An BEK li Y. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JUiVE 27, 1859. [NO. 826.] l'i;lM i:i' MONDAYS AND TUrUSDAVS m\m) J. HALE & SON, i itiT(»i:s AND ruoruu'.Toiis ■ ilic S,'ii i-\Vi‘i>klv dnsvKVKU S". 00 if paid iti I ■ !■ " ' it’ ptiiil iluriii!! ;lio yo:ir «>t‘ sulwcrip- ’ '-I fli* yo.'ir lisis oxpiro'l. • ■it'KitVKU M> jior :innnm, if pnitl iti , il i>ai«l (lurins tlio _ve:ir of siil>scri|i- ; ' ■ "'i .iftor tlio yt'nr has oxjiiroil. \l'\'K1iTlSK'MF.NTS iii^ortcl fm- tlO coins por , if !' liiu"- foi- the first, and eoiits for ouch , i putiliontid-.i. Yoarly mlvertisciiHMUs l>y sjic- ■ at n-a.^^al.le rates. A lvertisors arc tlio niimher of insertions dosireil. or '■ (■ l ontinned till forlii.l, and charged ncoord- ■;i ills t" ho inserted charjied per sri:ri \i. Ni>rin'. •V Uii d-ite. no i\anie of a k.'W nliseriher with.>111 p.iymeut in alvanfe. ni>r will m il snh>rriher> for a loiij^i'r time The l arriagr i'artorif in the Sonfhi >i Kj'/rii \i\ |)Ksi*i;(’TKn,i.v 1 I tliai he has luiil .-,1 r 'em t 1 t'-MV uv 'Id su1'>'-ril-crs as dc'iri’ >ysiein will ('lease notify informs his friends and the pnhlic. milt up laijre sntisiantial l?riek lluild- iiijrs at his ()',! Si-ind, e\]iress)y f,)i- mainifaetiiring Car- riajres. | hatiktnl tor the very liheral patronajro he has reeeived tor the last 'Jl years, he hopes hy strict atten tion to l)U'iness. with a desire to (ii''e satisfaction, to merit a t-ontinnanee of the sanie. !!»■ warrants hi.s work to he made ot' the hest material ami liy experienced workmen iti each ln-aneh of the luisiness. Mis work will Compare favoi-alily with any matle in the United States, lor neatness and diirahility. lie is determined to sell and do any work in his lim* on as jiood terms as anv Work dont' el'ewhere that is as well done. Me now has on h iiid. tini-he-f. I'lii; l,,VK(iKs r Sl’Ot’K (»F ' take I hi- ]>a- when makiti:: ( arria^es, Baroiirlies, Kockauays Bu2:2:ie*J, and r\ vi:TTi:viLLi: mn\l L\SIRA\(E COMPANV. ASSETS $254,618.62. ; ' ‘ ' t-i-en in operation more than lia- paid ever otlered in this phue. and nearly tini'hed. whieh will Ii which will he 'oM very low f..r lamctiial ciisionie!'. ,• lie very iar;re stiM-k of work ‘ tini."hed d.iily. .Ml of ca'11. or on short tiino to ha- on hantl more than it' fire lo- i :h>’:U :it:y a>-si.v~ineni: •I ' .al: ui 1 ]ier cent. j.r,.!-! i ty now in--:ired. S e! li'i- note> tiow on h.-md. 1' y-K. S. T. Ilawl ■es. amountinu t in'iiv>\*)*r averai. ■:>M; m Nl»m;i. am* F1Ki\ Vl’UH 1.1:S titdshed and in (•.■m-s,> of I’oii'truction. j Ml Work made l>y him is warr anted I'J months : with fair it'aire. atid 'honld it tail hy had w.irkmanship or material, will lie re)'.aired free of chai L'e. I’er-ons w i'tiiii;.:' t- tniy would do well to call and ex- , amine tor them'i lve-. •ive'l and I'foniptly attended to. j L'17.7: t irdei's thanktully n Kepairiiijr e\tiMited a'lh' tenii'. Mav -J". Iv.-,::. ■'hovl iiolit e and on vcrv reason s'.'-tf \1 N. : \t V ' , 1 - . .>1 >■=■ iiiian. 11 II- la’.e. l.:.-'-Tloh, Mcl.aui'in, ,\ i.Ko 1>. \ f \ ’'il)' and i W. N ,\. A .1. 1-. •Ja-. I Tiriinjiha't. Mt'Keiiian. \S illi-.iii'. Co.ik. W. Steel. ,1a'. Kyle. 11 III. .1 (i. Shepherd. I! K. r.i.'Wii. Wilmington. 1'.. llal!. i’uuiti;.'t..n. >: l it Kii': M. NUlI.l,. riv'ident. K V\'. \ ice Pte'idellt. M.MILI. \N. Seeieiary. . f, Nl. ('rumiiieii. 'rmvellinsr .Xircnt' FKE8H AKKIVAL! Second Stork Spring and Summer (loods# J. A. PE31 liK HTON IS now recpiving his second stock t>f Spring and Sum mer (Joods, enihracing all th# \ i: \V K « T J* T \ I. I Such as j Sittttmer Silk's^ fmremniitn's, Or- With a great variety of new style goods for TraveliPresses ami iPnsters. Also a complete assortment of Oil I’ll in;; IIi'I'mm 4iiood. A large find varied assortment of SILK AND LA(’K MANTLHS. ('IIANTILLV L.Vn: T’OINTS. lU/lC ANV> AVlllTK UKKAr.K MANTLi:s. STKLLA SHAWLS, .Vc. A few of those splendid Frenrh KMlUlOIltKltl’.l) AND L.\('K SKTS, (’OLLAKS AND SLFKVKS. Douirlas kS: Sherwoi>d’s NKW STVLK (’((KSKl'TS. (with I’ustle flud Skirt-Supj)orter attached.) great variety of NKW S’l'VLK SKlliTS. \c.. vScc. In the ahove stock may he found a great many new and desirable .'tyles. Just out. Tlie |)iihlic generally are itivitcd to call early and examine for themselves. .1. A. rKMHF.HTOX. April lU, ]8',0 7- llardware. Cutlery, xv, M AIITINF is now receiving a large and gene ral assortiiieiii of every thing in the ahove line. — .\LS()— A prime article of Itio. l.aguira and .lava t’OFFF. I’ (’rushed and Hrown Sl'(!,\It; ,'iigar ilonse ."^llU'1’and M( iLASSKS. ■\11 of which is otlered on as good terms as can he had in this market. Novr'Jl. IS.-jS. *',(itf sTovi>, siii:i/r iKo\, Tl^-WAKK, A:c. ON HAND, a largo assortment of liox and ('ooking Stove-^; Tin-w.ire; Sheei-Iron; Lead I’ipe. .\lso 'Ihe '"■iHd Hotninion Colt'ee t'ot." For*alehy JAMKS MAKTINK. Nov'r ‘J4. tititf j^orfli Carolina Keaders. NI\Mr.EKS 1 AM) 1. I'RKl'ARKD WITH S1>KCIAL ItKFKIJKNCK TO TFtK WA.NTS AND I.NTKKK.STS OF •'Wtrth t'aroliiia. ! r\i>Ku rriK ai smces or thk ‘srrKKi.\rE\i»K\T »r roM- MOX St’llooLS. UY K('v. r. .^1. Iliibbni-d, fltOKKSSnll OK TIIK 1,.\TIN I.AXtil'AUK AN1> I.ITKI! VTt’Ii K IN TIIR LNtVKUSITV OK XoliTII (’AHdl.IXA. l-r The r sny inviie ajiplieatioii' DiV 4 IKOI.I^A Tin: \4MtTII MITI AL LIFE IXSIRAME (OMPAXY, L ■ !ie ’.■hill V \ 4' 'iieeer-'ful ojHTation. with _ -J itid tirmer hold upon public con- / .,iic' ■ ■ iti'iire the live~ of all healthy jier- } i.i I I y.. . ;f age, for one year, for >fven ! !e all K ^ niemhers sharing in tile protitr. - .11. 1-1 (.1 t.;t years of agi are insured • • e \ ear' for twn-third' their value. • ••"' I 'l'i "iiuin .'■> iiavx atier - ' i i> pre'ent , d. iiit' the pul.lie is refeiTed t- \?eiit- I'-.liy !li iilt parr- -r [i,. .-^,:,,e. and to IV. 11. iv.\'vr 1.4-.. . . , K. J. HALF.. A_-nt Favetteviiie. N. \Tl. i\TIC' :?H TI Al. FIro and Mariiit* Insurance (oiiipan), ' \linLI.\A ’ITV, Noirni TAl’vOLlNA. Ay _\rt ,f ih>' Ij! IjUhtt H I' of t'li I'lj/1 ml. I i iNll’.XNV being duly organized, is now jire- I -I i ■ iiTi'ive ajiplicaiions for insurance ujion l{uil(lin^'>. Mt n haii(li*‘e, Furniture, Mills, Manu- fa» tttri(‘N. ship*, and their Carso*s, i- of proj^erty. at reniuueraiive rates of W.M. CARTER & SON, Wholesale A Kotail Dealers and Manufaeiurers iK AI.L Kl.NUS OF Mjeathev, Sattftles amf Harttfss, (>f every description. Collar'. Whips. \c. VN 1) we also ieiilarly e.ill the attention of thcwhole surrounding i i iintry to give us a call, a- we are de termined that nolle 'hall «urpa'' u' in ipiality or low i Jiriee'; and we will :_ive the highe't ca'h prii'c at all time' foi- H.iw Hide' and T.alh'W. in e.xehange for our .‘Uticle'. 'ountry Merchants would do well to call and examine our .'^tock. a' we can sell them Shoe« of a much better iiua’ity than they usually get. on very accommodating term-. .^.mthorii I'lantei ' would do well to send ii~ all their order- ;i' «.■ .ire making :i No. 1 arti^e of .NK(i lit > SliUl'..''. that ar>- w irranted to give entire satisfaction. N. l’>. All (triers from a distance shall have prompt :if f »*iii il »n. s. CAKTFlt, \S\L t'VHTF.i;. • i'lldsti.n 1’. (>., ‘.'hatham Co.. N. . >Lirch lo. ]s.V.. r o. iiorsTox *rLl> iiitorm lii friends and former cu't.'incrs he may be found 'J doors below the ('ajie Fear Itank. ati'l ;; door' ab.(ve his old 'tand south side I’ersoii .''treet. where he intend' to keeji on hand, Harness, Saddles. Kridles, Whips, (ollars, ■ind every thing belonging to his trade. He re'pectfully i invites hi~ friend* from the country to call and examine I hi' stock before jmrcliaring. He will attend to Kepairing of Harness and Saddle-^ puiictually. and liis charge^ 'hall be moilerate. He would reijuest all indebted to the firm of iloU.'^TON \ • •\FUI>V to'ettle with W. (tverby or himself, as tliey are -nmpelh-d tn 'ettle the firm's debts. OILS S' I’KHM. lletined. l.ard. Linseeil and Tanners’ OIL: White Lead: llurning Fluid: I’utty: Window iilass and Sash of all sizes. -^-AL.'^O— Afresh sujiplv of IM»NDS PAIN DKSTl’vOYKU. For sale by' .lA.MF.S MARTINF,. Nov'r lit, 1S”>>'. (jtjtf Dr. FKWK WII.IUMS'S KVK WllISKKV. MlTt'HF.LIj made arrangements with Dr. Frank Williams, to be constantly supjilied with his lebrated IIVK WHL''KKV, which can )>e had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Oct'r 11, lS.-)8. i)o-tf u. w l*iill(‘i*^ mill VLL of the first i(uality, can be had al M. A. l!.\KI'.lt'S (il'N SHOl*. Fayetteville. N. .Jan'y lo. l^'>^. ^'Otf Xofiri*TiirnpiifiHoj -*• — I.K Nl fully prepared to make or rej>air TL'l'I’F.NT IN K S TILL.'', or d.) iiny thing in the Copper or Sheet Iron Work, at the shortest notice. M A. HAKKU. Fayetteville, .Lan'y -4. lH.')!t. Mi’tf To Rail Koad ('fmtrarfors! —.irST KKCF.IVFD IOO \VII i:i: I. RA K RO light and strong, for the Kail Hoad. For sale by D. .S: W'. McLAl iUN. March ‘2.'.K 8(«lff j the ori.r:4iii/.;iiion of tiiis Coiiipany. to [ ■ ••dium for Indemnity and I’rotei tion In I 'e :f Lo'S, .Vn honorable and upright ] • and -I faithful fiilHllment of its ci.n- • i.i Mmes characterize tlie business of the | - tor lii'urance may be made at the oftiee ■ y. or to its authorized Agents. DIKFCTOKS. .\ngii't l'7. tf Tii’t, ■ bv. u 1.; (iFFK F.KS. *^!e^by, ■ .inp'-. •I-in. • lit. •tlL'. Willi.ain S I.otig. l):,vid W llell, 15 ('hajiin. Samuel Lefl'ers. .(oel H Davi'. 1* A Hargett. K .Malleti. Vre-idetit. Vice I’resident, Treasurer. .\ttonu‘y. Secrctarv. L.XKCi TlVL COMMlTTKi;. 'V Hell. I L U i 1, w, ,,f Me.xicati .'^oldiei'. and the Widow's of • i who KiKli IX sKitvicK in the war of if'l'J. ' |ieii ioii' Continued by calling on the tiiider- ■ i ii^-rt— having made additional proviion for • ’:if I tie ill m:ina'_'eiiK'nt i ■ ;it once, or n an >1 the ' ille. .(lino 1 ‘J. 1 if your claims, )charge. .INO. M. I’.OSF. .\genl for I’etisions. Ht- - \V;iiilc*l. ' ' I I.I.\IF,N. your old cu-tomer i' yet in market for Negroes, for which I am determiued to pay t he Highest (asli Prices. ■ ^ liaviii” -IK h for sale would do well to give 'If iddrc'.s me at Clinton, N. C. Il ’ piomjitlv attended to. .J. A. McAIlTIIUH. . '• . March b, 1“'''. ‘.'o-lyrpd V »l i € «*.— \ ro€*« \Va ii I oil. l iriiiet> .ind citizens of the Counties of Duplin, Ilf, .lotiii'toii. Harnett. Moore, Cumberland. 11. Ii'ideu, Columbus. Lrunswick, New Hanover, :■ -i i :1ier being desirou' of |iuri ha-'ng a number ... r- 'f Ncgroe', of all i-!a''i's and de'criptions. I -l it of till method of informing tho'C who '■ » n il property to di']iose of. they would ■ VI it me at home, or addre'S me at Clinton, ’ I \>liii |i tln'y shad rec-ive a vi-it. .\ word to - ifh-ieiit. a it i- well uii'ler-’oijd that I |iay high priees. LVFKL'l'T I'KTKKStiN. *' '• M, SSi-'.im .1. W. RAKl^R Ts now rccciviiiir irum tlu- Xortli tlie i largest, finest, tind most carefully selected stock of FI’K\ITI'K r ever ofl'ercd in this Tiiarket: which added to his own m.inut'acture. make' lli^ a'Sortmetit complete:— i all of which he will sell on the lowest p(j.'>ible terms for ’ cash or on time to punctual customers. F.i'hion.ilile j.ainted cottage bt.d-rooin Furniture in ; -eit': curled liair and 'imck. ,'ind cotton Mallresses: ’ Looking (lla'S(.~; Willow Wagons and Cradles: ,ide ! Uoards; Hrreaus: Seeret.iries and l’>ook-Cases; What- Nots: Ta>de«. sill .sorts; Wash Stands: Candle Stands; Wardrobes: Picture Frames and (ilass; Window .Shades; Cornices; ('iirtain Hand'; Sofas in Mahogony and Wal nut: Tete :i Tetes; Ottomans: Divans and Stools: Chairs of every variety. I'iiH* Kosowdod Pianos, one with ^Kolian :it- tachmeiit: I’li.-ewooil', from the best manufac- tfiries in New York and Moston. warranted as good as any made in the .•oiintry. .and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. Se[>temtier l!. 4-jtf iMarl>l‘ Factory, l>iiaiio! Iwiiaiio!! r.ACS No. 1 I’FUUVIAN (il ANo, for sah- lw»- !•:. F. MoiHIL. Racoii! Raroii!! HHDS. prime SlIiK.'s. just received. F,. F. MOOlU;. ilav and Rice Mtrau. 15.VLKS HICK STHAW. •')il “ Kasterii Ilav. For sa’e hv K. f! MooHK. t'ol’ii! t'orii!! fresh t’oHN, will be received on Wediuv day. F. F. MOOIU-. •hine !!•. l^•'>'•'. - l-ow tORA. HAGS CoHN, quality and measure good: for s-ile by W(H\TH iV I TLKV .hine l'^ -I- r)0 I Hv I.AUDER, TWII millRS AIIIIVK ('. T. lltlCII .V SOVS' STIIIIK Fayellevillc*, Jan’v 20, «4-ypd rresh •irrirais. .) I I) \t‘4:roe^i 1‘or sailr. 1. \\oM.\N and one CILL for-ale. -\l'- ’ ' : .1.1-. ; Cook or NLILI, CAHMICHAF.L. ' the FAVKTTKVILLi; BOOK .STOKE. I'.s;'!' received jir Steamer Fanny, I l!bls. Kxir.i No. 1 M ACKLHKL (for retailing,) 10 *• do. •• 1 do. 1(1 \ “ do. '• 1 do. 10 }. .MFSS SHAD: ;!0 iioxc'^ CHI',KSK; IIIK l’,.ags New Mulled F.rcKWHFAT FLOUH; Fulton .Market l»eet: .Me-s I’ork; (Joshen Hutler, Pocket Salt: Sugar: Cotfee: Molas'(.'; and every thing in the )irovisioii line: which I will sell cheap for CASH or ex change for country Produce. W. r. TROV Nov. is.VS. iO-tf ( hroiutlo;;} ol'North Carolina, from 15sttols.»S by l>. K. l»ennett. Just n i,-eived. ct. 21. E. J. HALE & SON. FIo%vm! I*Io\%>>!! I*Io%vw!!! No. (1 Pl.OW S; 50 No. 10 Plow's; 50 No. 11 “ 125 No. .')0 “ •_*5 No. (10 “ Points, P>ars ami Mould P.oarils to suit. For sale by (_'. H. LK F,TK. .Jan’y 1- 7'.'- lliitfc'T. aii«l ('rac koi'M. FIHKINS (.loshen I’utter; 125 Hoxes State (’heese; 10 I'bls. Soda and Hutter (’rackers. Just received h3’ C. K. LF.FTI]. .lan'y 12 7'.t- fiiill .\ef and M‘in‘ Tuiiio. L15.S. (Jill Net Twine; f)* ! Ihs. Seine “ .lust received by (’. E. Jan'y 12 LEETE. 7't- princip«&t r«|(u]Htori r>f the pMrtorui* its ftiiiCltoi.a w«U. fulW d«v«lo|»ed. l'!i« Hnimi'-h on hcaliktT ariton cif itiv ftncwuf lufunciiotii. iwlieiitltt* For the ot ihnt or- hM mftd« U bit ntudj. in b Yeart, to fiud romo r«>n3ftW maii^ derai.fcemetits to w birli at l&M fbnnd, an j p^rfton tron plaint, in auj ut it* forirt, conTirti4»n fn certfiin. morbid or bA*l miittvr fiom plar« a b««!thy fluw of > i!e, food to di|ff«t Wfil, jfiTtnjr tone »nd h#*lth toiht? the cau«« of tb« cared, and, ^Uat Is the occAAional nr>e of the ficienl to relieve the ttonMoh DsittfT and noarinp. retiring, prerenui in^jcht, looMna the bowela tlvenen^. ftH DieiilwillcurtDysp‘|>»tn ppuonfule will relieve male obfftmrtion renio\e« tbe (ciiocB \. wniin PH a Biire cure for I'holrrM of C'lioU*ra. ;needed to throw ont of thf* cine after a lonjf lickner*. ^ •laiindlf'^ remorei all »al . from the »kin. time before ealiri|( K've* vi- food di>reiit w«»n. 00 rtitrt C'lironir lllar- while Sum liter nrd almoMt to thv firM done tHckf cauvt^i h> Worms iu tnfer, or tpeeilier leniedr in Oropiiy, by excitinc tht* mending this medicine b Amio, I'lilll Fever, loiu Tyi>e. It operate* I are willing tentifj to itk NTMliKK :{, CON'TAINIM; a FAMILI.vU lIISTOltV A.N’D DKSnUr- I TI(»\ OK NOHTII ('AK(»LINA. Selections in I’rose :ind \’erse; many of them bv eiiiiiM'iit citizens of the State. HlSTOlilCM. AND CI1H0N(H,0;1CAL TAP.LES. j Anil a v.ariety of ^Hsccllaneous InforiiiMiion and Sta- ■ tistics. by , f*. MM. l\'MM.r.^\ ! VrUMI!F,lt o is a new and revised edition of the North | ('arolina Header, first ]iublished in 1S51. Numbers 1 and 2 just issued, complete the seri«’s. which is. as a whole, cheaper than any other series of Headers in the I nited States, and as cotii|ilete. The I'Mitor (Prof. Hubbard) in his Preface to Num ber 1 deems it pro|ier to allude to a few of the peculiar advantages aimed at by the Superintendent of ('ommon Schools while making etforls to have this work com pleted. These are. 1. Till' inco>iriij>iiniit of >i /> if in// of xi'lf-iliptiiilinre, and the enlistment of popular sentiment in behalf of the State and its institutious. Il not thouglit important, iiow- ever, to have more than one number of the Header of merely a local interest. 2. To nini'l'i the fvH t'reri/irht r>' r,iii/‘hiiii"l of in roin- mon .irltui.l.i, of n jk ri'thia! rhmiiie in h xt anex)ien- sive habit, and otu- which injurt-s the Schools liy pi-e- , venting the children from being cl.a"itied. series of home Picaders. it w;is supposed, would be certainly used, and this great evil thus a\oided. K'-'iiiomii. the popular s\stem of Headers being too long and lieing made 'o otten merely to add to the profits of authoi ' and ]iub]i'her. This 'cries is to con>ist of fewer numbers than those generally used, iind it i believed that these numbers are ufhcient, while if tlu- system were universally used in the State, the sum saved to jiarents and children would iinount to several thoii'and dollar' annually. L T' fiitl in th> hiini/^ of chihlrfu Imrnin;! to ri'iid rom- poxifi'-nx ■‘•'iijHrif-titli/ fiiui/iiir hut nut of th' r/mnrcler nilhtl rhilihrh coinpoxiitun.i. Containing, in le>'oiis eas>' enough for all ages, correct s]iecimetis of style, interesting in matter, and inculcating ]iro]ier morals, and religious in struction. The jirices are. for No. 1. 125 cents; No. 2, ;>7. cents ind No. M, 75 cents. .V liberal deduction from the.-e prices to Merchants and School Teach'-r'. E. J, HALE SON. THi: livi^:k liWKiOKATOK! I'RKl’AUKll IlY 1>K S.AXKORK, Compouniled entirely from (il .MS, ONK OF TIIK BEST PI RGATIVK AND l.IVCR MR I^U'INKS now before the pubiic, that actt ai« a t*a«ler. miMer. Bnd nu>re tlian anv other medicine kiu>wn It j« not onlT A f'-ith trtir. but • Lir^ reroedr, acting fir>t n the Lir^r to eWt iti morbid matter, then on the &t«>ia«oh nnd b-w*N to carry on that matter, thus a**c >rapliM!»iJiif two j ;l^po^•»« effect n Ally, without any of ib*> painful fi*«lin»ci experienct-d in the opn k tit>nt of mom It tftrenKtheos the nybte'u at the ann.c time that it purxet it; and when taken daily iu m«>deraie will utrenjcthen and build ft up with unutual rapiiity. The ijlTer it one of the hnman body ; and when it the piwere of the •▼■tem are }» almost entirely dependent Liter for the proper perform Rti)mach itat rauli.theboweli ttarniK t*e8aefi to do lU duty ' Iran, oae of the proprietors practice of more than twenty wherewith to couuteract the ’ It is liabla. To proT# that thit remedy it bled with Liver Coin* ban bnt to tiy a bottle, and The»e i}umt remove all iheKyntem. mppWint; in their lQ7ilSoratin|r the utomach. I>iirlfyliiic the bUnxI, whole machinery* remoTiiig effeotinp a radical cure. Illlloua attacks are better, prevented, by JLlver liivl|Korator. (>ne do»e after eatini; it tnf and prevent the food from trply ona doee taken before inare* >nly one doae taken at g»»itly, and curee Cow ()u« doie taktn after each One doM of two tea- Sick. IleaciacHe* One bottle taken for fe- eauM of the ditea»e. and Only one doee immediately One doi« oHen repeated it Morbits, and a preventive Only one bottle it tytiem the efTectt of medi- One bottle taken for lowneM or unnatural color One dote taken a short for to the appetite, and make* One dote often repeated rhcea in its wortt formt. Bowel complaints yield One or two dotes cnrei at Children : there it no surer, the world, at it n*vcr A few bottles cure^ absorbents. We take pleasure in recom- preventive for F«ver anil and all Kcver* of a Ull* with certainty, and thousands wonderful virtuet. All who use It are |;rlvln|; their nnanlnioita testimony In Its favor* Jt^Mlx Water In the mouth with the IutI- gorator, and swallow both together. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR ts A SCIKNTIFIO >1EI>I1'AI, DISI'l»VKRY. it. working ciret, almocit too great to believe. It ciireb m» if by magic, m-fa the i/irintj and seldom niorr one bottle is required to cure any kind of l^l^ ^-r t'ouiplMint. from the worst Jnunfiire or to a commori Hm.i'trf.- all of which are the result of a lM««‘n.*iecl Ijlver. /*RICX 05K DOLLAR rtR SOTTLB. Pr. SAN’F(>III>, I*roprietor. Broadway, N'liw York Retailed by all l)ruKgi'*tt. ufm f.g J.\S. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSDALE. F.iyetteville, N. Nov'r 11. tili-ly Tlic .\(‘w ol* Devereux ^ Battle's Law Reports, Vol. I, Ei'ElVES the ap|iroval of those who have examined PLRLIC: MALt: OF THE NORTH CAROLINA COPPER MINE, In the County of iinilford, State of Xortli Carolina. IN pursuance of the provision.s of a Deed of Trust, executed to me, on the 15th .Inly, 1851, by the I’re sident and Director.s of the North (^'arolina Mining Com- ]iaiiy. and of record in the Register's office of the Toun- ty ofduilford. State of North (’arolina, for certain pur- jioses therein set forth. 1 will, as Trustee in said deed, otier for sale, tor cash, on the premises, at 11 o’clock, A. M.. on Tuesday the ‘id daj of .\u?ust, that Valiial>lc‘ .Milling' l*ro|H‘rty in (iuilford county, ten miles South of Greenshorough, known as the North Carolina t’opjier Mine, containing KM) .\crcs. nioi-e or less, together with all the Machinery, Kn^ines, Tumps, .Mining T«»oIs and Materials thereunto belonging or ajij)ertaining. and all the other pro[ierty of every kind and ilescription, belonging to the said Copper Company. I’ossession will he given upon Ihe consununatiou of the sale. J M E.S SEOAN, Trustee. C.reeiishoro’, N. C.. May 21, 1S5'J ITls LIM) FOR SM. I OFFER for sale •)!• .\cres of L.VND, lying on Ihe West side of Cape Fear T.iver, two miles helow Fa^-- etteville. :inil extending from the river into the .sand hills. This tract is ahout e'lually divided into river- ridge, swamp and sand-hill Laud. .About Ht) acres, adjoining the river, are under ctiltivalion and are well suited to the growth of Corn and (trass: none of the .''wamj) has been cleared. There are several good sites for a dwelling house on the sand-hills. Any fiersoti wishing to jnirchase will do well to make early appli cation. as I ha\e determined to sell. THOMAS .1. IIOIHNSON. . Sept. S. IS.',S. 441f lor Saie. IOFFEll for sale ahout iIIHm* .\cres ol Tine Lands near Fayetteville, containing an immense iiuantity of .Mill Timber, and a number of Turpentine iioxes, and several new tasks may be cut. There is on the jiremises a tine Dwelling Hou'e. and all neces.'ary out-liouses.—Seuji- pernong and Isabella Graj>e Vines.—Khmi young Teach and .\p[>!e Trees of ^.,indley'^^ (>est varietic'; also, a good F.VKNl of about 150 acres elearciJ: and also atiKIST and SAW MILL; and a fine lar^e Meadow of about 1 !• acres. The Fayetteville and t'oal Fields Itail l!o;id pa.'ses through these land ;ibout a mile from the Mill I will sell in parcels to suit fer to sell the whole togi'the terloh. Esi(.. Fayetteville, or the subscriber at IMti borough. N. C. * .1. H HArCiHTdN. Nov. 12, 1S57. tiutf Fayetteville Female High Schooh The E.\amination Exercises will commence on Tues day, .July 5th, at 3 o’clock, P. >1. The Annual Sermon will be j)reached at »ight, by Kev. A. Weaver. Robert P. Dick, Estp, of Greenshorough, will deliver the Literary Address on Wednesday evening. On Tliursdaj', at 10 o’clock, A. M., the Graduating Exercises will take place. In the evening, there will be a Concert of vocal and instrumental music. W'M. K. HLAKE, Principal. May 21 Hit.)5 worth Female Seminary, GREENSBORO’, N. C. ^pHE Nineteenth Annual Session of this Institution X ■'vill commence on the -^d of .\ugust, 1S5H. The course of study is thorough and systematic, em bracing everything nece.ssary to a complete, solid and ornamental education. The HUlLDINCiS are so ar- rangeil as to combine the comforts of a home with the advantages of a School. Instructors t)f the highest (pialitications are employel in each of the Departments. TERMS: IJoard, including washing, lights and fuol, J>er session of five nuinths, Tuition in the regular classes, 20 (.«» Catalogues coiuaining all necessary information re specting the course of Instruction, Terms, .'ic.. will be forw.'irded on application to RH’HARD STERLlN(i, Principal, Greeusborough, N. C. June ■] 20-2mpd ST. ?lAKV>rM'HO«l., RALEIGH, N. C. Risrht P.ev. THOS. ATKINSON, D. D. Visiter. ^ Rev. ALDERT SMEDES, D. D. Rector. '^PHE ;!5ih TERM of this SC’HOOL will commence I .IL'LV Sth. and continue till Deceu>ber ;!d. For a circular containing full particulars, apjdj' to tlu‘ Rector. June 1 1. 2:;-:^t Tlie Walton lloii^e, .MOlKiAM’UX, N. (’. ^I'^lllS stiperb New Hotel has gained the repu tation of being a FIRS’!’ ('L.\SS HOUSE, :iiid second to none iti the State. As an evi- • h'tice of it. I reft-r to the many favorable notices by the I'res-' of the .''late, and the very litteral patronage re ceived. It continues o]>en (.nkvkk h \vin(! hken ci.oskh,) and its gue'ts may rely u]>on the reputation of the House Iteing sustained. I have arrangements made to be kejit Mipiilied regularly with fresh Fish from Nor- ullv pureha-iers, iiiit would ]ire- I f,,lk and Newberti: in fact with evei’y delicaj^' usuii r. .\pply to Tln>s. S. Lut- ; fi.und at first class HoteN. , C. s. BROWN & CO’S STAGE OFFICE liaiiil aiii«l \\ €»04l* •)/**^ .Vl'RI!.^ of L.WD lying iili the Fayetteville .V We-^tern I{. R. 7 mih'' from Town. Cord-J I’lNE W(H>D cut and ]>iled. All for -alt ch(“a]i to close the c(>ncerii of r. E. Roberts \ Co. Aj.ply to .1. H. RKRERTS \ ’(>. .lune 2ii. Is5'.i. 21if is at this House. Their Fuur-horse Coaches run to the head of the W. N. C. Rail Road on Monday s, Wednes- davs and Fridays, and to .\shevil1e. Tuesdays. Thurs days and Saturdays. EXTR \ ('(t.VCllES AN1> H.VCKS ready at any hour and for any point. C. S. P.RuWN, 1‘rojirietor. .June 11, 185‘.i 2:’>-St lloii^e and l>ol t*or >»ale. ^PlIAT neat and comtortable DWELLING HOLSE and I 1 L( t'l’. oil .\n li street, is for t.ile. It contains six j rooms, and is in good repair, wiih all necessary out- ; hiai'cs and a Well of good water in the yard. It is con- j venient to the busine's jiart of the town. Atiy inform- i aliou iu regard to the almve {>roi>erty can be had by callitiir on H. (iraham or R. W. Hardie. C'sill aiiid Millie LL thosi> iiitlebied to me bv Note o up. Account will ket .'^nuare. and s»‘tib‘ uji. In niy absence Mr. T. Newtierrv will attend to collections :ind give receijits H. GRAHAM. June 1, 1S50. Mlafe IEoikN for I'.t-liw f»*ale. IT.\TE Coujion Ronds, (Coujion rk, on the 1st .\pril .and 1st i>clobcr.) in (nanii UT.' V J V ties to suit, li.ank. .lune Ajjjily ;it the I’ranch if the ('ape Fear A. M.-LEAV. lUlf 0 1^0 II'. •• I'lihnl," ill e.Mia 'ctts knivt's. and i^oK s,mm.m: NE 21 inch 1‘l.aning .M.uchitn good running order witJi twi all complete. ■\l'o. one good •■matcher ' or tongueing and grooving Maciiiue. for tlooriiig or ctnling, which does excellent work and is in good order. Will be 'old low on accom modating terms l>y O. i. I’AIL'SLLV M CO.. Wilmingitiii, N. C. June 1. I'.'-lut I'OU SAI.K OK RKN i\ (’ONVENIENT DWELLING HOUSE, on Hayinount. near Mr. .1. Thomson’s. For particul.ii' eii'iuire ot J. G. SHEl-IIKRD, Es.j., or A. M. CAMl’RELL. Mav 7. '.ttf A R'l TAKK.\ I P, ^1' VKEN u]> and committed to the .Jail of Cumberland 1 CountV on the 15th inst , a NEGRO iU)V, named JOHN 15RACE or JOHN FRANKLIN, who says he is free, iitid. that he came from ('olumbia. S. C. .Tohn is small, a bright mulatto, and had on when ftiken ii]i a white wool hat and steel-mi.xed frock coat and pants. The owner of sail Negro is notified to come forward, jirove property, pay charges, and take him iiw.ay, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. GEO. L. McK.W, Jailer. Oct'r 15, IS58. T)5- i r ~ VND committed to the .Liil of Cumberland (.'ounty, in Ihe 7ih iiisi., a negro boy by the name of RICU REN, about twelve years ohl, who says he belongs lo .lames Taylor 6f Patrick county. Va., and was hired to a Mr. Rattle, near Rock}' Mount. Edgecombe county, N. C. The ow'ner will come forward, prove propei'ty, jiay charges and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. GEO. L. .McK.W, Jailer, .lune H, 18ol*. 211f Secret lllslorj of the French Court, by Victor ('(.usin: .\daiii (iraeme, by Mrs. Oliphiint; Love .Me Lit- th;, Love Me Long, by Reade: The Science anil Art ot ('hess, by J. Monroe: Chess Hand Rook, by an Amateur; The .\rt of Extempore Sfieaking, by M. Baniain: School Books, &c. E. J. HALE A: SON. June 11. Chief Justice N.nsh says, ‘>I have looked through it— t is c.-irefiilly and well got ii]i. * 1 think to our Co irt it will be invalii.ible—.‘ind to the I’rofessioii eiiuallv so. 1' will save the labor of deciding the same ]ioiiits again and again: for there will be no excuse for ('ouii-iel not tieing apprised of jioiiits already ailjuilicated.” Getiileinen of the l>ar who have purchased and ex amined it. concur, so far as we know, in praise of it. For sale, with sets or volumes of North Ca rolina Reporis. and Law Rook* generally, by , E. J. H’aLE SON. I'IIrther Mii|»|ilie^ of* Hook^. M\' Thirty Years Out of the Senate, by M.ajor Jack Downing: liiilwer's Novel, “What Will He Do With It?” Rrownlow X Pryne's Controversy: Liglitsatul ShadowsofScottish Life, )>y Prof. Wilson; Ivric. or Little by Little: Sterne's Works: Longworih on the Grape: Kiji's l.enten .••'asl; Ruck's Theolog. Dictionary: Ruskin's Political l-^coiiomy of .\ri; Trejisiiry Plotting Paper: .'■School Rook-. \c. Just received, 1', .1. H Ai.l-^ .v S(>N. ' .\ew VoliiiiieK ol Supreme Court Keport^. IU.S r imblished. volume 5 Jones s Law Reports, and Volume :{ Jones's Eipiity Reports, of Decisions in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, For sale bv Fcb'y lU K. J. }IALE .Si SON', Chai)nian*s Sermons, sixth edition: the Metho dist by Miriam Fletcher: Life at Three .Score, by Rurnes: Songs of ihe P. E. (^hureh: The I’salmi't, with supjile- iiieiit: Cl.arke’s Commenfary. ,^c. .lune 11. E. .1. HALE X SON. Caiitu'etlS X. Carolina Jii!(tii‘e. ust rec’d. E. J. HALE & SON. ('orpoN r.o.NDs I'oK >\\a:. 'nill', NVestern R.iil Roail Coiii|»uiy lune lor sale iu : I ainouiit' to -nil purehM'er. S'iO.dlMI (d'tlu' ('oii]inii l>tiii(l if" tlu' ('oiinfv i>f , Cuinhe; land, bearing 7 per cent, iiil ‘n-'l. j.ay.alile M-ini- aiinually on Wie I'l .lune and Isi of .DfxeiiiUer. and niu- ning 2(1 years. ol’ tho (’t»u]ioii Homl.s of the 'I'owii ul ' Fayetteville, bearing Ii ]ier cent, interest, pay.ible semi- ■ annually on the 1st .lanuary and the 1st >f .Inly, and ! running 20 year';. These bonds were issued in accord:>nce wiih law to ! ' the Western Rail Road Co., to pay the County and Town subscriptions res]>eciively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the j price the ('>. is ^(dling t-ieiri\ a better investment than | any Rank Stock in the SL.te. I For terms a]>}>ly to C. 11. .M.VLLETT. Es|.. Pre' t. or i to .INO. ,M. RO.'^E. rr(-;i-'r Western R. R. Co. Favetteviiie. Feb'v 2>. 1S5S. S'.'tf ( Aitoi.iAA rrv HOTi:i.. I'AKKOTT A ME\VBOIt\, Proprietors. inagniticent Hotel has been enlarged lo nearly I double its original size, an adilition of eighty-eight feet having been ailded on Railroad street, thus pre- st'niing an impo.'ing front imniedialely in view of the .\tlantic Ocean. The veranda of this Hotel (which is three stories high) fronts towards the Ocean two hundred and eight een feet, affording a T*i'oiiieiia«le. From this stand point, the beholder can scan the Ocean in the South, Rogue Sound in the South-west, the Har bor with all its ship])ing. Fort Macon and three Light- llotises in the South-east, att'ording a range of s€kki:kv, is scarcely elsewhere to be met with. The superintendence of this Hotel will be in the h.inds of Mr. H. ER.V.MRERT, ; formerlj’ of the Fay- eiteville Hotel.) whose taste and skill so eminently ijujilifies him tor making .all the guests feel as if they jiayable iu New j were at home. I The best servants the country conld afl'ord have been I secured. i Those who stop with u« will never be at a loss for Kecrealioii aiil I'liferfaiiiiiit'iif. ; Our Steamboat will make regular iri]is lo Reaufori* i the Inlet, tlie Fort, and often on extra excursions, while our R.W'D OF MU.''|C will be ever ••discoursing sweet . sounds" to the ears «^f tJ)i>se who s]i,ill favor us with : their conii>any. Our R.\R will furnish choice liijuors of .all kinds; our RILLIARD I’OOM is iu gnod oriier. and our ROWL- : ING .M.LEV will be constaniU'open tor the entertain- : meiii of tho.'e who have a taste for these healthful ex- ' iTcise'; and our RE.\DIN(! ROII.M will contain files of tliebi't newspapers, iiuig.azines, and periodicals jiub- lish.-d. The sick will find our IS \ T Ii: \ ii ii o 1'^ a matter of great comfort and a helji to better health. We feel .assured that in every respect we can give entire satisfaction; we shall, al letisf. sji.ire no jiains to do our wliole duty, all our guests may receive all jios'iblo .itteniion. 'r.\Kl'. NOflCF.I .\s the train arrives after dark e.acli evening. )m"-soiis going to I’.eauforl will do well to ' 'top over Tiigiit at Carolina Cit_\. as they can be con veyed. wherever they wi'h logo, the next dav. in a ^•tl■:lmllo.^t or s.iil-bo.ils. and thus be saved the trouble ot a disagreeable night trip across the water. TER.MS: •S2 a Dav; S12 a Week; S-Kl a .'lonlh. PARROTT MEWROPvN. Carolina Cilv. May 5, lS5‘.t 12-2m TriiNtec‘% R. VLl, persons h.aving debts (|m- against Willi.ini .McKenzie must jiresent iheiti to me at my Slort- in the town of Clinton, on or before Thursday tlie 11th of .\iigur-t next. Having l>eeii :ip]H>int«>d Tiusteo by .'.aid McKeii/.ie. for the bcnelit of his cTcdiiors. 1 will on the aforesaid day. make a final iirraiiirenieiit of said (h“bis. so far as there are funds in iny haii'ls so to do, and ae- Cordinsi to Ihe jirovi:’ions of the Trust to me exeeiitcd, T. M. LEE. Tvusiee, .1 line 17, 185'.i 2 It ,\ 11 Keusii'd. I WILL pay .':r25 reward foi- the .ipprefieusion and con- tiiiemeni in anv j lil. so that I g(“t him again, of mv I l)oy REl'PiEN, wlio ranaway till' 1st May hl'l. Reuben is about :'.o years oM. altoui 5 .feet S or 10 inches high, dark color, will weigh 150 to Ki.5 lb'., small eyes, very lliiek lips, and has a smai? .'ear on the back of one of his hand', near the root of ti'ie thumb. .\nd I will pay a further rcwaid of Sloo fm- proof >ufVi- ciont to convict any white person of harboring s.iid boy or seducing him from hoiiie. JAS. C. McEAl’llIN. Laurinbiirgh, Richmond co.. ,\, C...lune l'’> [2ltf \Va;;oii'*! %\'a;;oii.*>!! IW.'.NT to hire five or six Teams, imme iiaiely. for which I will pay a very high ]irice. •I.VS. (!, ('OOK. .lune It'i Webslei'N Elementary M|>ellin;;r Book, for sale by E. J. HALE i SON, T Wi:*^! TA\ l>!! iWILL .allrnd at Hie Market House in the Town of Fayetteville, on i RID.W. THI'; 1ST D.W OF .II LV next, for I Ih^ pur post* of coUci-iing the Taxes due, on subjects taxed without being listed, viz: — Circu' Riders, Stage Players. Itineranl Singers, In surance ('om]iaiiies. P.aiik .\geiicies, Rrokers, Express Coni]>ai.ies. Rilliard Tables. Rowling .\llej-s. Livery Stables. Dentists. Portrait Painters. \'endors of Playing (’aids. I.ighlning Rols, .Auctioneers. .Merchants. Ready- -Made I’iotliing. j’aleni .Medicities, Peddlers. For the benefit of those engaged or interested in either branch of the above bu.'iio-ss, I append the S7th Section ot the Revenue Law, from which Hiev will di-eover what the penally is for non-payment of their respective Taxes: ••Ski'. Every person that shall carry on any busi ness intended to l>e taxed, as p>r schedule R., without h.'iving previously received a liceti'e as renuired. shall, in addliioii to tlu* taxes, forfeit and |iay otu* hundred dollars, to be Collected by distrc-'S or otherwise, bv the slieritf. one-half to his own use. and the other half to I he usi> of I he St ate.'’ HI.('TOR McNElLL, SherifJ. June 15, 1S.->'.I ll.*icaiilay'’« IJ% e^ of‘l*iff and Fp*ed- erick the (iii-at: RIIRDI'.R \\ .VR. I)v the author of ^Vild Wesl«*rn Scenes; H(tl, RS \\ I I H ,M\ PI PI I..'', bv Mrs. Lincoln Phe'jiS' THEISM A.\D SKEPTICISM, liv Wharton; THE CONVALESi KN'I'. 1-y N P. Wllli.s; Nl'.W P.V'I’l-^NT .Sl.R.MoN.'' and Machine Poetry, by Dow. .luu'r; THE Cl LPRIT F.\Y. f>y Josej>h Rodman Dr.ike; INDl.V RI RRER PENS, Thermometers, Card Pencils, iVc., \e. .lust received. E, J. HALE .V SON. May IS Rlank lfiook*« an«l Writin J^^URTHLR supplies just received at the May 11 Ink. FAVETTEVILLE ROtJKSTORE.

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