year; The one sending the next largest numl)er be entitled to the fourth of a Dage: And each one sendin;r •J-') or more will be entitled to a card not excecling eight lines. All communications relating to the Journal should be r'.ddressed to J. D. CAMPBELL. Rcr^ident Editu;. Greensborough, N. C Dec’r 2J^. 75- WESTERN RAir. ROAH. N and after Monday, 22d day of November, the Freight Train will run !;E(«UL.\RLY between Fay etteville and McClenahan's Station; leaving Fayeite\ille j every morning at 7 o'clock and returning at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of same day. Consignors are requested to send tickets with artieleg, stating consignee, destination, ,Jic. W, A. KUPER. Chief Eng’r it Sup'i. Whenover tJie amount of freight may re-itiire, an ex tra Train will leave Fayetteville and return in the afternoon. Nov'r 22. 1858. C5- IMiL liOlU MITICE! TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. ^,*3=31 M' NEW, fllE.ll’, ,UD E\PEl)i ri(irs R(l! TE FOR Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. ERCHANTS and otliers about purchasing their Fall and Winter Supplies, are requested to notice, tliut | by the completion of the North Eastern Rail Road from j Charleston, S. C., to Cheraw. the advant;iges of a CHE^P j and EXPEDITIOUS Route from the Setiboard has been opened to them. , All freight consigned to the carc of the Agent of the North Eastern Rail Road will be forwardotl FREE i»F CO.MMISSION. ; No charge will l>e made for Storage at Cheraw, .Vll i good- ’'ill be taken care of in the (''oinpnn\''s Wareliouse : until sent for. I A sehedule of charges for transport.ition of freight will | be found at the Post (,)fTice. S S. Sf'LOM(>N.S. Eng'r and Sup't. .\ug. l'^.'>''. 34-tf FXrTEKLOH’S LINE. WRfGHT & FULLER, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, V. (ELEMENT G. WRKJHT and BARTHOLOMEW FFL- j LER have associated themselves together for the practice of their jirofession. I’rotupi attention given to all business committed to t heir charg.*. 'i'huy will jo'ac- tice in the counties of CumberlMnd, Hnruett, Sampson. Robeson and Bladen. Aug. 23, 1858. 3tf- TROY & EUl.LEK, Attorneys and Coun.sellors at Law, I.I KOICi:SO\ Co., W. C. 1)0BERT E. TIIOY ami JOHN P. FCLLER, hive ^ fi'rmed an association for the ])riictice of their j ro- fession in Robeson (’ounty. The former will also at tend the Courts of I’>laden and Columbus; the latter will also attend those of Cuniberlatid. The Office in Luinbcrtoi; will be kept open at all times. Jan’y 1. 73- •JOSEPH nAKER,7n., ATTOU,\«Y \T l^AW, vs taken iin office next doov'o Win. B. Wriglit’s l.»w (>Hice on (Jreen Street, lie will atteml and practice in the (,'ounty and .''U}>erior (^^urts of Cumberland, Bladen. Robeson and Samps'iti. March 23, ISoo. H rvif THO. C. FULLER. •Ittorneif aiifl ('onnsvtlor (it OFFICE at I'^ccles’s Bridge, recently occupied by Janies Banks. Esq., Fayetteville. N. C. Jan'y 1. Ih57. 1*. J. .Ktoriiey and (oiiiisellor at Lan, FAYETTEVILLE. N. i'.. ll’ILL practice in Uie Courts of Robeson, Cumberland, \\ Harnett ana Riciimond. Prompt attentioti given to all business entrusted to hin. Feb'v •”>. 1H.')W »(')- s iTE.VMER “F VNNY" leaves Fayetteville every Mon- lay aiid Tiinr'l.iy morning, at l-'> uiintites alter Sun- ri'e: and VN'ilniington Tuesday and Friday, at o’clock. —I'.'irrying iit^'fUL'ers and freight. Steamer I FT II K H .N E R. witii a full coni]iU‘tiieti' ol Fl;Us. iii.iki > .ine ; inoif trips per week, ue circuni- ■^taiKH'-i niiiy require. Tilt- iccident to ihe Steaim'r ••R>V\.\N" will be re paireij ill few d:iv». She will then take her place in th.-iine. T. HJTTERLMfl. (Ic-'r J. I'- •'.'I-tf T/if Mjar^,ent Varrias*' t .iriory in the SoHih! I.AW \irvivt:. rplll", uiider-iigneil has removed to Newbern. with the I inteurioii lo devote himself whollv to ttie practice of tlie l:i\v. :K- will attend the Court^ iii all of the sur- rouuiiing counties, and will also piaoiice before the .'^u- prenu' Comt ;it Italeigh. 1>. K. MeR.VK. Dee'r 22. ls’>''. 7-’>-tim A. .n i.i:AA, • ittontff/ at LCMP.ERTON. N. ILL attend tlie C unity .ind .''upeiior C*^urt» of Robu- «ion. Riclunonil >ri'I Bl.aden Counties, and the Supe rior Courts of Mo'ire County. Dec'rl.s.’is 71-3ni WORTH &L t TLE1\ Forwardiug and (■(‘ueral ionimiisioM Merchants, Fuffettcrille^ «V. V. J. A. WORTH. (72tf) JOB. UTLKV. K. 11. OR RE I. L, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. rpHOSE seniling their Spirits Turpeutino to me laay 1 rely upon it to have prompt ajid careful attention. My wareiiouscs a*'e fronting the wharves and near the river. Sept’r 13. IK-jH. 45tf ~ TIN PLATE, ^hcet Iron, Iron W'ire, COOKIlfO STOVE?* A.\I> TIX-WAItE. Always on hand, at Wholesale or llatai]. UOOFIXiJ, a I '7TENIXG, And jJi kinds of Jobbing, done at short notice, by C. W. ANDREWS, NLMkel i^quaro, t’.iyettuville. July 27-tf PETER MALLETT WITH D. COLDEN MURRAY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ct 2 S > It T II S T U K K T, .VA’ir vo/ik'. July 20, ISoS. 82- nooTs siioj^s^ AT WnOLKS.VLK. JNO. M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA, w I r H l». I*. SII AW^ A: €0., 31 AM> .‘io l)i;v Stkkkt, New Vokk, ILL be happy to se‘ his Southern friends at the i\'ortli t'airoliiia Keaders.! NUMliElJS 1 AND 2. I*IIEI‘AKK[> WITH SJ’EC’IAIi KKKKllKNli: T(» TIIK ■ WA.VTS AN’lt I.\TEKK.>TS (IF •Vor//# Ctit'olina. r.NDEU TUK AfsPK KS OK TIIK S( I KKlSTKNDliNT OK lO.M- . -MON SCHOOLS, BV I Rrv. r. n, iliil>l»arfl, I'UOFESSOU OF THK LATI.N t.AK'Tt’AOK ANP t.lTKR'VTUKK IN TUE fKIVKBSITY tiF NORTH CAUOLINV. | 3, CONTAINING A FAMILIAR III.STOKY AND DESCKIP- TION (»F NdHTH CAROLINA. Selections in ai'il V'crst*; many of tlioni by eniiiicnt citizens of the State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOL: XiU AL TABLES. And a variety of Miscellaneou.= Inl'ormatii u ;ind Sta- V. tistics. by Mi. II*##>#;!*. YUM Ci w w A W I.ITTI.i; X ItATTI.I^:. Attorneys and (ouKvollors at Law, W VDFSBORO-. N. i\, LE.\.\NDLR LITTLE and R. H. BATTLE. Jr.. having assoeiated il;rti"'»lves in the ]»tactice of the will give protupt attention to all business entrusted M - i f \Ti»on. I'nion and Riciimond. 7'>-2>iipd LOVRRI) CLDKUXiE, • it tor ue if at ijatr^ ittend the Couris of Johnston and SaHipsou law to them ill the .'•\n \ I. 1.^.' ILI ('oiinties. Smithfield. Ap’-'l 1 McK K/rilA U' ) E.'^PEt’TFl'LLY inform.s his fi ieiiilsanl the j ii'die. th.u lo h:is built up large subt,intial t.riek lloiM- ings at his Old Statnl, expres-^ly for manufacturing Car riages. Th.inkful for the very liberal ]iatroiiage he h.i"; received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict ,itteri lion to business, with a desire to gi^e •^atisfaetion. to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work lo be made of the bc'^t m.aterial and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. Hi work will compare favorably with any niacle in the Fnited State-, for neatness and durability. He i» deii'nniiicil to sell and do any work in his line on as gix>d terms a any work done eKewhere that is as well done. He now lias on hand, finished, THE L VRCiEST .''TtiCK >1' (arrlages, Barouches Rockaways and Buggies, ever oll'ercil in thi- j.lace. and :i very l irge !o-k of work nearly tiuished, which will V»e tini’shed daily. All of which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. has oil Imtid more than i ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHICLES finished I and in course of construction. I work made by him is waiT.';nted 12 months with fttir usage, and should it f.iil b^- bad workmanship ; or material, will be rej>aired free of ch:irge. Persons wishing to buy would ilo well to call and ex- 1 amine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and prompily attended to j Repairing executed at short notice and on very reason- ■ able terms. ! Mav 2H, 1H.-,;J .-^t-if %lledlcal %Yoiiee* ,R. II. .V. McSWAIN liM- taken nn ofhci- on Anderson .''treet. in ill'- rear of Mfs>rs. l’»ay K Pearcs'x .''tore, where !ie I’an be found by iliose desiring his profeksioual scrvice-. .Vugust 21. 1‘'.').''. 40if D'i. above establishment, where, either personally or by order, they may be supplieil from an extensive ami w«ll ......ioried Stock id'tiood* iu that line, goitwn up expressly for I he .'^ouiliern trade. Nov. ‘jy, 1^.')S. t;7-1y. MIIJTAKY GOODS, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaalettes, Laces, AND EVEHV DESCRIPTION OF MILITARY GOODS, ACCORDINtJ TO TIIK lAttisf r. S. Arrni/ nud SttUc^Reijuhitiuin. SCIIUl’LER, HARTLEY & GKAHAM, I'nPOieTKK'i A Ift^rFAC'TrRKKS, 1 MAID E N L ,\ N E . ,Yeic Y'ork. June .30. 24-1y T. V. X n. WORTH, Commh^on and Poniarding .'Ifereliantiiy WILMINGTON, N. (’ Jan y 2s. IHf.y S4tf W>I. II. TlRLiX«TO>. I 1' o III III i M i o II Yl I* c‘ li :i ii I. I VMLMlNfiToN, N C.. 11’I Lb give pronijit snd personal attention to al! Cv>n ' }\ signmwni'3 of SPIRITS TF RPl-^NTI.NE. I!I.>1N. I T.VR, COTTON, FLOUR, and other country produce. I either for sale or shipment. j My wh.'^rf ftntl warehouses being eonveniwiitly located j for the reception of produce, either by R;».ilroad or Riv«r, i enables me to make charge* light. I Nov'r s tf UMBER is a new and rovisel elition of the North iroliiia Reader, lirst published in iSM. Nninber- I and li just i.ssued. comph'te I he series, whicii i«, :is ,i whole, cheajier than any other j-erier of Readei.s ia ilie United States, atnl as eonijiK'tr-. The Edit '!- (Prof. Iliiliiinrd) in Ms Pvefio-i- (o Nuni- : her 1 deems it projier to allude to a few of the in-i-itliitr advantages aimed al by the Superinteinleiii of Common Schools while making etibrt- to liavc thi- work com- ^ pleted. These are, 1. TIII i nriiiiriii/i wi )it of i I'fi /iiv/ of inlnii'i-, nnd the enlistment of popular seni inicnt in behalf of ; !o- Stnie and its institutions. It was not thought im]iort:ini, how ever, to have more than one ntinibcr of ihe Reader if; merely a local interest. 2. To remujff the erU / I'eriiii lifn- cotiiplniin >1 of in /•(•ni- nion .•’chouh, of t />rr/K l>iii/ rhmKjf in text huokf; an exp«“n- sive habit, and one which injures the Schools )>y pre venting the cliildrcti from being classilied. A -^erii'' of home Readers, it was snpyioscd, would be eri;iinly and this great evil thus avoided. Economf/. the pojmlar system of Readers being too long and being made so often merely toadil to the profits of authors ami put>lishers. This series is to consisi of fewer numbers than those generally U'ied, and it is lielieved that tln‘e numlu'r--' are sulhcient, while if tli«' system were universally iH“d iu the State, the sum s.-ived to jiarent' and children would .-imount to several ihoU'^;ii>d dollars annually. 4. To j'Ht ill th. han'h ;/' clul'■. n h-n rniilii In rufl n.iii- poritiunx I'lijlicifnlli/ fitmili'ir /.n: imt of tin rliariK'trr rnJIul rhi//ix/i funipoi’ifi'.ii-t. c>ntaining. in lessons easy enough br all age'!, correct s]>eciineii'; of style, intere^iing in matter, and inculcating ]>rop»r morals, and religious in struction. The prices are. for No. 1. 2-') cent-^; No. 2. o7.i cents and No. .S, 7-'i cent. ,V liberal deduction from these prices to Merchant- and School Te.ach-T'-. E. J. HALE .'c Son. ««Ti:iK^IA.\ V IIOR.\E, Jr., HAVE .MSI KEtEIVEJ), A\» WILL SELL LOW, Whisk^v; REAL EST.4TE AT Al (TIO\. • ON SATl'UU.VV. Ihe jih day ol M.iKt ll. a( lli« ilarket House, at 12 o’clock, will be sold, thai Valuable House and Lot on Haymouut, recently occupieil b3’ Mr. Geo. W, MaDonald. coauuning about 4 acres of 1,'uid. with a nener-failing Si>ring ol water, six feet deep, within ten y:ird* of the door. The Housp is two stories high, containing 'j rooms, one pass age, and 4 tire-places, with all c invciiient Oiit-liouseo attached. There is a goo'l Pastuj-.' on the preuiis‘.i, containing about half an acre. Thiii proi»erty is out of the liuiits ol' town, coiu«- (juently, is not subject to town-t:ix, aud is one of the most healthy and beautiful resideucts on the hill. —ALSO— A 11()USE AND Lot adjoinincr lesidencc, known a* the ‘‘Stable Lot," containing aiiout lia't'au acre, with i beautiful Urove. is situated near the United Slates A; senal, atm >'.iil make one of the handsomest building lots imagin.'ible. — ALS(->— A HOUSFj and lot IN T(.)WN. on Person Street, recently occupied by McDonald vSl W hatey, ak a .■^ad>lle .Nj.mufactory; has iwenty-liTe feet front and sovonty f«e' dct tli; convcnion! to llie .\lark-t. ALS‘ - TWO TRACTS OF WO( D LAND, We.-: of town abt’it 3 luiles, .adjoirouir H'ns lak-, .\ivrover and others Cotiiaining lOand lyacies. Ter':is at >ia' W. U. r. Feb v 4. IK.'.O V' Kh.IlT, Ait’y, FI-^TE, Auct'r. W’ Rc:il l'.«(a4‘ Ibi* I LL !>e S'dd on i ho Hotise. at 12 o'l K r THE r.LACKS,Mi l I! S on Hillsl'oro' S'r«- ‘’ ’ .Store: THE DWFLLI.N'; .1 THE " A V\CA\T L'»r T*‘rm 1i''M-;il. \| >’. Ii n> nt the ^f.-irket w iiFi i.v nn;iiT s SHOP »i ir oi S.f m;m Horne - M, I M \I. Feb y p.i ■ inie lol; ■c Siroel; • ■ ■ ''!:iin>n'.r 1^ !icres. !■ \'I ‘I'.F.LL. Auctr '.•Ot Q BBLS, Whittf CMiio Corn liii •• ‘-Tuscaloofca'’ 5 •“ Extra Cidur Vinugar; o Hhdg. Western Basou: 2-I.OOO Citrar#; Sou Bus. C'"T). Orders froni raliable parties will recf-ive prompt nt- \i:^’ ll \T l\I> (Al* STORE. rpHE subscrificr will open on the FIRST I MARCH, at the Old Stand of David (iee, next door to Alex’r .Tohnson, .Ir., on East side Clreeii Street. THE L.VRiiES’i' AND P.EST ASSORTED STOCK OF lln1«, C'liil«lri‘ii% I'liihreiiaw, C'aiie?*, Ac., That has ever been brought to this market. In all my purchases 1 shall be guided by a desire to give my fiicmis and customers the fnll benefit of every thing which seems MOST INVITING IN STYLE. MOST Sf'BST VNTlAL IN MANUFACTURE, and .^loMt Rea>oiial»lt‘ in Prici*. ipt^'See future adveiiisenients, A. McRIMMON. 'ountry Merchants arc invited t'.' t-xamine iny Whole- sa'e Department. Feb'y 18. 18M) ‘K3tf s."i-lm 0 Itr. M. ,\, Rli,14'K, FFlCEFioiit Rooms, over Dr. S. J Hinsdale's Chemiit and Drug .'^:ore. Feb 1 r'ltf l>. .1. wii.i.iA^i iv%i;i:, n (ilf, N. (’. UR. P V(iF. may t.e toiind al his oHic when noi jiT'i- fi-'-i,)n:illy engaged. .May •’>. ls.'i7. ■*>tf i* 11 A MEMOIR OF Ki:v. E!r.i«iii \ iifTciii:r.i>, i>. i>, I.ATE rHOFESSOR OF I IIEMISTRY, MINERALOGY, AND GEOLOGY, IN THE UNIVERSITY OF N. C. ^I'^OliETHER with the tributes of respect to his nieni- I ory, by various public meetings and literary as sociations, and the adilre‘ses delivered at the re-inter- uioiit of his remains on Mount Mitchell, by the Rt. liev. .Umes If. Otey, Bishop of Tennessee, and Hon. l>-ivid L. Swain, President of the University of N. C. Tiiis interesting little book, giving a graphic sketch )! tiiL lite and the onjy correct account of the tragic ■l‘ .til of this great and good man, together with a tine STEEL PLATE LIKENESS "I Dr. Mitchell, is now ready and may be had at the i;,. ,k»(,ires of .Messrs. Pomeroy & Turner, in Raleigh, 'l.tlleii ,v Co., in Chaj>el Hill, aud at the otHce of pub- H-rition. I’ricf, in Paper, 30 cents; in Cloth, 50 cents i>er ^ "Py. Copies (in paper covers,) sent by mail to atiy '■ HI oi ihe country, free of postage, upon the receijit ■ ' •••) cfiiis in coin or postage stamps; in cloth (library . ; for .j~i cents per copy. .Vddress J. M. HENDERSON,/’aWi>/tfr. h.ipel Mill. N. C. 71- 1 i 'I'liv \4'w I'^ditioii of Ih vereux & Battle’s law Reports, Vol. I, I> KC}•; 1 Vi;S the approval of those who have examined t it. j ' hii-' .lu'ti'-c Nm«1i "^ays. ‘d have looked through it— ] i' i- curffully Mild well got tij). * * * 1 think to our | • oiift it w Ml bo invaluable—and to the Profession ec(iially ; -o. It will save the lalH»r of deciiliiig tin- same poinis ! .'iiid again; for there will be no excuse for Counsi'l ' O'li bi iiig iipprised of poinis already adjiidic.ated. ’ ; 'u-i:tltimen of the liar who have purchased and ex-' ■‘i mik 1 it, concur, so f:i’’ as we know, in praise f>t' it. | For sale, with sctb oi separate vidumes of North (’a- rr.liiiu Ruporls, aul Lav/ Booka generally, by j E. J. HALE & SON. 1 J. w . iiaki:r I.s now rocfiviiiLr truiii tlie N'ortli tin* largest, finest, nnd ino>i carcfiiily selected stock of ri'K\iTi’Ki: ever olfered in this market; whicdi nildi-d to his own manufacture, m.akes his a isorlnieiu complete: -■ all of which he will sell on the lowest possible leruis cash or on time to jiunclual customers. ]iainted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curleil hair and shuck, atul cotton .Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; \\ hat- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stainls; Wardrobes: Picture Frames and (Hass; Window Shades; Cornices; C’urtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogony and Wal nut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine llosewuod Pianos, one with yEolian at tachment; Rosewood Melodians. from the best manufac tories in New York and Boston, warranted as good any made in the country, and will be sold at New \ ork prices—freight only added, September 2. l->lf ifliirble Factory, VVlNCi engaged in another businc^'^. 1 tind my time too much taken u) to attend to tlie duties of iny profes>;on; anil having u partner (Dr. R. Scott) who is in every w;iy comjicient to jde.ase iill mi/ friends. 1 t:ike great j>leasiii-e in recomiiKMiding him to nil with whom 1 have the slightest inttuencc. Ills prices will “uil any who are desir.uts of h.aving ihiir teetii operated on in :i • kilful manner. And with my be-l wishes for my, and this community. I wiihdr.iw from the firm, having no tear but that Dr. Scott will give the most fatiilious entire s:ttis- faction. D. W. C, l!i;\l!0^\. Jan'y 10, 7-''tf IH:\TI^«iTRV. vR. J. D.VVIS having decided on permn- ' ncntly loc iiing in the Town of F;iyelte- ville. rcspectfuliy oBVrs his services lo the plai-e and surrounding country. In all the various bniurhe' of Profe'sion. including the iiiatiiif:o-lore of Mineral Tot-lh. he i-^ satisfied, after an I'vtensive e.viierit nco. to whii-li is added a ihoiough Den tal education, that lie ran give entire satisfaction as far as is ill thf jiowor ol' Deniisiry. All irreguLarities of the Teeth ire ui l in a proper and careful manner, as well as iliseas of (In- inoulh. None but the proper metals are made use of in the various operations. Vharges will be nioileraif. ihal the benetilsof liu- Protession may b'> jil.K'fd witiiiii l!i(‘ real'll of all who may I'eel an ialerc.-t jti ihe preservMl ioii of ilo' Teclli. ^:^V (••iice over Houston - .lewe’ry Store, wheve he may be foiiiid al all nines. .May 10, IS.’.S. jtf citizens of tiii By ;K0. LAUDEIl, TWII DOORS ABIIHi C. T. IIAlliU SO.\S’ STORK, Fay«*lt‘ville, J>f. €. Jan’y 20,1859. 64-ypd liROCERIKS AT WIIOLKSILK. (HAVE just receivc'l in store my F.tII Slock, embrac ing the following articles, viz; ' 12.') JJa-s ('oniH!. (’>■') IJliln. !iii(l IIIhIs. Stitrar—a.sis(trt0il (>5 “ IN irk, I IJnxcs irodfl T'b;icfo. ■ 7.) ‘‘ (’arnly. oD libls Smift—I'atrlc "ills. TT) Imixos (’rackors, .Ml of which will be -joM for ’.VSH, or on short tHie to the bcvi of men. I E. F. MO»RF, A: CO. : Sept. II, ISOS. 44-tf thresh •irrirais. 1UST received jir Steamer Fanny. I Bbls. Fxtra No. 1 M.VCKEUFL (for retailing,) 111 “ do. “ 1 do. 10 j “ do. “ 1 do. 10 k MESS SHAD; 80 Boxes CHEESE; 100 Bags New Hulled BUCK^V HRAT FLOUR; ; F’ulton Market Beef; Mess Pork; Goshen Butter, Pocket Salt: Sugar: Coffee; Molasses; anl every thing in the I provisim line; which I will sell cheap for (,'ASTI or ex- chanire for country Proiiuce. W. C. TROY Nov. 3, IHoH. Go-tf HariH^rN X. liJodey’i^ .^asa*ine*« 1 for February. E, J. HALE fit SON. W. II ALLEN.] [J, M. CLARK. ALLEN & CLARK, C'»iii III iv^ioii ?l e ri'lia III w. WILMINGTON, N. C. UK\LKKS IN L!MK, I'LISTEK, (KMKM, IIA IK, At*. tfsay Agents for Kush OrrcU’s Lino of Ste-imcrs. 1)ROMPT personal fitt'iition given to consignment."- o Naval Stores, (.'otion or oiliur Country Produce, for sale or shipment. Jan’y I'J, 1^5'.'. Sl- JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V O Yl T| I M I 41 A N I> Forwarding 31erchant, H'ilminsfott, .V. f’. J.i-^y^Prompt personal attention given to all ('onsign- ments. and Cash ail'ances in,ide I'li l’robic*‘ lo be siiip]ied to other ports or sold in th's market. Feb. 1J, Is'.-'>. ;7if ,JC. SMITH. MILKS roSTIN, JAS. C. SMITH & Co., Fartors^ 4!ommission and For^ trnrtiinsi • fierchants. WILMINGTON. N. C. IjROMl’T alieniioii givt'ii to sale of Tl.MBER, LI .M- I'lFlt. NAV.V L STOIil’S and all kind' of Produce. Liberal advauceinenis mad*' on Consignments. Refers to F,. P. H.M.i,. I’rcs'l Braneh I’.ank of St.ale. H. R. Savm;k, Ca'^h’r Bank t.’api* Fear. John Dvwsuji, Eb!. Vpril 25 IS.'.H. o-llf WILLIAM .1. nac K, laspertor of •Varal Stores^ \S HAHMiTttX, X. ('. Solicits the jiatroiiage of his country friends aud !i11 other- engaged in the Tiirfieiitine business. >ortli Wat«*r Nov'r 22, lH.jS. f.4-lypd sTov?:s« siiEi/r 'i i%-WVIl^, cVo O'- H\‘ *- il sortment of !>• ' n t Cooking ivi,.- : TIo-'.n I'cei-Iron; Lead P' - i Iht “//// iitntiinion t'offit For sale by l A'lF.S 'M . ■ N’ov'r 21. Tiir|M‘iiiii>‘ Iiac'l4«‘i’iii. Puller*^ .'iiitl lli|»|H‘i*M, All of the first (|uality. can be had at M. \ B.\i^ tiUN SHOP, F.ayetteville, N. C Jan'y 15, 1N3S. Sotf ^^ll^n^ Jloiii§i‘ ^iyriip* 4 FEW Bbls. excelWnt S, H. SYRUP .\l»o, prinn* .\OTI€'E. To tlu' StofklioUlers of the (an* Fear and Doci» River .Navigation Company. \70U AllE HEREBY notified that a meeting of the .^iockhohlers of the Cape Fear and Deep River Navi gation t'oiiijiaiiy, will be held iu the '’’own of Wilming ton. on Tuesday, the 221 day of March next, for the purpose of considering the jirovisions of tlic Act of the (ieneral .Vscnibly of this State, passed during its re- ccnt session, entitled “.\n Act toprotect theinicrest ofthe State of North Carolina in the Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Company’’ and of assenting or dissent ing to the ^ame. By order ofthe Board of Directors. JAMES CASSIDEY, Prcst. Wilmingtoti, N. C., Feb. I.s. OO-lm L.-)0 Feb V HIS. BEST SEED and for sale by 21 O.iTS, .IlST KE4 KIVKD B. ROSE. su-ict MoL.VSSES. Oci’r 11. ;a C, B. COOK, olif FEW Feb'y 21 HIIUS.- l*AiXT.*«>, >li.!^, Xv. iPERM. Refineil. Lard. Liti'-ecil and T.inners’ OIL White Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; Window (ila-^? sizes s and Sash of all —ALSO — A fresh sup|ilv ol POND'S PAI.N DESTROYER. For -ale by' J A M ES M A RTIN E. Nov'r 2-1, lSo8. fjtiti Notice to Turpentine Distillers and others. I.V.M fully }ireparel to make or rejiair TURl'EN’MNE STILLS, or do any thing in the Coj>j)er or Sheet lioii work, at tlie shortest notice. M A P. \KFR Fayetteville, Jan’y 21. IS-'iH. •‘2tf 01.11 IIII.I..S. \LL persons indebted to the concern of FRANK .JERRY andJ. 11. ROF>El\TS .Sc (.'O,, are requested to come forwanl aiol settle their bills. If not settled by the last of this month, they will find them in the hands of a Lawful Collector. J. H. ROBERTS & CO. Mav 1Sr>8. 7tf llf'rriii;; -i. BBLS. No. M) »>y Feb’y 10 Crop ^lola!«i*f«. -now lauding and for sale by B. ROSE. ! llc‘ri*iii;Kl! Ilvrriii;;;!!! i Herring, ju.-t received aud for s»ile J R. McDUFFlE ‘Jti-lw 4 WIiKATH FKOM THE WOODS OF ( AKOLIVA. (by a Lady of Noriii Carolina.) beautifully ilbis- irated, with colored lingraviugs of Native Wild Flowers. School Books, Blank l’>ooks, iVc .Fust received. E. J. H.VLE & SON. Feb’y ?, • V»liiiiie^ ol* .Siipr(^iii€^ f'oiirl I'.'^T jiublished. Volume .biiii- s l-.;\\ llepoi'f--. ;iii! I'ort . ol ileei'iioiis in the Su)>rcme (.'ourt of Nortli Carolina. IT ^ale by Feb'y D> \ »} vidunii' S Jones s hipiity b i; lALE .V SON. plTI I) at Ton. IHOICE OL w ine aiul put in \ lt*\» BaviM'-N .Vl’l'Li; lii;\ND\. : i ible foi iiiakilig up brandy fruii For H .V ig. 1.'', '•)S. lie l)V AHVKI? F. M. BIZZELL, i; R 0 r K R \ \ I) (; ())! II I S .SI 0 N 11 E K r 11 1 T, No. Nuutii ^V^\TKK Stkkkt, WIL.MINGTON, N. C. 1)RO.MPT and personal attention given to the reception of all kind- of country produce, either for «ale or sliipmeni. Orders for groceries from cnit/i ciisloniors will receive immediate attention, fi-ee of commissions. Nov. ly, IS.'iH. f,l-1y r. A K. noiiNsTKirr, •iisent for hirh'erlnff^s Pianos, Of which he has always some on hand. Wilmington, N, C., Oct’r 2, 1H58. r»l-lypd €li AI R«! C'H AI R!«!! \L.VRGE lot of Stool-bottom Chairs, made at Cool Spring Alill, aud for sale by A. M. C.VMPBELL. March 24, ’58. 96y For ^al€*. 0/AA T5AGS ALUM S.\LT—2 bushels each,—by OUU GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Not. 6, 1858. Pltf Dec‘p Coal* 'MINOU.'' t’OAl. ot the be-!| (juality can be had the Works at Kgvpi, al :i n asonalOe j.rice by the w\l. Mccr.\.NF Mining Kngim-er. May 21, 1 S-jG. Ci if Till: \ORTII AROi.lA A >im AL LIFE l\SI RA\( E 0>ll»1NV, N’OW in the leiith Vv-ar of siicc'ssfiil operaiion. with growing capilal and tinner hold upon jmblie 'on- tidence, conliniies to insiirt' the lives of all heallliy pei- sons from I 4 to i>0 ye.irs of :ige, lor one year, for seven years, andforlife—all lifi' members .-haring in the jirofii'.!. .Vll slaves from 10 to >«» years of age are insured for one year or for five ye.ars for two-thirds their value. .Vll losseji are punctually jiaid within OO l-iy>; ,iOor satisfactory proof is pre,senteil. Ffir further information the public is referre«l lo \gent» ofthe Company in all parts of the State, and to K, H. BATTLK, Secretary, llaieigh. E. ,L 11 V LE. .\gent at Jan’y Fayetteville. N. . TAKK\ I P, rp.VKEN up and committel to the.lailof Cumbcrl.ind 1 Couniv on the l.'’>th inst., a NE(;R0 B«»V. named I JOHN BRACE or JOHN FR.VNKLIN, who says he is j free, .ami that he eame from Cobiiiiliin. S. C, Jolin i; j small, a bright mulatto. anl had on when taken up a } white wool and steel-miied fro-k co-it and [lanis. i The os* lOOl Home A- niusements: The .ViUocr.i! of ilu- I’.reak'.a-'t Tutde; l. o- tiircs of Lola Moute-; Cln-oniei,'- if the l>,i: ;ile. iiliih trated: The Magi( i.ui’s 0\wi 1'., Liviii;.; uii I Lovi;.. , Living-itone's Travels: Live .i;id l.e-u ii; The P'jWci ol I’l lyer, by Prirae. Stdiool •. , .'c. Further ^-uj>]>!ies, just lei'* .latiy E. ALL .V SON. Book^i. !)i;o\',[ j) N. Feiij'io p.ipers; \ eriioii (I !in“: In .iiid Vroiin ' S'a-uboiil. b iiig ami Loviii/: The \ . 'ly W . I 'olliiis; I ia\eii|.. F:,lier s I)r:i wiiiL' l‘oiei! Nov'r ':.,V I-’,.-!. l>i O':, t.v ' ■ i II oil ;■! vei- ; K lie.Ill ,is I hey i . i,. Iloiiiby; Liv- ’.ij’i-r-; \fier D.irk, F.ook-; i:. .1 r.rr rST rcreiv*'*] r.l TTKU, an VEii \\n 1" a iiny, l!oXe Oct, 14, >i.v;.!; ,'C S(»N. C!l C :sH. ''irkins of ver. nice : IIKFSF. |{ COOK. • 5t-tf N all its kinds, exeeiu- d \, i:l Small jobs when done miisi TIKi.' bi: uch 9 Ca- , t 1 V tilllm;i! \st. Hay Street. n-ly May 14, 1S.>8. I>ev€*i*eiix% liEiiiiie% ISIack'^foiie, The owner of said Negro is notified to come forward, | reduced to Questions and Answers, upon the plan of prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he | Kinnie's Blackstone, one Voluuit; Drake on .Vitachmeia. Eor sale by t. .J. H.VLE SON. AJCW ROOKiS. ^^-^N UPON THE .SF V; or A Hi-tory oi' M.iritiinc Ad- will be dealt with as the l?»w directs. GEO. L. McK.VY Oct’r 15, 1858. Jailer. 55- Cai*lyle% IIi>»lory ol* rrcMlerick the Great; .Miles Siandish's Coiirfjihip, by Longfellow; While it was .Morning, I>y V. F. Townsend; Arabian Paijx Enfertainments; White's Edition of Shakspeare. Dec'r 23. E. J. HALE ,v SON. ( hronolo^y of .North i'aroliiia. from l.isl to 1S.>S, by D. K.. Betmett. Just received. Oct. 21. E. J. HALE & SON, venture. Exploration and Dis overy, from the Earliest -Vges to the Present Time, by Frank B Goodrich. Just receiTed by E. J, HALE & SON. BACOX. f ^HOICE North Caroliua BA’ON, Also, Western Sides and Shoulders, Oct. 14,—54-tf] t. li. COOK.

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