iFAir SEMI-WEEKL.Y. [VOL. IX'i FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JULY 28, 1859. [XO- 835.] 1‘RTNTKl) MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. EDWARD J. HALE & SON, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS Price for the Semi-Weekly (>bskrvkb $3 (X> if paid in S'lvance; f ! oO if paid during the year of subscrip tion; or after the year has expired, h r tlie Weekly Ob.xerver 00 per annum, if paid in ;iiiv:mn’; r>0 if paid during the year of subscrip- titiii; or $:') after the year has expired. E ADVERTISEMENTS insertel for 60 cents per « i\i: VO of lt> lines for the first, and cents for each siK'ooo iiug puMicaiiou. Yearly advertisAnents by spe- I'i il I'l'Utrnots, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are t-- .*t;iti> the number of insertions desired, or thev will ho continue I till forbid, and charged accord- iii^ly. Advertisements to be inserted inaidr, charged 60 per font extra. JAS. C. SMITH.] [miles CONTIX. JAS. O. SMITH & CO., Factor^^ CommiHHlon ami For^ trardiiiff •Jferchanfs WILMINGTON, N. C. PROMPT attention given to sale of TIMBER, LUM BER, N.VVAL STORES and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advancements made on Consignments. Refer to E. P. Hall, Pres’t Branch Bank of State. H. R. Savage, Cash’r Bank Cape Fear. John Dawson, Esq. July -JO, 1859 33-Cmos SPECIAL NOTICE. From and after this date, no name of a new subscriber w entered without payment in advance, nor will thi papir be .'cni to such subscribers for a longer time ilr-.ti is paid for. Sii.'h if our old subscribers as desire to fake the pa- I' " 'ii this system will please notify us when making ii •■■'.nces. .1 ‘u’v 1. 18’>8. II. GRAHAM, rO.Tl..Tf «JJC #f.f WILMINGTON, N. 0. TlflLL give prompt and personal attention to all con- y\ signments of Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, Tar and Turpentine, and all country produce for sale. 8^^ Office up stairs, over the store of Mr. Vonglahn, and joining Lutterloh's Wharf, North Water gtreet. June 23. 2otf fayi:ttevii.le iiotei., T. WADIULL, Proi’RIETOr. ms, the most commodious Hotel iu Noith _ Carolina, fronting 300 f«et on Hay and Donaldson Str«ets, located in the centre of the H. W. HORNE, .ITTOJJ.V^l* .IT M near the Court House. June 31*, 1859. 28-1Y JOSEPH BAKER, Jr., attor:^ey at law, H .\S taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law Office on Graen Street. He will att«nd and practice ill thi CouiitT and Superior Hliidfii. Robeson and Sampson March 1853. Cuurti of Cumberland, 79tf THO. C. FULLER, irtorneif and Connftellor at Itaw. FFICE at Hccles’s Bridge, recently occupied by James Esq., Fayetteville, N. C. 0 n-;! J.tn'v 1. 1857 P. J. !!il3rCLAlR T. €. Sc B. WORTH, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y 28, 1859 84tf WM. H. TIRLIKOTON, Comiiiiiiisioii ^flerchant, WILMINGTON, N. C., TITILL give prompt and personal attention to all con- >V signments of SPIRITS TURPENTINE, ROSIN, TAR, COTTON, FLOUR, and other country produce, either for sale or shipment. business portion of the town, and surrounded by all the Banking Houses, Wholesale Merchants and princi pal Produce Dealers. Business men will find the Hotel a convenient and comfortable house. All the Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville, Oct. 1. 1858. 51- SIlFiMWKIiL llOUSir, FAYKTTICVII.I.R, m. O. Exat side of Great iStra t, n jew doors North oj the Market. ji ■ rnHE Subscriber desires through this medium L to ackowledge the liberal patronage bestow- ed upon his House the past year—-and as he has just erected New Stables and (’arriage Shed conven ient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in say ing to his patrons anl the public generally, tliat he is Still prejiared to accommodate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuancc of the liberal patronage heretofore received. Every ex ertion on his part shall be usel to render them comforta ble during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best thu market aifords. P. SHEMWELL. March 24, 1858. 8>-tf FAYETTE VILI.E MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ASSETS $254,618.62. THIS Company has been in operation more than six years, and has paid its fire losses, amounting lo $23,524.87 without any assessment; insurRBce averag ing its members about J per cent. Amount of property now insured, $1,563,490.01 Amount premiuoB notes now on hand, 247,7S8.08 Dirbctors. Gfto. McNeill, D. A. Ray, H. L. Myrover, S. W. Tillinghait, Henry Lilly, N. A. Stedman, S. ,1. Hinsdale, Lutterloh, M«Lauriii, T. S Wm. S. T. Hawley, W. N. Tillinghast, A. A. McKethan, J. D. Williams, Jas. G. Cook, A. W. Steel, Jas. Kyle, Hon. J. 0. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, Wikai*gton. U X E H OL^E, GOLDSBORi)’, N. C. TH E undersigned announces to the public that he has taken charge of the above Es tablishment, and is prepared to accommodate Boarders, by the day, week ot" month. And A. E. Hall, Wilmington Officbrs: GEO. McNElLL, President. D. A. RAY', Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Secretary John Collins and C. C. McCmmmen, Travelling Agenti. fife£f“The Company invite applications. May 19, 1859. lOY . ■ .1 1 . J i he assures all who may favor him with their patronage. My wharf and warehouses being convenient y located satisfaction. Table for the reception of produce, either by Railroad or River, or enables me to make charges light. Nov’r 8 W tf M. CLARK supplied with the best the market affords. JAS. G. SMITH. Goldsboro’, Jan'y 28, 1859 84-lyr Attorney and Counsellor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., A'l'^lLL practice in the Courts of Robeson, Cumberland, Harnett and Richmond Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to hin. Feb'y 5, 1S59 86- JOH.\ P. F1LL.ER, Attornej and Counsellor at Law, WILL PF..-.CTICI IN THE COURTS Ol Kobeson, Cumberland, Columbus and Bladen. office at Lumberton, Robeson Co., N. C. July 5, 1859 29tf Law^ .\otice* JAMES L. GAINES and son E. J. GAINES, will, in •J future, practice law in copartnership, in the Cotin- ties of Montgomery, Stanly. .Anson and Moore. They may be addressed either at Troy, N. C., where E. J. Gaines resides, or at Norwood's N. C. Troy, April 7, 1859. 4tf LOVERD ELDRIDGE, *1ltorneif at AIILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Sampson Cdunties. Sijjithfield, April 15, 1856. 96tf J. R. hi llaT^ Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ASHEHORO’, N. C., \17ILL attend the Courts of Randolph, Moore, Mont- goniery. Davidson and Guilford, and promptly at tend to ali business entrusted to his care. M;irch 1'*, 96-6m ii I.EROV D. n. D., H WI.N'G located in Bladen County in the immediate neighborhood of Dr. Jno. S. Richardson, respect- fu’ly offers his professional services to all who may favor him with a call. * Being a regular graduate of the Medical University of New York, and having followed the practice both in fhe Bellevue and New York Hospit.tls, besides having the advantage of two years experience in country prac tice. feel^ that these advantages should in some degree eutitle him to the contidence of the afflicted. lie has a new and complete set of Surgical and Ob- ^tvtrical Instruments, and will pay particular attention t'. those branches. He will keep constantly on hand II f :11 .iupjiiy of Medicines. Prompt and constant at- teiiiiou with moderate charges. Juiie^ 21-2mpd l>r. R. ^COTT in now |N‘rma- lif?.' V locait-d in Fayetteville, and ofl'ers his profession- u. -rjrvicfs to the community. Office two doors east of !tii- market—formerly occupied by Dr. Benbow—where h,' cuu be fuund during kis regular office hours, from x'clouk A. M. until 1 o'clock P. M.; 3 “ P. M. “ C “ P. M. June 4 20tf OE.\Tl!»TRY. ,R. J. DAVIS having deciiled on perma nently locating in the Town of Fayette- vill^^^pectfully offers his services to the • .tiz-n* of this jioHr and surrounding country. In all .. v.irious branches of his Profession, including the r:-siiutiictuvt (,f Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an !i"-ivf !-xj>erience, to which is added a thorough Den- t • fli that he can give entire satisfaction as far ill till- (iiiwer of Dentistry. All irregularities of the vd ill a proper and careful manner, as well as t 'he iiiouih. None but the proper metals are made u~- ui in the various operations, ^’harges will be ,iii:d'‘r:iit‘. that the benefits of the Profession may be placed within the reai-h of all who may feel an interest in the jireservation of the Teeth. Office over Ho\iMton's Jewelry Store, where be tpiiy bo found at all times. .Mity Di, 1H58. WORTH A: ITLEY^, Forwarding and General Commission Merchants, Fftgettevilie, *V. C. J. A. WORTH. (72tf) JOS. UTLRT. R. ORRELL., TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. '■plloSE ^ending their Spirits Turpentine to me may I r.‘!y ’.ipon it to have prompt and careful attentio*. My w.irehouses are fronting the wharves and near the river. >tpt’r l.'J, 1858. 45tf H. ALLEN.] [J ALLEN & CLARK, Coiuiiiission Tlerchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. DEALERS IN LIME, PLASTER, CEMEM, HAIR, Ac. Agents for Rush & Orrell’s Line of Steamers.*^® PROMPT personal attentian given to consignments o Naval Stores, Cotton or other Country Produce, for sale or shipment. Jan’y 19, 1850. Hl- VI 1L.L1A.T1 D. .TIAH^V, Mnspeetor of »!\'aval Stores^ WILMINGTON. N. C., Will pay strict attention to all business entrusted to liis care, and solicits a share of public patronage. Offlre in Hall's Building, >o. 4.‘i, (up stairs,) >urtb Water Street. April 8, 185y 4-6mos JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, c o .m s s I« A X I) Forwarding Merchant, H^iiminstoHi .V. C. Prompt personal iittention given to all Consign ments, and (’ash advances made on Pn>luce to be shipped to other ports or sold iu this market. Feb. 12. 1855. OTtf WILLIAM .1. PRICK, Mnspertor of »\*aval Stores^ >r/Z,-»//-V(;7Y>A', A', c. Hii»gf° Solicits the patronage of his country friends and all others engageil in the Turjientine business. Officc ^ortli Wsiter Nov’r 22, 1858. «4-lypd F. M. BI//ZELL, GROCER AND C 0 M M I S S I (I N >U: R (’ II A T, No. 29 North Water Str?:et, WILMINGTON, N. C. PROMPT and personal attention given to the reception of all kinds of country produce, either for sale or shipment. Orders for groceries frem cash customers will receive immediate attenfton, free of commissions. Nov. 19, 1858. ^-1-ly BOOK-HIMHNG yN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street. May 14, 1859. 14-ly mil R0.1D XOTICIl! TO COXTNTRY MERCHANTS. M' ^EW. rilEAP, AND EXPEDITlors ROUTE FOR Freight for the Interior of North Carolina. KKCH.VNTS and others about purchasing their Fall and Winter Supplies, are reipiested lo notice, that 1 by the conijiletion ol the North ICastern Rail Hoad froni ■ Charleston, S. C., to Cheraw, the advantages of a CHK.\P i and KXPEDITlOl'.'^ Route from the Seaboanl has been I opened to them. ' All freight consigned to the care of the Agent of th* North Kastern Rail Road will be forwarded FREE OF COMMISSION. No charge will be made for Storage at Cheraw. All goods will be taken care of in th« Company’s Warehoui* until sent for. A schedule of charges for transportation of freight will be found at the Post Office. S. S. SOLOMONS, Eng r and Sup t .Aug. 3. 185h. 34-ypd LU'l TERLOH’S LlNl::. QTE.\MER ‘-F.VN-N'Y " h-aves Fayetteville every Mon* >3 day and Thursday morning, at 15 minutes after .Sun rise: and Wilmington Tuesday and Friday, at o’clock, —carrying jias^engers and freight. Steamer ••SOUTHERNER.' with a full complement of Flats, makes one or more trip* p«r week, as circum stances may require. The acci'lent to the Steamer “RoW.\N’’ will bore- paired in a few days, the line. Oct'r 4, 1H5J. THE xirORTU €AROL.i:VA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Now in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues lo insure thft lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to 60 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits All slaves from 10 to tiO years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within *J0 days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the public is referred to Agents of the Company in all parts of the State, and to H. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. H.ALE, Agent at Jan'y 1859. Fayetteville, N. C. ATLAIJTIC :?IlTf AL Fire and Marine Insurance Company, CAROLINA CITY, NOKTil CAROLINA lncorj>orated \>y an Act of the Legislature oJ North Carolina. This COMP.^NY being duly organized, is now pre pared to receive applications for insurance upo Buildings, Merrh.tndise, Furniture, Mills, Manu factories. Ships and their targoes. And most kinds of property, at remunerative rates of premium. It is aimel in the organization of this Company, to make a safe medium for Indemnity and Protection to the assured in case of Loss. An honorable and upright course of dealing, and a faithful fulfillment of its con tracts, will at all times characterize the business of the Company. Applications for Insurance may be made at the office of the Company, or to its authorized Agents. DIRECTORS. John A Parrott, William S Long, Levi T Oglesby, David W Bell, W B Grant, A B Chapin, David S Jones, Samuel Leffers, Geo W Dill. Joel H Davis, Col Thos J Blakely, D A Hargett, Luke Blackraan, K Mallett. OFFICBR8. John A. I’arrott, President, Levi T Oglesby, Vice Presidant, W S Long, Treasurer, E A Thompson, .\ttorney, K B t:hui»in. Secretary. B Grant, ) W S Long, I EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, uavid W Bell, j March 12. af.-f'Ui D. & W. McLAURIN, ^^OULl) invite atter> Jon to their large and d*air»bl* Stoek of Post Office, Fayetteville, iV. C. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF THE MAILS. DEPARTURES RALEIGH. Arrives daily at 6J A. M. Closes “ “ 2\ P. M. KENANSVILLE, (VIA CLINTON AND WARSAW.) Arrives daily, at A. M. Closes “ at 1 j P. M. SALEM. Arrives Sunday, W'ednesday and Friday, at 3 P. M. Closes Monday, “ “ “ “ “ FAIR BLUFF. Sperm, Adamantin«&T&llow Candles; I Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 A. M. Closes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, at ^ P. M. OKOCERIES, onsisting in part of— 150 Bags Rio, L&guira and Java Coffeej 100 Bbls. and Ilhds. Sugar (assorted;) 25 Hhdy. Molasses; 30 “ Bacon—Sides and Should«r»; 500 Sacks Salt; 150 Boxes good Tobacco; 125 50 “ Soap (assorted;) 50 “ Candy “ 100 Bags Shot “ ICOO Ibii. Bar Ijcad; 30 } Bbls. Snuff—Kagle Mills; 25 Kegs Soda; 250 “ Nails. —ALSO— A large and general assortment of Hardware and Cutlery; Fanning Utensils, of all descriptions; American, English, Swedes and P«ruTian Iron; Blister, (3orm:in and Cast St^«l; Blacksmiths’ Tools; Coopers’ Do.; Corn Shellers and Straw Cuttert; Buckets, Brooms and Fails; Cotton, Manilla and Juts Rop«, (all kinds and quality;) Plow Lines and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at factory prices. All of which will be sold low fob cash, or on usual time to pronipt paying customers. Cor.NTRY Mkkchaxts are respectfully requested to call and examine our stock before purchasing else where. D. .S: W. McLACRIN. March 3, 1859 , 93tf BR.§SS ,STJR.§mS*ER 1^ GOOD supply of various No’s just received, which we can furnish low. May 2. D. & W. McLAURIN. 10 tf •iii HhAs. tiiood Bacon, and SHOULDERS, just received and for sale by D. & W. McLAURIN July 2, 28tf CHERAW. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 1 A. M. Closes Sunday, Tuesday atd Thursday, at k P. M. ROBESON’S via ELIZABETHTOWN. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 2J J*. M. Closes Monday, W’ednesday and Friday, at A. M. RALEIGH via SUMMERVILLE. Arrives Monday and Saturday, at 8 P. M. Closes Tuesday and Friday, at 5i A. M. SWIFT ISLAND via MONTROSE. Arrives Monday, at 5 P. M. * Closes Tuesday, at 8J A. M. SWIFT ISLAND via TROY. Arrives Tuesday, at 6 P. M. Closes Wednesday, at 5J A. M. MAGNOLIA. Arrives Tuesday, at 2 P. M. Closes “ “ 2 “ ELIZABETHTOWN via TEREBINTH. - Arrives Mondjiy, at 7 P. M. Closes Tuesday, at A. M. PHILADELPHUS. Arrives Tuesday, at 1 A. M. Closes Sunday, at A P. M. J. G. COOK, P. M. July 1, 1859. She will then take her place in T S. LUTTKUr.MH. 51-tf \E\V l.l\K. II! PETER MALLETT WITH D. COLDEN MURR\Y, 6E ERAL COIVItaiSSIOIV fflERCHANT, 6 2 South Street, ATir VORK. July 29, 1858. 32- TIN PLATE, «iieet Iron, Iron Wire, COOK|.\€i **TOVI> %\0 Tl'V-WAKC. Always on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. ROOFIXf}, C VTTKRlSn, .Vnd all kinds of Jobbing, done at short noticc, by C. V . ANDREWS, Market Square, Fayetteville. July 9. 27-tf ! BOO TS^iSr SKiOES^ AT WHOLESALE. JWO. M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA, W I T H P. P. .SII.1.W A: €«., 31 AND 33 Dey Street, New Vurk, WILL be happy to see liis Southern friends at the above establishment, where, either personally or by order, they may be supplied from an extensive and well assorted Stock of Goods in that line, gotten up expressly for the Southern trade. Nov. 29, 1858. C7-ly. Dictionary of C.'oug;re«4M, by Lan- man; Tressilian and his Friends, by R. Shelton McKeniie; “A Thousand Chances to Make .Money,” by Freedley; “Mrs. Partington’s Carpet Bag of Fun”; I Sylvester Sound; Hanly Andy; j Flush Times of Alabama; Party Leaders; . School Books; &c., &c. Just received. April 23 E. J. HALE & SON. H.VVE ar*sociated with me, in this line, Mr. John K. ailey, and will style the firm ()KHELL & D.VILI’Y. We have i>urchased the Steamer Sot ruF.RNER. and in a few days, will have a New FInt employel with her. Those favoring us with their patronage may rely upon prompt despatch, by applying to .Mr. Dailey on board, or to me at my office. R. M. ORKEL-L. A C ARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— ^PHOSE persons for whom I have been attending to 1 Banking business for years:—1 am still willing to serve you with the same promptness thp.t I liave always done; and to others that may want discounts. Pension business, .'tc., &c 1 offer my services, with a promise of strict attention. JAS. G. COOK. June 27, IH-VJ. 20tf i¥otice to Ji*ollier»’ Witlows. The Widows of Mexican Soldiers, ami the Widows of Soldiers who DikD in skrvicil in the war of lhl2. can have their j.ensions continued by calling on the under signed, Congress having made additional provision for them. Give me the management of your claims, and the money shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSE. ■\gent for Pensions. Fayetteville, June 12. 1858. 19- To Rail Road Contractors! JUST RECEIVED lOO WHEELBARROW^^, light and strong, for the Rail Road. For sale by D. A W. McLAURIN. March 29, 18-59. 800tf HAWKS’S HISTOKV OF NORTH (.4K0LINA. The 2d volume is now published. It embraces the pe riod of the Proprietary Government, from 1G03 to 1729. It forms a handsome 8vo. volume of 591 pages. The subscription price was half a cent a page; but the price of this volume is less, say $2 75 in cloth binding, $3 00 in library sheep, and S3 25 in halt calf. It will be SOLT> ONLY VOR CASH. Owing to the diflieulty of securing .Agents iu many parts of ihe State, we will forward it by mail or other wise free ofpoitntje, on receipt of tlie price; or both vol umes for ?4 M» cloth. S4 5t sheep, or S5 half calf. A liberal discount made to Agents or others, who buy to sell again. E. J. HALE i SON. Fayetteville. Nov. 3. 1858. '1 R. M. OKRKLT.. March 1850 JOHN K. n^n.KY* T. A. E. nOllNSTEUr, • laent for Chiclcering^H Pianott^ Of which he has alnrays some on hand. Wilmington, N. C., Oct’r 2, 1858. _ 51-lypd The Socialtle, or lOOl Home A- musements; The AutO’^rat of the Breakfast Table; Lec tures of Lola Montes; Chronicles of the Bastile, illus trated; The Magician’s Own Book; Living and Loving; Livingstone’s Travels; Live and Learn; The Power of Prayer, by Prime; School Books, .See., &c. Further supplies, just received. Jan’y 31 E. J. HALE & SON. , i'AROLIAA C ITV STE.UI NAVl(i.\TIO.\ (OMP.^NY. ^PIIE undersigned have been apjxunted by tlie General 1 Commissimiers in Sali-ibury, to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the above Compiyiy, ami luive prepared a Sub.«cription I’.ook, and are ready to receive the same, «jn application to J. M. Rose, at the Rail Road Office. A A. McKETHAN, J. M. WILLIAMS, J. A. WORTH. JNO. M. ROSE, (’ommissionei'S. Fayetteville, N. June 20, 18;>9. 2-.>tf FresU •Irrivais. JUST received pr Steamer Fanny, 4 Bbls. Extra No. 1 M.VCKEREL (for retailing,) 10 A “ do. “ 1 do. 10 I “ do. “ 1 do. 10 h MESS SHAD; 30 Boxes CHEESE: UK) Bag-* New Hulled BUCKWHEAT FLOUR; Fulton Miirket Beef; Mess Pork: Goshen Butter, Pocket Salt: Sugar; Coffee; Molasses; and every thing in the provision line: which I will sell cheap for CASH or ex change for country Produce. W'. C. TROY Nov. 3. 18.'^^. r,0-tf Carolina JV. C. The Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad being now conipletod to Beaufort Harbor, I have determined to locate a4 Carolina City for the purpose of doing a Forwarding and'General Ccmmission ezj" SB *33 *6 SS6 ^ and hope by promptness and strict attention to merit patronage and support. Being the Agent of Murray’s Line of First Class Packets to this and Morehead City, every effort will be mside to make this the cheapest and most expeditious route to New York. Vessels will be loaded and discharged at my W’harf (adjoining the Rail road Wharf,) and thereby save cartage and lighterage. Particular attention will be given to all orders, and to the sale and shipment of Produce. W'M. B. GRANT. Jtily 29, 1868. 32-ly Chronologj of Nortb Carolina, from 15H1 to 185S by D. K. Bennttt. Just received. «t. 21. £. J. HALE & SON. GAS FITTINGS AND FIXTURES. The subscril>ers will be prepared by the middle of .\ugust, to supply every description of Buihlings.— Dwellings, Stores. Factories. &c.—with all the neces sary FIXTURES, for the introduction of G.\S. •\s we are constatuly engaged in the business of build ing Gas Works in this anl other States, we of course can afford to bring on a large stock and sell on more reasonable terms than others. Our stock will include Chandeliers, Pendents, Brackets, Glass. iScc. As we have leased the works for five years, it will be to the advantage of tho.^e refpiiring such fixtures lo get them of us, since upon us will fall the care of them, keeping them in repair, &c. For this purpose it is bot^i our interest and pleasure to emply none but the best Gas Fitters. In our absence for a few weeks, all who wish to have the Pipes introduced into their buildings, will please leave their names with Mr. W. N. Tillinghast, who will give all necessary information on the subject. It is desirable to know as early as possible', so that the Fix tures maj’ be introduced at the same time with the con struction of the works, and thus all may light up simul taneously. WATERHOUSE & BOWES. Fayetteville, June 10. 22-tf J»»rPRE^E COI RT REPORT!*i. N E \V E I) 1 T 1 (.) N O F Uevereiix and Battlers Eqiiitj, Vol. 1. nilE subscribers have just printel a 2d Edition of this volume, (one of the most valuable oAhe serie witii Notes ami References to other !idjudgel Ca'jesand to the Revised Code, by Hon. Wm. H. Battle; and witl many corrections of typographical errors. They have now in press the 2d vohune, also with Judgre Battle's Notes, which they will publish soon. • Their 2d Edition of the 1st volume of Dev. A: Battle Law Reports, issued last year, has received the appro bation of the Profession. They also republished a 2d Edition of Devereux’s is E(|uity (without Notes.) And in adtlition to these, are the proprietors of the entire editions of most of Iredell' Law and Eipiity. and can supply any volumes extant of the Ref>orts, or comjilete sets, so far as they can now be had. They deal largely in Law Books, and will at all times orler works not on their shelves, to supply their cus tomers. E. J. HALE & SON. Fayetteville. May Itj. 1859. A TREATiJsiE ON THE LAW OF EVIDENCE, The Fayal, Everett and Havelock Hats! 4LS0, a beautiful assortment of the L.\TEST ST\ LE SOFT H.VTS (high and low crown,) and all the s.yles of the most elegant Hats of the season, can now be seen at the Bazaar. A. McRI.MMON. March 10 97-tf Ice Cream! Ice Cream!! The subscriber having lately refitted his ICE CRE.\M S.VLOON. at the Shemwell House, will be pleased to serve the Ladies and Gentlemen of Fayetteville and vicinity, on and after the 27th inst. The Saloon will be opened at 9 o’clock, A. M., and kept open tintil 10 P. M. P. SHEMWELL. April 25 1859. 8tf Dr. FRANK WILLIAMS’S RYE WHISKEY. R MITCH ELL has made arrangements with Dr. Frank Williams, to be constantly supplied with his celebrated RYE WHISKEY, which can be had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Oct’r 11, 1858. 63-tf Further ^Supplies of OookM. The AMERICAN ALMANAC for 1859; FATHER AND DAUGHTER, by Miss Bremer; “WHAT WILL HE DO WITH IT,” by P-ulwer, SCHOOL BOOKS, &c., &e. March 7 E. J. HALE & SON. TEMH ENGLISH EDITION, WITH CO?^ll>F,R.\BLK .\LTER.\TIONS AM> .ADDITIONS. By tiki' Right Hon. S. MARCH PHILLIPS and TIIOS. JA.MES ARNOLD, Esq., one of the Police Magistrates for the Metropolis. FOtUTH AMEJtlCiN EDITION, With COWEN .V HILL S Notes, ami with additional Notes and References to the English and American cases to the present time, including those added to the last edition by J. Marsden Van Cott. B Y I 8 A A C El) W ARDS, Cor.NSF.t.LOR AT L\W. In three large volumes. The unequalled work of Mr. Phillips on the Law of Evidence has long been iicknowledged. This edition has undergone a thorough revision by Mr. Edwanls. and has received an immense amount of labor, and is now as nearly perfect as can be made. The American labor and talent bestowed upon the work are not less than that deriveil from the Englisli source. The immortal notes of Messrs. Cowen & Hill, together with those of Mr. Van Cott, have been care fully preserved: and instead of being put in a volume by themselves, as formerly, they r.re now placed below the text—a disposition of them wliich will very much faci litate reference. The entire note anl text are arranged in three compact volumes, with a table of cases, and :in extremely full index to each. Mr. Edwards has care fully noted any distinctions that vr^y exist between the English and American law, and has added all the late American decisions. Several copies of this valuable work just received and for sale V>y E. J. HALE .v SON, Fayetteville. The Ae%»' Edition or Deverenx & Battle’s Law Reports, Vol. 1, Receives the approval of those who have examined it. Chief Justice Nash says, “I have looked through it— t is carefully and well got up. * * * I think to our Court it will be invaluable—and to the Profession equally 80. It will save the labor of deciding the same points again and again; for there will be no excuse for Counsel not being apprisel of points already adjudicated.” Genthmen of the Bar who have purchased and ex amined it, concur, so far as we know, in praise of it. For sale, with sets or separate volumes of North Ca rolina Reports, and Law Books generally, by E. J. HALE & SON. R0Rl:%i«0.1^’!^ It A \l PI E ATED GU Ax\ O. This fertilizer, composedof >ne half I’.EST PE RUVIAN GU.\NO, one-half fine Ground Bone .-lud the BEST PHOSPHATIC GUANO, is in condition for immediate use. being prepared with new !ind im]>rovod machinery, by which means the most intimate combi nation is effected, reducing all to a uniform tine powder; and for application by drill or otherwise, it is in the most perfect order. And we have no hesitation in say ing, that for all crops it is equal to any fertilizer ever offered to the farming commttnity. The quality will be kept perfectly uniform in all cases, atnl Warranted to contain S per cl. of Ammonia AN1> 45 Tfl ifl PER CENT. OF I l)\K IMIOSPIUTK IIP l.niK. Our Guano is put up in strong bugs, weighing about 160 lbs. each. FRANCIS ROBINSON gives his personal attention to preparing this article, and purch«sers can rely on Robinson’s Manipvlateo Guano” )»eing in «very par ticular as represented. All orders will receive immedi ate attention. F. & CO., No. 4 Hollisuswobth Streict. up stairs, BALTIMORE, J1.I, ROBINSON’S MA]«IPI’L.1TEU Gl'ANO Is for sale in lots to suit, BY THE FOLLOWING AGENTS: JONATHAN TYSON, Frederick, Md. J. C. NEVETT, Alexandria, Va. J. H. BRADLEY, Fredericksbur?f, Va. GARRISON & IHAIONE, Norfolk, Va. * E. H. SKINKER and 00., ^iclimond. Va. THOS. BRANCH & SONS, Petersburg, Va. T. C. & B. G. WORTH, Wilmington, iW C. a. C. LINDSAY, High Point, Itf. C. July-Ja :U-2mospd Heavy (liiiiiiiy i'lotli; Dundee cotton bagging; ROPE, HOOP-IRON and TWINE. For sale by C. T. H.VKJH «!c SONS. July 21 ;!3-0w ^ Fayetteville ^ Alheiiiarle Plank Road C o. A N N U A L M E E T T N G . The annual meeting of this Company will take place at Fayetteville on Thursday, 21th day .\ugust next. JAS. G. COC)K, Prest. July 24. Per»»oiiM ill Want OF PURE and splendid flavored old Whiskey can be furnished by us with Old Dew-Dr6p, ^fagnolia, F'amily, Excelsior and Reserve brands, all of which we warrant as represented or no sale. J. H. ROBERTS & CO. PS. We have other common brands of W'hiskey, but , none of the “long range,” stich as Cofhn, Rifle, Monumental, Blue Ruin. July 6. J. H. ROBERTS & CO. 2!t-tf A.\ArAE SETTLETIEI%TS. The Subscribers would remind those indebted to them that this is the period of the year in which it is tnost convenient and desirable to have a general settle ment. They are preparing to forward accoutus by mail to those at a distance who owe for books, printing. !fiC. Those indebted for subscription to the Observer only, will be able to ascertain the amount dtie by reference to their last receipts. Persons having accounts against the subscribers will please present them for payment. E. J. HALE & SON. July 1, 18'>9. Laborers "IrVantetl. The Western Rail Road Co. wi.sh to employ 4 able- bodied Slaves for the balance of the year, to work on track repairs between Fayetteville and Little Kiver Depot. Kl FKK. Ch. Eng. Siipt. July 5 - ■\’esr«e!*! Wanted. ^■(ENTLEMEN, ol'l customer is yet iu ninrk«“t for *jf Likely Negroes, forwhicii 1 am dt'teniiincd to p-iy the Highes Cash Prices. Persons having such for s-tle wouM do wfll to jrive me a call, or address me at Clinton, >. C. All orders promptly attended to. J. A. McARTHUH. Clinton. N. C., March 0. 1850. .M-lyrpd W^a^oiiM! Wa;fon^!! I WANT to hire five or six Team-', inmie liately. f >r which I will pay a very high prii-f. «i. COOK. June 1C Coltoii’M fountain l^eenery. A FURTHER supply just received. E. J. HALE & SON, May la. ]TliMCellaneoii« KooKh. The American Home Garden, illustr itud. t Watson: The Old Plantation, by Hungerford: Sylvan Holt's Djtughter, V)y Holme Lee; Self Made Men, by Seymour; Episodes of French History, by Mi": I' lrdo. Kendall’s Santa Fe Expedition; Miss McIntosh’s Works; Porc^ Lives of the Queens of Scotland, b.. ' ' Barnes' Note® on the Book^ o; t- Literal Translations of th.- ( l:i- . Abbott’*) Life of Napoleon Bonaj Ji; . April 9 E. .1. H.V1..I--