B ^ 'HOIJXa. 1. ll irniiu- ■ me fit • . . t ;i 1 . r , in ol> : ,n,i:n half \- }>.• I’h,; :n ic. '*n.i HK unt.>r A: . iu f** '• -il >r oilipf, • • ; h,»ih v,)l- nts I ... . r^. . -I. I w.r S S.,\ • Ri:iHIKTv O > Mi K«inify, Vol. 1. vnlilM'. . • , T Ifl- :i' ui n ill iT’ -‘I ' . : «ll, IIIIU' "■* ■ ■ ■ -.r [ilioll * , , 1.^ , ; , [\ lul.l, , 1 ,■ ioii- - ■ ,'i k-. K ^ S..N \M» ltl;Fl \: t;K> o/imt. T-IMN 11 rd. ; K \ n il ■ , II K ■TtiltV \N ■ li AKul ■SC*; li ■ i thr )!,(n . * \ w^t: 1*. ll. iiip.i ill h' >eriii‘ o !l: ; ' eiit 1 thoiw ■re \ iti'l in ire't I ? elit- Will ■W*‘V ■ I til wevf flit •11' ./r. ■ ill or lliof - ceil al .1. i e-; K. .1 I, il. Tl II.ll h\ . in: •( ■ V n.'l, .r til. ri I- • 11.r1 ■ h. . . A ii.Ji ilio-'e )\ 1*^ i 1' .laci !I li. lii. , lis " v I’. lli.l - iCI.Il rni I, 1. . A. .1 * iidt' L. \1 ■ L. 1. . * lOOl Home %- llir . T : de; L.t cle : . illus- ;■ i)K -1,1 Loviiiir: nd 1. i ;.,. l>..u*.r of i.ks. Ivi-J,. E. \ 1 I' ,v S »N- • ie^ ol* iCook^. \» ) 1 V. 15 . •- 1: Bi.Mpr; Ulf:^ ! I,y Bulwcr; \: i. it M E .S: SON f.'iiii ^eiier^* i:. H i c SON,. i llai'iiioiiy, an** r . E. J ■ 11 .all & (DIB SEMI.WEEKLY. [VOL. VIIL] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JUNE i:i, 1859. [NO. 822.] Vr l.KlNn:i» MONDAY;^ AND THURSDAYS KDWARI) J. HALE & SOIV, f:piT(.r.'^ and proprietors . t'.ir !li? Sonii-\V.'okly Ohservek S3 00 if paid in s ivntu’>'; if during .he year of subscrij)- . .. ,, . SI after tJio year has expired. ,, \V.>ekly Observer 00 per annum, if paid in - U ill. ■: >'*-* paid during the year of subscrip- tu'ii; year has expired. I(^ ADVKUTISI-MENTS inserted for 60 cent^* per _. ,-r .'f ll'. lines for the first, nnd 80 cents for e.ach , ,-e liiik.' piiblioHtion. Yearly advertisements by spe- ' at reasonable rates. A'lvertisers are t • ij’Mie the number of insertions desired, or • ev V ;!1 *'e r.n’.tiauod till forbid, and charged accord- ^ji.or'i'^etnonts t.-i be inserted inside, charged 50 y..r SPECIAL NOTICE. Fiv siiiJ after this date, no name of a new subst-riber , t e entered without payment in adranee, nor will ' e I .iper bo sent to such anbscribers for a longer time . firi I !ii'l t”*"- > :\>ur old aiibscribers as dfisire to take tin* p.i- ., liii.; system will please notity us when making .iHii'y i, l'' )S. Fire Insurance. »l'K. 1't‘ftT our readers to the annual statement of the W .Ktii.'i In'uranoe Company, uf llartfonl. This suc- ;:i>tilution was incorporated liy the Legislature of :;.i •i’lHU in with a perpetual charier. It** . and its accuiuulatiou'. exceed Ssimi.- 1 iiv, innking its entire a-isets over $1,:!IM),000. in- . S' det.-iiled in the statement referred to. These indicate that during the period of nearly f»n_vi>. - -iiu'o its organization, .without a single change of ..'thi'er,: its business has l>een cunducted with .1. and j.ru.lence. It has been thus far success- i:i an eminent degree, discharging, as we are in- : . = 1. all its ibligations by the payment of about U'n . .--lliirs for losses, without asking a day's deiay in ,i:.v in.-tance. It has had but little litigation, notwith- ling the immense number of transactions made. In ricf t.: attain as much cfrtainty as possible in such a ‘..'iness a« insurance, it has been the practice of the ■ lut.any, for several years, a; great labor, carefully to i"ily aii'l arrange their risks into about fifty distiiu-l .-."O', s. - as to ascertain the amount insured on each !he amount of premiums received thereon, and the . i.nt ...f losses upi>n each. This classification, exten.l- :ii. 'ver H long period, and c.ivering property t.i a very j aiuount, furnishes reliabU- data, and ])resents a ' .iiid, siib'tant’al y>asis of actual experience, upon which ■ti.hicl its busine's. Insurance is not a matter of L; k .r chance, as many suJlpo^•e; its hazards are a-'cer- ■'linitf.le, and its principles capaljle of beinu reduced to a >-vstem. the practical working an.I result.i nf which are ■I- .’ertain as that of any other bu.nie-i>. The -Etna I !ii|,aiiy. by adhering rigidly to its sy'teiii. and placing ■ > business up. n a healthy ba.'is, has obtained the con- r':.tonce if the community to an extent sui-p.i.'t 't tiy no '.her (.'ompany in the U. Stutes, and has increased its ‘iusine's and its income from year to year with a ste.idy gmwth. One great source of its security is the wide distribution of its ri>ks—a policy which it pursues with great strictness—limiting the amount t.- be covered in eac/i loca/lfy. /{_v this cour?*e it has passed, with Ci'Ui- parative impunity, tlirough some of the mo«t sweeping sn l destrui tive Srcs, which have swallowed up other ■r.ipanies less cautious in their business. It is a system .'r;.' this, based upon experience, which giveg stabilitv 1 ' iundness to a company, and to the assured con- ■ and security.—Baltimort Patriot. STATEMENT OF THE Wm. FAYETTE VILJLE .♦Il'TML miiR.4\CE COMPA.M. ASSETS $254,618.62. nmib Company lias been in operation more than six . ha pai 1 its lire losses, amounting to ^~.i,;>*J l.87 without any assessment; insurt\«'*;e averag ing its iiieml)ers about J percent. •Vmount of property now Insured. j-'l.f)';.". I'JO.Ul Atiioiiiit premium n.,ites now on haul, iI17,7G8 Ofe Dikkc roKs. Oeo. McNeill. s. T Hawley, D. A. Kay, VV. N. Tillinghast, H. L. Myrover, A. A. McKethan, ■f. I). Vi'illiams, Jas. G. Cook, A. W. Steel, •Jas. Kyle, • Hon. J. G. Shepherd, H. F. Urowti, VVilinuigton. E. Hall, Wilmington. Ofuckks: GEO. McNElLL, Pre'ident. D. .V. RAY. A’ice I’resident. C. McMlLL.VN’. Secretary. Mot'ruuimen, Travelling Agents. Ktey The ('ompany invite applicatioiH. May 1’.‘. ISo'.t. ]t;Y THE AOKTII 4 AKOLI.Vl Ml Tl AL LIFE IXSIIRA\(E (OMPAM, '^OW in the tenth year d successful operation, with growing capital and tiinier hold up.ui public coii- tidence. continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons Jroni 14 to (iU years of age, for one vear, for seven years, an>l tor lite—all life niemberssharing in the jirofita. All slaves ti om lU to tjii years of age are insured fo!' one year nr for five years for two-thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within '.m> days alter satistactory prouf i^i presented. T'ftr f'ttrtortf in I hr South: s. W. '•'ininghast, Henry Lilly. N. A. Stodman. S. ,1. Hin.dale, T. S. I,utterl.,i!i, .McLaitnii, V H' i. ..>loK5'/ry A Jiihn Tolling and (' iKSPECTFL'LL^ inform.' Iiis friend-> ;ind |lie pub’,u-, i that he has built up largo substantial Hrict: Uui'.i!- { ings 'tl iiis Ohl Stand, expro-sly lur miinufacturing t'.u - i riages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he lias I received tor the la»t iM years, he h.ipe; bv -trict atien- ' tion to business, witii a desire to gi' o sm intact ion. Ui \ merit ^4 eoiitinuance nf tiie -i.-tim.. lie wai'rants his work ] to be iniiile of tin- best nmterial aU'l by e.\perioti. o I ' Workmen in each branch of the biisines. His work will compare tavorably wirli any ni>ido in tiio I'niti'd .Stuio.', i tor neatness mid durability. Ho i- 'loterniinod t.) j and di> any work in his line on as good terms as any I Work done elsewhere that is a.s well done. Mo now luis | on hand, finished. Till' L.MiGKSl S'l'Oi’K Ol’ (amag:es Uaroiirhes Rookauays and ; ‘ j ever offered in this place, and a very large stuck of work I nearly finished, which will bt> finished d.aily. Ali of which will be s.,1,1 viT_\ li vv l.^r • ;'ii. ..i' ..ii slpui time tn punctual customers. j{..k.^'»'Ho lois on han.l more tlian ONE HL'M>KE1) AND KlFT'i VEHICLES finished and in coui-se of construciii:n. Ml work made by liim is wan .inteil I'J months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmaiisjiip FKi:81l AKKIVAI^! Neooiid Stock Spring and Summer tioods. .) A. I* KM H HUT OX Is now receiving iiis second stock of Sjiring and .''uin- iiier tioo'ls, emljracing nil tli* FEWEST SsiTVI. E>^. ——-Such as Sttmmer Silhs^ imrenatlines^ Or- ffandies, NSitli a great variety of new style goods for Traveling JPrcsses and nustevs. I -\lso H complete assortment of j .Tloiiriiiujit DreMM itoodM. I A large and varied assortment of j.SlLK AM) LACE MANTLES, CH.\NTILLV LA(’E PiHNTS, r.L'K ANH WHITE HEliACJE .MANTLES, .STEl^LA SHAWLS, oic. j .\ low of tliose splendid French EM IJROIOEUED 1 .\Nl) LACK SETS, COLLARS .VNl) SLEEVES. 1 Douglas Sherwood's NEW STYLE COKSETTS, I ■ witii Hustle and .Skirt-Supportor attaelied.) \arietv of NEW STYLE HOOl im FOR mt Fayetteville Female Higli Sdi««l. .jually ridge, swamp and sand-hill Land. .Vbout So acres, ailjoining the river, are under cultivation and are well suited to the growth of Corn and (irass; none of the ■Swamp iias been cleared. There are several good sites lor a tl welling house on the sand-hills. Any person tti-diing to purchase will do well to make early appli cation. as r have determined to sell. THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Sept. 8, 180S. 44tf Lsiiicli§ for I OFFER for sale about COOO Acres of Pine Lands near I Fayetteville, containing an immense iuantiiy of Mill Timber, and a nuaiber of Turpentine Roxes. and several ■ new tasks ni.“.y be cut. There is on the premises a fine 1 the Literary Addresa on Wednesday evening. On Thursday', at 10 o’clock, -i. M., the Graduating Exercises will take place. In the evening, there will be a Concert of vi>cal and instrumental music. UM. K. liLAKE, Principal. May i!l Edgeworth Female J^eiiiinary, GREEXSBORO’, N. C. THE Nineteenth Annual Session of this Institution will commence on the 8d of .\ugnst, 1859. The course of study is thorough and systematic, em bracing everything necessary to a comjilete, solid and ornamental education. The BUILDINGS are so ar ranged as to combine the comforts of a home with the highest tmouts. ■\ great \c., \c. In the above stock may >ie found a great many new ■mil desirable styles, just out. The public generally are invited tii call earlv and examine for themselves. J. A. PEMBERTON. .\pril 18;')'.* 7- ,, , ,, . 1 „ u i advantages ol a S>chool. Instructors ot the Dwelling House, and all necessary out-houses,—>cup- i i „p .i,« , 1 , ,, \T- irMwi T>, . .I. I uualihcations ai-e emploved in each 01 the Uepai peruong and Isiibclla Grape Vines,—100(» young Peacli i * »a and Apple Trees of Lindley’s best varieties: also, a good TERMS: FARM of aliout l-'iO acres cleare(i: and also a GRIST | Uoard, including washing, lights and fuel, j.er sPfsion an.l S.VW Mlf.L; and a fine larjie Meadow of about 140 | of five months, -''0 SKllllS, i rt(jres. The Fayetteville and Coal Fields Rail Hoad ! passes through these lands about a mile from the Mills. 1 will s(*ll in jiarcels to suit purchasers, but would pre fer to sell the whole together. Ajiply to Thos. S. Lut- terloh, Es([., Fayetteville, or the subscriber at Pitts- borough. N. C. .J. H. HALGHTON. Nov. 1-, 18">7. OOtf For further information the public is referred to Agents or material, will >ie ro;.,iir»‘d tVoe if -harge of the Comjiany in all parts of the State, and ti R. 11. B.VTTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. H.VLE, Agent at Jan’v IS.'j'.i. Fayetteville. N. C. ATI. WTIC n I Tl A I. Fire and Marine Insurance Company, (’AKOIJNA (’ITV, NOllTH (WKOLINA. Iiiiiirjtunttnl }>y nn Art >/ tlif fjnjislatun of X'>rth ('1 r>'f I iKi. ^PHLS (.'OMP.VNY being duly organized, is now pre- 1 pared to receive applicatiotis for insurance uj>on Buildings. Merrhandise, Furniture. Miils, .Manu- ractories, Ships and their C argoes, And most kin.J^ of property, at remunerative rates of premium. It is aimed in the organization of this Company, to make a safe medium fur Indemnity an.l Pnitection to the as.snred in case .if Loss. \ii honorable and upright Course of dealing, an.] a faithful fulfillment of its con tracts. will at all tiiues characterize the business of the (’ompany. Applicati.ms for Insurance may be made at the utfice of the (’ompany, >ir to its authorize.l Agents. DIRECTORS. John A Parrott, William S Long, Levi T Ogle?by, David W Bell, W B Grant, B Chaf.in, David .S Jones, .•'amuel Leffers, Geo W Dill, Joel H Davis, Col Thos J Blakely, D Hargett, Luke Blackman, E Mallett, OFFICERS. John A Parrott, Prefci'lent, Levi T Oglesbv, Vice President, W ,S Long, Treasurer, E A Thompson, Attorney, [ \ tl i'hapir.. necrotary ! W B Grant, » W S Long, > EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE David W Bell, j .NIarch 12. ‘.»)-*im d do to call and ex- I’ersons wishing to buy w. amine for themselves. Orders thankfully roceive.l and iiroiiijitly attended to. Repairing execute.l at siiort notioe aii'i on very reason- ablu terms. Mav-8. IH.'i:’. b'.i-tf ll.4KTFOKl>, >■ -RPORATED 1819. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $1,000,000. E. G. RIPEI, President. T, \. ILEXl.NUER, Vice Pres‘1. T. R. BR\CE, Jr., Sec'y. ASSETS, JAN’Y 1, lb59. Market Value. hri. Estate unencumbered. S^o,-538 26 M hpy due the Co. secured by klortgage, 4,212 IG in hand and in B'k with accrued in'st, 209,180 -38 . in the hands of Agents and in transit, 121,812 82 WM. { AUTKI! i S0.\, Wholesale 1 Retail Dealers and ManutaeturerN (It ALL KIMIS Ot Mjeathrv^ SaittUrs amt Harness^ of every descript ion. ('.illars. Whips. \c. VND we also particularly call the attention .if the wliole surrounding country to give us a call, as we are de termine.I that none shall surjiu's us in (jualitv or low ■prices; an.l we will give the higliest cash price at all times for Raw Hides and Tall.'W, in exohanire for our articles. ('ountry Merchants wouM .b well t.i call an.l examine our Stock, as we can sell them Shoos .if a much better ipiality than they U'Ually g.-t. on very accomm..dating terms. Suuthern I'latiit-rs would .1.. well t.i 'vti.l usa’.l their .irdors a.s wc are making . No. 1 article of NEGKO SHOES, that are warr.anteii to give entire satisfaction. N. B. All Orders from a distance sha'.l have promiit attention. S. S. \\RTER. WM. CVRTER. Gohlston P. O., Chatham Co.. N. (" . , .March lo. IN')'.^. ) O. IKK fS J 0.\ ifoL'LD inform his friends and l.irmer customer.^ that he may be found 2 loors below the (,'ape Fear Bank, and li doors abo\o his old stand snuth siiie Person .'street, where he intends to keep on han.l. narne^s. Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing bel.'tiging tuhi' trade. Ho re'].ect;i:lly invites his frien.N from the ciuntiy to call and ex.amine his stuck fiet-irc purch.ising. He will attend to Rep^iiring of Harno's .uid .'^addles punctually, and his charges sJiall be mo.lerate. He would request all in.iebto.l to the firm of HOUS’J'ON a, OVERBY to settle w’th W. (iverby or hinwelf. as they are compelled to settle the firm's lebt- August 27, 1856. Finest Family (iroceries for 1859. A('KKK MKURALi. A CO., .\o. C'liaiiihei* street, Corner of (,'ollege Place, 'Opjiosite Hu.lson River Ilail Road .'station.) XKW YORK. DK.M.KIis IX FINEST WINES, FINEST liRANDlES, FINEST SEGARS, FINEST TEAS, FINEST COFFEES, FINEST SUGARS, FINEST BUTTER. FINEST HAMS. FINEST TON(JUE.'^, and FINEST FAMILY GROCERIES, of every description, put up for Shipment to all parts of the World. Catalogues will be furnished upon application. .March 24 99-8m J Hardware, Cutlery, 5ADDEEK1% Are. .\ME.'' M.VRTINE is now receiving a large and gene ral .assortment of every thing in the above line. —ALSO- .V prime article of Piio. Laguira and .lava (’OFF EE Crushed and I$rown SUG.VR: Stigar House SlliUP and MOLASSES. All of which is otfcred on as good terms as can be had in this market. N')v'r24. 18.')S. tiiltf STOVES SHEET IKOX, TI.\-WAKE, Ae. ON H.AXD. a large assortment of I’ox ami Cooking Sti.ves; Tin-ware; Sheet-Iron; Lead Pipe. Al.so Ihf ‘“fHil ilotniniott C'otfef Pot." For sale by ' ' M.vRTixi:. Al.'iliaiiia LaiidK lor ^ale. I Al.'llES, in Henry county, -i miles below .U i L Columliia. on the (,’hattahochee river, an.l ] 2’) miles below Fort (iaines; 800 acres are cleared—500 I acres are river bottom, which will ])roduce from 20 to oU busJiels (Jorii. or IV.Jin to 2.500 pounds of (’ot- i ton to the acre. On the place are all the necessary im- I provements—Houses tur Negroes: good water, and as j healthy as any section of Alabama. For further par- I ticulars aj'ply to me, at Midway Ala., or R. ALLL''()X and A. G. JANE."^, on the premises. Also, 1,DM) acres Land, near Midway, Barbour coun- t3'—80) acres cleared—all fresh, having been cleared in the last seven years. Thi.' is strong lime Land, and will produce from 20 to :iO bu'hels Corn, and from l.OKd to 2.(MK) lbs. (,’otton per acre. Improvements fine—the Dwelling cost .'^4.000, and is situated on a high sandy ridge, with good water, and every convenience desir- ahile in a country residence. Biith of these places are kn.iwti in Columbus. (_}a., where inquiries can be made. 1 invite those who are }iur‘,-hasing, to examine these places during tlie coming sjiring and summer, and judge them by what they see. (’. A. P.OSE, Midway, Barbour county, .-Via. March 9 (.''av. K«ji.) 95-tf Nov'r 21. OCitf W (^PERM. ^ White Lea.i; P.urning Fluid; •1 : ga^-e Bonds at 7 per cent, interest, 'j ity Water Bonds at 6 per cent, int'st H: '.r.l City Bonds at ti per cent, interest, »'’er ^ ;kip 10 10 44.000 28.000 25,0(X> S0,0X» 10,UOO 25,UO0 5.1 >>0 110 ‘•i- .\: .VlHchanics itiiie at River t r ; »ak . ll- V Matiuf Tri". y Notes 4i i 5 pr cf i accrued in'st 57.-'U2 12 ■' i '• Stock, •') per cent inter.■«'. 5i:.i;75 ' - ' I cri'i.'ssee, y *• •“ 9. litO ■■ KVrituckv, 6 “ ] .‘.2L«> ■■ Mi" \ri. C •• -la.oi'O Ni.-w York, G *• “ 28.ii.ui ■■ ■-. ■ J, G “ “ 5t».Oo(» , l88o, 6 “ *■ 2G,oO') : i i New Haven Rail Road Co .Stock, b0,o()0 . W orcester “ “ 10,272 ■ t River “ “ “ 12,;»JJ : • llivfr Company “ 1,250 . Bank Stk Waterbury, Ct 5,250 ■' : “ “ Statfnrd Si':i, “ 5,2.‘)0 “ Providence RI 1.872 iii.x •• “ Hartford, Ct 30,(j00 ! 45.UOO . i:i,5mj i 28,080 11.400 5,400 9.C.00 00.450 Ut.;^00 KJ.500 10.400 JerseyC’y,NJ 1.500 St I.,ouis, Mo i;0,ti0*> New York, lo. 100 10,000 ao,o)0 22.400 3o,buo ;i4.200 27,00^) 10.400 24.40(1 12.2(H) 22.400 8.900 10,000 11,200 27,fiOO 8.3.000 22.000 19,(300 44.400 2:5,000 3:{,(;00 42.400 45,100 li,:iO0 24,750 48,055 07 2.3,(’i59 08 CAKOLIAA €'ITV IIOTEE. PARROTT & MEWBORX, Proprietors. I'^HIS magnificent Hotel has been enlarge.l to nearly double its original size, an addition ot eighty-eight feet having been added on Railroad street, thus pre senting an imposing front imiEediately in view of the -Atlantic Ocean. The veranda of this Hotel which is thr^e stories high ; fronts towards the (Jcean two hundred and eight een feet, affording a Deli^htAil Promenade. From this stand point, the beholder can scan the (Jcean in the South, Bogue .Sound in the .South-west, the Har bor with all its shipping. Fort Macon an.l three Light- Houaes in the South-east, affording a range of o r K A sc: i: ^ r r v, that is scarcely elsewhere to be met with. The superintendence of this Hotel will be in the hands of Mr. H. ERAMBERT, .formerly of the Fay etteville Hotel,) whose taste and skill so emineutly ciualifieB him for making all the guedts leel as if they were at Lome. The best servants the country could afford haveb'*.-:: secured. Those who stop with us will never be at a lo-^s f,>r Recreation aiil Eiitertaiiinieii't. Our steamboat will make regular trip- to Beauftin* the Inlet, the Fort, and often on extra excursions, while our BAND OF M'’SIC will be ever “discoursing sweet sounds” to the ears of those who shall favor us with their company. Our B.\R will furnish choice liquors of all kin.Is; our , Cornices: Curtain I’.an 1': .‘^of.i' in Mahogi.ny ati.l W-i lULLIAHD ROOM is in good order, and our BOWL- |nut; Tete a Tctos; ottomiitis; liivnns an i Stools; Chai I IN(^ .ALLEY will be constantly open for the entertain- of every v.iriety ! inent of those who have a taste for these healthful ex- j ercises; and our RE.VDINCi R(X)M will contain files ol ' the best newspapers, magazines, anl periodicals pub- larLf«st. StOCK ol PAIATN, OIEN, A;e. Refined, Lard. Linseed and Tanners' OIL; Putty; Window (ilass and Sash of all sizes. —ALSO— .V fresh siipjilv of POND'is P.VIN DE.'sTRt)YKH. For sale l«y J .\ M ES M ARTIN E. Nov'r 21. 1S5S. tii'itf 1»I RE ILIQI rOKEK^N AND HOMKSTK' Llgl OKS, Finest qualities, for sale by J A M i: \y. II o R i:. )rders will receive prompt at tent ion.'■^18 .May 17 15-lm C'OIJPOX r.ONDS I'nii ^\\A]. ' ^pHE Western Rail Road ('omimny have for sale in , 1 amounts to suit purchasers, (iftho ('tiupiiii Boiuls of the ('ouiitj of (.’umberlan.l, bearing 7 per cent, interest, jiayable semi annually on the 1st June ainl 1st nf December, an.l run ning 20 years. gi)0,UOH of the ('otijioii lioiul.s of tlie Town ol Fayetteville, bearing tl percent, interest, pay.-ible semi annually on the 1st January and the 1st ol .July, and running 20 years. These bonds were issued in ac-ord.ince with law to the Western Rail Road Co., to ]aiy the County ami Town subscriptions re^pi'ctivelj’. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the price the ('o. is selling them) a better investment than any Bank Stock in the State. For terms a]>plv t.. C. B. MALLETT, Es.j.. I’res't, or to ' .M. itOi.i;. r Western R. R. (' > Fayetteville, Feb'y 20. 185H. '''.ti lee Cream! Ice Cream!! ^j'^ilE subscrii'or having lately rrfitte 1 his ICE '’i-lE.V.M I ."s.ALOON. at tl'.e Shemwe'll Hoti’o. will lie ]iieMsi-d to «erve the Ladies and (Jentleinpu of Faj'eiteviile and vicinity, uti niTl after the 27th it;st. The Salotm wili be opened at ^ o cl.n-k. A. .M., and kept open until 10 P. M. Tuition in the regular classes, 20 (>• Catalogues containing all necessary information re specting the course of Instruction, Terms, iac., will be forwarded on application to RK’HARD STERLING, PrinfipaL Greensborough, N. (J. June ;5 20-2mpd llou§e and liOl for i^ale. n^H .AT neat and comfortable DWELLING HOUSE and I LOT. on Arch street, is for sale. It contains six rooms, and is in good repair, with all necessary out houses and a Well of good water in the yard. It is con venient to the business part of the town. Any inform ation in regard to the above proj)erty can lie had by calling on H. (irahain or R. W. Hardie. June 1, 1859. 19-Cw Call and ^^ettle u|i. 4 LL those indebted to me by Note or Account will ])lease c;ill at my old Stand. Northeast corner Mar ket Square, and settle up. In my absence Mr. T. B. Newberry will attend to collections and give receipts. H. GRAHAM. June 1, 185'.). 19-6w State Koiidw lor ?«*ale. STATE Coujjon Bonds, (('oupons payalile in New V'ork, on the 1st April and 1st October,) in quanti ties to suit. Apply at the Branch of the Cape Fear Bank. A. McLEAN. June 1 19tf I f'Oi? S.MJLM: 1.0 If. ONE 24 inch Planing Machine ‘•JVorcroif.i /‘(tii’itf,’' in good running order with two extra setts knives, an.l , all complete. -\lso. one good “matcher” or tongueing ami grooving .Machine, for flooring or ceiling, which does excellent work and is in good order. Will be sold low on accom modating terms by O. (i. P.VRSLE\ tV CO., Wilmington, N. C. Junel. I'.'-lOt • .April 25 1S59. SHEMWEI.L. 8tf Ur. FRl.NK WILLIAMS’S R\K WHISKEY. .MITCHELL has made arrangements with Dr. Frank Williams, to lie constantly supplied with his elel>rated R^'l! WHISKEY, which ohii be had at liis ■tore at all times, bv w holes,.|le or retail. Oet'r 11. ■ 5a-tf R. THE eivk:k 1 \ VI (i 0 ll A i i) il! I'KKPAKKH HV UK .NFn!'.I>, Coiiipounded entirely front (.1 U.'**, IS OVK i»F TIIK RKST JTKC.^TI' K ANI> MVKK M’. i »ow befor«* the inil»lic, iUax nrin h ' rH-»!er, un*l tnoi e ihau mi.v viln*; nif i-cii e ■ It in no» tn.lr a f’nthnrfir^ but » Lir*r reineiy, iicii .K flrht o iJ • Lirer lo ii» moihici mau**r, then oa ihw miu bow*. UMMirrr orTthM mti ler. thtii* accoroplibhiuK iwo pnrj ■ tilly. without Rn.Tof th« piilnful feolinjr* fx^x*uence'i ir» On* o; *- li-iiiH of men Ct\tfinrtirs. It «tre«i>ftben^ the h>Ki0:n h» tin* . time thnt it piirft* .t ; *nd when ttikeD daily iu nnKltiHte *!■ will f^trenirtheti and buiM ft up with unu>u«l rtipi-lity Groceries and Uqnors. 1 IIHDS. MOLASSES; I 0 tiO Bbls. Liquor; 10 Cider Vinegar; 5 (''asks Wine: 500 Pioxes I’igars: 15 Tob:ici;o; 21 Doz. Scotch .Vie: } tTnn?nirn Ht«m; NICK WILLIAMS'S WHISKEY; 8 Bbls. Apple Brandy; 0 •• L’p-counliy Corn Whiskey; Pure Old Peach Brandy; French Brandy—bought bonded; ?{ii Kecrs 'Tails; 15 Bbls. .'^ugar; Rio. Laguira. Msricaibo and Java Coffee. At J. \V. HORNE’S. .I line 1. 1S59 19-2w Wayne I'oiiiity Raton. V.^M.VLL lot Wavne County Hams and Sides—verv nice. ■ * C. h. COOK. ' nice. .Iiine 2 .\ Western Raeon. Cl'olCE l .t of Sides. June 2 FEW Hhls. .'Superior ('ubn. (’ B. C B. .film 19- ('OOK. 1'.) (’OOK. 19- r.” eiv;r>',' fr'^ni tlio North th'.- i at. I nu 't c:ir'.‘fully seleoti if IT?’?; ' I i. -f. ..'i..'': '■ ’lii'h added I'vr- -'(/.•f.'ieiit (•..>iip!e;.‘: .n tiiO liiui-vt p.i,-iliU' tet-n;- !■>; cash or on time tn ji.inctual cistoniors. Fashion.iVile p.:inte l cottMtre I •■d-r...im Furniture in setts; c'.iiled iiair atil 'huck. an.l coMon M,•^ttr(■s,■^t■ Looking Gla-ses; Willow Wajioi.s an.l Cr.idh.-s; .■'i'l.' Boards; lUireaus; .‘secretaries ami Book-i'ases; What- Nots; Tabh's. all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle .'stand'- Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window .‘'ha le-; VT olT” liis own t;i!iniif;ictui 0, ill ol which he will s Turpentine llackerix^ ^craperw. Fullers anl llifiper*^, \LL of tne first i|U ility. can l>e had at M. .\. B.\KER'.S GI N SiHiP, P'avetteville, N. C .'..ii'v 1-^. lr'5S. ‘ 80tf 'l‘'i tiur,.i--s Traders ' -'f- r,f Mi-^oori . Exchange ‘ N :ritiH'S 'll .\iiieriek I'iwa» ■ I':' ’iw Bulth ' n:i i'ltiuttan ■■ w V ji k ‘■I -rK>-. lished. The sick will find our ll\TIIIH4ji llin sr.s a matter of great comfort and a help lo better health. We feel assured that in every respect we can give entire satisfaction; we shall, at least, spare no pains to do our whole duty, that all our guests may receive all jiossible attention. T.VKE notice: .Vs the train arrives after dark each evening, jiersons going to Beaufort will do well to slop over night ut Carolina City, as they can be con veyed, wherever they wish to go, the next day, in a steamboat or sail-boals, and thus be saved the trouble of a disagreeable night trip across the water. TERMS: S2 a Day; S12 a Week; $oO a Month. PARROTT i MEWBORN. Carolina (’ity. May 5, 1859 12-2m .\e;?roe*»! r^’ejfroes!! W.anted. / iKNTLE.MEN, your old customer is yet in market for \j( Likely Negroes, for which I am determined lo pay t he Highest Cash Prices. aving such for sale would do well to give ■ address me at (’linton, N. C’. I'itic Rosewood Pianos, one with .Kolitiii :it tachment; Rosewood Melo.liaiis. from the be-t m.unifac- tories in .Vcw York and Boston, warmnto.l as good a~ any made in the country, and will be sold at New Yurk prices—freight only added. Seiitember2. 45tf iliarble Factory, 3iuiire lo Turpentine Disliiiers and others. 1.\'1 t''i’.!y pi'pparod to ni ike or i j-pair TCUi'ENTlNE .“sT1LL.'>. nr dll any thinir in the Copper or Sheet Iron w.irk. at the siiortest notice. M A. BAKER. Favetteviili', J in' v 21. I >'/.•. ''I'tt' To tlail iSoatt f 'oHtrarfors! ___Jl’ST RECEIVED 1041 U Ri: f. |{ A R R li.ilil and sti'ong. for the Rail lioad. For sale by D. .S: W. ,M March 2V. ls;,')',t. LALRIN. SOOtf r)0 Ml,. i; ■■ V ■I .litan “ 'V Drovers *• ■’‘Ti ,v Traders “ '“■an lixehangu ■' .ir- ' 1 •'':at(.s Trust Comp'y I. Ins & Trust Co •'.-.■ivablej ‘■li.iiienus investments. Persons h me a call, or .Vll orders promi)tly attended to. J. A. Clintoi., N. (J., March (i, 1S59. McARTHUR. 95-1 yrpd Hy i.VAK I.WllDU, TWO DOOIIS .IBIIVK (’. T. IIAIGII k SO.VS’ STORli l'ayette%ille, t:. Jnn’v 20,1859 04 ypd !^TATI0;\KRV. In addition lo our present stock we are receiving 150 Rea HIM l**> $l,8t;7,920 08 liabilities: una.ljusted and not due, §110,97*1 51 Age lit of the above (’ompany at Fayetteville, E. J. HALE. ^iintuell’tt ll. Carolina J«*»lic*e. E. J. HALE & aON. ]\’otice.“-.\e{fi*oe« Wanteil. • rpO the farmers and citizens of the Counties of Duplin, Wayne, Johnston, Harnett, Moore, Cumberland, Robeson, Bl.adeu, Columbus, Brunswick, New Hanover, and Sampson: The subscriber being desirous of purcliasing a number \ of likely young Negroes, of all classes and descriptions, ' avails himself of this method of informing those who I*low*^! riou%!I riow**!!! No. I'l PL( )WS: .'>0 No. 10 Plow- 50 No. 11 •• 25 No. 50 “ •J5 No. 00 •• Points. Bars and Mould Boards to suit Fur sale )iy ('• 1-. l^EETE. Jan'y 12 79 ISiitter. Clieewe and 4'raeker«i. I Ik FIRKI.NS Goshen Butter; | 25 lioxos State Cheese; 10 Bbls. .'^oda and P>utter (’rackers. j Just received by C. E. LEETE. | Jan'y 12 ‘ 79- ! t;ill Aet and Neine Tuiiie. I LBS. Gill Net Twine; j / li'O lbs. Seine | .lust received by C. E. LEETE. j .I.an'y 12 79- | For ^ale. C.VSKS UNSLAKED LIME; 100 do. Rosendale (’emont; !0 Bbls. Mess and Prime Pork; | 10 “ “ Beef; | 5 Kegs superior Butter. I’ersons in want of Lime or (Yemeni will save money ; }.v calling on T. S. LUTTERLOH. ‘ ‘ May 2.S. 1859. D)-:3w f'be i«twr it one of th» hiiinati body ; and when it ibe powers of the MSteixi «re ii> «!moet entirely dependent Lir^r far the proper perform- •>;oniAch is at fault, the bowels •yjitem «*itT«is iu conseciaence liRTbtff ceased to do it« duty ftaii, one of the proprietor* prnotice of more thiin twenty j wherewith to counteract the It is tinble. To prove that this remedy is bled with Ivlver Com- h.nsi but to try a l>ottle, and: These tuios r«iuove all | lUe ny^tetn. Rnppl> inj; in their luvifCtiralinf? the .stomach. ' piirifyliilC the blood,, whole machiuery, renioTing, effevtMip a radical cnie. UllloiiA attacks are' better, by l^lver liivi^orator. (hiedofc after **atin|( is ^nf-1 and prevent the food from t )nly one dose taken before mHi’V. IMily one done tnken at! gently, and cures Ore d«>^e taken afti-r each \ One dof*e i>f two tea- ! Sick ! One bottle takeu for fe*; cau*>e of the diseaKe, and I Mily one dose immediately f (»ne d(we often rejM-ated ' Moi'bim, and a preventive onl^ one bottle system the etTects of medi- One bottle taken for low ness or unnatural color One dose taken a short K:or to the appetite, and makes One d«)*e ofteti repeated rhcra in its worst forms. Bowel complaints yield t^ne or two doses cures at- Children : there )■ no 8urer, tbe world, at It ne9fr/nil§. 9^ A few bottles curee absorbents. WetakepleAHnre in recom- prerentive for K«v**r a?il i4nd all Fever* of a Kil- wiih certainty, and thousands wonderful virtues. principal reK'>lHToir« r>f tl.«- p**rfomi* iiB tc.i.cii-:.« I. fully develo;^d. 1 he on the healthy a tif.n ct anceof nsfunct)oie. are at fauU. at;d 'h#* v:‘-> if of ore organ—ih^ IjIv* i- For the dixea}ts Oi or- has madtf it his • ye«rs, to find **oni« many dera«njei.i^!Jl>» to *' ‘ ii at lant foimd, any p»>:i»>n t)o:i plaint, in any I t ii*> foru.> conTiction Nceiiain. morbid or biul mauer from place a healthy flow cf bile • causing food to dtpttst well. KivinK tone atid health t> th«* the cauie of the dise*tse- BITTER. KE\\’ Kegs Ooslieli ■hinr 2 C. B. COOK. 19- XesTi’oej^ 4*or ^ale. >'r iRO WOAIAX and one ('ilRL for sale ; to Jas. (! ('odk or NEILL ( \R.MK’H.AEI. lH ,v. 2ii Ap- onal Mliat 1% lO.OIHI WAXTKIK KEET .TFNIPER LrMSER Sclent to relieve the stomnch rising and souring. I retiring, prevents lifrht. loosens the bowei* tlvene)#*!. pH meal will ctire l>y«|ie|>sla Ispoonfuls will always relieve male obstruction remo\e*» the makes a nerfect cure, 'relieves l'bo!l*« while a sure cure for t'bolei'U I of Cliolera* I needed to throw oat of ihe cine after a lonjf sickntfus. Jauiulire removes a'l sal from the skin, time l»efore eaiinfr food diifrst well, cnrr* C'br«»lilc’ while S II III 111 e r mv. almost to the firsr tacks cnnnetl b>'\Vc>i in4 •«' safer, or speedier remedy u. l>ro|>My, by excUinir tb«r mending tbis medicitte a» a A^ue^ C'lilll 4‘i'. loUK Type. It oi»era.e« are willing to teAtify to itt> OKRKLL .S. 1» \ILV J' -Jw A Siisrar Syriip. FEW Bbls. excellent S. H. SVRUP. .Also, prime !>ireet MOLASSES. r. B. COOK. Oct’r 14. 54tf niH-r, Embracing every variety of CAP. LETTER, BATH LETTER, COMMERCIAL NOTE, BILL HEAD, FOLIO POST, and NOTE PAPERS. 00 M. ENVELOPES, of every description. I case English and American SL.VTES. assorted sizes, may have »ucli property to disjiose of, that they would : ]()o gross STSEL PEN^>; Pen-holders; ScIidoI Ink-^'tands; do well to visit me at home, or adilress me at Clinton, VISITING C.-MIDS; P.LANK BOOK.S, icc.^ ^ X. C.—for which they shall receive a visit. A word to , E. J. HALE & SON. the wise is sufficient, as it is well understood that I pay . Feb’y 12 ^ exceeding high prices. . PFTFRMox WefiSier’* Eleiiieiilai\v Impelling ' miiE SOITHERN H.1KM0>Y,-A Furthersuppij F.b’y 14, 1869 ^ FAYKTTEVILLE BOOK STOKE. i 1 just received. E. J. HALE v-i SON. BACON. ^H()ICE North Carolina BACON, .\lso. Western Side C. B. COOK. n ami Shoulders, Oct. 14.—54-tfI The liyiiinM and lliwc*i|iliiie of the Methodist Church. A new supply just received. Oci’r l.S. E. .1. HALE & SON. A TREATll^E LAW OF EVIDENCVJ, TKNTH EMililSlI KDITION, v.rrii cos n>Ki:.\i!i.K \i.ti:i \ riu.ss am> \miitions. By the Right Ib.n S MARrH PHILLIPS and THOS •lAME.'' AR.NoiiD. Escj , one of the Police M:'!iisti:(tes for tlie .Metropolis. FOl liTH AMEKH AN EIUTU>\, Wish ( O \ EN \ HILL."^ N()ie'. and will* ;id!it ion:*l Niiies and Rofotnices to the English and Ainfiican .•a-esto tiie pies,.;if time, iticbnlin'.r tliovie ai|>led to the iiist edition by.I. .M.irsden Van (’oit. li Y* I S A A : K I) \\ A K i t . (.'ol NSKI-Liiil .\T L\W. In throe large vol^lm;^-. The unequalled work of Mr. Phillips on the Law of • Evidence has long been acknowledged. : This edition has umlergone a tliorough revision by I Mr. Edwards, and has received an immense amount of ; lalior. .and is now as nearly perfect as can be made. The .\meric.in labor :ind talent bestowed upon flie work are not less tlmn that derived from the English ' source. The immortal notes of ilessrs. Cowen A: Hill, ' together with those of Mr. Van Cott. have been care fully preserved; and instead of being put in a volume by ; themselves, as fcfrmerly, they are now placeii below the 1 text—a disposition of them which will very much faci litate reference. The entire noteand text are arranged I in three compact volumes, with a table of ca.ses, and an extremely full index to each. .Mr. Edwards has care fully noted any distinctions that n -ty exist between the English and American law, and has added all the late American deci'^ions. Several copies of this valuable work ju«t received and for sale by K- J. HALE & SON, Fayetteville. Salt; .Sugar; (.’otl'ee; Mol.-is.ses: and every thing in th#* ^ ~ , provision line; which i will sell cheap for CA.SH or ex- j Dl*. l4.aMe Si Al C¥l€ Expi0l*atl0IIM^ change for country Produce. i Cloth, Sheep and half Calf Binding. Further supplies W’. C. TROY j just received. E. J. HALE & SON; Nov. 3, 1858. GO-tf April 26. All who ii8- It arr their iinanlmouit textliiKiiiy III Ita favor. Mix W'atrr In tlir mnnttt tvlth the Iiivl- gurntur, uiifl awallow both to|;rthrr. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IS A sriHNTinC MKDKUL I»lS('OVKRY. and is daily working cnres. almost loo great to beliere. It cores u% it by tnai'ic, ei'tn (fie and t»«)dom more thai. tMie bottle U required to cure any kind of Llver 'oniplaint, !r'*in the worst Jnumiv't or to a common Htiv-fh- all of which are tiie resnit of a Olseaftecl I^fver* PKtCK 0.'E DOt.LJR PER BOTTl.C. Dr. SANKORn, !*ropriotor, !W5 Hroadway, \ew York Retailed by all l>rnggiKts. Sof^l Ku N JAS. Nov'r 11. SMITH and S. .1. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. (.’. 02-1 y FresH •Irrirats. Jl’ST received ])r Steamer Fanny. 4 Bbls. Extra No. 1 M.VCKEREL (for retailing,) 10 i “ do. “ 1 do. 10 j “ do. “ 1 do. 10 * MESS SHAD: I’>0 Boxes CHEESE; KM) Bags New Hulled BL'(’KWHE.\T FLiiL'R; Fulton Market Beef; Mess Pork; (Joshen Butter, Pocket .V I