i:i*«RTs. (I i quiJJ, Vol. I. - u of ■ t till' 'tM'ies 11 ;inl wilh ,T wit;, II put :vi, ♦,,|| '■!v- 1 tli= aj'pro. mm m ; n -■ '? InMleir.. • - **xt»ini „f i\ 1 --n n .H- HUd M ut ill tiiuo. o - ttl.. 1- . II ■ i: .V .-Siix fi»9rr. 11:. - ' -'‘t ;m- the ** d. 1 iii... sue. '-tnreof ! • • ‘'-■'•r. Its \u \. . ' X. : , a _ «»■- - ' y in- r» ; - I he.,^ t^v. ; • n. ;, K i,.v,v ut ■ e el.ans. Jf 'fiducted with ‘■•n t ■i thi >ueces3- p:- We are in- * bout ten ki; _ ■ i V - delay in 1’: notwith- ’»«i ^ ■' n-ade. Jn 1 Of iu such a t : ‘ t- •ru.-tiee of the ai iH ■f. ' Sietully to IM - ' -ov distinct iHT 1 ■ -'.ir. d in each i Teon. atul th,. a! . III. HXtend- ; i). • ■rt, to a very '.d prt-sents a ■- ■■ ui .n which L‘0 i' r. ' a iiiatier .,f it- . !■ sre aseer- ' reduced to li ■■ ■ - which are ' ! • . •. = The .Etna :s -y ;i, “ “ 1 placing L: •liiied the 'on- ttf:.. > p- ' = d by no n- ■! , : eh>,-.} it. * ■ w.: . a steady - i- :'-e wide ■ ir-ues with ■e e. Yi-red in !•! !. witii coni- t>! -■ -weeping « 1 up .ther 11- ' 'tern ‘ i^'i’itv \ . ' d eon- r.!iM\i. o> .. LIUAL. • idcni Jr.. Si r’v, ♦ ..i VaiUi ill ’. lt» l.-l- ir, . - • ■ 1 i i2 82 '4 -1 r • or .L ■■ >0 ,6 C li V .fx>0 G' I'M'TJ :J."; i:> ^i^i: 4uii IIH: . NJ I’l.rHfj ( H M.i U^JOO 6^.2’ ■i.4')U J4,400 •_’-,4(H' -.900 1j,(J(MI 11,200 27,GX' 22,000 1 5.HKJ 44,400 •J.^'.,000 33,600 4J.400 ll,;i'iO 24.7 i P7 08 - ■■'>20 08 # oville, \LK ’ID£!NCE, KIIITICI\, I't ?;.i.i r • d TflOS. • !, r lice N KiUTiON, « iJitional \ Nierican !, d to the l» v\ \ ! .. l>aw of : r* vi i'.n by • .. tii'iiint of >■ }j>- iiiii'le. . ,s..i the tht- Knjilif'h ■- . , n ^ Hill. •• cure- ■ M v-.;.im»by : ...; the :;.u-h la*-'!' ’ ir. iiiTanged and »•* . ! h!!' cur.- .1 rt-efn the I.: theUte r. elvi. 1 and ^ ..jelttTiUf. (DIB SEMl-WEEKL, Y. [\OL. VIII.] FAYETTEVILLE. N. C., MAY 30, 1S59. [NO. 818.] > IT) 'M.i.NDAV.'^ AN! TIM HSPAYS;. KiJUA’ID J. HALE k ^0^^ Kl'IittKS AM) l‘K(>!'nii:TOn.S . . lii,' Semi U eeiily Oiiskuvek S3 00 if paid in i .'lO if paid durinp ‘he year of subscrip- ir iiftor the year has expired. . \Vookl\ Obskrvkr $2 00 per annum, if paid in iiwtr S- if P'‘id during the ye.tr of subscrij*- .V 5; (>•> tifter the year has expired. \I>VKUT1S1-.MKXTS in.^eried for RO cents per ,r. ,,f 111 lino for the first, and 30 cents for each ; -^iT |uihliciiiion. Yearly advertiseinentfc by spe- !it reasonable rates. Adverti-^ors »re ■ ■‘•'i't' tht' luunl'pr of in.sertions de.-irc.l or 0.'litlulled lill torbid, and charged accord- \ !v,>r i'eitiont3 to be inserted inttJs, charged 50 per SP^:CIAL NOTICE. Fr^m and after this data, no name of a new subscriber . be entered without payment in a.lTance, nor will :.e sJnt to iuch Mubscriberi for a longer lion* ■ the Inlet, the F’ort. and often on aitra excursions, while ,ii I- f.aid fur ..!) £iiKai*riKMra t\ t^VA fViA r\«. ’ their company. O.ir RAR will furnish choice liciuors of all kinds; our BlLLl.VKD U(Jl)M is in good order, and our Hf)\VI,- INU ALLt^ will be constantly open for the entertain ment of tho.'^e who have a taste for the^e healthful ex ercises; and our READING ROOM will contain tiles of the best newspaper.s, magazines, and periodicals pub lished. The sick will find our K \ T III -v 4ii II o I § a matter of great comfort and a help to better health. We feel assured that in ever_\ re->pect we can give entire satisfaction: we shall, at lea«t, spare no pains to i lio our whole duty, that all our guests may receive all j po.>isihle atteiuion. I TAKK NOTlt'H! As the tr:iin arrives after dark - each evening, porsons going f i I’e.iuf'irt will do well to I stop over nighi :it Carolina City, as they can be con- . veyed. wherever they wish to go, the next day, in a ; steamboat or sail-bnats, and thus he saved the trouble ! of a disagreeable night trip across the water. 1 TKRM.'; a Day; SI- a Week: .? ’•■: a Month. rv ,R.)TT ,v MI’WnORN. Carolina Citv. M.iv ">, Ks-')‘J 12 2iu ich ‘four old iubscriberi ad desire to take the pa- ■n this systetu will please notify ui when making ITV B50TKL. A .MKWf’iMlX, Froj)rk*t«>rs. n'^in.S magnificent IIou l !i,i> l.e. n eul,.!d to n.'urly .1 doable its original size, an uddiiion oi' eighiy-eight t'.'et having been aildi'd i>ti Railroad slreot, thus pre senting an imposing fiont imniediately in view of the .Atlantic Ocean. The veranda ot (his Hotel (which is three stories high) fronts toward:( the Ocean two hundred and eight een fov't, all’ording a Di'ii;; lit I'll! Pi’oiBiriiaile. From this stand point, the beholder can scan the >cean in the South, Hogue Sound in the South-west, the Har bor with all its shi[>jiing. Fort Maoon aiul throe I.ight- llouses in the i'oiith-east, affording a range of > ’ !•: I r. w v "> , tlinf is . ai'vcly cl'*ewhere to be met witli The s:r,.-viiit 'iidoiici- i f t!,is ll.iicl wi.l >k- in ihe h.-.nds ot Mr. H l-RXMr.KRT. . !-.>,ni,-ly of the I' y etteville Hotel.1 whose tn^te and ^kili s() eminently qualifies him for making all the guests feel as if thev were at home. The best servants the country could afford have been secured. Those who stop with us will never be at a loss for Recreation and Entertainment. Our steamboat will make regular trips to Beaufort' le Inlet, the Fort, and often on extra excursions, whilt our R.VND OF Ml.SK^ will be ever “discoursing sweet sounds to the ears of those who shall favor us with 'tln' Varrin^p Fttrlorif it fitf‘ So tit hi McK ivru ]{ J*n'v i:[(l W. Wll.LlAMS & CO., jWlTK niK ATTENTION OF MERCHANTS AND I ' :a sci.erally to ihoir very heavy Slock of Groceries & Hardware. : - _ i:i pan of Rio, Laguira and Java Coffee: 70 1'!'' . Sugar; j 17 llhds. Do.: I Rbl. and Hf-Bblg Mri MUler'i Eagle Mills • and Bonn's Snuff; j ■ I- xos and Kegs Soda: ■ •• Tea; ! •' Starch; | 1-i Glass, various sites; 1 .\damantine and Sperm Candles; ’he. We'tern and N. C. Bacon; 4’: Iv J t'.rn: j Pt'’ . '^r-'^e. •'I'ngf'r. In-'ligo, Madder; R 5 ■'•i .jj. I'ltndy. ,vc.: I K. ,\' iiU iind Sjiike®: i' .^teoi and Iren H.'es; j ‘r. Trace Chains; I r I’.'Z. ill i iiermm Wheat and Gras* Biftdei; ■ I S!i..v. ’i-. Sp;idci and Forks; " Coffee Milisr I'J Tons and upwar 1 Hollow-ware S PlowCastings; A’.so. a full and complete assortment of Hardware and ■r. eries not enumerated; E’.acksmith's. Cooper's and Carpenter'ii Tools; j I'l Tons Hoop Iron; ^ A large assortment of Swedes, Amarioan and English ' Iron; German, Blister and t'ast .Steel; , Shoe Maker's Material and Shoe Findings; ad cilery; oO Doz. Wagon and Buggy Whips; In addition to our large and well selected stock of ^helf Goods, we hare on the way and expect to receive ;a a few days, direct from the manufacturers in England, ; ■-■le heaviest stock of Pocket and Table Cutlery, 'hears. Scissors, Razors and Files, ever oflered iu this ■ iftrket. We shall also import during the year, 100 TONS , -WKIiES IRON, various sires, from l^to 12 inche.s; | tons of which we expect to receive about the 15th of ’ '.ne. i \Vi- «liftll \uD to our stock from time to time, as the rei.juire-:: will at all times be prepared to offer in- . r;.enr> to Country Merchants, fiaying stru t atten- Ti ' ■ .irder-J. M:iri'h ;i. i''-'.y or.-nm Fine-vt Family iroreri#*s for 1859. A 'KKll MEllKALL i CO., \o. C'hanil>er ^itreet, Corner of College Place, ^•pi osite Hudson River Rail Road .Station,) NEW YORK. :E\tFP,' IN FINEST WINKS. FINEST BRANDIES. FINEST SEGARS. FINEST TEAS, FINEST COFFEES. FINEST SUGARS, FINEST BUTTER. FINEST HAMS. FINEST TONGUES, ami Y. Ul.T.Y informs his friends and the publie. I'uil: iij) lii'go sub.-if.antial I’rick IJnild- i i r-i a‘ M-i ‘.M .S- in l. rxjii’es'^ly for m.iniifacturing 'ar- riiig.-'-, Ih.'iiiklnl :'i;- tiie very liberal jmtronage lie has t'Offivod lor I ho la^: 1 yoars, ho hopes by strict atten tion to buxines'., witii a desiri' to gi^e satisfaction, to merit a coiuinnance of the .■s tnu;. lie wanant.s his work to be made nf the best uriterial and by experienced workmen in ea(;h branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, tor neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any wmk iu his lin> on as good tenus as any work done elsewhere that is as well don«-. He now has on hand, finished. THE LARGEST STOCK OF Carriages, Barourlies, Uockaway§ and Buggies, ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. JS;i)"'lle has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHICLES finished and in course i.f construction. -Ml work made by him is warranted I’J motiths with tjiir U'Sge, and should it fail by bad workmanship or i.iaterial, will b-j repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and ex amine for themselvf.s. Orders thankfully received and proinj)tly attended lo- Repairing executed at short notice otid on very reason able terms. May ’J?!, Ib53. FKESII AKKIIMI..! Second Slock Spring and Siininier Goods. d. A. I* KM BERT ON IS now receiving liis second stock of Spring and Sum mer (iiiods. embracing all tlie STI I. Such a.' Sttmmer Silks, €mventnfittvs. Or- ffftiiilii's, Xr., A^ith a great variety of new style goods lor Tt'itveHn^ ifresses tinti MPustcrs. Also a complete assortment of I .Uoiiriiiii^: llre^M fiioodfn. ! A largo and varied assortment of SILK AND LACE MANTLES, UHANTILLV LACE I’OINTS. I5L’K .\ND WHITE BERAGi: ^ { MANTLES, STELLA SHAWLS. &c. ^ A few of those splendid French EMBROIDERED i AND LACE SETS. COLLARS AND SLEEVES. Douglas & Sh.irwood s NEW STYLE CORSETTS, j (with Hustle and .''kirt-Suj ,>orter attached.) I A great variety of NEW STYLE HOOP SKIRTS, j I ic., kc. j ^ In the above slock may be found a great many new | and desirable styles, just out. 'J’he ])ublic generally i are invited to call early and examine for themselves. j J. A. PEMBERTON. April 10, 1S.')0 7- j KIV s T o e u I Of Watches, Jewelry and Siker Ware.' E. Gl/oVER II LS\!i FOS StLIL Po»it Office, Fayetteville, C. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF TIIE M.AILS. RALEIGH. IOr'KER for sule 'VIO .Veres of L.\ND, lying on the ! \\e^'t side o‘ i ;mh‘ Fear hiver, two miles below Fay- I •‘tteville. and (iiding from the river into the s.anu- , -Arrives daily at i\ .A. M- hills. This tract is about eijtially divided into river-^l®ses “ “ d P. M. ridge, swamp and sand-liill Land. About 80 acres, j WARSAW', adjoining the river, arc under cultivation find are well Arrives daily, except Sunday, at A. M. suited to the grov.-th of Corn and Grass: none of the Closes “ “ Saturday, at IJ P. M- Sw.tmp h;is lieen cleared. There are sever.il good sites j SALEM. for a dwelling lomse on the sand hills. Any person j Arrives Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7J A. M- wishing to pui-chnsc will do well to make early appli- | dogpg Monday, •• " “ “ cation, as 1 have determined to sell. THOMAS J. Sofit. 8. ISo^. ROBINSON. 44 tf r I F. liSiiKN tor ^ale. FAIR BLUFF. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at J A. M. Closes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, t J P. M- CHERAW. Arrives Tuesday. Thursday and Sattirday, at 1 A. M. OI* I'E K tor ii))Oui OOuO ,Vcros ot Lmids DCflr ! SuiuIjiv, ^'ucs'luv und flt- h 1'. ^1- ayeiteville. eont:iining an inimensi-iiuantity of Mill ! RORFSON S via FI IZ ABFTIITOWV ■I'imber and a number of Tur].entine Bo.'tes. a.id several | Tuesday, Thur-dav and S.aturdav, at 5 P. M. new tasks may be cm. I here i.^ on the premisc.s a nne | .M,.„day,'Wednesday and Friday, at 0.^ A. M. DvveUint!; Hmi-e. and all nece>Mirv out-liouses.—Scup- , . . - pernong .iiid I.'abell.i Grape \'ines.— young Peacli | VRCLA^ S\ ILLE via SUM lEllA - y and Apple Trees of Lindlev's be-^t varieties: also, a good 1 Arrives Mondaj, Wednesday and Friday, at SI. M FARM of about lou acres cleared: and also a GRIST | Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 5* A. il. and SAW MILL: and a fine large Meadow of about 140 j SWIFT ISLAND via MONTROSE, acres. The Fayetteville and Coal Fields Rail Road j Arrives Monday, at 5 P. M. passes through the.se lanJs about a mile from the Mills. I will sell in parcels to suit purchasers, but would pre fer to sell the whole together. Apply to Thos. S. Lut- terloh, Esq., Fayetteville, or the borough, N. C. J. Nov. 12, IS">7. subscriber at Pitts- H. HAUGHTON. 60tf l.()' bl*-tf AS returned from the North with a large Stock of Goods in his line, con sisting of Watches of all kinds and prices, from $8 to S!•'>•*: Gold Chains of all kinds and prices; Breast-l’ins. Ear- ' Rings and Brace!«is. a large stock: G-ild Lockets. Fin ger Ringi: lioM Pens and Pencils; Silver .Spoons of all ! kind-; a fine lot Silver Cu;.*-. Plated Car-tors and Candle Stick-j, I ake Ba-^kets; Clocks, Military Goods and every ! thing usually kept in a .lewt'lry Store, which he is pre- i pared to sell on rea-ional le terms. His friends and the I public are invited to call and examine. March H. ls.'i!i Iff 1' (Jeo. McNeill, D. A. Ray, H. L. .Myrover. S. W. Tillinghas:, Henry Lilly, N. .A. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, T. ,S. Lutterloh, VTm. McLaurLn, A. N F’NKST FAMILY GROCERIES, I'-scripti.iU, put up for Shipment t'j all pans of ■ i. •JIIC 1 -JJ will be furnished upon application. 0'J-3m ISarclware* Cutlery, TAMES M.ARTINE is now receiving a large and gene- •J ra. a.sortment of every thing in the above line. —ALSO— ^ ! rirue article of Rio, Laguira and Java COFFEF] ■' .'li.-l and Brown SUGAPw; Sugtu* House SIKUP and '‘"LA.'SES. Ai! >i which is offerei on aa good terms aa can be had !ti:' :iiarkt*r. I, OOtf ^T0VI:!S, MIEET TI\-iVAKK, See. j 11 ';ND, a large assortment of Box and Cooking ' ■ ■■■ -. Tiii-wure; .Sheet-Iron: Lead Pipe. Also /hr "ffld ilontinion C'offe* ■ V . t,v .lAMES MAUTINE. rji Ofitf N. 'PKKM, P%IATS, OILS A:c. Ht‘flii*-d, Lard. Linseed and Tanners’ OIL; • l.'-t 1; Burning Fluid; Putty; AVindow Glass ‘ ■'!' all sizes. —ALSO— 'Mj ply of POND’S PAIN DESTROYER. N- IV .TAMES MARTINE. FAVirrTKVll.Li: MITI AL INSUiA CE CO>IPA ASSETS $254,618.62. This Cotnpany h.as been in 0]>eration more than six years, and has paid its fire h'lses. amounting to S’J3.6l24.S7 withnut any a jse-jstuent; insurn’>.'e averag ing its members about ^ percent. Amount of property now insured. $1 ,-^*j3.1W.t'l Amount premiuiii notes now on hand, :_’47.7viS.U8 Dlri:ctoks, S. T. Hawley. W. N Til'iiiiLrhast, -A A. M 'Ke’han, J. D. Williams, J as. G. ' *ok, A. W. .-toe!, Jas. Kyle, Hon. .1. G. .Shepherd, R. F. BrowTi, WiliuingtoiL E. Hall. Wilmington • “(rFii LRS: GEO. M. NEILL. President. D. A. RAY. Vice Pri-'siJent. McMILL.\N. Secretary. John Ciillins and C. t'. McCrummen. TravelLinj; Agents. Jj^'The Company invite applications. May 19, Is.V.i. lOT Ral. Standard copy one year. Tin: ^OKTII Ml TI AL LIFE I.\SIUA\(E (OMPAXY. OW in ;he tcntli year of -iiccesst'ul operation, with ^if wiiiL'' r:ij'ii.i.l jiiid firiiK-r hold ui'nii public cmi- n U.i,-.. C..H.inu'.-.' tn ii.-;ire tlu- liv >.t all he-.lthy pi-r- I ;; t t" ye.ir- nf fur u:i'* y.-ir.'. f''ir -••.'Vt.-n yf.ir.'. :i;id in:- 'i:f—.i!i lit'e rni -h n in_' in Mo* p'-ofits. All trom 1" lo yar** of ai.re are injured i'or ■jne year or ti>r five years lor iwc-tliird^ their value. All lo.-f^es are punetually paid within 'J'J days after satisfactory proof is ]in‘'cnted. F'lr further infurmaiion tlu- jiublic is referred to .Agents of the Company in all parts of the State, and to R. H. BATTLE, .'^ec-retjiry, Raleigh. E. J. H.\LE, Agent at Jan’y F.iyetteville. N. C. ATL.WTU TH T1 AL Flrp and Marine Insuranrc (onipany. (’AROLINA (MTV, NORTH Inri/rjionitvd hij (tn A't >f tff Xorth Cnruliiui. ^pIlIS COMI’ANY being iluly orginizcd. i-j now pre- pared to ri'ceive application^ lor in-uraiice ujioii Buildings, MtTChandhe, Furnltun*, Mills, Manu factories, Ships and their Caryjoes, : .Ad'I most kinds of property, at remunerative rates of j premium. ! It is aimed in the organization of this ('ompany, to ■ make a safe medium for Indemnity and Protection to the assured in case of Loss. An honorable and upright ' course of dealing, and a faithful fulfillment ot its con- i tracts, will at all times characterize the business of the 1 Company. i Applications for Insurance may be made at the oCce I of the (,’ompany, or to its authorized Agents. I DIRECTORS. John A Parrott, ' Levi T Oglesby, W B Grant, David S Jcnes, (/eo W’ Dill, Col Thos J Blakely, Luke Blackman, OFFICERS Jolin A Parrott, j Levi T Oglesby, W S Long, E Thompson, I A B Cliapin, W B Grant, ) i W S Long, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. , David W Bell, j March V2. \VM. CAiri’Kii & S0\, \>holosale A lietail lienlers and Maniiracturers of ALL KINPS OK ! ijcather, StuUUes tind Harness^ 01 every desi-rijiiion, Col’. irs, Whip-, Xc. VND we also partii-uUily e.nll tin- atteiuion i>f the whole surmunding country to give us a cull, a> we are de- | termined that none «haU -^'.irpH'S ns in |’.ialitv or I'.'W prices: and we will irive the highest cash price at all times tor P^aw Hides and Tallow, in exchange for our articles. ( ountry Merehants woiiM do well to call and examine our .''t')ck, as we can sell them Shoes of a much better quality than they usually get. i«n very accommodating terms. .'Southern 1‘lanters would do well to send us all 'heir orders as we >tr'‘ making a No. 1 article of N EGRO SiI(.»ES, that are warranted to gi'e entire satisfaction. N. B. All (Jrdwrs from a Jist.itice shall have prompt attention. S. S. CARTER. WM. CARTER. Goldston P. O.. Chatham Co., N. C., i ,,. Marc-h 1.'., li^.=i«. 9')-,3m C ream! lee Cream!! ^PlIE stib'cribcr having lately refitted hi>; K'E CREAM \1.0iN. at the .'■'iieniwt'il Huuse. will be ple.Tsed to serve the Ladies and Oenilenien of Fayetteville and vicinity, on and after the ■J7th iiisr. The Salo 'ii will b.‘ opened at o’clock. A. M., and kept opt-n until lt P. Al. P. SllE.MWELL. April L‘-‘) Is'i'.*. Stf l)r. FRANK WILLIAMS'S KVK WHlSKKY.* MITi.'HELI, has made arrangements with Dr. lank Williams, to be constHtitlj, supplied with his celebratcil RYE Wlll.KI!\. which can bi* iiu I at his St'ire a: .all times, by wholesale or retail. Oct’r 11, I'^.^H. * l> MI II. Fn Tiirpeiitiiie Hackers, ^craper. Puller*^ and l>i|»|ierK. \LL of the lir^t ipialiiy. can be liad u. M. BAKER'S (;i N Sl|i»l’. Fayetteville. N. C Jan'y l-'^. lbo'. SOtf Notice lo Turpentine Distillers and others. 1AM fully prei>ared to make or repair TURPENTINE STILL.'^. or do any thing in the Copper or Sheet Irou work, at tli w O. HOl !STO\ OULD inform his friends and former customers that he may be tound doors below the Cape Fear Hank, and 8 doors above hi-> old st.ind >outh side Person Street, where he intend- to ke**p on hand. Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing belon/ing to his trade. He respectfully invites his friend« fi-oni tlie country to call and examine hi.-i stock befi.re jmrchasing. Me will attend fo Rep.-iiring of Harnc-^s and ."^addles )t iiKiiially. and hi- charces sliall be moderate. He w.i iM re picst :dl ind-tiie.l to the firm of HOlSTuN .v Ai;i;rA in settle with W, Overby or himself, as they are conijiellod t> settle tiic firm's debts. August l!7, l!'.')f>. tf .sliortnotiCO. Fayetteville. .lan'v li4, 18.'>9. M. A BAKER 82tf Alabama Land lor ^ale. ^ 1 ACRE.'', in Henry county, 8 miles below t I Columbia, on the (['hattahochee river, and 2-> miles below Fort Gaines; HoO acres are cleared—500 j acres are river bottnm, which will produce from 20 to I ot) bushels ('orn, or frmn l,tX)0 to 2,5>0 pounds of Cot- : ton to the acre. On the place are all the necessary ini- ]irovenients—Houses for Negroes: good water, and as | ; healthy a any section of Alabama. For further par- j ! ticulars apply to me, .at Midway Ala., or R. .\LLISON j ; and A. (i. JANE.^, on the jiremiser:. \ j Also, I.DIU acres Land, near Midw.ay. liarbour coun- j ; ty—800 acres cleared—all fresh, having been cleared i i in the last seven year. This is strong lime Land, and | will produce from 'Jt* to :?0 bushels Corn, .and from | j to 2.tM*o Ib-i. (.'otton ])er acre. lm[trovemenis fine—the | ; Dwelling cost .'?L*iOO, and is situated on a high sandy | ’ ridge, with good water, and every convenience desir- | ‘ able in a country residence. I Both of these places are knov.-; in Columbus. Ga.. ! wl'.ere iTi(|uiries can be made. I invite those who are purcha.'ing, to examine these pi.ic‘-s during the cotu'ng spring and summer, and jnds-' them by what they see. j ‘ ' ('.A. Ro.E, ■ ] Miihviiy, Barbour county, Ala. j March'.* (S.iv. llep. / '.)5-tf COrPON liONDS i\)ll :• AU:. rpHE Western Rail Road t’onijmny have for sale in j 1 amounts to suit ]iurL-hasers. I }?:iD,OLMI ol’the Cuupon Bonds td' the (’ounty of Cundierland, tiearing 7 per cent, interest, jiayable semi- ' annually on the 1st June and 1st of Deceiiiber, and run- | ning l-’tl years. S9D,UDU 111' the Oouj>oii Boiide of the Town ot Fayetteville. >>earing *> per cent. inter“«t, payable senii- annu.illy on the Lit January and the 1st i>f July, and runn'.ng 'JO years. The-e bond-: were issued in accordance with law to the Western R.ail Road ’o., to pay the (’ounty and Town suVtscription- l e-pectively. Persons having money will find the-^e bonds (at the price the Co. is oelling them) a better investrnent than any Bank Siock in the State. For terms apply to C. B. MALLETT, Es«|., Pres’t. or to JNO. M. ROSE, Treas r Western R. R. Co. Fayetteville, Feb’v 2j, 18-'»S. 89tf Closes Tuesday, at A. M. SWIFT ISLAND via TROY. Arrives Tuesday, at 5 P. .M. Closes We'lnesday, at 6.^ A. M. MAGNOLIA. Arrives Tuesday, at ‘2 P. M. Closes “ “2 “ ELIZABETHTOWN via TEREBINTHE. Arrives Monday, at 7 P. M. Closes Tuesday, at hh A. M. PHILADELPHUS. Arrives Tuesday, at 1 A. M. Closes Siinday, at ^ P. M. J. E. BRYAN, P. M. March 31. 1859. Fayettefille Female High School. The Examination Exercises will commence on Tues day, Juh’ 5th, at 3 o’clock, P. M. The Annual Sermon will be preached at night, by Rev. A. AVeaver. Robert P. Dick. Esip, of Greensborough, will deliver the Literary Address on Wednesday evening. On Thursday, at 10 o’clock. .A. M., the Graduating Exercises will take place. Iu the evening, thece will be a Concert of vocal and instriiinental music. WM. K. BLAKE, Principal. May 21 lt)tJ5 T To Rail Road VoHtractornl lUST RECEIVED too WIIFEtjKA KKO light and strong, for the Rail Road D. For W M, ■March 2‘.t, iN.'^'.t. 1 ale by LAURIN. fSOi>t f THE i.ivi:i: iXVltiOUATOU! I-KKP.MtKli HV DR KWKitKI', ('onipoiiiided entirely from >l!, S f>VK OK THK BEST Pl'rt'SATIVK AND !.I\ KK V li. XEW BRIIXhE €0TSP-%AY. ■^HE STOCKHOLDERS in th-^ NEW F.RIDGE CO. will meet in the Town of Fayetteville, at the Office of Mr. .(ohn P. McLean, (near the C. F. Bank.) on Tuesday 3Ist inst., II o’clock, for the purpose of or ganizing the Company, ic. May 23. 10-tt lioOK-HI NDLNG IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatph Simall jobs when done must be paid before delivered. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Opposite the Female High Sch' 1. Hay Street. May n. 185’.*. 14-ly Eiicoiira;;'e Home iYlaiieilactiire. T H.AVE this day received and 'vil! keeji Constantly on I hand, a supply of fresh lU’T TER. .^OD.A and other CR.ACKERS, manufactured in Newbern. They are su perior to those of Northern manufacture. MRS. M. BANKS, Green Street. May 18 ‘ 15-2w For CASKS UNSLAKED LIME; 100 do. Rosendale Cement: 8i3 Bbls. Mess and Prime Pork; 10 Beef: 5 Kegs superior Butter. Persons in want of Lime or Cement will save money by calling on T. S. LUTTERLOH. May 2o, 1859. 16-3w 300 oO (’AltOMNA. Lijinliititrf ij Plow^I Plo%»>II Plo\v»!!! No. 'i PLOWS: 5o No. 1'• I’l'iws; 50 N,1.11 - 25 No. .■>!> •• 25 No. 'io “ Poitit'. B.ars and Mould Board? to suit. F(>rsaleby C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 7l- it • t. u » Li , KJ- to i’*rr» oil tliat n «llv. w*lho‘U Hry tioM» of n)o«t Oii (utie that it P':r»c« ill (:lrenKtbrii m TIi« LSv**r II hiituHii . « i'l > il.ti >r. j'''tiii}: f)i>t«. hJ h. William S Long, David W Bell, .A B t’hapin, .Samuel Lert'ers, Joel II Davis, I) A Hargett, E Mallett. Preeldent. Vice President, Treasurer, Attorney, Secretary. J. W. IIAKER Is now roceivint: I'roin tlie North the lavge.it. fittest, and most carefully selected ; •^tock of riTltXITI KK ever otT'-red in this market: which added to ■ his own Tiianufacture, m ikes his assortment complete:— j I .ill of whicli he wi”. >e!l on the lowest possible terms for i ; cash or on time to jmiiciual customers. I Fa'^hioiiable paii;te 1 eott.age bed room Furnilure in | j setts; curled h.’.ir and shuck, and cotton .Mattres-^e; ' I Looking Gl.asses: Willow W agons and Cradles; Si le j j Boards; ISureaus: Secretaries and Book-('ases; What- ! I Nots: Tables, al! .sorts; Wash Stands; Candle .Stands; I Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass: Window .Shades; I Cornices; Curtain P>ands: Sofas in Mahogony and Wal- I nut; Tete a Ti tes; Ottomans; Divans and .Stools; Chairs I of every variety. I Fine Ho.sewool Pianos, one with /Eolian at- ■ tachment: Rosewood Melodians. from the best manufae- { tories in New York and Boston, warranted as good as I any made in the country, anil will be sold at New A'ork I prices—freight only added. I Sejitcmber 2. 15tf illarbie Factory, Butler. iiee**e aiitl Cracker**. FIRKl.N.S Go«hen Butter: 2.'> Boxe-; State t'hec'-’e: 10 Bbls. Soila and Itiilter (’rackt-rs. Just received by E. LEETE. Jan'y 12 ~'J- 10 liiill \4‘t :iii(l / V LB.S. Cill Net Twine; i )* / 1 ‘.to Hw. .Seine .lust received by .lan'y 12 J^eiiie Twiiie. ('. E. LEFTE. .^e;rr»e«! i\ejjrro«-j»!! Waiiteil. /■(ENTLE.MEN, your old customer is yet in market for \j Likely N^iiroe^^, for wliich I am determined to pay the Ufe and liahorw ol* Kev. Daniel Baker. l>. D.; The .Mcliodi-it, or Incidents and (’haracters from Life: The Pillar of Fire, by the author of the "Prince of the Ihnise of David”; Morning and Night Watches; Chapman's .Sermons, .Vow Edition; •Memoir d‘ Mrs. Shuck, by J. B. Jeter; Testimony of tlie Rocks: Pres))yterian Psalms and Hymns, in velvet, morocco and ]>lain bindings; Baptist Psalmody; The Psalmist; Bibles, velvet, morocco and otlier bindings. April 2:; E. J. HALE & SON. Oietioiiary oi* C'oiigre!«), liy Eaii- mun: Treosilian and hi? Friends, by R. .Shelton McKenzie: ‘•A Thou'.and Chutices to .Make Money, ' by Freedley; Pariingioii s (,’arpct Bag of Fun”; Sylvester Souii'l: Handy Andy; Fill'll Times of \!at)ama; Party Leaders; .Scliool Kooks: \c., .“tc. Just received. .Aoril j:i E. J. HALE & SON. ih*' p of ihe in Miiuom ent:i (*)y l.ic^r for lh«» j erform- motracb i» i»t t«iiU. ifael>ow4fit ■>«tecu ti.ffers luconteqiicni e having c«iiiMi to do iU Uutf. . one of the proprieloit priKUice of more than twenty i vr)ie>’«witb to oouuterari the it m liable. To piove that thit remedT it bletl «»Uu Ijlver 'om- htiH bnt to trj a kn;ttle. and Thene iturox remove all »he »iipp]yiiiK in their the hioo^Hch.! |Mit the bl4HKl, whole Tuuohinery, temoTiiig; Ii p M ihI;chI cure. Kllloiis altnckt are i>rfvet>f«*l, hj Ijlvei' liivl^orntor. >uedo«e aiWr eatinf; in tiiif ani prevent the foo«l from l>Tilj oTie do»e taken before nifirc. one doso taken at ireiitlr, and cure^ C'ok- One do^ie taken after each Otio do*e of two tea- Slck lli'ffdarhe. One bottle taken for f« cauH^ ot the dlKfase, and (>nl,r cue dose innuetilately (>nedo«e often repeated i» Morbufly and a j.reveiitive (hilr ore bottle is «78ten3 the effei’ta of medi- One bottle taken for lowneet or unnatural color One done taken a short (or to the appetite, and One do«e often repealed rhcjra iu its wont furtu«, Bo%vel complaints rield Otie or two doses cures at- Children : there it no surer, tht world, as it nes^r ftxilt. A few bottles cures absorbents. WetakepItAfttirtfo r«com preTentire for Kever aiitf and all Kcvers of a Bll- with certainty, and thousands wonderful virtues. ipIisL’n^ two *f ih»* painful f«*;*llMe« ^Xj*orieTice«l 5ii ihr • . '■•t’ti'M It -tre’icttiei the .'V^iem :ti il«* : . u ; and whei. • iken ditii> \'i. !P..sit*-a;e . ! 1 Iniil'l It Up with rapuiii> one uf th«i . I vs hen It pniicipHl rfK”!.ir pt-- -Muft A :n,.c ie»eloj^d. 1 Ufu. % on tin ance ‘'f iTk f-ll.CMOr 1. «* I,**; • H e a; fauU, j»('u Ui*- wn^ ir of ora oigan—ibe Klvc’t' Ki'r i)}e (useasAx uf th^t or- has ma^ld tl stu«^>. in a • years, to find some renjp'lT luaLT .ieraiigenietus to whii K at la^-t found, any person trou pinliit, in any ol its furm*. convu’lu*n N certain morbid or matter from pls*e a bcalthy flow nf )iile, canMtiK to digest well, griritiir totiC and hea!ih to tLe the cause of the disease— ivliait la PI RI^: l^l€H OR^>. i’ORKKJN AND DOMESTIC I.IQUOIIS, Finest qualities, for sale by .f V '.J E] W . Hi (> Bi .■¥ K. Orders will receive prompt attention. May 17 15-lm •"•Kxtra” .ipple Brandy. ^pTHE BE.ST in the market—better than any Nash L Brandy iu Fayetteville—just i-eceived and for sale by ' J. W. HORNE. May 17 15-2w (wiiauo! Ciiiiano!! N O. 1 PERTVIAN. just received and for sale by E. F. -MOORE. May 2;: 16-lm Ccient to relieve thi riHiTi^ Mild souring, retiring, preveutA ! stomach IV'lKtit* .V ST IIDRRI-ITC;. received and in tine order, bv E. F. nich?, lot'Sen* the howeli meal will cure |i«ln spoonfuls will ahsa>» May MOORE. 16-lm male ohstrurtr makes a pet'lc relieves C.'li»KI remove# tbs ll*. while '•r Cliol«*r» of Cliolera. needed to thrfjw ont of the cine after a lotif s;cki»ess. •lauiiclire removes a!! sal I from the skiu. .time before eatiiif fivrs vi food diirest well [currs C'Imiiilc while ^iuiniiirr >iud almost to the firxt doi^. tacks caused byWorniii io 'safer, or spee11ei remedy iti Dropsy, by exciting the 'mendirf this tuedicine a» a j A.|(ae-. i'lilll Kevf*!’, loua TyiM*. It upesate* are willins: to testifr w. ii» I ^ L.VRfiE lot daily i-xpected by May 28 E F. .MOORE. 10-1 m I.ard and Uiitter. IN store and for sale by E. F. MOORE. May 28 I6-Im A" .May ILIUE. E. •3 F. .MOORE’S. Ifi-lm In '■ r jt, : -r,f fiOtf llighesj i^i'esh •Irrintis. I j.r St. aii'fv I' Miiiy. ’ I I ''O. ^ '.I irKid:i;L lor retailing.) “ 1 do. ; 1 do. ■•l!. " - I I elm-: • ' N;w Hulled nrCKWHEAT FLOCR; '■l-ii ke- Beef: Mess Pork; Goshen Butter, Pocket ' - w MoIa«ses; and every thing in the ■■1 n liiji..; whii'h 1 will iiell cheap for C.\SH or ex- I'jr coauti) Produce. W. C. TROV I'-'.s t;o-tf ~HAT)N. ’'i'diJE North Carolina I5AC®N, Also, Western Sideu ' Shoulders, Wet c. B COOK I’jisli Prices. Persons having such tor -ale woulti do well to gi\e me a call, or addre-s me al Cliiitot;, ,\.ll orders promjitly at ten led to. N. C. J. A. Ml Clinton. N. ’. ■Aotic'f'.—Aeftroe^ ARTHUR. ' ■)-1 yrpd Wanted. ^O the farmers .ind citizens ot the (,ounties ot Duplin, rpO the . V , , NViivtic, llariH'tt, Muor*, C uinberlaiiu, Robeson, Blad(!i>, Columbus, Brunswick, New Hanover, Hud .Samp■^on: The subscriber being desirous of purchasing a numtjer of likely young Negroes, of all classes and description.^, kails himself of this method of informing those who TWO DOORS \1)0VK I'. T. II Hull \ S;!.\.S' STitlll. FayeUeviiie, Jan’v 20, *’.» v pd i»isso!trti(tH of t'ojntrftitrsliift. rpilE Copartnership of WNL F. lliiRD \ Ct). ha- this 1 day been dissolved by mutual con-'ent. Mr. E. R. Web-ter having transferred hi- iiKcrest to Wm. F. Hord who will settle and collect all debts due or coming to said Finn. In jiresence of JOHN B.\IU'L.\\ VIS:T I'et, J»iTATIOXi:RY. a'iiiition to our jiresent stock we are receiving 8.10 Reani^ Paper, raeiii;:: every variety of ,1’. LKTTHR. BATil LI TTER. ( i iMMLRCIAL NOTE. lULL HEAD, FOLIO POST, and NOTE PAPERS. ■'I. I'.NVEl.OPE.S. of every descriy>tion. se !'iiTli-;h in I .Vmeriean SLATES, assorted .sizes. f> I '■'^'I'SEL I’ENS: Pen-holder-;; School Ink-Stands .t; CAKDS: Bl.ANK I’.OOKS, oce. E. J. HALE vV SON. 12 All who lice It ar« tli«-lr unanliuoui tratlmoiiy In Its favor. Water In titr moutU with the IiitI- gurator, anil swal!ntv both to^ethfr. TBTE LIVER INVIQORATOR IS A SCIKNTIFIC MKDIi AI, IMSCOVKRY, m.d > .Ui:t working currn, aliaiiat Io« gruit to Ixlieve. Ii I'lirts If b» mtigic, eren the Jirit givutjf hni^jit. ai.ii Mlilom inu.'b tLnu one bottle is . r|iiir«d to cure ar.y kind of l^lvel' ('••□iplxin,. from llio woi». Jnuniti-f or to a conifrun /u.v*' all of wbicb are tlir rrniilt of a DlHrHHed l.lver. PRICr. DOLLAK rEK ■OTTl.C Dr. SAXKOKI), riO|ini>liir, :i+.‘> iJi./a'lwaj, X»ir Yi>rk Retailed by all .W i »'vi hn JAS. N. SMITH and .Macaulay’s Lives orPiftand Fred erick the (ireat: . BORDER W.AR, bv the author of Wild Western Scenes; HOURS W'lTH M‘V pupils, by Mrs. Lincoln Phelps; THEISM AND SKEPTICISM, by Wharton; THE CONVALESCENT, by N P. Willis; NEW P.ATENT SER.MONS and Macliine Poetry, by Dow, Jun’r: THt CrLPRIT FAY, by Joseph Rodnuui Drake; • INDI.\ RUBBER PE.VS, Thermometers, 7ard Pencils, &C-, &c. Just received. E. J. HALE i SON. May 18 Nov’r II. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. 62-ly A Xew Volumes ol 8iii>reiiie Court Keport^. I'Sr published, vohtme ') Jones’s Law Report C'oilon’A .llonnlain Scenery. FURTHER supply just received. E. J. HALE & SON, May 19. of ohtme ') Jones’s Law Reports, and volume M .loues's Ei|uity Reports, of Decisions in the .Supreme Court of North (’arolina. For s.ale by Feb’v HI E. J. MALE X S )N. TAKIv\ I P, W ,M E. R F. HoRD. WEBSTER. .MR. E. R. WEBSTER will be retained as managing may have -uch property to dispose of. ihaT they would Superintendent on my R. R. works. ^ - . . • 1_ 1 1....... ... do well to visit me at home, or address me at Clinton, X (J. for which they shall receive a visit. A word lo the "wise is suilicient, ai it is wdl understood that 1 pay exceeding high pricoi* W.M. .May 9, 1859 F. HORD. 12-lm LVECEIT P Fib’y 14, 18o» ElERHON. S8-V*m The Hymns and DUcipline ol the Methodist Churoh. A nww aupply just received. Oct’r 18. J* HAXiE & idO^. iri^vKKN up and conimitted to the Jail of Cumberland I j I'oKi.tv on the l;')th in-«t., a N'l''(JRO BOV. named I JOHN i’.R.Vt'E or JOHN FR.ANKLIN, who says he is j fr»e, and that he came from Columbia, S. C. John is siieil!. a bri rlit mulatto, and had on when taken up a I white wold h.at and steel-mixed froek coat and pants, j The owner of said Negro is notified to come forward. • prove property. ]>ay charges, and take him away, or he ! will be dealt with as the law direct*. I GEO L .Mi.K.\'i', Jailer. I Oet’r 15, 186b. 5o- l>evereii\*s Kieinie's Hlaekslone, reduced to Onestions and Answers, upon the plan of Kinnie's Blackstonc, one Volume; Drake on .\ttachinent. For s.ale by E. J. H.VLE SON. Dr. KaneN Arctic Explorations, Cloth, Slieejt and half t.’alt Binding. Further supidies just received. E. J. H.VLE &, .SO.N, .\pril 2'i. T riirtlier Supplies of* Rooks. AMERICAN ALM.WAr for IS-'iVi; FA'IHEK AND DAUGHTER, bv Miss Bremer; ••WHAT WILL HE DO WITH 11, ' by bulwer; StJlIOOI. BuOKS, lie., ilc. March 7 E J. H.\LE bON. (lirand Royal Arch f hapter A'orth C'aroliaaa. ^pil E Regular Annual Convoca- 1 tioii of ■ ii ~ lli.ijy will he held in Wilmington, on Monday the sixth day ol'.lunt; next. Subor dinate Chaptf'rs are requested lo V>e piine.tual in sending their re- ^presentatives and returns, blanks 'M'or which were sent by mail last “..iweck.' THOS. B. CARR, Grand .Sec’y. May o. ll-tm Scouring ol the White Horse; "What Will He Do With It.'” by E, Bulwer Lyilon, Mill's Sj'stem of Logi'-. -vi:. .Viso, further supplies of School Books. Ju»t received. Feb'v 12 I'. J. HALE .•, SON n^The Sou4hern H.armonv, and MUSICAL COMPANION, for tale by AprU 4 E. J. HALE & SON.