Fire Ins^tranee. '11'^F, rpfcr our rca(U*r? to the iuinual statement of the Tf -Ktii.i Insurance roni}>:iny, of Hiirtford. Tliis suc cessful institution was inoorporateil l>y the Lepishiture of ('onnocticut in with a perpetual charter. Its capital is !?')()(and its accumulations excoed $800,- (•OO more, making its entire assets over in- vesteii US tletailed in tlie stiitement referred to. Tliese results indicate iliat durinjr the periol of nearly forty years since its organization. ; without a single change of its chief officer.; its business lias been conducted with judgment and prudence. It lias been thus far success ful in an eminent ilegree. discharging, a.s we are in formed, all its obligations by the jiavnient of about f'li viilltoii dollart for losses, without asking a daj' s delay in any instance. It has liad but little litigation, notwitli- Ptanding the Immense number >/ transactions made. In onler to attain as much rfrtninli) as ]>ossible in such a business as insurance, it has been the jiractice of the Company, for several years, .'it great labor, carefully to classify and arrange their lisks into about fifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain the amount iusured on ench class, the amount of iiremiums received thereon, and the amount of losses upon each. This classification, extend ing over a long period, and covering pn>perty a very large amount, furnishes reliable data, and presents a Bound, substantial basis of actual ex]ierience, upon which to conduct its business. Insin-aitce is not a matter of luck or chance, a> many sujipose: its hazards are ascer tainable. and its in iiiciiiles c;i])able of l)eing reduceil to a system, the practical working and results ot which are as certain as that of any other business. The .Ktna rompany, by .-idhering rigidly to its system, and pbicing its business upon a healthy basis, has obtained the con fidence of the coMimunity to ;ui extent surpuj'icd by no other (’ompany in tlie I'. Stales, and lias incre.iscd its business and its incume fmm year to year with a steaiiy growth. One great source of its security is the wide distriburinn ot its ri>ks—a policy wliich it ]iursues with great srrictnes>—limiting tiie amnuiit t> be covered in each locality. 15y tliis course it parsed, witli coni- p.-irative impunity, rhrougli som‘ (>f the most sweeping and (h'structive fires, \vhic!i have swallowed up otlier c.iiiip.inie^ les caiilious in their bu'ines. It i« a >y-;tem like tlii-^. lia-ied m'on-c\]>erience. which gives stability and soundnt";s to a coiii|iaiiy. and to the assured cnii- fidence and 'fcurity. />;//..;: /'/ ■ S'rATh:.MKNT Ol THH i:tm i\si:rim’e (inii’wv. II \KTrOI{D. iN'oi!ri>i{.\TKi> iM'.i. cii.Mrn'.r, i'kuimiti al. CAPITAL $1,000,000. K. 1. KII’KY, Prosidciit. .\.'^.-i:ts. .).\n Real Kstate unencumbered, >ioney due the ('o. secured >iy ('ash in liand .'ind in l! k o ith ('ash in the liaiids of .',gent' a .Mortgace IJonds at 7 jier i-ciit, ,lev'ey ('ity Water liotids at li Hartford Ciry 15oiii|s at ti per i Brooklyn •• li ll.M-hester •• •• 7 Milwaukie." *• Dulbiiiue. •• U S Tres y N'.Xes U l'nitei States St^M-k. State of’rennes-ice. '• •• Kentucky, 'I *• Mis-iouri. •; “ New York. ti “ Ihio. I 1 MlOI ti *• " thiii. lS''i ; f. Hartford .v New M.iven I!ai1 It' I'oston .S: Worce-ter '>>nnecticui Kiver Connecticut Kiver C imjiany ritizens T.ankSi >V 10 10 pr Stafl'ord Eagle IMnenix *• F’armei-s \ Mechanics *• Exchange SHite City 'ounty i'onnecticut River Hartlurd Charter Oak *• Merchau:- \ Manuf ..lltn.'i ‘• Moi hauics & Traders State of .\iis'.M... Merchants Exchange •* North Hiver “ Mechanics North America Nas-;an America Uroadw.iy •* Peoples Republic *• City •* Union “ Hanover ‘ li I’henix “ Manhattan • Nevi Y'lrk “ Markei “■ Ocean ‘• Metropolitan Butchers ,v brovers Imjiorters \ Traders “ •American Exchange Merchants United States Trust Cnmji'y N Vorl. L Ins Trust .'o Rillh Receivable. Mi.scellaneous investments. T. h.Bfarr: ..)r..'irr'y. 1. INV,*. Ma 1 ki-: -J- ili)rtir;ij:c. l.-jl:; I-'. in'-I. I’lir. 1 Ml :;s d iu tvaiisii. iiitfrf-i. } t.'MPU •j-'.niM) t‘i- i ciii. . I'.'i.lHIU Mit. iaicirK. :!i).im II! lll.lM Ml L'.'i.Ul lit .'>.111 ;u HO V ai-i-nu-d in' -I oT.-'iHL’ 12 t iiitfie'i. '.'.ItMl l(i.2t';i •Js.liihl .'.ll.lli III III I'l '1 .''lock. 1,1 I.I II III 10.272 12. .'>110 i.2V» ■V :iievtiiiiy C'. '.L'-'tO .''t;itli>rd S[i.i •• I’rovidvuc* U1 l.'«72 llavtfurd. (..'t U(K( l').»;ni» l;;.H«> '• 11. t'MI 4ii'i '.‘.t;nii *• I'.II, “ li:.;!iiii lll.'iUO ill. inn Jl'V-t'V t "y, > ■.) I.Viii New Y'irK." In.non ;;i;.iii iii 22.1'"' :’.n.*','iii ;;t.2i 1" 27.'II lit ln.-)i"» 2». t"i» '• 12.2'M) 22, }"• S.'Mia lli.MI U •• 11.2011 27.lion •• in •jj.nnn *■ r.*.i;i i‘> “ U. loo .. to '• 42. loo 4.').] 0:1 '• 1 21.7-.0 tS.n.'>;') (,7 2;:.'','.‘.t '.-I .'1 ,>m;7.'.*2o o8 Fayetteville Female High School. The Kxamination Exercises will eommence on Tues day. .luly oth, at :? o’clock. I’. M- The Annual Sermon will be prcached at by Rev. *V. AN eaver. Robert P. Dick. Ei3«i., i>/ Greenshorough, will deliver the Literary Address nu Wednesday evening. On, B( !> o'clock. A. .M., the Graduating Exerciser will take jdace. In the evening, there will ' be a Concert of vocal and instrumental music, j NVM. K. BLAKE, Trincipal. ; May 21 Fayetteville Female High School. VPrLKWTlONS (with testimonials) will be received fora PKlXCIPALof this Institution until 'i-ith .Inly. Also, apiilications foran ASSISTANT MUSK’ TFLVCII- EK. E. J. LILLY. ,1. G. SHEPHERD, A. \y. STEEL, ,T. II. COOK, S. HINSDALE. Execntive Com. June 22. 25-3w Floral rolle$s’e. ^pilE next session, in this Institution, will commence | I on WeInesd.iy. the loth .July next. The faculty same a- la^t se^ion. It is very desirable that all should cotiie in promptly at the beginning of the session. 1). JOHNSON. Principal. .Jutie ■_*■). 2i->-4t “urillMilRCII HIGH SfllOOL ” ^plll-; Mill Session of this Institution will open on the I 12thof.n'LV IS-V.i. under the charge of'i.. Si KWMtr. Jr.. .V. B.. as Principal. I'loard be i.:ul eitlier at the Steward's Hall or in the neighliorhood at .T-S per month, exclusive of lights and washing. For further iiiformatic'u ap]>ly to the undersigned at Laiirinburgh. N. C. R. I*. DICKSON. Sec'y. Laiirinburgh. .lime IS. ‘_’'>-tf C'sirf rplIK e\»'rcie? of this Institute will be resumed on tlie 1 _M Aloiidav in Jiilv. under the diarsre of Mr. .I AMES 1>. McIVEi:. iviiicipal. Tlie Trii'iiee arc happy to stale that the discipline of the Institute will have ]iccial regard to the moral cul ture, a- well a the eilucational advancement, of all j'upilstliai may bi'cominittcd to thecare of the Principal, ilo.ard .ind tuition as heretiifore. S. (.’. BRUCE. Chm'n Trustees, •hine 22. 2’>-4t ild^e^^ordi Mc'iiiiiiary, i.i;ei;nsi'.(»ro'. n. c. ^plll' Nineteeiuli .\niui;il Session of this Institution 1 will coiunieiice on the od of Anjrust, rih- com-e of study is thor>ntgii and systematic, em bracing everytiiing necc-i-i.iry to a complete, solid atnl oriiauieiital education. Th‘ BUlLDIMiS are so ar- ranjrcd as to combine the comt\irts of a home with the advantages ,if a School, hi'-tructors of the highest qualifications are employed in each of the Departments. TERMS: I5o.ini. inclu ling washing, lights ati'l fu«l. per sessiim of five niontl,. (lO Tuition in the regular cla-^ses, 'Ju (Ml Cataloiues Containing all necessary information re- ]'ectiiig the course of instruction. Teriii-i. ^ve., will be forwarded on .applic.ition to R1’H.U{D STERLlNti. Principal, (^reen^borougtl. N. C. June 2n-2nipd The Walton lloiiM>e, ) It ; .\ \ T ) N . X. (’. ^pillS >uperb New Hotel has gained the repn- i.iAnii.iTiK.-: Losses unadjusted and not tliie, •'?11'*.!'7'> •”) I Agent of the above t'ompanv at faveiteville. i£. J.'HALE. RRITKSti rt:KiOiPH’,tJLS. SCOTT \ CO. the following .. NEW V(>1;K. continue to publish | :: leading l>riti'li Periodicals, viz.; i 1. THE LONDON QUARTERLY ;Conservative, i i Whig, i THE EDINI!UIU:iI REVIEW THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW • Ftee ( hiin h. , 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW Jjberal.) BL.\’KW(»OD S EDlNP.Ul^iH MAi'I.VZINE Torv.") These Periorical^ ably rejiresent tiie three great poli tical parties of (ireat ISritaiii Whi^. Tory and I’ —l)ut politics forms only one IV.ituie of their char.icter. Ai Org;ins of the most profouiid writers on Science. Litui'ature. .Morality and KeliM-i,,„. they st.ind. .is they ever have stood, iinriv.illed in ili.. woiMdf letters. I.eing considereil iiidi-j.en-Jalile to the c! and the jirofcs- sional ni.'in. while to the intelligciu reader of every i-las they furnish !i more correct and >.atisfactorv lec'ord of the current liteiatiire of the clay, tlir.,ii;;hoin' the w.-rld, tiian can be po^'.iiblv obtained from any oilier source EAftLV CO Pills. The receijit of .\I)V,\N( E SIILLTS from ihe British publishers gives ad.litional v.ilue to thee Rei.rints, in- ustnnch as they can now be placed iti tlie liand- of u\,. fccribers about as soon a the oriu;ii,;il c.ljiion- TERMS. Per ann. So bU ;') (lO 7 tiU no :i (10 1 (Ml 10 00 lists /II iii/rii iirr. issiltil triU fn- For any one of the four Reviews For any two of the four Iteviews For any three of tiie Four Review- For nil four of the Reviews For lilackwood's Magazine tor Blackwood and three Reviews tour Bl.ackwooil and the four lieview: 1*111/1111 nts to 1,1 itiailc (',! ,ill ■t/o/i.y turn,if i/I th» Sfiiti-irli) n n 1 Iil Ilf JIII /■. CLUBBINO. A ili-count of twenty-five per cent, from the above price will be allowed to Cl.tiis ordering four or more coi)ies of any one or more of the above works. Thu-: Four copies of Blackwood, (,r of one Review, will be sent to one ad- dro.'i for .r'.t; four copies of the four Review* and 151ack- ’w»>ou lor aii*l .‘»o on. POST AG K. In all the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered, h RKE OF l>OST.V(iE. When sent by 1"“. I""'' "*■ 'I'C L'nite.l States will be but 1 W KN f V-FOU K t FATS a year for “Blackwood,” vli-w^^'^ OL RlhhN CENTS a year for each of the Re- A . Ji. Tin’ pnW ;,i Crmf HrUiuu .,f fU,- ji/e. l.riudirals i.i,ori-/u,/Uiil is nrr m'unim »lwayr>!«'a n T'’ i>^»s should »lway, b« addre.«ed, post-p.aid, to the Piil.lishers, LEONARD SCfJTT CO., No. 51 Gold Btreet, New York. _ - tation of being a FIRST CL.\SS HoUSE, ^^JUtaiiil >eCoiid to none iu the State. As an evi dence of it, I refer to the many l:Tvorable notices by the Press of the .st.ate. and the very liberal patronage re ceived. It Continues open , nkvkb ii avini; ukkn ci.(>*ki>. ' and its guests m.iy rdy upon the reput.iliou ,,f the Iloii'c bein;r'U-rained. 1 h ive arrangements ni.aile to be kejit 'Uj'jilic'l regiil.trly with fre^h Fish from Nor folk and Newbern; in fact with every delicacy usually found at fir't cla' Hotels. C. s. BROWN & CO’S STAGE OFFICE i-j at thi- lIoU'*-. Their Four-horse t'oaches run to the head : f the W, N. C, Rail lloa.l on Mondays, Wedties- '!;iV' ^and to .\>iieville. Tue~ilays, Tliurs- HAt'K'-' ready at any hour and for any point. C. .s. lUttiW N. Proprietor. •luno 14, I ''''.' 2.'>-8t 'AR»M.v \ t'lTV iirri:i^. I’VKKOTT A MEWBOUN. FniprU'tors. ''PHIS ina|.Miiticcnt Hotel has been enlarged to nearly 1 dijuble it- original ~ize, :in addition of (‘ighty-eight feet having been .id led on Railroad street, thus pre senting an imposing froiu inrnediately in view of the Atlantic (ii-eail. The veranda of thi-; Hotel (which is three stories high fronts toward- the »ceaii two hundred and eight een feet, atl'ording a Ilf fill l*i’oiiiena(le. From ;his stand point, the beholder can scan the Ocean in tlie South. no.;ue Sound in the South-west, the Har bor with all it - >hipiiing. Fort Macon anil three Light- Il'iusC' in the South-ea-t. .affording a range of oc i: A sv i:c k v, that is scarcely • Isewhere to he met with. The sui.eriiiten.b'iice of this Hotel will be in fhc handof .Mr. H. ER A .M RERT. formerly of the Fay etteville Hotel.: who“e ta.-te and skill so emiiiently qualities him for making all the guests feel as if ihey were at home. The best serv ints the country could atford have been securt'd. Those who stop with us will never be at a loss for R‘c rc'atioii and 1'Iiifc‘rtaiiiiiieiit. Our'‘teamboat will make regular trips to Beaufort’ the Inlet, the tort, and often on extra excursions, while our B.\N1) .Ml .''1C will be ever "discoursing sweet sound- to the ears of those who shall favor us with th‘ ir company. Our BA1{ will furni-h choice li'juors of all kimls; our lULLI.VRj) RtloM is in good oriler. :uil our BOWL- I\i .\LI.I-A willlie cipiistantly open fm-the entertain ment of those who have a t.ite for tlie-; healthful ex- eri i-f-: and oiir I’I'.AUINt! RO( >.M will contain files f»f the bet ncw.-j>,ipcr-, magazittes, and jieriodic.als pab- lislied. The sick will find our KAT IIOI a matter of gr-ut comfort and a help to belter liealth. AS e foel ;is>uied in every respect we can give entile sati.'.tai tion; we sh.all, at le.ast, sjiare no jiaiiis to lo oo! whole duty, that all our guests may receive all pos'ihtc atleiil ioii. 1 .\ K1-, Non* hi ,\s the train .arrives after dark each evenitig, person^ going to Be.iufort will do well fo to]. over iiiglit at C.arolin.i City, as they can be con veyed, wherever they wi-li !(• fro, the rrext lay, in a ■steamboat or «ail-boats. and thus lie saved the tremble of a disarreeable night tri(> across ihe water TERMS; itS2 a Day; a Week; SoO a Month. PAIIKOTT .vc MHWHOKN. ar.)lina (’ity. May •>, I2-2m i^fjfroes!! Wauled. / t EN ! LEMLN, your oM customer is yet in market for \ J Likely Negroes, for which I am deteriiiined to pay tlie Highest (ash Prices. Persons having such for sale would clo well to give me a call, or aildress me at Clintou, N. C. AH orders promptly attended to. J. A. .McARTHUR. Clinton, N. f’., March H, '.to-1yrpd A VALlTAm^E CAPE FEAR PLANTATION FOR SALE. rPHE Subscriber oflers his F.\KM for s.ale, known as 1 the SHAW' PLANTATION, situafcd on Ihe N. E. side of Cape Fear River, in the County of Harnett, and distant from Toomer (the present County Seat) two miles, and contains 747 Acres. D embraces an extensive body of very rich River Bottom Land, not surpassed in this section of the Stafe^ for depth and fertility of soil; and in view of ijuality ot soil, eligibility of location, the society in its vicinity. Schools, Churches, &c., an opportunity is here present ed of securing a Farm containing advantages rarely to be met with. The land lies well, and is susceptible of making one of the most valuable ami productive farms in the Stale. It is well adapte«l to the culture of Corn, Wheat, Oats and Cotton, and abounds with a large quantity of Oak, Ash and other Timber, besides Pine Timber for Saw Logs The form of the tract renders it susceptible of divi sion into two tracts or jiarcels, for Farms. It has a stream running nearly through the centre, fed by never-failing springs, on which is a desirable situation for an oversiiot mill, with a good dam already built. There are on the tract about 150 acres cleared and in cultivaticm. The subscriber will take jdeasurc in showing Ihe a- bove lands to those desirous to purchase. Look and you will bo pleased. In my judgment, such a body of land cannot be exhibited in Harnett or any of the adjoining Counties. If not sold jn’ivately, it will be exposed fo public sale on .Monday of the Superior Court in this County, which I think will be the Second Monday in .Uigust next. Terms will be made easy, and more particularly made known on the dav of sale. II. M. TURNER. June 21. 2tl-ts 1*1 KI.I4' MAI.K OF TIIE .\Oltfll C.\HOL!NA t’OPPEli MINK, III the Count} of (lUiirord. State oT >ortli taroUir.i. IN juirsuance of the provisions of a Deed of Trust, executel to me. on the I'lth July, 1S;')4, by the Pre sident ami Directors of the North Carolina MiningConi- pany. and of record in the Regi-^ier's ofHce of the Coun ty of «uilford. Slate of North CaroliuH, for certain pur- )ioses therein set forth. 1 will, as Trustee in s.-iid deed, offer for s.ile. for cash, ui the premises, at 11 o'clock, .\. M , on Tuesday the ‘id daj of Aiisfust, that Vaiiialilc* Tliiiiii;; l*ro|K‘rty in (luilford county, tet: miles South of tM-eensborongh. kn.'wn as the North I'.irolina Coj'per .Mine, containing ]U0 Acres, more or less, together with all the Maiiiiiier), Kii^iiies, Fiimps. Mining Tuols and Materials thereunto belonging or appertaining, nml .all the other property of every kind and description, belonging to the said ('ojiper Company. Possession will be given upon the consummation of the sale. JAMES SLO.VN. Trustee. Cireensboro', N. C.. May 21. 18-V.> 17ts Ll.M) FOR SlLli. r OFFER for sale *’40 .\cres of LAND, lying on the West sitle of Cape Fear River, two miles below Fay etteville. and extending from the river into the sand hills. This tract is about equally divided into river- ridge, swamp anii sand-hill Land. About S( acres, adjoining the river, are under cultivation and are well suited to the growth of Corn and Grass; none of the Swamp has been cle.ared. There are several good sites for a dwelling house on the sand-hills. Any jiersoii wi-ihitig to purchase will do well to make early appli cation. as I have determined to aell. THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Sej>t. 8. Is.",S. 44tf l^aii(lj!i for !Sale. I OFFER for sale about OIMm) Acres of Pine Lanis near Fayetteville. containing*an immense quantity of Mill Timber, and a number of Turpentine Boxes, and several new tasks may be cut. There is on the f>reniises a fine Dwelling Hou>;e. and all necessary ont-honses.—Scup- pernong and Isabella Grape Vines.—llNKt young Peach and .\pple Trees of Lindley's best vari*;ties; also, a gtiod F.XRNl of aliout l-')0 acres cleareil; and also .a GRI.ST .and S.\W MILL; and a fine large Meadow of about 14i> pn^iJps iUil lluaJ 1 will sell in parcels to suit imrchasers, but would pre fer to sell the whole together. Apply to Thos. S. Lut- terloh. Esq., Fayetteville, or the subscriber at Pitts- borough. N. C. J. H. HAUGHTON. Nov. 12, ls*)7. ’>i>tf — *- l^aiid and Wood. O/**) ACRES of L.VND lying on the Fayetteville & OUO Western R. R. 7 miles f'-om Town. Cords PINE WOOD cut and piled. .\11 for sale cheap to close the concern of E. Roberts & Co. Apply to J. H, ROBERTS .'i CO. June 20, 18'»^t. 24tf The Ijarfift Carriage Faeloryin the South! McKIVrilAA Respectfully informs ins friemls and the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Build ings at his Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing (’ar- riages. Thankful for the very liberal jiatrouage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict atten tion to business, with a ilesire to gi"e satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material ami by experienced workmen in each branch of the Imsiness. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is iletermined to sell and do any work in his line on as goo«l terms as any work d';ne elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, finished, THE LARtJEST ST(M'K OF Carriages, Barouches, Rockaways and Buggies, ever ofl'ered in this jilace, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All ol which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. 8^j?“'He has hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHICLES finished and in course of construct ion. J8Jar>“All work made l.y tiim is w.irranted 12 months with fair usage, tind shnuld it fail by bad workmatisltip or material, will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call ami ex amine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promjitly attended to. Rejiairing executed at short notice and on very rea.son- abl« terms. May 2H, IK.:{. FRE8H ARRIVAL.! Second Stock Spring and Summer Goods. J. A. PEMBERTON IS now receiving his second stock of Spring and Sum mer Goods, embracing all the IVEWE^iT Such as Summer SilkSy Ctrefiaitiueft, O^r^- g^antlies, With a great variety of new style goods for Traveling Egresses and Dusters, Also a complete assortment of ifloiiriiifij^ (jroodw. A large and varied assortment of SILK AND LACE MANTLES, CHANTILLY LACE POINTS, BL’fc AND WHITE UERAGE MANTLES, STELLA SHAWL.S. &c. A few of those sfdendid Fronch E.MBHOlDERfID AND LACE SETS. COLLARS AND SLEEVES. Douglas .t Sherwood’s NEW STYLE M)RSETTS, (with Bustle and .Skirt-Supporter attachel.) A great variety of NEW STYLE HOOP SKIRTS, &c., &c. In the above stock may '>c found a great nianj' new and desirable styles, .just out. The public generally are invited to call early and examine for themselves. J. A. PEMBERTON. April I'.t, 1859 7- Ifardware, Cutlery, J AMES MARTINE is now receiving a large ami gene- s.sortment of every thing in the aV>ovc line. —A LSO— A prime iirficle of Rio. [,aguira .tnd Jtira (.’OFFKE Crushed and Brown SUG.VR; Sugar House SIRUP and MOLASSES. All «.tf which is otl'ered on as good terms as can be had in this market. Nov’r 24. 18o8. Odtf JJiHEET IRO]^, TIi\-WARK, N II.VND. ;i large assortment of Box and Cooking Stoves; Tin-ware; Sheet-Iron; Lead Pipe. Also The dominion Coffee For sale by J V.ME.S M.\RTINE. 0 Nov’r 24. »W>tf WM. C.ARTEl! & SON’, Wholesale A Hetall Dealers and Maniiriictiirers or ALU KINIIS OF Iteather^ Safltlies ami Miarness^ »f every descriiition. t'ollars. Whips. i*i:c. VND we also part iciilarly call the at tent ion of Ihe whole surrounding cotiniry to give ns a call, as we are de termined that none shall surjiass us in quality or low price^:; and ve will give the highest cash price at all times for Raw Hides and Tallow, in exchange for our articles. Country Merchants wouM do well to call and examine our Stock, as we can sell them Shoes of a much better quality than the^’ usually get. on very accommotlating terms. Southern Planters would do well to send ttsall their orders as we .are making a No. 1 article of NE1R(> .SHOE.s, that are warr.inte*! to give entire satisfaction. N. B. .Ml Orders from a distance shall have jironipt attention. S. S CARTER. WM. CARTER. | (Joldston P. O., ('hathain Co., X. 1 .March l.'». IH'iVt. )' O. IIi>l>iTO\ LD inform his friends and former customers that y T he may be fount! 2 dotirs below the ('aj>e Fe.-ir iiank. ! and :i doors above his cdd stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand, llariK'ss, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Cullars, and every thing belonjjing to his tnide. He resj>ectfullv invites his friends from the country to call and examine ' his stock before j'Urchasing. I He win attend to Ri-pairing of Harness and Saddles ; and his charges shall be nuslerate. He woiiM reiiiest all indebted to the tirni of HOUSTON 1 0\ ERB\ to .settle with W. Overby or himself, as they | are comi>e11ed to settle the firnr debts. .\iigiist 27, 18.")t’,. tf OII.J«i, Arc. SPERM. Refined, Lard. Linseed and Tanners’ OIL; White Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; Window Glass and Sash of all sizes. —ALSO— Afresh supply of POND'S P.\IN DESTROYER. F'orsaleby JAMES MARTINE. Nov'r 24, 18.')8. Turpentine lia‘ker>(, Mcraperx, PiillerM and Di|>per*, ^ GUN SHOl*. Fayetteville, N. C. Jan’y lo. ]8.'>8. LL of the first quality, can be had at M. A. BAKER’S 8otf Notice (0 Turpentine Distillers and others. I AM fully jirepared to make or repair TURPE.NTINE STILLS, or do any thing in the Cop}>er or Sheet Iron work, at the shortest notice. M. A. BAKER. Fayetteville, Jan’}- 24, 18-'>0. 82tf To Rail Mioatl t'ontrartors! JUST RECEIVED lOO WIIKEI.BARROWN, light and strong, for the Rail Road. For sale by D. & W. McLAURlN. March 2;*, 185'i. 800tf iiiiaiio! Giiano!! liUk BAGS No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, for sale by LoU E. F. MOORE. HAWK^’8 HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. The 2d volume is now published, it embraces the riod of the Proprietary Government, from 1729. It forms a handsome 8vo. volume of 591 pages, -jh subscription price was lialf a cent a page; but the r,^ * of this volume is less, say $2 75 in cloth binding, $;> in library sheep, and $3 25 in half calf. It win ' SOLl> ONLY FOB CASH. Owing to the difficulty of securing Agents in parts of the State, we will forward it by mail or other wise free of postage, on receipt of the price; or both t&I umes for $4 00 cloth, S4 50 sheep, or $5 half calf, A liberal discount made to Agents or others, who bu» to sell again. E. J. HALE & SON' Fayetteville, Nov. 3, 1858. SIIPRE.^E^OVRT retorts. NEW EDITION OP Oevereux and Battle’s Equity, Vol. l, The subscribers have just printed a 2d Edition of this volume, (one of the most vftluable of the series ) with Notes and Ueferencea to other adjudged Ca.«esHn,i to the Revised Code, by Hon. Wm. H, Battle; and with many corrections of typographical errors. They have now in press the 2d volume, also with Judge Battle’s Notes, which they will publish soon. Their 2d Edition of the 1st volume of Dev. & Battle’s Law Reports, issued last year, has received the ajtinu bat ion of the Profession. They republished a 2d Edition of Devereux's 1st Equity (without Notes.) And in addition to these, are the proprietors of the entire editions of most of lreiell’s Law and Eipiity, and can supply any volumes extant of the Reports, or complete sets, so far as they can now be had. They leal largely in Law Books, and will at all times order works not on their shelves, fo supply their cih- tomers. K. J. HALE & SON. Fayetteville, May Ifi, 1859. A TREATISiE ON THE LAW OF EVIDENCE, TKXTH EXULISH KDITIOX, WITH 'ONSIt>EE.\BI,E ALTKUATIONS AND AllKITIONS. By the Right Hon. S. MARCH PHILLIPS and TIIOS. ,IA>1ES ARNOLD, Esq., one of the Police Magistrates for the .Metropolis FOIRTII .4MKKI(’A\ EDITIO.V, With COWEN & HILL’S Notes, and with addition Notes and References to the English and America cases to the present time, including those ailded to t' last edition by J. M.arsden Van Cott. BY ISAAC EDWARDS, COI'SSSLLOK AT LaW. In three large volumes. The unequalled work of Mr. Phillips on the Law Evidence has long been acknowledged. This edition has undergone a thorough revision b Mr. Edwards, and has received an immense amount o labor, and is now as nearly perfect as can be made. The American labor and talent bestowed upon th work are not less than that derived from the Englis source. The immortal notes of Messrs. Co wen & Hill together with those of Mr. Van Cott, have been care fully preserved: and instead of being put in a volume by themselves, as formerly, they are now placed below the text—a disposition of them which will very much faci litate reference. The entire note and text are arranged in three compact volumes, with a table of cases, and an extremely full index to each. Mr. Edwanls has care fully notei any distinctions that n^y exist between the English and American law, and has added all the late .\merican decisions. Several copies of this valuable work just received and for sale by E. J. H.\LE & SON, Fayetteville. Bacon! llacon!! 10 IlHDS. prime SIDES, just received. .\olice.—roe« \Vanlt*d. rnO the farmers and citizens of the Counties of Dt^lin, i, ayne, .Iohnstt»n. Harnett, ^loore, (’umberland, Robeson, liladeu, ('oluiiibiis, Brunswick, New Hanover anil Sampson: The subscriber being desirous of purchasing a number of likely young Negroes, of all classes and descriptions, avails himself of this methol of informing those who may h.ive such property to dispose of, that they would do well to visit me at home, or aildress me at ('linton, N. —for which they shall receive a visit. A word to the wise is sufficient, as it is well un.lerstood that I pay exceeding high prices, EVERETT PETERSON. Feb'y 14, l«o'J Xejrroes for ^Tle. / iNL Nl-.(iPi(» Woman and one GIRL for sale. Ap- ' ' I’^y to Jas. G. Cook or „ NEILL CARMICHAEL. June 3, 1859. oy IlmiNe and Lol lor sale. ^I^H.AT neat ami comfortable DWELLING HOUSE and 1 LOT. on Arch street, is for sale. It contains six ^ rooms, and is in good repair, with all necessary out- I houses and a Well of gool water in the yard. It is con venient to the business j>art of the town. Any inform ation in regard to the above projierty can be had by calling on H. (irahatii or R. W. Hardie. June I. 18.">'.'. 19-t>w Call and ^>iettle up. VLL those indebte*! to me by Note or Account will please call at my old Stand, Northeast corner Mar ket Square, and settle up. In my absence Mr. T. B. Newberry will atteml to collections and give receipts. H. GRAH.V.M. June 1, 18.'j9. 19-6w .^late Kondw for Kale. 8T.VTE Coujion Bonds, ((,'oupons payable in New York, on the 1st .ipril and 1st October,) in quaini- ties to suit. .-V{>ply at the Branch of the Cape Fear A. McLEAN. June 1 mif MOR MjOn\ ONE 24 inch Planing Machine "\orcro-^s 1‘nleiit,’' in good running order with two extra setts knives, and all complete. Also, one good “matcher” or tongueing and grooving ■Machine, for flooring or ceiling, which does excellent work and is in gooil order. Will be sold low on accom- niodating terms by o. G. P:\RSLEY ^S; CO., Wilmington, N. C. June 1. I!t-l0t FOR SALi: Oil ri:ni\ V('ONVENIENT DWELLING HOUSP:, on Ilaymount, near Mr. .1. C. Thom.son’s. For particul.irs enquire of J. G. SHEPHERD, Esq., or May 7. COUPON BONDS FOR S.U.E. The Western Rail Road Coniimny have for sale in amounts to suit purchasers, 8-0,000 ol‘ the Coupon Bonds of the County of Cumberland, bearing 7 per cent, interest, payable semi annually on the 1st June and 1st of December, and run- ninjr 20 years. S'.Ml,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the Town ol Fayetteville, be.aring 0 per cent, interest, payable semi annually on the 1st January and the 1st of July, and running 20 years. These bonds were issued in accordance with law to the Western Rail Road Co., to pjiy the County and Town subscriptions respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the price the Co. is selling them) a better investment than any Bank Stock in the State. For terms apply to C. B. MALLETT, Esq., Prcs’f, or to JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r W^estern il. R. Co. Fayetteville, Feb’y 20, 1858. 89tf ^125 Reward. 1WILL pay ?25 reward for the apprehension and con finement in any jail, so that I get him again, of my boy REUBEN, who ranaway on the 31st May last. Reuben is about ^0 years old, about 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, dark color, will weigh 150 to ltJ5 lbs., small eyes, very thick lips, and has a small scar on the back of one of his hands, near the root of the thumb. .\ml I will pay a further reward of $100 for proof suffi cient to convict any white person of hajboring said boy or seducing him from home. JAS. C. McEACHIN. Laurinburgh, Biclunond co., N. C., Jjme 10 [24tf J. \V. IIAKER Is now recelviiijr from tlie North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of ri K\i ri'Ki: ever offered in this markei: which added to !iis own manufacture, makes his assortment complete:— all of which he will sell on the lowest jiossible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-rooni Fumiture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses: Looking Glasses; WiHow Wagons ami Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts: W’ash Stands: Candle Stands: Wardrobes; Picture Frames and (Hass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogony and Wal nut; Tete a Teles; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Ko.sewnod Piano.s, one with ^Eoliaii at tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the best manufac tories in New ^ ork and Boston, warranted as gooil as any made in the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. September 2. 4r>tf illarble Faiclory, A. M. CAMPBELL. 9tf By liAlJDKIl, TWO DftURS ABOVE C. T. !!.\Uill k SONS’ STORE Fayelft'ville, Jan’v 20, 18.S9 t>4-ypd Trustee’s j^otice. A LL persons having debts due against William R. il. McKenzie must present them to me at iny Store in the town of ('linton, on or before Tlitirsday the 11th of August next. Having been appointed Trustee by said McKenzie, for the benefit of his creditors, 1 will on the aforesaid day, make a final arrangeiuent of said debts, so far as there are funds in my hands so to do, anil ac cording to the provisions of the Trust to me executed. T. M. LEE. Trustee. June 17, 1859 24tAll FresU •Irrivals. JUST received pr Steamer Fanny. 4 Bbls. Extra No. 1 M.VCKEREL (for retailing,) 10 h “ do. “ 1 do. 10 I “ do. “ 1 do. 10 h MESS SHAD; 80 Boxes (HIEESE; 100 Bags New Hulled BUCKWHEAT FLOUR; Fulton Market Beef; Mess Pork; Goshen Butter, Pocket Salt; Sugar; Coffee; Molasses; and every thing in the provision line; which 1 will sell cheap for CASH or ex change for country Produce. C. TROY Nov. 3, 1858. 60-tf TAKE.lf IP, ^pAKEN up and committed to the Jail of Cumberland I (,'ounty on the 15th inst., a NEGRO BOY’’, named JOiIN BR.\CE or JOHN FRANKLIN, who says he is free, and, that he came from Columbia, S. C. John is small, a bright mulatto, and had on when taken up a white wool hat and steel-mixed frock coat and pants. The owner of said Negro is notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. GEO. L. McKAY, Jailer. Oct’r 15, 1868. 66- 100 E. F. MOORE. Hav and Rice Straw. BALES RICE STRAW, 5t •• Eastern Hav. For sa’e by E. f! MOORE, t wrini "I V B.VtiS fresh CORN, will be received on W'ednes- iUU dav. June 2ii, lh.'>'.'. E. F. MOORE. 24-;5w 50 piowr*! Plows!! Plows!!! NO. i; PLOWS; 50 No. 10 Plows; 50 No. 11 *• 25 No. 50 •• 25 No. 110 “ Points, Bars and Mould Boards to suit. For sale by C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 79- Kutfer. ('iieese and Crackers. -I /\ FIRKINS Goshen Butter; J[\F 25 Boxes State Cheese: ; 10 Bbls. Soda and Butter Crackers. Just received by C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 79- (liill ITet and Seine Twine. LBS. Gill Net Twine; OM 1''0 lbs. Seine ” Just received by C. E. LEV'TE. Jan’y 12 79- THE MVKR liWlCIORATOR! PRKPARKn BY DR SA.VKORO, ronipounited entirely from IS OSK OF THK BEST PURdATIVK AXD LIVER MK I HK'INKS now before the imhlic, th»t acts an a CaUtartir^ ^anier, milder. And more effectual tluni any otlier n«dicine known. It ii not only a CAithnriic^ but a lArer remedy, acting first on the Airer to eW’t ite morbid matter, then on ttie stomach and bom’ttU to carry off that matter, thus accomplishing two pnrpoeee effectii ally, without any of the painful feelings experienced in the opern tions of most Catharfics. It strengthens the system at the hmhiv time that it purges it; and when taken daily iu moderate duM-N, will strengthen and build ft up with anusuid rapidity. The i^lTer it one of the! humao tody; and when It the powers of the STitem are ■ Is almost entirely dependent! £irer for the proper perform-1 stomach is at fault, the bowels | system suffers la consequence ‘ having ceased to do iu dnty. gan, one of the proprietort practice of more than twenty wherewith to counteract the It Is liable. To prove that this remedy is bled wixh l^f-ver Com- has but to try a bottle, and | These Gums rsmovo all the system, supplying i.i their InTif^rating tne stcmaoh, IfurtfyliiBtlke blood, whole machinery, remOTing effecting a radical cure. BlIlona attacks are better, prevented, by Liver liivl(^orator* Oue dose after eating is snf- and preyent the food from Only one dose taken before mare. Only one doee taken at genJy, and enres Co9* One doee taken after each 9^ One doee of two tea^ l$lck Headache* One bottle taken for fe- eause of the disease, and Only one dose immediately One doee often repeated is MTorbnSy and a preventive Only one bottle is system the effects of medi- «9*One bottle taken for lowness or unnatural color One dose taken a short gor to the appetite, and makes One doee often repeated rlioea in its worst forms, Bowel complainu yield One or two dosee cures at- Children; there Is no surer, the world, as it ne^^faiU. 99^ A few bottles cires absorbents. We take pleasure In recom- preventive for Kever and and all Kevers of a Bll- with certainty, and thousands wonderful virtues. ■9-Mix Watvr In the montli with the Iiivl* and awallow both together. THE LIVER INVIGGRATOR IS A 8CIKNTIFIC MKDIOAL msOOVKRY, and !• daily working cutm, almcxt loo m-Mt to ballere. It ciirw >• If by magic, nm the ^rt lote givixg betnfit, and Mldom mor« tban one bottu it reqnir^l to car* any kind of Liver romplaini, from the wont Jaundxrt or to a common Utadurkf all of which are the result of a iJlaeaaed i«lv«r« PRICK OKI DOLLAK FBB BOTTLK. Dr. SANFORO, Proprietor, X45 Broadway, New York ReUlled by all Druggists. SoU aln JAS. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. 62-ly principal regulators of the performs its functions well, fally developed. The^marA on the healthy action of the ance of Its functions; wUet\ the are at fault, and the whole ,of one organ—the 1^1 ver*- For ihe diseases of that or- has made it bis study, iu a ’years, to find some remedy many derangements to whlcn 'at last found, any person trou plaint, in any of its forms, conviction tr> certain. «, morbid or bad matter from I place a healthy flow of bile. . . causing food to digest well, PHi| giving tone and health the I the cause of the disease— [Cured, and, MrUat U jthe occasional use of the ficieot to relieve the stomach [rising and soaring. I retiring, prereou Nlght- {night, loosens the bowels tlveneM. I meal will cure Oy^spepsla ispoonfuls will always relieTe [male obstruction removes th« makes a psrfect cure, relieves Cbollc, while a sure cure for Cbolera of Cbolera* needed to threw out of the cine after a long sickness. Jaundice removes ^1 sal from the skin. time before eating gives vi- food digeet well, cures Cbronlc DIai** while Summer and almost to the first dose, tacks caused by Worms in safer, or speedier remedy in •s s, fiS' o' jmandinK this madiclne a a ^ ARwe, Chill Kevcr, ^ lloua Type. It oparatM are willing to teatlfj to iu Uropsjr, bjr excltinc the TAXES! TAXE»!! I WILL attend at the Market House in the Town of Fayetteville, on FRIDAY, TIIE 1ST DAV OF JULV next, for the purpose of collecting the Taxes ilue, on subjects taxed without being listed, viz; — Circus Rider.s, Stage Players, Itinerant Singers, In- sunince Companies. Hank Agencies, Brokers. Expre^s Companies, Hilliard Tables. Bowling Alleys, Livery Stables, Dentists, Portrait Painters, Vendors of Playing Cards, Lightning Rods, Auctioneers, Merchants, Ready- Made Clothing. Patent Medicines, Peddlers. F’or the benefit of those engaged or interested in either branch of the above business. I append the 87th Section of the Kevenue Law from which they will discover wnat tne peniitfy i» , , . respective Taxes: 87 Ever3' person uci'i^nri'enAfcu .u iTt as per schedule B., without having previously received a license as required, shall, in addition to the taxes, forfeit and pay one hundred dollars, to be collected by distress or otherwise, by tbe sheriff, one-lialf to his own use, and the other half to the use of the State.” HECTOR McNEILL, Sheriff. June 15, 1859 !«iTATIO:¥ERY. In addition to our present stock we are receiviug 150 Reams Paper, Embracing every variety of CAP, LETTER, BATH LETTER, COMMERCIAL NOTE, BILL HEAD, FOLIO POST. and NOTE PAPERS. 60 M. ENVELOPES, of every description. 1 case English and American SLATES, assorted sixes. 100 gross STSEL PENS; Pen-holders; School Ink-Stands; VISITING CARDS; BLANK BOOKS, &c. E. J. HALE & SON. Feb’v 12 Dictionary ot Congress, by Laii- nian; Tressilian and his Friends, by R. Shelton McKenzie; Thousand Chances to Make Money," by Freedley; “Mrs. Partington’s Carpet Bag of Fun”; Sylvester Sound; Handy Andy; Flush Titnes of .\labama; Party Leaders; School Books; &c., 6ic. Just received. April 2;} E. J. HALE & SON. Scouring ot the White Hor»e; “What W^ill He Do With It?” by E. Bulwer Lytton; Mill's System of Logic, &c. Also, further supplies of School Books. Just received. Feb’y 12 E. J. HALE i SON The Sociahle, or lOOl Home Jk~ musements; The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table; Lec- tuies of Lola Montes; Chronicles of the Bastile, ilbiH- trated: The Magician’s Own Book; Living and Loving; Livingstone’s Travels; Live and Learn: The Power of Prayer, by Prime; School Books, &c., &c. Further supplies, just received. Jan’y 31 E. J. HALE & SON. Further Supplier or Books. The AMERICAN ALMANAC for 1859; FATHER AND DAUGHTER, by Miss Bremer; “WHAT WILL HE DO WITH IT,” by Bulwer; SCHOOL BOOKS, &c., &c. March 7 E. J. HALE & SON. A Colton’s fountain l§cenery. FURTHER supply just received. E. J. HALE & SON, May 19. Dr. Kane’s Arctic Explorations, Cloth, Sheep and half Calf Binding. Further supplies just received. E. J. HALE & SON. April 20. A new and complete IVorth Ca rolina FORM BOOK, compiled from the best sources, and intended as a companion fo Cantwell’s Justice. April 2. E. J. HALE * SON. Devereux’s Kinnie’s Blackstoiiej reduced to Questions and Answers, upon the Kinnie’s Blackstone, one Volume; Drake on Attachment. For sale bv E. J. HALE & SON. Nov’r 11. Webster’s Elementary Impelling Book, for sale by E, J. IIALB & SON. ]%ew Volumes of Supreme Court Reports* JUST published, volume 5 Jones’s Law Reports, aiid volume 3 Jones’s Equity Reports, of Decisi^'S in the Supreme Court of North C»rolina. For sale by Feb’y 10 E. J- HALE & SON. ('bapman*8 Sermons, sixth edition; the i dist by Miriam Fletcher; Life at Three Score, by iJarne., I Songs of the P. E. Church; The Psalmist, with suppte- i nient; Clarke’s CoDUueutary, &c. „ Juke 11. E. J. hale & soy,