iPAiriBTOWitiyyE SEMI-WEEKL, Y. • - r> ■ ^ ■ .v:rl. >00,00 . K,Jr.,^rr*v i.-- i. ■ '.4' t :• ; ’ : I /■I ■ ?:(••(•. ; t’icy , hi-itikC r.J f. I!::;- : ■ -. iii- Pfv .,n. -7/'. ‘. .• j.rice ..f b = .J.i. - - u. = r:.- a.I- ■ Ji!:.. k- • >i- wor f. ..aKy ! ' itV- will H!h k •b of tilt- Kt‘- ' ‘/i> ji e iiouy \ > it., ^t;vr Voik* \(ii. ix;] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C„ AUGUST 4. 1859. [NO- 837.] F • i' PRlMEK M()NDAYS and THURSDAYS KI»U ARD J. HALE & SO!V, i:i>lTORS AND PROPRIETORS !,T the Si'ini-Weekly Observer $3 (K) if paid in during the year of auhscrip ,ir after tiu- ear has expired. Ii. Wes-klv ;>BSKKVER S2 (Mj per anniinj. if paid in S- ■’>'* if paid during tlie year of aubscrip- „ I after the year has expirevl. V .\l>\'KiITlSKMENTS inserted for 60 cents per if h'l lines for tlio first, and ;iO cents* for each iiinu publication. Yearly advertisements by spe- .inirnct". at reasou;ilile rates. Advertisers are I 't.'ito the nuinJter of insertions desired, or „ f l ontiniied till forbid, and charged accord- AJverii.-enients to be inserted insiJf, charged 50 per SPFA'IAL NOTU'E. j--. ■■ lv.'I ntu'r this ilate, no name of a new subscriber , ; : a:. rod without payment in advance, nor will i.ij'f: '>e 'ont to such subscribers for a longer time ' . ,:1 ;..l f.'r. ; t'lmr old subscribers as desire to tako the pa- „r :: i'ivsti m will please notify us when making •. - -‘li'CS. j ’ 1. I KE!SH arrival: Second Stock Spriiip: and Summer Goods* J. A. PEMBERTON Is !!.iw receiving his second stock of Spring and Sum- :: r b" ds, embracing all the \KWi:«T SiTYLEJS. Such as SMinmer iSilks, €SretiadiMei(, Or- g-finflies, Xr., With ft great variety of new style goods for Truvi’liHS Oresses atttl iPusters. Also a complete assortment of VIoiirniiig' Dre!D!« €rood«. large and varied assortment of SILK .VND LACE MANTLES, CHANTILLY L.VCE I 'llNTS. BL K AND WHITE BERAGE MANTLES, STELLA SHAWLS. A:c. \ tew of those splendid French EMBROIDERED AM> LACE SETS. COLLARS AND SLEEVES. U-ugla' & Sherwood s NEW STYLE CORSETTS. with Bustle and Skirt-Snpporter attached.I great variety of NEW STYLE HOOP SKIRTS, ic., _vc. In the above stock itiay be found a great many new and desirable styles, just out. The public generally are invited to call earlv and examine for themselves. J. A. PEMBERTON. April 19. 1859 7- TEW »PRI\G GOODS. M XS A ?» • Jfames K^le i>? NOW RECEIVING A LARGE SUPPLY OF DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES, BOLTING CLOTHS, cS:c., Cedar Falls Sheeting and Yarn at Factory Prices. All of which will be offered BY WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, low as the same quality can be had in this State. rhe Vitvriu^e Wactory in th€ Sottth! iMcJvRTIIA\ Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Build ings at his Old Stnnd, e.tpressly for manufacturing Car- riagea. Tliaiikful for the very liberal patronage he haa rooeived for the last ‘J1 years, he hopes by strict atten tion to businass. with u desire to gi^e satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants lus work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United State*, for neatn*»s and durability. He is deterniitted to sell and do any work in liis line on as good term« aw any work dcine elsewhure that is iis well done. He now has on ha” 1, finished, THE L.VRGEST STOCK OF Carriages, Barouches, Kockaways aod Buggies, «Tor oflFerad in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of wliich will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. fikd^^He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHICLES finiahed and in course of construction. All work made by him is warrtnted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material, will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and ex amine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very reason able terms. May-J8, 1859. 89-tf L,l(jRL\Bl'RGll HIGH iiCHOOL. 11HE 14th Session of this institution will open on the 12th of Jl-LY 1859, under the charge of D.^n’l. Stewart, Jr., A. B., as Principal. Board can be had either at the Steward’s Hall or in the neighborhood at $8 per mouth, exclusive of lights and washing. For further iaforuiatioD apply to the undci’signed at Laurinburgh, N. (\ n. D. DICKSON, Sec’y. Laurinburgh, .Fune 18. 25-tf Female i\"orinal .School. High PolDt, N. I'. Kail Koad, 15 Milen West of tireensborouf'h. Rev N . RAY, Principal, With efficient Assistants. March 1859. 94tf Second Spring Stock. STAKR & WILuTMS H E received and are now opening their second 'iipply of !*iEASO>ABLE GOODS, I' "iprising a splendid selection of the newest styles of Fancy and staple Dry iiood«, Boot«, Hat«, Hoop !§kirts, Ready-.tlacle Clothing, "ith a. lari:e variety of NOTIONS, to which the atten- '■ n of Wholesale Buyers is invited. STRICT ATTENTIO.N PAID TO ORDERS. “^8 i B. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. April 9, 1809. 4tf More A'ew Goods! I AM just receiving my Spring Stock of Goods in my • ne. They were selected in the Northern cities by II V'elf, with great care, and bought on the most reason- !*■ (* tprms, by which I am enabled to offer the largest ' ■ k 1 ever before oflFered to the public, and to offer • i.- H generally At (Greatly Reduced Prices. H’LITS—Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Apples, Lemons, Or anges, ('herries. Currants, &c. PU KLES, JELLIES AND PRESERVES—a great va riety; I’KP.FUMERIES AND EXTRACTS of vario i# kinds; K'Nf'Y SOAPS AND POMADES; MLSKWL INSTRUMENTS—Fildles, Dnims, Fifes, Flutes. Banjos, Guitars, &c.; "A I, KING CANES—of every kind; baskets and willow WARE; Il'iI’.BY HtJRSES. kc.: NUTS; FINE AND COMMON CANDIES; S VRDINES; FINE riGARS; SMOKING & CHEWING TOBACCO; ' HACKERS; FINE POCKET KNIVES; A large as'iortraent of PORT-MONAIES, some very nice: FANCY ENVELOPES, and FANCY GOODS, TOYS an.l YANKEE NOTIONS: An assortment of INDIA RUBBER GOODS; ■^'MHS, WHIPS, FISHING TACKLE. Flip, public are respectfully invited to call and ex- uiiiir.e Hiv stock. I have a great many handsome things that cannot fail to please. JAS. R. LEE, Hotel Building. 1- .■)() March 31, Igfj*) 50 No. 10 Plowt*; 50 No. 11 25 No. 50 “ 25 No. «0 “ Points, Bars and Mould Boanls to suit. Fi>j- sale by (\ y.] j^eexE >.n’y 12 79. " Blitter. €liee>ie and Crackers. FIRKINS Goshen Butter; 25 Boxes State Cheese; 10 Bbls. Soda and Butter Crackers. Just received by C. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 79- >rill i\el and Neine Twine. LBS. Gill Net Twine; 190 lbs. Seine •• •lust received l>y (’. E. LEETE. Jan’y 12 79. 10 50 rpiIE object of this Institution is to provide for the I thorough education of young ladies, and as an ad ditional feature, to qualify such of them as may desire it, for the avocation of teaching. Its next Session will begin the 1st MONDAY IN .\UGUST. Instruction is given in all the branches taught in tlie best Female In stitutions. We liave .\pparatus, new Pianos, &c. The expenses are less tiiaii at any other Institution of the character in the State. Board alone and the English Branches ?40 to per Session. Latin and Greek each $7 50; French $5; Ornamentals very low. Board AND IIALK THK TUITION REQUIRED IN ADVANCE. 30 Y>UN(j L.\D1ES will be received and credited for tuition until they can teach ami pay for it. WANTED; Situations for Southern Female Teachers. For full information address REV. W. I. LANGDON, I’roprietor. July 8 30-10tpd llEllll'\Ll’(ILLE(iE(IFTI!EST\TEOFS(U'\. The ANNUAL COURSE OF LECTURES IN THIS Institution will commence on the Second Monday in November, on the following branches: J. E. HOLBROOK, M. D. JAMES MOULTRIE, M. D. J. J. (’HISOLM, M. D. E. GEDDINGS. M. D. HENRY R. FROST, M. D. THOS. G. PRIOLEAU, M. D. C. U. SHEPARD, M. D. FRANCIS T. .MILES, M. D. To the Inlere^t of‘ Turpentine DiwtiiierK. MA. BAKER would respectfully inform Turpentine , Distillers and others that he is fully prepared to Manufacture or Repair Turpentine, Brandy and Whis key Stills, Worms, &c., in fact, anything in the line of Sheet-f’opper or Iron work. Particular attention given to the making of Steam Pipes from a superior kind of ('opper, for Boats, Mills, Ac. All work entrusted to my care shall be properly done, and warranted, and on the most favorable terms as re gards price. Give me a call and see for yourself, and I know I shall have your patronage. Being a practical workman, I attend to all the work myself, which 1 find is to the advantage of both my customers and myself. Old Copper bought for cash or taken in exchange for new work. M. A. BAKER, Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C. July 27 35-Gmos VVM. CARTER & SON, Wholesale Retail Dealers and VaDaracturers OF ALL KINDS OF Mjeather, Satltflcs fttitl Harness, Of every description. Collars, Whips, &c. And we also particularly cali the attention of the whole surrounding country to give us a call, as we are de termined that none shall surpass us in quality or low prices; and we will give the highest cash price at all time* for Raw Hides and Tallow, in exchange for our articles. Country Merchants would do well to call and examine our Stock, as we can sell them Shoes of a much better quality than they usually get. on very accommodating terms. Southern Planters would do well to sentl us all their orders as we are making a No. 1 article of NEGRO SHOES, that are warranted to give entire satisfaction. N. B. All )rders from a distance shall have prompt attention. S. S. CARTER. WM. C VRTKR. Goldston P. O., Chatham Co., N. C., ) March 15, 18.^9. ] 96- J. \\\ BAKER Is now receivinj; from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of FtlK^ITURR eyer offered in this market; which added to hit own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;— all of which he will sell on the lowest powsibW terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mii'tresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, al’. sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; f Cornices; Curtain Bands: Sofas in Mahogony and Wal- j nut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools: Chairs I of every variety. ; Fine Rosewood Pianos, one with ^^lolian at- i tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the best manufac- i toriei in New York aud Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at New York j prices—freight only .idded. I September 2. 45tf •Vnatomy Physiology Surgery Institutes and Practice Materia Medica (Obstetrics Chemistry Demonstrator and .Adj’ct Prof. of Anatomy •\ssistant Demonstrator of Anatomy SAMUEL LOGAN, M. D. CLINICAL LECTURES Are delivered twice a week at the Marine and Roper Hospitals by the Physicians and Surgeon of the Insti tution. and the Faculty Ward in the Roper Hospital by the Professor of Surgery. The Anatomical Rooms will be opened early in (.>1;- tober under the direction of the Demonstrators and Lec tures delivered. HENRY R. FROST, M. D.. Dean. July 18. 86*4t .MEDIClI COLLfiliE OF VIRCImI. A T R I C- H M O N I), OF The next regular Course of Lectures will eommenee on the first .Monday in October, and continue until the 1st of March. (’h. Bell Gibson, M. D., Professor of Sargery, &•. David H. Tuckdr, M. D., Professor of Theory and Praetice of Medioine. Beverly R. WellfonI, M. D., Professor of Materia Medioa and Tharapeuties. Arthur E. Peticolaa, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. Levin S. Joynus. M. D., Professor of Institutes of Medieiue. James H. Conway, M. D., Obitetrios aud Diseases of Women and Children. James B. MeCaw, M. D., Professor of Chemistry. Marion Howard, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. Clinical Instruction in ti'.e Infirmary attached to the College, which is also the Marine Hospital for the port of Richmond. A great variety of medical and surgical cases may be seen in its wards, and numerous surgical operations are performed before the class. The Rich mond Almshouse is also open to students. The facilities for Diss)Ction are unusually great,— MATERIAL being abunIant and cheap. Through the liberality of Dr. Thomas D. Warren, of North Carolina, the Faculty are enabled toofferaPKiiK OF One Hc.s jeed Dollars for the best Essay presented by any member of the graduating class. F££^; To each Profesa«>r, $15 l>issection, 10 Matriculation, 5 Graduation, 25 Good board may bt obtained in the eity at priees ranging from $3 50 to $5 per week. For further information apply to L. S. JOYNES, M. D., Dean of the Faculty. July f>, 185y. 29-alOd Li\D FOR SlIiE. I OFFER for sale 640 Acres of L.VND, lying on the West side of Cape Fear River, two miles below Fay etteville. and extending from the river into the sand hills. This tract is about equally divided into river- ridge, swamp and sand-hill Land. About 80 acres, adjoitiing tho river, are under cultivation and are well suited to the grow'h of Corn and Grass: none of the Swamp has been cleared. There are several good siics for a dwelling house on the sand-hills. Any person wishing to purchase will do well to make early appli cation, as I have determined to sell. THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Sept. 8, 1858. 44tf State Bondw lor l^ale. ST.VTE (’oupon Bonds, (Coupons payable in Now York, on the 1st April and 1st October,) in quanti ties to suit, ^pply at the Branch of the Cape Fear Bank. A. McLEAN. June 1 19tf IjRIkI and Wood. ACRES of LAND lying on the Fayetteville & OOfJ Western R. R. 7 miles from Town. 450 Cords PINE WOOD cut and piled. All for sale cheap to close the concern of C. E. Roberts & Co. Apply to J. H. ROBERTS & CO. June 26, 1859. 24tf Hlarble Factory, ^coiirini^ oI the •What Will He Do With It?” Mill s System of Logic, Ac. .Mso, further supplies of •'lehool Books. Just received. E. J. HALE & S0» White Horse. by E. Bulwer Lytton; By GEO. LAUDER, TWfl DOORS ABOVE C. T. HUGH & SO.\’S’ STORE Fayetteville, C. Jaa’r 20,1859. 64-7pd Leather and India Rubber BKLTIIVG, HOME, &c. The undersigned hereby give notice that they are prepared to furnish at short notice every description of Machine Belting and India Rubber Hose. Having in our employ competent workmen, we are at all times prepared to put Steam Engines in order. .Ml orders promptly attended to. WALTON & B.ARRY, Car Builders and Machinists. Fayetteville, N. C., July 28, 185f». '55- Fayetteville CJas Works.—l-.al»or- ers W^anted. ’W7'ANTED, by August loth, to work on the streets T T of Fayetteville, Fftriyi or Fitly Mjuhorers^ to whom we will pay $1 per day. In our al>sence apply to Mr. W. N. TILLING HAST. WATERHOUSE & BOWES. Fayetteville, July 28. 185!*. ^55- Hardware, Cutlery, 54AUDI.ERY, A:e. J.\MES M.VRTINE is now receiving a large and gene ral a.ssortnient of every thing in the above line. _ ALSO— A prime article of Rio, Laguira and .lava COFFFiE Crushed and Brown SUGAR: Sugar House SIRUP and MOL.ASSES. All of which is olfered on as good terms as can be had in this market. Nov’r 24, 1858. fifitf STOVES, sSeET IKOM, Ti:\-WAKE, &c. N H.VND, a large assortment of Box anl Cooking Stoves; Tin-ware; Sheet-Iron; Lead Pipe. Al.so Ihe “Ofrf tfominion Voft'e Pot.'*'* Forsalr by JAMES MARTINE. Nov’r 24. tifitf PIINOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS!!! •I. I’. ROSWELL, Piano ITIainifacturer, OF BALTIM(HIE, IS NOW IN FAYETTEVILLE, and will remain for a short time tosell and receive orders for his celebrated New Seale t'ross String Seven Octave IRO:\ FRA^i: PIA.lfOS. The pul)lic are resjiectfully reiiuested to call and see a saui]ile of them at McRae's Building, West of the Fay etteville Hotel. They are a new ami lieautiful article, and are worthy of an inspection from the musical pub lic. Those who should wish to purchase will do well to eall soon. N. B. Old Pianos will he taken in exchange in part P>iy- fi^”Mr. B. will attend to the TUNING OF PIANOS during his stay. Orders left as above will meet with prompt attention. July 27 o5- Tin: «i lO I>iM UI.E: LOCK STITCH FAMILY SEVVLW MACHI1VE8. NOW ON EXHIBITION AT THE McRAE BUILDING, WEST OF FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL. C’OMPLETK WITH THE TAIJLE. SE\V1\(; WITH TW (»THKK.4IIS FROM TW O SPOOLS. 1‘ATEXTKD .lAXl ARY 4t1I, 1859. Xo Complicated Machinery—JS'o (ietting Out of Order.' Especially .\dapted for Family A Plantation I'se. 0 Trustee’s ]\otice. All persons having debts due against William R. McKenzie must present them to me at my Store in the town oi Clinton, on or before Thursday the 11th of August next. Having been appointed Trustee by said McKcniie, for the benefit of his creditors, I will on the aforesaid day, make a final arrangement of said debts, 80 far as there are funds in my hands so to do, and ac cording to the provisions of the Trust to me executed T. M. LEE, Trustee. June 17, 1859 24tAll TAKEi¥ FP, T.VKEN up and committed to the Jail of Cumberland County on the 15th inst., a NEGRO BOY’, named JOHN BR.\CE or JOHN FRANKLIN, who says he is free, and, that he came from Columbia, S. C. John is small, a bright mulatto, and had on when taken up a white wool hat and steel-mixed frock coat and pants. The owner of said Negro is notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. GEO. L. McKAY, Jailer. Oct’r 15. 1868. 65- PAi:\T«, OII.«, &e. SPERM, Refined, Lard, Linseed and Tanners’ OIL; While Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; Window Glass and Sash of all sizes. —AL.«;0— A fresh supply of POND'S PAIN DESTROYER. For stile by JAMES MARTINE. Nov’r 24, 18.58. fiDtf Turpentine Hackers, Scrapers, Pullers and Dippers, VLL of the first quality, can be had at M. \. B.\KER'S GUN SHOP, Fayetteville. N. Jan'y 15, 1858. 80tf Notice (0 Tnrpeutine Dhtillers and others. I.\M fully prepared to make or repair TURPENTINE STILLS, or do any thing in the Copper or Sheet Iron work, at the shortest notice. M. A. RAKER. Fayetteville, Jan'y 24, 1859. 82tf 100 llerrtnsr! Herrin^!! BBLS. No. 1 Split and Bulk Herring; KH) Bales EXTRA HAY; 50 •• RICE STRA\V; 20 Boxes ADA.MANTlNE CANDLES; 40 “ BAR SOAP; 25 Barrels M. VASSAR & CO S ALE; 2lt “ WHISKEY, some very fine, viz: Old “Dew l>rop’’ (5 years old,) Family, Mag nolia, Reserve. Excelsior; t; Packages FRENCH BRANDY; 1 Cask C.\TW.\BA BR.\NDY. on Consign ment from a gentleman connected with a Bank in the city of N. Y.; will be sold on account of consignee. i^The above are just rec'd and will be sold low by J. 11. ROBERTS & CO. July 11. 1859 ai- Tiii: i.BVi:is lAVKiOUATOK! l»KKlMRKi> HV i>K S \ .N h .KI>, ronipouiHted entirely from ;i .IIS, IS ONK oK TIU: BKisf riK*iAiI\r: AM I l»I« !Vfc:s now xhf! tuihlic, thK! M.:- • m...4«r, iit.ki than aitv oih*’ ui It !• imt A),Iy « f'nlKitfit. hut A lAr Livfi to tu morbt«l mar.«r > CHrr> on tbat i r ren.^iv, ti' the:) on iht sb'tiiiiclt hi> oiuplikhintf iw«» pn:|>' • illr. wiUmiiI an> of painful fm*lin»r> lu t«i :i .if It i«t«anjribens th«> n • (inif (hHt it U , ktid when t«ken dail^ i: :ti. ll au«l buUd fl up wth rapiiit> The U ou« of tho Uxij ; aud wh«ti it fKfwera of svttetn :ft Mluoftl 'Upeii>lent Ltrtr toi th^ n»o;‘#r j>«rfortn «L>>niai k >»at fault,th«bow«l» 4) >teni t \m roniequ«nr«* lo do its d>it> frin, o!i* of the prnpri«!or« prnrtice of mort* than tueniT w)ier«with to counteract the it in liable To prove that this reme^'j U bled irith Ijlvrr t'oui- (ia» tmt to ttj a botiie. Thfie tiums m1) t!ie »'ipplvin^ in th^ir :nvijfor«tinic the >.i*»niacli |iurirylittf the blcHicI, whole iua'hin«rj. reoiovntc oTertiuiC a radical cure. lillloul ntta€‘kft are brtltr, iirevf-iifed, bj* Llv4»r IIIvt«'«>rAtor. Onr don- afli*r oat1i»n it mif- , and prevent the fivwi from | »nljr one do^e taken b«>ror« ’ mare. . flj Only one dote lak^n at rently. eiul cure* Cow-1 One dost* taken after each i »ne do^e of two lea ' Jftck llenHache. One bottle taken for fe CH(i«e of tli4 disease, and Onlj oiie doee imniedintely | One lwte often repeated is j |H| >1 orbus, and a preventive | one bottle effects of p. iucipt.1 p*rfonn» ^ oi- fuliy d«iv«lopc>i 1 li« on the hcal'h^n • • HHc«; of its rnnciifti.t at f«uU ;;d ll: ol one nrKan — il For the di*e««e» >• ha« made it hi% «i reers, to find »oi;. nian> dei ai|^en)eni at found, anv pvtst j. *.• ..m plaint, in ft:iV ofit.s fon - > ctfi:i»m morbitl i>r bml matter l'vn riace a hvalihv fa. a of cau>.;tip I., well. gnitiK i^?.e Jini br«.ch i iht' the catifte i>f tlie dtnea^r-- ficienl to rvlicTe thr siomnch ri!*1nK Aixl n*uritiK reurlnjf. pre»enM nif?ht« U>oeent ihr .'.nr tl vnirsA. meal will cure fi'*! tp«H)nrali^ will s «*,>t > male obstruction i en'o re» '! make!* i i>erfect t*»; *• reiiev cb I'hollr, • V a Rure cure Tor i of Cliolrrn. needed to tht.i* out r» l! taken for , I afte ine dose taken a thorl ! •laitiictire from the vkin time Vjefote fooil dij;e^t well. cnreft l)i^ while II in III «* r almost to the - t tHck^ b> V\ »i III l>r«i lili: lolIN T> pr. 1 are willii-:: HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. The i?d volume is now published, it embraces the pe riod of the Proprietary Oovernmeut, from ltj63 to 1729. It forms a handsome 8vo. volume of 591 pages. The ttuV)scription price was half a cent a page; but the price uf this volume is less, say To in cloth binding. S3 00 in library sheep, and S3 25 in halt calf. It wtLL bk SflLl) DSLY FOR C.\SH. Owing to till* difliculty of securing .\gents in many parts of the Stale, we will forward it by mail or other wise free ofpoataye, on receipt of the price; or both vol umes for §4 00 cloth, $4 50 sheep, or half call. A liberal discount made to .Agents or others, who buy to sell again. K. J. HALE A: SON. Fayetteville, Nov. 3, 1858. WA.ITTED. k N industrious, sober man, to take charge of the Steward's Department of the Fayetteville Hotel, (one of some experience would be preferred, but not verj’ important.) To such a man, permanent situation can be given. fair wages and a W ADDILL. :5tl-3t Dana; -\ugtist 1, 185!* To C'liha and Back, by ‘‘Love Me Little, Love Me Long: Miss Mitford’s Recollections of a Literary Life; The War in Europe, with .Maps; Tom Burke, by Lever; Harry Lorrequer, by Lever;Davenport Dunn, complete; Bothwell, by .\ytoun; Carpet Bag of Fun; Irving’s Washington, vol. oth, in cloth and sheep; Revival Sermons, by Rev. Dan’l Baker. D. D.; Peep of Day; Line upon Line; Precept upon Precept; Clarke’s Commentary; Scott’s Commentary; School Books, &c., &c. Further supplies just receiveil. July 2") E. J. HALE & SON. Daily E^ipected and t‘or ^iale. Direct*importation: Per Brig Mary McRae from Rio Janeiro. 2000 Hags Coffee. O. G. PARSLEY & CO :55-2w lOUO STITCHt:s IN A minttk: These machines are warranted First Class, and fully equal to the highest priced Macliines. Observe;—We invite all to bring anj' garment, Cii.^RSE or F'ixe. Heavy, or Ltcm . which we will m.ike up at once, thus establishing the reputation of our .Ma chines—the only low-priced machine as yet offered, sew ing with two tlireads and 4iiiiai*aiifeel no HiiiiiImij?! These machines will jather. Hem, Stitch or Fell in the most beautiful and substantial manner. Our new and improved hemmer will turn a hem of any width, stitching at the same time without previous basting. We warrant these Machines to be just what we here represent, and we guarantee to refund the money to any person, who, after learning their use, is not s.atis- fied WTth his bargain. Jl^“Testimonials can be seen at the rooms, aud re ferences given. E. T. BARRY Ac Co., Proprietors of the Patent for Middle and Eastern North Carolina, to whom apply for ('ounty Agencies. WIL.MIXOTOX. N. 11th July, 1859. Messrs. E. T. B.^brv & Co.—Gentlrmrn:— THE SEWING MACHINE of Scovil .v Goodell s pattern, which I purchased from you some time since, sews with great rapidity and neatness. Its great re commendations are its simplicity of construction and its adaptation to family use. The negroes and children about the house soon acquire a knowledge of its use, and sew apparently a.s well as the most experienced. I have no hesitancy in recommending it as a tiseful in vention. Respect full}’, Your ob’t. serv't., M. LONDON. June 27. 35- ]\orth Carolina Readers* NUMBERS 1 AND 2. PRKP.\RE1» WITH SPKCIAL REFKHK.NCK Tt> THK W.\NTS AM) I.NTEREiSTS uF •V«rf/» Carol inn. l i^DER THE AVSPICKS OF THK SCPKRINTENDKNT OF COM MON SCHO0L8, BY Rev. r. n. Hiibliard, PH0FKS8OR OK THK LATIN LAMJUAGE AND LITEHATURE IN THK UNIVERSITY OF NOTITH CAROLINA. l»'»r to the af>petite. androaken ' P ( Hie do«e of\en reprated i rliora in its worst form*.' pB|| Bowel fornplalntt yield ; ' ‘ne or two dot»e« cnres at ' Children : there Is no Mtier, • the world, as it newrr /i»7ji. ■ A few bgttles curei^! bb*orhents. , ^pn We takepleannre in reroni rrerentire (or Kfev«*r RMI und all K«ver* of a leUh certaintT. end thou^andi»' wonderful ▼irtnea. ' All %Yho It are ^Ivlii^ thc-lr iinaitliiii*!?- 111 tts favor. ?lix Water lii Ihr luoutU thr Inti- |((»rntor, aiHt Mwallow l>oth hei*. THE LIVER INVIQORATOR IS A SriKNTIFIC MKDUWi. ^ workiiif cure*, atmoi>t too (rreat to l>e!ieve. It r r.c» « th$ Jfrti (ia j/irinfj and ield> in yx » one U re}(iired to cnre an>* kind of lilvrr ( • iii; f:-o»o ihe worst Javndirt or to ■ conin*.» i» /.V-» . - . f all o! which are the rexuU of a D|sras4Mt PRtCC o:K POILAK rCK •OITI.V Or. SA.VKOKO. IViiiM tfioi. ;u:. W* v-m fe Rvtatlcnl by all nrtiKKi" ' JAS. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSD.VLE, Fayetteville, N. C. Nov'rll. 62-1 y $125 Reward. I WILL pay reward for the ai)j)rehension and con finement in any jail, so that I get him again, of my boy REUBEN, who ranaway on the 31st May last. Reuben is about 30 years old, about 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, dark color, will weigh 150 to lf)5 lbs., small eyes, very thick lips, and has a small scar on the back of one of his hands, near the root of the thnmb. ind I will pay a further reward of $10t) for proof suffi cient to convict any white person of harboring said boy or seducing him from home. JAS. C. McEACHIN. Laurinburgh, Richmond co., .V, (\, .Tune ItJ [24tf Further NiipplieK ol' Bookxs. The AMERICAN ALMANAC for 1859; FATHER AND DAUGHTER, by Miss Bremer; “WHAT WILL HE DO WITH IT,” by Bulwer; SCHOOL BOOKS, &c., &c. March 7 E- J- HALE & SON. NVMliKR 3, CONTAlM.Nd A FAMILIAR HISTORY AM) HESCRIP- TION OF NORTH CAROLINA. Selections in iVose and V'erso; ntany of tliem by eminent citizen.s of the State. HISTORICAL AND CM KONOLOGICAL TABLES. And a variety of Miscellaneous Information and Sta tistics, by C. Mi. VT UMBER 3 is a new and rfvised edition of the North .Carolina Header, tirst ]>ublished in 1851. Numbers 1 and 2 just issueil, comjiletc the series, which is, as a whole, cheaper than any other series of Headers in the United States, and as complete. The Editor i I’rof. Hubbai-d) in liis Preface to Num ber 1 deems it proper to allude lo a few of the peculiar advantages aimed at by the Superinientlent of Conuuon Schools while making elforts to have thi- work com pleted. These are. 1. The encoiiraijement o f a fefliny of self-dcpenienrf. and the enlistment of popular setuiment in behalf of the State and its institutions. It was not thouglit important, how ever, to have more than one number of the Reader of merely a local interest. 2. To remedi/ the evil ei-erj/irhere complained of in com mon srhoolt, of a perpetual change in text honkf; an expen sive habit, and one which injure.s the .Schools by pre venting the children from l)eing classi1iel. A series of home Readers, it was sujiposel, would be certainly used, and this great evil thus avoided. 3. Econoviy, the pipular system of Readers being too long anti being made so often merely to add to the profits of authors and publishers. This aeries is to consist of fewer numbers than those generally used, and it i-i believeil that these numbers are sufficient, while if the system were universally nse^l in the State, the sum >iaved to parents and children would amount to several thousand ilollars aiiiuially. 4. To put in the handi //' children learnviy to read corn- potitioru su^icitntly fiimilidr hut not ff the character called ehildlth composiiiunt. containing, in lessrms easy enough for all ages, correct specimen>$ of style, interesting in matter, and iiifiiloating jiroper morals, and religious in- itruction. The prices are, for No. 1. 2a cents; No. 2, 37^ cents and No. 3, 7;* cents. liljeral deduction from thciie pricMs to Merchants and School Teachers. E. J. HALE & SON. The .^f»eial>le, or lOOl Home A- musements; The .\utocrat of the Rreakfast Table: Lec tures of Lola Mr>ntes; ('hronicles of the Bastile, illus trated: The Magician's Own l’.c^)k; Living and Loving: Livingstone’s Travels; Live and Learn; The Power of Prayer, by Prime; School Books, &c., &c. Further supplies, just received. Jan’y 31 E. J. HALE & SON. Wilmington. .Inly 27 Take I\oti€e! This is the last call that I shall make to those in debted to me: If not paid by the 10th August, 1 shall give them to an officer for collection. Those that 1 have dunned from time to time, and never paid, need not expect any indulgence—for I'll ] ut them through. This jjotice is intended for those whose notes and ac counts have been standing over HO davs. M. FAULK. ■ July -JU 30tA10 *\OTIt’K. \LL persons indeVjted to me as Guanlian of the Heirs of Charles Mc.\lister, dec'd, are hereby tiotified to come forward aud pay uji. and save costs. CHARLES COLVIN. Fayetteville, July 3(t 30-lm AEGROES W IIVTED. THE subscriber wishes to buy FiFTl* L,IKEL,\* .X*F€iROES, for which he will pay The Highest Cash Prices. Persons having such property to sell will find it to their inter*st to addresi me at Clinton, N. C. A. S. C. POAVIELL. July 26, 1859 35-tJmpd THE WORLD’S GRE.iT EXHIBITION PRIZE MED.iL AWARDED TO C. IflEYER, FOR HIS TWO PIANOS, LONDON, OCT. 15, 1851. fl MEYER, respectfully informs his friends and the ^ . public eenerally that he has constantly on hand PIA!VOS, Equal to those for which he received the Prize Medal in London, in 1851. He has received during the last fif teen years more Medals than any other maker from the Franklin Institute, also. First premiums in Boston, New York and Baltimore. .^11 orders promptly attended to, and great care taken in the selection and packing the same. Warerooms, No. 722 .VRCH Street below Eighth, south side, PHILADELPHI.\. July 18. 32-'.ttpd \V. TI1.I^ER, P D FMjI* MMM.t, TMPOKTEU UK I'ANC'Y (iUODS, Toys, beads, and confectioners’articles. China Dolls, Rich Vases, Toilet Bottles, Ink« with Figures. Jewel and Card Receivers, Eiagere .Vrticles, i^c. Latest styles of goods constantly received and sold at the very lowest cash prices. W. TILLER No. 24 South FOURTH Street, PHILADELPHIA. July 18. 32-2mpd >"otice---]^'ejjroe» Wanted. ^PO the farmers and citizens of the Counties of Duplin, I Wayne, Johnston, Harnett, .Moore, (.'umVierland, (CoJ)cson, Bladen, Columbus, Bninswick, New Hanover, a,nd Sam])Son: The subscriber being desirous of purchasing a num ber of Likely Young NEtjlIiOE.S, of all cbissesnnd des criptions, avails himself of tiiis method tif iniorming those who may have such property to ilispose ot'. that the}’ would do well to visit me at home, or address me at Clinton, N. C —for which they shall receive a visit. Between this tin;e and the 15th October ISoU I wisli to purchass 40 to 50 young negroes for the .\labama market. EVERETT PETERSON. July 13, 1850. 31-4m !:SOO Bbisi. ol llerriii;^f ['^t)R sale, very low. 2iM( Hbl* Herring. l>y i GEO. W. WILLIA.MS A: CO March 1 4 The Aew Edition ol* Devoreiix & Ba^^le^s Law Report!^, Voh J I^ECEIVES the :ii)proval of those who h:ive examined It i' Chief .Tustice Nash says, “I have lookeil through it — t is carefully and well got up. * * * I think to our Court it will be invaluable—and to the Profession eiptally so. It will save thi labor of deciding the same points again aud again; for there will l>e no excuse for Counsel not being apprised of jioints already adjudicatel.” Gentlemen of the Bar who have purchased and ex- .amined it, concur, so far as we know, in praise of it. For sale, with sets or separate volumes of North ('a- rolina H«'ports, and Law Books generally, by E. J. HALE & SON. ^iM‘ellaneoii^ Rook^. rpiIE American Home Ganlen, Illustrated, by Alex’r 1 Watson; The Old Plantation, Viy Hungerford: Sylvan Holt's Daughter, l»y Holme Lee: Self M.ade Men, by Seymour: Episodes of French History, by Mi-^s Pardoe; Kend.all's Sant.a Fe Exj>edition: Miss McIntosh’s Works; Percy Anecdotes; Lives of the Queens of i^cotland, by .\gnes StricklaiMl; Barnes’ Notes on the Books of the New Testament; Literal Translations of the Classics; Abbott’s Life of Napoleon Bonaparte: &c. April 0 E. J. H.ALE & SON. Secret History of the French (’onrt, by Victor Cousin: .\dani Graeme, by Mrs. Oliphant; Love Me Lit tle, Love Me Long, by Reade; The Science and Art of Chess, by J. Monroe; Chess Hand Book, by an Amateur; The Art of Extempore Speaking, by M. Bantain; School Books, &c. E. J. HALE & SON.