-1 I inui> nt II r t; ' '■ .’f 1',. - A , u: , „ -"I >r. "I- ' ■ H-,. ]. vuts .r : , 6,. - . K. J I a Kf'adoi*^ AM- ‘i. • KKl 1!. xr^ ki:k- . I- utlttta. I*H \ v>\ l«il»ha r«l. At.K N It I II •>. ISTO AN ; AUt - - , 1 in; fth, ■ h. f.f- 1*. ■» th,. Ill 1 •n. u; ■- t.) :i I'iii thuu lUl' IV s I I l:1h VVKll -111 ■■ •ri-i\ !►> [,r, w,*r ■ I ili.i •iTf •tit' ll-.' . Ot lliorn ll .1. Ti-u. E. .1 lloiK'v itOl:: i‘ V" t;i' t) ll;l\ V*Ti ll to I- 'lU ,ill 1. iti>». E. %\ w 1% III?* I'lora. il - ^ ‘ r, - \lU-\ ! K'-'N. - -W tti* o*! ri^li. jV 1 ^ h y,. r|:-tN lu: K 1'. .11. ' II % I S. ■1 .11 : ri ; I- .1 U,l. ■ •Itii: ' Sufjiai^ ,i:i: MK.v Cll- u-r... bf ' . LLllV. Cii;. >r ol on: j. UK, .) I)i ( e !■ 'J ; i:iei. (trk . . • Pape r. N(. I>, If) I mill ’ . ,A'l li^l r 1: r r i »(»K .1 *N It. ‘ ITII I’ 1’ ilwcr: ;. J r ‘N- iilar> K. .1 ' •*** lat iFAir SBMI.WBBKL. Y. [VOL. VIII.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MAY 9, 1859. [NO. 812.] MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. KDWARD J. HALE & SON, I’lUTOllS AND I’ROPRIETORS , . r ih> Soiui-Weekly Ohskrvfr S:i (X) if paM in , V . .. :r ■'>’ it' pai'i iluring ihe year of subscrip- ,r >1 iiftt'f the year has expired. .1 W.i'kly Ohskuvkr S- (K> per annum, if puiil in ;if I'.iiil tluriu}; Ihe year of subjicrip- ,1 -r i OU after the year has expired. J \|iVI!HTISKMKNTS inserled for (10 cents per Ill linos for the first, ami 30 cents for each . li’i, piiblicaiion. Yearly ailvertiseinents by spe- at reasonable' rates. Advertisers are • . t!\to the number of insertions desired, or wii’; bo ' outiuiicd till torbid, and charged accord- \ ivorii't'iiH'nt;; to be inserted inside, charged 50 per ;■ ,>\tr:l. Sl'KClAL XOTICK. ]•'■ i!h :iiid at'ier this date, uo name of a new subscriber ' eiiieivd without payment in advance, nor will ... 1.,. eiit to such subscribers for a longer time .1 ; t"*'- .x .t .'ur-.M subscribers as desire to take the pa- ' will j'lease notify us when making FA\ ICTTEl lLLE HOTEL, T. WADDILL, Proprietor. ^HIS, ilic most commodious Hotel in North 1 t'arolina, fronting 300 feet on Hay and j* * Donaldson Streets, located in the centre of the business portion of the town, and surrounded by all the lianking Hoiise.x, Wholesale Merchants and jiriiici- p!il Produce Dealers. Uf^^' lUisiness men will find the Hotel a convenient and comfortable house. •Ml the Stages arrive ami depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville, Oct. 1, IHSH. 51- SHKiVIVVELL HOUSE, FAVETTEVII,I.E. C. Knat sit/t of Green Street, n /ctc iJoors ^'orth of tlte Mitrhe.t. ^,,-A ^HE Subscriber desires through this medium lisaii ackowledge the liberal patronage bestow- ed upon his House the past year—-and as he has just erected New Stables and ('arriage Shed conven ient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in say ing to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accomniolate them with transient and perniauent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore received. I'verj’ ex ertion on his jiart shall be used to render them comforta ble during their sojourn with him. His table is alway* supplied with the best the market affords. P. S HEM WELL. .March 24. 18.58. 8r»-tf w U, ii W. McLll RIN, •I’Ll: invite attention to their large and desirable . k ..f CliK OCEKIES, .-.'.in;; in part of— 1.'^ H iirs Rio, l..airuiru and Javu Coffee; I ' l ami Ilhds. Su^ar (a>surted;) Hhds. Mohksses; Hacou—k?idc“s and Shoulders; ’m .''ui-ks Salt; 1' i H 'xes iTuod Tobacco; 11’"' •“ Spt-rm, Adaiiiautine\ Talluw Candle*; Snap : assorted; ) ' ' “ ('andy “ ]■ i' l>a>:> Shot “ 1 ' " It'S. l>ar Lead; ; ' : lU'Is. Snuff—Eagle Mills; Kc;;.s Soda; “ NaiU. —ALSO— and general assortment of HardUare and Cutlery; Faniiinir Utensils, of all descriptioii.i; \iiierican, English, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; lUister, German and Cast Steel; Hlacksmiths’ Tools; iVxtpers’ l)o.; ' 'orn Sheller# and Straw Cutters; 1 buckets, IJrooms and Pails; Cotton, Manilla and .lute Hope, ( all kinds and ijuality;; Plow Line.s and Bed Cords; FI olio w Ware; 'ottiin Yarns and Sheetings at factor}’ priee.s. All of which will be sold low fob cash, or on usual iii^to prompt paying customers. Coi'NTRT Merchants are respectfully requested il and examine our stock bafore purchasing else- re. D. w. McLAUHlN. M irch 3, 1859 y3tf FRESH GOODS! U*l. are now receiving our stock of Spring Goods, \\ ■ 'iisi'ting of a large assortment of hroeeries Proiisious, Hardware, Farm- iug tteiisils ; -;.ect to make such additions to our stock as the . ,\iiros. We will sell at wholesale or retail low : r n short time to prompt paying customer'*, or >■ t-.r country produce. Persons wanting gools .r line -.re respectfully invited to call and give U8 il. Particular attention paid to filling orders. PEMBERTON & SLOAN. F tteville. N. T.. March 17. 1850. 97-8w ROBI\SO-VS ~ n A AI PI L ATED UI A A O. "j’ ' l NE'jL'.\LED FERTILIZER, composed of one IVriiviaii CMiiaiio, WAVAE HOl!E, GOLDSBORO', N. 1'^HE unilersigned announces to the public that he has taken charge of the above Es tablishment, and is prepared to accommodate i^oarders, by the day, week or month. And he assures all who may favor him with their patronage, that he will endeavor to give perfect satisfaction. Table supplied with the best the market affords. JAS. 0. SMITH. Goldsboro’. Jan'y 28, 1859 84-lyr WESTERN RAIL ROAD. TROY & FUr.LER, | Attorneys and ronn.sellors at Law, i i.ii?riBF:KTo.ir, R0BE*«0ir co., :v. c. Robert E. TKOY and JOIIN p. fuller, have formed an association for the practijo of their pro fession in Robeson County. The former will also at tend llie Couil.s of Bladen mid (^oluiiibus: the laltui' will also attend thosa of (’umborland. The Office in Lumborton will be kept open at all times. Jan’y 1, 1858. 73- .lOSEIMI liAKER,. Jr., ATTOR A EV AT li A W , Has taken an office next door to Wni. B. Wright's Law Office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the Coniit}' and .Sujierior Courts of Cumberland. Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1853. T9tf THO. C. PtTLLER, *§Ht>mey and VounHeHor af ijair. OFFICE at Eccles's Briilge, recently occupied by James Banks. Esq., Fayetteville, N. C. Jan'y 1, 1857. P. J. MIAC I.AIK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE. N. C., TILL practice in the Courts of Robeson, Cumberland. Harnett and Richmond, Prompt attention given to all luisiness entrusted to hin. Feb'v 5, 185'.t «r>- DE \m%ET, BROWN & CO., \VIL}f/X(!TOX, X. (\ DEKOSSET & CO., A 7;ir yoh'K. I'oiii III iioII e rt* lia IIIM, sr Z-r/: S 2- £- t-." - ON and after Monday, 2’2d day of November, the Freight Train will run REGULARLY between Fay etteville and McClenahan's Station; leaving Fayetteville every morning at 7 o'clock and returning at 1 o’clock in the uflernoon of same day. Consignors are requested to send tickets with articles, stating consignee, destination, A:c. W. A. KUPER, Chief Eng'r & Sup't. Whenever ihe amount of freight may require, an ex tra Train will leave Fayetteville and return in the afternoon. Nov'r 22, 1858. 15- RilL ROiD iNOTlCE! TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. w : tine round Rone, XEW, CHE\P, m EXPEDITinUS ROUTE FOR Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. MERCJI.VNTS and others about purchasing their Fall and Vinter Supplies, are requested to tiotice. that by the completion ot the North Eastern Rail lUiud from Charleston, S. toCheraw. the advantages ofaCHE.M’ and HXPEDITIOL'S Route from the SeaV>oard has been opened to them. All freight consigned to the care of the Agent of the North Eastern Rail Road will be forwarded FREE OF COM.MISS ION. No charge will be made for Storage at Cheraw. All godls will be taken care of in the Company's Warehouse until sent for. A schedule of charges for transportation of freight will be found at the Post Office. S. S. SOLOMtJNS, Eng'r and Sup't. Aug. 3, 1858. 34-tf LUTTERLOH’S LINE. liRW \oti*(% i l.VMES L. GAINES and son E. .1. GAINES, will, in ■ • I future, practice law in copartnership, in the ('ouii- i ties of -Montgomery. Stanly, Anson and Monre. They may be adilressed either at Troy, N. ('., where E. J. Gaines resiiles. or at Norwood's N. C. Troy, April 7. 185U. Itf I.AW AOTIt'E. ^pHE undersigned has removed to Newbern. with the , 1 intention to clcvote himself wholly to the practice of j the law. He will attend the (.'ourts in all of the sur rounding counties, and will also j'lactice befnri- the Su- jireme Court at Raleigh. I). K. McRAE. Dec'r 22, 1.S5H. 75-Om . LOVERD ELDKIUGE, •tftorneif at ir, | ll'^ILL attend tlio Courts of Johnstou and Sampson ! M Counties. Smithfield. April 15, lh5C. 'Jfltf ' J. R. ni LLA, ~ Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ASIlKliOllO’, -\. (’., ll'^ILL attend tlie Courts of Uamlolph, .Moore, Mont- W gomery. Davidsim and Guilford, and promptly at tend to all busine'^s entrusted to his care. March 10, 1S59 9C-Cni •ftedicni •IToHce* Dr. H. a. McSWAlN has takt-n an office on Amlerson Street, in the rear of .Messti. Ray \ Pearce's Store, where ha can be found by those desiring hi* professional services. August 21, 1858. liitf Dr. K. A. BI^ACK, FFICK Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale's Chemist and Drug Store. Feb'v 7, 185*’). 7^.1 f ^ 2 8l^"Particular attention given to the ^ sale of Naval Stores, Cotton and other r; ? {iroduce. • April ill, 1S59 r>-3mospd JAS. T. Pin TEW AY, VommissioH • Jterflnntt, And A^ent tor DawsonN Line Steamers, Wilmington, N. O , Solicits Consignments of Naval Stores, Cotton, (’orn. Flour. .Mso orders for Ciroceries. Cotton Bagging, Rope. Guano. iS:c. vSjc. HKKK.US TO John Dawson. Esq., Wilmington, N. C., Dr. F. J. Hill, •• O. G. Parsley; *■ President Commercial Bank, Dr. Thos. 11. Wright, I’resident Bank oft'apo Fear, E. P. Hall. Ec|.. Br.iiu'h Bank of State of N. T. S. I^mterloli, Fayetteville, N. April 25 . 8-3in T. A: II. U. WORTH, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINdTUN, N. C. Jan'y 2i^, 185'J 84tf MM. H. TlRLIXGTO\, C o III III i ^ w i o II .^1 e r c ll a III, WILMINGTON. N. C.. ^ILL give prompt and pi^rsoiial attention to all con- w TAR, COTTON, FI.oCIl, and other country jiroduce, either for sale or shipment. My wharf and w:irehouseg being conveniently located for the recejition of produce, either by Railroad or River, enaliles me to make charges light. Nov'r 8 tf W. H. ALLEN'.] [J. M. CLARK. ALLE\ CLARK, C'oiiiiiiis«ioii ^lorcliaiitM, WILMINGTON. N, C. DEAIKKS IX MMK. I'LASTKK, ( KMEM, HAIK, Af. Jjjgy- Agents for Rush \ Orrell's Line of Steamers.that cannot fail to please. Second Spring Stock. STARR & WILLIAMS Have received and are now opening their second supply of • SKASONABIxK «OOD«, Comprising a sjdendid selSction of tlie newest styles of Fancy and staple llry Ciioods Root«, Siliot'M, HatM, Hoop Skirts, Rf‘ady-:?lade t'lotliiii;;^, With a large variety of NOTIONS, to which the atten tion of Wholesale Buyers is invited. STHICT ATTKKTION I*Atl> TO 0R1>KRS. • J. B. STAUR. J. M. WILLIAMS April 9. 1859. • 4tf XEW GOODS. 9M A S» • rnfames Kfijfle IS NOW RECEIVING A LARGE SUPPLY OF DRYGOODS, HATS, SHOES, BOLTING CLOTHS, &c., Cedar Falls Sheeting aiul Yarn at Faatory Prices. All of which will be offered B Y W II O L E S A L E OR RE T AIL, As low as the same quality can be had in this State. March 1S59. ' 94tf More Xew Oootl^! I AM just receiving my Spring Stock of Goods in my line. They were selected in the Northern cities by myself, with great care, and bought on the most reason- I able terfts, by which I am enabled to ofler the largest 1 stock I ever before offered to the public, and to otter I them generally At liready Reduced Prices. FRUITS—Haisins. Figs, Prunes, Apples, Lemons, Or- ange.s. Cherries, Currants, &c. PICKLES, JELLIES AND PRESERVES—a graat va- riet v; PERFUMERIES AND EXTR.\CTS of various kinds; FANCY SOAPS AND PO.MADES; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS—Fiddles, Drums, Fifes, Flutes. Banjos, Guitars, &c.; W.VLKINti C.VNES—of every kind; BASKETS AND WILLOW WARE; HOBBY HORSES, &c.; NUTS: FINE AND COMMON CANDIES: S.\RD1NES; FINE CIGARS; SMOKING .S: CHEWING TOBACCO; CRACKERS; FINE POCKET KNIVES; larore as.sortment of PORT-MON.\IES. some very nice; FANCY ENVELOPES, and FANCY GOODS, TOYS and YANKEE NOTIONS: An assortment of 1ND1.\ RUBBER GOODS; COMBS. WHIPS, FISHING T.\CKLE. The public are respectfully invited to call and ex amine my stock. I have a great many handsome things 1)RO.MPT personal attention given to consignments o Naval Stores, Cotton or other Country Produce, for sale or shipment. Jan'y 1'.*, 1S5'J. 81- WII.MAn II. TIAUA. March 31, 1859 JAS. R. LEE. Hotel Building. 1- 0 J. wii.Ei vn pa4;e, n, PITTSBOHOrfJII, N. Dr. PAGE may be found at his office when not pro fessionally angaged. PliO!^plinfic liiiinno, ’ iii- in f"r immediate use, being prepared by new "I iniii-hinery, by which means the most per- lii;in..n is effected, reilucing all to a uniform •'■1*t: and for application by dkill or otherwi.se, 'i.>- nic;»t jierfect order. And I have no hesita- M ':;yiiig tli.'it for all crops it is equal to any fer- ■ . vcr iifferad to the farming community. The : « i.i. HE KKi'T PERFECTLY r.MKouM in all cases, " \K|{ anted to contain 8 per cent, of AM.MONIA, • , .')i: jior cent, of BONE PIIOSPH.VTK OF 'i- • 1' i- put up in gooil bags, weighing about 150 PiirchasiTS will please notice, that the name 'i:iN.uN is branded on each bag—none other is V ! ' xperience in the trade, anl the general sat- • ‘ i ctofi)re given by all (Juanoes sold by me, I ’ I"'. ’)(■ !i guarantee tiiat the article now offered I- rcpn -i-nted. 1 will also keep constantly on '■ ■ • Peruvi.'in, Mexican and other Guanoes, ' •■ i’.l 't-ll :i' low as any housi* in the city. WM. ROBINSON, Nos. 4 A: 0 HuLLiN'fiswiiinn Stuef.t, Xear Fratl St. Wharf, baltimokk. ^ I''IN.'uNS MANIPULATED GUANO is also ' ' .'■iiit by the following Agents: ' ' NKVETT, .Alexandria,. Va. .'ON MAIGNE, Norfolk, Va. .'KINKER & CO., Richmond, Va. 'lA.' r,RANCH & SONS, Petersburg. Va. ' V B. G. WORTH, Wilmington, N. C. . :: 08-^mpd TIOA. M \\ ,v IIORNE, Jr., being anxious to close • iiii offer for sale at low ligureH their - I- on hand. Our accounts are all due »nd 1 'f pIcM'ed to have them settled. TI;I;\1AN. J. W. HORNE, t 4-lm QTEAMER “ day and Thursday morning, at 15 minutes after Sun rise: and Wilmington Tuesday and Friday, at o’clock. —carrying jias.sengers and freight. Steamer "SOUTHERNER,” with a full complement of Flats, makes one or more trips per week, as circum stances may require. The accident to the Steainer “RoW.\N’’ will be re- paireil in a few days. Sha w^ill then take her pl.ace in the line. T. S. LUTTERLOH. Oct’r 4, 1858. 51-tf i\EW L.1>E. IH.WE associated with me, in this line, Mr. John K. Dailey, and will style the firm ORRELL & D.\ILE^ . We have purchased the Steamer Southerner, and in a few days, will have a New Flat employed with her. Those favoring us with their patronage may rely upon prompt despatch, by applying to Mr. Dailey on board, or to me at my office. K. M- ORRELL. R. M. OHREI-L. March 2(>, 1859 JOHN K. D.MLKY. 8(K>-tf K II Tit I FOR WII.MIIACiTOA. STEAMER HATTIE HART.—(’ai*t. Peck, 1\^1LL leave this place regularly \ V every W E D N E S D A \ and S A TURD A Y, at (> o'clock, A. .M., and arrive at Wilmington same evening: Breakfast on board the Boat Will al.so lea\e Wilmington at 9 o'clock, A. M., every MONDAY and THURSDAY, and anive at this place next morning, early. For light freight, or passage, having good ac commodations, apply on board, at Rush & Orrell s wharf. 0’r#/9 wV. €*. I ^ ^(1- Aii:ititic and North Carolina Railroad being now ; KOK salk or l .' N 'l ti) r.i aufort Harbor, I have eterniine to CONVENIENT DWELLING HOUSE, on Haymount, ■ irolimi ( ity lor the purpose 0 oing ^ ^ near Mr J. C. Thom-son’s. For particulars enquire forwarding and General Ccmmission : of j. g. shepherd, Esq., or A. M. CAMPBELL. Utf O' proiiifTtne.ss and .itrict aitention to merit ; -ujiport. Being the Agent of Murray’s; * l ii't Clu-- Packets to this and Morehead City, I 'tf' ' will be made to make this the chea{)est ami ' lUiii.iis route to New York. Vessels will be 1 di i iiargi-d at my Wharf (adjoining the Rail- ■ ”1.. mid thereby save cartage and lighterage. 'I ■■ !i iiii(>n will be given to all orders, and to " '‘"d hipmcnt of Produce. WM. B. GRANT. 1 b5b. 32-ly May 7. HAY! HAY!! nr'A BALES PRIME H.\Y, just received and for )CO\f by J. H. ROBERTS iSc CO. ^larch -8. 8K)-tt !dOO Bblw. ol Herriiij^ 1"10R sale, very low, IKKJ Bbls Herring, by t GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO March 14 May tj, 1857. 5tf DEXTAl. i\0TICE. Having engaged in anotiier business. I find my time too much taken up to attend to the duties of my profession: and having a partner (Dr. R. Scut) who is in every way competent to jilease all my friends, I take great pleasure in recommending him to all with whom I have the slightest influence. His prices will suit any who "are desirous of having their teeth oj'erated on in a skilful manner. And with ni}' best wishes for my surcfxsor, and this community, 1 withdraw from the firm, having no fear but that Dr. Scott will give the most fastidious entire satis faction. D. W. C. BENBOW. Jan’y K», 1859. 78tf DEATIf^TRY. Dr. j. D.VVIS having decided on perma nently locating in the Town of Fayette ville. respect fully otl'ovs his services to the citizens of this place and surrounding country. In all tlie various ))ranches of his Profession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is ati-tied, after an e.xtcnsive e.xperience. to which is ailded a thorough Den tal education, that he can give entire !>atisfuction as far as is in the }n wer of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a jiroper and careful niannei-. as well as diseases of the mouth. None but the proper metals are made use of in the various operations. Charges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reach of all who ma^' feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. Office over Houston’s Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. May lU, 1858. 9tf WORTH A: I TI.EV, Forwarding and Iveneral €oniniit>sion iMerchants, .V. J. A. WORTH. (Tlitf) .TIIS. I Tt.EY. R. n. ORREI.Ii, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. Those Bemling their Spirits Turi>entine to me may rely upon it to have prompt and careful attention. .My warehouses are fronting tlie wharves and near the river. Sept’r 13, 18.58. _ 45tf WATCHED & JEWELRY, NEW AM) KKSIR\ni.K, UY J AS. T . II T O A , SUCCESSOR TO J. M. BEASLKY. AI.SO, A LOT OF FIXE DOI BLE-BAKREL «IXS, AT REt>rCEI> PRK'F.S, by JAS. T. HOUSTON. March 1, 1859 93tf TIN PLATE, !§liect Iron, Iron Wire, COOKIi'VCi STOVK> TI*H-WAKi:. Always on hand, at Wliole.sale or Retail. It O OFIXG, a UTTER ING, And all kinds of Jobbing, done at short notice, by C. W. ANDREWS, Market Siiuare, Fayefteville. July 9. * 27-tf T. A. E. HOIINSTEDT, t§S€ni for ChirKerittg-^s Pianos^ Of which he has always some on hand. Wilmington, N. C., Oct’r 2, 1868. 61-lypd insiferior of »Vatal Stores, WILMINIJTON, N. C.. Will pay strict attention to all business entrusted to his j care, and solicits a share of public patronage. j Oflire III llnil's Biiildiii?, No. 43, up .stairs,) | >orlh Water Street. j April 8, ISoS 4-Cnios | F. M. BIZZELL, GROCER .\ 1) C (I ini I S S1 U .\ M E R C II .n T, No. 2'J XoKTii Watkr Street, WlLMlNtn’oN, N. C. I IJROMPT and per-^onal attention given to the reception ' of all kinds of country produce, either for sale or i sliipiiient. I Orders for groceries from cuth custoinerg will receive immediate attention, free of commissions. Nov. ly. 1S5S. 64-ly i JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. Vo n nissioa A .\ 1) Forwarding Merchant, .V. t\ g^£T'Prom]it fiersotial attention givi'n to all (’onsign- nients. and ('ash :idvanee made on Produce to be shipped to other iioit.-i or «iiild in this market. Feb. lli. |S-'.5. r,7tf W ILl.lAM J. IMilCi:, inspertor of •Wtval Storeu^ wiLMiyarox. y. c. Itfc^rs olicits the patronage of his country friendii ami ill others engaged in the Turpentine business. \Vut»?r Nov'r :2l2. 185S. G4-lypd PETER MALLETT ' WITH D. COLDEN :\IURR,\Y, GE ERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, G2 SotTH Street, .VA’ir YOHK. July tilt, 1K58. 32- BOOTS 4V AT WnOLKSAI.K. JNG. M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA, \V 1 T 11 P. I». .^11 AW iV t o., AM) ;i-‘> Dkv Sthkkt, Nkw Vop.k, lI^IiiL be happy to sec liis Soiitliern friends al the W above est.ibli-ihmeiu. where, either jiersonally or by order, they may l)e sup]ilieil from an extensive and well as.sorted Slock of (ioods in that line, gotten up expressly for the Southern trade. Nov. IS5S. t)7-ly. % V A «TOW, t CF.SSOItS TO S T () W S .M A !l T , iMroitri Hs, JoiiitF.ns anh ofai.f.rs in Hardware, Ciillery, (iinis, Shovels, Nails, Hollow ware, &e. ;57 WARIIEN" ST. NEAR BROADWAY, AV;ir YORK. T. n, TACKETT Would be jdeaseil to see his friends at the above House. Feb’y 2;5. 1859 91-3mlmi MIMTAUY GOODS, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION (IF MILITARY GOODS, ACCOROINO TO THE Latest C. S. Anil// nui? Stnte lieijnJations. SCJIUYLER; IIARTI.EY & GR;UIAM, imi*o«ti:ks a iia:vitf \cti ri:rs 1 9 M A I D E N L A N E , ►t’ciT I'ork. June 30. 24-ly NPRIACii J^TA EES! The Fayal, Everett and Havelock Hats! VLSO, a beautiful assortment of the LATEST STYLE StiFT H.\TS (high and low crown.) and all the styles of the most elegant Hats of the season, can now be seen at the Bazaar. A. McRIMMON. March 10 97-tf Li\n FOR m\L 1 OFFER for sale 040 Acres of L.VND, lying on the West side of Cape Fear River, two miles below Fay etteville. and extending from the river into the sand hills. This tract is about ei|ually divided in'o river- riilge, swamp and sand-hill Land, About 80 acres, adjoining the river, are under cultivation and are well suited to the growth of Corn and Grass: none of the Swamp has been cleared. There are several good sites for a dwelling house on the sand-hills. Any person wishing to purchase will do well to make early appli cation, as I have determined to sell. THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Sept. 8, 1858. 44tf Alabama Eaiid«!i lor Nale. 1 ACRES, in Henry county, o miles below , ^ X Columbia, on the Chattahocbee river, and !!•') miles below Fort (iaines: 850 acres are cleared—500 acres are river bottom, which will produce from liO to [ 50 bushels Corn, or from 1,(MM( to 2.5K0 pounds of Cot- 1 ton to the acre. On the place are all the necessary im provements—Houses for Negroes; gooil water, anil as I iiealthy as any section of Alabama. For further par ticulars apply to me, at Midway Ala., or R. ALLISON anil .V. (jt. JANES, on the premises. -\lso. 1,UMI acres Land, near Midway, Barbour coun ty—8(IH acres cleared—all fresh, having been clearcd ill the last seven years. This i.^ strong lime L:ind. and vill produce from 20 to 8(1 bushels Corn, and from l.tMMl to lbs. Cotton per acre. Improvements fine—the Dwelling cost •'?4,0(M), and is situated on a high sandy ridge, with good water, and every convenience desir able in a country residence. Both of these places are known in Columbus, (ia., where inijuiries can be made. I invite those who are purchasing, to examine these places during the coming spring and summer, and judge them by what they see. C. A. ROSE, Midway, Barbour county, Ala. March 9 (Sav. Rep.) 95-tf A ORTH C'A ROEl A A MlLITAIiY INSTITUTE, CHARJiOTTK, N. C. ^FHE Exercises of this Institute will commence on the i 1st October next. FAcn/rv ELF>rT; Maj. D. H. HILL, Superintendent. Lieut. V. I.I’E, (’ominand.-ini. C. P. ESTILL, A. M., Principal .d' Primary De partment. C(>UKSE OF STl DIES: In the Primary l»e}>arunent. huch as to qualify a Stu dent to enter any ('ollege. In the Scientific Department the Wesl Point Curricu lum will be closely followed. It will be the aim of tin Professors to make Surveyors, Engineei-s, Chemists, and men tit for the practical business of life. In addition to the usual J-Jxfreives At Military Schools, the months of .\ugust and Sejitembcr will be tpent in Campaigning through the mountains of North (,'arolina. The Acadf mir Yi nr will commence on the 1 st day of Oc tober, and will embrace twelve months. A furlough of two months (Aug. and Se]>t.' will he given to Cadets at the end of their second year. Particular attention will be given to the moral and rtlii/ious instruction of C*dets. EX1‘HXSKS: The Institute will provide Board. Fuel, Lights, ash ing, Arms, Eciuipment-i and Uniforms.—and all clothing except under clothes,—for PER ANNl'M, one- half jiayable in advance: the balance in six months. Xo ixtra charc/fs. No remission of charges to those who leave unless on the score of health. TERMS OF ADMISSION: No one will be admitted into the Primary Department under Twelve year'^ of age: nor into the Scientific De partment under Fit'teeii nor over Twenty-one years of age. All connected witii tiie Scientific Department will be required to board in the Jnstiiuie: those in the Primary Department may do so if they choose. REMARKS: The Institute Buildings are the largest, most elegant and commodious for the accommodation of Cadets in the Southern country: and the Board of Directors trust that under the management of the Sujierinteiulent and Commandant, [Loth of ichorn are Graduates of \\est Point and of long experience in the Army, and in the business of instruction,) the Institute will be established on a true Military basis and conducted on true Military prin ciples. The Vioard will further say, that Mr. ESTILL is a Graduate of the Virginia L’niversity and an ex perienced classical T eacher. They would furl her st at e t hat it is their intention to increase the number of teachers in both Departments as the patronage of the public may require. This Institute was gr.uited a liberal Charter by the Legislature of North Carolina, with the power of con ferring Degrees u))On those who coui[(lete the prescrib ed Course of Studies. Applications for admission will be received un til the 1st of September, and must be directed to Dr. C. J. Fox, President of the Board, Charlotte, N. C. [For further particulars see (’ircular.] C. J. FOX, J.VS. P. IRWIN, H. LaF. ALEXANDER, JAS. n. (’ARSON, TH(»S. H. BREM, S. -M. BLAIR, DAVID PARKS, Charlotte, N. C , April 12, 1859, 9-Ot r.4YETTEVII.IiE MUTU.VL INSUUANCE COMPANY. The ANNUAL MEETING of this Company will be held at the Office of the Company on THURSD.VY' the 19th May next. April ‘25, 1859. C. A. McMILLAN, Sep’y. 9-tM Cape Fear A'avi$;^atioii Company! ^PHE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders will X be held on FRIDAY', 3d June next, in the Town Hall, Fayetteville. S. W. TILLING HAST, Pres't. May *2, 1859. lOtm Town papers copy till meeting. WAATED, 1 ABLE-BODIED MEN to lay tr.ack on the F.iy- J.0 etteville Coal Fields Rail Road. Wages .SI 25 per day, and iMO a month lor board. Apply to I HENRY' SAUNDERS, Contractor. May 2, 1859. lOtf AEI-ROEM FOR KAEE. LIKELY YOUNG W(.)M.\N about Di years of age. and Child about a year old. Any person wishing to purchase, will please apply to lt»-4tpd A Laiiidi^ for I OFFER for sale about (iOOO .Acres of Pine Lands near Fayetteville, containing an immense 4iuantity of Mill Timber, and a number of Turpentine Boxes, and several new tasks may be cut. There is on the premises a fine Dwelling House, and all necessary out-houses,—Scup- peruong and Isabella Grape Vines.—l(MK»3'oung I’each ami .\pple Trees of Lindley's best varieties; also, a good F.VR.M of about 150 acres cleared; and also a GRIST and S.VW MILL: and a fine large Meadow of about 140 acres. The Fayetteville ami (,'oal Fields Rail Road passes through these lands about a mile from the Mills. I will sell in parcels to suit jmrchasers, but would pre fer to sell the whole together. --Vjiply to Thos. S. Lut terloh. Esq., Fayetteville, or the subscriber at Pitts- borough, N. C. J. 11. H.VUGHTON. Nov. 12, 1857. tiOtf COUPON liONDS FOR ."ALK. rnllE Western Rail Road ('oinjmny have for sale in I amouii# to suit purchasers. 820,DDU ol'tlie ('otipoii Hond.s of tlio Comity of Cumberland, bearing 7 per cent, interest, payable semi annually on the 1st .lune and 1st of December, and ruli ning 20 years. S90,U0U of the Coupon lionds of the 1 'own ol Fayetteville, bearing (> per cent, interest, payable semi annually on the 1st January and the 1st of July, and running 20 years. These bonds were issued in accordance with law to the Western Rail Road Co., to pay the County and Town subscriptions respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the price the Co. is selling them) a better investment than any Hank Stock in the State. For terms apply to C. B. MALLETT, Esq., Pres't, or to JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r Western R. R. Co. Fayetteville, Feb’y 2(5, 1858. 89tf File« of the Observer Waiilecl. IT^E have been applied to fora file of the Observer \V from its ♦oundation in 1817 to 1854. If any per son or persons can furnish such a file, or any consider able jiart of it, we will be glad to be informed, with statement of price. E. J. HALE & SON. March 28. HENRY April 80 CEEEURATEO NICK WILLIAMS’ WHISKEY, V Eli r o J- Just received and for sale by James W. Horne, iirocor, uiid Douler iii Foreign and Duniestic \ViiiC4% aiil lilquors. HAY STREET, F.A liiTTEVILLE, N. C. •\pril 28. 9-lm BK.ISS V(.i(H)D supply of various No's just received, which we ca can furnish low. May 2. D. .V W. McL.\URIX. lOtf Uietioiiary oi' C'oiigreMM, l»y Eaii- man; Tressilian and his Friends, by H. .'^helton .McKenzie; “A Thousand Chances to Make Money, " by Freedley; "Mrs. Partington's Carpet Bug of Fun ": Sylvester Sound; Handy Andy: , Flush Times of Alabama; I’.-irty Lea lers: School Books: iS;c., &c. Ju.t received, April 2:i E. .1. ll.VLK & SON. III*. Itaiie’w Arclir Eiploraf ions Cloth. Sheep and half ('alf Binding. Further supplies just receiveii. F J. H.VLE iS: Sit.N. April 2(5. A OTIC E. ^■'VKE.V up and committed to the Jail of 'umberlaiid X t'ouuiy, TWO NKtilUJ GIRLS; on» by the name of RtJ.SK. of dark comjilexion. ordiii n-v st.-iiure. and about thirty years of age; the other named IS.\BELIiA, of a cojiper color, ordinary stature, and aboui twenty-five years of age;—who say that they were formerly the projierty of Nathaniel G. Jones, and are now owned by a Mr. ('lark. The owner or owners of said negro slaves are hereby notified to come forward, prove their property and take it away, otherwise they will be dealt with as the law directs. (iEORGE L. McKAY, Jailor. April 27, 1859 9- Tlie Sociable, or lOOl Home A- muscments; The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table; Lec tures of Lola Montes; Chronicles of the Basiile, illus trated: The -Magician’s Own Ik ok; Living and Loving; Livingstone's Travels; Live and Learn; The I’ower of Prayer, by Prime: School Book.s, &c., lic. Further 8ui>plies, just received. Jan’y 31 E. J. H.A.LE .s: SON. The ilyiiiiiM ;uid Oi«'iplinc‘ ol the Methodist Church. A new supjdv just receivet . Oct’r 13. E. J.'haLE & SON. Web«»ter*» Elementary MpelJin^^ Book, for sale by E. J. HALE & SON.