mmm '' ‘ ^ ill R^'fiiters. AM> J. MKKKRfNcK fo iMk ‘ht*!->rs op rolitin. rs..„sr liihburd. ^ '- .V- L 1 ■ \ ** IN SEMI-WEEKLY. AM> [VOL. VIII.] FAYF/rTKV11.1,K, C., APRIL 18, 1859. [NO. 806.] il'erimi-ii tc have Uon ami St«. I5ie N„r:h P -is a in th. •’ work com. I,- , ''7r ■ =‘"'1 ■• '-lit i>t the StHte ’-t iniportHut, hi)w. ■ '/ tn "i’' '• A Sfiies ,f ■ ‘••■rtniuh- u»o,l. K a-K- - •' 'TS limU ■'"•■‘enuinher>ftrf V'';';usetl in ■■'•Mri'ii noiili 1 .’Iv. ; '• ^ r,iUf,I ■■ e:,vy ,.„„uph imeiv^tiiiit in 'in- '• “• cenn 'iiinicf fintii •t r.M.K \ vi(i\ Notici:. I fill'l Ul_v t ie ! I'ies !)f iiiv Bor br U. Sc. :: wIk, i, tV:, : .U. I uk« 'th wh-jui I wi’, suit •■ ’;>ciat, (l iiti in a Hi •, and thii lia-. iii^'no tpurbifl »st . • i.’irf* ««ti3- i». \v i iu:np,(»u ""U' iTRl . ha-. ’ . ’ ■ led ou peruia- »g ■ i ;i ..f Fiyette- r - . ..-vice.« the r>. _• ^!’ry. li. dll Pr ’ : I'h; ling the 1, ■ -•'. I. a;':: an 1 ; - r> ' ■ • .^h li.*n- ! > '-’o :i. ns far . A _' :!..ririr,- of the c.f '■.' triner, as ■well an b- • r>r pel meta’-are srai' V :: .r^ ' will be if ; ■ i ■ r.>'.ion may be w!. feel an intent! til. . .!. -.V ’ re. where he ytf W^IY. w. n ■■ ’-Cf'-iv.iig H Pa|X‘i*, u. ' • • I. KAl- 'iL. ' • Fi-KS. TH l AllOUXA. ah-- ! ; I ••rubnices the pe- • lit. !rtjm 'iOttS to ■ j'ngfi. Tbe cfir a I -i;:*'; '->ut the price t.inJing. "f* . lit. It will b* : ■,;£onii in in»nT ■ V , - ::I I'l’ oiber- I'l i 'c; or both vol- rhitlf calf. ■ iiers. who buy L J. HAi.K \JSON. )t ht A? ^flitioii of !»aw Reports, Vol. h r ti;..- • wii- hitve eianiine'l I ha-.. iv’ i through it— I think to our ml ' ’!r --inn equally !• li : til- «iime points II 1, ;.-e for I’ounsel .f*.-)!H>c*i un»l of it. i > .,f North f'a- m . . iv, t. J IIALF SON; niiie^ ol t Keports* J .' i.aN' KeiHii'i"- )f I)eci^i"Tis in t:.i; K. ’’ s.-il. by h. .) :! \ I t-. of Book?*. [A 'I'.: . ' WITH l&c. ilii- Hreiiier; i 1. \.y Bulwer: Kt ! • K . ' HA! K & fcJON- ai*y iVu.i; V s(tN. t Almanac tor Bll 1’ '.a' • II-. J. JIAI.K V »\V,—4 Further Supply L. J. 1! VI-K & S0> ir Wliite Horse; I'.'" y K. Hiilwer Ly*to*^’ Al; ', 'M iher suppl>«» IfALK & soy .fronit.»H4 tolHW H VLi: & 80^ leiitai'V L J. & SON. i;. J iroiina el PKINTKD MONDAYS AND THl'KSDAYS. EUM ARD J. lltLi; &. SON, EDITORS AND IMiOI’IUKTOIlS. Price tor the Semi-Woekly Oiiskuvkh Ji'! ()) if paid in a.lvaiice; '>•• it' pail diirinjr ‘>)ip your of subBoriii- titiii. or $ J the year hns oxpiroil. K-'f the \Veokly Unsi.uvtu (lU ptM- aiiniini, if paid in S'lvani'e; •>- •’>• if ptii'l 'liniin-r the year of sub.>;evi]i lion: or H'l nftt i- tlie y 'iir has c\piri>l. AUVCKTISI-.MKNI'.'^ niseried for (iO cent': per riiurtrc of 1'> line.« for t'le lirvst, ainl 3U cont.-t for oacli (iiu'oee'linjr publiontion. Yearly ailvi*rti.sements by sp(>- cial coniriici''. at reasonnhlc rate'. .\(.lvertiser.' an- rcqiiesfeil f" state the number ut ;n>-t*rtion. desireil, i>r thev will he otiiitinued till forbiit. sml i'h:tr';o'l riccord- i'>r■ Adveriisenieuts to be insertoil inxin'e. chHrfifoil 50 per cent extra. SPECIAL NOTICE. Krani anJ after this date, no name of a new subscHbur will be entered without payment in a'lvance. nor will the paper be sent to such subscribers for a longer time than is pai^ftor. Such of our old subscribers as desire to take the pa per on this xystem will jilease noiify u-^ when making remittances. J>tn'v 1, 18;>S. Th’ Vart'ias^e Fartortf in the South* VVKSTKRX IJAIL UOAD. ON and i Prcidit aficr M.III. 1.1 V. 'ij ! I'.'IUI will I III! ;l lui M s etlevillo and M t every ntoniiiii ai i " k ;in the afternoi'ii urs.niii- i!m\. ColisiLrniirs an- i .•i|i:e'lr.i in f'tatina; coiisijriioe, de.stinati.m. if IV ii' N i:i, .1 1. u,i.\ .Sl.i'i.iii; U-.i' il. veiiibi'r. tl.(■ ill. Secotffl Sifrinfn Sioek. STAIMI & WILLIAMS HA\ E received and are now upening tiieir s^econ 1 supply of J«ii:AJSOXABI.i: OOODN, Mining a splendid >eh i-tiou of tin' newo't styles ot raiicy aiitl l^ta|>li‘ Dry ISooN, llat^. lloo|» .Hkirl^. Keady-nade 4'lolliiii;;. Wiili a large variety of NOTIONS, ti) which the atten tion "f Whiilesale Ihiyers is invited. "rRtCT .VXTEMK.N I’AU' Tn ulU>KUS. .1. 13. STAUH. .1, .M. WILLIA.MS. .Vpril y, iS.j'.i. 4tf HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. l8oO. Hpriiig^ and Kiiiiiiiier Mtoc k. J. C. THOMSON INVITES the attention of his friends and the public generally' to his large and complete assi>rtmeni of UatMi, CapM, Uoot« and Mliot'w. Persons wauting goods in his line are invited to give hir. a call before purchasing elsewhere. His large and varied assortment assure.s him that he can pleasei them lu all respects, lie oilers his gools at low prices for oash, or to prompt paying customers. He ha.s alsu a good supj ly of TUAVF.MNG and PACKIN(4 TRUN'K5i heap. ’ .1. C. THOMSON. Market Square. April 7 :^-lw 18^0! FRESH SPHLXG GUUL>8. J. A. l»KVlMERTO.\ Is now receiving his Sioi k of SPttlNli AND SUM MER OOODS, embracing all the newest and latest styles of the «eason. Ladies' Goods; '.RO DeRHINE, FOtl.DLSAV. and ROUES AI.ES SILKS; a great variety of TISSi (iKKNADiNhS aiiJ ORGANDIES, in ROIiEt', DALILA, R(,>SAT1, LEONORA^ A LaREINE. and A Jf'IMPKKA- TRICE PATTERNS, with Plates showing iiie • style of making up the same, and TRIM MINGS to correspond with each dress. Embroiderien and Lace Goods jf all style!*; Lace Pointed Mantl?-'. Derage Mantles :iud Shawls; a few very handsome New Styles Silk anl ^lella Ditto. f^traw ^oods. French Lacc, N'eapolitan, English Straw and ('rape Bonnets of the latest designs: Misses' and ('hildren s Flats, sc., of very superior ijuality. A very large assortment of Ronnet and Ribbons, French Flowers, Ruches, iVC. A few very handsome Head Dresses, French Hair- Pins, &c. Keady-niade Clotliin;;. A very large and W(-ll‘selected Stock of Ready-Made ' •flhing, some of which was mtniuj'actnn d c/yre.'^shj jnr -ti- trit'U, and will compare in stvlk and wokk'm k.sshii’ ■kith any in this market. A few very handsome Child ren's Dresses and Talni'is njadc up. \c. BEEBES LA''.;Si STYLE HATS. A very Huperior lot French C.ilf Roots, Oxfonl Ties, 'riiteis, &c. Ladies’ heel French Gaiters and Slij>pers ! every description. Mi.---es' and Ciiildren s (laiters. Slippers, \c. In the above stock may be found all the latest and most desirable Spring styles. The public generally are invited to call and examine tiv themselves. J. A. PEMRF,RT(>N. ] .\larch ;5-'lw I XLW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! J. C. POE I II.VS and will receive in a few days, the largest and | 11. most thorough stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, ••vwr offered to the public by him. In his Stock will be : iiti'l—and showed with pleasure—in part the following RICH BL K AND FANCY COL D SILKS: li'iLULE .lUPE ROCKS; ROBE A QCILLE, ROBE A LES in BERAGE.S, ORGANDIES, .ML'SLINS, \c. ROBE-A-LA-DUCH ESSE: ROBES VALENTIN K: "R'.ANDIES, GlN(iHAMS, LAWNS ami ML’SLINS of all styles and qua’ities: \ "I'e.-it variety of English, F'reiH-h and Americ.iu I’lUNTS. ALPACA.S, CHALLIES, DHIiAGES, 1!K- RAGES. BOMBAZINES, &c. '"l.I.MiS atid SLEEVES; .‘ilso, in sets for mourning', 'Wl.-s .I.VC. EDGINGS. INSERTINGSic BANDS. !:irjre stock of Sliauls and Tlantillas ■ ' Mil- l.itC't style.s; together with .Mi.sses'and (.’hildicn s Flat^; ilead-Dresse.-^; Ribbons, Ruches, Flowers, Piiiiisols, F’ans, Umbrellas. Bonnots iS: Hats. iieat Stock of A. A. MdvirrilAA 1 ) ESl’FC'ri'L’LLY inform^ lii' fiieiids and the public. It that he h.i-^ built up bnre siib--l.i!iiial Brick lUiild- ings at iiis (iM .'st.ind, expre'ly for m.iintfacturinjr Car riages. Thankful for the very liberal jiatronage he iiut received lor tlie lasi 21 year.s, lie hopes by stii -t atten tion to businv's. witli a desire to gi'e ■;ati'faction, to merit a contiimance i>f the 'ame. He w .irraiits his work to be made of the be-;t mati-rial and by experienced workmen in each branch of the busin«‘s. His work will compare favorably with any made in the Unite'! States, for neatness and durability. He i-; determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any Work done elsewhere that is u.- well doi\e. He now ha.s on hand, finished. THE LAROKST Sl’OCK OF Carriages, Barouches, Uockauays and ever offered in this j.lace, and a vei v l.irpe stock of work neatly finished, wiiich will bo tinislicl daily. All of which will be sold very low tor cash, or on short time to punctual customers. |;ir-2r’He on hand mi>re than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHICLES finished and in course of con'trtti-ii.iii. All work mad',- lv him i' wan-iuted lU niou(!i with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workniaii'hip or will l>e t i'iiaired fr*‘e of charL'e. l’ersoii> wisliing to Imy v. ould do well to call and ex amine fi r themselves. Orders iliankfully received and proni]itly attendeil to. ^lepairing executed at short notin- and ou very reas"ii- alile terms. May l^•')^;. S'.'-tf THK LAUfiEST MAXIFACTOKV ^ 1*\ Tin: ?TATi:. . rPlli' 'ub'Cri'ier l leave to return 1 his thank' for the ]>atronage lu i'riofore • '..ended to iiim, and informs | tile p':irii • i!iat iie has li .miiI will ^ coi.; - uet' iiave an ini-re.isC'l t'orce of i ex, ’ i ';i'. d Sadillc and Harms* Mak- ' ei '. wi -e work he \\ill wan int: anl tiiat he is ['rcji.ired tii oiler to tlie pul>- lie a large :ind varie'l assortment of every thing kejit in his line. His a'sortment of Saddles, Harness. iJridle , Ti iink', Tiav> lliiii; liags. Valices, \c.. is tmsiirpa^sed lor workm;',and material, and will com]>are favorably for ne.a';.es with any other Mami- faetory, cithev N irih ’ .''.lUtii. I’erson' wanting %ny thing in liis line will d- liu.i a t’iv .i to call and examine liL'« s!,,ck before puriha-inj;, as he i' s:iti'iiel it will not fail to please them. His C'tab.ishineiit will be found five iloors F.a't of Caj'e Fear Piai'K’, on Person .Street. 8^^ Ilepairing done with lUMtne- Whenever the amount of tVi tra Train a fternoon. Nov'r l!'J 'id li^•l^e's with aiiiidos, W. \. K1 PKi:, 'liiel I’.i::; r ,V p 1- lIiI iiia\ rri|nire. an ex- Oi' w ill leave I'a vci t, ville and return in the 1. wwi ii'iiii \iiTir:',! COUNTRY MERCHANTS. \EW. ri!E\r. .\\n lAPKiiiriins kih ik iiik Freight for the Interior of North Carolina, MER('H.\NTS and oihei's abou! iiurcha-iiig tlieir I'.all and Winter Siijiplii s. .ire leijiiesU d l i iiotiee. that by the Cotniiletion of ihe Norlli l^a'tei li K.iil fioiu ('liarleston. tot 'lier.a w, t h»' ad \ aiit.i _;cs , ,f a CHEAP and ENPEDITIOI'S R from tlu' Seaooard has been opened to tliem. All freight consiL'ned t.> the e:iie ot' tlu- .\gent of the N(>rth Eastern Rail Road wHlbe loiw.ii'detl FREE OF COMMISSION'. No ch.irge will lip made l'.*r .''iiir.i'jri' at i'Iummw. ,\11 gooils will be taken care of in t he ('.ini!! iti\ ' \\ arehoii-e until 'em tor. ■\ schedule of eharge- tor tr.insj.oMat ion of liwi'.l be found at the Po't S. S SOI.OMCX. I’- '■| an I Sii] 'i. ::i-if A A » V KO€' KE K Y. W. N. TILLINGHAST I I ,\S received most of hi>? Spring Stock, and has now I I in Store, a large su])))ly of Common. WHITE CiUANITE, P.LUE, PINK, anl other Earthenware. ,\lso, a new style of I'tirple-jlou-ered Ware, which is the jirettiest eolored ware in maiket. He has also a large .stock of (Jlass-ware and Looking-Glasses. March in. ISo'j 95tf Of Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware. K. Gl/oVKII rij I I .\S returned from the North with a 11 liirgc Stock of Goods in his line, con- ■‘V * •’ sistiiig of Watchcs of all kinds and jniees. from to SD **: Gold Chains of all kinds and )>rices: Breast-Pins, Ear- Rings and Bracelets, a large stock; Gold Lockets, Fin ger Rings: (Johl Pens and Pencils; Silver Spoons of all kinds; a fine lot Silver Cups. Plated ('asior^ .'ind Candle Sticks, ('al:.' P..i'kets; Clocks, Military Goods and every riling U'irdly kept in a .lewelry Sti're, which he is jire- jiared to sell on reasonable terms. His friends and the public :ire invited to call and examine. March !>, IS.j'.i Oo-om and Slioe^. ffl 11^ 1^ tire receiving a large stock of BOOTS, \\ SHOES AND G.MI'ERS. embracing every varie'y of style ^md iuulity, SuUabl(‘ l«»r Spring and Summer Woar. The Slock was selected witli care from the best manu factories with reterenee to st\leaml durability, which we otler cheap for cash, or to |.rompt paying customers. .\l.SO - Trunk', 0:ik and lleiuloc-k Sole Leath(‘r, t'alf. Goat. i.iiiiliU and Kimiing Skins, with a general assortment of .'^hoe l indin"s. S. T. H.VWLE^ iV SON. Mateii 14. 1i'O-f.w yiTEAMER • FVN.NV ' leave ►3 'hiy and Thuisda;, iiiornin;! rise: aiid Wilmin:.:t ai 'l ie-d.iv •—i-arrving pa-'enu^i'vs .an 1 : , Steamer -Sol rHKP.NFi!. of Flats, niake- one or more stances m:iy re'i'iire. Tile ai l i lent !o tiie ]iaireil in .a lew i!.i\' Shu the line. (let',- 4. is.'.s. 3x5-^ - I .i \ et'evilli- : It j.i iiiituite- m l Fri l.iv. : w ilh '■•M' ■very \l,ni- aftci Sun- ;l I'elock. ColllplclKi'Ilt . :i.' l ireum- \ ' will be rt lake lier ii!aei i 1.1 ITI'.RLoll. ■|1 tf ■id di spntch. W OVKKIU \i.\\ F'avetteville, N. (’.. Oct. \VM. I’AHTEK it SON, Whoh'saU* A. Hclai. iM-airrs and M;inula»‘tur(‘rs ' « A I I. K I N ;• Ut ^ Ijeather, Stultlles amt Harness. Of every description, t'olhir'. Whips, \c. VND we also jiartieularly (!:.ll ihe attention of the whole | surrounding coi.n:iy :o give us a eall, as we are de- ] tcrmined that none shall surpass u> in 'juality or low ■ prices: and we will give the highest e.i-h price at all j times for Baw Hides aiol T.illow. in exchange for our : r.rticles. ! Country Merchants would.’ well to call ind examine our Stock, as we can sell tiii'tii Shoes of u much better , quality than they uet. on \ery accommodating ' ierms. Southern Planti r' would do well to sen-l us all their orders as we are nrikinir a Nn. 1 ariiileot NEGRt* SHOES, that are warr.-inted to give entire satisfaction. ! N. B. All Orders from a distance shall h.ive pronipt attention. j S. S. CARTER. WM. (WRTER. ' (ioldst III P. (_>., ('haiham Co., N. ('., | March 1-'.. 18.'i'.t. o. iiorsi o\ ll'^OULD iiiforiii his tVieiids juid former i-u'tonu'rs that \\ he may be found'J d"or'bidovv the »'aji' I'ear P.atik, and :5 doors aliovc his old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep '.ii hand. Harness, SadUlos. HritUtvs. Wiiips. (ojlars. ati'l every thing bf!oii”ing l;i hi' liad.'. lie i ospeei liilly invites his friends from the coiiiilry to i-.ill .and ex.imiiiH his stock before ]iiireh.i'i He will attend to Repiiriiii: of li.iriu’^s and ."saddh ' punctually, and his ch.irges 'iiall be model ate. Ue would rei(uest all iiidob'''1 'o the firm o! i|tiVSl)N .V (iVERBY to settle with W. (iverby or hiiii'elf, as they are compelled to settle the firm s ilebts. August li7, iJ^ot). It 1H\\ I' ass.ieiated with e. in I'li' line. M ;• .lohn l\. Dailey, .and wiil siyl,. tlie lii i:i tilllM.I.I. I»\Il.K\. We lia\e pmehased the Mi .i nei s- a nil l.M i., alidin a few day'. will h;n e a New I ial ei.'ployeil willi h*' . Those favoriii” us with tlu 'r ' aM 'ti i^ nay ily i ■ ]ironipt desjiatch, by api'l\ .nu t ■ M" I'.r’ y ii b. a or to me at mv otlice. R. M. •iRIlF.LL R. M. ORREt.I.. March *J'i, I''-' Ills K l> V I I.KT. Smi-tf Garble I ac loi v. Hail'd ware. Cutlery, Scv. .\MI’S ,M.\i!TlNE is now receiving a large and gene ral assortment of everv thing in the above line. —ALSO— •\ prime article of Rio, Liiguira rtud Java Ct^FFEE; • 'rushed and Br.iwn SU(iAR: Sugar House .SIRUP and MOLAS.'ES. Ail ot' whieh is offereil on as good terms as can be had in this market. Nov'r'Jl. Ctjtf KIIKI^T IKOS, TIA-WAKK, &c. ON H.\ND, a large assortment of Box tind Cooking .■stoves; Tin-ware: Sheet-Iron: Lead Pipe. Also 'She Hotninion Coffee M*ot.^* For *ale by JAMES MARTINE. Nov r ‘J4. * iititf Itaiik of* Aortli Carolina. I)00!\S t>f sub'cription to the Capital Stock of the 1) r.ank of North ('arolina will be opened at the Office • if the W estern Rail Company, on Wednesday, ' \]>ril I St. and will be kept open according to the j>ro- I \isloiis of the ciiarter for the s]iace of sixty da vs. i GEORGE .McNElLL. W. McL. McKAY, JNo. M. Rose. Commissioners. Faye:tevill(‘, N. C., March 'Ji'. IS-')'.' SIXI i'aroHna •V. €. ri^llE .\tlantie :'nd North Carolina Railroad being now I completed to Beaufort Harbor, 1 have determined to loiMie at Carolina City for the purpose of doing a Forwarding and General Ccmmission GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., INVITE THE ATTENTION OF MERCHANTS AND Buyers generally to their very heavy Stock of Groceries & Hardware. Consisting in part of ‘230 Bags Rio, Laguira anl Java Coffee: 75 Bbls. Sugar; 17 Hhds. Do.; 33 Bbls. and Hf-Bbls. Mrs Miller’s E:igle Mills and Bonn's Snuff: 50 Boxes and Kegs Soda; ;>•') “ Tea: -SO “ Starch: lOt) “ Glass, various sizes; 00 “ Adamantine and Sperm Camlles: 20,000 lbs. Western and N. C. Bacon; 4()0 Bags Corn; Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Indigo, Madder; Raisins, Soap, Candy, &c.; 5lK) Kegs Nails and Spikes: 100 Doz. Steel and Iron lloek; 576 Pr. Trace Chains; 45 Doz. Eng. and German W^ieat ami Grass Blades; 50 “ Shovels, Spades and Forks; 35 “ Coffee Mills: 10 Tons and upward llollovv-'ware& Plow Castings; Also, a full and complete assortment of Hardware and Groceries not enumerated: Blacksmith's. Cooper’s and Carpenter’s Tools: 10 Tons Hoop Iron: A large assortment of Sweles, American anil English Iron; German, Blister and Cast Steel; /hoe Maker's Material and Shoe Findings; Saddle r y; 50 Doz. Wagon and Buggy Whips; In addition to our large and well selected stock of Shelf Goods, we have on the way and ex^>ect to receive in a few days, direct from the manufacturers in England, the heaviest stock of Pocket and Tal»le Cutlery, Shears. Scissors, Razors and Files, ever offered in this market. We shall also import during the year, KH1 TONS SWE1>ES IRON, various sizes, from 1] to 12 inches: 5(t tons of which we expect to receive about the Inth of .lune. We shall .Miii to our slock from lime to lime, as the trade requires: will at all times be prepared to offer in- lucements to Country Merchants, paying strict atten tion fo orders. March 1h5‘* 05-3m THE DISPOSITION OP THE M BEING TO PROCURE Foreig:ii"iM**de Clothing, A. .J. W OO 1> W A I’i 1> Being a practical tailor, will take the mca- sui e of any person oi person--, and have theii c made to onler. He is tirged todofhi.s fronuthefacl la Ills ( ultor ill -> w York Is loo much KiiiruKiMl to tome to Fajottevillo, and because the expense necessaiily attending such a journey would be an aiKlitional laritl upon the goot s which should be made. Frenchmen are reputed to be the best fasluonaloe cutters in the world, and in one of his Houses in New York he has a French Cutter, whose work he will warrant. Persons ilesiring a good suit of ('lothes will do well to call fit WOODWARD S Adams .V Co.'s Express haying lowered the fare, he will supply Coats, made of the best nuality of cloth, any color or style, at a jirice not ex ceeding twenty-five ilollars. 8«-^Shoi\bl the Clothing not be satisfactory upoii their arrival no charge wia be made. April 9 ____ ~ \. J. WOODWAKW Has FOUR HOUSES IN NEW YORK, .from which he makes his own selections. April 0 4-2t Those Yoke-Neani ^liirN 'E crented equal to those found at j_|AVE crci.ted quite an excitem‘nt. There are none \. J. ^YOOl)WARD■S. Two Doors below Dr Hinsdale’s. April 9 Summer ix« €'omin^’! C.VLL AT A. J. WOODW'ARD ' for niee, light, w'ell-mjde sr't of Clothes. April 9 1-. The Cwooiis ^PH \T PUFF THEMSE'A’ES ar to be fo.uiu at I A. J. WOODWARD' Near the N‘. irk. * April 9 -2' By !-Ar!jr',iL TWO nooRs \r>()vi' » . t. iiiiiiii I'.i ille .lan’v 20. Tin: I'KK.r oni|>oiinl(‘(I Mitirrh IS ONK OK TtlK Hi>T ITKi. Ti I PK’l.VKS now li-lor>^ itie i iij.l ■ , o.hi froiii TiVi-, \M> !.l V r. ■■ jil m-i: ^ ertf ri4-»er, u.. .- It ift not only » 1'ithiirtic, but h Lti *"! Lirrr to li» morbi'l nmtUM-. thf:i 'tu -■ to cHrry off thin rnatter. thu«» H. c«'n»plJ>b'iu nllT, wilhoul anyofthe pHintnl - x|»c* h tioti* of room rafhfMrHrt. It ctrei.Kibenft il.t- • lime that U pur|rt?« it ; whtMi tnkcn will 8tren»fth«n an.l buil*l ft wp witU uiiunial i .1. W . KAlt Lit Is iiuw rccoivinir IVoiii the Norfli tlic- large't. finest, and mosl caret'ully selcctil stock of I'l’R.MTI’lti: ever offered in this market; which a'lded to his own manufacture, makes his as.sortnient coinplete: — all of which he will sell on the lowest ]iossible terms for ca-h or on tini‘- to customers. Fashionablr* paitiled cottage bed-rooin Fuiniture in setts: curie.1 hair and shuck, and cotion M.-ittresses: Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Ci,idles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; W hat- Nots; Tables, all sorts; W'.asli Siaiid'; Candle Sfands: Wardrobes; Picture Fr.-imes .itul Giass; W indow Shades; Cfflnices; ('iirtain Bands: Sofas in Mahogoiiy anl Wal nut; Tele a Tetes: OltoniMiis; Divans and Stools: Chaiis of every variety. Fine Kiisiiwood Pianos, oiio with .Eolinii at- lachment; Rosewoo'l .Melodiiins, from the best manufac- lories in New York and P.osion, w.arranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sohl at New \ ork {ii’ices—freight only added. Sej'tember2. The tAyrrr is one of il.** bnruRn bo*iy ; and ^fcbeti it tha puweri of the Hie it Rlmoiit en’.irelj »leiK*n«!eni Lirer for the pro|*«r pwrfoim •tomiich is at fault, thfboweit •yntem •iilfert in con»«^iu«n(*e ceased to do it* duty, gan, one oT the proj»rietr>r« practice of more than twenty wherewith to counteract the it iH liable. To proT® that thii reineily is bled with l^t^er 1‘oiift* bat but to try a boule, ami These Uums remove All tiie tyntem, tupplyinK in thoir lnviK»raiinK the ^toumrli. |uirlfyli»u f lie blood, whole machinery, removing, tttTerti K a radicni cnre. Ulllout AltaickM Are |>r*veiit‘d, by; lilvrr liivl^orafor. One dose Aft«r eaiinfris snf and prevent the food from I Only one dote taken before mart'* Only one done t iken at gently, and cure' i'OK- One dose taken after each f9*One do^e of two ten- l$lck llenlarli€* One bottle taken for fe cftube of the di»e»!^e, itnd Only one dote immediately One do*e often repvated is Morbus, »nd a preventive Only on© bottle is •yn' itH lul OM ti^e hc'wr.hv t.' .■ n * » i* i ancenf iisfuj.I ;!!>•». V. . Hie at ''unit, aj.d ih»* vl: ot one oi>i'*.o—liii- ^^>r tht^ di'CH-r'* rtt ihrit ->r- ha« m»>le i* li»» h ';lv. i,i h tn ftn'l w«-nie i^-ni-'ix UiHD> di rut ‘ at last fr.nnd any j-c ->n ir(*u pialiil, in «nv ol il^ foini'*. i*Mviciion N rt*t Irtin. morbid or niaiter ftini plact- a liealihy Mow of bile. caUMiuji to «l‘ce'*t we!}. ^ivih^ iotie an'l luHith if the the caune of llie t!ibpa>i* - cured, the K niid, rai»ion;il pie\ > ficient to relievii the »tonR\‘h I ribii'tr An*l kom ret iriiig, ^ivcht, loniena the bowfb II VeiM'KH. menl wilfVur.* 5pM)nfiilH will Hlwa^k relu vo -lotf Water Wheels! \\ater Wheels!! Mi - -I VtrE are manufacturing VANDLWAIER.S IM- tlofhs^ Casstmeres nnft Keaeft/- \y pi.,,y|.’i) • Uade ilothhtg. j jqnVAL TURBINE WATER WHEEL, The above comprises but a small portion of the stock. | Fact .ues of every description: an.lall those " 'eh was selected in Philadelphia and New \ ork with | improv. thoir water power will find it for their to aduress us by letter, stating the number of feet, head and fall; their usual amount of water; the kind of machinery to be clriven. We can then give them price of wheel, or what we will furnish wheel and jn in- cipal gears for, warranted lo do ■ certain amount, of work.*^ Time ijiven lo Ifxt t:, u h. pl. and if it does not maleol»«trnction removch tlie mHk*?s a j.erfect ctue. . irelievf^s 1 I141II0, while a Kin« ‘ uie tor I hull 1» lor Cliolt in. ime'lul 10 ihrow ont of lli> „ the eflect* of mcdi-! > in,* «• ■ . h . v One bottle taken for ' ^ 1 . _ 1 - • 1 ■ A w If 1 II ’‘■I'Metice to the Latest Spring Styles, and will be sold ' cuatoiiiers on good, terms. J. ’. POE. ■March 10, 1859 95-tiw OLD HILLS. ~ I'L persons indebtel to the concern of FRANK & A JERR\ uiidJ. H. ROBFMiTS & CO., are requested ' come up to our figure, the whe l and gears to be deliver- 'o conie forward and settle their bills. If not setllel ^,1 to us at the mill of the purchaser, the last of this month, they will find them in the bauds of a Lawful Collector. May 3, 1858. J. H. ROBERTS & CO. 7tf Reference given and required. HEATH .S: STEVENSON, Laurel Factory. Prince George Co., Md. ROBERT BAIRD, Agent, Kichmoua, Yu. 6-y lowness or unnatural color» One dote taken a short ^ gor to tbe appetite, and make-', One doi«e often repeated' 00 rlKien in Its worrt formf*. Itowel complainifi One or two doaes cures at j CbUdren : there is no Puver,» ^ ♦te world, »• it never/nil$. 9^ A few bottles curec absorbentf. We take pleattnre In rerom preventlTe tor Kever and { ^0 and ^11 Kevcrt^of a ino\ eii all >a\ from tlie nkin. time ralii if vi lovu v'»-ll- cute* hroiilr l>lai*- while S«iuin«i* Hnd ahnoMt lo the do-e. tuck« rMU!»“i bj \\ oi'H*’* :u Si;ifer. or speedier iemt*a: in ni«nd*tiK thip medlciite at a C'blU Kt-ver, loiiM Typr. It i.x>i'ih\v.9 are wllii.i? u* te^^tify to tin witL^ertainty, and thouMandt { wonderful virtue*. All wh» tttt* It art- c'lvlii^ tlirir nnnnliiioit« tc»tliuO!iy III Its t'uvor. 99* Mix YVater In thr mouth w itli fbe fnvl- g^orator« and 8%vallow botb Ikt. THB lilVER INVIGORATOR ^ IS A RCIKNTIFIC MKDK'.M. DlSi'oWllY, HnI is daily working curen, almost too grt-at to belit re. It cures a» it^ »*.v mairic, even the Jirnt tinxe givit^g f^rnrjit, and »efiom r:ore t.^mi one ^ttle is required to cine any kind of KH c-r ■ ni| .»t«nt. from the worst Jaumiv e or 7>.vw lo a comp'on all of which are the re«nU of a Olsen^cfl 1^1 vcr. PUICS OWE DOLLAR I’ltii fiOTTLt. Dr. SAN'KORH, Troprieior, 3*5 Uj *ai\T:iy. New \ork Betniled by Ml Dniggi»vt». .Wii Aj/ JAS. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. Nov’r 11. 62-ly an.I ho)ie tiy promjitness and strict attention lo merit patronage and stipjiort. P>eing the .Agent of .Murry's Line ot I'ii'i Class Packets to this and Morehead Ciy, c\ery effort will )>e made to make this the cheapest and laosi expeiliiioiis route lo New York. Vessels will be I'l.ided aiiil dischar:iel at my Wharf (adjoining the Rail- I.MO W'liai't. . atnl Iheretiy save cartage and lighterage. P.irii..i!;ar ati -ntion will be given to all orders, and to tlo' 'ale :iii.l siiijiiiietit .if Pro.luce. W.M. B. GRANT. • hily 'J''. l.''-'is. ’^--ly \oli«e Nol«li«‘r«’ Widows. fjliil'. \\i.|on- ol .\lexican .'^•ddiers, and the Widows of I .'^.iMici's w h.i IN sKUVtcr in the war of 181:2, can have tiieir )ieiisioiis einitinueil by c.illitig on the under- 'iunc.l, t'oniiiess iiaving maile .idditiotial provision for I hem. (ii\e me the maiia.j:ement of your claims, and the m.itiev sh:i'l come at cuce, or no ch.irge. JNO. M. ROSE, Agent for Pensions. F lyelteville. J urn* ll!, 1 SoS. I'J- Heep Kiier Coal. i)rrrMlNoUS coal of tlie best (piality can be had ) at tlie Works at Kgv’,it. at a rea.sonable jirice by the Von. ■ W.M. .McCLANE, I Mining Engineer 'i May -Jl, I-V;. 0-tf j TAKi:\ I P, 1 fPAKKN up aii.l eouimitteil »o the.lail of Cumberland ! I (’oitnty on the l.'itii inst., a NEtiRo BOY, named j.ltiHN i‘>l!.\CE or .toll’s lUVNKI.IN. who says he i^ free, all I tliat he came fViUii Columl)i:i. S, C. John is s’liall, a liiighi nml.ilio. aii'l lunl on wlien taken up a while Wool li:H jiiid sleel-mixc'l liock coal and pants. 'I'he owner of said Neirro is ii.iiiti*-'! to come forwanl, prove projieily, pay charges, and lake him away, or he will be tle.ili >\iili as the law tiirecls. GEO. L. .McivAY, Jailer. Oet'r 1 185K. u5- e;; roe?*! .\*^ror>*!! Wanf‘d. I i ENTLEME.N, your oM (.•u.stonier is yet in market for \ I Likely Neij:r'>es. for which 1 am determined to pay the liip:hes( fash Prices. Persons ha. ing such for sale \\ ould do well to give m,‘ .1 c.ill, or address ),ie at (’linion, N. (’. All t.rder.s proiiipllv :itteiided to. J. A. .McARTHUR. Clinton, N. C.. March i>. l.S.">'.t. ‘.t.">-lyrpd ,\oliee.—.\e^'roeN IVanfed. '■pO tlie fai iiieis and citi/.t>ns of the (’onnties ol Duplin, I Wayne. .lolmston, Harnett. Moore, Cumberland, | Uolieson. P.l . Icu, Columbus, Brunswick, New Hanover, ! ati'l S.impsoii: The siili-ieritier fieing desirous of purchasing a number of likely young Negroes, of all classes and descriptions, i avails himself of tliis method of informing those who may have such property to dispose of, that they would I do well fo visit me at home, or address me at Clinton, . N. C.—for which they shall receive a visit. A w rd to the wise is suflicient, a« it is well understood that I pay ! exceeding high prices. i EVERETT PETERSON. ' Feb’y rl, IH.jO 88-Om j Finest Family Groceries for 1859. ACKER MEKUALL k CO., ^"o. 15155 Chamber street, (vorntr of College Place, (Opposite Hudson River Rail Road Station,) NEW YORK. nUALEKS IN FINEST WINES, FINEST BRANDIES, FINEST SEGARS, FINEST TEA.S FINEST COFFEES, FINEST SUGARS, FINEST BUTTER. FINEST HAMS, FINEST TONGUES, and FINEST FAMILY GROCERIES, of every description, put up for Shipment to all parts of the W%>rld. Catalogues will bo furnishetl upon application. March 21 >y-3m PIMU VlAxV GUANO. The undersigned has made arrangements by which he is prepared to furnish, ai short notice, any required quantity of I%'o. 1 Peruvian (wiiano, ill of which will be from direct importations, into the Port of Wilmington, and warranted pure ar 1 genuine. Urdeis foa the above e’^.cellent fertilizer .ire solicited, to ■which prompt attention will be given. • As this is an article which does not admit of being soM on time, cash or its equivalent must accompany each order. BEVERLY ROSE. July 8. -Otf PAiStS, OILS, &€. SPERM, Refined, Lard, Linseed and Tanners’ OIL; W'hiie Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; W'indow Glass and Sash of all sizes. —ALSO— A fresh supply of POND’S PAIN DESTROYER! For sale bv JAMES M.\RTINE. Nov’r-J4, 1858. )Otf Hr. FKAxk WILLIAMS'S KVK WHkiKEY. 1) MITCHELL has male arrangements with Dr. Frank Williams, to be constantly supjilied wiih his celebrated RYE WHISKEY, which can be had at his Store at all limes, by wholesale or retail. Oct r 11, 1858. ‘ 5;?-tf lliiii^arian ami Honi*% Blade C«ra*>i‘* Seetll AITE have this day received a lot ol the li ungarinn Gra.^s W Seed for sale. We are tlu regnla- autl: ri/.od ii- gents for Cumberland, Robeson, i..v:L.-.ond, Moore and Chatham counlies. These wbo have engaged nre re- .juested to call and get their several qiianiitios as soon as conv'enieni. Those who wisli lo obtain some ol •'he seed had oetter call soon, as the c ipply which we shall be able to furnish this season will be lliiite.l. i.,xp.ii . atory pamphlets distributed gratis. ^ J, II. ROBERTS c;0. At the old Stand of E. W. Willkings & Co. April y. 4-4w :?iolassi:n. Fresh and sweet, inst received by the Sir Sun,— 1^' for cash. ‘ J. H . ROBERTS & CO. April 0 sec,;ars. 4 NOTHER Lot just received from New \ ork. \ J. H. ROBERTS .'v CO. April 9 4-2w 50 Ploifxl Plows!! Plo%v?«!!! NO. t) PLOWS: 50 No. 10 Plows; 5t>No. 11 “ 25 ^:o. 50 “ 25 No. 00 “ Points, liars and Mould Boards fo suit. For sale by C. E. LEETEI. Jan'y 12 ”9" Tiirpentine ilaeiiers, Seraperx, Pullers and Dipprrs, i LL of the first ipiality, can be had at .M. A. B.XKER'S GUN SHOP. Fayetteville, N. C. Jan'y 15. 1858. 80tf Notice to Tiirpeutine Distillers and others. 1.\M fully ]irepared to m.ake or repair TURPENTINE STlLL.s'. or do any thing in tbe Copjier or Sheet Iron work, at the shortest notice. Fayetteville.'y 21, 18-)0. Itiilter. Cheese and Crackers. I /\ FIRKINS Goshen Butter; I 25 Boxes Stale Cheese; 1» Bbls. Soda and Butter Crackers. MRS. M. BANKS. 4-lw M. BANKS. 4-lw M. A. BAKER. 82tf .lust received by Jan'y 12 twill \vi and ~/v LBS. Gill Net Twine; I'.H) lbs. Seine “ Just received by Jan’v 12 C. E. LEETE. 7'J- Seine Twine. COFFKE. ri^WENTY-FIVE BAGS received this day. I J. II. ROBERTS & CO. April 4-2w Bacon, Lard and Butter. I ""nnii i-'BS. BACON SIDES; LOvUw 4IXH) lbs. l.eaf Lard; 1500 “ Goshen Butler—extra; 35 sacks Coffee. Just received and for sale low by E. F. MOORE. April 11 4-3t Cij^ars! Cigars!! CigJ^rs!!! 4 CHOICE LOT, of various brands, just received .JX and for sale by April 11 _____ •20 Boxes English Dairy Cheese TUST RECEIVED and for sale by MRS. April 11 TRIST SALE COYTlXliED. The Trust Sale of Jas. G. Cook will be resumed on 25th May nest, when the lot east of his Store will be sold, unless it should be sold ivt ]>riviite sale; the lot is 24 by 139 feet. At the same lime quite a number of other articles. S.VMPSON BOON, Trustee. Fayetteville, .Vpril 11, 1850. 'l-ts House and l^ot tor Nale. ^pilE Dwelling, .-ind nearly One .k;re of ground, \\ell J. of good waier, Kc., corner of Hillsborough an.I .\Ioorc streets. Term.'—Negotiable Note of ninety d.iys .at Bank. Price -\pply to William Overliy. A. E. GIERSH. Ajiril ■> l-3t-pd Jfiiseellaneoiis ISooks. ^IMIE American Home (iarden, illustrated, by .'V'.ex’r I Waisoii: The Old Plantation, by Hungerford: Sylvan Holt's Daughter, by Holme Lee; Self Ma.le Men, by .Seymour; Episodes of French History, by Miss Pardoe: Kendall's Santa Fe Expi'ditioii: .Miss .McIntosh's Works; Percy .\nrcdotes; Lives of the (Jiieetis of Scotland, by Agues Strickland; Barnes' .Notes on the P.ooks of the New Testament; Literal Traiislat ions of the (lassies: Abbott's Lite ofNajioleon Bonaparte: ':c. April E. J. HALL \ .'JON. A.WI AL flEETIAt;. F. \ W. P. I{. ('O. ^pHli .\nniial Meetinjc of the Stockholders of the i>v- 1 eitt villc \ Western Plank Road ’o. will lake {dace on Tluivsiiav 2-Hrn inst., ai .1 o'clock, in the Town Hall. JNO. M. ROSE, St; V * F. .t. W. P. r‘ Co. 1-tni ot . ,• I Noi" h ■ I'ilLRCH, F'ayetteville, April 8,1859. C. E. LEETE. 79- rCT I lie 4.i(l viiniiMl t 'on . the Protestant Et>i'Copal Church in ’i Di.. Carolin :, will t. held in ST, STE M (JOLDSBOUOUC»H. fir t Wednesdav ii . EDWARD Li... A iN.j;. Favetierille. ril 1, 18 ’'* 2- To Kail KoaU Contractors: J U ST R E(,’ EIVE D lOO WIIEELBAKUOWS, light and fitrong, for the Rail Road. F’or sale by M' Further Suoplit -i of Thirl V Years Out ,f the bcnate. March 29, 1859. D. & W. McLAURIN. 8(K>tf A new an«l complete TVorth Ca rolina FOR.M BOOK, compiled from tlie best sources, and intended as a companion to Cantwell's Justice. 1 April 2. E. J. HALE & SON. HAY! HAY!! arA BALES PRIME HAY, just received and for /Oil salebv J. H- ROBERTS & CO. March. 2^. “ _ _ ^ 800-tf aoo Bbls. ot Herring. I 1011 sale, very low. 2I.H) libls Herring, by ' GEO. W. W’lLLIA.MS & CO. . .March 14 liAC on" ^ CHOICE North Carolina BACON, Also, >Ve»t«rn Sides and Shoulders, Got. 14.—54-tf] ,C. B. COOK. Dowiiinji; Bulwer’.s Novel, ‘ W W'ill lie Do W^itli It?’ Brown low X T’lyne's Controversy; Lights and Shado' soi si 'ottish Life, by Prof. Wil i. F>ic. or le by Lit'le; Sterne’s Works; Lougworth -n ii " Grape. “ Kip’s Leuten Fast;'Buck's Ineol . I'lciionary; Ruskin’s Political Eoonom; Vi’: Treasury Blotting Paper; Schoo. Books. .v‘. Just received. i . J. H.VLI- .v SON. April 4 . -■ Colton^ noumtain >*cen«*ry. Another supply received, pri.c •;() cent-. B mail t)8 cents. April 4 J- SION. The Revenue A FEW more copies (pamphlet formj received and f , sale. E. J. HALE & SON. April 4, 1859