FAl KTTEVII.I.E HOTEL, T. WADDILL, Puoi»RiF,T()U. pHIS, tho most commodious Hotel in North Carolina, fronting 300 feet on Iluy and Donaldson Streets. 1‘^caled in the centre of the buBinesa portion of the town, and surrounded by all the Banking Houses, ^^^lole3ale Merchants and princi pal ProUuce Dealers. Buainesi men will find the Hotel and comf3rtsblo house. All the .*?lHges arrite and depart ii Fayetteville, Oct. 1, 1858. couNcnient tins lTot‘l. ■'.t SHEMWELL F.*YETTKVII.».F. >. '• il of (rrctn Strt'^f, i> /> >'' o/ thr- Mnrhtt. THK Siib.>>eriber dctsiros tlirmifrli tliii nicdinm I ' ackowledge the lihornl ]';itriinn?e O'l up.Ill his House tlie past your—:i!nl as lio has just orociivi N^w Stables atiil t.'arria .;‘ Sin-.I (.•••n\er.- ient to tlie M'lu.-i.- jijuI to WHtt-r he tak ■ | li'.tsiisv ii; '.ly ing to hib paf;-dn!« ami th-' juiliiic ^'ciu'rally. iiiat In-i> still piv('ar. .l lu ai.’Comr.ui.Ute iln*in Iili li:iii>ii‘nt a:i.l permanfiii boaril, .snil rfspcctfully solioiis i-.iniiiiuai»e»* of the libpr.nl pfitvcnap* herftoforo rn-oivfl. Il't-rv cx- prtion on !i;.- part .^hall tie uhcI t lot; i. i tlu ui (Mint'ort:i- ble iurinjr tiioir sojourn with hiiu. llis table is ahvnys suppliL'J with the best the market :;tri>nls. P. SIIKMUEI.L, Mar^'h -4, WAY.\E uoi G0L1>SU0R0\ N. (' undersigned annouuot > to tlf pufilic that he has t.ikeii t'harjre of the abovt' Ks- tablishment, and i« I'repared t.>aocouuui.date Boaidtrs, by the day, week or inoiith. .\nd ht? as.suros all who niny favor him with thi-ir ]iatr.>iiafre, that he will endeavor to pive pert'eci ■»>»tist'aou>'ii. Table supplied with the best the market aft'orcls .lAs'i!. S.MITH Ocldsboro’, Jan’y 28, 185y ^4-lyr FAYETTEVILLE MUTl AL IXSllllANCE COMPANY. ASSETS $230,326.28. This Comii.my has been in operation more ihau live yoars, and ha.s paid its losses. to SI'.'.iLli) ^'0. without any assessment; insuiv-'wc averaging: its u.^*mber- about \ percent. Policies issued t,. 1st of .May, Amount if property now itisure>l. . 171,.'.;'-! .\mount premium notes t\iiw .m hand. J'J '.I': ]\'EW DRY GOOD8! »*. Mae t.VTVRK —IS KKCEIVIXC — Bleached shirting, from the well-known Mills Bart lett's James's. New Vork; lUtcs's and Voting Americii .soft finished, suitel to the needle or sewing machine. Summer ’as.simeres, Kentuckj-.leans, Union Mixtures; T-inen l)riUinjrs, White and Colored Cotton Drillings; t'oKired and Wliite Allen l)ales’ and Marseilles Quilts; Hlcached Sheetings and I’illow ioods: Table I>amask, Towelinir and Napkins: Talicos. Ginghams, l*rilliantcM. White Jaconets; N^^nsook. Tarleton ard Swiss .Nln.^lin: Printeil Lawns and Lawti Uobes; «Jacfinet. Swis.s and Li.sle Inserting and Edging: Head Dresses. Muslin Kmbroidered Collars; I'nder-sleeves and Collars, in sets, (extra Super;) l?lack Silk Lace and Edgings; lUbbons and S;ik Fringes. IJtiches, Artificials and Wi-eaths; Kill (il'ives. Lace Mitts. IMaek and Fancy Belts; 15i>niu‘ts. Flats and Hats for girls: Lttstre. Lincu and Plaid Dusters F.xteiisiou Skirls, witli improved Hustle: I'mbrellas. Parasol-:, Shoes and (iaiters; hriving and Kiding Whips. I’ayotteville. March ‘Jl. IMAO. ?*8-6w \i:w sviii\u Ginms. m SK A 7» • •fames Kfple l.S NOW HKCEIVINC. A LARGE Sl PPLy OF |)l!V(iO()l)8, HATS, SHOES, BO LT 1 X (i r LOTUS, A:c., .\11 of which will be otl'ert'd i: V W }| t) L ESA L E OK H E T A 1 L. .Vs low U' tile -ame iiunlitv can be had in this State. March Is.VJ. ' '.'Itf The Fayal, Everett and Havelock Hatfi! VLSO, a beautiful a»sortmcnt of the LATEST STVl.E SdFT H.VTSihigh and low crown,) and all tlie style* of the most elegant Hals of the season, cati now be s«eu ai the l>aza.-ir. A. McKlMMON. Marcii I'i '.i7-tf D. w Cash preraiunu rcoeivtd, JtKCToKS Geo. McNeill, l». A. Kay. H. L My rover. W. TiilinghH-t. Henrv’ Lilly, N. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, T S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaurin, tl 1. Hawlev, W. V. TiilinVhaM. A. McKetli.iii. .1. I>. Williams, .1^-. G. Ci'ok. . Steele. Jus. Kyle, J. ti. Shejihwrd. K. F. I’rown, W ilniingiou. A. E. Hall, Wilmington. OrFICER,-'; GEO. McNEILL, Pre-ident. D. A. H.VV, Vice President. C A. McMlLL.AN, Secret.ir\ John Collins and C. .McCnunmen. Travelling .Agents. #[®“The Company invite applicntions. May ‘21, IS-iiB. l;iY ATLANTIC MI Tl AL Fire and Marine Insurance rompan}, CAROLINA (’ITY, NORTH (’AROLLNA linoriHjratei/ f,i/ (lu Art of th> Lujhlnture Xorfh ('itroh'iiK. This com pan V being duly organized, is n. ,v pre pared to receive applications for insuratiCo upon Buildings, Merchandise, Furnitun*. Mills, Manu factories, Ships and their (ar:r;H-s, And most kinds of property, at remanerai ive rate of premium. It is aimed in the organization of tiii> ■. mjiany, to make a safe mediuci for Indemnity anl Protection to the assured in case of Ly-s. An honorable and ii(iright course of dealing, and a faithful fulfillment of its con tracts, will at all times characterize the busiues> of the Company. Applications for Insurance may )>e mu'b- at the office of the Company, or t j its authorized Ag> nr.. DIRECTORS John A Parrott, Levi T Ogleihv. U' B Grant, David S Jones, Geo Dill, Col Thos J Blakely Luke Blackman, OFFICERS John A Parrott, Levi T Oglesby, W S Long, E A Thompson, A B Chapin, W B Grant j W ,S Lonr I EXECUTIVE COMMi 7 i Davl i W Ueli, j ^larch li' V'idiani .'s Long. r»avid \V Bell A r> *'hapin. •Samuel Lrf). •, Joel II Davis, I> -V Hargo't. F Mallett President, Vice Presiden', Tnnf.irf^r, Atr'ruey .~e 'retarv iV W. MfLAlR[\, ’■(H'l.D invite attention to their large atid de>-irable Stock of (;koci:kii:s, ; Consisting in ]>art of— l.*)0 Raus Kin, L;iouira unl Java (’ofl'oc; ! Bbis. atul Hlids. Suirur : .tssortcd;) L'a lilids. .Mohtssfs; • •“ liacoii—Side.s atiil Shoulders; nt'f Sacks Salt; L)0 Hii.xes trood Toliacfo; ll!'> “ Sjtenn, Adaiiiantiiie\ Tallow (’audios; .ill *• Soap assorted;) ot> “ (’andy 100 R:tirs Shut 1000 lh>. Rar Le:id; :>* ^ Rills. Siiuft—l-:a;Jc .Mills; ■J;’) Keirs Soda; ‘•oO •' NaiK. —ALSO \ large an 1 gener.il assortment of Hai‘fl\«ai*e and Cutlery; Farming I teii>il.s. ol'all descriptions; Anieri'aii, KiiuHsli, Swedes and Pertiviaii Iron; Rli.'ter, Ii'nii;iii and (’ast Steel; Rhicksmiths’ Ttwds; iKtpeis’ Do.; Cyril She’lt-r.t and !^traw (’utters; Ruckets. RriKiius ,‘xiid Fails; ’uttiii, Maiiilhi atid .1 tite Rope, , all kinds and (juality; '■ Plow Lines and Red 'urd>; llolluw \V are; 'tttiu \ arn> and Sheotiii'.rs at t'aetory prict's. All of whioli will be sold i.ow for r\su, or on n-iual time to ]irompt paying customers. ( III ntky MKKCit vnt.-* are respecifully re«|uc^te i to call and examine our stock bufore purchasing el,«e- vV W. .McLAi PIN. Land for Sale. lOHN T. (JILMORE now offers for sale a portion of (»| his hwamp lands in the county of Cumberlanil about 14 miles below Fayetteville, and about lA miles East of the (’ape Fear River. The entire swamp has been suc cessfully drained, of the large bod}' of water by which it was heretofore covered. The lantl is apparently level, being free from ridges (which are so common to swamp lands generally,) whilst there is an abundance of fall, by which the rain water can be carried olf by ordinary ditches. .V small portion of the land has been in ctilfivation about 7 years, and those persons who h.ive seen the crops regard the land as equal in fertility to any they Itave seeti iti this State or elsewhere. The location is liealtliy, the neigliborhood good, .ind the ac cess to Fayetteville ami Wilmington easy by means of a good road li miles in length leailing directly to the river. F?esiles this, it is within o miles of a beautiful little village, uj>on ;i high and healthy Bluff, .at the river, with a Sitiie, Ware-house and tirst-rate landing. All which afi'ortl many conveniences to the neighbor hood. .Vs several jiersons have spoken of purchasing, this is dtemed a proper time to call Iheir attention to the subject, inasmuch as there is a crop now growing tipon a small portion of tlie land, by which they can judge of its proiluctim. lleasonalile tcruis will be given to the purch iscr. Sept. lo, ISiH. 4'iit Alabama liaiidw lor Nal«‘. 1 ACRES, in Heniy county, :! miles below , j £ Columbia, on the ('liattaliochoe river, and ■J-i miles below Fort Gaines: H.')t> acres are cleared—'>1)0 acres are river bottom, which will [iroduoe from L!(> to 00 bushels Corn, or from l,lM)t) to l’. ’iOO ])tiuiids of Col ton to the acre. On the pl.-ice are all the necessary im provements— Houses for Negroes: good water, ami as liealtliy as any section of .\labama. For further jiar- ticulars apply to me, at >Hdway .Via., or K. .\LLiSoN and A. G. JANES, on the premises. .\ls(>, 1,1(M1 acres Laiul, near Midway, IJarbtiur coun ty—SIK) acres cleared—all f'resii, having been cleared in the last seven years. This is strong lime {.and. anil will prodtice from ‘JO to :-{0 bushels Corn, and from l,otM( to ll>^,. (’otton per acre. Improvements fine—the Dwelling cost anil is situated on a high s indy ridge, with good water, and every convenience desir able in a country residence. Both of these places are known in ('olumV)ii-. ia., where inipiiries can be maile. 1 invite those who are purchasing, to examine these phtces during the coming spring and summer, and judge them liy what they see. A. ROSK. * 'NIiihvay, P.ai-bour county, .Via. March '•> (Sav. K«p. > '.t.")-tf I^aiil5 I'oi* Saile. 10FFKR for sale about fiOt)o Acre of Pine Land-' n‘ar Fayetteville, containing an immense i|uantity of .Mill Timber, and a number of Turpentine Bose.s, and several new tasks may be cut. There is on the premises a tine Dwelling lloue, and all necessary out-houses,—!Seup- peruoiig and l-.abella Grape Viiie-^. — liMKlyouiig Peach and .\pplc Tree-' >f liindley's bet varietie-;: also, a '.r'‘‘'d F.\RM of about I 'iO acres eh'ared: and also a GRIST and S.KW Ml 1,1,: and a tine large Meadow of about I 10 acres. The Fayetleviile and t'o.-il Fields KhII Koid passc' through the-e lan.Is about a mile from tiie Mills. 1 will 'cll in p.ircel' to suit purchasers, but would pre fer to 'ell the whole together. -Vpply to Tho. I,ut- terloh, Fayetteville, or the >ubseriber at Pitts- borough. N. .1. M. ILVrtillToN Nov. 12. I.s.'i7. tpOtf U\\) FOR N.IL!', EnPHATlCAI,li¥ ‘THE' HOUSE AT FAYKTTEVILLE, And >'o Connection M'Ub any Northern House. To our friend.^ and cuxiomens of CumherUuid, Harnett, Ji»!ii:son. Ric/imond. Moore, Chatham, Ratidolph and all other adjoining Cuunlit*: We have now on hand a beautiful Stock of staple aiici Fancy Dry ChOocIm; Mantillas, Bonnets, JJress Trimmings, Ladies’ Traveling Dusters, a very desirable article, «!tc., &c. RE ADV-MADE CLOTHING of every description of fine material and handsome workmanship; the real Silk Mixed ('assimere Coats,— ours were the first in the market. 4)i«*iilleiiieii’>« FiiriiiMliin;; Cwoocl^, including the best fitting Shirts, the largest assortment of Kid tiloves of every color imaginable, also of Silk and Lisle Thread for Lailies and Gentlemen: the new style of (’ollars, and Cravats to match, said to be the neatest thing out. €Mir Trunk \Vart‘iioiiNC‘ is very heavily siockc'd. with the largest size of Travel ing 'rrniiks for Ladies, also Bonnet Bo-Kes and Sat jhels, N>). 1 Sole Leather Tnmks and Valises, as well as the new style of l>ellows-Top Sole Leather Vali-^es; Double t'arpct and Witter Proof Traveling liags. The latest -itock in the Slate, and no mistake. In llii^ical lnM(riiiii€‘ntw we have a large anil fine assortment of Violins, Guitars, Banjos, .Music Boxes, Treniour Flutinas, .Vccordeons, of all descrifxions, and genuine Italian Strings for all in- strniiients, \c. vAAKi:i: of every description, including every variety of' fine Perfumery, .'^oaps, and the finest of English Pocket Cutlery. Havana .'^egars, Xc., \c. (.’ompri-iing in all one of the largest, handsomest and most thorough assortnienls of goinls ever exhibited by any one house in the State, .and will he sold very cheap for cash, or on time t^ prompt paying customers. Oui' friends and the {niblic generally are invited to call soon and secure a good bargain. Thankful for the libeial patronage bestowed on usfr>r the p,;.-.t nine years in this community, we very resjfcct- I'ullv -olicit a continuance of the same. G. .V L. BRANDT, South .'ide Hay St., near tlie Market, Fayetteville, N. C. April 11. IS.-,'.' 4tf .More i\ew 1-\ M just receiving my Spring Stock of (ioods in my line. They were selected in the -Voithern cities by myself, with great care, and bmight on the most reason- aljie terms, by which I am enabled to ijfler the largest slock 1 ever licfore oflei'ed to the jiublic, and to offer them ''elienillv TROY & FULLEU, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, I.I7MBERTOIV, KOBE$«O.V Co., !V. C. Robert E. troy ami JOHN p. fuller, have formed an association for the practice of their pro fession in Robeson County. The former will also at tend the Courts of Bladen and Columbus: the latter will also attend those of Cumberland. The Office in Lumberton will be kept open at all times. Jan’y 1, 1858. 73- -\( ir(*ailv Kfdiioed Prices. I iiri rs Or ange- PICKLLS -a "reut va- 1 OFFER for sale 'i4o .Vert We-^t side of Cape Fear Hiver. twi if L.VND. lying h.m the mile-i bcl' w Fay etteville. and extending from the river into the >:iiiil- Jiil!s. This tract i-- about ei(iially di\idel into rivcr- ridge, swamp and sand-hill Land, .\bout M' acres, adjoining th* river, are under cuhi^aii' ii and are wi ll suited !o the grovMh of Corn and (ii.i--; n>ne of tlie Swamp has been cle.ired. Theie aie m vi ral g '.i 1 -iii-s for a dwelling house mi the sand-hill . _\nv per>on wishing to juircha-e will d.. well t.. make eurly appli cation. as 1 have determined to ■-ell. THOMAS .1. RolJiNStiN. Sei-t. X. 1^.■|S. where. I). March -J. '.'•Uf w w THE \OKTII 4 AKWi.1 V.\ -WITI AL LIf'K IXSI Rl.ME lO.HPA.W, in the tenth year of successful opf^ration. with growing capital t>n 1 tirmer hold r.pi.in public con- :i Innce. contim.c- to i.re the lives of all healthy per sons from i4 to years ot age, for one year, for'seven years, andfor iife—all life mem'titr- -lun irig iu the profijs. All slaves from 10 to CO years of a^.- i ,• in^^!ved f.ir one year or for five ye^irs fir tw.,-thirds tloir value. All losses are punctually paid within '.0 Invs ufter satisfactory proof is pre.sented. For ftirthcr information the public i- rf f i-red to .Vgi-nts of th* Company in all part . of the Stale, lu I to li. H. B.-VTTLE. Spcretiiry, Raleigh. E. J. H.\I,!'., A_'em : t Jan'y ISoO. Fayetteviile, N. C. Fire Insurance. E reter our reader to the annual statement of the *f:iua Insurance Company, of Hartford. Tin.- suc cessful institution was incorporated >;v the Le^islutiire of Connecticut^ in 1811^, with a perf>^tuul charter. !is capital is > '00,00f). and its accumulations excee.l j;«oo.- ' 000 more, making it^ entire assets over SI.:;oo.oih). ;,i* vested ag derailed in the statement referred to. '1 hc-e results indicate that during the period of nearly loi-tv years since its organization, .without a single eh.'inge (if its chief officer., its business has been cdndHcted with judgment and prudence. It has > 'en thtis !ar success- I lul in an eminent degree, di.«chargin/. us we are in formed, all its obligations by the pavment of about I rnilhon dollarn for losses, without asking a d.av'sdelav in ' any instance. It has had but litilu liiig.uii/n. nutwhl,- ' Standing the immen.se nnm>ier of tran.--ictions made. In order to attain as much (■'’•fainit/ as pos-ible in ,~iu'h a business as insurance, it has been the pi'actice of tlie Company, for several years, at great labor, carefiillv to tlifisify and arrange their risks into aliout fiftv distinct tlas.ses. .sous to ascertain the amount insured on each • lass, the amount of premiums received thereon, and the amount of losses upon each. This classillcai ion. e.Mend- ing over a long period, and covering property to a very large amount, furnishes reliable data, and ‘pii'scnt.s a ■onnd, substantial basis of actual exijerience. tiiion which to conduct It-, tiiisiness. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, as man\ suppose: its hazards are -Hcer- tainable, and its prinei.iles capable of beinr reduced to a system, the ])raetical \.orkir.g and result^ ?,f which are as certain as that of any other bMsini-^s. The .Etna Company, by adhering rigidly to its system, and id.icii.K *ts busmMS ujion a healthy basis, has olitained the con ndence of the conimimity to aii extent suT-passed bv no other Company in the U. States, and has increased its buainesgflnd ila income from year to year with a >teadv great .smrce of its se(*nrir\ is ilu* wi(l% distribution of its risks-a policy which it pursues with great 8trictness--limiting the amount to be covere.I in each locahty. By this course it has ],assed, with cm- ptrative impunity, through some of th« most sweepini^ and destructive fires, which have swallowed up other Companies less cautious in their business, h is n svsteni like this, based upon experience, which give ' ' and soundness to a company, and to the tidence and —lialtimore J'atr.' FHKSH (;001)S! K are now receiving our stock of Spring Good. consisting of a large assortment of (iroferies Provisious, Hardware, Farm ing rteiisils, &f., .\nd expect to make such additions to our stock a- the trj ie re'juirei. Wo will sell at wholesale or retail low for CHsh or on shor' time to prompt paying customers, or e.X'hnngMor eoutitry proluce. Persons wanting goods in our line are re-[iectfully invited to call and give tts I trial. Particular attention paid to filling orders. PLMBKRToN \ SLOAN. Fayetteville, N. ’., .March 17, L'^.jl*. !'7-8w tability issured con- IIATIIAWAV \ CO., WILMINGT«>N. N. (’., >tfer for sale:— '/kn H H D S ., 1 Choice NEW CROP CARDENAS •’>■*> Tierces. ) .MOL.V.'i.'^KS: i •> Bills. ( lioiee New Orleans Syrup: >'0 Hhds. fair to choice N. O. Sugars; ■JOO Bbls. Clarified .Sugars: t oOO Bag-i Rio. Lagiiira. West India and .lava .'offee: L.O Bbls. .Me-T> and Prime Pork: Ilhds. Western Bacon, Sides and Shoulders: •JOO Bbls. Vellow Planting Potatoes. •March H, 18'.!* (*7-'‘tpd UOBI\SO\’S H A \ I IT I. A T i: II u r A rpHlS rNF,jCALi:D FERTILIZER, composed of one 1 half best Feriifian Ctiiano, One half tine 4«roiind Bone. and the best PliOMpliatic* liriiano, i.i incondiiion lor immediate use, being prepared by new and im[iriived machinery, )iy which means the most per fect comliination is efiected, reducing all to a uniform tine powder; and for application by i.rill or otherwise. 11 IS in the niost perfect order. And I have no hesita tion in saying that for all crops it is eiptal to any fer tilizer ever offered to the farming conimunitv. The V|| \I.ITV WII.I. IIK kkpt fKRTKCTi.v f.MFoit.M in a'll cascs, and \\ VRR.VNTKI) tocontain 8 percent, of .VM.MONIA, and lo to W per cent, of BONE PHOSPHATE Op’ T,1.MK. It is put uji in good )>ags, weighing about 1/iO lbs. each. Purchasers will jilea.se notice, that the name F. RolilNSON is branded on each bag—none other is Pennine. My long experience in the trade, :itid the general i«at- isfactioii her.-'tofore given l>y all Cuanoes .sold by me. will, I hope, be a guarantee that the article now offereil will )ie as represented. I will also keep constantly on hand the best Peruvian, .Mexican and other Guanoef, which 1 will sell as low as any house in the city. WM. ROBINSON, Nos. 4 t) Hi)i,i,ix(;sw)rth Stkket, Xear Prad St. Wharf, BALTI.MORK. ROBINSONS MANIPUL.VTKD GUANO is also .sold in lots lo suit V)v the following Agents: J. C. NKVETT, Alexandria, Va. (JARRISON & MAIGNE, Norfolk, Va. L. II. SKINKFR iS: CO., Richmond, Va. T .March 2 J Agent of the above Company at Fayetteville _ E. J. HALE. ’ aotick. Vro. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO 400 - Casks LIME; &0 Bales HAY; o BbU. GLUE F't eale by Jjly 10, 18&S. WORTH & UTLEY. 27- I ilO.M.VS BR.VNCH & SONS, Petersburg Va r. C. .Vi B. G. WORTH, W'ilmington, N. C. 93-3inpd M^^resh •Irrivals. UST received pr Steamer Fanny. » libls. KxtraNo. 1 M.U’KEUEL (for retailinz ) \ do. “ 1 do. 1** i “ do. “ 1 do. iO i MFSS SHAD; :iO Boxes ('HEESE; 100 Bags New Hulled BUCKWHEAT FL(.)UR; Fnlton Market Beef; ,Mess Pork; Goshen Butter, Pocket . alt: .Sugar; Coffee; Molasses; and every thing in the provision line; which 1 will sell cheap for CASH or ex change for country Produce. Valiiahlr Pliiiilalioii i nll S.\Llv ^pHE subscriber offers for -ale the PI, \.N TATli»N and , I improvement- w.iere he n-w re-idc-. It i> h.cated j just below the mout.'iot Lile-Creek, in Catawba count y. I near Lewiv' Kerr;, on thet'atawlia river, adjoitiing Hen- ' derson Sheri, and containing ">1') Acre^, I'l'i ..f which . are in cultivation and aliout 'iO acres of that i» gootl I reek and Bianch I’.ottom. The imjirovement'- are a comfortable Log hwelling, a fir-t rate I’l.arn. .sJinbles ■ind stalls for lio head of horses: t'ow sIi’ihIb, and jtood i Fences. There is iii>on the jdace a goo.l GRI.'sf .Mll.h I running a pair of Burr and a j.air of common Stones. : The '\ . \. C. Railroad jiai.-e» through the Farm .and • the Pepot is located upon it. It is the most v.aluable I farm in this section of the State, j Will be sold for Cash or exchanged for Negroes. I \ W. U1L.1UN "ct. l.-i, is.-.H. j iioi xi:, LOT A.\i> ai:«.;ko. rpHK undersigned wishing to clo.-e up their old bu.'i- 1 ness, offer for sale the HoI Si: and LoT on ILiy- niount, formerly occupied by .Major Gilmore. .V’s.i. u NEGRO lUtV 14 years of age: having tried him for the last five months, we can re. mmend him a- an e\c. 1- lent servant, both for hoii«.e or o. t of doors, s.dd for no j fault, but to dose old biisincss. F. N. i.'i .1. II. ROBERTS. ^Lly o. 1S')S. 7ij FOU S.VI.K OU KKNT. 4 CttNVENlENT DWELLING HOUSE, on llaymount. ^ near Mr. J. C. Thomson's. For particulars etiouire of J. (i SHEPHERD, Es.p, or V. M. ('AMPBELL. May 7. ,,f AOTH’i:. .Iloore ( oiinfy, A. V. IN pursuance of an order of th*e Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, the undersigned will .sell at the Court House door, in the town of Carthage, on L’tlth April 18-')!», and on a credit of six months, SEVERAL LIKELY NEGROE.'^, belonging to the Estate of Dr. Charles Chalmers, dee d: purchaser- will be reiiuired to give bond with good security. Also, at the same time and place will be hired the balance of the Slaves be longing to said C. Chalmers’ estate, for the remainder of the year 185!'. B. C. WILLIAMS, A.lm'r. March 81 o.(.; COUPON BONDS FOR > WAL rpHE Western Rail Road ('onii*iny have for sale in X amounts to suit purchasers. ?2O,000 of the (Nmpoii Bonds of'the f’ounty of Cumberland, bearing 7 i>er cent, interest, payalile semi annually on the 1st June and 1st of December, and run ning l!0 years. S!M),UOfl of the (’oupoii Bonds of tho Town ot Fayetteville. Iiearing 0 per cent, interest, payable semi annually on the 1st January and the 1st of July, and running 2l> years. Tiiese honds were issued in accordance witii law to the Western Hail Road Co.. to pay the County und Town subscriptions respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the price the Co. is .selling them) abetter investment than any Bank Slock in the State. For terms ajiply to C. B. MALLETT, Esq., Pres't, or JNO. M. ROSE, Treas'r Western R. R. Co. rayetfeville, Feb'y 20, 1858. 89tf BOOK-BINDING IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. Small jobs when done must he paid before delivered THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Hay Street. May 14, 1858. 11-ly pERSONS in want of LUMBER, can be supplied by 1 giving me their bills. ^ COOK. March 21, 18o0. 08-4w BurTEu anFchffsi:. JUST received pr Fanny, a few Firkins of very nice BUTTER, and 25 Boxes prime CHEESE. C. B. COOK. Oct, 14, 54_tf Raisins. Figs, Prunes, Apples, Lemon , Cherries, Currants, .\;c. , .IKI.l.lLS and PKKSERVF.S riety: PI'RFI’M F.RI KS AM) LN'l'R.VCTS of various kinds; \ Sn.M'S AND POMADKS; Ml SICAL INS'fRl .\1ENTS—Fiddles, Drums, Fifes, Fhite-. Banjo-. Guitar-. iVc.; WM.KING C \N I',S--of every kind: baskets VNI» willow WARE: lloi5i;V IIORSLS, .•vc.; i M TS; FINK AND CoM MoN CANDIES; S VRDINES; : FlNi; CICARS; SMitKlNG X CHEWING TOBACCO; | ci:,\t ki:rs. fine pocket kmves; ! V lar^e a~'ortiiieiit 1 I Polt I’-Mi iN.Vl E.'^. some very nice; i FA.NCV I;N\ KI.oPKS. and FANCY GOODS. ToYS I and 'i ANKLE NoTl(»NS: j .\n ;i" >r:meiit ot INDIA Rl PillER floopS: i ( »*M15S. WHIPS. Kl.-sHING TACKLE, The j.iiblic are ri*-peel fully invited to call and ex- ' amine ni\ -t-ck. I have a great many handsome things that cannot I'lil t- p'lc i^c. ; •IAS. R. LEE. Hotel Buildintr. i :;i,l^.i' 1- ' WATniKS ^ JKWKLRV, JOSEPH B.VKER, Jr., ATTORi^ K V AT 1. A W , Has taken an office next door to W’m. B. W'right’s Law Office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland. Blailen, Robeson and Sampstm. March 23, 1853. 79tf THO. C. PXTLLBR, ,t1torney and ^'OHiiscUor at KjUW. OFFK/Eat Eccles’s Bridge, recently occupied by James Banks, E.s-rj., Faycireville, N. P.* Jan y 1, 1S57. P. J. ^lAXI.AIR, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. 'IIJ'ILL practice in the Courts of Robeson, Cumberland, W Harnett and Richmond Prompt atieution given to all business entrusted to hin. Feb’y 5, 1859 8tj- Law l\otice. I.V.MES L. GAINES and son E. J. G.VINES. will, in •I future, practice law in copartnership, in the Coun ties of Montgomery, Stanly, Anson and Moore. They may be addressed either at Troy, N. C., where E. .1. (iaines resides, or at Norwood's N. Troy, .\pril 7, 185'j. 4tf Ii A~W A OT IC E. ~ The undersigned has removed to Newbern, with the intention to devote himself wholly to the practice of the law. He will attend the Courts in all of the sur rounding counties, and will also pi-actice before the Su preme Court at Raleigh. D. K. McRAE. Dec'r 22. 1S.-,H. 75-Cm LOVERD ELDIMDfiE, •f/#«r##riy at tjatr, IITILL attend the Courtai of Johnston and Sampson \\ Counties. Sniithfield, April 15, 185*3. 06tf .1. K. ill I.I.A, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ASIIKHOHO’, X. C., IIJ'ILL attend the Courts of Randoljih, Moore. Mont- fV gomery, Davidson and (Juilford, and pronijitly at tend to all business entrusted to his care. March 10, 18')‘.( OH-Om •JWefiical Notice. Dr. II. .K. McSW.VIN has taken an office on Ander»ion Street, in the rear of Messrs. Ray & Pearce's Store, where he can be found by tiiose desiring his jii ofessional 1, 18.')«. 40tf Or. It. %. RLACK, OFFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale's Chemist and Drug Store. services. August Feb'v 7, 1H50. rotf .Marcl m:w \\|i . T. J. .M. 1 hesikmii.e. by H O I ’ Ji T O A' tSNdK To ; K A S I. K Y . I \ LOT OF FI.\E 1)01 KLE-HAKKEL Gl\S, ■\T ukuickh imucks, by .1 A T. HOl'STOX. ; March 1. I^'»M 9;5tf MiOOTS SMiOES^~~ i AT WIKH.KSALK. JNO. M. WALKER, of WORTH CAROLINA, I .WITH P. P. NHAW A: ro., oi AMI 1)kv Strkkt, New York. \l''II.l, be hii| iy to ^ei- his Southern friends at the above est.ililishinent. where, either jH'rson.allv or by order, they may be supj.lieil from an extensive and well assorted Stock of tioods in that linx, gollun up expressly for the Siiuthi'rn trade. Nov. IS.-,s. ,J7-Iy. .ntt'AV A: ?«iTO\V, Sl l'CKSSORS TO STOW A: SMART, ixi'onrtns. junuKits and dealers in Hardware, Cutlery, ;uns, Shovels, Nails, Hollow ware, 37 WARREN ST. NEAR BROADWAY, A^A’jr VOJik'. T. n. J«»AC'ltKTT Would be i)leased to see his friends at the above House. Feb'y 2;}, IK.V.t ltl-3mlnii MILITARY GOODS, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces, A.VD liVKRV DESCRIPTION (IF MILITARY GOODS. ArC(»KDI\(i TO THK Lnfi'st ( . s. /•»)// mill Stute Rrijuhttlnnx. SniUYLEK, IIAKTJ.EY & GRAHAM, i:v||>ofCTi:Kii & .^lAlflfFACTURER-S 1 y MAIDEN L A N E , .fVir I’orA-. June ')0. 24-1V PETER MALLETT WITH D. rOLDE.\ IIVRIUY, GENERAI. COMItllSSION BIESCH&IVT, 0 ‘J So U T II S T R E T, .V/7ir YOliK. July '_>!), 1858. ;;2. A ^ugrar Houi§e 8yrup. FEW Bbls. excellent S. H. SYRUP. AW prime tweet MOLASSES. C. B. COOK. 64tf Oct’r 14. Nov. a, 1858. w. c. TROY 60-tf Cantwell’M A. t'aroliiia JiiMfice. Just rec’d. E. J. HALE & SON. TIN PLATE, Iron, iron Wire, cooKi.^io stovi:m a:%i> Tiiv.WAKi!:. Always on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. IWOFlNii, a UTTKRIXG, And all kinds of Jobbing, done at short notice, by C. W. ANDREWS, Market Square, Fayetteville. July '.I. 27-tf WILLIAM J. PRICE, Mnspertor of JVaval St c», WILMIXGTOX, X. C. Solicits the patronage of his country friends and aU others engaged in the Turpentine business. ifOiec irorlh Water Street. Nov’r 22, 1858. 64-lypd T. A. E. liOIlNSTHnr, •fgeut for CMdcerlttg’s Plauoa, Of which he has always some on hand. "Wilmington, N. f’., Oct’r 2, 1858. ‘ 51-lypd afegrTlie Moiitliern Harmonv, and MUSICAL COMPANION, for sale by * ’ E. J. HALE & SON. J. WIM.IATI PAfiJE, .^1. D., PITTSHOROTT.n, X. (’. 1 \R. P.VGE may be found at his office when not j»ro- I / fessionally engaged. May *i. 1857. 5tf WORTH A: I TI.EV, Forwarding and General Commission Merchants, Faffctferille, .V. C\ J- *.. Worth. (72tf) jos. itlkt. K. Tl. ORKKLL, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. f'nHoSL sending their Spirits Turpentine to me may J[ rely upon it to have prompt and careful attention. My warehouses are fronting the wharves and near the river. Sept r 13, is.-.s. T. V. A: B. U. W ORTH, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, Wir.MLVOTOX, N. c. Jan'y 28. ISoU 34,f W.M. H. TrRU.\cf0S, ~ C' o III III i w M i o n e r € li a 111, WILMINGTON. X. C„ ll'^ILLgive prompt and per.s0n.1l attention to all con- }} signments of SPIRITS TURPENTINE, ROSIN TAK, (.OTTON. I* LOL R. and other countrv produce, either for sale or shipment. My wharf and warehouses being conveniently located fi>r the reception of produce, either by Railroad or River, enables me to make charges light ' Nov r 8 W. H. ALLEN.] [J: M. CLARK. ALLEX & CLARK, CoiiiiiiiMwioii .TIercliantM, WILMINGTON. X. C. DEAIEKS I\ LIME, PLASTER, ( EMEM, HAIR, &c. '^P^^tits for Rush & Orrell s Line of Steamers. |)ROMPT personal attention given to consignments o I Naval Stores, Cotton or other Countrv Prwhice, for sale or shipment. Jan’y H. 1850. WILMA n I>. TIAHA, Muspertor of Stores. WILMIXGTOX, N. C., Will pay .strict attention to all business entrusted to his care, and solicits a share of public patronage. Oflloo In Hall’s Building, Xo. 43, (ap stuirs,) North Water Street. ^April 8, 18.5S 4-r,nios F. M. BIZZELL, liROCBB ,1SI) COinilUtOS )l6Bi:ilA.VT, No. 29 North Water Street, WIL>HNGTOX. N. C. 1 )R0MPT ami personal attention given to tho reception 1 of all kinds ot country produce, either for sale or shipment. Orders for groceries from cukK customers will receive immediate attention, free of commissions Nov. 19, 1858. 64.j^ JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. € O iTI iTI I S S 1 O A' A N I) Forwarding Merchant, Wilmington, .V. C. IVorth Carolina Reader.. NUMBERS 1 AND 2. * PREPARED WITH 8PKCIAX. REFERENCE To Con •V». WANTS interests t)F JYiorth Carolinn. CSDKR THK AVSPICES OF THK SLPEUINTen MOS SCHOOLS, BY Rev. F. Hiihbard, PEOFESSOR OF THE LATIN LANGVAOK .\m, , ,, ’„ THK UMVEUSITY OF NOUTb CAUoL1:«a NUMBER a, CONTAINING A FAMILIAR HISTORY A.VD bE TION OF NORTH CAROLINA. Selections in Prose and Verse; many of th eminent citizen.s of the State HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL T VBLKs And a variety of Miscellaneous Information am) > tistics, by f\ Mi, VrL'MRi-^R is a new and revised edition of v Carolina Roadiir, fir published in ’s.-,] 1 and li just issuod. comiilete tin- Si-rie.'*. whir’ whole, cheaper than any other hcrii-s of ilea l V'- * United Slates, and as Complete. ' The Kditor (Prof. Hubbard 1 in his Prefao-1 ber 1 deems it proper to ailude to a few of tl',. ^ advantages aimed ut by the Superintetidem „f Schools while making efforts to have ihw pleted. These are. 1. The encoura;/euient of 11 ftdiuij of the enlistment of popular sentiment in behalf .,f ‘ ami its institutions. It was not thought imponi„','*r*'^ ever, to have more than one numtier ot ti,,. i> ;‘‘'*- nierely a local interest. J ■j. To rcm.-d;/ the evil trert/trhtr- cmti'hiin .l.,,-. mon xrhooU, of a perpetual rhautfe in text ' sive habit, and one which injures the SchoiilsV-^^*"' venting the children from being clat^sified \ home Readers, it was s^nppo^ed. would be certv.in'ir''' ' and this great evil thus avi.ided. • Kronomy, the popular system of Reaih-rOiei, ’ long and being made so often tii(‘relytoa,Mt,,,i|j,j‘‘’ ' 'ftli anr on in a I)' of authors and publisher; This series is to con-ist of fewer numb,-is il^n i generally used, and it is believed that theso„„„L sufficient, while if the system were univerviiiv u the State, the sum saved to i.arents and ohii.irw, - amount to several thousand dollars amiuallv ' ' 4. T>! put in th' handg of children le,irnin'; rMij potitionx sujfiaentli/familiar but not ff the ciir.ia.r ,’i', childish rompoxitioim, containing, in lessons e:i'v ' ' for all ages, correct sjieciiiieiis of stvle. iiiten.J-" matter, and inculcating iiro{>er morals', and ivli-"i","^- st ruction. c ■'«> it.- The prices arc, for No. 1. •_•.'» cents; No. J h"i and No. To cents. A liberal d.-ductiuirfi„m prices to Mei-«hants and School TeacLer-. E. J. If.U.K DEXTALi VOTlcl^' Raving engaged in another biuines.-*. 1 ti„.l too much taken up to attend to the iliities i,f profession; and having a partner (l)r. U. .^coit, wi,„t in every way competent to please itl m>j frien.l, 11 '' great pleasure in recommending hint to'allwiih Kii.Ml have the slightest influence. His prices will suit who are desirous of having their teeth opcraie-i skilful manner. And with my best wishes for my ;md tnj community, I withdraw from the firm. haTiiii? no foirbut that Dr. Scott will give the most fastidif.ii« en’ire *nii fiietiiin. 1). w. btXBOW .Jan y 10, lho9. DEATISTRV. R. J. DAVIS having decided i.a f,«niiv nently locating in theTnwnot Kneite- respectfully offeis his ^en-ice^ to.’he citizens of this place and sun-oundiii;: conii’ry. k ili the various branches of his Profesvioi.. inclujing manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is ^:.ti>.tie.l. afitraii extensive experience, to which is adde ’ 1 ihoriuzh bm- tal education, that he can give ef "e ' i'fa' iinu s« fa" as is in the power of Dentistry. Ail n r ■gularitie^of Teeth treated in a proj>er and careful uiamier. as’B-elh* dise:u«es of the mouth. None Imt the proper meta'.s iru made use of in the various op.>rations. Charfros viUb* moderate, that the benefiisof the Profession mij k placed within the reach of all who may feel an interf'*: in the preservation of the Teeth. Office over IL.uston s Jewelry Store, where h* may be found at all times. May 10. 1858. Htf «TATIO\ERY. In addition to our present stock we are reroiTing l*»0 Rea HIM Pa|K‘i% Embracing every variety of CAP, LLTTER. BATH LETTER. COMMERCIAL NOTE. RILL HE.\I>. F»Llo l’o.'T. and Ntm: I'APERs. 60 .M. ENVELOPES, of every descripti 'ii. 1 case English and American .Si..\TL.'^. .i.'-'noil .iii.-. ItK) gross STSELPENS: Pen-h..lderr: Scli'■■■•1 liik-stauU, VISITING PARDS: BL.\NK RO0K.. .vc. E. J. 11 \LE \ SOX. Feb'y I:* HAWKS'S ~ HISTORY OF NORTH f AROLLM. The 2d volume is now published. It embraces the pe riod ot the Proprietary Government, from ItitW to 172H. It forms a handsome 8vo. volume of 591 pagts- The subscription price was half a cent a page: but the price of this volume is less. sa\' Si’ 75 in cloth binding. S3 in library sheep, and $3 25 in half calf. It will bi SOLD ONLY FOU CASH. Owing to the difficulty of securing ,\gent» in manj parts of the State, we will forward it by mail or other wise free of postage, on receipt of the price: or both vol umes for .'*'4 00 cloth, 60 sheep, or So half csif A liberal discount made to Agents or others, whobu.v to sell again. e. J. HALE iJsUN Fayetteville, Nov. 3, 1858. The A’ew Edition of Devereux & BatUe’s Law Reports, Vol. 1, J^ECEIVES the approval of those who have examinei Chief Justice Nash saj's, “I have looked through ii— t is carefullj-and well got up. * * * Ithiiiktuour Court it will be invaluable—and to the Profession so. It will save the labor of deciding the «anif points again and again; for there will be no excuse for Coun'fl not being apprised of points already adjudicated. ' Gentlemen of the Bar who have purchased atul amined it, concur, so far as we know, in praise of it- ^ or sale, with sets or separate voluniPs of North ts- rolina Reports, and Law Books geuerallv. bv E. J. IIALE .t SON. Aew yoliiiiie!« of Supreme Court Reports* JUST published, volume 5 Jones's Law Reports, au'j volume 3 Jones’s Equity Reports, of Deci'»ioti! m the Supreme Court of North Carolina. For sale bv Fclj'y 10 K. J. HALK x Furtlic‘r iNiipplie^i ol’ Book*. The A.MERICAN almanac for I85«; FATHER AND DAUGHTER, bv Miss Bremer: “WHAT WILL HE DO WITH *IT,” bv Rulvrer: SCHOOL BOOKS, &c., &c. March 7 E. J. HALE & SON- . . I ^ el>«ter’s Elementary i^*'l rompt personal attention given to all Consien- ■ i ft.wi i • . • i mts. and Cash advances made on supply just received. JanyS E. J. HALh \ ments. and Cash advances made on Proluce to be shipped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, lS5o. 67tf JAS. C. SMITH. MILES COSTIN. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., Factors, Commission anti For- ivnraing ^Jterchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. PROMPT attention given to sale of TIMBER LUM BER, NAVAL STORES and all kinds of Pr^uce. Liberal advancements made on Consignments. Refers to E. P. Hall, Pres’t Branch Bank of State. H. K. Savage, Cash’r Bank Cape Fear. Joh.n DAwaoN Esq. ’ April 25 1858. 5_iy and JDi‘;>cipllne ol the Methodist Church. A new supply just received 13. E. J. & SON. ^wordx’ Pocket Almanac lor 1859: Spurgeon’s Genii;; Blind Bartinicus. Feb’y 12 E. J. HALE 80S. The SOITUEBN HlfiMONT,—A Further SnppU just received. E. J. H.\LE & SON Morch 7. ^^coiirin;; of llie AVIiite Hor^e; “What WiR He Do With It?” by E. Bulwer Lyiion; Mill’s System of Logic. &c. Also, further suppl'®* School Books. Just received. Feb’y 12 E. J. HALE & S0> ( hronology of Xorth Carolina, from 15H4 to by D. K. Bennett. Just received. Oct. 21. E. J. HALE & SON Webster’s Elementary Book, for sale by E. J. ilALii & SON April May

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