..f This ^ue- epi>iiAtur« of tiler Its .st'O.i'iiii, in " r hese nPh’. .y forty •li change of nducte^l with ts i -tu. ..'es- i we ai. in •if a-*ut r-n las s delay in ion, nittwitb- iiH' m ule. In hi. in -(uch a r;u tice of the . oaremlly t.. fifty distinct ured on each . n- n. antj the ati.tn. es’.end- riy to a very up-iti wiiich H ■ ■ • r yf II .i- sri- a>:.'er- iii.;. di.i ••■il \j t' ’ iiioh Hrv* I K:tm 111, i!ld idaoinf; !i. ,l i '.. oon- U by 11,> i-rd its U H -leady ity •- ho wid*. it puvsu-v% with -overed in ■I. with c.nn- n: '• 'Weeping i-d .{1 ->tiier t i- 'V^lem ivt"i tal'i!ity A" t‘d ; oU MPiW. I I i>in-.r’ AL loe. It. lAl'E, Jr., Sff’y- .\i“rket V'llue. VJti Mil-; 't. -^8 .-ii, ;■ > im St. ■ ere't. ' ■. « ' 110 ed in'^t 'T.' ill 12 est, •> -:ry, :'t • I‘■'-pa. ■■ - ;id.-ue;::il 1 ?7-; :tV d, t •45/100 zp.-- *^y 1.4IX) ee sej ■ y. L- ui«, !i f Yurk. . r'OO 'ri.46U 1 \ -itO • i.4(Ki >i?0 20/:c^‘ 0.4(K» 1 K) 1.'XK) ::J.4iX) 84.200 ■-T.iXiO 1 .‘,4w -4,40c --.♦"0 . ;) 'JiHl .M :i 44, j' ; 4' "0 1' -:0 ! ; '1 . f i rp-.' .:.r. G7 Li:. onH.iMjS. - pi vjlish /A'V, T-^y.) I = - t -'. at poli- ;jf, - 'Fv _n 1 1;"di^'al, :r 'f tlieir ; iiaracfer. ^: 7 Science. 1, r. y 4t ! ii« they V ‘r! 1 0 ='tt 4. Iteing h r *.nd ilie ):)rofeB- t ref ■ ' ev. ry cl! '8 --.■7,f, pt T V rcciTd of f?:. ! th-- »vorld, ^ r uurL’e f': ! British - i: • =• .nf'j, in- V ’■.= . ■ . :f 3ub- I’er ann. S3 00 6 0» 7 00 8 00 a 00 00 10 00 lll/rit life . aiU bf tl|; ^},.,ve price -- -r r more copies of F= ur ijpie« ■nt I :>ne ad- r, .'s - iiud Hlack- I . 5 ; thi'ie works i • !, V^htfosentby th; I nited Htate*! will yei !yr •-BlackwooJ, ■ for uch :»f the Ke- iii (t(n >f th‘ ‘;: //. r i unum. p plications ihould . noligh^rs. IPAITIETOWIIIML IKIBTIEIB ISEIttl-WElEKL Y. [V(H.. ix;i FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., AUGUST 8, 1859. [NO- 838.] I’RIXTED MONl>AVS AND THURSDAVa EDWARD J. HILE & SON, EDITORS AND PROPRIET0R8 Prico for the Seiui-Weekly OnsKRVER $8 00 if paid in advance: S3 50 if paid during :he year of subscrip tion: or S4 after the year expired. For the Weekly (Jbskrver $2 00 per annum, if paid in udvttuee- S'J 60 if paid during the year of iubscrip- tiou. or ?S 00 after the year has expired. ADVF.RTISKMENT3 inserted for t)0 cents per square of !•> lines for the first, and 80 centu for each succeeding publication. Yearly advertisements by spe cial contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are reque">ied to state the number of insertions desired, or they will be continued till forbid, and charged accord- ingly. A'lvertistements to be in.>ierled intide, charged 60 per i-eui extra. Vhe Mjargftntt Vtirriage Factory in the SiHtth! L.ll'RL\BI]R(iH HIGH SCHOOL. The 14th Seasion of this Institution will op«n on the 12th of JULY 1869, under the charge of Dan’l. Stewart, Jr., A. B., as Principal. Board can be had eithar at the Steward’s Hall or in the neighborhood at $8 par mouth, •xclusiv« of lights and washing. For further inforoiatioii apply to the undersigned at Laurinburgh, N. €. R h. DICKSON, Sec’T. Laurinburgh, June 18. 25-if Female i\orinal School. K I'Vr II A i Point, >. l\ Ball Road, 15 Mllei West of FRESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, j „ trr^nsborough. V; that he has built up large substantial Brick Build- j Kev. N. KAi, IriNCIPAL, ings at his Old .Stand, expressly for manufacturing Car- , With efficient Assistants, riages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has ; ^HE object of this Institution is to provide for the received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict atten- j 1 thorough education of young ladies, and as an ad- lion to business, with a desire to gi^e satisfaction, to i ditional feature, to qualify such of them as may desire SPECIAL NOTICE. From aii.l after this date, no name of a new subscriber w ill bo entered without payment in advance, nor will the paper be sent to such subscribers for a longer time tlidU i-^ I'aid for. .ui'h of our old subscribers as desire to lake the pa per on thi system will jtlease notify us when making remittances. .lan'v 1. 18'iS. FRE^H ARRIVAL! Second Stock Spring and Summer Goods* J. A. PEMBERTON IS now receiving his second stock of Spring and Sum mer Goods, embracing all the .\EWEJ»T ISTYLES. Such as—— fHummer Grenadines, Or^ g and ten, AV., With a great variety of new style goods for ’Traveling MP^'esses and M>usters, Also a complete assortment of !Vlourniiig Dress Ooods. A large and varied assortment of SILK AND LACE MANTLES, CHANTILLY LACE POINTS, BL’K AND WHITE BERAOE MANTLES. STELLA SHAWLS, &c. A few of those splendid French EMBROIDERED AND LACE SETS. COLLARS AND SLEEVES. Douglas & Sherwood s NEW STYLE CORSETTS, ; with Bustle and Skirt-Supporter attached.) A great variety of NEW STYLE HOOP SKIRTS, &c., &c. In the above stock, may be found a great many new and desirable styles, just out. The public generally are invited to call early and examine for themselves. J. A. PEMBERTON. April 19, 1859 1VEW SPRIXG GOOliS. -m XX A • J^ames Kffle IS NOW RECEIVING A LARGE SUPPLY OF DRV GOODS, HATS, SHOES, BOLTING CLOTHS, &c., Cedar Falls Sheeting and Yarn at Factory Prices. All of which will be offered BY WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, As low as the same quality can be had in this State. March 18.59. ' 94tf merit a oontinuanoe of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best luaterial and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His'work will compare ftivorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good ternis as any work done elsewhere tliat is as well done. He now has on hand, finished, THE l.AlKiEST STOCK OF Carriages, Barouches, Kockawavs and Buggies, •v*r offer*d in this place, au I a very large block of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. Jiij^He has on liand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHICLES finished and in course of construction. All work made by him is warrtnted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material, will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and ex amine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. i Anatomy Repairing executed at short notice and on very reason- j Physiology able terms. May 28, 1859. 8'J-tt it, for the avocation of teaching. Its next Session will begin the 1st .MONDAY IN AUGUST. Instruction is given in all the branches taught in the best Female In stitutions. We liave Apparatus, new Pianos, &c. The expenses are less than at any other Institution of the character in the State. Board alone and the English Branches S to to per Session. Latin and (Jreek each $7 50; French io; (Jrnamentals very low. Buakd AND IIAI.F THE TCITIO.V REyCIREU IN AbVANi.'K. 80 YOUNG L.\DIES will be received and credited fur tuition until they can teach and pay for it. W.\NTED: .Situations for .Southern Female Teacheri. For lull iuformatioa address REV. W. 1. LANGDON, Proprietor. July 8 30-10tpd JIEDRWLl'OUEKE OF THE ST.ITE OFSfl. CA. rpiIE ANNUAL COURSE OF LECTURES IN THIS I Institution will commence on the Second Monday in November, on the following branches: .1. E. HOLBROOK. .M. D. JAMES MOULTRIE. M. D. J. J. CHISOLM, M. U. E. GEDDINGS, M. D. HENRY K. FHOST, .M. D. THOS. G. PRIOLEAU, M. D. C. U. SHEPARD, .M. D. FRANCIS T. MILES. M. D. To the luferest of Turpentine Di«tillerM. A. BAKER would resjiectfully inform Turpentine xTl, Distillers and others that he is fully prepared to Manufacture or Repair Turpentine, Brandy and Whis key Stills, Worms, Xc., in fact, anything in the line of Sheet-Copper or Iron work. Particular attention given to the making of Steam Pipes from a superior kind of Cupper, for Boats, Mills, itc. ■\11 work entrusted to my care s-hall be properly done, and warranted, and on the most favorable terms as re gards price. Give me a call and see for yourself, and I know I shall have your i)atronage. Being a practical workman, I attend to all the work myself, which I find is to the advantage of both my customers and myself. Old Copper bought for cash or taken in exchange for new work. .M. A. B.VKER, Hay Street. Fayetteville. N. C. July 27 85-tJmos Surgery Institutes and Practice Materia Medica Obstetrics Chemistry Demonstrator and .Adj’ct Prof. of Anatomy Assistant Demonstrator of .Vuatomy S.VMUEL LOGAN, M. D. CLINICAL LECTURES •\re delivered twice a week at the Marine and Roper Hospitals by the I'hysicians and .Surgeon of the Insti tution. and the Faculty Ward in tlie lloper Hospital bj’ I the Professor of .Surgery. The .\natomical Rooms will be opened early in Oc- 1 tober under the direction of the Demonstrators and Lec tures delivered. HENRY K. FROST. .M. D., Dean. Julv 18. ;i(j*4t Leather and India Rubber B£LTirVO, H08E, &e. The undersigned hereby give notice that they are prepared to furnish at short notice every description of Machine Belting and India Rubber Hose. Having in our employ competent workmen, we are at all times prepared to put Steam Engines in order. .AU orders promptly attended to. WALTON i BARRY, Car Builders aud Machinists. Fayetteville, N. C., July 28, 1869. SO- Fayetteville Gas Works.—Labor ers Wanted. \1TANTED, by August 16th, to work on the streets tV of Fayetteville, Forty or Fifty jLaborers, to whom we will pay SI per day. I In our absence applv to Mr. W'. N. TILLINGHAST, ] ' W ATERHOUSE & BOWES. Fayetteville, July 28. 1850. ?>5- Hardware, Cutlery, 54ADDLKKY, &c. JAMES M.\RTINEis now receiving a large and gene ral assortment of every thing in tlie above line. —AL.SO— A prime article of Rio. Lagtiira and Java COFFEE Crushed and Brown .SUG.\R; .Sugar House .SIRUP and MOLASSES. All of which is olfered on as good terms as can be had in this market. Nov’r24. 18',8. 6fitf 8TO\ ES, SHEET IRON, TI.\-WARE, &c. N HAND, a large assortment of Box and Cooking Stoves; Tin-ware; Sheet-Iron; Lead Pipe. Also 7/te “OIrf nominion Coffe^ roi.'>'> For sale by JAMES MARTINE. PUNOii! PIlNOSt! PUNOSt!! J. L'. BOS>VCL.L. Plauu ITIaiinfactnrer, OF BALTIMORE. |S NOW IN FAYETTEVILLE, and will remain for a 1 short time to sell and receive orders for his celebrated New Stale Cross String Seven Octave lKOI¥ FRA:?1E PIAilOS. The public are respectfully requested to call and see a sample of them at McRae’s Building, West of the Fay- ett«ville Hotel. They are a new and beautiful article, and are worthy of an inspection from the musical pub lic. Those who should wi»h to purchase will do well to call .soon. N. B. Old Pianos will be taken in exchange in part • P^y- ®^“Mr. B. will attend to the TUNING OF ; PL\NOS during his stay. j Orders left as above will meet with prompt attention, j July 27 35- ^40. TIIR )»40 IXILBLE LOCK STITCH I FAMILY SEWlNti MACHINES. ' NOW ON EXHIBITION AT THE McR.VE BUILDING, WEST OF FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL. MITIETHl^ii .IfEW. (K)MPLETK WIT1£ THE TABLE. SEWING H ITU TWO THREADS FROM TWO SPOOLS. I'ATE.NTEU JANUARY 4tH, 1859. .Vo Complicated Mac/tinery—\o (Jetting Out of Order! Especially Adapted for Family ii Plantation Vse. a 0 Nov’r 24. ♦ifitf Second ^Spring Stock. STARR & WILLLyiS HA\ E received and are now opening their second supply of J^EASONABLE GOODJ!^, Comprising a splendid selection of the newest styles of Fancy and ^itaple Dry Goods, Boots, '^hoes. Hats, Hoop ^»kirts, Ready-.^ade i'lothing, With a large variety of NOTIONS, to which the atten tion of Wholesale Buyers is invited. STRICT ATTKXTIO.N PAID TO ORDERS. J. B. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. April 9. 1859. 4tf More \ew^ Goodii! IA.M just receiving niy Spring Stock of Goods in my line. They wei-e selected in the NortJjern cities by myself, with great care, and bought on the most reason able terms, by which I am enabled to offer the largest itock I ever before offered to the public, and to oSer them generally At (vreatly Reduced Prices. FRUITS—Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Apples, Lemons, Or anges, Cherries, Currants, &c. PICKLES, JELLIES AND PRESERVES—a great va- rietv; PERFUSlERlES AND EXTR.\CTS of various kinds; FANCY SOAPS AND POMADES; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS—Fiddles, Drums, Fifes, Flutes, Banjos, Guitars, &c.; WALKING CANES—of every kind: BASKETS AND WILLOW WARE; HOBBY HOifSES. .tc.; NUTS; UNE AND COMMON CANDIES; S\RDINES; FINE CIGARS; SMOKING & CHEW'ING TOBACCO; CRACKERS; FINE POCKET KNIVES; large assortment of PORT-.MON.-\IES, some very nice; FANCY ENVELOPES, and FANCY GOODS, TOYS and YANKEE NOTIONS: An assortment of INDI.A RUBBER GOODS; COMBS, WHIPS, FISHING TACKLE. The public are respectfully invited to call and ex amine my stock. I have a great many handsome things that cannot fail to please. JAS. R. LEE, Hotel Building, March 31, 1859 1- Plow«! Plows!! PlowV!!! NO. C PL(J\V!>; 50 No. 10 Plows- 50 No, 11 *• 25 No, .50 •• 25 No. 60 “ Points, Bars and Mould Boards to suit. For sale by k LEETE. Jan'y 12 79. Butter. Cheese and Crackers. 1 A FIRKINS Goshen Butter; J.U 25 Boxes State Cheese: 10 Bbls, Soda and Butter Crackers. Just received by C. E. LEETE. Jan'y 12 79- (irill iVet and iSeine Twine. LBS, Gill Net Twine; 190 Ibfi. Seine “ Just received by C. E. LEETE. Jan'y 12 79- WM. ( ARTElt & S0.\, Wholesale Retail Dealers and Manafactureri OF .\LL Kl.NDS OF Ijeather, Saddles and Miarness, Of every description. Collars, Whips, kc. k ND we also particularly call the attetition of the whole surrounding country to give us a call, as we are de termined that none shall surpass us in quality or low prices; and we will give the highest cash price at all times for Raw Hides and Tallow, in exchange for our articles. Country Merchants wonM do w.-ll to call .ind examine our Stock, as we c.in sell ihoin .''iioes of a tuuoh better quality than tliey usually get. on very uccotnmidatiiig terms. Southern Planters would well to send us all their orders as we are making a No. 1 article of NEGRf) SHOES, that are warranted to give entire satisfaction, N. B. All .Oi-ders from a distance shall have prompt attention. S. S, CARTER. WM. CARTER. Goldston P, O,, Chatham C'o., N. C., ) March 15, 1859. / 50 J. W. BAKER Is now receivitifr from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of FrK\ITI'KF. ever offered in this market; which added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete; ■11 of which he will sell on tlie lowest ]iossible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in Betts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, al’. sorts; W'ash .St.nds; Candle Stands: Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass: W’indow Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; .Sofas in Mahogony and Wal nut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood Piaiio.s, one with ..Eolian at tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the best manufac tories in New York and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. September 2. 45tf wmni iOLLEiiE OF wmm, A T K I c H M U N 1), 5!iE5§!!»10.\ OF ^PHE next regular Course of L»otur»« will «uium«u«« 1 on the first Monday in Octobwr. and continu* until the 1st of March. (,'h. Bell Gibson. M. D., Profassor of S«Tg*ry. David H. Tucker, M. D., Professor of Theory and Praotioe of Mtdiaina. Beverly R. Wellfonl, M. D., Professor of Materiik Medioa and Tharapeulies -•\rthur E. Peticolas. M. l>.. Professor of Anatomy. Levin S. Juynes, M. D.. Professor of Institutes of Medieine. James H. Conway. .V. D.. Obstetrics and Diseases of Woman and Children. James B. MeCaw, M. D., Professor uf Cheoiistry. Marion Howard, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. Clinical Instruction in the Infirmary attached to the College, which is also the Marine Hospital for the port of Richmond, A great variety of medic-al and surgieal oases may be sewn in its wards, and numerous surgical operations are performed before the class. The Rich mond Almshouse is also open to students. The facilities for Dissection are unusually great,— .VATKR1.4L being abundant and cheap. Through the liberality of Dr. Thomas D. WTarren, of North Carolina, the Faculty are enabled to offer a pkiik OF O.NE lli xoRED DOLLARS for the best Essay presented by any member of the graduating class. FEES: To each Professor, £15 Dissection, 10 Matriculation, 5 (ii uduation, 25 Good board may Irt obtained in the sity at prioes ranging from S3 50 to $5 per week. For further information applv to L. S. JOYNES, M. D., Dean of the Faculty. Julv fi, 185W. 29-alOd PAIXTS, OIL.S, Acc. mPERM, Refined, Lard, Linseed and Tanners’ OIL; White Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; W'indow Glass and Sash of all sizes. —ALSO— A fresh supply of POND'S PAIN DESTROYER. For pale by J.\MES MARTINE. Nov’r 24, 1858. 6Gtf Turpentine Hackers, Scrapers, Pullers and Dippers, All of the first (juality. can be had at .M. A. B.\KEK’.S (JUN SHOP, Fayetteville, N. r. Jan’y 15, 1858, 80tf Notice to Turpentine Distillers and others. I.\M fully prepared to make or repair TURPENTINE STILLS, or do any thing in the Copper or Sheet Iron work, at the shortest notice. M. A. BAKER. Fayetteville, Jan'y 24, 1859. 82tf A HAWK^’^ BISTORf OF NORTH C AROLIBIA. THE 2d volume is now published. It embraces the pe riod of the Proprietary Government, from 1668 to 1729. It forms a handsome 8vo. volume of 591 pages. The subscription price was half a cent a page; but the pnce of this volume is less, say S2 75 in cloth binding, !s3 00 in library sheep, and S3 26 in half calf. It will bk SOLD ONLT FOR CASH. Owing to the diflScultj’ of securing Agents in many parts of the State, we will forwartl it by mail or other wise free of pottage, on receipt of the price; or both vol- ! umes for S4 00 cloth, §4 60 sheep, or 5>5 half calf. A liberal discount made to Agents or others, vrho buy j to sell again. E. J. HALE & SON. 1 Fayetteville, Nov. 3, 1858. 1 WAIVTED. An industrious, sober man, to take charge yf the Steward's Department of the Fayetteville Hotel, I (one of some experience would be preferred, but not I very important.) To such a man, fair wages and a I permanent situation can be given. T. WADDiLL. ; .\ugust 1, 1859 36-;Jt To Cuba and Back, l»y Dana; “Love Me Little, Love Me Long; Miss Mitford’s Recollections of a Literary Life; The W'ar in Europe, with Maps; Tom Burke, by Lever; Harry Lorrequer, by Lever;Davenport Dunn, complete; Both well, by Aytoun; Carpet Bag of Fun; Irving’s Washington, vol. 5th, in cloth and shee]>. Revival Sermon.s, by Rev. Dan’l Baker, D. D.; Peep of Day; Line upon Line; Precept upon Precept; Clarke’s Commentary; Scott’s Commentary; School Books, &c., &c. Further supplies just received. July 25 E, J, HALE & SON. Daily Expected and tbr ^ale. DIRECT importation: Per Brig Mary McRae from Rio Janeiro, 2000 Hags ColTeem 0. G. PARSLEY & GO W'ilmington, .fuly 27 35-2w 100 Ll\y FOR SILR. I OFFER for sale G40 Acres of L.-VND, lying on the West side of Cape Fear River, two miles below Fay etteville. and extending from the river into the sand hills. This tract is about equally divided into river- ridge, swamp and sand-hill Laud. About 80 acres, adjoining the river, arc under cultivation and are well suited to the growth of Corn and (Srass: none of the Swamp has been cleared. There are several good sites for a dwelling house on the sand-hills. .\ny person wishing to purchase will do well to make early appli cation, as I have determined to sell. THO.MAS J, ROBINSON, Sept, 8. 1858. 44tf Herring:! llerriugr!! BBLS. No. 1 Split and Bulk Herring; 100 Bales EXTRA HAY; 60 “ RICE STRAW; 20 Boxes ADAMANTINE CANDLES; 40 “ BAR SOAP; 25 Barrels M. VASSAR CO'S ALE; ;.’0 •* WHISKEY, some very fine, viz: Old “Dew Drop” (5 years old.) Family. Mag nolia, Reserve, Excelsior; 0 Packages FRENCH BR.\NDY; • 1 Cask CATWABA BRANDY, on Consign ment from a gentleman connected with a Bank in the city of N. Y.: will be sold on account of consignee. fiijf*Thc above are just rec'd and will be sold low by J. H. ROBERTS \ CO. * July 11, 1859 .31- Tiii: mvi:k L^VKiOIS i i OU! 1’KKrvRKH i;v I>K -ivNK 'l;i'. (umpouiided eutirely from Gl .>IS, ri ili.ATl\ K AMI 1« . UlHl f itml thiiii ai.T othtfT ui tri ONK OV TM^: HKST I Dli’INCS MOW 1 -A»ier. mil*ier, tktid morreftei U not 01.• r.jtAM »Mit a Lir^t 10 eiet'i ii» murbiU !iiKtt«r lh«r. .*u the toc^rrj ofr that matt^-,thna m‘rr.rai»likhun{ t hIIv, w'ith«».it any of the (lainrnl exp** .i *1.* (»r m -«t CfUhaui-M. It *troiig:ilivn*» \hm Ui»»» rhrtt it y>uric»*« It . arnl wh**n tik.*n i'l A..i mihI build ft Up witU viii')»tial r»l any luoo STITCHES IX A MiXrTK’. These machines are warranted First (Mass, and fully equal to the highest priced Machines. Observe:—We invite all to bring any garment. Coarse or Fink, Heavy, or Light, which we will make up at once, thus establishing the reputation of our Ma chines—the only low-priced machine as yet offered, sew ing with two threads and €i«uaranteel no Hunil»u|ir! The.se machines will Gather, Hem. Stitch or Fell in the most beautiful and substantial manner. Our new and improved heminer will turn a hem of any width, stitching at the same time without previous basting. We watTant these Machines to be just what we here represent, and we guarantee to refund the monej' to any person, who, after learning their use. is not satis fied with his bargain. ®^*'Testiinonials can be seen at the rooms, and re ferences given. E. T. BARRY & Co.. Proprietors of the Patent for Middle and Eastern North Carolina, to whom apply for County Agencies, Wilmington, N, C,, Ilth July, 1859, Messrs. E. T, Barry & Co,—Geittlemen:— THE SEWING MACHINE of Scovil & Goodell's pattern, whicli I purchased from yon some lime since, sews with great rapidity and neatness. Its great re commendations are its simplicity of construction and its adaptation to family use. The negroes and cliildren about the house soon acquire a knowledge of its use. and sew apparently as well as the most experienced, I have no hesitancy in recommending it as a useful in vention. Respectfully, Your ob't, .serv't,, M. LONDON. June 27. 35- i'hf litvrr oti« of ih» ! ; ati-i whet» it ::! the ate It rtlniofi oiitii^lT /.trer for the projHK perfotm >macb at lault, theboweU :■ ronfc«f4uenr« h«v!tig l to do u« d*i;> fHTi. on« ot the proprietor* prHrtice of more thau titeut,\ to rixinreraot the It i» UabU. To prove I hat tbitren^edj \» bled with Liver I'oiii- haa bnt to trv a b>itle, and Th««p tumt r^ruoTe all theaTBtam, 9'ippljinK in their inrip'oratin^ the Kt«>maoh, |)Uiifytrie tlic blood, whole macintiery. remoriiiK effecting a radical cure. BIISous attacks are better, prevented, by er liivt^orAtor. Oue dn»(» after eating It huT . td ijrevent the food from Unfv on*; •io>>e tak«n btfort! p ;ncipal rv*;iiiH-,,.. pt»rformt *■ Tm* cli • ' **> fully dev^lorc i o the b»al h.*- v' ' ..• anr*• of i;i fui.cMoii* V ' »• •• are at fault, t^ .« uf oue orgAii - the llv i Kt*r the d’»eai«' o tL*.; '-r Ua« rtiaiU >1 his >.■ » ▼ enrs. to ffr-.d iiiartr lie:t > at lant fouud. aut (>e. boIi tr> n plnllit, in at)> or iit feiM.* cutirivtiou f«c«»;tiiin. motbid or bmi rua'tcr place a beahhy of bile rauHing f«»od i«» dijt«»t»«ll. giTiiiic tone and bvalth to ti^r the cau«e of the dii«avt>— cured. Mild, hat |» thtt oct'ftfiional u^e of the ficient to reliere the »t iiMch ri«it>K And bouring. retiring, prevents \l|'ht'> I\orth Carolina Readers* NUMBERS 1 AXi) 2. PREPARED WITH SPECIAL REFEKE.NCE TO THE WANTS A.\I> INTERESTS OF •h'^rth Carolina, L'.'tDKR THE AUSPICES OF THE SCPKRINTKNDEST OF COM MON SCHOOLS, Bl' Kev. F. yi. Hubbard, PROrsSflOR OF THE LATIN LANOUAGE AND LITERATURE IN THB UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Mtate Bonfl!« tbr $ale. QTA Y. Marble Factory, 50 Scouring; ^otj tlie White Horae. “What Will He Do With It?” by E. Bulwer Lytton; Mill’s System of Logic, kc. Also, further supplies of School Books. Jutt received, 1- E.j|J. HALE & SOS By (iEO. LAUDER, TWO DOORS .IBOVE C. T. HUGH k SO.\S’ STORE Fayetteville, N. C. Jm’7 20,1859 . 64-7p4 ork, on the 1st April and 1st OiJtober,) in quanti ties to suit. -^pply at the Branch of the Cape Fear Bank. A. McLEAN. Jjine 1 19tf Ijand and Wood* ,V('RES of L.AND lying on the Fayetteville & Western U. K. 7 miles from Town, I 450 Conls PINE WOOD cut and piled. All for sale j cheap to close the concern of C. E, Roberts & Co, 1 Apply to J. H, ROBERTS & CO. I June 2U, 1859. 24tf I Trustee’s iVotiee. I i LL persons having debts due against William R. : McKenzie must present them to me at my Store in the town of Clinton, on or before Thurstlay the 11th of -\ugust next. Having been appointed Trustee by said McKenzie, for the benefit of hia creditors, I will on the j aforesaid day, make a linal arrangement of said debts, J 80 far as there are funds in my hands so to do, and ac- ! cording to the provisions of the Trust to me executed. T, M. LEE, Trustee. June 17. 1859 24tAll IP, I rp.\KEN up and committed to the Jail of Cumberland I County on the 15th inst., a NEGRO BOY, named . JOHN BK.'VCE or JOHN FR.\NKLIN, who says he is free, and, that he came from (,'olumbia, S. 0. John i.s , small, a bright mulatto, and had on when taken up a I white wool hat and steel-mixed frock coat and pants, j The owner of said Negro is notified to come forward, , prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he [ will be dealt with as the law directs. I GEO. L. McKAY, Jailer. ! Oct’r 15, 1858. 65- ft O ni)(ht, 1>'OMn» tl-r )>-. tl veiiesft. meal willourv 1>^ itpt p^lu ft|M>fnfuU will al«A^s ’ »■ > reue'es iioilc. a t’lrt tn>e for 1 of Cholera, needed to ihrt»w oi:t o: th cine after a \ov.£ su kncrk^ Jaaiidlee rt*o.o^«« ai: •>. fruin the skin time l»efore vHfin|r ■ ftKvi well ; CTtrea C'hroiilr Dim while u 111 111 r I' h alD)Ost to *be d ' tackle cAi>»ed b> W • ^fer. or * l>ro |>4y, i iilU loti« Type. It are willii.k tnxii{ Vv mare, Uoly one dote taken at gently, and curee C'og- One do^e taken after each One lo*e of two tea- 5illrk lleadacHe. One bottle taken for fe- of the diseaHe, and >nly one doae immediately One dote often repeated it Mnrbut, and a preventive Only one bottle i« •Tftiem the efTecta of medi- #^One l*ottl6 taker for l wn«'4« or unnatural ccdor One dote taken a thort fit: to the tppetit«. and makei ooe dote o^en repeated I'lioea in its worst forma. Ilowel complaints yield I >ne or two doses cnres at rhi’.'iren : there is no turer. the world, at It n#*»^r/ai7#, A few bottles cure* aborbentt. We take pleasure iu recnm pre»sntire for F«ver and and all Krvers of a lill- with ccrtAiiity, aud thouHauds wonderful rirtiies. All \wbo u«ie It are |i;lvin^ thetr >iitanlTnou trPtliHoiiy III lt« favor* Water In ttie nioiitti with the l4i\t ^orator, and swallow both tofj^ether. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IS A Si'lKNTinr .MKniCAl. uimovkkv. >.,.1 1- ■ wolking cures, almost too ffreHt lo believe. It r.^res ' Qiai'ic, th« Jirgt and »»* dum mor** one l*ottle Is required to cure any kind of I^lver Tomj : froJM ihe worst or to a cotum.m H-a all •' which are the result of a Dfseased l^lver. PRICE 05K DOLLAR PCK BOTTLK. Dr. SANK0U1>, I*rop: it^tor. I’-n-i ^ r \^w Vurkc Rtaailed by all S/' t JAS. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSDALE. Fayetteville, N. C. Nov’r II. _ _ 62-1 y $125 Reward. I WILL pay $25 reward for the apprehension and con finement in any jail, so that I get him again, of my boy REUBEN, who ranaway on the 31st May last, Reuben is about 30 years old, about 6 Teet 8 or 10 inches high, dark color, will weigh 150 to 1G5 lbs., small eyes, very thick lips, and has a small scar on the back of one of his hands, near the root of the thumb. ,Vnd I will pay a further reward of $100 for proof suffi cient to convict any white person of harboring said boy or seducing him from home. JAS. C. McEACHIN, Laurinburgh, Richmond oo., N. C., June 10 [24tf Further Supplies ot* BookM. The AMERICAN ALMANAC for 1859; FATHER AND D.A.UGHTER, by Miss Bremer; “WHAT WILL HE DO WITH IT.” by Bulwer; SCHOOL BOOKS, &c., &c. March 7 J. HALE & SON. NUMBER 3, CONTAlNINd A FAMILl.VR HISTORV .\ND DESCRIP TION OF NORTH CAROLIN.\. 8ele(‘tion.« in I’rose and Verse; many of them by eminent citizcn.'S of the State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. And a variety of Miscellaneous Information aud .Sta tistics, by C. Mi. IfVMl’. J UMBEll 3 is a new and revised edition of the North _ Carolina Header, first published in 1851. Ntimbers 1 and 2 just issuetl, complete the series, which is, as a whole, cheaper than any other series of Readers in the United States, and as complete. The Editor (Prof. Hubbard) in his Preface to Num ber 1 deems it proper to allude to a few of the peculiar advantages aimed at by the Superintendent of Common ' Schools while making efforts to have this work com pleted. These are, j 1. The encouragement of a feeling if self-def>endence, and ' the enlistment of popular sentiment in behalf of the State | and its institutions. It w^as not thought important, how- ' ever, to have more than one number of the Reader of j merely a local interest. 2, To remedy the evil everywhere complained of in com- , won school*, of a perpetual change in tut bookx; an oxpen- 1 sive habit, and one which injures the .Schools by pre venting the children from being classified, A series of home Readers, it was supposed, wotild be certainly used, j and this great evil thus avoided, 3, Economy, the popular system of Readers being too ; long and being made so often merely to adl to the profits of authors and publishers. This series is to consist of fewer numberg than those gener.illy used, and it is believed that these numbers are sufficient, while if the system were universally nsci in the State, the sum saved to parents and children would amount to several thousand dollars annually. 4. To put in the hands of children learning to read com- potilions sujKcitnfly familiar but not of the character called childish compositions, containing, in lessons easy enough for all ages, coiTect specimens of style, interesting in matter, and inculcating proper morals, and religions in- ftruction. The prices are, for No. 1, 25 cents; No. 2, 37^ cents and No. 8, 75 cents. A liberal deduction from these prices to )Ierohants and School Teachers, E, J. HALE & SON, Take IVotice! This is the last call that I shall make to those in debted to me: If not paid by the 10th August, I shall give them to an officer for collection. Those that I have dunned from time to tinie. and never paid, need not expect any indulgence—for I’ll put them through. This notice is intended for those whose note.s and ac counts have been standing over WO days. M. FAUI K July 29 S6tA10 Notice. 4 LL persons indebted to me as Guardian of the Heirs iV of Charles McAlister, dec’d, are hereby notified to come forward and pay up, and save costs. CHARLES COLVIN Fayetteville, July 30 36-1 m Negroes wa:^ted! THE subscriber wishes to buy FIFTY* l,MKFL,V .^'EGROES, for which he will pay The Highest Cash Prices. Persons having such property to sell will find it to their interest to address me at Clinton, N. C. A, S. C, POWELL July 2(1, 1859 35-6mpd THE WOKLD’S »BEAT EXHIBITION PKIZE MEDAL AWARDED TO €. TIEIER, FOR HIS TWO PIANOS, LONDON, OCT, 15, 1851. Cl MEYER, respectfully informs his friends and the /, public generally that he has constantly on liand PIAI^OS, Equal to those for which he received the Prize Medal m London, in 1851. He has received during the last fif teen years more Medals than any other maker from the Franklin Institute, also. First premiums in Boston, New York and Baltimore. -A.11 or^lers promptly attended to. and great care taken in the selection and packing the same, Warerooms, No. 722 ARCH Street below Eighth, south side, PHILADELPHI.\. July 18. 32-9tpd ~ W. TILI.ER, P MiME.tn EEP tii.l, IMPORTEK OF FANCY GOOD.'^, Toys, BEAD.S, and CONFECTIONERIS’ ARTICLES, China Dolls, Rich Vases, Toilet Bottles, Inks with Figures, Jewel and Card Receivers. Etagere Articles, .tc. Latest styles of goods constantly received and sohl at the very lowest cash prices, W. TILLER, No. 21 South FOURTH .Street, PHIL.\DELPI11 A. July 18. 32-2mpd ]¥otice—]%eg:roeH Wanted. TO the farmers and citizens of the Counties of Duplin, Wayne, Johnston, Harnett, .Moore, Cumberland, Robeson, Bladen, Coiumbus, Brunswick, New^ Hanover, and Sampson: The subscriber being desirous of purchasing a num ber of Likely Young NEGROES, of all cl isses and des criptions, a\"ails himseir of this method of informing those who may have such jiroperty to dispose of, tliat they would do well to visit me at home, or addres.s me at Clinton, N, C,—for which they sh.all receive a visit. Between this time and the 15th October lbo9 I wish to purchase 40 to 50 young negroes for the Alabama market, EVERETT PETERSON July 13, 1859. 31-4m 200 BblM. ol llerriiij^ For sale, very low. 200 Bbls Herring, by GEO, W. WILLIAMS & CO March 14 90 The .\ew Edition of Devereux & Battle’s Law Report*^) Vol. 1, ECEIVES the approval of those who have examined R Chief Justice Nash says, “I have looked through it— t is carefully and well got up. * * * i think to our Court it will be invaluable—and to the Profession equally 80. It will save the labor of deciding the same points again and again; for there will be no excuse for Counsel not being apprised of points already adjudicated.” Gentlemen of the Bar who have purchased and ex amined it, concur, so far as wc know, in praise of it. For sale, with sk,ts or separate volumes of North Ca rolina Reports, and Law Books generally, by E, J. HALE & SON. The S^ociable, or lOOl Home A- musements; The .Vutocrat of the Breakfast Table: Lec tures of Lola Montes: Chronicles of the Bastile. illus trated; The Magician's Own Bcok: Living and Loving: ifliiticellatieou^ Rook«. The -•\merican Home t.larden, illustrated, by Alex’r Watson; The Old Plantation, by Hungerford; • Sylvan Holt’s Daughter, by' Holme Lee; Self Made Men, by Seymour; Episodes of French History, by Miss Pardoe; Kendall’s Santa Fe Expedition; ' Miss McIntosh’s Works; Percy Anecdotes; Lives of the Queens of Scotland, by .\gnes Strickland; j Barnes’ Notes on ihe Books of the New Testament; I Literal Translations of the Classics; Abbott’s Life of Napoleon Bonaparte; &c. April 9 E. J. HALE & SON. Secret History of the French Court, by Victor Cousin; Adam Graeme, by Mrs. Oliphant; Love .Me Lit- Livingstone's Travels: Live and Learn: The Power of j tie. Love Me Long, by Reade; The Science and Art of Prayer, by Prime; School Books, &.C., &c. i Chess, by J. Monroe; Chess Hand Book, by an Amateur. Further supplies, just received, I The Art of Extempore Speaking, by M. Bantain; School Jan’y 31 E. J. HALE & SON. 1 Books, &c. £. J. HALE & SON

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