mm mmm ’0|,T. •%. Ij»1- i: ■ ; P'H.-: • . . .. . r's \ V, • ■' ji , :i IPAHIETOISi (DB SEMI-WEEKL.Y. !'gy” lUj I '» ; V v’ rvoi.. VIII.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MARCH 14, 1859. [NO. 796.1 II- .1 ■ ■ ■■ ,■ Si .. i ni . \ S\\ mil.- 11 •n I: V ; ' w III: i\ in- t N. V. >ll-1 h: w 1., MA-. it ■ ,. MP, th' ES. K i Innl i : \Ti:i) MONDAY.'^ \NL) THURSDAYS. EDWARD J. HALE & SON, KIMTdkS and I'KOPHIETORS. ihe Semi-Weekly Obskrver (.*0 if paid in :i'l'50 if jiaiil during the year of subscrip- a: 'ir i4 afier the year has expired. Weekly (iBSKRVER §2 00 per annum, if paid in . ;tnce: •'>() if paid during the year of subscrip- n; or f:> Oil after ilie year has expired. .\DVKKTISKMKNTS inserted for 60 cents per of I’j line for the fir»t, and 30 cents for each i't> liuj; ps;lili(-;‘iiioii. Vearly advertisements hy spe- 1 (•uutr.'iofs. ;ii rensonnble rates. Advertisers are iif'ted 1(1 siate tlie nnmber of insertions de.-;irod, or V will be continued till forbiil, and cliHrctcd acoord- _iy. A l'citistMueiit to bo inserted inxidf. charged •')' per It.; wir ir i v '1 . yo ■ tar • /; 1 r ! ilh ^d Pi re Insura nr e. \VF : I'T ■ iir reader.-! to the annual statement of the • t }',:ii!i lii'Urance Company, of 11,irtford. This suc- --•''i in.'iitution was incorporated by the Lepslature ol ctii-ut in l8Ui, with a perpetual charter. Its •i1 i' .':^')(i'i,iM)(i, and it.s arcutnulations exceed SS()I.- -e. uiukiufT its entire a>scts over $1,300,0MI, in- a- ii'Mik-tl in the sCHteuieut re^i-rred to. Tliese ' i:i lie-; -o tliat during the period of nearly forty ir- •rg.'tnizatii".., .witlioui a single change of • .'tiw“r ’t busines.' has been conducted with 1 in-uii'-nc- ii lias bceu thus tar success- ell i.eiit ‘Ic' i-.- , disohargiiig. as we are in- i ii' ■' !ij:iiiious by the paynieut of about Un fnr •'.vithout asking a day's delay in -■ It hi!s hud lUt little litigation, notwitl. . I!;. I he immense number of transactions made. lu ri' .iin as much cirtuinti, i*s possible in such a :: > - insurance, it has been the practice of the ; '!v. ; ;• >everal years, at great labor, carefully to . i:y .And arrange their risks into al>oui tifty distinct as to ascertain the amount insured on each ■, !h( ;i’ni>uut of ]ireminms received thereon, and the ■, t ,;»sos upon each. This cla.'siticatiou, extend- • ,>T M long period, and covering property to a very aiiiKunt, furnishes reliable data, aud presents a 111, -ubstantial basis of actual ex{.>erienc,.‘, upon which ;i ! its bu«ines. Insurance is not a matter of - '• e!"ince. as many suppose: its hazards are ascer- ' Iand it- princij>les capable of being reduced to . • iMK-tieal working and results of which are : :iii • ' that of any other business. Tiie ^-Ktna ;: !iy. ^>y ailliering rigidly lo its system, and placing a healthy basis, has obtained the con f Ilf the .-ommuiuty to an extent surpassed by nu V i'.inipany in tlie U. States, and has increased its ' H!i 1 it' income fn>m year to year with a steady Ori.i i^reat source of its security is the wide ' iin ‘.fit- risks—a jioUcy which it pursues with m ' : ^ limiting the amount to be covered in . ’ di V. 13y this course it has passe>l. with com- ■■ ututy, through some ot the most sweeping : 'T' . \e lires. wL' h have swallowed up other - li -.' . HUtioii- in tiieir business, it is a -y^tem ’ . b ispd upon experience, whicli gives stability - andness to a company, and lo the assured con- .. e md secui’ity.—BiilUmvn I'atriut. ^TATKMENT OF THE m\ fO.MPl,\V. II % K TI'OK l>, CO.'\ >.'OllATEl* ]»!9. •’IIAKTEK PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $1,000,001. E. ti. Rll'LKV, P^c^ldent. T. \. .LL\ WDLR. Vice Prr^'l. T. K. Jr., Sec’v. A.^sCTS. JAN V 1, Iboj. Market Value. K-iMie unencumbered, liO ■ liii the Co. secured bj- Mortgage. 4.21’J I-'* .1 !;.tn I and in Il k witli accrued iii 'it, 'JO',.'. 1 I - . ill 'he hands of .\gents and in transit, 8"J - lionds ut 7 per cent, interest, 44,(H.iU f. 2H.IXMI I y Wafer I’onds at 0 per cent, int st, L’'),uimi i I'ity Bonds at 0 per cent, interest, ao,U(K.l ;_\:i •• i: •* 1U,(KMJ 7 •• -J-i.llOO ;e. ]!i •• •• O.iMMj '. •• •• 110 - N 4.» pr ct X: uecrued in'st .'>7..')0i' 12 5 per cent iniei est, r, ion ol* Kfporl^. Tol. 1. llv \i\ \ . |(U or p OJ.-.i •) W.llMI . >‘ky, t) •• •• lii.’J'iti • i, o •• •• .. V ;1. *; •• ■■ i:.s,uiMi .. ! •; ■ »; •• “ liH.oOO N i li.tvcn Iliiillioad (Jo rftock, G(I,(mh) 'V'reester •* “ •• Hi.:i72 ■' liiver •• " lli,')LlO liiver Comjiany *• l,l!'>0 Bank Stk Waterbary. Ct o.'ioO “ •• .Stafl'tjrd Spa, o,1!-jO “ " Providence KI 1,87- '• Hartford, Ct ;^0,000 4.j,';00 ];3,5uO 28,080 11,400 .■>, iOO “ '.t.OdO “ t;o,i.')(i “ ]ii,:5n(i ‘ lll,4(HI .1 ersey C'y, N.) 1,'>H0 »'^t Louis, Mo 20,ti00 'dt--'hiiuics M \’.l •\’ut lliv«r ,1 i :or i:ik 'lants iV Manuf I iiiit"^ ,Si 'I'laderij ■f Mi'.'Miiri UT' I'lxciiangu I iv..| New York, CMIJvS! Kl! CJI! )\\i. cat IK r i l-lv IHIs OF :x b. ■ .-Liullv M N , \S M 1 ■" ,lo*' .-v- i J. II \ ^. - ol 1... i-r,-. -n brt', of i- ’I- I' ina. K ” *m,i. . '"N ■..Uk ■- broverk “ - I r.-iders “ i XciiuiigM “ : III - Trust Comp’y 1- In.' \ Trust »Jo ■'•eiviiblf. i!i>' investments. 10.400 10,000 .JO,000 22.400 30.000 :w,2ui 27.000 10,4K) 24.400 12,200 22.400 8,900 10.000 11,200 27.000 33.000 22,0W If.OUO 44.400 2:},(;ou 33.000 42.400 45,100 11,300 24,750 48,055 07 23,059 08 WESTERN RAIT. ROAD. ON and after Monday, 22d day of November. th« Freight Train will run UHiUL.\KLV between Fay- otteville and Mcl'lenahan's Station; leaving Fayetteville every morning at 7 o'clock and returning at i o'clock in the afternoon of same day. Consignorii are requested to t;end tickst* with artiales, statiujj consignee, destination, ic. W. A. KUPEIl, 'hief Hng'r & Sup’t. Whenever the amount of freight may rei^uire, an ex tra Train will leave Fayetteville and return in the afternoon. Nov'r 22, 18-')8. 65- R!IL IKHI) i\0Tltl5! TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. WRIGHT & FULLER. Altoruoys niul ( ounsellors at Lpw, / ILEMKNT G. WUIGIIT and BAKTIIOLOZ.IiiW FUL- LEI! have associatel themselves togother for the pnictice of their profession. I’vompt attention given to all business committed to their charge. They will prac tice in the cnuntips of .’umberland, Harnett, Sampson, Robeson and Bladen. Aug. 23. IS.'.K. 3*1- TROV A: KUIJ.EK, Attorneys and Counsellors at I^aw, I.I':?IBff:KTO\, KOKEi^Oir Co., I¥. c. Robert e. trov ,md ,toiin p. fuller, have foniied an a-sociation for the practice of their pro fession in Robeson t'ounty. The former will also at tend the Cotii'ts of Bladen and Columbus; the latter will also attend those of ('umberland. The Office in Lumberton will be kept open at all times, .lun’v 1. 1858. ^ 73- •lOSEIMI HAKEU, Jr., NKW. (:iIE\P, AND EXPEDITlors KOUTC FOR Freight for the luterior of Worth Carolina. MEIU.'H.VNT.s :\nd ot iters about purchasing their Fall and Winter S»ipplies, are reiiuested to notice, that by the completion of the North l]u-!tern Rail Road from Charleston, S. ('., to Cheraw. tiie advantages of a CHEAP and EXPEDlTlOL'S Route fiom tiie Seaboard iias been opened to them. All freight consigned to the rtfi c of the Asr'-mt of the North Eastern Rail lioud will bo forwarded FREE OK COMMLSSION. No charge will J'C 'nade f' r Siorage at Cheraw. All goods will be t ikea caie of it the Com]i.iny s Warehouse until Sent for. A schelule of charges for n-.iii'i iiiaiion of freight will be found at the Post (itfice. S. S. .S()i,()MuN.'s. Eng'r and Sup't. Aug. y. 185,-;. 34-tf r.urrERLOHs live. ATTOV H.\S taken in office next OHice on G 'een Street, in the County and Supei'i' Bladen, Robeson and Samp-i. March 23, ls5;'!. IT I, \ W , ■ t'.' Wm. r>. 'vN righl’a I.hw • will rittend and j ractice Courts of Cumberland, 79tf (I THO C. FULLI3R, inonu'tf at ijair. FFK'i; It K'. vle-^'- Bridtre, recentlv occupied by James vde-^ - Bridge, recently Banks, li-q. Fayetteville. N. •Tan'v 1, 1857. WORTH &i 1 TLE\% Forwarding and General Commission Merclianf^ FntfettcvUlfu *V. V. J. A. WOUTH. (72tf I JOS. UTLET. k7^7 ORRELL, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. THiJSE sending their JSpirits Turpentine to me may rely upon it to liavc ))rompt and careful attention. My warehouses are fronting the ■wharves and near the river. Sept’r 13, 1868. 45tf TIN PLATI3, Mheet Iron, Iron Wire, C'OOK-I.^Ci ^TOVK'* .4^I>'rii'¥-W.4KE. Always on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. JiOOFlXG, GUrTERIXG, And all kinds of Jobbing, done at short notice, by C. W. ANDREWS, Market Square, Fayetteville. July 9. 27-tf P2TER~MALLET^ ~ WITH IX (’OU)KV MURH.\Y, GENERAL C3'yim53I0N MERCHANT, 6 L’ S O i: Til T U I', K T, A’A’H' YORK. July 29, 1858. 32- I*. J. 5>ilACLAIR, Arioruey and (onnsellor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE. N. C., I'l'^Il.L pr.t.’tice in the Courts of Ro>>eson, Cumberland, }} Harnett and lUehmond Prompt attention given to nil f)usin -'*n enirt'sted ti) hin. Feb v 5. 1851^ 80- STEAMER ••F.VNNV" leaves Fayetteville every Mon day and Thursday morning, at I-'i ininutes after cinn- rise; and \N ilmiusion Tue-^day and Friday, at o'clock. —c-arrying pf;s'»enget and freijrl't. J?teauier •■Si.'L’TH I'.RNER." Mith a full complement of Flats, mak^'^ one or nii.ire trips per week, a» circum stances may require. Tlie acciletit to the Steaii>er ••ROWAN" will be re paired in a few dav». .Siiu will then take her place in the line. ‘ T S. LUTTERLOll. Oct'r 4. 1S5S. ,01-tf Tim Varrias^e Fttrlory in Ihe South! m LAW NOTICE. zned lias removetl to New inieutinn to devote him--(‘lf wholly to the practice of the law. He will attend the Courts in all of the sur rounding counties, and will klso practice before the Su- pieme t.'ourt at Raleigh. L*. K. McR.\E. Dec'r 22. 1>5'. 76-Om A. A. ?|€i1^:aa. *lllovnetf fit LUMBERTON. C.. ILL aiieutl the I'ouniy and •'uperioi •"onrrs of Robc- im(>nd and Bladon unJ the Supc- \\ «ioii. Ri rior Courts of Moure County iiec'r 1K5>. '1-om w MIIERI) KL!l!’!M(ir„ • ittorncff at attend the Courts of ,t'r* !i and I LI. ('ouni ic'. Sinilhtield. .\]>ril l.'i, l>*5i;. Samps *1. y-’if 3T( KirrriAA IJ E.spF(’TFL'LT,V informs his friend and the public, I^, that he ha* Imih u]> large sulistantial Brick Build ings at his Old .Stand, expre>-!y for manufacturing ('ar- riages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he hns received for the hi'it 21 year-, he hopes by strict atten tion to busine-i-i. witli a le-ire to gi'-e >1111 intactioti. to merit a continuance of the •^nme. He warrnnt' his work to be made of the be-t material and l)v exjierienced workmen in each branch of liie bii-ines'. His work will compare favo'ably with any made in the United State--, for neatness and durability. Hi* is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terni“ as any work done el'ewherc that is us well done. He now ha- on hand, fmi.shed, THl’, LAlUiEST J^TOt'K (»F Carriai^es, Baronolies Korkaways and Bn^gifs, ever otfered in ihi>;’place. ami a very large «toek of work nearly fini-hed. ’.vhich will bi* finished dailj’. All ol' which vrill be sold very low for cash, or on short time to jiunctual customers. ;is on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHK'LES finishe.l and in conr-'e of construction. gSgsr’.Vll work made by him is warranted P2 months with fair usage, .'tnd shotUil ii fail by l»ad workmanship or material, will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and ex amine for themselves. Oi'ders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing ,‘xecuted at short notice and on very reason able terms. May 28, 185:-!. .S' •Itefiical •Votice* I vlt. H ,\. McSWAIN ha- taken an office on Anderson 1 ' Street, in the rear of Messrs. Ray Ac Pearce's Store, wliere lit* can be found Jiy those de-jiriug hi- professional service-. .\ugu-i 24. 185.'. 40tf Hr. K. A. KLaT'K, OFFICE Front Roomb, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale's Chemist and Drug .Store. Feb v 7, ls5'i. rotf 1) J. wii.lia:?! pa,je, n. d., prn>:}5oriUL(Ui, c. R. I’AGE may be foiuid al his otiice when not pro- fe-.'ioiially engaged. May *■>, ls57. 5tf l>i:\T Al7\iKI I( E. UA\ IN(i engaged in aiiotiier bu‘-iiie>', I find niy time toi> iiiui’h i.ikc ii II]. to aitend to ilie duties td' my proi’e-'-iou; and having a pai Mu r l)r. H. .Scott 1 who is in fvery way cotnjietent to plea-»* "ii it>n friends, I take great plea-iire in recommending him to .ill with whom I have the slighte~t intluence. Hi.s prices will suit any who are de-iroU' of having their teeth o]>erated on in a -kilful manner. ■And with my be-i wi-hes for my giircrt^or. and this comnninity. I withdr.iw I'rotn the firm. hHvin^ no fea»^ but that Dr. .SrMtt will give the mo-t fastidious entire satis faction. D. W. C. BENB"\. Jun'v 10, 1S5'.I. 78tf mi!,’ v: K. I.:. $1,867,920 08 LI.MIILITIES: ■' 'in.Mcljiisied and not due, I?110,970 54 \j*'iit of tlie above Company at Fayetteville, E. J. ILVLE. J. W. RAKER Is now rocciviii;: Iroiii tlit' Xoilli the l.irgesl. fine.'t, :nid most carefully selected stock of ever olVered in this market; which addel to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete:— all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual en-tomers. Fashion.'ible painted cottiige beii-rootn Furniture in setts: curlfd hair and siiuck, and cotton .M.ittresses: Looking (jlasses: Willow Wagons and ('ladle.-;; Side Boards: Bureaus: Seeretaries ami Boi»k-Cases: Wiiat- Nots: Tables, all sorts: Wash .Stand®: ':indlc Stands; Wardrobes: Picture Fi-nme.^ and (ila-s: Window Shades; (Cornices: ('urtain Batnis: .Sofas in Mahogotiy and Wal nut: Tote a Tctcs: (.)itomans; Divans and Sto(ds; (,'hairs of every variety. Fine Ilosewotxl one with .^Eulian at tachment; Rosewood Melodians. Irom Ihe best matnifac- tories in New York and Boston. waiTanted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at New Y'ork prices—freight only added. September 2. 45tf Hlarble Factory, «E\T1NTUV. R. J. having decided on perma nently locating in the Torrn of Fayette kille. ri!specifully ofl'ers liis services to the citizens ol this pirwe aii'l surrounding country. In all the various brane'ies of his Profe-sion, including the manufucture of .Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive esj'erience, to wyich is alded a thorough Den tal education, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as is in the power of De.’Uistry. .All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a prop‘T >in 1 cHr*?ful manner, as well as diseases of the mouth. None but ;he projier metals are made use of in the various operations. Charges will be moderate, ihiit the benefits of the Profession may be pl.'iced within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the ]>reservation of the Teeth. iffice over Houston’s Jewelry Store, where he mav be found at all times. May 10, 1S58. fltf THE AOR ITI « AROI.6AA MITI AL LIFE IXSlUAXtK fOJIPAXY, OW in the tenth year ol growing cnpital and lir’i'e uc -S'.ll 0} , lideaee, (ontiiiiifS to insure tin- ■;> ; sons IVoii, 1 } to i',o years ol ag'-. m. years, and for iile —all life memli';."' f •Vll slaves from I0 to f,(J vijfir.- o: one vear or te • f.vo vears for two-thi !1. will! i .1' j’U j.ic (.011- ■ ' iiil n"iutliy I'ej'- ' ■ • .'.'i:-, lor seveli . :.g . :i ilprolitf.. "ge 'ire in-11 red for ■ds rlieir vnliie. I^AK NEW SPRING GOODS. ^STARR A: WII. LIA.^S. West End F'lyettfVilie Hotel -Vro no>\ receiving an inu’''tully large .Stock of Staple tiiid M'aney ifry tmoods; Sl'MMER H.ATS. in great variety for Men aud Boys; SOFT FUR AND WOOL DO.: Misses’ FL.AT.S AND BLOOMERS; SHOES, BOOTS; I MBRELLAS. PARASOLS: READV-MADE CLOTHING; With a large variety of other Notions. All of which will be open for the inspection of Whole sale buyers by the 10th inst. J. B. STARR.] Fayetteville, March 5, 1859 [J. M. WILLIAMS. 94tf :\EW SPRi:\G OOOD8. -m mm » • Kyle IS NOW RECEIVING A L.VRGE SUPPLY OF DllYCOODS, HATS, SHOES, BO LT 1 N . C l.OT H S, c . All of wliieh will be offered BY WH;iF. - VLE OR RETAIL, A- !-.t a- ' -.1 .. ■ . CHn be liad in this .State. 94tf Ii i 1859. BOOTS 4V SHOES^ AT ^YII0LE8ALE. JNO. M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA, W 1 T H P. P. ^IIAW & CO., 31 ANi> 83 Dey Street, New York, A\'’'ILL be happy to iee his Southeni friends «t the If above establishment, wliere. either personally or by order, they may be supplied from an extensive and well assorted Stiick of Goods in that line, gotten up expressly for tho Southern trade. Nov. 29, 1858. C7-1V. MII.n'AKV GOODS. Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces, \ND EVEKY DKSfRirTinV »F >!lLITlKy f.OODS, A'"'^>RDI.\0 lu THE haUit L . V. Ariiiu a/t‘ itfjuluLi ,>• 'ifHUYLKn. inHn.HY 6c (IR.VH.A.M, in»*OH ri:K« a: n i\i facti -• -M \ 1 D K .N L \ .\ E, A'eir .Fune SO. 24-1 v T. A B. WORTH, fommUsioii and Foruarding Merchants, wilmiN(.;ton, n. c. Jan'y 2S, 18-39 84tf WM. H. TIRLIXGTOX, C o III III i«i o II .Tl e r € Il a II t, WIL.MINGl’ON, N. C., 117ILL giv« prompt and personal attention to all con- >V iignments of SPIRITS TURPENTINE, ROSIN, TAR, COTTON, FLOUR, and other country produce, either for sale or shipment. My wharf and warehouse* being conveniently located for the reception of produce, either by Railroad or River, enables me to make obarijes litcht. Nov'r 8 tf W. H. ALLEN.] [J. M. CLARK. ALLEX & CLARK, Co III mi KM ion .Mt'rcliaii Im, WILMINGTON. N. ( HKALEKS 1> LIME, PLASTKH, (EMt.NT, IIAIK, Ac. Agents !'«>r Rush Orrell's Liue of .Steamers, Prompt per-onal aitention given to c'-iii-ignmcnts 0 Naval Store®, Cotton or other ('oiuitrv J’roduee, fov sale or Jan’y 1‘J, ibol'. s]- "jOSBPH H BLOSSOM. i' O li M M s X !\ A .N 1> Forwarding Merchant, .k)ll.\.SO\, Jr., Is this fiav receiving A L ARGE AND DE.SIRABLE STOCK OK !»EASOA AREE OOOU^, amongst which nny be fouud— Handsome Double Jupe Silks; Bayadere, Chene, Stripe and other Fancy Dress Silks: Plain Black Gro de Rhine, Pouldesay and i-ig’d Si.ks; Double Jupe Robes and Robeles, in Beratres, Tissues, Organdies, and other Muslin, of every style and quality; -A Variety of Lawns, Ginghams; French, English and American Prints; Bombazines, Alpacas, Debage®, Alvoreans, Duca’s, &c. A han'lsome assortment of Embroideries and White Croods, of all kinds H‘d Tick-. Apron Checks. Osnnl'Uig-; I3!‘--ache'l ;iu'.i iir'.'wn Sheetincs aud .Shirtings; Summer .Stuff.- for men and boys; Table Linens: iSirds-Fye atid otne.‘ Diaper. Huckaba and Cr'i^h; Buff and Uiue Holland and Em'oroidered Curtshis; SiU;. ".e’^Hge and Af ' •••". •;n-i 1-L.stcrs; A Variety of iu. Sljle Shawls; I ' .Shfl W -. Po' - :i ! K' : ‘ .'.'.K (jiove; :iU't L ■ -O'; 1. '' ■ : I *. ii-i il'';i; ^ 1' : r; -.-I.! ]' W;')i >1 jiiid i.- i) :ibl-’ stock of (loJiing^; i loth: , C • ' i’. .; .e; Tweeds. ,!v>u;>. Li:.' 1.'. ,}^c.: Together wiih miiiy o:h-‘r articles not enumerated, make my stock a very desiriible one. he a'' ove goods were selected with great care, and will be sold low, for cash, or on time to prompt paying customer'- All who are in need of goods would do well to call before put chasing.—and to my old cus tomers and friend.s I would say, c.\ll soon asd h.we CHOICE. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Fayetteville, March 5, 1859 94-Ct ; ito-i.iy; riowers; RucLes; Fmcy Head Dresses; 0 FR£.§H i^OOI>N! lOCOA NUTS, ORANGES, LEMONS. CANDT ES, ri 'i;les, t'.^TSl'PS. Cilr.KRlES. »‘RE.SLRVr.- I s.\iOkiN; roi'.A' Cd 1 5 .’nntv; •dl RAl' .M i\S, and •lei- lesiralde things. J. R. Li:i; s. In- ®^“Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on I’rodnce to be shipped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67 tf JA»i. C. SMITH. MILES COHTI.N. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., Fartors^ iUtmmission and For-- warding tlierehants. WILMINGTON, N. C. rrO.MP' BER, Aillos-esaie ^ninetujilly paid wiLhiii 90 days after s.ati-facto; v prool is }’ros«;nted. For furiher'nformntion the public isrefeiTed to .Agents of the Comp.Uiy in all j>arts of the State, and to R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. .T. H.\LE, Agent at Jan’y 1859. Fi’.vettcville, N. C. '.MPT attentii'ii given to sale of TIMBER, LUM- N.\ V.V Ij .SToR ES aud all kinds of Produce. Libei.ii advcncemetits nia(h> ■>;) Con-ignments. Refers to 1'^ I’.,!., i’res't Brunch Bank of State. iL R. S.AV.viiE, Cash'.■ Bank Cape Fear. JoJi.s Dawson, K.q. Ap.-'l 2=> 1S56. ,5-1 Y \f - r 1 = dl .1 B. Wr- i * p=: • Lev •! kc. J. H\LE •jfnini l.'iHl to J. II ■-!.!•; rON. Nil Home %- Ur. Table; L c- of I 15-J lie, illus- Li i.K and Loving; .earii i I’liWsjr ot kc.. J. H..L- . 60K ‘ Tlic Moiillierii Harmony, and >1- ■ ^'MPANloN, lor sale by E. J. HALE & SON. Rieiiieiilary Mpelling^ b\ E. J. IIALE & SON. Pof'kel Almanac lor ; r''‘.-’ in (jfiiis: Rlind Bartimeus. E. J. H\LE SON. H«‘|; I Jeii^entary Spelling ■ ; ■ luruiei- supply juil jeceived. -■ “ E. J. hale & SON. By GEO. liAUDER, TWO DOORS ABOVE C. T. H.IIGH & SO.NS’ STORE. Fayetteville, !V. €. Jan’T 20,1369. 64 ypd TAKEA I P, p.VKEN up and committed to the Jail of Cumberland 'ount.v on the 15th inst.. a NEGRO B()Y, named .JOHN BR.AI’E or .JOHN FR.\NKLIN, who says he is free, and that he came from Columbia, S. C. John is small, a bright mulatto, and had on when taken up a white wool liat and steel-mixed frock coat and pants. The owner of said Negro is notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or h« will bo dealt with as the law directs. . GEO. L. McK.‘\y, Jailer. OcCr 15, 18.5S. 5-5- Deep Kivei* Coal. BITU-MINOI'.S ('(_).\L of the oesi qi;ulity can be had at the works at Egypt, at a rea.-.onable price by the Ton. ■ Vv.M. McCLANF., •Mining Lng.neer. May 21, IS-jd. tj-ti . Roo^'^r Man upon the SE.\. or a ^I.-.oi v of Mai itime Ad venture. E.xj'ioi ilion and E>i-co' '-o.p tl'e E.irli -Kt Ages to the Pres.iiit Time, by Frank 1$ drich. Just received !)y E. J. HALE .s, SON. .r. pRi-.’F:, Itispe^for t'/' »^*itra! Stoves, WlLMi} - r !(>y\ c. gSa^ Solicits the }>ati-ou iu“ '.'f '.lis cuautry friends atul all others engaged in the Turpentine business. Office .>iorlli *s>»rect. Nov’r 22, 1858. t>4-lypd F. M. BlZZELLi GROCER AND C 0 M )11 S SI 0 ^ ,)1 E R C II A N T, No. *J9 North Water Strket, WILMINGTON. N. ’. Prompt and personal attention given to the reception of all kinds of country produce, either for sale or shipment. Oi^ders for groceries from cash customers will receive immediate aitention, free of commissions. Nov. 19, 1858. f.4-lv \V\K!!hS tV JEWELilV, ' I V I* •‘K-iK\-'T.r. BV .l A!^. T. SaorJ^TOA, - * C'KS>» K TO ,T. M. D]-\6hKY * AL.'=i. A LOT OF F1\K IMM HLE-B.iRREL GI XS, AT pr,urc£D FRicE.s, bv .JAS. T. HOUSTON. March 1, 1859 93tf AEW JIAT AND CAP STORE. The subscriber will open on the FIRST -MARCH, at the Old Stand of David Gee, next door to Alex’r Johnson, Jr., on East side Green Street, THE L.A.RGEST and BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF HatK, C'ap!«, Chilclren’^ Croocim, 1. iiilirella^, fanes, A:c., Tiiat has ever been brouehl to this market. In all my purchases i si A ds ail' ;i.ll be toiiielS M >S ' i sn T. A. K. HOHiNSTEDT, Jtsenl for Chitkeriniz^s M*ianos, Of which he has always some on hand. Wilmington, N. C., Oct'r 2, 18-58. 51-lvpd CHAIRS! CHAIRS!! LARGE lot of .Stool-bottom Chairs, made at Cool Spr;iig .Mill, and Tor salv '\v _-ided by a desire to give my the full benefit of every ihinu 'N’.'ITING IN STVLE.' MOST : ' ’ ( ITRE, and in Price. A. McRIM.MON. I 10 amine my Whole 90tf 10 10 20 20 AEWCJROCERY STORE. J. H. ROBERTS & Co., AT THE OLD STAXD OF E. W. WILLklXtiS. \\7E have received and are now opening, whicli \\ we will sell low for cash or approved paper, the following goods, viz: 5 0 bushels .Seed Oats; 30O Sacks Salt; DXi bales Rice Straw, (fresh and in order;) 76 Bbls Planting Potatoes: 10 do Cider Vinegar; 20 do Pickled Herring; 40 do Mackerel, extra large; 25ido “ 100 do Whiskey, assorted qualitiei; 10 do N. E. Hum; 5 do Apple Brandy; do Mess Pork; do Lard, (Extra Kitted;) do M. Vasspr’s Ale; do A. & C. Refined Sug?.r; 5 do Powdered do 5 do Crushed do 10 Kegs Goshen Butter; loo do Nails, all sizes; 25 Boxes Soap, assorted qualities; 10 do Starch; 20 boxes Adamantine Candles; 50 do Smoked Herring: 50 do Assorted Candy, (some very tine;) oOO do Sardines, J and Ground Mustard, Ginger, Pepper, &'•.; 2 Cases Prunes, iu jars; 2 do “ “ boxes; 2.»M) lbs. Hams, (extra Baltimore City cured;) 7000 do .Sides; 330(J do Shoulders; 50 Gross Matches, (assorted kinds;) 25,0^K) Segars, from common to fine grades; 50 Bags Coffee, Rio, Java and Laguira; RVf JS.C;. 20 Boxes Axes, assorted; 25 Doz. Ames’ Shovels and Spades; .5 do Forks, assorted; Rail Road Picks; 5 Doz. Steel Traps; 80 do Cast Steel Hoe? •Iffrieuitural Implements. No. A 6 PLOW.S, No 11 Plows, No 12 Plows, No 10 Plows: .Sub-soil Plows, all sizes; Cutting Knives, 2 kinds and 3 'iz»s; Corn .Sheliers; Grain Cradles; Wooden Rakes; Hami Corn Mills; Fan Mills: Patent Corn Planters. We are also Agents for the sale of all Implements made by the NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL l.MPLE- M£:JT CO.MPANY. A11 kinds of Implements ordered for Farmers at New York prices for cash. We have samples of Railroad BaiTows on lifliid, froni which we ■will furnish from 20 to IW'O if WMuted, at short notice. We are exj'ecting to receive other articles, which are noi enumerated above, of which due notice will be given in thi.s paper when they arrive. J. H. ROBERTS ii. CO. March 7, 1859 94-lm D. & >V. McLArRIK, I’l’^OULD invite attention to their laVge and deairabl* \\ Stock of GROCERIES, (.'onsieting in part of— 150 Bags Rio, Laguira and Java Coffee; 100 libls. and Ilhds. Sugar (a.'i.sorted;) 25 Hhd.s. Molasses; * yO “ Bacon—Sides and Shoulders; 500 Sacks Salt; 150 Boxes good Tobacco; 125 “ Sperm, Adamantine & Tallow Candles; 5U Soap (assorted;) 50 “ Candy “ 100 Bags Shot “ 1000 lbs. Bar Lead; 30 h Bbls. Snuff—Eagle Mills; 25 Kegs Sodaf 2.50 “ Nails. —ALSO— A large and general assortment of Hardware and Cutlery; Farming Utensils, ol' all descriptions; American, English, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, (jermaii and Cast Steel; Blacksmiths’ Tools; (’oopers’ Do.; Corn Shr ll^r.s and Straw Cutter.s; Buckets, Brooms and Pails; Cotton, 3Ianilla and .Juto Kope, (all kinds and (juality;) Plow Lines and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; (’otton Yarns and Sheetings at factory prices. .V!l of which will be sold low fok cash, or on usual ii.'u'j to prompt paying customers. ' ■: ^TI:Y Mercu.asts are fcspect fully requested to cttli ami examrbe our stock before purchasing else where. D. & W. McLAUKIN. March 3, 1859 93tf triieri:.Ui:N ~i uholesale. IH.VVE .jut received in '^tore my Fall Stock, embrac ing the following ariivies. viz: 125 Bavrs (’offce. (]5 Bbls. and lIluU. Sugar—assorted. (55 “ Folk. 50 Boxes good Tobacco. 75 “ Candy. oO i Bbls. Snuff—Eagle MilL 75 Boxes Crackers. All of which will be sold for CASH, or on 8horl time to the best of men. E. F. MOORE .-t CO. •Sept. 9, 185S, 41-tf A M. CAMPBF, Fresh •It^rivais. fU.ST received pr Steatm-r Fanny, 4 Bbls. Extra No. 1 .MACKEREL (for retailing,) 10 i •• do. “ 1 do. 10 I '• do. *• I do. 10 i MESS SHAD; 80 Boxes ClIEE.SE; H.I) Bags New Hulled RI’CKWHEAT FLOUR; Fulton Niarket B>v>i'-. M I"'.;- .; jo,>hen Butter. I'ocket Mnrch 24. .^ulC !; line; •'’ ■veiv ; to: thins ill •-'ASH or House t Fi:v\ i, -1 ..X'- ■ x’cel ' Oct’r 14. rmu W. L. TROY c. r. COOK. 64tf for Ffc’-ruar- tV €iOfU*v*» K* J .TIagaziues HALE & SON. ROBINSON’S .HA]¥iPi:i.ATED GUA^VO. THIS UNEyUALED FERTILIZER, composed of one half best Peruvian Oiiano, One half fine liiround Bone, and the best PliONpliatie Oiiano,' is in condition for immediate use, being prepared by new and improvetl machinery, by which means the most per fect combination is efl'ected, reducing all to a unitbrm tine powder; and for application by rmii.L or otherwise, it is in the most perfect order. .\nd I have no hesita tion in saying that for all crops it is ecjual to any fer tilizer ever offered to the larming comnmnity. The UU.^I.ITV WII.L BK KEfT PERVKCTJ.V IMFORM iu all Cases, and W.\R R.ANTED to contain 8 percent, of A.MMONIA. and 45 to 50 per cent, of BONE PHOSPH.VTE OF LIME. It is put up in good bags, weighing about 150 lbs. each. Purchasers will ]>lease notice, that the name F. ROIUNHON is branded on each bag—nwne other is genuine. My long exiv'rience in tlie iiade, and the general sat isfaction heretofore given by all Guanoes sold by me, will, I Tiope, be a guarantee that (lie article now otfered will be as represented. I will also keep constantly on hand the best I’eruvian, .Mexican and other Guanoes, which I w ill sell as low as any house in the city. WM. ROBINSON, Nos. 4 & G Hollinoswoutii .*^trekt, *Vfrtr I'ntll St. irharf, BALTIMORE. RORIN.-iON’S .MANIPULATED GUANO is also .soM in lot 10 suit by the following Agents: J. C. NEVETT, .Alexandria, Va. G.VRRISON ^ MAIGNE, Norfolk, Va. E. H. SKINKER & CO., Richmond, Va. TH’).MA.S BRANCH & SONS, Petersburg, Va. T. C. kV B. (J. VVOUTH, Wilmington. N. C. March 2 !'8- Jmpd HandM ^^anted. The iindersipned wish to hire 20i IL-uids, black or white, to Work on the Western Hail Hoad,—the lo cation entirely healthy. 75 ct?. per day will be given t for Vila«-k laborers, i li:a h, HORD. a: CO. i F-tyetieville. N. C., Mar-'h 1^5'* '.'4- S':i-ndari) nnd '!nr1*»'- ■ >> ‘ ' ‘*-‘i- ;! tin)"-' an'* send accounts to tiiis ofti?e. ereii\*!s KinnieN lilaekNtone, reduc*-'! ,0 Qi cations aud An- .iirii, upon the plan Kinuie’s BUckalone, one Volume; Drake on Attachm«Bt- For 8ftla bv K. J. UAl>£ A KON,

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