h Uv. 11 _ Tv Ic ' n .f . u 0 in • ,.T' • ' r" pun IU I- i niii'iw K . 1 ^ . , 100,000. i‘^id> ill. I' • '• K. Jr=, .Nil \ )« \Su Sr.- k-: it e-. iOtPif . p -li- . i; a, •h > i: fi('e. I ■itin. H i;:: .Ill : )h: ■// i. f.iii’* . .■ ( i.pic-^ ol _ ir -i.|iic : .. .^ . .,1 r: ck (■ wrk .■II -in V ;ia ^^ilI •1*1 r^*-' sv-.-- mI . eh Ui^ II-' /’ tfn fio jyp IKJBTJMB, [V(M. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., AUGUST 15, 1859. [NO. S40.] PR1>. TED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS EDWARD J. BALE & SON, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS ^>e 1 >'■ -he Semi-Weeklj Observer $8 00 if paid in vJv ii' paid during the year of iubwrip- n; or 5l after the year has expired. •.... V\'etiily OBSEBrsR S2 00 per annum, if paid in iJvan. e t- 60 it' paid during the year of iubscrip- i , n ov ici 00 after the year has expired. g^;j' aDVERTISLMENTS inserted for 60 oenti per ol i*’ lines fOr the first, snd 30 cents for eacli .’f.'Ung pubUcation. Yearly advertisements by spe- .. I .nTract?, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are i -ti 1 '0 -jtal^ the numV'cr of insertions deaired, or V ^ '1 be coniiuued till forbid, and charged accord- H. W. HORNE, JiTTORJVB JiT M.JM W, ^JAY be found at the Offifa of Wm. B. Wright, Esq. near the Court House June 80, 1868. 28-lY JOSEPH B.\KER, Jr., ATTORIMEV ,*T L. A W , HA3 taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright's Law Ofiice on Green Street. He ^ill attend and practiee In the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland. Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 28, 1868. 7«tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. AND Forwarding Merchant, m/*ilmingtout *V. C. 4(^Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be shipper! to other ports or sold in this market Feb. 12, 1855. C7tf A CARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIEND8- THOSE persona for whom I have been attending to Banking business for years;—I am i»till willing to serve you with the same promptness that I have always done; and to others that may want discounts, Pension business, &c., &c I offer my services, with a promise of Btrict attention. JAS. G COOK. June 27, 1859. ‘ 2Ctf D. & Vi. McLAlRIN, JLD invite attention to their large and desirable oeii A'lvevti^eiueuts to bo insertei inatde, charged 60 per sxini. P. J. !I^I.\€LA1R, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE. N. C.. 11^ ILL practice in the Courts of Robeson, Cumberland, Vy Harnett and Richmond. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to bin. Feb’y 5, 1869 86- SPKCIAL NOTICE. Fr and after this date, no name of a new subscriber ■Til K, entered wiihout payment in advance, nor will . tio sent to such subscribers for a longer time kui i= paid tiir. Siicli -'f I'Ur old sub-Jcnbers as desire to take the pa- .; II ibis system will please notify u« when making i Tniuauce;!. Jan V 1. 1 >68. JTOHir p. FILLER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WILL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS OF Kobesoli, Cumberland, Culumbus and Blad«n. Oflfico Hi Lumberton, Robeson Co., N. C. July 1869 u>9tf FAYI TTKVll.LE HOTEL, T. WADDILL, Proprietor. ’HIS. the most commodious Hotel in Noith Carolina, fronting 3H) feet on Hay and Donaldson Streets, located in the centre of the ■ iijrm-:'? portion of the town, and surrounded by all . . Si Hiking Houses. Wholesale Merchants and princi- [ Pii liui'i' Dealers. Business men will find the Hotel a convenieit ai.'.l oitmfortable house. .Vii the Stuges arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fs.vetteville. Oct. 1. 1858. 61- IlOUSIl KAYETTKV1I..I.K, C. £ iKf ilde 0/ Gretii Street, a /eic doors jVorth ■ of the Marktt. i - ^ • rpHE Subscriber de-nres through this medium . ; I A to ackowledpe the liberal patronage bestow- | ed upon his House the past year—and as he | ;. i» just erected New Stables nnd Carriage Shed conven- [ iont to the House and to water he takes pleasure in say- i iiip to his patrons aul the public generally, that he is 1 still prepared to accommodate tlieni with ti-ansient and | permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance j of the liberal patronage heretofore received. Every ex- ; ertion on his part shall be used to render them comfona- j ble during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market affords. j P. SHEMWELL. j ■March 24, 1858. • 8G-tf AYAE H01!»E, GOLDSBORO'. N. C. The undersignel announces to the public that he has taken chavge of the abuve Es- ] tablishment, and i;-prepareil to accommodate ' Boarders, by the day. week or month. And j he assures all who may favor him with their patronage, j ’.'.lai he will endeavor to give perfect satisfaction. Table t ipplied with the best the market atfords. JAS. G. SMITH. Goldsboro’. Jan’y 28, 1859 84-lyr LUTTEKLOH^ LINE. Law ]\otice. JAMES L. GAINES and son E. J. GAINES, wiU, in future, practice law in copartnership, in the Coun ties of Montgomery, Stanly, Anson and Moore. They may be addressed either at Troy, N. C., whwa E. J. Gaines resides, or at Norwood's N. C. Troy, .\pril 7, 1859. 4tf LOVMD ELWiDGE^ mMttorney at ILaw^ ll^ILL atteud tho Courts of Johastoa and Sampson fV Counties. . Smithfield. April 15, 1856. 9Ctf jrRT^Bl LX. A, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ASHEBORO', N. C., ll^ILL attend the Courts of Randolph, Moore, Mont- gomery. Davidson and Guilford, and promptly at tend to all business entrusted to his care. March 10, 1859 WILLLWI J. PRICE, Muitpector of Stores^ wiLMiyoToy, y. c. Solicits the patronage of bis country friends and all others engaged in the Turpentine business. Officc I'Vortli Water Street. Nov'r 22, 1858. 64-lypd F. M. bYzZELL, GROCER AND CO.EMISSION MERCUANT, No. 29 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C PROMPT and personal attention given to the reception of all kinds of country produce, either for sale or shipment. Orders for groceries from cath customers will receiv* immediate attention, free of commiseions. Nov. 19, 1858. 64-ly BOOK-BINDING rN all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch [ Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered. THOS. H. TILLING hast. Opposite the Female High School. Hay Street. May 14, 1859. 14-ly • C/%ROLL\A CITY STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. THE underBigned have been appointed by the General Commissioners in Salisbury, to receive subscriptions tv the Capital Stock of the above Company, and have prepared a Subscription Book, and are ready to receive the same, on application to J M Rose, at the Rail Road OflSce A A. McKETHAN. J. M. WILLIAMS. J. A. WORTH, JNO. .M. ROSE. Commissioners. FayeWevill^, N. C., June 20, 1859. 25tf ^^otice to Soldiers’ \Yi«lowM. The Widows of Mexican Soldiers, and the W'idows of Soldiers who died i.v service in the war of 1812, can have their pensions continued by calling on the under signed, Congress having made additional provision for them. Give me the management of your claims, and the money shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSE, .\gent for Pensions. Fayetteville, June 12, 185B. 19- TIN PLATE, Sheet Iron, Iron Wire, COOKi:VG STOVEK AlfD TI.V-WAKE. .\lways on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. R OOFIXO. O UTTERING, And all kinds of Jobbing, done at short notice, by C. W. ANDREWS, Market Square, Favetteville. 27-tf July 9. 96-6m WORTH A: ITLEY, Forwarding and General Commission Merchants, Fuyettei'ille, .V. C, J. A. WOKTH. JOS. UTLET. R. n. ORRELL, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. Those sending their Spirits Turpentine to me may reU' upon it to have prompt and careful attention. My warehou:»es are fronting the wharves and near the river. Sept’r 13. 45tf Dr. R. .^C'OTT now perma nently located iu Fayottevillu. and offers his profession al services to the community. Office two doors east ol the market—formerly occupied by Dr. Benbow—where he can be found during hig regular office hours, from 9 o'clock A. M. until 1 o'clock P. M.; 8 June 2 P. M, •• C •• P. M. I>E.\TISTRY •JUtf nOOTS A- SMMOES^ AT WHOLESALE. JNO. M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA, W I T II P. P. SHAW &: CO., 31 AND 33 Dey Street, New York, llTlLL be happy to see his Southern friends at the above establishment, where, either personally or by order, they may be supplied from an extensive ami well assorted Stock of Goods in that line, gotten up expressly for the Southern trade. Nov. 20, 1858. C7-ly. T. E. BOMNSTEDT, tJgent for Chickering^s Pianos, Of which he has always some on hand. Wilmington, N. C., Ocfr 2. 1858. 51-lypd Heavy Ciiinny doth; UNDEE COTTON B.\GGING; HOPE. HOOP-IRON and TWINE. For sale by C. T. HAIGH & SONS Julv 21 83-Kw IV y'TK.VMER “FANNV" leaves Fayetteville every Mon- ; ;y and Thursday morning, at 15 minutes after .Sun- .ind Wilmington Tues'iiiy and Friday, at o'clock, trryinp p.i'sengers and freight. .''ti-«mer )l,’THKHNKR," ^iih a full complement ■ .'Hiikes one or more trips per week, as circum- 'aii-:e“ ni:iy rcfjuire. Thv M-''iiient to the Steamer •■ROW.VN” will be re- airi-l in a few days. She will then take her place in tiieline. ' T. S. LUTTERLOH. r I. lS.-)8. r.l-tf x\EW LI\E, Dr. j. D.Wl.'' having decided on perma nently locating in the Town of Fayette ville. respectfully offers his services to the citizens of this place and sun'ounding country. In all the various branches of his Profession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extensive experience, to which is uddod a thorough Den tal education, that he can give entire satisfaction as far as is in the power of Dentistry. .\11 irregularities of the Teeth treated in a proper and careful manner, as well as diseases of the mouth. None but the proper metals are made use of iu the various operations, ^^'harges will be molerafe. that the benefits of tlie Profession may be plucel within the read) of all wlio may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. Office over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he niav be found at all times. Slay U). 1858. 9tf JA»i. C. S.MITU.] [miles COSTIN. JAS. C. SMITH & CO., Factors,, Commission and For- tvartlinfi' •lierehants WILMIN}TON. N. ('. PROMPT attention given to .«:»le of TIMBER. LU.M- BER. N.VVAL STORKS and all kinds of Produce. Liberal adviincoments made on Cnnsijfnments. Refer to E. P. Pres't Branch Hank of Slate. H. R. S.WAr.E, Cash'r Bank Cape Fear. John D vwsos. Es(^. July 20. 1850 3a-r,»nos H. GRAIIA.^1, WILMINGTON, N. (\ ll'^ILL give prompt and personal attention to all con- tV signments of Spirits Turpentine. Rosin, Tar and Turpentine, and all country’ produce for sale. (3ffice up stairs, over the store of Mr. Vonglahn. and joining Lutterloh's Wharf, North Water vtreet. June 23. 25tf T. i\ A: R. ii. W ORTH, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan'y 28, 185'.» 84tf wuh H. tFrlington, C' o III III i « i o II .^1 e I* € h a II t, WILMINGTON, N. C., 11 TILL give prompt ami personal attention to all con- >V signments of SPIRITS TURPENTINE, ROSIN, T.AR, (’OTTON. FLOUR, and other country produce, either for sale or shipment. My wharf anl warehouses being conveniently located ... . ... . I for the reception of produce, either by Railroad or River, M H j'S. ^ ^ I make charges light. ROBINSON givc.^ his personal attention ALLEN.] [J. ALLE^ & CLARK, II.VVH a-sociaied wifli me. in this line. Mr. John K. 1‘ iiley. and will style the firm OKHKLL & D.VILEV. 'Vo liave purch.'ised the Ste:imer Soi ther.skr. anlin T«'W days, will have u New Flnt employed with her. favoring u.-^ with their patrnn.ige may rely upon ■ npt despatch. Viy !ipi'lyin;i to Mr. I):iiloy on boaril. '0 me at mv odire. li. M. ORHELL. M. liRRKLt,. March 20, 1859 .JdUN 1C. D.VILKY. 8oo-tf RO It IA !^0 A’« n A AIPI L AT EH GL A \ O. 'PHIS FEHTILIZER. composed ..f one-half BEST PE- I RU\ 1 AN GU.VNO. one-half fine (iround Bone and BI'.ST l’HOSPH.\TI' GU.VNO. is in condition for iiiunediuti' lire, being prepared with new and improved 11 ‘■•liincry. by which means the most intimate conibi- li tti'iu i;^ effci-icd. reducing all to a uniform fine powder: tind li.r (Uiplication by drill or otherwise, it is in the iiii. t {i. rici-! ,1'der. .\nd we have no hesitation in say- i-u. tiiiii t'.i- all it is equal to any fertilizer ever "tfiTed to ih(> tjirniiiig community. Tlie quality will V>e kejit perfeoily uriilorm in all cases, ami Warranted to tontiUa H per ct. of .\mmonia A N 1> 4'. Til 50 PER (’EM. I)F H)NE Plinsril\TE OF Ll'IE. FAYETTEVILLE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPAM. ASSETS $254,618.62. This Company has been in operation more than six years, and has paid its fire lob»es, amounting to $23,524.87 without any assessment; insurftiM,'e averag ing its members about J percent. Amount of property now insured. Sl,')(j3.4iH).Ol .\mount premium notes now on hand, 247,7v8.Ub Dikcctors. S. T. Hawley. W. N. Tillinghast, A. A. McKethau, J. D. Williams, Geo. McNeill, D. A. Ray, H. L. Myrover. S. W. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. -A. Stedman, S. .1. Hinsdale. T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. .NlcLaurin. A. E FayetteTille &. Albemarle Plank Road Co. A N N U A L M E E T I N G . The ANNUAL MEETING of this Company will take , place at Fayetteville on Thursday, 25tli day August j next. J.\S. 0. COOK, Prest. i July 24. 34- La borers W^antecl. ^HE Western Rail Road Co. wish to employ 4 able- 1. bodied Slaves for the balance of the year, to work on track repairs between Fayetteville and Little River Depot. W. A. KUPER, Ch. Eng. & Supt. July tJ 29tf OROCERIES, Consisting in pan of— 150 Bags Rio, Laguira aud Java Coffee; 100 Bbls. and Hhds. Sugar (asaorted;) 25 Hhds Molasses; 30 “ Bacon—Sidec and SkduldcTs; 500 Sacks Salt; 150 Boxes good Tobacco; 125 “ Sperm, Adamantinw & Tallow CandUa; 50 “ Soap (assorted;) 50 “ Candj ‘‘ 100 Bags Shot “ 1000 lbs. Bar Lead; 30 i Bbls. SnufiF—KagW Mills; 25 Kegs Soda; 250 “ ^’^ails. — \LSO— A large and general assortment of Hai‘dl«are and Cutlery; Farming Utensils, of all descriptions; American, English, Swedes and Peruriau Iron; Blister, German and Cast Ste«l; Blacksmiths’ Tools; Coopers’ Do.; Corn Shellers and Straw Cutters; Buckets, Brooms and Pails; Cotton, Manilla and Juta Rope, (all kind* and ; quality;) Plow Lines and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at factory prices. .\11 of which will be sold low tob cash, or on usual , time to prompt paying customers. ! jjfe^CocsTRY Merchants are respectfully requested | I to call and examine our stock before jiurchasing else- ] ' where. D. & W. McLAURIN. March 3. 1859 ' 93tf IMPORT AT lO AS FOR THE FALL OF 1859. The subscribers have received most of their purchases for the approaching Fall Trade, embracing a large and general assortment of Groceries, Hollow-Ware, By the Ton or less. Sole Leather, Calf Skins, Shoe Findings, With articles generally wanted for manufacture of Shoes' In great variety, and SADDLERY HARD-WARE They have also added largely by Dircct Importation from the Manufacturers in Europe to their CrTl-BRY* Department, by which they are enabled to save to their customers the Northern Jobbers’ Profits, and they are disposed to sell at a small advance on cost on their usual terms. They solicit an examination of their goods by the Trade generally. In addition to the above variety of Goods, which in the aggregate constitute one of the largest if not The Largest Stock to be Found in North Carolina, the undersigned are Sole .\gents in this place for Mess. Wm. Carter & Son, of Chatham Co., for the sale of their ISIPERIOR BROOAAI^. Messrs. C. & Son are manufacturing Shoes from Leather tanned by themselves—except the outer sole; iheyTiave all the recent improvements in machinery, and are making A Shoe That Planters Will Find Superior in every respect to any ever offered for sale in this sec- * tion, and at a reasonable price. Call and see I! GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. .\ugust 8, lS6y 38- ^Xe1\.REST and QUICKEST ROUTE TO THE RAILROAD! A BR^§SS n*IRE. GOOD supply of various No’s just received, which we can furnish low. D. & W. McLAURIN. May 2. 10 tf Aespoes! Aegrroes!! Wanted. Gentlemen, your old customer is yet in market for Likely Negroes, for which I am determined to pay the Highest Cash Prices* Persons having such for sale would do well to give me a call, or address me at Clinton. N. C. Ail orders promptly attended to. J. A. McARTHUR. CLator.. N. C., March 6, 18.'>y. 95-lyrpd Wagons! Wa^on«!! IW.\NT to hire five or six Teams, immediately, for which I will pay a very high price. JAS. G. COOK. June IG 23- To Rail Roati Contractors! JUST RECEIVED lOO WHEELRARROWS, light and strong, for the Rail Road. For sale by D. & W. March 29, 1859. McLAURIN. 800tf •las. G. Cook, A. W. Steel. Jas. Kyle. Hon. G. Shepherd, K. F. Brown. Wilmington. Hall, Wilmington. Ofuceks: GEO. .McNElLL, President. 1>. \. R \\. Viet* Presilent. C. McMlLL.\N, Secretary John Col'ins anil C. C. McCrummen, Travelling Agents. ®?jr’The Company invite applications. May 19, ly.39. lOV THE AORTH CAROLIAA MITI AL LIFE IXSI RAXCE (OMPAXl, in the tenth year of successful 0}>eration. with growing cajiilal PU'l firmer hold upon public con- fitlence. continues to insure the lives of all healthy per- son« from I t to b(» years of age. for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. .MI slaves from 10 lo tid years of age are insured lor one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. •\11 losses are punctually paid witliin 90 days after sati'ifactory proof is presentel. For further information the public is referred to.Agents of the Company in all parts of the State, and to R. H. B.\TTLE. Secretary, Raleigh. J. HALE, .\gent at Jan'y 18o9. Faj-ettevHle, N. C. :?HTl AL Company, ATLAATIC: Fire and Marine Insurance CAROLINA CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. Incorporated hy uu Art of the Lcgishiturc of II n X^orth ('ft I'olin ft. ■ preji.iriiig tliis article, and purchasers can rely on •HiiUiNso.N 'i N!.\Nn’t L.XTKD 'l ASo ' being in every par- 1 ' Ular as rep. osented. .\11 orders will receive im'medi- «i!e utteution. F. ROni.1iSO'¥ & CO., No. 4 IIuLLixuswoRTn Stbelt, up stairs, BALTI.MORE, Md. ROBnSOX’S MA.MPIL.1TED «l.4N0 Is for sale in lots to suit, BV THE FOLLOWING AGENTS: JONATHAN TYSON, Frederick, Md. J C. NEVETT, Alexandria, Va. J. H. BRADLEY, Fredericksburg, Va. GARRISON & MAIGNE, Norfolk, Va. E. H. SKINKER and CO., Richmond. Va. THOS. BRANCH & SONS, Petersburg, Va. T, C. & B. G. WORTH, Wilmington, N. C. R. C. LINDSAY, High Point, N. C. > -V 34-2mospd tf .M. CLARK. Coinnii^tiiion .llerchaiits, WILMINGTON, N. C. DEALERS IX LIME, PLASTER, lEMEM, HAIR, Ac. 6e^ .\genfs for Rush & Orrell’s Line of Steamers. Prompt personal attention given to consignments o Naval Stores, Cotton or other Country Produce, for sale or shipment. Jan’y 19. 18r>9. 81- willia:?! d. :tiah3^ inspector of A*aval Storeg^ WILMINGTON, N. C., W ill jiay strict attention to all business entrusted to his care, and solicits a share of public patronage. Office in Hall’s Building, No. 43, (up stairs,) Xorth Water Street. April 8, 1859 4-6mo8 This COMPANV being duly organized, is now pre pared to receive applications for insurance upon BuiUIln^s, Merchandise, Furniture. Mills, Manu factories, Ships and their t’arjroes. And most kinds of property, at remunerative rates of premium. It is aimed in the organization of this Company, to make a safe medium for Indemnity and Protection to the assured in case of Loss. -\n honorable and upright course of dealing, and a faithful fulfillment of its con tracts. will at all times characterize the business of the Cenipanj'. Applications for Insurance may be made at the office of the Company, or to its authorized Agents. DIRECTORS. John A Parrott, Levi T Oglesby, W B Grant, David S Jones, Geo W Dill, ('ol Thos J Blakely, Luke Blackman, OFFICERS. John A Parrott, Levi T Oglesby, W S Long, F. A Thompson, * B Chapin, yf B Grant, ) W S Long, I EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, uavid W Bell, j March 12. 96-Gm William S Long, David W Bell, A B Chapin, Samuel LelTers, Joel II Davis, D A Hargett, E MaUett. President, Vice President, Treasurer, Attorney, Secretary. Blanks for vale at thin Office. TAKCA IP, T.\KEN up and coir.mitted to the Jail of Cumberland County on the 1-Oth inst., a NEGRO BOY, named JOHN BRACE or JOHN FRANKLIN, who says he is free, and, that he cam-'! from Columbia. S. C. John is small, a bright mulatto, and had on when taken up a white wool hat and steel-mixed frock coal and pants. The owner of said Negro is notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he ■ will be dealt with as the law directs. GEO. L. McK.W, Jailer. Oct'r 15. 1S58. • 55- ^tate RoncU for Kale. MT.\TE Coupon Bonds, (Coupons payable in New 0 Vork. on the 1st April aud 1st October,) in quanti ties to suit, \pply at the Branch of the Cape Fear Bank. A. McLEAN. June 1 19tf AOTIl'E. VLL persons indebted lo me as Guardian of the Heirs of Charles McA.istei'. dec’d. are hereby notified to come forward and pav up. and save costs. CHARLES COLVIN. Fayetteville. July 80 •'.•‘.-Im ai^:;roe« wa\ti:u. THE subscriber wishes to buy FMFTV L,MKKL,\' .VEiiROKS, for which he will pay The Highest Cash Prices. Persons having such property to sell will find it to their interest to address me at Clinton. N. C. A. S. C. POWELL. Julv lit), 1H59 :i')-tjnipd j THE WOKLU'S GREAT E.\II1UITI0N PRIZE MEfVL i AWAHDI^:D Tt> V. -IIKVKR, ! FOR HIS TWO PIANOS. LONDoX. OCT. 1',. 1851. f \ MEVEH. respectfully inform-i his friends and the V , i>ublic generallv that he has constantly on hand PIA.XOS, Equal to those for whicli he received the I’nze Mtihil in * Lonthn, in 1^51. He has received luring the last fif- I teen years more Mtdah than any other maker from' the Franklin Institute, also. First premiutns in Boston, New York and Baliiinore. All orders promptly attended to, and great care taken in the selection and packing the same. Wareroonis, No. 7l'_’ .\RCH Street below Eighth, south side, PHIL.\DELPH1.\. July IS. :^2-9tpd HA HISTORY OF NORTH f lROLIXA. > The 2d volume is now published. It embraces the pe riod of the Proprietary Government, from to I 1729. I It forms a handsome 8vo. volume of 591 i>ages. The ! subscrijiiion price was half a cent a page; but the price j of this volume is less, say 75 in cloth binding. S3 *^*0 1 in library sheep, and ^3 25 in half calf. It will be ! SOLK ONLY FOR O.iSIt. j Owing 10 tha ditBculiy of securing Agents in many I parts of the State, we will forward it by mail or other- i wise free of postage, on receipt of the price; or both vol- I umes fur S4 UO cloth, S4 50 sheep, or S5 half calf. .\ libeial discount made to .\gents or others, who buy j to sell Hsain. E. J. H.VLE Sa SON. ; Fayetteville, Nov. 3, 1858. ' To Culm and Back, by Dana; I ‘-Love Me Little, Love Me Long: ' Miss Mitford’s Recollections of a Literary Life; , The War in Europe, with Maps; Tom Burke, by Lever; Harry Lorrequer, by Lever;Davenport Dunn, complete; j Bothwell. by .Vyfoun; Carpet Bag of Fun; I Irving’fl Washingtotf! vol. 6th, in cloth and sheep; Revival Sermons, by Rev. Dan’l Baker, D. D.; i Peep of Day: Line upon Line: Precept upon Precept; I Clarke’s Commentary; Scott’s Commentary; . School Books, &c., &c. Further supplies just received, j July 25 E. J. HALE & SON. I Land and Wood. QPQ acres of LAND lying on the Fayetteville & OUO Western K. R. 7 miles from Town. 450 Cords PINE WOOD cut and piled. All for sale i cheap to close the concern of C. E. Roberts & Co. ! Apply to J. H- ROBERTS & CO. 1 June 20, 18oS. 24tf HOLMES & ROBINSON’S FOIR HORSE ST.iGE LINE TO KENAVSVILLE, VIA WARSAW, IS the shortest and most expeditious for travelers going North or South. Leaving Fayetteville every dav at 2 o’clock P^. M. THROUGH IN TEN HOURS. The traveling public who would studj' their comfort and convenience will take the Warsaw Stage. THROUGH TICKETS TO WELDON may be had at the Stage Office, Fayetteville. Aug 5, 1859. 38-1 y 1'^OR the future we will call for ladies and children and _ deliver the same at their residences within the cor- ; porate limits of the Town, who take passage on our lines I of Stages. Male passengers will be received at the Stage ; Office, and delivered at their respective homes in the corporation. Each passenger will be allowed 60 lbs. of baggage free of charge. HOLMES & ROBINSON. Cont’rs Warsaw Line. C. S. BARBEE & BRO., Cont’rs Raleigh Line. Fayetteville, Aug. 5, 1859. 38-2mpd Grapes! Grapes!! Grapes!!! i S we have erected a large stone Cellar and Press for the purpose of Manufacturing and Refining Wine, we would like to buy, in addition to the production of our own vines, from 100 to 1000 bushels of Grapes. In our absence for a few weeks, all who wish to have i Liberal prices will be paid, according to kind and r,- J 1 .1 I ...1.5 11 _i , ripeness of the Grapes. The Grapes must be perfectly ripe, and free from rot or green. Scup- pernong. Muscadine, Bullace or Catawba will be pre ferred, and higher prices paid for them than for other kinds. We do not wish to receive them in lots less than five bushels. The Grapes must be delivered the next GAS FITTINGS AND FIXTURES. The subscribers will be prepared by the middle of .•\ugust. to supply every description of Buildings,— Dwellings, Stores, Factories, 6ic.—with all the neces sary FIXTURES, for the inti-oduction of G.\S. ■\s we are constantly engaged in the business of build ing Gas Works in this and other States, we of course can afford to bring on a large stock and sell on more reasonable terms than others. Our stock will include Chandeliers, Pendents. Brackets, Glass, &c. As we have leased the works for five years, ii will be to the advantage of those requiring such fixtures to get them of us. since upon us will fall the care of them, keeping them in repair, &c. For this purpose it is both our interest and pleasure to emply none but the best Gas Fitters. the Pipes introduced into their buildings, will please leave their names with Mr. W. N. Tillinghast, who will give all necessary information on the subject. It is desirable to know as early as possible, so that the Fix tures may be introduced at the same time with the con struction of the works, and thus all may light up eimul- taneouslv. WATERHOUSE & BOWES. Fayetteville, June lo. 22-tf day after gathering. Aug. 6 STEDMAN & HORNE. 38-1 m FresH %±rrivais. JUST received pr Steamer Fnnny. 4 Bbl». Extra No. 1 M.VCKEREL (for retailing,) 1(1 i “ do. “ 1 do. 10 I “ do. “ 1 do. 10 * MESS SHAD; 30 i.oxes CHEESE: 100 Bag« New Hulled BUCKWHEAT FLOUR: Fulton Market Beef: Mess Poi-k; Goshen Butter, Pocket Salt: Sugar: Coffee: Molasses: and every thing in the provision line; which I will sell cheap for C.\S1I or ex change for country Produce. W. C. TROY Nov. 3. IS.'^. 60-tf «PRlA€.i ^^TVLKJii! The Fciyal, Everest aud Uafeloek Ha(§! 4 L.^O. a beautiful assortment of ihe LATEST STYLE ^ SOFT H.^TS (liigh ami low crown.) and all the styles of the most elegant Hats of the season,*can now be seen nt the Bazaar. Corn, C'oHee, )^ug;ar, A:c. 1 f\rn\ bushels CORN; iU'/U 40 Bags COFFEE—Rio, Java and Laguira; N. O. SUGAR; CLARIFIED Do.; CRUSHED Do.; 20 Bbls. WHISKEY; 5 Hhds. B.\CON—Sides and Shoulders. Just received and for sale low for c.\sh. J. H. ROBERTS &.C0. Aug. 8, 1859 38-2w •,>000 A. March ll> .McRIM.MON. 97-tf Ice C’reani! Ice Cream!! ^piIE i*|^criber having lately refitted his ICE CRE.VM L S.XLnyX. at the Shcniwell Houip. will be pleased to serve tlte Ladies and Gentlemen of Fayetteville and vicinity, on and after the 27tli inst. The Saloon will be opened at 9 o’clock, A. M., and kept open until 10 P. M. P. SHEMWELL. .April 25 1S.'>9. 8tf Dr. FRANK WILLHMS’S RYE WHISKEY. R MITCH ELL has made arrangements with Dr. Frank Willitims. to be constantly supplied with his celebrated RYE WHISKEY, which can be had at his Store at all times, by wholr-sale or retail. Oct’r 11. 1858. ■ 53-tf Per««oiiM in Want ^F PURE and splendid flnvoi'ed old Whiskey can >>e furnislied by us with Old Dew-Drop, Magnolia, Family. Excelsior and Reserve brands, all of which we warrant as represented or no sale. J. H. ROBERTS & CO. We have other couimon bnimls of Whiskey, but none of the "long range,” such as Coflin, Rifle. Monumental, Blue Ruin. J. H. ROBERTS ,k CO. Julv 0. O' P - 1. • ^tPRE.ni: cot RT REPORTS. NEW EDITION OF Devereux and Battle’s Equhy, Vol. I. The subscribers have just printed a 2d Edition o^ this volume, (one of the most valuable of the series.) with Notes nnd References to otJier adjudged Cases and to the Revised Code, by Hon. Wm. H. Battle; and with many corrections of tyj)Ographical errors. They have now in press the 2d volume, also with Judge Battle’s Notes, which they will publish .soon. Their 2d Edition of the 1st volume of Dev. & Battle’s Law Reports, issued last year, has received the appro bation of the Profession. They also republished a 2d Edition of Devereux’s 1st Equity (without Notes.) And in addition to these, are the proprietors of the entire editions of most of Iredell's Law and Equity, and can supply any volumes extant of the Reports, or complete sets, so far as thej' can now be had. They deal largely in Law Books, and will at all times order works not on their shelves, to supply their cus tomers. E. J. HALE & SON. Fay«tUviU«, May 16, 18^9. Bri.^ iflary TIaclJae Arrive*!! BAGS COFFEE. (“Superior,' and “(Jood ■'irsts” Rio classification.) receivel direct from Rio and for sale at New York rates by (). G. PAH.SLEY & CO. Wilmington, -Aug. 5. :J8-2w AAAI AL WETiLEflEATJii. n’^HE Subscribers would remind those inde>)ted to them 1 that this is the period of ihi.* year in which it is most convenient and desirable to have a general settle ment. They are preparing to for'vard accounts by mail to those at a distance who owe fcr books, printing, &c. Those indebted for subscription to the Observer only, will be able to ascertain the atnount due by reference to their last receipts. Persons having accounts agairst the subscribers will please present them for payment. E J. HALE & SON. July 1, 1859. MlilllClL fOLLEdllFlllM I AT UICIIMOXD, I^ES^iilOA OF 18.>0-«0. fPHE next regular Course of Lectures will commence X on the first .Monday in October, and continue until the 1st of March. Ch. Bell Gibson. .M. D.. ProfesBor of Sui’gery, &e David H. Tucker. M. D.. Pi'ofessor of Theory and Practice of Medicine. Beverly R. Wellford, .M. D.. Professor of Materia .Medica and Therapeutics. .Arthur E. Peticolaa. M. D., I Professor of Anatomy. Levin S. Joynes, M. D.. , Professor of Institutes of Medi«ina. I James H. Conway, M. D., ^ Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. James B. McCaw, M. D., Professor of Chemistry. Marion Howard, M. D., Demonstrator of .Anatomy. Clinical instruction in the Infirmary attached to the College, which is also the Marine Hospital for the port of Richmond. .A great variety of medical and surgical cases may be seen in its wards, aud numerous surgical operations are performed before the c1as«. The Rich mond Almshouse is also open to students. The facilities for Dissection are unusually great,—* M.1TF.RIAL being abundant and cheap. Through the liberality of Dr. Thomas D. Warren, of North Carolina, the Faculty are enabled to offer a frjzf. OF O.NE Hlsdbkd Dor.L.\Ks for the best Essay presented by any member of the graduating class. FEES: To each Professor, S15 Dissection, 10 .Matriculation, 5 Graduation, 25 Good board may be obtained in the city at prices ranging from S3 50 to per week. For further information applv to , L. S. JOYNES. M. D., Dean of the Faculty. July 18i». 2V-»lOd imuiiii