nirioN, is II- V \i V ElilTlUN, 1”1 I '. Ud(liti,,y,^J ^ H ,i An ...rioM, 'I'lvd ly ‘1 til,- 111! It at ..f Ik ■ lit y in wii 1- ■ u ■li ' U ft ■ '^-h '• 't - .T' \ to } iia ’ -- ill)! *• Ciitl- ’ ■y no = i its * ri!h em lirv 00,jOj. i(t i'll. K,l-,\ .-,.v/y. ' ; V !ue. - . L’ti - _ li ' - 38 : - - - 82 - 12 . . ;'ll ! 'W 1 |l:i: 1'. .'' Jt' V., }, !, J4. J ■ )i :i i h'.: tj" ' • J8 1 . \i = ‘ IIS. i -:/i . I/ii.-S.-aini':; SUN. ^oi'di €’a- iPAir (DIB SEMI-WEEKLY. [VOI,. VIII.] FAYKTTEVIl.I.F, !V. C., MAY 23. lRf)9. I'l'im-uigut i'l;!NTKI> MinirW.S A\l> TITVH8IUYS KDUIKU J. IIALi; & S0!«, KUlTolvS and IMfOI’KlKTORS •.vi u(‘ V> fv.‘kU' OitstK\iiu j;;{ u(i jf p^ij ,u,r. >■: .o i!' J>;ii.l Jmiii- the _vc:tr of siibscrip ,ir ■'} Hlior the vi iv Ii:i- f'Tpirt'd. ■ - -kly >ii-; KVKU (H> j>or aiiiumi, if puij iu o: 'L' • >u ii p.'ii l ilui'iiig tiif year of subsciip- ti.m; 'I' atH'i- tlie yt':\r lias cxj.ircd. -■ Al>\ I.IITISKMKNT?' iuerted for »;o oont;* per ___ , ... .'t !•; lines lor tho first. an-I W cc-iits lor each S I \| \V I . i H ^ II T W 1’^ L’l.'tl »it 1 III** rutO''. Avlvortisors nrc I" tlu* iiumhor of iiieortioiis desireti, or ht'v will Ih' contitiued till forl'id, aud charged accord- Advi'riin'nioiits to be inserted chiirged 50 per oer.i i Siiii. S^l’Kt'lAL NOTK'H, Kr i;i riU'l iif!»T this ilute. in: nauii- of n nt>w subscriber . V- I'ti'oi'ed uitlittiii p.tytiioiit in *idv;ince, nor will rl'f V ' -'“lit t» subscribers for a longer time iLui i' I'^ii'l f-r. >;u .1 i iiur .>M sab.-cribiM s as desire to take the pa- II llli^ >\ stem will i lense notify us when making rr..,::-aners. .IlMV . 1>'>^. [NO. 816.] 1>. ii Vi, MfLAimiN, ''iil'I.D invite attention to their large and dasirablo 'lock r>f GUOCEK1E8, (.■ iu pan of— Ha;rs Kio, Lairuira and ifava Coffee; l'"> HMs. anil lllul:*. Suirar (assorted;") L’o !lhd&. Mohisrfos; " Bacon—ami Shoulder*; O'III Sacks Salt; 1‘ ' l>uxt's *j;r.ud Tubac»"'>; 1_'5 •• Sporin, Adamantine & Tallow Caudles; oU *• Soap ;assortcd;': “ Candy I"" Bairs Shot I'JMU lbs. Bar Lead; ;5t_> i Bbld. Snuff—Eagle Mills; 25 Kcir? Soda; 250 Nails. —ALSO— A large and general assortment of Hardware and Cutlery; Faruiin" I tensils, of all descriptions; American, English, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; lilister, German and Ca^t Steel; Bhifksmithb’ Tools; C(X)pers’ l»o.; (,'orn Shellers and Straw Cutter*; Buckets, Brooms and l*ail~; Cotton, Manilla aud Jute Rope, (all kinds and (jUality;) I’low J^incs and Bed Cords; ilollow Ware; Cotton Yarns and Sheetinirs at factory prices. AH of which will be sold low roii cash, or on usual time to pronipt paying customers. ’ocxTRT Mkkchaxts a'e respectfully requested , to call and examine our stock before purchasing else- I where. h. X W. :\IcLAL*KIX. i March 3, ISo'J 'xr,if '■ More .\ew Good^$! 1.VM ju.'t receiving my .“^j.riiig Stock of (Iood.s in niy * line. Tiiey were selected in the Northern cities by i ; with great care, and I'-mtfht .m the most reason- ■ ■ terms, by which I am enabled to oti'cr the largest • ; ;k 1 ever before offered to the public, and to ofl'er theiii generally -4t Trea(ly Reduced Prices. Fl’Uir.S—Haisins, Figs, I’runes, Apple.s, Lemons, (>r- unge^. (’herries. I'urranis, \c. i'l' KLKS. .JELLIKS AND I’KESEHVP’S—a greut va- ri--f v: l’KKKr\lKKlES AND KXTKACTS ..f various kinds; KANi'V and l'».\LUtKS: .\r .'ii AL INSTKL'MKNT.'!—Fiddles, Dnuii.s, Fites, F liatijo-. Giiiiui'. .xc.; \V\LKlN«i ( AM:> :.feverv kill I; I K:;rs -,ND WILLOW WAr.K: : "IMIV ll'iKSKS, .vC.; •LT>: I :NL VNI> t'OM.MON i'ANDlKS; SAUDINKS; UNK k;AiiS: SMuKING ’1IF,W1N(J TOBACt'O; ■ ;A KKKS; FINK I'oi'KHT KNlVKs; :i-- irtmi-rit'.f T’OUT-M* >N.V1E.''. S'>riiover\ tiice: i 'M V KNVr.L(»l’ES. and FANt'Y (JOODS, TOVS .d V.VNKKE NOTIONS; 1' I riiiieni of INDIA KUIJBEIt (jOOD.S; 'MIJS. WIlli\S, FISHING TACKLE. T le f.iiblic are respectfully invited to call and ex- ::i'- ii.y .-t(,ck. I iiave a great many handsome things i' annot fail to please. JA.*^. R. LEE, Hotel Building. M-.ich ;31, 18-Sy 1- ROBLVSOX’S U A AIP11. AT i: D ii IA AO. Tills L'NEijL'ALED FEIITILIZEII, compo-ed of one 1 .'.f l.est IVriiviaii Citiaiio, li';’*’ti;,.- Ciroiiiid R»iie, 1 ilje best PliOK|»liali€ wiiano, Ti f.iiidition Ibr immediate use, being prepared by new ‘'■'1 iiii|.i'd machinery, by which means the most per- ill;,ti,,II iy effected, reducing all to a uniform ■ [' '; ;ni(l for applicatioti by dkill or otherwise, ■t perfect order. And I have no hesita- lyiiig that for nil crops it is e'iUal to any fer- • cr itfered to the farming community. The "■ii.i. i:k kki’T iM'.’tKKfTi.v i NiKon.M in all cases, l’>li \N'ri,D tocontain a percent, of ,\.MM0N1A, ]i-r cent, of IIONIi I'1I().SI'II.\TE OF I' i-> j.h; iiji in good bags, weighing aboi.t l-')0 I. pip-i-li!i.i.Ts will jilea^e noiice. that (bf trtiiic ;NS(iN i-: branded on each bug -ii'.ne other i« F 4 YI ;rri.; V11.1.1; IIOT K I,, 1 n PKUfRIKTUR. pHI>. the most commodious Hotel in North [ t.'aroliiia, troniing i?(MI f.'vi on Hay and Donaldson Streets. li>cated in the ct'nlre of the tiusiness portion of the town, and sun-uundeil bv all the H«iiiving Houseij, Wholesale Merchants and i.rinci- p:>l lV..luce iV.ilers. iK". Pi: i!io>is mt'ii will ihi.l III.. U„ anil coni*or(ali!(.' lii.i;sc. .AH the Stages arrive and dei'art from tlii* Hotel FHvetteville. Oct. 1, Ib-'.S. r,j.' rAvioTi KVII.LI:, A. r. Lu( siJt ut (i'nr)i Slnrt, It few i/oors Xorth or' (hi- MnrAct. npHI'. Subscriber desires through this luediiint I **P^*"'ledgo the liberal patronage bestow- '^-=^ —*-’d tijMin his House the jiaM year—and aa he has.lust erected New Stables and ('arriage Shed conven ient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in say ing to his I’atri.ns aud ilie juiblic generally, that he is still prejiared to acv-'imminlaie them with transient and peimanent boattl. and respectfully solicits a continuance ot the liberal ]>atrntiage hereiot’ore received. Everv ex ertion oil his pan shall l.pu-icd lo rend-r them comforta ble during their sojourn with him. His table is always supjilied with the best the market affords. 1*. SHEMWKLL. March Ls.'iS. Sil-tf \VAV.\E IIOl GOLDSBOKO'. N. 1'^HE undersigned announces to the public i . that he ha> taken charge of the above Es- i tablishment. and is prepared to .'iccoinmodate | Boarders, by the day, week or month. ,\nd ; he assures all who may favor him with their patronage, j that he will endeavor to give perfect satisfaction. Table supplied with the best the market affirds. ! JAS. ti. S.MITH. Goldsboro’, Jan'y "Js, 81-lvr \Vi:s'I'KRN R UL ROAD. | JOSEPH ».\KKR, Jk., attoss^eoy a t I, a n , H.\S taken an offico iie.’ct door to >Vm. Ii. Wright’s Law Ot».ce on Green Slreut. Ho will iitt‘nii and practice m the County aud Sujierior Court* of Ciiuibi#rlaud. Blndeti, BoVie'oii and Sampson. March 'Ja. lK;j;5. 7«n^- THO. C. FULLBH, .llloruri; ami i'liHHSfllur at l,utv. I* 1* l(_ I'j hJ KccIc.s s vt^courly occujiicti bv Juiims I>E ROSSET, BR(»W,\ & fO., x v. BROWA, I)!] li()S!KT Si CO., \7;ir ynt:K. ^ I 2 I ^ i 2 ^ ?- ! I ' r ^ c 2 5. 0 Banks, Es.|., Fayetteville, N. C.' Jun’v 1, ls.')7. P. J. AC LAIR, Attorney and Coiinseilor at Law FAYETTEVILLE. N. 0., practice in the Courts of Robeson, Coinberland, fT Harnett aud Richmond Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to liux. Feb'y 5, ISij'j gf-. Com III Iion ?lerrliaiBfM, j i ^^ly l’articiilar attention given to the [ g sale of Naval .Stores, Cotton aij^l other :5 produce. April iti. lb;)!* O-Hmospil — 5 o LaAA^ \otice. J AMES L. GAINES and son E. J. (JAINES, wiU, in • I future, practice law in copartnnrsliip. in the Coun ties of .Montgomery. Stanly, .\nson and Moore. ^ They may be addressed either at Troy. N. C., where E. ,1. Gaines resides, or at Norwood's .N. (.’. j Troy, April 7, 18;>9. 4tf I I^AU AOTICi:. rplIE undersigned has removed to Newbern, with the I intention to devoti* hirn«elf wholly to the practice of ^ the law. He will attend the Courts in all of the siir- roanding counties, and will also practice before the Su- i preme Court at Raleigh. D. K. McRAE. | Dec'r 18-58. 7o-Gm LOVERD ELDlilDGE, MIofuefi rtf Vl^ILL attend the Courts ot Johnaton and Sampson TT Counties. Smithfifld, April 1S.'>r.. 06lf .IAS. T. PETTKWAY, Vommission • fierrhfint, And Ai^eiit for OavvsoiiN Lfiie Steamers, Wilmington. N. C, Solicits Consignments of Naval Stores, Cotton. Corn Flour. Also orders lor Groceries. Cotti)n Bagging, Rope, Guano, A:c. \c. UKfKlts TO .lohn L)aW'on, Esij., Wilmington, N. C., Dr. F. J. Hill, “ O. G. Parsley: *• President Commercial Bank, Dr. Thos. H. Wright, President Bank of ('ape Fear, E. P. HaH, Esip, Branch Bank of State of N. C., r. .s. Lutterloh. F’ayetteville, N. C. April lio 8-3m T. V. A: B. U. AVORTH, Commission and roruarding illerchants, ]\EW SPKII^G GOOD8. 41 » A SF» • mfanies Ktfle IS Now REI’KIVING A LAltGE SUPPLY OF DllYCOODS, HATS, SHOES, BO LT I (J C hOT 11 S, -'cc., ('vd ir Fulls Sheeting «nd Yarn at Factory Prices. -Ml of which will be offered P. V W IU> L E S A I. E O R R E T AIL, As low as tlie same quality can l»e had in tiiis State. .March ISO*). y|tf WlLMLVdTOX, N. C. Jan’v 2^. 18;',9 81tf OX ati.i after Monday. L’L'd .lay of Nove;obvr. the Freight Train will run ItEGrLAltl.V between Fay etteville and Mc( leii.'ihan s .'•i.atioii; leavinsr F i'. ctteville every morning at 7 o'cloek aud returning at,l o’clock in the aflernoou of same day. Consignors are requested to send tickets with articles, stating consignee, destination. i:c. W. A. Kl'PER, Chief Eng’r & Sup't. W henever the amount of freight may require, an ex tra Train will leave Fayetteville and return in the afternoon. Nov’r '11. lsr>S. 0.5. RilL R0.1D i\OTIfE! TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. J. R. Rl l.LA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ASIIEBORO’, X. C., ’’ILL attend the Courts of Randolph, Moore, Mont- Davidbon an I Guilfortl, aud promjitlv al- gomery tenil to all busiiie- March 10, lbo'.> entrusted to his care. yG-»>m NEW, rilEAP, .l.ND E.XPEDITIOI S KOITE FOR Freight for the Interior of Worth Carolina, ME1i HANTS anI others about juireha'^ing their Fall and Winter .''U)'[>lie-. are reqiit'ted to noiice. that by tlu* I '):ii|>lctiiiii ot'ili«- North i It;iil 1!' cl Ii im riiarlesi'in. S. to Cheraw, the advatit,avre> of a 'M F. AP and EXPLDIIIOLS Route tri'in the Seatioard ha.' been opened to them. .VH freight consigned to the care of ihe Agent of the Xorth Eastern Rail Road will be f.irwarded FREE OF COMMISSION. Xo charge will be matle for Storaee at «’heraw. .All goods will be taken care of in the ('oinpany's W arehouse until .sent fur. A schedule of charges for transportarion of freight will be found at the Po»t office. S. S. SOLOMON."', Eng'r and Suji't. Aug. LUTrKIiLOirs LINK. ~ •lledlctii ^IToiice^ Dr. II. McSW AIX has l.aken an office on Amlorson .Street, iu the rear ot .Messrs. Ray tn Pearce s Store, where ha can be found by those desiring his professional services. August I' L 1858. 40tf 0 Or. K. A. RL.ACK, FFICE Front Rooms, over Lh-. S. J. 11 insdalw’sChemist and Drug Store. F'eb’y 7, 1850. ygtf 1) J. IVII.M ATI PAGE, TI. D., riTTSBOKonill, N. c. R. PAGE may be found at hi* office when not pro fessionally engaged. May 0, 18.')7. 5tf WM. H. TlRLINttTON, C o III III i w w i o n .TI e r c li a ii t, WILMINGTON, N. C., VITILL give prompt and personal attention to all con- >T signinents of SPIRITS TERPENTINE, ROSIN, T.\H, COTTON. FLOl'R. anil other country produce, either for sale or shijmient. My whart and warehouses being conveniently located for the reception of produce, either >>y Railroad or River, enables me to make charijes liaht. Nov’r 8 tf W. II. ALLEN.] [J. M. CLARK. ALLEN & CLARK, €'oill IIIiMMioII Tlercliants, WILMINGTON, N. C. DEALERS I-\ LIME, PLiSTEK, (EME.VT, H.4IR, Ac. SSaJ^ Agents for Rush i; OrreH’s Line of Steamers.”^ PRf)MPT pen^onal attention given to consignments o Naval Stores, Cotton or other Country Produce, for sale or .'^hij)ment. Jan'y I'.t. lS5y. SeeoHft Spring Stoek\ „ STAUR & WILLIAMS roeeivod aiiJ are now oponuig tiieir secoi'.J 11 supply of !«iEA!SO\ ABLK tiOODiii, Comprising a splendid .selection of the newest styles of I'aiicy and staple Ory liSoodi^, Root!, Wlioex. Hatx$, Hoop .^kirtw, Ready-Jlade t'lotliiii;:. With a large variety of NOTlllNS. to which the atten tion of Wholesale Buyers is invited. STRICT ATTENTION PAID TO OEDEKS. “^jg J. IJ. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. April 9, ISij'.K 4tf SPRIA« STl LES! The Fayal, Everett and Havelock Hats! \LSO, a beautiful assortment of the LATEST STYLl' SOFT H.\TS(high and low crown,) and all (he styles of the most elegant Hats of the season, can now be seen at the Bazaar. A. MclUMMON. March 10 'j7-tf ( EI.ERRATEO NICK WILLIAMS' WHISKEY, VEllV OJ.l), •lust received and for sale by James W. Home, Grocer, and Dealer fn ForfSsi! and Domestic Wines and Liquors. HAY STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. .\pril 28. t-lm Carolina Citjp^ %V. f \ The -Atlantic anl North (’arolina Railroad being now completed to Beaufort Harbor. I have iletcrmined to locate at Carolina City for the )>urpose of doing a Forwarding and General Commission ^IIPRETIE 4 Ol RT REPORT!^. N 1-: W K DI 'r I ( > iN O 1- Oevereiix and BattleN Equity, Vol. I. ^pilE subscribers have just printed ;v 2d Edition of J ihiv volume, (one of the most valuable of the series,) with X'ofes ami References to other adjudged Oases and to the Revised «'ode, by Hon. Win. H. Battle; and with many corrections of typograjihical errors. They have now iu ]>ress tlie 2d volume, also with Judge ISattle’s Notes, which they will publish soon. Their 2d Edition of the 1st volume of Dev. & BatHe'-s Reports, issued l.ast year, has received the appro- baiion of !hc Profession. * Tlioy alrjo republished a 2d Edition of Devereiix's 1st F'i|uiiy I without Notes.) .\nd in addition to these, are the proj'i ietors of the entire editions of most of Iredell's Law and Equity, aud cnn su]>ply any volumes extant of the P,eports, or complete set-i, so far as they can now bo hail. They deal largely in Law Books, and will at all times order works not on their shelves, to supply their cus tomers. K. ,J. H.VLE !l: SON. ' Fayetteville, May 10, 1850. l-iower River and C'rane’fs €Veek Aavijji'atioii €o. t SUB.'^CRIPTION BOOK for the Capital Stock of .rV this (Company can be found, on and after the 2ftth in.-t., at the following places, where subscriptions will be received for the space of thirty days: At the Railroad Office in Fayetteville, in the hands of .John M. Piose. At Monroe's Mills, in the hands of Chris. Monroe. At Johnsenville, in the hands of Duncan Morrison. Other persons will be appointed in Cumberland, Moore and Harnett Counties to canvass for subscrip tions. The books will be closed at the end of 30 days. T. S. LUTTEULOH, A. MURCHISON, CH. .MONROE. For General Com’r.s. May 16, 1859 14- H DE.VTAI,. \OTICE. AVlN(t engaged in another business. I find my time too much taken up to attend to the duties of my prulVssion; un*l )i in every way eompt-tent to pl.-.isc a,'I friend.--, I take great jileasure in recommeniling liiin lo .;// with whom I have tlie slighte?t intluenoe. His prices wiH suit any who arc desirous of having their teeth operated on in a skilful manner. .\nd with my liest wishes for my tuccensor. and this community, 1 withdraw from the tirni, having no fear but that Dr. Scott will give the luost fastidious entire satis- iiiction. D. W. C. BEN BOW. Jany 10, 1859. 78tf WII.I.I AT1 O. TIARA, insiterfor of Stores^ WILMINGTON, N. C., Will pay strict attention to all business entrusted to his care, and solicits .a share of public patronage. Ofllce in Hall's Kulldlii:;, >’o. U{, (up sialrs,) .North \Vati‘r Street. April s, IV.-,s 4-t)mos JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM^" V O TI TI I N I A A X 1) Forwarding .^lerchant, .V. f;. I)' y^n.AMl.R • day and Thiir'^d.iy morning, at l-'i tninutes after ,'un-; ami ^^ilmington Tne-^day and Friday, at o'clock, —earrying pas'Cngers and freiglit. Steamer ‘•SOl’THERNER," with a full complement of Flats, makes one or more trijis per week, as circum stances may require. The accident to the Stean»er “ROWAN” will be re paired in a few days. Shw will then take her place in the line. T. S. LUTTERLOH. Oct’r 4, 1^58. 51-if %FA\ L.1AE. OEATINTRV. R. J. D.W'L'' having decided on perma nently locating in the Town of Fayette ville. respectfully oUer.s his t-ervices to the citizens of this pi,ice and surrounding countrv. In all the various branelic- of his Profession, including the manufacture of .Mineral Teeth, he is sati.-fied, after an exien.'iive experience, to which is added a thorough Den tal e.lucaiion, that lie can give en'ire satisfaction a.« far as i-i in the power of [)entistry. All irregularities of the I'eeili treated iii a proper and cnrefiil manner, as well as disease-^ of the mouth. None l>m the proper nu'tals aro made use of in the various o]'‘ration«. Charges will be nioderaie, that the benefits of the Profe'‘sion may be placed witliin the reach of all who may feel an interest in the pre-ervation of the Teeth. Ofliee over Houston's .Jewelry .'^torc, where he may lie found at all times. -May lU, 1H-5S. \AORTII X I TEEV, Forwarding and (leneral Commission Merchants, Fatfctfct'Hle, .V. C\ (72tf) J. A. Wt)RTH. JOS. UTLRY. R. TI. OR REEL. TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. '^nllOSE send’iig their Spirits Turpentine to ni» may 1 rely iijton it to h.ive prompt ainl careful attention. My warehouses are fronting the wliarves anil near thu river. Sepi’r 1.‘5, 18.‘)8. 45tf B^P ronipt personal attention given to all Consign ments. anil t'a>h ailvances made on Produce to be shipped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12. IH.V). G7tf W UJJWl .1. pkichT ftispvrtor of Stores, n // M/xtrroy, x. r. SktT ilicils the jiatronaire of his country friends and all others engaged in the Tiirpeutine business. >orli \V'ul«a- Nov'r 22, IS'.s. ftl-lyj,d .Tlc-4'AV cV STOW, SriCKSSuHS TO STOW A S.NJABT, IMI-OUTKlfi. .IiilinKKS ,^Mi DK.KLEUS IN Hardware, Cutlery, (inns, Shovels, Xails, Hollow ware, !te. 87 warren ST. NEAR BROADWAY, XJ-JW YORK:. " T. Ti7«A€KETT “ I W ouM be pleased to see his friends at the above House. F'eb’y 2-3, i-3ml mi i- ill i!m IH.VVF^ assijciated with me, in this line, Mr. .John K. Dailey, and will style the firm OR RELL iV D.VILEY. We have purchased the Steamer Soi thkhnkr, and in a few days, will have a New Fiat employed with her. Those fav)ring us with their patronage may rely ujion jironipt despatch, by ajijilying to Mr. Dailey on board, or to me at my otiice. R. .M. ORRELL. .■»!. ORKKI.I,. .March 20, 1S.'’>1 Jons K. I).\II,KY. 8(Ml-lf ..mi;. K l::;l j .tig e.\perience in the trade, and liie general ca; - ' !i lieretol;,re given by all Guanoes sold by me. ■ ' . i Im I.e. t,.- a ;iiarantee that the article now offered •' •il 1"- i repi (• eiifed. I will al^o keep constantiy on '■ 'I'i tiie l)e.~t Peruvian. Mexican and otlier Guanoes, ' ‘I I v.ill sell as low as any house in the city. WM. ROBINSON, Nos. 4 ii 0 IIoi.i.iN;swr)nTii Stkekt, \f((r Pratt St. W/iarf, halti.moke. H'iKINSONS MANIPI’LATED GUAN^> is also ^ -'1 II hit - to suit by the fcdlowing Agents: •I *’ .VEVETT, Alexandria, V;i. •iARKISON & MAIGNE. Norfolk, Va. 1-- H. SKINKER & t’O., Richmond, Va. I llo.MAS BRANCH & SONS, Petersburg, Va. I - \ B. G. W'ORTH, Wilrningtfiij, N. C. M ucii o 03-.'?miid Ua,iSS ^ supjdy of various No’s just received, which Rank orAorlii t'arolina. l)OOK!> of subscription to the Capital Stock of the I) Rank of North Carolina will be opened at tlieOlfico | of the We'itei-u Rail Road Comji.iny. on Wednesday. | .Ajiril 1st. an 1 will be kejit open acconliug to the i>ro- ! vioioii' of the charter for ihe space of -ixiy dav- . .i:o::(iK McNEIll, i U. M.;i., McKAV. ! •iNo. .\i. uos.*:. Coiiiiiii.'sioners. ) Fayetteville. .V. C., Mnirh 20, ]8.'^>'i S'Ml ’ Widows. and the Wiclows of Aolite lo .Soldiers’ rilHF2 Widows of Mexican Soldiers. L iSolilicrs who i>it:u IS skuvk.'k in the war of 1812. can h ' ongres,-i having WATl'llES i JKUELKI, .NEW .\.NU DES1UAHI.E. IIV J A s. T. II o t: 'r o A, sfcrf:fisoR to J. M. BEASij:y. AI.^O, A LOT OF FIXE DOI BLE-DAKKEL (Jl.VS, at rkditei) I'tiTCES. by .JAS. T. HOI S TON. March 1. IHott l‘3tf TINPLATE, Slieei Broil, Iron Wire, ( OOKI\C;i S’roVI> -\\3> Ti\-WAiti:. .Always on hand, at Whole^.ile or Retail. unoFiXf!. (ivrrF.iiixa, And all kinds of Jobbing, done at short notice, by C. W. ANDREWS, Market Square. Fayetteville. .Jiilv 0. 27-tf cun furnish low. D. ii W. McLAURlN. lOvf lave their pensions continued by calling on the umler- j signed, Congres,-i having wade additional provision for ; I them. I Give me the management of your claims, and the ! money shall come at once, or no charge. : JNO. M. ROSE, Agent for Pensions. ; Fayetteville. June 12, 18-18. l^*- Aew Volumes oi Supreme Court Heportf^. JUST published, volume 5 Jones’s Law Reports, and voluiiie y Jones's Equity iteporis, oi" Decisions in the Su]»reiiie Court of North Carolina. For .sale by Feb’y lu 1^. J. ilALE SON. PETER MALLBTT WITH I). (’OLI)EN .MURRAY, GE ERAL C0MIHI33I0N MSROSANT, G2 South Stuekt, XA'ir YORK. July 25*, 1858. 32- T. A. E. iJonNs rKD'r, ~ for Vhirkerinff^H f^ianos. Of which he has always some on hand. Wilniinj{ton, N. C., Oct’r 2, 1858. 61-Iypd MILITARY GOODS, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces, \VU E\ERY DESCRIPTIOX OF MILITARY GOODS, ACCORDIXa TO TUE Latt'nt ( . jS'. Arm^ and iState Reijidatiuns. SCHUYLER, HARTLEY & rxRAHAM, t’IPOKTI^KK & .H.4JVIIFACTLRERS, 19 MAIDEN LANE, „Vctr i'ork. June 30. 24-ly BOOTS ^~SHOEs7 AT WHOLESALE. JNO. M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA, W I T II P. P. fmiAAV & €0., 31 A.ND ."3 Dby Stukkt, Ni;w York, fILLbe happy to see his Southern friends at the aJiove establishment, where, either personally or by O' ler, they may be supplied from an extensive and well p..-aorted Stock of Goods in that line, gotten up expressly for the Southern trade. Nov. 2U, 18o8. t)7-ly. F. M. BIZZELL, (i R 0 C E R A .N D C 0 M I S S10 Ji MERCHANT, No. 20 North Watkr Strekt, W’lL.MINGTON, N. C. I )ROMPT and personal attention given to the reception 1 of all kinds of country produce, either for sale or i=hipm«nt. Orders for groceries frem eash customers will receive ii:imediate attention, free of «omminsions. Nov. 19, 1858. W-ly Chronology of North ( arolinn, from 15H4 to 1858 by D. K. Bennett. Just received. ct. 21. K. .T. HALE & SON. \y Tlie Soiilliern Harnionv, and MUSICAL COMPANION, for sale by April 4 E. J. HALE & SON. and hope by promptness and strict attention to merit patronage and suji;>ort. Being the Agent of .Murray’s Line of First (' Packets to this and Morehead City, every effort will be made lo make this the eheajiest and most expeditious route to New York. Vessels will be loaded and discharged at my Wharf adjoining the Rail road Wharf.) and thereby save cartage and lighterage. Particular attention will be given to all orders, and to the sale and shipment of Produce. WM. B. (JRANT. July 20, 18.)8. :-V2-ly m) FOR JilLE. I OFFER for sale fi40 Acres of L.\N1). l.ving on the West side of Cape Fear Kiver. two miles below I'ay- etteville. ami exteuiling from tiie livi-r ii.e hills. This tract is about equally divided into river- ridge, swamp anil sand-hill Land. About SO aei\*.-, adjoining the river, are under cultivation and are well suited to the growth of Corn and Grass: none of the Swamp has been cleared. There are several good sites for a dwelling house on the sand-hills. .Vny jjerson wishing to purchase will do well to make early appli cation, as I have determined to sell. THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Sept. 8. IS.'jS. 44tf liaiidlii tor IOFF’ER for sale about r.udu Acres of Pine Lands near Fayetteville, containing an ininiense quantity of Mill Timber, and a number of Turpentine Boxc'. and several new tasks may be cut. There is on the |>remi>e'' a fine Dwelling Houc. and all nece^-iary out-lioiies.—Sciip- peruong and Isabella Grajie Vine-;.—intMiyoiing Peach and .\j)j>le Trees of Lindley's best varieties; also, a good F’AR.Nl of about 1-3U acres cleared; and also a GRIST and S.VW MILL; and a tine large .Meadow of about H) acres. The Fayelieville and Coal Fields Rail Road passes through the“o lati'ls about a mile from the Mills. I will sell in parcels to suit ]>urcha-ers. but would jire- fer to sell the whole together. Apply to Thos. S. I4I1I- terloii. Esq.. I’ayeiteville, or the siibscrilier at Pitts- borough, N. (\ J. 11. (!IIToN. Nov. 12. 1>'.57. I'I III' TETIPEE OF ARTS. ONE DOLLAR AND UPWARDS! / 1ALL AT CARVER S GALLERY AT THE HOTEL \J CORNER, where Ambrotypes, Melainotj’pes,Cameo- types, and other styles of Likenesses are taken, which for durability and beauty are unsurpassed. ‘•Of those for whom we fond emotions cherish. Secure tlie shallow ere the substance perish.” Likenesses set in Lockets, Breast-Pins, Bracelets, Finger-Rings, &c. -All who feel the importance of obtaining a life-like memorial of their friends, should avail themselves of this opportunity at their earliest convenience, with the assurance that they shall have a perfect likeness, satis faction in all cases being guarantied. .Mav 12 14- A O TIIAI ST R A TOR’S A OTICE. ^piIE subscriber having obtained special Letters of I Administration upon the estate of Angus Ray, dec'd., will offer for sale, on Tuesday, the 24th inst., at the late residence of the said .\ngus Ray, near Kingsbury, all the perishable estate of the said Ray, consisting of Hogs, Horses. Sheep, Cows and Calves, ('orn. Fodder, Bacon, and Farming Utensils, Household and Kitchen Furniture, &c.. on a credit of six months. At the same time and place, the NEGROES of said estate, consisting of Men. Women, and Children, will be hired out until the 1st day of January, I860. Bonds with approved security will be required. All persons indeVjted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment. JOHN S. RAY, Adm'r. FI RTIIER AOTICE. 4 T the same time will be rented until the 1st of Jan- .1V iiui-v l.‘'i,'i. KOCR PLANT.ATIONS belonging to said estate. Some fine farming Lan-!!-ulretidv planted. JOHN S. RAY,"Adm’r. May 7. 13-ts Why Will You Drink Whiskey? \ITHEN J. II. ROBERTS & CO. keep M. VASSAtt TT & CO'S -\LE, which they receive fresh every week from Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Mav D) 14-2w I I ACKES, i . ^ L Columbia. Alaiiaiiia Eand^ lor Sale. VCKES, in llcTiry i aiiity. .'> miles below on the ('liaitaiiochee river, and 2-j miles below Fort Gaines; S-'iO .acres are cleared—500 acres are river bottom, which will produce from 20 to •”>0 bushels Corn, or from 1.K)(; to 2.-‘)iO pounds of l.'ot- ton to the acre. On the place are all the necessary im- provemenis—Houses for Negroes; good water, and as healthy as any section of Alabanui. For further p;.r- ticulars -apply to me, at .Midvv.iy Ala., or II. .VLLl.'sON and .\. G. JANES, on the premises. Also, l,loO acres Land, near Midway, Barbour coun ty—800 acres cleared—all fresh, having been cleared in the last seven years. This is strong lime Land, and will produce from 20 to 3(» ’oushels Corn, and from 1,0(M) to 2,000 lbs. Cotton per acre. Improvements fine—the Dwelling cost $4,0iX), and is situated on a high sandy ridge, with good water, and every convenience desir able in a country residence. Both of these places are known in Columbus, Ga., where inquiries can be made. I invite those who are purchasing, to examine these places during the coming spring and summer, and judge them bv wliat they .see. ('. A. ROSE, Midway, Barbour county, .\la. March 0 (Sav. Rep.) 0.5-tf Life and l,aborM of* Rev. Daniel Baker, D. D.; The Methoiist. or Incidents and Characters from Life; The Pillar of Fire, by the author of the “Prince of the House of David ’; Mortjing and Night Watches; Chapman’s Sermons, New F’dition; Memoir of Mrs. Shuck, by J. B. Jeter; Testimony of the Rocks; Presbyterian Psalms and Hymns, in velvet, morocco and plain bindings; Baptist Psalmody; The Psalmist: BUdes. velvet, morocco and other bindings. April 23 E. J. HAI.E & SON. Dictionary of* I'oii^reMw, liy Ean- nian; ■ Tressilian and his Friends, by R. Shelton McKenzie: ; “A Thousand Chances to Make Money, by Freedley; I “Mrs. Partington’# Carpet Bag of Fun”; ’ Sylvester Sound; Handy Andy; Flush Times of Alabama; Party Leaders; 1 School Books; &c., &c. Just received. April 23 E. J. HALE & SON. Dr. Kane^jii Arctic Exploration^^, Cloth, Sheep and half Calf Binding. Fiullier supplies just received. Ii. J. H \LE & SON. April 20. The Ilyiiintii and lOixcipline of the Methodist Church. A new supply just r*M;eived. Oot’r 13. E. J.' HALE & SoN. .iii«t Received. BIU.S. EXTRA HEIUUNCJ; 20 Hhds. MOLASSES: 1" P.M-. MULLET and Tl’.OUT. J. H. R0I5ERTS .t CO. 'lay I') H-2w IIA ADS U AATED. niFTEFN ABLE-BODIED STRONG NEGRO MEN I wantol, to work on the track-layini of the Western Rail Hoad. HENHV SAC\DER.«. Ui:ri;r.iM C. I’-. Mallelt, W. A. Kuper, .tno. M. l^o-e. .‘'1,'dtiian iV Horne. M:iy It;. i4-:;t if ape Fear Aavi;;atioii i'oiiipany! ■MtllE ANNCAL MEETING of the Stockholders w*iU j I be iield on FRID.VV, ;;d June next, in the Town I H ill, F;i \'el teville. S. W. TILIJNGHAST, Pres’t. i Nlav 1', 18.->''. liitm FOK SALK Oil RENT. 4 ('ONVENIENT DWELLING HOUSE, onHaymount, near .Mr. J. C. Thomson's. For particulars enquire ol J. ti. SHEPHERD, Es;q., or A. M. CAMPBELL. May 7. Otf ^00 Rblsi. of Herrin;^ IlOR sale, very low, 2K) Bbls Herring. Jiy ' GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO .March 14 96 A Siiffar Hoiiise Syrup. F’EW Bbls. excellent S. H. SYRUP. Also, prim® sii-eet MOLASSES. C. B. COOK. Oct’r 14. G4tf lirI'Ti:!! A\n ( iikksr. JUST received pr Fanny, a few Firkins of v«ry nic« BI TTER, and ‘1~> Boxuii prime CHEESF^ C. B. COOK. Oct, 14, 54-tf The Sociable, or lOOl lloine'A- musements: The Autocrat of the Jireakfast Table; Lec tures of Lola Montes; Chronicles of The Bastile, illus trated; The .Mfigician’s Own B«'olc; Livin- and Loving; Livingstone's Travels: Live and Learn; The Power of Prayer, by Prime; School Books, &c., &c. Further supplies, just received. Jan’y 31 E. J. HALE & SON. Files of* the Observer AA aiited. JE have been applied to fora file of the Observer from its foundation in 1817 to 1854. If any per son or persons can furnish such a file, or any consider able part of it, we will be glad to be informed, with statement of price. E. J. K.\LF> & RON. March 28. Devereux’s Kinnie’s Rlacksfone, reiluced to Questions and .Answers, upon the plan of Kinnie’s Blackstone, one Volume; Drake on Attachment. For sale by E. J. HALE k SON. Horsey ^coiiriii^iT of tbe AVhite ‘What Will He Do With It?” by E. Bulwer Lytlon; Mill’s System of Logic, &c. Als|||;furthcr supplies of School Books. Feb'y 12 .Tu31 receivfttl. E. J. HALE & SON A%>bster’s fy!enientai*v Spellinsr BOOHS ut the FAYETTEVILLJ: BOOK sTOuIl. '

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