mmm mmm. *^ ' ' '■ '-I'K-k i„ .™,l,ick.,. ,Uh \'• A. Kn»K}i , . ' '•»'■ Kiig'r Sun-. SrviKl! nmj require ?/’ n„,l I MlTlfi:! " ) brchants till I nil s 5111 XI' im »r of North Caroliu, 1 I iio- llnMlt f r- ih * ' ’ " f,.^ •I'li “ I,:,, r S: ;u '”' '>i ft'eij;!)! will I'ns r !ui.l s 'M‘ I ;U-(f »g, !>i I ■ iuitnuo> .iftei- Sun- y nii.l Fri,l;,y. nt o'clock cisrlu. f.,r njw j.^-r circniii- n^r -now \\ lill i!- n tak«. Ii.m-j.Uco i,i J >• 1-ITTKI!Luh •'.l-tf rtirinrti it, mrh! tr-ni \ \ li^ fviemls .ui'l ilic i.ubli.-. * *1;! -.Miii il Hri.'k I'.uild- i\y for nianiif tiviii inx ( 1% y Hbi*' i! i>atr.iUHge ht- hn' he !i i]if hy -trift ftuei^ Te li> ,ii'’e '.t;*-l';i»-[i.i!i. to me. II" wan«nt- lii- n rk orial .-iH.i hy exjiericnif 1 if liii- ij Work will Tial. Ill : [ i.iu-.J Me ;• ! • -I,lined to m-11 on i- c :. iciiii ns :iliv »* n*iF ii!i' >(llt>T riuCR t»F 8, UofkaMays and a vf-ry livr^e 't.n-k nf woi'-' he tini>ln-il luily. All ='i' »r c:i>ii. ‘>r on «lii>rt time in e Ii.i- • iT^hn ul iimre limn ^TV Vr.!IlfLi:s tiiiMieJ 111- W: r,-.] I’J inolltii' fViil i'_v ! li wi.i’kiiiHn'^htj' Vpp 't ■• -■■. ulii '1^ Wfil !ii call R«1 e.x- and !■ ;ittenJ(-'l tu. notice .lUi] till very rea'^oii- "'-tf Aiti:K rintr I'ruiu ho the tul ' i f^rully selecied *■% 1X1^5 f: ii- iii.ii k.-i: whieli adiled t'' Ills a '■iirinieiit complete; • .v\, : i - •')1«' IclTli!! t'T U-t(ii!:> • . ffi‘ 1, il-i’ 'III! Fni'iiiture in iL, ;i!nl f‘i. ti ll Mattrej^:'*'': r.Mffoi :'l 'rallies: Hide « l;. .k-l'.l'f:-; .li .Il l-; riii.ile Sian.l-; ,n.| . : 1 Witi.Iuw Shri'Jp': til.', ill M liiojiony and "al- I'iv.iii- i Si"ol.-^; (.l^aii^ , fi)M‘ A\ith /Kolinii fit' ,in, IV. .. lilt ln'si iiinimfoc- I. w.n iaiiteil a- jr"od i will lie -oM at New ^ "tk ?ac*lorv. HAIIill & SON'S’ STORK. V. (M-ypJ 11», to the /jtil of ('umherlaiul a NKr.lii) HOY. name^i lA-N'KLIN, who says he I!* (."oliiiiiliia, S. Joliii ha'l 111 when taken np ltd frock coiit unl uiiiifu'J t-. I'ome furwaril, iiml * ' •■ him awHy, or he direct . I to. L. ,M KAV, Jailer. .55- rer C'oail* he Itcsl jiiiility can IxJ had u r" oiuihle price by the WM. McCLAXE, MilUDK Engixx66r« 6-tf ^E’MI-WEEKIi Y. [VOL. VIII.] FAYETTEVILI.E, N. C., MARCH 31, 1859. t\0. 801.] PRIN CD MG' DAYt; AND THURSDAYS. EDWASli J. flALE & SOX, EDITOK^= AM) '"'npiUETORS. Price for the Senii-'V-; ’ ; —nvvu S3 00 if paid in advance; $3 50 ■ ui^ ihc year of subscrip tion; or $4 after the ye.-.r iias expired. For the Weekly OnsKia . R §;2 00 per annum, if paid in advance; 50 if paid during ihe year of subscrip tion; or f3 00 at'ter the has expired. ! f-jf* advertisements inserted for GO cents per j square of lt> lines for the first, and 30 cents for each • Bucceeding publication. early advertisements by spe- ; cial contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are [ requested to state the number of ins>irtions desired, or they will be continued till forbid, ani charged acconl- ingljr. .advertisements to be inserted ina:df, charged 50 per cent extra. -\EW HTOCU Of Haiehes Jewelry and Silver i:. 1J‘^^ returned from t!ie N^»■th wit a n 11 liirpe Stock of Goodn in his line, eo.i- sisting of Watches of all kinds aim price.-*, from S8 to S1'0: Gold Chains of all kinds and prices; Breast-Pins, l^ar- i Rings and Rracolets, a large stock: Gold Lockets, Fi i- I ger Rings: Gold Pens and Pencils; Silver Spoons of all I kinds; a tine lot Silver (?ups. Plated Castors and Candle j Sticks, Ciike Rssketu; Clocks. Military Goods and every I thing usually kept in a Jewelrj- Store, which he is pre- I pared to sell on reasotuible terms. His friends and tlie public are invited to call and examine. March 8, 1859 9.T-3m CHi.y 1859! FRESH SPRING GOODS. J. A. PE.^BERTO:^ tS now receiving his Stock of SPlUNfi AND SUM- I MER GOODS, embracing all the newest and latest Myles of the season. |jadie»^ (iiood«i; GRO DeRHINE, POULDESAY, and ROBES ALFS SILKS; a great variety of TISSUES, GREN.ADINKS and ORG.\NDIES, in ROBl':S, DALTLA. ROS VTI, LEONORA, A’LaREINE. and A LIMPERA- TRICE PATTERNS, with Plates showing the style of making up the same, and TRIM- SlINGS to correspond with each dress. Embroideries and Eace &ood» of all styles; Lace Pointed Mantles. BA~age Mantles and Shawls; a few very handiiome New Styles Silk and Stella Ditto. J^traw CiioodM. French Lace, Neapolitan, English Straw and Crape Bonnet? of the latest design?; .Misses' and Children’s Flats, &c., of very superior quality. A very large assortment of Bonnet and Sash Ribbons, French Flowers, Ruches, Ac. A few very handsome Head Dresses, French Hair- Pins, &c. Kc'ady-iiftade Clothing:. A very large and well selected Stock of Ready-Made Cioching, some of which was manufactured ezprestly J'lr OMT f'odt, and will compare in stylk and wokkm.-inshii' with any in this market. A few very handsome Child ren’? Dresses and Talmas made up, Bnrci’S L.\TrsT style hats. A very «upprior lot French Calf Boots, Oxford Ties, 'Waiters. Lc. Ladies’ heel French Gaiters and Slippers of every description. Misses and Children's Gaiters, Slippers, sc. In the above stock may bo found all the latest and mo5*. desir.ib'.o Spi’ing btyle*. T’- ur'"l;v T^.r,.;-va'Jv ■’re invited to call and examine for then.selvts. ' J. A. PEMBERTON. H .A If U K oe K E R Y . W. X. TILLINGHAST AS received most of his Spring Stock, and has now Store, a large sapply of Common, WHITE GRANITE. BLUE, PINK, and other Earthenware. Also, a new style of Fitrplf-Jloirercd Ware, which ia tlie prettie8t colored ware in market. He has also a large i:.ock of Glass-ware and Looking-Glasses. Marcli in, 1859 95tf Bootsi and Nhoeis. ev€ March 9. NEW H 95-Cw ’'E are receiving a large stock of BO JTS. ; SHOES AND GAITERS, embracing j every variety of style and quality, 8uitablo Tor Spring and Summer Wear. The Stock was selected with care from the best manu factories with reference to style and durability, which w^e ofter cheap for cash, or to prompt paying customers. -—ALSO— Trunks, Oak and Hemlock Solo Leather, Calf, Goat, Lining and Binding Skins, with a general assortment of Shoe Findings. S. T. HAWLEY A SON. March 14, 1859 96-Ow JiiTATIOlTERV. ~ In addition to our present stock we are recuiving 1«S0 ReaiiiM Paper, Embracing every variety of CAP, LETTER, BATH LETTER I COMMERCIAL NOTE, I BILL HEAD, 1 FOLIO POST, j and NOTE PAPER.S. ! GO M. ENVELOPES, of every'’.•- !?oription. i 1 case English and Americ .j. SLATES, assorted sizes, j 100 gross STSEL PENS; Pen uoklcr£: School Ink-Siands: I VISITING CARDS: BLANK BOO .-IS, xc. E. J. HALE & SON. Febv 12 GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., TNVITE THE ATTENTION OF MERCHANTS AND 1 Buyers gcnerallj' to their very heavy Stock of Groceries & Ilserdware. Coubisting in p.irt oi 2;i0 B.tgs Rio. L iguira and Java Colfae; | 7'> Bhls. Sugar; 17 Ilhds. Do.: j o!) Bbls. and Ilf-Bbls. Mrs Millei"’s Eagle Mills ; and Bonn’s Snuff; i 50 Boxes and Kegs Soda; • 35 •' Tea; SO •* Starch; j 100 “ Glass, various sizes; \ tiO “ Adamjinfine and Sperm Candles; 20,000 lbs. Western and N. C. Bacon; i 4tX) Bags Corn; | Pejtper, Spice, Ginger, Indigo, Maddor; I Raisins, Soap, Candy, &c.; 5'*0 Kegs Nails and Spikes; | 160 Doz. Steel and Iron Hoes; i 576 I’r. Trace Chains; | 45 Doz. Eng. and German Wheat and Grass Blades; j 50 “ Shovels, Spades and Forks; ^ 35 “ Coffee Mills; 10 Tons and upward Hollow-ware & Plow Castings; Also, a full and complete assortment of Hardware and Groceries not onumerated; Blacksmith's, (’ooper’s and Carpenter’s Tools; 10 Tons Hoop Iron: A large assortment of Swede.s, .\murican and English Iron; German, Blister and ('ast Steel: Shoe Maker's Material and Shoe Findings; ^la d d 1 e r y; •VI Doz. Wagon and Buggy Whij»s; In addition to our large and well selected stock of Shelf Goods, we have on the way and expect to receive in n few days, direct from the manufacturers in England, the heaviest slock of Poc’kef and Table Cutlery, Shears, Scissors, Razors and Files, ever otfered in this market. Wo shall also import during the year, 100 TONS SWEDES IRON, various sizes, from to 12 inches: 50 tons of which we expect to rcceive ubout the 15th of .lune. We shall Ai>n to our stock from time to time, as the trade requires: will at all times be prepared to offer in ducements to Country Merchants, paying strict atten tion to orders. March 9, l-‘-'')9 9-S-3m VVi:STEKX RAIT. ROAO. ON and after Monilay, ’ 22d day of November, the Freight Train will run REGULARLY between Fay- ettevJlle and MoClenahan's Station; leaving Fayetteville every morning at 7 o’clock and returning at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of same d.4y. Consignors are requested to send tickets with articles, stating consignee, destination, Ac. W, A. KUPER, Chief Eng’r A Sup’t. WhoneTer the amount of freight may require, an ex tra Train will leave Fayetteville and return in the afternoon. Nov’r 22, 1858. 65- ' IjIl RIUO Mli! TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. THE LARGEST MANUFACTORY III THE Ji^TATE. ' Bank of IVortii Carolina. Books of subscription to the Capital Stock of the Bank of North Carolina will be opened at the Office r.m.. suu-«,cr..,er o^gs .eavc .u Western Rail Road Company, on Wednesday, 1 his thanks tor the liberal puronagc , ^ -j ^ according to the pro- heretofore extended to him. anamtorms | charter for the space of sixty days. i GEORGE McNEILL, I W. McL. McKAY, JNO. M. ROSE, Commissioners. Fayetteville, N. C., March 2G, 1850 800 the public that he hai> now and will continue to have an increased fo; ce of j experienced Saddle and llariivss .M-ik- ^ ers, whose work he will wairant; and that he i.« {.repared to offer to the pub lic a large and varied assortment of i every thing kept in his line. His assortment of Saddles, | Harness, Bridles, Tranks, Travelling Bags, Vallces. &c., j is unsurpassed for workmanship and maierial, and will compare favorably for neatness with any other Manu- i factory, either North or South. Persons wanting any i thing in his line will do him a favor to call and examine | his stock before purchasing, as he is satisfied it will not fail to please them. His establishment will be found five | door.“ East of Cape Fear Bank, on Person Street. g^j^Repairing done with neatness and despatch. : W. OVERBY. I Fayetteville. N. C.. Oct. 23, 1858. 57-Gm Law ]\"otice. I HAVE taken in charge the unfinislied business of my brother, Barth’w Fuller, in the counties of Cum berland and Harnett. Office on Eccles’ Bridge. March 28, 1859. THOS. C FULLER, Attorney at Law. 800-4t m SEW. CnElP, AND EXPEWTIors ROUTE FOR | Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. | Merchants and others about purchasing their Fall 1 and Winter Sujiplies, are requested to notice, that ! by the completion of North Eastern Rail Road from i Charleston, S. C., to Cheraw, the advantages of a CH EAP and EXPEDITIOUS Route from the Seaboard has been ' opened to them. All freight consigned to the care of the .\gent of the , North Eastern Rail Road will be forwarded FREE OF COMMISSION. No charge will be made for Storage at Chei aw. All | goods will be taken care of in the Company’s Warehouse until sent for. A schedule of charges for transportation of freight will be found at the Post Office. S. S. SOLOMONS. Eng’r and Sup’t. Aug. 3, 18')8. 34-tf LU !' l R1^T7>H’S [ASK llarflware. Cutlery, SAU»LEKY, JAME.'' M.VRTINE is now receiving a large and gene ral assortment of every thing in the above line. —ALSO— A prime article of Rio, Laguira and .Tava COFFEE; Crushed and Brown SUG.VR; Sugar House SIRUP and MOLASSES. All of which is offered on »s good terms as can be had ir this taa'-ket. Nov'r2l, 1S.>8. GGtf WM. CARTER & SOX, Wholesale k Ketail Dealers anrt Manufacturers OK ALL KINDS OF Mjcathcfj Saddles tmU tiarness^ Of every description. Collars, Whips, &c. VND we also particularlj' call the attention of the whole surrounding country to give us a call, as we are de termined that none sh.all surpass us in quality or l>>w prices: and we will give the highest cash price at all times for Raw Hides and Tallow, in exchange for our articles. Country Merchants would do well to call and examine our Siock, as we can sell them Shoes of a much better quality than they usually get, on very accommodating terms. Southern Planters would do well to send us all their orders as we ar»> making a No. 1 article of NEGRO SHOES, that are warranted to give entii’e satisfaction. N. B. All Orders from a distance shall have j^rompt attention. S. S. CARTER. WM. CARTER. GoMiton P. O., Chatham Co., N. C.. 1 March 15, lbo9. Go- lOODS: NEW GOODS! J• Co POJii the largest and most thorough stOvk of Slapie aud Fancy Drj ever offered to the public by him. In his Stock will be ! found—and taowed with pleasure—in part the following goods:— RICH BL’K .\ND FANCY COL'D SILKS; DOUBLE JUPE ROBES; ROBE .VQUILLE. ROBE A LES in BERAGES, ORGANDl ES. MUSLINS, ke. KOBE-A-LA-DUCHKSsE; ROSES VALENjINE; ORGANDLES, GINGHAMS. LAWNS and MUSLINS of all styles and qualities; A great variety of English, French and American rrJNXS, ALPACAS, CHALLIES, DEBAGES, BE RAGES, BOMBAZINES, &c. COLLAR? and SLEEVES; also, in sets for mourning, i WisS & JAC. EDGINGS, INSERTINGS & BANDS. A .ar^i sM>t k of Shawls and .Hantillasi., of ;La latest «tjies: together with Mi.sses'aud Children’s Flats: Head T>, esses; Ribbons. Uiiches, Flowers, * .raso?-,, Umbrer..iS, Bonnets & Ilatj. Great S;'jck o*' Cloths^ Vashu erea anti CfothUig^. The above c ii.' ’ which was elec.- 1 in reference to the L- “s to customeri» on ^ ^ March 10, 1869 iV. ^ ovuun 01 tbi* stork. .. ■’;rl Nrw Yo.k .vi:* '.vie?, auu >i'ill be ^oUl J. •■'. PO;.. 9.'-)vv H BIUDKE & OilS£LL, 31 and 33 Dey Street, YORK. AVE ON HAND AND OFFER AT WHOLESALE, one of the largest and most varied Btocks of STRIW liOODS. iHTS, C.\?S. ; BONNETS, &c,, I In this city; comprising, Men's and Boy’* Wool and ^oft Fur Hats, | in ov*r 400 different styles and qualities; i SILK HATS, ! of their own manufacture, latest shapes; MEN’S, BOY'’S AND CHILDREN’S .STRAW HATS, in over GOO different styles and qualities; a beautiful assortment of LADIES’ & MISSES’ BONNETS, in I’UIX STR.tff, riob HMK LACE, SILK, CREI'K. Sc. Also, a great variety of LADIES’, MISSES’, AND CHILDREN’S BLOOMERS, PRINCESS ROYALS, HOSMARS, EQUESTRIAN HATS, &c., &c.. Trimmed and Untrimmed. Fr«nch aud American Artificial Flowers, Ruchet*, Also, UMBRELLAS & PARASOLS, in every quality and of the latest styles. [J6^“ They upecial attentivn to Ihii department. To Hatters and those who buy by the Case, the adv«rtis»rf will sell as LOW as any exclu- live Pacitage House in tht trade—as they obtain the •aiiiu goods from the same sources, and have the ability to purchase as CHEAP as the best. March 9, 1859 95-lm Further Supplies cl' Book§. 'pilE A.MEitlCAN A„'1\NAC ior 185U; A i'ATi.iiiw AND DAUtiHTKR, by Miss Breraer; “WHAT will he l)0 WITH IT,” by Bulwer; BOOiiS, Owc., March 7 E. J. HALE & SON. AT Tii;: -lOTfiLE. cor:\er. /^ALL AT THE MUS1C-A.L STOKE, where you will find FIDDLES, FLUTES. FIFES. DRU.M.'?. ACCOHDEONS, HAKP.^, &.C., &c.: Also. TOYS OF ALL I ’.SCRIP- TIONS. from the Grass-hopper up to the Elephant; ^ A ft-w pair very fine VASES, L.VMPS and Lamp GLASSES: Fine SNUFF, CIGARS, C'ut\>lng snd Smoking TOB.VCCO; Ink: Blacking: uth- and highly perfuned SOAPS, Extracis. Colognes; CORI»lALS, a few doz. very superior for table use; Jellies; fine China Tea-.Sets for Children. Willow V.’are; I^iidies' Work-Boxes: Fish ing Tackle and Hooks: Mace; Cloves, Spice, and Soda; Also, large variety of .1EWELRY and TRINKETS; Gent’s Pocki't Companions; Conversation Cards; FRUIT.S. NUT.S, CANDIES: And a large variety of articles too numerous to mention. AOTIC E. COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do 'veil to call, as barg.'iins will be given. A. N. McDONALD. Feb'y 9 67- Csrojinian copy. n'iHE firm of H. L. MYRCrER v CO., was fi.iniP time »ince by the withd~a . i’ of W:n. -t. My 1 rover, an 1 since that ti:n(» tho business lias been c »nr url- 3d alone by the siibsoribor. II. L. MVc.u\.:-a. rnllE S:^'oscriber ha.; associn e I wiiii .im in 1 usines- i 1 Mr. GI.t.Ji.vfE W. WIGH l’MAN Th.i nrcn.e ol‘ tlu- I firui herealier will be My rover Wight m.Tn. H. L. MYROVER. March 11. 9tJ-r>i Carolina €• 11HE Atlantic and North ' urolina Railroad being now completed to Beaufort Harbor, I have determined to i locate at Carolina City for the purpose of doing a ^ Forwarding and General Ccmmissiou j JW Kjr SHi m IW JEC 9 I and hope by promptness and strict attention to merit I patronage and support. Being the Agent of Murray’s ■ Line of First Class Packets to this and Morehead City, I every effort will be made to m.ake this the cheapest and j most expeditious route to New York. Vessels will be i loaded and discharged at my Wharf (adjoining the Rail- road Wharf,) and thereby save cartage and lighterage. I Particular attention will be given to all orders, and to I the sale and shipment of Produce. I W’M. B. GRANT. ! July 29, 185S. 32-1 y ! .ViE The BOOKS OF subscription to a joint stock company are now open for subscriptions to build a Bridge across Cape F ear River at or near a point three miles above the Clarendon Bridge, to be decided by the stockliolders. Those who feel interested can call at the store of A. N. McDonald. Fayetteville, or at Ihe store of G. W. Lawrence, .Mary s Garden, where they can have itn opp}riiuiiry of suVi.scribiiig. Call soon, as we only lack a few thousand dollara of having the stock taken— also, we wish to build the bridge as soon as possible. Shares fifty dollars each, i .March 12. ^6- OEl> 1 all persons indebted to the concern of FR.ANK & : A JEHRY’ and J. H. ROBERTS m CO., are requested to come forward and settle their bills. If not settled by the last of this month, they will find them in the hands of a Lawful Collector J. H. ROBERTS & CO. May 3, 1858. "tf TAKEA 13*, 1'^.VKFjN up and committed to the Jail of Cumberland Couniv on the l.'th inst., a NEGRO BOY, named JOHN BRACE or JOHN FRANKLIN, who s.ays he is free, and that he came from Columbia. 8. C. John is small, a bright mulatto, and had on when taken itjj a white wool hat and steel-mixed frock coat and pants. ^TOVI]S, SHEET ri’^-WAKE, Jtc. ON H.\N!>. a Lirpce assortment of Box and Cooking Stoveg. Tiii-w.ire; Sheet-Iron; Lead Pipe. Also Ihc tiominion Voft'ef For sale by JAMES MARTINE. STE.AMER “FANNY” leaves Fayetteville every Mon- j day aud Thursday morning, at l-j minutes after Sun- | rise; and Wilmington Tuesday and Friday, at o’clock, —carrying passengers and freight. Steamer “SOUTHERNER.” with a full complement of Flats, makes one or more trips per week, as circum stances may require. The accident to the Steamer “ROWAN” will be re paired in a few days. .Sh» will then take her place in the line. T. S. LUTTERLOH. Oct’r 4, 1858. 51-tf i^E\\nLiX]E. O. HOt STO\ AlJ’OULD inform his friends and former customprs that 'V he may be found 2 dooi s below the Cape Fear Bank, and 3 doors above uis old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness. Saddles, Bridles, Whips, t'ollars, and every thing belongi:;g to his trade. Ho rospectfully invites his friends from the country to call and examine his stoc’ic before purchasing. He will attend to Repairing of Harness and Saddles punctually, and his charges shall be niodenite. He I would request all indebted to the firm of HOU.STON & I OVERBY to settle with W. Overby or himself, as thej- I are compelled to settle the firm’s debts, j August 27, 1850. tf H E U N D E R- X now receiving Sprinir and Summer KE.ADY-M \DK He has taken great these Goods, anu as JUDGE, he is con- wili Compare with His tnUertiit hc,i.f-es displayed great taste supplies for this sea- he shall be able to will favor nim with consists of, tine Dress Alpacas. Dral)-de-ta, Silk Mixture Cassi- Marseillles Linen, fine Black and Fancy Drab-de-tas. Tricots grade and style; Spring Silk Vests, Ma’-seilles. A full & BOYS’ CLOTH- years to 18 years. SHIRTS (Linen soms,) Goss. Merino Draweis: ’Vliite and Ditto Silk and Lisle Stocks; White, Black Hosiery; Trunks; Bags. Any of the above reasonably for cash, their bills on the 1st of July. SIGNED IS and opening his usual supply of CLOTHING, pains in selecting he is a PRACTICAL rident that his Stock ' market. ■ ' in New York have getting up their son, find he Ijelieves ^ \ piease any one that call. His stock and Frock Coats. Tricots, Business mere. White Duck, of all descriptions; C.assimere Pants, and Lincu of every Black, Fancy, and Linen and fine white supply of YOUTH’S ING. sizes from 3 Y O K E - N E C K and Marseilles Bo- UNDER-S HIRTS, Colored Kid Gloves, Thread GLOVES; aud Fancy Cravats; Valises and (,'arpet goods will be sold or to those who pay 1st of January and M.nrch 22 A. J. WOODWARD, One Pkice Clothing Stobb, Two Doors below Hinsdale's Drug Store, Market Square. 99-4t Nov’r 24. CCtf PAIATN, 01E^», &€. SPERM, Refined, Lard. Linseed and Tanners’ OIL; White Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; Window Glass and aash of all sizes. —ALSO— A fresh supply of I’OND’S PAIN DESTROYER, ror sahibv JAMES MARTINE. N'.v'r 21, 166tf iliarble Factory Ur. niA.VK WILLIAMS’S KYE WHISKEY. D .MirCHi'LL has male arrangements with Dr. i ^ , Fr .. WilJan.*, to be cons:antJy supplied w ilh his celcliiated I.Yi. WillSKEY. which can be had at his Store "* all times, bv wholesale or retail, Oofr ■'1, 1* 53-tf I HAVE associated wit!; me, in this ’.ii;e. Mr. .John K. Dailey, and will style the firm ORRELL & D.AILEY. We have purchased the Steamer SouTHKR\eR. and in a few days, will have a New Flat employed with her. Those favoring us with their patronage ntay rely upon prompt despatch, by applying to Mr. Dailey on board, or to Die at my office. R. M. ORIIELL. ~A O-J ■ io\i u Pi-O • ) Plow'*!! Plows!!! i 11 R. M. ORRKLL. March 20, 1850 JOUN K. 1>A1L1!Y. 8j)-tf The £,nri£e4t t'arriniie Fnetovtf in the Sotfth! ■Y' N-. •: •• 25 N. VA .. 2o. •• 1 ni-'. Bars and Mould Boards to suit. For >.^1 ;>y C. E. LEETE. Jan’v 1” 7y- I’i.ickcrs, J«icrapers, irtji2er-i asid Dippers, V^T, (.iT the fir^; qr.ality, cm by li 11 at .'1. A. BAKER'S ilUN •JflOi’, i’-ivci>eviiie. N. . V I.'*. 185n ‘ *0tf By GEO. J.AUDKR, TWO DOORS .iBOVR T. T. HAIGH & SO\S’ STORl!:, * Fayetteville, iV. C. I Jan’T 20, l^iSO. G4-ypd Fiuest Family irroceries for 1859. ACKEK M ERR ALL & CO., Xo. 132 Chamber Street, Corner of College Place, (Opposite Hudson River Rail Hoad Station,) NEW YORK. DEALERS IN FINEST WINES, FINEST BRANDIES, FINEST SEGARS, FINEST TE.AS, FINEST COFFEES, FINEST SUGARS, FINEST BUTTER, FINEST HAMS. FINEST TONGUES, and FINEST FAMILY GROCERIES, of every description, put up for Shipment to all parts of the Worid. Catalogues will be furnished upon application. March 24 99-3m FOt AD, III Notice to TurjieiitiBf md Oiiier«i. IA.M fully prepared to make or rtpa'r "^I'^T’ENTlNE STILLS, or do any thing in the Co\ per or Siieet Iron work, at the sho.’tot notice. •M. A. BAKER. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1859. 82tf Biftter, C'licese and Crackers. -J /V FIRKINS Goshen Butter; Ll/ 25 Boxes State t'heese; 10 Bbls. Soda and Butter Crackers. Just received by C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 70- Seine Twine. C. E. LEETE. 79- m1II ,\et and ^ LB.S. (iill Net Twine; 190 lbs. Seine “ Just received by .fan’y 12 WrUV1.\:n (iU \No! The undersignel has made arrangements by which he is prepared to furnish, at short notice, any required quantity of A'o. I liiiiano, all of wliich will be from direct imj>ortations. into the Port of Wilmington, and warranted pure and genuine. Orders foa the above excellent fertilizer are solicited, to wliicii prompt attention will be given. As this is an article which does not admit of being sold on time, cash or its equivalent must accompany each I order. BEVERLY ROSE. I Jnlv 8. 26tf A. A. .McKIVrriAiX RE.'^rECTFL'LLY informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Build ings at his Old Stand, expressly fi)r manufacturing Car- n.sgr*s. Tliankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict atten- ;ion to business, with a desire to gi'^e satisfaction, to merit a conlinuancc of the .same. He warrants his work to be made of ihe best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favoral'y with any made in the United States, for neatness and duraMlity. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, finished, THE LARGEST STOCK OF Carriages, Barouches, Roekaways and Buggies, ever offered in this place, aud a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. Jgis^He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHICLES finished and in course of constniction. 03^All work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail bj’ had workmanship or material, will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do Will to call and ex amine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very reason able terms. Slav 28, 1853. 89-tf |G Aejjroes! Aejfroe*!! Wanted. ENTI.EMEN, your old customer is yet in market for Likely Negroes, for which I am determined to pay the Highest Cash Prices* Persons having such for sale would do well to give I me a call, or address me at Clinton, N. C. I All orders promptly attended to. i J. A. McARTHUR. j Clinton, N. C., March G, 1859. 95-lyrpd .Aotiee.—A'e^roew Wanted. rpo the larmers and citizens of the Counties of Duplin, X V/ayne, .fohnston, Harnett, Moore, Cumberland, Robeson. Bladen, Columbus, Brunswick, New Hanover, and Sampson: The subscriber being desirous of purchasing a number The owner of said Negro is notified to come forward, I of likely young Negroes, of all classes and descriptions, prove property, pay charges, :.'id take him away, or he avails himself of this n.ethod of informing those who will be dealt with um the law directs. ' may have such prope.-ty to dispose of, that they would GEO. L. McKAY, Jniler. . do well to visit me at home, or address me at Clinton, Oct’r 15 1858 65- ' w'hich they shall reccive a visit. A word to I . the wise is sutEcient, as it is well understood that I pay 'nnHE SOI'TIIERX nAKMOXY.—A Further Supply e.xceediag iiigh prices. I just received. L. J. HALE & SON. I EVERETT PETERSON. 1 Morch 7. ' Feb’y 14, 1859 88-9m THE ESVEU IXVltiOliATtt PRKPARKH nv I>R SANKORP, Componiided enttrcly from Gr:fIS, TR ONK OK TUB BEST PURUATIVK AM> MVKK >11*;- I iUriNlirt now iHjForo lh« puUio, lh»t net* a ('•ttUortir, miMer, 4ud more effectiinl than any other unMlicino know U in not oniy a rothartir^ bnt a Lir^ ramedy, aciirif firhi on the Lic^r to eiMt its morbid ioau«r, then on tb« stomach and bow«S to carry off ihai matter, th’W accomplii*hin|c two purpow*- eflec- j alty, without anrof ib« painful feeliniff exMrienc©d la \he or^i R tloi>» of mojit C^hartics. It the at tbe . titno that it purjfM it; and when uken tiaily in inoderHte do-T*. will streiifctheD and build i( up with jnutual rtpiditj. Th* IJrer Is one of the ! • principal rec»iUtor« of th^ human body; and when it' perform* lit function* vn‘ tbi poweri of tbe STSteDi are . Hg d«T*lored. Tbe • i- almoai entirely de;»eiMlent on the bMliby action of tbe £r»r for the proj»er j»#rform-’ Q anceof itafuuctfciia. wheni ja •tonaackiaacraultftheboweli' lare at fa:)lt, and tbe m\*qU •yttatnsuffei'tiaconteqncnce .of one oiipai)—liie ■— haTinc ceased to do iu duty. [ Kor tbe aisea»«fl ol that or gan, one of th# proprieton^ ^ bas made it liis study. 'n a practi*'e of more than twenty I years, to find some reme^v wberawltb to counUract thei ^ many derangement* to which It is liable. ; S5 I To prOT* that ihU remedy is at la»t found, any per»^.i irou bled irith JUlver Coin^; A pinhit^ in any of it* forine. hae bat to try a t''»tte, and jConTictiiU Nc«*rtain. Theae Ooms ramore all morbid or b*i*i n.alter from thesystam.tapplyin;; m their }placs a healthy flow of bll^ icrig^mtinK tne utomaeh. i 'cau*»in ttir bioo(i« 11 whole macb'i.ery, remorini; effecting a rMllcal c-ire. ^ , Btllon* Rttark* »re cured, and, what «» better, prt!vciitc«l, by itb* occ*»iun«l u»e of th* Liver tiivlj^orntor* Uue doee after eatinc is tnf-; and prevent the fuod from i Only one dose taken before m«r«. Only one doae taken at , l^tly, and cures Cos**! rVl One doee taken after each | pil| One doFe of two tea- Mck Headache. One bottle taken for fe- eauhe of the disease, aud' Only or>c dose immediately 1 One dose often repeated is! PIV Horbiu^ and a preventive! Only one bottle is sysfem tbe effects of medi- Air^One bottle taken for I ^ lowiiess or aniiatnral color | One dose taken a short; gOT to the appetita, and makee I One dose often repeated, rhflpa in iu .worst forms, Bowel complaints yield One or two doses cures at- Childran: there is no surer, tbe worid, as It iiee^r /ttiU. __ 9^ A few bottles curee { abnorbenta. We take pleasure in recom | prevemiTe for KcTcr rikI | I'>^T^\ SEN Manchccicr aud Kivet's mill, a Paper Box 3 containing some Clothiiig, which the owner can get by app’^'lu;.? at the Hotel or at Messrs. D. & W. Mc- aivertisemeut. J. C. LALLY. ciOO-Ct Lamm’s, and paying i^r this Mai-cli 20 preli. tthe cause of the disease- ficienl to relieve the stnmaeh irifriiK M( d konring. I preTcni* Mght- niitht, loosens tbe bowels tIverieiM* ,meal will cure Oytpepala .spoonfuls will alwa>s reiieve ' msle obstruction remove^ the makes a pet feet cui e. ; relieves Cllollc-« while I a sure cure for C'Holera of Cholera. I needed to throw ont of the : cine after a long sickness. .Jaundice removen all sal I from the skin. ;time before eatinf vi ' food diir^*t well, cures (.hi't>nlc IJlai'' while fe»ummer and almost to the first rtotie. tacks catised by'Worms it* I safer, or speedier remedy in ! Drops|r« by ezcitinic the mendiufT tbis roetiidne as a AffU*. fhlll Fever, • • It Ol'eiT - 12A1*! ilAY!! 0*'A BALES PRIME ilAV, just received and for ^OU J^alebv J. H. ROBERTS A: CO. March 2«. 80U-tf To ISttil llotui Contrfictors! JUST RECEIVED 100 W83EELBARROWS, light and strong, for ,he Rail I’o hI. For sale bv D. & W. McLAURTN. M.irch 29, 1859. 8.:>tf Xotice to S^oldicr*’ Wilow«. I r’l IE Widows of Mexican Soldiers, n the AVidows of j 1 Sohliers who dikd in skrvite in fi.t wn^ol 1812, can j have their pensions continued by (ailing on the under- ! .'igned. Congress having made additional provision for j them. I Give me the management of your claims, and the j money shall come at once, or no charge, i JNO. M. ROSE, I .Agent for Pen^iond. I Fayetteville, June 12, lft-58. 19- I Oita J. W. BAKER ! Is now receiving IVotn the North the i l.argi'sr, finest, and most carefully .selected : stock of !• 3I5i’V2T|lKI-: ever offered in this market; which added to ; his own manul'.icture, makes his assoi-tment complete:— ; all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctu:il customers. | Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniiure in ; setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; ; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases: What- Nots: Tables, al! sort.s; Wash St inds: Oandle Stands; Wardrobes: Picture Frames and Glass: Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogony and Wal nut: Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood I’ianas, one with .^iolian at tachment: Rosewood Melodians. from the best manufac tories in New York and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. Sept«mb«r 2. And all Kever* of a Kll- _ _ with«rt«iDiy,andthoufcaiida; jar* williTijf i»» teatlfj Ui wondetfut rirliiM. ' All who use It are i^tvlng thrir unanlmoua tcttlmo.iy ill Its favor. Mix M ater In the mnutli with the Invl- l^orntor, h.iu1 swallow both tof^clhrr. THE LIVER INVTGORATOR IS A SrTKNTIFIC MKDI(\\T. DlSroVERY. snd ii» woikiug cures, almost too icreat ti> )>elieve. It ruies «« if ' 5 mairic. the ffirivy bene/it, and seldom more th^n one bottle is reqnired 10 cure any kind of L«lver from tbe worst o« to a common htiout-h* all of wMch are the reei'U of a OHeaaed Liver* KRU ff 07a DOLL^kK PKR aOTTLIt Dr. SANKOKl#. Prop ietor, .HhS (^i^oa.l'rav. Ve»r York Eeteiled by all .W-f /,v J.\S. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. Nor’rll. 62-1 y ^Vater UheelsI Water Wheels!! TI’’'E .are now ininTifuctiiving VANDEWATER’S IM- VV PROVED J0.?\'1^AL TUri3II?'I WATER WHFEk, for Mills fiiid iiiio.iLb ij.'every description: anil all those wishing io iniiiovetheii water jtowcr will lor their iri^’rot to ,ad ';r'.'«> us by letter, stating the tumber of l"et. ’ 1 xJ and tiu i ■ ;i»ual amount of water; the kind ol i.i . ;uitii. to bo driven. We can then give tiiem price of w.ioel. o'.' wa it v.-i; will furnish wheel and prin- i cipal geartf f.'jr, w.irianfed to do a r-ertnin .-imount of ; w^ork. Ti.itr yii'cn to Ust the wheel, mid ii' it does not j come up to our ligure, the wiieel ind gears to be deliver- I ed to us at the mill of the purchase.'. I J;sif”Refcreuce given ui.d required. j lir.ATH i STEVENSON, L.nurel Factory. Prince George Co., Md. i ROBERT BAIf’D. Agent, Richmond, Va. *’»-v ‘200 oi ISeri’inj?. T^OR «a:.:, very low. 2'H) 'jVils Herrinf. t>v r GEO. W. WiLMA.MS & CO. M irfh 14 9'i Deep Iliver Coai. \L, of n.^ l> quality can be had at the v orks at at a Ton. May 21, I86»3. en^o-Dible pr: -.- by the WM. McCLANE, Mining Engineer C-tf 46tf liAt OX. pHOlCE North Carolina BACON, Also, Western Sides and Shoulders, Oct. 14.—.54->f] G. B. COOK. The Sociable, or lOOl Home A- musement?: The .Vuiocrat of the Breakfast Table: Trt.c- turetj of Lola Mont«s: Chroniclcs of the Ba=tile, illus trated; The Magician’s Own Book; Living and Loving: Livingsitone s Travels; Live and Learn: The Power of Prayer, by Prime; School Books. &c., &c. Further supplies, just received. Jan’y 81 E- J* HAXE & SON. Fockft Alissnnac tov 1^59; rtpu-.-geon’s Gemh; Blind B;irtimeus. Feb’y 12 E. J HALE k SO.N Welwter's FlenieiBt.'jry «pii*tr.p I’ooks. A further SI.pj'ly just received. Jan'y 8 E. J- HALE & Si)N The HyiiinM and Oiweipiine oi the Ml tl .idif-t Church. • OcJ’r 13. A new supj)ly ju?l received. !•:. J. HALE ^ SON. Casiiwcirs A. Carolina Juxiticc. Jnsf rcc’d- J* HAliJc* it SON, M-jrch 17.