'KOIJM. If '-tt I til. Ti:,. iHi le (if . la i>a_. It cinlli , r-»'- V--n . in . ‘I »*v 1 . = : . \\V , IJ. II ' . . s;„^^ • tiik p'Kia .. 1 KST' t.Kl\ \\ rd. h: vs 111 r . »■>}{ , \ , . , |KO|.i' I, lie S - . U»(i|i . I i \1;: IS: -1 V- -:, \ . /;t*. |l .-.h: ! ill .' his I I a t.-^ lliavc I r ./'.v in li. ■UKir I tier til, ' Has- • >ultj ».f i: •ly t. •1- llUl lii«t re III Is ;(T: am Fi A 3 it f sty.^ irals. i h-Ji. ach( J. !i - . 1 i\ ' .. i. M' ;= ni ^l•(■ i. . oiK v llfafli ffi! .llllr repii: . , v:,, Rich; ■»1 : - a- - u ■ I' ’ ' V U!.]' , . ^ - \v.- .h.dl bf : -j; - OHl ’ - ^ i = W V> ,v ( tli(‘ I IT, . ii i 1* «mI I'i^li. I'K I- ’ u-;,. • 1' ' -X'' Li: ; N.' ^ MMi:i; ii ; 1»I; , >1 LOTIII\4,i. A>.- ; ;i II AT!^. I*. ■ I . I. ! - lit- .. .\ ITLiJn' NT , I f t i-ii. VL\. II. : ,\= (. - y i 1. At- ,T I- U - :1 V- ! ■ ■ iii'l »l* Itook'^. 1,-1 i; . 1 .. !|.\ K -"N- ir% ^|K‘llin|if V‘ • . li V, I-: r■»^. lllack^toiio. i.ii 'f lit .. AX ^'N- I I urttitT supply . .Lt 6. aO*N- IPAiriBTOWlZMiIE S E Ml-W E E K L, T. fVOI . Vlll.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MAY 12, 1859. .^iKI' MONDAYS AND THTRSDAVS kdwako j. hale & sox, KluroKS AND I’lUH'RIKTORS . s.Miii "’ookly OnsKuvKR S;i (X> if paid in ^ ii (hiiing he year of Biibacrip- . ' ilu' yi'tir has exjiirt>il. 'KUVEU ^2 (X) ]>er annum, if paid in ... ,->-j , ' if ])!iid (hiring tht' year of subscrip- ^ -. I alter the year has expired. \[i\ KKTISt-MKNTS inserted for iO cents per ii liiu'for the first, and 30 cents for earli pj.i ’.ii atii'n. Yearly advertisement>» by spe- I! rii't'. at reasonable rates. .Advertisers are , i 1.. stste the nnniber of insertions desired, or n iMiiiiniitvi till forbid, and charged accord- [NO. 813.] 'rii*- i,ar;ie4t Varrinae rurtoru itL the South! >1« KA\ -eiuiiii' to bo inserted inside, charged 50 per sri:t'IAL NOTKE. ; liiis date. ju> name Ilf a new subscriber , iv l wiiiiuut j'dyiuent in advance, nor will ■ 'oni ti! 'uch subscribers for u longer time , i f.‘r, a- .iil subscribers as desire to take the p>i- »>\ steiu will i^iiease ni'tify us when making FAYETTEVILLE fUAL JNSl llAXCE COMPANY. ASSETS $230,326.28. '. : I :iiiy has been in operation more than five I’l 1 paid its losses, amounting to ?10.1‘J»'> i' ;»iiy assessment: insur^jvce averaging its ii: i percent. - i'i ii'ii I,; 1st of May. ]S'i8. 270!^. ■ : pnperty now insureil. jl.474,9‘J’2 o4 j'reiuiuiu notes now on hand. ’J‘J l.ytit* 'JU I ) KSl K I F I LI,\ intornis Iiis friends and tlie pul>lic. , i that he has built up large substantial Hrick Huild- ; ings at liis Old .'^tjind. expre-isly f,>r manufacturing ('ar- n.iges, 1 haiikhil for llie very litieriil patronage he lias leceived tor the lasi lil years, tie hopes by strict atten tion to business, witli a desire to gi'^e salisfaction. to i merit a contimiaiici' .,f the same, lie warrants his work , to be made of tlie best material and bv experienceil wurkmen in each brancli of the business, 'llis work will ■ compare favorably with any made in the I'nited !>tates. ■ for neatness and duralnlity. He is determined to sell I and do any work in liis line on ;is good terms as tinv ■ work .lone elsewhere that is us well done, lie now hii's on hand, finished. THF, LAIKJKST STOCK OF ■ Carriages, Barouches, Rockaways and ■i;;iuiiis n ceived. ever offered in this place, and a very nearly tinisheil. which will lie tini which will be sold very low for oasii punctual customers. ’6.^3y"lle has ^ ONK ULNDKKD AND FIKTY \ and in course of consiruction. Work made by liiui is w with fair usage, an.l should ii ftul 1 or material, will be repaired free of Persons wishing to tmy would dn amine for theniseK rs. Orders thankfiilly received and ) Kej'airing exeeutcd Mt ^li..ri iu«iic able ter-.ns. .Muv lis. 1. large stock of work hed ilaily. All t»f . or on short time to im hand more than FIlH'l.F.S tinishel uvr:'.nte'l 1‘2 ir.onths ly l>ad workuianshi]! iharge. i well to call and ex- 'r'>m)itly atteiuied to. and on very re i^on- b'.i-tf JIKCTOR.S. '[ N. i':. S. T. Hawley. Riy. W. X. Tillinghast. Myr'iver, .■\. A. McKeihan. T-'!inghust, J. D. Willianii. Lilly. Jas. G. Cook, Jruan. A. W. Steele, ilin dale. Ja«. Kyle. Luiierloh, ,1. G. Shepherd, McLaurin. U. F. Brown, Wilmington. E. Hall, Wilmington. Offickrs; GEtJ. MoNElLL, President. T>. A. KAY, Vice President. • A. McMILL.VX, Secretary. '^ns and C. McCrummen, Travelling Agents. The Company invite fipplioations. -1. Ib08. laY THE .\ORTH tMROI.IAA nTlAL LIFE INSlRAXfE COMPANY, " in the tenth year of successful operation, with .-? i'wing capital and firmer hold upon public con- e. continues to insure the lives of all healthy per- t'rom 14 to 60 years of age. for one year, for seven nil for life—all life members .sharing in the profits, -laves from 10 to (0 years of age are insured for r or for five years for two-thirds their value, sses are punctually paid within VH> days al\er ■lory proof is presenteil. 'iirther information the public is referred to .\gents ■ ■lupanv in all parts of the State, and to ' K. H. BATTLE. Secretary. Raleigh. p]. J. H.\LE, .\gent at ''.T>n. Fayetteville, N. ATI.A.\TIC' .m TI AI. Fir(‘ and Marine Insurance lompany, \i:;iLLVA rrrr, north cakolixa. r.itxf !,y nil Art of the Lxjislnturt oj , y>irth ('nrol!nil. r ' ‘ mMI’.VNY being duly organized, is now pre- ' 1 , ■ receive applicatinns for insurance upon j iidini>. Merchandise, Furniture, MHIs, Manu- i fiK torleN, Ships and their Cargoes, ■ kind' of property, at remunerative rates of : • iiiit'linthe organization of this ('ompany, to - stt medium for Indemnity and Protection to 1 in case of Loss. .An honorable and upright ■ •-’insr. and .*i faithful fulfillment of its con- • •' i’ ill times characterize the business of the ■ III' fur Insurance may be made at the office : limy, or to its authorized .Agents. DIRECTORS. ^lesby. W.M. C'.\KTER &. SON, Hholesale d' Retail Dealers and Manufacturers UK ALL Kt.MiS OF Ijcattter^ Sattfiles »tnf iiarHess, Of every description, (’ollars. Whips, xc. VN D we also particularly call the at tent ion of the whole surrounding country to give us a call, as we are de termined that none shall surpass n“ in (piality or low prices: and we will give the highest cash price at all times tor Raw Hides and Talli'W. in exchange for our articles. Country Merchants would di; well to call and examine our Stock, as we can sell them Shoes .if a much better •luality than tliey usually get. nii very ai'commodating terms. Southern Pbinters would do well to send us all their orders as we arc making a No. 1 article of NEGRtt hllOhS, that are warranted to give entire satisfaction. N. B. All ttrders from a distance »hall have prompt attention. S. S. carter. \VM. (Jold»ton 1*. I ’hatiiani C.i .March l-'i. . V ('.. 1 s.V.t. CARTER. O. IIOI NTOX llTOl'1,1) inform his friends and former customers that Iy he may he fuiind li dours below the Cape Fear Bank, and 3 douis above his .ild stand smith side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing belonging to his trade. He resjiectfully invites his friend* from the country to call and examine his stock before jiiirchasing. He will attt'nd to Rep.tiring nf Hartie'S .itid .''addles punctually, and his charges shall be niodei-ate. He woulii re.iuest all indebted to the firm of Hol SToN \ OA ERB\ to settle with \\ . iverby or himself, as thev arc compelled to settle the firm s debts. August i;7. lS-')t). tf GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., INVITE THE ATTENTION OF MERCHANTS AND I Buyers getierally to their very heavy Stock of Groceries & Hardware. ('onsisting in pari of l?3(l Bags Rio. Laguira and Java Coffee: 7;') Bbls. Sugar; 17 Hhds. l)o.; Bbls. and Hf-Bbls. Mrs Miller’u Eagle Mills and Bonn's Snufi'; 50 Boxes and Kegs Soda; “ Tea; “ Starch; 100 *■ Glass, various sizes; •’O “• Adamantine and Sperm Candltts; 20.000 Ihs. Western and N. C. Bacon; 4>0 Bags Corn; Pepper. Spice, Ginger, Indigo, Madder; Raisins, Soap, Candy, iScc.; •>l>0 Kegs Nails and Spikes; It'iO Doz. Steel and Iron Hoes; :>7i Pr. Trace Chains; 4'> Doz. Eiur. and German Wheat anl Grass Blades; ;>0 '• Shovels, Spades and Forks; .■>•> “ Cofl'ee .Mills; lo Tons and u])ward Hollow-ware iV Plow (,'astings; Also. a full and complete assortment of Hardware and (iroceries not enumerated; ! Blacksmith's, Cooper's and Carpenter's Tools; 10 Tons Hoop Iron; ■\ large assortment of Swedes, ..\merican and English Iron: German, Blister and Cast Steel: Shoe Maker's .Material and Shoe Findings: K a tl d I e r y; •"iO Doz. Wagon and Buggy Whips; I In addition to our large and well selected stock of Shelf Goods, we have on tiie way and expect to receive in a few ilays. direct from the manufacturers in England, the heavie't stock of Po«-li€‘l and Table t'litlery, Shears, Scissors, Razors aiitl Files, ever otl'ered in this market. We shall :ilso iiiipm-i during the year, li*0 TON’S SWEDES IKoN, various sizes, from IJ to 1- inches; ■(O ton.s of which we expect to receive about the loth of ■June. We shall m>i> to our stock from time to time, as the trade requires: will at all times be prepared to otter in ducements to t'ountry .Merchants, paying strict atten tion to orders. March 1*, is.')'.i ‘.t5-3m Finest Family irooeries for 1859. Al^KKR *MEUKALL .'t CO., A'o. C'lianibrr .street., Corner of (.'ollege Place. (Oj>]iosite Hudson River Rail Road Station.) XKW VOKK. UF..\LKR« IN FINEST WINES, FINEST BR.VNDIES, FINEST SEGARS, FINEST TEAS. FINEST COFFEES. FINEST SUGARS, FINEST BUTTER. FINEST HAMS. FINEST TONGUES, and FINEST FAMILY GROCERIES. of every description, put up for Shipment to all parts of the World. (''atalogues will be furnished tipon application. March L'4 91t-:{ni TIOA. '■pHE firm of STED.M.\N i.'c HORNE, .Jr., i.s this day I dissdlveil bv mutual consent. JeaT -M'l- persons indebted will PLEASE call and settle their accounts. J, ('. STEDMAN.] [.IAMES W. HORNE FRESH arrival: Second Stock Spring and Summer Goods. J. A. I’KM IJEI{T()N cessfuii' Is now receiving his second stock of Spring and Sum mer Goods, embracing all the Such as— - Sitiiititer Silks^ OrenatlmeH, Or- ;t4itidies, JUV., With a great variety of new style goods for Trm elitifi MPresses am! iPunters. Also :i complete assortment of iTIoiiriiiii;;' InOOfN. .V large and varied assin-tment of SILK AND LA('E M.\NTLES, t'HANTlLLY LACE POINTS, BL K AND WHITE BERAGE MANTLES, STELLA SHAWLS, &c. A few of those splendi.l French EMBROIDERED AND LACE SETS. COLLARS AND SLEEVES. Douglas A: Sherwood's .NEW STYLE CORSETTS, (with Bustle and ,''kirl-.''iip])orter attached.) .A great variety of NEW STYLE HOOP SKIRTS, &c.. \c. In the above stock may bt* found a great many new and desirable styles, just out. The public generally are inviteil to call earlv and examine for themselves. A. PEMBERTON. •April 10, 1S.')‘» 7- M KO.'X'STa.^'K t’Hl.V.I. W, TIMil\OHA!ST IS now opening an Invoice of WHITE IRONSTONE CIIINW, C(im)irisiiig an assortment of Dinner and Tea Ware, which was imported to his own order ex- jiressly to suit T/li.t Mirk>!. This Ware is the L.\TEST STYLE and of SUPERI()R QUALITY. HIm aM5«orliii«‘iil of otliei* Ware« is still good. Country Mert-hants may supply them selves on as giKul terms ;is hy sending North. Ajiril ‘J:!. 8-1 m 'V 11, li. ) William S Long. David W Bell, A B Chapin, Samuel Leflfers, Joel H Davis, D .A Hargett, E Mallett. President, Vice President, Treasurer, Attorney, Secretary. I-;XECUTIVE CO.M MITTEE. - •' •i-iUi-'. W L .. ■ •! in-kely, ■ i -Tuan, OFFICERS. \ 1’ i'-r..rt. ! 0,-1. OO-fim Wanted. ''i-i-Mi.N. your old customer i.'- yet u. ■ -'r-ket for ‘ J .e-, for which I am determined to {>ay the Highest Cash Prices. iiaviiig such for sale would do well to give .1. ir a ldre.ss me at (’linton, N. C. pi iiuptlv attended to. .]. A. McARTHUR. ^ ' . March (». 1H.3!». 9u-lyrpd — Notice.—,\e};'roex Wauled. ■ ’ n r- .itiii citizens of the Counties of Duplin, •liihnstnii. Harnett, Moore, Cumberland. !■ 1*1 ;'l.-u, Ci)luiii},us, Brunswick, New Hanover, ■ ‘ii;: - pii: -' . .(•rbeing desirous of purchasing a number .'ij: Negroes, of all classes and descriptions. ■' ' tliis method of informing those who "’i-i’ti [iroperty to dispose of, that tJiey would meat home, or address me at Clinton, ''iiicli they shall receive a visit. A word to utHi'ient. as it is well understood that I pay prices. EVERETT PETERSON. »8-9m , TAKKA I P, ■' ! -'I'l coiiiiiiitted to the .Jail of Cumberland , . 'ii ilie l.',ih iiist., a NEGRO BOY, named ■ K or .JOHN FRANKl.lN, who says he is ‘"I' 111- i-uiiie from Columbia, S. C. John is ■- I' iiiiiliiKo, and had on when taken up a iitid steel-mixel frock coat and pants. ■)f sii.i Negro is notified to come forward, ■ '■'■'y. p;iy charges, and take him away, or he ■’ «'itli a> th« law directs. . GEO. L. McKAY, Jailer. 55. • Ni,rth Carolina BACON, ,\lgo. Western Sides Y'ti'ulder,, C. B. COOK. J. w. kaki:k Is now receiviiiL'^ {roin tlu- Xorth the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of ri'KniTi Ri: ever offered in ihis /iiarket: which added to his own mimufactiire, makes his assortment cniiiplete;— all of which he will sell on the lowest jiossible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cott.ige lied-rooiii Furniture in setts: curled hair and shuck, atiil cotton .Mattresses; Looking Glasses; WilldV Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus: Secretaries and Book-Cases: What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Staiuls; Candle Staiuls; Wardrobes; I’icture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices; ’urtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogoiiy ami Wal nut: Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. I'inc |{o.sewc»od I’ijino.s. one wifli ^Kili:ni at tachment; Rosewood Melodians. from the best matiiifac- tories in .New York and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will lie sold at New York prices—freight only added. September 2. 45tf illarlile Factory, 0^ By (JiX). LAlJDIill, TWO DOORS ABOVR C. T. HAKi’d k SO.VS' STORE rayelleville, Jan’v 20, C4-ypd Tiir|M‘iitiiie Hackers, Scraperw, Pullers and Dipperw, VLL of the first {uality, can be had at .M. A. B.VKER'S GUN SHOP, Fayetteville, N. C. Jan’y 15. IB'iH. 80tf Notice to Turpentine Distillers and others. I AM fully prepared to make or repair TURl’ENTINE STILLS, or do any thing in the (.'ojiper or Sheet Iron work, at the shortest notice. M. A. BAKER. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 18o!). 82tt I'hronoloi'y of Xorth (arolina, from 1584 to 1H58 by D. K. Bennett. Just received. ct. 21. i3. J- HALE & SON. H .WING {iiirch.ised Mr. Stedman’s entire interest. I will continue the business at the old stand, where I will be happv to see mv old friends and customers. JAMES W. HORNE. .\j>ril l!'» 8-1 in The .Sociable, oi* 1001 Home A- iniiseiiients: The Autocrat of the Breakfast Talile; Lec tures of Lola .Montes; Chronicles of the Bastile, illus trated; The Magician's Own Book; Living aii'l Loving; Living'tone's Travels; Live and Learn; The Power of Prayer, by Prime: School Books. &c., \c. Further sujiplies, just received. Jan'y 61 ' E. J. HALE & SON. File-x of tlie Observer W'anteil. IITE have been apjilied to fora file of the Observer from its foundation in 1S17 to 18-j4. If any }ier- son or persons can furnish such a tile, or any consider able part of it, we will be glad to be informed, with statement of price. E. J. H.AI.E iS: SON. March -’8. Hardware, Cutlery, J.\MES M.XRTINE is now receiving a large and ger>e- ral assortment of every thing in tlie above Rue. —ALSO— ■A jirime article of Rio. Laguira anl Java COFFHE; Crushed and Brown SUCJ.VR; Sugar House SIRUP and MOLASSES. •All of which is oflTered on as good terms as can be had in this market. Nov'r li4, IS.'tS. 6t)tf STOVf>, JSHEET IRO]^, TI\-WAKK, Xc, N H.\ND. a large assortment of Box and Cooking Stoves; Tin-w.are; Sheet-Iron; Lead Pipe. Also j Ifte tiotninion VofTer F'or sale by JAMES M.ARTINE. Nov'r l!4. f.f.tf PA I A TS OILN, &e. SPERM, Refined, Lard, Linseed and Tanners' OIL; White Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; Window Glass and Sash of all sizes. —.\LSO— A fresh suj'ply of POND’S P.\1N DESTROYEIL For sale by JAMES .MARTINE. Niiv'r‘J4. 1S')8. btltf Plm w! PIcmM!! PIoum!!! NO. tl PLOWS; .')0 No. 10 Plows: oONo. 11 '• lio No. r,ft “ •Jo No. (',0 “ Points, Bars and Mould Boards to suit. For .sale by C. E. LEETE. Jan'y 1- 70- ISiiftei*. lieeM‘ and 4'raekei'M. I iv FIRKINS Goshen Butter; 2') Boxes State Cheese: 10 I’bls. Soda and Butter (’rackers. Just received bj' C. E. LEETE. Jan'y I'J 7U- (hIII Aet and Neine Twine. LBS. Gill Net Twine; / 100 lbs. Seine “ Just received by C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 79- Deep River Coal* Bituminous CO.AL of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. WM. McCLANE, Mining Engineer May 21, 1866. 6-tf 50 FVt'e Mnsttrattce. efer our readers to the annual statement of the -Etna Insurance Company, of Hartford. This suc- uslifution was incorporated by the Legislature of Connecticut in 1819, with a perpetual chart.?r. Its capital is $500,000, and its accumulations exceed $800,- . 000 more, making its entire assets over $1,800,000, in vested as detailel in the statement referred to. These results indicate that during the periol of nearly fort}’ yoiirfi since its organization, (without a single change of its chief officer.) its business has been conducted with judgment and prudence. It has been thus far success- I fill in an eminent degree, discharging, as we are in- i formed, all its obligations by the payment of aVjout tt-n riiiHioii dollars for losses, without asking a day's delay in any inst.ince. It has had but little litigation, notwith standing the immense number of transactions made. In order to attain as much certainty as possible in such a biLsiness as insurance, it has been the practice of the Company, for .several years, at great labor, carefully to classify and arrange their risks into about fifty distinct classes, so as to a.scenain the amount insured on each class, the amount of premiums received thereon, and the amount of losses upon each. This classification, extend ing over a long period, and covering propertj’ to a very large amount, furnishes reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial basis of actual experience, upon which to conduct its business. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, as many suppose; its hazards are ascer tainable, and its principles capable of being reduced to a system, the practical working and results of which are as certain as that of any other business. The ..Etna Company, by adhering rigidly to its system, and placing its business upon a lieahhy basis, has obtained the con fidence of the community to an extent surpassed by no other Company in the U. States, and has increased its business and its income from year to year with a steady growth. One great source of its security is tlie wide distribution of its risks—a policy which it pursues with great strictness—limiting the amount to be covered in each locality. By this course it has passed, with com parative impunity, through some of the most sweeping ami destructive fires, which have swallowed up other Ct^mpanies less cautious in tlieir business. It is a system like this, based upon experience, which gives stability and soundness to a company, and to the assured con fidence and security.— Baltimore Patriot. STATEMENT OF THE AKW MTOC'K Of Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware. K. GF.OVEU II A' )) \S returned from the North with a large Stock of (loods in his line, con sisting of Watches of all kinds and prices, from to .'fltj*); Gold Chains of all kinds and prices: Breast-Pins, Ear- P.ings and Bracelets, a large stock; Gold Lockets, Fin ger Rings; (.lold Pens and Pencils: Silver Spoons of all kinds; a fine lot Silver ('ups, Plateil (,’asiors and Candle Sticks, Cake Baskets; Clocks. .Nlilitary Goods and every thing usually kept in a Jewelry Store, which he is pre- {lared to sell on reasonable terms. His friends and the public are invited to call and examine. March 8. 1850 0.>-3m lee Cream! lee Creaiiii!! ^nilE subscriber having lately refitted his ICE CRE.AM I S.VLiJoN. at the Sheniwell House, will be pleased to serve the Lailies and Gentlemen of Fayetteville and vicinity, on and after the -7th inst. The Saloon will lie opened at 0 o'clock. A. M., and kept open until 10 P. M. SHEMWELL. -April 25 1850. 8tf Tin: i.ivi:k IWltiOKATOlt! l'R.'-;P.\R!';i) HV l>R SVNKoKK. nm|»ounded entirely from »*iiH;er. rnlldfr. *ud more rffecui*! ihnii any other nuMliciiK* kunwit Ii is not oi.ly a Cuthartic, but » Liter Hineily. Mcting tiisl on llir Liver to ej«N't itrt morbid mAtt^r. then on th« HtoiuHch i\nl bowoU lo **Hrry on ihat miitter. ihii* HCl’OtupH^h^lK two efftu i u »ltr, without anrof the painftil e»|»erie!'»’td in the opp'n tioMii of ra'»«t Caihtndea. It streii^theiiH the ►>stefn Ht the ~ limt* tliHt it purres it ; when taken daily in moderate do***', will ^iren^then and build ri up with unukaa! rapidity. Thf* K8vt ona of th« • human boily ; and when tt 0k0 the powers ->f the ."vstem are ii almost ei.lirely jependont Liter for the proper {>«rform- Ktnmach ii at laiilt.thetH'wiU KiitTur« in contequence haring ceased to do it* duty f^au, one of tha proprietors practice of more than t^ wherewith to counteract the! it in liable. To prove that this remedy is ble*l with Liver C'oiu- has bat to try a bottle, atul These ihmis remove all tiiAffyjittfm. supplyiDfrin their invi|roratiTiir the Moaiach. the whuie tuachinery, remoTiu^ a radical cure. Illlloiit attaekJi are b«*tter, |>reveiit*U, by; Liver liivl^orAtor. Oue dose after eatinic is «uf and prevent the Io'hI from j Only one laken btjfoie ■ mare. Only one do^e taken at gently, and cures Cos- One dose taken after ea^'h ►ne do»e of two t«a Slick iieiidaclie. One bottle taken for fe ' caufte of the d>Rea*«e. and Only one dose immediately ■ »ne dose oAen repented is Moi'hits, and a prevenli\e i 9^ Only one l>ottle is j system the effects of medi AjT* One bottle taken for: lowness or unnatural color: One dose taken a short, gur to the appetite, and mske^ One dose of^en repeated ritcpa in its worst fomix. Bowel complaints yitrld Oue or two doses cures at Children : there is no surer, the world, as it never /nih. A few bottles curef absorbents. We take pleasure in rerom preventive for Fever ninl and ail Fevers of a with certainty, and thou>Httds wonderful virtues. p.-tuctpal re|fuJafor« of the pt-'forms its fimctio:.* well. tuJy develo(>el. 1 he 'Uwfuk on the healthy action i.f the a&oe uf us fuuctions. when the are at fault, and thf «h le of one orjfan-*the l.*lver— For the dj^ease** o! that or- has made ii hi^ study, in a years, to find fc«»me reme«i> many deraiifeements to which at last found, any person trou iti any of its furmx. conviction ts certain. nu>rhid or h»\d matter from pla«‘« a h«)al!hy 0ow of bile, cauhinic tood lo dij^estweil, Kivin^ tone and health to the the cause of the disease-* cured, and, what Is the occasional use of the f^cient to relieve the stomach ri»in|t: and sourinp:. retiring, prevents nipht. loosens the bowels tl veiieHS. meal uiUcure l>ya|M‘|>Nla spoonfuls will alwa>« relieve male obstruction removes the makc'A a pertect cure. ' relieves I'hollc. while a sure cuie for C liolera I of Cholera. j needed to throw out of tb« cine after a lofg sickness. Jatiiulh e removes all sal fitrom the skin. time (refore eating gives \l- ;f(Kxl dJKCwt well, icures C'hr»iilc IHai*- while S u 111 lit «.* r at d OalmoKt to the first dove, tacks caused byAt »riViS in safer, or speedier remedy in Oroi>wy« by exciting the mending this medicitie a« a Ajfin*. I'lilll F«v«t. loun Ty|M*. It oi.eiRlr. Hre williiiR III Irnlifj lo il> > 0 mu mmm toMPixv, HARTFORD, C’OlVll. INCORPOR-ATED 1819. CHARTER PERPETUAL CAPITAL $1,000,000. E. «. KIPEY, Prtsuleiit. T. .1. ALE.\A\DER. Vife Prcs’l. T. R. BRICE, Jr., Sec'y. ASSETS, JAN V 1. 1859. Market Value. Real Estate unencumbered, .'?t)o.oH8 *26 .Money due the ('o. secured by .Mortgage, 4,'ili: 1-j Cash in hand and in B'k with accrued in'st. 209.180 38 Cash in the hands of .\gent.s and in tran.^it. 121.81‘J 82 .Mortgage Bonds at 7 per cent, interest. 44.0XJ *■ t; “ •• 28,000 Jersey City Wiuer Bonds at G percent, int'st, 2j.0(X> Hanford City Bonds at G per cent, interest. 3i.(MiO Brooklyn 0 “ " lO.OUO Rochester •• •• •• 7 “ " 2o,(M)t» Milwaukie,*' “ “ 10 “ " 5.(.MM) DuBuque, “ “ “ 10 “ “ 1U> U S Tres'3' Notes 4.^ & 5 pr ct .s accrued in'st 57,002 12 i line, call at 1 i. i“ r . ' .L . ret ‘J*" I €ARO£.I]VA CITY HOTEL. PARROTT & MEWBORX, Proprietors. This magnificent Hotel has been enlarged to nearly double its original size, an addition of eighty-eight feet having been added on Railroad street, thns pre senting an imposing front immediately in view of the Atlantic Ocean. The veranda of this Hotel (which is three stories high) fronts towards the Ocean two hundred and eight een f^eet, affording a Delig;htnil Promenade. From this stand point, the beholder can scan the Oceau in the South, Bogue Sound in the South-west, the Har bor with all its shipping, Kort Macon and three Light- Houses in the South-east, affording a range of OCEAIW i^CEiVERV, that is scarcely elsewhere to be met with. The superintendence of this Hotel will be in the hands of .Mr. II. ER.A.MBERT, (formerly of the Fay etteville Hotel,) whose taste and skill so eminently qualifies him for making all the guests feel as if they were at liome. The best servants the country could afford have beea secured. Those who stop with us will never be at a loss for Rccreatioii and Entertainment. Uur steamboat will make regular trijis to Beaufort* the inlet, the Fort, and often on e.xtr.'i excursions, while our BAND OF MUSIC will be ever “discoursing sweet sounds” to the ears of 'those who shall favor us with their company. Our B.\R will furnish choice liijuors of all kinds; BILLI.^RD ROOM is in good order, and our BOA'H^- ING ALLEY will be constautly open for the entertain ment of those who have a taste for these healthful ex ercises; and our RE.\DINO ROOM will contain files of the best newspapers, magazines, and periodicals pub lished. The sick will find our RATHi;V4;i a matter of great comfort and a help to better health. We feel assured that in every respect we can give entire satisfaction; we shall, at least, spare no pains to do our whole duty, that all our guesta may receive all possible attention. T.VKE NOTICEI As the train arrives after dark each evening, iiersons going to Beaufort will Jo well to stop over night at Carolina City, as they can be con veyed, wherever they wish lo go, the next day. in a steamboat or sail-boats, and thus be saved the troublu of a disagreeable night trip across the water. TERMS: S2 a l>av; SI2 a Week: $30 a Month. PARROTT & MEW BORN Carolina City. May 5, 1859 12-2m FruitSf &c. BOXES ORANGES and LE.MONS; 40 “ FIGS; FRESH COCOA-NUTS; DATES. ('ANDIES: MAPLE SUGAR (’AKES. &c., &c : Just to hand by Fanny. —ALSO— PRUNF]S and CHERRIES for sale low; SPICED NORFOLK OYSTERS; GINGER WINE. CURRANT WINE. BAY RUM, &c. For any of the above, or almost any thing else in my United States Stock, 5 per cent interest. o-,- State of Tennessee, tj “ *• 9.100 “ “ Kentucky, ti “ •• 10.2U0 “ •* Missouri, 0 •• “ 43,500 ‘‘ “ New York, 0 “ '• 28.(.Kit) “ Ohio, (1800) 0 •• •• 5(i,(XMJ “ “ Ohio, (188«) 0 “ “ 20.500 Hartford dt New Haven Rail Road Co Stock. ♦jO,KX> Boston & Worcester •• " " 10.272 Connecticut River “• “ *• 12,500 Connecticul Kiv*r Company *• 1,250 ritizens Bank Stk Waterbury, Ct 5,250 Stafford “ “ Stafford Spa. “ 5.250 R. LEE'S, Hotel Building. 12-4t Eagle “ Phivnii Farmers & Mechanic* Exchange State “ City County t'onnecticut River Hartford “ Cliarter Oak “ Merchants li Mauuf *■ -Ktna “ Mechanics & Trader* “ State of Missouri “ .Merchants Exchange North River “ .Mechanics North America Nassau America Broadway “ Peoples Republic “ City Union “ Hano/er “ Coinmonwealth “ Phenix Manhattan “ New York Market *• Ocean Metropolitan “ Biitciiers iS: Drovers Iiiiporiers i Traders ■Vnierican Exchange “ Merchants United States Trust Coiiip'y N York L Ins &. Trust Co Bills Receivable, Miscellaneous invest ments. Providence Rl 1.872 ‘ Hartford. Ct 30,000 45.t>00 lo,5(.M) l!8.08tt 11.400 5,400 9,000 00.450 ■ 10.500 10,4lMt J ersey C’y. N J 1.500 .St Louis. .Mo 20.*>0t New York, lo.iott lo.tMM) 30.000 22.400 ;:(».t;oo 04.200 27.tMMt 10.400 24.400 ' 12.2W 22.400 “ 8,9(M» 11.2lHt 27.000 33.0tM) 22.hh» 19.ti(Mt 44.400 23,0(MJ 33.000 42,4Mi 45,100 11,30» 24,750 48,055 07 23,059 08 All -Mrho imr It are ^Ivlnn' tlirir uiianliuoim tratimoiiy In lt« fnvor. •i^^llx Water In thr mouth with tlie liivl- gurator, aiil awaliow both together. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IS A SCIKNTIFK- MI>:i)H’.At, msfoVKRY. »mi in rtnil.v workinj; cures, almost too frreat (o heliCTe. If cures an if by DiH|r>c, eren /frft f/irittf/ ^>ett^jif, and ►eld'^'in more ihnn otie bottle is refpiired to cure any kind of I.lv^r i'omplniut. from the worst or to a conimon Hrn.l-irh* nil of wliich Hre the result of a l.ilver* rKK'R ONS DOLLAR TEK BOrTLiC. Or. SAXFOKP, Propriftnr. lit. ndw-HV. Nfw York Reuiled by all I)ruKKi’'t»'. f>i/ JAS. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSDALE. Fayetteville, N. C. Nov'r 11. 02-ly ?*rATI«AERV. In addition to our present stock we are receiving 1.10 Kt'aiiis Paper, Embracing everv variety of ('.M'. LETTER. P.A'I’H LETTER, (’(•MMERCIAL NOTE. BILL HEAD, F(H.I() POST, ami note PAl'ERS. 00 M. |;NVEL0PES. of every description. 1 case Enjrlish and .Vmei'caii S1.,.\TES. assorted sizes. l(MtgrossSTSEL I’ENS; Peii-holders; School Ink-Stands; VISITING C.UIDS; BLANK BOOKS, \c. E. J. HALE & SON. Feb’y 12 Further ^iippliew oi* Bookw. rnilE AMERICAN AL.MANAC for 1859; 1 F.VTHER AND DAUGHTER. >>v Miss Bremer; “WHAT WILL HE DO WlTiriT, ’ by Bulwer; SCHOOL BOOKS, .S:c., .'cc. March 7 E. J. HALE & SON. The SOITHERX HAKMOXT,—A Fiirtlier Supply just receive 1. K. J. H.\LE & SON. •Mor.'h 7. Web»»terN Elementary Spelling Books. further supply just received. Jan'y 8 E. J. HALE & SON. $1,807,920 08 t.IABII.lTIKS: L'osses unadjusted and not due, Si 10,970 54 Agent of the above t'onipany at Fayetteville, E. J. HALE. Dr. FRANK WILLIAMS'S RYE WHISKEY. MITCHELL has made arrangements with Dr. Frank Williams, to ’-.e constantly sup[)lied with his celebrated RYE WHISKEY, which can be had at his Store at all times, bj- wholesale or retail. Oct'r 11, 1858. 53-tf R. Mav To Rail Homl Vontrnrtorsl JUST RECEIVED lOO \VHEEI.BARRO\V!«i, light and strong, for the Rail Road. For sale by D. W. McLAURlN. 8(M)tf March 29, 1859. Fresh mlrrirals. JUST receiveil pr Steamer Fanny, 4 Bbls. Extra No. 1 M.VCKEREL (for retailine:.) 10 i “ do. “ 1 do. 10 \ - do. “ 1 do. 10 i MESS SHAD; 30 Bo.xes CHEESE; 100 Bags New Hulled BUCKWHEAT FLOUR: Fulton Market Beef: Mess Pork; Goshen Butter. Pocket Salt; Sugar; Coffee: Molasses; and every thing in the provision line: which I will sell cheap for C.VSH or ex change for country Produce. W. C. TROY Nov. 3. 1858. «0-tf Devereux’« KinnieN Black^tone, reduced to Questions and Answers, upon tiie plan of Kinnie’s Blackstone, one Volume: Drake on Attachment. For sale by E. J. HALE & SON. A new and complete .^orth Ca rolina FORM BOOK, compiled from the best sources, and intended as a companion to Cantwell's Justice. AprU 2. E. J. H.VLE & SON. M^9 Dissolution of Copartnership. ^piIE Copartnership of WM. F. HORD iSt CO. has this 1 day been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. E. R. Webster having transferred his interest to Wm. F. Hord who will settle and collect all debts due or coming to said Firm. In presence of JOHN BARCL.\Y. WM. F. HORD. E. R. WEBSTER. MR. E. R. WEBSTER will be retained taAnnging Superintendent on m3’ R. R. works. WM. F. HORD. May 9, 1859 12-lm Al€TIO:¥ «ALES. VT S.\LES ROOM, on Monday Evening next, at early eandle-light. I .shall commence sale of Readj*Made nothing. Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and (iitlerj, and continue till the consignment is closed. This sal« embraces an excellent assortment of fresh and lesTrable goods, and my ordei’s are to close out without reserve. JOHN H. COOK. .Vuct’r. May 0 12 TRI NT SAi7e C'O VI IAI ED. ^PHE Trust Sale of Jas. (t. Ciok will be resumed on 1 25th Maj" next, when the lot east of hi' Store will be sold, unless it should be sold at pri^ale sale; the lot is 24 by 139 feet. At the same time ipiite a number of other articles. SAMPSON BOON. Trustee. Fayetteville, -\pril 11, 1850. 4-ts tiirand Royal Areli Chapter ot A’ortli Carolina. ^pilE Regular .\nnual (’onvoca - 1 tion of this Body will bp held in Wilmington, on Monday the sixth day of June next. Subor dinate Chapters are requested to be punctual in sending their re presentatives and returns, blanks for wliich were sent by n)ail]a«t week. THvjS. B. CAIIK, Grand 8ec’}-. 11-tm A TREATISE ON THE LAW OP EVIDENCE, TE.NTH E.XfLISH EDITION, WITH c0SSir>F.RABI.E ALTERATIONS AM) ADniTIONS. By the Right Hon. S. MARCH PHILLIPS and THOS." JA.MES ARNOLD, Esq., one of tlie Police Magistrates for the Metropolis. « FOI RTH AMERICAN EDITION, With (’(>WEN & HILL’S Notes, and with .idditlonal Notes and References to the Eiijclish and .Vnierican cases to the present time, including those added to the last edition bv J. Marsdeu V'an ^jtt. B V' ISA AT K 1) \V A K i)S, (.'oi ssw.LOU AT Law. In volumes. Price SI8. The unequalled work of Mr. Phillips on the Law of Evidence has long been acknowledged. This edition has undergone a thorough ruvi'-iou liv' Mr. Eilwfirds, and has receivel an iin>nen>e ainouiit oV l.ibor, and is now as nearly [lerfect ax can be m.idc. The .Vuierican labor and talent bewtowed upon the work are not less than that derive«l from the English ■source. The immortal notes of Messrs. t’owen .V Hill, together with those of Mr. Van Cott. have been care fully preserved; and instead of V>eing put in a volume by themselves, as formerly, they are now placed below th« te.Kt—a disposition of them whicJi will very much faci litate reference. The entire note and text are an-iingel in three compact volumes, with a table of cases, and an extremely full index to each. Mr. Edwards has care fully noted an\' distinctions that may exist between thu English an.] .\mericau law, and has added all the late .\inerican decisions. Several cojties of this valuable work ^nst receive*] anJ for sale by E. J. HALE k SON, Fayetteville. Further ^upplie« oV Bookw. Y Thirty Years Out ot the Senate, by .Major Jack Downing; Bulwer’s Novel, “What Will He Do With It“” Brownlow & Pryne's Controversy; Lights and Shadows ot Scottish Life, by Prof. Wilson; Eric, or Little by Little; Sterne’s Works; Longworfh on the Grape; Kip’s Lenten Fast; Buck’s Theolog. Dictionary; Ruskin’s Political Economy of .\rt; Treasury Blotting Paper; School Books, &e. JuNt received. E. J. HALE & SON> M m

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