r ,• i‘ riot* >11V i>iii 1 CH.: 1 w 1. uj. ? V ■ ■ ■> in !i rtip. *’.• ■'liei V - vol- - I. >,.v 'IIA; t V • leaileiN. [> • in • IT^ ntf. IN . S»;*f In'! V • i.i f. .li: - hk ■-J )• - L, N.. :I1, :>) Of* .ff. V. ,1 ,,t' ..M, w - 1’. \ ■rk- ilit lU I III «r ,’..1 lllilK ' Ol 11*1 lUjiort^* tipijiHi'’'-' . r -,il^ lo , [f> 3i-i; *iioii>, iaLL c. i lElTOlE^If lt>1T^l K lEIBa SEMI-WEEKLY. [VOL. VIII.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MAY 19, 1859. l>i:iMKL> AIONDAV:? AX1> THURSDAYS. KlMVIIll) J. H4LE & SON, fniTDl.’S AND Pf{)l‘nrKTOKt! S, ..i-UV'fkly Obskrver S;5 (H) if paid in !. p'ii'i' ^ ■ •'* if piiitl (.lurinp ;he year of subscrip- 1 "I afror the your has expiretl. Wn k’.v i>BsKRVKn ?■_’ 0(* per annum, if paid in riv, ■; it paid during tne year of subscrip- ,v ' ; :i(U'r the jear has expired. \I'V^■i^nS^.^ll■:^■TS inserted for (10 cents per J'..r the firsr, and .lO^ents for each . i ’ _ : ■,t'lio:Uii>n. early ailvertisenients bv spe- :it rea.'^ouable rates. Advertisers are M tafi- the number of insertions desired, or V will Ih' l oiitinuod till forbid, and charged aceoi’d- '*'iiieiits to be inserted imiiL, charged *>0 per ■ • ! xiru. Sl’KCIAL NOTH’K, f mi :ind after this date, no name of a new subscriber r .-tufied witlumt payment in advanee. nor will ’ ii'i’v -I’uf to sueh subscribers tor a lojigor time for. V- . : r >nr ..Id su),sori)iers .is desire ;o take the pa- '.:r.' >V'tem will please nutify us wlien making FA\ i:tteville hotel, I- ^^AI)1)1I,L. I’llOl'IllETOtt. spills, the most commodious Hotel in North «Bis| :!(K) feet on Hay and , ‘ ' *^o»‘ai‘lson Streets, locate-) in tlie centre of the msiness portion of the lown. and PuriDiinded bv all , I **’ *‘«b‘>ia!e Merchants and princi pal I roduce Dealers. i^lUi.inc.ss men will tind the Hotel a convaniont and conifiirtalilc hiuiie. AH the Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel tayetleville. (K-t. 1. 1S.‘>S. .r,]. [NO. 815.] s Fust ,iJr ir:>nvi:ij, house !• % V TTTi: VI I.I. i:. i\ ihinrs .V-'l't/t JOSEPH BAKER, Jr., attok^ey at law, Has taken an office next door to Wm. D. Wrigbt’a Law Office on Oreen btreet. He will attend and practice m the County and Superior Ooujts of Cuiaberland. ijiatlou, Robcaoii Q.ud Suiupi^oii. Maioh 23, ISo'd. 79^f THO C. FULLER, • ittorney nnd Counsellor at ijuw. ** Bridge, recently occupied by James I>anks(, Esq., Fayetteville, N, C. Jun'y 1, 1857. DE K08SET, BROW.\ & CO., ^ ^ III 1. 1' 1 li «. i \V. MrLtl KIJi, ''■F.l> inv5te attention to their isrge and d«sirable S.; ,-k .f GKOCEKlEiii, in part of— IjO Ha-s lliu. La^'uira and Java Coff«e; 1' - BKls. ami llluls. Suirar (assortwd; ? J.) Ulula. 31iil:ij»si08; l>a(.ou—Sides and Shoulder*; 1 iii'Xi'.' -nod Tol'afCii; 1-j Sperm. Adamantine & Tallow C'andlec •• St>a}> ■: assorted; ' ’ (\indy “ ' Ha^'s Shut li- 111', liar Lead; . i Bbls. Snuff—Eagle Mills; - ■ Kegs Soda; " Xails. —ALSO— i 1/sre and general assortment of Hardware and Cutlery; tHruiinu I tensils, of all description!>; Auit ricaii, Eiiirlish, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Bli^ter, Gfnnan and Ca^>t Stt-el; Bl u-ksmitlii' Tools; lopers' l>o.; !' )ru Sheller.« and Str.iw (’utter#; Bm kets, l*roi>nis and Pail.s; C-ttun. Manilla ar.(l Jute H •]; •. kin-la and • jualitv; ■ Plow Lines and lied C'or«L; Hollow Ware; • jtt'iu \ arn> and "-liceUiiLcs at I'ai t'irv jiriee?. All >f which will lie sold t...w f..b . \sh, or on usual . to prompt paying customers. f'orNTRY Meu* HANTS aro reaped fully requested nil and examine our i>tock before purchasing else- y- D. ^ W. McLAUKLN. Mirch 3, Q.ltf .^lore Aew Goodie! I AM just receiving my Spring Stock of Goods in my 1 They were selected in the Northern cities by wirh gr?at care, and bouglit on the most reason- • rms. by which I am enabled to offer the largest I ev-;r before offered to the public, an'l to offer iTt-MTally : At rreallv Redured Priees. ^ ! ’ r.' -llaisins. Figs, rrunes. Apples. Lemons, Or- Cherrie'-. 'urrant. \r. : KLE>. .JCLLIKS AND PKESKKVEsJ—a great va- | AND KXTRACTS of vari.ms kinds; .' \> A >(»AI’.S AND r»MADE.S; ■ \L IN.'^TllL'MENTS—Fiddles, Drums, Fifes. ' ■ . ri:!niri., Guitar-i. iS:c.; '\IN/ ('A.\K.'—of ever)'kind: 'KKT and willow WAHE: • n.V MOKSKS. XC.: I >: ^■1^K AND ro>LMON (’ANDIKS; SARDINES; r. K;AIlS: .'MOKLVt; .V THEWING TOBACCO; • FIVE I’orKET KNIVES; ■ ■rtiMpnt of I’tJKT-MON.VIES. .some verv nice; ■' V I N\ ELOPES, and FANCV GOtJDS. TOYS ::il V WKEE NOTIONS; ' - riJM I ,,f INDIA RU15BEK GOODS; j MIi>. WHII’S, fishing TACKLE. ; .ulilicare respectfully invited to call and ex- .y 't. '.k. I have a great many hamlsome things '■ ■*:-i. jt fail to please. JAS. R. LEE, I Hotel Building. I .1, 18oi^ 1- ; KOBL\SO>»S I ^lAxipi lated ,;rA:vo. riL.' I NI-.f^I'ALED FERTILIZER, composed of one 1 if bf,st •*«*niviaii Ciiiano, • • /( .S';'/ ■ . ^ ,f fl_l. "/tin Mnrk.f. H(, di-sifc throiitrU this medium aekowledge the lil.eral ji.itvona^re l)i>st..w- "1"'" lLui>e tlie pas! vesir anil as lie lias just erected New SluMes and ('ai ria^^e .s(,ed comeii- lent to the House and to water he t.ikes pk-asiiie in sav- I i'>}I to liis patron and the public generally, that lie’is ■ still prej.ared to ac.'ommodafe them with tiaiisient and , permanent boanl. and respectfully solicits a continuance 01 the liberal p:itroti;ivre heretofore receive^l. Kverv ex- j ertion on his part shall lie used to render them coiiitbrta- ; l>Ie during their >oj..urn witli him. His table is always ' supplieu wuli the !>c£i the market atfi>nl. * I „ , p. SHEMWELL. | M.arch ‘J4. l^;.^^. 1 I - WAV.\E HOI !^E, GOI.DSBOllO’. N. ^pHL umlersignod announces to tlie public: X lliat he has taken charge of tiie above Es- I tiil>lishment. and i-^ prepari'il to accommodate ! _ Boarders, by the day. week or month. .Vnd ■ he assures .ill who may tavor liiia witli their patronage. ' that he will endeavor to givt> ]*er!ect '>ati«;faciion. Ta>)le ' supplied with the >>est the market affords. ! .US. G. SMITH. Cn'ldslioro'. Jan'y M-lvr V. J. MIA 11^AIR, A«oriiey and Counsellor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE. N. C., I l/"l l.L practice in the Courts of Robosou, (.’uiuberland, f} Harnett and Richmond. Prompt aiteution given to all business entrusted to liin. Fcb'y ■), IS.’iy Law \oticc. TAMES L. GAINES and soil E. J. G.VINES, will, in •J future, practice law in copartnership, in the Coun ties of .Montgomery. Stanly, Anson and .Moore. They may be addressed either at Troy, X. C., whore E. J. (Jaines re.sides, or at Norwood s N. C. Troy, .April 7, U^oC*. 4tf LAW AOITt'E. rpiIE undersigned has removed to Newbern, with the 1 intention to ilevote himself wholly to the practice of the law. He will attend the Courts in all of the sur rounding counties, and will also jiraciice before the Su preme Court at Raleigh. D. K. McR.\E Dee r 22. isr,s. y-.gj',, ^ .j t- -c ^yTLMIXGrOX, X. V. BROWN, I)E ROSSET k CO., A'A’jr YiHiK. C'oiiiiiii*«sioii .llercliaiitN. Particular attention given to tlie sale ot .Naval Stores, Cotton and other produce. - !VEW SPRI]\G GOOD!^. :«L 8 ^ S» • J^ames K^fle IS NOW RECEIVING A LARGE SUPPLY OF 11 DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES, HO LT I N G C LOT H S, tc. r'ednr Falls Sheeting and Yarn at Factory Prices. All of whicli will be offered BY WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, As low as the .same quality can be had iu this State. March 1859. 94tf Aj.ril If.. 18o‘J C-Smospd LOVEKI) ELDKIUtJE, *iitorney at JAS. T. PETTEWAY, ContHi ission • JMi'i'fh a»ity And Ag^ent for DansouN Line Steamers, Wilmington. N C, Solicits Consignmeuts of Naval Stores, Colton. Corn, Flour. Also orders for Groceries, (’otton Bajrtring. Rone Guano, .'cc. .S:c. KKKKtf.S TO John Dawson. Esq., Wilmington, N. C., Dr. F. J. Hill. “ O. (i. I’arslej-; *• President Commercial Bank. Dr. llios. H. Wright, President P>ank of Cape Fear, L. P. Hall, hs(|.. Branch liank of State of N. C., T. S. Lutterloh. Fayetteville. N. 8-Hm T. i\ A: If. WORTH, Coiuiuissiou and Forwarding Mercliants, WKSTKRX ROAD. 7ILL attend tli Counties. Smithfield, .\pril l-'i, ISort. ourtii of Johnttuii and Sampson . Wi LMIXGT(.)N, X. C. I Jan'v •J''. 18'', Or.tf 84tf ON and after Monday. ‘-’•J.l day of November, the Freight Traiii will run REGL'L'.UiL’i between Fay etteville and Met b^n.'ihan s Station: leaving Fuvetteville e%erj’ morning at i o clock and returning at 1 o clock in the afternoon of same day. onsignors are requested to send ticketii with articles, stating Consignee, destination, ^cc. W, A. Kl’PER. Chief Eng’v vV Sup't. Whenever the atnoiinl ot freight niav require, an ex tra Train will leave tavetleville and return in the at\ernoon. Nov'r 2:!. 18.^8. IMIL R01« .\OTIH'! TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. IL 1 OR Carolina. n- Ihfir Fall that ii Ho ld l'om t a • iit; \P aid been ■\geni of the d FREE OF heraw. Ail s Warehouse >f freight will j and Sup't. j 84-tf i J. K. III I.LA, Attorney and i'Dun«,ellor at Law, ASIIKP,ORO’, X. r.. \ If ILL attend the Courts of Randolph, Moore, Mont- T f gomery, Davidson and Guilford, and promptly at tend to all businesK eniniBtcd to hi* care. March 10. Ife.'/j '.^tl-^im mfIefiiC€il m\^OtiC€. 1 vR. H. A. .McS\N .VIN has taken an otbc« on Anderson I / Street, in the rear of Messrs. Ray \ Pearce’s Store, where he can be tuuud by thuse desiring his prol'essional service-i. August ‘J}. 4utf 0 llr. K. A. IILAt^K, F 11( K t ront Rooms, over Lh'. S. J. Hinsdale'sChumiitt and l»rug Store. Feb'y 7. ls.-,(',. J. WII.MATI PA€;«,'?!. O., PiTT.^iu)rvor;n. x. r. j iR. PAGE niiiy be foiuid at his olfii-o wlien not pro- ^ ' I'e'''ioii:,l!v i-ngaged. i .May •VEw, niEip. i\» Exniunwis i:in Freight for the Interior of Worth r>tf lit p'.irrh.i-;; !•» Ivi' «‘r n Krt Merchants and other- and Winter .SujipHp.j. mi. liy the completion of tlie Norrl t'tiarle'-r .n, t..'her:iw, .!,. and EXPEDITloI'. R,,ute fioni th,- Sc.d-o opened to them. .\11 freight consigned to the rare of the Nortli liastern Rail Road will be forw.irde (’OM.MISSION. No charge will be made for Storage at i good will he taken care of in the Company' until sent for. A scliediile of charge- for tran>portation i be found at the Post Office. S. S. S( >L >M tN.'^. F.ng r Aug. :i, 18o8. I>E\T \l. \OTK'E. H A\ ING ^n^^•_red in another busine'- \ 1 lind mv time too nnii ii t.iK.-ii UJ- t(. Httcfi'.l to- (lie 'lutif- ii| luy |nyfes'i )ii; .11. i ' i'. ;i j.aniier Dr. II. .'-^i-ott who is in I'very way eoinp.: .-nt t.. p',. a-c ’U /.■ / friends. ! t.-ike ' gi iMt j.Ieii-ui e in r> CO .inn .diuir liiiii t'> ;// with wImiu 1 have the slightest iiifiuence. His joict'- will suit any who arc dc~ii-ou; .if having their leetli 'jperiitcl on in a 1 skilful manner. .\nd with my be-t wishes for my giiccexsor. and this I Community, I w itliiraw from the firm, having no fear but that I>r. Scott will give the most fastidious entire satis- I'action. D. W. BEN BOW. Jan y 10, 18'ii». 7Stf I.L’TTEUI.OII s i,i.\ r„ D' STL.\MKR “F.VNN^ le.aves Fiiyetteville every Mon day and T hur;.d;;y morning, at "l'» minutes after Sun rise; and Uilmington Tue-d.-ty .iiid Friday, at o'clock, —carrying pa--enger and freijrht. Steamer ‘•.''0( '1 HERNLR. " with a full complement of Mats, tiiake- one or niore trips per week, as circum stances may rcjuiie. 1 he accident to the Steau?er “R'.^W VN" will be re paired in a few days. .'^1im will then ta!:e Ikt pl.ice in tlie line. * T. S. Ll T'J'i;i!Li)H. Oct'r }, 18.-)K, .')l-if 'V\i lie PliOMpliatic fiiiiano, ‘"'ndiiic,n f.ir immediate use, being prepared by new i ‘ ■ I', vcd iii;ichinery, by which means the most per- ' '*ioii i-i effected, reducing all to a uniform I**!, and for application by niiti.r, or otherwise, • '■ III.I t jierfect order. And 1 have no hesita- ■ ' -iig that for all crops it is equal to any fer- ' ‘ >-r • !l>.r,.d to the farming community. I’he ‘i.i. nt Kr.i’T PKKi'Ki Ti.Y iMKiK.M in all cases, i' VN 1 1,1j tijcontain H percent, of .A.M.MONIA, ' ■ • ■» f.cr cent, of BoNE PHO.SPIIATE OF I' >' I iij> in gooii bags, weighing about l.V I’’: ’^la CIS will jdea.se notice, that the name • 'dilN'SuN i- bi'.iniled on each bag—none other i.s :n= . ‘ - ' Si'Cficiice in the trmle. and the general sat- .'■iven ))y all Gii.inoe.s sold by me, irantee that the article now offered I'•jirc-eiiied. I will il-o keep constantly on ’ -t l*4-ruv:an. Mexican And oth«»r Guanoes. ' ■ -f.i a- low as any house in tlie city. WM. R(»151NSON, .No-, t .V ♦; Hoi.t.iNoswoKTM Stuekt, AVf/r I'nill St. WItttrf, B.'lLTI.noKK. '"■■I'' "NS MANIPCLATED GUANO is also ■ -nit by the following Ageutn; ' M.VE'l'T, Alexandria. Va. '/ ,v MAIGNE, Norfolk, Va. "KlNKER & ('O., Richmond. Va. BR.V.NCn & SONS, Petersburg, Va. - B. >. WORTH, Wilmington, N. C. ' “ !H-;’,mpd wmuk. \ ' supj.ly .if variuti- No s just leceived, whicli Ku-r.id. low !• '.'’'itlN'. • t IH.VVE a.ssociated with me, in tliis line. Mr. John K. Dailey, and will style tlie firm ORRELL D.VILEY. We have {mrcha.'-ed the Steamer Soctiikhnkk, and in a few days, will have a New Flat employed with her. Those favoring u.s with their ])atronage may rely upon prornjif despatch, iiy iipplying to .Mr. Dailey on board, or to me at my office. R. .M. ORRELL. .'t. OHllKI.I.. Marcli 121, 18')'.) JilllX K. I>.\H,KY. 800-tf Ifaiik ol* Aortli I'arolicia. Books of sidi'cri; Mon to tlo c-ijiital Stock of the B:ink of N ii'lli Caroliii.-i wilt be o|.ein-d at thcOflice of the Western Riiii Road Com[ian_y. on Wednesday, .\)iril 1st. H'ld will be kept open acci'rding to tlie jiro- visions id' the charter for the spu-e of 'ixtv ibivs. (iEoiii.i: .Mcm:ii.l. W. .McL. .MclvAY, JNO. ,M. ROSE. • 'oniiiii>sioiieis. FiiyetteviUe, N. C., March ->. Is’i'.* 8'»n .\olict‘ lo .Solilirrs" Wido%v«. rpHE Widows of Mexic:«n Soldiers, anl the Widows of ^ Soldiers who niKi> i.v skuvii'k in the war of 181l!, can have their (lensions conlinned )>y calling on the iinder- signed, Congress having made additional provision for them. (Jive me the management of your claims, and the money shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSE, Agent for I’ensions. Fayetteville. Jiina 12, 18o8. 19- \ew Volumes of Sliiipreiiie Court Report^^. JCST puldislied, volume 5 Jones’s Law lieport.s, and voluiue 3 Jones's Equity Reports, of Decisions in the !^iii/fonie i' juiL of .Non). .'a; i>li;:.i I'or sale by Feb'y 10 B. J. HALE vi SON. DKATlJiiTRV. R. J. D.\.^ IS having decided on perma nently locating in the Town of Fayette- ; ville. respectfully offers his services to the ; citizens of this place and surrounding country. In all i the various branches of his Profession, including the j manufacture ol Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an i extensive e.xjierieiice, to which is added a thorough Den- | tal education, that he can jiive entire satisfaction a® far ^ a-j is in the power of Dentistry. .\11 irregu’arities of the | Teeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well .is disease.s of the mouth. None but the proper metals are made use of in the various oj>erations. Charges will be moderate, that the benefit.^ of the Pro(e.-sion may be placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. Oflice over Houston's Jewelry Store, where be may be found at all times. .May 10, 18.58. 9tf WORTH A I TI.E1% Forwarding and General Coniniission Merchants, Fatfclteville, *V. l\ J. A. WORTH. (72tf) Jos. t^TLRY. R. n. ORRELI., TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. | Those sending their Spirits Turjientine to mv may I rely upon it to have prompt nnd careful attention, j .My warehouses are fronting the wharves and near the river. \ Sejit'r Ki. 18.')8. 4.',tf ( W ATtllES & JEHELRV, ' NKW .\M) DKSIR.AiU.E, BY J A S . T . H O I T O , SfCCKSSOR TO ; J. M. BEASLKV. i AI..SO, I A LOT OF FIXE DOI BLK-BARKKL (JINS, AT r.KUl'CKI) PKICFS, by .IAS. T. llOrSTOX. .Mtircb 1. ‘.*3tf TIN PLATE, ’ I Iron, Iron Wiro, 'OOKI^i;i STOVI> I’UK-W.112 5'. .\lways on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. RtHtFlX\ 1 UTTER INC., | .\nd all kintls of Jobbing, done .it gliort notice, by j C. W. ANDREWS. 1 Maiket Sqti.ire. Fayetteville. ; .hily y. 27-tf PETER MALLETT WITH D. (’OLDEN .MURRAY, QE ERAL COOfimSSION I«SacaA,NT, South Stkket, XEW YORK. July -29, IS.-,8. ;^2- T. . ~\C\U)] 1 NsTi:i) r, ~ for hirf:crin;:r^s S'^iatios, Of wjiicli he has always some on hand. Wilmington, N. C., Oc:'r 2, ]^^)8. 51-1 jpd W>I. H. TlRLI\CiTON, V o III III i M w i o II .?i t* r chant, WILMINGTON. N. C.. ■yiTlLL give prompt and personal attention to all con- }} signments of SPIRITS TURPENTINE, ROSIN l.AR, ( oTTt>.\', FLOUR, and other country produce, either for «ale or -hipment. My wharl and warehouses being conveniently located for the recej)tion of produce, either by Railroad'or River, enables me to make charges light. Nov'r W. H. ALLEN.] [J. >1 CLARK- ALLEX & CLARK, t'oiii mi KM ion .^lercliantM, WILMINGTON. N. ('. DKALKKS IS MMK, PLASTKK, ( EMKVT, HAIR, Ac. Agent- for Kii-h iV Orrell s Line of Ste.amers l)llOMl’l i>erson.il attrition jriveii to consignments o 1 Naval Stores, ('otton or other Country Produce, for sale or slii|i>iient. Jan'y 1','. l.s.V.i. yj. U II.LIATI II. 1IAHA, MnsiHftor of »A*aral .Stores, WII.MIM'.TON. N. r.. W ill p;.y -!i!. ■ ■•.•:.’i .n to all bu-iu' - :i*ru>ied to his '-■ ‘re. I . : -!..ire t' ]>ul.:'.- pallon.ige. OUice ill Hall''. Hiiiitlin:;. Vo. 1:1. u|> st.'iirs,, •Nnrtli \\au*r 1 .l-f,nios JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V o n n I M 41 a A N 1) Fornarding Merrliant, ^ 11'ilminstOH, ,V. r. ft^^Prompt fier-on/il attention given to all Consign ments. and ( a-h advance- made on Produce to be vhippied to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12. IS.-,.:,. WIIJJAM J. PKICK, ftisperlor of *\'avttl Stores, \r//.Mi\aTox, X. c. Sfilicits tlie patronage of his country friends and all others enpi)ied in the Tiirj>entine busine>s. Otfire %'ortlt Witter SirtM*!. Nov'r 22. is.-,.fil-lypd .ntC'AV 4.V ^TOW, SITCKSSOUS TO T () W \ S M ART, iMi’ORTFits. .iohbkiis am> hk.ai.ers in Hardware, f iillery, (^uns Shovels, Nails, Hollow Hare, &e. 87 WARREN ST. NEAR BROADWAY, XKW rORK. T. n, s\vuv/r r Would be pleased to see his friends at the above House. Feb’y 23. 18.5‘,* 01-.3mlmi Secontl Sin'ina ‘Stock. „ & WILLIAMS M.V\E received and are now opening their second 11 supply of SEASOXABL.E tiOODiii, t onipri.sing a splendid selection of the newest styles of Fancy anil staple Dry Cit00d>«, Boot!^, ^lioe$$, HatM, Hoop Skirts, Keady-.flade C'lotliin;;^, With a large variety of NOTIONS, to which the atten tion of Wholesale Buyers i.s invited. STRICT ATTENTION PAin TO ORDERS, “©g J. B. STARR. J. M. WILLL\MS. April 9, 18o9. 4tf SPRIAG^TVLES! The Fayal, Everett and Havelock Hats! 4 LSO. a beautiful assortment of the LATEST STYLE i\ SOFT H.\TS (high and low crown.) and all the styles of the most elegant Hats of the season, can now be seen at the Bazaar. A. McRIMMON. March 10 07-tf €ele:urati:i) NICK WILLIAMS* WIHSKEV, VERY OJ.l), Just received and for sale by James W. Horne, Grocer, and Dealer In Foreign anil Domestie Wines and Lii]iiors. H.YY STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. April 28. 't-lm Carolina C. The Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad being now completeil to Beaufort Harbor. I have determined to locate at Carolina ('ity for the purpose of doiiifr a Forwarding and General Ccmmission and hope by promptness and strict attept^nn to merit patronage anl support. P.eing the .Age’i! of .Murr.iv'.- Line of hirst Class Packets t« this and .Nlor.-iiead ('i'v. every etfort will be ma.le to make this tiie eii.iipe.-t ;./id most e.\].editious n>ute to New York. wi’l b loaded and .li-cliarged at my Wharf ;a lj'Uiiing t!ie U;iil- road Wharf, i and tliereby save cartugi':itid li(j-litcra''e. Particiil.ir attention will be givi’n lo ail :t! let--, and t . the sale and tiiipiiu-ni ot Produce. ■tV \1. l;. (ij.- ■> NT. •lidy 2'-. l-:.v. SI PRE:?IE COURT REPORTS. X E ’SV' EDIT! O X O F Devereux and Battled Equity, Vol. 1. 1'^HE subscribers have just printed a 2d Edition of this volunie. ioneof tlic mo.-t v.ila.ihle of the .series.) with Note.s and References to oil.er ;il[ii i_red Ca.ses and to the Revised (’ode. by Hon. Wm. I'. Lattle; ..nd with niaiiy corrections of typoirr.inh'c'i! cn ors. They have now in piL>s the 2d volunie. al-o with .Judge Battle's .Notes, which they will publish soon. Their 2d Edition of the 1st volume of i>ev. P>attle's Law Reports, issued last year, has received the appro bation of the Profession. They also republished a 2d Edition of Devereux’s 1st FA|uity (without Notes.) .\nd in addition to these, are the proprietors of the entire editions of most of Iredell's Law and Eiuity, and can supply anj- volumes extant of the Reports, or complete sets, so far as thev can now be bad. They deal largely in Law Books, and will at all times order works not on their shelves, to supply their cus tomers. K. J. HALE & SON. Fayetteville, May 16, 1850. Lower Little River and Crane’s Creek ]¥avig^ation Co. 4 SUBSCRIPTION BOOK for the Capital Stock of this Company can be found, on and after the 20th inst., at the following places, where subscriptions will be received for the space of thirty biys: At the Railroad Office in Fayetteville, in the hands of John ^L Rose. At Monroe’s Mills, in the hands of Chris. Monroe. At Jolin.senville, in the hands of Duncan .Morrison. Other persons wdll be appointed iu Cumberland, Moore and Harnett Counties to canvass for subscrip tions. The books will be closed at the end of 30 days. T. S. LUTTERLOH, A. MURCHISON, CH. .’MONROE. For General Com'rs. May 10, 1859 M- I I ,Kri:u r,„ ,.io i;j:. ..; i.wi*. i.,;;,: j J '»\ i -t r-i.li- . I C.ipe I'eiii l.isi'l'. . ! I etteville. ;ind e.xteticlitiir fnim th. r '.n;.. liu'- .n.i j liill-. Tiii- tract is about e.jua.!;. .!:■ Mi-.l into riv.-i ridge, swaiiij, an.l -and-hill Land, .\boiu •'mi ai.-ro. adjoining the river, are undiT cultiv:iii.>n :!ii.l ;tr.‘ well suited to the growth of Corn and (.'r.!--: tioti>'of tht.' Swamp has been cleared. There are sever.il g.,od site- foi a dwelling house on the sanddiills. .\ny person wishing to purcha.se will do well to make early appli cation, as I have determined to sell. THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Sept. 8, 18,58. 44tf TE.tlPLE OE ARTS. O.Ni-: DOLLAR AXD UPWARDS! / 1ALL .vr (’ARVER'S OAi.LERV AT THE HOTEL \J CC>RNER, where Ambrotyj,os. Melainotypes. C.'imeo- ty]>es. and other styles of Likenesses are taken, which tor diir.ability and beauty' are unsurpassed. ‘•Of tliose for whom wc fond emotions cherish, .‘‘'ecure the shadow ere the sub-tance perish.” Likenesses set in Lockcis, Brc;>':t-Pins, Bracelets. Finger-Rin^s, \c. .\11 who feel the importance of obtaining a life-like memorial of their frietids. -hoiild av:ii1 themselves of this opportunity at their ';irl:-'st eotivenicuce, with the assurance that they shall l-.^ve a pei feet likene.ss, satis faction i'l all crises being guarantied, May 12 M- A o n IAISTK V I'O ll’« \OT I j ^PHE ‘•'iib-cfilier havinjj obtained «peei:il Lei of . I Adf. ini'-'tr I’i'in upon tl; f-t,-. '■ ,I!av, .1 . I’]• 2 'til hi -t.. ■ 1 o _ 7ic-»r -tiN>,. r ie «fiid l’;iy, . ■■■. - I 'alvcs. m; I r. . i! :-|-. hoid >■ ' ■ ■; '!) .nili.-,. ■■■>. > :e ^ :'S of-^id Wot:' 1 f ^vi]l V o: ill ;.;r V. i Slit I, - oin-• .\:l ’■ iiil'-V-t. .1 lo c. ;ac .-i.- iioiiricd to til: M p-, . '•','ot. A.Im'r. A HTIiEft .\OTK i:. t T ' till: ' ■- .■ .: .,(eT nnri! of.I.ui- -* . ’ 'i'. ! '! !! id..VN ' Vfi'iN.'- t . itiging to ' ,;.i .■'• :r. !:lif ; > idlij. I.ni' i ,i.;-. !v p(;intCiL JOHN' I: '.V.'.\,!m r. M .■ :• i;:-ts Why Win Voii Ilriuk Whiskey? milEN J. H. ROBERTS .V CO. keep M. VAS.SAR TT -S; CO S LE, which they leceive fresh every week from Poughkeejisie. N. Y. May Irt 14-2w ! ' I , win fir -ab-. oi j -1. I.e.- re-; l.’ii'-,- . !’ ■ l\il|..--'iiivy. .'li! t:; li.'i i'Sribi j 'ril. ;■ eler. 1 i an 1 l\it I i-,i MitiK i-. .'ii'.. I Vt ^ I i; ' .'111 ( J'l ! e^ .'f M. j l.e il ... : uu! I i ■ MILITARY GOODS, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces, ,A\D EVERY DESCRIPTKI.V OF .IIILITARY GOODS, ACCORDINO TO THE Ldfrst (\ S. Army and iShtfe Rf’(julations. SCHUYLER, HARTLEY & TxRAHAM, inPOKTEliK & :n.4:¥UFACTlTRERS, 19 MAIDEN LANE, June 30. Korlt. 24-ly w BOOTS » SHOBS^ AT WHOLESALE. JltfO. Itt. WALKER, of WORTH CAROLINA, W I T 11 P. P. SHAW A: CO., 31 .\M» .‘il> Dky Strekt, Xkw York., ^rlLLbe happy to see his Southern friends at the above establishment, where, cither personally or by ler, they may be supplied from an extensive and well a sorted Stock of Goods in that line, gotten up expressly f' the Soutliern trade. Nov. 2'J, 18')8. G7-ly. F. M. BIZZELL,’ i;R0cER ,1 )i 1) c 11IIinssIII.n jierclut, Xo. 29 XoRTH Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. i)ROMPT and personal attention given to the reception of all kinds of country produce, either for sale or sliipnittnt. Orders for groceries from fiuh customers will receive immediate attention, fr«e of •omioissions. Nov. 19, 1858. W-ly (’hroiiolojjy of >orth Caruliiia, from 1584 to 1858 by D. K. liennett. Just received. cl. 21. E. J. HALE & SON. a^Tlic .^oiifliorn Hariiionv, and MUSICAL COMP\NlO>, lor sale by Laiid«» for Sale* I OFFER for sale about Acres of I’ine Lands near Fayetteville, containing an immense ijuantity of Mill Timber, and a number of Turpentine Boxes, and several new tasks may be cut. There is on tlie premises a fine Dwelling House, and all necessary out-houses.—Scup- peruong and Isabella Grape Vines\—I(K)(» young Peach and .\|>ple Trees of Lindley's be«t varieties; also, a ffool F.VR.NI of about 150 acres cleared: and also .a (iRlST and S.V.M MILL; and a fine large .Meadow of about 14*i acres. The Fayetteville and Coal Kidds Rail Road passes throu.rh these lan.ls about a mile from th.- Mills. 1 will sell in parcels to '^iiit purchasers, but woul i pre fer to sell the whole together. .\]>jily to Tho'i. S. Liu- terloh. Esip. Fayetteville, or the subscritier ai Pitts- borongh, N. C. J. H. HAUtJHTON. Nov. 12, 1857. G(>tf Alabama Laiid« lor ^ale. 1/*'*' I At'RE.S, in Henry county, 3 miles below ,\) i ,L Columbia, on the Chattahochee river, and 2-5 mile.s below Fort Gaine.s; h50 acres are cleared—5D0 acres are river bottom, which will produce from 2t to 50 Vuishels Corn, or from 1,1'KM) to 2.50l pounils of Cot ton to the acre. On the place are all the necessary im provements— Houses for Negroes; gowl water, and as healthy as any section of .Vlabama. For further par ticulars apply to me, at Midway Ala., or R. ALLISON and \. G. J.VNES, on the premises. Also, 1,100 acres Land, near Midway, Barbour coun ty—800 acres clcared—all fresh, having been cleared in the last seven years. This is strong lime Land, and will produce from 20 to 30 bushels Corn, and from l,00f> to 2,000 lbs. Cotton per acre. Improvements fine—the Dwelling cost $4,IKX», and is situated on a high sandy ridge, with good water, and every convenience desir able in a country residence. Both of these places are known in Columbus, Ga.. where inquiries can be made. 1 invite those who are purchasing, to examine these places during the coming spring and summer, and judge them by what they see. C. A. ROSE, Midway, Barbour county, Ala. March 9 (Sav. Rep.) 95-tf Eile and Eabor^ of* Rev. Oaiiiel Baker, D. D.; The Methodist, or Incidents and Characters from Life: The Pillar of Fire, by the author of the “Prince of the House of David’’; Morning and Night Watches; Chapman’s Sermons, New Edition; Memoir of Mrs. Shuck, by J. 15. Jeter: Testimony of the Rocks; Presbyterian Psalms and Hymns, in velvet, morocco and plain bindings: Baptist Psalmody; The Psalmist; Bibles, velvet, morocco and other bindings. April 28 E. J. HALE SON. Dictionary ol* liy Lfiii- man; Tressilian and his Friends, by R. Shelton McKenzie; “A Thousand CJiances to Make Money.” by I'reedley; “Mrs. Partington's Carpet Bag of Fun ’; Sylvester Sound; Handy Andy; Flush Times of .Vlabama; Party Leaders; School Books; &c., &c. Just received. April 23 E. J. HALE k SON. •fiiwt Receiv€mI. BBLS. EXTRA HERRING; •) 2^> Hhds. MOLA.SSES; 10 Bbls. MULLET and TROUT. J. H. ROBERTS & CO. M.-y It; HA \DK IVA ATEO. yiFTKEN ABI.H-150!)! Ill) s r ■ iXf; W; j>(, atk\ I Wlllll-ll. t.: Work ..II ' . . ,;•! e^t 'i n u.ii! 'toad. 'in' ; '■ I N'-CRS. Rkkkukn.C. i;. ; IK-m. W. A. Kii; i. .iiio. M. Ro-^e. .'^:edi,i;iii i\ iioiiie. .May h'.. 1 l.;;t rajM‘ I'ear Aa>i;;alioii oiii|iaiiy! ^pHK -WNl.VL MKKTI.NO of tin* Stockholders will 1 be held on FRID.W, ;>d .lime next, in tiie Town H.ill, Fayetteville. S. W. TILLINGHAST, Pre.s't. -NLiy 2, 18.}!'. lotn. FOR SALi-: OU RENT. ON\ KNIKNT DWKLIdNG HOUSE, on Haymount, near Mr. J. (’. Thomson's. For particulars enquire of J. G. SHEPHERD, Es,.. or A. M. CAMPBELL. iLiy 7. ytf 300 KblM. of Herring For sale, very low, 2O0 Bbls Herring, by GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO M.arch 14 % Sii^srar Hoiii^e Syrup. Bbls. excelk MOLASSES. Oct'r 14. A FEW Bbls. excellent S. H. SYRUP. Also, prime M C. B. COOK. 64tf I BUTTER A\n CHEESE. JUST received pr Fanny, a few Firkins of very nic« BUTTER, and 25 Boxeit prini« CHEESE. C. B. C(X)K. Oct, 14, 51-1 f T!k* .tollable*, or lOOl lioiiie A- niii>.-i,.e’ !s; The Autocrat of the P>re iklast TaMe; Lec tures of Lola Montes; Chroni. los of the l>astile, illus trated: The Magici.in's Own Bcok; Living and Loving; [.iviiigstonc's Travels; Live and Learn: Tlie Power of Prayer, by Prime; School Books, &c., \,c. I’unlier supplie.s, just, reeeived. •'=*»>■> '1 E. J. HALE & SON. File** of the Observer Wanted. lyE bavc been !ij.).1ied >o fora file of the Observer >V fv'mi it- four i , 1'^17 to IS't. 1 f any per- ,so!i or jierson.s can fui ni-ili ntfb a file, or any consider able part of it, we will bo . lad to be i;i|oniied, with statement of price. E. J. Ti.M.E .• SON M.irel. 2,-. It iiiiiii'N ISIac‘k«tone, r.-diiced to Questions and A;i»wei>. ujiou tiio pbm of Kinr'o's Hbick.'tonc. oin* Voboue; l)v..kf 'v. .\.ir!iehiiient. F.jr :-.i!.'bv i;. J. ;i AI.!’ Son. April 4 E. J. HALE Si SON. Or. Kanc’M Arctic Explorations. Cloth. Sheep and half (’alf Binding. I’urtlier su}ipli.-> just receiveil. E. J. HALE .v SnN. April 2(). The Ilymn^ asicl OiMipiiisc* ojf J the Mi'ilKKiis" t.'iiuich. n**w stitipl. o-; i- ■.■.■'.m -I i Oct’r 13. E. ■ H ,v Sfoiirinu «« ll-3’'er. “What i|.' t‘! I ' . ' ''V K. '’iilwi ,• L.tton; i Mil ' >. ;e’. ' : * ■, ‘ ''i.-i- ■ . of ; School • -e. ' } i2 _ ^ ^ 1.1-; . soy