R I V . II L Y - I s n WiiI.S, 1 ill. ■•, IV tlu‘ Ir ntli ri ’l, 1 i 1.- (It. 1 •• '!=■ r shij.|,ii,. I \ > i ■ / W\v, N Y ^1.** 1.-P- . I.-,,., »\ \\ ! Tv , lion i* Sp ii, -t with ' .j, .t. ( . . w ^Ol'k, IMiila. Ll>t. ■•IIH I - . [>!lSJfs 1 lit I i ■ - 111 rtts ill II...-: lil or :h, ; nr l.ilt'n Vo !f cull. TN, Wil" ■ J .V Sc ’N. IIKTk. , Vol. I. 1 K*l; - : fthf f.K 1.-; I. iiK. ■ . sh > V. \ 1' 1 tin- rv»*ri,' tu tl:. . , t t.r I: If-* (■ . 1 al . y 111 IFAIT SEMI-WEEKLY. f\()L. Mil.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JUNE 30, 1859. [NO. 827.] PRINTKU MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. KDWARD J. HALE & SON, KDITORS AND PROPRIETORS f.'F till' Senii-Woekly Ou>k.uvkh $8 (X) if paid in aJvatu't'; ? ■’ •’>" if paiJ durinjf the yea’.- of subscrip- titm; 'r S4 afiar ilie year has expired, f r He Weekly Obskrvfr $2 CH) per aunum, if paid in iiiHu. f: ■?- ■)'' if paid during the year of subsorip- ri. n. T 5’> 0'> nfter the year has expired. VDVKRTlSlvMENTS inserted for 00 cents per ,, ;:in pf l‘‘ the first, and 30 cents for eacli »p«>'lication. Yearly advertisements by spe- . ilir.'ii't.'. at reasonable rates. .\dvertisers are r, ,ue>;>'i ‘ number of insertions desired, or ,'v wi'l bo I'otitiniied till forbid, and char(];ed accord- | Ai't'ViiM'V.'.i'i'fs to be inserted irnsidr, charged '>0 por Sl-KCIAL NdTK'E. [■'; lii ;iiid after this date, no name of a new subscriber eiiterel without ]>Hyment in aiivatu-e, nor will ■ ;i(>r b>' >ent t.' such subscribers for a longer lime • j;; ■- f.>r. I iir old sub>oribors as desire to take the pa- ;,r I; iii r^ystom will please notify us when making 1. IS.'jji. FAVETTEVILLE MITIAL INSrRAi\CE COMPAM. ASSETS $254,618.62. 'iMllS I' ;;;pany has been in operation more than six [ .T'. and has paid its fire losses, amounting to J4>7 without any assessment: insuraace averug- - liii iiibors about ^ percent. At iiiii >f property now insured. \:: niiit premium notes now on hand. •J47.7:i8.06 DlRtTORS. hotel, T WADDILL, Proi’rietor. This, the most commodious Hotel in Noith | ^ (’arolina, fronting 300 feet on Hay 1 (’arolina, fronting 300 feet on Hay and Donaldson Streets, located in the centre of the business portion of the town, and surrounded by all the Banking Houses, Wholesale Merchants and princi pal Prmluce Dealers. JOSEPH BAKER, Jr., ATTORI\EY \T LAW, H.\S taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law Office on Green Street. He will attend anl practice in the C’ounty and Superior Courts of Cumberland, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. convenient pal Prmluce Dealers. tteir Business men will find the Hotel and comfortable house. All the Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville, (^ct. 1. ltr)8. 51- S11K M W I^I.l. IIOUSK, KAYETTKV1I/I>K, Kii.st si)/i‘ nf (t'rcrii Strrrt, a few du(jVA Xorth of the Morkct. ^HK Subscriber desires through this medium i to ackowlelge the liberal )atronage bestow- ct==JUi ed upon his House the past year—and as he lias just erected New Stables and ('arriage Slied conven ient to the Hou.se and to water he takes pleasure in say ing to his jiatrons and the public generally, that he is still prej'ared to accoininodate them with ti^nsient and permanent boartl, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore received. Every ex ertion on his pjirt shall be used to render them comforta- lile during their sojourn with him. His table is alwayn supplied with the best th« market afforls. P. SH EM WELL. March 24, 18.')8. 8tj-tf WAY.\E HOl’KE, GOLDSBORO , N. C. The undersigned annouiices to the public that he has taken charge of the above Es tablishment. and is prepared to accommodate Boarders, by the day. week or month. And he assures all who may favor him with their patronage, that he will endeavor to give perfect satisfaction. Table supplied with tlie best the market aflfords. JAS. G. SMITH. Goldsboro’, Jan'y 28, ISij'J 84-lyr March 23, 1853. r'jtf THO. C. PXTLLBR, ^'Mttftrueif nnii Cottnsellor al i^air, OFFICE at Eocles’s Bridge, recently occupied by James Banks, Esq., Fayetteville, N. C. Jan’y 1, 1857. P. J. NIAXLAIR, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., WILL practice in the Courts of Robeson, Cumberland, Harnett and Richntond Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to hin. Feb’y 185'.> 8r.- Law ]\otlce. l.VMES L. li.VlNES and son E. .J. (J.VINE.S, will, in future, practice law in copartnership, in the ('oun- ties of Montgomery, Stanly, Anson and .Moore. They may be addressed either at Troy, N. C., where E. J. Gaines resides, or at Norwood's N. C. Troy, April 7, 1850. 4tf I III • II LOVERD ELDRIDGE, *§ttorneif at MjUw^ TILL attend the Courtu of Johnston aud Sampson iV Counties. Smithfield, April 15, 185G. WESTERN ROAD. . MoNeill, 1. V Kay. H L ^ly^ove^, .' \V Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N A. Stediuan, ' J. Hinsdale, T S Lutterloh, 'Vm McLaurin, A CE, .i«i r l!l>i *olii Mo thi- rev- ■e all lie II ■I ii; tin- ’ iWfli n V' ■d hi iiiii urt- ,i-- ■ase^i. l.-» h. bet w ull >’ s. T. Hawley, W. N. Tillinghast, A. McKethan. J. D. Williams, Jas. G. Cook, A. W. Steel, Jas. Kyle, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F, Brown, Wilmington. E. Hall. Wilmington. OrnoEBS: GEO. McNEILL. President. D. A. RAY. Vice President. I Mc.MILLAN, Secretary, in ■ !!ins and f C. McCrumuien. Travelling Agents. Ifc^The (’onipanv invite applications. \Uy I'.*. 185y. ' 10V THE AORTH C AROLIAA MlTl AL LIFE LNSIRANCE COMPAXY, ’ 'W t: , toutli year of successful operation, with ■ liiT capital and firmer hold upon public con- ontinues to insure the lives of all healthy per- 'ii 14 t‘. t il years of age. for one year, for seven lii'iT. rlit'e—all life members sharing in the profits. ' In.m lU to 60 years of age are insured for r f"r five years for iwo-thirds their value. A.. ".•> ftvf punctually paid within 90 days afler F ‘r further information the public is referred to Agents ^ -.mpaiiv in all parts of the State, and to I If W.attle. 8errets N |N and after Monday, 22d day of November, the Freight Train will run REGUL.\RLY between Fay etteville and McClenahan's Station; leaving Fayetteville every morning at 7 o’clock and returning at 1 o’clock in the afternoon of same day. Consignors are re«iuested to send tickets with articles, stating consignee, destination, \c. W. A. KUPEft. Chief Eng’r & Sup't. Whenever the amount of freight may require, an ex tra Train will leave Fayetteville aud t^turn in the afternoon. Nov'r 22, 1858. 65- RUL ROID m\W. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. yotf J. R. HI LLA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ASHHHOKO’, N. (\, IITILL attend the Courts of Randolph. Moore, Mont- Tf gomery, Davidson and Guilford, and promptly' at tend to all business entrusted to his care. March 10, 1859 ‘JO-Om JfWedical •ITotice* Dr. H. a. McSW.MN has taken an office on .\nderson Street, in the rear of Messrs. Ray & Pearce’s Store, where hs can be found by those desiring his professional services. August 24, 1858. H. GRAHAm, € 0,H.liMSSI0Jy .H WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL give prompt and personal attention to all con signments of Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, Tar and Turpentine, and all country produce for sale. Office up stairs, over the store of Mr. Vonglahn. and joining Lutterloh’s Wharf, North W'ater street. June 23. 25tf T. i\ & B. ii. WORTH, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y 28, 1859 84tf WM. H. tiirlin;ton, o III 111 i M K i o II .Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C., 'IIJ'ILL give prompt and persotial attention to all con- VV signmenta of SPIRITS TURPENTINE, ROSIN, TAR, ('OTTON, FLOUl'. ami other country produce, either for sale or shipmeiit. My wharf and warehou.ses being conveniently located for the reception of produce, either by Railroad or River, enables me to make charges light. Nov’r 8 tf 40tf Dr. K. A. BLACK, OFFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. 8. J. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. Feb'y 1850. J. wielia:?! PA>iE, n. PITTSBOROUGII, N. C. 70tf II., W. H. ALLEN.] [J. M. CLARK. ALLEN & CLARK, C'oiiiiiiiMsioii .^ercliaiitM, WILMINGTON, N. C. DE.4LERS L> LIMK, PLASTER, ( KMEM, HAIR, Ac. Agents for Rush i Orrell’s Line of Steamers. |)ROMPT personal attention given to consignments o 1 Naval Stores, Cotton or other Country Produce, for sale or shipment. Jan’y l'., 185H. 8]- WILLIA.TI IK .UAHA, Mtispertor of .Viwrr#/ Stores, WILMINGTON, N. C.. Will pay strict attention to all business entrusted to his care, and solicits a share of public patronage. ORloe in Hall's Biiildins, No. 43, (up stairs,) >ortli Water Street. April 8, 1859 4-Onios JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. i: o n niHsi o a A N I> Forwarding Merchant, \%*ilminstOHi *V. C. J»n'v 1859. ary. Raleigh. Fayetteville, N. ('. P \P ortf Ink li ii ■ ATLAATIC ni Tl AI. Fire and Marine Insurance C >mpany, IWKOLLVA CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. jr rat'I 1/1/ an of the Le^i.'ifature of y^orth ( 'ii rulin a. T:i.' CU.MP.\NY being duly organized, is now pre- 1 ; irei ■ receive applications for insurance upoL Butldlii:;!), Merchandise, Furniture, Mills, Manu- f:icturie». Ships and their Cargoes, Al.. X -I kinds uf property, at remunerative rates of I; i' aimed in the organization of this Company, to - ke a-af; medium for Indemnity and Protection to --I'.re l :n ca.ie of Loss. An honorable and upright .r-e of dealing, and a faithful fulfillment of its con- ' : w;i’. at fill times characterize the business of the \ my. .\pr''.ii’ati'.ns for Insurance may be made at the office -e mpany. or to its authorized Agents. DIRECTORS. • n A I':irr«'tt, William S Long, '>j£le=by, David W Bell, B jranr, A B Chapin, : ."t Jones, Samuel LelTers, Liiil, Joel H Davis, T - J r.lakely, D A Hargett, ' li;.n;kman, E Mallet t. OFFICERS 1 A f’drpdtt, ^ • •1 T Uj; ,.,hy. Lutie, NEW, niEAP, .\ND EXPEDITlOrS ROUTE FOR Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. MEKCH.ANTS and others about purchasing their Fall and Winter Supplier, are rei|uested to imtice, that by the completion of the North Eastern Hail Ko»d fro*r I'l’utRoute from the Seaboard has been opened to them. All freight consigned to the care of the .\gent of the North Eastern Rail Road will be forwarded FREE OF COMMISSION. No charge will l>e made for Storage at (.’heraw. .\11 gools will be taken care of in the ('oinpany’s Warehouse until sent for. schedule of charges for transportation of freight will be found at the Post Office. S. S. SOLOMONS, Eng'r and Sup’t. •Aug. 3, 1858. 34-tf Dr. P.AGE may be found at his office when not pro fessionally engaged. May fi, 1857. 5tf EEROl^ H. .ncnAAAEA, n. D., H.WINQ located in Bladen County in the immediate neighborhood of Dr. Jno. S. Richardson, respect fully offers his professional services to all who may favor him with a call. Being a regular gratluate of the Medical University of New York, and having followed the practice both in the Bellevue and New York Hospitals, besides having the advantage of two years experience in country prac tice, feels that these advantages should in some degree entitle him to the confidence of the atHictjjd. msTrumenfs, and will pay particular attention to those branches. He will keep constantly on hand a full supply of Medicines. Prompt and constant at tention with moderate charges. June 8 21-2mpd Dr. R. ^»€OTT now perma nently located in Fayetteville, and offers his profession al services to the community. (Jffice two doors east of the market—formerly occupiefl by Dr. Benbow—where h« can be found during his regular office hours, from 9 o’clock A. M. until 1 o’clock P. M.; LUTTERLOH’S LINE. 3 June 3 P. M. P. M. 20tf ‘! "Hipson, * iiJipin, ■■jrun’. i President, Vice President, Treasurer, .\ttorney. Secretary. QTEAMER “F.VNNY” leaves Fayetteville every Mon- ilay and Thursday morning, at 15 minutes after Sun- ri.^e: and Wilmington Tuesday and Friday, at o’clock, —carrying passengers and freight. Steamer “SOUTHERNER," with a full complement of Flats, makes one or more trips per week, as circum stances may require. The accident to the Steamer “ROW.\N” will be re paired in a few days. She will then take her jilace in the line. T. S. LUTTERLOH. Oct’r 4, 1858. 51-tf D. & AV. McLAlRIN, WOULD invite attention to their large and desirable Stock of GROCERIES, Consisting in part of— 150 liaj^s Kio, Lafruira and Java Coffee; 100 Bbls. und Ilhds. Sugar (assorted;) 25 Ilhds. Molasses; •SO “ IJacoii—Sides and Shoulders; 50O Sacks Salt; 150 Boxes jrood Tobacco; 125 “ Sperm, Adamantine & Tallow Caudles; 50 “ Soap (assorted;) 50 “ (’andy “ 100 Bags Sliot 1000 U.s.'Har Lead; iiO i libls. Snuff—Eaj'lo Mills; 25 Keirs Soda; 250 Nails. —ALSO— A large and general assortment of Hardare aiitl Cutlery; Fariiiirijr Utensils, of all descriptions; American, English, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, German and Cast Steel; Blacksmiths’ Tools; Coopers’ Do.; Corn Shellers aud Straw (’utters; liuckets, IJrooms and Pails; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, (all kinds and quality;) Plow Lines and Bed Cords; • Hollow Ware; Cotton Varus and Sheetings at factory prices. •All of which will be sold low for c.asii, or on usual time to prompt paying customers. Coi XTRY MKRcn.^NT.-i are r%^peclfully requested to call anl examine our stock before purchasing else where. D. ic W. McL.\URlN. March 3, 1850 9:’,tf Favelteville COPPER FACTORY. \l A. B.\KER will continue to manufacture TUR- xH, PENTINE STILLS at the shortest notice and on the most favorable terms. All work warranted to be well done, and as low as any other shop in the State. Jobbing of all kinds dotie at the shortest notice. He has on hand, just finished, one new Turpentine Kettle, that will work 15 barrels, worm and cap all in complete order,—to be sold on the most favorable terms. Also, two second-hand Stills, one that will work 20 barrels; also four that will work 40 barrels: and two new Whiskey Stills, one that will work 50 gallons, and one that will work W gallons. All those that are in want would do well to give me a call soon. All kinds of Copper work done at the short est notice and for a small charge. Call and see for yourselves at M. A. Baker’s Copper Factorj', opposite the Post Office, Fayetteville, N. C. June 27, 1859. 26-3t carom:va citv STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. 1'^HE undersigned have been appointed by the General . Commissioners in Salisbury, to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the above Company, and have prepared a Subscription Book, and are ready to receive the same, on application to J. M. Rose, at the Rail Road Office. A A. McKETHAN, J. M. WILLIAMS, J. A. AVORTH. JNO. M. ROSE, Commissioners. Fayetteville, N. C., June 20, 1859. 25tf ’rompt personal attention given to all ('onsign- ments. and (’a^h advances made on Proiluce to b4 shipped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12. 1855. (17tf WILLI.Wl J. PRICK, fiisfferlor of J>'aval Stores, WILMIXGTOX, X. C. Jgig^ Solicits the patronage of his country frienils and all others engaged in'ihe Turpentine business. Of lire >iortli Water ^Ireel. Nov r 22, 1858. t;4-lypd F. M. BIZZELL, G ROOKR. 1_NII ^ WILMINGTON. N. C. I)ROMPT anil personal attention given to the reception £ of all kinds of country produce, either for sale or shipment. Orders for groceries fr«m cdxh customers will receive immediate attention, free of commissions. Nov. 19, 18-38. 64-Iy I DE ROSSET, BRO\V> & CO., | 3 ? 1 \V1LM1X(JT0X, X. (\ ir »y liaii- \IcK. h) llor«‘ Wfi- L ’Sll) j E .S; - > Ollir T;il.i astih- iiid I 1C p. •: - DOk’*. lire \y Ru . -r: .V ier>. X s •alioii**- HM* : \ - »rlli « :•- ■est J u^ k*>loiie. .\tta' ut. a & .’0:> EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. T l.»s FITTISttS -i-nljtTs will t>« ]\EW Lli\E. iff, FIXTIRES. prepared l>y tlie middle >f -apply every description of Buildings.— Fiictories, with all the neces- ( IvK.'i. fur the introduction ofi.\S. - I ••' .n-tHiitly engaged in the Vju»iness of build- ■ ill thi.- ami other States, we of courne ■ I ’ ' iiig 'in a largu slock and sell on more • '• ’t-riii-. tiian others. Our btock will include “•-I''. iVndents. Brackets, (ilass, «Sic. *■ -• i leasei the works for five years, it will be of those re'iuiriiig such fixtures to get itii'c ujiiin us will fall the care of them, in repair. &c. For this purpose it is i iii' -icst and ideasure to emuly none but tiie ir Jiii-i-nce for a fr-w weeks, all who wish to have ■ uitroduijed into their buildings, will please ■‘'II' with .Mr. W. N. Tillinghast, who will 1 ii*:c-~ary information on the subject. It is ' ’ ' I] iw H-' eiirly aa possible, so that the Fi.x- .■ bi,- introduced at the same time with the con- ’ till,' W(jrks. and thus all may light up simul- 111.WE associated with me. in this line, Mr. John K. Uailey. :ind will .>*lyle the firm ORRELL & D.VILK^ . We have purchased the Steamer Sm TiiKRNKK, and in a few days, will have a NfW F’lat. emjdo^'eil with her. Those favoring us with their jiatronage tiiay rely upon jirompt despatch, by applying to -Mr. Dailey on board, or to m« at mv office. R- >RRLLL. H. -M. ORRKLI.. March 2tj, 1859 .lOilN K. I>.\ILKY. 800-tf DE.\TIJ!iTRY. Dr. j. D.WIS having decided on perma nently locating in the Town of Fayette ville, respectfully offers his services to the citizens of this place and surrounding country. In all the various branches of his Profession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is added a thorough Den tal education, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. All irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well as diseases of the mBulh. None tint the proper metals are made use of in the various operations. V.’harges will be moderate, that the benefits of the Profession may lie placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. Office over Hotiston'u Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all tiaies. May 1(», 1858. 9tf WORTH A: I TI^EV, Forwarding and (teneral ComniisMon Merchants, Fayetteville, .V. r. J. K. WORTH. (72tf) JOS. I TI.KV. R. yi. ORREI.I., TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. rnllOSE sending their Sjiirits Turpentine to me may 1 rely ufH)n it to have prompt and careful attention. My warehouses are fronting the wharves and near the river. Sept’r 13, 1858. 45tf \VAT€HES A JEWELRY, BROWN, DE ROSSET & CO., .v/;h^ voRk\ A CARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— Those persons for whom I have been attending to Banking business for years:—I am still willing to set^e you with the same promptness that I have always done; and to others that may want discounts. Pension business, &c.. ^i:c I offer my services, with a promise of strict attention. JAS. G. COOK. June 27, 1859. 2«tf 1' SKW A.M) DKSIR.^BI.K, RY June 10. WATERHOUSE & BOWES. 22-tf to .^olclierM’ %Vidowx. 'IIK ■ 'W- i)f .Mexican Soldiers, anI the Widows of ' ■ wlio I.IKK IN sKRVK'K in the war of 1812, can ]; ■ii'ioii- continued by calling on the under- njri (■-- having uiade additional provision for III. the iiianagement of your claims, and ‘il ■ orrie at once, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSE, A.gent for Pensions "'ill-, Jun« r.i, li58. l'.»- av^oiiw! Wa^foiiNl! I I.) hirn five or six 'I'eanis, iniiiiediutely, for ' pay a very high price. JAS. G. COOK. aiiiHelJ’tt C'aroliiia Ju»itice. ■ E. J. HALE Si aON. The .liew E«lition ol* Devereux & Battle’s Law Reports, Vol. I, I)E('EIVES the approval of those who have examined 11 •« (Jhief .Justice Nash says, “I have looked through it— t iii carefully and well got up. * * * I think to our Court it will be invaluable—and to the Profession ecpially 80. It will save the labor of deciding the same points again and again: for there will be no excuse for Couftsel not being ap}irised of points already adjudicatel.” (Jentlemen of the Bar who hav? purchased and ex amined it, concur, so far as we know, in praise f>t it. For sale, with sets or separate volumes of North Ca rolina Reports, and Law Books generally, by E. J. HALE & SON. Further ^>iip|>lie» of* RookM. My Thirty Years Out of the Senate, by Major Jack Downing; Rulwer’s Novel, “What Will He Do With It.'” Brownlow & Pryne’s (Controversy; Lightsand ShadowsofScottish Life, by Prof. Wilson; Eric, or Little by Little; Sterne’s Works; Longworlh on the Grape; Kip's Lenten .•■’ast; Ruck’s Tlieolog. Dictionary; Ruskin’s Political Economy ol -\rt; Treasury Blotting Paper; School Books, i'vLC. Just received. E. J. H.VLE & SON. . — - (’lironolu;;} of >orth ( arolina, from 15S4 to 1858 by D. K. Bennett. Just received. ot. 21. E. J. HALE & SON. J AS .1 orv T. HOIS T SfCCKSSOR TO M. HE AS LEY. ALSO, K LOT OF FLVK DOIBLE-BARKKL «UXS, AT RKDUCKl) PRICKS, by JAS. T. HOUSTON. March 1, 1859 TIN PLATE, ^iiheet Iron, Iron Wire, COOKING «iTOVF:^ A:%I> Tl.>f-WAR i:. .Always on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. HOOFixc, a UTTERixa. And all kimls of Jobbing, done at short notice, by C. W. ANDREWS. Market Square, Fayetteville. July 9. 27-tf BOOK-BINDING N all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch Small jobs when done must be paid before delivereil. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Opjiosite the Female High Scliool, Hay Street. May 14, 1859. 14-ly BR,tSS STn,1IJVEJl IVIRE. k GOOD supply of various No’s just received, which A ’articular attention given to the fr- ^ jg 5 sale of Naval Stores, Colton and other — 5 ^ produce. Aj>ril 16. 1859 ()-:'mospd JAS. T. FE I TEWAY, i'ommissiott •lMerchant, And Agent for Dawson’s Line Steamers, ‘Wilmington, N. C, Solicits Consignments of Nav.-il Stores. Colton. (‘oni. Flour. ,\l«o orders for (Jroceries. (’ottoii Bagging. I’ojie. Guano. &c. iSic. RKFKRS TO Jfihn Dawson, Esip, Wiliiiington, N. C., Dr. F. J. Mill, “ O. G. Parsley; “ Presiilent Commercial Rank. Dr. Thos. II. Wright. I’resiilent Bank of Cape Fear. I’. P. Hall, Esq.. Branch Hank of Slate of N. ('.. 'I'. S. Lutterloh. Fayetteville. N. C. •Ajiril 25 8-oin T. A. I-:. iu)HNsTi:ivr, •Mi^ent for Chirh'eriuf^^s M*iaiios, Of which he has always some on hand. Wilmington, N. C.. Oct’r 2, 1858. 51-lypd nOOTS ^ SHOM^S^ AT WnOLIvSALE. JNO. M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA, W I T II P. P. SHAW A: CO., ol AND 83 Dky Strkkt, Xkw York, 1 IT ILL be happy to see his Southerii friends at the W above establishment, where, either ]>ersonnlly or )iy order, they may be supplieil from an extensive and well assorteil Stock of Goods in tiiat line, gotten u]> exjiressly for the Southern trade. Nov. 29. IS.'.K. '>7-ly. PBTBR MALLETT WITH I). COLDEN MURRAY, GE ERAL C0MIVII33I0N MERCHANT, (> 2 South Strkkt, .VA’ir YORK. 32- July 29, 1858. 1000 June 18 BA(JS sale by COR.V, quality and measure good; for WORTH & UTLEY. •24- we can furnish low. May 2. D. & W. .McLAURIN. 10 tf !dOO ol Herring For sale, very low. 2tK> Bbls Herring, by GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO March 14 90 ]\EW 8PKi;\Cii GOODS. -m SK & • •Fames Kffle IS NOW RECEIVING A 1-AltGE SUPPLY OF DRY GOODS, H.VTS, SHOES, BO LT I X G (' LOT H S, c'tc., Cellar Falls Sheeting and Yarn at Factory Prices. All of which will be offereil B Y W II O L 1' S A L E O R R E T A I L. -\s low us the same quality can be had in this .'tate. March 1859. 94tf S'eeoitfi S^riuff Stock. STARR & WILLIAMS H .V\ E received and are now opening their second supplv of SEASOXABLK GOODJS, Comprising a splendid selection of the newest styles of Faiic'V and Mtaple Dry IjJooiU, llootM^ *^hoe!. HatM, ll«>o|» Kkirt^. Keady-llaile C lothing, With a large variety of NOTIONS, to which the atten- | STRICT ATTENTION PAIO To ORDERS. J. B. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. April 9, 1859. 4tf stvi^es! The Fajal, Everett and Havelock Hats! 4 LSO. a beautiful as.sortment of the LATEST STYLE S(.)FT H.A.TS ihigh anl low crown.) anl all the styles of the most elegant Hats of the season, can now be seen at the Bazaar. A. McRIMMON. March IG 97-tf lUore ]\'cw^ Goods! I AM just receiving my Spring fitock of Gootls in my line. They were selected in the Northern cities by myself, with great care, and bought on the most reason able terms, by which I am enable*! to offer the largest stock I ever before offered to the public, and to offer them generally At Crreatly Reduced Prices. FRUITS—Raisins, Figs, Prunes. Apjiles. Lemons, Or anges, Cherries. CiiiTants. SiC. PICKLES, JELLIES AND PRESERVES—a groat va riety: PEHFUMERIKS AND EXTRACTS of various kinds; FANCY SOAPS AND POMADES; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS—Fiddles, Druni-*. Fifes. Flutes. Ranjos, Giiitjir';. itc.; W.\LKlN(i ('\NI’S—of everv kind; RASKETS AND WILLOW WARE; HOBBY HORSES, ,S:c.; NUTS; FINE AND ('OMMON rANDH'.S; S VRDINES; FINE CK5AKS; S.MOKINC >S: THEWlNtJ TOliAl’t’O;, ('UACKEILS; FINE POCKET KMVKS; • large assoiiuient of PORT-MON.\lES. some verv nice; FANt’Y ENVELOPES, and FANCY GOODS. TOYS and YANKEE NOTl(>NS; .\n assortment of INDI.\ UURiSKIl GOODS; COMBS. WHIPS. FISHING TACKLE. The public are resjiectfullj' invitel to call and ex amine my stock. I have a great many lianilsonie tiling'^ that cannot fail to plea.-ie. JAS. R. LEE. Hotel Building. March 81, 18.'.9 1- RAC POKK, I'lMlf, Ar. LRS. NORTH CAROLINA RACON: •'ilHiO 11),^. lialtimorc Sides; 85H) “ Prime Leaf Lard; 25 Bbl“. Mess Pork: 25 do. Extra No. 1 and :! Mackerel: 25 do. *• “ I Heiring: 5tM) ll)s. Extra No. 1 Cod Fisli; 15 Ilhds. Prime Molasses. Just received, and will sell cheap for ca«h. W. ('. TROY. June 9. 1859. 21-Im NALHOA A.\i> TOAIil Y'^EllY SUPERIOR S.ALMON, selected especially f(U’ T retailing. 25 dc!/. Extra Beef Tongues. 3 Firkins Choice (Josheti P>utter. Just received at W. (’’. TROY’.*^, .lune 9, 1«59. 21-Im Vttroiinu €\ rPllE .Vilantic :md North Carolina Hailroad being now 1 completed to Beaufort Harbor. 1 have d‘termined to locate at Carolina t’ity for the purjiose of loing a Forwarding and General Commission and hojie by promptness aud .strict attention to merit patronage aud support. Being the .\geiit of Murray’s j Line of First Class Packets to ihis and Morehead City, i every etl'orf will be mailc to make this the cheapest and most expediiioiis route to New York. Vessels will l>e loaded and discharged al iiiy Wh;irf (adjoining the Rail- roal Wharf.) ami thereby save cartage and lighterage. Particular attention will be giveju to all *>rders, and to the sale aud shipment of Produce . WM. B. GRANT. July 29, 1858. o2-ly Webt^ter^M Elementary is»pelling^ Books. A further supply just re?eived. Jan’y 8 E. J. HALE & SON. REMOVED. ^pilE undersigned has removed his place of business to 1. the Store of George McNeill, F^sq. BEVERLY ROSE. • June 25, 1859. 2i-nt «.\ •'0.\«l«.\i^lEAT, Km\ t'(»r sale in quantities to suit, on most favorable terms, VFEW hundred casks LIME, of good quality and in prime order. Apply to BEVERLY ROSE. Ag t June 25. 1859. 2b-3t Dr. FRANK WILLIAMS’S KYK WHISKEY. t) MITCHELL has made arrangements with Dr. Frank Williams, to be constantly supplied with his celebrated RYE WHISKEY, which can lie had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Oct r 11, 1858. 53-tf Ice C'reaRi! lee CreaRi!! ^HE subscriber having lately refitted his ICE CREAM S.VLOON. at the Sliemwell Hou«e. will be pleased to serve the Ladies and Genllenien of Fayetteville and vicinity, on and after the 27th inst. The Saloon will be opened at 9 o’clock. A. M., and kept open until 10 P. M. j, SIIEMWELL. n{mi iro 1850. 8tf The S prejiared ^‘Anier. School ln«t.^^ to supply Schools ami Colleges with 1 Ct>MPETENT TE.\CHERS for anj' department. One of our firm is a Professor of Music, and will give especial attention to the selection of Music Teachers. REFERENCES: Dr. Lowell Mason. Prof. G. F. Root, Hon. Theo. P'relinghuysen, Dr. Wm. Curtiss. Limestone Springs. S. C.. H. B. Farrar, Tarborough, N. ('. Send for a circular. Schools supplied with Appa ratus. P>ooks. etc. « SMITH. WOODMAN & CO., S46 Broadway, York, K)9 Chestnut St., Phila. June 11 22-t»t JOHNSON’S PHII.OKOPHIC'AE eUARTK. 4 N ailmirable substitute for apparatus.” 1\ (Hon.) Thko. Frelinoihtysen. ]t> large Charts (each :>4x52 inches) embracing nearly Three Miititdred niaffraitis, adapted to all the Text Books relating to this br.anch of sillily. Every School should have them. Professor .'^ii.i,i.M.\N. Yale College, Rev. 1). Kki.sev. Cassville (Ga.) Feiii. College, and otiiers, have given liiein the highest ondorsemeiit. Price of the Tei: Charts, mounted on cloth, with rollers, $12 (lit l(t (M> 50 t i Ott with key Mounted on paper, with key. Rox for packing. Unmounted, with key. sent postjiaid by mail AC KNTS W .\ NT K D. In ordering Charts. .lune 11 give full directions for sbiiijting. SMITH. WOODMAN & CO.. I’lihlishers, 84H Broaiiwa'i. N. Y. 22- t;t 4000 KT.«TIO.\KRV. / loM'b. NOTE P.\I'ER. assorted qualities, some very \ chiMp: Steel Pens; Visiting Cards, ic., v*cc. June 18. E. J. HALE .Sc SON. .llaeaiilay‘’M Uve* ol'Pitf anil Ered- erick the Great: BORDER WAR. bv the author of Wild Western Scenes; HOUHS WITH m‘y PUPli.S. by Mrs. Lincoln Phe’ps; THEISM AND SKEPTICISM, bv Wharton; THE CONVALESCENT, by N P. Willis; NEW PATENT SERMONS and Machine Poetry, by Dow, .Itm'r; THE CULPRIT FAY, by Joseph Rodman Drake; INDIA RUI5BER PENS. Thermometers, Canl Pencils, Szp., SiK. Just received. E. J. HALE .S: SON. May 18 .^liMeelJaneoiiw Rookx. ^piIE .American Iloiiie Garden. illustT-aied. by Alex'r I Ujitson; The Old Plantation, by Hungerford: Sylvan Holt’s Daughter, hy Holme Lee; Self Made .Men, by Seymour; Episodes of French History, by Miss Pardoe; Kendall’s Santa FeTlxpedition; Miss McIntosh's Works; Percy .\necdotes; Lives of the (Queens of Scotland, by .\gnes .'^irickland; Barnes’ Notes on the Books of the New Testament: Literal Translations of the Classics: Abbott’s Life of Napoleon Bona])arie: \c. April 9 E. HAI E & SON. I^ife and l^ahorK of Rev. Daniel 15aker. D. D.; The .Metho(lisi. or Inciileiits ami Character^ from Life: The Pillar of Fire, by the author of the “Prince of the House of David ’: Morning and .Night Watches: Chapman’s Sermons, New Edition; : Memoir of Mrs. Shuck, hy J. R. Jeter; Testimony (d'the Itocks; Presbyterian Psalms and Hymns, in velvet, morocco and plain bindings: Baptist PsalniO'ly: fhe Psalmist; I Bibles, velvet, morocco and other bindings. I April 23 E. J. HALE & SON.