B SEM1.WEBKL,T. [VOL. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JULY 11, 1859. [NO. 830.] I isi: IDENC, 1 n:i r > KIHTION. - • )-! - ► NV A 1* Its. ■* Law i:ki . lOOl lloiiir \- , I-.M - ^ L.:vin :: . w •!* ->f ol' Itook**. ;\i 1 '1 ■' :iiii ■ iN. 11 1. : « ■I'! >U\. I a- .-‘,N i«‘*« III:h k^loiK*. ■ "f ^ lilt. ■ry IMUM i;i» MOM>AVS \M> THURSDAYS. KDWARl) .1. HILK & SOX, Kl'ITi'KS AM) PUOl’UlKTORS , 1‘vici' t'"!' till' Sfiiii U'ci kly OiisKUVKK S-' 00 if jinid in ! :i.i\ > ■ •'•'i it' I'liiil (iurine ‘hi* vear of sul'scriji- ; I'l- I Mlifr tho yt“iir has i-\pireii. j !' • ii. Wfi'kly (•it>i;Kvr.u S- Jht iiniiuni. if jmid in ■I i\ :!n i' -u -lO if jtdiii iliiriiiir till' yc!ir of siihst rip- j • V.; 'V ' Ui '.ifit'r tlu' Yi-nv hiis vxpir*Ml. j U- ■ \1>\ I'l'iTlSt-MKNTS insi>rtO(l for tiO cents ]>er I r. ot' I'i lin fur tho first, anil 8i) cents for each : . ('■iiiii; I'uli’i'i’.itiiiii. Vearly ii'ivertiseinonts liy sjio- . ..unvii t'. at reasonaltle latos. A'lvortisers are ; . ^if.j : iho nuiii'ier of insertions ih'sireil, or w' ". i f i-.iiitiniifil till forbid, iind I'liHrjjed aeeord- ' ■ ! \ ; 1 .’VIi'cnifUts !,• In* inserted truili\ charged ’>1* per i ■ .-Nir.i. SPKCIAL NOTK’K. K .11 nU'l ;!fier this date, no name of a new siiltscriber u ■■ ( I.■•■rod without payment in ndvance, nor will I] r t,i' 'otit to sui'h (iubseribers for a longer time . ' paiil fi>r. S: 'four old subs(-riliers as desire to take the pa- • ■: !’"i' yvstoiu will please notify us when makinir V 1, l'''..'s Tht’ ijargeitf Vwrria^p. Fart or y iti the SoHfiil :^ScK Favftieville Female Hi^h School. li'I.U' \TlONS with testimonials I will be received v.r ■ ri’vlNriV \L of this Institution until 'J^ih ,luly. apijlica.tion» for an ASSISTANT Ml'Slt' TKACH- % J. LILTA', r.. SHKI'HEKD, W. STF.KL, H. COdK. ,1. lUNSUAl.K, Executive t'oin. •J:">-ow I tl lilMillttill llllill SCHOOL. I ■’Ml . Jth ."f'-.ioii -it'this Instiiuilon will ojien i>n the 1 >1' .ICLV under the charge of 1>an i.. ■. Jr.. -V. r>.. a- rrinoipal. 1'. ' ! in be h.td either at the Steward's Hall or in ’ . ih.^od at per month, exclusive nf lights II, ! VV - r r : ,■ ’;HV information applv to the undersigned at N. K. I', KU'KSoN, S.c\\. I,-. ''ur_h. .lune 1-*. ’Jo tf I ) KSl’l'.(''fFriiLV informs his tViemls and llie public. It tliat he has built up larjre substaiuial Brick IJuild- iiifrs at his Old Siaud. expressly lor manufacturing Car riages. riiankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for tlie la-t ‘J1 years, he hopes by strict atten tion to business, with a desire to gi'-e satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of tlic best tiiatcrial and by experieticed workmen in each bratu'h of the business. His work will coinpHre favorably witli any made in the I'nited States, for lu-atiu'ss and durability, lit* is determineil to sell and do any Wtirk in his Hue on us good term.s as any work done elsewhere tliat is as well dune. He now has on hand, finished. THl'. L.MldEST STtH'lv >F Carriages, Barouches, Kookaways and Buggies, ever ufl'ercil in this place, and a very largt- stock of work nearly tinished, which will be finished daily. .\11 of which will be suld very low for (■ash, or on short time to punctual ctistomers. Brji^'He ha- oi\ haiil more than ()M: Hl NKlll'.I) AM* rilTV VKHICLKS tinished and in eour->e of construction. jJig^All work made by him is warr>:nted 1^ months with fair usage, and 'hould it fail by bad workmanship or material, will be re]iair>'d free of charge. I’ersons wishing tn buy would do well to call and ex amine fur themselves. Orders thankfully receivvd and prompth' attended to. Repairing executed at short notice ;iti l uu very reason able terms. 1 Mav ’.2S. is'):'.. SV*-tf I A VAL.IIABI^K I CAPE FEAR PLANTATION ! FOR SALK. : ^pHK Sub.scriber offers his P’AHM for sale, known us ' 1 tlie SHAW l’L.\NT.-\TlON, situated on the N. K. I side of Cape Fear River, in the County of Harnett, and I di-tant from Toomer (the present County S«ati Ivro i miles, anl contains 7^7 Acres. ! It embraces an extensive body of very rich River ; Roltom l.,and. not surpassed in this section of the Stati- i for dejith and fertility of soil: and in view of qualitj’ of j soil, eligibility of location, the society in itai vicinity, I Schools, Churches, i:c., an opportunity is here pre.sent- ' ed of securing a Farm containing advantages rarely to I he met with. j Tlie land lies well, and is susceptible of making one • of the most valuable anil productive farms in the State. It is Well adapted to the culture of Corn, Whe^t, (hits ; ami Cotton, and abounds with a large nuantity of Oak, ■ .\^h and other Timber, besides Pine Timber for Saw I Logs. ! The form of the tract renders it susceptible of divi sion into two tracts or parcels, for Farms. it has a stream running nearly through the centre, fed by never-failing springs, on which is a desiirable situation for an overshot mill, with a good dam alruady built. There are on the tract about 150 acres cleared and in cultivation. The subscriber will take pleasure in showing the a- bove lands to those desirous to purcliase. Look and you will be pleased. In niy juilgment, such a liody of hind uannot be exhibited in Harnett or any of the adjoining- (,'ounties. If not sold privately, it will be exposed to public sale on Monday of tiie Superior Court in this County, whicli I think will be the Second Monday in August naxt. Terms will be made easy, and more particular!}' made known on the day of nale. H. M. TURNER. ■June 21. l!t)-ts VVHIAV JSALE OF THE %««»!*til ■•'filial** ^ciiiiiisiry, t.REKNSP.oRo . N. » . rnllK Nineteenth .\nnual Se-'i'in of thi' lnstituti..ti j « Cuinmeiice Mil the .;d of \iigust, Tiii' I- >ui- V Mt smdv is ih*r"Uf£li nnd sy-totuatic. em- bi” i'in_‘ (•’. c'I". Ti; nt‘*t*'''^ary t - a etmplcte, s”lid aii*.l I I ■ntM' .-diieati'pn. 'I'he HL II.U1 are >" ar- r I’i . i •!' t . I'li'ubine thi- cinirTt' of a h.'itie with ti;'- i T i'f a ,''ch"ol. Instruotiif' of the highest : :i';’icatii'ii are employed in I’acii of the I>e]iartments. TERMS: !'>' : 1. including washing, lights and fuel, per ses-iioti t’ tiv'- ni..iith'. T-.iiioii in tlie regular clas'cs. Cati;’. '^Uf- eontaining all nei i -a;y information re- 'j'ccting the i-ourse of Instruction. Ti rin. i.vc., will be forwar'li-d on applii'ation to RK Il.VRI* STEULIN*'- I’fincipal, .ircensboroug!\, N. 1’. ■iuiie '■> llo-l-'nipd The Waltoii Hou^e, M () It i A N T UN, X. (’. ^PHl.'s -uperb New H'>tel has gained 'he rejm- tation of lieing a FIRST CLA.-^S HoUSK. .and -.•••olid to tioiu- in the State. an evi- letii-e • it, 1 refer to the many favorable notices l)v the l’r>'Sr if tlie State, and tiie very liberal patronage re- - ivvd. It Continue' open nkvf.r h.wino ist.t v clmski*. • 'id it' guests may rely upon the reimtatioii of the H u“e being sustained. I have arrangements made to bi- kept suyiplied regularly 'witii fre^li Fi-h from Nor- f'-'k and Nfwbern; in fact with every delicacy usually f utid at hrst class Hotels. C. s. BROWN & CO’S STAGE OFFICE 1- at thi- H ;se. Their F . ur-horse Coaches run to the ; .■I'l of ii:i- \V. N. C. Rail Road )n Mondays. Wf(Ine-i- . i IV- iiid Fi-idav'. and to Asheville. Tues'lay-i. Thur-^- •.V- and S:(turdiiys. EXTR.V C((.\(’HKS ,\Nl> H.VCKS ready at any hotir and for any jioint. \ C. S. RRUWN. Proprietor. ' .1 ,ne U. H.V.* -j:{-8t j MOL\TAI\ IIOTEI., .MOIK;ANTON, N. j '^HI.'' w‘!l known HoUSK lias been re | ..jifn'd for the accommodation of the traveling publi'. It lia’> been. :ind will con- i tiiiue to be a tirsi cla^s Hotel. One very great , it |.!-^«(.^«es, over other houses, is its being | • '! fuibowered in shade trees. The jiromenades, ; V, lii. ti there are three, i are so thoroughU' shadei j : ti I jier- ill may enjoy them at atiy hour of the day. : ‘ ict. it- .•idmirab’e situation with regard to coolness II 1 .(’uetne-r-. and its elevated position, commanding I ■ 'f the tine-t Mountain views. r-nlers it the most de- i tile stopping plac.-e in Morganton, or in the Moun- ■ iii region The I’roprietor li.'is added and will con- ..e ^1 add to its Comfort and convenience. And lie ■]'" t merit and l eceive a continuance of the patron- - lie formall.v enjoyed, ir -tabli--are attended by one of the best, if not very bc'-t, Hostler in the Southern Country—the tamed •■Silaa. " A’ u; tlo" fii'-t of .July next, the Western North Caro- ■■ Rail Road will be comjib-ted to Newton, and per- ■ ii- goiiiir 11, Morganton will tind ready access by this • III', vi.i Salisbury and Statesville to .Newton, where, II -ide- tin- regular Stagi' Coach, there will be a COM- - ' ij;’!'A liLF, and C( »M \|(j[»lol’.'s VEHICLE to convey I- I'ti-f ! - ..n to Morganton. I’erson.s going from Char- ,!ii- t,i inion will find ready facilities of tians- I ' itioii- -tliere being II daily line of Stages from • ■" • . l.incolnton, and ill Liucolnton I'. S. .lohu- ’ 'i‘‘ proprietor of the Hotel, will provide good H ir-c-. I u 1 mid [)rivers lor public use, and (M|ual lai-iii' ..', will be offered at .Morganton, for traii.s- p .rtatioii to >n\y pui, f. which they mav wi'ih to go. J.'M. HAPl'old)T. Morganton, N. jn.-y lil-iiwlaw A \V,M. (AIlTKi! & SOX. Wholesale A Retail Dealers and Maiiufaoturers uK \LL KIM>H OK Lii'athrt\ Smidlrs and Miartiess, 'f every di‘-t l iptioii. ('ollar-*. N'tiips, \C. N I* we also i.avli.-iilarlv e.all ilif alti’iilion of tlie wholf ■‘uriimnditur eoutitry to ._dve u-i a rail, a-i we are de- •i rmiiH' l •iiat iioni. -Iiall 'ur|i;i" u-^ in .jiiality or low price>; and \vo will irive the iiighest ca^h jirice at all tinif- for Haw Hid. aad T:;!! \\, in exciiatige for our avtich";. ' liiM’ry MT' hanrs would do wfll to call and examine ■ ur .■'tock, (I- We ‘an sell tliem Sho(>s of a much better (iiu'ity than ’hey iisualiy get. oH very .icC'■mmoda:i:ig lerni'. Somhei-n I’laiiter- wmi.d do well to -end ii-.ill their If.Iff- a~ We arr tiiaking :i No. 1 aitiile of ,\ El I Ro SIjoi;s, that are w.irranted to give entire ' lti^fa^•Iion. N. p.. All Ot.Ur- ftoiii a distance shall have proini't attent ion. S. S. CARTER. WM. carter. i'.Id»: ’11 P. ()., Chatham Co., r.. i ^ . March I'., 1«'.;\ W o. liorsTtKv i’'OULl> inform hi- friends aii't former custoiriers that he may be foiirid ll dooi> below the 'ape Fear Kutik, and doo|-s above hi- old stand soiuh 'ide I\r»oii Street, where he intends t.i keep on ban 1, Harness. Saddles. iiridle. Whips, ((»liars, and every thing b, .nglng t- lii- tf.ade. He respectfully invite- his friend* from the country to call and examine hi.s stock before purehasing. He will attend to Repaiiing of Harness and .■'addles jiiinetually, and hi- charge- shall be niudetate. He Would retpiesi all indebte l to the tirm of HOUSTON \ • tVERR.t to .S4;ttle with W. (tverby or himselt, a* they are compplled to settle the tirm •> debts. .\.U2tlSt li7. Is-'ifi. tf % advanta; J. w. kaki:k Is iKiw tViiiii the Nnrtli tht* largest, finest, and tiio-t c.irefiilly selected stock of ri’K\rn III: ever dfTereil in this market; which added to his own manufacture, make- his assortment conijilete: — all ot whieh he will "ell on the lowest possjlile terms for cash or on time to ]iunctual ctistonieis. F.i'hionable painted cottage bcd-rooni Furniture in setts: curled hair and shuek. and cotton .NLitliesse'^: Looking Glasses: Willow Wagons and (’’radios: Side Boards: Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; Wliat- Nots: Tables, all .sorts; W.ash St.inds; C.uidle Staiiils: Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Ola-': Window .'Shades; Cornices: Curtain I’ands: Sofas in Maliogotiy and Wal nut: Tete a Tetes: Ottomans; Hivans and St^iols; Chairs of every variety. I'iiio Rosewood Pianos, otic with .IColiati iit- tachment: !{osewood .Melodiaiis. from the best manufai-- tories in New York and ISosion, warranted as good as •any made in the c.iiintry, and will be sold at New York prices—freight (it ly added. Septemlier l!. 4otf iMarble I'arlory, In the County of (iullford, State or .North Carolina. IN pursuance of the jirovisions of a Deed of Trtist, executed to me, on the loth July, IJ'O-l, by the Pre sident and L)irectors of the North Carolina Mining Com- fiany, and of record in the Register's office of the Coun ty of (Jiiilford, State of North Carolina, for certain )>ur- poses therein set forth, I will, as Trustee in said deed, offer for sale, for cash, on the premises, at 11 o'clock, A. M., on Tuesday the *2d day of Au;;ust, 1S59, that Valuable .^liiiin^ Property in (iuilford county, ten miles South of Greensborough. known as the North Carolina Copper Mitie. containing I'M) Aeres. more or less, together with all the Mathiner}, Kn!?lnes. I'unips, .Mlnlnt; Tools and .Materials thereunto belonging or appertaining, and all the other pr* perty of every kind and descrijition. belonging ti' the 'aid ('oj'per t.'ompany. Possession will be given upon the consummation ot the sale. JA.MES SLOAN, Trustee. ♦ Ireensboro', N. C-, .May 'Jl, IS.','.I 17ts LIMI Foil m.. I OFFER for sale 040 .\cres of L.\N1). lying on the West side of ('ape Fear River, two milt's below Fay etteville, and extending from the river into the sand hill'. This tract is about t-iually divided into river- ridge. swamp and sand-hill Land, .\bout *^0 acres, adjoining the river, are under cultivation and are well suiied to the growth of Corn and Grass: none of the Swamp has been cleared. There are several good sites for a dwelling itouse on the sand liills. Any person wishing to jHirchase will do well to make early appli cation, as I have determined to sell. THOMAS J. HoBlNS(tN Sept. S, iHoH. 4kf LsiikIm tor ^ale. ItJFFER for sale about tiOO(i Acres ot' Pine Lands ne’>r Fayetteville, containing an ininiense quantity of Mil' Timber, aiid a number of Turpentine Boxes, and several new tasks may be cut. There is on tiie preini'^e^ a fine I'welling House, and all necessary out-hm«es.—Scup- pernong and Isabella (irape Vines,—1(mm» young Peach and Apple Trees of l.indley's best varieties; also, a good FARM of about ir>(* acres cleareii: and also a GRIST and S.VW MILL; and a tine large Meadow of about 140 acre's. The Fayetteville and Coal Fields Rail Road passes through these lands about a mile from the Mills. 1 will sell in parcels to suit purchasers, but would pre fer to sell the whole together. Apply to Thos. S. Lut- terloh, Esip, Fayetteville, or the Mibscriber at Pitts- borough. N. C. J- H. HALGHI()N. Nov. Ti, 1HA7. ^'Otf Ii2iiid aind Wood. • )/•) .M'llES of L.\Nl* lying on the Fayetteville iX 0*)») Western R. II. 7 miles from Town. loO Cord* PINK WOOD cut and piled. .Ml for sale cliea|i to close tlie concern of C. E. Itoberts \ ('o. Apply to J. H. ROBKUTS \ ('(b .lune lii>, l^o'.t. -Rf lloii^e and l^ol for ’’I''H at neat and comfortable DWP^LLING HOUSE and 1 LOT. on .Arch street, is for sale. It contains six rooms, iind is in good repair, with all necessary otit- housrs and a Well of good water in the yard. It is con venient to the business part of the town. Any inform ation in regard to the above property can be had by calling on H. (jraham or R. \V. Hardie. June 1, 185^*. I'.m'iw Call and ^»ettle up. \I.L those indebted to me by Note or Account will please call at my old Stand, Northeast corner M.ir- ket Sipiare. and settle up. In my absence .Mr. T. B. Newberry will attend to collections and give receipts. FRESH ARRIVAI/. Second Stock Spring and Summer Goods. J. A. FEM BEKTON IS now receiving his second stock of Spring and Sum mer Goods, embracing all the -\E\VEXiT STYijKS. Such as SuniMer Silks, €mrettadinen, Or- Snndies, AV., With a great variety of new style goods for 'TravelinEgresses and Mfitsters, Also a complete assortment of .^oiiriiiii;; OreM!« Im00«1!«. .V large and varieil assortment of SILK ANl> LACE MANTLES, CHANTILLY LACE ‘ POINTS, BL K AND WHITE P.ERA(;E MANTLES, STELL,\ SII.VWLS, .^c. .\ few of those splendid French EM I5ROIIJEREU . AND LA('E SETS, COLLARS AN1> SLEEVES. I>ouglas (.Sl Sherwijoil's NEW STYLE CORSETTS, , (with liustle and Skirt-Supjtorler attached.) ! great variety of NEW STYLE HO(JP SKIRTS, , kc., kc. I In the above stock may ^e found a great many new and desirable styles, just out. The public generally are invited to call early and examine for themselves. .). A. PEMBERTON. April ]y, 1850 7- More .\c‘w Oood^! I^M just receiving my Spring Stock of Goods in my line. They were selected in the Northern cities by myself, with great care, and bought on the most reason able terms, by which I am enabled to otler the largest stock I ever before offered to the juiblic, and to ofter them generally .it Greatly llediieed Prices. FRUIT.S—Raisins. Figs, Prunes, .Vpples, Lemons, Or anges, Cherrie". Currants, iVc. I’K'KLES, .lELLlES ANI> PRESERVES—a great va riety: RERFUMERIES AND EXTRACTS of various kinds; F,\NCY SOAPS and POMADFS; MUSICAL INSTRl’MENTS—Fiddles, Drums, Fifes, Flutes, Banjos, (iuitars, ,tc.; W.\LKlN(i C.VNES—ot everv kind; B.VSKETS .VND WlLLoW W.\RE; HOBBY HORSES. \c.; NUTS; FINE AND (’OMMON CANDIES; SARDINES; FINE CKi.VRS; SMOKlNti \ CHEWING T()B.\C(O; CRACKERS; FINE P()( KET KNIVES; .\ large assortment of PORT-.M( >N A 1 E.’>. some very nice; FANCY ENVELOPES, and FANCY GOODS, TOYS and YANKEE NoTloNS; \n assortment of INDI \ RUBBER GOODS; C(JMBS, WHIPS, FISHING TACKLE. The public are respectfully invited to call and ex amine my stock. 1 have a great many hatidsome things that cannot fail to please. JAS. R. LEE, Hotel Building. Marcii ai, 18.V.* 1- llardware^ C utl€‘ry, ) .\MES M VRTINE is now receiving a large and gene ral assortment of every thing iti tlie above line. -ALS(» — jirime article of Rio, Laguira and .lava CoFFl'.E Crushed and Po'own .'^UG.\R; .''ugar Hoii'e .''IRl P atid M(H.ASSES. .All of which is otl'ered on as good terms as can be had in this market. ,''ov'r lit. l^ois. tit’itf Post Office, Fayetteville, rV. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF THE MAILS. RALEIGH. Arrives daily at 6J A.. M. Closes “ “ 2^ P. M. KENANSVILLE,'(VIA CLINTON AND WARS.AlV.) Arrives daily, at 7J A. M. Closes “ at P. M. SALEM. Arrives Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, at 3 P. M. Closes Monday, “ “ “ “ 1-^ “ j FAIR BLUFF. Nl'MlJER *}, -Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 A. M. CONT.VINING A F.V.MILIAR HISTORY' AND DESCKIP- Closes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, at J P. M. TlO.N UF NORTH CAROLI.VA. CHERAW. ,4111 Sclooli.,,,, h, Verse; ,„u„y of them by : »V. M- i\ortli Carolina Readers. NI MBEKS 1 AND 2. PRKl’ARF.Il WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE WANTS ANT) INTERESTS OF *y'orflt Cfirolina. t.NDEU THE At SlMCKS OF THE SUI'ERIXTENDENT of CO.M- MO.N SCIIOOI.S, BY Kev. l'\ .TI. Uiibhard, PKOKESSOR OF TllK L.\T1N L.ANGUAGE AND I.ITERATURK IN THE f.NIVEUSITV OF NORTH CAROLINA. emiiiont citizens of tlie State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. ■And a variety of Miscellaneous Information and Sta tistics. by MM. n*ML,K\\ UMBER is a new and revised edition of the North (,'arolina Reader, tirst published in I80I. Numbers 1 and '1 just issncil, complete the series, which is, as a whole, cheaper than any other aeries of Readers in the United .'states, and as complete. | The Editor (Prof. Hubbard i in his Preface to Num- i ber 1 deems it iirotier to allude to a few of the peculiar | r 1 . »» advantages aimed at by the Superintendent of ('omraon ^ Closes Wednesday, at A. .1. ROBESON'S via ELIZABETHTOWN. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at P. M. Closes Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at •'>i M- RALEIGH via SUMMERVILLE. .\rrives Monday and Saturday, at 8 P. M. ('loses Tuesday and Friday, at A. M. SW'IFT ISLAND via MONTROSE. ■Arrives Monday, at 5 P. M. Closes Tuesday, at 8.^ A. M. SWIFT ISLAND via TROY. Arrives Tuesday, at P. M. Schools while making etl'orts to have this work com- j jileted. These are, i 1. Thf tnroiiraii infni tj' n f‘ fUng of self-Ji-pendenee, and the enlistment of poptilar sentiment in behalf of the State and its institutions. It was not thought important, how ever, to have more than one ntiinber of the Reader of merely a local interest. ■J. Tu rcT/it'/i/ Ihf ci'il > reri/ichere cmnplaintd of in com mon rr/iimlx, o! n'p^r/int'Ktl dtunfje in ttzt fi'/okx; an expen sive habit, and one wiiich injures the Schools by pre venting the children from being classified. \ series of home lleaders, it was supjiosed, would be certainly used, and this great evil thus avoided. Ernniiinij, the popular system of Readers being too long and being made so often merely to add to the protits of authors and publishers. , This series is to consist of fewer numbers than those 1 generally used, ami it is believed that these numbers are sufficient, while if the system were universally used in the State, the sum saved to parents and children would amount to several thou-atiil dollars annually. 4. Tn put in t!i> fniii'/s >f chi! h^n Irarning to r> ad com- posilians sHtKcirntb/ fumiliar hut /'i/ • ih’’ churact^r called childish coni/iiisition.f. containing, in lessons easy enough for all ages, correct specimens of .style, interesting in matter, and inculcating propi r morals, and religious in struction. The jirices nvo, (’or No. 1, I'-i rents; No. ti, Cents and No. 7o cents. A lili. ral deduction from these prices to Merchants and School Teachers. E. J. HALE & SON. \E\V «PKI.\C GOODS. tlames Kffle IS NOW RECEIVING A LARGE SUPPLY OF DKVliooDS.ll.MS.SHOIX no 1/r IXa v lot iis. .'ic., Cedar Falls .''het'ting and Yarn at Factfiry Prices. All of \vhi-h will lie offered BY W H O L E S A L E O R R E T A I L. MAGNOLIA. Arrives Tuesday, at 2 P. M. Closes “ “ ‘i “ ELIZABETHTOWN via TEREBINTH. .Arrives Moniiay, at 7 P. M. Closes Tuesday, at X. M. PHILADELPHUS. Arrives Tuesday, at 1 A. M. (Closes Sunday, at h P. M. J. 0. COOK, P. M. July 1, 1859. A CARD. I^HE Proprietor of the F.AYETTF^VILLE HOTEL takes pleasure in announcing to the public, that the Daily Lines of Stages from Warsaw, Raleigh, and tri weekly from High Point, are now in good running order and making regular time. This, with the addition of four Passenger Steamers to Wilmington, gives the travel ing public a fair opportunity of visiting Fayetteville. July 1, 28-t, ,\s low a the .March IS-V.*. same ijuality can be had in this State. ‘.14 tf STOVKS, WIlKlvr IKO.V, TI.^-WAKI'., *:«•. Cooking .\l«o The “fi/r/ Itomiition Votrff For sale by JAMES .MARTINE. Nuv’r'Jt. t'l'itt i vN HAND, !i large assortment of I'»ox and ' I .''toves; Tin-ware; Sheet-Iron: Lead Pi)>e. I»AI.\TN, 011>, Arc . PF.RM. Refined, Lard, Linseed and Tanners' OIL: ^ White Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; Window Gla»s and .'^ash of all sizes. _ALS0— A fre“h supnly of POND'S PAIN DE.''TR( ER. For sale tV JAMES MARTINE. Nov'r 1! L "I808. ti'itt Tiirpeiiliiie Hacker?*, Neraper-ii, Pullers and lli|>per«, VLL of the first ipiality, can be hud at .M. A. BAKER .S (iUN SHOP, Fayetteville, .V. (.'. .lan'y l.'>. ' >^"tf Nofice to Tiirpeiiliiie Dislillers and olhers, 1.\M fully pi-. ].:ivi'1 to iii:iki‘ oi- ri-pair '!'CRI’EN 1 1 N 1. STILLS, .’'r do •■iiiy thing in the ('opper or Sheet lion work, at the sh'^rtc-: notice. M. A. BAKI'.R. Fayettevill--. .biti'y l2 L iSo'.*. Mitt To Mtail Mtoad i'ontrartoral -JUST RECEIVED too \Vlli:iCI.BIA KKO\\>i, light and strong, for tht* Rtiil 1! II. GRAHAM. Ut-t'iw June 1, IBo'J. Mtate BoikIm for Male. S^T.VTE ('oupon Bonds, ((’’oupons payable in N^w York, on the 1st .\pril and 1st October,) in quanti ties to suit. Vpply at the Branch of tlie ('ape Fear Bank. June 1 A. McLEAN. Iftf Seroitfi S'priMif/ Stoch'. STARU & WILLIAMS j^.WE received ami are now 0]'ening their secon 1 ('omjirising a splendid selection of the newest styles of Faiiey and staple Ory Cnood^^, Itooti*. ‘^Iioe^. Ilat^, Hoop KkirtM, Keady-lflade ('lofliin^:. With a l.'irge v.irioty of NOTIONS, to wiiich the atten tion of Wholesale Buyers is invited. STRICT ATTENTION PAID Til ORDERS. '‘^8 J. R. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. .April 9, 18-Tiy. 4tf Tlli: I.IVEK IWlOOllATOIt! I’KKPARKU liY 1>H SAXKoKK, om|>oiiiil(‘(l rntirely from IS ONK OF TilK BKST ri RliATIVK AM) I.IVKR MK i Din.VKS now before the ptiblic. thm nets n»i h f'athnrfir, ftuiier, milder, hiuI morewtTectuaHhun »nj other mwiiciiie known It IS not only « ('.ithtrtir, but a Lir^r remedy, ftctin*: fir«t on the Liffr to itM nmtter, then on tiie btomai'h and hownN locHrry off that rjatter, thn« Rccomplihhing twopuipo«es ■ ally, without any of the* painful fef^lincs experienced in the opvrn tion«« of mc«t It stretijflhen;* the ivKten: nt tlie w;-': time thiit it parses it ; and when tAkeu iaily iu rnoflerate will PirenKthen and build it up with jnu»ual rapidity. METHODIST PKOTESTiNT FEMALE COEIiECJE. JAMESTOWN, GUILFORD COrSTV. N. C. ^piIE first session of this Institution, under the patron- i. age of the North Carolina Conference of the .Metho dist i’rotestant Church, will coininence on Thursday the I4th of July. The most competent Teachers will be enijiloyed in every department, and the course of instruction will be thorough and complete, embracing all the branches usually taught in the best female schools. TKK.MS I'KK SKSSIO.V Of flVE MO.VTIIS: (hie-lialf payable on the entrance of the student, and the other at the close of the session, are as follows:— Board, includiug fuel anil washing, .■?o7 oO (.’ollegiate course, lo 00 Primary department, Music, Languages and Ornamentals at the usual rates. For further information ajijdv to the President, \V. C. LIP.SCOMB. Jr. July I, 18'.9 28-t>t VY’OUNG M.VN of some experience in Teaching, desires a Situation. He was prepared for a teach er at Dr. Wilson s school, and can give sati.sfaclory testimonials as to qualifications, and character, .Ad dress JOHN C. FAUCETTE. Mebanesville, Alamance Co., N. C. June ^7. Lower Little River and ( rane’w C'reek .\aTiju:ation Company. ^pilERE will be a MEETING of the Stockholders of L the Lower Little River and Crane's Creek Naviga tion Co.. at Morrison's Mills, on Little River, on tho l-')th inst., for the purpose of organizing the Co.; a sufficient amount of Stock having been subscriVjed therefor. CHRISTOPHER MONROE, for the general Commis.sioners. July 2. :i8-tm D •ad. For •V W. .M, March -J'.'. 18-V.i. a!.' bv J.AUitlN. liiiiano! 4>iiianoI! BACiS No. I PERI VIAN GUANO, for «ale E. V. MOORE. 10 ilaeon! ItaconI! IIHDS. prime SlDE.'s, just received. E. F. MOORE. llav an«l Klee ^tra%v. Hill BALES* RK'E STRAW. Eastern Hav. For s:i’« E. by f! moorf. TruslotN Notice. having dibt? ilu.. 4 f.L i.et-M.ns iiavtng .nt.t^ ,iu,. against William R. .M. K. n/ie must present them t.. i„y ,it my Store in ! !iif ii>wii of Clinton, on or betore riouw^iy ,in. jid, ■ ■Hi:' -t 11.'Xt. Having been api.oini,.,! Ti-,Iteo by said j 'I -K' M/ii’. tor the benefit of his cr>- litoi-. ! will .'m the i ■■ -lid d:-.y, make a fin:il arrangemetu of : ! u- :i' 'Inn- ;ire fund-: in niy hands so to do, .,,„i .j,._ ; ■ ■ ! 1 ;iir Io till- pro\ ii ions (d the Trust to me execiiicil T. M. LEE, Tinsn...,’ .1 III- 17. 1^.'.'.' -J It All TAiti:\ 11% oiiiniilted III the Jail of ('timberland l-’ith in-i., a NEGRO BOY, naiiied .loH.N I'I'A.NKLI-N, wlio says lie is i-iiii.- fi oiii ('oluiiibia. ('. .lolm is TV \ l\ LN ;;p .nid iiii V >11 I h •I'UIN !;i:.'\ci; „ ■. Hil l. I'rlt Ik Ii t (liti wi; (Ik Mctho- !• ' M ''I'li^'lit tiiulalio. Mild had on when t.-ikeii up a ill' Wo .1 iiMt and sledmixed frock coat and ]iants. o-ov. . .|- ,1 »i.iid Negro is notified to eoine forward. '.I- pi'o(H it\. pay iiai-ji -, -iid take him away, or he ! I^i- d. :ii! will] ;i' the law liri'Cts. (;E(» L. .NIcK.W, Jailer. •Kl'r l.'i, IhyS. 55- liy O. LAUDER, TWII Bl'llIRS llWVfi r. T. Hlllill S .SlIVS' .STIIRI! Fayetteville, t/. Jnn'v ‘20, IS')'.* til-ypd ^125 Re\v»i*d. I WILL i>ay S'J:') reward for the apprehension and con- lineiiient in any jail, so iliat 1 get him again, of iny lioy REI'BE.N, wlio lanaway on the ;>lst May last. Ri'iiben is about years old. about '> feet 8 or 1(1 inehfs high, dark color, will weigh L'ltl to lO") lbs., small .-yes. very thick lip b.ick of oii(. of his hands, near the root of the thumb. .Viid 1 will p.iy a fiirtiier i^eward of C'hiU for jiroof sitfli- cient to eonvict nny wiiite person of harboring suid boy or seducing hiai from home. JAS. ('. McEACHlN. Lattrinburgh, Richmond .-o.. ,\. C.,,Iune 1*1 [21tf \V€‘h«ter*x Ueinoiitarv iSpellin^ Books. A further supply j I : n-ceiwd* Jan’y 8 E. J. HALE SON. ['(Hi SAI.K Oli KK\T. V CONVENIENT DWELLING HOUSE, onllaymount, near .Mr. J. C. Thomson'a. For particulars enquire ot J. G. SHEPHERD, Esq., or A. M. CA.MPBELL. May 7. Otf cori’ON noNDs fok w.k. fpHE W'estern Rail Road Coinjwny have for enle in £ amounts to suit jiurchasers, 82U,0(.i0 of the Coupon Honds of the (’ounty t>f Cumberland, bearing 7 per cent, interest, payable semi annually on the 1st June and 1st of December, and run ning ‘-0 years. §!)(»,( HID oi‘ the (^upon Bonds of the Town ot ! Fiiyetteville, bearing t> ]>er cent, interest, payable senii- annually on the 1st January and the 1st of July, and I runnitig 20 years. L These bonds were issued in accordance with law to I the Western Rail Road (.’o., to pay the County and Town ind has a small scar on the j suhscriiitions respectively. Persons having money will find these bonds (at the price the Co. is selling them) a better investment than any Bank Stock in the State. For terms apply to C. B. M.ALLETT, Esq., Pres't, or to JNO. .M. ROSE, Treaa'r Western R. R. (,'o. FayettcviUe, Fcb'y 2(>, 1858. 8‘.Hf 100 .1 UU(‘ t'orn! t'orn: B.V(!S fiesli ('t)RN. will lie receive-l day. E. F. •-M! 18.V.I. on Wcdni MOORE. '2 l-ow ,T»» •50 Plow**! No. *1 PLOWS; "r; No. 10 Plows; .'■>0 No. 11 • L’o No. .'.() “ 2'. No. (■«() “ Points. Bars and Mould Boards to suit. For s:iic by C. E. LELTP,. Jan'v 12 ' 71*- 1(1 Butter. Cliee?e and C'raei*erH. FIRKINS (iosheii Ibitter: \l~i Boxes Stale Cheese: 10 Bbls. Soda and Butter Crackers. •lust ri'Ceived by Jan'y 12 (’. E. LEETE. 7'.'- tnill .\et and l^eine Tnine. LBS. Gill Net Twine; 0*/ I'.'tllbs. Seine “ Just received by C. E. LEEIE. Jan'y 12 The i» one of the' hitman body ; and wheti it th* powptft oi the sytietn aie it alinont entirely dependent Liv^^r for the pro[>er pertoini Mom»ch ia hi fnuU, thebowelt •y^tem conveqnenre huTint; c«‘a*ed to do ita duty, can. one of the proprietors practice of more than im'enty wherewith to cou:iteraol the it liable. To prove that thi* remeW is blwi with l.«lver Coiii- ha»« bnt to try a bottle, and Thcae (iums r^moTe all the jiyMem. niipplyinK ai iheir Invijcormiiiff the utomach. purlfylne hlo4>«l, whole mui hinery, retuorinp ertW’litit; a radiCHl cure. [tlilous attarkn are! |jt% rr liivt^orAtor. (hiedose at'ler eatinir is >«nr and prerent the food fionj Only one done taken before mare. Only one done taken at jcenlly, and cures C'o«- Oite dose taken after enoh o»e do^e of two tea tfirk lleadac'hc. One bottle taken fo»* f« cauKf of th« di»*ease, and i Unly one dote itnraediately j One doj»e often repeate! i« ! PH Morbtlf, and a prevenlire i Only one bottle is [ tystera the effe«’ta of medl-1 Ot^e bottle taken for | iownest or unnatural color (hie dose taken a short l^or to the appetite, and mnke* One dose oHen repeated rticiea in its worst forms. Bowt*! cotnplalnts yield One or two dohes caret at Children ; there it no fmrer, the world, as it never /‘tHit. 9^ A few bottlet cure» abtorbentt. We take pleasure in recotn- preTeniive for Kever aiul and all Kever* of a Bll- with certainty, and thoubandt wonderful virtues. o 0 m princii>al regulator* of the Dfrtornis its fiiiictiotiH well, lully deveU»ped The on the healihy acTiou of thf ttDoei>f itslnnctiOTii, « hen tht* are at fMMlt, anU the wln'lu of one orjfan—the Ijlvrr— For the ditea»ev ot that or- has made it his stndy, in a years, to find some lemeilv many dcrHtirementk to whi«u at last found, any person tron plaint, in auy ot iu fonnt. conviction N certain, morbid or bad roatter from place a healthy flow of bile, causiiif tK>d to digest well, pivinfc tone and health to the the cause of the diseai»e— Scicnt to relieve the stomach ri!*inK and iK>nrintr. retiring, prevents MgUt- night, lootent the bowtla meal will cure l>yap4;p»la spoonfuN will Ml«a>» relieve male obstniciion removes the maki^s a iierfect cure, relievew Ctiollc. while a sure cure for C'holf'ra ;of Cliolcra. I needed to throw out of fbe cine after a long sickness. .•1amtlU*etemovei> aVttal (from the skin. :tinie before eatinp: givf^s vi ' food digest well, cures Cliroiilr lllai** while S u 111 111 r r and almoNt to the Rrst dote, tacks caused byAVuriim in safer, or speedier remedy in l>rop«y, by exciting the mending this medicine a» a A^iic, Kever, loufl Typr. Ii '-peraiee • are willing to testify to it« Valuable Real KlMtate at Auction. \T the .Market House on Saturday the Itjth July, ai 12 M.. I shall sell that desirable TWO ST(.)li\ FlRE-PRoOF STORE, on Green Street, long and favorably known as the Store of David (loe, Esij., and at present occupied by Mr. A. 'McRiminon. Terms of payment are acconiiuodatinp. and made known at .«ale. JOHN H. COOK, .Vuct'r. Jtily 1. 2S t> onE AVi> 1.1:. Notes and A(''C^>U.\ r.'s are all due and I ti.ed the money, therefore I hope to see all my friend •oine in and pay thidr claims. Thos.> of lonir >tanili lu whom 1 have dunned need expect no loniit-r iinliii^ence. J. c. i»n.. June 20. 27-’Jw w. AA A I II. ^KTTLi: ?i i:\1>. ^PilE Subscribers would reniiiid those indebted to them 1 that this is the period of the year in wjiich it is ■no't convenient and desirable to have a poiipr.il -ettle- inont. They are prej.arit {r to forward afcount« liy'iiiail to those at iv distance who owe for books, ]iriiiiin}r. (.S:c. Those imiebted for subscription to the Observer only, will be able to ascertain the amount due by reference to their liist receipts. Persons havinj;; accounts «rainst the subscribers will please present them for paynient. E. J. MALE it SOX. .Iiilv 1, IS.V.). lllidM. tiiood ISaeon, and SMOULDERS, just received and for -ale bv D. .t W. McLAl'RlX Jiilv2. 18VI. 2-tf (I .\e^roe«!> I'oi* Mal*. NE .M'.tiRO ^V0^1 ,\N and oni-Gl Pifor sale. A]i- plv tc Jaa. (!. Cook or NEILL CARMICHAEL. June 3, 18-jO. 2't Aegroew AVanted. I-^O till Wa.N lVeb*ter’i« Elementary Spelling Book, for sale by E- J- HALE & SOX. S('cr«‘l Hislor} of the Fn'iu li ( oart, b) \ictor , (Joiisiu; Adam Graeine, by Mrs. Oliiihant; Love .Me Lit- , tie. Love .Me Long, by Reade: The Srience and Art of Chess, by .1. Monroe-. Chess Hand Book, by au .Vinateur; The ,\rt of Exienipore Speaking, by ’>1. P.antain; School . Books, &c. j. HALL & SOX. i June 11. All who u»e It are ^lvli>i; their uiiaiilmous teiitlinoiiy In Its Tavol-. O^MIx Water In the mouth with tli« IiiyI- piirntor. ami «\vi«Uotv both tof^etUer. | THE LI'VTJR INVIGORATOR | ts A Sl-IKNTtrl; .VKKlCAl, DISl’OVKRY, and ii d»ily , woiklnir rnicH. almost too grent to belie»e. It cure* at if b* ■ lOHgic, ^ren thf gicihtf and seldom more than one botile in r»»^tiired to cure any kind of L«lvrr -omplaint, from the worst Jauwiire or to a common tieiui'irhe, aU of which are the resuU of a Dts«ast‘t L*l'V«r« raiCE 0!fB DOLLAR PKR BOTTLE. I)r. S.WKOHD, Proprietfir, rit5 Broadway, New York Retailed by all I^rnegiRts. SoLl . JAS. X. SMITH and S. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, X. C. Nov’r 11. 62-ly Aes^i'oe!*! .\es^r4»ex!! Wanted. / ^ENTLEMEN. your old customer is yet in market for \ f Likely Negroes, for which 1 am determined to pay the Cash Prices. Persons having such for sale would do well to pive me a eill. or address me at Clinton, X. C. .\ll orders promptly attended to. J. A. McAKTllUR. Clinton, X. C., March b, 1839. S^S-lyi'id A'otiee.- rpo the farmers and citizens of the Countie> of l)u] lin- iiyne, Johnston, Harnett, Moore. Cutnhe: l.ind- Robeson, Bladen, Columbus, l>riiuswick. Xew Hanover- I .'ind Sampson; i The subscriber being desirous of puridiasin;^ a number I ot li'tely v'oung Ncftroes, of all cla.sses .itid deseription-. i a vails himselt'of this metho'i of iniormiri^'^ those who ' may have such property to dis]i»^c "f. that they wculd do well to visit me at home, or addn-s- im- at Clinton. N. C.—for which they shall receive a visit. .\ word to the wise is sufficient, as it is well understood that 1 j.ay exceeding high prices. EVERETT PETER.^ON. Fcb'y 14. lJ»5y ss'.'m Further Mufipliew ol* Kook>i. My Thirty Vears Out of the Senate, by .Major .lack Iiowniuvf: Bulwer's Novel, “What Will He Iio With It''” Brownlow & Pryne’s Controversy: Lights.and Shadowsof Scottish Life, by Prof. 'Wil.son; Eric, or Little by Little; Sterne's Works; Lonpworth on the Grajie: Kip's Lenten .‘•'ast; Buck's Theolog. Dictionary: Uuskin's Political Economy of Art; Treasury Blotting Paper; .School Books, .tc. Just received. E. J. HALE & SOX-

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