Hranre. )> a I iir iP !SB" SEMI-WBEKL Y. (i; iii'inw, D, « 0>\. illAK , 1,000,000. T. K.BR\rE.Jr..Sfr 'V f HCi' Mitl [. ill' P^‘- ceis hi ton I Hit - ■ .1- 11-: ■■ * U \ 4'. _ I J ■.4' '-1 4'HI :tik .lu Dili' OHK • 'iti- :Y IV11 I FAS 111 \! esc 11 LW le..: DUli th.- >«■ - ig'Mi ln‘l ».V- >1*11 >-‘K- lev ■ u// jtf S(. (•►■Ill in(f 'ork w. toi,. Ji; aiil I JS'I : 1)1' It,. af I 6;; I ,K;. (jo. IMt' ' • -I- ■! IV ^ n. ' - nil ' - m I- • •■I"’- ■ i‘ llif' '* ! T f'T'; ■, iwl , n ni t’V •■•i .'fHTi Wlil ; kw-.o'i. . -1' ill- r/,r // ' f .//> ■ ■ : ,11 -houlJ r 'O , , York* riUNTKD MONDAYS VND THURSDAV.'^. KDWARD J. IHLE & SOX, i;MTr.r.>^: \M> rUOPUIKTORS t'.ir ilio S.'siii W('t‘kly OHSKitVKR $.3 00 if pai'l in M.lvHucc: > I ’''I if I'lii'l ilui'ing ‘.ho year of subscriji- ti 'ii: (T ^ I iit'tiT tin* \oar has expired. 1' ; tlif i msi'UVKU $2 00 per annum, if paid i'l 2 if p:iitl during the year of suliscriji- • ■ ,r do !iiU'r the year has expireil. gfciV AUVi'.K riSlMKN'TS inserted foi (50 cents pei is.lUHiv 'i' I*' lilies fur th# lii-t. Hiid 30 cents for each V ;i-. coding ]ml)licuii>>n. Yearly advertisements hy spe- ' iMiitrjK'i';. :it rei»sona*'le rate's. Advertisers are -K'd to tiatc the niiinl)er of insertions desired, or . IVill l>e .‘untiniied till forbid. at»d charged accord- \.Ufvii-ionieiits to be insertod insi'h', charged 50 per SPi;’lAI. NOTK K. 1 :itt*‘r thisdnte, no name of a new subscriber ;-iitori‘1 without payment in advance, nor will ■r be . on: t:i siich subscribers for a longer time t.iid fur. , : -d our old subscribers us desire to take the pa- j. .11 this \ stem will please notify us when making .liny 1. 1^.'*’. A VAH ABhE ( AIM- I'EAR rLANTATlON FOU SALE. 'piU^ S\ib»cribt‘r offers his FAIIM for sale, known as I :ue.HA\V Pf.ANTATK iN. situated on the N. K. bid.- .f(':ii'»' Foar, in the County of Harnett, and ii':;-':! tV'wn I'ljomer the preseni County Seat) iwo I;..'- ', ;uid I'ontains 747 .\cres. It fii;i.r:u'i‘ ai; fxtensivo body of very rich River i! 'Uoih L iiid, not 'iirp:i'"cd in this section of the State t.,r ib'prh and fertility of .'oil; and in view ot quality of '"11. e’iiu'bili;v of b, the society in its vicinity, .seliiio’^. •■luircho'. .VC., an u;i]i.)rtiinity is here preseni- 0.1 -of -ecurinw a Farm cuntaiuing advantages rarely to i‘ met with. Tl:0 luiid li.- wfl!, and is su-^^'eptible of making one r.i w! v;il,i;ible and productive farms in the State. lajiU'd t.- the culture of Corn, Wheat, .)ats . tiuJ abuunds with a large quantity of (Jak, i vr Timber, besides I’ine Timber for Saw MEDICAL COUEliK OF VIRIilMlJ AT RTCHM()*NM), or i8.’s».-r>o. next regular Course of Lectures will commence 1 on the first Monday in October, and continue until tbi> 1st of March. ' h. Hell Gibson, M. D., I’rofessor of .'Surgery, vScc, !‘ vid 11. Tucker, M. D., I’rofes.sor of Theory and Piacticeof Medicine. iU‘verly R. Wellford, M. L)., I’rofessor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. .\rthur F. Peticolas, M. D., Professor of .\natomy. l.evin S. Joynes. M. !>.. I’rofessor of liLstitutes of Medicine, ■'.line-- II. Conway. M. 1)., Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, •lames M. .McCaw, .\1. D., Professor of rhc!ni-try. Mnrioii I'owjird, M. D., Demonstrator of .Vnaiomy. • 'lini.-sl iii-truction in the Infirnuiry att:u-hed to ihi' ' dleirc. which is also tlie Marine Hos|)ital for the port of KichiiMind. A great variety of and surgical cases may be seen in its wards, and numerous stirgical operations arc performed before the class. The liich- nioiid .Almshouse is also open to snilenis. The facilities for Dixsecrion are unusually great,— -MATKiiiM. l)ein>f abundant and cheap. Through the lil)cralily of D)-. Thomas D. Warren, of Nor'h Carolina, the Faculty are enabled to otlVr a I'lii/.K OK (Ki; HrSi)Rv:i> Doi.i..vits for the best Kssay ]>reseiued by any member of the graduating cla-is. FKKS: To each Professor. Dissection. Matriculation, (Iradiiatioii, (lood bo.ird may b- obtained in the ranging from on to .■:?•') per week. For further information aj>plv to L. S. .lOYNKS. M. D.. Dean of the I’aculi v. .lulv ti. •J'.t-alu l' ?lo 10 .".ty at prices I- i, V.: !I Hlld ' A h a;i 1 I ne t'.inu of ilie tract render'^ it susceptible of divi- ri ill! iwi. tr'K-!' or I'arcels, fir Farms. 1: V. !' a stream running nearly through the centre, le 1 ' y never-fliliinr springs, on which is a desirable situation for an overshot uiill. wiih u good dam already built. fliere are on the tract about lOU acres cleare- and in ■ ultivation. The subscriber will take jdeasure in showing the s- bove lands to those do.'ir.ius to purchase. Look and you will be pleased. In niy judgment, such a body of laud .vinnoc l>e exhibited in Harnett or any of the aijoiiiing (.■njnrjes. If not Sold privately, it wiil be exposed to public sale on M nday of the .Suj>erior Court in this County, which I iliiisk will be the .Second .Monday in August n«xt. Terms will be made easy, and more particularly made known on the liav of sale. 11. -M. TURNER. June’Jl. ‘Jti-is PI BLIC ^ALE UF TIIK NORTH TAROLIXA COPPER MINE, In ihe (oiintj of builTurd, State of Xortb (uroliiia. IN pursuance of the provisions of a Deed of Trust, executed lo me, on the loth July, 1854, by the Pre- - leu; aii l Directors of the North Carolina Mining Com- j.aiiy. jiiid I'f record in the Register's office of the Coun- ■_v liuill ' -d. State of North Carolina, for certain pur- ]■ -e> therein set turth, 1 will, as 1'ru'tee in said deed, iler for c.i>h, on the premises, at 11 o’clock, A. '1 . II Tuesday the *2d da} of .\u^ust, Is59, that Valiiahh' Property i-d A.!-, ■rcuiir i.eri V -■-aid 1- ^ :ilp. > reeii'b ^ ,nty, ten miles South of Greensborough, V.irth far. lin i Copper .Mine, containing or less, together with all the MachiiHT}, Kii^iiies. Funips, Mining Tools and Materials b(.’ m^inir iir appe rtaining, and all the other ■f every kind and de-cription, belonging to '■'pper Cnmp iiiy, ion will be (riveu ujion the consumnration of JAMK.** SLO.YN. Trustee. N. May 21, is.Vt 17tii MM) FOR SILL (iFFKll for -.lie ri4i» Acres of L.VXD. lying on the W ,■ .t 'ide 'if I ape Fear River, two miles below Fay- • ille, ntid extending from the river into the sand- This tract is about cjually divided into river- swainp and sund-hill Land. About Hi) acres,' : hig the river, are under cultivation and are well ■ 1 I', the prowth of Corn and (jrass: none of the ' ii.iji ha been c!'ired. There are several good sites f Iwellin;; lioiivo on the sand-hills. .\ny person ■ ;iig I piiri'lia e will do Well to niake early appli- ; .!!. .1' I ha\e determined to sell. THOMAS ,1. ROUINSON. ]->■. 41tf ■I '• La 11(1 and Wood. )i‘») \ i;L> "f L.^Nl) lying on the Fayetteville & )*)•) We-iern II. fi. 7 miles from Town. l.'iit i ,rd' P1.M-; WOOD cut and jiiled. All for sale io-a'. !.■ clo'c the concern of C. E. Robert.s & C’o. ■ai.j.Iv ro J. 11. ROBERTS .V CO. •Ju:;r i:*., l-:,9. J4it s ^late BoncN Ibi* .Sale. T.\'l'(; I'oiqxin Ronds. (Coupons payable in New \ ■-’>. 11 the 1-t .\]>ril and 1st October.) in quanti- • it. \[iplv at tiie Rranch of the Cape Fear I-' A. McLKAN. Hitf i nii s\KK Oil KKNT. 4 oN\ KNII.N I DWi:LLlN(i HOUSK, on Haymount, near .\li . .1. I rhoin~>)n's. For particulars enquire .J. (J. SIIHPIIKIW., or A. M. CAMPP.KLL. M -.v • -Jtf ('onM)\ IU>M),S F(>R ^ALK. 'Pin; Western Rail Road C.i!n]%ny hav« for iiale in 1 a;., .i.n" ‘ : -ait i’U''chasers. !)iM( of tlie Coupon iJoncls of the J ' uuib'-rl.'itid. bearing 7 per cent, intere uiiiuially on tlio 1st June and 1st of December, and run i.Uig L'li years. S'JU.'iiKi of the i'll vetteville ijfai ing FAYi:TTb:VlLLE, N. C., JULY 25, 1859. [XO* 834.] The fjfirsnTar 0'(trriftse f'artortf in Shi’ ^ostfh: I ) KSPF.CTFl'LLV informs his friends and the public. It that he lias buili up large substantial P.rick Build ings, iiL his Old S^■lnd, expressly for manufacturing Car ria^es. 'riiaiiktul '.or the vi-ry liberal ]>atr('iiage he has rect ived tor the '.a--! lil years, he hopes by strict atten- li.iii to busiiie-.-^, ivith a dc-ire to gi>.c satisfaction, to merit a >■ iiitiuw lUCe ol'llic !!• warrants his work to be made ot' the i>c; t maieri.U and by experience'! workmen in each l.ratr h if the lui'ine"^. Hi-; work will Compare favorably wit!i any made in the I’liited Stales, for ne.itness and dM-ibiliiy. He is ileiermiiied to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any Work done elsewhere that i> as well He now has on hand, finished. Till'. I,\K(iLST r^ToCK OF (’arriai?(*s, Baroui’iies. Uookaways and ever olfered in tliis placi', ;ind a very large stock of work nearly tinisiiei. wiiieii will be fini'^hi'd daily. .Ml of which ivil! lie -old \ei i- Imv (nr c;i>h, or on short time to punctual I'li'iomer-. has i>n h.iiul more than oNi; in'NDKi;i) AND'FIFI'V VFHICI.LS finished and in com-se of con-^truci ion. IJky'^.Ml Work made by him i» warr:;nted li! months with fair ii-age, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material, wiil be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to fmy would do well to call and ex amine for I hciiiseh e. Order- lhaiiklully received and promptly attended to. Ite]iaii ing cxeciueii at siiort notice an I on very reason able t--rm. Mav -J.". S'.i-tf I'eiiiale Aoriiial Siliool. HlsU rolnl, t. Kail Hoad, 15 Miles V>e'»t of tfreensl)oroiis:h. Rev. N . 11 .V V , I’m n r 11> a l , With eflieient Assistants. ^nilE objeet of this hi'titution is to pr>ivide for the L thorough education oi young ladie.-, and :is .in ad ditional feature, to qii.ilify .>uch of ihem as may de-ire it. for the avoe..itioii of te.i,'hiii;r. lt« lu xt .''e-^ion will begiti the MuND.W l.N .XCCil'S'i'. In-truction is given in all the branches iuul'UI in the be-t Female In stitutions. We liave .\ppiratus. new I’iano. ,\;c. 1 lie expenses are less ihan at any other Institution of iJie character in the ."“tale. l'..i d alone and the I'.n^rli-li Branches ::4iI to ?■">•'> per .'Se--ion. Latin andin-ek each 5'7 oH; I'rench i-r, (»riiamen:als very low. I’u vHii AXU HALK TIIK TUITION II KljT 11: K 11 IN .M)V.\N K. 30 YOL'.NtJ LADIES will be receiveil ind credited for tuition until they can teach and p;iy for it. gvjV* WANTED: .Situations for .''outhetn Femalo Teacherg. For full i iforination addr.->« REV. W 1 LANGDON. I’roprietor. July 8 iJM-lOtpd LUIlL\BlKiiil llllii! Sl ilOitL. The 14th Session ot this Institution will ojieii on the 12th of Jl'LV under the of Dan'l. ,Stkw.\kt. Jr., 15., a- l’rinei|ifil. Board can be had either at the St>-w.ard's Hall i>r in the neighborhood at is per month. > \clusive ol ii.;hts and washing. For further inf.miation tjiply to the undfr-i'riied at Laurinbnrgh, N. R. I). Dlt KSO.N. Secy. Laurinburgh, June IS. Jo-if Edgeworth i'eiiiale Seminary, GREENSRoKi N. ( . ^PHE Ninetee:uh .\nnual Se--ion .r In-iitutioii £ will coniinence on the ;'.d of A .jiii-j, I >.. •. The course of study i- iht.roii”!! and -y-:m em bracing everything to :i eoiiq.lete. ■>•■ ,,1 and ornamental education. The l’>l'I LDl.Nti'' :ire .. ar ranged as to Combine ihe .jon.forts of a home with the advantages of a Sclio d. Instructor' of ilie highe-t qualifications are employed in each ot the Departments. TERMS; Board, including wi.-hing, lights and fuel, ] er -e-do-i of five months, Tuition in the regular classes, Catalogues containing all neces'-ary information re- ' specting the course of Instnietion, Terms, >vc., will be forwarded on application to RICHARD STERLING. Principal. (.ireen.-iborough, N. C. June 3 2u-'Jmi"l ]\orth Carolina Headers. XTMHERS 1 AND 2. PREPARED WITH SPECIAL REFKUENCE To TIIE WANTS AM» INTKHKhT.S (F f'aroliiiti. V.VUKR TIIE .\t snCES OK TIIK. sri*KKl.\TK.M>KM ulCOM- MO\ SCHM>LS, BY Bev. F. .H. BiihlmrtI, PR0FK3S0U OF TIIK L.\TI.V LA.\i;r\(;K ANI> l.n i: K ATf 1! K IN IHK CXIVKRSITY OF XOKTil CAKol.INA. xXr’MHHK CO.VTAl.M.VO A F.VMILIAK Hl.sTOKV A.N'I) JiE.SPKlP- TloN OF NOIITII CAROLINA. Seleetioii.'i in I’rose :iinl Vers*'; iiiatiy d‘ them hy eminent citizon.s of the State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOL(MiI« A L T,\P.LES. And a variety of Miscellaneous Inforniatiou and Sta- . tistics, by r;. ##. I'.MBER is a new and revised edition of the North Carolina Reader, fir^t j)iiljli'hed in IVi.'d. Numbers | 1 and '2 just issued, complete the serie-^. which i-:, as a ' whole, cheaper than any other series of Rc.iders in the.^ United States, and as complete. . I The FMitor (Prof. Hubbard i in his Preface to Num-! ber 1 deems it proper to allude to a few of the jiei'uli.-ir advantages aimed at by the Superintendent of (.'omrnon ; Schools while making etforis to have this work com- j jdeted. These are, 1. 7'he encourayenieiit oj n fi'i'iiiiii of si If-dejii'Hili-nrp, and ! the enlistment of popular sentiment in behalf of lhe State and its institutions. It was not thoiiffht im|Hirtan(. how ever, to have more than one nninber of the Reader of merely a local interest. '1. To Temtdy the evil ii'eri/ir/itr>‘ coini'huneit uj m «>jn- rnun school.^, of a j>erj>etuil rfian;/e m. Uxi huokx; an e.\)>en- sive habit, and one which injures the .Scliools l>y [ir*-- V series of ertainly u»ed, ] and this great evil thus avoided. Readei - being too FRESH ARRIVAL! Second Stock Spring and Summer Goodst J. A I'EMBEllTON IS now receiving his second stock of Spring and .Sum mer (Joods. embracing all the .\E\VEfiT STYI^ES. Such as Summer Silktf, fwrenadines, Or- Sandies^ Xc., With a great variety of new style goods for 'rraveling IPresses tuitl MPusterft. Also a complete assortment of .Tl Oil mill;;: UreK*>$ (i«ood«. A large find varied assortment of SILK AND LACK MANTLES. CHANTILLY LACE POINTS. BL’K AND WHITE BERAGE MANTLES, STEl LA SHAWLS, &c. .V few of ihose sjilendid French EMBROIDERED AND LACE SETS, COLLARS AND SLEEVES. Douglas Sherwood’s NEW' .STYLE (’ORSETTS, (with Bustle and Skirt-Sujtporter attached.) A great variety of NEW STYLE IIO(JP SKIRTS, j &c., kc. In the above stock may be found a great many new I and desirable styles, just out. Th« public generally are invite'! to call early and examine for themselves. J. A. PEMBERTON. April 19, 1850 7- ' iVEW JSPRIXG C;OODJ!^. m. MM A • I •lantes Kffle IS NOW I ECEIVING A LAIUJE SUPPLY OF : DRYGOODS, il ATS, SHOES, HO LT r X(; c LOT H S, kc., Cedar Falls .Sheeting and Yarn at Factory Prices. •Ml of which will be offered BY wholesale or RETAIL, .\s low as the same quality can be had in this Stale. Post Office, Fayetteville, iV. t . ARRIV\\LS AND DEPARTURES OF THE MAILS. RALEIGH. THE WORLD’S (iRE.lT EXHIBITION PRIZE MEDAL AWARDED TO e. HEYER, iOR HIS TWO pianos, LONDON, OCT. 15, 1851. ("1 MEYER, respectfully informs his friends and the | Arrives daily at Oi M. J, public generallv that he has constantly on hand j . .. p PIA\OS, i KENANSVILLE,*(VIA CLINTON Equal to those for which he received the Prize Medal in | Arrives daily, at 7i A. M. London, in 1S51. He has received during the last fif- I Closes “ at H P. M. teen years more Mednln than any other maker from the j S.VLE.M. Franklin Institute, also, Fir-t premiums in Boston, New , Arrives Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, at S P. I York and Baliimore. ,\11 orders, promptly attended to. Closes Monday “ •• “ *' ; and great care taken in the selection and packing the : same. ! Warerooms, No. 722 AllCH Street below Eighth, ; south side, PHILADELPHIA. ! July 18. 32-9tpd and WARSAW.) M. W. TlLl.ER, ^ ## #/> .f I# #; ##/.f, IMPOKTKU OF FAXrV GOQD.S, rnOYS, READS, and CONFECTIONERS’ ARTICLES, X China Dolls, Rich Vases, Toilet Bottles, Inks with Figures, Jewel ami Card Receivers, F^tagere Articles, &c. Latest styles of goods constantly received and sold at the very lowest cash prices. W. TILLER. No. iM South FOURTH Street. PHILADELPHIA. July 18. 32'2mpd M. 100 .March IS-V.i. 94tf II \V>T. (',\liTi;il & so\, Mliolesiile A ketatl Ih nlers and Maiiuraelurers 111 A 1.1. KIM' ■ III ijf'ttther, Siifhilfs and Mtarness, Of every de-ri ij.lioti. t''. U hip-. .VC. \N D we alo p.irt ii-ulMi ly call ilie at tent ion of the whole siirriiunding I’ouiitry to .i\e u-; :i c.i'i. hs we are de- lermiiied iJimi none >h;ill sui|'a- ■ ii- in 'luality or low prices: and wi- will ;:ive iiu> liighe-t ca--li ]>rice at all time- lor iuiw*. and fallow, in exchange for our articles. .'ouiiIr\ .\ - would do well to call an'l examine our Stock, as wi can s,ll them .'sli -cs of h much better quality tlijin they u'^ually get, on very tii.commodating ternia. .''outhern Planter-, woul 1 do weii to >eiid usaiJ their orders as we are ninkiri;.' a .No. 1 article of NEGRc* SHoF..'^, that are wiirrantcd to give entire sati.sfaction. -N. li. ,\11 Ch'di.T- a dlitance shall have prompt at teniioii. S. S. CARTER WM. CARTER. • ioldston P. (J., Chatham t'o , N. C.. i .Marcii l-'i. IS-'t',*. i' Second Spiunff Stock. ST.\Ul! & WIMJ.UIS WE rect:ived and arc now opening their second supply of WOODS, Cl.mprising a sj’lendid selection uf the newe.“t styles of B'aiit'% aiKl .staple l>r> t«‘oocl?^, I Ifioots Vlioes. llatM, Hoop Skirts, lt*a(ly-Tlale 'iotliiii;;', With a large variety of N(.TlONS. to whicli the .atten tion of Wholesale I’uyers is invited. gsx*’*' STRU T ATTLN TION PA IU TO OKDEKS. “igia J. B. ST.VUR. J. M. WILLIAMS. April 9. 1S.'>'J. 4tf .^lore \ew Oood^! 1.\NI just receiving my .Spring Stock of Goods in my line. Tiiey were aelected in the Northern cities hj myself, with great care, and bought on the most reason able terms, by which I am enabled to offer the largest stock I ever )>efore ofl'ered to the public, and lo offer them generally .It lireallv Reduced Price*^. Iferriiijur! Herring!! Iil5LS. No. 1 .Split ami Bulk Herring; 1(10 Bale., EXTRA HAY; 50 * RU E STRAW; UOT.oxes .VDAMANTINi: CANDLES; 40 B.\K S(.).VP; | 25 Barrels .M. VASSAR & CO S ALE; I 20 WHISKFIY. some very fine, viz: Old : “Dew Drop" i5 years old.) Family, Mag- : nolia, Reserve, Excelsior; j ti Packages FllENi.'II P.RANDY; 1 1 Cask ('ATWAB.V BR.ANDY. on ('onsign-j ment from a gentleman connected with a i Bank in the city of N. Y ; will be sold on ' account of consignee. fl^“The above are just rec'd and will be sold low by J. 11. ROBERTS .S: CO. July 11. 1859 31- FAIR BLUFF. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Satt;rlay at 8 Closes Sunday, Tuesdar and Thursday, at J !’• RI CHER AW. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, a^ 1 A. M. Closes Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday, at i P. -M. ROBESON S via ELIZABETHTOWN. -\rrives Tuesday. Tliursday and S)iturday, nr 2.1 P M. Closes Monday. Wednesilay and Fridny, at A. -^L RALEIGH via SUMMERVILLE. .\rrives Monday and Saturday, at S p >1. Closes Tuesday and Friday, at o.V .V. .M. SWIFT ISJ,AND vi.i MONTRO.'^E. Arrives Monday, at 5 P. M. Closes Tuesday, at A. M. SWIFT L^LAND via TPOY. a .Arrives Tuesday, at tj P. M. Closes Wednesday, at 5.} A. M. : M.VCNOIJA. I .\rrives Tuesday, at 2 P. .\1. Closes •• •• 2 “ i elizai;f:thtov,n via j'EUiriUNTii. j Arri\e.-* Moinlay, ai 7 P M, (,Toses Tuesday, at .\ .'^I. ! PHILADELPHI .S. : Arrives Tuesdav. at 1 A. M M J. (i. Closes .Sunday, at .V P ('i July I. Jh- o. iiorwTov j’(>ULD inform hi-i friends and f irmer customers that he nmy be found diiors below the Caj>e Fear Bank, and doors above his cild stand -oiith side Pcr»oii Street, where he inteii Is t ■ keep on h ind. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, (ollurs, and every tiiin,: li;-loii;iin^ to his trade. He respectfully iiiviti'- hi- t ieinis trom the couniry to call and examine his -itiirk bi-l'oie )iuri |iii-iiig. He will alti'll'i to !!r|i;:irilo/ if ll irile--. and Snddles ]'unctually. u.. 1 hi- '-ii ir;!^ -ii.-ul i e .Moderate. He w .iiM roqiie-l >tll i;i 1. Kie l lo ihe *iiiii it' Hor.''Tt>N .V • >VEUBT to v ’tile witii W. I iv.M'by or hi!;;scli. as they are compelled to -etile the firm's debts. .\iiiru-t 27. 1 Lemons, Or- ,\ND PRESERVES- a great va- tl ,1. \v. ■tAKi:it Is now rocci\iii^ iVotn the N«»rth the large-it. fine-t. .-ind nio-t I'areftilly selected stock of n ever olfercd in ihis ni.-irkei: whieh added to his own maniifa M.i'c. makes iii- u-sortment eomplete;— all ol which 1h“ will -it li on the h-wesi po-sil;le terms for casli or on time :■> puiicin;il ci;-|oiners. F.'ishiot; ;':ii:iiet eolt:i,ce tie.l-ioom I’nviiilure in setts; curled h:,ir and -hii.'!;. and cotion Mattressi'- Looking (il.i--i--: Uilloiv W.i.-iiis and ('radies; .''id Bo:irds; l!urc-iu; S; i vei:irie- ai> l I'.ook i Vi-e-'; Wjiat- Not-i: Table-'. ;il! sorr; W.ish .''t.-i/id-: ( ';in'ilt‘ .''tand-: W.ifdrobc-: Pieinre Fi.tines ;ind Gin--: Wind.>w Shade-: (’orniee: Curiuiii Bin!-: .'^ola in 'l.iIiO!.'’i:ny and Wal nut: T-te a T' tes; (»Mo!n:ui^: Di\ans and Sinob; ('haii'^ of every variety. Fine INtsfiwixi'l ri.tim.s, (.m- wifli ,Tvi!i,'in ;tt- tachment; Rosi'Wo,. 1 M|.I. lim . t'r' iii the l e-^t luunuric- tories in N -w \ orl. fin.l I'm -ton. w.irr.mti-d a-.^ i;ooil any made in the couiitiy. nnd will be -old at N‘ W York jirices—freight only added. Sej'tenifier L'. }.")if x>lar!>le Factory, FRUrr.S--Rai~ins. Figs, Prunes, Apple* anges. Cherries. Currants. Acc. PICKLES. JELLIE riel\ : PEP.Fl SlElMES and EXTRACTS of various kinds; F.VNCY SO.U’S AND PO.MADES; MUSIC.M. INS'FRUMENTS—Fiddle*. Drums. Fife» Flute-. Banjos, Guitars. ,^c.; WALKIN'*; C VNE.'—of every kind; P.ASKETS AND WILLOW WARE; HOIU’.Y lloRSliS. \e.; NUTS; FINE AND CoMMoN ( ANDIES; S\RD1NES; FINE CIGARS; SMOKING >v CHEWlNG TOBA(’CO; CKACK!;il>;; FINE POCKET KNIVES; .\ large U'Sortment of POR'f-MONAII'S, some very nice; FANCY 1;N\ ELiiPES. and FANCY GOODS. ToVS and Y.VNKEE NOTIONS; Ana- ortment of INDIA RUP.BER GOODS; C().\I1!S, WHIPS. FISHING TACKLE. The jiublie .ire respeetfiilly inviied to call and ex amine my -took. I hnve a great many handsome things that cannot fail to plea»e. .1 \S. R. LEE. Hotel I’uilding. March ol. l.'-.Vj 1- I la rtl wares 1'utU‘ry, &e. JVMES MAP.TINE is now receiving a large and gene ral .•iS.sortMen: of every iliing in the above line. —AL.St >— nrime .iriiele Ilf Rio. Lapuira ami Java t'OFFEE •ug.'ir A'otice-—Aegroes Wanted. rpo the farmers and citizens of '!ie t'ounties of Iiuplin. I Wayne. Johnston. Harnett. Moore, (’uinberland. Robeson, Bladen, Columbus. I’lunswick. New Hanover, and Sampson: The subscriber being de ir'.us oi' purchasing a num ber of Likely Young NEGil(il>, of all c!.i,se.- umi des- eripiiofi-'. Hvnils him-c!f of tins method of inlortniiig those who may h.ive such property to iJ:-.pose of. that they would do well to visit m. iioincvor addruss me at Clinton. N. —for wi.ich liiey a'uill leceive a visit. Bel ween this time and tJie loth October 18.59 1 wish to purchase -JU to 60 vjung negroos for the Alabama market. EVERETT PETERSON. July 13, 31-4m TIIK livi:k IWKilOKATOK! FKKrARKI) KY DK S.\.Nf 'Kt'. Compouuded entirely fruoi GTMS, IS ON'K OF THK BEST PCROATIVK AND I.IVKR VK i IHriKES now b«for^ the niiVilic, that HctH u » c*«ier. more •rTeciuHl tlmii mit 'tb«r ki.o« t* It ib not only s f'rttharttr, but a Lirer rcinedr. acTir g Cr^t th»- /.*r«r to ejei't iu morbid mattor. then on the u* d oov r* to carry off that matter, that iw'ComplUhintf two purpo>»*s ally, wuliout anyof tlie painful ffwiir/if* in the c; . of m«>«t Cathartir^. It atrenjftheus ihe •▼»>reru «t tl.t- ► t;rua that it purfe* it; aii'l when taken dally iu nif>^«iKTu will nrentftben and build ft up with unusua! rapidity. IIAWl4>i*!^ HISTORY OF XOKTII iAROIJM. rpHE 2d volume is now published. It einbr ice- the ]'«J- X riod of the Protnieiary (iov-rnment. fiom D''S3 '.«• 17-jy. It forms a liaii'-isome 8vo. volume of 1 pages. Tin subscription jjrice was hah'a c. nt a (.i .'-i : but i};^ [-ri.M nf this voluuic Is Ic-ss, Say 7' in cl..;h bitidiiig. i-i i- in library sheep, and $3 25 in half calf It wti.i. ni: sdLO ONLY K>K C.\SII. Owing to the dilficulty of securing .\gents in many j.artis of tlie State, we will forwar.i it by mail or othor- ^vise J'rte ofposluje, on receipt of the price; or both vc'l- iimes for S I OU cloth, ?-l 50 sheep, or j-5 half calf. A liberal discount made to Agents or others, who bit; to sell again. F'. J. H.VLII Ji SON.- Fayetteville, Nov. 5, 185^'-. TO TAX 1»AVJKKJ^. I r WILL be at the office of Thos. C. Fuller, Esq., everj I day I Sunday excepted) from 11 o’clock A. M. until 1 o’clock P. M., ready to receive the Tax List for thit district. Commencing on Monday the 11th inst., and closing Wednesday August 3rd. Have your lint prepared and save time for yourself and m«. R. M. ORRELL. July 6. 29-1 m principal r«'KulHTo'9 t-r li Dtftforuji lu rnt.cii.iiit wi- fully dc«eluptii *i he lU' on ihe heal'k^ ac.'Jin oT \'- anceofiiatU!)cno;’«. aie ai fault, and the 1 of one oiK>*n—tbe For vlie '| thnt baj unde it h:» in yeart, to find K«>r..c :ciuc uiany rieraii|reia»‘n r. Hou^e SIRUP and Crushed and P-r> wn .^I'G \R; MOL vssrs. .\n of wliicli is offered on as gooil terms as can he had in I'li-i iii.-irki t. Nov r 'J L l^■lS. liiitf ' srovi>, sBiKi/r ikoa, ra^-WAKi:, Are. N HAND, a larijf* a-j ortinent of Box ami (’ooking .''loves: Tin-ware; .'sheet-lroii; Lead Pipe. .\lso 'ihf Ifomiitioit Coffe*' i’at.'" Fors.ilebv JAMES MAHTINE. Nov'r'ji. 'i'itt PAIATN, Oll.S Itefmel. Lard. I.iiis.-ed ;uid Tiinners The l^tver one of the • hnman b«)dy ; and when it 0t0 th^ power* of the tvitetn are i pB| is alm>;«t entirely dependent. for tbe prop#r p#rform- (•tomacb ie at fault,tbebowelft My^iem ttiffere ia coneeciueiice hariug ceaaed to do ite duty. ^n, one of tb« proprietort' practice of more than twenty | wherewith to counteract the It liable. SE To prove that thie remedy it bled with Ijlver Com- has but to try a bottle, and Thme ttims r«moTe all tbeivKtem. supplying in their iiiviiforatinK the Mooiacb. pui’lfylne tlir blood, whole machinery, remorinp eU'et'ting a radical ctire. arc better, preveiitefi, by Litter liivt;;orat4»r« Cue dose after eatir.ic is ^r.f- and prerent ibe frvKi from \ Dnly one d'jte taken before ; mare. (hily one d >ee tak^n at Ifently, atid cure* Coa- >ne dv>ae taken after ea^'h ; Stir* One do9e of two t«a 8lck IIcadacYie. One bottle taken for fe- cauie of the di«^a!te. and (^Qly one dote immediately ‘ * ine do»e of\en rept>ati'd ^ Morbut, and a prevrntire! Only OTie bottle fwj »ysi«in the etTccla of medi ' One bottle taken for ^ «Yauitc11ce lowness or unnattiral color i . trotn the skin Oise done taken a short t»me ^^efore c Ifor lo the appetite, and makes ' One doae ofleu repeated ||^ rbora in its woist formo. Howe) complahiu One cr two d-.^e* curat j at Ifkut found, at.t pv *> -t *'■ plain t« in an« of tu fi>n: CO!iTict»OU Cr tHin. nuiruid «»r l-n.j ’ on placa a htjalrhy J1»»h •'' K'.- caiminf: tood to dij;e»i ur i frivii i( tot.e «ni hvMitii to tiic tbe caute of th» ii»4>i>r' jflcient to relieve tl.e ■inmach and sonrlr?. retiring, pmveMs MkIiI- n!phl* lv)o*ei.k tl.o I? fl- tlireiirs«. ■I meal wiii cn:e l>y »pt.oi.rul5 will »Iu s I #>.;'*f- n male oh^t-wctron n»' v^- makes H J ►ife* I c- ^2 relieves C «•' 'r PHV a finre cnit* tc ( |of Ch4»1«*rn. • Tf^ied to tIi; ,ci!ie after a I 1 'ood di^eti well cnres f liroitlf while S u ni iki i Mhnofct 10 the fu'^t tackb CAiurd h> \\ wifex, or »pe«d>‘ • l>rO|»iy« •nenl:Di: tli:« :'.;c.Ts i lull l\ v •«ua :**' *re t" O' Childrtn : th^tf it no sur«r, | tbe world, as it ne»^r /,iiU. 9^ A few bottles cures. ab^orl>ents. We lake plev^ure iu reci> pre»etiiiT** tor KtfVf*r n»i«l and all Pfver* of a 1511- withcerlainty. an«l thou»‘Hn wonderful viuuw^. A71 who tiffe It ar«* iiiinMliiiuii' teatiin«»nv Id tti tuvcrk*. \Vat-r In (Kr inoiitli ^Itb tUr li «f ^otntor. utut m^vaHow botli r. THE LIVER INVIGORATCR IS A Sl'IKNTinr VKDU'Xl. IilS( )VEKV. ;■ .N wolkinip cnres. almoM preH? to h^liere. It ' • mnjfir, t^* Jitst yir? '7 aii'l one h«>t?le it reg iiro-1 to cure at.y kind «f Uv#-!' ’• from womt Jaun'/t'e or t» a conim'.»-i /'• all which are the ifn'ilt of m Iflm aactl fl^ ei*. Ax\:\i:al. settle.tie.itts. ^piIE Subscribers would remind those indebted to the® J. that this is the period of the year in which it lE. most convenient and desirable to have a general settla- inent. They are prej^aring to forward accounts by mail to those at a distance who owe for books, printing, k3. Those indebted for subscription to the Observer only, will be able to ascertain the amount due by refereno(- to their last receipts. Persons having accounts against the subscribers will please present them for payment. E. J. HALE .V SON. July 1, 185y. l^aS»oi*ers AVanted. ^pHE Western Hail Boad ('o. wish to employ 4 abl?- 1 bodied Slaves for the balance of* the ye;u-. to work oil track repairs between Fayetteville and Little Rivnj Depot. W, A. ICrPEIl. Ch. Eng. I't .Supt. •luly () :i'.'tf Trustee’s Xotiee. VLL yiersfjRs having debt? lup against Williain 11. McKenzie mu-! jn-esent them to me at my ."^lore iu •iie town of Ciin’on. on or before Tiiiirsday the 1 1th o ' ,\u"u-l next. ll.iviiid been appointed Tru-^iee by ‘ 'icKeiizie. for the benefit of iiis creditor-. ! will on the ii'orcsaid d.iy. iii.ikv- a fin.'il ati ingeineni o!' >,iid del)'8 - ' far as there are funds in my loiiids «o to lio, and hc- ! c irding to the provi-jions of the Tru-' to me e.'cecuted. T. M. LEF Tru-:ee. •Uine 17, IH.'iO -JltAil Reward. iWILL pay S'J5 reward for the apprciicnsio.i i.nd coa- iinement in any jail, so that 1 ger hi:ii again of my i boy REUBEN, wiio ranaway oij i},.- :;ivt _\!ny la-,t. I !’( uben is about :!• years obi, aonu feet S or !• ! i’lciies high, dark color, will -Reigli l-’>* lo 1 ;:iiali eyes, very tliii-k liji; j iiack of one oi i;is h uid-. ! And I w ill p 1/ ;i fur. lo-r i I cient lo coiivici :iny w’ i ■' I or seilucin^ hli;; . i i. .1 1 I '-inall -H M' ir I he . I, 1 h iru ot i. I lor i.: :• ^ oi' i. ,r:i . r»j.. :i t ^e ■:mb -U!li - lu. liiL 'VE I>4>L1.>K rk!. PKR'K Dr. SA.vri'KO. 1* r. .it.'- Retailed br Hi! I in.k't'- *- JAS. N. SMITH and S. ,.r . » ' sive habit, nnd one which injures the .Scfi ul the Coiuity of I chihlren from being cla>.ified. >eep’i/h^^ fI Jiome Headers, it was supposed, would be ce ,, 1 r 4i '!■ I Economy, the popular system ol' ; OUpuli Jiuiitia O le 1 Oft n ot , being made so often merely to add to the profits ig h per cent, interest, payable send- j (jf iufhors and publishers. Hiir;ii:illy on the 1st Jiinuary and the 1st of July, and 1 "/liis series is to consist of fewer numbers than ihose r iiniig J" yi-ars. | generally used, and it is b.?lievcd that thesiMiumbers ure I'lir e bon'K were issued in accordance with law to We • ■■• II I’liiil Hoad Co., to pay the County and Town r *. i ri|. ioii-^ re^r.ectively. P-i-'iii, lijiving money will find these bonds (at the 1 e ihe I I. i, selling them) abetter investment than y I'.'uik .Stock in the State. 1' r ieriii, apply lo C. B. M.VLLETT. Esq., Pres’t, or J.NO. M. HOSE, Treas’r Western K. R. Co. F.iye::. vil!e, Feb'y i;*’., l.'^o^, S9tf laiilwell’M A. Carolina Jiiatice. >u!t r«c d. E. J. HALE & 30K. jl > \ • J : ' r i J i “I TWO ndlMiS ABOVK I’. I. \ I’sjyrtlovillf, Jan'v 2*', i^‘'|'.^ SO.\S* SiOKK S'I'l.11''!. Hetiiiet. i.ani. i.nisee'i ;inn i imtiers (^H.; White Ltvel: I’.urniii!! Fhiitl; Puli}'; Wni low (iljiss and .'^,i»h of all sizes. _A LS( >_ A fresh supply of POND'S PAIN DI!.'s I'Kt >Y 1^1. For sale by J A M F.S MARTINI'.. Nov'r :i l. IK.^H. o'If TiiriK'iBfhic llacker*(, Scrapers, PiillerK and Dippers, \LL of the fir-^t (luality. ean be hail at M. A. P>.VKER'S fii'.N' SID>P. Fayetteville. N. Jan'y l-'>. IS5K. >itif Xolif r to T iir|HMi(iiie Dislillers and olhers. ] AM :ully jirepared to make or repair TURPENTINE .'^Tl i.l..''. or do any thing in the Copper or .Slieet Iron work. Ill the shorti'st notice. Nov'r 1 1. J. HINSDAT*'. F.iyetteville, N. «--ly L.iiirin’ ’’lAAKl'N V.u UJ) an- .M. A. FrtveiU'ville. Jan'v 'J L ISo'.i. BAKER. .'2tf ) f).l-_\pd The Ai‘w Edition of* Devereux & I>allle's Law ileports, Vol. 1, I1CEI\ E.'' the of ihoie who have examined U'i suflii-ient. while if the syMem were univer.-ally iisi'd in the Stiite. the sum saved to }i;irents .and children would amount »o several thousand dollars annually. 4. J’" /'lit in tlie h'tnds !•/ children learniiiij to rui'l com positions fujfificnthf fiiniilifir but not of the chararh r cidltd childish compofitiuni, contiiining, in lessons easy enough for all,ages, correct specimens of style, infercsting in mattej, and inculcating jiroper morals, and religious in struction. The prices are, for No. 1. i;.") cents; No. ‘J. ;S7i^ cents and No. 3, 75 cents. A li'- io'uleduction from these prices to Merchants and School feaehers. E. J. HALE & SON. l.’liicf .1 ustice Nash says, “I have hmked through it— t i» caretiilly and well got up. * * * i ihiiik lo onr 4^ouii it will lie invaluable :iiid to the eijii:illy so. It will save the labor ot d‘tiding the .-.ame points again and again: lor ilicre will be no excuse for Counsel not being ap[>risid of points alrc.niy au;udicated.” Gentlimen of the Bar who have piu’chased .•tnd ex amined it, concur, so far as w- kn»«w. in praise of it. For sale, witli sets or seji.irato volumes of North Ca rolina Reports, and Law Book.s gener:tllv, by E. J. ifAI.E StiN. Webnter’K Elementary Spelling^ Books. E. J. 11 ALE \ iSUN. riowsi Piowsir Plow*!!! N(t. r. PLOWS: OU o" No. lu Plows; .'ill No. 11 *• ■J.'. No. .Ml “ •J". No. liO “ Points. B.ari and Mould Boards to suit. Fay s:ile by C. E. LEKTE. •bin'y lii ' 7'i- Riitter. iieex*e and C'raekers. -I I'lHKI.VS (ioshen Butter; £** 2-”> Boxes .'^tate Cheese: 1(1 Bbls. Soda and Butter Crackers. Just received by ’• E. LEETE. •fan'y 12 70- Oill Aet and Seine Twine. i k LBS. Gill Net Twine; HMI lbs. Seine “ Just received by C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 79- ?li!^cellaii('oi!«> ISooLm. ^piIE American Homo (iarueii. i;lu-t’Mic I. by Alex'r 1 Wai-on; The Old I’lintation. by 11 ungeri'o:d: Sylvan Holt's D.iugliter. by Holme Lee: Self .Mtidc Men. by .■'. ymonr; E}iiscides i>i L'reneh IU-; :>’y. b_ Mi-- i'ardoe; KendnU's S.iiila Fe Kvpeditioii: ?>Ii-‘s M'dtuo.slr's Wo:’k.-: Percy .\ii’cdote'>; Livej of the i,!uecns -it' .''cotlan.l. by .\gne- .''trickl.i'id; Barnes' Notes on ihe P.oo;;s of ihe Now Teslament; Literal Tr.-ui 'liitifins of the Classics; .Vbboit's Lite of .Naiioleon Bou:ijmrte; \c. April '.t E. J. HALE \ .^“N. The SociaP»le. or lOOl Home A- musements; The .Viitoerat ol' the Breiikta-'t Table; ],ec- tures of Lola Montes: Clirouielos of the Bustile, illus trated: The Magiei’in's I iwn B ok: Living and Loving; Livingslouo's Triiv'I.>; l.ive and Le-irn: 'I'he Power of Prayer, by Prime; .School l>ooks, .Vc., «.kC. Further ^iipplic.^. just received. J,m’y .31 E. .1. HALE SON Fiirlher Supplies ot* ftookM. T^Mi; AMKKK'AN \LM\N.\« f,,rls.-.i; 1 FATHER AND DAUGHTER, by Miss Bremer; ‘ WHAT WILL HE Do WITH IT,” by Bulwer; SCHOOL BOOICS. ,v:e.. \c. March 7 E. J. HALL .'t SON. 'olton% ^loiinlain Scenery. 4 FURTHF.R JoM> llKAt' fret , -1 :|.l. :, s;ii‘i!l. :i !:"iut wlii e \v ' l,-i The ow.i ’■ of prove p. will b.. II 'r t. F’"' ' March 1 4 .. very lov. Uietioaary ol 4'ois;;s*e'»*, by iiKiii: Tres'ili.ui and hi,- Friends, by R. •l\i iizie; •*.\ Thoii-;ind ('hiinces to M-ikc Mo’iey,'’ hy Fre. iia-/; “•Mr-. Partington's (.'arpet B;ig o! Fun"; S k ive-ter ,'!ound: H-indy .Andy: F'u-h Times of Al ib ii'i'i. P.l.eaaei '^: .■^eliool Books; .Vc., \c. Ju“i received. April -2:', K. J. H.U.i: •. SON. Sfcrt't History of the Kr*ri( ?i Toyrr. by Vir!or Cousin: .Xdtiiii tlrHenie, by Mr-. i llipli;i';t: i.ove Me l«i:- tle. Love Me Lonir. by Read*-: Tii .''.:ieio-“ jind Art of. (’he*--, by .). .^!o^^.•e; ('lie-- H.i:; * Book, by .•>n iii.-it u . The .\rt of Extemjiore Spe:ik:iig, by M. B:int:iin: School Books. \c. F. .J. H .\ 1. L "St >N. •Iiine 11. TATIO:\5:it’4 . /'^OM'L. NtiTE P.\PEP>. assorted .[U ilitie-. jioiim' \oi> - ip'dvju-l received. E. J. HALE A: SON, cheai' .hine I!" ,d P Visitint: ('>ird-. iVc i;. .1. IIAI.E .'^ON Mav I'.i. l>e«'ereii!iL’«$ Kinnie’i^ Black^tone, redticed to (Questions and Answers, upon the plan of Kinnic’s Blackstone, one Volume; Draka on .Attachment. For sale by E. J. HALE & SON. Scoiirinf? ot the White Uor^e. “What Will He Do With It?” by E. Bulwer Lytton; Mill’s System of Logic, ic. Also, further supplies of School Books. Just received. Feb’y 12 £• J UALE & SON