■ • ■ 1'-'a ,, ll-,. The ■', '• it,i Aii'MU,'. iu .. niail ,,r .>th,r. ■ ■ «>; or both vol c hnlf calf. ”■ who huv 1 M.K V S(>\ ^ It iti:i>oRT!^ 71 \ « ‘ 1’ Kqiiiry. Vol. 1*11 Uitinn !'vili, • Uaii'. ■ - • ■ tl.. ■ 't'lr. .if" , ^ 'aii II » ' nr h'’ , I \ S(!N lTi^i: riDIJNCE, I K1)1TI0\. -' ‘ ■■ ■ t; N, ) i ; li.i .i s ;,i,a Tiins AN KIMTIUV. ■ :i! ■! An.t-r; HI, — ' a.i.'f.i ! . I‘ V R Ds. ^ ' ’I’ - 'I Law uf ^ ■ -n ri ; V Ml- - nil )*■ i U' ■. the •■■■ ; t'E-Jish -V Hii:, iHV. . > ri oHre !l >i V vuu ' : K- ihe : ..oh faoi- n: !>rrHllg!-.J ■‘ iiii'l an '^1 ^ I - iia> 'trr-- P’l: ,v , - , . iw.-.'H : t L-:. .f M II - It, - .. - 1 ' an 1)1 - t :» J - ; r. t'ivej «uj '■ N. 1 ?t H' .. : Tiie T wii ot' ^ ■ A‘ f JllA •• 1 due, on je:: 1; L:. .. ' lu : Kxpre-.s V . l.i^ery - 1' iviujj , Kett'iy ■t-rested iu ‘ 11 1 tb« : 'iivv will - Uiy hu-'i- w”!. .lit :r kl, 'iiail. ' •• iiun-ireil ^ -e. b\ the -T ! ilf to 'i.-wtf 'Ai Itl. Ik l*a|M*r. A IJ ' r 1APKKS • Iri^ \I. : V ,-^N. I»v Laii- Kcnziv; - O'llev: ^ St>N. t‘ l|or»«»: •r L;. tton; -.ij.i li- s uf . «>y r 1001 Home \- ■ ' i '.Ic: Lee- :■ • :illus ^■'1 Lo'in(t: '' .c l‘i.w -r .f ' t.N. • I. !ir. ■ ■1; . lV::w>*r: S' >N lain ir l^\|>l4»i*atioii*t, r ^i.pplies ; - i.l. \ \orlli a- - . irccr. - 1,1; SON. Ilia* k«toitY‘, !ie jilun of * 'II Attachryent. t J ; 1,K V ;^oN. 4»a rl lleport^* . . li. i-orta, aiiii ; .•'•imoli- i al.- ^ J ^ h .i s>S. tb • dUioii; thi> Metho- ■ , liarneb, ^ ah bUppl*' IPAITOTTWIIILILIB TkIRW'IrIR SEM1-WEEKL.Y. \('L. IX.1 FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JUL V 1859. [NO. 829.] I'KIMl l' M0M>AVS and THIUSDAYS. KUWARD J. HALK & SOX, !:iMT(M5S AND T’KdPIUKTdUS T/tr M.ttrnett Carriage Fartorif in the SoHtU! j-yi'iiA'v ■ i ll- thi- Sciii! \V.'.‘’;ly OIISKKVF.R (>0 if paiil iu lv;iin-t‘; > i if tluring the yeur of sMbsori]'- i,. r SI .iftiT tlio yo:ir has expired. I .■ W ci kly iu-i;uvKii (M) ppr aniiiiin, if paid in Iv iiK'c: ^1’ 'lit if ]>aid duriu" the year of subscrip- ,ji: ,ir nil lifter tlie year has expired. -•jv \ 1)V I'RTIsi.MKNTS inserted for tiO cents per ill' o!' ]ii lines for the fir-^t, and 80 ccuts for each ■, liiiLL j'litilioaiion. Yearly advertisements by spe- l'cui'c.'tl’im i v- ■ r 1 • *• • i 11 iv * 4, • Ij ^-'>1 IXTt I l.L\ informs Ills tnends and the public. ■ ! iMi-ts. at rea>oiiabie rate>. Advertisers are | tii^t lie has built up large substantial Brick l>uild- ..-u'd t:: state the number of insertions desired, or I itips at his Old Stand, expressly for luaimfacturing (’ar- iiitiuued till forbid, and charged accord- Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for tlie last 'Jl years, he hopes by strict atten tion to bu.siness, with a desire to gi'^e .satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any niale in the United States, for iveatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work iu his line 011 iis good terms as any work done elsewhen- that is as well done, lie now has on hand, finished, THK L.\Ki.'KST STOCK OF CarriageM, Barouches, Rockaways and Buggies, ever offered in this ]>lace, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will iie finishel daily. All of which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual custoniers. J^flle has on hanti more than ONi: nUNDKKI* AN1> FI TTY VKHK’LES finished and in cour-ie of eoii'itnu'tion. gj^T'-Vll work made by him is warr;:nted 12 moiiths with fair usage, and -jhould it fail liy )»ad workmanship or material, will lie repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would ilo well to call and ex amine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Uepairing executed at sliort notice and on very reason able terms. .May 1N')8. S'.t-tf Advfrii'i iiu'iit-' to be inserted imidf, charged 50 per i,r :-\ira. SPKriAL NOTICE. I'r Mild alter this date, no name of A new subscriber ,■ i ;;:fr»'d wiilioiit payment in advance, nor will |t ] 'h‘ M-ni to such subscribers for a longer time I > paid for. .s.:. I .if iuir old subscribers as desire to take the pa- j . . ,1 ■ .1' system will please notify us when making ■r. • V .. -, v ■. 1"^^. M''j'’tnS superb Ni 1 tation .if beir and sei'ond to no Fayetteville Female High School. \r:'l.U’.\TIt>NS with testimonials) will be received • r 'I IMUN'Cll’AL of this Institution until 'J.')th July. .V'l, applisaiioiu for an ASSISTANT MUSU’ TKAt'H- tu E. J. LILLY, J. 0. SHEPHEllD, A. W. STKF.L, J. H. COt)K, S. J. HINSDALE, Executive ’om. : 2'1. 'Jo-oW LiriSI\BlRlill IIHill sniooi. 'Piit'. 1 U!i .'^e'ion of this Institution will open on the I .,'t ,)l'LY 1S09, under the charge of D.vn'l. S;K.\v\uT. ,Ir., R., as Principal. I'M ird i :in bi- had either at the Steward's Hall or in tic lit ih.-od at S8 per month, exclusive of lights »Ild ■W;l-'iilli:. F'T fur-^ci' information :»pply to the undersigned at cirintnirirh, N. K. 1>. HICKSON, Sec y, iriuhurgh, ,)uue 18. i;5-if Female Seminary, (IREF.NSBOUO’, N. ('. ri'’lll'. Nineteenth Annual Session of this Institution i will .■.iinmence on the -Jd of August, l^-')'.'. Till iMur'C of study is thorough and .■iy-^tematic, em- brui'iiig evLTvtiiing nece.ssary to a comj>lete, solid and •Tnanifrital eiiui-ation. The Bl'lLHlNGS are so ar ranged a,-i to combine the comforts of a home with the •livant.iges of a School. Instructors of the highest qu i’ificati.>ns are employed in each of the Departments. TERMS; B ii'd. includinj; washing, lights and fuel, p«r session of :iv. m.mths, St>0 tKI 'r 'iti.pii in the regular classes, 00 '.ir.ilo/riit''containinfr all necessary information re- *i|'ei'linr the = :ur:>e of Instniction, Terms, xc., will be I'Twariled ..n application to Hlt'H-VKD STERLING, Principal, Greensboroiigh, N. C. .lune •{ l2u-2mpd The U altoii 31 0 R (; .V X T 0 N , X. C . New Hotel has gained the repu- . ing a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, .and sec.ind to none iti the State. As an evi- li-iice of it. 1 refer to the many favorable notices by the Pri" of the Slate, and the very liberal patronage re- '■•■ived. It confinues open ■ NtvER h.\vim: been cLfisEi>.) lud it" guft may rely upon the reputation of the II 'U-e being sustained. I have arrangements made to h, k-ppt -;upjiried regularly with fresh Fish from Nor- T Ik and .Nfwbcrn: in tact with every delicacy usually : .'ri at tiT'? •la-'s Hotels. C. s. BROWN & CO’S STAGE OFFICE i~ ii thi' II Their Four-hor'C t'oaches run to the ■ • id if the W, X. Rail Ru id on Mondays, Wednes- 1 iv- and Fridav. ati'l t>; .\heville. Tue-idavs. Thiirs- y- .Hid Svu'v lay-. KXTR.V COACHES AND HAi'KS ready at any hour and for any point. S. BROWN. Proprietor. • Mine 1 1. 1 ’Jo-8t MOl ATAIX IIOTEI., MUlKiANTUX. X. C. spills well known HOUSE has been re 1 opened for the ;iccomniodation of the traveling public. It liaji been, and will con tinue to be a first cla-s Hotel. One very great vantage it posse^^es. over other houses, is its being ahii I't embowered in shade trees. The promenades, ■t which there !ire tliree.) are so thoroughly siiadel '!i;ii a person may enjoy them at any hour of the day. III fact, it-i admirable situation with regard to coolness ind 'Hiietiie^s, and its elevated position, commanding 'f the fine't Mountain views, renders it the most de- 'i'-roh* stopping place in .Morganton, or in the Moun- • lin region. The Proprietor lias adrleil and will coii- ■iii :• to add to it-* comfort and convenience. .\nd he ‘ iiii’s to merit and receive a continuance of the patron- j>' Ilf formally enjoyed, ir stables are attended by one of the best, if not Mic very be'*t. Ilo«tler in the Southern t'ountry—-the : !V-l'am‘d ‘••Silitx." Alioiit the first of July next, the Western Nortli Caro- 'iiia I’uiil II ..;d will be completed to Newton, and per nio goinpr to Morganton will find ready access by this r iiiti-. via .Salisbury and Statesville to Newton, where, -•■ic- tin- ri'giilar Stage ('oach, there will be a C^l- Knl’.TAlil.E and CO.MMODIOUS VEHICLE to convey ’ I- I'liger- on to .Morganton. Persons going from Char- ■;e to Morgajiton will find ready facilities of trans it iriHti.iti tiieie being a daily line of Stages from ilotte to Liiicolnton, and at Lincolnton B. S. John- • 1-. the projirietor oi'the Hotel, will provide good "irria;;e«. ami Drivers for {lublic tise, and will l)e otfere.l at Morganton, for trans- • part, to wiiicli they may wish logo. J. M. HAPPOLDT. Morg.anton. N. , .)nii»> 1, 18;>*. lil-Owlaw I'riisteeN \otice. 4 LL iiiTsons having debts .Im,- against William R. .MrKenzie must present tli,.„, I Ilf t.iwn of t ’linton, on or befort- Thursday the 11th of \ii;;ust next. Having been appointed Trustee by said \b'Kfnzif. for the benefit of his creditors. 1 -wi|] ,n the (t'.rc-aid day, make a final arrangement of said debts far a-' there are funds in my hands so to do, iiiid ac- r diiig to tlie ]iroviuions of the Trust to me executed T. M. LEE, Trustee. .1 ill* 17, 18-')'» 24tAll A VAIAIABT.E CAPE FEAR PLANTATION FOR SALE. rpilE Subscriber ofl'ers his FARM for sale, known as 1 ihe SHAW PLANTATION, situated on the N. E. side of Cape Fear River, in the County of Harnett, and distant from Toomer (the present County Ssut) two miles, and contains 747 Acres. It embraces an extensive body of very rich Uiver Bottom Land, not surpassed in this section of the State for dejith and fertility of soil; and in view of quality of soil, eligibility of location, the society in its vicinity. Schools, Churches, &c., an opportunity is here present ed of securijig a P'arni containing advantages rarely to be met with. The land lies well, and is susceptible of making one of the most valuable and productive farms in the State-. It is well adapted to the culture of Corn. Wheat, Oats and Cotton, and abounds with a large quantity of Oak, •Ash and other Timber, besides Pine Timber for Saw Logs. The form of the tract renders it susceptible of divi sion into two tracts or parcels, for Farms. It has a stream running nearly through the centre, fed by never-failing springs, on which is a desirable situation for an overshot mill, with a good dam already built. There are on the tract about 150 acres cleared and in cultivation. The subscriber will take pleasure in showing the a- bove lands to those desirous to purchase. Look and you will be pleased. In my judgment, such a body of land uannot be exhibited iu Harnett or any of the adjoining Counties. If not sold privately, it wilT be exposed to public sale on Monday of the Superior Court in this (.’ounty, which I think will be the Second Monday in August n«xt. Terms will be made easy, and more particularly made known on the day of sale. H. M. TURNER. J tine‘21. 2G-ts ijeather. Of everv W.M. rARTEI! & S0.\, \^hoU‘saIe 1 lU'tall Ih'ulers and Munuracturers OF ALL KINUS OF Satittles ami iiarjiess^ desi-ription. Collars. Whips, iVc. VND we also p in ic-ularlv cull th.-liteoiiti..!. ..r ilif wtiole 'Jiirroiindiiig f.iuntry to give us a call, as we are de- tenuiued that non.- -hall surpass us in quality or low prices; and we will give the Jiighest '.■a.-h price at all time for Raw Hides and Tallow, in exchange for our articles. Country .Merchants would do well to call and examine our Stock, as we can sell them Shoes of a much better quality than they usually get, on very accommodating terms. Southern Planter'- would do well to send us all their order' as we are making a No. 1 article ofNEtJRO SHt>KS, that are warranted to give entire satisfaction. N. B. .Ml OnJers from a di'jt.ince shall have prompt attention. S. S. CARTKR. WM. CAKTKK. Cfoldston P. ()., Cliatliam I'o., N. C., ^ •March l'>, 1.h.')!+. O. HOl>TO\ ll'^OULD inform his friends and form.-r customers that t' he may be foiiiid 1.’ door> btdowthe Cape Fear Bank, and doors above his oM ;-tand ^outh side I’erson .Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Mhlps, Collars, and every thing belonging to hi- trade. He respectfully invites his friend* from the country to call and examine his xtock before purchasing. He will attend to Kfpairiiig of Harness and .Saddles punctually, and his charges ^•llall be moderate. He would request all indebted to the firm of HOUSTON A: OVERBY to seilie with W. tjverby or himself, as they are compelled to settle the firm's debts. August '27. IH.^i’i. tf PI BMC «AI.E OF THE NORT H CARO LI N A CO P PER MIN E, In tbe County or (iuiirord. State or Xortb Carolina. IN pursuance of the provisions of a Deed of Trust, executed to me, on the 15th July, 1854, by the Pre- sidejit and Directors of the North Carolina Mining Com pany. and of record in the Register's office of the Coun ty of Guilford. State of North Carolina, for certain pur- l>oses therein set forth, I will, as Trustee in said deed, offer for sale, for cash, on the premises, at 11 o'clock, .\. M.. on Tuesday the ‘2d day of August, 1^59, that Valuable .TIiniiiii: Property in Guilford county, fen miles South of Greensboroiigh, known as the North Carolina ('opper Mine, containing 1()M Acres, more or less, together with all the Macliluery, Engines, Pumps, Mining Toois and Materials thereunto belonging or appiTinlning, aiiJ all the other property of every kind and description, belonging to the said ('ojiper Company. Possession will be given upon the consummation of the sale. J.\MES SLO.VN. Trustee. Oreensboro’, N. C., May 21. 1K59 17ts lAM) FOH Sill. “ I OFFER for sale 040 .Acres of L.VNI), lying on the West siile of Cape Fear River, two miles below Fay- etteville. and extemlinp from the river into the sand hills. This tract is about equally diviileil into river ridge, swamp an.l sand-hill Land. About 80 acrfs. adjoining the river, are under cultivation and are well suited to the growth of Corn and Grass: none of thf Swamp has been cleared. There are several good sites for a dwelling house on the sand-hills. Any person wishing to purchase will do well to make early aj'pli- cation, as I have determined to sell. THOMAS J. ROBINSON Sept. i, l»o8. 44tf Ijaiiidfi for Sale. ] OFFER for sale about titKMJ Acres of Pine Lands near Fayetteville, containing ati immense iiuantity of Mill Timber, and a number of Turpentine Boxe«. and several new tasks may be cut. There is on the premises a fine Dwelling lUiiise. and all necessary out-houses,—Scup- pernong and Isabella Grape Vines,—KMMJ young Peach and Ajiple Trees of Lindley's best varieties; also, a good F.VRNI of about 15U acres cleareii; and also a GRIST and S.\W .MILL; and a fine large Meadow of about 140 acres. The F.ayetteville and Coal Fields Rail Road ; passes through tfiese lands about a mile from the Mills. : I will sell in parcels to suit purchasers, but would pre fer to sell the whole together. Apply to Thos. S. Lut- terloh. Esq.. Fayetteville, or the subscriber at Pitts- I borough. N. C. J. H. HAUGHTON. Nov. 12. 1857. 60tf FRESH arrival: Second Stock Spring and Summer Goods. J. A. PEMBERTON IS now receiving his second stock of Spring and Sum mer Goods, embracing all the I^EWEST STYI.ES. Such as Summer Silt^s^ firenadines, €kr~ gantlies, AV., With a great variety of new style goods for Trarelinff MPresses anti MPusters. Also a complete assortment of !?Ioiiriiin$(' l>re;«K («oocl$«. A large and varied assortment of SILK AND L.ACE MANTLE.S, (’HANTILLY LACE POINTS, BL’K AND WHITE BER.AGE MANTLES, STELLA SHAWLS, &c. \ few of those splendid French EMBROIDERED AND LACE SET.S. COLLARS AND SLEEVES. Douglas & Sherwood s NEW STYLE CORSETT.S, (with Bustle and Skirt-Supporter attached.) A great variety of NEW STYLE 1I0(.)P SKIRTS, &c., &c. In the above stock may he found a great many new and desirable styles, just out. The public generally are invited to call early and examine for themselves. J. A. PEMBERTON. April I'J, 1859 7- Ulore IVew Goo«l^! 1.AM just receiving my Spring Stock of Goods in my line. They were selected in the Northern cities by myself, with great care, and l)ought on the most reason able terms, by which 1 am enabled to ofi'er the largest stock I ever before ottered to the public, and to ofl'er them generally At tiready Reduced Prices. FRUIT.S—Raisins, Figs, Prunes, .Vpples, Lemons, Or anges, ('berries. Currant^, .'i:c. PK'KLES, .1 ELLIES AND PRESERVES—u great va riety: PERFU.MERIES AND EXTR.\CTS of various kinds; FANCY SOAPS AND POMADES; MUSK'AL INSTRUMENTS—Fiddles, Drums, Fifes, Flutes, P.anjos, Guitars, &c.; W.\LKIN(» C.\NES—of everv kind; BASKETS AND WILLOW WARE; HOBBY HORSE.s. ,vc.; NITS; FINE AND COMMON 'AND1 ES; SARDINES; FINE (’IGARS: SMOKING \ CHEWING TOBACCO; ('R.\('KERS; FINE POCKET KNIVES: .\ large assortment of PORT-MoN.ME.'^. some very nice; FANCY ENVELOPES, and FANCV GOODS, TOYS and Y \NKEE NOTIONS; ■Vn assortment of IND1.( Rl.'BBER (iOODS; (N)MBS. WHIPS. FISHING TACKLi:. The public are respectfully invited to call and ex amine my stock. 1 have ii (freat many handsome things (hat cannot fail to pleane. JAS. R. LEE. Hotel J’uilding March 31, ISolt 1- llardware^ Cutlery, A:i*. •\ME.S M.VRTINE is now receiving a large and gene ral aS'ortnient of every thing in tlie a>)ove line. —ALSO- .V prime article of Rio. Laguira and Java CoFFEE ('rushed and IJrown SUG.VR; Sugar House SIRUT’ and MOLASSE.S. .\11 of which is ofTereil on a good terms as can be hal in this market. Nov'r 24, 1S')H. »;otf ^orth Carolina Readers. NUMBERS 1 AND 2. PREI'AUKl) WITH SPECIAL REFERENCK TO THE WANT.S AND INTERESTS OF •Vorfli Carolina, U.NDKR TIIK AfSPICES OF THE SUIERIXTENDF.XT OF COM- MOX SCHOOLS. BY Rev. F. .TI. Hubbard, PROFESSOR OF TUB I-ATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN THE UXIVERSITV OF NORTH C.\ROLIXA. NUMBER 3, COXTAINlN(} A FAMILIAR HISTORY AND DESCRIP- (Closes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, at i P. M. Post Office, Fayetteville, rv* ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF THE MAILS. RALEIGH. Arrives daily at A. M. Closes “ “ 2k P. M. KENANSVILLE, (VIA CLINTON AND WARSAW.) Arrives daily, at A. M. Closes “ at ij P. M. SALEM. Arrives Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, at 3 P. M, Closes Monday, “ “ “ “ 1'-^ “ FAIR BLUFF. •\rrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 A. M. J TTON OF NORTH CAROLINA. Selections in Prose and Verse; many of them by eminent citizens of the State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. And a variety of Miscellaneous Information and Sta tist ic.s. by C. H. J UMBP'R is a new and revised edition of the North Carolina Reader, first published in 1851. Numbers 1 and ‘J just i.ssued, complete the series, which is, as a whole, cheaper than .-iny other series of Readers in the United States, anil as complete. The Editor (Prof. Hubbard) in his Preface to Num ber 1 deems it proper to allude to a few of the peculiar advantages aimed at by the Superintendent of Common Schools while making efforts to have this work com pleted. These are. 1. The enciiurageiiieiit of n ffelinff of self-dependence, and the enlistnieiit of po])ular entiment in behalf of the State and its institution-'. It was not thought important, how ever, to have more than one number of the Reader of merely a local interest. ‘J. Tu mtifiiy Ihe eri/ ereri/where complained of in com- niiiii xrhooln, nf (t juTjtetunl chiinie in tert hooks; an expen sive habit, and one which injures the .Schools by pre venting the children from being classified. A series of home Readers, it was suf>posed, would be certainly used, and this great evil thus avoided. Kconomy, the popular system of Readers being too long and being niale so often merely to add to the profits of authors atid publishers. This series is to consist of fewer luiiubers than those generally used, and it is believed that these numbers are sufficient, while if the system were universally used in the .State, the sum saveil to parents and children would amount to several thousand dollars annually. 4. To put in the hitnh f chi! ir n harnin;/ to read com- po.fi/iong .ii/jficif^/it/r/ f(i//tili/ir Imt ,to; nj hhe character called childoih compuxitiouK. containing, in lessons easy enough for all ages, I'orrect speciiiifii-! of st^'le, interesting in matter, and inculcating proper nmrals, and religious in struction. The |irices are. for No. 1. 'J.'i cents; Nf>. ll, cents anil No. 75 cents. .\ liticral deduction from these prices to MtM'ohdtii.-i «n.l .“School Teachers. E. J. HALE & SON. \EW fSPRIXO GOODS. ■ A S* • Barnes Kffle IS NOW RECEIVING A LARGE SUPPLY OF DRV GOODS, H.VTS. SHOES, BO LT 1 N(1 (’ LOTUS, c'co.. Cedar Falls Sheeting and Yarn at Factory Prices. All of which will Vje offered BV WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, -Vs low a> the same ipialitv can !>e had in thi. .State. March ISo't. ' 94tf ri IL (•■|iial fa. iWii,.. h rtafioti ti iiaki:r Is now rfcfiviii- I'ri'tn tin* Norfli tlie largest. fincl, and iiiu^r carefully ^elected stock of mC\ITI Kl] ever offered in this market; which added to his own manufacture, makes his a>iiriment cnmplete;— all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage f>cd-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses: Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Oadles; Side Boards; Bureaus: Secretaries and Book-(^ases; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes: Picture Frames and tllass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; .Sofas in Mahogony and Wal nut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Div.ans and .Stools; Chairs of every v.ariety. Fine Rosewood Pianos, one with .Eolian tit- tachment; Rosewood Melodians, frcm tlie >>est manufac tories in New York and Boston, waiTanted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. September 2. l.')tf i^larble Factory, l^ancl and Wood. wi \'RE.S of L.VND lying on the Fayetteville iS: ■stern 15. R. 7 miles from Town. I-'tO Cords PINE W(>(»D cut and jiiled. All for sale cheap to close the conc«rn of C. E. Roberts \ ('o. -Apply to J. H. ROBERT.s i;: (’). June 2o, 185',*. ojij- m ^IMKE' 1 ‘,,111 i i», N up and committed to the .Jail of Cumberland nty on the l-')th itisl., a NEGR(> BOY, named •I'Ml.V or .M)HN FK.\.NKL1.N, who says he is tr.-i-. ;iiid. that lie came from ('olumbia, S. .John is ill. a tii ight mulatto, and had on when t.aken up a ill’ W'.iil li.it and steel-mixed frock coat and pants. The owner of said Negro is notified to come forward, 1' ivc pniperty. pay charu''e, and take him away, or he Will lie de ili with the law directs. Gl'lo. L. McK.VY, Jailer, ^►■t'r * ■». 1S.‘)8. 55- By (iKO. LAUDER, TWO D008.S IBDVl! I). T. lltlCfl S SO\'S’ STimii Fayetteville, i\. €/. Jan'V 20, 1859. 64-ypd ${125 Reward. I WILL pay .'?'25 reward for the ajijirehension and con finement in any jail, so that I get him again, of my boy REUBEN, who ranaway on the 31st May last. Reuben is about 80 years old, about 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, dark color, will weigh 15(1 to 1G5 lbs., small eyes, very thick lips, and has a small scar on the back of one of his hands, near the root of the thumb. .Vnd 1 will pay a further rewanl of Sloo for proof suffi cient to convict any white person of harboring said boy or seducing him from home. •I.VS. (’. McEACHIN. Lanrinburgh, Richmond co., N. C., June It) [24tf lVel>ster’« I'^lementary .^pelliia^ Books. .A. further supply ju.-i received* Jan’y 8 E. J. HALE & SON. Hoii^»e and liOl for ^ale. ^pilAT neat and comfortable DWELLING HOUSE and I LOT, on .Arch street, is for sale. It contains six rooms, and is in good repair, with all nece.^sary out hoiisrs and a Well of good water in the yard. It is con venient to the business part of the town. Any inform ation in regard to the above property can be had by calling on 11. Graham or R. W. Uardie. June 1, 18.')1*. 1'.•-) w Call anti settle up. \I,L those indebted to me by Note or Account will please call at my old Stand, Northeast corner .Mar ket Si|ii:ire, and settle up. In my absence Mr. T. B. Newberry will attend to collections and give receipts. H. GRAHA.M. June 1, 185'.*. 19-Hw Mtate Boiitlf# tor Male. Bonds, (Coupons payable in S’ JT.ATE Coupon Bonds, (Coupons payable in New York, on the 1st April and 1st October,) in quanti ties to suit. Apply at the Branch of the Cajie Fear Bank. A. McLE.AN. June 1 P.itf FOR SALE OU KKNT. CONVENIENT DWELLING H0U13E, onHaymounI, near Mr. .1. C. Thomson’s. For particulars enquire of J. G. SHEPHERD, Esq., or A. M. CAMPBELL. May 7. ‘.*tf A ALK for sale in COUPON BONDS FOR : rnllE Western Rail Road Compnny have X amounts to suit purchasers, S20,000 of the Coupon Bonds of the County of Cumberland, bearing 7 per cent, interest, payable semi annually on the 1st June and 1st of December, and run ning 20 years. S9U,00U of the Coupon Bonds of the Town ot Fayetteville, bearing 0 per cent, interest, payable semi anniially on the 1st January and the 1st of July, and running 20 years. These bonds were issued in accordance with law to the Western Rail Road Co., to pay the County and Town subscriptions respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the price the Co. is selling them) a belter investment than any Bank Slock in the State. For terms apply to C. B: MALLETT, Esq.. Pres’t, or to JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r Western R. R. Co. Fayetteville, Feb’y 26, 1858. 89tf \Vel>««ter’!« Elementary ^pelling^ Book, for sale by E. J. HALE & SON JSTOVKS NIIKET lRO\, TI\-\VAKK, A:e. ON H.VND. a large assortment of Box and (’ooking Stoves: Tin-ware; Sheet-Iron; Lead Pipe. .Vl.so Tbr **tHil Itotninion Voffer For sale by JAMES MARTINE. Nov'r'ji. r.t’.tf mPERM. White Lead; Linseed and Tanners' OIL; Fluid; Puttv; Window Gla»s T.», Refined, Lard. Burning and Sash of all sizes. _Al.SO_ A fresh supply of POND'S PAIN DESTROYER. For sale by' JAMES >LVRT1NE. Nov'r 24. lh5H. tjt'itf Turpentine Hackers, Meraperw, l*iillerf> and l>i|»|»erM, \LL of the first miality, can be had at M. .V. BAKER'S GUN .‘'II'>P, Fayetteville, N. C. .Ian'3' 15, 1S5S. hotf Notice to Tiirpcutiiie Distillers and others. 1.\M fully i>rep.ircd lo m:ike o,- repair Tl'RPENTINE STILLS, or do any thing in tlie (’upper or .sheet Iron work, at the ihorte-it notice. M. A. BAKER. F’.ivetteville. .lan'y 2). H2tf To Kail Kofitl t'ontrarlorvl lus’f i;eceivk!> — Ioo u II i:i:I.IIA K light and strong, for tli March 2',t, 1S5‘.. Rail I’load. Fur sale bv D. .V W. McLAUiUN. 8(|!itf 10 100 t«iianoI tniiano!! P.AGS No. 1 IM’iirVl VN GUANO, for sale t.v K. K. MOOIii;. itac’on! Ilacon!! HHDS. jirime SIDES, just received. E. F. MOORE. Hav BALES 5» •' and Kiee RICE STRAW. Eastern 11.ly. Fi a»traw. r sa’*‘ by E. F. M(»OllE. 100 t'orn! t'orn!! B.AG.S fresh CORN, will be received on Wednes day. E. F .MOORE. June 20, IS.'.y. 2 J-:iw PIoum! Plows!! Plow**!!! r'ii NO. ti PLOWS; iQ*7 5il No. 10 Plows; 50 No. 11 *• 25 No. 50 “ 25 No. (10 “ Points, Bars and Mould Boards to suit. For sale by C. E. LEETE. Jan'y 12 79- Biitfi'r, €'lic‘ewe and €’raeker?«i. -j FIllKlNS Gosiien I’utter; 2.5 Boxes State Clieese: lu Bbls. .Soda and Butter CrackcKS Just received by C. E. LEETE. Jan'y 12 7'.i- tifill .\et and Neine Twine. r'/v LBS. Gill Net Twine; 1'.10 lbs. Seine “ Just received by C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 79- SociTt History of the Freiivh Coiirl, by Victor Cousin: Adam Graeme, by Mrs. Oliphant: Love .Me Lit tle, Love Me Long, l>y Reade; The Science and .Art of l^'hess. by J. Monroe; Chess Hand Book, by an Amateur, The Art of Extempore Speaking, by M. Bantain; School Books, itc. E. J. HALE & SON. June 11. o 0 'M > The lAwi^r i* one of tha humAn b«xiT ; and when it ibe powem of the tviteiu are is almost entirelj aependent Lic^r for the proj^r perform- . ■lumach i« at rault, the bo welK •rxtem tuffert in conteqiience' Imritig ctMuetl to do it« dutj I^Hn, one of the proprietor* practice of more than twentr wherewith to counteract the U in liable. To proT« that tbli remedy is bled with C'om- bas but to trj a bottle, and These tsumt r^more all I the syMem. tupplyiriKin their invifcoratinfc the stomach. |)ui-ifyliic the blood, whole machinery, remoriu;; eflTecifWR a radical cnr«. milont Affarks Are belter, prevented, by I^lver liivl^orator* Onedotie after eatinn is mif- and prevent the food from | Only one dose taken before i mare* ! 25 Only one' dose taken at gently, and curw Con* rVl One do^e tAken after each | i>ne dope of two tea-1 dick HeaclacHe* One bottle taken for ft i cause of the disearie. and, Only one dose immediately ! One' dose often rep«‘at«d in { |H| Morbuft, and a preventive \ 9^ Only one bottle la system tlie efTects of medi- j^T^One bottle taken for lownesa or unnatural color One dose taken a short ^r to the appetite, and makes (>ne dose o(\en repeated rtiorn in its worst forms. Bowel complaints yield t)ne or two doKea cures at- Chlldren : there is no nurer, tbe world, as it never A few bottles cures absorbents. We takep}«4W(ir« (n recom preventive for K«ver anfl and all Fever* of a 1111- with certainty, and thousands wonderful virtues. principal re^pilators of th^ pt^rfonns its functions w«U. tully developed. The*r«>ma^A on the healthy action uf the anceof iiafuiictions. wheoihe are at fault, and the whole of one organ—the Ijlver— For the di«eaies ot that or has made it his sttidv, in a years, to find some reniedv many derangenientit to which at last found, any person tron plaint^ in any of its forms, conviction N certain, morbid or hnd matter fron> place a hcalthv flow oC bile, »eU, 'cored, and, whal Is th« occaiiooal uae of the ficient to relieve the stomach I rising and souring, j retiring, prevents Nlghf- night, loosens the bowelx tiveness. meal will cure I)yn pepala spoonfuls will always relieve male obntniction removes tb** mak^ a perfect cure, relieves C'liollc. while a sure cure for C holera jof Cholera. Ineedei to throw ont of the jcine after a long B>ckn«;ks. 2: Ulaundlee removes a!i sal j from th(* skin. Uime before eating gives vi .food digest well, 'cures i'hruiilc Olai'* .while Suiiftiner and : almost to the fintt do*#. : tiick!* caused by'W’oriiis in safer, or speediei' remedy in l>rop»iy, by exciting the mending this mediciiia as h Ami«, C'htll Kever, lout Ty|W. It operaten are willing to testify to Uh CHERAW. Arrives Tuesday. Thursdaj’ and Saturday, at 1 A. M. Closes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, at ^ P. M. ROBESON’S via ELIZABETHTOWN. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at '2h P. M. Closes Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at A. M. * - RALEIGH via SUMMERVILLE. .Arrives Monday and Saturday, at 8 P. M. * Closes Tuesday and Friday, at A. M. SWIFT ISL.AND via MONTROSE. Arrives Monday, at 5 P. M. Closes Tuesday, at A. M. SWIFT ISLAND via TROY. Arrives Tuesday, at 6 P. M, Closes Wednesday, at A. M. MAGNOLIA. Arrives Tuesday, at 2 P. M. Closes “ “ 2 “ ELIZABETHTOWN via TEREBINTH. Arrives Monday, at 7 P. M. Closes Tuesday, at A. M. PHILADELPHUS. Arrives Tuesday, at 1 A. M. Clo.ses Sunday, at i P. M. J. G. COOK, P. M. July I, 1859. A CARD. 1MIE Proprietor of the FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL takes pleasure in announcing to the public, that the Daily Lines of Stages from Warsaw. Raleigh, and tri weekly from High Point, are now in good running order and making regular time. This, with the addition of four Passenger Steamers to Wilmington, gives the travel ing public a fair opportunity of visiting Fayetteville. July 1, 1859. ' -JH-t. METHODIST PROTESTANT FEMALE COLLEGE. JAMESTOWN, Gl ILFORD COUNTY, N. C. The first session of this Institution, under the patron age of the North Carolina Conference of the Metho dist Protestant Church, will commence on Thursday the 14th of July. The most competent Teachers will be employed in every deparimeni, and the course of instruction will be thorough and complete, embracing all the branches usually taught in the best female schools. TER.MS PER SESSION' OF FIVE MONTHS: t)ne-half payable on the entrance of the student, and the other at the close of the session, are as follows:— Board, including fuel and washing, 50 Collegiate course, 15 0() Primary department, 10 fM» Music, Languages and Ornamentals at Ihe usual rates. For further information apply to the President, W. C. LIPSCOMB, Jr. July 1, 1859 -J8-f.t Sieeonf! StMring Stock. STAKli & WnXlAMS |jV\E received and arc now opening their second NEAM»ABLE GOODS, • 'omprising a splendid selection of the newest styles of Fancy and staple* Dry mOO(|!x, ifoot^, S»lioc!«. llafM, Hoop Kc'ady-yiade C'lofliin;;, With a largf variety of NOTI(^N.'>, to which the atten tion of Wholesale lUiyer* is invited. TRU’T ATTENTION P.\10 TO ORDERS. J. I’,. STAHU. J. M. WILLIAMS. ■Vpril 9, 1859. 4tf the: i.ivek lAVlUOKATOK! preparki) by 1>R sakfokp, ('om|)oiiii(t(‘d entirely from iil MiS, IS O.VK OK THK BKST I'L'R^JATIVK AM> LIVER ME DiriNRS now before the public, that acts as k ('athnrUc. easier, milder, and more effectual than any other mediciie known It is not only a f'athfirtir. but a Lir^r raraedy. actitii; fil^t on the Lir^r to ®^*t its morbid matter, then on the stomach and to cairy off that matter, thus accoraplihhinif two puri^»«*es eff‘e»*> •• ally, without any of the painful fe*linKS ex^rieneerl in the o|.t '' tiotis of roost It strenjrthens the nystem at the.i»Hr . tiu)e that it purges it; and when taken daily ib modeiate d4"^*«r>. will strenfTthen and build ft up with unusual rapidity. A wa:«ted. VOrXG MAN of some i'xperience in Teaching, desires a Situation. He was prepared for .a teach er at Dr, Wilson's hcIiooI, and can give satisfactory testimonials as to ijualifications, and character, .ad dress JOHN C. FAl'CETTE, Mebanesville, Alamance Co., N. June 27. *J7-3t Lower Little River and Crane’w C'reek ]Vavi$;:ation Company. ^nilEKE will be a MEETING of the Stockholders of L the Lower Little River and Crane’s Creek Naviga tion (Jo., iit Morrison's Mills, on Little River, on the 15th Inst., for the purpose of org.Tnizing the Co.; a sufficient amount of Stock having been subscribed therefor. » CHRISTOPHER MONROE, for the general Commissioners. July 2. 28-tni i T the Marl A 12 M.. I Yaliialile Real £xtate at Auction. the Market House on Saturday the lUth July, at hall sell that desirable TWO STOItY FIRE-PROOF STORE, on Green Street, long and favorably known as the Store of David 5ee, Estp. and at present occupied by Mr. A. McKimmon. Ti'rins of payment are accommodating, and made known at sale. JOHN II. COOK, Aui t>. Jtilv 1. 28-ts COyiK A.\H J!iETTLK. NOTES and ACCOUNTS are all due and I need the money, tiierefore I hope to see all 1113' friends ■•onie in and pay their claims. Those of long standing whom I have dunned need expect no longer indulgence. J. C. POE. June 20. 27-2w 1 All who nar It are thrir utianlmous testlmoiiv lu Its favor. Mix W'nter In tl>r moiitli with the IiitI- gorator, and awallow both to|;rthrr. THE LIVER INVIOORATOR rs A SriKXTIFIC MKDK’AI, niSi'OVERY, »i!ii Is rtnity workinfT cures, almost too jrreat to l^lieve. It rurea as if by ma^ic, even tht Jintt and seldom more thnji one bottle is require! to cure any kind of jLlvrr ’on»plai)ii, from the worst Jaundu'e or to a comraon all of which are the result of a Dfseasecl l.jlver. PRir« 0.’K DOLLAR FBR aoTTL*. Dr. SASFORU. Proprietor. Broadway, \*w York Retailed by aW Driijrpl.^fs. Soll ttfmn JAS. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. Nov'r II. 62-ly G ,\t‘S:roe«! i\€*;froe«!! WanU*d. ENTLEMEN, your old customer is yet in market for Likely Negroes, for which 1 am determined to jjay the Hi^hef«l fash Prices. Persons having such for sale would do well to give me a call, or aildress me at Clinton, N. C. -All orders promptly attended to. J. A. McARTIiUH. Clintor., N. C., March 6, 1859. 95-lyri.d 1 1 AL WKTTLE ?l K\T«. ^IIE Subscribers would remind those indebted tothem that this is the period of the year in which it is most convenient and desirable to have a general “ettle- mcnt. They are preparii.g to forward accounts by m.ail to tho>ie at a distance who owe for books, printingr itc. Those indebted for sul)scrii)tion lo the Observer only, will be able to ascertain tire amount duo by refeience to their last receipts. Persons having accounts against the subscribers will please present them for payment. E. J. HALE & SON. July 1, 18.'i9. HIiiIn. (liood Racon, and SHOULDERS, just received and for sale bv D. & W. McLATRIN July 2, 1850. 2Htf j\ejrroes for ^ale. NE NEGRO WOMAN and one GIKL for sale. Ap ply to .tas. G. Cook or NEILL CARMICHAEL. June !5, 185'J. A ot ice.—A €'STOc*» Wa ■■ t e«l. rilO the farmers and citizens of the Counties ot Duplin, 1 W 0 ayne, Johnston, Harnett, Moore, Cumbi-iland, Kobeson, Rladen, Coiumbus, Brunswick, New Hanover, and Sampson: Tlie subscriber being desirous of purchasing a n’’":;l-er of likely young Negroes, of all classes and dc*-. rijitions, avails himself of this method of informing those who may have such property to dispose of, that they would do well to, visit me at home, or address me at (Minton. N. C.—for which they shall receive a visit. A word to the wise is sufficient, as it is well understood that I pay exceeding high prices. EVERETT PETERSON. Feb’y 14, 1853 ' _ 88-9m Further MiippliCM oi* Rookw. \ I Y Thirty Years Out of the Senate, by Major Jack x'l Downing: Rulwer’s Novel, “What Will He Do With It?” Brownlow & Pry tie's Controversy; Light“and Slridowsof Scottish Life, by Prof. Wilson: Eric, or l>itile by Little: Sterne’s Works; Longworth on the Grape: Kip's Lenten Fast; Buck’s Theolog. Dictionary: Ruskin's Political Econon y of .Art; Treasury Blotting Paper; SchojI Books. .Sec. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON SO^.

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