fAKOUNA. ii. *:nt t'. p. ‘t ' i h*. but ihr- ppic.. :h- Oft- It WILL BR K in ■ -*‘1 ir oU.«r pru -ir h.-tjj y,,; 5’0 i.n,t\.,lf >r Of .era. -wh. •,„ i Hux H ^l. ttPOKTs : Ofc' Vol. I. I H . i K nbi,' uijn.lj.. I. 1>, rui- 'olui I piii yt' ■ 1 of ' liiti. of n • _v. . • ;k- ■ inil V. Jill j HA'i: n 01 'I'.'i ‘-lit if a ii- 1) L’ KKKN > rs Mti. IV It . Imrtl. •iNtl 1 I'AK. : I KY AN • 1,1 N • tnan\ RU' them St:.' i H' \ 1 'orn4;. ■1!; i . 1*. diti in I - •ios. s of F ■ N .1- - s Pr few tend- .1 ve : •• ■ N 1 : Kht; r of Uv: •• "■y- ext !■ he :>sitii«#l Id b, V ‘ f Re to a ■ . IlUMl It tli' univ and nnii;; ■■aTU /■ th iiyh-. U. ui. tiii^ ill in- N ' ■- due: :her- HA 7;. 'onts ti = ■■ ■N. l04»(^ Mtru’ ■d; e iss )■ ne'- ; Ag' Nt*'-,- rte: H.A 1 »f* Rook**. to, : . Jh' i- Do V, le, Iv.. le • .g. I : Wll^ . . rt: B. IIA Uaiid £'red- I’.il w Irs. I. 1 h a rt ■ Villi- achii. V ' 'F'- • , by i.dnr- •tor ' I’.-ncii-, H ■ -N. lv\. Ilaiiiel [•act** t li(* Th - er: in ■ ■ ■ iM'ilr; !i \l ^ .rS. hit«‘ i; furth Ilor^e; i.% iton: d'l— of HA! Home A- wikfi. T . : the !' ■' . illiis- .iviii;- .ti, i 1.living: irii; 'I ;. Powwr =*f ., JiC ilAI. I* Rook**. 185'i- y Mi '.r.^jiier; rt, Bulwer: HA, S'->N. ^eenery. ALl. ■i »N, rniony, and Vi IFAH TOWUILILii (DIB SBMI.WEBKL, Y. rvoi.. vrii.T FAYETTFAqi,I,E, N. C„ JUNF. 10. 1859. [NO. 823.] i-MNri'i' MoNnws AM) Tiirnsnws KDWARl) J. HALE & SON, KI>lTOi;S AM> IMKMMUKTOKS f^ llic Somi-Wookly Oiiskrvick S:’. (M) if p«ia iii ;).]\liiii'o: S’' >t* it jijiiil iluritig ;lu> year of subscrip- I'.'ii: ''f aflor tiu' yt'ar lias expiivd. p ,i- lilt' W ookly (>RsKit\KK !?2 (V) per annum, if paiil in :iilv:iiu'«'; •>(' if paid (lufinji tlu* your of subsi'rip- liiiii; 'V >■’ oO afu'r the year has expired. A l'\ Kin ISKM KN rs inserted for HO cents per ii u'lre ot !•> linos tor the first, and 30 cents for each »n. i.. diiifT publicrtlion. ^ early advertisements hy spe- . 1 iMntraci-). at reasonable rate«. Advertisers are lUi 'io i to stale the niimlier of insertions ilesired, or t! ,’V will bo ciintinued till forbid, and charjjed acconl- F A Y i:TTK V11.1.K IIOTEI., 'r NN A l>Dl iih, I'lKd’KlKToR. IftllS jiijs AT bI. II A'ivorli-^oments to be inseru lit d tnsiJr, charjijod fill per 4i lijS SPKriAl. NOTK'K. F; mi and after this date, no name of a new subscriber .Miti-red without payment in advance, nor will bo >ent to such snl>scrihers for a lontrer time T, i p iid fur, S :'ti • lur old siibscriberii as desire to take the pa- 1 t)ii> >ystoni will jilea.-ie iioiify us> wlieu making .bin'v 1. D. k W. McLilRIN, invite attention to their large and dttuirablc \> St.vk -f O KK EKI KK, liijr in part of loO Hio, La^uira and Java (’oflce; 1"M and Hhds Sugar .assorted;) L’j Hhds Molasses; o'- “ liaoon—Sides and Shouldurt; 0 Ml Salt; l:'t lli'Xt's irood Toliacfo; 1 - ' “ Sperm. Adauiantiuri it Tallow Caudles; 50 " Soap ;,a.ssortod;) ;>•' (’andy “ !'■ t l>aL:> Shot “ liMMt lbs. Bar Lead; ;>0 i Hbls. Snuff—Eaele Mills; ■J;> KciTS Soda; *• Nail*. —ALSO— ■\ Urjfe and jteneral assortment >f llardunrc' and ('iitlery; Fnrmin>: Ttensils, of all doscription.s; Amcricrin, Knu:lish. Swedes and I‘cruviau Iron; mister, CitTman and (’a^tt Steel; Hlaeksmiths' Tonis; '’n"lier.‘j' l‘u.; ('urn Sheller.^ and Straw Cutters; Huekets, Hrnoms and I’ails; ('otton, Manilla and .lute llupo, quality; > Plow Lines and lied C"rds; I follow Ware; *■ v»tton 1 arn.s and Sfieetfnir.s at factory prico«. All of which will be sold i.ciw fur c.'^sh, or on usn&l I;'111' to pruiupt ^tSLying c.ujjtiimers. ot NTET M*R.nAST.H Are re^ppctfully requeste.l '’al! .and examine our stuck before purchasinj^ eisr- n lore. 1). Si W. McL.VL KIN. M'lrch 3. 1859 08tf rilHIS. the most commodious Hotel in Noith • arolina, fronting 1^00 foot on llav and l>onaldsoii Streets, located in the centre of the business portion of the town, atul surrounded b\’ all the Hankinfr Houses, Wholesale Merchants and princi pal 1‘ro.luce Uealers. I'lisiiioss men will find the Hotel a conv«nient and comfortiiblo house. All the Stages arrive and dejiart from this Hotol. Fayetleville, Oct. 1. 1S')8. 51- sim:>iwkij, iiousr, FAVKTTKVII.I.K, V. hmt sii/,' nf (t'ri'i u Stru t, n few Joors Xorth '>/ tlu M,trk;t. ri'^HK Subscriber desires through this mediimi L to aekowledge the liboial patronage bestow ed u]>(in his House the past year—and as he has just erected New Stables and t'arri.age Shed conven ient to the House and to water he takes jileasure in sav- ine to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still ]>repared to .‘iccomiiKMlate them with transient and permanent bo.ard. and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal jiatronage heretofore receiveil. Fvery ex ertion on liis p.art «hall bo u«ed to render them comforta ble during their sojourn with him. His table is always sup^'lied with the best the market affords. r. SHl'MWKLL March ‘J4, 1N')S. SO-tf WAV.\E HOr^K, (:oLi>si?oUo', N. (’. THK undersigned announces to the public that he has taken charge of the above Ks- tablishiiient. and is jirepareil to accommodate Hoarders, by the day, week or month. And he assures all who may favor him with their patronage, that ho will endeav>>r to give perfect satisfaction. Talile supplied with the best tlio market alTords. JAS O. ,‘^MITH ioldsboro’, Jan'y 28, 18o'J 84-lyr W KSTKRN RAH. ROAD. JOSHPH BAKKR, Jii., ATTO H ,\' K V A T I. A W , H.\S taken an office next door to Win. B. Wright’s Law Office on tlreen Street. Ho will attend and practice in the County and Superior ('ourly of OumbsrlHnd, Bladen, llobeson and Sa'dipson. March 23, 1863. jytf THO. O. FULLER, *iilorH€if nnl VounscUor at Jbair. OF FKJE at Eceles’s Hriiige, recently oocupiwd bj Jameu Hanks, Esq., Kavettuville, N. (^* Jan’y 1, 1857. P. J. MAXI.AIR, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, FAVKTTEVILLE. N. ^^^ILL practice in the Courts of Robeson, Cumberland. Harnett and ilichmond Promjit given to all business entrusted to hiu. Feb'y 5, 18-')'.* 8C- T. C'. A: B. ii. WORTH, foniniission and Forwarding Merchants, WlLMINdTON, N C. Jan y ‘J8, 1859 81tf WM. H. TlRLINOm, o ui III i « i o II n e r i* li a ii t, WlLMlNtiTON, N. C., 11^ILL give prompt and personal attention to nil con- >V signments of SPIRITS TURPKNTINK, ROSIN, T.\R, COTToN, F!.iOrR. and other country produce, either for sale or shipment. My wharf and warehouses being conveniently located for the reception of produce, either b3' Railroad or River, enables me to make charges light. Nov’r 8 ; tf all kinds and and after Monday, ’J'Jil day of November, the Freight Train will run RF.tJUli.VRLY between Fay etteville and Mct'lenahan's Station: leaving Fayetteville every morning at 7 o'cli>ck and returning at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of same day. Ciinsignors ,ire roiiue.>sted to send tickets with articles, totaling consignoe. destination, \c. W. A. Kl l’ER, Chief Eng'r A: Sup't. Whenever the amount of freight may re«iuire, an ex tra Train will leave Fayetteville and return in the afteriUMin. Nov'r-J-J, 18:.8, f,.')- RtIL 110.111 .\OTICt:! TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. TAMES L. GAINF.S and son E. J. GAINE.S, will, in future, practice law in copartnership, in the Coun ties of Montgomery. Stanly. .Vnson and Moore. They may be addressed either at Troy, N. ^., where E. J. Uaines resides, or at Norwood's X. C. Troy, April 7, 18.50. . -Itf LAW A«TI E. The undersigned has removed to Newbern, with th« intention to devote himself wholly to the practice of the law. He will attend the ('ourts in all of the sur rounding counties, and will also practice before the Su preme (’ourt at Raleigh. Ii. K. McR.\E. Dec’r 22, 1858. 75-Cm LOVEltl) ELDIMDGE, *§ttorn'i/ at Lair^ IITILL attend the tVurts of Johnaton a»d Sampson TT Counties. Smithfield, April 15. 185D. 96tf J. K. RIM.A, Attorney and Coiinselior at iiaw, ASH EBOJIO’, N. (V, ll'^ILT> attend the ('ourts of llandolph, Moore, Mont- M gomery, Davidson and tiuilford, and promjitly at tend to all business wiurustud to hifc care. March 10, 185'J OO-fiui Ur. II\l(iIl has romovod to tlu‘ house formerly occupied by Mr. K. Hall, on Hayniount, in the rear of Mr. Myrovor's, where lie may be founl af- 1 8-.TW W. H. ALLEN.] [J. M. CLARK- ALLEN & CLARK, €JoiiiiiiiM^ion ercliants, WH.MINGToN, n. c. DE.4LKRS IN LLMK. PUSTER, (EMEM, HAIR, &€. Agents for Rush & Orrell's Line of Steamers. 'I)R0MPT personal attention given to consignments o X Naval Stores, Colton or other (’ountry Produce, for sale or shipment. Jan’y lit, 1851>. K]- (its FITTIMiS .tND FIXTIRES. The subscribers will be prepared by the middle of August, to supjily every description of lUiildings,— Dwellings, Stores, Factories, iN:c.—with all the neces- saiy FlXTl'KES. for the introduction of(i.\S. As we are constantly engaged in the business of build ing (las Works in this and other States, we of course can afford to bring on a large stock and sell on more reasonable terms than others. Our stock will include Chamleliers, Pendents, Brackets, Glass, ic. As we have leased the works for five years, it will be to the advantage of those requiring such fixtures to get them of us, since upon iis will fall the care of them, keeping them in repair, &c. For this purpose it is both our interest and pleasure to emply none but the best Gas Fitters. In our absence for a few weeks, all who wish to have the Pijies introduced into their buildings, will please leave their names with Mr. W. N. Tillinghast, who will give all necessary information on the subject. It is desirable to know as early as possible, .so that the Fix tures may be introduced at the same time with the con struction of the works, and thus all may light up simul taneously. WATERHOUSE & BOWES. Fayetteville, June 10. 22-tf \E\V !^PK1.\G GOODS. II •fames Ktfle I.S NciW RECEIVLNG A LARGE SUPPLY OF •ItViJOODS, H.\TS,SHOKS, H (» LT I N c, (’ LOT II S, .See., Ur Kalis Sheeting and Yarn at Factory Prices ■All of which will he offered P. y WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. ■T ' w iti the same jualitv can be had in this State, r ■ ' 'J ltf Serontf Sftrinff Stock. snitll & WILLI.\MS \ \ K received and are now opening their second M:AS0\ABI.K GOODXi, • ' i a sjilendid -electii.n of the newest styles of I'aiifv and .>ita|il(‘ Dry («ood«^ ItoolH. Hat«, Hoop ReaiU-.tlade 'loth in;;, I 1m-'- variety of NO'!’IoN.'>, to which the atten- / Wiiiiilesale ISuyers is invited. U-j}" -TRK 1 ATTKNTION PAIL) To nliDEHS. ' 1! .-TARR. J. M. WILI.IAMS. Vj ril 1H5'.». 4tf !il>RIA4; STVI.KS! The Fayal, Everett and Havelock Hats! i I. a b.taiiiifiil ass'irtmeiit of tli© L.VTKS'I’ S LK • \ '"P T ll\TSihigh ami low crown. i and all the ii K-'t elegant Hats of the season, can now ' ‘ Ii at 1 iif Bazaar. A. MrRIMMON. M,), 1*; ‘.'7-1 f .More \ew Goodie! I A\1 jn»i n'(!civing my Spring Sti^k of Goods in my I n.- They were selected in the Northern cities by ■ iT wjili great »*are. and bought on the most reason- •' I'-'i'iii-, by which 1 am enable*! to offer the largest I t-viT before offered to the public, and to ofler ''' /'Mif-rally At tireaily Reduced Prices. 'hi 11 Uai'iiis, Figs, Prunes, Apjiles, Lemons, Or- C|ierrio‘, •’urrants, \.c. ■ I' KI.KS, JKLLIES \N1) PRESERVES a great va- ^'iMly; ■ i: KM i;iU i;s .VNl) EXTR.\CTS of various kinds; ■ A SiiAPS AND POMADES: 'I' Al, l.NSTRI.'MENTS —Fiddles, Drums, Fifes, Hut.Banjii', fJuitars, &c.; 'l.KINd C \NKS- -of every kiinl; ' KKT. and willow WARE; ' 'i'l'-V tloR.'^KS. ,vc.; MNK AND COMMON CANDIES: SARDINES; ' I'iARS; SMOKlNfi .V CHEWING TOBACC(»; . KKRS; FINE POCKET KNIVES; ■ mMmerit Ilf PORT-MONAIES, some very nice; V KWELOPES. and FANCY }0(M)S, TOYS i ^ AN KEE NOTIONS; "Trin.ni i,f INDIA RI BBER GO»DS; ''''•8. WHIPS, FISHlNt; TACKLE. ' I’Mblic are respectfuliy invited to call and ex- • ttiv 'ii.ck. I have a great many handsome things ' '^'I'lniji fiiii to please. JAS. R. LEE. Hotel Building. '''O-rl, |_ .NEW, niE.lP, .IND EXPEDITIOIS RIIITE FOR Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. MER'HANTS and others about purchasing their Fall and Winter Suji[ilies, are requested to notice, that by the Comf)letiun of tJie North Eastern Rail Road from the care of the .\gent of the will be forwarded FREE OF i.«-i anl EXVF.DITloL'S Route from the Seaboard has been opened to them. •All freight consigned ti North Eastern Itail Road COMMISSION. No charge will be maile for .Storage at Cheraw. All goo«,ls will be taken care of in the Company's Warehouse until sent for. A schediilf of charges for transjiortation of freight will he found at the Post office. S. S. SoL»MoNS, Eng'r and Sup't. .\ug. 3, ls5H. ot-tf LUTTKRLOirs MMv ter P. M. •Mav 30, 185'J. I f Strei •Itedirai •h^oiice. A. McSW.MN has taken an office on .\nderton treet, in the rear of Messrs. Ray X Pearce's Store, where he can be found by those dvsiring his professional services. August 21, 1858. 4(.Hf * Hr. K. A. RI.ACK, OFFICE Front Roomi, over Dr. li.J. Hinsdale's Chemist aiiil Drug Store. Feb'v 7, 185*"'. W 11. LI A TI «. TI AIIA, iHftlfector of »Wivetl Stores, WILMINGTON, N. ill pay strict attention to all business eiitrustel to his care, and solicits a share of public patronage. Office III Hall's Building, \u. t.*}, (up stalrn,) North Water Street. April 8, 185‘J 4-Ginos Joseph r. blossom. t: o n n 141 i\ A .N 1» Forwarding Merchant, n'*ilminstoHi *V. €. Bgy-Pronipt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be shipped to other i>orts or sold in this market. Feb. 12. 1K55. 67tf J. wili.i a:vi ivAiiiE:, n. l’lTTSH()KOr(m, N c. J^^R. P.\GE rnav be found at his ofRco wli 76tf D., WILLIAM J. PRICK, Mnapcctor of •Vaval Stores, wnMisoTo.y, A. r. ijijy Solicits the [latronage of his country friends and all others engaged in the Turjientine business. Ofl'l«*o :%ortii Wsit«*r Nov'r 22, 1S58. 0-1-lypd F. M. bTzZELL, GROCER .A X D COMMISSION’ M E R C 11 A X T, No. XttRTH Watkr Stuket, WILMINGTON. N. ('. I^RoMPT and f>ersonal attention given to the reception of all kinds of country produce, either for sale or shipment. (>rders for groceries frem cath customers will receive immediate attention, free of commissions. Nov. ly, 1H58. 64-1 y W. R. R. AOTIC'E TO €0.\TRAtT0RJ»i. SEA LED Proposals will be received at the office of the W'. H. R. Co.. in Fayetteville, until the 22d inst., for the completion of the unfinished graduation on Section Xo. 14. W’. A. KUPER, Chief Eng. & Sup'r. June 8. 1850. 21-fJ2d Lo%»*r fJtllc' River A ( raiie’tf ('reek A'avi;;ation Co. SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS for the Capital Stock of O this Company are now in the hands of tlie ('omniis- sioners. and will remain open for the space of 80 days. The Commissioners in Cumberland are Thos. S. Lut- terloh. Christopher Munroe, AV. ,1. Kelly. l>r. Alox’r Munroe and .Arcli'il McKethan. In Harnett. R. C. Hol den, Samuel ('ariiion, Hugh A (’ameron, Duncan Mor rison, Neill Buie. John Smith ami Ntdson Morrison. In Moore, Daniel McKethan, I-aac Rowan, D.aniel Mc Donald. N. K. McNeill. Wni. .lohnson. W’. C. Thagart. ■\ general meeting of the Coiiiiiiissioners and Stock- holdt»rs will be held at Johnsonville on the 30th of June next, for the purpoe of organizing said (’ompany. Books of subscrijition are :ilo in the hands of J. M. l^ose, at the Railroad Office in I'ayetteville. May 28 * 21-t-‘?0 Post Office, Fayetteville, i\. €. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF THE MAILS. RALEIGH. Arrives daily at 7J .V. M. Clo.ses “ * “3 P. M. WARSAW'. .\rrives daily, except Sunday, at 7A A. M. Closes “ “ Saturday, at IJ P. M. SALEM. Arrives Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, at A. M. Closes Monday, " “ “ “ 11 % “ FAIR BLUFF. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7^ A. M. Closes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, t i P. M. CHERAW. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 1 A. M. Closes Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday, at J P. M. ROBESON’S via ELIZABETHTOWN. Arrives Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, at 5 P. M. Closes Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 6i A. M. BARCLAYSVILLE via SUMMERVILLE. Arrives Monday, Weinesday and Friday, at 8 P. M. Closes Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, at 5J A. M. SWIFT ISLAND via MONTROSE. Arrives Monday, at 5 P. M. Closes Tuesday, at A. M. SWIFT ISLAND via TROY. Arrives Tuesday, at 5 P. M. Closes Wednesday, at A. M. MAGNOLIA. Arrives Tuesday, at 2 P. M. Closes “ “ 2 “ ELIZABETHTOWN via TEREBINTHE. Arrives Monday, at 7 P. M. Closes Tuesday, at 5i A. M. PHILADELPHUS. Arrives Tuesday, at 1 A. M. Closes Sunday, at J P. M. J. E. BRYAN, P. M. March 81, 1859. 4000 P.\GE rnav be found at his May fi, ISO?. Gif Dr. R. M'OTT i« now perma nently located in Fayetteville, and offers his jirofes'sion- al services to the community. Office two doors oast of the market—formerly occujiied by Dr. Benbow—where be can bo found during his regular office hours, from y o'clock .\. M. until 1 o'clock P. ii.; S June ii P. M P. M. 20tl ^TK.VMKR “FANNY ■ leaves Fayetteville every Mon- ^ d.iy Jiiid Thursday morning, at 15 minutes after Sun- ri-io: and Wilmingtoii Tuo-'d.iy and Friday, at o clock. —carrying jias^engers and freigh*. Stoaiiior ■ SorTlI ERN KR,' with a full comjilemont of Fl.it«. makes one or more trips per we(;k, as circum stances may r»‘i|iiiro. The accident to tli*' Sto.aim’r ••R(\NAN will bo re- She will ihon fake her jilacp in DI:A TI^TRV I vR. J. D.WIS having d« I ' neiitly locating in th» DE ROSSET, BRO\V\ & CO., J'U.\, X. V. BROWX, DE ROSSET k CO., .V£ir YifllK. ('oiiiiiii«iiioii Mer*lianl». zc ^ ^ i" «5 •9 r o g. o_ "x. - '® lied n perma- I “ ^ I few day' paired in the line. Oct'r 4, 1M5M. T S LUTTERLoli. 51-tf I\K\V Town of Fay»‘tie- ville. respectfully offers his services to the citizoTi* of thix place an 1 surroiiiidine country. In all the various branches of his Profession, including the manufacture of .Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is aiMed :i thorough Den tal education, that ho can give entire saiisfaotion as far as is ill the fiower of Denti-'iry. .Ml irregularities of the Teeth treated in a pro]er and cnroful maimer, as well as diseases of the mouth. None hut the proper metals are made use of in the various o|)oratioiis. Charges will bo modornte, that the benefits of the Profession may bo placed within the reach of all who may foel an interest in the jiro^ervation of the Teeth. gfcjy" (iffiCO over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he mav be found at all times. Slay 10. 1H58. 'Jtf UORTH A: I TLKV, Forwarding and (leneral Commitiision Merchants, Fnifetlcville, *V. 0\ J. A.-WURTH. f72tf) J*'S. I Tl.KT. R. n. ORRi:i.L, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. rnHO.-'E sending their Spirits Turpentine to mt: may J rely upon it to have prompt and careful attention. My warehouses are fronting the wharves and near the articular attention given to the sale of Naval Stores, (’otton and other ]iroilnco. \]iril iti, IK.'.O ri-.?nios]d JOHNSON’S r III I.O?«iOriI14 A I. ( IIA RT?. 4 N admirable substitute for apparatus.” j;\ ^Hon.) TiiKo. FRKMSdtn vsKx. 10 large Charts (each :> 1x52 inches) embracing nearly Three Mttm(fre«l JPia^rfints, adajited to all me Text Books relating to this branch of stiuly. Every School should have them. Professor .^iLt.iMAX, Vale (’olloge. Rev. D. KklsRy, ('assville (Ga.) Fem. ('olloge, and others, have given them the highest endorsement. Price of the Ten Charts, mounted on cl>th, with rollers. with key !?12 Ott Mounteil on paper, with key, H* OO Box for i)acking. 50 Unmounted, with key. sent postpaid by mail 0 (M> AGENTS WAXTKD. In ordering Charts, give full directions for shipyiing. SMITH. WOODMAN CO.. Publishers, 34(i Broakway. N. V. June 11 22-('ii 'i'lie •Miner. Is prepared to supply Schools and Colleges with CO.MPETENT TEACHERS for any department. One of our firm is a Professor of Music, and will give espccial attention to the selection of Music Teachers. REFEREN(’ES; Dr. Lowell Mason. Prof. G. F. Root. Hon. Theo. Frolinghuysen, Dr. Win. (’urtiss. Limestone Springs, S. C-. H. IJ. Farrar. Tarborough, N. Send for a circular. Schools supplied with .Appa ratus, Books, etc. SMITH. WOODMAN .S: CO.. ;U« Broadwa.v, Vew York, (MKI lieslniil St., IMiila. June 11 22-tit RAC:0.1T, PORK, Flimi, A:c. LBS. NORTH CAROLINA BACON; OOtK) lbs. Baltimore Sides; 3500 “ Prime Leaf Lard; 25 Bbls. Mess Pork; 25 do. Extra No. 1 and 3 Mackerel: 25 lo. “ " 1 Herring; 50tt lbs. Extra No. 1 Cod Fish; 15 Hhds. Prime Molasses. Just received, and will sell cheap for cash. W. C. TROY June*.*. 1850. 21-1 m cor:\! cori\:! I HAVE made arrangements to receive '(»RN WEEK LY from Wilmington through the Summer. .And will keep constantly on hand good fresh (’ORN. A lot now in .store. E. F. MOORE. June 21-of HAi.nAD TO1 K«. l^'ERY SUPERIOR SALMON, selected esjKicially for \ n retailing. 25 do7.. Extra Beef Tongues. 3 Firkins Choice Goshen Buffer. Just received at W. C. June 0, 1859. TROY’S. 21-lm N (jiiiano! Ciiiano!! TO. 1 PERUVIAN, just received and for sale by E. F. May 23 MOORE. Iti-lm HERRIAO. JUST received and in fine order, by _ May 23 Tfi-Tnr BACOIT. ^ LAR(iE lot daily expected by May 23 E F. AtOORE. 1*)-Im JAS. T. I*ETTK\VAY, i'omntission • IMerrhattf, And A«:ent for Dawson*s Line Steamers, Wilmington, N. C, Solicits (’oiisigniueiits of Naval Stores, Colton, 'orn, Als. irders fur (irocei ii Guano. s. (’otton Bagging, Rope, \c. .S;e. TtKKFRS ro , Wilmington, N. C., IH WE a«-ociated with me, in this line, .Mr. .lohn K. Dailov. and will stj'lo the firm oRP.ELL iS; D.MLE^ . We have purchased the Ste.amer SifTiiF.iNF;n, and in a few days, will have a .New Flat employed with her. Those favoring us with their patronage may rely upon prompt desjiiitch. l»y apjilying to .Mr. Dailey on boaril, or to me .at my ofVico. R- ORKLLL. river. Sopt'r 13. 1858. 45tf WATCHES k JEWELRY, K. M. OHRKI.t.. March 2t;. l^'i!,* JOHN K. DAILKT. 8»0-tf \ '''"il) lupply of \arioiis .So'g just received, which ' UL furiuxli low, D. k W. McLAURlN. "hv 2 10 tf Carolina •V. C. The .\tlantic and North Carolina Railroad being now completed to Beaufort Harbor, I have determined to locate at Carolina City for the purpose of doing a Forwarding and General Ccmmission mm V JiPW ■. .w ^ and hope by promptness ami strict attention to merit patroii.'igf and sujiport. Being the Agent of .Murray’s Line of First Class Packets to this and .Morehead City, every effort will bo m.ide to make this the cheapest and most expeditious route to New \ ork. \ essels will be loaded and discharged at my Wharf (adjoining the Rail road Wharf.) and thereby save cartage and lighterage. Particular attention will be given to all orders, and to the sale and shipment of Produce. W.M. B. GRANT. July 2'.t. 1858. 32-ly |{)OK-|{lNi)i\G IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatcli Small jobs when done must be pail Iteiore delivered. THOS. 11. TILLINGHAST, Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street. May 14. 185‘J. KOR SAi.K OR RKNT. \(’ONVENlENT DWELLING HOUSE, on Haymount, near .Mr. J. Thomson's. For [larticulars enquire of J. G. SHEPHERD, Es4-, or A. M. CAMPBELL. May 7. VK.W AM) DFStHAIll.F., BV .1 A « . T . H €> IIT O IT, J . M . H K A S L E Y . ALSO, A LOT OF FINE I»0lBLE-BARUEL GIXS, AT KEDUCKI) ruicF.s, by JAS. T. HOUSTON. March 1, 185'J li^tf TIN PLATE, ^iheet Iron, Iron Wirt*, »»TOVK« Am ri’¥-WAUi:. .Always on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. ROOFINC, (iVrTERlXd, And all kinds of Jobbing, done at short notice, by C. W. ANI>REWS, Market Square, Fayetteville. July 9. BOOTS *V SHOMiS, at wfiolksalk. JNO.M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA, \V I T II P. P. MIIAW €0., 31 ANT) H.‘5 Dey Stheet, New York, lirlLL be iiappy to see his Southern friends at the W ahove establishment, where, either ]>*'rsonally or by order, tliev may be sup})liod from an extensive and well assorted s'tock of Goods in that line, gotten up expressly for the Southern trade. Nov. 2U, 1858. .loliii Dawson. Esi|. Dr. F. J. Hill, “ O. !. Parsley; “• Pre'^ident Commeiiial Bank, Dr. Thos. 11. Wright. President Bank of Capo Fear, E. P. Hall, Ehi|., Brani'h l‘>ank of State of N. C., T. S. Liltterloh. FHyetlevillo, N. C. April 25 S-oiii T. ,\. uoiiNsri:i)r, • iiSeitt for 4’hirherhis^^s i*ianos, Of which he has always some on hand. Wilmington, N. C., Oct'r 2. 1 85H. 51-lyy>d PETER MALLETT wrrii 1). rOLDKV MIIRRW, GE ERAL CDYIlflB^niV MSlCiaANT, (5 '1 S U L T II S T E K T, .v/;ir yonK. •Jnlv 2'.l. 18r,K. ;12- MAVING 1 I noighbi l>ari and RiitteV. store and for sale by E. F. MOflRE. lf)-lni LI.TIE E. F. M:R0V II. .llcvllAA AKA, -U. D., located in Bladen (’nuniy in the immediate hborhood of Dr. Jno. S. Richardson, res]>ect- fully offers his jirofossiotial services to all who may t.avor him with a call. Being a regul.ar graduate of the Medical University of Now York, and having followed the practice both in the Bellovuo and Now A ork Hospitals, besides having the advantage of two years o.'wporioiH'o in couniry prac tice. feels that these advantages should in some degree entitle him to the oonfidonce of the afffictetl. Ho has a new .and complete set of Surgical and Ob- 'tetvical Iii'^trumonts. aiol will pay particular attention to those liraiiches. Ho will kee]i constantly on hand a full supply of Medicines. Prompt and constant at tention with moderate chaiges. .InnoS 21-2inpd Seeret of (he Freneli Uoiirt, bj VIetor Cousin: Adam (ir.aomo, b_v Mr-^. Ollphaiit: l.ovo .Me Lit tle, I.ovo ,Mo Long, by Hoado: The Science and .Art of Chess, by .1. Monroe; Chess Hand Book, by an Amateur. The Art ol Extempore Speaking, by M. Bantain: School Book^. E. j. MALE X SON. June 11. Cliapninn's Seriiums, sixth edition: the Metho- ! dist by Miriam Fletcher: Life at I’hroe Score, by r.ames: j .Songs of the 1’. E. ('tmrcli: The Psalmist, witli sujiple- | meiit; C’l.irke's Coiiimoiitaiy, \c. | .lime 11. ‘ K. J. II \LE \ SON. I MOOKE S. Iti-lm B' MILIl'ARV (iOODS, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces, ;\\D KVKKV I)KSCRIPT1I)\ OF MILIT\IIV CIKID.S. ArroRKlNt} TO THE Ldtfst L . S. Ai'iuji anil State Jiii/u/dtioiia. S(]IIIIYLEU, HARTLEY & GRAHAM, I vai>0):Ti:KN A: ^lA^UFACTUICilKS 1 it M A I D E N L N E, .Vetr i'ork. Juno ;!0. 24-1y The Aew Edition oT Devereiix & Battled Law Reports. Vol* 1, 1)E(’E1\'ES the approval of those who have examined Chief Justice Nash says. “I have looked through il — t is carefully and well got uj). * * l think to our Court it will be invalualde —and to the Profession equally so. It will .save the labor of deciding the same points again and again: for there will be no excuse for ('ounsel not lieing ajiprised of jioints already adjudicated.” Gentlemen of the Bar who have purchased and ex amined it, concur, so far as we know, in piai.se of it. For sale, .with sets or separate volumes of North (Ja- rolina Reports, and Law Books generally, by E. J. HALE .t SON. S550 REWARD. ROKi; .1 \1L oil the ni-ilt of the S h in^t.. TWO MULATTO r.oVS named I’.OB l‘. KVILS. and JOll N BUI’.WER. Revils is a bright Mulatto, a Painter by trade, about six feet high, and is well known afioui Fayetteville. Brewer is also a bright Mul.itto, with sir.iight and very long black hair, with front teeth de cayed and is about five foot seven inches high. The above reward of .S50 will be given for their de livery to me hero, or their safe conlinenient in any .Jail in the State; or .'525 for either. GEO. L. McKAA', Jailor. Junel*, 1850. 21-tf i N1 iV ti TAKEA I P ND committed to the Jail of ('’iiniborland County, on he 7th in«t.. a negro boy by the name of REUBFA'. about twelve years old, who says he belongs to James Taylor of Patrick county, Va.. and was hired to a .Mr. Battle, near P»ocky Mount. Eilgecoiiibe county, N. C. The owner will come forward, prove pro|)erty. p.ay charges and take him away, or ho will be de.alf with as the law directs. GEO. L. McKAA . Jailer. June 8, 1850. 2Iff Ice T *^00 itblv. ol Herrin;[^ IlOR sale, very low. 200 Bblg Herring, by ^ GEO. W. WILLIAxMS March 14 & CO 96 Cream! Tee Cream!! MIE subscriber having lately refitted his ICE CREAM SALOON, at the Shomwell House, will be pleased to serve the Ladies and Gentlemen of Fityefteville and vicinity, on and after the 27ih inst. The Saloon will bo opene«l at o'clock, A. M., and kept open until 10 P. .M. P. SHEMWELL. April 25 1850. 8tf Aew Volumes ol Supreme Court Reports. JUST publislied. volume u Jmes's Law Reports, and volume ;> Jonet's E(4uity Reports, of Decisions in the Supreme Court of North Carolina. For sale by Feb’y 10 E. J. HALE 6l SUN. May 28 May 23 NTATlOAfERA. In addition to our present stock we are receiving 1*10 ReaiiiM Paper, Embracing every variety of CAP, LETTER, B.\TH LETTER. COMMERCIAL NOTE. BILL HEAD. FOLIO POST, and NOTE PAPERS. r>i) M. ENVELOPES, of every description. I case English and .\inerican SL.ATES, assorted sizes DM) gross STSEL PENS: T*en-holders; School Ink-Stands; VISITING «’ARDS: BLANK BOOKS, kc. E. J. HALE Ai SON. Feb’y 12 .fliNeellaiieoiiM Rook^. .\ri)oric!iII Home Garden, illii.sfrated, by .Mox’r 1 Watson: The Old Plantation, by Hungerford; Sylvan Holt’s Daughter, by Holme Lee; Self Made Men, by Seymour; Episodes of French History, by Miss Pardoe; Kendall's Santa Fr Expedition; Miss .McIntosh's Works: Percy An'cdotes; Lives of I he Queens of Scotland, by .vgnes Stricklani; Barnes’ Notes on the Books of the I'sew Testament; Literal Traiisl.ii ions ot the (Jlassics; .Vbbott's Lire of .\ap;»l.'*on non.iparte: i^c. A»-il :t E. J. MALE .S: SON. I.ile and Labor!« of* Rev. Daniel U.iKcr, D. D.; Tlie .Methodist, or Incidents and Characters from Life; The Pillar of Fire, by the author of the "Prince of the House of David’’; Morning and Night Watches; ('hapinaii's Sermons, New Edition; . Memoir of Mrs. Shuck, by J. B. Jeter; Testimony of the Rocks; Presbyterian Psalms and Hymns, in velvet, morocco and plain bindings; Baptist Psalmody; The Psalmist; Bibles, velvet, niorocco and other bindings. April 23 E. J. HALE & SON. .HacaiilayN IJvom orPiU and Fred erick the Great: BORDER WAR, bj’ the author of Wild W'esfern Scenes; HOURS WITH MV PUPILS, by Mrs. Lincoln Phe'ps; THEISM AND SKEPTICIS.M, by Wharton; THE CONVALESCENT, by N P. Willis; NEW PATE.NT SER.MOXS and Machine Poetry, by Dow, Jun'r; THE CULPRIT FAA*, by Joseph Rodman Drake; INDI.A RUBBER PENS, Therniometers, Card I’encils, &c., &.C. Just received. E. J. HALE 6i SON. May 18 i'lirlher ^iipplieM of' Rookw. MA' Thirty A'ears Out of the Senate, by Major Jack Downing; Bulwer's Novel, “What AVill He Do With 11?” Brownlow it I’ryne’s Controversy; Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life, by Prof. Wilson; Eric, or Little by Little; Sterne’s W'orka; Lonprworth on the Grape; Kip’s Lenten Fast; Buck's Theolog. Dictionary; Ruskin's Political Economy of Art; Treasury Blotting Paper; School Books, &c. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON.