MROLIM. ••MU. fV.1l TW PA(iO; tlu ,>,.j •oH* ^.ng. ,... f calt. I vsii.i, r >P Al r.; - in ">• II 111 .,r oiher- ‘ pri,; ,r hotl, v.,1 r li ilf CHh. or wli.- huv Half ,v i i \ 'f OF Vol. 1. 1 -1 K.ii.i..,, ,.f iifthio ' rtio«,>ri,-x ■ I. i:. itli .111,1 ■'I will, rrorv. viihiii •. n p,i» c i>r hi v A . H Ot i '«'\ iTiMlx's 1 >»■ ■' hv.|,*Il V V v.ilnu ov .-xtaiu ,1 r :is I1..-V ^ n„» '‘"I'l'I.V !ll= i. . II \l.r A R^aiiloiN. I) _■ KUK\. k t* thk TS 1- HH. INTI.N: .1 Wl. 1.1 .. KT. lo IS f.Mi !\ KY AM. l.Ksriu. luaiiv ' tli-iii .T Stat 1 AI. iAMLK.v tVirilK' =! , , ; v: •litiu! I ., X in 1- I S ri*s, V of li Lx I*!. I'l-W teilili : IVf ' .ft'// tl l«>ll l^lll , M- of 'ex I lu* s. r'siHi I.Hk- f u. to a.i. rimii! - it iht U*i -■ aliti iiimr. / !h' if.S.-. : . Is. a •»l«ci ‘ her^. li.( I, 111 tl, Niiii. U-,-1 tlH-e >ENCE, ITIOV, t S 1 \ 11.1.h Tlh>r ,r •« rr»pir II.1 y, M'l. i ^ li il IihIi *•■ •riiali rin. ■ l.l^'i ' til A !■ I IW. rtifc' eiT oroii _ ii/ini 4 IS I fi ■ '1:-. ; . ■ i 111 t.y .1. 1 -I: . , til.- ■li.' I’lijrli- ‘ ,.-11 : till.. r, ii;.,. I tl pui w |. ill tl tf'- .le K.lw I :illl ’V I 1..W l!'V - ,.’ll f::. ’ . iii'l .n }■ - r; r.- y exist li ■ ..Ilili-tin kj. UN. V . ;%•: l| 'tl'l H-ville ey, uu HA. -N' Jiil«‘ lloi’M*: :. I: . Lyiton: furt!.. t IIAI.K >1 Home %- ■aki T 'Me; l.f - Iln- i- ilf. Jvin I L «viiiK: irii; T 0 1- :W‘.T >f , tVc. liALK SnV. I* IS--. , M I'.r.'iniT; [T, I'.ulw.r; IIAI K 'V S'»N !**•€• lie Af,K 'N l»loralioiiS Fii. lier siij'iili'- HALi: *' i^UN- • \orlli «- 111. : ioiirces, W4-: .fiJ - H' K & SUN iPAir SEMI-WEEKLY. vor. vifi.] FAYETTEVILT.E, C., JUNE 20, 1859. [NO. 824.] 5rj! I.IIIMKI* MONl»AVS AM) TIVUHSDAYS. FDM.ntl) J. HALE & SON, KltlTi'ltS AVI) I'UOPKIETORS . . r the Soiiii-U’eoklv Oiiskkvkh $3*00 if pai.l in ivsiii't’. I'lii'l diirinjt year of siibscrip- ii; .IV SI :il'U'v the yortr lia.s expired. ■ ;,. Wffkly (>n>»Ki(vKR S’J (>(t jH'r niuium, if paiil in ri, r. >■- •''* il pniil tlurinp the year of sul'scrip- ,[i: .1' I**' al'ier the year has expired. Vl'\ r.KTlStMKNTS inserted for GO cents per .ir. lines t'lir the first. aul :U> cents for each iliii- jmlilicHtion. Yearly advertisements by spe- at reasonnlile rates. Advertisers are ; I -iiaie ilu- number of insertions desired, or contiiiuod till lorbid. and fhurged accord- .-onu'tiis to be inserted insil\ charged TiU per Sl'Kt'lAL NOTK’K. .'vi it'ti r this drtte. no name of a new subscriber .1 without pflvment in advance, nor will ,!• !if >»Mii to siu'h suKs.-rihers fur a longer time '! I ! ,.r vM subscribers as de>-ire to take the p.i ■ > ^^su■lu will please notify us when making FAYi:TTKVIL|,K IIOTKIi, T. WADDILL, l*R(n>Ri KTOR. lii' most commodious Hotel in Noith i iSiill * ’’aiolina, fronting 300 feet on Hay and ! Uonaldson Streets, located in the centre of the I portion of the town, and surrounded by all the iSanking Houses, Wholesale Merchants and princi- Province Uonlers. men will finil the Hotel a convanient •Vll the Stages arrive and .lepart from this Hotel 1-ayetteville, Oct. 1. 18:.8. 51. sn 101 \v pj,I, nouse, j FA vi:tti:vim.k, c. : huxt fK/> >J Crt ! n S,trn t, a jtw doors Noi th >>/ t/lr Mitr/itit. Subscriber desires dirough this medium I- nckowleilge the liberal patroiuige besiow- d==yUl. ed tipon his House the past year- and as ho hiis Juai eroctotl Now StiihKw aiul I'nrri ipc Shot.1 conveii- lent to the House and to water he take', pleasure in sav ing to his patrons and the juiblic generally, that lie is still prejiared to accouimoilate tliem with transient and jiermantMit boaril, ami resjiecifully solicits a continuance ot the liberal p.'iironage hereti»fore i>*ceived. Kvery ex ertion on his part siiall be used to render them comforta ble during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplie«l with tliu best the market atl'ords. I’. SHKMWKLL. March 1’}. ls.‘>,'. ^^l-tf D. & W. McLURlX, u'.Tl.b iti\ite attention to their large and dtjuirable .f U KOC EKI ;.vj:.:u :i> pari jj" 1?H_» llii'. La^uira aud Java Coffoti; l!hls. atul Hh'ls. Su^r , fussorted; 1 •J.- llh.]»,*s: 0" •• Bacilli—and Shouldor*; : ,'«:irks I.’- i H 'X*'.' d 'I'oKnt’t'o; 1_’ > •• .''|>enn. Adamantine iSc Ttllow C»udlc*s; 5 ■' •• Soap aii.sorted;) il ' C;\ndy 1 •*' }’.ni:s Shot “ • ll's, }>ar I^oad; i liMs. Snuff—Eaglt; Milli; K-j5 Siida; •“ NaiU. —ALSO— \ mi l general assortment ^f Hardware aiil €'iitlt‘ry; Frtniiinir rtensils. uf all descriptiuns; Airoricun, KriLdish, Sw- do.s and lV*ruviau Iron; lilistcr. (ntTman and C'iiat Steel; Hlacksnjiths' Ti'nl>; t’;«:|)crs’ ]».«; ('"rii Slu-11t>r« and Straw (’uttcr«j l?in‘k>'t«. lirii.iui.s and I’ail.s; t'nttiin, Manilla and Jute Uupe. f all kiudj and quality;; riow Lines and Hed Curds; II.'Umw Wart-; ‘'•ittoji Varii.s and Shoetine.s at fartory pric.N^ All ..r wfiicn will he s.; .| r.ow ruR casb. or ou u.xual ! I..' promf.i paying cus'omers. ..rvTRir MsjiLu.v.\ia are rc»pecifullv re.iueste.l . an.l .-.amme our *tock b,.f„re purchasing else- « •■re. 1>. A w. o I March 3. I' Vj y:{if \i:w SVRWG CiiOOD^. m U JTm sm m *fames Kff^e N'lW KKri-lVlNG A LAKlJE SUl’PLY OF l»l!V (.'()(IDS, 11ATS,SI1()1:S, B'l LT I N 1; ’ LOT 11 S, kc.y iM Ful - Slifeting and Yarn at P’actory Price*. \ ' "f wliich will be offered 11 Y W M ' • L K S L K (J K R K T .V 1 L. .'.3'. w as the same .quality can b« had in this State. 'Urcii i’J4tf Sffonrt SpriHff Stock. STARII & WILLI.VMS jj'W, received and ure now opening their seoon.l >ii:AS)\ABIiK OOODS, it -ijilendid selection of the newest stylei of I'aiii y ami staple Dry IkOocIk, Hat^, Hoop ^kirtu, Krady-^lade C'lotliiii^, r_'i‘ \ariety of NOTIONS, to which th« atten- ' W ^ :'t—all- Huvors i» invite'l. £> STK!. r attk.nti' .TAKll. I'AII) TO ORDERS. “XJ^a J, M. WILLIAMS. 4tf \v sv. \\\K no I COLDSllOKO', N. (’. mill-: undersigned announces to the public L that he has taken charge o'" the above Ks- talilishment. and i-* prejiared t >accommodate Hoarders, by the day, week or month. .\iid he assures all who may favor him with their patronage, that he will endeavor lo give perfect satisfaction. Table su]i[)lied with the best tlie market affords. JAS. O. SMITH, (ioldsboro’. .lan'v L’S, lS-'>y B4-lvr Wl'.S'l l'.UN UAll. KOAI). O' |N and after Monday. 'J'Jd day of November, the Freight Train will run llKtJULAULY between Fay etteville and McClenahan's Station; leaving Faveitevillo every morning at 7 o’clock and returning at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of same da\’. Consignors are rei(ueiited to send tickets with articles, fctating conaigneo. destination, A;c. W. A. Kl’PKU, (’hit>^ Eng’r \ Sup't. AVhenever the amount of freight may require, an ex tra Train will leave Fayetteville and return in the aflernoin. Nov'r l!2. 1S.'>8. P>5- RilL i\OTICK! TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. JOSEPJ! BAKER, Jr., ATTOR?VKV \T I. A W , taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law Office on Green Street. He will attend and practice ui the (.ounty ami Superior (’ourta of Cumb«rland, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson March 23, 185;?. THO. C. FULLER, xlllufHtfi nna t;ouHsellor at L,tm. OF FICEat Lccles s Bridge, recently occupied by James Banks, Ksi|., Fayetteville, N. C. Jan’y 1, 1857. P. J. MI.\CXAIR, ~ Attorney and Counsellor at Law, FAYETTF.VILLK. N. C., practice in the (.’ourts of Robeson, (’umberlanJ, Tf Harnett a»d iiichmond Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to bin. Feb'y f., lS.5y ^6- Law i\otic*e. fAMKS L. (JAINFS and son E. .J. (.AINKS, will, in ! •} future, ju-actice law in oopartnershij), in the (’oun- j ties of -Montgomery. Stanly, .\nson and .Moore. I ^ They may be addressed either at Troy, N. where I E. J. (laines resides, or at Norwood s N. Troy, Ajiril 7, 1K.5‘J. .Jtf LAW \OTK i:. ^pHE unilersignod h.\s removed to Newbern. with the 1 intention to devote himself wholly to the jiractice of the law. He will atteiiil the t'ouris in all nf the lur- rounding counties, aud will aUo practice »>efore tht* Su preme ('ourt at Raleigh. |>. K. JMcRAK. Dee r Jl!. Ih.^S. 7.')-tjni LOVEKI) ELUlUl)(iE, •■itiornetf at AX’^ILL attend the (’ourt* of Jolnuion aHd Sani]>iion \y Counties. Smithfield, .April l.^, lS.'>r.. j6if J. R. lil LLA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ASIIEHOIKT, N. \l^ILL attend the ('ourts of Randolj.h, Moore, Mont- ?T goniery, Havidsou and (iuilfor.l, and promptly at tend to all business wntru.te l to his care. March 10, IH.'i'J Ot’i-Gm Dr. liVKiH lias remmrd to the hou.-)U formerly occujiied liy .Mr. A. K. Hull, on llaymount, in the rear of Mr. Myrovor's, where ho lu.ay be found af- M .NEW, niElP, .\ND EXPEDlTllirS RfllTE FOR Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. tRCll-VNTS and others about purchasing their Fall luul Winter Supplies, are re.piested to notice, that liy the completion of the N.>rth F.astorn Rail Pwoad froni Charleston. S. C.. to Cheraw. the ad van'age ^ of a CH K \P and KXPEIHTIOI’.S Route from ' ‘ * v«» .\11 freight consigned to the care of the .\gent of the N'lrth Fasicrn Rail R.iad will be forwardcl FREE OF COMMISSION. No charge will l>e made for Storage at Cheraw. .Ml g is will be taken care of in the Company’s Warehouse until 'f>nt for. A srhedule of charge- for trani-iiortatioii of freight will be fouii'l at the P.’-t offic**. S. S. SoLoMoNS. Eng r and Sup't. Aug. l^-'i^'. :'.l-tt LlirrEKLOll'S LINE. ter n P. M. Ma*v 30, IS.'i'J. lS-.‘5w •lledical %h^otice* IvR. H. A. ; I ' Street, 11 McSWAlN has taken an office on Anderson in the rear of Messrs. Ray X Pearce's Store, where he can be found by those deHiring his professiuual services. August L’4, IS.'iS. 40if 0 l»r. K. A. B1.A1:K, FFICK Front Rooms, over l>r. )i.i. Hinsilale's Cbemitit and I>rug Store. Feb'y 7, 1n5'1. 7t'af o.. T.V.&: B.Ci. WORTH, (omniisslon and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. ^an’y 28, 1859 84tf WM. H. TURLLNGTON, 4' o UI III i)«««i o n !?l e r c It a n t, WILMINGTON, N. €., ■HTILL give prompt and )iersonal attention to all con- ]} signments of SPIRITS TURPENTINE, ROSIN, T.AR, (’OTTON, FLOUR, and other country produce, eivlier for sale or shipment. .My wharf and warehouses being conveniently located for th« reception of protluce, either by Railroad or Uiver, et»blt.s me to make charges light. NoT'r 8 tf W. H. ALLEN.] [J. M. CLARK- ALLEN & CLARK, I'omiiiiHsioii .^«‘i’cliaiitsi, WILMINGTON, N. C. DEALKUS l-> LIMK, PLVSTKK, lEMEM, H.4IR, 4c. 6^3^" Agents for Rush it Orrell’s Line of Steamers. 1)ROMPl jjersonal attention given to consignments o Naval t'tores, (’otton or other (’ountry Produce, for sale or shipment. Sl- Jan'y I'J, IS" II! D. TIAH\. inspector of •'\*aval Storea^ WILMINGTON, N. C., Will jiay stri;'l attention to all Viusiness entrusted to his care, and solicits a share of public patronage. Office in Hall’s Itiiil(liii$i;, \o. 13, (up stairs,) -North Water Street. •Vpril 8, 4-t>mos JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. 4: o n ^1 1N III i\ A N n Forwarding Merchant, ll^ilminstoni *V. C. 8^“Proinpt j)er»onal attention given to all Consign ments, and ('ash advances made on Produce to bo shipped to other jiorts or sold in this market. Feb. l-_>, 1855. R7tf GAS FITTINGS AND FIXTURES. TH E subscribers will be prepared by the middle of August, to supply every description of Building.s,— Dwellings, Stores, Factories, &c.—with all the neces sary F’IXTURES, for the introluction of GAS. As we are constantly engaged in the business of build ing Gas Works in this and other States, we of course can afford to bring on a large stock and sell on more reasonable terms than others. Our stock will include Chandeliers. Pendents. Brackets, Glass, &c. As we have leased the works for five years, it will be to the advantage of those requiring such fixtures to get them of iis, since upon us will fall the care of them, kee])ing them in repair, kc. For this purpose it is botli our interest and pleasure to emply none but the best Gas Fitters. In our absence for a few weeks, all who wish to have the Pipes introduced into their buildings, will please leave their names with Mr. W. N. Tillinghast. who will give all necessary information on the subject. It is desirable to know as early as possible, so that the Fix tures may be introduced at the same time with the con struction of the Works, and thus all may light up simul taneously. WATERHOUSE & BOWES. Fayetteville. .Tune 10. 2l!-tf W. K. R. AOTIC'K TO C'OATRAC TORS. SE.VLEI) Proposals will be received at the office of the W'. R. R. Co., in Fayetteville, until the 2-dinst., for the Completion of the iinlinished graduation on Section No. 14. W. A. KUPER, Chief Eng. & Sup'r. June 8, 1850. 21-t2lid N. €. M. WILLIAM J. PRICE, inspector of •\'avnl Stores^ wn.MiSGTny, y. c. Solicits the ]>atronage of his country friends anil all others engaged in the Tur])oiitine business. Offi«*o .^ortli Sireol. Nov’r 2‘J, 1858. t4-]ypd J. WILLIATI PAIJK, n. riTTSlJOROUrfll, N. c. UR. P.VtiE may bo found at his office whan not pro fessionally engaged. U-- « ’ - - - Hr. R. ^C'OTT i»i now |H'riiin- neniiy located in Fayettevillw, and oflTers his jirofession- •1 services lo tlie community. Otlicu two doors east of the market -formerly occupied by l»r. Beiibow—wlmre he can be found during his regular office hours, from y o'olock A. M. until 1 o'clock P. M ; F. M. BIZZELL, GROCER AND C 0 .Ml S S1 (I Ji M E R I’ U .U T, No. 20 XtniTii Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. l^ROMPT and personal attention given to the reception I of all kinds of country produce, either for sale or shipment. Orders for groceries from rutA customers will receive immediate attention, free of commissions. Nov. I'.t, lf.".8. 64-1 y 3 June K P. M •) P. M. 2(Hf ^rRI\; VrVLEJl^! Ih* Fayal, Everett and Havelock Hats! t ..'.i, a '.•■:iutiful assortnit'iit of the L.\TEST ST\ LL • I FT IIATH iiigh and low crown,: and all th>- ! in. eb'gaiit Hats of the season, can now '■•.‘•tl ai Die Lazaar. A. McRlMMON Mv.-l, ]>) 07-tf More .\e%v I M . • riM i.ivirig my Sjiring Stock of Goods in my I 'i'tifv were selected in the Northern cities by wi’.'i great care, and bought on the most rea.soii- • ftiiJ, which I am enabled to oirer the largest I >.' • r l)cfi,re offered to the jiublic. anI to ifter ^■•.•ruT.tlly \l lireaJiy Reduced Prices. ' ' 11."' li'ii'iiiis. Figs, Prunes, -\pples. Lemons, Or- ■‘i- 'lu rries, (,'urrants, iVc. HI.K.-:, JLi.LlES A.N'D I’RLSERVES a great va- ri..;y: 't'I \|i;i'1LS AND F.XTR.\CTS of various kinds; V .^)APS ANI> PO.MADES; l \l. INSTRl.MENTS—Fiddles, Lh-ums, Fifes, lianjos, (luitars, k.C.\ " ' .KlNti CA.NES—of every kind; 'KI.TS and willow WARE; '■i*v Horses, kc.-. ' fink AM) CO.MMON CANDIES; S,\RD1NES; f ' I'iARS; SMoKlNd CHEWING TOBACCO: Ki;i;S; FINK POCKET KNIVES; ‘ ‘ a- rtment of PORT-.MONAiES, sonic very nice; ■ KNVELoI'ES, ami FANCY GOODS, TOVS 1 VANKEE NOTIONS; ‘'■ rtm.nt of INDIA RUI5BEII GOODS; VMIli'S, FLSHLNG TACKLE. I’ulilic are respectfully invited to call and ex- ■ iiiv «tock. I have a great many handsome things *’ fail to pleaso. jas. r. lee. Hotel Building, ''•f'-li :^l, iKOu 1- mt,MSS sn'iiSM:. \ ''>"!• fcitjiply ,,f various No's just received, which •K ' au furnish low. I>. 4 W STE.\MER ••F.\NNV’ leaves Fayetteville every Mon day !ind Thursday morning, af l-'i miniites after .'^un- rise: and Wilmington Tuesday and Friday, at o'clock. —carrying pas«»>ngers and freight. Steamer ••SOl THEHNER. ' with a full complement f Flats, makes one or more trips per week, as circum stances may rei|uire. The accidt'nt to the Steamer “R(.)\\.\N” will be re- j>air’d in a few days. She will then t.ake her placc in Hi:\TINTRV ,R. .1. DAVI.S iiaving d* i led the line. ((ct’r 4, 1^5S. T S. LUTTERLOH. ',1-tf \EW L1\E. 1H AVE associ.ited with me, in this line, Mr. .Fohn K. D.'iiley, and will style the firm ORItELL iv; D.MLL\. U e have purch;isel the Steamer Si»i’THEr.\ich, and in a few days, will have a New Flat emjjloyeil with her. Tiiose favoring us with their jiatronage may rely upon jiroinpt desj«at«‘h. by ajiplying to Mr. Dailey on board, or to me at mv office. R. -'L ORRELL. B. M. 1K1!KI.1-. Man h lib, iH.jO |).\It,KY. 8»0-tf m perr.ia- nently loc.-iting in the Town ol' Fayette- ille. re^perlfully offers his >ervices " itie citizen* >f this |>Jace an l surronn.Iing country. In all the various liram-he-i of liis Profession, ineluding the manufacture of .Mineral Teeth, he is «aiisfied, after au extensive (-xjierience. to wliicii is added a thorough Den tal eduratioii. that In- can give entire satislactioii as far as is in tJie jiower of Dentistry. .Ml irregul.-irities of (lie Teeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well as dis«“asOf of the mouth. None but the j>roper metals ar*» made use of in the various operations. V.’liarges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profe?sion may be placed within tlie reai h of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. 8hp‘“**ffice over Houston's Jowelry Store, where he may be found at all time**. .May 10. 185S. 9tf WORTH A: I TLKV, Forwarding and (*eneral Commission Merchants, FaifctteriUe, .V. €\ J A. WORTH. (7-tf) JOS. I'TLFT. R. >1., TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. Those sending their Sjiirits Turpentine to m« may rely upon it to have ]>ronipt and careful attention. My warehoiise.s are fronting the wharves and near the river. Sejii'r 1 1H.'>8. I>C ROSSET, BROW\ CO., wij.ML\(rrox. .V r BROWX, DE ROSSET & CO., AXir yojiK. ('oiiiiiii««ioii reliant*, >5“ «r - 5 ^ > |jOW«‘r River A: Crane’s C'reek Aavi;;atioii C'o. subscription I’ooKS for the Capital Stock of this (.’ompany :ire now in the hands of the Commis sioners, and will remain open for the space of 30 days. The Ctmimissioners in Cumberland are Thos. S. Lut- terloh, Christoiiher Munroe, W. .1. Kelh% Dr. .Mex'r Munroe aud Arch'd McKethan. In Harnett, R. C. Bel- deii, Samuel ('armon, Hugh \ Cameron. Duncan .Mor rison, Neill Buie, John Smith and Nelson Morrison. In Moore. Daniel McKethan, Isaac Rowan, Daniel Mc Donald, N. K. McNcill, Win. .Johnson, W. C. Thagart. •\ general meeting of the (’ommissioners and Stock holders will be held at Johnsonville on the 3>ih of June next, for the purpose of organizing said Comjiany. Books of subscription are also in the hands of J. M. Rose, at the Railroad Office in F.ivetteville. .May 28 " 21-t:]0 Post Office, Fayetteville, ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF THE MAILS. RALEIGH. Arrives daily at A. M. Closes “ “ 3 P. M. WARSAW. ^ Arrives daily, except Sunday, at 7i A. M. Closes “ “ Saturday, at IJ P. SALEM. .\rrives Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, at A. M. Closes Monday, “ “ “ “ Hi “ FAIR BLUFF. ■\rrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7J A. M. Closes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, t i P. M. CHERAW. ■Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 1 A. M. Closes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, at i P. M. ROBESON’S via ELIZABETHTOWN. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 5 P. M. Closes Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 5J A. M. BAHCLAYSVILLE via SUMMERVILLE. .\rrives Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 8 P. ^1.^ Closes Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at •'ij A. SWIFT 1SL.\ND via MONTROSE. -Arrives Monday, at 5 P. .M. Closes Tuesday, at Si A. M. SWIFT ISLAND via TROV. Arrives Tuesday, at 5 P. M. Closes Wednesday, at 5J A. M. MAGNOLIA. Arrives Tuesday, at 2 P. M. Closes “ “ 2 “ ELIZABETHTOWN via TEREBINTHE. .Arrives Monday, at 7 P. M. Closes Tuesday, at 5J A. M. PHILADELPHUS. Arrives Tuesday, at 1 A. M. Sunday, at A P. M. J. E. BRYAN, P. -M. March 31, 18-59. M. 4000 ll.4('0.\, PORK, riNH, At . LBS. NORTH CAROLINA B.VCON; tUMK> lbs. Baltimore Sides; 3500 *• Prime Leaf Lard; 25 Bbls. Mess Pork; ‘2'y do. Extra No. 1 and 3 Mackerel; 25 do. “ “ 1 Herring; 500 lbs. Extra No. 1 Cod Fish; 15 Hhds. Prime Molasses. Just received, and will sell cheap for cash. W. C. 'i'ROY. .Ittne 9, 185!^. 21-Im ? H^3^PartiMilnr attention given to the 5 stale of Naval Stores, Cotton and other - |irodui-‘. \pril If'i. is.'iit r,-.‘’,nio=jid .IAN. V. I*irr I EWAV, f 'otti m issioH • HerrhM»tt, .ind .4geiit for DansonN Line Steamers, Wilmington, N. C, Solicits Consignments of Naval Stores, Cotton, Corn, Flour. Also orders for (Jroceries, ('ottoii Bagging, Rope, (Juano, \'c. ."tc. RKFFRS TO Wilmington, N. C., 45tf McLAURlN. 10 tf €'aroiinfi .V. V. rpHE Atlantic and North Carolina Raib'oad being now 1 completed to Beaufort Harbor. 1 have determiiied to locate at Carolina City for the purpose of doing a Forwarding and General Ccmmission ■« m, and hoj)c by pi'omjitness and sliict attention lo merit jiatronage and support. Being the .Agent of .Murray s | Line of First Class Packets to this and Morelicad City, j every effort will be made to make this the che.ipesf and | most expeditious route to New York. Vessels will be j hiaded and discharged at my Wloirf |adjoining the Rail- | road Wharf.) and thereby save cartage and lighterage, j Particular attention will be given to all orders, and to ; the sale and shii>ment of Produce. I W.M. B. July 2'.t, 1H.5H. P.OOK-IUNDING IN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch Small jobs when done must be jiaid before delivered. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street. May 14, 185'J. _ H-ly FOK SAlT: OirUKNT. A CONVENIENT DWELLING HOUSE, onHaymount, ' VV : • ■ ... . t, near Mr. Thomson's. For particulars ontjuire i or*lor, liioy ni>iy snpj)lu‘l h oin an exlonsue nn we of J. G. SHEPHERD, Esq., or i assorted Stock of Goods in that line, gotten up exinessly A. M. C.VMPBELL. 1 for the Sotithern trade. May 7. 9tf 1 Nov. 2W, 1858. ti-ly. GRANT. 3‘2-1y WATCHES & JEWELRY, NKW ASI> llF.SI R.\ Ht.K, KV JAS. T . II O I T O If, Si:H’KS?iOU T* J . yi. H K A S L K V . .M.SI), A LOT OF FINK DOI KLE-BARKKL .M' UEiM ('i':i> iMticES, by JAS. T. II () ITSTO.V. March 1, l>5f ‘J-’tf TIN PLATE, Sli‘et Iron, Iron Wire, COOK|:VCi !«*TOVI> Airi> Tl^-W VK Always on hand, at or Retail. rooflm;, a utteuino. And all kinds of Jobbing, done at short notice, by C. W. ANDREWS, Market Sipiare, Fayetteville. July 9. “7-tf ~ Mi OOTS 4V SMiOFlS^ AT WIIOLKSALK. JWO. M. WALKER, cf NORTH CAROLINA, W I T II P. P. SHAW A: CO., 31 AND 83 Dt;v Strkkt, Nkw V»rk, TILL be happy to see his Southern friends at the above establishment, where, eitht-r jiersonully or by .lohn Dawson, Es«i. Dr. F. J. Hill, O. i. I’arsley: •• President Commercial Bank, Dr. Tlios. H. Wright. President Bank of Cape Fear, I’. P. Hall. Esij.. Itranch Bank of State of N. C., T. S. Lutterloh, Favettevillo, N. C. April 25 ‘ 8-;!m JOHXSOX’S Pllll.osorillt' VI. C'llAKTS. 4 N admirable substitute for apparatU.S.” (lion.) Tiieo. Fiiklinchlvse.n. 10 large Charts (each :i4x52 inclies) embracing nearly Three Hnndred MPia^rams^ adapted to all the Text Books relating to this branch of study. F]very School should have them. Professor Sti.Li.M.^N, ValeCollege, Rev. D. Kk.lsi.v, (’assville ((.Ja.) Feni. College, and others, have given them the highest endorsement. Price of the Ten Charts, mounted on cloth, with rollers, with key SI2 (>» Mottnfed on paper, with key, 10 00 Box for packing, 50 L'nmouiitcd, with key. sent postpaid by mail G 00 A(J KNTS WANTi:i>- In ordering Charts, give full directions for shipy>ing. SMITH. WOODMAN \ CO., Publishers, IUioakw.w, N. Y. June 11 22-Cit IS I (’O.MPETENT TE.VCIIERS for any department. One of our firm is a I’rofessor of .Music, and will give especial attention to the selection of Music Teachers. REFERENCES: Dr. Lowell Mason, Prof. G. F. Root. Hon. Theo. Frelinghuysen. Dr. Wm. Curtiss. Limestone Springs, S. H. B. Farrar, Tarborough, N. C. Send for a circular. Schools supplied with Appa ratus, Books, etc. SMini. WOODMAN ('O.. :{((> UroiulHaji. York, Choslniit St., Pliila. .lune 11 22-tjt i.ivKOY ■». ncn,\.\.\E.V. .n. i*., H ■Wl.NG located in Bladen Count\ in the immediate r. A.'i:. iK)HNsTi:i)T, »Misent for hirh'cring^s f^ianos. Of which he has always some on hand. Wilmington, N. C., Oct'r 2. 1858. 51-lypd PETER MALLETT WITH D. (H)LDEX MURR.W, aE ERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, (II' South Street, XA’ir YORK. July 20, 18.58. 32- MlfJ J'AKV (iOODS, Swords, Sashes, Belts, Epaulettes, Laces, ,\M) liVI-:RV IIKSCIIIPTION OP >11UTARY linilDS, ACrORDINU TO THK hotrat r. S. Artnt/ untl State lityu/ations. SI’IIUYLEK, IIAHTI.EY & r.HAIIAM, 1 ■» M A 1 I) E N L -V. N E, ir I'ork. June :’)0. 24-1 y Tlie .\e«v l^diti»n of* Devereux & Battle’s Law Reports, VoL 1, 1)ECE1VES the of those who have examined t'hief Justice Nash says. “1 have looked through it— t is carefully and well got up. * * * 1 think to our Court it will be invaluable—and to the Profession efjually 80. It will save the labor of deciding the same points ag.-iin and again; for there will be no excuse for Coun.sel not being apprised of points already adjudicated.” Gentlemen of the Bar who have purchased and ex amined it, concur, so far as we know, in praise of it. For sale, with sets tn- separate volumes of North Ca- roliua Reports, aud Law Books generally, by E. J. HALE & SON. fully otters his services to all who may lavor him with a call. Being a regular graduate of the Medical University of New York, and having followed the practice hoth in the Bellevue and New York Hospitals, besides having tlie advantage of two years experience in country prac tice. feels that these advantages should in some degree entitle liini to the confidence of the afflicted. He has a new and complete set of Surgical and Ob stetrical Instruments, and will pay particular attention to those brandies. He will keep constantly on hand a full siijiply of Medicines. Prompt and constant at tention witli moderate charges. JiineS 21-2mpd Si‘(“n*t History of the French Court, by Victor Cousin; Adam (Iraeme. l>y Mrs. )lii>haiit: Love .Me Lit tle. Love -Me Long. )>y Reade: I’he Science and Art of Chess. l>y J. Monroe: t'liess Hand Book, liyan Amateur. The .\rt of' Extempore Speaking, bv M. Bantain; School Books, .'tc. E. j. HALE .'i: SON. June 11. toR]>i! cokn:: IH.WE made arrangements to receive t'ORN WEEK LY from Wilmington through the Summer. Anl will keep constantly on hand good fresh 'ORN. A lot now in store. E. F. MOORE. June 21-Jit V; ^ALIIO^ A!\W TOmH V.S. RY SUPERIOR SALMON, selected esjiecially for retailing. 2-5 doz. Extra Beef Tongues. 3 Firkins Choice Goshen Butter. .Tusf received at W. ('. TROY’S. June 9, 18.3'J. 21-1 m N Oiiaiio! Ciiiano!! TO. 1 PERUVIAN, just received and for sale by E. F. May 23 HEURI.lf>J I UST received and in fine order. V>y MOORE. Di-lm E. F. MOORE. BACO!%. L.\RCE lot daily expected by E. May 23 l^ard and N store and for sale by F. MOt>RE. 1 ^1-1 ni Butter E. F. MOORE. lf,-lm 1.1 TIE. E. F. MOORE'S. Ib-lm May 23 A" May 2a wtatioServ. ” In addition to our present stock we are receiving I*jO Rea him Paper, Embracing every variety of CAP, LETTER, B.\TH LETTER. COMMERCIAL NOTE. BILL HEAD, FOLIO POST, and NOTE PAPERS. ()0 M. ENVELOPES, of every descript ion. 1 case English and .American SLATES. assorted sizes. lO'i gross S rSEL PENS; Pen-holders: School Ink-Stauds; VISITING CARDS; BLANK BOOKS, .vc. E. J. HALE & SON. Feb’v 12 (hapman's ScrnKuis, sixth (‘(litloii; tho Metht*- dist by Miriam Fletcher; Life at Three Score, by Barnes; Songs of the P. E. Church; The Psalmist, with su]ipk- ment; Clarke’s (,'omuient.iiy. v'tc. .fune II. E. .1. H.\LE iS; SON. s^^OKKWAKD. I)R((KK -I.\IL on the night of the Sth inst.. TWO ) Ml LATTO BOYS named BOB 1!EVl LS. and JoHN 1!REWI',R. Revils is a liright Mulatto, a I’ainter Viy trade, about six feet high, and is well known about Fayetteville. Brewer is also a tiright Mulatto, with straight and very long black hair, with front teeth de- c.iyed and is al)0ut five fe*-t seven inches high. The above reward of ■'^50 will be given for their de livery fo me here, or their safe confinement in any Jail in the State: or 5>25 for either. GEO. L. McK.VY, Jailor. ' June !t, 18-V.». 21-tf A'^,1 TAKE'X I P ND committed to the Jail of Cumberland County, bn he 7th inst.. a negro boy by the name of REUP.EN. about twelve years old, who says he belongs to James Taylor of Patrick county. Va., and was .hired to a Mr. P>attle, near Rocky Mount. Edgecombt! county, N. C. The owner will come forward, prove i>roj>erty. [>ay charges and take him away, or he will be ilealt with as the law directs. GEO. L. .McK.V^, .Jailer. June 8, 18.V.I. 21 tf Icc C i*(‘aiii! lee C ream!! rpilE subscriber having lately refitted his ICE CREA.M 4_ SALOON, at the Shemwell House, will be pleased to serve the Ladies and Gentlemen of Fayetteville and vicinity, on and after the 27th inst. The Saloon will be opened at 0 o’clock, A. M., and kept open until 10 P. M. P. SHEMWELL. April 25 18.'>9. 8tf *100 llbltt. of Herrin^;;: 1'^OR sale, very low. 200 Bbls Harring. by GEO. W. WILLIAMS d CO March 14 96 A^e%« Voiiiniev ot 8iipreiii€^ Court Reports. JUST publi»hed. volume 5 Jones's Law lleports, and volume 3 .lones's Equity Reports, of Decisions in the Supreme Court of North Carolina. For sale by Feb’y 10 K. J. HALE & SoN. .Ui*«ceiianeoii« Ifooi^is. ''pilE .\merican Home Garden, illtistrated, by Alex’r I Watson; The Old Plantation, by Hungerford; Sylvan Holt’s Daughter, by Holme Lee; Self Made Men, by Seymour; Episodes of French History, by Miss Pardoe; Kendall’s Santa Fe Expedition; ,M iss -McIntosh’s Works; Percy .\necdotes; Lives of the Queens of Scotlantl. by Agnes Strickland; l’>arnes' Notes on the Books of the New Testament; Literal Tratislaiions of the Classic.s; Abbott’s Life of Najioleon Bonaparte; &c. April 9 E. J. HALK & SON. lilte aiKl l.aborN ot* Rev. Oanlel Baker, D. ll.; .• The .Methodist, or Incidents anil (Miaracters from Life; The Pillar of Fire, by the author of the “Prince of the House of David”; Morning and Night Watches; Ch.apnian's Sermons, New Edition; Memoir of Mrs. Siiitck, by J. B. .leter; Ti'stiinony of the Rocks; Presbyterian Psalms and Hymns, in velvet, morocco and plain bindings; Ba))tlst Psalmody; The Psalmist; Piildes. velvet, morocco and other bindings. April 2:’. E. J. H ALE & SON. .Tlac aiiiay^ IJvewot'Pittand Frel- erick the (treat; BOl'iDKR W.\R, by the author of Wild Western Scenes- HOURS WITH MY PU PI LS, by Mrs. Lincoln Pheii.s- THEISM AND SKEPTICISM, by Wharton; THE CONVALESCENT, by N P. Willis; NEW P,\TENT SERMONS and Machine Poetry, by Dow, .lun'r; THE ('ULPRIT F.VY, by Joseph Rodman F)rake; 1NDI.\ RUBBER PENS, Thermometers, Card Pencils, &c., &c. .Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. May 18 Further KiipplieM ol* RookM. AIY Thirty Years Out of the Senate, by Major Jack. ^fL Downing; Bulwer’s Novel, “What Will He Do With It?’’ Brownlow & Pry no’s Controversy; Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life, by Prof. Wilson- Eric, or Little by Little; Sterne’s Works; Longworth the Grape; Kip’s Lenten Fast; lUick’s Theolog. Dictionary; Ruskin s Political F^conomy of .\rt; Treasury Blotting Paper; School P.ooks, &c. 1 Just received. E. J. HALE SON.