a: K E R Y iJHAST “■‘I “‘"I has now «■ 'inmon. Wijttv 'i '-‘r Earthen, which He has aUu a ■Ola^siv, I now IITE ‘»«'are. is the larg. l»€ K lid Silv K U n '' are. k; h: eJ littiw ( S His .• h with a ' Con. '■''■'K and ‘ ' iiuin^ of \"i'. Knr- ■«=-ts. Kin- '! .ns of all '^n.l every }nch h, i. tru-n.ls itnU the I. **•> ^hoe«. 4l00k ..f Hu .Tc Summ(‘r Wear. " ;'. V' '■ >i‘anu- ira. litv, which uip- ; iv'n cust. in,Ts anrc. .Thi.suc- •>i 10 t.: I ■i.'l'!;iu,re of , ’ ; charter, ha filiations ex.-.>etl S^'i'O - V ,1 H SlUj; ^ *'’■ riie.se ■■ irly forty I cla /It npeof " 1..' I'- t with th ,-i f -iiici'ess- a- irf in- ■i. ■ --n- - f ah .ut t.n " =? » >y in I* III, = .twith^ rar.'iacti. n- n ,j,le. in as p >ssible in ■ ich a P* - ii',-e ,)f the >r, carofi;’ly to !t Sfty distinct 'uni Hi • ' li >n each i;; .T ..n, »nd the '■■ ' in. extenj- >g vr -l'^-rty .. a very ... ai i i>res^ni3 a ’■i‘‘nce. upon which !Mt a matter of ti. iui*d> are ascer- f 'ing reduced to id re.' .1? - of wbic! are •^5. The .f;tna .nd placing has oMained the con “■■ii.".;d by no itiJ ■ increased its y h; with a steady Cl riry i> :he wide it pursues with covered in wi:h 1‘om- - uiosi sweeping d up other ' It ■- a )yf*teni ■! .4- c- .stability the a^-Ui-eJ jjti- T re - )F IK iO^tPt.W. .K;' i niU'KTrAL. 00 000. .1 K,Jr.,set'f. 1. :ni iU .-rtai ;\V Stu:! I* rJ, ' I sev •-"v. t -'lila.' vl f«w '•'ork. : 'S-t Value. 4,:212 To . J. . .18U 38 4-^'M'U :io,v>oo , 30,u00 1 .,000 Uo.'KHi 110 : t 57.502 12 52,;i76 9,100 lC.2tX> 2S. • >0 -.^«)0 -'(.(JOO :'j,272 12,6^)0 1,25=* , ■ ‘t 6,200 I, •' 0,25^' i: I 1,872 ;t 30,000 45,f>00 13,500 2P,'*bO ' I,4O0 5,4H) U.tlOO f,'i,450 K».300 l:i..')00 10.400 SJ l.'»:»0 2'i,noo !:!.4(X) 10,.«)0 oiti.o'X) 22.4?«) :;4,2i)0 27.O^'0 10.400 24,4' 12,20(* ;^2,400 H,*JOO 1(|.000 -,2'sO ;{;{.»-I;'? 22,0«W 44.400 •j:i ‘‘IMl 33[00! 42,4(K) 45,liK) 11,30) L’4,750 48,055 67 2iJ.059 l;i,07'i r>4 pany at Fayetteville, K. J. HALE. (DIB I-WEEKL.T. [VOL. VIII.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., APRIL 14, 1859. [NO. 805.] PRINTF.D MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. EDWARD .1. HALE Jt 80N, KD1T(»RS and phopiuetoks. T/#f- Wjat'fitgt Varrias^e Fartory in the l^oKth! Price till' thf StMiii-Wt'ckly OiisK.uvKU S'! if paid in .VI if pnid •lurin;' ;he your of substM'i]!- ‘'r a'^er itio ycur has expired, t' lV ilit“ Weekly (>nsEHvi.:r. $2 00 per aiimiiu. if paid i, !i.lv:ini e: S2 it paid diirinj: tho year of subscrip tion: or ?:! 0(1 after the year has expired. \1)VKRTISI>.MKNTS inserted for tiO cents per jUiiare of U‘ Hues 'he first, and 30 cents for each yiu'ceeding publication. Yearly advertisements by spe cial contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are requested ii> slate the number of in.sertions desired, or thev will he coiiiinued till forbid, and charged accord- iiigly. AJvernsoments to he inserted inside, charged 50 per cent extra. SPECIAL NOTICE. From and after this date, no name of a new subscriber w;!l be entered without payment in advance, nor will ■he papef be sent to such subscribers for a longer time :h»n i« paid for. Such of our old subscribers as desire to take the pa- ;cr ->11 this fvstem will please notify us when makinj: u'tnittances. ,T.in‘v 1. 1858. McK KTHAiX R' Seromf Spring Stock, STARl^ & WILLLUIS HAVK received and are now opening their second Slipplv of SEASOXABLE GOODS I 'mprising a splendid selecti -n of t!ie newest styles of rniiiy and Mta|>le Dry hOO«Im, KooU. Hoop Ready-tlacle C'lotliiii^:., With a large variety of NOTION>'. to which the atten- 'iuii of ^Vholesale Buyers is invited. STRICT .\TTKN'T Ion l'.\Il» Tn ORUKRS. J. B. STARK. .1. M. WILLIA.MS. April '■). 185',*. 4tf HATS. CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. 1850. .^3>riug and ^iiniinei* ^tock. J. t’. THOMSON INVITES the attention of lii'^ friends and the public goner.:'.!y to his large and compi 'e as-irtuient of Hat«, Cap**, Itoot!> an«l Nlioe?^. i^''rson« wanting goods in liis line are invited to give ;.im a call V.'eforc purchasing eiiOAhere. His large .and Varied ai-..rtineui assures hiu. tiiat he can please them ;n all resp-.-:s. l!_c ofl'er- ;iia g.-. ds j ■:ijh, or ' pr.iiiipi payin>; i-u.-toiiiers. gi - d .suj 1 ly THAV F.IlNti -oheaT). April ii)w prices for Ho nas also a :uid 1 At'KlNC. TRUNKS .). t . Til'.t.M.^ON. >t irk'.'t S j;;aic. FRESH SPRING GOODS. J. A. PK.I!f?KRTOA ESPECTFLLL\ inforiiis his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Hrick Build ings at his Old Stand. expre>>ly for nmnufacturing Car riages. Tiiankfiil for the very liberal patronage he has received for (he hi't 21 years, he hopes by strict atten tion to busiiie.'s, with a desiiv to gi'-e satisfaction, to merit a eontiiiiiance of the same. He warrants his work to be made i>f the best material and bj- experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the I’nited States, for neatness and lurability. He i> letermined to sell and do any work in lii- line tm as good terms as any work done elsewhere that i.- a- u.-ll dune. He now has on hand, tinislied. THF. LAHCH.'^T STOCK OF Carriages, Baroiiohev Itockaways and BiioiiM's, ever otl'ered in this p’..: -t'. a:.d a ^ ry large 'tock of work nearly tini>he'l. vlT-h will 1..- tiiiisht-d daily. All of which will be sold very low i’. : ca'-li. or on short time to punctual i-ustiimi-i>. 1:::- .;ii l»ai;d more than ONE HTNDRKD AND FlITV VKHICLKS finished and in course of eonstrui'tinn. JSia^'All work made by him is warri;nii'd 12 months with fair usaire, and .'IiduM it fail liv li.i ; workmanship or material, will >n‘ repaired tVee oi'chat .ire. Persons wishing to l>uy would do well to call and ex amine for themselves. Orders thankfully received anil proMptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very reason able terms. May 2S hV>::. H'.i-tf THE LAHGEST MAXUFACTOHY 1\ THK S'VXTi]. ^pllh siibsi-riber lieg'leave to return 1 his tliank fur the liberal ]i.itronage heretiif ire extended to him, and informs the }>ii’ ’ir- that iie h:!- now and will continue to have un iiicreaseil force of experie!.'-ed .''adille and H:ii ;;i s» Mtik- ers. who^i work In- vill waira.it; and that li.‘ i ji' .'paii d tc> uf'er to the pub lic a large .and \aried a—^orlment every thing kept in hi' iin-. Hi- .i--(.'. tment of Saddles. Harnerj.-*. Bridle-, Trunk'. I'ravelHiig Bagv. \'alices. \c., is uiHur]iassel tor wi :kinai.'hip and inatcriHl, au'l will ooiiijiare tavor-’' ly 1 V nc itnc-- with any otiier Manu factory, either North or S^- : IVrsoi!-- wanting any thing in his line will l.> hi ;i a t \ or to call and examine his stock befoi-e ] ureh--■ l.r ■ -.itistied it will not fail to please theai. Hi- e>r.‘':H'hni- iit wi.’t b* found live WESTERN UAH. UOAD. ON and afier Monday, __ i Freight Train wi>! run ", i, of .Noveiiibcr, i!ie \WiA Ir twr-cn Fay etteville and MeClenalian s .''t:ition: li'.niiiLr Favettevilh* every morning at 7 o'cloi-k asid refiii nin.L; at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of same day. Consignors are re>|nc--ied t ■ '^et 1 tickets with articles, stating consignee, dotinaiiou, \e. w, A. Krp;:u, (r.i\;' I’ \ .'^itp't. Whenever the amount of freighi t.iuy v'.]uire, an ex tra Ti'ain will leave I’ajcHi'ville and i (urn in the afternoon. Nov’r 22, lh5H. (;5- miL lioii) COUNTRY MERCHANTS. r ' • r-'"' JTwT NEW, nii;\r. \\\) i-xpfdhkh s KiU Tt fur Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. MEPkCHANTS an ; oih.-i;- m.opt piui’h.-i-iug their Fall and Winter Sniiiiiics. are rC'jUO'ti-d to notice, that bj* the completion oi ’ln‘ North Ivi'tern l!ail Road from Charleston. S. C.. toC'.ieraw. ilii .iilvantages ol a CHEAP ami EXPEDlTlOl S K,„. opened to them. All freigii! consigned t. North '''astevii Rail Roail CO.MMlS.';ioN. No char.e w:''. l>e i.: i ’ f .r good." will ?>e taken ■- ■; • ■ ..i in t until sent for. A schedule of chargi-- ^ tr.i be found at the Pi.t Otlic.' S. S. StM.oNi .\ug. 1S-'>S. from the Seaboard has been the eire of the .Vgent of tli’ will be forwirded FRF.E OK a-raw. All Warehouse of freijrht will [1 A.\D €RO€lt i:RY. W. N. TILLLXGHAST AS received most of his Spring Stock. \nd has now in Store, a hirgo supply of Common, WHITE (iUANirE. BLl'E, PINK, and other Earthenware. .\lso, a new style of I’urph-iloireral Ware, which is the ]irettiest colored ware in market. He has also a large stock Ilf (ilass-ware anl Looking-Cllasses. March li». 1S5‘.' 95tf STOCK Of Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware. I:. G r. b ^ E R GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., THE DISP0S1T10;\ OF THE BEING TO I'KOCUFE Foreigrn-maile Clotliiiiar^ 11 ,\S returned from the North with a large Stock of (ioods in his line, con sisting of Watches of all kinds and prices, from ^^8 to Gold Chains of all kinds and prices: Breast-Pins, Ear- Rings and Bracelets, a large stock: Gold Lockets, Fin ger Kings: Gohl Pens and Pencils; Silver Spoons of all kinds: a line lot Silver Cups. Plated Castors and Caudle Sticks, Cake Baskets: Clocks, Military Goods and every thing usually ke]'t in a .Jewelry Store, which he is pre- pareil to sell on reasonable terms. His friends and the public are invited to call and examine. March S, 1K.')'J 95-t5m iNS. Ihi'-'r ind Sup't. :;i-tf ^TFAMFK ••F.\N\'i d.-iy and 'I’liui - ’ f 1 rise: and \Vji nii.i; ■ ii —carrying ] . — .■ ^ Steam..- --Sii' . of F'lat'. ii.aki-- ' or st:r’ce-» to- , The iicci I' ot t . I ;.. pairi'd h. ■■ t-v •. , ('Very Moii- - iftrr Sun- Ill o'clock. omi' ifiiietit ii >:um- theIhu (let t;i nil i. dooi's Eat of C:ij Repairing u- P: ■n P ilotn r'patih. OVERBV Fayetteville. N. t'.. Oct. and 8hoei^* >PR1NG AND SU.M- rhe newest and latest IS now receiving hir Sio -k MER GOODS, embracing jtylei of the season. Ladies** Dre^s Croocl^; uRO DeRHlNE, POULDESAV. and ROBES ALES SILKS; a great variety of TISSUES, GRENADINES and ORGANDIES, in ROBES. DALILA. ROSATl, LEONORA. A LaRElNE. and A L IMPERA- TRICE PATTERNS, with [’lates sliowing the style of making up the same, and TRIM- -MINGS to correspond with each dress. Ciubroi(lerie« anti Lace CiootlM 4 all styles: Lace Pointed Mantles, Berage Mantles Mi l Shawls: a few very handsome New Styles Silk and >i«lla Ditto. ^ti*an l>ioo(l«. French Lace, Neapolitan, English Straw aiid Crape Bonnets of the latest designs; .Mi.-ses' and Children's Flats. &c., of very superior ijuality. A very large assortment of I'ounet and Sash Ribbons. French Flowers, Ruclies, xc. few very handsonie Head l)re:;e'. French Hair- 1‘ius, JCC. Keatiy-niacle Clothing:. A very large and well selected Stock of Ileady-.MHile Clothing, sotne of which was inannuu Uired >.xpri.xAii for nr tradf , and will compare in sivLb and wouk.m.v.nshii with any in this market. A few very handstuiie ('hild- ren’s Dresses and Talmas made up, me. BEEBE'S LATEST STYLE HATS. A very superior lot French Calf Boots, O.xford Ties liaiters, &c. Ladies’ heel French Gaiters and Slipper: 'f every description. Misses’ and (’hildren's Gaiters, Uppers, xc. In the above stock may be found all the latest ami :aost desirable Spring styles. The public generally are invited to call and examine for ^emselves. J. A. PEMBERTON. >^rch 9. 95-tJw NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! J. C. POE Has and will receive in a few 'lays, the largest and most thorough stock of Staple and Fancj Dry (ioods, \V)I. CAUTKIi & SON. WholosaU* A llotail arut Manul’acturi*rs OF Al.L K IM*S or Stiftdlf's anti Harness,! Or every df'' r:j.'ion. C ” ir-. Whips, xc. ! VND we al.'o particularly eall the attention of the whole surrounding country to give us a call, as we are de- j termined that none ■'hall surpass us in jUality or low I prices: tind we will givi- the highest cash ]Tice at K. .•hantre for all ouv the highc times for Piuw Hides and Tallow, articles. j ('ountry .^Ierchlnts would do w; 11 to call and examine ; our Stock, as we can se’l the',; Siioes of i much l»etter (luality than they usually get, mi very .iccommodatiiig terms. SotUhern Planters woidd '!o widl ti> - nd tu ;ill ' their orders as we are making a No. 1 article of NF.GRo I SHOES, that are warranted to '.rive entire satisfaction. ; N. B. All (.»rders from a di'taU'-e shall h-.ve pro!ii[.i , attention. I S. S. C \RTEIl. WM. CARTER. ■ GoMstfin P. >., ('ha’ham Co.. N. C., 1 ' Mar.-h 15. IS.'i't, '' O. IIOI STO^ ll’OL LD inlonii in- !V;eiid> aid loriiier customers that ) \ he maj’ lie f'juiid 2 door- I'cl.iw t iu- '.ipe Fe:ir liank, and :i doors aliove hi-; dd .-lai 1 'ouili 'i'le Person .Street, ! where he intend- to keep m hnii'l. Harness, Saddles. Cridli's. Whips, ( ollars, ainl every thing lu-’on-i!'- to hi.' ira'lc. lie rei)ectfully invites his frieii'N from the counirv to call ami examine his stock before ]‘urcha^iiig. He will attend to Repairing of il:-,;-nes and Saddles punctually, and lii.s cii.ii’ges n1i,-i11 tn- modtrate. He would rcpiest all indebted to the li.iii ol HOUSTON (>VE11BY to settle with W. Overby or liiiiisclf, as they are compellel to settle the firm’s delits. August 27, 1K5(>. tf \\\.\:\ Hid II 1 V. It II 1H.WE as'-ociatc Dailey, and will t 'Ve havi- pur h i I a few da_\will I Thise favoritij: u> \'it ! j'roni]it tle'paieu. o\ I or to me at mv ' IV, ■ M. iiHKl.l T March 2''. TWO DllOPiS UJHV. I'ay«‘llc‘vi5 4r, Jan’v ‘20. Tin: lAViliOSlA • ■ er offered to the public by him. I iiin'l—and showed with pleasure- .‘Is:— In his Stock will be -in part the following rilKl'-AK!;!' I’.V I’K ('oni]>oiindod fiuirely frrtr.i IS O.VK. (IF TU'-: KK.'-i ITRi; \TT"i , I mriNK.s (H.w iic- ii. - r'li'iip. ii- «>a!ier, miMrr, ant lo It IS not only a Liver lo i carry vi'W STIIKF. ^ Si# l> J. W. IIAIti:R Is lunv rcci'iviiio: fVuiii tlic Xortli the largest. fniC't. aii'l iao>t carefully selected stock of *r« KK ever ofl’ered in tl.I w.irkei; which added to RICH BL'K AND FANCY COL'D SILKS: IX'Ul’.LE JLTE ROBES; ROBE A'QUILLE, ROBE A LES in BER.VGLS, ORGANDIES, MUSLINS, &c. ROBE-A-LA-DUCHESSE; ROBES VALENTINE; "RGANDIES, GINGIL'MS, LAWNS and Ml'SLINS of all styles and ipialities: great variety’ of English, French and .\merican MtlNTS, ALPACAS, CIIALLIKS, DEP.ACiES, BE- RAfJES, BOMBAZINES, &c. ';LL.\RS and SLEEVES: also, in sets for mourning. 'Wl.'^s .JAC. EuGINGS, INSERTINGS B.\.NDS. •V large stock of ^iiaulM anti Hanliii.'iN, ilic latest styles; together with .Misses'and (Jhildren's Hatr: He.'id-Dresses; Ribbons, Jiuehes, Flowers, Parasols. Fans, Unitirella^, Bonnets \ Hats. '■real Stook of HotliH, Cassimeres anti Kcatlt/- Clothing. I'ho al. ,ve coniprises but a small jiortion of the stock. ' which Was -elected in I’hiladelphia and New York with reference to the Latest Spring Sta les, and will be sold to c’stotnerp on g >od terms. C. POE. March l!(, '.t5-iw ' ~ OLD RILLM. \I.l, ■'r.aons indebted to the concern of FRANK iS: •lEhiiV and .T. II. ROBERTS 5: Co.. are requested coine forward and settle *heir b-11.,. If not settled the last of tliis month, they will and them in the uands of a L;.wful Collector. J. H ROBERTS & CO. -May 3. ib08. 7tf his own man'.ifact ure, ic.akes all of which he will sell on tl ca'^h or on time to punctual i Fashionable painted cottage l.( setts; curled hair and ^liuck, mio Looking Glasses: Willow Wagonx Boards: BureaHs: Secretaries and Nets; Tables, al! sor's; Wa.-h Sta a.';airlmcnt complete;— iwc St possiMe terms for tners. :■( roi^ni Furniture in I’ld cotton Mattresses: and t'radles: Side I’look-Cases; W ii;it- .1': ( aiidle Statidr-: lullv fiTonuJti , Imt /»»■ ^ > eiwt its morbid malter. ihrn oi r off that matter, thii’* a*-coim»h»l ally, wUho!il any uf lh« paiuful of moH It ?*rc? grille- lime that it parpc«?H it; %nd when taken will slrenjfthvn anil builil il up *xn The Ijtrer in one of tht*, • ]■ ’’ human boljr ; and ^^h«*n it th« puwert of the svntem are is almost entirely df’'^nd**‘.l Z.i>er for the proper peri* m-: Biomachiiat rauit,thebovfcI wystem snffert In copseqnon^ • harirtfr ceased to do its /luly jcan, one of the proprW-to’- practice of uior«j than twi:, y wherewith to coiUiterHct U liable. To prove that this reinHr !s ble«l with IjIvci* i tnu- haM but to tiy a botlle. h i«: These Jutiis r/mo»o kIi tlif system. snpp’yiuK in thHr Invijrorati.iif the n»niu''’.. I>iti Ifylna; tli‘ hitxMl, rien* ird i»- ihf • at funli, u]>d Hi *^E are receiving .a large stock of BOOTS. 'HOES AM> (iAlTEIiS, emb/’aciiij^ fery variety of style and quality, Siiituble f«tr Spring and SumnuT Wear. The Stock was selected with care frtmi the best manu factories with reference to style and durability, which we offer cheap for cash, or to ]irompt paving customers. —ALSO— , ' 1 Trunks, Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, (’alf. Goat, j Lining and Binding Skins, with a general assortment of Shoe Fimlings. S. T. HAWLEY & SON. March 1 J. IS5‘.I i.*lj-6w llsirdware^ Cutlery, NAI>l>liKRY% &c. J.\’\lE.s M.MITINE is now receiving a large and gene ral assortment of everv thing in the above line. —ALSO— jirinie article of Rio. Laguira and Java COFFEE; • 'rushed and Brown SUGAR; Sugar House SIRUP and MOLASSES. AH of which i« offered on as good terms as can be had in till' market. ,'^ov'r21. 1>'5s, tjt’itf s rm KN, 5SHEET lilOX, TIX-WARK, A:c. ON HAND, a large a'sortmcnt of Box and Cooking Stoves; Tin-ware: Sheet-Iron; Lead Pipe. .\lso The ifominion Voft'ef Pot." For sale l.y JAMES MAHTINE. Nov'r2l. tilitf Rank ol* Aortli C'arolina. |)OOKS of subscription to the Capital Stock of the I) P>aiik of North Carolina will be opened attheOffice ol the \Ve.:^tern Rail Road (.'onipany, on Wednesday, .'ipiil l.'i, and will be kept open according to the pro- vi>-ion of the ih.irter for the space of sixty days. ;E0RGE McNElLL, W. McL. McKAY, JNO. M. ROSE. Commis.aioners. Fav'-:teville. N. 1.'.. March 2t», lS-'>9 8tX> Caro!inn CUff^ Cm IllE Atlantic ;ind North ('arolina Railroad being now mpleted to Beaufort Harbor, I have determined to at (,'arolina t ity for the purpose of doing a Forwarding and General Ccmmission ■* awh: JiKT and hope liy piiunptness atid strict attention to merit li.i:i'.nage and 'iipport. Being the Agent of Murray's l.iiie ol' First Class Packets to this and .Morehead City, every eli'ori wiii be made to make this the cheapest and iiio'i exiNMliiious route to New York. Vessels will be loa'led and ilischarged at my Wharf (adjoining the Rail- I 'lad W harf.) and thereby save cartage and lighterage. Particular attention will be given to all orders, and to the sale ami shipment of Produce. WM. B. GR.\NT. July 2'.'. 1H.'>S. ;52-ly \oli€‘C‘ to .^oldic'rK’ %¥i(lo%«>». rnllE Widows of .Mexican Soldiers, and the Widows of 1^ Soldiers who iiiKi) i.n skrvice in the war of 1812. can liavc ilieir pensions continued by calling on the under- -^igned. Congress having made additional provision for I 'ienl. Give me tiie management of your claims, and the money shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSfl, Agent for Pensions. F.iyetIeville. Juno 12, 1H.38. 19- "Deei) River Coal. TC.\11N»IS CO.VL of the best ruiality can be had at the works at E;ty]jt, al a reasonable price by the n. " WM. McCL.VNE, Miuing Engineer May 21, ISotl. (j-tf TNVITE THE ATTENTION OF MERCHANTS AND 1 1 Buyers generally to their very heavy Slock of Groceries & Hardware. Consisting in part of I 230 Bags Rio, Laguird and Java Coffee; I 75 Bbls. Sugar; I 17 Hhds. Do.; 3:J Bbls. and Hf-Bbls. Mrs Miller’s Eagle Mills and Bonn’s Snuff; 50 Boxes and Kegs Soda; 35 “ Tea; 36 “ Starch; 100 “ Glass, various sizes; tjO “ Adamantine and Sperm Candles; 20,01)0 lbs. Western and N. C. Bacon; 4O0 Bags Corn; Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Indigo, Madder; Raisins. Soap, Candy, &c.; 500 Kegs Nails and Spikes; 160 Doz. .Steel and Iron Hoes; 57G Pr. Trace Chains; 45 Doz. Eng. and German Wheat and Grass Blades; 50 “ Shovels, Spades and Forks; 35 Coffee Mills; 10 Tons and upward Hollow-ware & Plow Castings; Also, a full and complete assortment of Hardware and Groceries not enumerated; Blacksmith’s, Cooper’s and Carpenter’s Tools; 10 Tons Hoop Iron; A large assortment of Swedes, American and English Iron; German, Blister and Cast Steel; Shoe Maker’s Material and Shoe Findings; ?»»ad cilery; 50 Doz. Wagon and Buggy W'hips; In addition to our large and well selected stock of Shelf Goods, we have on the way and expect to receive in a few days, direct from the manufacturers iu England, the heavie.st stock of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Shears, Scissors, Razors and Files, ever offered in this market. f We shall also import during the year, 100 TONS SWEDES IRON, various sizes, from 1} to 12 inches; 50 tons of which we expect to receive about the 15th of J une. We shall Ann to our stock from time to time, as the trade rcpiires; will at all times be prepared to offer in ducements to Country Merchants, paying stkict atten tion to orders. March !>. 1^59 05-3m A. J. w O O 1.) A11 n 1)I’ING A PRACTICAL TA1L(»U. wiil lake the mca- l) sure of any person or persons, :io l 1 've their clothes made to order. He is urged to do this f; oni the fact that His Cutter in New York Is i(x» mu» U Eiigag:cd to tome to Fayetlevl?lc. and because the expense necessarily aticiiding sr.ch a journey would be an additional tariff upon the £r>ods which should be made. Frenchmen are reputed to be the best fa-hionalie cutters in the world, and in one of his Houses iu Nr“W York he has a French Cutter, whose work he will warra nt. Persons desiring a good suit of (’lothes will do web to call at WOODW'ARD’S Adams & Co.’s Express havi-g lowered the fare, he will supply (’'oats, made ot the best quality of cloth, any color or style, iit a price not ex ceeding twenty-five dollars. jJig^Should the Cloihini; not be satisfactory upoti their arrival no charge will b ■ made. April ‘,t A. J. WOODWARO Has four houses in new YORK. from w'-.jh he makes his own selection-!. April St Tliose Yoke-Seani ^liirtfi* AVE created quite an excitement. There are none equal to those found ai A. J. WOODWABD'S, Two Doora below Dr. ilinsdale s l-2t ■?-2t H Finest Family (iroceries for 1859. ACKER MERRALL .S: CO , IVo. IU2 Chamber J^treel, Cornel* of College Place, (Opposite Hudson River Rail Road Station.) NEW yuRK. DEALERS IX FINEST WINES, FINEST BRANDIES, FINEST SEGARS, FINEST TEAS, FINEST COFFEES. FINEST SUGARS, FINEST BUTTER. FINEST HAMS, FINEST TONGUES, and FINEST FAMILY GROCERIES, of every description, put up for Shipment to all parts of the World. Catalogues will be furnished upon application. March 24 09-3m April ;t Summer in Coining! C.VLL AT A. J. WO(>DW AUD'S for a nice. Ugh:, well-made suit of Clothes. April 9 4-2t The iiood«» 1’^HAT PUFF THEMSELVES are to be found at A. J. WOODWARD S, .sear the Market. April 9 4-2t Hiing^arian and Honey Blade €*ras9 S>ee€i! ll/’E havethisdayreceived alot ofthe Hung^ivi.anGrass V\ Seed for sale. We are the regular aii'horized a- gents for Cumberland, Robeson, Richmond, Moore and Chatham counties. Those who have engaged are re quested to call and get their >everal quV.ntities as soon as convenient. Those who wi*h to obtain some of the seed had better call soon, as the supply which we shall be able to furnish this season will be limited. Explan atory pamphlets distributed gratis. J. II. ROBERTS ic CO. At the old Stand of E. Vi. V."illkings A: Co. April 9 4-4w. PliRUVlAxV GUANO. The undersigned has made arrangements by wliii'h he is prepared to furnish, at short notice, any required quantity of i%'o. 1 PeruTian i*iiano, all of which will be from direct importations, into the Port of Wilmington, and warranted pure and genuine. Orders foj the above excellent fertilizer are solicited, to which prompt attention will be given. As this is an article which does not admit of being sold on time, cash or its equivalent must accompany each order. BEVERLY ROSE. July 8. 26tf PAI1(T>», OILS, A:c. SPERM, Refined, Lard. Linseed and Tanners’ OIL; White Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; Window Glass and Sash of all sizes. —ALSO— Afresh supply of POND’S PAIN DESTROYER. For sale by JAMES MARTINE. Nov'r 24, 1858. 66tf low J. H. ROBERTS x 00. 4-2w 1'IRESH and sweet, just received by the Str Sun, for cash. April y 4 NOTHER Lot just received from New York. A IL ROBERTS L CO. April 0 4-2w COFFKE. TWENTY-FIVE BAGS received this day. J. H. ROBERTS i CO. April 9 4-2w Bacon, Lard and Itutter. 1 I^ACON SIDE.N xOUUU 400J lbs. Leaf Lard: 1500 “ Ooshen Butter—extra; 35 sacks Coffee. Just received and for sale low bv Dr. FKAXK WILLIAMS’S RYE WHISKEY. MITCHELL hasj made arrangements with Dr. Frank Williams, to be constantly supplied with his celebrated RYE WHISKFIY, which can be had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Oct’r 11, 1858. 53-tf R. April 1] F. MOORE. 4-St A © •'m at lH“t A I 1 f'oaii before*' 4')tf Wardrobes: Picture Franic> rind Glas': W ind'iw Shades: Cornices; Curtain Baii ls: S.’‘’is in .Mahogoiiy and Wal nut: Tete a Tele.“: OltoinaiH; Divans and Stools; (’hairs of every variety. _ ^ Fine RosowuikI IMaixis. tine witli .Koliaii at- tachnieiit; Rosewood .Melodians iVom the best manufac tories in New York and Boston, warranted as good as any made in tiie countiy. .ind will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. September 2. Water Wheels! Waler Wheels!! E are now nianufactiiring \ A.N DLW .\ 1 ER S IM- jONVAL TURBINE WATER WHEEL, for Mills and Factories of every descviptioii; and all those wi.shing to iinprovo their water power will I'l^d it lor their interest to address us by letter, •stating the number of feet, head and fall; their usual niiioiint of water: tlie kind of machinery to be driven. We can then give them price of wheel, or what we will fni ni'^h wheel and prin cipal ge.irs for. warranteil to do ii certain amount of work. Time i/ivin tn ti.tt the ir/nt l, ami if it does not come 11)1 to our figure, the wheel and gears to be deliver ed to us at the mill of the purclni“cr. fi^“Reference given and required. HEATH STEVENSON, Laurel Factory. Prince George Co., Md. ROBERT BAIRD, Agent, Richmond, Va. 6-y i£i K rau>*T ii h- tl To dijff-'t well. tui.v* .ti- lo tl.f ihe CHU.-^e of tiA- iV.M K-i.— lUicl, utiil, 'iviiat |h t: iCCH5!UTl‘d u^e thf fcl«*nt tu i«*li**ve th«* Moniach , r»«it»K retiriiip:, prt-ven's ll\'i IK'KS. whole mai'hmery, effertlnK • radical ctir«. ! t-r -1 better, h\ 'Wl, L>lv«>r 111vl^tn-nlor. ()iie do8f* attrf eaiin/; is snf •nd p. event the f* oJ f Only one do.se tak maro* Oiiiy on* do«e taken at gently* ar.1 Ccrei^ ’0^- One dofte tnken after eHch 9^(')ne two tt.i Silck ilentlaclie* 0^ C>ne bottle takew for fe canxe of the disease, and [ Only one done imme>iiftt»*ly . I >ne dose oft*»n repeat*d is I I^Iorbus, and a preventive #4^ Only one Lotlle i« syntem the effects cf medi- ft^One bottle taken tor lowtiess or unnatural color (hie dose taken a short goT to the appetite, and makes One dose ofieu repeated I'lirea In it# worst fono'^. Uowel complaints yield One or two dot^es cures al ^ Children : there is no Hurer,: the world, as it nevrr r'nii.>. A few bottles cuiet.,** absorbents. We takeplensnrc in recom -j r prerenlire tor Kevei* ni»»l and all Pevew of >i ^ I. with certainty, and thouhaniihi ‘t wondertal \irtu«a. • *— All who iisr H nr*- testimony In it% favoi. Water l»i inouli*. llii the li ^orator« ttiul »\% uUo’vv 5>ot n 1 iier* THE LIVER \TOR I!? A 8'IKVT1KU; ;Vv;:v, ,1 working: cure^, uioi‘''i t •• -■ ’■ . It i tirt-' h*. irthf .1.-^' >" t' d m r'or o.ie bottle ib rrn.\.:r‘i ‘-i ’« ‘ ‘ t •: ' from the wnH J r /* •« '■ •M'o-oii • all of whi'^U are t’ p •.... r • 1. • • 1.1 \ ruioi-; 0->f: d.u.i. . *ti.v. 50^ • ijj ma!. •■'.•«Trnttiun lemovc- t'tt* a pet leot *i;i« . vli’lf H 8nr« ft le I'or jot Cholera. 1U-, I I" 111' 'u; .1'' icine after a lor>^ ninoi. ^ ;>!i ^i^l Iliom the skill. linn? b«r..ii: ;'atiilK «>'• " 'IikhI (liirfst -.^H'll. > iiie» Dlnj- ■whilp Sniiil»»-r n,,.i lilnKi"! '.lu lir:t : tifk!- I'Miiveit !■ ill >HCtfr, ii-n.C'ly ir. l>ro|Wj', by exciting llii- . t I.Ill i'Vl'e. lixir lit TAKEA CP, rPA KI’.N uji ami comniitted to the Jail of Cuniberland I County on the 15lh insi., a NEGRO BOY, nameil .lOlIN BR.VCE or JOHN FR.\NK.LIN, who says he is free, and that he came from Columbia, S. C. .fohn is small, a bright miilaito. and hail on when taken up a white wool hat and steel-mixed frock coat and pants. The owner of .said Negro is notifietl ti) come forward, jirove ]iroperiy. ]iay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt witli as the law directs. GEO. L. McK.VY, Jailer. Oct'r 15, 1858. 55- ,\ejjroes! i\'esroes!! Wanted. I’.NTLEM EN. your old customer is yet in market for V J Likely Negroes, for which 1 am determined to pay the Highest Cash Prices. Person' 'uavintr such for sale would do well to give me a call, or address me at t'linton. N. C. .\ll onlers promptly attendeil to. J. A. .McARTHUR. Clititou. N. C., March (i, 1850. H;'-Iyrpd -\otice.—Aesroex Wanted. rno the farmers and citiicens of the Connlies of Dnpiin, ] W.'iyne, Johnston. Harnett, Moore, Cumberland, Robeson. Bladen, Columbus, Brunswick, New Hanover, and Sampson: The subscriber being desirous of purchasing a number of likely young Negroes, of all classes and descriptions, avails himself of this method of informing those who maj' have such piroperty to dispose of, that thej^ would do well to visit me at home, or address me at Clinton, N. C.—for which they shall receive a visit. A word to the wise is sufficient, av it is well understood that I pay exceeding high prices. EVERETT PETERSON. Feb’y i4, 1859 88-9m FIovvm! Plows!! Pious!!! NO. 0 PLOWS; 50 No. 10 Plows; 50 No. 11 “ 25 No. 50 “ 25 No. )0 “ Points, Bars and Mould Boards to suit. For g.ale by C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 79- Tiirpentine Hackers, Scrapers, Pullers and Dippers, 4 LL of the first quality, can be had at .M. A. BAKER’S GUN SHOP, Fayetteville, N. C. Jau'y 15. 1858. 80tf Notice to Turpentine Distillers and others* I.VM fu'ly jirepared to make or repair TURPENTINE STILLS, or do any thing in the Copper or Sheet Iron work, at the shortest notice. M. A. BAKER. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1850. 82tf Butter, Cheese and Crackers. 1 FIRKI.NS (loshen Butter; X*/ 25 Boxes State Cheese; 10 Bbls. Soda and Butter Crackers. Just received by C. E. LEETE. •Jan'y 12 79- (mIII A'et and Seine Twine. A LBS. Gill Net Twine; T.'Olbs. Seine Just received by C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 79- To Rail RouA Contmrtors! JUST RECEIVED loo w he::lbaruows, light and strong, for the Rail Road. For s.ale by Cig^ars! Ci§^ars!! Cigars!!! CHOICE LOT, of various brands, ju't received and for sale by MRS. M. BANKS. April 11 l-]w lloxes English Dairy Cheese. TUST RECEIVED and for sale by •} MRS. M. B.VNKS. .\pril 11 4-1 w TRCST SALE COATIACEIK The Trust Sale of Jas. G. Cook will be resumed on 25th Jlay next, when the lot east of his Store v,ill be sold, unless it should be sold at private sale: th» lot is 24 by 189 feet. At the same time i(uite a number ofvther articles. S.\MPS*N P.oiiN, 'Iru-; e. Fayetteville, April 11, 185ib 4-t.s !5ouse and l^ot tor *»'aie. Dwelling, and near!} One Acrt ■ ,_. onnd, Well good water v'scc., corner of Hill-borough and .^Ioore Streets. Terms—Negotiable Note of ninety d;i>s at Bank. Price S40C>. --^pply to W'illiam Over’.\. A. E. .^lERSH. April t5 1-8t-].'d T'iJ .Tliscellaneous Books. rpHE American Home Garden, illustrated, by Aiex'i Watson; The Old Plantation, by Hitngerford; Sylvan Holt'?. Daughter, by Holme Lee; Self Made Men, by :>ey Tiour; Episodes of French Hist-iry. by Mi«« Pardoc Kendall's Santa Fe Eypedition; Miss McIntosh's Work-.; I'ercy Anfcdotes; Lives of the (queens of Scotland, by Agues Stiickland Uarne.:>' Vo'p'; ..n tlic Books >t'(he Ne'.v Te.='iament; Liiernl i’ranslations of t! .' Classics; AbHott’® Life of Napoleon Bona’iurte; xe. April 0 E. J. HALF .t SON. A.WTAL :HEETIACw. F. & W. P. K. CO. 1'^HE .\nnual .Meeting of the .''tockhohlers of the Fay etteville .t Western Plank Road Co. will take plj*cp on Thursday 28th inst., at 11 o’cloek. in the Town Hau JNO. M. ROf'E. Sec'v F. &. W. P. R‘ Co. Fn vetievil'.e, April 8, 18-39. 4-im D. i W. March 29, 1859. McLAURIN. 800tf Dr. S.^NKClJin. .■ Sstailed hy all T)i J* JAS. N. SMITH uu'l Nov’r 11. J. ’''I^^■).,!.E. f':iyetievin»*, N. 62-ly .4 new and complete Aorth Ca- pilina FORM BOOK, compiled from the best sources, and intended as a companion to Cantwell’s Justice. April 2. E. J. HALE & SON. HAY! HAY!! B.ALES PRIME H.VY, just received and for Ze)U sale by J. H. ROBERTS & CO. March 28. 80U-tf 300 Bbls. ot Herring^. 110R sale, very low. ‘^'lO Bids Herring, by t GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. March 14 96 BACON. CHOICE North Carolina BACON, Also, AVestera Sides and Shoulders, Oct. 14.—64-tf] ,C. B. COOK. TCr’'I'hc Annufil Convontion or the Protestant E->i«=copal C;invcb in the Diocesc of North ("arolina. wil! I.o held in ST. STEPHEN’S ('HUP.CH, GOliDSBOROUfill. first Wedneoda’ in .M iy, I'^oO.* EDWARD LHC 'VINSLOW'. Secy. Fayetteville, April 4, 18-59. 2- Further Supplies ot* Books. My Tliiity Years Out of the f^ennte, by .Major .Tack Downing: Bulwer’s Novel, “What Will He h- '•Vitli It?" Brownlow Pryne's Controversy; Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life, by Prof. Wilson; Erie, or Little by Little; Sterne’s Works; Longworth on the Grape; Kip’s Lenten Fast; Buck’s TliiKilog. Dictionary; Ruskin’s Political Economy of Art; Treasury Blotting Paper; School Books, &c. .fust received. E. J. HALF] & SON. ^ April 4 2- ColtonN Jlountaisi Scenery, Another su[*ply reccivett Trice cents. By mail *18 cents. April 4 E. J. HALE & SON. ' The Revenue iLt^w. VFEW more copies (pampl.’et form i received and for sale. E. J. HALE & SON. April 4, 1859 WORTH ft UTLET. 17-