riDEl0^O33, I tI)ITIO>, •T'' 'V AD 1 i 1': . I - l.l 1’^ uiiil r li: I’olice b M‘ir 'j'olis. I\ KIUTION, V a'Mitinnal li and A, UdHll. : (y :f, 1 I . il' \V \ u iiS kT i.- thf 1 „ • r-'l Vfvi- li . , : . , . ^ rl' :- •. ,li. ■ . : ■ ■' IFAH (DIB SEMI.WEEKLY. [VOL. MIL] FAYETTEVTTJ.E, N. C., MAY 26, 1859. [NO. 817.] 1-kin KD M(»NHAVS AND THI USDAYS. KD^VARI) j. hale & sox, ri'iTitKs \Ni> pRorniKTous €AROM\A C ITY IIOTKL.. PAKKOTT A' MKWIJOKX, Proprioiors. -• -St ('I alui,,.' Hra:tce. dClU-Il! ,,r ■ '-'I. T.u.;,, = -IVMhU;!!; ,f 1;. .... 1 : ‘ * '■ ill- l\ ! i il.. . ('"U :lii i-- I w, a ■ - . " We a V- in- ■ . .-ur .:»• ;J- u: / itM ' ‘^av in It ■ ■ li, V i-Mi'-.i.-iion- lii;. ;u ‘^ Ui a ■ * ■ ' *r • at ' 1 \\ c:;v.-; ully ! - tifty . i>: i:;. : iC ; -i ■ t ’ li i ■ ^ - V- .u. uie ' .. I- i:i' 1’ - ft r4 T • 1 t'V iu-i' ' ['til':.!-.' \MUi ■■ I- ■i.-veil in -.1. with : -.111- ;; 't »eej>Uig • U]' utluT 1" . sinbiliiy ;--UlVu .'li- \'T 'I THE iMs; mm\. ICI>, O-W. t H Ail , Ki; l-KKl’tl! AL. $1,000,009. k'. III. rVl. 1, :..i' \ AN ■ , M « I V ..w: 12 ..\.l • . ■ .-.'M- J-N'i' -' u Vuf.;* I'.,'-' 4,:o -.1 I.-’’ ■' -7. ■ > 1(1.1' lit.4"'^ " ' i:-;.J 11. j." / P .V 4 '. . ; li; I - I|. .r ; . - ; '70 ■ J I : ; .e'H-vilil', i; J.HAiJ' ve io\i:kv. wl- are a 111^ l*a|»(*i‘, :it ial N‘»tk, L MI-A I). I'lt.-T, , nkti: paim.K"- 1.1 . . . I: CTil'tillll. \TI.- n--ortt''l r Ink , 1 MX U*. ^ •- '!'■ i'* T lau-'jn ’ ntw. il'n L. J, HAL£ & :.c Spmi-'Veeklv Oiisehvkk S3 (R) if paid in , - ii. 'o: T ' •''> if P«i‘i during; he year of subscrip- . ir ?1 the year has expired. . I. W i-klv ( iu>EBVKn SJ 0(» per annum, if paid in ilv:iii‘: if duriug tlie year of sabscrip- ,, (H.I after the year lias expired. VI'VUUTISKMKNTS inserted for >jO cents per t' I'i lines for the first, and 80 cents for each iiii^ I'uMication. Yearly julvertisements by spe- v. t';. at reasonable rates, .\dvertisers are 1 1 -tato the number of insertions desired, or ytui l>e . .'iitiuueJ till forbid, and charged accord- \ Iver: ;>*MneiUs to be inserted inside, charged 50 per SPECIAL NOTICE, from and after this date, no name of a new subscriber , ; ■ enti'n'd without payment in advance, nor will p.tper be lent to ■uch subscribers for a longer time r ;« paid for. SiK'ti I'l’ 'iir ulil subscribers as desire to take the pa- ,r n thi? system will pluase notify us when making i talioe'. .-. v 1. I'*'>8. W. WILLUMS & CO., jWiTK THE ATTENTION OF MERCHANTS AND I !’ vers ^eia-rally to iheir very heavy .Stock of Groc*eriei$ Hardware. • -;-:incr in part of : ‘' Iv .r^ Kio. L'lgvtira and Java Coffee; 7' h!:!'. Sugar; 17 IIhd.-. ikv: iVnl- and Itf-BMs. Mr» Miller * Eagle Mills .u.'l r.unn'? Snuff; ■ : I- >scs and Keg# Soda; •• Tea; •• Starch; I" “ G1h«s. various sizes; « Adamantine and Sperm Candliis; . , • I'is. Western and N. C. Bacon; 4' Baes i'orn; ; ' ‘er. Spice. Ginger, Indigo, Madd*r; Soap, Candy, ic.; ' Ki'gs Nails and Spikes; 1 ■ Doz. Steel and Iron Hoes; Pr. Trace Chains; D iz. Eng. and German Wheat and Oraas Blades: 60 “ .Shovels. Spades and Forks: •5 “ Coffee Mills; 1" Tons and upward Hollow.ware ic Plow Castings; A\' , a full and complete assortment of Hardware and prii -i not enumerated; B’.ack-imith's, Cooper’s and Carpenter'# Tool*; I ' Tons Hoop Iron; A large assortment of*Swedes, American and English Iron; German, Blister and Cast .Steel; Shoe Maker's Material and Shoe Findings; ^>acl«llery; oO Doz. Wagon and Buggy Whips; In addition to our large and well selected stock of ;helf Goods, we have on the way and expect to receive a a few days, direct from the manufacturers in England, r.e heaviest stock of Pocket and Table Cutlery, ‘hears. Scissors, Razors and Files, ever offered in this irket. We shall also import during the year, 100 TONS WEDE.S IRON, various sizes, from IJ to 12 inches; ■■■ns of which we expect to receive about the l.^th of :ne. We shall .\i>D to our stock from time to time, as the 'uie reijuires; will at all times be prepared to offer in- .. .-::ienti- to ('ountry Merchants, paying strict atten- • -rdor'. M tr.’h I'^'.O 05-;’.m ^Pin.S ni;»gniticent Hotel h;ts been enl.-irged to nearly I. double its original size, :in iidditiou of eighty-eight t»‘et having been added on ll.iilroad «trcet, thus pre senting an imposing front iininediately in view of the Atlantic (Iccan. The verand'i of ihi- Hotel (which is three stories high) fronts towards the Ocean two hundred undeiglit- een feot, alVording ;i III l*roiiieiiad(‘. 1 roiii this stand point, the behoMer can scan th>,- ()cean in the Soutli. Hojrue Sound in the .South-w»-st. tlie Har bor with all its shipping, Fort Macon and three Light- Houses in the South-east, affording a raii^.' of > .«►' i: ■% i: ?«i , that is scarcely elsewhere to be met with. The superintendence of this Hotel will be in the hand.s ot .Mr. H. Ell.VMBERT, ;fonnerly of the Fay etteville Hotel.) whose taste ami skill so eminent'lv qualities him lor making all the guests feel as if they were at home. The best servants the country could afford have been secured. Those who stop with us will never be at a loss for Recreation and Entertainment. Our steamboat will make regular trips to Beaufort' the Inlet, the Fort, and often on extra excursions, while our B.\ND OF MUSIC will be ever “discoursing sweet . sounds' to the ears of those who shall favor us with their company. Our BAH will furnish choice liquors of all kinds; our BILLl.VRD U(H)M is in good order, and our BOWL ING ALLEY will be constantly open for the entertain ment of those who have a taste for these healthful ex ercises; an.l our RE.VDING KO(.»M will contain tiles of the best newspapers, magazines, and periodicals pub lished. The sick will tind our R \ T III ^ €i II » 1'X r:*« a matter of great comfort and a help to better health. We feel a-‘ured that in every respect we can give entire satisfaction; we shall, at least, sjtare no pains to do our whole duty, that all our guests may rcceive all possible attenti.tn. T.VKE NoTli'E! .Vs the tr.iin arrives after dark each evening, persons going to Beaufnit will do well to stop over night at (’arolina City, as they can be con veyed. wherever they wish to go. the next day. in a steamboat or sail-bnats. and thus be saved the trouble , of a disagreeable night trip aci 'i-s the water. TKKMS: jf'J a Day; Sl‘2 a Week: So'i a Month. i'AKHOTT .V MEWBORN. Carolina City, May 5. l'2-‘_’m FAVKTTKVII.LE .mHAL L\SIRA\(E fOMPAM. ASSETS $254,618.62. ^pHI.S Company lia- bfpn in oi'eration more than six X years, and ha^ paid it- five L>s;es. amounting to i28,5;24.87 without any assessment; insurMkce averag ing its members about ^ p>*rcenf. .'.mount of property now insured. cf 1.003,4'.'U.01 Amount premium notes now on hand, :247,7;?8.0S Directoks. The f'ftrrias^e Farlortf in the Sot9tUi A. A. >fcKi7riIA.\ 1^ l.SPI-.CTFl'LLV informs his frietids and the public. V tiiat he has built up large substantial Brick Builil- ings ut his (Jld Stanil, expro'-sly for manufacturing Car riages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage lie has received for the last 'J1 years, he hopes )>y strict atten tion to busines-j, with a desire to gi'-e satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the l»-st material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the Imsiness. His work will comjtare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as goo«l terms as any work done elsewhere (hat is as well done. He now has on hand, finished, THE LARGEST .STOCK OF Carriages, Barouches, Kockatvays and ever offered in this i>lace, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, whieli will be finishetl daily. All of which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual cii'tomers. fisaiJ^He has on hand mcn'e than ONE HUNDRED AM) FIFTY VEHICLES finished and in coui-se of con-itnictioii. 6ti)f“.Ml work made by him is warn:nted I'J months with lair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material, will )x‘ r«»paired free of charge. Persons wishing to >iuy would do well to call and ex amine for themselves. Orders thankfully received atid protiijitly attended to- Rejiairing executed at short notice and on very reason able terms. May l’s, lN);i. 89-tf FRESH arrival: Seeoiid Stork Spring and Summer Goods* J . A . P K M n E R T O N TS now receiving his second stock of Spring and Sum mer Goods, embracing all the AEWENT STYl.KS. Sucii as Summer Sitks, fmreiuttiiiies, fPr- ffHiifties, /IV., A\ith a great variety- of new style goods for Travel MPresses an ft MPusters. .\lso a complete assortment of .Tloiiriiin^' Mfrenf* €m00dm. \ large and varied assortment of SILK AND LACE MANTLES, CHANTILLY L.U’E POINTS. BL K AND WHITE BERAGE MANTLES, STELLA SHAWLS, .vc. A few of those splendid FrencJi E.MBROlDERED AND LACE SETS, COLLARS AND SLEEVES. Douglas & Sherwood's NEW STYLE CORSETTS, (with Bustle and .Skirt-Supporter attached.) A great variety of NF^W .STYLE HOOP SKIRTS, &c., &c. im FOR mt (OFFER for sale t)40 Acres of L.VND, lying on the West side of 'ape Fear Kiver, two miles below Fay etteville, and extending from the river into the sand hills. This tract is about equally divided into river- ridge, swamp ami sand-hill Land. About 80 acres, adjoining the river, are under cultivation and are well i .\rrives daily, except Sunday, at A. M Post Office, Fayetteville, ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF THE MAILS. RALEIGH. Arrives daily at M. Closes 3 P. M. WARSA>V. suited to the growth of Corn and Grass; none of the Swamji has been cleared. There are several good sites for a dwelling house on the saii'l hills. Any person wi'ijiing to purchase will do well to make early appli cation, as I have determined to sell. THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Sept. 8, 1858. 44tf M. Closes “ “ Saturday, at H P. M. SALEM. .Arrives Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7i A. Closes Monday, “ “ “ “ Hi “ FAIR BLUFF. ■Vrrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7^ A. M. Closes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, t ^ P. M. CHER AW. -Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 1 A. M. Closes .Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, at J P. M. ROBESON S via ELIZABETHTOWN. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 5 P. M. Close.*^ Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at A. M. BARCLAYSVILLE via SUMMERVILLE. In the above stock may be found a great many new and desirable styles, just out. The public generally are invited to call early and examine for themselves. J. A. PEMBERTON. April 19, 1859 7- VEW STOCK Of Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware. K. G 1. () V K II Lantl^ii t*or Sale. I OFFER for sale about tiUOtl Acres of Pine Lands near Fayetteville, containing an iuiinense quantity of .Mill Timber, und a number of Ttirpentine Boxes, and several new tasks may be cut. There is on the premises a fine Dwelling House, and all necessary out-houses,—Scup- peruong ami Isabella Grape Vines,—lOlXt young Peach ; . , ,,, , , j r. -j . q o Ltid Apple Trees of Lindley’s best varieties; also, a good i .Arrives Monday. Wednesday and Fv.day, at 8 P^ FARM of about loO acres cleared: and also a GRIST I ‘Closes Tuesday, Ihursday and Saturday, at 5J A. M and S.\W MI1..L: and a tine large Meadow of about 140 ■ SW'IFT ISLAND Via MJjsTROSE. acres. The Fayetteville and Coal Fields Rail Road ' Arrives Monday, at 5 P. M. passes through these lauds about a mile from the Mills. 1 Closes Tuesday, at A. M. ' I will sell in parcels to suit purchasers, but would pre- } SWIFT ISL.AND via TROY. fer to sell the whole together. Apply to Thos. S. Lut- 1 Arrives Tuesday, at 5 P. M. I terloh, Es(i., Fayetteville, or the subscriber at Pitts-' I borough, N. C. J. II. HACQHTON. Nov. 12, 1857. 60tf Closes Wednesday, at 5^ A. M. MAGNOLIA. Arrives Tuesday, at 2 P. M. Closes “ “ 2 “ EL1ZABETHT0>VN via TEREBINTHE. AS returiiet) from the North with a large Stock of (ioods in his line, con sisting of Watches of all kinds ami prices, from ?8 to Sl'jtt; Gold Chains of all kinds and prices; Breast-Pins. Ear- I’ings and Bracelets, a large slock; (ndd Lockets, Fin ger Rings; Gold Pens and Pencils: Silver .Spoons of all kinds; a fine lot Silver ('up>. Plated (Castors and Candle Slicks. Cake Baskets; Clocks. Military Goods and every thing usually kept in a .lewelry Store, which he is pre- p.'ired to sell on reasonable terms. His friends and the pulilic are invited to call and examine. March 8. 1859 P5-3m Geo. McNeill, D. A. Ray, H. L. Myrover. S. W. Tillinghast. Henry Lilly, N. .A. Stedman, .S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, W'm. McLaurin. S. T. Hawley, W. N. Tillinghast, A. -A. M' Kethan, J. D. William*!, Jas G. (.'ixik. A. W. .Steel, Jas. Kyle. Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, Wilmington. Fiiie'it Family Groceries for 1859. ACKfilR NiKKRALL 4 CO.. \o. 13d C'haniber Street, Corner of College Place, ■'{ posite Hudson River Rail Road Station,) NEW YORK. ‘ 'RS IN FINKST WINE.S, FINEST BR.VNDIES, FINEST SEGARS, FI.S'EST TE.VS, i FINEST COFFEES. i FINEST SUGARS, j FINEST BUTTER, FINEST HAM.«!, FINEST TONGUES, and F^^•E.ST I FAMILY ' GROCERIES, “!verT description, put up for Shipment to all parts of •;.» W.-irld. ■ iu-'igues will be furnished upon application. j March 9y-3m | Hardware^ Cutlery, SAIIDLEKY, &c. TAME') .MARTINE is now receiving a large and gene- •j rai assortment of every thing in the above line. —ALSO— A priine article of Rio, Laguira and Java COFFEE "1 and Brown .SUGAR; Sugar Hou.se SIRUP and wiiich is offered on as good terms as can be had ■■ 'f-i- ::-irket. N''v r _'}. COtf '>r»VKS SlIEKT IKO.\, Ti>-WAKE, &c. Ij ■!'%!•, a larg.* a-uijrtment of Box and Cooking • Tiii-wure: Sheet-Iron: Lead Pipe. Also 1/if -OW itominton Coffee Pot."''' • -hy .jAMES MARTINE. N'ATUf. 66tf A. E. Hall, Wilmington Officeus: i GEO. McNElLL, President. I D. A. RAY. \'ice President. C. A. McMlLL.VN. t^ecretary. John Collins and C. (J. .McCnimmen. Travelling .\gents. jJtS^The Company invite applications. .May 19, IS'/,.. DiY Ral. Standard copy one year. THE >ORTH t AROLI.\A Min AL LIFE IXSrUAXt E COMI’AXV, 'OW in the tenth year of succes>l'ul i.iporation, with growing capital and fu tuer hold u]"iii public con- r. iencc. contiiiUf- to insure the live- of ,iLl luvilthy piT- I ins from 14 to 'iO ye irs of' tor :>nc yt nr. f'U' '“vi'ti years, and for life—all life mtriiil/ci-- Ji.iring in the pnifits. All slaves from 10 to *)•> year- of age are insured for one year or for five years for two-third-; their value. All losses are punctually paid within 9'» days after satisfactory proof is [ire-^ented. For further information the public is referretl to.Xgents of the Company in all parts of the .State, and to R. H. BATTLE, .Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. H.\LE, Agent at Jan’y 1859. Fayette\ illc, N. C. WM. CARTBlt & SON, \Vliole>ale 1 Kt*lall Dealers and .Manuraoturori i)l ALL KlN'Dii OF tj€athei\ SathUeti and Harness, Ot every description. Collar-, Whips, i:c. \ND we also particularly call the attention of the whole surriunding country to give us a call, as we are de termined that ni'ue shall ^urpa-s us in quality or low prices; and we will give the highest ca-^h price at all times for Raw Hides and Tallow, in exchange for our articles. Country Merchants would do well to call and exa;nine our Stock, as we can sell them Shoes of a much better quality than the\ usually get, on verj- accommodating terms. Southern Planters would do well to send us all ^ their orders a> we are making a No. 1 article of NEGRO .''HOEs, that are warranted to give entire satisfaction. N. B. .\11 Onlers from a distance shall have prompt attention. ^ S. S. CARTER. WM. CARTER. ' Goldston P. O., Chatliam Co., N. C., 1 ' March 15, { Ice Cream! lee Cream!!! ^PHE subscriber having lately refitted his ICE CREAM 1 .“^ALOO-N, at the .Sheiuwi-ll House, will be pleased to serve tlie Ladies anil Gentlemen of Fayetteville and vicinity, on and after the iJ7th in^t. The .Saloon will tie opened at o'ch^ck, A. M., and kept open until 10 P. M. P. SHEMWELL. April lI5 lh'.9. >Stf Ur. FKANK WILLIAMS’S RYE WHISKEY. .MITCHELL has made an-angements with Lr. Frank Williams, to t.e constantly «upplied with his celebrated RYE W HISKEY, which can tie hud at his .Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Oct'r 11, IboS. 53-tf I Alabama Eandw lor ^ale. 1 1 3 miles below j Monday, at 7 P. M. ^ L.O U Columbia on the Chattahochee nver, and Tuesday, at 5^ A. M. ! 2-> miles below lort Gaines; 8o0 acres are cleared—600 | •' pjr, * i.pr I acres are river bottom, which will ytroduce from 20 to 1 . ™ i PHIL.^UhLt HLo. 50 bushels Corn, or f rom 1,MR) to 2,5O0 pounds of Cot- ! Arrives Tuesday, at 1 A. M. ton to the acre. On the place are all the necessary im- 1 Closes Sunday, at .J P. .M. ])rovemeuts—Houses for Negroes; good water, and as | J. E. BRYAN, P. M. healthy as any section of Alabama. For further par- | March 31, 1859. : ticulars apply to me. at Midway Ala., or R. ALLISON j and A. G. JANES, on the premises. Favetteville Fcmalc High School. , Also, 1,100 acres Land, near Midway. Barbour coun- ' ® ; ty—8J0 acres cleared—all fresh, having been cleared ^HE Examination Exercises will commence on Tues in the last seven years. This is strong lime Land, and : L day, July 5th, at 3 o clock, ' will produce from to 30 bushels Corn, and from 1,000 ; to ^.O^tO lbs. Cotton per acre. Improvements fine—the I Dwelling cost S4,tMM), and is situated on a high sandy ; ridge, with good water, and every convenience desir- j able in a country residence. Both of these places are known in Columbus, Ga., where intjuiries can be made. 1 invite those who are purchasing, to examine these places during the coming ' spring and .summer, and judge them by v.'hat they see. : ' (’. A. ROSE, at 3 o’clock, P. M. The Annual Sermon will be preached at night, by Rev. A. Weaver. Robert P. Dick. Esij.. of Greensborough, will deliver the Literary Address on W^ednesday evening. On Thursday, at 10 o’clock, A. M., the Graduating Exercises will take place. In the evening, there will be a Concert of vocal and instrumental music. WM. K. BLAKE, PrincipaL May 21 WtJ5 March Midway. Barbour county, Ala. (Sav. R«p.) 95-tf .\LK. R. Tiiriieiitiiie llacker«, ^craperw, Piillei* and llipper^, VLL of the first ipiality, can be had at M. A. B.AKER'S GI N .''Ht>l’, Fayetteville. N. Jan’v 15, 1858. 80tf y*5- X O. IIOIXTO.V II'^OULD infi)rm his friends and former customers that \\ he may be found doors belnw the Cape Fear Bank, and 3 door- abnve hi- old -tand -mith side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand, Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing l»eli ngin^ to hi> trade. He re-pectfullv invites hi' fiietid* from the countiy to call and examine his stock >ie;ore purcli-ising. He will attend to Repairing of Harness and Saddles putictilully. and his charges >iiall tie moderate. He would reiiuest all indebted to the firm of HOUSTON \ o\'Ei{BV to settle witli W. (Jverby or himself, as they are compelleil to settle the firm's detjts. .August 27, 185'. tf s I*%IVT«, OIES, &c. r'F.n\i Refined, Lard, Linseed and Tanners’ OIL; ■ Lpu1; Burning Fluid; Putty; W'inlow Glass ' ■ ^ ' ' 'ill sizes. —ALSO— ‘‘ ' T ply of POND’S PAIN DESTROYER. .!p hv JAMES MARTINE. 'i-JJ.l‘'5K 6»)tf Presh mlrrivfiis. • ived pr Steamer Fanny, ■ V Extra No. 1 MACKEREL (for retailing,) do. “ 1 do. do. “ 1 do. - Mi;>S SHAD; I'-i"- CHKESE; ' > NVw Hulled BUCKW’HEAT FLOUR; Miiiicet Beef; Mess Pork; Gosjhen Butter, Pocket ^ if‘t: t.'offee; Molasses; and every thing in the ATf.A\TIC .ni Tl AL Fire and Marine Insurance (Ompany, CAROLINA CITV, NORTH (’ARHJXA. Incorporated bjj mi A' t vj the Liyisldture »J 2\o rth (Ji Tolill (I. rpHIS COMPANY being duly organizel, is now pre- A pared to receive applications for insurance upon Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, Mills, Manu factories, Ships and their Cargoes, And most kinds of property, at remunerative rates of premium. It is aimed in the organization of this Company, to make a safe medium for Indemnity and Protection to the assured in cas« of Loss. .An honorable and upright course of dealing, and a faithful fulfillment of its con tracts, will at all times characterize the business of the Company. Applications for Insurance may be maile at the office of the Company, or to its authorized .\gents. DIRECTORS. John -A Parrott, Levi T Oglesby, I W B Grant, j David S Jones, Geo W Dill, Col Thos J Blakely, Luke Blackman, OFFICERS John .A Parrott, I Levi T t)glesby, W S Long, E -A Thompson, A B Chapin, W B Grant, "I , W S Long, I EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. I Davi.l W Bell. ) March 12. Notice to Turpentine Distillers and others. I .AM fully prepared to make or rejiair TURPENTINE .STILLS, or do any thing in the Copper or Sheet Iron work, at the shortest notice. M. .V. U.VKKR. Fayetteville, .lan'y 24, If'-'j!'. 82tf To Rail Koad €'ontrartorsI JUST RECEIVED too AVIIEELB.\KKOW^, , light and strong, for the Itail Road. For sale t>v D. \ W. McLAUklN. i March 29, lH.'>9. btKJtf i PIow>*>I Plow^II Plows!!! - iNO. t. P[.( »WS: 50 No. 10 l’loW>^; 50 No. 11 •• 25 No. 5h 25 No. f.O •• Points. Bars and Mould Boards to suit. For sale by ('. E. LEETE. Jan'y 12 79- Kiitter. 'liee«»e and Ci*acker«. I / V FIRKINS Goshen Butter; 25 I’.iixes .'^tate ('liee-e: COUPON BONDS FOll rpHE Western Rail Road (Jom|i«ny have for xale in J A amounts to suit purchasers. ‘ 820,000 ul’the Coupon Bonds oI‘the (,’ounty of , Cumberland, liearing 7 per cent, interest, payable semi- • annually on the 1st June and 1st of December, and run ning 20 years. ; 89>,00O of the Coupon Bonds of the Town ol i Fayetteville, bearing ti j»er cent, interest, payable semi- I annually on the 1st Januaiy and the 1st of July, and j running 20 years. | These t>onds were issued in accordance with law to i the Western Rail Road Co., to pay the County and Town ; subscriptions respectively. | Persons having money will tind these bonds (at the ; price the Co. is selling them) a Vjetter investment than ; any Bank Stock in the .State. For terms applv to C. B. M.ALLETT, Es()., Pres't, or ] to ' JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r Western R. R. Co. FnycttcvilK-, Fcb'y 1?C, 1R5,^. i 89tf I THE EIVEIS I lAVKiOliATOU! ' PKKl’AKKD HY UK SV.NK()KI>. ( ompoiinded entirely from IS O.NK OF rUF. BKST ATIVK AND I.n KK ML i l>iriNKS now b«fore the public, th»i act«» a . easier. miMer, and moreetfectuftl thmi any utber m^diciite ku-’W i. , It u not only a f'ufhnrttr, but a Lir^r renie«ly. actii.*r on i>i«* to eject it» morbid ruatttfr, th«!i on th,« hi.i1 b-»* «!' to carrr off that matter, thus acoomplis>hin*r two efTc* ally, withont any of the i*ainful ft*t*lin>r» ex»»^rifnrcti in the lioiik of most ('^httrtir9. It utrenfftheiiH ihe ►yMein h: tl.e *-h. lime tUat it purist's it; and when takeu daily iu mo»le;Hie c. i wjJl BtrenKtb«n and build ft up w^ith jDu»nal rap’diiy. .\E\v briihi;e conPAifY. I^HE STOCKHOLDERS iu the NEW BRIDGE .CO. will meet iu the Town of Fayetteville, at the OflBce of Mr. .John P. McLean, (near the C. F. Bank,) on Tuesday 31st inst., 11 o’clock, for the purpo.se of or ganizing the ('ompanv, .^’c. May 23. * 10-tt BOOK-BINDING IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. Small jobii when done must be paid before delivered. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street. May 14, 1859. 14-ly Eiicoiii*a};'e Home .^laniiracture. 1HAVE this day received and will keep constantly on haiiil. a supply of fresh BUTTER, SOD.A and other CRACKERS, manufactured in Newbern. They are su perior to those of Northern manufacture. MRS. M. B.ANKS, Green Street. May 18 15-2w ;yoo For ^alc. CA3Ka UNatAKEX* LTME; lOf) do. Rosendale Cement; 30 Bbls. Mess and Prime Pork; 10 “ “ Beef; 5 Kegs superior Butter. Persons in want of Lime or Cement will save money bv calling on T. S. LUTTERLOH. ' Mav 2:’., 1859. 16-3w William S Long, David W Bell, -A B (Jhapin, S.iiiiuel Led'ers, J«)el I! Davis, D A H.argett. E -Mallett. Preiiiilent, Vice President, Treasurer, Attorney, Secretary. .1. \V. KAKEK Ls now receivinr from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of Fi K.ni’ri Ki: ever offered I si this market; which a«lded to his own manufacture, makes his assortmeut complete;— all of which he will sell on the lowest [lossible terms for cash or ou time to punctual cu.«foniers. F.ashionable painted (.-ott.ige bed-room Furniture in sett-'; curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattresses; Looking (Jlas^es; Willow Wagons and ('radles; Si>le Boards; Bureaus; Secret.aries and Book-Cases: What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices: Curtain Bands: .Sofas in Mahogony and Wal nut; Tete a Teles; Ottomans; Divans and .Stools; Chairs of every variety. « Fine Kosewot^d Pianos, one 'Aitb ..Eolian at tachment; Ro“ewood MelodiaU'', from the best manufac tories in New York and lJo>‘ti>n. warranteil as good :is any maile in the cotintrv. and will be soM at New York prices—freight only added. September 2. 45tf .Marble Factory, \ejfi‘oe«! Ae^jroe?*!! Wauled. GiENTLEMEN, your old customer is yet in market for C Likely Negroes, for which I am determined to pay tlie HIghes (ash Prices. such for s lie would do well to give Persons havin^ me a call, or address me at linton, ( . All orders promiitly attended to. J. A. .McARTHUR. Clinton, X. C., .March G, lH-59. '.l5-lyri.d r. VCLtKlI, TWO DOORS ^BOVR T. HIKJIF SdVS* STflRi Fayelteville, >• V. Jnn’v 20. 1 9;',9 'U vpd Mfissoliifion of :opartnership. rPHE Copartnership of W.M. F. HORD A: CO. has this I ilay been ilissolved by mutual consent Mr. E. K. Webster having transferred his in-ierest (o Wm. F. Hord who will seitle and collect all debts due or coming to said Firm. In presence of JOll.V BA RCL.W . A'olice.—A'es»*«t*» Wanted. riV) the farmers and cilizens of tiie Counties ot Du(din, Wayne, Johu.-^’on, Harnett, .Moore, Cuinbeiland, Robeson, Bladen, Colambu.s, Brunswick, New Hanover, and Sampson: Xhe subscriber being desirous of purchasing a number ij iiue; which I will Bell cheap for CASH or ex- | of ijkely young Negroes, of all classes and descriptions, fvr cuntry Produce. ! avails himself of this method of informing those who W. C. TROY I jnav have such property to dispose of, that they would Superintendent on my K. K lH5b. CO-tf , do well to visit me at home, or addiess me at Clinton, ' ! \ C for which they shall rcceive a visit. -A word to B.\CON. i the wise is sufficient, as it is well understood that I pay (’^OICE North CaroUna BACON, Also. Western Sides ' exceeding high prices. pvfrptt pftPRSON Shoulders, 1 „ LA LRETT PEI bKfeO-N. Oct 14._o4-,^ c B. COOK. 1 Feb’y 14, 1869 10 Bbls. >(ida and Ibiiter Crackers. Just received by C. E. LEETE. Jan'y 12 79- iiill Aet and Meine Twine. LPiS. tJill Net Twine; 190 lbs. ,'>eiiie Just received bv C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 ' 79- liife a nil lial>or ol* Rev. Daniel P>aker, D. 1).: The Methodist, or Incidents and Characters f'rom Life; The Pillar of Fire, t)y the author of the "Prince of the House id' David"; Morning and Night Watches; Chapman's .Sermons, New Edition; Memoir of Mrs. Shuck, by J. B. Jeter; Testimony (d'the Rocks; Prest>ytcrian Psalms and Hymns, iu velvet, morocco and jilain bindings; Bajiiist Psalmocjy; The Psalmist; Billies, velvet, morocco and other bindings. April 2'! E. J. H.VLE & SON. Oictioiiar\ of Congre»K, tiy Ean- man; Tressilian and his Friends, by R. Shelton McKenzie; '•.V Timusand Chunces to .Make Money," by Freedley; ••^ir=. Partington's Carpet Bag of Fun"; Sylvester .Sound; Handy .Andy; Fiu-^ii Times ot .Alabama; Party Leaders; School Books; \c., &c. Just received. ,\pril 2:i E. J. HALE & SON. I J^TATIOAERY. ! lu ad'liiion to niir present stock we are receiving t*10 Reaiii!^ Paper, ! r-t.l.i-acing cvcrv variety of : CU*. LiiTTER. i BATH LI TTER. COMMERCIAL NOTE. BILL HEAD, i FOLIO POST, 1 and NOTE P.U’ERS. I r,:i ,\|. E WE!,OPES, of every description. I 1 c.ise English and .American SL.ATES. assorted sizes. I lii'i ;ri(i-.s STSEL I’ENS; Pen-holder>; School Ink-Stands; VlsrTlN'tJ CARDS; BLANK BOOKS, ic. E. J. HALE & SON. rel.'v ’.2 0 as o m > princi;kai rci^uiHtors of iL* pertomjt its fUi.cti-'^i h w*U fully dtreloped. 1 lie h on the heal’.by ar;i*.ji i*f x!.« ancd uf iuruiictioiit. art at fault, ar.d th^ wh« !« of on® orjran—th« For the d:»eaaeii ul ihat or- ban toa'lA it his htudy, it. a yeai't, to find ftotne letueu^ many d«*raiigr«*ment» to ' birh at lafst round, any ptrrnoii tron plaint, it> any ot it* furti^h. coiivictiuti tH certain, morbid or bai n.atter f:om place a healthy r.'>w uf bile. CAUJting tood to dieest well, g:lTinK tone and health to the the cauM of the dis«aft«^ The L«£irer i* on« of ih« human body ; and when It ih« pow«r» of the sy^em are id aImo»t entirely dvpendvnt Licrr for the proper perform- »iA>iuach if at fault, tbeboweis ■> ^tem «u9«r« is conaeqnence barin(( cttaaed to do iu duty, fi^an, one of the proprietors practice of mure than twenty wherewith to counteract the it is liable. To prove that thli remedy it bled with I.iver Com- ban bnt to try a bottle, and Thetie iiuraa r^iuore all the ityhtem. tupblyii;^ in their inviic^trHtini' the litoDiarh. piti’Ifyliie tlie blood, whole machinery, reiuoriug effecting a radical cure. Btlloilfl attAckft Are better, prevent*l, by Lilver 111vl|;orator. Ouedo^e after eating >• «uf- , and prevent the food from Only one doi^ taken before mare. JC Only one done taken at gently, and cnre« Cos- One do6« tAkeii after eacb |il| 9^^ One do^e of two tea- 81ck Heaclactie. 1 One bottle taken for fe cauxe of the diaeane, and Onlyoue dose immetliately One done often repeated in Morbus, and a praveQtive i Only one bottle in' •ytuero the effects of niedi- *49^ One bottle taken for lowoess or tmnatural color' One dofle taken a »hort ^3 Kor to the appetite, and make^ One dose often repeated: rbuea iti its worst form». iMB Bowel complaints yield One or two doses cores at- Chlldren: ther« it no surer, the world, as it never /aiU. JQif A few bottles cures; absorbents. ' . We take pleastire in recom . mending this medioin« as n preventive ior P^Tfir and i Aijuo, Clilll Ke vc r, and all Fevers of a Bll-i lous Tyin*. It operaio- with certainty, and thouMiuds ’ are willii’g t«> Testify Ui itn wonderful virtues. ■ i All who use It are kIvIii^^ (heir unanlmotK testimony In its favor. Ji^Mlz Water In the mouth with the IiitI- gorator« and swallow b»th together, THE LIVER INVIGORATOR tS A SOIK.NTiriC JtEDIt'AI. DIfiCoVKKV, «i:d i> d»t working cures, almost too gteat to l^lieve. U curea a* i* h> mHgic, frrn tht jirMt dcn>t giving and seldom tha. one bottle is reiiuired to cure any kind of l,«lver ' niphijn; from the worst Jaundice or * common h11 of which are the result of a Oiiienited l«lver* PKICt ONS DOLLAR PKK BOTTLE. r>r. SAXK»Ki), Proprietor. Butailway, New York Retailed by all I>rn|fjriK«». Sttf t ty JAS. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSDALE, ficient to relieve the stomach ribing and sourinir. retiring, prevents night, loosens the bowels tlveiie«». tueal will cure i>y spepftla Spoonfuls will always relieve male obstruction remove* the makes a perfect cure, relieves Cholic, while a snre cure for Cholera of Cholera. ! seeded to throw out of the cine after a long sickne>s. •f auiKllee removes all sal ; from the skin, time before eating ^ivcs v* food digest well, cures Chr«>iilc IMai*- while Summer ard almost tu the Qr»t dohe. ‘ tacks caused by'W^orma hi -safer, or speedier remedy in l>ropsy, by exciting the PIRE lA^VORS. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Finest qualities, for sale by .i A >ie:% w. iiOK.'VE. Orders will receive j>rompt attention. Mav 17 16-lm Apple Brandy. ^FTHE BI2ST in the market—better than any Nash X Brandy in Favetteville—iust receiveil and for sale by ■ ” J. W. HORNE. Mav 17 15-2w N (liiiano! (liiiano!! 0. 1 PERl’VlAN, just received and for sale by E. May 28 HERRING. TEST received and in fine order, by .1 K Mav 2:i F. .MOORE. 16-lm F. MOORE. 16-lm BACOX. Y LARGE lot daily expected by Nov'r 11. Fayetteville, N. C. 62-ly TAKElf I P, 'Sew Volnnie»( ot Siipreiiie Court Reports. JL ST published, volume o .Jones’s Law Reports, and volume ^ Jones's Eipiity Reports, of Decisions in I the Supreme Court of North Carolina. For sale by I Feb'v 111 E. J. HALE .S; SON. 1 - - Devereux’x Kinnie^ Black>ilone, ■ reduced to ljuestions and .Vnswers, ujHin the plan of j Kinnie's Pdackstone, one Volume; Drake on .Attachment. I For sale by E. J. HALE & SON. I Dr. Kane’M Arctic ExploraflonM, W'M. F. HO HD. E. R, WEB.STER. MR. E. R. WEBSTER will be retained as maniiiring works. W.M. F. HORD. May 9, 1859 12-lm The Bynins and Discipline ot the Metliodist Church A new supply just received. Oct’r 13. E- j* HALE & SON. \ KEN up and committed to the Jail of J^^mberla^ , half Calf Binding. Fu-ther supplies ( ountv >Ti the loth in-t., a NE(iRt) nOl, named ^ May 23 E. F. MOORE. Hi-lm Lard and Butter. N store and for sale by E. F. MOORE. Mav 23 16-lm E. F. MOORE’S. Ifi-lm Li.nE. May 23 _ .Hacaulay’f* Lives ot'Pitt anil Fred erick the Great; Border war, bv the author of Wild Western Scenes; HOURS WITH MY PUPILS. by Mrs. Lincoln Phelps; THEISM AND SKEPTICISM, bv Wharton; THE CONVAi-ESCENT, by N P. Willis; NEW P.ATENT SER.MtJNS and .Machine Poetry, by Dow, Jun'r; THE CULPRIT FAY. by Joseph Rodman Drake; INDI.A RUBBER PENS. Thermometers, Card Pencils, &c., &c. Just i-eceived. E. J. HALE & SON. May 18 C.'olton^!i( .fountain Scenery. ^ FURTHER supply just received. E. J. HALE & SON, .May 10. errand Jt»HN BRACE or JOHN FRANKLIN, who says he is j ' E. J. HALE & SON. fret^, and tliat h» came from Columbia, S. C. John is snirtll, a briirht mulatto, and had on when taken up a white wool hat and steel-mixed frock coat and pants. The owner of said Nc?ro is notified to come forward, prove property, jmy charges, and take him aw«y, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. GEO. L M.KAY, Jailer. Oct’r 15, 185b. 55- .April 24. Further Supplies ot* Books. rpHE AMERICAN ALMAN.AC for 1859; F.VTHER .VNl) D.AUGIITER, by Miss Bremer; “WHAT WILL HE DO WITH‘iT,” by Bulwer; SCHOOL BOOKS, &c., &c. March 7 E. J. HALE & SON. Royal Arch Chapter ol Itorth Carolina. ~ H Regular Annual Convoca- L tion ol this Body will be held in Wilminpton, on Monday the sixth day of June next. Subor- dinute Ciiapters are reiuested to be punctual in sending their re presentatives and returns, blanks for which were sent by maillast THOS. B, CARR, Grand Hec’y. May 3. 11-tm iSicourlng; ot the White Horse; “What Will He Do With If'” by E. Balwer Lytton; Mill’s System of Logic, &c. Also, further supplies of School Books. Just received. Feb’v 12 E. J. HALE SO?^ t^Tlie Southern Harmony, and MUSICAL COMPANION, for sale by April 4 E. J. HALE & SON.

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