N * ‘ i-'ir:un of i.H- ut jriffi h'-, -'i‘ a II e.- un.i and with ' ' ' • -V Hjii f '■10 u.iprii B SEMI.WBBKL.Y. X'' J m t Ir : (,f i.-.w * the "liC- of 1 ■ 'e ■ t V •• of «i:h ■ . 'I • 'Vi;h- Tl, . i„ !'-'h a - >' ihe / 'il'-.’act d 111 t-a,'h ; ‘U. vr ) ihe : '-nd- y t a Vt'ry ‘ a : 'ti W iui;h - ' ^ iT ul ■ ■■‘ a>, i-r- l to : “ iii i. ,re I ti« -iin* "•-‘I hv ... . lue vi'h )m- l;;ij i ; Jr. vfc y. \ ’: 1 j. • . I. r." , J 1.' ■ r .,4'-i l-.v- u, A"‘ 10.- ' • i l.li---; J .,1 imi lr!^A'0 44,40’ •_':i,GOO 4J.4'M; 4'i.TOO J4.7'--- 7.=%_'0 08 \ ‘rvill*!, I: \LE. [Ti] -1 ‘ T’lDENCE, tlllTli,-., ^ :.I, ONf- I I I , :-!l ! TI10>' ’ ■ i(‘ I' ilii'e \ i»‘ ■ rf>>, VIII.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C„ JUNE 2. 1859. [NO. 819.] I r i..nal :. ,■ ; Hn ^ : thP I,:..- ■■ V- i^.ii ■ UUt Ijl . > - -.I.-. :r, th-- 'l.iiirli h ( -w II A lliil, ,,i ■ I'.’ , ,1 1, !..w the , uiiu'li .. ' Hira?u **d . ■=(, r;nl I -- CHI-' ■ . ! Wi tJ'** I 11 theit'-^ ; and jt fc7*r.«vill« I’RINTKP mi>ni>.\vs and ttiurst>.\ys. EDU 4RI) J. HALE A SOIV, i;i)lTOKS .\ND rUOPUlETORS FAl I:tTKV1KI.E IIOTEIi, T. WA1>DT1jL, I’udPHiETou. p, tar ill.' St'ini-WVeklv Oiiskrvkr 00 if paid in l^niS, iht* most coiiiniodious Hotel in Noith ('rtrolina, tVoiiiin^ :-5(M) foet on Hay and .... Donaldson Strei-ts. locaU-d in the centre of iJie ■''* I'.tid dm inj; ihe year of subsci‘ij>- luisine.ss jiortion of the town, and surroiiiuled liy all ,p. ,,r >> it'it'r the ve.ir has e.Ti.ired. ! Hou.'^es, Wholesale Menhants and j.rinci- ^ It’ll I l*i V 1 » 1 Tv.k 1 .««m. « |>al 1’fodnce Dealers. F . :i.. Ueekly Oi.s^uvkk i?L> 00 per unniim, if paid in | H„siness men will find the Hotel - V 'T'- if I'fiid diiiHnji tlic vear of snbscrip- i conilniM.ilile house. All the Slices arrive and depart from this Hotel. conveni«nt •• n: '>■ ^ f»t’ter the year lias expired. \1>V1'KT1SKMKNTS inserted for (K) cents per ; , ,.jn' cents for each i . O'lii'.'I'lil'lication. \ early udvertisemenis by spe- | ,’iiii:r:u't'^. at reasonable rates. .Vdvertisers are ,, n-;i'l I ' state the tuiinber of insertions desired, or •it,'' ''ill '''■ t''''>ti>"'ed till forbid, and charged aecord- JOSEPIl lUKEU, Jr., ATTO k:\ky \T I. aw, nAS taken an ottice next door to Wm. 1$. Wripht’i»Law OtWce on (ii«en Street. He will -ittund and practice in tlie County and Superior (JourU of (Jumb»rbind, lUrtdon, Kdbeson and Sampi>ou. March ‘Jo, 1M5«. 7‘Jtf Fayetteville. Oct. 1, 1S5S. M- .Vh: I'tiuMits to be inserted imiiU, charged '»0 per IPS ■n Sl'KflAL NdTlfK. , ,i :iii‘l alter this date, no name of a new suliscribcr j eii:cr«l without p/iym«ut in a.lvance, nor will | ; iPt'i '■ •" sub»cribwrn for n longer lime ; •,!i i- i';tid fiT. j s ,if lur old stubfti'ribui'k aii de»irc lo lake the pa ,11 liiii jvsteui will pleaite nolify u* when niakiii); 1. 1' D. A; W. McLAl RIX, !l Ll* invite attention to their larjce anil diia k III IV G K»C'EKIK»i, ivsiiii^ ill piirt of— I.Ml Hairs Kio, liairtiira and .lava (’nftoe; 1:mi and llhds. Su^ar (tissorted;- Hilda. Mula^jios; ;!o •* liacoii—Side* and Sliouldcrs.; .’iiMi ,acks Salt; l.'f' Boxes L'Oi'd Tobacco; 1l'-> •• SjH Tiu, Adamantine \ Tallow (’audios; “ Soa}i i a;i.surtcd;) “ Candy “ 1 "I Shot “ li-'M ll).s. Kar Lead; :>H k Hhls. Snuff—Eairle Mill.s; li'i Koirs Soda; " Nails. —ALSO— A ’arge and general assortment of Harilnnre niil t'lillery: Farminsr I'tensils, of all descriptions; .Vnierican, Enirlish, Swedes and i’cruvian Iron; l?li»tor, German and Coiit Steel; Ulacksmiths’ Tools; ('iM)pers’ Do.; ('orn Shellers and Straw Cutters; Kuckets, Urooms and Pails; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Hope, (all kinds and iuality;) Vlow Lines and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; ('vtton Yarns and Sheetings at factory prices. .\11 of wliich will be sold low fok c.\3H, or on usual ■inie to prompt paying customers. siJKMwi-u.i. iiousr,.^ rAYKTTKVII,liK, i\. V. \ Kiaf siift' of (t r> I )i Sff, i> full' ilooi'tt ; nf fill' Miirfitf. ; -A rnllK Subscriber desires tliniugh tliis meiliiim I to ackowledge the liberal patronage beuiow- ed upon his House tin' jiast year-- and as he ' has ju>! ('reeled New Stable> and ('an iag»‘ Siiel conven ient to the lliiii'ie :iiid ti. water he lakes plea-ure in .'lay ing lo hi-i p:ilron> :ith1 tiu- piiMie geiier.ally, that he is ; still pn-part'd to acciniiiiu'dale them with transient and permanent boanl. and re..pecitully ■solicits a continuance ot the lihi-r.il ]iairona>re herelotoi-e rfceived. Kverv «>x- ■ ertioii oil his part shall be used lo render iheiii comlbrLa- ' Me diiriiijr their ■M>|inirn with him. Hi-; i.iMe is always "Uiijilied with ihe lie-^t the market atl'ord';. V. SIIKMWI Lb. M.ircli I'l, l.^.^s. St‘.-if WAVAi: iior^i:, N, r. ^plll' under^iirned anni>unce«‘ lo the piildic I that lu' lijis taken charge of the above Ks- tablisliineni. ,'Uid is prepared lo acconimodate Uoai'deis, by the day, week or month. .\nd he a"ures all who may favor him witlrtheir palrnnage, that he will endeavor to give perfect s.ili'ifaclioii. Table '^npiilic'l with the l>est tlie market atTord. .IAS SMITH. tioMsboro’. .Jan'y‘JS, iS-'tV M-lyr \N i:s rKRN KAM. liOAD. THO. O. FULLER, • It/ftrneif and Counsellor at Mjaw. Ot KICK at Kccles's Hridge, rueuntly oooupi«d by JameK I’>anks, Ksi)., Faycttovillc, N. ./an’y 1. ]S.",7. w I*. J. MIAC LAIK, AUoriiey and Coiiusellor a Law, FAVKTTKVIl.LK, N. (',, TILL practice in the ('oiirtK of Robo.son, (’ujnburland. given to all businuss entrusted to hiu. Feb'v 1S.')'J Ht;- liSiw I \MF.S L. (!\1M:s and son K. ,1. 0 MXKS, will, in • I future, jir.-irtice law in (jo|iarLii«rsiu](, in tlie Coun ties of Montgomery. St.-inly, .\nson and Moure. They may be aildii-ssed either at Tr^iy, N. ('., whore K. ,1. tiaiues rt'^ides, or at Norwood's N. C. Troy, .\pril 7, lS.">lt. •Itf N and after Monday, ON an' Frei lay of .November, the gilt Train will run lUllil L.\1IL^ between Fay etteville and Mct'lenahan's Siation: leaving Fayetteville every morning at 7 o’clock and returning at 1 o'clock in tlie afternoon of same tlay. ('onsignors are reiiiiesied to send tickets with ariielcs, staling coii'iignee, destination, Xc. W. A. Kl l’KK, Chii-4' F.ng'r I's: Sup't. Whenever the amount of fieight may reijuire. an cx- tr;» Train will leave Fayetteville and return in the atlernoon. Nov'r L’‘J, 1S'>S. fio- R.UL ROlU NOTICE! TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. i.AU \irri4'i:. ^pHK undersigned ha-; removt'd to Nt'wberii, with the I intention to devote hini'ii'lt wlii lly lo the )iractice of ilie law. He will attend tlie I'oiiris in all of the sur rounding counties, and will :iUo |iractice t.efore the Su- pri'iiie Court at Kaleigh. 1), K. .McilAK. Dec r l2‘J, lK;>s. 7”>-fiiii LOVEIM) RM)1U1)(;K. • Ittorni'tf at Mjatt\ tl’II.L attend the t’ouiis of .lohii'^tciii and Sampson M t'ountie*. .''’mithtield. .April I-'), ls.‘>*'). ('(Itf .1. tl. Itl I.I.A, Attorit(\v and rounsflloi* a( Lan, ASIllilSOKO', N. W ILL attend I lie Courts of Kanilolph, .Moore, Mont gomery, David-i'ii and liiiiltor 1, and promptly ai- tend to all buiine-^s entnuted to hit care. March 10, IS-'ily Dii-tim mltefliefil %\^otic€* nR. H. .MeS'^ AIN li.av taken an rttice on .\nlersoti Street, in the rear of Messrs. lUy \ Pearce’s Store, where h« can be loiind by those desiring his professional services. August 1^4. IS-j.''. 40tf ■>r. K. A. ni^Al'K. 0 FFlt'E Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale's Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’v 7, ISot’i. 7Ctf CorsTKY MkiicH ANTS are respectfully rcnuested ;' call and examine our stock before parcliasiug wliere. D. & W. McLAUKlN. March3, 1S>9 03tf \EW JSPRI\G GOODS. A » A 3E» • •fames Kffle \6 NOW KKCEIVLNG A LARGE SUPPLY OF DRV fiOODS, HATS, SIlOl-S, BO LT INO (’ LOT H S, \c.. % ' e. ir Falls Sheeting and Yarn at Factory Prices. .\11 of which will be otfered H y W HOLES L E O K K E T A I L, ’••w as the same ijuality can be had in this State. M:::.h l-'Vj. '.Mtf Seront! Spriuff Stork. STAKR & \VILLIA.\IS U K received aiul are now opening their second - q.ply -.f >ii:AS«XABIiE WOODS, ■ ii'iii;: H -splendid selection of the newest styles of Fanc y and staple llry liiood^, KooU. Hoop Itrady-llade t'lotliiii;;, : variety of N>TK*.NS, to whieii the aiten- t U ii.jie-:ile Jbiyers is invited. fc . 'TKIC I' ATTKNTIoN I'Alti Ti> (IRIII KS. 'XtHl •' l;, .-TA1M!. .1, >L WlI.idAMS. \ ;i I'.'.'.!, STMA^Sl Tli«* Fayal, Kvereff and Havelock Hah! » ■'**. a lie.iuiiful !isxorimeiit of the LATEST S'l’\ • \ '"Kl 11 A'IS high and low crown,; and all tlie ' " '111- ijiii>t elegant Hats of the season, can now NEW, rHEAP, AND E.XPEDITKU’S ROUTE FOR Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. ^ j EF{(’HAN’T.''" and otliers about purchasing their Fall J. WILLI AH FA;i:, n. D., PITTSHOKOnni, X. c. J'^R. P.VGE may he foun'l at hi.« office when not pro fessionally engaged. Mav ij, lSo7. 5tf DEATAL \0TICi: Jj|^A^'lXG engagol in another business, I tind my time II , . o 1- 1 “ .1 . too much taken ui> to attend to the duties of mv and Winter ^ul)plles. are reouested to notice, that ^ • i i • . i« i. o i ’ , V, , II •! i> 1 i- profession; and having a partner iDr. U. Sci'tt) who ii bv the completion ot the North L.i-tern Rail Road from f 'in every w»y c-in|x-n-iil ti, [■hvi'-e nff 1 (’harle-itmi, S. t . to ( heraw. ilie vlvumapcu ot ii ' 111..M and EXI’EDITIOUS Itoute from the Sealwjard ha» lieen opened to them. ,\11 freight consipneil to the care of the .\gent of the North E'l'tern Rail Road will be forwarded FRF^E OF commission. No charg'* will be made for Storage at Cheraw. .Ml gooils will be taken care of in the (’oiupany's Wurehoiise until sent tor. A schedule of (diarge* for t ran-port at ion of freight will l>e found at the I’o-;! Otfice. S. S. S(lLOM()NS, Eng'r and Siijp't. .Vug. 3, lh')S. ;14-If M’ITKKI.Oirs I.l.NK. II QTE.VMLR ••FANNY ■ leavc'^ Fayetteville every Mon- | ^ day and Thiu>day moniing. at lo ininute> allei Sun- ^ rise; and W iliiiingion Tuesday and Fjiday. at o’clock, : —earrvinir p.i^seiifcer'; and tVeirht. Steamer ■•Sol T 11 E1! N ER." with a full coiiii>lement I of Flat'!, m.'ike-i one or mure trip-^ per week, as circiim- j stanees may re.piire. * 'I’he accident to the .'^teaiifer “R(l\\ \N ’ will be re- i paired in :i few days. She will then i.ike her pl.ace in [ T. S. LlTTFRLnll. j .■>l-tf the line. Ocfr », 1»^'»H. \i:^v iii\i V rrlemts. I rafce ' great pleasure in recommending him to «//with whom 1 i have the slightest influence. His p'rices will suit any j who are desirous of having their tsetii operated on in a ■ skillul manner. .\nd with my bc'^t wislies for my ."urciand this coniniunify. I witlidraw from the firm, having no fear but ' that Dr. Scott will give the most fasiitIi(Mi-* entire satis- 1 faction. D. W. C. 1?EN!5»W .lany lo, ]S.')0. 7Mf l>i:\TI.««iTKV. Oil. .1. DAVI-'' having decided >n j.eniia- nently locating in the Town of Fayettc- villo. rc'^pectfiilly offers liis services to the : citizens of this place anil surrounding country. In all ! the various branches of his Profe'>ioii, inchuling the I m.anufactiire of .NHncral Teeth, he i' saii-^fied. after an ; extcti'^ive exjierience. to whit-h i-; added a thorough Den- ' lal elucation. tiiat he can give entire satisfaction a** far j a-i i-i in the jmwcr of Dentistry. .\11 irregul.arilies of the ; Teeth treated in a j'mper arid careful manner, a-; wrll a ' di'cases of the mouth. None b*:r the proper nielal'i are made ii'e of in the variou-; oper.iiions. Charges will be miiderute. that the benefit.'of ilie I’rol'e >ion may be, )ilaced within the rea« h of all who may feel an interest ^ in the prewerv-ition of the Teeih. j Office over Hoii'toi.’-^ .lewclry Store, where he j mav be biuiid at all times. i May 10, IhoS. Otf WORTH X I TLi:i% ForHardinp; and ^lenei’ai Commission ! Merchants, /'aiictteville, *V. f. J. A. WOHTII. (^-^ ) -r"S. t'TLKV. K. yi. OKKr.LL, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. rnllO.'^K sendiiijj llieir Sjiirits Turpentine to me may 1 I't'ly iijioii it to have ]iroiiipt and careful aileniioii. My w:irehou-es are fronting the wharves and ne.-ir the river. Sepl'r |.'!, iJ'-'iH. 4.'»tf T. a. A: II. U. WORTH, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan'y 28, 18r>9 84rf WM. H. Tl RLLXGTOX, C' o III 111 i « w i o II .^1 e r € li a II f, WILMINGTON, N’. C„ \IJ’ILL give promj)t and personal attention to all con- }\ signments of SPIRITS TURPENTINE, liOSlN, T.VR, ('OTTON, FLOUR, and other couutry proiliice. either for .sale or shijmient. My wharf and warehouses being conveniently located tor the reception of jirodiice. oitherby Railroad or River, enal>les me to make charjies light. Nov'r S tf W. H, ALLEN.] [.I. M. CLAItK. ALLExX & CLAKK, C'oiiiiii i«»>iioii .TI1*rlia II Iw, WILMINGTON. N. (’ UKALKKS IV LIMK, PLISTEK. ( KMKM. lUIIL Ac. gents for Rush .S: Orrell s Line (d'Sleatuers. '^^ia rd.MPT personal atieiition given lo coii';ignnient.« o Naval Stores. Cotton or other Couniiy Produce, for >ale or shipment. •laii'y 111. Kl- WILLIATI II. .TIAIIA^ fasiHTfor of ,Vai'a/ Stores^ WIEMINCToN, n. c.. Hill pay strict atieniion to all business entru>ted lo his care, and solicits a share of public patronage. ORico ill llalTs Hiiildiii^, \o. l:{, (iip stairs.) North Wator Street. April S. Is.'i'.i -l-f.mo-i JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. i: o n n i .m o A N 1) Forwarding Merchant, n''llntinston, .V. f*. |t‘5?''Prompt per-ional attention given to all ('oti-ign- ments, and Cji'h advances made on Produce tn he shi]iped to oiher port- or sold in this market. Fel>. I'J. l^oo. »;7tf WILLIAM .1. 1‘RICi:, Miispertor of ,'%'aral Stores^ w7j..ulv(;tox, X. c. Solicits the jiatronage of his country friends and all others engaged in the Turjientine business. Offi«*o \Vaf«‘i* Xov’r 18.j8. r.t-lypd ~ F. M. BIZ/ELL. G R n C B R AND C 0 M)ll S SI (I .N M E R C II A T, No. 29 North W.vteh Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. J)ROMPT aiicl personal attention given to the reception J of all kinds of cvuntry produce, either for sale or shijmient. Orders for groceries from '•nnh cii'^tomei’s will receive immediate attention, free of commissions, i Nov. 19, 185S. C4-I3' I II DE ROSSET, BRO\V\ & CO., | ; i H V/>.)//AV/7V/.V. .V. ' ■. BROUN, DE ROSSET 6. CO., .v/;u' yoh'h'. ('oiiiiiii»«ioii Tlc‘i*(‘liaiil' gHC?”Particnlar attention given to the «.ile of Naval Stores, Cotton and other produce. .\jiril i*>, 18‘)0 i’)-:lnio>iid ■lie I’.:, M; il 1* McRIMMON. '.i7-rf KL) i\ew CmooiI«! I , . ! re( l iving mv Spring Stock ot «oods in my Tuey Were 'clectt'd in the Northern cities by ■ with ::ieul care, and bought on the most reason- liii'. by which I am enabled to otler the large.»t 1 i-ver hefore offered to the public, and to oHcr ' ‘ -J At irea(ly Reduced Prices. Rai^iiis. Figs, Prunes, .Vpples, Lemons, Or lierrie'.:, Ciirraut.s, 6i.c. I I.MLS AM> PRESEKVES-a great va- III A \ I', as'oci.iieil with me. in this line. Mr. .lohn K. h.iiley. and will style the tirm OR I! ELL .V HAII.I'.^. U (• have piu'ch.i'cd the Sl*‘.iiMer Ski tjikhnku. ami in I few day. will liavc'a New I’lat employed with her. riiose favoring us with their ]>atioiiage may rely upon b"^t':*t‘'h. by aipplving to .Mr. Hailey >'ii boiird, H. M. ORRELL. [irfdiipi or to me at mv oIVk ,M. (Ill i; KM.. Mareh •J*;. IX.' liMI.KV. 800-1 f '■n 'lliiMES AND EXTRACTS of various kinds; A .-i:\ps and PO.MADES; ' 'I' \l, I.NSTRl'.MENTS—Fiddles. Drums, Fifes, ^ I’aiijos. ruitars, 6lc.; d.KlNi, I ,\NE.>—of every kind; Kins \M. \V11,L(JW WARE; ''ld>\ lloliSE.''', .'ic.; ’’ I- I'IM: and CO.MMoN CANDIES; SARDINES; ' I 'M.AI'.S; SMOKLNG & C'H EWING TORACCO; 'KKI’.S; KINE POCKKT KNIVES; ' ---.finient of PORT-M(.)NAlES, some very nice: KNVELOPES, and FANCY GOODS, TOYS i VANKKE NOTIONS; ■" '•iiieiit of INDIA RUBBER GOODS; '"’N "HIPS, FISHINO TACKLE. *I'liiilic arc resjiectfiilly invited to call and cx- ' "ly 'iK'k. 1 have a great many liandsome thingrt '■ -Hill'd fail t(j pleuwe. JAS. R. LEK, Hotel Building. '-cli :;i, IH.Vj 1- . *^00 llblM. ot Herriiiff L 'b o(X) Herring, by March 14 GEO. W WILLIAMS & CO 96 l.oi%«‘i* l.illl«* Ri%«*i* aiKl 'i*aiit*% t'iMM'k .li a visual ion 'o. VSl'P.St'RlPTION P.OOK for the Cajiital Stock of this Company can be found, on and alter the JHih ill'll., at the Ibilowing places, wher- subscriptions will b‘ ri'ceived lor tIu' '^pace ot ihirt3' la\s; At the Railroad Ofhce in Fayetteville, in the hands of.John .M. Rose. At Monroe's Mills, in the hands of ('In is. .Monroe. At .lohnsmiville. in the hand- of Dun an ,Morii-oii. Other persons will be appoinled in Cumberland, Moore an.I Harnett Counties to c.invass for subscrip tions. The books will be clo-^ed a( the end of :;» days. T. S. H TTKRLOH, A. MURCHISON, CH. MONROE. For General Com’rs. Alay Hi, 18-VJ C;a|M‘ F**ar A'avi^^alioii t'oiiipaiiy! riMIE ANNUAL MEET1N(; of the Stockholders will I be held on FRIDAY, 3d .June ne.Kt, in tiie Town WATCHES X .lEWELRV, \KW \M> ItKSlIt \ltI.K. IlY JAS. T . II O IT T O \ , SI (M’KSSUK It) .1 M. r>H.vsi.i:v. A I.OT OK FIVK IMM Itl.K-KAISiiKL 4.1 \S. .\T HKIII CKI> I’UM'KS, by .1 , 'I'. II O I ’ S 1’ O N . March 1, l>.V.t f:?tf TIN PLATE, iron, Iron 4'OOKI ll4ii l> A iX » I I A U i:. .\Iw.iys on h.ind. at Wholc'iale or Retail. ttoot'ixn, I TTKHIXi}, .And all kinds of .loMiing, done at short notice, liy c. w. \M)i:ew.s, M iiket Si|uai(', Fiiyetlcville. July 0. -T-tf PETER MALLETT S. W. TILLINGHAST, Pres’t. lOtm Hall, Fayetteville. May 2, 18r>0. Su^ar House Syrnp. A Oct’r 14 FEW Bbls. excellent S. II. .SYRUP. sirttt MOLASSES. I). i:OLDE\ MURRAY, GE ERAL COIttMISSIOW MERCHANT, ()2 South Street, YORK. July 29, 1858. 32- T. A. r-;r HOIINSTR11T, Also, prime jigent for i^hirkerlng^H Pianos^ Of which he has always some on hand. Wilmington, N. C., Oct’r 2, 1858. 61-lypd .lAJS. T. im:tti:\v\v, i'otnmission • Uerrhaat, And A?ent for Hanson’s Line Steamers, Wilmington, N. C, Solicits Con'igumeiit> of Naval Stores, Cotton, Corn, Flour. ■Vlso orders for Groceries, Cotton llaggiiig. Rope, ^oano, .S:e. ..n:c. HKKKI;' lo .lohn Ii.'iwsoii. Esi|., U'ilmingloii, N. C., l»r. F. .1. Hill, •' o. (!. Parsley; •• Prc'ident I'onimercial l’.:ink. Dr. '1 hos. H. Wrighi, Presideiit ll.ink of C.i|ie Fe.ar. E. P, Hall, INii.. iiratieh l.ank of Slate of .V C., T. S. Lultcrloh, Fayetteville. N. t'. .\pril '2^> .''-im MlLri ARV GOODS, SwordSj Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces, AM) Um DKSnilPTlON OF VilLITAHV lilKIDS. ACCtiUDl.Mi To TIIK /jiifrsf I . S. .\rnij/ mill S/iifi /’i /tfliifiina. Sl’HUYLKH, HARTLEY 6c (iRAUAM, i^ii>OKTi:ii^ Ac IB\mirA’Ti ler.K^, I'.t MAIDF.N LANE. .fV »r i'ork. •lune .‘!0. lit-ly BOOTS 4V suot:s^ AT \VilOIiKS.\LK. JWO. M. WALKER, of WORTH CAROLINA, \V 1 T II I*. I». NIIAW A: ro., •'!1 AND :>•> l>KV StHKKT, .\kw VmI!K, n^lld.lie happy to see his Southern frieml'! at the above c-;|!itilihment. wli>r-. citli"r personally or liy oi’iler. they m.ay be su]>plie(| from .all ‘Xt'n'ive .and well assorted .Slock of Giiods in that line, goltcn up exjire^sly for the .Southern trade. Nov. -J'.t. l.s.')H. '7-1 y. Vftrotinff VUff^ «V« • rnllF. Atlantic and .North ('arolina Railroad being now I com|)lelel to I’.eaufort Harbor. I have doK'rmined lo locale at Carolina City for the jmriiose of doing a Forwarding and General Commission and hope by promptness and strict atieniion to merit patronage anl support. ISeing the .\gent of .Murray’s Line of First Cl.ass Packets to this and Morehead City, every ett'ort will l>e made to make this the cheapest and most expeditious route to New York. Vessels will be loaded and discharged at my Wharf (adjoining the Rail road Wharf.) and thereby save cartage and lighterage. Particular attention will be given to all orders, and to the sale and shipment of Produce. W^M. B. GRANT. .Inly 29, 1858. 32-1 y n vwKws HiSTORl OF NOKTH rAROLINl. ^pIIE 2d volume is now ]uiblished. It einl)races the pe- I riod of ihe Proprietary (iovernment. from 10(53 to 172'.i. It forms a hand.some 8vo. volume of 501 pages. The subscription price was half a cent a page; but the price nf this volume i' less, say S2 75 in cloth binding. S':! 00 ill librarj’ sheep, and .^o 25 in half calf. It will bk SO),l> (.\ I.Y Kl III C ASH. Owing ti> the ilillicuhy of securing .\gents in many ]>ai n of the State, we will forward il hy mail or other wise frep ofiiiixtiii],-. on receipt of the ]>rice; or both vol umes lor S t •>> clotli, .S4 ’>0 sheei>, or S"> half calf. •V liberal discount made to Agents or others, who buy to .sell again. E. .1. H.VLE vS: .SON. Fayetteville, Nov. 1H58. Ml PRi^:?ii: ( oi RT Ri:i*ORT«. .Ni:W KDITTON OF Devereiix and Battle’s Equity, Vol. 1. ^pil E subscribers have jii.st printeil a 2d Edition of 1 this Volume, : one of the most valuable of the seVies,) with .Notes ami Rcferein-es to other .adjudged Cases and to the Reviseil (’ole, by Hon. Wm. H. P.attle; and wilh m.iny corrections of typogr.-iphical errors. They have now in ]ire>;s thi' 2d volume, al'^o with •liidge IJaitle’s Notes, which they will publish soon. Their 2d Ediiii.u of tho 1st volume of Dev. iV iiattle's L.aw Re]H»rt>. is>ued last year, has received the aj>pro- lialiou of the Piofes>ioii. They al'o rej.ul.lishc'l a 2il Edition of Devereux’s 1st I3iiuiiy (without Notes. ^ ,\nd in addition to these, are the j'fojirictors of the entire editions of most of Iredell's Law and Ki|uiiy. and can supjdy any volumes extant of the Re]ioris. or conipleic scis. >o far a.s they can now Ur ha.l. They deal largely in Law ll'ioks, and will at all times order works not on their shelve-*, to sujijily their cus tomers. E. HALl’ \ SON. Fayetteville. May D’). \ort1i Cairoliiia Nl'MBKUS 1 AND 2. 1‘RF.l‘AUEI) WTTII SI'ECIAL UFFKRK.VPK TO TflK WA.NTS AND INTKHKSTS >F ,Vort/t i'arotina. IMtH: TIIK Ar>riCK.S of THK >n*F.lMNTKM>rNT OF rtt.M- MON S(’!IouL.. HY R(‘V. l'\ ,TI. lliihiiKiril, i-nf)Ki;s>;ou uF Tin; latin L.AX(;r \':i; .\ni> i.itku.^tuiik in riiK 1 .MVKiisriy of nouiii cauui.ixa. ro.VTAINTNO FA:\I1I.TAH lllSTOHY and DF.SCRIP- TIO.V OF NOKTir M.iNA. !^i U‘ctioiis in Pmso ami Verse; inniiy id’ tlioiii l>y ('iiiiiifiit citizfiis (d'tlu* .'^tatf. HISTOIUCAL AND CH RONOLOGICAL TAP.LES. And a variety of Miscellaneous Information and Sta- ti.'tics. by €\ ii. !!•#>>#; 1*. I’MRER 3 is a new and revised edition of the North arolin.-i Reader, first published in ISol. Numbers 1 anil 2 ju'^t issued, complete the serie-^. which i. as a whole, che.iper than any other series of Readers in the United States, ami a-: comiilete. The I'Mitor (Prof. Hiibb;irdi in his Preface to Num ber 1 deems it j.rojver to allude to a few of the peculiar advantage.' aimed at by the Superintendent of ('ommon .Schools wiiile nmking etforis to have this work com- jileted. These are. 1. The eiiriiiinii/i im ht of ii fi i Unr/ cf si jf-il,jieiufi nri. and ihe enlistmi'iu i>f popular sentiment in hehalf of the State and ii- in>iituiion'^. Il wa-! not thought important, how ever. to have more than one numl>er of the Reader ot merely a local iiiien 'i. •J. /' r-iii>ili/ llit rril (i tri/H'}ier>' r,,iiii>hiiiir,l iff in vi-,n arh’.-r.ls, nf' ,i f, rj>iliiiil rhnihj' in lul .in expen sive habit, and one whieh iiijnre- the Schools by jtre- veniinpr the children from being classified. series of iioiiie Keaders. ii was sup]>osed, would l>e certainly used, and this great evil thus avoided. the ]io]>iilar system of Read'i-s being too li'iig and lieing made -o often merely to add to the profits of authors and jiublisherx. This series i^ to coii>ist of fewer numbers than those generally u^ed. and il i^ believed that these number'.; are sutheit'ni. wliile if i!ie system were iinivei>.illy u-ed in the St.tle, the 'Um savi d to )iarent> and ehildiei; wouM ami'un! to several thoU'and li>llar annually. •1. Tu 1'nt iu /I'l/iih I,/ c/iihl, i II h iiniliiif /n n'Ul nmi- j,,,si i 'rix .unjicit nlh/ fiDiiili'ii- hiil nut ni' ihr r/iinictir rul/nl rhil'li.'-h ri''iiji(Miiiii)i.i, contnining, iu le.-"n' ea-^y enough for all .“iges. cnrroct 'Specimen'; of style, inlere-'liiig in mailer, and inculcating projier nioral>:. and religioiw in- sinution. The pric('^ are. for No. ]. -J.', cent'; No. 2. cents and N'l. ■!. 7-’> '•ent'. ,\ lilicral dedui'iion IVuiii these price-; t(t .Merchant-; aiiil School Teachers. E. .T. HALE SON. PI BLIC SAL.E OF THE NORTH CAROLLNA COPPER MINE, In the County or Gnilford, State of North Carolina. IN pursuance of the provisions of a Deed of Trust, executed to me. on the loth July, 1854, by the Pre sident and Directors of the North Carolina Mining Com pany, ami of reconl in the Register’s office of the Coun ty of Guilford, State of North Carolina, for certain pur poses therein set forth, 1 will, as Trustee in said deed* otfer for sale, for cash, on the premises, at 11 o’clock, A. M.. on Ttiiirsdaj the 2Sth day of July, 1hV.», that Valuable' .^iiiiii;? Property in Guilford countj% ten miles South of (ireensborough, known as the North Carolina Copper Mine, containing Hut .\cres, more or less, together with all the Machinery, Knglnes, Pumps, Mining Tools and Materials thereunto belonging or appertaining, and all the other proi)erty of every kind and description. Ix'longinc to the said ('opjier Company. Possession will lie given upon the consummation oi the sale. .T.VMES SLOAN. Trustee. Greensboro'. X. C., May 21, IS.VJ lit.« Dr. If VUill has removed to tli^ house formerly occiiiiied by Mr. A. E. Hall, on Haymount, iu the rear of Mr. Myrover’s, where he may lie found af ter >1, P. M. May .">0, 1850. 1S-3W yl'M Tlic' .Ua;i;i«f rnU‘!>i oi*i'niiil>erlaiil County are rciiuestcl to meet at the t'ourt Httuse in F.iyetteville on WEDNESDAY OF .lUNE TERM, at 11 o'clock. P.usiness of some importance reiiuires their attemlance. D. G. MAC R.\E. Chairman. May 1850 18-ot Tlii:v IIAYi: C 0.1IKI I P.BLS. WHITE FISH; i ») 20 Rags Coffee; :“,0.lM)tl Cigars; .lust received this morning by .1. II. IIOP.EKTS & CO. May 30. 18-3t Mfissolatioti of 0'oitartitershtif. ^pHE Copartnershi]* of WM. F. H(H5I> & CO. has this I day been dissolved by tiiiitual consent. Mr. E. H. Webster having transferred his iiwere'it to Wm. F. Hord who will settle and collect all debts due or coming to said P’irni. In presence of JOHN B.VRCLAY. WM. F. ITOKD. E. R. WEBSTER. MR. E. R. WEBSTER will be retainel as managing Su])eriiiiendcnt on mv R. R. works. WM. F. HOKD. . May 0,1850 12-lm N fiiiiaiio! Ciiiaiio!! (). 1 PERUVIAN, just received and for sale by E. F. Mav -28 llERRIl^Ci. J U.ST received and in tine order, by E. F. May MOOKE. 10-lm MOORE. 16-lm BACOA. LARGE lot daily expected by Mav 23 May 2.i May 23 F. MOORE. Dl-lm l.arl and Itiittc^r. 3tl i‘«>r imlu E. F. .Moore. 1»;-Im i.ini: E. F. MOORE’S. l(i-l m ^Bi^cellaiicoii^ Rook**. ^PllF .\merican Home tiardcn, illustrated, by .Mex’r I Watson; The (>bl Plantation, l^y Hunjrerford; .Sylvan Holt’s H.iughter. by Holme Lee; .Self M.ide Men, tiy .Sf-ymour; Episodes i.f I'reiu'h History, by Miss P.iidoe; Kend.ill's .Santa Fe Ex]>edition; Miss Melnlosir.' W.oks; t’er'-y Ancedote-j; l.ivesot’the lii:ieen-.^ ot Seoil.iiid. by Agile- Si l icklaml; I’cirm-'' Notes on tin- 15'n.ks of the New Te't.imcnt; Literal Trati'laiintis of ihc Cla'^sie-.^; ,\I)Iioii's bile of N.'ipoli'on lioii.ip.u le; .'^c. April 0 E. .1. IIAI.K .-t SON. Aolict* lo Solili€‘r!«s’ Willows. '^plIE AN idows of .Mexican Soldiers, and the Widows of 1^ .Soldiers who i>iKi> IN sEii VICK in I he war of ] 812, can have their jieiwiiiii'i continued by calling im the under- 'igned. Congres-; having Hiade additional provision fur them. Give me ihe management of your claims, luid I hr money shall come .it once, or no chai’ge. .INO. M. RO.SE, Agent for Pen.sions. Fayetteville. .luiKi 12. 1858. 10- rou SALi: OK uknt. i CONVENIENT DWEi.LlNG HOUSE, on Haymoiint, near Mr. .1. C. Thonison's. For particulain em|iiire ot J. (j. SHEPHERD, Es(j., or A. May M, CAMPP.ELL. ytf M' miTTKU AND CIIEKSK. C.ST received pr Fanny, .a few Firkins of verj' nice RL'TTEi;, and 25 Hoxc.s prime CHEE.SIv C. P.. COOK. Oct, U, 54-tf tSK.tSS STK.Mt.VtlK ^ (iOOD supply of various .No s jiisl received, wliii h we Ban fiirnir-h low. May 2. D. vV: W. McLAURlN. lotf C. B. COOK. 54tf riirtlirr of llook. Tliiriy \ ears Out nf the.Senaie. by Majur .lack It'iwnin^: llulwer's No\('l. ‘'What Will He Do With It’.'” r.rownlow \ Piyne's Cotitrover'y; Lights and Slridow'of .Sent I i.'li l.ile. liy Prof. Wilson; Eric, or bittle liy Little; .Sti'riK- NVorks; Longwortli on the (^irape; Kip s Lenten Fast; P.uek's Theolog. Itietionary; Riiskiii's I’oliiieal Eeoii'itiiy of ,\ri; rreasury l.lotting i’apei-; .Sehnol l.ooks. \c. lust received. E. .1. HALl] \ .S(,)N. UacaiilayV of'Pilf :in«l Trod- erick ihe (ireat; l!Oi;i*Elt W.VII, bv ihe author of Wild Western Seciu";: llol i:S WITH MV Pi PIL.S. hy Mis. In Phelps; THEISM .\\l» SKEPTK’ISM. 1,'v « h.-.rton; THK CONVALESCENT, l.y N P. Willi-.; NEW PA’fE.Nl' .SERMtiN.-' and M.iehine Poetry, by Dow. .lun'r; THK Cl'Ll’RIT FAN. by .lo-ieph R>>dnian Drake; INHIA 111 lU’.ER PKN.S. Thermnmelers. (‘.'ird Peiieils. I'ic.. iVc. Just received. E. .1. HALE \ .SON, May is liilc aiKl l.tal»or*i ol* Rc‘v. IK'iiiiol I I’.iker. H. II.; The Methoilisl, or Incidents and Characters from Life; The Pillar of Fire, by the aillhor ol' the ••I’rince ol ihe 11 ou'C of I >a vid "; Morning and Night Watche«; Chapman’s .Sermons, New Edition; Memoir of Mrs. .SIiuc'k, by .J. 1>. .Jeter; Tesi imony of the Rocks; Presbyterian Psalms and Hymns, in velvel, morocco and jihiiii landings; Ba])tist Psalmody; The Psalmist; lliblus. velvet, morocco and other bindings. .Vpril 2:5 E. .T. HALE SON. Fiirflic'r of* Rookw. rnllE AMERICAN ALMAN.VC for IH-Vj; 1 FATHER AND DAUGHTER, by Miss Bremer; “W HAT WILL HE DO WITH’IT, ” by Bulwer; SCHOOL BOOKS, &c., &c. March 7 E. J. HALE & SON. TAKDA I P, ^n\K’i»lN up and eoiiimitled to ihe.I.-iilof Cumberlaii.l I County on the L'lih inst.. a NKtJltO lUtV, nnmed .loHN BRACE or .lOHN FR.VNKLIN. who says he is fre(>. ;ind that he canu^ from t'olumbiii. S. C. .Iwhu i.s siiiall. a bright mnhillo, and had tin when taken up :i white Wool hat and steid-mixed frtwk coat and jiants. The owner of s.-iid Negro i- noiitied to come forward, ]irove property, jiay charge-^, and take him away, or he will be dealt wilh as the law direcl>i. GEO. L. McK.W, .liiiler. Ocl'r 15, IS."s. !jo~ llif‘li(»iiary oT l»y liaii- man; Trc'>ilian and hi-.; Friends, by R. .sheliun McKenzie; '•A Thou-.ind I'hanees lo Make .Mnney, " l>v Freedley; ‘•Mr-1. Pan ingiou s ('ar[H‘t Bag ol Fun '; .Syivesler Souiid; Handy Andy; Flush Tiiiie> of .M.iliama; P.-irty Leaders; .School P.iioks; ,vc.. .VC. -lust received. A].ril 2;: K .1. H.VLE SON. ?»>tatio\i-:rv. In adifilioTi to onr iiresent stock we are receiving i*»0 Rea HIM l*a|N‘r, Lndiraeing every variety of CAI>. LETTER, P.ATH LKTTF.R, COMMKRCIAL NOTP:, BILL HEAD, FOJ.IO POST, and N(>TK P \PERS. 1)0 M. EN VELOPES, of every description. 1 ca-ie English and .\mericau .sj^.NTE.S, assorted sizes. 100 gross .STSEL PENS; Pen-hoMers; .School Ink-.Stands; VISITING ('ARDS; BL\NK BOOKS, ic. E. J. HALE & S(»N. Feb’y 12 Colton% .TIoiintaiii Scenery. 4 FdRTHER supply just received. iV K- -I- HALE & SON, May 10. T^aiitwell’s lA. Carolina Justice, i soithekx harmony,- just rec’d. E. J. HALE & SON. 1 1 received. E. I i^Tlie Koiitiiern Hariiioiiv, and "A Further Supply 1 MUSICAL COMPANION, for aale by J. HALE il SON. I April 4 E, J. HALE & SON. m

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