ml w 1 . r ,'V7, • - T„. : I'lH ,• '' "ll.I. ,5 1. - in 11'.. 'tmiiv "• ' h V'* " ’>• '> ' I'll!' Wh.: AL^: ^ O I 0, Hi, I. - • I 'ln= ,■ oluiii , , _ ■ I "• . i:. iVi : 1>. HI ! ’ - 1-i> - Ihi Uh: atlrrs. ■■ " I' in N \ : ^ 'M l.V |> \ - ' 1, TCE, . • .1 -11 iN llorM-: I.-, N. • - ■ cr: I-. : ■ -'•N- k: »N. alioii* •fii «- V SON. SEMI.WEBKL.T. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C„ JUNE 23. 1859. ,r1MKI^ McND.WS and THrRSD.WS. KDW IRO J. HALE & SOX, i: ]Ti't:s WD niorrvir.T(>r»8 S.'iiii \V. i kl,v OIISKHVKU >:> (Ml if piii.l in ; it' j.Hiil (liiriiijr !ht> year of suliscrip- >1 ' i‘P (In' y«\Hr hiis exj)irc(l. W ., ',’' ; : 'KiivKi: (HI ju>r aiintnn, if pnid in '.it if jviiil ilurincr tho yonv of sii1>scri|>- -; ' :itiir (ho your li;vs ov}>iro>l. Vl'Vi ^.TlS^.^lF.^■TS insorto'l for (i(‘ coni? ]>»*r !ir>> f.>r iho first, au.l ;’.(! cents for oacli _ I'i.Mi. >11. Vf:irly :iilvorti(;onionts by .sjif- . .-it rt-.t.'i'ii.'ible rates. .Vilvoriisprs tiio • ilu' iiiiiiibor of iii.crtions lfsir»xl. or !n .« 'i till forbi.l, rtiul i-li!iri:oil aceoiil- .. ’ I'O in^ortovl ' ■-/f . cliariro.l r>0 jier NiiTlCK. •1 ’ ; ■ s (l:it\ i\i'ii;\nio i.f :i tii'w ■^iil>sfril>or . 1 wiiih'ut p.'iymont in Hihrnu’i'. nor will ^ ' -i'Mt t ' -^Ill'll su)i5cril'ors for a lonircr time .... I , ' i jiib»i ii1>er« as ile-;ire to take tho }':i- • , will i>leu.>o notify u»i wlieu making i rWKTTKVII.I.K >111111. IXSIRWCE f03IPAM. | ASSETS $254,618.62. : .\ ii;.' boiii ill o(>oruiion more tliau ^ix , ,i ' ]':U'l its tire lii>-.f, fiTuouniiiie to ; •' v.iii,, ,;! ,uiy iis'O'-tiieiil; insur>w^,c avoraj: ■ ■ ]M>r oent. ‘ Ii iw •■■,'mvil. .'1.r ' I'>I 11.iw on haii'l, 1’17.7. l»iRt;troKs. ■ N s. r. ll.iwley, *V. .\. rillin"li:i't. •\. A. ^l.■Ke:llan. . .1 I'. Uilliaiii-. ti ('■"•k. . \ . 1, A. ^V. Steel. | >1-' Kvle. j ' ' Hon. .1. Slifi.her 1. | 11. K. Itrown. U iimington. i K H:i"i. Wihiiinirton. «' rii-Kl!': 111:.- M. NKII.l.. I’re^l l.'iu. V n\\. Vu-e I'-.-i.iont. \ \1M1I I.AN. .'^.'. i.Tary. I ”'-i- !: ;i . • . M-i .tiiiin!-;;. Tncveliin" The M.ttrgtMr Vnrria^ir tartoru i>. the Sifffth! >i KjyrfiA\ frion.lsan.l the public, in^. . Hrick UniUl- ‘ tor ninniifacturinp; Car- Iliankfnl for tl,e very liberal i.atronan-,. l,e has im It a .-ontinnan. e of tl.o anie. He vvarrants his ^vork to be ,„a,lo ot the b.-s, n.aterial .an.l ).v exiK.rienee.l workmen in oa.'h branoh of t|,o biwine.^s. 'llis work will t ompare favorably with any nia.le in the I'nited Slato« lor neat.ies. n„.l -lurabiUty. IK- is .h.ternnned to sell »1,' 1 '** "’I frooil ternis as any work li.aie eNewhere that is as well done. lU- now has on hati-l. fintslie.l. TIIK t.,VU(JKST STOCK OF Carriages Barouches Rockana^s and Biigories, ever ortere.l in this place, an.l a very large stock of work nearly fini«h,-.i. wliidi will be tinisheil lailv. All of which will be .sol.l very low for cash, or ou >ihc.rt time to M. v?'.''*'''’''''- »'ina more than ONK HlMillKli AMI FIFTY VKllK'LKS finished atni 111 c'oiirse of innstriiction. Eri«“-.V11 w..rk ina.le by him is wariT.ntol 12 months with fair u>;ijre. an.l should it fail by l.ud worknian.ship or material, will t.,> repjiired free of charjre. lVron^ wishinsr to buy wouM do well to call and ex- aiiiine for them^olve-. roo iv.-l and promptly «ttenled to. Kepairinp exv'fuifd at sh.>rt notice and on very reason able ternis. M.iy iv.,:',. ;'e iipphi utioti.r. I'-.Y Tin: \OKTII 4'AK4H.I\A MITIIL \m: l\srRA>(E compa.w. V I' 't SU«,_v«-Iul vlJhTHtioIl. with ■i f.r .-r hold upon public ■ .n- ■ e livi-- .if a;! h. ihliy pt-r- : « .t for -ino year, for sevfn . !• : .‘—r- -iiaritiii in i he profit| ■" ; ;V' "f .lire aif iii'iirod t'>r . r- • ■ ' .-third- their value. 1 within dav- alu i •111 ii.' rr J.r. : - ■■-riiit .',;h i> II niiri.L. V,. h .1 n -\».v K,v lie 1> refeu i >1 - Ai; !lt' St i c. .11.1 r Ktfei_'h. : , N. r. W.M. ( AllTEll & S0.\, A hcah'rs and Maiiuracturers OK .\I.L Kl.\t>.s OF Sfntittrs am! tiarness^ • If,-very de.-ripti..n. Collar^, Whips. \c. VNP we ;ils,, partionlarly call the attention of the whole -■tirn.uiidini: country to give us a call, as wo are de- ■■rminod that n.>ne -hali surpa-^- us in (ptalitv or l..w pi ii ov. and we will i;ive the hiphest cash price .at all tiiiu-' Ii.iw Hide.' and T.allow, in ox.cii.ange for onr .•irtii’lo'. • untry Mcri'hants would l.i well to call .md pxatnine .’Ui S I'k. a- wo can sell them Shoes .if a much better luality than they usually jret, on very acconiniod.'iting tortiis. Soutliern I'binters wouM do well to send us all ill. ii onlers I- we are makinj: ti No. I article of NKUKO >!l*il-S. are w iiranted to jrive entire sjnisfuction. N. 1>. All ii\lcrs truiu u di:jtance shall have j'rouipt atti‘iiti..n. s S CAKTKH, WM CAKTKU. t" 1’. 1.. ('h itham ('.... N. f’., i .^I.■i^^•h l-'>. 1.( V"'.- %TLA\TI( fUTIiL Hri‘and Marine InsuraiMe (ompaii), A ' ITV, XOin’ll CAIIOLLNA. .> '(Ii "t th l.'ijinlafi:r> "f .\ ‘r(h * nro/ttt't. T' ‘ >H-inp duly orcanizo.i, is now pro- r. . ,vf apj.!; ition.' for insnr-.nco up-n Buildiii-'. Men haiidiso, Fiiniitun', Mills, Manu !art(iri(*v, >ljfps and tlicir (ar^oes, ■ I r .periy. ,;t rt:..unerative r.'itc' "f ' • • ill '*10 or^aui.nation of this (’oinpanv. ti. liuru for Indemnity atid I’rotection to • ■■ of Loss. ,Vn honoralile ;ind iiprijriii -■ 1 -1 faithful f 'fill:: ont .>f i'- ci.n- i - cfi:iriicteri/.e the bu-irie" of the ln>ur:inco may be ma.le at the ..fiice f.- it8 authorized .\gi iitd. liIRKCTdl’.S. ' ■ Williiirn S Long. n.ivid W Bell, A 15 ’hajiin. : . . S utiiiel Letfers, ■ ■ Joel II L'.'ivis, 1- K. ;1) \ Hargett. - = ■ E Malleft. O- U'^til' inform his friends .-m.l former customers that ho may be found 'J d."'rs below the ('ajn- IVink, j and .li...fs abiive hi' old -tati'l south 'iiie I’ot^on Street, | wliere he intends t; keep on han.l, Harn«‘ss, Saddles, HridlON, Hliips, Collars, an.l every tiling lieb.nging to his tnide. He respectfully invite- his friends fr.iiii the country to call and exaiuine hie st.w-k before piiri-hasing. He will ntieii'i to lleii.iiring of Harness and Saddle.s punctually, »,nl his ciiarges si,;iH (,p moderate. He Would re.juost all indebtoil to the firm of H(ir.‘'TiN >V i\ KKB^ to settle with H. i iverby (>r hini.self, ii.s they ■iro Compelled to settle the firm's .lebt,-.. August '_’7. l.^'ot'i. tf FKEiiill AKKIVAL: Second Slock Spring and Summer tioods. J. A. ]>EM \i E KTON TS now receiving his second stock of Spring and Sum- 1 tner Goods, embracing all the AKWKjuT JsiTlLEw. Such as Summer Silks^ firenadhtes, Or~ ffaufUes, ^V., With a great variety of new style goods for Tratelittfi iPresses ami tPusrers. Also :v complete assortment of iU-vnn 4;oofiM. A large and varied assortment of SILK AND LACK MANTLKS, CHANTILLY LACE I'dlNTS, 15LK AND WHITK BERAGE MANTLKS, STELLA SHAWLS, &c. A few of those .sj)londil French EMIHIOIDEI! KD AND L.VCK SKTS, COLLARS AND SLEFVKS. .'t Sherwood s NKNV STV'LF ('ORSETTS, (with Bustle and Skirt-Supporter attached.) A great variety of NKW STVLK HOOl* SKIKTS ice., ic. In till? above stock niMy he found a groat many new and desirable styles, just out. The public generally arc invited to call early and examine for themselves. J. A. I’EMBEKTON. April 111, 185'J 7. Hardivare, Ciillerv, »AUUI.KKY, Skc. ).\MLS .Nj.Vin INF is now receiving a large and gene ral assortment of every thing in the above line. —ALSO— ^ A prime article of Rio. Lagiiira and .l.iva COFFFF Crushed and Brown Sl'(J K; Sugar House SI llUl'and MOLASSES. •\ll ot which is oftered on as good ternis as can be had in this market. Nuv'riiJ, 1S.')8. jsrovKw, iko.\, TI,\-W';\KE, Ac. ON HAND, a large assortment of Box and Cooking Stoves; Tin-ware; Sheet-Iron; Lead I’ipe. Also 7/ir “OI# fJomiMioti Voft'ef For sale by JAMES MARTINF. Nov'r •J4. ,i,;tf PAIXT^, OIL?*, Arc. ^I’LRM, Uefitied, l,ard. Linseed and Tanners’ OIL; |kl White Lead: liurning Fluid: Futty; Window CUass and Sash of all sizes. —A LS >— A fresh of FOND'S 1*.\1N DESTROVKR. For sale l.y JAMKS MARTINF. Xov r Dr. FK4\K WILLIAMS’S KYK >VH1SKKY. 1) MlTi'HLLL has made arrangements with Dr. IV., Frank Williams, to bo constantly su)iplied with his celebrated RYF WHISKFV. which can l.o had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Oct'r 11, 1N)S. 58-tf Tiir|>4‘iitiiie Hackc'rw, Piillt'TM aiKl VLL of the first (juality. can be iiad at M. A. BAKER'S (iL’N SHOl’. Fayetteville, N. C. .fati'y 1-3. 1H.'*S. 8(>tf Notice lo Turpentine Distillers and others. . ,, .... , »1 f'.nt 1 c lii 1 I .> r« I STILLS, or do any thing in the Copper or Sheet Iron work, at the shortest notice, M. A. BAKER. Fayetteville, Jan’y -4, 18.'i*. hiiif To Raii Mloat! f'outrartors! JrsT RECFIVEH loo \viii:i:i.iiAKRow5, light and strong, for the Rail Road I March 'J'.*, l^o'.l. For sale bv D. i W. McLALRlN. 8(Hltf % oFFICKRS, l*re>-ident. Vice rresidetit, Tre.i surer. .\ttornoy. Secretary. FX FCL'TIVi: COM.MITTEF. ?it>-(iin Soldiers, and the Widows of ■■ ■ iKi> i.N skrvk k in the war of 1812. can ' III' c.iniinuod by c;illiiig on the undei- ■ ‘ ~ '-ivinjr made additional provivion for " iiiaii igement of your ••lainis, and tlie ■■ onee. or no charge. JNO. .M. ROSE, .Agent for I’ensions. ' -liUi- IL’, I n.jf^. I'.i- .\f‘g:roeM!! Waiileil. ' 'IKN. _\,oiir ;>ld customer i.s yet in iiiarkot for . • '-r • for which I am determined to pay t lie Hijfliesi Cash Prices. •ii ueh for «:ile would do well to give ■I He-- me at ('iinton, N. C. I' '.tiip lv attended to. J. A. .McARTHCR. . .M iri h li, l --.‘,;i. '.ij-lyrj(d j Wanted. j -.lii.r ii'i eiii/ens of the Counties oi Dii]>Iin. : i-t.iii, Harnett, .\Io»re, ('umbcrlainl. ‘ 'Ml. ColiiiMbns, liriinswick, New Hanover, ■ ii: ‘ ^"'iiig de.'ii oiis of purchasing a number Ncgroe-. fif «l! classes ;uiil clescriptions, '.i 'III- method of iMfuriiiliig wlio " I'' ; ')ly to dispose of, that tlioy would II"- It imme. or addia-.-- me at Clinton, ■ II ilii'y jhall receive a vi>it. A word to ■:!.■ ic'ii. ii uiidei stood that 1 pay - -li prices. EVER1;TT I’FTKRSON. 8H-()ni tor I - 'l.u U (» ,,n,. (; I J,,,. vale. .\p- • J' ';.’^.,kor NEll.L CAi;.\n HAEL. •Jit i:ieiiieiilarv • FAVKTTEVILLE book STORE. J. \V. RAKKIi Is now rt‘cciviii>: Iroin the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of FI loirri Ri: ever ofl'ered in this market; which added to his own manufacture, makes his a>sortmeiit complete:— all of wliich he will sell on the lowest po.ssjblc tenn.s for (•a«h or'on time to pitnctnal oustomers. Fashionable painted cottage l)od-room Furniture in setts: curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses: Willow' Wagons and Cradhs; ,si(le Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-C.iscs; What- Nots: Tal>les. all sorts: W.-i'h Stands; ('audio .Stands; W ardrobes; I’icturo Frames and (Mass: Window Shades; ('ornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogony and Wal nut; Tete a Tetes; Ottom.ins; Divans and Stools; Chairs of evorj- variety. Fitie Hosewoofl Pianos, cne with ^‘Kolian at tachment: Rosewood Melo lians. from the best manufac tories in New York .’nid Bo'toti. warranted .as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. Sejiteniber 2. 4">tf lU LAriDKR, TWO DIMIRS ,\|{tVK T. HIKIII k S()\S' STIIRE rayelt«*ville, V. Jan’v 20, 18.V.I «4-ypd i^resii rntrrirafsm JUST teceivcd j>r .''teimer F inny. 1 Bbls. F.xtra No. 1 M ACKFRFL (for retailing.) 10 I “ do. “ 1 do. Dl j “ do. “ 1 do. M) A MESS SHAD; Il'l iloxes CHFFSI',; KIH F.ags New Hulled Bl^CKWHFAT FLOUR; Fulton .Market Beef; .Mess I’ork; (losheti Butter, Pocket Salt; Sugar; Co'foo; .Molasses; and every thing in the provision lino; whicli 1 will sell cheap for C.VSH or ex change for country Froiliice. W. C. TROY Nov. lKr)8. OO-tt fliiiaiio! fiiiiaiio!! I III! f5A(i.s: No. 1 I’ERUVLVN (iUAN’O, for sale )>3’ E, F. MOORF. Ilac'oii! Kacoii!! I i I HHliS. prime SIDLS, just received. iU E. F. MOORF. llav anil Rict‘ .^lra««. 1 IWV BALES RICF STRAW, o) “ Eastern Hav. For sa’e }>y K. F* MOO HE. 4'orii! €'orii!! 1 i ki V r>AGS fresh CORN, will Vie received on Wediies IIM; day. E. F. MOORF. .Inne 2o. ISof*. 24-;jw ORA. 1 iuuk BAGS CORN, quality and measure good; for IVUI/ sale by WORTH i I TLEY. June l.*^ ‘J4- 50 Plow>i! Plou>>!! Plow>iIII NO. f) FLOWS; r>(l No. 10 Plows; 50 No. 11 “ •2'} No. .'>() “ l!o No. (io “ Points, Itars and Mould Boards to suit. For sale by ('. F. LFFTF. Jan’v 12 70- Riiflei*. t’liecMe and 'rac*kerw. 1 /V FIRKINS (losheti Butter; ' 'J15 Boxes State ('hoese; 10 Bbls. Soda and Butter Crackers. .Tust received by ('. K. LFFTF. Jan’y I’J 7!*- Mill and Mt'ine Tuinc\ LBS. (Jill Net Twine; 1;h) lbs. Seine “ Just received by C. E. I.EETK. Jan’y 12 70- 50 TAKKil I P, (lir(Hu>l».^y of Nortli Carolina, from I.W4 to by D. K. Beunett. Just received. ct. 21. E. J. HALE & SON. 1'^AKEN up and coinmitfod to the Jail of Cumberland County on the loth inst., a NEtUUI BOY, named JOHN BR.VCE or JOHN FR.VNKLIN, who says he is free, and, that he came from (.’olumbia, S. .(ohn is small, a bright mulatto, and had on when taken up a white wool hat and steel-mixed frock coat and pants. The owner of said Negro is notified to come forwanl. prove property, pay charge.s, and fake him away, or ho will be dealt with as the law directs. GEO. L. McKAY, Jailer. Oct’r 1.'), 18.')S. 5-")- TAKKA I P And committoil to the Jail of Cumberland County, on the 7th inst., a negro boy by the name of REUItEN, about twelve years old, who says he belongs to James Taylor of Patrick county, Va., and was hired to a Mr. Battle, near Rocky Mount, Edgecombe county, N. C. The owner will conic forward, prove property, pay charges and take him aw'ay, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. CJEO. L. McK.VY, Jailer. June 8, 18-jO. -Dl Secret History of the French (oiirt, by Victor Cousin; .Adam (jraenie, by Mrs. (Jliphant; Love Me Lit tle. Love Me Long, by Ke.ide; The Science and Art of Chess, by J. Monroe; (’hess ILind Book, by an .Amateur; The Art of Extempore Speaking, by M. Bantain; School Books, &c. E. J. HALE & SON. June 11. IVorth Carolina Keaderi^. PI R Lie SAI.E OF THE NrMKERS 1 AND 2. I*KE1*A1{KI) WITH .SPKOIAL KKFKKKXCK TO TTIK NORTH CAROLINA COPPER MINE, WANTS AND INTKIJESTS (iF VavoUna, t:.NDKR THIC Al Sl'ICKS OK TIIR Si;i'EllISTESI>KNT OK OOM- MO.N SCHOOLS, IIY Rev. l'\ H. Hubbard, I’UOKKSSOn OF TllK I..\TI.N L.\N(J1I.VUK AND LITKIIATIIHI.; IN' TItr. IXIVKKSII'Y OK XUUTlt CAllOLINA. Xl'MlJEll :i, ClIXTAlNlXd A FAMII.IAK lUSTOllY AM) DKSCUIl*- "WdN OF NOHTII CAHOLIN'A. Soleetions in I’rose and Verso; inaii\- of them hy eniitieiit citizens ol‘ the State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOtJlCAL T.\BLFS. And a variety of Miscellaneous Information and Sta- j tistics. by Mi. If•##>#;!•. I UMBER o is a now and revised edition of the North ]A| (’arolina Reader, first )iublishel in IS-’il. Numbers 1 and 'J just issuotl, complete the series, wiiich is. as a wdiole. clieaper than any other series of Readers in the United States, nnd as complete. The Fditor (Prof. Hiibbanl) in his Preface to Num ber 1 deems it proper to allude to a few' of the jteculiar advantages aimed at by the Sui/erintendont of (’onimon Schools while making eft’orts to have this work com- pleteil. These are, I. The t ncourn/j.mfnt of i f^elini; of xrlf-ihpi’ntlnce. and the enlistment of pojnilar sentiment in behalf of the State and its institutions. It was not thought important, how ever, to have more than one number of the Reader of merely a local interest. II. fo ri'imihi the enl ercri/ii'here fnm/ilfrinnl of in rnm- mon irhooh, of n fn'rpi'luiil chunije in text hmik.t; an expen sive habit, ami one wliieh injures the Schools by pre venting the children from lieing classified. A series of home Reader>. it was Mipjio^ed. would be certainly u»ed, and this groat evil thus avoiileil. .1. tlie po])iilar syitem f>f Readers being too long ai.d being m.ade so ofien iiieroly to add to the profits of authoi-s and publishers. This .series is to consist of fewer numbers than those generally used, and it is believed that these numbers are sutHcient, while if the system were universiilly used in the State, the sum s;iveil to parents and childivn would amount to several thousand doll.-irs annually. 4. To put in th han'h tf chihlrt n It iirnin^ fo reml c>m- poft'ioms HiiOicutillfi Utmilidr hut nut of the I'hanicter cnlh il chx'di.ih compvKitioim, containing, in lessons easy enough for all ages, correct specimens of .•style, interesting in matter, and inciileating projier morals, and religious in struction. The prices are. for No. 1. 'Jo cents; No. '1, ;>7.1 cents and No. H. 7-> cents. \ liberal deduction fmiii these prices lo Merchants and School Teachers. E. J. HALE SON. THi^: i.ivi:k liWltiOKATOK! PHKPAKKl) li\ I>R SAS'KORO. (onipounded entirely from CilMIS, IS 0\K OK THK BKST ri'RUATIVK AM> LIVER MK now before the public, that art* a« u >it/tarUr, fAjvier, milder. »nd moreetTectual thau *ny utber mtMiiciite kiiuwu It i» not onW a rit^arftr, but % Lir^ remedy, actit>4c CrM on th«* Lirtr to eW’t its morbid matter, then on th« Mtomitch nnd bowttl- to carry on that m»tier, thui accompiishint^ two purpoHei etfertu allj, without any of the ;^inful fc«)in>r» exMi i«>ncet in i\i« tiont of mont CatharOrt. It Ktrenfrtheus tiie »>i»tem at the iu»n>r time thnt it purges it. and when t«ken daily lu mo^ierate will etrenirthen and build ft up with ann»ual rapidity. The L«tT€r ii one of the homan body ; and when it tUe powere of the •vsteiu are if almost entirely Je;»eudent Lic0r for the proper perform- stomacb it at fault, tlie bo welt •y item tnffert im coneeqtieuce barintf oeaeed to i|A ituir. practice of more thao twtnty wherewith U> coiuiteract the It it liable. To proTe that thii remedy it bled with Liver Coin- haa bat to try a bottle, and ThMM iJumt remote all the syttem, tupplyinic in their iuviiroratinc the ttomach. principal rvgnlHtort of the perfornit ita funrtiont well, fully d«Telo|»ed. TheW/>mar/i DO the heahkv aniun nf ibt* nAceof it« functioiit. whenihe ar« at fault, artd the wbolo of one origan—the l4lY4*r— 'AW rrTidy. {n a years, to find tome remed> mAuy deraiigernema to whivb at lafft fbund, any peraon troti plaint, in any of ita forniit, conviction tft cerutin. morbid or hAd matter from place a healthy flow of bil«, caiiAtnif food to dirvtt ' luviirorauni^ ttie ttomacn, caiiAtnif tooa to dirvtt |>tirtfylng the blood, frivinfr tone and heiuth to the whole maobtnery, reaaoTing k..,^ the caute of the diteitktt— (effecting a radicai cure. I Bilious Attacks arel^. '^tired, and, wliat Is ^ttcr^ Prevented, bv I :the occasional uee of tbe L«lver lii%*lgorator« due dote after eatin|r ft tof- SDd preTfent the food from Only one dose taken before mare. Uuly one dote taken at g6Dtly« snl caree Cos- One dote tAken after ^Ach One doM of two tei^ ISIck Headache. . One bottle tAken for fe- • cauM of the dite*«e, and j Only one dote immediately ! One doee of\eti repeated is |. . ffforbns^ and a preventive i Only one bottie it •yttem the effecta of medi* ficient fo relieve the ttooMch ritini; and touring, retiring. pre\ euts nRht. loouiM tb* boweli tivriieits. mrHl willcur* Uynprpvla iipoooriils win slwiijf roller* ^ iDHkee a t>erf«ct cure. J rWieve* Cholic, while ^ ■ 8iir« cure for Cholrm of Cholera. Dt«jed lo throw out of Ihe cine after m loni; •ickiiem. bottle uken for 'T-‘ , Jaandlce r«mor« •!! mI towne» or nnnstaral color 1 'from the ikiii. Uo« doM taken a ibortj^^ Itime before eatln); ri for to the appttite, and makeK , fiiod ditem well. One doM ot\*n repealedi AM Icure* Chraiiiir Oiai— rhr« to iu wont tonn«, i ■■ ' while S u ill m e r ami Bowel complaints yield ;almi>Nt lo the first dove. Ooe or two doM« cure* at ! -tacks caused b^AVorina in ■nfer. or ppeediei' reniedj^ in Dropsy, by excititiK the Children : there i> no surer, i the world, ai It n«ter failt. j ( 9^ A few bottles curee abaorbenta. I Watakeplaaanraln racom ' ;mendinK this medicine as a prarentire forKsYer aiifi I Clllll Kever. and all Kerera of a Bll- “ lou» Type. It operate, wi th certainty, and thousands I are willinf; to testify to ita woodarful virtuas. I ^2. I All who u»e It «re divine their iinanliuous testimony tii Ita favor. J9*MIx Water In the mouth with the In»I- gorator, and awallow both together. THE LIVER INVIOORATOR IS A SOIKXTiriC MEDICAI. nrpcOVERV, and is daily wprkinir cnres, almost too (Trent to believe. It cures Sk if 1>t matpc, even the firtt tioM yin'nij bentjit, and saldom more thaii one bottle I* rujnired to cure any kind of Liver t'oBi|il*i'it, troni the worst JattHtiirt or Z>yn>*ptnn to a comninn hr till of which are the result of « Ulsensed llv«|-. PKICC OSK dollar rER BOTTLC. Dr. SANFORD, I*ropriet«>r, H4.'5 Itroailway, Nsw Vurk Ketailed by all Drni^gi.sts. SoiJ ulto JAS. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSHALK. Fiiyettevillo, N. r.2-ly Nov'r 11. The* Aew Kditioii of* Devereux & BatUeN Law llepoHs Vol. I, the tijntrovjil ul lliost* wlu» liave e.\aniiiUMl ri i» t'liicf .hi^tict'says. linvo luokoil tlir(iiif:1i it— t is carpfiilly and well pri>t n|>. * * ^ 1 think to our t’ourt it will he iiivaliiiihle—and to the I’rofossion iM(ually 8i. It will save the lal>i>r of ilocidiiiff the same ]>oi!>ts iviraiii and again; for there will he no excuse lor ('ounsel not ln'inir ;ii>|irised of )>uitit.s already ailjiidie.-ited.” fJeiitlfUicn of the Mar wlio have ))iirehasod ami ex- aiiiined it. concur. t»o far a.« we know, in praise of it. For sale, with sets or se]>arate volumes of North ('a- rulina Itejiorts. and I^aw l>ooks jienerallv. hv K. J. li.\LK & .SON. Tiirtliei* ^iipplioK of* Itoctkw. My 'I'liirty Vcars Out of the Senate, liy Major .lack Iiownitiii; Ktilwer s Novel. “What Will He Do Witli It?” IJrotvtilow iS: I’ryne's f^; ]i^hf s !ind Sh'tdows of Life, hy I’rof. Wilson; ICrit'. or liitlle hy Little; Sterne's Works: Longwoiih on tlie !rape: Kip's Lenten *-'.ist: liuck'8 Thcolojr. Dictionary; lliisldn's Political i''cononiy id" Art; Treasury Blotting I’aper; Scliooi liooks. .\:c. Just received. K. •!. H.VLK \ SON. VoliiiiieK ot Supreme Court Report^^. JUST published, volume 5 Jones’s Law Kejiorts. tind i volume 8 Jonea’.s Equity Reports, of Decisions in I the Supreme Court of North Carolina. For sale hy I Feh'y 10 K. J. H.VLE >'c SON. I f’hiipman'.s Sermons, sixtli edition: the Metlio- dist by Miriam Fletcher: f.ife at Three Score, by liarnes; ■ Songs of the P. E. Church; The Psalmist, with Hupple- ment; Clarke’s 'oniinentary, I'tc. •liine 11. E. .1. HALE iS: SON. €aiifweir»i Cai’oliiia Jii!$tiee. UBt rec’d. E. J. HALE & SON. Ill the County of (luilford, Stale of North Carolina. IN pursuanco of the provi.sions of a Deed of Trust, executed lo uie, on the 15th .July, 1854, by the Pre sident and Director.'! of tbe North Carolina Mining Com- )iany. and ot record in the llegister's office of the Coun ty of Guilford, State of North Carolina, for certain pur- I'osos therein set forth, I will, as Trustee in saitl deed, offer for sale, for cash, on the premises, at 11 o’clock, A. .\L, on Tuesday the 2d day of .iu^ust, 18.i9, that Valuable Properly in Guilford county, ten miles South of Greensborough, known as the North Carolina Cupper Mine, containing UiO Acres, more or less, together with all the Machinery, Kn^ines, Pumps, Mining Tools and Materials thereunto belonging or appertaining, and all the other property of every kind and tlescriplion, belonging to the sail! Cop]ier Comjiiinj'. Po.sses.vioii will be given iipon the consummation of >l*e sale. JAMES SLOAN. Trustee. Greensboro'. X. C., May 21, lSoy ITts UiM) FOR SM7 T OFFER for sale 'HO .Veres of L.VND, lying on the 1 West side of (,'ape Fear Iviver, two miles below Fay etteville, and extending from tlie river into the sand hills. Thi.'' tract is about equally divided into river- riilge. swamp and tsand-hill Land. About 80 acres, adjoining the river, are under cultivation and are well suitetl to the growth of Corn and Grass: none of the Swamp ha.s been cleared. There are several good sites for a dwelling house on the sand-hills. Any person wishing to jmrchase will do well to make early appU- cation. as I have deierniinetl to sell. TllO.MAS J. KdUlNSOX. Sept. S. 1S.')8. 44tf tor Snle» 1 OFFER for sale Jibout i(lO(i .\cres of I’ine Lands near Fayetteville, containing !iii iuiinciise iiiantity of .Mill Timber, and a nuin)»er of 'I’urpentint' Doxes. and several new tasks may be cut. There is on the premises a tine Dwelling House, and all necessary out-houses,—Sciij>- pernong and Isabella Grape Vines.—liMHi young Peacii and .\jqile Trees of l.,indley's be^t varietie.-; also, a good F.VRM of about l')0 acres i h nc,:: am! also a GRIST .•iiul .'^.\\\ .MILL; and a tine Inrge Meadow of about 14(1 acres. The Fayetteville and Coal Fields Rail Road passe.s through these Kinds ulxiiii n mih* fi’om llie Mills. 1 will sell in parcels to suit purchasers, but would pre fer ti^sell the whole together. Apply to Thos. S. Lut- terloh, Ksq., Fayetteville, or the subscriber at I’itts- borough. N. C. J. H. IIACGHTON. Nov. 1-, 1857. iK'tf liSiuil anl \\ ood. *)/*•> At.'KES if L.\ND lying on the Fayetteville & Western It. R. 7 luiles from Town. lol Cords PINK W(i(lD cut ;ind piieL All for sale cheap to close the concern oft'. K. Roberts \ Co. Apply to J. H. ItOBERTS .S: CO. June 2i». 185'.'. -Jltf llou^e and l^ol for ^ale* ^PH.AT neat and comfortable D\\ KLLING lloUSK and I LOT. on Arch street, is for s.ale. It Contains six rooms, anil is in good repair, wiih all necessary out houses and a Well of good water in the yard. It is con venient to the business part (d'the town. .\ny inform ation in regard to the above ]>ro]teriy can be had by calling on H. (Jniham or R. W. Hardie. June 1, 18o'J. Call aiud settle up. VLL those indebted to me by Note or .\ccount will please call at my ohl Stand. Northeast corner Misr- ket Square, and settle up. In my absence Mr. T. U. Newberry will attend to collections and give receipts. !1. graham. June 1, I859. I'.i-i'.w ISoii4l« for ,^ale. ST.VTK (’txipon Ronds, ((’ouptiiis payable in New \ ork. on the 1st April and 1st tJctoher, I in nuaiui- ties to suit. Apply at the Rranch of the Tape F. ir A. McLKAN June 1 ittf to if s.ii.i: i.o%%\ ONE ‘J4 inch Planing Machine \ nrrrnxx I'lTh nt," in good running order with two extra setts knives, and all complete. -Vlso, line good ■‘matcher or tongucing and groovin*'' Machine, for flooring or ceiling, which does e.Kcellent work :ind is in pood ()rder. Hill be sild low on accom modating terms by O. G. PARSLFV \ CO.. Wilmington. N. C. June 1. I'.i-ltit rOR SAT.K OK REST. ^ CON\ LNl ENT DH ELldNG HtJUSE, on llaj-mount, near Mr. J. C. Thomson's. For pariiculais entiuire of J. G. SHLPHKRD, Esq., or A. M. CAMPRELL. May 7. corpox iiONDS IH)U VLlv ^llliL Western Rail Rtiad CiitiqHtuy liave fiir s.ale iii I aiiioiiiKs to si:‘n purchasers. (li t)io (’oiijNxi j>i)ii(l.s ()1‘tlie (^uuiitv of Cun.berl.uid. be.'iriiig 7 per cent, interest, p.iyable si'iiii- aniiually on the 1st .lune and 1st of DecembcM-. and run ning 111 I years. ^ilO.UUO of the (’oujion lidiuls of tlie Town d Fayetteville, bearing li )ier cent, interest, payable semi annually on the 1st .lanuary .md the 1st of July, and running 20 years. These bonds were issued in accordance with law to the We“tern I’.iil Ro;id ’o., t» pay the ('ounty ;ind Tosvn subscriiiliotis respectively. I’ersotis having money will tind these bonds (at the jirice the Co. is selling ihem i a better invesiment lhan any liank Stoek in the State. For terms apply to 1>. M.VLLF.TT, Esq.. Pres't. or to JNO. M. RtlSlC, Treas'r Western R. R. ('o. Fayetteville, Feh'y I’ll. IS.'tS, 8'.i(f Tru^leeN \otiee. Vf;L persons having debts due against William R. MeKenzie must present them to me at my Store in the town of Clinton, on or before Thursd.-iy the 1 Ith of August next. Having been appointed Trustee by .s;jid McKenzie, for flie benefil of his creditors. ! will on the aforesaid day, make a final arrangnnent of said debts. So far as there are funds in my hnuds .o to do, and ae- cordiiig to the ]>rovi ions of the Ti ust to me executed. T. M. LF.K. 'i'rustee. .lune 17. I8.'>;i L’lt.Vil Reward. rWII.L I'fiy ^2.’) reward for the ap]iri‘hension and cun. finement in any jail, so that I get him .ig.ain, of my boy RECBKN. who rainnvay on the :!lst May l:isi. Reuben is about oil years old. about ') feel 8 or 111 inches high, dark color, will weigli l '>o lo D).") lbs., small eyes, very thick lips, and has a small scar on the back of one of his haiei-;, near the root of the tbumb. And I will pay a further rew.trd of Sldd for jn-oof sufli- cient to coiiviet any white person cjf harboring said boy or seducing him from liome. JAS. C. Mcl- ACIIIN. Laurinburgh. Richmond co., .V. ('...lune Di [21tf Wa^oiiN! Wa^oiiK!! r W.'.NT to hire five f>r sis Teams, immediaiely, for J which 1 will pay a very high )irice. JAS. tj. CdOK. June 10 !!;{- Web§trr’s« Eleiiiciitary [NO. 825.] Fayetteville Female High School* The Examination Exercises will commence on Tues day, July 5th, at 3 o’clock, P. M. The Annual Sermon will be preached at night, by Rev. A. Weaver. Robert P. Dick, Esq., of Greensborough, will deliver the Literary Address on W'ednesd.ay evening. On Thursday, at 10 o’clock, A. M., the Graduating Exercises will take place. In the evening, there will be a Concert of vocal and instrumental music. WM. K. BLAKi^, PrincipaL May 21 lCtJ5 Edgeworth Female Meiiiiiiary, GREENSBORO’, N. C. The Nineteenth Session of this Institution will commence on the 3il of August, 1850. The course of study is thorough and systematic, em bracing everything necessary to a complete, solid and ornamental education. The BUILDINGS are so ar ranged as to combine the comforts of a home with the adv.-intages of a School. ln.«tructors of the highest qualitications are employel in each of the Departments. TERMS: Board, including washing, lights ami fuol, per session of five months, 5'W' Tuition iu the regular classes, 20 00 Catalogues containing all necessary information re- sjKjctiug the course of Instruction, Terms, iic., will be forwarded on application to RICHARD STERLING, Principal, Greensborough, N. C. June 3 20-2mpd KT. n\K.Y^S ilALElGH, N. C. Right Rev. THOS. ATKINSON, D. 1>. Visiter. Rev. ALDERT SMEDES, D. D. Rector. ^PHE 35th TERM of tiiis SCHOOL will commence 1 JULY 8th. and continue till December :'*d. For a circular containing full particulars, apply to the Rector. .lune 14. 23-3t Book, for sale by E. J. HALE & SON. The Walton Ifiuse9 M OKU ANTON, N. ('. I ^pill.'' superb New Hotel has gained the rejui- I 1 tation of being a FIR.'^T CLAS.S HOUSE, Jiua .and .second to none in the State. .\s .‘in evi- I deiiee of it, I refer to the many favorable notices by the i Press of the State, and the very liberal })atronage re- I ceived. It continues open (nkvkr if.\viN(i beks cluskii.) and its guests may’ rely u])on the reputation of the House being sustained. I have arrangements made lo be ke]it supjdieil regularly with fresh Fish from Nor folk and Newliern; in fact with every delicacy usually found at first class Hotels. C. s. BROWN & CO’S STAGE OFFICE is at this House. Their F'our-horse ’oaches run to the head of the W. X. C. Rail Roa! on Mondays, Wedues- da3's and f’ridays, and to Asheville, Tuesdays. Thurs days and Saturdays, EXTR.V COAt'HES AND H.\CK8 ready at any hour anl for any point. V. S. liROWN. Proprietor. June 14, 185'J 2:>-8t C'VROLIX.V eiTl HOTKL. P.4KK0TT A MEWBOKN, Proprietors. ^pilIS magnificent Hotel has been enlargeil to nearly I. double its original size, an addition of eighty-eight feet having been added on Railroad street, thus pre senting an imposing front imniediatelj' in view of the Atlantic Ocean. The veranda of this Hotel (which is three stories high) fronts towards the Ocean two hundred and eight een feet, atfording a Oelijn^titfiil Promenade. rn»tii tnis ••tftrrtt pcnnr, me befiolder can scan the Ocean in the South. Boguc Sound in the Sout)i-west, the Har bor with all its shipping. Fort Macon .and three Liglit- Houses in the South-east, affording a range of OCEAir SCEIVKItl, that is .scarcely elsewhere to be met with. The superintendence of this Hotel will be in the hands of Sir. H. ERAMBERT, (formerly of the Fay etteville Hotel.) whose taste and skill so eminently qualities him for making all the guests feel as if they were at home. The best servants the country could afl'ord have been secured. Those who stop with u.s will never be at a loss for Kecrealioii and F.nterfainment. hir steamboiit will make regular trips to lieaufort“ the Inlet, the Fort, and often on extra excursions, while our 1!.\ND )!■ Ml .'>1C will be ever “disc»ursing sweet sounds to the ears of those Avho shall favor us with their company. ilur K.\R will fnrni-^h choice licjuors of all kinds; our PilLLl.VRD Room is in good order, and our B(AVL- ING .VLLEV will be constantly open for the entertain ment of those who have a taste for these he.althful ex ercises: and our READING ROOM will contain files of 1 tile best newspapers, magazines, and periodicals Pub lished. The sick will find our I »\TI|l’V€i j a matter of gre.vt comfort and a help to better health. I We feel assured that in every respect we can give I entire satisfaction; we shall, at least, spare no pains to j do our whole duly, that all our may receive all I possible atteniion. j TAKF NOTICEI .\s the tr.iin arrives after ilark j each evening, persons going to lieaufort will do well to ^ slop over ni^ht :it Carolina (’ily. as they be con- j veyed. wherever I hey wish logo, the next dav, in a ' sieamboat or sail-bouts, and thus be saved tJie trouble I of a lisagrceable night trip across the wafer . i TERMS; .>2 a Day: 5^12 a Week; .^30 a Month, PARROTT .S: MEWBORN. (.’arolina (’ily. May 5. ]8'>‘,l 12-2ni TAXi:«I TXXt^Sll 1WI LL attend at the Market House in the Town of Fayetteville, on FRID.W. THK 1ST D.VY OF JULV next, for the purpose of collecting the Taxes due, on subjects taxeil without being lisieil, viz: ’ (’irciis Riders, Stage Players. Itiiu-rant Singers, In surance Companies. Rank .\gen«-ies. Brokers.’*Fxpress (’ompai.ies. Rilliiinl Tables, P.owling Alleys, Livery Siables, Dentists, Portrait Painters, Vendors of Playing Caids. Ligtilniiig Rods, .\u-tioneers, .Merchants, Ready- .Made Clothing. P.-itent Medicines. P(‘dillci-s. For the benefit of those engageil or interested in either branch of the above business. I append the 87th Seciion of the Revenue Law, from whieh 'hey will discover what the i.enaliy is for non-pjiynicni of their resjiective T:ixe: “Skc. S7. Every j.erson that shall carry on any busi- iies.s inrended to be taxed, as per schedule B., without h.'iviiig pi-eviously received a licence as reitiiireij. shall, in .-iddition to the taxes, forfeit and pay one humlred dollars, to be collected hy dislre.«s or otherwise, bv the sheritl. one-half to his own use, and the other half to the use of tin' Sitiie.’’ HEl T()R McNElLL, Sheriff. June ]■». 18.-)'.i Vlacaiilay% Live^ol Piltand Fred erick the Great; RORDKR W.U!, by the author of Wild Weslern Scenes- IIOIR.S WITH ,\IV PL PI LS, by .M,s. Lincoln Pi,eM,s' I'HEIS.M -\ND SKEI'TICIS.M, hv Wharton; TIIF, CONV.VLESt’ENT, by X P. Willis; NI'.W PAfh.NT SERMONS ami M.ichine Poeirv, by Dow, Jun'r; I llli ( l;I,PRIT F.\^ , by .losejih Rodman Drake: IX’^DIA RCRBER PENS, Thermometers, Card I’encils, &c., \c. .lust received. E. J. HALE & S(>N. May 18 Blank Bookw and Writing;;: Ink. FURTHER supplies just received at the FAYETTEVILLE BOOKSTORE. •May 11