/ 'I-- .1 A. •:;i 1 mi." i I eifj-i; »«viih K 1 X- it}» ; j ' - i-n;. ‘ I. ' “II f’. brc^iants 5l)i. T o: T of ’ t . r S rli. i\n\ c- ‘ c. 1*#/# W«//t III: 'if'., 1.. v.* ’ I' -I") aiiil IL A 1^1 l>I Oh. i wi h, £ J II\! I«‘. to ■ LA ‘ (•■ 1i. ■A IC B ^ I i ^ st;;kk. . V. hi-yp>i % ; :; ■..ihUl'l i - V, ni:II s Joliii i ■ :iU'l i ■'•'I. U AY, JHilcr. 1 |.i r.i- hy tli« . \NE, Enjrineer 0-t/ iPAir (DIB SEMI-WBBKL, Y. mm [VOL. VIII.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MARCH 28, IS.'SO. [NO. 800.] IT.TNTKl) \N1) THURSDAYS. mwm j. HALE & sox, KPITOIUS AND PIIOI'UIKTOHS. ]'iic(' i 'l iIk* t'fini-Woekly '>nsKKVKn ?3 (M) if paid in ;iii\;iiice: il' I'iii'l iUirin: ilie yo.-ir of subscrip- lirii: vv ufiir tlu- yc.ii lias expireil. F.^r tltt“ \Veokly (MijiKKVKU 0(1 per ftnmim, if paid in .i.h.iiict'; .ri! •'>'* if during the year of subscriji- liun: or "• after tlio \ear has expired. ADV HUTISI-.MKNTS in-!orted for GO ccnts per .iijuiire of itl lines for the first, and 30 cents for each nccoclin>r publication. Yi-arly adrertisenients by spo- i-ial coiitrai-ts, af re:i.«oimble rafosi. Adverti.sers are r- (iue«tpl t " state the niimber of insertions desired, or t lov Avill be continued till forbid, and charged accord- iiiily. Advertisements to be inserted itixide, charged aO per ,otit extra. VKVV DRY OOOD8! II •. ^liae M.VTVRK IS KKCKIVIXG 1) LLAt ’II ED Shirting, from the well-known Mills Bart - ) leti'^ '.'v .laines's. New York; I’.ates s and Y-mng \ soft tinished. suited to the needle or sewing i l,iiio. .'JutmiuM-Casinieres. Kentucky .leans. Union Mixtures; Linen Drillings. AVhite and t’olored Cotton Drillings; r I’.iiro'l and While .Mien Dales' and Marseilles Quilts; r.k-.ulied Sheetings and I’illow Goods: Table l>ani:isk. Toweling and Najikins; ( ,Ue"S, (iingliauis, lirilliantes. WJiite Jaconets; N:vii'""k. Tarloton and Swi>s Muslin; I’rinted Lawns and Lawn Uobes; .l.ironet. Swi-;s and Lisle Inserting and Edging; II.m I Dresse'. Muslin Embroidered Collars; I ndor-sleevi s and ('ollars, in sets, (extra Super;) r.i.u k Silk Lace and Edgings; J;;M''IIS and Silk Fringes, iluches. Artificials and W 10 a til'; Ki l «;ii'ves. Lace Mitt». Dlack and Fancy P.elis; Uonnets. Flats and Hats for girls; Lustre, Linen and I’laid Dusters; txi'-Mi'ion Skirts, wiih improved Uustle: I nil'vellas. Farasols, Shoes and Guiters; l>rivin,v' an-1 Hiding \Thijis. Frtvetteville. March HI. ISo'.L liS-tlw NEW SPKING GOODS. ^TAKR A: \V1LI.IA.1I«, \V(st Kiid F:iyetteYiIle llutel Biiildiii;;, Ale now receiving an unusually large Stock of stapte and I'ttnry nry fHootts; '! MMEll ll.VTS, in great variety for Men and l>ovs; .snFT FUR AND WOOL DO.; M FLATS -\ND BLOOMERS; .''H'iES, BOOTS; I MliRELLAS, PARASOLS; KKAl'V-.MADE t LOTHING; 'V :li a huge variety of other Notions. All of svhieh will lie open for the inspection of Whole- lie buver-i bv the 10th inst. > B. STAKR.] [J. M. WILLIAMS. Fayetteville. March 6. 1>'59 ^*4tf \KW SPKI\0 UiHmS. -m HC A • rnFames Ktfle 1^ NOW RD ElVlNt; LARGE SUl'l’LY OF i»i;V(;(»(ii)S,HATs,siioi:s, r, () LT 1 X C (' LOT II S. \c.. All of which will be otfered I! \ W HOLES A r, E OR R E T .\ II,, \» L'w the same quality can La had in this State. \j)ireli iH.j'.i. ‘.'Jif MiPKIXI*—18o9. AI.EX'R JOHNSON, Jr., I ' this day receiving A LARGE AND ]>E.SiR.\BLE 1 srOrK VjF ^EA5^0\AIILE . ng'rt which may be found— ^ ... i' luie Double Jupe Silks; ■ lyaderf*, (’hene. Stripe and other F'ancy Dress Silks; I’ifiin olack (iro de Rhine, I’ouldesay and Fig'd Silks; i'' '-'le .hipe Robes and Kobeles, in Berages, Tissues, 'I'craij'lies, and other Muslin, of every style andiuality; \ \ iu iety ol Lawns. Ginghams; Fn nch, English and American Prints; '■ ni..nines, Alpacas. Debages, .Mvoreans, Duca’s, &.c. \ handsome assortment of embroideries and White Goodsty • 1 i'icks, .\pron ,'hecks, 0!^nabnrgs; I: lied anil Brown Shotung- and .hirtings; “ .iiiier .Siutfs for men at i . Table Linens; !: i'-Kye and other Di.iper; I!'‘ kaback anl I'ra.sh; and lUue Holland .ii' 1 F.iulii-oidere 1 Curiains; ' -. Berage and Mar'ei’le- .Mantillas and Dusters; A Variety of new Style Sliawis; 1. ice .Shawls, Points and .Mainillas: K' l :iiid Silk Gloves and Mils; Hnsiery; Laces; Il.-its; Bonne'-- Flowers; Ruchei; '!! -( - and Children’s Flats; Fancy Head Dresses; Kill'.; Unibrellas and Parasols. Wiili a large and desirable stock of Keady-Made Cloihing; ( :issimere9, Drap-de-te; T N. .leans, Linens, &c.; 1 . 'lor with many other articles not enumemted, ’■ iny -tock a very desirable one. Z- The above goods were selected with great care, ■1 will be voM Low, for cash, or on time to jironipt I'liviiig customers. All who arc in need of goods wouhl ' well ti( call before purckasing,—and to my old cus- I; ' I ' and tViend.s 1 would say, cali. soon and h.vvk K. ALEX. JOHNSON, Ju. I lyeiteville, March 5, 18-jO '.t-i-Ot FKDMii uiumyii j = n M TS. ' nKVNHiKs, LEMONS, CANDLES, PICKLES, CATSUPS, CHERRIES, IMIESF.RVES, ■ ^M: ^ ilFWING AND SMOKLN(i ToB.U'CO; ' PR.L’NI^S, lo cents; (VANDIES of all sorts; DATES, RAISINS, and Lots of otJier dusirable tliing.s. \t J. R. LEE S, 'lii'cii 7 . ‘J l-4w Fresit mlrrti'aMs. I' '■ r received pr Steamer Fanny, • l!bW. Extra No. 1 MACKEREL (for retailing,) *■' ^ “ do. “ 1 do. *** 1 “ do. “ 1 do. i*' I MI'.SS SH.^D; lio.xeH CHEESK; I'MI liair> New Hulled BUCKWHEAT FLOUR; ■'lU Market Beef; Mess Pork; Goslien Butter, Pocket . >ugur; Cortee; Molasses; and every thing in the pr'ivivioii line; which I will sell chttsp for CASH or ex- ''' "i;;e for country Produce. W. C. TROY -^OV, 185». 60-tf ;roce:rv fi^TORi:. J. II. ROBERTA & Co., AT THK OLH ST.IXD OF K. W. WIUKI.NOS. have just received and are now o[)ening, which W we will sell low for cash or ajiproved pajier, the following goods, viz: 500 bushels Seed Oat.s; 300 Sacks Salt; UXl bales Ricc Straw, (fresh and in order;) 75 Ubls Planting Potatoes; 10 do Ciller Vinegar; ■-!0 di> Pickled Herring; 40 do Mackerel, extra large: 2.') J do “ TOO do Whiskey, assorted i]unlities; 10 do N. E. Rum: r» do Apple Brandy; 10 do Mess Pork; 10 do Lard. (Extra Kitted;) lit* do M. Vass»»r's Ale; 20 do A. & C. Refined Sugar; o do Powdered do 5 do Crushed do 10 Kegs Goshen Butter; 100 do Nails, all sizes; 2-j Boxes Soap, assorted iualitie«; 10 do Starch; 20 boxes Adamantine ('andlex; SO do Smoked Herring; r>0 do Assorted Candy, (some rery fine;) :•{(>» do Sardines. A and Ground Mustard, Ginger, Pepper, Ac.; 2 Cases Prunes, in jars; 2 do “ “ boxes; 2000 lbs. Hama, (extra Baltimore City cured;) 7000 do .Sides; do Shoulders; 00 Gross Matches, (assorted kinds;) 25,000 Segars, from common to fine grades; 50 Bags Coffee, Rio, Java and Lagiiira; MM,iUn If.fJRA’. 20 Boxes Axes, assorted; 2-') Doz. Ames’ Shovels and Spades: 5 do Forks, as.sorted; Rail Road Picks; ■'t Doz. Steel Traps; oO do Cast Steel Hoes. • is'rir tilt n raf imptem etitv. No. A ■) PL)W.S, No 11 Plowij, No 12 Plows, No lo Plow*: Sub-soil Plows, all sizes; ’utting Knives. 2 kinds and 3 sizes; Corn Shellers; Grain Cradle^f; Wooden Hakes; Hand Corn Mills; Fan Mills; Patent Corn Planters We are also Agents for the sale of all Implements m.-ide by the NATlt)NAL AGRICULTURAL IMPLE-; MENT ('OMPANY. .Ml kinds of Implemenis ordered ' for Farmers at New York prices for cash. We hare i ''••imples of Railrosid Barrows on hand, from which we ' will furnish from 2o to lOOO if wanted, at short notice. ^ We are expecting to receive other articles, which are not eiuimerated above, of which due notice'fill be given . in this paper when they arrive. J. H. ROBERTS 4c CO. I March 7, ISo'.t ^t-I-lm D. & \V. 3IcLAlRL\, ll'^OUId) invite attention to their large and desirable \\ Stock of Consisting in part of— \ 150 Bags Kio, Lat^uira and Java (’offee; | 100 Bbls. and IIhd?. iSiigar (as.'urted;) Hhds. Molasses; oO “ B;icon—Sides and Shoulders; ndO Sacks Salt; 1;)0 IJoxes good Tobaeeo; 12-5 “ Sperm, Adamantine it Fallow (’andles; ;')> “ Soap i,as»iorted:) , .=^0 “ Candy “ . Itlll Hiicrs Shot “ lOUO ll>s. Bar Lead; A BbLs. Snuff—Kagle .Mill.%; Kegs Soda; -.')0 “ Nails. — ALSO— ■Y large and general assortment of Hardware and Cutlery; Fanning Ftensils, of all descriptions; .\inorican, English, Sweles and I'eruvian Iron; Bli.ster, German and Cast Steel; Blacksmiths’ Tools; Coopers’ |)o.; Corn Sheller.^ and Straw (’utters; Buckets, Brooms and Pails; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, (all kinds and (juality;) IMhw Linos and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; (’otton Vart)s and She« tinir>5 at factory prices. .\11 of which will be sold low kok cash, or on usual time to prompt paying customers. Coi NTRY Mkkchants are respectfully reipiested to Cull and examine our stock bufore purchasing else where. D. Ai W. McLACRIV. March is.v.) 't:;tf ROBIXSOX'S A AI PI I. A TK l> iil \ \0. This UVEQUALED fertilizer, composed of one lialf best Peruvian fiiiiano, One half fine liironnfl Bone, and the best PliO!«l>liatir (liiiano, is in condition for immediate use, being prepared by new and improved machinery, by which means the most per fect combination is efl'ected. reducing all to a uniform fine powder; and for application by nnii.i. or otherwise, it is in the most perfect order. And I have no hesita tion in saying that for nil crops it is eipial to any fer tilizer ever ottered to the farming connnunity. The ycAi.iTV WILL itK KKfT J’KitKKCTLV I xiFOii.M in all case.s and W.VRPiANTED tocontain y [)ercent. of .\ M .MONl.V, anl-!■’> to 00 per cent, of BONE PIlOSPH.\TE OF LIME. It is put up in good )>ags. weighii\g about 1.30 lbs. each Purchasers will please notice, that the name F. liOlilNSON is branded on each bag—none other is genuine. My long exj>erience in the trade, and the general sat isfaction iieretofore given by all tiuanoes sold by me. w^ill, ! hope, be a guarantee that the article now otfered will be as represented. I will also keep constantly ou hand the best Peruvian, Mexican and othe*’ Guanoes, which I will sell as low as any house in the city. WM. ROBINSON, Nos. 4 & G Hollingsworth Stukkt, AVar Pratt St. Wharf, KALTIMOUK. R0P.1NS0NS MANIPUL.VTED GU.VNO is also sold in lots to suit by the following Agents: J. C. NEVETT, Alexandria, Va. GARRISON & MAIGNK, Norfolk, Va. E. H. SKINKER & ('()., Richmond. Va. THOMAS P.RANCH A SONS. Petersburg. Va. T. (J. & B. G. WORTH, Wilmington, N. 0. March 2 lJ3-Cmpd ’OP A RT A K RSIII P. rnilE undersigned liave entered into copartnership X under the name and style of PKMHKUTON & SLOAN For the purpose nf conduct in}; a general wholesale and retail (irocery business, and have taken the large P»rick l*uilding two doors west of llinsdale's Drug Store, near the Marki't. i:. L. PEMBERTON. GKO. SI^OA.V. Fayette.ille. N. (’., February 22. Vt7-;)w ' v\\m\ (^ooDS! ll'^E are now receiving our stock of Spring Gooils, Tf consistinp: of a bii-ge assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, Farm ing: I leiisils, And expect to m.ike such additions to our stock as the trade requires. We will sell at wholesale or retail low for cash or on short time to prompt payingcustonu-rs, or exchange for Country ]iroiluce. Persons wanting goods in our line .are respectfully invited to call and jiive us a trial. Particidar attention paid to lilliug orders. PEMBERTON .v SLOAN. Fnveiteville, N. C.. March 17. 1H5'J. '.t7-8w HATH A WAV \ WILMINGTON, N. C. (fl'er for sale:— CO., 300 “"/i/i HII D .S . , 1 ("hoice NEW C1U)P CARDEN.VS f)UU Tierces, ) MOL.VSSES; 7~'> Bbls. rhoice New Orleans Syrup; S(i Hhds. fair to choice N. O. Sugars: 200 P>bls. tMaritieil Sugars; 5(>0 l>ags Rio, Laguira, West Inditi and Java Coffee; l.")0 Bbls. Mess and Prime Pork; 2-'. Hhds. W esterii Bacon. Sides and Shoidders; 200 Bbls. Yellow Planting Potatoes. March 14, 1S.‘>'J *.t7-'Jtpd \Viliiiin$:’tou, A'. C. WK OFKKli TO THK TUADK: B.\GS Rio. Laguira and .Lava '(*FFEE; loo hhds. iiiid bbls. N. O. and Refined Sugars; , hhds Miihisse'; j lo hlids Western Bacon; ! l.’.O bbls Me.~ Pork; ! 4M» bbl... new N S Herring; i loo tierces Rice; I 40(1 kegs Nails: , loo bbls and boxes Gliu'; I -jO tons Hoop iron. E. MURRAY \ CO. ! .March P.l. IS.j!*. V*8-4t TROV full™, Attorneys and Coiin.sellors at Law, l.l >IUI:KT0^, Co., IV. c. Robert e. troy .md John p. fuller, hav« funned an asswiation for the practice of their pro fession in Robeson ('ounty. The former will also at tend the ('ourt-. of lUadeti and 'olumbus: the latter will • al«‘o attend those of ('’umberland. Tlie Office in Lumberton will be kept open at all times, j Jan'v 1. 18-jS. 73- JOSEIMI I^.VKKR, Jr., ~ ATTOKAKV AT LAW, H\.S taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law Ollice on (Jreen Street. He will attend and praetic# in the (’ounty and Superior ('ourts of Cumberland, .'^aiiipson. iSladen. Rol .March 2:: >i\ aTid 7‘Jlf THO. C. FULLER, • iltorneif ami iUtuttsvUor at W^atr. OFFICFat Kc‘les‘s I’riiliro. recently ocouj>i»-d liy .lauies Banks, Ks|., Fayetteville, N. (’. •lun'v I. ls-'>7. w p. .1. i^lAC'i.AIK, .4ttoriiey and (oiiiisellor at Lau, FAYETTEVILLE. N. ’ILL practice in the Courts of Robeson, Cumberland, Pri impt attentior Harnett and Ri-hmoud given to all bu-iness eiurusfcd t Feb'y o, 1 hill. 8t;- LAW AOTI€'i:. ^pH E undersigned ha'^ removed to Newbern, with the 1 iniention to lievote himself wholly to the practice of the law. He will ntiend the ('.uirts in all of the sur rounding counties, and will al.so practice before the .Su preme Court at lialeigh. D. K. McR.XE. Dec'r 22. l^-'iS. 7-’>-t>m LOVmU) KLUUmUK, • iffortirt/ at ijaw^ tlie C’ourt* of .lohnstou and Sampson A I "ILL attind W ‘.)uniics. Sniithlicld, .Vj'i il l-”>. l^;">ti. mliefHeat •Volice I iR. H. A. MS\\ AIN has t;.k I * .''tieet, in liie rear ot' Mcs^r found liv t hi Wt f 1 where he ivices. .\urusi .'iS n ;in ollicn on .Vudersou , Kay a: I’caice's Store, le'iring his |ii of'cssional 40tf A lloii^e Syrup. FEW Bbls. excellent S. II. SY'RUP, Also, prime MOLASSES. »r. K. OFFD’E Front Rooms and Drug Stoic. Feb'y 7, iS-j'i. A. Ili.At’K, over Dr. .S..I, II iusilalv's (Mieniist J. ’IVII.I.IA VI PA4 iMTTSi;(>uor(;ii, n. (’. , R. P.\iE maybe found af his oilice when 7i’.tf n. IK, not pro- T)tf fessionally engaged. .M.iy H, 1S.')7. ni:\TAii \oi IC E. R.W'lNti enj^aged in aiiollier business, I find niy time too mucli t.aken tiji to iittend to the duties of my jirofession; and having a partner (Dr. R. Scott) who is in every way competent to [ilease nil i.iii friends, 1 take great pleasure in reconunending him to (//Z with whom I have the slighte>t influence. His prices will suit any wlio are desirous of ii.iving tlteir teeth operated on in a skilful mannc-. \nd with my best wishes for my xiirre.ixor, and this community. 1 w'ihdraw from the firm, having no fear but that Dr. Scott will give the most fastidious entire satis faction. D. W. C. BENBOW. Jany H», 18.")0. 78tf N Oct’r 14. ” ^OTICI^ 0. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO; 400 Casks LIME; 50 Bales HAY’: G Bbls. GLUE. For sale by July 10, 1858. B. COOK. Mtf WORTH & UTLEY. 27- l»i:\TI.*»iTKl. I ill. J. DAV’LS having decided on peritia- i ' nently locating in the Town of F.ayette- ville, resiiectfully offers his services to the citizens of this jilace anil surrounding country. In all the v.arious brandies of his Profession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive exjierience. to which is added a thorough Den tal education, ihui he can give entire .satisfaction as far as is in tlie power of Dentistry. All iiTegulurities of tiic Teeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well a.s diseases of the mouth. None but the proper metals are made use of in the various operations. Charges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. Office over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. May 10, 18.58. 9tf L,r^iinER. PERSONS in want of LUMBER, can be supplied by giving me their bills. JAS. G. COOK. March 21, 1859. 98-4w WATCHES & JEWELRY, ■NEW .\M> I>F.SIIl.\Ut,E, IlY JAH. T. HOI J!*T0:%, SUCCKSSOR TO J. M. BKASLKV. ALSO, A LOT OF FI\K IMU BLE-BAKKKl til XS. AT RE])I TKI> 1‘UICKS, by •TAS. T. HOrSTOX. March 1, 185!) 03tf WORTH A: ITI.KV, Forwardiug and l^eiieral Coniiuissiou Merciiaiits, Fayetteville^ .1*. €. J. A. WyRTH. (~^tf) JOS. I TLET. R. n. ORRI^LL, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. ^PllOSE sending their .Spirits Turj>entine to me may I rely upon it to have promjit and careful attention. M}’ warehouses are fronting the wharves and near the river. Sejit'r 1:5, 18-W. 4.">tf TIN PLATE, Shed Iron, Iron Wire, COOKIIVG STOVI> AM>Tllf-WAKC. Always on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. liOOFIXti. rTTKRISa, .\nd all kinds of Jobbing, done at short notice, by C. W. ANDREWS, Market Sijuare, Fayetteville. July 9. 27-tf PETER MALLETT n ITII D. COLDEX MURRAY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 0 2 Sou Til Stueet, .v/;ir YORK. July 2'J, 1858. 82- nOOTS SMOjES^ AT WIIOLES.^LK. JNO. M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA, W’ 1 T II P. P. KHAW^ A: CO., 31 AND 33 Dey Stkeet, New York, 1\J^ILL be happy to see his Southern friends at the Vy above establishment, where, either personally or by order, they may be supplied from an extensive and well assorted Stock of (Jotxls in that line, gotten up expressly for the Southern trade. Nov. 2(, lSot. G7-ly. MILITARY GOODS, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces, AXD EVERY DESCRIPTKI.N (IF .\1IL1TAIIY C(UIUS, ArrORDINd TO the Latent L . S. Armt/ and State Ri'ijHlations. S(;ilUYLER, HARTLEY & rxRAIlAM, ITII>OKTCK*« & .lIAm rACTl'KKKS 19 MAID K N L N E . ,f'e tr t'oi'k. June .30. 21-lv T. X: R. a. WORTH, Commission and Poniarding MorehanK W1LML\(JT0X, Jan'y 2S, .K^if W>l. H. II RLI\(iTO>, (' > III III i M M i o II .Tl e r c li ant, WILMINGTON, N. C.. II’’ILL give prompt and per.sonal attention to all con- \\ 'ignments of SPIRITS TL'RPENTI.NE, R»SIN, T.\R, Cotton, F'L)1 U, and other country produce, either for sale or shiiimeiit. ■My wharf and warehouses being conveniently located for the reception of produce, either by Railroad or Iliver. enables me to make charges light. .Nov'r 8 tf W. H. ALLEN.] [J. M. (’L.\RK. ALLEN & rLlRli, Co III III i i o II n V re lia ii I WlJ.MlNtiTON. N. DKALKKS IX LIMK, PMSTKK, ( KMK\T, IIAIK, JLo. Bai!"’Agents for Rush Orrell's Line of Steamers. I^ROMPr pei’sonal atientiou itiven tn consignments o Naval Stores. Cotton or oilier (,'ouniry Produce, for sale or .-hijiment. •lan'y 10, JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V o n n 1.«•» I o \ A .\ 1) Forwarding Merrliant, .V. C. Prompt personal .•uteniiim given to all (%insign- menis. and (Jash juivanees made on PriMiuce to be shipped to other ports or sold in tiiis m.-irkei. Feb. 12, 1S.">5. t>7tf .IA.>. C. S.MITH. MILE.S COSTIN. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., i'artors^ Commission and I'or- a?ardins; . llerrha nfs. WILMINGTON, N. C. |)ROMPT attention given to s.-ile oi' 'i’lMRER, LUM- L HER, NAV.Mi ST( )RKS and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advancements maile on Consignments. Refers to E. P. Hali., Pn-s't l(r:uicli Rank of St.ite. II. R. Sav.\(;k, Casii'r R.ink C.ii>v Ft .ir. Juii.n D-wvsii.n, Esij. A]>ril 25 5 ir WILLIAM J. i*RlCI:, Inspector- of Ai*aval Stores, w/LM/iVartfX, A', c. Solicits the patronage of lii-; countiy friends and all others engaged in the Ttirpentine business. Office :>iorfli Wul**!* Nov’r 22, 185^*. *H-1v|m1 F. M. BIZZELL, li R n C E R A N I) C I) .>nil S S11) .11 E R C II A N T, Ni). Noktii Watkh Strekt, AVILMINGTON, N. C. Prompt ami persoiLal attention given to the reception of all kinds of country jiroduce, either for sale or shipment. ()rdera for groceries from caxh customers will receive inunediate attention, free of commissions. Nov. 19, 1858. 64-ly '\\ A. E. UOHN^TElrr, fiJreat Sale ol‘ Laiiil.—7000 Acre*. rpHE above Lands are located from one to nine miles i from the Market House in Fayetteville, on the Conl Fields Rail Road and Cape Fear River. Some of these ; lands are said to be the most valuable iu Cumberland ■ County or in this part of the State, for Ulack-jack wood, ; Turpentine, Tan-Timberor Lumber, and for Farming . not to be excelled. :VOTICE! I tlie land-buyers of Sampson, Duplin, New Hanover. : 1 Bladen, I'^c., who are paying from ^^5 to!?2Han acre ' for lands miles oft' from any convenient, mode of getting ; to market, come and buy lands that are close to market, i from i to ^ the price, worth double as much. The above j lands will be sold in lots to suit buyers, on accomtno- ' dating terms. Those wanting to buy will do well to ; call soon if they want tir.st chance. A. N. MCDONALD. | March 9. 95-if ( Alalia Ilia Laiil!^ ior Sale. 1 ACRES, in Henry county. 8 miles below ; ^ 1 (’olumbia. on the Chaltahochee river, and : 25 miles below Fort Gaines; S5t) acres are cleared—5(Ht j acri'S are river bottom, which will proiltice from 20 to | 5(1 bushels Corn, or froju 1,0(»0 to 2. '>(Kt pounds of Cot ton to the acre. On the place are all the necessary im provements—Houses for Negroes; good water, ami as he.^lthy as nny section of Alal>ama. For further par ticulars ai)ply to me, at Midwaj' Ala., or R. ALLISON and A. G. JANES, on the premises. -Vlso, 1,1 itO acres Land, near Midway, Harbour coun ty—8t>0 acres cleared—.all fresh, having been cleared in the last seven years. This is strong lime Land, and will produce from 20 to -OO bushels Corn, and from 1,(M»0 to 2.*()0 lbs. Cotton per acre. Improvements fine—the Dwelling cost 5^4,000. and is situated on a high sandy ridge, with good water, sind every convenience desir able in a country residence. Roth of these jilaces are known in Columbus, Ga., where imjuirics can be made. 1 invite tliose who are jiurchasing, to examine these places during the coming spring and summer, and judge them by wl^at they see. C. A. PiOSE, Millway, Barbour cnuiity, ALa. March 9 (Sav. Rep.) 95-tf L.IMI FOR SAL!;.“^ 1 OFFER for sale 640 Acres of L.\ND, lying on the W est side of Cape Fear River, two miles below Fay etteville, and extending from the river into the sand hills. This tract is about etjually divided into river- ridge, swamp and sand-hill Land. About 80 acres, adjoining the river, are under cultivation and are well suited to the growth of Corn and Grass; none of the Swamp has been cleared. Theie are several good sites for a dwelling house on the sand-hills. Any person wishing to ]nirchase will do well to make early appli cation, as I have determined to sell. THOMAS J. ROBINSt)N. Sept. 18.j8. 44tf Land lor Sule. JOHN T. GILMORE now oliers for sale a portion of his swamp land.s in the county of Cumberland about 14 miles below Fayetteville, and abotit H miles East of the Cape Fear River. The entire swamp has been suc cessfully drained, of the large body of water by which if was heretofore covered. The land is ajiparently level, being free from ridges (which are so common to swamp lands generally.) whilst there is an abundance of fall, by which the rain water can be carried of!' by ordinary ditches. A small portion of the land has been in cultivation about 7 years, and those persons who have seen the crops regard the land as equal in fertility to any they have seen in this State or elsewhere. The location is healthy, the neighborhood good, and the ac cess to Fayetteville and Wilmington easy by means of I good road 1.^ miles in length leading directly to the iver. Besides this, il is within o miles of a beautiful iittle village, upon a iiigh and Jiealtliy JJlulf, at, the river, with a .^tore. Ware-house and first-rate landing. ,\ll which afl'ord many conveniences to the neighbor hood. As several persons have spoken of purchasing, this is d'it'ined a proper time to call their attention to the subject, inastnuch as there is a crop now growing upon a stuall portion of tlie land, by whieh they can judge of its production. Reasonable terms will be given to the purchaser. Sept. 10. 185S. ‘ 45tf Aew**|»aper Revoliilioii. N EW SPAPER RE V()LUTTON. NEWSPAPER REVOLUTION. NEWP.ERN AHEAD. NEWP>ERN AHEAD. NEWBERN AHEAD. NEWBERN WEEKLY PIU)GRESS, NEWBERN WEEKLY PROGRES.S. NEWRERN AVEEKLY PROGRESS, CHEAPEST AND BEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST, ONLY ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF A YEAR. ONLY ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF A YEAR.. ONLY ONE DOLLAR ^ND A HALF A YEAR. DAILY PROGRE.'S, DAILY PROGRESS. DAILY PROORE.^S, ONLY SIX DOLLARS A YEAR. ONLY SIX DOLLARS A YEAR. ONLY SIX DOLLARS A YEAR ADVERTISE ADVERTISE ADVERTISE IN THE PROGRESS. IN THE I‘R(»GRESS. IN THE PKOGRE.'^.'^. DAILY AND WEEKLY DAILY AND WEEKLT DAILY AND WEEKLY. SUr.SCRlBE NOW. SUBSCRIBE NOW. SL’l5t^CRlRE NOW. -Address .1. L. Phnnmncton, Editor Progress, Newbern. N. C. March 18 98-lm NPRIAC; STVI.KS! The Fayal, Everett and Havelork Hats! VLSO, a beautiful assortment of the L.\TEST STYLE Soft H \.TS (high and low crown.) and all the styles of the most elegant Hats of the season, csin now be seen at the Razaar. A. McRlMMON. Jl.arch Di !t7-tf All I'llectioii Mill he held on THURSD.VY. the 7th April, for seven C’ommissioners, to Ificate the County site of Harnett. The Ticket below is reconunended to the voters of Harnett;— Barbecue District. Stewart's Creek District, Fpper L. River “ Barbecue ' ‘■ Neill’s (’reek “ Grove “ Averasborough R. P>elden. John Elliot, J. S. Harrington. Stephen Pearson. Daniel (’utts. A. J. Turlington. Farquhard Smith, March 18 98te HAW HISTORY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. E 2d volume is now published. It embraces the jie- riod of the Proprietary Government, from lO^'o to 1729. It forms a handsome 8vo. yolume of 591 pages. The subscription price was half a cent a page; but the price of this volum«5^s less, saj' ?2 75 in cloth >unling. S;> (M) in library sheep, and 25 in half calf. It will SOLI) ONLY VOR C.\SH. * O'wing to the difiictdty of securing .Xgonts in many parts of the State, we will forward it by mail or other wise free of postagi'. on receipt of the price; or both vol umes for S4 cloth. SI 50 sheep, or .S5 half calf. \ liberal discount made to .\gents or others, who buy to sell again. E. .1. HALE & SON. Fayetteville, Nov. 3, 18.58. The i]lilioii of* Devereux k Battlers Law Reports Vol. 1, rjECETVE.'^ tiie approv.il of those who have examined t »• Chief Justice Nash says, ‘d have looked through it— t is carefully .and well got u]>. * * * [ think to our Court it will be invalinible—tmd to the Profession cqtnilly so. It will save the labor of deciding the same points again and agaiti; for there will be no excuse for Counsel not being aj>j>rised of poinr.s already- adjudicated.” (ietulemen of lhe B;ir who have purchased and ex amined it, concur, so far as we know, in praise of it. Fur sale, with sets or separate volumes of North Ca rolina Reports, and Law Books generally", by E. J. HALE & SON. A>w VoliiiiieM ol Supreme Court Repoi*tfii>. JUST published, volume 5 .lones's Law Reports, and V( volume 3 Jones's Equity Reports, of Decisii E. .J. .MALE .S: SON. tSgent for Chic her ing^s Pianos^ Of which he has always some on hand. Wilmington, N. C., Oct’r 2, 1858. 61-lypd F«b'y 10, The .^oc‘ial»le., or lOOl Home* liaiKl!^ for Ssile. (OFFER for sale about Acres of Pino Lands near Fayetteville, containing an immense iiuantity of Mil! Timber, and a number of Turpentine Boxes, and several new tasks may be cut. There is on the ]iremise“ a fine Dwelling House, and all necess.ary out-houses,—Scup- peruong atid Isabella Grape \'ines,—liWMiyoung Peach and .\p]>le Trees of Lindley's best varieties; also, a good FARM of about l.')t» acres cleared; and also a GRIST ! the Sujireme Court of North Carolina. For sale l>y anil SAW M1I..L; ami a fine birge Meailow of about 140 acre«. The Fayetteville and Coal Fields Rail Road passes through these lands about a mile from the Mills. I will sell in ]>arcels to suit pttrchasers. but would pre fer til sell the whole togetlier. Apply to Thos. Lut- terloh. Esi]., F.ayetteville, or the subscriber at Pitis- borough. N. C. J. H. HACGHTON. Nov. 12. 1857. liittf Va Ilia Ille Plantation KOH SAIiK. subscriber offers for sale tlie PL.\NT.\TioN and I imjirovemetits where he now resides. It is located just below tlie moiuh of Liles’ (^reek, in Catawlia county, near Lewis' Ferry on the Catawba river, adjoining Hen derson Sheri, and containing 515 Acres, I5(» of wlilcli are in cultivatiun and about -jO acres of that is good Creek and Rranch Bott(un. The improvements are u comfortable Log Dwelling, a first rate P>;irn, St.ables and stalls for 2il head of horses; Cow sheds, and good Fences. There is iijion the placo a good GRIST MILlj running a pair of Rurr and a pair of common S«ones. The W. N. R.ailroad ]iasses through the Farm and the Depot is locateil upon if. It is liie most valuable farm in this section of the State. Will be sold for Cash or exchanged for Negroes. A. \S. WILSON. f>ct. 15, 1858. 57tf A- musements; The Autiu-rai of tlie Rre.'ikfast Table; Lec tures of Lula .Montes; Cliroiiii-les of the Rastile, illus trated; Tiie .Magician's Own l>ook; Living and Loving; Living'toue's Travels; Live and Le irn; The Power of Prayor. by Prime; Scliuol Books, ^’ic., \'c. Further sup]>lies, just reciMvod. .lany :il E. J. HALE \ SON. HOI si:, M>T AAO MUiiRO. rpHE undersigned wisliing to close u(> their old busi- i X ness, oiler for sale the HoC.SE and LOT on Hay- j mount, foriiierly occupied by Mnjor (iiliimre. Alsu, a j NLGilO RoY I I years of age; having tried him for the I last five mouths, we Ciin recommend him as an exi’oi- I lent servant, both for house or out of doors, sold for no ; fault, but to close old business. I F. N. J. II. ROBEHTS. ; May 7tf I HOOK-l{iM)ING IN all its kinds, exccufcl with neatness and despatch. Small job»i when done must be paid before delivered. THom. H. TILLING HAST, Hay Street. ll-]y Turpentine! Turpentine!! Turpentine!!! ' /UWV TPRI’ENTINl’ ROXES on and near the | OW.i/lM* liail Road, about .'> to t’l miles fru»i Fay- * etteville, will bo rented ou good terms to any person wishing lo embark in the business. ' .\lso, a good SAW and (JRI.'^T MILL, and TWO I SM .VLL FA I! MS. Mso, TWO OF THE RirHEST FARMS in the | County of Cumbcrl;ind. one aliout one mile from tlie j M.irket lluu.se. kimwn as the Railey i>lace; the other ; about miles frum tuwn. known as the celebrated Ashe | F.ands. wbioli has 2-‘>n or JKM) ncres cleared l.aml, which 1 if properly cultivated, will jiroduce an average of 3it j busliels of Corn per .acre. Those wishing to rent said Lands must apply soon, or ! they cannot be rented. ! For jiarticulars apj»ly to C. E. Leeto, Fayetteville, ! who is nuthorised to rent in my absence. A. N. MCDONALD. Fayetteville, Feli'y 8, 1859 K7- May 14, 1858. Foil SAI.K OU KKNT. VCO.N V EN I E.N T l>W ELLI N'ti IIOL SE. on llayiiKUiiit. near Mr. .1. Tliuinson's. For pariiciilars euipiire of J. (J. SHEPHERD. E-i, , or A. .M. CA.MPBELL. May 7. 9tf 01)0 ACRES OF LAJVD FOR rpHE Subscriber offers for sale the above quantity of I Land, situated in a healthy neighborhood!, three miles from the W'ilniington & Charlotte Rail Road, and four from Lumber River. This Land is well adapted to Farming, Turpentine, and Ton Timber purposes, having a good range and other advantages. Those wishing to purchase may find me on the premises, who will be happy to exhibit it or give any information concerning it desired. ANGUS McGILL. Philadelphus, N. C., Sept. 1, 1857, 40tf HirrTKk AND cm:KSI^r JLST received pr Fanny, a few Firkins of very nice BUTTER, and 25 Boxes prime CHEESE. C. B. COOK. Oct, 14, 64-tf £>^TIi«‘ Soiilherii Hariiioii\, aii«l Ml.SIC.Vi, COMl'.V.MO.N, lor sale bv E. J.' IIALK .V SON. Weh!«lei**^ frjeiiieiilary Spelling Rook, fur sale by E. J. H.\LE \ SON. .S^voiMiM^ Pocket Aliiiaiiae lor 185'.'; Spurgeon's Gems; Blind Barliiiieiis. Feb'y 12 E. J. HALE & SON. Weh-«*ler’« Eleiiieiilary Hpeiiiiift Rooks. .\ iurther supply just received. Jan y 8 E. J. HALE k SON. The Hliiiiiw aii«i HiMcipliiie of the .Methodist Church. A new supply ju.-' received. Oct'r l:!. E. J. HALE & SON. ( liroiKiloj;) of North ('arolina, from 15H4 to 1H5h, by I>. K. Rennett. Just received. Oct. 21. E. J. HALE & SON. C aiifMeir^ A. C arolina Jii^lice. .Just rec'd. J- H.\LE >t SON. March 17. Kroiiriii;; of the White Hor»e; “What Will He Do With It;?” by E. Bulwer Lytton; Mill's System of Logic, &c. Also, further supplies of School Books. Just received. Feb’y 12 E. J. HALE & SO^