rrwl Stores, s. ' - enirusteii to his ' pu>' I ..tr'iiiage. >0. IS, up stairs, Stret I. t-Oii?,, ZELL, . > 1 in E R r H n T, TER >^UKK„ , N # onfrive t i.i.-rece^.‘.ion iduce, itl.-r for sail ,r h cu- ■) w‘l! receive imirii a». r,4-Iy BLOSSOM. »I A ferrhaiit, t, .V. c. >n u- 11 ‘ 'insiftti- ni i‘i - je nhi{4>«l rkci. i*mcK, it it I siorea^ ; hij. Cl . ry friend* and atillC - '■1 iyp; ss'iLirr/ Pianos, • SHI;. ;d. -5H. 5>lypil kLi:,BTT TRK \y, IN MERCHANT, T U ; • , yf . /7/C yii- SiiOES^ :sAi^ 3RTH CAROLINA, ^ O., ;ki, N . ^i>uK ijj ah nr tlio :l V ->v - v iUd W» 11 S'lOU, M T«» flA, ^\i»r ns, Shovf h, \ails re, &f. K ci: \i\y\Y, ,\/ I: ycKK a i:i'r ■' ' .,Vt‘ H0U8«. ..lull GOODS, 2paulettes, baces, 1)F MILITARY GOODS, ro iiiK Slotr -:y in. ;kaham, !¥I:F iCTl KKBS LA K, ,fcir W'ork. 2My iri*. iiiaiii'i^ (lie year. * Hoi. !.t. Apply HOS E KVANS. 6- llerriii^. Hen i.z. iiy W.LL AMS & CO. SEMI-WEEKLiY. [VOL. VIII.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MAY 5, 1859. 1‘HINTKI) MONDAYS AND THl’HSDWS EUWtKl) J, H.4LK X SOX, Kl'lTdHS AND PROPRIETOKS piir.' (>’>■ >'^i‘iiii-Wot‘kly Ouskrvkk !?8 00 if paid in *,lv:iiu e; -■>• if paid during the year of subscrip- li.'ti; I’V after the year has exj'ired. f ir "eekly i>bskrvkr 00 per annum, if paid in if paid during the year of subscrip- : ;i 'ii: >1- S-’> Olt after the year has expired. I.Kl IfeE^lLNI ^ inserted lor tU) cents per f IV '1 I^' lines for the first, and 'M) cents for each ► .. i te'iiiisr pulilicatioii. \ earty advertisenients by spe- i\‘II‘ i ill I>it rea.Nonable rates. Advertisers are • ro I' 'tate the number ol inseriioii.s desired, or . . .. will be . uuinued till forbi.l. and charged accord- j •'*r ' \ , r I ; . nt-; to be iuv,-rted charged oO per . .1;! . X ra. Sl’Kt'IAL NoTjrK. :iU'l ati*‘i tlii>d:itc. n.> name (it a new su^»scribt*r n i u’.ert'd with.iut payment in advance, nor will “ > IHT be sent t.. su«-h subscribers tor a longer time r.i Ui i- (' lid fiT. . Ii 't - tir 'lid subscribers -is dc>ire to take the pa- ; ” '!i lir- 'vsteni will please notify us when making V 1. I"..". [NO. 811.] W I). A H. .IlfLAlRIX, ( I I' invite attentii'n to their large and desirable M -k of « KOCKKIE!!!, in part of— l.>0 Kio. La;nir:i ami Java ('offec; 1" ' IJMs. atid Hhds. t'utr.ir (assrortod;) Hhd^. Mol x^ses; “ Haeon—{^idos and Shoulders; ''.ii-ks S.-ilt; l.ii; )-5oxt*s p»ud Toliaccn; 1^ ' •• Sperm, Adamantine I'i: Talluw i'audles; ' ' •• Soap (^assorted;) “ Cindy “ 1 1)'>. }>ar JiOad; ■i'- Snuff—Ha-le Mills; K vl's Soda; i;5i! •“ Nails. —ALSO— A .'irge and general assortment t'f Hnrdnare mid ('iitlery: I'ariiiinir I ten.sils, of all descriptions; .\iiieriean, Eiiirlish, Swedes and I’eruvian Iron; Blister, German and Ca.t Steel; JUac-ksmitlis’ TimjIs.; Coi)]>ers’ Po.; ('orn Sheller. and Straw Cutters; Hueket.s, liroimis and J’ails; Cotton, Manilla and J ut? Hope, (all kinds and • juulity;) Plow L’nes and Bed Cords; Hollow \\'are; Cotton \ arn.s and Sheetings at factory price.s. .\11 of which will be sold low for l ash, or on UHual time to prompt paying customers. Country Mkrchants are respectfully requested ; I’all and examine our litock before purchasing else- D. & W. McLAUKIN. March 3, 1859 j3tf FRESH GOODS! are nuw receiving our stock of Spring Goods, consisting of a large a#-!ortment of (.roceries, Provisions, Hardware, Farni- iug rteiisils, &€., >1 expect to make such a.lditions to our stock as the ■ - ie requires. We will sell at wholesale or retail low f :■ i-ti ;ir on short time to prompt jiaying customers, fir coimtry province. Per.'ons wanting g'»ols ^ iir ’’ne are re>pectfully invited to call and give us t trial. I’articular attention paid to filling orders. I’EMBKRTON Ac SLOAN. - ;-’’eville, N. r,. March 17, 1859. 'j7-8w ROBL\SO.\’S ^IA.\IPI I.ATKW ,il AAO. Td;' lNKiL^LKD FERTILIZER, comjiosed of one I I'f best IVriiviaii • - :: - If tine best « roil lid Boiic', PliOMpliatic iiiiaiio, ■ ^ C'in'litii.ii for immediate use, being prepared by new 1 i :■ r .v»- ■ machinery. l>y which means the most jier- ination i-> ett'ected, reducing all to a unifornj : Ur; iii.l for application by drill or otherwise, ' ' n.o-t perfect order. And I have no hesita- ' 'i lyiii;; that for all crojis it is equal to any fer- ' ./i-r i-vir offcrud to the farming community. The V wiM lif KKiT PERFKCTLY fxifoKM in all cases, " At’!’i.\NTl!I) tocontain H percent, of .\.MM()Ni.\, I” r cent, of r>nNK IMK >SI’H,\TK OF ■ I’ i' I’lit up in good bag.s, weighing about l-OO I’urcha'crs will jilease notice, that the name '■ ' ''i'!.\.i :N is branded on each I>ag—none other is , '' ’ .. I'Xf.ci ience in the trade, and the general sat- ■ ■ '11 luTftotore given by all Guanoes sold by me. 1 1!. :!■. b‘ .1 jriiai'aiitee that the article now offered ’ ri'pri‘~fntel. I will also keep constantly on 11 1 ■ . |*pruvi;iti, .Mexican and other Guanoeti, ■ I "ill ficll a« low as any hoiwe in th- city. WM. ROlJINSON, Nos. 1 s t; Holli.n;sworth Stkkkt. Ntar I’ratl St. Whnrf, UALTI.MOUK. IdNs.iNs MAN'iri LATEI) GUANO is also ■■■' t>: suit by the lollowing Agents: ' ■ MA'F.TT, .-Mesandria, Va. ' .V MAIONK, Norfolk, Va. 1 II 'Kl.NKKR 1% CO., Richmonil, Va. l(lii\i\> r)I'i.\Nr'M SO.N'S, Petersburg, Va. I » V I!. WORTH, Wilmington, N. 08-3mpd TIO.\. ilOl'.NH, Jr., being anxioug to close I I, iiii-us. (iffer for sale at low- figures their ■1 on hand. Oiir accounts are all due and 1 !• pb'!i“ed to have them settled. 'TIlb.MAN. .1, W. HORNE. PAVKTTEVII.I^E HOTKL, i- AI)l>II,I., I*lU)l'UlKTOU. HIS. the most commodious Hotel in North ’arolina. fronting ;{(»() feet on Hay and . ^ Domddson Streets, located in the centre of the msincss portion of the town, and surrounded J.y all H.e 1 nnkmg Houses, Wh,desale .Merchants and piinci- pal Produce Dealers. ll*e Hotel a convenient and conifiirtable house. All the Stages arrive and dei>art from this Hotel. tayetteville, Oct, 1. ,-,i_ SIIKMVVKrj. iiousi; FAYETTKVII.I.K, C. .i,h Crrri) Strn f, „ /, w Xorth \f tin Mtirh'it. A n'^Hl, Subscriber tlesires through this medium 'liill ackowledge the liberal patronage bostow- upon his House the jia^t year—and as he has just erecte.l New Stables and ('an iuge Shed conven ient to the House and to Mater he takes i le.isnre in sav ing to his patr.ms an.l the public generally, that he’is still preji.Tred to accoinniodate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfullv solicits a continuance of the in>eral patronage heretofore received. Every cx- ertiou on his part shall be u>»-d to render them comforta- Itle during their sojourn with him. His table is alw.tvs supplied with the best the market atfonls. M , M . - EM WELL. -Marcli ”1. ls,>s. 8tl-tf n AVAi: GOLDSI’.OKO', N. V. ^pHE undersigned announces to the ]iiiblic I that he has taken charge of the above Es- lablishment. and is jirepared to accommodate I’oai'ders. by the day, week or month. And he assures all who may t'avor him with their patronage, that he will endeavor to give ]>erfoct satisfaction. Table sujiplied with the best the miirket atfords, JAS. G. S.MITH. Goldsboro', .lan'y 28, 81-lvr WESTERN RAIf. ROAD, N and a^’ter Monday, lav of November V / Freight Train will run REGI LAHLV b.Mween Fny- eltevillt? and ^!(*i lenahau s Station; Icrivinj; Kavettevifle every morning at 7 o'clock and returning at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of sj^nie dav. onsignoi's are requestd to send ticketn with articles, stating consignee, destination, ^'ic. W. A. KCPEK. (.'hief Eng'r iV Sup't. Whenever the amount of freight may require, an ex tra 1 rain will leave Fayetteville and return in the afternoon. Nov'r 1S.')S. RUL ROil) XOTIl'K! TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. TR(^Y & FULLER, Attorneys and roun.sellors at Law, i^TjtlKKIt'ro.'V, KOKIESO^r Co., c. Robert E. TROV and JOHN p. fuller, have fornuMl an association for ihe practice of their jtro- , fesMion in Robeson County. The former will also at- ] tfiKl the i ourts i)t IUikUmi hikI Tolumhus: the luttoj* will also attend those of (’umberland. i The (>ttice in Ltimberfon will be kept open at all times •lan’y 1. 18')8. 73. .lo.si;i>ii i!AKi-:u, J,,.. attok,\kv \t i,aw, Has taken an office nest door to Win. 15, Wright’s Law Office on Green Street. He will atlen.l and practice m the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland. ; Rluden. Rolicson mid Sampson, March L’3. ]s.'):j. THO. C, PtTLLER. *ttlorni'i/ nutl t'otnisftlor ttf tjair. 01'H( hat Kccles'si liri.lge. recently occupied bv James Hanks. Esq.. Fayettoville. N. C. Jan'y 1. is.',7. I I*. J. «I\€'LAIR, ANoniey and (oiiiisellor at Law, j ' F.VVETTEVILLE. N. C., j'ractice intlx't ourtitof Hoheson, 'uni!>erl:ind, TT Harni'tt .uiil lUehmotnl I’rompi attontion , given to all business entrusted to hin. Feb'y IS.'i't liJIW I AMES L. (iAlNES and sou E. .1, C.MNES. will, in • I futiirc, [>ractice law in co[iartiiefship. in tlie'oun- , ties of Moiitgonicry. St-inly, Anson and M.iore, ■ ^ They may be addn'ssed either at Troy. C.. where K, .1. (i.iines resides, or at Norwood s ,N, C. i Troy, -\pril 7. IS.'iVt. j,f ' LAW AOTK'K. ^j^HL undersigneo h.a'* removci to .N’ewbcrn. with the I intention to ilevotc himself wholly to th*- practice of the law. He will attend the Courts in all of the stir- { rounding counties, aii'l will also practice )>efore the Sii- jireme t'ourt at llaleigh, K. K, .Mi K.VE Hec'r -J-J. ls.-„s. 7:,.,;,., LOVERI) ELDKIDGE. • ittorm tf at ijair, ILL attend tJi* t oort* of .Iolin>>ion and SampsoD ('uinties. SmithfieM. .\pril 1 I XEW, CHEAP, .4\D tXPEDITIlK S ROITE FOR Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. MKR'H.VNTS and others about i«urchasing their Fall and Winter Supplies, are requestcl to notice, that by the completion of the North Eastern K.ail I’oa'l from »'harleston. S, tot'heniw', the alvantages of ;i 'HE.KP and EXPEDlll(>L8 Route from the Seaboard has been opened to them. ^ All freight consigned to the care of the .\ger.t of the North Eastern Kail Road will be forwarded FREE OF COM MISSION. No charge will bp ma'le for Storage at Cheraw. All goftds will be taken care of in the Company's Warehouse until sent for. .V schedule of charges for tran-portation of freight will be found at the Post Office. S. S. SOLOMoNS, Eng'r and Sup't. Aug. 3, 18')S. 84-tf LUTTERLOnvs LINE. .1. K. Ill I.I.A, .\t(onu‘v and (omisellor at Law, .\S!lKMnH(>', N, C, \1''1LL .'vttend the ('(uirts of Itandolph, Moore, Mont- yy gomery. Havidsnu and tiuilf’ord. and proiupilv at tend to all fiusiness entrusted to his care, March 10. ]?.',j ‘tri-r,m •lie€9ica1 ^y^oiice* nH, H. A. Mc.''U VIN li.as taken an offiee on .\niierson Street, in the rear of Mcs'rs, llay \ I’earce's ."store, where he can be found by those desiring his professiomil services. August 'JL l^oK. 4()if ■»r. K. A. IILArK, FFIt'E Front Koonis. over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale'# Chomist an.l Drug .''tore. Feb'y 7, l.'S-'ii'.. 7**itf J. wiLMAn i»A4;k, n. i>, l*lTTS15()Knr:il, N. (’ 0 R. P.VGE may be found at his office when not pro- 5tf |) fessionally engaged I Mav *i. I''.'i7. S'^TE.VMER '-FANNV’ leaves Fayetteville every Mon day anil Thursday moi-ning. at l'> minutes after .'sun rise; aU'l Wilmington Tuesday and Frid.ay, at o'clock. —carr^'ing passengers and freight. Steamer •■!^Ol TH LR.NEH." with a full complement of Flats, makes one 01 more trips jier w^eek. as circum stances may require. The accident to the Sreartfer ‘-HOWAN” will be re paired in a few days, .'^he will then t.ike her j.luce in the line. T. S. LUTTEKLOH. Oct'r 4, IS-'jS. .jl-tf \EW LI\K. [H.WE a.osociated with me. in thi.s line. Mr. John K. Dailey, and will style the firm OUKELL iS: D.MLEY, We have purchased the .'steair.er .‘soi Tilkrnkk, and in a few days, will have !i New Flat enii)loyed with her. Those favoring us with their patronage may rely ujion prompt des)iatch, by applying to Mr. Dailey on iioard, or to me at mv office. H. .M. OH I! El,L, l>K\TAIi i\«TK'K. R.A\ ING engaire'l in another business, 1 fiml my time too much t.iken up to attend to the duties of my profession; and having a partner .Dr. H. Scitt j who is in every way coinjietent to jilease a// my friemis. I take great pleasure in recommending him to all witli whom 1 have the slightest influence. His i.ricex will suit any who are desirous of having tlieir teeth operated on in a skilful manner. Anil with n-.y best wishes for my rurcfioor. and this community. I withdraw t'rom the firm, having no fear liut that Dr. Scott will give the most fasti'liou.- entire s||is- faction. D. W. C. REN HOW. Jan'y D*. lH.'>y. 7Stf Oi:\TI.'^TKV. j^H. J. D.VVIS having decided on jierma- nently locating in the Town of Fayette ville. re-pectfully oflers his s‘rvices to the citizens of tiiis place an i surrounding country. In all the various uranches of fii.s I’rofcssion. including the manufacture of .Mineral Tectii. he is s;iti'fied, after an extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den tal education, that he can give entire satisl;n'tion as far as is in the iM.werof Dentistry, ,\11 inegul;iriiic-i (d'the Teeth trcateil in 11 proper and careful manner, as well as diseases of the mouth. None f)ut tiie proper metals are made use of in tiie various operations. Vli.arges will be moderate, that the benefits of the I’rofe-^ion mav be placed within the roach of' all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. gpiy* >llice over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he may be f'outid at all times. May 10, 1S.')8. Dtf UOKTIi A: I Ti.i:i\ Forwarding and (leneral Commission Merchants, t'atfetterilte, .V. C. J. A. WURTII. (T-rf) H. M. OltHKLL. Murcli liO, Jt>HN K. h.\ILKV. 4-1 in J'ffrofina #V. €. I ' *' Am Mitic and North ('arolinii Railrj^id being now ■ ■■ I to Heanfoi t Harbor. I have determined to • 'lolin.i Ci»y for the purpose of doing a forwarding and General Ccmmission ' piomjitness and strict attention to merit -■ iii'l '•iipport. Rciiig the .Agent of .NDirray’s * ■ ' 1. - I’ackets to this iiui .Morehead ,'ity, '' *'i- made to make thi-^ the chea])cst and route tf> New Vork. \csscl.s will be 'I I'hargeil at my Wharf (ridjoining the Hail- ’ "I'l tliero>iy sive enrtage and lighterage. ■ v.i!l he fri -cri to ali orders, .uid to ' ' iiipiiieiii of Produce. WM. B. GRANT. ' b-'oH. 32-ly It IV11. ?l IA 1 . STE.V.MER HATTIE H.\HT.—'ai't. T’k( k, ll^I LL leave this j>lace regularly T T every AV E DN E I) .\ Y and S.VTL^RDAV, at •> o’clock, A. M., anil arrive at Wilmington same evening: Breakfast on board the Boat Will also leave Wilmington at !( o'clock, A. M., every M()ND.\\ and THURSD.W, and arrive at this place next morning, early. For light freight, or ptissage. having good ac- comiuoilations, apply fin l)oard, at Hush vt Orrell's wharf. April IJ 5-limpd FOIt SALK OR UK.NT. A('0NVENI ENT DWELLLVG HOUSE, on Haymount. near Mr. J. Thomson’s. For particulars enquire of J. G. SHEPHERD, Esq., or A. M. CAMPBELL. May 7. !)(f IIAV! HA VI! BALE.S I’Rl.ME H VV, ju--t rt'ceivcd and for /;)()saleby March 28. J. II. ROBERTS CO. 800-tf It. U. OltltlCLL, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. rpHOSi; sending their Spirits Turpentine to me may I rely u]ion it to have prom|it jind careful attention. .My w.'irchouses are fronting the wharves and near the ri ver. Sept'r 1S.")S. 4,")if WATdlKS A JEWELin, NKW AM» IHtSIRAIiLK, ItV J AS. 'I'. II O I N T O , SI IM'KSSOU Ti» J. M. HHASLKV. AI.SO, A LOT OF FI\K HOI HI.K-BAKHKL (.i \S, AT uh:i>i 't:i> I'nii'Ks, >iy JAS. T. IIOI'STON. March 1, IS.V.1 «j;?tf TIN PLATE, Iron, Iron IViro, C:OOK|\(ji >.TOVI> TI\-WAI6li. Always on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. ROOF/Xt;, a UTTEUIXG, And all kinds of .folibing, done at short notice, by C. W. ANDREWS, Market Square, Fayetteville. July 0. -tf ^>00 IthlN. of llorriiiK IAOR sale, very low, l-'l't* Bbls Herring, by 1 GEO. W. WILLIA.MS & CO March 14 96 r. A E. liOHNsrEDT, •tgeat for 0"hirh'erht^^H M*iatios, Of which he h»..s always some on hand, i Wilmington, N. C., Oct’r 2, 1858, 61-ljpd DEROSSET, BROH \&CO ^yIL^fLy(^Tox, X. (\ BROWN, 1)E ROSSET & CO., .VAMr YORK. 'oiiiiiii!K«ioii .^lercliaiil!^, CC ^ o 2. ^ -3 ^ ^ ^ C 59 o fl atj ^ 2 ftrvy i’articular attention given to the ~ sale of .Naval Stores, ('otton and other r; 5 produce. ®, I’, -Vpril iri, I-Smospd I'. l*iri TK\^ AV, i'ommissioH • IMerrhant, And A^ent lor klawsonN Lino Steamers, Wilmington, N. C , Solicits C(.insignmeuts of Naval Stores, Cotton, (’orn Flour. Also orders lor Groceries, (’otton Bagging. Hope, tiiiano, I'ic. I'ic. liKKKllS TO .Tohn Dawson. Ksij., Wilmiusrtou, N. C., l>r, F. J, Hill, •' O. G. Parsley: *• President Commercial Ibink, Dr. I lios. II. Urijrht. I’resident Hank ofCujie Fear, L. P. Hall, Esij.. r.ranch Hank of .State of N. r. Lutterloh. Fayetteville, N. -'r' il ' 8-Sm T. i\ A: II. U. WOltTII, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, \V11.ML\(;T()N, n, c. Jan’y list. IS.'i'J W3L H. Tl rlix;to\, €' o III III i «*> i o II fl r c‘ li ant, WILMlNCToy. N. ('.. tlTlLL gi»e pronijit atel jiersonal attention to all con- yy siLMiments of SI'IHITS TCHPENTINE. HOSIN, l.\H. (>nt>N. Fl.ol H. and other country pmduce, either for sale or shipment, -My wiiart and w.ireliouse* being conveniently located for tlie recejitioii of produce, eithertiy Railroador River, enaViles me to make charges light. Nov'r 8 W. H, ALLEN, j [J. M. (’LARK. ALLE\ & CLARK, t'oiiiniiKMioii .Tlt‘r(*liaiitM, WILMINGTON. X, ('. DKALKHS IX LIMK, I'LASTKH, ( EMEXT, HAIU, Ac. Agents for Hiuh *Sc ()rreH's Line of .'''teamers, I)H(>Ml’l personal attention given to consignments o Naval Stores. Cotton or other (’ountry Produce, for sale or shipment, .lan'y I'.t. Ih.')',*. U II.I.IATI l». n illA, iHspertor of .Varal Stores, WILMINGTON. N. C., ill pay strict attention to all business entrusted to his care, and solicits a share of public jiatronage. Office In Hall's Building, Xo. 4:}, (up stairs,) Xortli Waler Street. April s, t.s.-.s. • J-tlmos F. }l BIZZELL, r. II0 r E R A ,\ I) r (nni I s s I ii .> )i e r r n \ \'t, N». 2U XoUTIl W.VTKK StRKKT, WILMINGTON, N. C. IJROMPT and jicr'onal attention given to the reception ot all kiiuU of country jn'oduce, either for sale or shipment. (>rders for groceries from rnt/t cu«tomers will receive immediate attention, free of commissions. Nov. I'J. lS.‘)h. 64-1 y JOSEPH H. BLOSSOM, t' O n ^1 I M N I A A .\ I) Forwarding .Merchant, .V. fiK^P roni])t personal attention given to all (’onsign- ni*nts. and ('asli .-idvanccs made on Produce to be shipped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. IJ. l,s-').'>. i;7tf W ILLIA.M .1. IMUCE, itisifcrtor of ^Yarat Stores, wiL.Mixarox. X. c. Solicits the p.-itron.-ige of his coiintrj' friendu and all others engaged in the 'I’lirjientine business. Ol'l'icc \Vul»*r Nov’rli-J. IS.-.S, (M-lypd PETER MALLETT WITH a rOLDEN MURRAY, GE ERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 0 2 South S t h k e t, XKW YORK. July -J'.t, 1S.")H. 30. BOOTS 4V SMIOl^S^ ~ AT WIJOLKSALK, JNO. M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA, \v I r H l». t\ Nil AW 10., J>] A,\it .'!•) 1>KY Stkkkt, Xkw Vokk, ll'^lLLfte happy to .^ee liis Southern friends at the y\ above establisiiment. wh‘re, either personally or'hy order, they may be sti]ipli(‘d from an extensive atid well assirted Stock of (Joods in th;it line, gotten up expressly for the Southern trade. Nov. isr.s. I'n-ly. ^«'AV A: J^TOW, SI I’(:KS.*4>RS to STOW SMAKT, IMfor.TKHS. .IltlUiKUS .\NI> IIKAI.KIIS I Hardware, Cutlery, linns. Shovels, ^'ails, Hoiiow ware, &o. :^7 WARREN ST. NEAH BROADWAY, A7:’H^ jy/RA: T. n. SAVUV/VT Would be ]ileased to sec his friends at the above House. Feb'y 2:5, lHo;» 1)1-3mlmi MiurAKV (;o()i)s, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces, 1\D EVl'RV lU'Sl'RIPTKIV IIF )!IIITIRV GfMID.S. Arroiunxu TO tuk ( . iS. -1r/ *tthf iSV////' S(’HUYLKR, HARTLEY & GRAIIAM, im'OKXnUS & ^t.WITFACTrKrUS, 1 0 M A T D E N L A N E, >Vetc 1'ork. June 30. 24-ly Second Sitring Stock. „^STARR & WILliTMS MA\E roceived and are now opening their second 11 supply of SEASOIVABL.E GOODS ( omprising a splendid selection of the newest styles of ‘ Fancy and Staple Dry faOoilK, RootM^ Wlioew, Hatw, Hoop Mkirts, Reacly-^aile C iotliin;;, i \Vith a large variety of NOTDtNS, to which the atten- I tion of Wholesale Buyers is invited. i STRICT ATTKXTION 1*AII> TO OUDHRS. “^8 j J. B. STAKK. J. M. WILLIA.MS. ! Ajiril y, 18-"»*,*. 4tf ; :\Ew j^PRi:\G uooos. ! A » » • flames Kffle IS NOW RECEIVING A LAI!(5E SCPPLY OF DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES, BOLT I N G CLOTHS, &c., Cedar Falls Sheeting and Yarn at Factory Prices. All of w hich will be ottered BY WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, As low as tlie same quality can be hud in this .'tate. .March iSo'.t. j4tf More .\ew 1AM just receiving my Spring Stock of Goods in my line. They were selected in the Northern cities by myself, with gri'at care, and bought on the most reasoii- able terms, by which I am enafiled to offer the largest stock 1 ever before offered to the public, and to offer thuiii generally At Greatly Reduced Prices. FKUIT.S—Raisins. Figs, Prunes, .\pples, Lemons, Or anges, Cherries, Currants. &c. i’I( KLE.'s, .1 hL],ilES AND PIlESEKVEis—a great va riety: PERF U M Elll LS AND EXTR.ACTS of various kinds; FANCY .'^OAPS AND POMADFJS: MIS1(',\L INSTRIMENTS—F'iddles, Drums, Fifes. Flutes, Banjos, Guitars, ,S:c.; W.\LK1N(J (',\.\E.'—ofeve -y kind; B.VSKETS AND WILLOW W.VKE; HOBBY HOUSES, ,S:c.: NI TS; FINE .VND COM’VION C.VNDIES; SARDINES; FINE ('KJAHS: SMOKING CHEWING TOBACCO; ('R.VCKEHS; FINE POCKET KNIVES: -A large assortment of PORT-MONA lES. some very nice; FANCY ENVELOPES, and FANCY GOODS, TOYS and YANKEE N(»TK>NS: .\n assortmejit of INDI.\ Hl’BBER GOODS; COMBS. WHIPS. FISHING TACKLE. The public are resj>ectfully invited to call and ex- aniine my stock. I have a great many handsome things that cannot fail to please. JAS. R. LEE, Hotel Building. March 31, 1859 l- MpRIA vL fiw The Fayal, Everett and Havelock Hats! VLSO. a beautiful assortment of the L.ATEST STYLE .Soft HAT.S (high and low crown,) and all the styles of the most elegant Hats of the season, can now be seen at the Bazaar. A. McRIMMON. March 10 97-tf Hi\« FOR SILG. T OFFER for sale f>40 Acres of LAND, lying on the I est side of Cape Fear River, tw’o miles below Fay etteville. and extending from the river into the sand hills. This tract is about eijutilly divided into river- ridge, swamp and sand-hill Land. About 8(» acres, adjoining the river, are under cultivation and are well suited' to the growth of Corn and Grass: none of the Swamp has been cleared. There are several good sites for a dwelling house on the sand hills. Any person wishing to purchase will do well to make early appli cation, as I have determined to sell. THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Sept. 8. 1858. 44tf Alabama Landis lor .^liale. 1 1 Henry county, 3 miles below L. v) i L Columbia, on the Chattahochee river, and 2-» miles fielow Fort Gaines: Sod acres are cleared—o(M) acres are river bottom, which will produce from 2(1 to •'>(> bushefs Corn, or from l,(M»(j to 2,5(KI pounds of Cot ton to the acre. On the place are all the necessary im- jirovements—Houses for Negroes; good water, and as healthy as any section of Alabama. For further par ticulars ajijily to me, at Midway Ala., or R. ALLIS(»N and G. J.ANES, on the I'remises. .Vlso. 1,DH) acres Laiul, near Midway, Barbour coun ty—8(M> acres cleared—all fresh, having been clearetl in the last seven years. This is stronj^lime Land, and will produce from 2(» to 30 bushels Corn, and from l.tMtti to 2.(Mi(> llis. Cotton per acre. Improvements fine—the Dwelling cost .':^4.(t()0. ami is situated on a high SJUnly ridge, with good water, and every convenience desir- alile in a country residence. Both of these jilaces are known in Columbus. Ga., where imiuiries can be made. 1 invite those who are purchasing, to examine these jilaces during the coming spring and summer, and judge them by what they see. C. A. ROSE, Midway, Barbour county, Ala. March 9 (Sav. Rop.) l»o-tf Laii(t!§ for Sale. IOP'FEU for sale afiout t»(M)(l .\cres of Piile Lands near Fayetfcville. containing an immense (itiHntity of .Mill Timber, and a number of Turpentine Boxes, and several new tasks may be cut. There is on the jiremises a fine Dwelling House, :ind all necessary out-houses,—.Sctip- peruong and Isabella Grape Vines,—1(Mm»young Peach and .\]>ple Trees of Lindley’s best varieties; also, a gooti F.VH.M of about l'>(t acres cleareti: anil also a GK1.“'T and S.\\\ .MILL: and a fine large Meadow of about 14(1 acres. The Fayetteville and (,’oal Fields Kail Hoad passes through these lanJs about a mile from the -Mills, I will sell in parcels to suit purchasers, but would }ire- fer to sell the whole together, -\pply to Thos. S. Lut terloh. Esq., Fayetteville, or the subscriber at Pitts- borough, N. C. J. H. HAl'GHTON. Nov. 12, 1S.j7. C.otf corpox HOND.S FOR > ALi:. >jlHE Western Hail Road (’omjmny have for sale in J amounts to suit purcha.sers, oftlic Cutipoii HoikIs of’tlu! County (»f Cumberland, bearing 7 per ccnt. interest, payable setni- atiniially on the 1st .lune and 1st of December, and run- niiifr 2d years. »f th(! (’otipori of the Town ot F.iyetteville. bearitig (> per cent, interest, p.iyable .semi annually on the 1st January and the 1st of July, and running 2d years. These bonds were issued in accordance with law to the Western Hail Hoad ('o., to j>ay the ('ounty and Town subscriptions respectively. Per.sons having money will find these bonds (at the price the Co. is selling them) a better investment than any Bank Stock in the State. For terms ajiply to C. B. .M.\LLETT, F’sq., Pres’t, or to ' JNO. .M. ROSE, Treas'r ’ Western H. K, ('o, Fayetteville, Feb'y 20, 18.")8. gUff File!** ol'llif flliM'rver Wanted. ll'E have been applied to fora file of the Observer \\ from its foundation in 1817 to 18'>4. If any per son or persons can furni-h such a file, or any consider able part of it, we will be glad to be informed, with statement of price. E. J. HALE .i SON March 28. AORTH riROLJAA MILITARY INSTITUTE, CHARIiOTTK, N. C. The Exercises of this Institute will commence on the l.st October next. FACFLTV KLECT: Maj. D. H. HILL, i^uperintendent. Lieut. C. (’. LEE, (,'ommandant. C. P. F]STILL, A. M., Principal of Primary De- }iartment. COI HSE OF STl'DIKS: In the Primary Dej»arLinent, such as to qualify a Stu dent to enter any College. In the Scientific Department the West Point Curricu lum will be closely followed. It will be the aim of the Professors to make Surveyors, Engineers, Chemists, and men tit for the jiractical business of life. In addition to the usual Exfrrii^ts hX. Military Schools, the months of .‘\ugust and September will be spent in Campaigning through the mountains of North ('arolina. The^Ifrt^/rw/c Vfiir will commence on the 1st day of (Oc tober, and will embrace twelve months. \ furlough of two months (.\ug. and Sept.) will lie given to Cadets at the end of their second year. Particular attention will be given to the moral and religious instruction of Ck«l('ts. EXPKNSKS: Ihe Institute will provide Board, Fuel, Lights, W'ash- lug. Arms, Lijuipments and L nilbrms,—and all clothing except under clothes,—for PE15 .VNNl’.M, one- half ]>ayable in advance; the balance in six months. Ao extra charges. No remission of charges to those who leave iinless on the score of health. TERMS OF Al)>nSSlON: No one will be admitted into the Primary Apartment under Twelve years of age: nor into the Scientific De partment under Fiiteen nor over Twenty-one j'ears of age. All connected wiiJi tin- .''cientitic Department will be reijuirnl to board in the Itistitute: those in the Primary Dejiartment may do so if they choose. KEMAKKS: The Institute Buildings are the largest, mo.«t elegant and commodious for the accommodation of Cadets in the Southern country; and tlie Board of Directors trust that under the management of the Superintendent and (-'ommandant, (Luth of whom arelJradnatesof West Point and of long experience in the.Vrmy, and in the business of instruction,) the Distitute will be est.iblished on a true Military basis and conducted on true Military prin ciples. The board will further say, that Mr. ESTfLL is a Graduate of the VLi-ginia I'nivcrsity and an ex perienced classical Teaclmr. They would flirt her St ate that it is their intention to increase the numlnir ofteachers in both Departments as the jiatronage of the public may require. This Institute was grajited a liberal Charter by the Legislature of North Carolina, with the power of con ferring Degrees upon those who complete the prescrib ed Course of Studies. Jgi5^ Applications for admission will be received un til the 1st of September, and must be directed to Dr. C. J. Fox, President of the I’oard, Charlotte, N. C. [For further particiilar.s see Circular.] J. FOX, JAS. P. IRWIN, II. LaF. ALEXANDER, JAS. H. CARSON, THOS. 11. BREM, S. -M. BLAIK, D.WID PAHKS, Charlotte, N. C , April 12. 18;ji»: 0-P.t FAYETTKVII.I-K MUTU.VL l-NSUItAM'E CO.MPAXY. ^nUE -VNNL'AL MEETING of this Company will be I held at the Oflice of the Company on T11URSD-\Y the lyth -May next. C. A. Mc-MILLAN, Sec’y. April 25, 185'J. y-i.\i I'ape Fear A’avi;:-afion C'onipany! ^piIE ANNCAL MEETIN(i of the Stockholders will JL be held on FRIDAY, !id June next, in the Town Hall, Faj’etteville. S. W. TILLINGIIAST, Pres’t. May 2, 1859. lOmj Town papers copy till meeting. WAATED, 1 ,"t -VBLE-BODIED MEN to lay track on the Fay- 1 fj etteville Coal Fields Rail Road. Wages ?l 2o jier day, and SlU a month for board. Apjily to IIENR\ SAUNDERS, Contractor. May 2, 1859. lOtf AEfiiROFN FIR KAI.F. A IjIKEL^ \ ol NG ^^(^M.\N about Dl years of age, -.Ti and ( hild about a year old. .Any person wishing to purchase, will please apply to HENRY C. JOHNSON. April ;)U lO-4ti»d c fi.eiirati:d NICK WlLLlixVlS’ WHISKEY, VEur ojii), Just received and for sale by James W. Horne, (iroftT, and Deuler iu FotoIkh and Bomestic Whu\s aird Liquors. HAY STHEET, FA 1-tTTEVlLLE, N. O. Ajiril 28. 9,1 n, UH.tSS STK.H.V3:H 4 GOOD supply' of various No's just received, which rV we can furnish low. D. ^ W. McLACUlN. May 2, Ki,f Dictionary ol* l'on^re!«!«, h\ Lan- Ilian; Tre.ssilian and his Friends, by H. Shelton McKenzie; '■A rhousand ( liances to Make Money,"’ by Freedlev; “.Mrs. Partington's Carpet Bag of Fun"; .'Sylvester Sound: Handy Andy: Flush Times of Alabama: Party I.eaders; School Books: &.C., \'c. .Just received. April 2:{ E. J. HALE .'i: ,S(»N. Or. Kaiif‘% Arc'iic ExploralioiiM, ('loth. Shec|> and half ('alf Binding. Further SMpj.Iies just receivel. E. J. H.\LE .S: ,SoN. April 20. AOTIC F. \I\EN' U|. !ind committed to the Jail of Cumberland I Comity. TWO N'EGHO (iIHLS; one l.y the name ot HOSE, t>f dark complexion, ordin.iry stature, and afMiiU thirty years of ajie; the other iciiiied IS.VP.ELI.A. of a copper color, ordinary .-tat me, and about twenty-five years of age;—who say that they were loinierlv the pro])erty of Nathaniel G. .lon■^, and are now owned I'V a Mr, Clark, The owner or owners ol saiO negro slaves are lierehy notified to come forsvanl, prove their propertv and take it away, otherwise they will ).e dealt witli :is tiie law 'lirecfs, GE(»R(iE L. McK \ \ , .lailor. April 27, 185H j. The Sociable, or lOOl Home A- muflements: The -Vutocrat of tlie iireakfa.-t Table; Lec tures of Lola Montes; Chronicles of the Bastile, illus trated: The .NIagician’s Owji Bok; Living and Loving: Livingstone's I'ravel : Live and L'-irn: The Power of Prayer, by Priiu'.-: School i;,iuks, m., \c. Further supplies, just received. 31 ^ E. J. HALE & SON, The llyiiin^ anil ili>«riplinV of -^1 ptCimrcii. .V iH'W f'Upplv jiiwi IS. E. J.‘ hale ^ SON. %% ebster’s Fleinentarv Npellin;; Book, for sale by E. J. HALE & SON.