OM \ k CO., -V (•. SSKT fO., OA’A' 2 i £!•; 3 S - C.3! ition fTiven t.. the •T'^ 'z •'-•^lliospd ^ ■'• ttkwa^. mN Line Sffaniers, ngton N. c , » kvill .' , •'*>tt 'II r. tc. \ ■ TO ngtoii. N. ' Ion. ( Hit » >.i ’.onriul H,u,k. H.lciii r.Hiik of* aiK* K...., lilllk ifS-.-it He, N ■r V. c. . 1% OKTH. fardiii^ Merehanh. ON \ ILL\GT0W .11 e r V li am, »S. -N . r . Bonal a",.ii-ion to all oon Tl KI KNTINK. K«)SIN n.l ..ilier .-..uufVy }.ro.luf..,' h.-infr »n\i-nieiitly Waie.l citluT li_v Kailruad or Kiver light. . ' M- »’1,AKK CLARK, DN, N. t' rSK, TEMKNT, HAIK.Ar. sU’s Line of Sienmers.'^^g • (tivfii to coiitigninent: o other ( . uiitrj I’nyuc#, for u. n\H\, i\*arai Stores^ ON. N ' • . ill entrusted to his e of pul>iic ymtrniiajrt'. IK, >(». 43, up stairs, er Street. 4-t>mo8 ZZELL. SSI II \ MERl’HANT. WAii ii Strkkt, roN. N ention t. the recefiiion produce, fither for sale ■' ctwA cii^t will jeceive coiiiuiiiigi.iiiii. 64-lr BLOSSOM. ? « ■ « A K V Herrhanty loti, .V. c. •ntioii j i V 10 ill] Consi^n- ule on i : ! . i‘ to be *hi^>{>e(l mat ket. CTtf J. 1‘U1CK, 1%'ava! Sforeu. roy. \ - :e of iii- '>n;ry friend* auJ irpent %Val«*r iiNsTFjrr, '.erins^'^s Pianos^ my- - hiinJ. I, 18'> lALLBTT TH Ml KRAY, ISION MERCHANT, • i F. > , .:j \v yoHK. r SMiOES^ \!.K NORTH CAROLINA, T II w A. c:o., FRKKi XkW V'iRK, lis S ^^i.'n'J- ftt rher*- • ■ j - . ■ >u i.ny uf^’y froi- . -iMive ar-l well hul liiife g..' . up e*pr«i'*^‘y r.7-ly. k ?^TO\V, HUP.- \ !I T. R.H A N , ■ ■■ » -■ - UH fiuiis ShoveN, rare, &c, iKAK i;::'>Al>WAY, .vA’ ir roiiK. iiu i:tt friend' at ine above Hou»2 , ! 8rnlrai V (ioODS, , Epaulettes, Laces, 0^ Oi MILITARF GOODS, [(I TO ;HK ml ,Stuff II. ’julntinnt. m:Y S; I.KAIIAM, IASI F,4;Tti«BR*> E N I. \ N E , JTtw W'ork. Hiri>. . reiii:ii liT !if the year, * Utfc II. , . r-yrrant. App'f Tl!i > A. E. EVANS IPAlf WlMiIE SEMI-WEEKLY. [VOI.. VIIL] FAYETTEVILT.E, N. C., MAY 2, 1859. [NO. 810.] 1>|!1NTKI> MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. KDWARU J. HALE & SON, KPlTdKS AND I’HOl'UIETOUS p,.;,,. :,.v tin- Si'iiii-Wt'okly OnsKRvtR $3 00 if paid in givfiiii''': 'liirinp the year of suhscrip- ii: ■ after the your has expired. .r tlx' " ookly Oiiskkvkr $‘2 00 per annum, if paid in I 'i1 if paid during the year of snhscrip- ii>‘n: 'f ***• after the year has expired. J. V AI'VKKTISEMENTS inserted for 00 cents per , iiarf ot It' liiH's for the first, ami 30 cents for each publication. Yearly advertisements hy spe- | ii'iiiraots. at reasotiable rates. Advertisers are ,iio>tO'l to state the minibor of itisertions desired, or , v be continued till forbid, and charged accord- j 1 A.i-.rin^onients to be inserted insi'ks charged 50 per | i'lif. I ^I’ECIAI. NOTICE. ! Fi 11 iii'l after this date, no name of a new subscriber ] T'll ' r oiUi'ie'i without payment in advance, nor will . ] i| .r be sent to such subscribers for a longer time | • ; in paid for. ; Si.v 1 ?'our old suhscribi'rs as ilesire to take the pa- ! -11 I hi' system will please notify us when making FAYETTEVILLE MUTUAL JNSUKANCE COMPANY. ASSETS $2a«,326.28. f jiHIS ( oiupany has been in operation more than five L years, and has jiaid its los-ies, amounting to J), without any assessment; insirrtujtce averaging its memtters at)out per ceitt. Policies isuued to 1st of May, iSoH, ’JTri'.i. .\niouiu of prop^'rty now insured, S^l ,474,U2‘2 :’>4 .Vmoutu premium notes iu>w on hand, ii‘.!4,y(;8 ‘J;’. ^ash premiums received. 3ll,317 41 The Carriage Fnrlort/ Ut the South J Geo. McNeill, D. A. Hay, H. I.. My#iver. S. . Tillingha».t, Henry l.illy, X. .V. Stedmau, S. .1. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. Slcl.aurin, A. ■;«-;cT»)us. S. T. Hawley, ^\ . N. Tillingha>t, A. A. McKetlian, •I. I). Williams, .las. ('ook, A. W. Steele, .las. Kyle, •I. (i. Shephcr.l, H. F. 15rown. Wilmiagton. E. Hall, Wihnuigton. OFKtrtnis: GKO. McNElLL. President. L>. A. 11.. Vice President. McMlLLAN, Secretary. John rcilliiis and ('. McCnimmeu, Travelling B-^^'The (’’ompany in\ite applications. May 21, 1S.')S. Agent*. 13Y .1:1- i:E0. W. WILLIAMS & CO., |\V1TK THE ATTENTION OF MEROHANTS AND I r>uyer» generally to their very heavy Stock of (Groceries &: 11 aril ware* ■ jiiaistiiig in part of 2oti Bags Rio, Laguira and Java Coffee; 7’; Ubls. Sugar; 17 llhds. Do.; ■di and Hf-Bbls. Mrs Miller’s Eagle MiUa and Bonn’s Snuff; 6(1 Boxes and Kegs Soda; 00 *• Tea; 3C •“ Starch; 10(1 “ Glass, various sizee: Adamantine and Sperm Candles; ^.i oiiolbs. Western and N. C. Bacou; 4iiu Bags Corn: Popper, Spice, Ginger, Indigo, Madder; K:ii'ins, Soap, Camly. &c.; Kegs Nails and Spikes: Doz. Steel and Iron Hoes; •'>7') Pr. Trace Chains; Doz. Eng. and Wheat and Grass Blad«.s: oO *• Shovels, Spades and Forks; o-'i “ Coti'ee .Mills: 1" Tons and upward Hollow-ware & Plow Castings; ,\lso. a full and complete assortment of Hardwar«and tirm'eries not enumerated: Blacksmith’s, Cooper’s and Carpenter’s Tools: 111 Tons Hoop Iron: ■V large assortment of Swedes, American and English Iron; German. Blister and Cast Steel: Shoe Maker’s Material and Shoe Findings: l^addlery; 50 lioz. Wagon and Buggy Whips: In addition to our large and well selected stock of Slielf Goods, we have on the way and expect to receive in a few days, direct from the manufacturers in England, ;.he heaviest .stock of Pocket anil Table rullery, M.t'aro, Scissors, Razors and Files, ever offered in this :;;irket. \V(‘ shall also import during the year, DK) TONS SWKDKS IRON, various sizes, from 1^ to 12 inches: tons of which we expect to receive about the 15th of June. We shall ADD to our stock from time to time, as the r ro'Hiircs: will at all times be prepared to offer in- liicement'i to L’ountry Merchants, paying strict atten- 1 t.; orders. M srch 1859 95-3m ('AllOMXA. Lcjidaturc of ATL.WTK' m T1 A L Fire and >1arine Insurance (Omi>an.r, CAHOLIN.V ('ITY, NOUTH Iiiciji'ji'irntnl Jiif on A'f of' fjo_ Xortli V!ro!ino. ^plllS CO^lPANY being duly organized, is now pre- I pareil to recevve applications for insurance upon Building'S. Mereliandlse, Furniture, Mills, Manu factories, Ships and tliefr t'ar^oes, .\ml most kinils of property, at remunerative rates of premium. It is aimed in the organization of this Company, to make a safe medium for Indemnity :»nd Protection to the assured in case of Loss. .An honorable and upright course of dealing, and a faithful fulfilltnent of its con tract*. will ut all times characterize the business of the ('ompany. -\pplications for Insurance may be made at the office of the Company, or to it# aui-hotnzed .\gents. DIREttTOUS. John A Parrott, Levi T t.)glesby, W B Grant, l>avid S .lones. Geo W Dill. Vol Thos J BUkaly, Luke Blackman, 0FF1CER> William S Long. David W Bell, .V B Chapin, Samuel Leffers, Joel H Davis, D A Hargett, E Mallett. A. A. .>l( KF/niAi\ i)ESPECTFri,l.Y iiiforiiis hi> friend.'! nnd the puldic, that hp lias luiili up biVL'o substaiilial Kri-k BuiM- ings at his (»11 Stand, expussh- ior tiiantiracturing I’ar- riages. Tliankfiil t’.ir tlie very liberal jiatronage he has roceivel for tlie last 21 yrars, lie Liipes l y strict atten tion to business, with a desire to gi'^e satislaction. to merit a continuance of the 'anie. He warrants his work to t>e made of ilic 1n>-t and by exp»M’ienced wcikmen in e.icli tiraiicli oftlte business. Hi-; work will coni)iare favorably witli any iiiaile in the I'nited States. I’or ncaines and duia)iility. lie i» determined to sell and do any wurk in lii^ line nn as gKod lerms as iny work done el-ewherc iliai i a> wt'll done. He now has on hand, finished. TIIK I,\IK;KST STttCK OF ('arria^f^s, Uaroiirhos, Kockauays and ever otfen d in tlr-^ ylai-e, :ind :i largo ^tock of work nearly finished, wiiicli wiu lie tinishctl daily. All of which will be si.M very l"\v !'nr or on sliort time to punctual 1-ii^tiiiiii‘r'. J.-/; Ho lia- nn liand more tliaii ONE HI NDIU',!' \M» I-ll'TY \ KlIlc'LES hnished and in course of con«iructioi;. "oik made by him w,irr:;i:te'l 12 niontlii with fair ii>age. and sliould it fail b\ bad workmanship or material, will tie repaii-d free of eharre. Persons wishing ii> tmy w^uld do well to call and ex amine iur themselves. Orders tli.anktiilly rei fiverl ami pnitiiptly attended to. Repairitig executed at short notice and on very reason able terms. Mav 2s. IH.',:;. 8!*-tf John \ Parrott, Levi T tglesby. Long, President. Vice President, T reasurer, .\ttorney. Secretary. Finest Family Groceries for 1859t A( ’K K K \m l\ A LL & CO., Ao. 13*^ C hamber .^Ireet, Corner of College Place. "I'j'osite Hudson River Rail Road Station,) NKW YOKK. ■ ' i IV K.NKSJ WINES, FINEST BRANDIES, FINEST SEGARS, FI.NfST TEAS. FINEST COFFEES, FINEST SUGARS, F'NKST BUTTER. FINEST HAMS, FINEST T»NGUES, and F NKST FAMILY GROCERIES, E A Thompson, A B Chapin, W B Grant, ) W S Long. V EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. l>avid \V I5ell, J March 12. iMj-tmi Tlllv .\OKTH C.tROM.\.\ .Ml Tl AL LIFE IXSI RANCE (0MP.1M, V^OW in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing cajdtal and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to ♦;) years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members shfrring in the profits. .VII slaves from I(t to CO years of age are insurel for one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. .Vll losses are punctually paid within ‘,.*0 da3’s after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the public is referred tc: Agents of the ('ompany in all parts of the State, ami to R. II. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. H-VLE. Agent at Jan'y 1859. Fayetteville, N. C. Fire InsMtrance. 'll’’E refer our reader^ to the anntial statement of the W -Etna Insurance Company, of Hartfiird. This suc cessful institution was incor]H>rated by the Legislature of Connecticut in ISl'.t, with a perpetual charter. Its capital is $.500,00>. and its accumulations excecl Hi(( more, making its entire assets over f l,:;t>0,Ki0. in vested as detailed in the statement referred to. Tlifse restilts indicate that during the j>eriod of nearly forty years since its organization. : without a single change ot its chief ofhcer. i its business has been conducted with judgment and prudence. It has been thus far succe~s- ful in an eminent degree, tlisrharging, as we are in- f.irmed, all its obligatiotis by the payment of about / .-» million ihUnrn for losses, without asking a day's dtday in any instance. It ha- but little litigation, notwith standing the immense number of transactions made. In order to attain as much rfrfnint'/ as possible in sucli a business as insurance, it has been the ]iractice of the Comjiany, for several years, at great labor, carefully to classify and arrange their risks into about fifty distinct cla-ses, so .as to ascertain the atiiount insured mi ea‘h class, the amount of premium= received thereon, aiel the amount of losses upon each. 1'his cl,issifi-ation. extend ing over a hing iiet iotl. and covering projiei-ty to a very WM. CARTEIi & SO.N, Wliolesale A Ketail Dealers and Manufacturers WK ALL KINDS OK Leather^ SaihUrs ttiitf Harness^ (M every description. Collars, Whips. &c. VN 1) we also particularly call the attention of the whole •urrounding country to give us a call, as we are de termined that none shall surpass us in quality or low prices: and we will give the highest cash jirice at all times t’or Raw Hide? and TalltiW, in exchange for our articles. Country Merch.ants wonli’t do well to call and examine our Stock, as we can sell them Slioes of a much better ijuality than they usually get. on very accommodating terms. .'Southern Planters would do well to send us all their orders as we are making a No. 1 article of NE{«R(J SHOES, that are warranted to give entire satisfaction. N. B. All Orders froni a distance shall have prompt attention. S. S. CARTER. * WM. CARTER. Uoldston P. »J., Chatham Co., N. C., > .^].irc•]l 1’), I 96- W 4». ll»l>T4>\ ’OULD inform liis friends and former customers that he may be found L’ doors below the Ca[ic Fear Bank, and ‘i doors above his old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keej> on hand, Harness, Saddles, Kridles, >Vhips, Collars, and every thing belonging to his trade. He respectfully invites his friend* from tlie country to call and examinu his stock before purchasing. He will atteti'i to Itepairing of Harness and Satldle* punctually, and his charges shall be moderate. He would request all indcbte 1 to the fiiin of HOUSTON \ OVHKB\ to settle witli W. tvci tiy or liiniself, as they are compelled t" settle tlie firm's debts. .\ticust 27, 1 tf HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. niHE 2il volutne is now jmblished. It embraces the pe- i riod of the Proprietary Government, from Diti:! to 1729. It forms a handsome 8vo. volume of 591 pages. The subscription jirice was lialf a cent a page; but the jirice of this volume is less, say ?2 75 in cloth binding, S3 00 in library sheeji. and S3 25 in half calf It wili, bf. soi.i) Koii r.\sii. Owing to the difhculty of securing Agents in many parts of the State, we will forward it by mail or other wise frei' IlfpdKtiii/c, on receipt of the price: or both vol umes for S4 )0 cloth, .SI 50 shoe]', or S5 half calf. A liberal ili.scount made to Agents or others, who buy to sell again. E. J. H.VLE & SON. Fayetteville, Nov. 3, 185S. MtitiTiSii Pt:RiOi^M€',iWjS. L. SCOTT I'v CO., NEW YORK, contiiuie to ]iublish the following loading British Periodicals, viz: 1. THE LONDON (^U.VRTEKLY (f'onservative.) ■) THE EDINP.URGH RIA'IEW .Whig.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW , Free Cluirch.) 4. THE WESTMINSTER RI’.VIEW (Liberal.) BL.VCKWOODS EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) Those Perioilicals ably represent the three great poli tical parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory and Radical, —but ]>olitifs forms only one feature >>f tlieir character. ■\s Organs of the most ]'rifoiiiid writers on Sdence. Literature, Morality au'l l!eligion, they stand, as they ever have stood, unrivalleil in the world of letters, being consiilered inlispensable to the scholar and the profes sional m:ui. while to the intelligent reader of every class liey furtiisli a more correct ami satisfactory record of the current literature of tlie day, throughout the world, than can bt‘ possibly obiained from any other source. EARLY COPIES. The receijit of .VDV.VNCE SHEETS from the IJritish puVdishers gives ailditional value to these Reprints, in asmuch as they can now be plaeel in the hands of sub scribers about as soon as the origitial editions. TERMS. Per ann. For any one of the four Reviews $3 00 For any two of the four Reviews 5 (M.» For any three of the Four Reviews 7 IK) For all four of the Reviews 8 00 For Blackwood's Magazine 3 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews 9 00 Four Blackwood and the four Reviews 10 00 /\ii/7iHiits to he mmh- in oil lasrs in advdvce. Monri/ rurrf'ut in the Sfot*’ irhrre iiisuft} icifl f>c rn'cict(/ at jinr. CLUBBING. discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above jirice will be allowed to Ci.LUs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: P'our copies of Blackwooil, or of one Review, will be sent to one ail- iress for S9: four cojiies of the four Review* and Black wood for S-^0; and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be deliverel, FREE (>F POST.VGE. When sent by mail, the Postage to .niiy part of the United Stales will be l>ut TWENTY-F•t'R CENTS a year for ••Blackwood,” anil lint F(»URTEEN CENTS a year for each of the Re views. A . H. The prirc in (rrent liritnin of the fire PeriodiroU ahoce-nmm >1 is r nntinyn. Remittances for any «)f the above publications should always be addressed, post-paid, to the Pufilishers, LEONARD SCOTT CO.. No. 54 Gold street, New York. THE LIVEK li\ VIGOR ATOU! I’RKPAKKD HY I>R SA.\KORI>, ('ompouiided eDtirely from til .lIS, ffi O.VK (IF TIIK Pl'K^JATIVK AM> IJVKK MK 1 nK'INKS now b«fore th« public, that sm'U a* a «>aaier. milder, and more AiTectual than aiiT other mrdicine koowu I« U not only a Cathfirtir, but a hirer remedr. aciinK Cr«t mi the Liv«r to it« morbid matter, then on the Ht«>macb and boweI» to carry off that matter, thnt arcomplipjhiuK two pniTh»»»e^ ally* without any of the gainful ft*^ exMrieucei iu the tione of rooet Cathartirt. I' iitrenfrtheus to« nv«tem at the pan « \1 UPS will be furnisheil upon application. J} 99-3m w lliiii;;ni*iaii and Honey Kla«ie ve this clay received a lot of the Hungarian (Irass ' ! : r s-,’... We are the regular authorize*! a- :''umberland. Robeson, Riclimond, Moore and ' anues. Those who have engaged are re- ■ call and get their several ijnantities as soim nvi-ni. 'it. Those who wish to olitain some of the ■ i l bftUT call soon, as the supply which we shall ■ furnish this season will be limited. Exjilan- ■ ; :f it 'ii.'ts di&irlbuted gratis. J. H. ROBERTS & CO. -\i the old Stand of E. W. Willkings & Co. ■ ’ 4-4w. Hardware^ Cutlery, ^AHHLEKY, &c. I \'I1.S A1 AH TINE is now receiving a large and gene- •I ■ i-'.irtnittnt of every thing in tlic f.bove nne. —ALSO— ■' I ''lie article of Rio, Laguira ani Java C('»FFKJ^: ' * -li' I ;ind l5rown SUGAR; Sugar House SIRUP and 'f which is offered on as good terms as can be had in V,;- .. n-ket. N. ' iescription, put up for Shipment to all parts of „mount, furnishes reliable data, and presents n " '' I- sound, siilistantial basis of actual experience, ui>on whicli to conduct its business. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, as many suppose; its hazards are ascer tainable, and its iirincitdes capable of being reduced to a system, the practical working and results of which are as certain as tliat of any other businc's. T!ie .Ktna Company, by adliering rigidly to its system, and placing its business upon a healtliy basis, has obtained the cou fidence of the community to an extent stirpassed by no otlier Company in the U. States, and has increased its business and its income from year to year with a stt-ady growth. One great source of its security is the wide distribution of its risks—a policy which it pursues witli great strictness—limiting tlie amount to be covered in each h)cality. P.y tliis course it has passed, wjth ct>m- parative imjmniiy. through some of tlie most sweeping and destructive fires, which have swallowed up other Companies less cautious in their liiisitiess. It i« a sy>tcni like this, based upon experience, which gives stabiiity ami soundness to a com{>any. and to the assured ci>n- fidence and security.— linUimnTi I'lHriot. Agent of the above Company at Fayetteville, E. J. HALE. Hank of* Aorlh Carolina. Books of subscription to the Capital Stock of tlie Bank of North Carolina will be ojiened attheOtlice of the Western Rail Road Comjiany, on Weilnesiiay, April 1st. and will be kept open according to the pro visions of the charter for the space of sixty days. GEORtJE McNElLL, W. McL. McKAY, JNO. M. ROSE, Commissioners. Fayetteville, N. C., March 20, 1859 8(M» Dr. FRANK WILLI.\MS'S RVK WillSKKY. R.MITCH ELL has made arrangements with Dr. Frank Williams, to be constantly supplied with his celebrated RYE WHISKEY, which can be had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Oct’r 11, 1858. J. \\. kaki:r Ts now rcc('iviii;j from tlie Nortli the largc-t. tinc't. anil most carefully selected stock of I'l i: ever otVcrcd in i!ii market: whicli added to his own m.-ftiutacturc. makes his assortment conijdete; : all of which lie will sell * ti tlie lowc't posvihle terms for ' casli or on time to punctual custotners. I Fashioti.ible jiainted cott-igc bcd-iooiii Furniture in ■ setts: curled hair and '’iiitk. and cotton Mattresses: ^ Looking ;i:«s»e-: Willow Wagons and Ci-adles; Sid I l.oaids; I’.ureaus; Sv'cietarics aiiil l“.ook-'a'cs: Wiiat I Nots; Tables. aV !-oviv; \V:is!i Stands; C iiidle Stands; W irdri)bes: I’iciure I'raiiies and (ilass; Window Sliades; ( ornices; Curtain il.nii!': s; ,f;i» j|, Mahogoiiy ami Wal- I nut: Tele a Tctes; (itiomaus: Divans an 1 Stools: Chair j of cveiT v.ii'iety. I I'itH' liitscwiinil riaiH's. (Hie with .Koliati :if- tachiiK'nt: Rosewood \lr-lodi.ins. troni the best iiianufac- I tories ill New \'ork :ni'l Boston, warranted as good as any tnado in the Country, nnd will be sold at New York ' (irices—trciglil onlv addi'd. 45. f time that it purgei it; and en taken daily in moderate do>«i will etrenifthen and bnild ft op with anatual rapidity The l^irer it one of the! human body ; and when it | the powers of the t>ttem are | priocipal regulaton of the p«rformi its niiiCiionii well, lly developed. TheiiomarA ■ afmoet entirely dependent on the bealihy artion cf the for the prop#r perform aareofiuftinctioni. when the ch is at fault, the bo well are at fault, and tht> whole of one Organ—the 1^1 v«T— For the Utseates ot that or* has made it his study, in a years, to find some remedT many derangements to which at last found, any person trou- plaint, in any of iU fortsi, i'ouTictioD N certain. cured, aixl, wlii^t Is the occasional use of the ^ f^clent to relieve the stomach IriMih); and S4)iirinfr. I retiring;, prevents XlRht- PV niffht, loosens the bowels meal willcure ft. UpoonfuU will always relieve ^ I male obstruction remo\ei the niake« a perfe't » Cliollr. while cure for C'liolet reliev >•24. is.'.w. COtf ’"’I'OVKXJ, 8I1EET IKOX, TIA-WARE, &C. I l'' H.\NI), a large assortment of Box and Cooking .''tiive-; Tin-ware: Sheet-Iron; Lead Pipe. Also tiominion Voffee ^ ' dfc by JAMES MARTINE. ''■>21. Ofttf l*AIAT«, A:c. Refined, Lard, Linseed arid Tanners’ OIL; * I.ead; Biirtung Fluid; Puffy; Window Glass ■•‘‘1 . , —ALSO— '"M'b of POND'S PAIN DESTROYER. J;." '^deby JAMES MARTINE. ^'V'r J} September 2. narbic ,of Cholrra* ■ Deeded to throw ont of the icire after a loni; iticknrM. •Inuiidirr renioes alUml the skin, time before eating gives vi i foMl di»f^!*t well, ml cur^ ( hi'«>iilr while Summer and O almost to th«* fSr>f ; tacks caused by Worms in ^ nafer, or speedier r«oie1> in OropJijr, by exciting the 'riending this medicine as a Ak*^« C'lilll l*Vver, loim Tt oi*erates jare willing u» trutify to iu 53-tf lleep Kiver Coal. COAL of the best quality can be had I) Ht the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the “ W.M. McCLANE, Mining Engineer 21, 185C. 0-tf Turpentine Hackerw, Neraperw, Piiller!i« anl Dipper;!*, ALL of the first quality, can be had at M. A. BAKER S GUN SHOP, Fayetteville, N. C. Jan’y 15, 1858. *80tf Notice to Tiirpeutitie Distillers and others* i}y ]iAUi>i:ii, T\V(I DOORS ABOVK T. T. U.Ufiif & SO.VS’ STORE, Fayellevilie, A. Jan’v 20, 1859. H4-ypd Aolice to Noi«lierM’ \Wilo%«>$. rilHE Widows of -Mexican Soldiers, ami the Widows of X Soldiers who i»iki> in skhvick in the war of 1812, can have their pensions continued by (;.illing on the under signed, Congress having made additional provision for them. Give me the niatnigement of yotir claims, and the monewhall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSE, Agent for Pensions. Fayetteville, Jun« 12, 1858. 19- FRESII arrival: Second Stock Spring and Summer (voods. J. A. PEMHKUTON IS now receiving his second stock of Spring and Sum mer Goods, embracing all the AEWKNT Such as Smnmer Sitks^ €mrenadines, Or- Xr.y With a great variety of new style goods for TrarctiHff Mfresses anfl MPifsters. Also a complete assortment of .Tloiirnin;;' llre«M koo«Im. A large and varied assortment of j SILK AND LACE MANTLES, CHANTILLY L.VCE | POINTS, BL'K AND WHITE P.ERAGE MANTLES, STELLA SHAWLS, kc. j A few of those splendid French EMBROIDERED ( AND LACE SETS, COLLARS AND SLEEVES. , Douglas it Sherwood's NEW STYLE CORSETTS, i (with Bustle and Skirt-Supjiorter :ittached.) ! A great variety of NEW STYLE HOOP SKIRT.S. ' .'ic., &c. In the above stock may be found a great many new ' anti desirable styles. Just out. The public generally | are invited to call early ami examine for themselves. , J. A. PEMBERTON. I April 19. 1859 7- R. LITTLK ! AS .just receiveil his SPRING AND SUMMER ‘ STtH’K of C.oods, con.sisting in part of— : FAXrV AX!) STAl’Li: DRY (JUOlKS; a good assorted lot of READY-.niDK CI.OTHIAliJ, | A Fine Lot of SILK, FUR, CASSIMERE and | I.KC;ilOR\ HATS. I fine lot of Calf .Sewed and Pegged ROOTS and | SHOES; (’ongress Boots for Ladies and Gentlemen; [ Ladies and Gentlemen’s Umbrellas: Lailies' Parasols. | —ALSO— j Corree and Sugar^ HOLLOW-WARE. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, &c. He requests his friends and customers to give him a call, and examine his stock before purchasing else- i where. The above stock will tie sold cheap for cash, or on reasonable time to prompt paying customers. Fayetteville, April 23. 8-4t MROA'STO.VK I'HI.V.I. W. TlliIil\«IIA!ST IS now opening an Invoice of WHITE IRONSTONI. 1 CHIN.V, comprising an assortment of Dinner ati'l Tea Ware, which was imported to his own ordei ex- iiresslv to suit Thi! Miirhet. This Ware is the LATEST STYLE and of SUPERB >L QUALITY. Hif* a«M»rfnienf of other Ware** is still good. Country Merchants may sttpply thetu- selves on as good terms as by sending North. April 23. It liaw Arri%e«l by llie Flora. rilllE best article of GOSHEN P.UTTKll ever brought I to this market, is to be found at THE 1• .\^11L^ GROCERY by D. ANDERSON. April 23. A l.*ol of ^iiiperior €'od Fi'^li. VLS(>, a few- Bbls, Extra LADY PEAS, at S2 l.ushel. For sale by !*• April 23. 8-lm ANDEliSoX 2vv H TIOA. The firm of STEDMAN a: HORNE, Jr., is this tlay dissolved by mutual consent. ALL jiersons indebted will PLE \SE call anl settle their accounts. J. C. STEDMAN.] [JAMES W. HORNE. H AVING purchased Mr. Stedman's entire interest, 1 will continue the business at the old staml, where I will be happj' to see mv old friends and customers. JAMES W. HORNE. April 25 8-1 in Town papers copy. aiomach system sofTers ia consequence' having c«as»i to do iu duty ^ gan, one of the proprietors | practice of more than twenty | wherewith to counteract the , U is liable. • Sg Toprovethatthisremedyis' bled with Liver Com* A has bat to try a bottle, and i Tbeee }ums remove all,^|n morbid or bad matter from the system, supplyintMn their : place a healthy fluw of bile, Invigoraung the i^mach, pitrlfyliiK tfie blood, whole machinery, removiuK effecting a radical cr..'’e. Billons nttarka are b«»ttrr, prrTeiitwl, by Liver liivl|(orator« One dose after eating is snf and prevent the f«>oa from Only one dose taken before mare. Ouiy one dose taken at gently, and cures CoH* One done tnken after each Otte dose of two tea- Slck Headache* One bottle taken for fe cause of the disea««e, and j Only one dose immediately , One dose often repeated is' Morbiifl, and a preventive | W Only one bottle is| system the effects of medi- One bottle taken tor lowness or annatnral color Oue dose taken a short gur to the appetite, and make^ One dose often repeated rliora in its worst forms. Bowel complaints yield One or two dose:* cures ht Children: there is no surei, the world, as it nerer /nih A few bottle# cures absorbents. We takepleasnre in rerom- preventive tor K*ver and and all Fever« of a BH- with certainty, and thou^and^ wonderful virtues. All who use It are ^Ivln^ their iinaiilmous testimony In lt« fnvoi*. Water In the mouth with the Invl- |i[^orntor, and swallow both t»^ether. THE LIVTJR INVIGORATOR IS A S(’IKNTtn; MKDIi’Al. I)IS'(iVERV. ».i.l in d»lty worklnir cures. almoM t«>o irreat to b«rlieve. It ciirex a« if by magic, th^ Jlr»t giviiifj hen^jit. and neldom more thau one l*ottle is re(uired to cure any kind of I.*lver romplaini, from the worst Janndir4 or ^ conim»>n till of which are the result of a lM*»eafied IjI ver« PRICK 0!c D01X.AK PKK SOTTt.S. Pr. SANFOIIO, Vr.)i.rietor, .V-*» r.roadwHT, New Yerk. Retailed by all Prnifjfisis SolA nlm hy JAS. N. SMITH ami S. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. Nov'r 11. t>2-ly Aesi*oe«! Aes^rot*!*!! Wanted. / '( EN'I'LEMEN, your old customer is yet in market for Vf Likely Negroes, for which I am determined to pay the Highest fash Prices* Persons having sticli for sale W’ould do well to give me a call, or aldress mo at Clinton, N. ('. .-Vll orders promptly attended to. J. A. McARTHUR. Clinton, N. C., March (i, 1859. 95-lyrpd Aotiee.---Aes;roe!x Wantetl. rnO the farmers and citizens of the Counties of Duplin, HATS. CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. 1859. Mprin;;; and Mummer ^itoek. J. C. THOMSON INVITES the attention of his friends and the public generally to his large and complete a.^sortment of HaiN, C'apM, Boof!>i and Mlioe^. Persons wanting gooils in his line are invited to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. His large and varied assortment assures him that he can please them in all respects. He offers his goods at low pricas for cash, or to j>rompt {lavijjg customerii. He has also a good supply of TRAVELING and PACKING TRUNKS —cflieap. J. ('. THOMSON, Market Square. April 7 .’5-4w AEW J^TOC'K Of Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware. K. GLOVKR H.VS returned from the North with a large Stock of Goods in his line, con sisting of Watches of all kinds ami prices, from §8 to 5>ltiO; Gold Chains of all kinds and jirices: Breast-Pins, Ear- Rings and Bracelets, a large stock; Gold Lockets, Fin ger Rings: Gold Pens and Pencils; Silver Spoons of all kinds: a fine lot Silver Cups, Plated Castor.* and Candle Sticks, C.ake Baskets; Clocks, Military Goods aml’every thing usually kept in a Jewelry Store. Avhich he is jire- pared to sell on reasonable terms. His friends and the public are invited to call and examine. March 8, 1859 95-Hm S^TATIOAERV. In addition to our present stock we are receiving 1*10 ReaniM l*aper^ Embracing everv variety of CAP, LETTER, BATH LETTER, CoMMKlK^IAL NOTE. BILL MEAD, FOLIO B(»ST. and NOTE PAPERS. C.O M. ENVliLOPES, of every descrijttion. 1 case and .\meric;in SL.ATIiS. assorted sizes. 100 gross STSEL PEN.'s; Pen-holders: Scliool Ink-Stands: VISITING CARDS: BLANK Feb'v 12 lee Cream! fee Creaiiil. '^IMIE subscriber having lately refitted his li E (i'RE.A.M 1 S.VLOON. at the Shemwell House, will be pleased to serve the Lailies and (ientlemen of layetteville and vicinity, on and after tiie 27th inst. The Saloon will be opened at 0 o'clock, .V. M., anil kept open until 10 P. M. P. SHEMWELi,. April 25 1859. ‘ Real Ewiale at Auction. ^PHE desirable residence on Ha.v Mount, tronting 1 . L S. .Vrsenal, and ad.ioiniiig Mrs. Ochiltree, on the South, known as the McGary lot. recently i#’cu]iied l>y Mrs. Horne. House and Lot corner Maiden Liine Scotch .Vlley, occupied by Mr. .lames Mc(!ilv^iry, including the House and Lot in rear, propertj" of the late -Miss Isabella Campbell. The above property will be sold at the Market House at 12 o'clock on Tuesday. May lO. 18.)lt. .JOHN H. COOK. Auctioneer. April 2?,. TR1>»T C'OATIATEH. ^piIE Trust Sale of Jas. G. Cook will be’esumed on 1 25th May next, when the lot east of his Store will be sold, tinless it should be solil at jirivate sale; the lot is 24 by 1:19 feet. ,\t the same time iiuite a number of other articles. SAMPSON BOON. Trustee. Fayetteville, ^pril 11, 1859. 4-ts Life and Lahortx of* Rev. Ilaniei Baker, D. D.; The Methwlist. or Incidents and ('haracters frim Life: The Pillar of Fire, by the author of the “Prince of tlie House of David”; Morning and Night Watches; Chapman’s Sermons, New Edition; Memoir of Mrs. Sliuck, by J. B. .leter; Testimony of the Rocks: Presbyterian Psalms and Hymns, in velvet, morocco and plain binilings; Baptist Psalmody; The Psalmist; Ribles. velvet, morocco and other bindings. April 23 E. J. HALE & SON. AOTIl E TO TAX PAVERJ^i. Vs required by law, norice is hereby given, that I have received the Tax List for 185H. Those inter ested will do well to call at the ('ourt House, where the ' List is open for inspection. Persons having property unlisted are requested to'report to the Slieriff. ' HECTOR McNElLL, Sheriff, i April 23. 8-:’>w Town papers copy. The Daily Aoetli Carolinian! I WILL BE PRINTED IN FAYETTEVILLE, EVERY MORNING, EXCEPT SUNDAY, WILL BE PRINTED, WILL BE ISSUED, TO SUBSCRIBERS, IN MAY NEXT, IN MAY NEXT. SEND YOUR NAMES. : SEND YOUR NAMES. ! EARLY TO US, j EARLY TO US. WE WILL ISSUE, EVERY MORNING, EXCEPT SUNDAY, THE NEW DAILY, THE NEW DAILY, Wll.L BE PRINTED, WILL BE PRINTED, IN FAYETTEVILLE. Address, .\]iril 21 nwu DIVIDEND NO. ONLY SL\ DOLLARS, ONLY SL\ DOLLARS, FOR THE DAILY, FOR THE DAIL\, IT IS CHEAP. SINCLAIR \ PEARCE, Editors North Carolinian. 7-4t t APE FEAR. .\pril 20th IHo'.t. SE.MI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND of Five (>er cent, ha^ been declared, payable on and after tlie 2d Mav. H. It. SAVAGE. Cash r. \pril21. 8-t2dM r.OOKS, \c. E. J. HALE & SON. 50 rpO t I w Further Mupplie»« ol* Rookie. T \M fully prepared to imike or repair TURPENTINE , ii I STII,I,.Sorao.«,lh^in.l.«Oopp.r„rSUec.l,-.»i 1 j BuW; work, at the shortest notice. ^ BAKER. I SCHOOL BOOKS, &c., kc. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1859. M. A. j 7 E J jiALE & SON. Robeson, Bladeu, Columbus, Brunswick, New Hanover, and Sampson: The subscriber being desirous of purchasing a number of likely young Negroes, of all classes and descriptions, avails himself of this method of informing those who tiave such property to dispose of, that they would do’well to visit me at home, or address me at Clinton, N. C.—for which they shall receive a visit. .V word to the wise is sufficient, as it is well understood that I pay eiceeding high prices. EVERETT PETERSON. Feb’y 14, 1859 88-9m riow?.! l*low>!! riow^II! No. 0 PLOWS; 50 No. 10 Blows; 50 No. n “ 25 No. 50 “ 25 No. tlO “ Points, liars an1 Mould P.oards to suit. For sale bv C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 ' 79- Riitt(‘r, C'he«*«e anl C’raekei’x. j /V FIRKINS (Joslien Butter; I * * 25 Boxes State ('heese: 10 Bbls. Soda and Butter Crackers. .lust received by C. E. LEETE. Jan'y 12 79- (will Aet anl Seine Twine. r'A LBS. Gill Net Twine; ^0 190 lbs. Seine “ Just received by C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 79- To Rail Roaft CoutrartorsI lUST RECEIVED too WHEELIIARROW S light and strong, for the Rail Road. For sale by BAAK € AE*E FEVR. .'\pi!ii, 20th I?'59. Notice.—The Annual Meeting of the Siock)ioMei-s of the Bank of Cape I'car. will lie held at their li.aiikiiig House in Wilmington, on Thursda\ .M.iv 12th. ii. i:. sa: .vi;i;, ca'-h r. I April 21. 8-tl2lIiM. nCr" riio Aimual C.'oiwcntion of i itie Prote't.ant I'.piscopai Cliurcli in the Diocese of Nor; It I ('.irolina. will be held in ST. S j’I]PH EN'.s; CH U RCjl. I (i(,*l.DSlK)ROl'G IJ. fir.'i Wednesday ui May. If5i*. EJ>WARD LJ:E \VjNSI,>W, Sec’y. I Fayeiteville, .\pril 4, 1S59. 2- I IU)OK-HIM)IN(; 1' N all its kinds, executed with neatiic.-s anl despatch. Small jobs wheii done must be paid before delivered, j THOsi. H. TILLINGHAST, I Hav Street. Mav 11, 1858. March 29, 1859. ,HUTTKR D. & W. McLAURIN. 80:)tf ANI)'c:nKKSK. HACON. ^HOlCE North (Carolina BACON, I and Shoulders, Oct. 14.~54-tf] 11-iy _ .Also, Westeni Sides C. B. COOK. JUST received pr Fanny, a few Firkins of very nice BUTTER, and 2^^ liotW^ime CHEESE. Oct, 14, C. B. COOK. 54-tf 8ti;?ar Ilouf^e Syrup. A FEW Bbls. excellent S. II. SYRUP. Also, prime MOLASSES.- Oct’r 14. C. B. COOK. 61tf PIIUIVIA.N (ilTANO. ^pHE undersigned has maile arrangements liy which he 1 is prepared to furnish, at short notice, any required ((uantity of Ao. I Peruvian Iwiiano, all of whici' will be from direct importations, into the Port of Wilmington, and warranted pure ani geniiint'. Orders fo.i the above excellent fertilizer are solicited, to which prompt attention will be given. As this is an article which does not admit of being sold on time, cash or its equivalent must accompan3- each order. BEVERLY ROSE. July 8. 2(*,tf Webster^ Elenientary ^ipellin^; Books. A further supply just received. Jan’y 8 ' E. J. HALE & SON. Devereui’M Kinnie’^ Rlack^tont*, reduced to Questions and Answer#, upon the plan of Kinnie’s Blackstone, one Volume; Drake on Attachment. For sale by E. J. HALE & SON.

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