ISE9I I-WEEKLY. rV;>L. ix;] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., AUGUST 1, 1859. [NO- 836.] 1>RIVTK!> MONUAYS \NH THURSDAYS. KDUARD J. HALE & SOX, F.niTOKS AND l'U>PRIKTORS , V tlic Sonii W>-okly Ouskrver $:} 00 if puid In a lvniioe; S3 50 if j>aid during *.he year of subscrip- • i n ir ?l artcr the year has expired. Woi'kU «'>usEKVER $2 04) per minuni, if p:\id in ft ivrtiu’e; i-'- •’’>'• if paid during the year of subscrip- ’■ -i: V after the year hn'^ expired. Al'\ rUTlSt.MKNTS in.^erteil foi CO cents per . ii,i f It) lirn's for the firiJt, and SO cents for eacli ■ fiiiiir publication. Yomly aiivertiseinents by spe- , .tiirm't". at roiisonabTe rates. Adverti.'jcrs are ,'.1 t ' stHte tlie nu!n>ier of insertion.s desired, or . , «;!. bi' contiuuel till forbid, and charged accord- ,\ ivori isonients to be inserted xnsidf, charged 50 per I'Xtra. Sl’KClAL NOTirE. K- in l after t Jiis date, n' name of a new subscriber . ii’■!'( d witlunit p iynient in advance, nor will . _ ,),.> ,-cnt to such su').-'cribi-rs for a longer time !>, [■■iSl I'l'r. S' h ..t iiir ,i’d sub-icribcrs as desire to take the pa- r 1 i: -;y.>ttm will please noiit'y us when making .:/y ' H. W. HORNE, .1 TTOKA'E V .IT ML,.! \V be fi'unJ at the Office of Wuj. B. Wright, Esq., near the I’ourt House. .1,,. l •28-1Y i'..H i' M.i .lOSKVn BAKER, Jr., IT ro R \ K V \ T 1. \ \\ , aktm an offii'e next door to Wni. B. AVright'a Law cu "ii ilreen Street. H« will attend and practice • ’oiiiiry and Snrcri'ir Court* of Cumberland. H .Se-on and Sitr.pion. JAS. C. SMITH.] [miles COSTIN'. JAS. C. SMITH & CO., Factors^ t'ommissiun tuul For- icardhii^ •lierchantH WILMINUTON, N. C. Prompt attention piven to sale of TIMBER. LUM- 1?KR, N.VV.\L STORKS and all kinds of Produce. Liberal aJvanoenients made on (,’onsigiiments. Refer to L. 1*. H.\li I’res'i Branch Ifank of State. I H. R. S.w.^oK, (,'ash’r Bank Cape Fear. John I).\wson, ; : July 20, 18.")V* :{:Vr,nios II. GRAIIAIIU i ; ff.f.vT, I WILMINGTON, N. C. ll^ILL give prompt and [‘ersonal attention to all con- I Tf signinent.s of Spirits Turpentine. Rosin, Tar and \ Turpentine, and all country proiluce for sale. ' Office up stairs, over the store of Mr. Vonglahn, and joining Lutlevloh'ti Wharf, North Water >*treet. ! June 2;3. 2')tf I T. €. cV K. IVOUTII, Comniision and Forwarding .Merrhants, ; WII.MINCTON. N C. , Jan'y 28, 8 ttf \VM. II. TI RLIXGTON, I € o lu III i» M i o II .H e r €’ li a II t, I WILMINGTON, N. C , ■ 'I'lTlLL give ])roni])t and pergonal attention to all con- ! >V signments of Sl’IKlTS TIIUM’NTINK, ROSIN, T.\R, COTTON. Fl.Ol'R. and othor country produce, tiitlier for sale or khipnient. My wharf und warohoiiseii being convetiiently located for tlie reception of produce, either by Railroader Kiver, I aaables me to make chargeit light. V\Y I TT K V11.K IIt>T K I., T. WADDILL, Propkietor. HIS, the most commodious llutul in Noith Carolina, fronting 30U f«ei ou Hay and Donaldtion Str^etu. located in the cenir» if the business portion of the town, and surrounded by all the Banking Houswn, Who1»«aU M«ruhauli and priuci- i pal Produce I'ealerK. | Business men will find the Hotel a convenient I and comfortable house. -\11 the Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville, Oct. 1, 1H58. 51- fS 111: \r\V ICLI, i K)us r.tVUTTKVII.l.K, ■>'. Euit i^ide of dreen Stn:>'t, i jev: iluon North oj the Markft. fL a rpHK yubscriber desires llirough thi« lae^lium ; I to ackowledge the liberal patronage bestow- ! cJLEidL ed upon his House the past year—and as ho ' lias just erected New Stables and ('arriage .''lie'l couTeii- ient to the House and to water he takes j>lcasure in s.iy- ing to his patrons and the public generally, that he it still jirejiared to accommodate them with tiansient and ; permanent V)oard. ami respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore received. Every ex- ! ertion on hi' )>arl shall be used to render them comfiorta- ■ ble ilurin;/ tlioir giyourn with hitn. His table is alwayii bupjiliod witli the be«t. thu market affords. I P. SHFMWF.LL. March 24, IS-'i.H. 8b-tf \v FAYETTEVILLE IWITIAL INSURANCE COMPAif. ASSETS $254,618.62. rpHlS Company has been in operation mor« than «ix X years, and has paid its fire losses, amounting to 323,524.87 without any assessment; in8ur!«.w:e avsrag- ing its members about \ percent. • Amount of property now iustired, jil,.W3,4'J).Ul -A.uiount premiiuu notes now ou hand, 217,7!i8.C'i UlKBCTOUS. s. T. Hawley, W. N. Tillinghait, A. A. McKethan, Geo. McNeill, D. Ray, H. L. MyroTer, S. W. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. K. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, W'l*. M*Laurin, •J. U. Williams, Jas. (i. Cook, A. W. Steel, Jas. Kyle, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, Wilmiigton. i'M ■L 'fjtf Nov'r 8 %V-\E IIOIJSE, GOLDSBORO’, N. C. ]MIE undersigned announces to tho public that he has taken charge of the above F.s- t.'iblishment. and is prejiared to accommodate Boarders, by the day, week or month. .\nd he assure-! all who may favor him with their patronage, that he will endeavor to give perfect satisfaction. Table supplied with tli* beat the mark«t affords. JAS. (I. SMITH Goldsboro’, Jan'y 2S, 185‘.» 84-lyr W THO. O. FULLER, %i1torney and t'oitnsellor nt Mjttw. I vFFlt.'Eat Kccles's Bridge, recently uacupiad by James * * Banks, Esq.. Fayetteville. N. C. J j; y 1, ls.')7. P. J. «1.\CL.41R, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE. N. C., %1'^II.L practice in the Oourta wf Robeson. Cumberland, Harneit and Richmond atiaatiun given to all business entrust«u to hiu. Feby •'), ISo'J JOIIA P. FLLLER, ittoruey and Counsellor at Law, WILL P.HACTK It l.S THK COCRT« Of Kobeiton, Cuinborlatid. Columbus »nd Bladen. OiSce at Lumbenon, Robe»on Co., N. C. July 5, IS V.^ 2itf Law \otiee. j.\MES L. GAINES and ion E. J. G.\INE3, will, in • ) future, practice law in copartnership, in the C'oun- » .*,f Montgomery. .Stanly. Ansoii and Moore. Thpy may be addressed either at Troy, N. C., where £. J. Gaines resides, or at Norwood's N, C. ir.iy. .\pril 7, If'o'.^. 4tf lIIvEKD ELl)l{iDG% •.it tor nr tf nt Ejftir^ '’ILL atteud the (^'ourts of Johnstou aad Sampsan t 'juniies. SDii!titielJ* April IB-'jo. 9Ctf J. R. BI LLA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ASIIEBORO’, N. C., AA'^ILL attend the Courts of Randolph, Moore, Mont- M r;iery. David.son atid (iuilforJ, and promptly at- i : ■ tl'. entrusted to his care. M:irch I'l. l^'.V.J 00-^jm w H. ALLEN.] [J. M. CLARK ALLEX & CLARK, CoiuiiiiM»ioii .nercli^ WILMINGTON, N. C. DE.iLERS !>' LIME, PLASTEU, t EMEM, HAIR, &c.! Agents for Rush & Orrell's Line of Steamers. PRJMPT personal attentian given to consignments o Naval Stores, Cotton or other Country Produce, for sale or shipment. Jan'y I'J, KH.j'.*. >1- ” WILLim D. .T1AII.\, Inspector of JWival Storen, WILMINGTON, N. Will pay strict attention to all business entrusted to his care, and solicits a share of puldic patronage. Ufflce In UaH’s BuHdin;;, \u. 43, up stairs, .\orib Water Street. April 8, IS-jy 4-t)mos JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. €o nn I SSI o a A ->■ U Forwarding Merohant, IVilminsffon^ .V. C. {^“Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments. and Cash advances made on Produc* to bo »hipp*il . to other ports or sold in this market j Feb. 12. 18.j5. ':7tf \V1LL1.\M J. inuci:, inspector of »Yavat Stores^ WILMIXGTOy, X. r. Solicits the patronage of hi« country friends and all others engaged in the Turpentine business. Office \'ortli \V;it*r Nov’r 22, 18')«. f.Mypd F. M. BIZZELL. GROCER .1 D C 0 .>ni 1 S S I 0 >1 E R CllA N T, No. ’JO North Watf.r Street, WILMINGTON. N. C. and {lersonal attention given to the reception wwh RinD mmi TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. NEW, rilE\P, AND EXPEDlTlors ROITE FOR Freiglit for the Interior of North Carolina. Merchants and others al>out purchasing their Fall and W inter Supplies, are rc'jue>ted to niti'‘e, that bv the completion of the Njrth Eastern Rail Road from »'liHrlev!,,n. S. to ("heraw, the adranlates of a t'HEAP and EXPEUITlOL'S Route from the Snaboard has been ojiencd to tliein. .\1I freight consigned to t!ie care of the .\gcnt of the Nimh F:i-.:!Tn Rail Road will be forwarded FREE OF COM Ml.'^.'-K >N No charge will b« made for Storage at ('heraw. All goods will be taken cara of in th« Company « W ardioui# until sent fur. A schedule of charges for transportation of freight will be found at the Post »iflice. .S. S. SoLOMONd, Eng’i- and Sup't. Aug. 3, S4-ypd LL r rKULoirs line. STE.VMER •FANNY ’ leaves Fayetteville every Mon day and Thursday m'irning, at l '> mitiutcs alter .'^un- and Wilmington Tuesday and Friday, at o’clock, A. E. Hall, Wilmington Officers: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. R.\Y'. Vice President. McMlLL.\N, Secretary John Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Travelling Agwit*. gksi^The Company invite applications. May I'J, 18'>y. IGY THE A ORTH t'AROLl\A MITIAL LIFE IXSIRANCE COMPANY, N'OW in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con- tiilence, con'inues to insure the lives of all healthy i>er- Hons from 14 to *‘>n years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to GO years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. .\ll lo-^ses are punctually paid within ‘JU days after satisiactory proi)f is presentei. For further inlormation the public is referred to.\gents j of tliu Compmy in all parts of the State, and to ' R. H. B.VTTLE, Secretary. Raleigh. E. J H.VLE, .\gent at j Jan y I85'J. FayettevHle, N. C. ATLA:\TIC .IH TI AL Klro and Marine Insurance Company, CAliOLlNA CITV, NUllTII CAliOLLVA. lni'iirpori(e! hy in Act of the L/tyiildtuTe oj North Carol 171(1. rpHlS CoMP.ANV being duly organized, is now pre- t pared to receive applications for in-^urance upon Buildlns:s, Merrbandise, Furniture, Mills, Manu- ruc'torles. Ships and their larj;oes, ,\nd most kinds of property, at remunerative rates of premium. It is aimed in the orgatiiiation of this ('ompany, to make a ■‘afe medium for Indemnity and Protection to the assured in case of Loss. -\n honorable and upright course of dealing, and a faithl'ul fulfillment of its con tracts. will at ail times characterize the business of the ('ttmpany. Applications for Insurance may be made at tJiu office of th* Company, or to its autliorijed .Agents. UIRKCTORS. John A Parrott, William S Long. Levi T Ogleiby, David W Bell, W B Grant, B Chapin, David S Jone«, Samuel Leffers, Goo W bill. Joel H L'avis, Col Thos J Blakely. h A Hargett, Luke Blackuan, ii Mallett. I UFFICER& John A I’arrolt, President, Levi T Oglesby, Vice President, W S Long, Treasurer, i: A Thompson, Attorney, I f H Chapin, Secretary. B Grant, ) VV S Long, - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEI^ uavid W 15wll, I .March 12. I>t5-fiai D. & W. McLAlRlN, AI7OULD invite attsntion to th»ir large and deair»t»le Stock of GROCERIES, Consisting in part of— 150 Bags Rio, Laguira and Java Coffoa; 100 Bbls. and Hhds. Sugar (assorted;) 25 Ilhda.; 30 Bacou—Sides and Shoulders; 500 Sa‘ks Salt; 150 Boxes good Tobacco; 125 “ Sperm, Adamantine & Tallow Candles; 50. “ Soap (assorted;) 50 “ Candj “ 1(>0 Bags Shot “ 1000 U».s. Bar Lead;* 30 J BbLs. Snuflf—Kagle 3IilU; 25 Kegs Soda; 250 “ Nails. —ALSO— •\ large and general assortment of Hardware and Cutlery; Fanning Utensils, ot‘all descriptions; Aiuericau, English, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, German and Cast Steel; IJlaeksmiths’ Tools; CJoopers’ Do.; ('orti Shollers and Straw Cutters; Buckets, Brooms and Pails; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, (all kinds and quality;) Plow Lines and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; (,’otton Yarns and Sheetings at factory prices. -\ll of which will be sold i.ow fok c.^SH, or on usual time to prompt paying customers. jgfeiy*-CoLNTRY Merch.\nts are respectfully requested to call and examine our slock before purchasing else where. I), ii W. McLAUillN. March 8, 18r,c» 93tf lirfRE. ^ G(JOI> supply of various No’s just received, which Post Office, Fayetteville, ARRIVALS A.ND DEPARTURES OF THE MAILi. RALEIGH. Arrives daily at A. M. Closes “ “ P. M. KENANSVILLE, (VLA. CLINTON AND WAR-SAW.) Arrives daily, at A. M. Closes “ at 1 j P. M. SALEM. Arrives Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, at 3 P. Closes Monday, FAIR BLUFF. we can furnish low. -Mav D. k W. McLAURIN. 10 tf UUas. Ciood Bacon, and SHOl^LDERS, just received and for sale bv It. s. Vi. .McLATRIN. July 2, IS.'yj. 28tf To Rail Road Contract or si JLST RECEIVED 100 WHEELBARROWS, light and strong, for the Rail Road. For sale by D. ic W. .McLAURIN. ■March 1^9, 18'>y. 80Utf rise —carrying p:»sscngers and freight. Steamer •■SoCTHKR.NER,’ with 1 of Flat?, makes fue or morw trip* per stances may re|iiir«. The accidfiit to this Steamer full complenwnt w«ek, as circum- paired in a fww days, the line. Oct'r 4. lsr)S. R(>WAN ’ will be re- Sh« will then lake her place in T S. LUTTERLOH. .51-If A C ARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— "'HOSE persons for whom I have been attending to _ Banking business for years:—I am still willing to serve you with the same promptness that I have always done; and to others that may want discounts. Pension business. Jtc., &c I offer my services, with a promise ofstiici attention. JAS. (i. COOK. June '2~, ItS^y. -Otf 1 i\E\v mm; Ii LEKOV D. ?lcTI A-\.\E^, .Tl. D., W ING ’i'jcated in 151a len f.'ounty in the immediate '•••ijhlj irli.tod of Dr. Jno. S. Richardson, respect- .... his pri)fe'^i.inal services to all who may ■■ >r liim with a call. a regular graduate of the Medical I'niversiiy NVork. and having fi>1lMwei the practice both in ■ ilfilcvue and New York H'l'j'itals, besides having c Iv.ntage of two years experience in country prac- let ls ihat these advantages should in some degree .'I'lf liim to the 'ontidence of the afflicted. H>' h i' a now and complete set of .Surgical and Ob- ■ ’ i' hi'truments. and will pay particular attention Ml ,,e branches. He will keep constantly on hand ■ ' iij'ply ot Medicines. Prompt and constant at- ‘ -‘11 with m'lderate charges. J;ne.'s 21-2mpd Dr. R. ^(,'OTT now pernia- miy !H:a!t-l in Fayeiteville. and offers his profession- -• rvices to the C'immuniiy. (>thce two doors east of iiini ket—iV>rnierly ocfU|iied by Dr. Benbow—where ■ cau ■)« fiund during lii>, regular othce hours, from ‘.I (I'ciock .M. until 1 o'clock P. M.; 3 •* P. M. •• 0 •• P. .M. J '.ne -i 2(itf DE~VriS>TRY. Dr. j. DAVIS having decided on perma- ne^ly locating in the Town of Fayette- ville.^BBpectfully offers his services to the i this place and surrounding country. In all ! T^'ranches of his Profession, including the I -e of Alincral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an . •TtcTi'ivc experience, to which is added a thorough Den- ! n. that he can give entire satisfaction as far ' a - Is in Ui.- .,.,wei- of Dentistry. All irregularities of the j proper and careful manner, as well as : nil. None but the i)roper metals are made ii:'e ot in tbs- v ' of all kinds of country produce, either for sak shipment. Orders for grocerip' from customers will receive immeiliate attention, free ol conimir-'ion-!. Nov. 1'.*, l^->>'. ♦Jl-ly n()()K-BlM)l\(i IN all its kind-i. executed with neatness and despatch Small jobs when done must be paid before ib.livered. THUS. H. TILLINC.H VST, fjpjio^iite ihe Female Hii:h School, Hay Street. May 14, Ib.V.'. 14-ly PETER MALLETT IH.WE as-iocialed with me. in this lino. .Mr. .lohti K. D iiley. and will style the firm Ol’.HKLL X D VlLl.^ We have purchased the Steamer Soi tiierskh, and in a few days, will have a New Flat emjdoyed with her. 1 Those favoring ns with their patronage may rely uj>on ■ jiroinpt despatch, by aj'plying to .Mr. D.iiley on board, j or to me at my office. R. -M- ORIILI.L. ' citizen Teetli trpiiivf.l in di'^eases -.t ilic 1 • .W14V ^^1*1 tiiV in tl;s- \nrious operations. Charges will be . iiiudorit e. that ’h* 1. n.-fn-: of the Profession niiiv be ' p.aoed within tlio ie;i-h -.v aM wh.j may feel an interest ' .n Ihe preservation .1 , 'i fci?" Office over H „>,,as Jewelry Store, where he ! May be found at all times. ; -May in, ISns. WORTH tTLEY, ! Forwarding and General Connui^sion ' Merchants, • Fayetteville^ .V. i. \ WORTH. T2tf) J0.S. UTI.KT. R. Tl. ORRELL, ~ TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. I^Ho.-sK sending their Spirits Turpentine to me may leiy upon it to have ]uompt and careful attentioa. My Warehouse.' are fronting the wharves and near the D. rOLDE.V MURR.W, I QE ERAL COTVI'WISSION MERCHANT, I 6 2 South Street, ,V/;ir YORK. July 2ft, 18.5S. 32- tin PLATE, ^lieet Iron, Iron Wir«‘, COOK|\jJ \\l>Tlli-WARK. ■\lwavs on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. RooFiXG, >: rrninisa. .And all kinds of JobV>ing. done at short notice, by C. W. ANDUEWS, Market Square, Fnyetteville. July -7-tf HOOTS 4V Sii€Pi:S^ AT WHOl.KS.VLE. JNO. M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA, W 1 T U P. 1». ^11 AW A: t o., ol A.ND 33 Dey Street, New York, TILL be happy to see his Southern friends at the , M. ORRK.I.I.. .^L'lrch 2i>, .lOllN K. nMI.KV. 8H()-tf «'ITV STBAM NWKiATlON COMI’ANV. ^PHE utidersigned Imve been a]>pointcd by iheJeiu‘rai 1 Cninmi'^'i'Wiers in Sali-burv. to rc.-eive snbscripiions to the Capital Stock of liiealiove Cumpany. and iiave prepared a .“subscripii"!! l.ook, and are ready to receive the same, 'in ajiplication to J. M. Kose. at the Rail Road OlRce. * A A. M.KETHAN. J..M. WILl.IAMS. J. A. WORTH. JNO. M. ROSE. I'ommisaioncrs. FavelievilU'. N. C., June 2»>, 1S.')'.I. 2'itf Presti mlrrirats. ^T received pr Steamer F.inny. Bbls. Exira No. 1 MACKEREL (for retailing.) Aolicc to ^^olIiers’ Wilow««j. ^PilE Widows of Me xican Soldisrs, and the Widows of Soldiers who Diti) IN ,-kbvick in the w»r of lbl2. can have their pensions continued by calling on the undt'r- signed, (’ongress having made additional provision for them. Givs me the management of your claims, and the money shall come at onc«, or no charge. JNO. M. R(tSE, .\geiit for Pen.sions. Fayetteville. June 12, m- ■m- - - ii VS FITTINtiS AND FIXTl llES. mHE subscribers will be prepared by the middle of I .\u;;ust, to supply every di -*cviption of IJuihiings,— Dwellinc'. Stores, Factories. \c.—with all the neces- i.ary FIXTL'KE.S. for the introduciion of(i-V.S. .\s we are coiv.'tantly engaged in the business of build ing .»as Work- in this and other .States, we of course afford to bring on a l irge stock .and sell on more reasonable terms tlian others. Our slock will include j Chandelier->, Pendent-^. Brackets, Glti^s. ^:c. As we have leased the works for five years, it will be I to the advantage of those rei|uiring such fixtures to get j them of us, since upon us will fall the care of them, j keejiing tlieiii in repair, iS:c. For this purpose it is I botii our interest and pleasure to emply none but the j best Gas Fitier-'. 1 In our absence for a few week-:, all who wisli to have I tlie Pipes introduced into their buihlings, will ).lease I leave tlieir names with Mr. W. N. Tillinghast. who will ' give all necessary information on the subject. It is desirable to know as early as jios-iiblc. s«i that the I ix- tures may be introduced at the same time with the con struction of the works, and thus all may light up simul taneously. WATERHOUSE .S: BOWES. Favetleville, June 10. 22-if HAWKS'?^ HISTOKV OF .NORTH C.iROLIM. The 2d volume is now published. It embraces the pe riod of the Proprietwv Government, froui Iti63 to 1729. It forms a hanlsome 8vo. volume of pages. The subscription price was half a cent a page; but the price of this volume is less, say S2 75 in cloth binding, $3 CKj in library sheep, and $3 2o in half calf. It will be SOLD O.VLT FOR C.ASH. . Owing 10 the difficulty of securing Agents in many parts of the State, we will forward it by mail or otber- j wise fret ofon receipt of the pince; or both vol- I umes for S I '0 cloth, S4 o'.i sheep, or So half calf. A libeml discount made to Agents or others, who buy to sell again. E. J. HALE 5: SON. Faj’etteville, Nov. .3, IS08. l»RE?IE C REPORTS. Ni:W EDITION OF Devereux and Battle’s Equity, Vol* 1. ^FHE subscribers have just printed a 2d Edition of I. this volume. i,one of the most valuable of the series.) with Notes and References to otlier adjudged Cases and to the Revised Code, by Hon. Wm. H. Battle; and with many corrections of typographical errors. They have now in press the 2d volume, also with Judge Battle s Notes, which they will publish soon. Their 2d Edition of the 1st volume of Dev. & Battle’s Law Reports, issued la-t year, has received the appro bation of the Profe>;sion. They also re ubli.shed a 2d Elition of Deverenx’s 1st Eipiiky (Without Notes.) And in advliiion to these, are the proprietors of the entire editions of most of Iredell's Law and Enuity. and can sujiply any volumes extant of the Reports, or complete sets, so far as they can now be had. Tliey deal largely iti Law Books, an'l will at all times order works not on their shelves, to supply their cus tomers. E. J. HALE X SON. Favetteville. Mav 10. lS.')r>. •\rrives Tue.sday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 A. M. Closes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, at J P. M. CHERAW. ■ , M Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 1 A. M. Closes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, at J P. M. ROBESON’S via ELIZABETHTOWN.^ Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 2J P. M. Closes Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at A. M. RALEIGH via SUMMERVILLE. -\rrivcs Monday anl Saturday, at 8 P. M. Closes Tuesday and Friday, at A.M. SWIFT ISLAND via MON.TROSE. .\rrives Monday, at 5 P. M. Closes Tuesday, at 8J A. M. SWIFT ISLAND via TROY. Arrives Tuesday, at 0 P. M. Closes W'ednesday, at 5A A. M. MAGNOLIA. Arrives Tuesday, at 2 P. M. Closes “ “ 2 “ ELIZABETHTOWN via TEREBINTH. .\rrives Monday, at 7 P. M. Closes Tuesday, at A. M. PHILADELPHUS. Arrives Tuesday, at 1 -A. M. Closes Sunday, at i P. M. J. G. COOK, P. M. July 1, 18.59. ROBi:vso:\’s :?i a pi lated G U AX O. This fertilizer, composed of half best PE RUVIAN GU.VNO, one-half tine (iround Bone and the BEST PHOSPHATIC GUANO, is in condition for immediate use. being prepared with new and improved machinery, by which means the most intimate combi nation is effected, reducing all to a uniform fine powder; and for application by drill or oiherwise,, it is in the most perfect order. And we have no hesitation in say ing. that for all crops it is equal to any fertilizer ever offered to the farming comtnunity. The quality will be kept perfectly uniform in all casty«, and Warranted to contain 8 per ct. of Ammonia AND 45 TO PER CENT. OF iONE P110SP11\TE ftP Ll'IE. Our Guano is put up Lu strong bags, weighing about ICO lbs. each. FRANCIS ROBINSON gives his personal attentioc to preparing this article, and purchasers can rely on “RoBi.Niox’s M.v.NiprL.\TED GcA.No” being in •vcrv par ticular as repr«seuled. All orders will receive immedi- at« ait«Qtion. F. & CO., No 4 Holli.nuswobth Street, up stairs, BALTIMORE, Md. ROBINSON’S MANlPrLATED GUAXO Is for sale in lots to Buit, BY THE FOLLOWING AGENTS: JONATHAN TYSON, Frederick, Md. J. C. NEVETT. Alex«\ndria, Va. J. H. BRADLEY, Fredericksburcr, Va. GARRISON & MAIGNE, Norfolk, ¥a. E. H. SKINKER and CO., Pichmond. Va. THOS. BRANCH & SONS, Petersburg, Va. T. C. & B. G. WORTH, Wilmington, N. C. R. C. LINDSAYi Higli Point, W. C. July 2:^ 31-2mospd Heavy C^tinny Cloth; Dundee cotton bagging; ROPE, HOOP-IRON and TWINE. For sale by C. T. HAIGH & SONS. July 21 33-tiw Fayetteville Ac Albemarle Plank Road Co. A X N U A L M E E T I N G . ^piIE ANNUAL MEETING of this Company will take next. Julv 2t. place at Fayetteville on Thursday. 21th «lay .\ugust a. JAS. G. C(-)OK, Prest. Persons in Want OF PURE and splendi.I flavored oM W'hiskey can be furnished by us witli OM Dew-Drop, • .Magnolia, Family, Excelsior and Heserve brands, all of which we warrant a;> represented or no sale. W above establishment, where, either personally or by order, thev may be supplied from an extensive and well assorted Stock of Goods in that line, gotten up expressly for the Southern trade. Nov. 29. 18.'>8. 17-ly. 1 In ^ •• do. “ 1 1(1 I •• do. “ 1 do. ;u * MESS SH.\D; :5it i.oxes ('HEESl’,: liH) Bugs New Hulled BU(’KWHE.\T FLOl R; Fulton Market Beef; Me'- Po k; Goslien Butter, Pocket .Suit: .Sugar; Coffee; Mi'lii-ise'; and every thing in the pro\i«ion line; which 1 will sell cheap for C.VSH or ex change for country Produce. W C. TROV Nov. 3. 18^X. 'i"-tf !PR1Xi; ^T1 l.l>! The Fayal, Everett and Havelock Hats’. \LSO, a beautiful assortment of the LATEST ST'\ LE SOFT H.\TS (high and low crown,) styles of the most elegant Hat be seen at the Bazaar. 1 all I he of the seasfoi, can no>v A. March IG McRlMMON, D7-tf mart; Tressilian and his Friends, )iy R. Shelton McKenzie: Thousand Chances to Make Money,” by Freedley; “-Mrs. Partington's Carpet f?ag of Fun”; Sylvester Sound: Handy .\ndy; I Flush Times of .\labama; Part}- Leaders; School Books; ^c., \c. Just receiveL April 2:i E. J. HALE & SON. Ice Cream! Ice Cream!! rPHE subscriber having lately refitted his ICE CRE.\M 1 S.Vl.OON, at the Shemwell House, will be pleased to sc; ve the L.adie" and Gentlemen of Fayetteville and .vicinity, mi and after the 2ith inst. The Saloon will be opened at 9 o'clock, A. M., and kept open until 10 P. M. A TIlKATI^i: LAW OP I3ViDENCi3, TKMII EMiLISIf EDITIOX, WITH CON'II.KR.XBLE .\LTEKATtOXS AND AnOlTIOSS. By Il*t> Higlit Hon. S. MARCH PHILLIPS and THOS. JAMES .VRNOLD, Esij., one of the Police Magistrate^ for the Metropolis. FOI KTII VMERK IX EDITION, With COWEN X HILl. S Notes, and with additional Notes and References to tlie English and American ca^es to the present time, including those added to the last edition by .L .Marsden Van Cott. 15 Y I S A A 0 1-: 1> W ARDS, COI'XSELI.OR AT LaW. In three large volumes. The unequalled work of Mr. Phillips on the Law of Eviilence has long been acknuwledged. This edition has unilergotie a thorough revision by Mr. Edwards, and has rcceivcl an immense amount of labor, ami is now as nearly jierfect a-j can be made. The American labor and talent bestowed ujion the work are not less tlian tint derived from the English source. Tiie iinmortul imtrs of .Nlessrs. Cowcn .V Hill, together with those of .Mr. Van i'ott, have been care fully preerved: and instead of being put in a volume by themselves. a« formerly, they are now pl.aced below the toxt—a ilisposition of them which will very much faci litate reference. The entire note and text are arran^rcd in ihn.'e compact volames. with a table of cases, and an extremely fiill index to eacli. Mr. Edwards has care fully noted any ili^^tinctions that ir.ty exist between the English and .American law, anil has added all the late .American decisions. Several copies of this valuable work just received and ; for sale by E. J. H.ALE .Nc SON, Fayetteville. J. H. ROBERTS & CO. S. W'e have other common brands of W hiskey, but none of the “long range,’’ such as Cofiin, Rifle, .Monumental, Blue Ruin. J. H. ROBERTS & CO. July 6. 21>-tf P. SETTIyEnE:\TS. The Subscribers would remind those indebted to them that this is the period of the year in wliich it is most convenient and de'^irabl^ to have a general settle ment. They are preparing to'foi w.-ird accounts by mail to those at a distance who owe for books, priming, kc. Those indebted for subscription to the H>''crver only, will be able to ascert.ain the a:;iount due by relerence to their last receii>ts. Per.sons having accounts agaiii't tiic subscribers will please present them for paynieni. E. J. HALE ic SON. July 1. 18.’',9. ■.laborers AVanted. The Western Hail Road Co. wi>h to employ 4 able- bodied Slaves for the balance of the year, to work on track repair* between Fayeiteville :.ud Little River Depot. \V. A. KUPER. Ch. EnJ. \ Supt. Julv r, 2':!lf G f^arolina €lff/9 •/!*. C. rnllE .\tlanlic and North Carolina Railroad being now — — - — - ^ I completed lo Beaufort Harbor, I have determined to Dictionary ol Cong'res«, l»y Ran- locate a Carolina city for the purpose of doing a Forwarding and General Ccmmission '■« ML m- and hope by promplnes.s and strict attention to merit patronage and support. Being the Agent of Murray’s Line of First Clas-J Packets to this and .Morehead City, every eft'ort wiU be made to make this the cheapest and most expeditious route to New Vork. Vessels will be j ^febrated RYE WHISKEV, W’hich can be had at his P. SHEMWELL. April 2.') 18-')9. 8tf »r. FKA\K WILLIAMS'S RYE WHISKKY. RM1T(M1ELL has made aiTangements with Dr. Frank Williams, to be constantly sujiplied with his 4-jtf A. i:. noilNSTEDT, ^Igent for Chickerin^^^s Pianos^ 01 which he u&H alwaya itom« on hand. 'W ilmington, N. C., Oct’r 2, ]ft68. 61-lypd The ^iociabie, or lOOl Home A- musements; The .Autocrat of tiie Breakfast Table; Lec tures of Lola .Montes; Chronicles of the Bastile, illus trated; Tlie Magician’s Own Brok; Living and Loving; Livingjtone's Travels; Live and Learn; Th« Power of Prayer, by Prime; School l!ooks, \c., &c. Further iuppliei, just received. Jan’y 81 E. J. HALE & SON. I loaded and discharged at niy Wharf (adjoining t’ne Rail- j ytoie at all times, by wholesale or retail. road W'liarf,) and thereby save cartage and lighterafre. Particular attention will be given to all onlers, and to the sale anl shipment of Produce. WM. B. GRANT. Jtily 20, 1858. _ :^2-ly Chronology of Xorth tarollna, from 15s4 to 1S58 by D. K. Bennvtt. Just r«tc«ived. •t 21. E. J. HALE & SON. o3-tf C)ct'r 11, 1858. Further ^iuppliew of Book«. IIIE AMERICAN ALMANAC for 18.59; FATHER AND DAUGHTER, by M iss Bremer; “WHAT WILL HE DO WITH IT,” by Bulwer; SCHOOL BOOKS, &c., &c. March 7 E- J- HALE & SON. The Aen l^clltion ot* Uevereiix k Battle’s Law Reports, Vol. 1, RECEIVE.S the approval of those who have examiued it. Chief Justice Nash says, “I have lookel through it— t is carefully and well got up. * * * I think lo our Court it will be invaluable—and to the Profession eiually 80. It will save tiic labor of deciding the same points again and again; for there will be no excuse for Counsel not being apprised of points already adjudicated.'’ Genth men of the Bar who have purchased and ex amined it, concur, so far a'^ we know, in jmiise of it. For sale, with set-* or si'parale volumes of North Ca rolina Reports, and Law Books generally, by K. J. IIALE & SON. •t in market for Likely Neirroe'. forwhich I ain dcli-nuin. d to p:.yjhe Highest Cash Prices. Persons having such for sale would do well to give me a call, or address me at Clinton, N. C. All orders promptly attended to. J. A. McARTHUR. Clintor;, N. C., March 0, 1859. !;.j-lyrpd Wagons! Wa^on^!! I WANT to liire five or six Teams, immediately, for which I will pay a very high price. JAS. G. COOK. •23- June 16 A Colton’** ^Vloiintain Scenery. FURTHER suppU-just received. E. J. HALE S SON, May 19. .?lis»cellaneoii«i llooki!*. THK American Home Garden, illustrated, by Alcx'r AVatson: The Old Plantation, by llungerfoid; Sylvan Holt’s Daughter, by Holme Lee; Self .Made Men, by Seymoirr; * Episodes of French History. )>y Miss Pardoe; Kendall’s Santa Fe Expedition; Miss McIntosh's Works; Percy Anecdotes: Lives of the Queens of Scotland, by .Ague-; Strickland; Barnes’ Notes on the Books of the New Testament: Literal Translations of the Clas.sics: Abbott's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte; kc. April 9 . - J- It-^LE & SON.

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