witL itilo ar I'Ur rl^ s Tri' As 1 ariuy Limbar (OBSERVER |.'AVKTTKVIIii7K. kvkmmj. jrxE [he iiuTohaiits aiiJ others in this , .,i'i cinrsp not overlooked Sheriff Mc- „r, >-1):; invitation to “walk up and settle,” \v til '-"' l>*>rtions of the public taxea . ..vtMf to him directly, without the ;iri V‘. to the maj^istrate ap- .,(■ ■ ..'ivini: ’.II the tax libts. The items thus iu Schedule H. of the ^ri' ••nihrai't' ao l.a". ini'lude— •1 other itinerant exhibiters; ■itiijpaii Hank agencies: brokers; ex liivcrpuol dates to the 18th depot of the W. & W. Rail Road several new li;„-.-The Am/,!.,:, new, i, u„i„,portam. The Au^triatis were retreating from Oglio, and j ‘ ' - tiif. Ilerala. The Next County Fairs.—W. W. Uol-1 A Fuol-Hardy Performanok.—A foreigner,' THREK 1>AYS LATER FROM FiTniOPK. I W. C. d-K. Railroad.—We notice the arrival den, Es|., hjus been invited to deliver the Address Monsieur Blondin by name, propofst'S on this tlay New VoKK, .lune 2S. of the I nbnttto, with a cargo of iron for the at the Fair here in October next. We have never ' to walk a rope across the Niaj^ara river, just above . . ^ A rahm arrived at Halifax to-day with days heard Mr. Holden, but have read his ])ublished tlie Falls. He has for sonjc time past been making speeches before Literary and Agricultural asso- prtjjia rat ions for the performance, and on 'I'hurs- ciations with no little pleasure. It is hoped and [ day last stretched his rope across the river. The Allies advancing The French troops were believed that the invitation will be accepted. Niagara Falls (lazctte gives the following account concentrating for a decisive attack. A grand, i\isn;U Crups. The Wheat crop is the largest The Duplin Agricultural Society hold their i of this operation:— battle was expected within one week. A naval that dwelleth in the memory of that oldest inhabi- Fair at Kenansville on Thursday and Friday, the “Mons. Blondin performed one ol the most dar- ‘h'uionstration in the Ailriatic was expected. we fear the recent rains will give wheat 17th and ISth days of November; and the Samp- i»g on record yesterday aftrfirnoon. With been superseded by «en. ‘sprout.’ Oats are looking well, and the son Fair is fixed at Clinton on 1st, 2d and 3d days ! ^e was engaged in putting across Austrian torces are mov.ng ^ ^ ..^op is promised that has blessed man , -tr 1 • I lartre cable uiwii which he is to cross the river. , beast in the last \'l \’ears. Lorn looks well. P'-‘'«»unis are The end of the cable was fastened to the end of | . mobilization of the Prussian army and Chronicle. of December next. offered in each County, indicating a gratifying success in the good work undertiiken by the asso ciations. ^ In SampHon, we notice such premiums offered. i.i' ii '; I'illiurd and bowling alleys; livery ] as SJO tor the largest crop of cotton on 5 acres of dentists, jtainters, i!tc.; dealers in j upland, not less than 1500 lbs. per acre; the same , ,i rn r> ot pla\ ing cards, and ot riding \e- | ^ l^^land cotton, not less than 1750 - ini er>^- inerchants ot all kinds; horse and’jacks; peddlers; putters up of I'"'’’ ^ acres of upland . n K; and i:vpsies. | corn, not less than 40 bushels each, and the same ’ iwiiiL p.'iraiiraphs of the tax law are of ^or lowland, not less than ()5 bushels per acre. 5:.,t,. and‘jencral interest:— ' In Duplin 830 is offered for the best acre ol l-'v.rv licensed retailer of spiritous li- j corn, not less than 100 bushels, and §15 for the w ■ i' ^'"rdials, or retailerof malt li»juors, best acre of upland corn, not less than 75 bushels. ; I f, In addition to this, such rctiiiler g]0 the best acre of (''otton, not le.ss than 2000 ti I amount of liquors, wines and cordials ,, oi,ic *11. ." i n, sehediHe A ot this act and pay the potatoes, not , iinji i>ed. loss than 400 bushels; iVc. &c. the I inch rope (already across) on the American : hostile attitude of (jermany cau«ed the | si-le, and machinery attached to the other end of ' ‘Tfl't'h and Sardinians great uneasiness. i .1 Locin;/ Spouse.—John Herbert >vas arrest- the latter on the C'anada side the small ro])c was ! were con«entruting for agrand attack, i ed in New Vork, Tuesday afternoon, for keeping a used to draw the large one over When the laf'-e j Napoleon asks for one hundred thousand men dog unmuzzled, in violation of ordinance. The cable had ))een drawn within 200 feet of the bank ! hesiet:e the Austrian forces. ’ magistrate imposed a fine of ten dollars, which it was feared the small rope would not prove | London Herald, publishing a dispatch as was promptly paid by Mrs. Herbert, who inform- stroni' enough to take it to land Had the rope | mobilization of six l^russian corji.'t (Variarr^ ed tlie justice that she did tliis to save the dog, broken, all the ])revious labor in *'ettiii»’ the first I >'^‘'"arks, that “of course this means war. The ad- but hoped it would not interfere with sending her one acro.ss would have been throwMi aw:iy’ ! ' Lord Palmerston to power has evidently : husband to jail; but this passing lancy was not “In this dilemma, Mons. Blondin attached a ' Prussia to take this decisive step, and to humored. l-,\ -ry merchant. luerch.int tailor, jewel- • Dividexu.—The Rank of ('larendon has de- drugLTi>t, apothecary, produce dealtr. , semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent, from merchant. t:ictor. produce broker, and 1; , 1 • , \ tl, r trader, who as principal, or agent for ^ix months, bee advertise- r :irri '' on the business of buying or sell- nient. ],. wnrcs or merchandise of whatsoever The Bank of Fayetteville also has declared a 1,'rri{'tion, and who i> not taxed on his semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent., payable on and at\er to-morrow. See adverti.-ements as to this and other matters. >i'iiieother paragraph of this schedule , f MU' per Cent, on the total amount of whether made in or out of the •r I’liali. "r on credit: FmvidtJ, That arti- wtli T manufacture ot this State, if New Locomotive.—The locomotive “('um- the >tate. and also articles the growth herland,” for the Western railroad, arrived here turt of adjoining States if brought into yesterday morning on the steamer Rowan. It ti f ^ale by the grower or manufacturer, weisrhs 20 tons. The company has purchased some additional freight cars from a manufactory at Portsmouth, Va.. and thev are now on the way. : 1.0 retjuired to be returned in the amount but shall be exempt from taxation. Kvi ry dealer in leady made clothing ; for .iiid ouo half percent, on total amount C’heraw a.ni) Coalfiei-ks Railhoao.—The Charleston Mercury this morning clo.es an ar ticle complaining of mail failures on the W.\’ M. Railroad, with the following item ol information as to this proposed Road: “Should the Coalfields Road ever be extended K !-rv persiMi who, for himself, or :is • • r lUi.'thct. 'ells patent medicines or nos- V till per cent, on amount of his sales. arc. XI we have said, arranged under 1^. :‘f which the act .says,— > Tlio >heriff shall annually collect the taxes ■ 1 • 1 1 . • •, , . I - 111 J * * V. ' to Raleitrh, we hope to receive our northern \nail ; : rth m this schedule, and grant to each , j 1 . > • 1 ^ ® more retrularlv. >V e are informed that the busi- - liiiiiu'the tax. a license to carry on his » m' 1 u- ■ l-- J ill / ness ot Col. .'lacrarlan, on hu present trip to hmr- . - until the first dav ot J uly next ensuing, . 1 • . . .1 • /• .1 ^ 1 i> .1 , , ' ■ • 1 ! ; land, is to purchase the iron for the track ot the ■t ;;j case' where the tax is on non-resident j ic 11 u 1 ’• , . 3 1 J -I Coalfields Road. :> in'laves, or horses an» muie drovers, in 1 no license shall be required. | The Tarburo’ Branch Road.—The sub- •. f‘ Miarkable change in one of the provisions scription by Edgecombe County mentioned in the r IloveDue law appears to have escaped the , ]a.st Observer has secured beyond all doubt the : itioe The first we heard of it was from j construction of the Road from Tarboro’ to the ,::^..i_'ent >heriff. who, wliile .studying the | Wilmington & Weldon Road. As usual tlie enter- .i • '.V days ag". with a view to a faithful prising Virginia towns, Petersburg ami Norfolk. ; ’aii 'e with its requirements, discovered that are making arrangements to secure the benefits of .ji rtax. which had been previously in- the road. Each place has subscribed several :• i amoii;: those to be paid directly to the ^ thousand dollars to the work—a scattering of ' rr ;i the l«t ot July, is now arranged under bread upon the waters to be returned to them L-iu.f .V. t«' be giL'tn in this year, and paid afler not many days. The Wilmington Journal, i:; -ar Schedule A says, noticing the fact, urges a subscription of 8.'),>U0 Ihe t'lii'iwing subjects shall be annually ][;.y the Wilmington merchants. I'hcro iri so much good sense and truth in the recommendation of the Journal, that we are a.. I ti taxed thp r fr ;; t-Duziierates lands, polls, and the vari- jtL r uiuall.v “iriven in” during ••the • T ..ty wurkini: days in Juiy, nu.> v. .. >^-.1! known, the taxes are payable the year in tempted to cony it-— , “M e learn that some t;^,oOO has been raised in each of the cities of Norfolk and J’etersburg Anions these we now find the towards the stock necessary to the construction of - the Branch referred to. Now, would it not be 1 » *1, C-* _ *1. . u ' {rood policy in Wilminsrton t) raise some sub- hvery resident ot the btate that brings , = . r 1, .. , 1 ° I scription to the same work.'^ Ihe af)sence of all t.ii- state, ur buvs from a non-resident, - ^ , , , 1111 , .1 • • r effort or recognition of tlie work here could hard- -.Lt-r L.y sample or otherwise, spintous liquors, , ^ ■ --- . / _ *1. . 1^ IV tail ,• 1 n r 1 . *v litu to impress the farmers of Kd^ecombe un- r curdiaLs for the purpose of sale, ten per ^ ."I. , 1 * r I ■ I. r favorably, as an opposite course would have a dif- -- ii the amount of his purchases, hverv , •, j ■ 11 ir t’i ■ i- .1.1 , ,, • • •* r ' ' ferent and more desirable effect, i here is a dis- ■ n.at buv' to sell aerain, spintous liquors, .1 u n r 1 1.'1 i * , ’i / ' I ■ .1 • ? u- position to turn the bulk of the hdgecombe I ot- T . 'jrdial? fruTff the maker in this >tate, his ^ 1 1 » • ..i , . c ton in this direction, and al.so to receive the iit. lui t T or commi-ssion merchant, five per , ,, r u 1 ^ v i- ^ v 1 • ■ ' i tur' hase^ j bulk of the large amount of fertilizers used in ' * r. 1 - 1 that county through the port ot Wilmington. .. -M ill.- to u-r that the effect of this change j 'j’jjjjj disposition would be strengthened by the t': tX’ iiipt iiijaor dtal» rs from tht pay- ! evidence of a friendly feeling which even a small tax at all (his year. If so, it will ; subscription here would show—say even S5,00O. : • -he receipts in this town alone about . , ,, n/m show a reeling and would be duly api»reciated. ad in the whole ^tate probably So ,0 0. ^t^jck would be merged in the general stjck ■ "... ta very serious matter for our worthy of the Company and .share in all dividends, while = arer, who we understand feeli quite as ' the name of all business subscribers would he anv >hortness of the State’s funds as ' known to the Edgecombe farmers, and could • , • w . only re*ult in the creation of good feeling.” ..1 a deficiency in his own. But it is pos- , 1 , ' I 1 V, 1 -1 How admirably all this would have applied to he Uiay be consoled by a general failure , , , r 1 ■ - r tl... auJ that'the tai willthui !■'“I™'!- " of S-’ooJ ■ 1 1 \\\- 'hall ee i feeling would have been produced by “even , a • 1 • .1 T • 1 * 1 a small subscription” from Wilmington: and how " I' anv thuiir said in the LcL'islature on the | ^ n- • • # , \ f I •/ u' ■ clearly “the absence of all effort or recognition of An\ rea.'on given for the change.' We, •' , , , fi i' 1 .p I 1 *1- I * I the work fat Wilmington] could hardly fail to 'aw n.'ir heard any thing about it. 1 et it 1 i- & j j • ; b. on di.'^cus.Hcd and a sufficient rea.son t r* member that there was no attempt in any >iuurtcr, to rcpijrt the di.scussions on reveiiufe law, or the results in detail of those i->sion.>. 1 his is to be reirretted, for it was a . 11 more important and interestin;^ subject uiany others which received more attention. f'X.iiiiining the original bill as introduced by ‘ Iriei. hairman of the Finance Committee, J •; M arranged there. If it were not that ■ .Mr I ries to be a temperate man, if not ‘ -i ranee man, we might suppose that the • >f the Letrislature were disposed to grant ; ‘Til. t,. their be.st friend. King Alcohol, to I' tany if not most of them were doubtless ' ; for th eir seats in that honorable body. cord to Ills body and went out on the small ro{>e the distance above named, and after attaching another to tlie cable clescended on a slack rope to the top of a tree which grows from near tlie water's edire. All this was done with the agility of a s(|uirrel and with no ai)parcnt fear. 'I'he cable was then landed and made secure. DuriiiL' the pcrfbrmancc of this hazardous feat, a large number of spectators looked on in uttc'r amaze ment. The performance is thtmght by those who saw it to be fully as difficult, and attended with quite as much danger, as to walk across on the large cable. Those who witnessed it, and have been more or less sceptical, now give it up—tlu'y have no doubt of his ability to walk from bank to bank—1,100 feet. “No doubt Mons. Blondin will accomj)lish the feat with the greatest ease, a'nd after the first trip across, continue to make them as often as he chooses. “Hundreds of people daily visit the grounds at each end of the cable, to witness the jirogress of the work. “The truys are now beinr fa.stened. Todothis M ons. B. has to go out on the cable to the places he wishes to attach hisguys; this is of itself a daring operation and is well worth seeing.’’ Llciffu Matches.—(’altiun.—The N. Y. Sun gives the particulars of several operations for a disease of the jaw bone, in whieh Dr. Mott and other eminent Surgeons of that city had removed the entire jaw bone of young women who had been engaged in working in a manufactory of lucifer matches. I’he bone was “perfectly rotten.” The disease is caused by inhaling the phosphoric acid u^cd in the factory, which finds access to the bone through any diseased t(K>th. The Sun adds, “We learned from the physi cians that the disea.>e is quiteconimon among those who work in match factories, and that it is dan gerous for any one who has diseased teeth to be employed in the manufacture of luciter niatche.. 'I’liey also state that the disease may be contract ed by tho.se who have disea.>ied teeth by lighting eiirars or a pipe with lucifers. and inhaling the jihosphoric acid which in liberated by their igni tion. It is Well for jieople to understand this fact, and as the dcotor say. if a person has a di.s- ejised tooth, he or she should have it removed at once; and tlius escape all danger of the “match disease.” Eclectic Maoazixe.—The .July number ha? been sent to us. It contains its usual variety of well-selected articles, and is ornamented with a very handsome eneravin"—a jiortrait of V ictor ’■ _ Railroad Fares.—For a good while pa.it the railroads in New York, Pennsylvania, and Mary land, running West, have been eiiiiaged in a ru inous competition for travel and freight But they iiave at last signed a treaty of peace, by which the pas.sage from New York to Buffalo is to be S>, instead of about half that sum—two cents a mile instead of one cent; and freight is fixed a' nearly old rates. This is just in time to 0])crate upon Southern travelers to Niagara, iVc., who will now have to jiay twice as much as their Northern friends have been j)ajing. Co.\L FOR Lucomoti\ es.—Experiments in Massachusetts prove that (.'oal is very much cheap er than wood for Loeoinotives. ()n the Boston and Providence Hoad for the last six months 7^,- 055 miles have been run by 15 passenger and freight engines, consuming 1,I51U tons of coal, at a cost, on the tender, ol 85 !:4 per ton. Average cost per mile less than Stf cents. Reduction in cost 07 per cent. join Au.stria in the struggle against France. The En;lish people will now perceive the truth of, M.IKRIED, what we liave before asserted, that Lord Derby’s ^ in Salisbury, on the 22d inst. by the Rev. Mr. lovernment alone preserved Europe from a general Hiiughion, Mr. PETER HAIRSTON, to Mi^s FANNIE war. Enijhtnd.—Lord Palmerston had formed a strong cabinet, including Ru.ssell, (Jladstone, El gin, (’obden, (libson and (iranville. Cmiiinercial.— LIVERPOOL, dune IS.—Sales of Cotton for the week 05,000 bales. Opened W(?ak, but closed firm at an advance ol an eighth on Fair and Middling qualities—inferior more saleable, but unchanged. Orleans Fair Mid dling 0 15-10; rplands Fair 7 2-8; Middling OJ. Stock ill ](ort (!?>•>,OOO bales, including 557,000 .\meriean. Breadstuffs dull at a decline, (’orn downward and lower. Provisions a downward tendency. Rosin steady at 4s. Id. Spirits tur pentine steady at 41?. Gil. a 42s. Rice quiet. Money abundant—market unchanged. Consols !t2i('(f'02i. New (hiLEANs, June 2S. Ijntfr frnm Mi.i ita.—The specie seized by Robh's arrived at .lalapa on the lOtli, where he detained it one week for examination. It again started on the l()th, but Robles overtook and or dered its return by authority of (Jen. Miramon, but those in charge refu.sed to comply. Robles then ordered it to beship|)cd on board the British ship ofT Sacrificiob. The British Commander re fused to receive it, notwitlistanding the orders of the British and French Ministers. Conducta re mains at Rezonanda under orders of Robles. All English subjects had been banished from the city of Mexico. CillCAtio, June 2S. iJrtadjul liuil Road Acrident.— Thirty thne Kilhil ami Fifty nr Sij'ty Woumlt d!—A terrible accident occurred on the Michigan ami Southern Railroad, last night, near the South Bend, by which thirty three per.>ions were killed, and fifty or sixty wounded; others unheard from. The killed Were niuatly western people. Siujuhir Cirramstnnct.—Man (irrfntfd for a Mnnt' r ciiuniittt d tii enty-fiuryfara ii'jo!—The Memjihis Bulletin of the ;j^st inst. .says:—“A stri king instance of the certainty of punishment that, sooner or later, never fails to follow the commi.s- sion of murder, came to our knowledge yesterday. It .seems that a little over twenty-four years ago, a man named C. B. Ivey, residing in Roane coun ty, East Tennessee, conceived a dislike to a .sister- in-law, residing iu that o^iunty, and murdered her iu a deliberate and cold-blooded manner. He wa.s arrested for the crime, tried and convicted, but, owing t't.'^ome palliating circumstances connected with the affair, instead of being executed was sen tenced to the penitentiary for life. Shortly after escape and made his wa}' to Arkansas, where he settled on the .\rkansas river, and resided up to within a lew weeks past. During his residence in Arkansas—a period of some twenty-two years —he married a highly respectable lady of that State, became the father of a family, the owner of a large plantation, and was honored by his fellow citizens with the post of .'lagistrate for a term of some ten years, the duties of which position he 'discharged with fidelity and to the general accep tation of the citizens. He also became connected with and for years was a leading member of one of the prominent ('hristian denominations of the CALDWELL, daughter of Hon. David F. Caldwell. DIED, At Harmiiny Hall, Bladen Co., onthe21st inst., ELLA HELL, infant daughter of Edm’d B. and Salliu A. Rich- ariUon. aged 1 year 11 months and 12 days. At Morganton. X. -., on the 3(Uh of May, Mrs. ELI- Z.VBETIl S. (jAITH.]R, daughter of the late Col. Wm. \V. Erwiu aiiil consort of Col. B. S. Gaither, in the 5Gtli year of her age. In Jefferson county. Miss., May 31st, 1859, NEIL I5U1E, aged 70 years. lie removed from Hobe.son co., N. ('., in 1H09, and settled in JeflFersou county, Miss., in 1811. At Union Church. Miss., Mrs. CATHARINE Mc- 1>()L 0.\LD, aged 04 years. She was a native of North Carolina, and a member of the Presbyterian Church and a truly pious woman. In Newbern, on Thursday last, Mrs. MAKTII.V BLA(’K\VELL, wife of Henry S. Blackwell, Esii., and daughter of W. W. Clark, Esif FAYETTEVILLE MARKET—June 30. American English LARD, LEAD, l.'j a 5'> MOLASSES- 12i a 1*1^ Cuba l;>j a 14 N. Orleans 20 a NAILS. Hi a B.VCON. 10 a 18 BEESWAX, 2S a :S0 CANDLES. F. F. IH a Adaiuantine 2o a Sjierm COFFEE—Rio Laguira Java COTT0I7— Fair to good Ordin. to mid. lOJ a COTTON BAUUING— Gunny IK a 20 Dunilee 18 a 20 COTTON YARN— No. 5 to 10 1 05 a DOMESTIC GOODS — Bro. Sheetings 8^ a 10 SIM KITS— (Jsnabnrgs 11 a II4 P. Hi'andy FEATHERS, 45 a 50 FLOIR — Faniily •> 75 a 0 80 Super. tJ 50 a 6 tio Northern »U». Fine H 2.'> a '■'>'> SL’G.\RS— Scratched a ti 10 Loaf GRAIN-- (,'rushe*! ('orn 1 15 a I 25 CoHee Wheat 1 20 a 1 25 Porto Rico Rve 1 25 a 0 New Orleans l»ats 50 a »;• TALLOW, a () 4 a 4J 13 a 14‘ 8 a 8J 28 a 30 50 a 00 4i a 5 OIL—Linseeil 1 00 a 0 OO Tanner'> 70 a I 00 SALT— Liv. Sack 1 25 a 0 oO Alum ti) a 0 00 FLAXSEED, 1 00 a 1 15 SHOT— ('dill. jir. bag 2 25 a 0 00 Buck 2 ;’.7i a O 00 I (M» a 1 25 N. -\jiple 85 a O '.*5 Northei’n do. 05 a o 75 N. C. Whiskey 50 a 0 00 35 a 0 40 i:'. a l;U li; a 13‘ 10 a lo.J I a 10* ! a '.'A 10‘ a 00* 18 a 19 Summer Comforts! REFRIGEKA^TOK^^; ICE-CREAM FREEZERS. W'ire Gauze Dish Covers: 100 doz. Yeoman’s Fruit Bottles; Brass B’d Pails and Churns; Iron do. do. do.; Sponge and Hip Baths; Also, new supplies of WHITE €Hli\A; Tumblers, Goblets; Knives and Forks; Common Earthen-ware and Wooden-ware. Just received and on hand at THE CROCKERY STORE. W. N. TILLINGH.\ST. June 30 27itf KI\1VES AlVD FORK8. Ivory Handle Knives only. Ivory liaiKtle Knives and ForkN. Horn tip handle Kuiv«'t and Forks. Bone handle Kniieti and Forkv, with 3, 4 and 5 Rivets. Bnckhorn handle Knives and Fork*>. l\'ory Handle Carvers in The forkM of all the above are Mteel. and some have only two prongs. Tht'se iiood« are Kelected with a spe cial view to the wants of the Retail Trade. It Is tli€‘ intention of tlie subscriber to keep constantly on hand, AT THE t ROC HERV WTORE, An assortment of Table Cutlery, which for its variety, good (juality and cheajmess, will comwia«(i the attention of all who desire to purchase. W. N. TILLING HART. June 30, 1859. 27-iOiu Silver Plated Cawforn. Silver Plated ^pooiiM. Silver Plated Forkw. n^HE SPOONS and FORKS Me douhle, treble andquad- 1 ruple plated; and of the make of Rogers, Smith S^ Co., whose reputation is above all other American Manufacturers of Plated Ware. For sale at The Crockery Store. W. N. TILLING HAST. June 30, 1859. 27-iOm WA.ATED. i YOUNG MAN of some experience in Teaching, jA desires a Situation. He was prepared for a teach er at Dr. W'ilson’s school, and can give satisfactory testimonials as to qualifications, and cliaracter. Ad dress JOHN C. FAUCETTE, Mebanesville. Alamance Co.. N. C. June 27. 27-3t SAt.K OF^ SLAVF2!!^. HAVINti at June Term 1859, of the Court of Pleas and (Quarter Sessions, for the County of Jumber- land. been appointed a Commissioner to sell the Slaves belonging to the Estates of Margaret Munroe and Flora Miinroe, 1 shall otfer the same for sale on Thursday the 21st of July next, at the Market House in the town of Fayetteville, at 12 o'clock M., to wit: PETER, aged about l’3; .\NN.\ 14; VANN 19; EFFIE 17, and their interest in .\15EL. Terms of sale, Bonds with approved security, payable G iiionthi after date and arawing interest from date. CHARLES MUNROE. Comm’r. Jun« 29. 2i-swlt-'’^s TRFS*T J«iALE. BV virtue of a Deed of Trust, executed to me by John S. Willis, on the 8th day of February, 185B, to se cure the jtaymeni of certain debts therein specified, I will on .Saturday the 30th day of July next, before the I)oor of the Court Houiiein Lumberion, oflertor sale on a Credit ol' sis months, a TH.’VCT of LAND, lying in tlie County of Robeson, on the West side ot the Great Swamp and on both sides of the White Oak Swamp, bo- REVIEH OF THE MARKET. ^ jug the same conveved to said W illiis by Daniel Lamon Bacon—Firm; .juite a demand for good N. C. Hams; and others, containing 1923 Acre they are w.irth 13A to 15. Western Sides are selling readily at II to 12, do. Shoulders at 10 to lOi. Cotton—No receipts since last review. Peas 1 m a 1 20 WOOL. HIDES—Dry 11 h 12^ TURPENTINE— (ireen 5 a 0 Yellow dip 2 4o a o oo ikon— Virgin 2 75 a O ou Swedes, com. bar •> a OJ Hard 1 25 a 0 OO Ditto, wide 7 a 7* Sjjirits 37 a 38 {.’lour—Receipts light: no material change. _ and 10 cts. per bbl. in Yellow Dip. Spirits Turpentine has been coming in freely during the week. Sales easily made at (juoiatioii'. Rosin—We notice but little change in our market for a week past. We i^uoie No. 1. ;?2 to 2 50; common 85 to 9'» cts. Lime—The market is well supplied, and sales made at low ligures. Corrected bv B. F. Pe.\uce. Also, anothur Tract, lying in the County of Bladen, on the East side of the Great Swamp, being the same conveyed to said Willis by^WiUi:\m Wi11i“ p..^v Will; ' . ■ • _ ""• June 25. R. S. [SI 501 FLIENCH. Trustee. 27-swlt-*3t li'ew York Ledger for July 9, HARi’ER'.S WEEKLY, for July 2d. to-morrow^. June 30 E. J. HALE X St)N. Ke ro«eiie Oil, KJllT colored,—best quality. For sale by^ S. J. HINSDALE. WILMINGTON MARKET—June 29. 1859. Turpentine, Virgin 3 25. Yellow jf3. Hard 1 75. Spirits 40, Flour, 50 bbls. State sold at t> 75 for super. Hay, Northern 70 to 80; Eastern SI. Timber, sales ol 4 rafts at 4 50. 7 50 to S9. No other transactions. For the three days. Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- L ;LiE. j B.\RRELS Glue, for sale low by d;iy. Surrounded by his family, posse.ssed of an ‘lay. sales of 1579 bbls. Turpentine mostly as above; ahundauec ..f this world’s L'oods, and enjoying the I '^e week there were sales of Virgin at 3 50. S. J. HINSDALE. Liiiweetl lil and White Lead, .Vnd Paints of all kinds. For sale by .lune 20. S. J. HINSDALE. Flour and Hay 0 50, 7 50, .'r9. t'.i.K WITH Mkxico.—Tht; last arrival ' •' • irleans brings \'era (Jruz dates to “’-■I lilt. One item of some importance is re- j A 1 undueta, with five millions of speeie, ■ ' iiy 'il' Mexico on the 2i^th of May, and ■‘^'1 by llobles forty miles from \’eraCruz. !■;; ^sioner wxs sent from Vera Cruz to iie- Aith Uiililos, but he accomplished nothing. 'I Lane had sent Captain Farragut, of the >n, to demand therelea.se of the American ‘ it, amounting to S-.>0(1,000. The re- unkiKjwn. 'i'he Knglish fleet had been ■■' 'i I" Vera Cruz, probably to see after their • >i'the SOjOUOjOOO, and the French will ■ tuk t measures to recover their portion. •' ■ 'Utly to he hoped that llobles can satisfy 'and and that he will do it. Iiy all means -' -pared the nece.ssity of paying ourselves '"her slice of Mexican territory. = KfcCfcU’is.—bales, against ■' 1'.- labt ytar. Increase G3b,414 bales. impress [the people of Fayetteville] unfavorably”! Wilmington has a deal of sense and enterprise in every direction but one, and that the most nntural one for their display. (ruif to Ijittle Hovfc.—liev. »J. J. heat, for nianv years J’resident of the N. ('arolina Lniver- sity, has taken charge of an E{>i.scopal Church in J.,ittle Rock, Ark. The above is an item in the I’etensburg F^x- press of Tuesday. It has two material errors, we think—one certainly, and we hope two. l>r. Wheat was never President of the N. C. Universi ty, but he was at the late (!ommeneement, and we have heard nothing about a resignation of his Pro fessorship there. W e trust he has not gone. The South.—(_)f:i,H04,000acresof land soMby the General Government in 3,050,000 were in the slave States—Missouri, Alabama, Missis sippi, Louisiana, Arkan.sas and Florida. "1 hese sales of lands, it is stated, have been followed to a considerable extent, by settlement or ].repara- tion for their culture; they have not, to any great extent, lieen made for speculative purposes, (’er- tiinly such I’acts as these do tiot iinlicate a scarcity of labor, rendering it necessary, as is urged, to re-open the slave trade. It seems mani fest that the creation of trouble, a dissolution ol the I'nion, is the only objectoftho.se who urge a revival of that traffic. The agricultural products of the Southern States have inerea.sed very largely of late. In 180a the croi>s of Cotton, 'i'obaceo. Rice and Su gar produced about «143,000,000. In 1S6S about 8213,000,000. An increase of about S70,- 000,000—nearly 50 per cent. State Stocks.—North Carolina Bonds are quoted in New York at Virginia Ten- nesuee 95; Missouri bt)}. positi(.>n from the scene of the murder he had 1 oomuiitted. Hut the appearance at his home, about two weeks .-incre, of an otiicer, armed with a recjuisition from the (Jovernor of the State whose laws he had outraged, at once and forever dissijiatt?d all his assurances of safety, and without resist nice he yiehled himself up to the official's eustodv. lie arrived in this city l:ut evening, in charge of the person who traced him out.” Mr. Mill> r\ Oration.—The (’eiitral Presbyte- ; rian pays an emphatic tribute to the ekxjuence | I I'.c ('rop.. e passed through eight or ten and abiUtv of Henry W. Miller’s great oration on ' ••"'inties in the middle ami eastern part td' the “The Nineteenth Century,” delivered at the ; State week before la.-t. The corn crop every where re'cent (’onimencenient id’ Hampden Sidney Cnl- j hwikt 1 tine, better, we think, than it does in this lege. Mr. Miller is one ol the mo.'^tdistinguishel j section. The wheat was mostly harvested, but members of the bar of North ('arolina, and his | ^ve h arncd trom planters that the yield w;is as irreat oration h;is been universally admired. ! good as usual, tln.ugh we judge, from what we ~ I't t. /v’./y//v»-. ^ saw, it is nothing like as line as in this j>art ot the — ! State. ()ats appeared rather stunted, but we lu'ard The Southern I nin rsity.—The New ()rleans , no serious ••cunplaint about the crop. Within the correspondent ot the (MiarK'ston Courier says th;it j two weeks there have been timely rains Hishop Polk has succeeded in iretting ten gentle- tliroiiirhout the wlijle State, and the prospect ol' men of his diocese of the Kpi.-copal ('hurch, to mi abundant yield of everything is eheering and subscribe ?300,000 towards the establishment of .rratifying to the producer as well as the consuiner. the great Southern I'niversity. One old gentle- | [-"or these things, and the general gt>od health i>f man,—formerly I'. S. Senator fnun that State, the different communities, sincere and heart felt and subse|uently (Jovernor of Louisiana, the thanks should l»e rendered to an all-wise, all-good Hon. -Mr. .Johnson,—has subscribed ^40,(100. and ever merciful Providence. — ^ A friend in Catawba county writes us, under Southt ru Pomolotjiral Socnty. Fhe , Jate of the 2‘id, that the Wheat crop in that Annual Meeting ot the Southern I oiiKjlogical So- j very goml, and t1i:it (’orn looks well, ciety Will be held in ( harlotte on the .>id Ihurs- j .,]j directions we havt“ alike cheering ac- day ol August next. It is highly desirable that | ,,t‘the cro])s.— Char. Dnnorrof. its members and all others who take an interest ; in fruit growing, should attend at that time, and | Frrsh't—Ihnry LoKnei^.—We have been favor- assist in the promotion ol this useful enterprise. ; ed by our excellent corrt'spoudeiit at Concord j with the annexed note which conveys sad news Fi frr!liiir(f Iiitflli(ft ni'ir. Ibis papei announ- jj.,,,,, isection. 'I’he letter is dated: CM that .Mr. .Iamc» li. limglumi, l«t« uf tho >■( ■,.N,-.,U|.. ,\, C., .1 urn-27, ISM. WiK-cliiiK / »iil lioncclorll, W assoc-,ato.l m | ..ua„tili..» „f wlu'at were the etlitorial (icpartinent. Mr. liingliam is a | ^ * fluent, forcible writer; has been long connected ; i* e>teem and contidence ol his neighbors and a large I bbU opening 40^. ch.sing as above. , . . 1 . ^ . *1 ; Kosin, 3U bbls. at 1 2o tor coinmou, C'- t>0 to ^3 lor circle ot tncnd.s, he lived in fancied security, ' Cotton, ;4 bales at 11 to Ilf having long since ceased to fear that the hand of as above. Timber, 8 rafts at 4 50, S5 justice would ever trace him to his far removed No other transactions reported. At New York. Southern Flour dull and drooping at a decline; t> 25 to 0 75. Wheat heavy and declining; Southern red 1 tiO; do. white 1 70. t'orn finii at SO to SL’. Cotton, iales of 22'K.) bales on Mond.iy and Tues day at 114 for middling uplands; elo.'iug dull. Sj.irits dull at 45 to 4i’>. Kosin dull at 1 SO. ^Vliite C'awtile ^oap. '^()H sale bv JAS. N. SMITH. .lune 15 €'0:fl n E ICC' IA I. K E4'0 R U. ARRIVALS. Lutterloh’s Line. June2S.—St > I’lowan. with gooils fiir D .1 (iardiier. G Williams \ Co. D \V Mol.auiin, Myrover X Wightiuan, T .S Lutterl.>li, H Depo. Walton \ iKiiry, .1 W IViweis. .1 Sniiih vV Hiothei-, 1 l.oeomotive i’flie Cniaherland ' ;nul Tender fir Western Kailr.'ail. l.uttevlnh's Line. June 29.—St'r I’auny, with p:is- si'ii'.;ers, aiul goods t'ov K F Moore. T S l.uttt-rloh. J l.i wis, K E lleide. t) S l>ald»iu ('o. Itaiik oi' t'lareiidoii At Faykttkvii.i.e. ) Ji nk 27. fpHE Direetors of the Bank have tliis day declared a I Dividend of 4 per eent , on the (’aj'ital St.iek, uit of thf e.-iniiiigs ot'the pas' six months, paya'de to thf Sloekiiolders oi\ the 1st of July. [It .1. w! SANDKORD. Cashr. Bank of Clarendon, at Fayetteville,) J I N K. . I \ ^pilE ,\muial Meeting of the Stoekholilers of Iiiis Bank I will he belli al their itanking Mouse, on Mituilay morning the 11th .Il'l.V. :il II o'clock. J. W. DF(>KD. ('a«h'r. i .lune 27. 2li-2t AVO.\ E. IIA 1.1., Forwarding &. ('oniniissioii Merchant, W'^ll.L give (piiok des]>ateh to goods consigned to hitu }\ Particular attention given lo sll jiroduee sent him far s;il.>. Consignments of Naval Stores, for sale or shipmi'ut. ■ olieiied WiLMixoToN. Jan'v 19 1859 Hlily IIA\K OV II. W UOWM.XN.] [K. M. Ml RCHISON. BO\VM\X & MlIHrmSOX. I O VI n 1 10\ yt EK ll A \ M). Il;'> MAIDKN LANK. NKW YORK. 11BKU.\L cash advances made on ronsigninents of J Cotton. Naval Stores aTid Soiuhern Produce generally. .1 AJ^. >. JSiniTH, l)l!l(;(ilST .\.\'D CIIKMIST, WUlI.KVI.E .SM> IIF.T.\IL HK\I.KR IS \MKK1C.\N, FllKNi’H AND KNilLlSH (liLViit iiA. iiiiCi.^. t;Ah'/>h\\ Axn riKLi> sj:/:ds, PERFUMERY, DYE-STUFFS, LIQUORS. CiiN>.T.\.NTl.Y 0.\ IIVMi. Surgiral Instrument.s. Magneto Klecirie Machines, I Thermometers, Ilydrniiieters for Sugar and Syrup; Knem.i .Vjiparatus; Kreneli. I'.nglish and .American Trusses. Shoulder Braces and Supporters; PaiiUs. Oils. Varnishes; Brushes; Teas; Inks; Glues; , Soaps; F.xiraets for Flavoring: Spiees, (llass: I Putty; Scotch \le and London Porter; : Yeast Powders; llojis: St.arch; P.uining ' Fluid: Congress Water: ('itrate Magnesi.a, &c. Favetteville, N. C.. Mhv IS loitf FATEAT mVV AND FIBIlOrSfEMOT ROOFING. with newspapers and will prove a valmible acces- j j',, Kastcrii’ part of the count sion to the /nti n/t no r. t. .rpn ,s>. | farmers lost almost their entire cro .{ht! nd(( K -J ud'iiiur from If bv the freshet in (,'abarrus county, some tell days siiM'c. On Hutch, Htill-ilo and ('old uiity, by the sudden rise of the stream on the night ol For* it in (luods - .= - . i • -n, • i i the (luantities of foreign goods imported of htte | Sumhy. l!»th inst. Ihe corn m the bottom luis we are rushing into excesses similar to those i also been .seriously injured. —Char. liull'tm. which brought about the revulsion of lS,-)7. Wi seem to have forgotten the lessons of the past. ; cornflcld of its town.s- The iniports lor the la.st week exeeedcHl t^^^^^ Harrell, is the handsomest we the eorrespondi'ig week in LSoS 010, ami ^ those of the same week ol ISoS, just beb.re tlie of remark- panic, by 81,541,U5o. oJ t le six mont is com ] vijr,^rous growth and averagiiiir four and a meiicing with the 1st ot .January the u.tal ;inioiint , height. Many of the stalks are six ol imports for the j.reseiit year i_s_ ^ j whilst for the same period in iSa/ it was uily i KA \k ^jONDA\ u^ 1 .1 I'A VETTEVIEI.E .11 .\K, Is.V.t, next being the 4lh EAVETTEVIEI.E,) ! ‘J'.irn .li NK, ISai*. \ I ^pill' Diri'etors of this Bank have declared a Dividend | 1 of 4 per cent. >>ut of the profits of last (j months. Pavable on ami after the 1st dav of Julv. W. (',. BROADFlK)T. Cash r. i .!une2',t. 27-2t ^pms eemciit eon>.ists of strong glutinous substances, I impregnated with fibrous matter, and covered with Mii-a, whieii make it Firi> Prouf and a ]>erfeet resistant lay 'if Julj". this Bank i otthe aimosplicre in every climate, and we will , ll*arrant it %%\iter-i*roof. lie piiid on r'aturitay tlie Ju. ; ' W'. (5. BI»( ).\ DFO )T. ('ash'r. I 1' rettects the rays of the sun,'making the buiMing June 22. 'It much cooler in Summer than tin or slate, and will 1 neirlu-r crack nor rot. t'OTIE SETTLE. | it is practkwlly impliusiiabli;, ^ _ ' * II NOTKS and ACCdl'.NT.S are all due and 1 need j and h:iviinr been thoroughly tried f«'r years in New • t ('rac/t ('iiriifcltl.— Ihe Murlrtu*sboro (N. j the money, therefore 1 hope to s*-e all my friends j York City, and various parts of the United States, it is come in and pay their claims. Those of long standing j the cheapest and best routing in use. whmu 1 have dumud need expect im longer iiidulgeiiee. 1 .lOSKPII DITTO «k’ TO., J. P>K. I (Jeneral Jrtice. •i7'' l>fo.nl»'ay. New \ .>rk June 2‘J. 27-2w ^ N. B.—('ement for sale by the barrel with full jirint- - - - — I ed instnictions fur applying. We also otti'r for sale. Territorial Rights for a portion nl tin ainl Edin burgh ALK. tor sale bv S J. KINSD.VLK. June i;o. 24tf June 18 I'lilted Stales. J. I). \ CO. •>>i; peruM 84r),ur)l,4()4. This superflux is hailetl with satis- ■ faction by the Administration bef'ause it prom- 1 * _ *lw. ' on Saturday next, instead of Mondav, the 4th ot July ises them revenue enough tor the current expeiiseti , "J"^ ^ ^ ’ ■> of the Govermneut.—N. V. Cor. JSiat, Int. jfcrTlie Observer will be iMwiied Saturday next, instead of Monday, the 4th Advertisers and others will please take notice. kero«>eiie MI. J and for sale by June 13 JAS. N. SMITH. 22itf Blank KooU« and IVritinjf Ink. t'^URTHHR sutiplies just received by E. J. HALE & SON. May 11