■: b.' ifi.- 1.=.^ 'um: tl';,:-.: ■' ^ 1 . .,, rt'ii'rri t ; ri'i t ,! R,. H li::^l,- ten o >ndi; ’i‘h, n tt.ii- V ' ’' ‘tb "•U" Snl- .ueco.. in. . a,^ni ,T ahouti ■►'“ti' a, notVith. , .;=*» fciade. In ■ K* orn 'u^.e .1 ,L t l«>.or, caro- ■'' fiftv ,j;,‘;f » jier. ,n. and ,h" ‘’‘■■uLaiion, extend. Pr^.j^rty to a ve® ‘■■s S -ir wirh 'iieajf • i •'• ■ ‘de r--ues ..ill, " ’ ■••-’N.-r. ; in ‘ ■'•’J, Wii.K - • ''T.- i up ■ ■; ” “ \v-item • g!Ve« --•abilitT nnipiw, ^ o\ \. Ri - iERj-EsL\ 00,000. PHldfUl. Iv. BR\('E. Jr.. Nr,') 1 C j Sil. . k. ■ r,lM ,, fc-i.n:K) l'M‘72 \Vu; ItuL’’ >■•! Pr..\ -■ lerv Hartford, ei---■ V t L- i«v. i orik. v.Cto!^’v. Ri J0,' ■!l 1 J.5’ • -r-,1 'HI I 1 l,4iiii •j.400 w,i, ’0 00.4.jit ■ ^ o w -U.4'- - J 1 '■iji i :: i. t't uj I ; -vy 4’'j - -T.'n ' •,4'*‘.' 1.'4.4t:! l-.L'UU i;j,4n" s_ V’i 1^) il.^. >' ~~S' ■} I' r,.l 1 ,•:'»• J4. o -to 4::. i. .. ■ ' •^,■*'5 «7 -. .J., r-cvUlo. ff \lj:. = le t'= T ory.. «■ L'reat poli- . Ml.I 1 Ri'lifal, Mr ■■:.,4i acf> r. - i)D ,^ ii-nce. i. they It 'rer-?. heing .1 ’he ;irofe«- ■ » »TV cIm — V. r-.f..i.J .f ■ ti,.- ,Hd. ; :ari e. ■• Britisli Rep- - -nd,- lUk .f -lib- Per tnn. i»0 ;> O'I 7 •»*' H 'ill :i 00 1(0 ]il (l4> ft /// be ‘ ■■', iie Jjore price ir! copielj of l our-)opies ■> r-nt one ad- /{i vii ws and Black- ! iWiiH. rne!^.' works ='iK. When sent by f L "! d Htiitcs wijl ;ir for Hlafkwy-d.” for each of the Re- th> pcf n it // n: thoj^d . 1 VHoho ’ j i T & ' '0-» ■■-av-et Vai,;.. or;..,^ 1'.:- : . in ' ■ : r itei v-t .4,1 ■ — K. •ccn -t. 2’ - it . 1 1 : .. 25,1 ri He: ! :i: intercii ■'•■2, -‘75 J ;.u. K SBMI-WEEKI.T. fV(M,. IX.l FAYETTEVILLE, N. C„ AUGUST 18, 1859. [NO. 811.] l'lilNTKI> MOSllAVS AM* TtU!|!Sl>.\V.S. KUWAKI) J. HALE 4 SON, KlUTOK:^ \M* I’ltOlMtlKTlHlS j I’viic f''r till- Siiiii Wrokly Oiiskkvf.r S3 fMA if paid in | n.lv.ini'o: •">' if paid diiviiig ilic year of sul>:ori]i- i il.m; ov 5^4 nfior the yoar has expired, i-'.ir rlif \Voekly IMiskuvkk S- OO per annum, if paid in ti.ivrini’o: >- 50 if paiil durint: the year of mibscrip- li 'ir. V ^ ' *'•* lifter the year has exjiired. .M*VEirnSLMKNTS inserted fo> t'lO cents per s iiKire of 1> lines for the first, and ;>0 cents for eacli siu-i'oo'iin}: publicnti>>n. Vfurly aivertisenieiU3 by spe- , i;il .'ontriirts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are ri‘ntn"^l-'d to state the number of insertions desired, or tIu'V will be continued till forbid, and charged acoonl- iiisrly. A'lvoriisoiiu-ntii to be insertpd insil>\ chargod 50 per cent «xtr:\. Srr,('lAl, NuTK'K, From and after ttii d;ito. noTianioof a new suliscriber w: : In* eiiiorcd witlioiit p.iyiiiciit in advance, nor will the I'apev bo sent to such subscribers for a longer time th:in i> l«ii'l I'"-. Siieli ‘f our old sub.'Ci-ibers as desire to take lliu pn- jur >11 ihi> >ystem will please notify ws when making reiaittances. .lan'y 1. 18.'>S. J«40. TIIC «^IO DUI Kl.i: I.OCR MTITCIi FAMILY SE\VL\4; MACIIIXES. Now ON KXHIIUTION ,\T Till', McK.VK lU'lLDLNti, WKSTOP FAVKTTKVILI.K MOTKL. HOll KTIII.\i; .\i:w. rOMTLETE WITH THE TABLE. SK\VI>U\V1T11 T»0 TllRE.VnS FKOM TWOSrOOLS. I'AFIiNTKli JAMAKY 4X11, I S')'J. .V' ! iimfihcati d Murlii-i’ . fj—A'o (reding Out cf Ordur! K>p(‘ciaU) Vdapted for Fanill) k tMaiitutioii I itv. The Ksarf^tMt Varria^r l\trtor»f hi the South! >IcKKTHA>; RKSI’KCTFULLV informs hi.s friends juid tlie {>ublic. that he has built up large substantial Hrick P.uild- ings at his Old Stand, exjiressly for manufacturing Car riages. Tliankful for the very liberal ]>atronage he lias rwceivud for the last L*1 years, he hopes by strict atten tion to business, with a dusire to gi^’c satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same, lie warrant»; his work to be made of the best material and hy exi>erienc«d workmen in eacli liranch of the business. His work will compart' favorably with any made in the rnited States, for neatness ami durability, lie is determined to sell and do any work iu his line on as g«>od lornis us any work ilcine elsewhere tli.at is as well done, lie now iias on hand, finished. TllK f.AUtiliST STOf'K OF Carriage*!, Barouches, Kockaways and Bugg:ies ever oflcred in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be tini*hed daih'. .\11 of wliich will be sold vury low for cash, or ou short time to punctual customers, pr^^lle has on hand more than ONi: IILNUIIKI) AM) FIFTY VEIlU’l.FS finished and in eottrse of construction. {fc3y"All wiirk made by him is warranted IJ montlis with fair us.age. atid should it fail by bad workmanship or material, will be I'ejiaired tree i>f charge. I’er-ions wishing to buy would do well to call and ex amine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and ]'rom|illy atten>led to. Uepaiiing exetniteil at short notice and on very reason able terms. Mav -JS. 1S.'>9. S'J-tf 'I'o llio lOOit STlTCiiEr^ IN A MLM TE: These machines are wuri'anted Fir-t t'lass. and fully eijual to the highest priced .^lachine'. Obsekvk:—We invite all tu )iring any garment. OoAKSE or Fin'r, Hevvv, or LtntiT, which we will make up at once, thtis estRblishing the re]iutation of our Ma chines—the onlj' Inw-priced machine as yet otfered. sew ing with two threads and Hiiaraiiteel no IIiiiiiImi^:! Those machines will (lather. Hem, .Stitch or Fell in the most beautiful and substantial manner. t,»ur new and improved henimer will turn a hem of any width, stitching at the same time witloiut ja-evious l>astiug. W*» warrant thc'c Machines to be.just what we here represent, and we guarantee to refund the money tu any person, who, after learning their use. is not satis- tied with his bargain. tLr2^Te>tiinL>nial3 can be seen at the rooms, and re- fcreuces given. F T. l’..\Rin' Co., Proprietors of the Patent t^r Middle and Kastern North ariilina, to whom apj'ly for County Agencies. Wilminoton, N. C., 11th.Inly, .Mes>rs. E. T. JKki’.y \ Co. — (iLnilt — THK SKWlNt; MACHINK of .Scovil .V Goo.lcH s pattern, which 1 purchaseil fmm you some time since, 'fW' with great raj'idity ;ind neatness. Its great re- cminendations arc its simplicity of construction and its adaptation to family use. Thenegro«»s and children about the house soon acpiire a knowledge of its use. and 'Cw apparently as well as the most experieucel. 1 ' have no hesitancy in recommending it as a useful in- , vuniion. Respectfully, Your ob't. serv't., M. LONKON. June 27. •>;*)- piixos: piAXOsi! piAXos::: J. r> BO^WEI^r, l*iuiio OF I! A L Tl .M O li L, IS NOW IN F.VVE rTK\'lLLll, aiol will retuain for a 1 short time to sell and rei-civi' ■rdci * foi his cc’ubrattd \ew Scalt* ( ross .Striiijj St*>«“ii OrtJivi* I K O A V K A n i: I* I A A 1 The public are respectfully renuestod to call and see a samjile of them at Mcilue's lluihliug. Wot of the Fay etteville Hotel. They ar« a new :iiid beuuiiful article, atid arf* worthy of ati inspection from the tuusicjil jiub- lic. Those who should wigh to jiuridiase will ilt> well to call sot»n. -N. 15. Old Pianos will be taken in exchungi! in part pay. liV^Mr. 15. will atten^i to tiie TL.MMJ OF l’lANo,' during hit stay. Oidpr» left as above will meet wit.Ii j>rojiipt attention. •IIlly -7 'io- HISTOKV OF >OKTH l AKOLIXA. -d Volume is now piibli>hel. It embraces tin* pe- 1 riod ot till. I'roprietarv (Jovernmetit, fiom liii:; to 17J!i. it toriu“ a haiul>.,ine Bvo. vfilinne of o'.tl pages. The ttubscri]p|ion price w:i- h;ilf a cent a paire: but the price 'iiy 7") in cloth binding, .'?o 00 liilf're^t ol* MA. P.-VKFI'. wouM re-^peetfully inform Turpentine . Histillers and others that he is fully prep.ired to Manufaciure or Kej^air Ttiri>enti! ‘'. Hrandy ati'l Whis key' Still', W' i'vni-5. \c., in fact, anvthinrr in the line of .''heet-t’opj.er or Iron work. Particular attentioti given to the making ot .Steam Pipes from a uporior kind of t'opper. lor l’>oiitr%, .Mills. \c. All work entrusted to my care shall be properly done, and warranted, and on the mo>it favoral'le terms a-, re gards j'rice. Clive me a ‘all and «ce lor ymirself. and I know 1 '•hall have your patronage. P.eing a practical wnrkman. 1 attend to all the work my?elf, whieh I tind is to the advantage of both my customers and myself. Old Clipper bought for cash or t.aketi in exchange for | new Work. M. A. li.VKFU. j Hay Street. Fayetteville. N. C. j ;..'-)-''.mos FRESH ARRIVAL.! Second Stock Spring and Summer Croode. J. A. PE M BE IIT ON IS now reoeiving his second stock of Spring and i^um- iner Goods, embracing all the AKAVEST SiTAI.ES. Such as Summer Silks^ fmrenaditt’€S, f>r- ffatuHea^ AV., W iili ft great variety (tf new style goods for Traveluif:^ MPresses at9il i^UHterH, Also a complete assortment of .^oiiriiiii^ Ijr00d»i. A large and varied assortment of SlLlv AN1> LACK MANTLFS, CHANTILLY LACE POINTS, IJL’K AND WHITE P.KKAiJE MANTLES, STELLA SHAWLS, kc. .V few of those splendid French EMIUIOIDEREI) AND LACE SETS, (’OLLAllS AND SLEEVES. Douglas iS: .Sherwood's NEW .STYLE COKSETTS. (with Hustle and Skirt-Supp.trter attached.) A great variety of NEVV STYLE HOOl’ SKIRTS, I'tc., \.c. In the above stock may '»e found a great many new anil desirable styles, just out. Thu jiublic generally are invited to call early and examine for themselven. .1. A. PEMBERTON. April 19, 1859 7- x\EW JSI»RlI\CiJ OOODS. A » .Tfe » • James Kfjfle IS Now IIECEIVINC. A LAUtiE SUPPLY OF DRYr.OODS, HATH,8H()ES, lU) LT 1 X ; (’ LOT II &c.. Cedar Falls .Sheeting and Yarn at Factory Prices. All of which will be offered B Y W H O L E S .V L E OR R E T A 1 L, As low as the same quality cun be Inid in this State. March 185'.). 94tf SeroMff Sprinff Stoekm ST.VUll & WILLI.V.MS VVE received and are now opening their second supplv of NEAM>\ABIii: ('omprisiijg a >plendid selection of the newest styles of Faiic'v and ^taplt* l>i*y iioo4lw, llootM. Ilal«, ll«M»|» lt«‘a«ly-flaic‘ 'lofliin;;:, Wiih a lar^e variety of N* ri>N.S, to which the atten tion id' \\ holesale Buyers is invited. STRICT ATTK.N rilix I'XtK To (IKI>KKS. J. H. STARK. J. M. WILLIAMS Ajiril 0, 4tf II lUIRI^Bl!RCII UIGII SniOOL. The 14tli .Session of this Institution will fipcn on the 12th of JULY 185‘J, under the eharge of Dan’l. Stewart, Jr., A. B., a* Principal. Board can be had either at the^ Steward’s lliiU or in the neighborhood at S8 per mouth, uxelusive of lights and washing. For farther information apply to the undersigned at Laurinburgh, N. C. R. D. DICKSON. Sec y. lAurinburgh, June 18. 25-tf lIK\Ll'OLLEfiE(lFTIIESmE((FSO.l'l. THK ANNUAL COURSE OF LE('TURES IN THIS Institution will commence on the Second Monday in November, on the following branches: Anatomy Physiology Surgery Institutes and Practice Materia Medica (Ibstetrics ’heniistry J. E. H(»LBROOK. M. D. JA.MES MOLLTHIE, ,M. D. J. J. CHISOLM, M. I). E. CKDDlN'fiS, M. D. HENRY 11. FROST, M. D. THOS. G. PKIOLEAU, M. D. C. C. SHKPAI{D, .M. D. Demonstrator and .Vdj'ct. Prof. of Anatomy ‘ FRANCIS T. .MILES, M. l>. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy SAMUEL r.OCAN, .M. D. ('LIVICAL LECTUHES .\ro delivered twicc a week at the Murine und Rojier Hospitals by the Physicians and Surgeon of the Insti tution, and the Faculty Ward in tiic Roper Hospital by the Professor of Surgery. The .\natomical Rooms will be opened early in Oc tober under the direction of the Demonstrators ami Lee- j tures delivered. HENRY R. FROST, M. D., Dean. ' •luly 18. ;ib*4t I MIlllllL COLLI:i.l': OF VIRIiL\H.| AT RK’TIMOXl), 1 OW' 18.19-ftO. rpiE next regular ('ourse of Lectures will eonunence Portable iind Stalionary Unftinew, j Pnni|»!ii, ^'C‘. \\^E are prepared to receive orders for the great n AMERICAN PI MP, worked without ppcking or , suction, throwing from l(t to '.(> gallons of water per ; minute; sizes from 1 to 4, price .'?I8 to .57'». Patenied | A]>ril 5, 18.'>'t. Also. Dodge's Gutta Percha ball valve, i Suction anl Force Pninps I Contracts Taken for the Erection of Buildings, ! materials furnished, ami jobbing of all kinds exectued ■ with neatness :ind dispatch. | A 15 Horse Power .Stationary, and an 8 Horse Port- I able Engine, for sale cheap l>y I WALTON & BARRY, ! Machinists and Car Builders. j Fayetteville, Aug. 15, 18-50 40- Town papers copy. j Loatlicr and India Uubber i IIOKK, &c. THE undersigned hereby give notice that they are 1 prepared to furnish at short not ice every description of Machine P>elting and India Rubber Hose. Having in our employ comjietent workmen, we are at all times ]ire]«ared to jiut .'team Engines in order. .\ll orders promptly attended to. AVALTON & BARRY, ('ar Buihlers and Machinists. Fayetteville, N. C., .Inly 28, 1S')'.». 3."). TiiriM'uline Hackers «cra|M*r«, Piiller!«i and llipperw, \LL of the first I'lualitv, 'an be hatl at M. A. BAKER'S Gl Julv '^1 \\M. fARTEU & SON. Wholesale A Ketall Dealers and Manufacturers iiK ALL KIMiS OF ij€athe»\ SitihUes atiff Mittt'tiessn Of every dc'Cription. Collars, Whips, .Vc. \ND we also particularly call the attention !>f the whole surrounding coiititry to give us a eall. as wo arc de termined that none shall surp.i-' us iti quality or low ]>rices; and we will give the highest ca>;h price at all limes for Haw Hides and Tallow, in excli inge for our articles. Country Merchants wouM do well to call and examine our ,'^tock, as we ctin .^ell them Sh"c- of a much better i|ualiry than they usually get. on very .•icconiinod.-iting terms. Southerii Planter'; wo»ild do well to send uv all their orders as we are making a No. 1 article of NE;Uo SHOES, that are w.irr.anted to give entire satisfaction. N. I!. All Orders from a distance shall have jirompt attention. S. S. CARTER. W)I. (’ARTER. Goldston P. (J., Chatham Co., N. C., i March 15, IS-')'.'. j ‘ ' i\ew (mood^i! 1.VM just receiving my .Spring .Stock of tioods in my line. They were selected in the Northern cities by I mvselt, with great care, and bought on the most reason- i aide terms, by which 1 am enabled to otler the l.nrgost i stock I ever before oti'ered to the public, and to offer j them generally A (ireaily Reduced Prices. ! FRUITS—I'^aisins. Figs, Prunes, .Vpples, Lemons, Or anges, ('herries. Currants. .S:c. PICKLES, JELLIES AND PRESERVES—a great va- j rietv; I PERFUSlERIES AND EXTRACTS of various kinds: ^ FANCY SO.\PS AND POMADES: i MCS1('.\.L INSTRU.MENTS—Fiddles, Drutn#, Fifes, j Flutes, Banjos, Cmitars, xc.; I WALKlNCi t'.vS L.S—of every kind: ; P.ASRETS AND WILLOW WARE; i lloBBY HOUSES, \c.: ! NUTS; FINE AND COMADtN CVNDTES; S\RD1NES; i FINE CIGARS: SMoKlN} CHEWING TOBACCO; I CP.ACKFR.S; FINE POCKET KNIVES; I A large ass'rtiueiit of P01iT-M(»N.\lE.''. some very nice: ' FANi'Y ENVELOPES, and FANCY tlOODS, TOYS j and YANKEE NOTIONS; ! An assorinient of INDl.V RUBBER GOOD.S; COMBS, WHIT'S, FL'^HING TACKLE. ! The public are respectfully invited t ; call and ex- ’ amine my stock. 1 have a great many handsome things i that cannot fail to please. ; JAS. R. LEE. Hotel Building. March .31, 18.VJ 1- f^PKlAi; The Fayal, Everett and Havelock Hals! LSO, a beautiful assortment of the LATE.ST STYLE 1 iiigh KAHi:it iin\v rti i i\ iiiLT i'roiii f]ie X 2-"> in hall calf. It wi..r, hk Ilf this volume i- h.^ in lifirary slieeji, ai >i(>i,n oM,v Koii CASH. ()wing to thw dilficulty of securing .\gonts in many part'; of the State, we will forward it bv mail or other- wi-c free of f„.sl,ine. on receipt „r ,l,e pi-|,-,.; ,,r both vol- ; ume« for ■'^1 •>) cloth, .■* 1 -’ill 'lieep, nr Iialf calf A liber.al discount made to .\gi iii» ,,r others, who buy to sell again. 1’.. J. HALE \ S»N. P'ayetteville. Nov. H, l'^58. To 4'iil»a and Kack, by liana: ‘■Love .Me Little, Love Me Long: Miss .\litford -; Kecollections of a Literary Life; The War in Enropi-. with .Maps; Tom Burkt*, by Levi-i. Harry Lorreiiuer. by Lever: Davenport Dunn, complete; Rothwell. by Aytoiin; ('arpet Bag of Fun; Irving's Wa-hingfon. vol. .'ith. in (doth and sheefi; Kevival SiM-moiiv. by Rev. Dan'I l>aker, D. D.; Peeji of ll.iy: Line iipon Line: Prece).' ii]iin Precejit; Clarke’s (Jinniiieiitury: .Scolt's ('omrncnlaiy; School Books, \c., Vc. Further supplie® jii^t received. July -25 E. J. IIALE SON. Har|M‘rN .^la^axine ibr tst received. E. J. HALE & .SON. rtli tlif largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of ; FI it^i ri Ki: ever olFered in tliis market; which .added to his own manufacture, makes his as'orinieiii coni|>lete;— all of which he will sell on tiie Inwest po>~ible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashioii.ilile painteil cottage bed-ioom Furniture in sett-:; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; ; Looking }la“';es: Willow Wagotw and Cradles; .''ide Boards; liureaus: Secretaries and Book-Crt-ie>.: What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wa^h .Staiiil; C.indle .Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames .•md (ilass; Window Shades: Cornices; Curtain B.ind>: ."!of:is in Maliogoiiy and Wal nut: Tete a Tete-i; Ottoman-,; Div.iiis and .Stmils; Ch.airs of every variety. Fine IIoscwimhI riaims. out' with .Eoliaii at tachment; Ro.scwood .Melodiaii'. from the best m.inufac- tories in New York and Bovton, warianted as good as any made in the country. anl will be sold at New York lirices—freight only added. September 2. 45tf illarblc^ Eaotory, .“^OFT H.VT. I high and low crown. 1 and all the 'tvles of the timst elegant Hats of the season, can now be seen at the Bazaar, A. McRIMMON. March 10 y7-tf W. TIIJiER, r HMM..1 n m: #> f» ##i.f, IMl’OKTEK OF F.\N(’Y (JOOl>.. n'^oYS. BEADS, and CONFECTIONERS’ ARTICLES, I China DolN. Itich Vases, Toilet Bottles. Inks with Figuies, .Icwi 1 an.l Card Receivers, Etagere .Vrticles, iVc. Latest styles of gooiN constantly received and .'idd at the very lowest ca.-h priies. W. TILLER. No. 21 South FoniTIl Street. PH 1 l.ADFLPH I A. Julv IS. :i‘2-2tnpd the 1st of March. Ch. Bell Gibson, M. D., Professor of Surgerj-, &c. David H. Tucker, M. D., Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine. Beverly R. Wellford, M. D.. Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. .\rthur E. Peticolas, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. Levin S. Joynes, M. I)., Professor of In.stitutes of Medicine. James II. Conway, M, D.. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and ChihJren. James B. .Mct’aw, .M. D., Professor of (.’hemistry. .Marion How.ird, .M. D., Demonstrator of .\nalomy. Clinical instruction in the liitirii;ary attached to the i College, which is also the Marine Hospital for the port of Richmond. \ great variety of medical and surgical cases may be seen in its wards, and numerous surijical I operations are performed before the class. The Rich- ; mond .Vlmshouse is also open to students. The facilitic'^ for Dissection are unusually great,— MATF.iUAi. being abundant and chea]>. Through the liberality of Dr. Thomas D. Warren, of ' North Carolina, the Faculty are enabled to offer a J'KI/.k OK Onk iliN.iKEi> Dollars for the best Essay presented by any member of the graduating class. 1 FEES; To each Professor, Dissection, Matriculation, Graduation, Good board may be obtained in the oily ranging from .S:5 .>U to ^5 per week. For further information apply to L. .s. JOYNES, M. D., Dean of the Faculty. July fi. 18VJ. 2U-al(ld' A tki:ati.*i: ON THE LAW OF EVIDENCE, TKVTH K.VtiLISil KIHTIO.V. WITH COSSlllKUAHI.K, .\LTK.IIAT1UXS ANH A I) |l ITl I IN S. By tU- Right Hon. S. MARCH PHILLIPS and THOS. J.\ME.S .\RNOLD, Esij., one of the Police Magistrate* for the Metropolis. FOI KTII \MKKH A\ EIUTIOV, With COWEN A: lilLL'.S Notes, and with additional Notes and References to the Engli>h and .\T;ierican cases to the present time, including those added to the last edition by .1. Marsilen Van Colt. IJY T.^^AAC EDWARDS, CorssKi.Lou AT Law. In three large volunie'^. The uneipialled work of Mr. Phillips on the Law of Evidence has long been acknowledged. This edition has undergone a th,.rough revision by Mr. FMwards, and ha« received an immense amount of labor, atid is now as nearly jierfect a** can be matle. The .\inericau labor and talent bestowed upon the work are not less tlian that derived from the English source. The iiAiiort.al notes of Messrs. Cowen .s: Hill, together with those of Mr. Van Cott, have been care fully preserved; and instead of being put in a volume by themselves, as formerly, they are now jdaced below the text—a disposition of them which will very much faci litate reference. The entire note and text are arrangetl in three com]iact voliunes, with a table of c.ase-j, and an extremely full index to each. Mr. Edwarils h.a'^ c.ire- fullv noted any distinctions that n .ly exi-sf between the English and .\nu‘rican law, and has added all the l.ite .VnuM'iciin decisions. Several copies of this vtiliiable work ju-^t received and for sale t>v E. .1. H.\Li' V .SON. Fayetteville. 'N .''HOP. Fayetteville, N. .lan'y l-'i, IS-'iS. HOtf Notice to Turpentiiie Distillers and others. T.\M fully prepared to make or rejiair TUHPENTINE .STI LLS, or do any thing in the Copper or Sheet Iron work, at the shortest notice. M. A. BAKER. Fayetteville, .Jan'y 24, 1850. 82tf Hardware, Cutlery, MA»»i>i:isv, Jtv. \MF^S MARTINE is now receiving a large and gene ral assortment of every thing in tlie above line. —ALSO - .V prime article of Rio, l.aguira and Java COFFEE ('rushed and Brown Si G.\il: .''ugar House SIRUP and MOLASSES. .All of which is offered on as good terms as can be had in this market Nov'r 24. IS.^S. GOtf .1 School Aotice. School in the DONALD.SON ACADEMY will be -opened on Monday, October J'.d. 7't.nns i» r (Ji((irt> r >j'/cu English. 1? I ->0 Latin, Latin and Greek, 12 •'>» Contingent, ‘25 .\ few pupils c.an bo furnished with board in tin' family of the Principal, on Hay .Mount. JESSE R. McLEAN. A. M.. Principal. .\tig 10 =’>'■*- Denial Aolice. I\R. R. SCOTT will be absent from Fayettevill? :nout 1 ' two weeks from the l.sth of .\ugtist. Aug. 11 r.',> CIRClIiAR. E undersifTiicd has opened an Oflice in the Brick I I Building, two doors below tin' store of Mr. (Jeorge I McNeill, Hay .''trei't, at the foot of Haymount. where lie I is prepared to receive on ’oii'ignment for sale or lor ! shipment, 1 ALL KIMJS OF ('01 \TUY E. OK OTHKK AllTULKS. He will also, iwhe,n |ila-ed in funds t n- that jmrpii-^e. 1 promptly attend to the purchase and torwarding. ot all descriptions of Groceries and otiier \!crcliandi/e which may be reijuired or ordered. Likewise, he will attemi pronij'tly to .all kind‘s of B.VNK BUSINE.SS.—obtaining discount^ and making negotiations, renewing notes jmyable at l«ank, and pro curing and forw.irding Bank checks on dist.ant place'. Having had long persuii.il experience and knowled;re of the business and trade of the ]ilai-e, he tecl- great confidence, that by giving his entire and undivided at tention to these matters, and making only rea-iiiiable and very >tiolerate charges tor hi' services, he will be stinmlated and eueoura>ied by a liberal jiaironiige. and that in all cases he will suceccd in givin- entire and general satisfaction. 1>F,\ 1,1! i ^ RO.SL. Refer to Messrs. II. \ E. .1. Lillv. Mr. Georgk Mt Nkill. Tiios. S. Li ttkiu.iiii, Es'i. Faj’etteville, Aug. 10 4l-0w J!^rOVE.S SHEET IROW TI\-\VARir, cVi*. ON HAND, a large a-'>»rtn!e!»t of Pm«x and Cooking Stoves; Tin-w.aro; .Sheet-Iron; l..ead Pipe. Also 7/if “Off# Itoniinion t'ot/'er Pot.'"' For sale by J A M E,S M .V RT1N E. Nov'r 21. Gtit f PAIAT.S , OIIjM, A:i‘. ^PEHM, Ketined, Lard, Linseed and Tanners’ OIL; White Lead: Burning Fluid; Putty: Window Glass and .Sash of all sizes. —ALSO— Afresh suj.plv of POND'S P.VIN DESTR(»YER. For sale by JAMES MARTINE. Nov'r 24, "lH.')S. Otltf "‘AV THFi jr.i.m EXfLlSIVELl F^Y DRY iOODS! .1. A'. PKIOK Will Oi’i;n at No. 17, .Mai:ki;t .''iji Ai:t;, OK Sl;I•r^:.^tHKI!. Come and Look! -\ug. 10 UN Ttli: 1: Everybody! :','.'-tSl SI 5 Plow>*I Plow**!! Plo%v«!!! 10 50 No. fi PLOWS: r, 5U No. Ill Plowii; 25 5ft No. 11 “ at ju'ic*is 25 No. oil “ 25 No. 00 *• Points, Bars and Mould Boards to suit. For sale by .Jan'y 12 C. E. LEETE. 70- Itiitler. Ciiecoif and CVac-ker-*. I A EIRKINS Goshen Butter: I 25 Boxes .State Cheese; 1(1 Bbls. Soda and Butter Crackers. Just received by .lan'y 12 II lid w. ;ind SH( LDERS, July 2, IS-'V'.i. C. E. LEETE. 7'.t- Inimd Bacon, Mllll^^ just received and for sale bv D. W. McLAUBIN 2^tf iiill Ael and ^ i k LB.S. (iill -Net Twine; •)* I lOtt lb-=. .Seine .lust received hy Jan'y 12 ^eint* T%% ine. C. E. LEETE. 79- ii Tifis: i.s vi:ii t?. CKKri:\ I'K s\nk u;i>, (i>iii|>ounled entirely from til ^'S, ONK nK TUK l‘l’rt. .\TI VK AN1» [-IV1 U M K i:o»* ihe j»uM. . a* - ns a • V . rnl*lt?r. hii'I moir-’V-ctuHl ihM. a- y ..ther nifKco ♦ kii*.: iiol oi.ljr i% f.tUfirftr. but a Ur*r . aciii K *•'> ** * •t !•> t ilH iljeti on ih»* st«'inn- l» l*ov. II rv oL tlxMi m ifier. thu» accoiwpli^l iiiK two pc pox# - fi!. . w' thom HTiy of ihf j.HinfuJ ft-.-lincft exiiei 1 ii. ili.« - ^ ol' moKt f Vj/Ah ii'cj. ll i«frikiCtl.C»iH lh« ►y-tetn a. ll.e - • t’lul it psiri;'‘H it ; ttiDT whfti tnkeii liail.v in Kiif-uiflhvn Hfiil b «»!! ft up with .»n iKimJ rapjiiiij. u‘ I.Sv«*r on*» *»l Ihf • p.jr.oipRi r.*t:iil.. ; HJi'l hi»ii W {• wri*> >( tbe ^^klrIU ■•1 s' lifi .-I . : icli Ht UuM.tlirl' cDi » ii’ern iw 'tjrive.intncr fu; ^I PKIv^l) 4 01 KT KI:P0KTS. X E \\' I-: I > rr I o n () i' Devereux and Battle's Equity, Vol. 1. fPHE sutiscribers have iust printed a 2d Edition of 1 this volume, ( one of the most valuable of t he series,) with Notes and Ueferences to other adjudged Cases anl to the P.evised Code, by Hon. Wm. 11. l>attle; and with many corrections of typograjihic.al errors. Tht'v have now in pri-ss the 2d volume, also with •ludge Battle's Notes, which they will [iiiblish soiin. Tlieir 2d Edition of the 1st \olume of Dev. \ Battle's Law Re(iorts. isiued last year, has received the apiiro- batioii of the Profession. They also republished a 2d FMition of Devcreux's 1st Eipiity (without Notes.) .\nd in addition to these. ar‘ the pro]irietors of the entire editions of most fif Iredell's Law and Equity, and can supply any volumes extant of the Reports, or complete sets, so far as they can now be had. Thev ileal largely in Lnw Books, ami will at all times order works not on their shelves, to supply their cns- (oiners. E. J. HALE & SON. Fayetteville, May 10. 185U. A A All I. «iri Ti.i: n i: at.*»*. ^Plli'I Siibscri'oers would remind tho'C iiidelited to them I that this is the |ieriod of the year in which it is most convenient and desir.ilde to iiave n general .;ellle- ment. They are preparirg to foi ward accotnu': by mail to those ill a dist.auee who owe for books, printing. .Vc. , Those indebted for sub-script ion to the ((b- rM'r only, will be able to ascertaiti the .amount due by rcri reii'-e ‘ to their la>t recei]its. ^ PersoTK havinsT accounts against the subscribers will please jiresent them for ]>aymcnt. E. J. HALE .V SON. July 1, 1K5U. Fayetteville' \ Albemarle Plank Koad ('o. A N N r .\ L >1 E E T INC. ^PIIE ,\NNl.'AL MI'^yriNtJ of ilii ('ompany will lake 1 place at Fayetteville on Thursday, 25th day .\ugu-;f ! t I., >■ »■ o; ihe piniH it-:.- - >v‘ .vtnvifii fo vonnterA't ilic t( «• l-.iblt* ■f.» prove ihni '* . *'lll U V**!’ I; .•« bill lo l! V a boti :•*, n- 1 I hf'HC ■ ».:! , .V. piii ii vlii*: flir Vii. iC MM'tf H r;i'l;cal cn'c. lilUoiiv aftJirk^ mt- 1 »t \ or. o at Um Tourui. piiiint, i- . nusf ..f 111*. i«Hi. iiikI, \% hat t . - : f'otu, •.KSfP bl'luir : t *nJ> oi’i} ihU' reiiiui^. pi» ikiirbt. t' ti im*nl wUU-iire »>. H jU Jtiv K |*t Tirxt. July da JAS. G 14. CooK. Pre^i. :!4- iiy (JF.O. LAUDER, Twn iMHiRs iiwvR r. T. inifiii ft sovs’ stork t'ayctteviiic, €. Jan’y 20, 1869. 64-ypd Tli!t'ellaiic‘oii liookM. riMlE American II.mie Garden, illustrated, by Ales'r I Watson; The Old Plantation, by Hungerford: I Sylvan Holt’s Daughter, by Holme Lee; | Self Made Men, by Seymour; | Episodes of French History, by Miss Pardoe; j Kendall's Santa Fe Expedition; : Miss McIntosh's Works; Percy .Vnecdotes: ' Lives of the (Jiieens of Scotland, by .\gnes Strickland; Barnes' Notes on the Books of the New Testament; lateral Translations of the Classics; Abbott's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte; &c. April E. J. HALE & SON. (hronoloffy Of >orlh Carolina, from 15X4 to I85S by D. K. Bennett. Just received, ct. 21. E. J- hale & SON. IjaborerM Wanted. riMIE Western Rail Ko.ad (’o. wish to employ I able- i bodied .'Slaves for the balance of the year, to work on track repairs between Fayetteville and Little River Depot. W. A. Kl’PF.R. Ch. Eng. .S: Supt. July 0 2'.'tf Ntate Bond!« Ibr ^ale. S'T.\TE Coupon Bonds, (Coupons payjible iu New York, on the 1st April .and 1st October,) in iiuanti- ties to suit. ^pply at t!ie Branch of the Cape Fear Bank. MeLE.VN. June 1 - I'.ttf AOTK’i:. VLL persons indebted to me as (uiardian of the Heirs of '’harles McAlister, dec'd, are hereby notifi*d to come forward and pay up, and save co-t'i. CHARLES COLVIN. Fayetteville, July 30 3t)-lm 'A m t*0 :C % III orillr rt' •! I’Ml*'** ( ( h>tr takrii a'i«r *‘arti .*f lw.» ItfK «*nf THkt‘i) !«*• fe ‘be Hn«i i )it!\ oiit' itohi* »:!♦• nften repenu**! Htul H '>»i!y l>oitW is -‘Mil l)«e »*{lrct> of infrii J.olJit? lMkf»n for I- i»r uniiHiiiinl rob>r; t taken >* frhort ’ u'li lo !li«f ite, JtD«i tuake' ohiMJ repral«*l flim-n 1*1 lift worM fornit>. Itowel fomj’lHi I'tn yiel h:eoi t wu ('urpii h ' hlS.i' en , lh«ie i* ip* ‘•nte thr as it fnVh. 9-^ \ ffw cm I W** tMkf I* in |ri-i tt prt't'ntiv e lu- K"l • I* Jl iitwl »U i» of a 1511- t'lh . «»;il - t’nl \II All ivlio ii«* H ar** tlirir in tf'itlinoiiV 1*1 luvor. 0^ Mix Wa^tf-r Iu tlir tbr iii^ « iu»«l both t«i£:rther. THE LIVER INVIGORATOK IS \ Si'lKNTlKir MK1>H-AI, IIIS1-||\KIl\. ki • ... woTki?ijr ciiT«H. almt^^t iu* >rr»»a! to It ni:r ' * ritH fh* Jfn>( ami nunr •i,»* b/.tfle Ik re)>nif*'l to cure atiy kii.il of . ! oin t!ie wo!(»i Jttutifliff (» to « rufiMroti // •ill >r nhii*)i are the irfiJl of a lilvrr. (>b'>lriU'iioii !' fn;»k.‘?« a \ elie\ ( IkiIIi . ut ('liolerii. I.ft- U-.l to rmv afti'i a r • I troiu th’ >kn. lini** ti.:i ttanl u^ll. Ctll ( ll I >ll while S II III i Hlni*'.'‘» f'* 'b tH« ks •rtfiM , • ' •!'' Hiop'y, no Miiiltk: lb;» Dm- AiTiir, MM . It :ue i' Thin \\v ant! H'^HOSE who are indebted to F. N. .V .1. II. RolU’.RTS, I J. H. KOBEKTS .n: CO.. lold tirm,) and C. E. IIOBEKTS I.V CO., lo pay tlie accounts now due. 4'lll.S WEEKl As after this time we shall warr.ani and sitt* without resjiect to person';, on all such account' and notes then remaining unsettled. W'e have no time to dun. Aug. 15, 185'J 4'.*-lw 2Sii^ar Cane 31illM« Till! EE STYLES Of First Preniiiiiii ‘2 ami .‘J Roller Sujrar Cane Mills, Maintfaciured bv li. Bovi>i:.\ Ai so\, Salisbi KV. N. C. Aug. !i Sl'tNI Cotton Plantation lor Male. 1 OFFER for sale a Plantation in Marll loro' Di>lri*t, situated nine miles from Bennettsville, two and a half from Pee Dee [liver, seven from Railroad, and two from the Mineral Springs. The Tract contains TIIKKE HI \niJKI) A\D THIKTV-SKVK\ A( KKS. with 150 under ‘ultivation. The Building.* .are all good. \ NEW DWELLINti IIOL'.SE. with six rooms—tire- place in each mom, jiassage through the house, two piazzas, one in front and one in the rear. My Land will compare f.ivorably with any in the Di'trict. I ha\e sixty acres of I>og land cleared, th:vt .will make thirty bushels corn per acre. The ]ilac‘ is cultivated thi^ yejir by .lames Peterkin. He will show any oni“ who wishes to look over the land. My only object lor sell ing is I have moved West. Terms easy, .\ddress me at Bennetf'ville. S. C.. until 1st September, after that rinu* at .'^elma, .Ma. GEORGE PETEilKlN. Aug. 4 4uit i;,i\ii m\ (iiLi;. 1 OFFER for sale '>40 Acres ot L.VNl), lying on the West side of (.'aj>e Fear liiver, two miles below Fay etteville, and extending from the river into »hc sand hills. This tract is about ei{Ually dividt'd into river- ridge, swamp and sand-hill Land. .Miout Hti acre--, adjoining tho river, are wnder cultivatiim and are well suited to the growth of Corn and Gr.iss: none of tin- Swamp h:is been cleared. Theie are several good sites for a dwelling house ou the sand hills. .\ny pei'-*n wishing to purcluise will lo well to make curly ajipH- cation, as I have determined to sell. THOMAS J, ROBINSON. Sept. 8, 18-3H. 44tf liaiid and Wood. .\CKE.S ,if L.VND lying on ih(‘ Fayetteville .V • Western 1!. K. 7 inile-^ tioiii Town. loll Cords PINK WOOD cut and jol-d. Ml for che..\p lo clo'^e the concern of C. F. Koberl'i ('o. Apiily lo J. 11. liOBI'.UTS ,v CO. .) uiie 2' *. 1 2 111 J^^resfi tlrris'ais. JC.ST received i>r .^leanier Fanny, 4 Bbls. E.’cira No. 1 M.\CKEREL (for retailing,) K» .1 “ do. “ 1 do. Ill i “ do. 1 do. 10 * MESS SHAD; :{() Roxes CHEESE: 1011 P.ags New Hulled r.I CKWHE.VT FLoUR; Fulton Market I’.eef: M‘s Poik; Goshen Butiei-, Pocket Salt; Sugar; Collee; \iol.i--c': and every tiling in the provision line: «liicli I will sell cheajifor C.\SII or e\- chanije for count rv Produce. 1 ' W C. TltO^ Nov l''> i;n-i( Kill ilei’i'ins': No, I •ni llu'k lici t iiij£; KXTi; \ ilW- ;»t» •• KH'K sri: \ 15ox-s .\I>AM W ri\K ('AMtLKS; 40 fKICK n,SR noM.AK rcK Dr. SAN'KOKI*. i'n.r.rirtor .U'. ./»/ / o/w. t. I’TTI.K. Ratailed l>y aM i>ni(*;ri^i> JAS. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. N'ov'rll. ;2-ly ('oltoiiN ^loiintain Mcenery. FURTHER supply just received. " May 19. E. J. HALE i SON. I’.Alt so \1‘; 25 BarreN M. VASS VR .'i: I'o'S .\LE: 2*1 *• W 11 Is KF^V, some very fine. \iz: OIil “Dew Droj." veal old. F.iii:i!y. Mag nolia. I\»‘erw>. i'xce! i-T: I. Packages FIII NCH l i:\\l'Y; 1 Cask C.d WABA iillANICi, on Coii'ign- meiit from a ge’" Icnriii comiecti-d with a Bank in tlic city ■; N. ^ .: 'vill be '.ild on aceoiini of consi/iiec. The above are just rec d ind will be sold low b-, Ii BopEiM'S \ n I. July 11, IS.V.t :?1- leeward. 1W1LL pay Si'.> reward for t he apprehen'jon and con tinemeni in any jail, so that I get him again, of niv boy BECBF.N, wim ranaway on the ;Ust .May l.i'*. Reuben is .-ibout :’>U years old. about 5 feet S or I'l inches liigh. dark color, will weigli 15u lo 1 .•> lb-., small eyes, very thick lijis. .and has ;i sin.ill ' -ar on r,h>' back of one of his hands, neir the ro.tt i»f the thirnb. And I will pay a further r.'ward of i'. ■ proot ;dh cieni to convict any white per.'on of harb.n iMg .'.n 1 boy or seducing him from home. J.VS. C. McEAiJIIN. Laurinburgh, Richmond CO., N. C., June 10 [-■It