i^i: EDENCE. kuitiun. 4»\ ';"■ ‘ '■- ■..riM.os Z '■ - KIMTIOV, •‘S' w A HI'S Lah . ^oll. t>.L II; tin is-1 HI "> t; 1, :IW ivf.l M- - ^ ’■ 1,^. i'' '■■ -‘MU .;, U1-- n- Ip »r n u„ ^.'11 li;- ' - -11 . ,...' ■ ■Il ::u-i fW” ■ r-. . rr : ranee. uhti ►1 : -V toil ' ''.T I: !lll. ', .- I i,*( ^ ■ in u*:ti e 1 Irft. ' ■ ■ I ii. ' ■ * : > Ih- li.-iv *■ ]' . - ill I ;i ' ■i;. in - *n. n,.iw = ::- »1 Ir ' - " Hi; iui ^ ’ *t.v >li- inr! init Ti i ncli ■ Mil 1 I • rrili- ^ ^ t : \\k' i - ^‘IHv - ,l f\ r:m> »*•; iih\^ -1 -'■.,1 ■. :»Ii ■ I W ■ ■ ■ . ; :*r : • T , K:;,, r * 1 i: - - « l i. ;i|.; \ r\ ■ Il ■ rca't- ' \':\V . MlV il- ' •' the wi I,' CV it - -.I'^ili.s i; am- • ■ ' Cl .-d in it ii 1 I. ■•V -Ml Cotll lilt* fiiVf 1 ^p otlifr r . - P ■ -W .-twi; Ul*. H»i‘: ■ ri d ■ oii- - I Ol r ! ] ■: !•: m\n\\. [llA : )'t ■.J'K'n AI. 11,000,000. nt. i. T. h n ;\ i:..lr.,Sr/>. V A/ ■i ; J.JIJ ■- i >« * i: I -7- ]'.V- II.. •J t. !'"■ j 4:m. , ; II ■ I ; ■'7 i;iiii :,."i IM ■; I ■»_. 1"'‘ i i ■..ville. il VLK. i«lilsoii »!' .au \ ol. *» VI’ f*. I .uph il 1 i :iik t.'' u . -■■ ji.iilit- II . , -I* 1..I- I’oUll-''! 1: I ' ile'l.' , . , , ..^cl HIl'l ■ .1- i.fii. I,t -N.. k- \LK .V .SON lllll(‘«> Ot irl lleport^* |- |« • l^crirtioIlS *•* h:,r - lie M’ k ; ASLH « 50-V- SEMl-W EEK L, Y. [VOL. VIII.] FAYETTEVI1J,E, C.. JUNE 9, 1859. [NO. 821.] C' ri’.lN K!* MONDWS ANI> THURSDAYS. KDWARD J. HALE & SON. KPITORS VXD PUOPRi'kTOUS ,. >'.r till'On^FRvni ? % 00 if p«iil in ' ' *•'' >*’ 'lurine ‘lie yoar of ■iiihcri]>- ,,,, ,.r ''t iit'iiT tlie yoar has cxpireil. U. i-kly Ohskrvf.r SlI ott por annum, if j.aicl in h .nci': i" if pniil durinjr the year of subscrip- ,,, OO after tlie year has expired. \ 1»VFRTISKKNTS in'^orteil for f'lO cents per ;i liiK'v for tlie fir-Jt. anil ;?0 cents for eacli ! •;- imlilii-;ition. \ early ailv«>rli'ienient' liv sj>e- MV)!''-:. at ri':)iin>iVi1e r:ife'‘. .\ilvi>rti'»err^ are t -it- to the nnm'>er r.f in^ertionsi d '^ired, or ■ ln‘ c.nitintied till forhid. and char^red aocord- F A VETTE V1LLE MITRAL I^SlIRA^^K fOMPANY. ASSF.TS $254,613.62. (. onipany has lieen in o]K'raiiiu niovi* than --i I jears. uinl 1im-> paid its fire losses, aiinnintiii‘r i 1.!'! with'Uif ;niy a'ses-nionl; in‘;iir*v*>ee avft-ij ing its ineniliers aUont ^ ]ier cent. Amount of pro]nTty now iu'iired. SI. Ainonnt [iretnium notes imw on hand, L’47,7Ua.I'8 I>iu i;c runs. Thr t i'at'rini*e Hit’ Sotfth! hi Geo. Mc.Neill, D. A. Itay, 11. L. Myrover. S. W. Tillini;h:ist. Henry Lilly. N. ,\.. Siednian. S. J. Hinsdale. ’I’. S. Liii(I'rloh. ni. Mel.aurin, T Hawley, " . X. Tillinghasl, •\. ,\. MeKethan, ■I. D. W illiains, Jas. (}. Cook. A. \V. J^teel, •las. Kyle. Hon. .1. (!. ^^he]lhe^d, R. F. I’.fown, ^\ ilniiii^ion. * f V •V' Ail'- v'l^cnieiit' \ira. to he inserted charged j>er Sl'KClAl. NOTICF.. 1 .lid al': 'r this tlale, no name of a ui-w snl'seriher ■irered without psyment in advance, nor will r ’ -ent t-.> such suti>eribers for a lonrer tin>e p id tor. • it :..ir "Id siihseriliers as desire to take the pa ■ !ii'>ystiMU will pleas,* notify u> when niakinir Fire insnraHce, M’l'. refer t'Ur readers to the annual staienicni of the In-iiranee Coiiipany, of llariforil. Thi--iii'- -iii'titution wa incorporated tiy the l.ej^i-ilatuie ot ■ iieut in with a jter^x'tual charti'r. Its T ; :i. .-^oiMl.I.Kh). and its afeuniulations exceed SMiS.- ■ • !ii.''-e. inakiniT its entire a-'ets over Sl.-!>0.ooo. in- • - 1 :i' detailed in the 'Statement referred to. These ' indicate that during the period of nearly forty . it» ofiranization. .without a single clian^eof ' ..fheer. its liiisin^-'-^ has been i-otidiicte.l with ,i : -iT and prn.lence. It ha^ l>een thus tar '^ticce"-- tu eminent dejrree. disehar^ing. a* we ar>- in- • r ' .''1. all it' obliirHtions >iy the jiayinent "f ab.iut - a ■ for U»ses. without asking a day's delay in r y iiistance. It has had but little litigation, notwith- -•■i'l'linp the immense number of transactions made. In ! ..‘v t'i attain as much as possible in such a ' I'iness as instirance, it has been the practiee of the ;ipany. for several years, at great labor, carefully to t"ify and arrange their risks into about fifty distinct ' : «o to ascertain the amount insured on each ' —. the amount of premium^ received thereon, and tin- unt .f lo-ises U]>on each. This clas'iticaiion. exten.l- .r.j -'Ver a long pi“rioi. and coverimr pro]>erry lo u very ' ■■■ 'p amrunt. turni'hes reliable data, and presents a • iii.l, 'ulistantial basis of aiMiial e\)>t‘riem'e. up..n wliich .*'.1111111:1 its bu-iiness. Insurant' i' not a luatter of k or i liance, a-^ many suppose; it- hazar.K are a-i'cr- .Mm. and it- i.rinciplc' capable ^.f b.-in^ ti-.’ticfl lo 1 'VsTem. rhe j.radical working:, and re'iib~ of whidi ari‘ ' .•»* tain as that .if any other biisinc". The .Kina ^ -iip iiiy. by adheritig rigidly to it'sy>iein. and placing it bii'in- 'S upon a liealthy tiusis, has o'otained the ’on- ti.lfni'c of tlie community t.i au extent -urp:i"e.l >iy no other •'otiipany in the I’. St.ati". aii'l ha iiu-n-a'cl it> business and its income from year l.’ Vi'ar witli a 'ti-a.ly growth. One great sourcc it? .^ecuriiy is the wid.. distribution of it ri-ks—a policy wliii h it j.iirsiies with irreat strictness—limiting tiie anioutu to lie c.vere.l in each locality. 15y this cotir-:? it has parsed, witli com- |i-irative iniptinity. tlirougli some of tlie m..ist sweeping and dfstructive fires, wliii-h liavc -w:ill..wf.l up .fluT , n.pxnies les-i cautious in their bu-ines-. it is a system ' ke this, based upon experience, which eiv-« -:ia'biliiv ■ii.i Houndne's to a company, and to the H.-snred con- " It-nce and security.—Ji'tltiini- ST ATE mi: NT OF THK .i'T.M mum: II IKTFOKI>, €>\\. I. iU'oHATED IMllt THAHTKR I'KRl'ETUAL. CAPITAL $1,000,000. E. G. RII’EY, President. T. \. iLLMMlER. Vire l»res‘t. T. K. BRiPF. Jr.. Ser’y. ASj^ETfe. JAN V 1. 18o'J. Market Value. ■' .li F,>tate unencumbered. S05,y8& *Ji’- ’i. V iue the f'o. «eenrel by Mortgage. 4.ill:.’ 1-' ■ :n hand and in B'k with accr^wd in’st. 209,lbO :!8 ■ n tiie hands of .\gent>: an.l in tran.sit, li;i,812 '1 ._e I'.'.nds at 7 per cent, interest, 44,m»o f, •• •• •_’«, )W f'ity Water B.md.s ai •'» per cent, int'st, 'Jo.OOO ■ ir ; ipl ’itv Fionds at 'i per cent, interest, 10. out I Ho.OIMI 6,MlU 11> 07,lii C»;i.-'7'. - li K. Hall. Wiliiiington. (>t-'v icKi:s: (illd. McNF.lI.L. President. D. R V\, Vice I’resident. f. McMli.l.AN. Se.-reiaiy. .lohn ( ollins ,nul ('. Mi-('runuii‘n. Travelling .\gcnis. tfe^The fompatiy invite applicaiions. May 10. ]c,y THE \OKTII 4'AKOI.I\A Mm AL LIFE IXSl IIAM E 4 0MPAM, t>\\ in the lenih year of successful o]ifration, with growing capital ;ind tinner hold uj.oii piiblic con- ti.leui'.', c.ititiiuie' to insure the lives of all healthy ]>er- sons li'om 14 to 'ill years ot age. tor one vear, for seven years, aiidtorliie all life member';-liaring iti I he protiis. .\ll 'lavfs lioiii Ii> to l(t year of age are insured for one year or for tive ye:irs»for iwo-thirds tlieir valtu*. All hw-c-i ;ire pum-iiially ji.tid within On days after -ati-far!ory proot i ]>rcfnte.l. For fun lier 'nform.ition the pulilic is relVrred to ,\gents of the ('oiiipaiiy in all pan- of the Slate, and lo R. H. li.V rrLK, Secretary, R.ileigh. F. .1. H.VLK. .Vgent ai .lan'y l''o'i. Favetieville. N ('. rjmr .ft..I h Sufh rHl.: roMl'ANV being ATI.A ATIC ?H TI AE Fire and Marim* liisiiram-«‘ (oiiipaii}, NOKTII (’.VltOLlXA ,|.-7 nj till Li ijl\hlturi III ( 'ii I'lilnni. duly org.ini/.ed, i- now pre- 1 parcl t.i rei-eive ai.plicatioii" for iii'iirance upon Bulldiiiss, .Mi'rchaiidiNO. Fariiitiire. .Mills, Manii- fartories. Ships and tlifir (ariroes, ,\nd most kinds of property, at renumeiative rate*: of premium. It is ainii'd in the orgaiii/.ation of thi ..mpany. t.« make a "iff m^.liiim for Indemnity and IV.iiei'tii.n to the a''Urt‘.l in i“i~e if Lu". \n honorable and upright i-ourse of dfaling. an.l a faithful fultillmeni i.t it- I'oii- tract. will at all time:; ■ iiaracterizc the t.ii'incs ot the 'ompany. Application-t'or Insurani’c may be ma.le at the ■ thco if tlic Company, or to its authorizi-d A'.r'Mit'i. l»iRi;cTHt. I^I'.SI’F.t TFI I.[A iiiforiiis ]ii-i iVii'n.)' .ami the I V that he li.as Iniih ti]i large sulisiaiitial I’rick Riiild- ings at hi' Old .Siatid. exprc-^-jly f.iv niaiiiifaciuring I'ar- vi.igi's. riianUlul Ibrttii' very liberal jiatrotiaiie lie has received tor tlie l i-i i’| ye.n-'. he liopi liv -irict ntlen- tioli to liii-i)i,>ss. wiili ;1 licsiie to ;ri'c sati-f.li-tioli, lo merit a continuance of the same. He warr.ints hi- work to lie m.ade ot' the lu-t m.iteri.il .and b\ experienced Workmen in (>ach biancli of ihe luisiiic^i,-, |li> work uill conijiare t.ivoraiily wiili any iiiade in llie l iiite.l Slate-, tbrne.-ilne-' .and dittabiliiy. He i- deleimined to-ell and do any worl’, in his liin" on .i good teriii' as .my w.irk iloiie el-ewhere lliat is ,i- well d.me. He now h:i- on hand, tinisiicd. Till'. I.\i:»;i;sr STOCK Oj' I'arrinij^fs, Baroii‘li‘«i, Rorkauays and ever otlere.l in liiis place. :in.| .a ver\' large stock of work ne.irly tini-lie.j, which will lie tini-iied daily. .\11 of which will 1»> solil Very low tor ca-li. ..r on liort time to pntii-tu.al cu'totiier';. He h.is on liand more than >NK HI XlHll'.l. \M) KIFiV V i; It H ' fii,i!ie.l and in course ot con-iriii'iion. tt-^ -'ll Work nitide l.y him i- warr:;nte.l I’J moiiilis with fair usage, and siioiiM it fail b\ bad v.orkmatiship or material, will lie re).aire.l tVee ot cliarire. I'ersoii'; wishing to imy would do well to call and ex amine for them-cUes. Order-- tli.inklnliy reccivcl an.l pioniptly aiiended to. R.'pairitig execute 1 at -liort iioiice ui 1 on very rc.asoti- alile ti‘nii. M IV I' .i.;. f0-tf W.M. ( AliTBK & SOX, \Miol»‘sah“ »V K»‘lail Dealers and ManulactunTs \M. KISH- (u Ijvathrr. SathUis tttitl iiarmss^ »t cv.-i _\ .Ic-ci ipi ioli, » '.ir'. Whiiw. iVc. N 1) we .ai-o p.art iciil.ti. \ call the ,ii tent ion ot the whole !.■ _i\c 11' .1 c.all. .as we are de- iiipi- i; in .[ii ility nr low :lie liiL'lic'l c.i'Ii price at all Talli.u. in excliiitige for otU' ,\ FRE81I ARKIl AI.! Sffoiid Stock Spring and Slimmer (ioods. .f. A I’K .M V, KHTON I.'' now reia-iving his second stock of Spring an.l .'-iiiii iiier (Jood.s. embracing .ill the \ E AV EST ST V I. E^i. Snell as Stttiimer Or-- ffantlies, With a great variety ot new stj'le goods for Travethtii MMrcsses and MPttsters. .\l.so a complete assortment of .Mourning' »oolw. large and varied assort ment of SILK AND LACK MANTLK.'^, CHANTILLV LACK I’tHNTS, r.I/K \M) WIIITK RKRAOF MANTLKS, STKLLA SHAWLS, ."tc. A few of those sjilendid French KMHRolDHRKD AND LACK SKTS. ('OLLARS AND SLKKVKS. Dougl.as ,S; Sherwood's NKW STVLl' CORSKTTS, ■ willi Rustle and Skirt-Supporter allached.) .V great \.aiiely of NKW STVLK Ilool* SKIRTS. ,S;c , \c. In the .ahove slock may be found a great nianj' new and desirable slyles, just out. The public generally are invited lo call eai’ly iiml examine for tiieniselves. J. A. RKMRKRTON. April 10, l>.jO 7- Finest Family iroferies for 1859. A(’KE1{ MKHUALl. c'L (’O., .\o. Corner of College I’lace, (OpjMisite Hmlson River Rail Road Slalion.) NKW VOKK. DKAi.r.Hs in- FI NKST WINKS, FINKST I’.RANDIKS, FI NKST SKUARS, FINKST TKAS. FINKST COFFKKS. FINKST SUGARS, FINKST RUTTKR, FINKST HAMS. L IMI FOR n\M FINKST FAMILY (1 ROCK R IKS, of every description, put tip for Shipment to all parts of the World. Catalogues will be furnished ujion ai'plicaiion. March 'J0-8tn IOf'Fi’R tor s.ale tUO .\cres of L.^ND. lying on the West side of ('ape Fear River, two miles below Fay etteville. an.1 extending from the river into the sand-, hills. This Iraci is about equally divided into river- ridge. sw.-imj) and sand-hill Land. About HO acres, .iil.ioiiiing ihe river, are uinler cultivation and are well -liiied lo tin* growth of Corn and Gr;iss: none of the Sw.imp has been cleared. There are several good sites for a dwi'Hing house on ihe sand hills. .\ny jierson wi'^hiiig lo inirchnse will do well lo make early appli- caiioii, as I have deleriiiined to sell. THOMAS J. RORINSON. Sept. H, lh.").s. 44it I^siikK for 10FFKR for sale about GOOo .\cres of IMne Lands near Fayetteville, containing an immense quantitj' of .Mill Timber, and a number of Turpentine Roxes, and several new tasks may lie ciU. There is on the premises a tine Dwelling House, and all necessary out-houses.—Scup- peruong and Isabella Grape Vines,—1(M)0 young Reach and ,\pple Trees of Lindley's best varieties; also, a good F.\RM of about l.'jO acres cleareii; and also a GRIST and S.\W MILL: and a fine large Meadow of about 140 acres. 'I'lie Fayetteville and 'oal Fields Rail Road passes through these lands about a mile tVom the .Mills, I will sell ill parcels to suil purchasers, but would ]>re- fer lo sell tlie whole together. .Xpjil^’ to Thos. S. Lut- lerloli, Ksip, Fayetteville, or the subscriber al I’ills- l.orough, N. C. J. H. H.VUGHTON. Nov. I‘J, 1H.-.7. OOtf Alalia Ilia l,.aiiU tor Male. I 1 Al'IlK.s. in Henry county, o miles below 1,1)^ I Columbia, on the Chatiahochee river, and L’.'i miles below Fori G.aines: H.'iO acn's are clearetl—5M) acres are river lioiiom. which will produce from to ;*>0 liiisliels Corn, or from I.IMM) to li.-)00 pounds ot Cot ton to ihe acre. On the place are all the necessary im provements - Houses for Negroes: good water, and as iieallhy as any section of Alaliania. For further jiai'- ticulars ajiply lo me, at .Midway ,\la., or 1!, .\LLISON an.l G. .I.^NK.S. on the premises. Also. 1,DM) acres Land, near Midway. R.-irbonr coun ty—acres cleared—all fresh, having been cleared in the last seven ye.-irs. Tlii> is siroiig liiiit' L.ind. and will produce from i!h to :iO bn--Iiels Corn, and from l.Ouit to 2.000 lbs. (’otton ]>er acre. Improvements tine —the Dwelling cost .'r-LOOit. and is -^iinat‘d on a high sandy every convenience desir Fayetteville Female High School. i''samiimtion Exercises will commei^ce on T»ies- 1 day, .Inly ijth. at H o’clock, P. M- The Annual Sermon will be preached at night, by Rev. .V. Weaver Robert P. Dick, Es(|., of Greensborough. will debver the Literary Address on Wednesday evening. On Thursday, at 10 o’clock, M., the Graduating Exercises will take place, lii the evening, there will be a Concert of vocal and instrumental music. W M. K. BLAlvE, Principal. May 21 lGt.I5 Ecij^ewortli Female Meiiiiiiary, GREENSBORO’, N. C. The Nineteenth Annual Session of this Institution will commence on the ^^d of .\ugust, IS.iO. The course of study is thorough and sj’stematic. em bracing everything necessary lo a •om]ilete, solid and ornamental education. The RUILIHNGS are so ar ranged :is to combine the comforts of a home with the advantages of a School. Instructors of the highest qtiiilifications are emidoyed in each of the Departinents. TERMS: Ro.ard, including washing, lights and fiiol, per session of tive months, **** Tuition in the regular clas,ses, -O Catalogues containing all necessary inlorination re specting the course of Instruction, Terms. &c., will be forwarded on application to RK’HAKD STERLING, Principnl, ^ Greensborough, N. C. .Tune .‘i •2o-2mpd FINKST TONGUES, and ridge, with good water, ami able in a country residence, Ptolh of these jilaces are kii .'.vn in Columbus, ia.. where iliniiiries c:in be made. I in\ile lliose who are )>urchasing. to examine the'c )i!ace'; during the -.iiiiing sjiring and summer, and judge theiii by wlial they see. C. ROSK. ' .John .V Parrott, \N iiliani S Lotur, Levi T (>gle-liy. David W IMl. ‘ W l> (Irani. .\ P» Chapin, U.ivi.l .T.in.-., .'^aniiiel Letfci '. tic. W Dill, .loel II Pavis. ('ol Tho. .1 lilak^ly. D .\ Hareett. Luke Hlackiiian, E .Malleti. OFFU'EHS .b)hn .\ Parrott, Preiitlenl, Levi T Offle'by, Vice President, W Long, Treasurer, E .\ Tlu«nipson. \! turney V I’. h. .-•••crciary. W li'irant, | w s Long. EXErrTivr. COMMITTEi: David W Hell. I .\:arch 12. Ot'.-f.in 'iirroiindin^ iiiir; lermilie.l tint li.'tie '•h ill price-; ari.| w.- will uive rime' f..r l!aw Hide- nnd article-. I Coiuiiry .Mercliaiii- wotild d.. well Io call an.l examine 1 our Stock. ;i- we cm -ell tiiem Shoe- of a much belter ■ i|uali:_\ ili.-in they ii.-i:.i!';y ^ct, on very a. cuniiio huing j term-. S..uthern l’laniei wluM .lo well lo -T-iid us all I their order-* a-w e are makiti;: .i No. 1 article of N K(i Ro j SHoK.s. that :ire w.irraiite.i to give entire -atisfaction. N. P>. .Vll (»r.ler>i from a dist.-mce -li.ill have ].rompt attention. ' S. S. CARI'KR Gold'toii P. O.. ('hiiihaiii Co.. N, ( .March l.'i. 1.^.‘.'.' WM. r vuTKi:. ‘n,. \v f'v -HT •• ..ivie.” ■ i’le. *• Tr. - V N 1 Re:.: .e k.'.. m:-' .. f. New V” k. .. 1,^ .. •• ](! --m ; 4i i: o pr ct i accrued i:i .ck. !’er leir iriteru'I, .C K tiave Vie'-n Kj V .New Haven iiaii I’l. a>i t o Stock. m .iitiu \S irce-ter " “ " D'.iii- ■III Kiver “ •• “ l'J,..iHi ; i:iv*>r Ci.ni; .uy “ l.'J-Vi Rank.Slk Waterbury.Ct “ “ .''latl'oril .''pa. •* ").'J"i'i -■ •“ i’rovideiice R I l.H,_ *• Hartford. Cl ;’ei,OiiO 4.3.I.IIO V \l.chanics cliiiit River •I ■ 'Ilk i ui’ - .. Matiuf 'lie- ,\ 'i'::|.lers Mi"'.iiiri 'ill' Kxeh.aii'/e ' Kiver ■ nic' A .r.Mi,-a Jersey .St Loiii- I 3.',no •Js.t'SO 11, ino luo o.r.oo I'lO. l-'.n lU..')l‘it 10.100 \j.N.I l.'iOO . Mo liO.i'.iiO .New York. I’. ■iWeHllh 'iliatlali ^ .Ilk I r .;-ilitan •* ‘■'■li' i - V Drover- ' -er \ Trailers “ ■' ' Exchange *• I' 'liant-: '■ ■'■'1 Sr-iie': Trust Cotnp y ^ LI iis \ Trust ( ’ II- c,--ivable, I '■•■natieoiis invesiment-. Id, inn 11 I.t (011 ;;r,.oi to •J-J.I'H) :{o,(;oo ;; L'Jtto •J7.UU0 1(1.400 bio ,^.'.•00 10.000 11,200 27,tiOO »o 22.000 lO.Ouu IJ.RM) 2:;.'100 r;;-!,t;oo 42.40(1 4.'., 100 1],:500 24,7.30 4 8,0'(.5 07 2;5.t;u'.t 08 ('AKOI.IAA 4'ITV IIOTEI.. I'lKKOTT A MK\VBH{\, I'roprletors. Tm.S mngniticent Hotel has been enlarge.I to nearly double its origin.'il size, .lu a.l.liii..n ot eighty-eiglit feet having lieen a.Me.l ..n Kailro;i.l -tree', thus pre senting an imji..-in:r front immcdiaiely in view of the .\tlantic (>ce:in. The verati'la of this Hotel which is thvee stories high fronts toward? the (,>cean - wo hundred and eight een feet, affording a Delight till Proiiieiiade. F’rom this stand jioint. the beholder can ^can the Ocean in the Sruith. P.ogne Sonn'l in the S..iith-wost. the Hir- l>or with all its shipping. Fort .Ma.jon and three Light- Houses in the South-east, atfording a range of >«’ i: A > i::% i: k i , that is scarcely elsewhere to he met with. The superintendence of thi- Hotel will be ; hands of Mr H. ER.V.MBKRT, iforinerly ol tin eMeville Hotel. whose ta-te and kill -o fliialifies him for making nil tlie giie-ts . -e' were at home. « The best servants the country coiiM .nfT.n. -i'ciired, Tho.se who stop wiili us will never be if ' - -- ‘ Itec realioii and Eiitertaiiiiiieiif. I hir steamboat will make regular iri|i i.: i;c ..il.'. t- the Inlet, tlip F'ori. and often on extra excui-ion--, wmu* our B.VND >F .MT.'-IC will lie ever “di-c ... >,;.u et -^ound-i" to the ears of those who shall f.i\or u-^ willi their coni[)any. Our B,\R will fnrni'^h choice liijuors ot'all kin.l-: "Ur IHLLIARD ROOM is in good order, a in! our i:oW L- l.N(i -VLLK^ will be coiisl.atilly open tor liie euK'il.aiii- nieiit of those who iiave a ta'^le for llo'-e iicalihtiil ex- , crci^e-; and our RK.\D1NG R(U>M will c.ntaiii file- ot ’ the lie-i| newsp.aper-', maga/.ine-. ati.j periodii'a!-' jiiili- I li-ihe.i. I The sick will find our IS t T III "S 'J II » I i:s a matter of great comfort and a help lo bctler he.-illh. We feel ,i--tirc I lhal in every rc-pecl we can give • ‘iitire satisfaction; we shall. ;tl lea'll, sjiare no pains lo ; do oiir whoh' iliily, liial all oiir giie.i- may leeeive all I poss'lde atteniion, TAKK NOTD'K! A' the Iriiii arrives .afier dark I c-ach «'Veiiiiig, persons going to Beautort- will do well lo -top over iiighi ai ( arolina ( iiy. as tiiey can be con- ; veyed. wherever they wish to go, tlie next d;iy, in a steamboat or s:iil boats, and tliiis be «aved the trouble ^ of ;i disaii-reeable niirht trip across the water. TKR.MS: S'* a Day; .''12 a Ueek; .'t'oO a .Monlh. PAIiRoTT \ MKW150RN. Carolina City, May iH.'i'.i I2-2m eJS’i'oe^! i\'eifr«e!«*!! WaiilcMl. / iKNTLKMK.N. your ol I customer is yet in nia'-ket for \J( Likclv Negroes, for which I am determined to pay the Highest (ash Prices. ti>r S'llc would do wt*ll to liU* )i c:ill. or Tin* Jil linlim. N. IKII SiTO\ '•H LD intorm hi-^ friends an.l tbrmer customer- ih.il he may >ie foiin.l 2 .loor-lielow the C;.pe Fe.ir Bank, an.l ;; iloors above hi oM -land s.nith si.le Pers.'ii Sire.-t, where he intends to kee]i mi han !. Harness, Saddles, Bridies, Wliips. (otiars, aii'l eviTv thing lielonL'irig to hi tra.le. He re^j.ecifully invite^ hi- friend* frotn the count'y to c.ill and examine iiis -itoek l.etore piircha-iiiir. He will attend t.i I’l. pairiiig of Harne-- and Saddle® pumtually. an.l hi eli.ii-iiall be mo.lenite. He wiiuM rei|nest ..il in.lebte.l to the tir-ni of HOUSTi>N \ (*\ KRB\ ?o ->:.tlle with W. (iverliy or liimself. a»i ihev are conipelle.i to -eiile the tirm's lebis. Augu-^t 27, l.'''H). if llardwaircN C utlery, KAl»»I.EItV, Are. .\MES .MAin iNK is now receiving a large and gene ral assortment of every thing in the above line. —ALSO— •\ jirime article of Rio. L.agiiira and .lava C(H-'FKK CrusLe.l and lirown .sU(i.\ R; .Sujr^ir House .''I RC P and .MOL.VSSKS. .\11 of which is offered on as good terms as can be had in I hi': market. Nov'r 24, IS-jH. (i(iif STOVKS, NIIEET lRO\, TI.\-WAKE, Arc. ON H.\ND. a large assortment of Box and Cooking Stoves; Tin-ware; Sheet-Iron: Lead Pipe. Also The “fW/ Ifominlon Coffee For sale bv .l.VMK.'s M.-VRTINE. and Lot tor wile. ^IMI.Vr neat and comfortable DWELLING HOUSE and 1 LOT, on Arch street, is for sale. It contains six rooms, and is in good repair, with all necessary otit- liouses and a Well of good water in the yard. D is con venient to the business part of the town. .\n3’ inform ation in regard to the above )>ropcrty can be had by calling on H. Graham or R. W. Hardie. June 1, 1850. l'.*-liw Call and settle up* VLL those indebted to me by Note or .Account will please call at my old Stand. Northeast corner Mar ket S|iiare. and settle uji. In my absence Mr. T. B. Newberry will attend to collections and give receij>ti- •lune 1, i8.M». CRAHA.M. l'.*-CiW Nale. March 0 Midw-iy. i’.arboiir 'av. Iicp. ) oitntv. -Via. it.')-if ^fafe ltoii«iw foi* iT.VTK Coupon Bonds. (Coupons payable in New York, on the 1st .\pril and 1st October. . in niiaiili- tie-; to suit. \pplv at the Branch of the Cape Fear Bank. ■ A. McKK.vN. .lune 1 1'■•if s (•(inpON li'^Nl)s I' 'i! - rplIK We-tern Rail Road Comixiny have for sale in 1 amounts to suit ]iiircliasers. .2((.U(MI ul'tlie ('tjiijiDii l)u!nls ul'flu* ('(Uiiity uf (.’umberland. bearing 7 ]ier cent. interet, payable semi annually on the 1st .lune and 1st of December, and run ning 20 years. of the (’i)HjMin IJomIs il‘ flu- 'I'owii id Fayetteville. lK‘aring d percent, interest. ]iayable senii- annuallv on ilie 1st January and the Isi of July, and running 2( • years. These bonds were issued in accordance with law to , I HHDS. MlUi.VSSES; the Western Rail Road Co., to pay the County ;ind Town j XO Bbls. Liipior; i'OK MjOU\ ONE 21 inch Planing Machine ‘■■yorcroxx I\ih nt. in good running order with two extra sells knives, an.l all coni]ilete. .Vlso. one good “matcher’’ or tongueingnnd grooving Machine, for flooring or ceiling. whi-h does excellent work and is in good order. Will be sold low on accom modating terms >>y O. li. PARSLK\ iV C(b. • Wilmington. N. June 1. Il'-IOt npi n V ■MlATX*, OIE«, A:c. iPKRM. liefincd. Lard. Linseed and Tanners' (JlL; White Lead; Burning Fluiil: Putty; Window (Hass and .S;ih of all sizes. —ALSO- .V fresh supply of POND'.S p\IN DESTROYER. For sale by' JA.MKS MARTINK. Nov’r 24. 18ij8. t>otf mineni 1V n now lavg> 'i. tin >tcn’k ol KAKEK ft'CfiviiiL; iV'iiii f!i Pl'RE EIQI OKXi. R)UEK;X and DOME.^Tir I.IQI'ORS, Finest i|ualities, tor salp by J A >1 IV. II O K .>[ c. Orders will receive {irompi attention. .May 17 * l-'>-lm l)r. KKWK W1I.M\MS*S KVH WlllSKKV. MITCHELL has made arraiigemtuits willi Dr, Frank Williams, to he con'^tantly supplied with his elebrated RVK WHISKKV. wiiicli can be had nt his Uore at all times, liy wlioles.-ile or retail. ()e| f 1 1. I .s.'i.s, Ti.T-tf 1{. f North the } 11 liv selected ^ I r t •*: tiiarlM'f. whicii a.Mel t. s :: --.Ii-; IIICIII I'. Ilin.jet c; . ' .Ii " 111 •■'. .' w^ '• “11 Mie ;..\v.-i ] o--ih|e terin-^ fi'- .'II 1.1 oil lime ill piinciiii' cnsi .uie:'--. F.i-ii. .iiiM.' I iiiil“d ..:i,ire be,| rooio l-iiinifure i'l ell-; ciivle l II alel 'lllic'-,. .ili'l cotlofi \|.iltre- i~: iil:!'-es; Willow W.igoii- and ('.a.lies; .''i.l.- llo iv.l-: iliii-f ui-; Secret ii'ic'i and liook-(’a-..-s; \\ ii:!i Nois; T.ibh-s. !il' sorts; >\;is|i Stand-; t'an'ile Stand-; Wardrohe-; I’iciiire Fr.lines and (!|:iss: \Vin.|..w Slia-le ; Cornice-; ('iirtain i’- iiid-: .s .l i-in Maliogi.iiy an.l W .r not; Tele a T. te--; OttoMi-ins; Divans ;ili.l Ci.air- ol (‘very variely. I’ilH' Iln-i WiMul i’iati I-. one witll .Iviliaii ;it- t-icliMK-nl: l!o-ic-,vo.i I \i. '.i.li ui , from ihe t Mrinuf.ic lories in New \ ork .itnl llo :oii. warrinti.l -i- g.m.l n- .any made in th(‘ eouniry. and will be sold at New \'ork |iriees fri ighi only ad.h i. .Seplemlier 2. 4-*tf ^larl^lr l-'’aclorv. Tiirpeiitiiie Uacker^ii, Xit'ra|»er»«, Pullers and llipper^, \LL of the first .(iiality, can be had at M. A. B.\KKR'S (il N SHOP, F.ivciteville, N. C. I.'). IS.'iS. 801 f .\o!ice to Tiirpenline Distillers and others. I AM fully ].repared to make or repair TrRPENTlNE STlLL.s, .ir do any thing iii the Cojiper or .Sheet Iron V .irk, at the diorte^l notice. M. A. BAKER. Fayetteville. .lan'y 21. IS'iH. .s2tf To iSaU ISoat/ i'oit!rartors! M'ST RF.CKIVKD too WIB EEI.ltA Kieo li'.!ii ;ind siroiig. f'or the Rail Roa'l. For s;ilc by D. ."c V.. M M.irch 20. is.- •LAIRIN. sosuf imt l*!ow*! i*low>i!! Plo%%«!?! No. Cl PLOWS; ')ii No H* Plow-;: .'.II No. 1 I •• 2"> No. .-.It •• 2') No. 00 •“ Points. I'.ars ami Mould Boards to suit. For s-ile by '• K. LKKTl]. J.m’y 12 ‘ 7't- BtiiKer. 4'lieeM* aiKl t'rac-ker^. OFIItKIN.S Goshen Butter; 25 Boxes State Cheese: 10 Bbls. Soda and Butter Crackers. f)4-ypd .Ml orders iiroiniitly attended to. J. A. Clintoi. .March •>, 18;)'.). Mc.VRTHCB. Dr)-|yr])d .«1.807,‘.'20 08 l.I.\nil.ITlKs; - nn:^ Ijii'-ite.l and not due. 5'IDi,070 .'i} \_eiit of the above Comjiiiny at Favelteville. K. J.‘ IIALK. taiituell'S A. Earoliiia Jiiaifite. ' "'C d E. J. HALE « SON. A ol ice.---A’ es^i*o€*!« IVa ii t e«l. rnO the farmers and citizens of the Counties of Duplin. 1^ Wayne, Johnston, Harnett, Moore, (’umberland. Kofieson. Pdadeu, Columbus, Brunswick, New Hanover, an'l Samfison: The subscriber being desirous of purchasing a number of likely young Negroes, of all classes ami lescriptions. avails himself of this method of informing those who may have such projierty to dispose of, that they would do well to visit tne at home, ^ addres.s me al (’’linton, N. C.- -for which they shall *ceive :i visit. .\ word to the wise is snflicieiif, as it is wel^umlerslood that I pay exceeiling high prices. EVERETT PETERSON. Feb’y l4, 1869 88-9m TWO flOilliS \BOVK r. T. in!(!i! ^ Sd.NS' STlil!K l ayelti ville, Jan V 20, i^^'.'.i J^TATIOAEKV. In .-iddition lo our presi'iil stock we a;-e receiving l.'kO ICeaiii*^ ra|>er, Kmbracing every variety of CAP. LKTTKR. bath LKTTKR. CO.MMERCIAL NOTK, BILL HKAD. FOLIO POST. and NOTE I'APKRS. 00 ;SI. ENVEIiOPES, of every lie-cription. 1 case English and American SI,ATKS. assorted sizes. 100 gross STSEL I'KNS: Pen-li..lders: .School Ink-Stands; VLSl'ITNG CARDS; BLANK IWKJKS. .'cc. E. J. HALE & SON. Feb'y lii \% elif'^tei’N Elemental’^ i^pelliiii; BOOlviS at the FAYETTEVILLE BOOK STORE. Just received by Jan'y 12 4.iill Ael aiifi LBS. dill Net Twine; \ I 100 lbs, Seine •lust received by .lan'y 12 E. LEETE. 7'.'- ^eiiie Twine c. E. LEETE. 70- Eoj* ^ale. Qna CASKS I NSLAiCKD 1.1 \1K; 100 llo. Rosend.ile Cement: ;:ii Bbls. Mess and Prime Pork; 10 “ “ I’eef; Kegs sujierior Butter. Portions in want of Lime or (’emeni will save money by calling on T. S. LUTTKRLOH. ' ‘.May 2.'{, l.''-'iO. D)-:^w i BACON. Cillt >1CE North Carolin a B.\CON, ,\lso. Western Side j / and Shouhlers, Oct. 14.—.“il-tfl C B f’OOK. The Hyiiiii!^ and IliMcipiine ol the ''lothodist Church. A new siijiiily jiisi r«Mreived. Oci’r Dl K. J. n \I.K .SO'.'. rnllE SOITHERX ilAKMOM’,—A Further Supply j X just receiv«d. E. J. HALE & SON. subscriptions res]iectively. Persons having moue}' will find these bonds (at the price the Co. is selling them) a belter investment than any Bank Stock in the State. For terms apply to C. B. M.VT.Lin'T. Ksq., Pres't, or to .JNO. >L R(’)SK, Trea>i'r W„.„ li. 11. «'o Fayetteville. Feb'y 2*1, 18^'iS. .'^Otf lee Cream! lee Cream!! ^piIK subscriber having lately refitted liis ICE (’RE.AM 1 S.\LO(*N, at the Sheniweil Hou.-e. will be pleased to serve the Ladies and Gentlemen of Fayetteville and vicinity, on and after the 27th inst. The .Saloon will be opened at 0 o'clock, A. M , and kept open until 10 P. M. P. SHEMWELL. April 2.'* 18-j^^. 8tf THE ElVEK IWItiORATOU! i-ukj'.akkh liV i'n saxfuh:), rom|>oiiii(l(‘t entirely from i!iMIS, I.s »\K OK TllK BKST I’l Kt;ATIVK ANi> MVKR WK I IM«’IVKS HOW before the public, t!iM rcih a» li . frt'irr. milder, aiui tiior^^tlf^ttiiil than Aiiy uth«> kiuiwit It not only H but ft Lirer ootinvc Orsi tin il.r tsivfr lu ejt*ci it! morbiil matter, then on the HtomiM’h and bo« »u CHrry off that mntler. th»i!» iM CorapliahinK two parpo'^es fffe* tii Hlly, without Hu; of the painful ftnslin^t ext>ei iriiced in tlie op*>rh tion*« of tnoMt {'athartirs. It ntrengrtbtfUA tiiM «y>*tam nt the »Hn time timt it pur|f»*» il. and when Uken daily iu nunlerate will KtrenfTthen and build ft up wUh unutoual rapidity The Ijlver i" one of the • principHl reKolHtora of the hitmat> b«)dy ; aixl when it perforniv iu tu^ctiul.^ m«!I. Ih*; p >wer» of the STSteoi are ' m fully derelo|»ed. 1 he ii» almost entirely Upende>it on the healthy action of the £icrr for the proper perform anceofii^funciicni. wheniht* !»tomat h i»at tault^theboweli ^ *re at fauU, and the wi.oif suffers in consequanre ' of on* orfran—the hnviiii: ceaaed to do ita duty. [ For the djiea-Ne# ot ihni or- (fan. one of the proprietor* 1 ha* luade U his i»tudy, in a priM’tico of more than twenty 1 years, to find Komo ieincd\ wherewifh to counteract the ! many derangements to whiW' it liahld. > CC To prove that ihit remedy ii ' at la« found, any person tiou bled with |j|vcr plnllit, in any of it* form*. hfk* but to try a bottle, and 'conTiction fn certain. The*te *ums remove *11 i morbid or bml matter fiom the vvntem. lupplyingin their I place a healthy tliiw of bile, iiivijfor.itinjc the #toma*h. | jcausinif food to di^e't well, the blood, , PH 'jfi^inif tone and h»*alih to the whoie machinery, removing i the cauM of the di»aHs«~ etfeciii.^ M radical ouie. 1, l{lil«>iia nttnrlcff are! 'cured, nutl, M’liAt !■ |>revrnt«-l, by I the occaaioual un« of th« Klvei* 111vl^(»rator. (medo»e atl^r eaiinc ii «uf-. .ficient to relieve the Mtomach and prevent the fiK>a from ' rihing and touring. Only one dose taken before retiring, prevent* iiinre. | Only one dose taken at; gently, and cure* Co8- one done taken after each i One doM$ of two tea- ! Kirk Ilradarlie. ! One bottle taken for fe-! cauKe of the dinease, and ' Only one thme immediately ’ One doM ot^en recK'ated is! Hnd a preventive! Only one bottle is HVHtfni ilte etlVct* of medi- One bottle taken for 1 lowne^s or unnatural color >ne done taken a short Kor to the appente. andmakex One dohe often repeated in Us worst forms, liowel complaints yield hie or two dooes cures at f'hildren : there is no Hurer, the world, as it /"tiln. te^ A few bottles cure« absorbents. We takepleafiure la recom- prerentive lor K«v«*r aiicl and all Fever* of a IIH- with certainty, and thouMnds wonderful virtues. All who un^ It are their ntiaiilmoim teatliaioiiy In ItA fnvor. Water In the month with the InTl- p^»i*ator, niitl «iwallow l>oth together. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IS A .scIK.VTIFK; MKDKT.AI, 1)IW(;0VEKY, «hI in d»ilv Working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures a» if by maictc. rrm the Jfrt4 givi/ig and seldom more than oi.e l»ottle in reqtiireil to cure any kind of l.jlver tkjmpla’ni. from Ihe worst Jauntfire or to a common H^nihirh*- hII of which are the result of a lJ|»ea8e«t l^lver* PRICR 0?(B I>OLLlR PER BOnXE. Dr. SAN'KOHI>, I'roprietor, .'U5 P.madway. New York Retailed by all Drni^gistk. aim hy J.\S. N. SMITH nn.l S. J. 11INSD.\LE, Fayetteville, N. .N’ovrll. 62-ly Fresh mlrritals. JUST received pr Steainer Fanny, i Pibls. Exim No. 1 M.VCKEKEL (for retiiiling,) 10 J “ do. “ 1 do. 10 \ “ do. “ 1 do. ;o ^ MESS SHAD: ;>(• Ilo.xes ' Ii E L.'' E; 100 P.ii^rt Xew Hulled P.Ut’KWll E.\T I LOCH: Fnltoii Market Ecef; .Mes: Pork; (itisln-n ilum-r, Pocket Salt: Snnrnr; ('otlcf; .Moias.-^es: and *‘very thiii>j in the provision line; which I will uell clieajj for t'.VSH re:, change for country Produce. W, C TROY Nov. 3, 1868. eO-tt • ■ lo “ Cider Vinegar; 5 ('asks Wine; .jtH* P*oxes (Mpars; 1.') “ Tobacco; 21 l>oz. Scotch Ale; 1 Cask Jamaica Rum; jxiCK \vii.j.iAiI.s?’S WinSKE'i'; S Hbls. -Apple Prandy; ti •• I'p-conntry Corn W'hi.skey; I’lire >ld Peach Brandy; French Hrandy-—bought bonded; ;'.0 Keir? Nails; I-') libls. l^ugar; Rio, Lagnira, MTricnibo and Jav:t Coffee. At .T. W. HORNE’S, .liine 1. 1859 19-2w .V Wayne County Bacon. SM.\LL lot Waj'ne County Hams and Side‘s—very nice. C. T-. COOK. June 2 1?*- lVe««tei’n Bacon. CHOICE lot of Side- ,1 line 2 P. COOK 1'.* FEW .him* 2 nOLAS^EW. Hhds. Siipin-ior f.'uba. c. n. COOK 10- Rl TTER. FEW Kegs Goshen. i night, loosens the bowtlx tlvenevs. meal will cure i>y9p«‘psla ■ spoonfuls will always rehwe male obstraction removes the makes a perfect cure, relieves Cholle. while a sure cure lor Cholei'M of Cholera, needled to throw ont of the cine after a long sicknes*. •launcllee removen all sai trtim the skio. time l>efor^ eating give» \ J food digest wtill. cures Chronic Dlai-- while S It 111 III e r and almost to the tiixt doi>o. tacks caui-ed b> '\Voriii« in safer, or speedier renifd> in I>rop«y, by excltinic the niendln? this med)cin«» as a A|fue, C'lilll Kever, loilH TyiM», It operates are willing to testif} to its .luiie 2 R. COOK. 10- 0 »5rroex for \'E NE(}RO WOM.AN and on» C.IKL for sale, ph* to .)a«. (i Cook or .\p- .liinc 8. IS." lO.OOO •lune II NETLL CAR.MICHAEL. 20 w A ^'vr. it. l EET .M NIPKll LI’M!r,;i:. ORKELL .'v 1>\!1,V. 2' -‘2w A Ssisrar IIoiim* SyriifK F1']W Bbls. excellent S. II. SYRUP. Also, prime .-ir.i-t MOLASSES. C. B. COOK. Oct’r 14. 51tf A TUEATIS^E 0.\ THE LAW OF EVIDENOe, TKMII EMiLISH KHITIO.V, WITH >N-lliKUAUt.t; ALTKK.^TIOSS AM) A DDITtO.NS. r.y the Itiehi Hon. S. .MARCH PHILLIPS and THoS. •lAMI'.S ARNOLD, Esi.. one of the Police ,'lagistrates for the Metro])oli«. FOI KTH AMKIiH V\ EiUTlOV, Wiili ('0\‘. E.N vV HILL'S Notes, and witii additional N'ltes and 15ef(M'n(H'.s to the Engli-ih and Vnu-ricaii (•:i ••• lo the pic'eiit time, including those added t« the I, I I'diiioii l)v .1. \|'arsilen V-in Colt. n\' IS VA(’ KI>W.\Ri>S, ('uvNsKi.i.ott AT Law. lu three large volmnes. The uneiiualleil work of .Mr. Phillijii on the Law of EvideiK'e has long been acknow'letlged. This ediiiiin has undergone n tlioroiigh revision by , Mr I'llw'ard', atid has received mi ininjensc anioiini of I hili'ir. and is now as neirly perfed :i‘j cati b"' mad . riie Anii'riaHti labor and tiilenl be-towe I nj-on the j Work arc nut It^s> ih:in that deriv.-.l fioiii ti.o Enj:ii'h source. 'I'he iiiiino^tal nuieti of .\lessrs. t'owen i!>: Hill, to^'-ether with those of Mr. Van Colt, h.ivc been care fully preserved: and instead of being put in a volume by theniselvfs. as formerly, thi'y iiw now jilaced below the text—a disposition of them which will very i;iiii-h faei- lit ite referenda. The entire note and text .-ire at ranged in ihree compact volumes, with a table of cases, anil an ex*remely f'nll iiulex to each. .Mr. Edwards has cjii e- fully noted any ilistiiiftiritis that tr .iy exist between the EngUs.li and .\inet ican law, and has added all the late .Vm'erican ileci-ions. Several coj.i'" "f thi-= v»1t>*ble work .just received and for sale by I'. •• H\LE I'c SON, Faj’cfteville. Hr. KaneN Arctic Eiploration^, Cloth. Sheep nnd half Calf Binding. Further supplies ju«i received. E. J. HALE & SON. April 26. Jl

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