Mi ■'t . r;;_, j, - V ', iir I' iii\l!'l\i, i>. ' •>> ' • ■ I I in 1 11 V 1.00-,000. I’l 'ulnit. '• r- K. iu;\ri:. f:: -r V .■ } 1.1 .r j.. 11-»' ^ . w .. NJ 1 ■ \, . :: 1,: 1-. 4-.' 1 . I'J.T - ■ ^ r,i .; K % r:; -vii!o. i HAl.i: idOtPiv' .U.S. -liC Per in Id a'' ^ I'rH’P -If IIIOI'K ' •r; K'in'‘ "1’*',' .,T.- r—'>;• • Vi. B-' iinJ I'***' ■i,F W li 'ii . : •■HlM.kW'"''- ,u r „ of the :/nn »/ ) 1 /.-. /• III’" '' ■ i |'i;-iisliors. -. i,n & CO., li sirMt, ^•w ■ t* t -ii. d. ■ ZINK I't nri'i H ■ -cii- d ii-i • 1 -■ '■‘■ii'- r -A h- IT-''- ‘ , ■ ■-- -i V -■ -- - ,r- ^.v;r.i f -M. . !.. r ----i.;' ** SEMI. WEEKLY. (VOI.. IX.l FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., AUGUST 22, 1859. [NO. 842.] l>i:iNrKI> MONltWS AVU TlirKSl»A\S KDWAKl) J. HALE A: SOX, KPITOHS AM* riMl’KlKTOJIS 1>,•;,■,> t'.'i- il\o Svmi NV.M'kIv OiisKitvEii :?3 tH> if in i.lvMiii'i'; ■’•' if lurinir ‘he year of ;-ul>>iiTi|>- ijdii: I'V Hftor tho year lins f V ilic Wofklv Oii>i'>tvi--« ?’J 0‘> ^ler iiiumin. if I'liiil in .. |\ >:i ^0 if jMiiil (luring the year of sulwiTiji- - iii: or >>'' '•* afli'V llio year lias oxi'ireil. V At'Vl.H'VlSKMF.XTS in^ortoil foi tiO coiits per a of I'"' lines for the first. hihI :?) cents for each {'tiMicatiiMi. >'early a'lverliseii\ents l>y sjie- ;i‘ .• ■inrai-is. at rewsoimtile ratt's. .\ilvortisurs are IO'l 'o state the iiiniiher of insertions ilesire'l, or ■;,'v will t>e ! oiilinue'l till fijrbiil. anil charirel accord- \ lvertisenients lo l>e inscrlcl insi'h. cliargoil r)(> per ■, n: xxtra. SrCflAl, NoTH'K. Kv >ni aii'l after this l:iie. no name «>f a new suI>scrit>or «,:i 1m'eniereil wiihout ^'.'lynit'iU in ativaiiee. nor will ill- napev tic ■iciit 1' such snhscrittcrs for h longer time t‘ 111 is jiiii'l for. Slid) ■■four olil su)i-;crihor« as do^irc lo take the )>a- j ,-r .III this sys'lem ■will ilca*e notify lu when niakiuir 8 4 0. Tin: !«io D(»i iii.i: rocK ktitcii FAMILY SE\VL\(i MACHlNEiS. ;|N KXMir.misN AT Tlir. MoUAi; r.riLDlNG, WKST OK FAVKTTKVILLK Hi*TKL. (’OMl’I.KTK WITH THK T.\I?LK. SKWIX. WITH T^VOTHKKADS KKOM TWOSIMIOLS. l'ATENTKl> J.VM AUY 4tII, A ' ■ ’ •ri/f.-/ .V —.V ■ I't, liu'j !u -f Ordtj-'. K^iu'ciall) Vdapt(‘(l for Faiiiil) «l riantation l a»o. /fi: Pi Th*> C€trriti!t;r i'artort/ in ISn’ Soitlhl 3K KF/i IIW !_) K.SJ’K('TFrLLV informs his friuniU and the juililio. I RKSII AKKIVAI^! Second Stork Spring and Summer Croods* ,}. A. PK.AIHHIITON IS now receiving his second stock of !?ij.)ring and Sum mer (.'loods, cmiiracing all the \ i:\v t:sT »T V1.1:». Such as Summer Si//,s, f>r- With a irreat variety of new style goods for Traretitii^i- Ifresses am! iPnsters. •\lso a coinjilete assortment of .TlOH I’ll in;;' 4«iooil!«. A lar^e and varied iis.-'Ortment of SILK AM) LAC'F. MANTLKS. ('II VNTll.LV LACE rolNTS. I?L'K AM> WIIITF HKKAdi: MAN'TLKS. STF.LLA SHAWLS. >S:c. th;it he has huili up large sulistanti.-il llrick linild ingi a’ his »lil Stand, expre^'^ly for manufactnring far- | riages Thankful for the very liher.al ]>atronage lie ha* j r«c«iv^d for the last 111 years, he hojies hy strict atteu- | lion t(- tiusiness, with a desire lo iri'e satisfaction, to | m«rit :i continuance ol the suMie. He warrant*; his work | ^ few of those sj.lcndid French EMBUOIDKHEl) to be made of the licst material :ind liv exjierieiic«d 1 AND LA( K SI', l.'i. ( (tLL.VUS .\NM SLKK\ KS. workmen in each lii-anch of tin- 1 .usiiioss. 'llis work will . Dougins >S: Sherwood's NEW STVLE COKSETTS. comp.-.re favorahly with any made in the I'nited Statet. I (with r.iimle and Skirt-Su].i>ortcr attache.l.) for neatness :ind dnraliiHiv. lie ileterminod to sell I greikt variety of N^.^^ ^1\LL 11(K)I’ SKIlvTS, illilllJUlilUl rpHE 14th Se«s>iou of this Invlituliuu .will optjii on the A 1 L’th of JL’LY 1859, under the charge of D\n’l. Stewakt, Jr., A. B., an Prinaipiil. Hoard can be had eith«r ai the Steward’s Hall or in tho nwlghborliood Ht $8 p«r mouth, ttxelusivtt of lights and washing. For farther iuforiuation apply to the undorsiijned at Lauriuburgh, N. C. K. 0. DICKSON. Secy. lAurinhurgh, June 18. 'JO-ti' llElliCMrilLLEGirOF THE STATE (IF SO. l'\. rpilE ANNL'AL COURSE OF LECTURES IN THIS Fortalile and i^tationary l*lllll|»M, &c*. \\rE are prepared to receive orders fo^ the great A.MKltH’AN PU.Ml’. woiked without ppcking or suction, ihrowing from 10 to gallons of water per niinnte: sizes from 1 to 4, price SIS to ?70. Patented April 5, IH.'i'.t. Also. Dodge’s Outta Tercha ball valve. Suction and Force Pumps I’ontraots Taken for the Krertion of Buildings, W Mcliool School in the L>ON.\LDSON .\('.VDEMV will be re-opeued on Monday, Octol>er :!il. 'Terms pt'r {Jiuirtt'r i>J U>i I'-rrl.s: English, 6 ” *>*• Latin, 10 '*• Latin and Greek, 1'- •'** Contingent, -•* A few pupils can be furnished with board in the materials furnished, and jobbing of all kinds executed ! family of the Principal, on H iy M(mnt. T Institution will commence on the Second .Monday in November, o» the following branches: \;.W and d I any work in his line on as good turms as any : Work '.loue el^ewh^■rc that is as well done. He now has i on hainl. finished. 'I'Hi; L\I{;F.ST ST»'K OF I Carriage!^, Baroiirhes, llockaways and Buggies, I ever Jfered in this ] laco. and a very large stock of woi k ; nojirly finished, which will be finished daily. .Vll i>f j whicli will be sold v«ry Inw for •■ash. or on short time to I punc;ual customers. He ..as on hand more than I ONE IH NDKi;!* AND FlF'fV VEHICLES fmishud and in cour^e of construction. gr'f^-\ll wiirk made by I'.im is Avarr-'.nicd I'J months I with t'air usage, and should it fail by bud workmanship I or material, will be repaired fi ee of charge, i Persons wishing to buy wtiuld do well to call and ex- ^ amii-.e for themselves. Orders thankfully roceivuil and priimptly attended to. I Hopairing executed at short iiotiee ;ind on very re.asou- ; able terms. Mav L’S, IS.")0. S'.t-tf J. E. HOLBROOK, .M. D. JAMES MOULTRIE. M. D. J. J. (’HISOLM. M. D. E. (iEDDINC.S. M. D. HENRY R. FROST. .M. D. THOS. (J. P RIO LEA U, M. D. (’. U. SHEPARD, -M. D. ^ N . >^.1 .\ mim tk: Fir>t (''a->s, and fullv looi.i sTrri'iiKs IN Tiiese luachinos arc w.irrante' e'juul tv the highest priced .Machine'. Oh'KRvk; — We invite all to >iring any garmen'.. Ci.vKsK or Fink, Hkvvv. or Lh.iit. which we will make up at iince. thus establi?hiti£r th.- rej'Utation of our Ma- chitieb—tlie only low-]>riced uachine as yet otlered. sew ing with tw.,1 threads and liiiiaraiift'f'd no IIiiiiiImi^^! These machines will (iatlier. Hem. Stitch or Fell in 0 'St beautiful >in'l -ub^i.mtial maiiiu-r Our new ■U‘ ! iiiipri'ved hemmer will turn a hem ot any width, rii: iiiiig at tho same time without ; reviou.s b.isiing. ' Wi- warrant the^e .Machitiu-j to ! e ju'l w hat we )tor- r.‘] r-'cii'. and we -.;ar;intee t. refund the m"Ti*'y tn iiiv pers in. whn, after learning their use. is ni't s.itis- t;. d with his bargain. Te-timouials can be «i-on at the rooms, and re- f'jienees givau. E. T. P.ARRV .V Co.. Proi'ri«t^)rs of the P.itent for Middle and Eastern N^'rth (’arolina, to wImiu apply fur t'ounty Agencies. Wil.mim.to.v, N. C.. 11th July, 1''•VJ. Messrs. F.. T. IJ.Miuv >v '>.—n;— THE SEWING MACHINF, of Scovil \ Ooodell's pattern, which I purchased irom you nnic time ■^iiice. 'i ws with gre.at rapidity and neatne^~. Its great re- C'lininetidations are its sinii'licity of construction and i’- a'laptation to family U'C. Tiiene"roe>. imd children a- it the house M:nn acijuire ■> kn“wli'dge of its u-io. “.ri'l 't'W tipparenlly as well a- the most experienced, i hav.' no hesitancy in recomm«nding it :is a usoful in vention. Ivespectfully, Your ob't. serv't., M. LONDON. June ‘J7. PIANOS! PIANOS’! PIAXOS!!! J. !'• I'iaiio 'TIaiiiifa‘tiir‘i% OF r. ALTlMoRE. IS Now IN F.WETTEVILLE. and will remain for a I "hort time to kull and receive I'l dert for his celebrated Now Scale Cross StriiR: Se\cn Oetave I It O \ F R A n i: I A A OS. The public are rosj>ectfully re'iuoiitwd to call and see a sainj)le of them at .McRae's lJuililin?, Wu,.Jt of tlie Fay- utt«\ille Hotel. They ar« a new and beautiful articl«. and are wnrthy of an inspection from tlio muiutl jiub- lic. Those who sliould wi»h to jiurchuse will do well t': call s'i'in. N. 1'. old Piano? will be tak«n in «xchange in ]);irt pay. Mr. 15. will attunl to the Tl'.N'lNtJ OF Pl.\No. during hin >itay. >rders left as nl>ove will meet with prom])t attention. July '-7 IIA\VK>i*5 HISTORY OF \OUTII (AROLIXA. Ud viilume is n^w publi-hed. It embraces the p‘- To tlio Inloro**! ol* 'I'lirpriiliiio M \. 15.VKER would re'i>ectfully inform Turpentine . Distillers .ind others that he is t'ully prep.ircd lo .\| inufHCture or Repair Turpiutine. Drandy an l Whi'- kcy Stills. W.irms. .Vi'.. in tact, anything in t.’ic line of Shcet-t'^'l per "V Ii'ull Wni k. Particular attcnti.iu -ivcn to the nriking of Steam Pipes from a -ui'erinr kind >t C .ppcr. tor Boats. Mills. vV-. .Ml work entrusted Ui_\ care shall bo iir >j)erly d^ne. aiid warranted, .iiiil on tiic in; I’lv.oaiile tcrui^ as re- gt.rds price. iive nu- a i-.ili i see f'lr V' ar'elf. and I know 1 -hall hfive ymir ]':iirn!iaL;' . Re'.ng a ]>rat tical workman. 1 aitond to .ill the w^rk niv'cli'. whi'-h 1 find is 1.1 the advantage ..f b^irli my cu'tomers aii'l niy-flf. Old ('opper liought f^'T ca-l! or taken in i-xchange for iH.-w V. rk. M. A IIAKKR. Hay .''rreel. Fayetteville. N. July J7 ■^■-''niiis W-M. ('AKTKI! & S(»\. Wholesale A Ketall Dealers and Manufacturers tiF ALL KIM'S OV Ltcathei\ Sinhlhs and Harness^ of every descrij>tion, ('ol'ar^. Whips, vVC. ND we als., particularly I'Hil ■' ■■ atieniii’ii of tho whole surrounding country to gi\c us ;i call, as we are de termined that none shall siirp:; - us in iuality or low prices: aii'l we will give the hi;thest c.i“h price at all time?! for Raw Hide' .iiid TuIImw. in exch;inge for our ariicV‘:r. Country .^lerchanr' w..ul i d'‘ wdl :o call .•ind examine our Stock, a' we can -ell them Shoes of •« miwh lietter ipiality than they usu.-illy ‘jet. ,m very I'l-nnimodating terms. Southern Pl.-mtci ' would di; well in seinl us all their onlers as we are making a N .. 1 .irticle of NEORt I SHOES, that are warranted I -■ give entire :-atisfaction. N. 15. All Orders from a distance sh.all have promjii attention. S. S. ( ARTER. WM. C VRTER. G'ddbton P. (I., Chatham Co., N. C.. 1 March lo. 1 t'.'i!'. ) Projpi'iytaty (iovernment, from DidH to .'I'.il ]iages. The •etil a ji.ige; but I ho jirice 7.) ill cloth binding. ■T'o 00 in h.ilt calf. It wii.l iik riod .it tin. 172H. It iorm« .1 handiime '■vn BUbscriiiti.iii ol'this volunie i' 'n-..;. -ny in library sheep. ;ni'l 801,1) itXLV FCilt \ 'II. (>wingto th« dirtifiilty ot I'lMiring .\gont« in many parts of the State, we will turwuid it l.y mail or other wise free oj , o!i r._i-.-ipt ,,1 t),,- p,-i(..; vol umes for -SI 00 cloth. ■> I oO .'heep. m- s.', half calf. liberal discount ma'le to .\geni-; di- -svlio buv to sell again. E. .1. llALE S*>N. Fayetteville, Nov. 18.1s. To Ciil»a and Hack, l>y l>aii:i: ‘ Love Me Little. Liive .Me Long: Mixw Mitford's Recollections of .a Literary Life: The War in Europe, with Maps: Tom Rurke. by Lever; Harry F/orreiiuer, by Lever: Davenport Dunn, complete; 15ithwell. liy .\ytoun: ('atpci Mag of Fun: Irving's Wa-ihington. vol. orh, in cloth and sheep; Revival Sermons, fiy Rev. Dari'I I’.ikcr. D. D.; Peep fd' !>iy: Line ujon Line: I’reccjir upon Precept; Cl.irke's ('ommontary; Scoll's ,'ommenlary; School Rooks, ,vc.. \c. Further supplies ju-t receivcl. July li.') E. J. HALE .S; SON. llai’|M‘i**« .Vla;;a%iii(‘ for '•St received. E. J. HALE vV SON. J. \\. kaki:k Is TH(\v rccriviiiL: trniii tho North tlio large-t. finc't. and inot carefully ^elected Hock of ri ri lei: ever oH'ered in liiis market; which ad'led to his own manuf.icuire. makes hi' as-.-rtmeiit C'im]ilete:— all of which he will sell ')ii the low.'si po"ible terms tor cash or on time to ]nmclual cu'toirier-=. F'ashion.iblc jiainted cott.ige bcd-room Furniiuro in setts: curled h.air and '^huck. and cotton MMttressi-s: Jjookiiig (>la"‘‘': Willow Wagons and t'radies: Sidi' Roards: I!ui i-ai;-; S.'i,Te;.iri-s ati'l liook-('asc-; U h;il- Nots; Tables, al'. soil'; Wadi Stand'; ('indle St.-inds; Wardrobes; Picture Fr.inie'; and (ila.-'; Window Shades: Cornices: ('urtain Rand'; S.ifas in Mahoguiiy ;ind Wal nut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and .■'tools: Ch.iirs of every variety. Fine Ho.'jowood Pi.-mos. ono witli .Ki>]i;ii) ;it- tachmeiit; Rosewood Mi-lo.li in-. IVoiii the* be't manufac tories in New York and litision. wariaiiieil as gooil as any made in the country, and will be soll at New \ ork jirices—freight only added. September 12. 4->l t iScc., itc. In the above stock may be found a great many new anil desirable «fylcs. ju*t out. Thu public geneniUf are invitoil to call *arlv and sxamine for theinselveK. J. A. PEMRERTON. April ly, 18.-/J 7- :vi:w sviu^(U^ ooods. :WL » A S» • •fames K^le IS NOW RECEIVING A LARGE SUPPLY OF DRY (iOODS,H.VTS, SHOES, i;0 I.T I N C (' l.OT II S. .S:c., Cc'lar Falls Sheeting aiul Yarn at Factory Prices. All of which will be ofl'ered P. Y WHO L E S A L E O R R E T .ML, As low an the same quality can be had in this Sitite. Marcii iMo'J. iJltf Seeontt Spriuff Stock. ST VIM! & WILl.lAMS H -V\'L’ received and are now opening ihoir scooud supjilv of JSKAS>\ABI.K CiJOODS, 'om]Ti'ing a splendid sflectinii of the newest styles of I'aiicy anl Nlaplr l^ry laood^. ISoot«, '^lio4‘«. llalM. lloo|» Skirts ltt‘ady-flad(‘ 4'lolliin;r, With a largi' \.iriety ■•f N>TloNS, to which the atten- tiiiti .if Wh .’.-' lie I’.uvi': » i-' invite^l. 1,-: ' 'TUIi;t \TTKsrioN r.vin To >uf>i-:us. “XtSl J. R. ST-\I!R. J. M. WILLIA.MS. April;*, l.''.'.'J, hf CiiOOIIm! 1.\ M Ju-: rei-eiving my Spring Stock of (iood'« in my ! line. They were si>le«ned in the Northern citify by | myself, with great ca’-e. and bnught on the most reason- I ablu terms, by which 1 am eiiablvl to otler the largest ! stcii-k I ever before otl'ered to the public, and to utl'er them generally At (ireally llediired Prices. FRUi rS Rai'ins, Figs. Prunes, .\pplcs. Lemons. Or- aiiire-;, Uherrie-'. ('nrrants. \c. PICKLES. JELLIES AND PRE.^ERVES -a groat va riety: PFMIFUMERIES .\ND EXTR-\CT.'s of vurioug kinds; F.\NCY So.M’S AND PoMADES: j MUSI('\L IN.'^TRUMENTS Fillles. Drums. Fifes, I 1 Flutes, Ranji's. tinitars. \c.; W-\LKING C.\NES ..f everv kin l; I'-.VSKET." AND WILLOW WARE: I HORRY HORSES, m .: NUTS; FINE AND CoMMoN U\ND1ES; SVRDINES; I FINE CIU. ARS; SMOKlNt; \ t il EWING Top.ACt'O: I CR.U'KERS; FINE Poi'KET KNIVES; j large assi.rti'K'tit of I’l.t RT-.MoN.\ I ES. omo v«rv nice: ' F.XNt’Y ENVFLOPES. and F.\N Y (JOODS. ’I'oVS 1 and Y-VNKEE NOTIONS; ' \n a'^^sfirtment of INDl \ RURRKR iXIOD.''; CoMl’.S. WHIPS, FISHlNli TAi'KLE. The public ■are re>;pectfully invitcl to call and ex amine my stock. 1 have a great mauy handsome tliingn that cannot tail lo please. •!AS, R. LEE, Hotel liuilding. March ".1, 1- Tlie Fayal, Everet( and Havelock Hats! VL.''0, a beauiifiil as-^oitnifnl id the L.XTI'.s r .'sTYLl' .''OF’f H-\TSihigh and low •Town,' and .all tho .'lylc-i of the mo-it elegani Hats of the 'cason, can now be seen at the ISazaar. .V. McRIMMoN. March I'l '.'i-t( W. TlLliEK*, #• n i />.# w k: t. f If f , i I >! I'OKTKK «)F K.\X'V | ^P tVS, RE.VDS, and ('(*NFEi'T10NERS‘ ARTIt'l.ES. j 1 China DolN. Ricii Va'C, Toilet R ittl.'. Ink' with Figures. .Icwi-l and ( ai'l Recfivt-r-. Elajiere .Vrticles, ,\:c. Laic't «iyles of gooiN coii't intly received and sold at the very lowest c;ish jirices. W. TlLLi;!!. No. Ill S^iuth I'OURTll Street, PH 1 L.\DELPII1 July 18. :55-:2m].d SI ritivYii: €'oi 5CT I N !•:w' V] hI 'I' i()X () 1-' Devereux and Battle's Equity, iol. I. ^pil E -lib'ci ibcr« have .iU't jirinted a '2\ E liiion of FRANVIS T. MILES, M. D. .\natoniy Physiology Surgery Institutes and Practioe Materia Medica ()bstelrics Chemistry Demonstrator and .Adj’ct Prof of .Vnatoniy Assistant Dunionstrator of Anatomy SAMUEL LOC.AN. M. D. ('LINICAL LECTURES Arc delivered twice a week at the Marine and Rojier Hospitals by the Physicians and Surgeon of the Insti- tuiion, and the Faculty \Vard in the Uojier Hos]>ital by tile Professor of Surgery. Tho .Vnatomical Rooms will be opened early in Oc- tolior under the direction of the Domonstrators anl Lec tures delivered. HENRY R. FROST, M. D„ Dean. July 18. :-{(j*4t i of viiUii.Mi AT KKMrMOXn, OV 18.19--00. The next regular Course of Lectures will commence on tho first Monday in October, and continuu until the 1st of March. Ch. Rell Gibson, M. D., Profossfir of Surgery. >’tc. David H. Tucker. M. D., Professor of Tlieorv .and Practice of Medicine. P.everly R. Wellford, M‘. D.. Profespor of .Materia .Medica and Therajieiitics. Arthur E. Poticolas. M. D.. Professor of .Vnatomy. Levin S. Joynes. M. D., I’rofessor of Institutes of Medicine. Janies 11. (’onway. .M. D.. Obstetrics anil Diseases of Women aii'l Children. James 15. McCaw. M. D.. Profus'«or of ('hcniistrv. Marion Howard. M. D.. Demonstrator of Anatomy, ('linical instruction in the Infirmary attached to the t’ollege. which is also the Marine Hospital for the port of Richmond. ,\ great variety ot mclical and surgical cases may be .seen in its wards, and numerous surgic.al operations are performed before the cla-'''. Tho Rich mond .Almshoii'e is also open to students. The facilities for Dissection are iinusu.ally great.— M-M KUi.M. bt'ing abuii'laiit and cheap. Through the liber.aliiy of Dr. Thoma-i l». Warren, of North Carolina, the Faculty arc enabled tootfera I’KIZK or Onk Ht XiIKKD Doi.i.Aits for the best ICssay presented by any member of the graduating class. FEES: To each Professor, Sl-*> Dissection, D> .Matriculation, o (.iraduation, l’’* Good board may be obtained in the city at prices ranging from S3 oO to t-'i j'cr week. For further information apply to ' L. S. J(*YNES, M. D., 1 Dean of the Faculty. | July C>. 16»'>. -U-ttlOd I A tki:ati!^i: ON THE LAW OF EVIDENCE, TKVTH E.\(.LIS1I KDITIO.V, ' WITH CONSIDKI! VHI.!-: -M.TK It V Til >N S ,\M) AHIHTIONS. Ry tU- Right Hon. S. M.\R('II i’HlLLlPS and TllOS. J.VMES -\RNOLD, Esij., one o*' iho Police Maaistrales for the Metropolis. FOI KTII AMKKK’AN KIHTIOX, With COWEN X HILLS Notes, and with additional I Notes and References to the English and .Vmerican I cases to the i>resent time, including thi'so aildod to the I last edition by J. M.arsden Van Colt. 1 I!V 1S,\A(‘ K1>W Alins, i : CnvSSK.I.I.nK .\T Lvw. 1 In three largo voliniies. The unc'iualled work of Mr. Phillips on the Law of Evidence has long been acknowloiiged. I Thi-^ edition ha'^ undergone ;i thorough revision by ■ ' Mr. Edwards, .and has received an immense amount of , labor, and is now a-^ nearly ]>erfect as can be made. ! The -\merican labor .and talent bestowed ujioii the work are not less tlian that derived from the English ; source. Tho immortal notes of Messrs. Cowon vV Hill, ] together with those of Mr. Van (*ott, h.avo been care- j fully ])reservod; ami instead of being j>ut in a volume by theinselves, as formerly, they are now jdaced below the text—a disposition of tliem which will very much faci litate reference. T'le entire note and text are arr.iii'jed in three I’omp.aci vobiinos. with a table of ctises. .and an exireiiiely full index to each. Mr. Ildwards has c.ire- fully noteil any disiinctioiis tiiat n .ly exist between the English and .Vmeric.an law. and has u'Med all the late .Vmerican decisions, .Several copic-s of this valuable work just received and for sale by Iv .1. H.VLE .S: SON, Fayetteville. A A AI A I. 871 T 1.1: U i: A T«. ^pilE Subscriboi s would remind tlio'C iiidetited totlu-m I that this is the jieriod of the year in which ii is most convenient and ilesirable lo^havc a general etile- mont. They are preparii.g to foi w.ir'l arcounis b\ mail to those at a disr.ince who owe f.ir bool;-. ]iriniing, \c. Tho(‘ iii'l'dited for siibvciiption to the IbsiM ver only, will bf able to ascert.ain the amount due by refcren.-o to their last receijit'. Person-.i having accounts ag.iin-it the subseribi't ? v il> pleasv’ [iresciit them tor j ,i\ iiiciii. E. J- H,\!.E .S; SON. •lulv 1. 1>^-V.i. TA> *7 r: with neatness and disjmtch. A lo Horse Power Stationary, and an 8 Horse Port able Engine, for sale clieap by WALTON & BARRY, Alachinists and Car Builders. Fayetteville. .Vug. 1">. 18.'i'.* 40- Town papers copy. Leather and India Kubber KKi/n.x;, ifo»«E, &c. ^piIE undersigned hereby give notice that they are 1 prepared to furnish at short notice every description of Machine Relting and India Rubber Hose. Il.iving in our employ competent workmen, we are at all times prepared to put Steam Engines in order. All orders promptly attended to. WALTt)N & BARRY, Car Builders and Machinists. Fayetteville, N. July i:>, 1851>. 35- Tiii*|M‘nliiiC‘ llacker!«i, Ncrapt'rs, Fiiller!>» and l>i|>pei*!«, \LL of the first i|uality. can be had at M. A. B.VKER'S GUN SHOP. Fayetteville, N. C. Jan’y l'», 1858. 80tf ^"oti€e to Turpentine Distillers and others. T.VM fully prepared to make or repair TURPENTINE STILLS, or do any thing in the Copper or Sheet Iron work, at the shortest notice. M. A. BAKER. Fayetteville. Jan'y 24. 1850. 82tf llardAvare^ Cutlery, sai>i>i.i:ka% &c. AMES M.MITINE is now receiving a large and gone- al assortriicnt id'every thing in the above line. —A LSO— A prime article of Rio. I.aguira and Java COFFEF] Crushed ;ind 15rown SUG.\R; Sugar House SIRUP and MOLASSES. .Ml of which is ofl'ered on as good terms as can be had in this ni.arket. Nov'r-Jl. 1S'»8. ‘ICtf wTovlox, siiKirr iRo\, 'I’lV-WAKi;, ON H.VND, a l.irg.- a"oriment of Box and Cooking .toves: T'lii-wai'e: .'^ho' t-lron; Lead Pipe. Also 't/if '■-fUtt Stomininn t'offer For sale by JAMES MARTINE. Nov'r-JL Of.tf PAIA l>», Arc-. ^PI'.RM, Refine.l, Lard, Linseed and Tanners’ OIL: While Le.id: r.urning Fluid; Putty: Window Glass and Sash of all sizes. —ALSO — A fresh supply of PoND S P.VIN DE.STRO^ ER. For sale by JAMKS MARTINE. Nov'r •J4. is'>s. ^)6tf Plou>i! Plows!! Plows!!! Ntl. b l*L(l\\S: ;’)(( No. 10 Plows: .^iiNo. 11 '• •_'5 No. '.o “ No. f.O “ Points. Bars and Mould Boards to suit. For sale by E. LEETL. I Jan'y 1'2 79- ' Itiiffrr. and 'rack‘r«. 1 FIRKI.NS lio-^hon Butter; 1*1 L*.') Boxes State Choose: 10 Bbls. Soda and Butter Crackers. Just received by C. E. LEEFE. I .lan'y I'J 79- lllid««. €iiood Rai‘011, .and SlIOULDER.s, just received and for sale bv ; D. .S: W. McLAURlN July -2. 18.V.I. :iMf ;ill A>l and ^eine Twine. ‘■'/v LBS. Gill Net Twine; I I'.'O lbs. Seine .lust received by Jan'y 1- C. E. LEETE. 79- . I i!s s: a i.i ve:es IHt »Kl». ( impounded outirely from GI1!S, s iix : MK Til ; Ki-sr p; fic-vTiVK ami i.ivi.:k .mi' n-»n the puMtc, tlinl ao h CttthurUi- HI. i 'hnu i»:i> otlj**, inr«l5rii«' kim>\vi W‘'\ •»! ly a f’-rtft-iitir. t»ir a f.ir^r fir*.! on the • • I Ui rjf't i;> TnH’.tr?. then om the Ht->tnK«!: n,u»l h-inw I HI \\ o!1 \hal nm*ier, thus two pti t*- *»"- ert*. • >. w'lihutji Hny ut the pHinfiil UM.rr.l ;n tiiv .• ' ol tic-'t i\'irh(irti>'x It At tli** Mcu ii il; wh«n Tnkeii (iHily in rit»rih**n k:mI buihi Ti up with ji.umihI laptilit^. * .s v Ihi otie ihe the i.1. * P pe*: -iin .. KmIi,;-. • .Acl' . . . rf u'f.i to «|i> il» «l ily >. 4* »! llie pi Opi wto: •» ; • -• of u».* V thUM . * *»vvith to ('ixtnitiin^'t .h- kul*- T'* thKMhin r«‘inoiy A /. J Z^i v»-i* i »m- hn! to r V ‘ . h •! I'hrsw- ..v . .11 pui it yit>u >»* it« ► w. I iii ...-I on wnf** ot iM Tiht:lo. * *v I rii ot oi^e oi»:mi -ilo' For ihf iliM-HM** o: tli... has njA 1e il h>n hWnly. !o Qiaiiv ..>ui at Uft found, any pt i »• :.: ill w: !•*. ^ Il fs 4*ei tail . wh SM.i . a\ ru V. !>' Ct« r, iirt \ ♦ *if••*1. h; )ii\ > i^larlile Fai'tory, 1 ihis volume, i.iie of tlie most valualile of iho'die-:.) v>ilh .Noti-s :ind llef.-rciu-e' lo other .adju Ig. d ( a-i sainl to the l^evi^ed 'ode. by Hon. Win. 11. Baille; .and with many coirectioiis of tyi>ographical eirors. They have ii'iw in pre-s tii.' ’Jd vniumc, Jil'o with .lildire Bat lie's Nolo-, whieh ihey will juibli'li >oon. Their ’Jil IMiiioii of the 1st volume of Dev. \ B.atlle's Law Reports, issued l.i't year, has received Ihe apjiro- baiioii (d'tho Profe“ion. They .also repuiilished .a ‘Jd I'diiiiUi of Devereux's 1st E.|iiiiv i without .Nofcs.) ,\nd in addition to thc'C, .are the proprietors of the entire editions .it'most of Iredeli's Law aii'l Ec|iiity, and can sii}tply any voiumc; the Reiiori'i, or complete sets, so far as they can now \ I plaia- at Fayetteville on I hursday, L’.>ih day .\iigut ],.,iL j next. .I.\S. (J. COOK, Presi. They deal largely in Law Books, and will at all limes | .Inly '.’I. ;M- order works not on iheir shelves, lo su)>ply their ciis- E. J. HALE .s: SON. I^al»oi**i'« Wanted. ■1 P' inn I« th.* takf ftpi*»nt to relieve tin ri!ti; If Hill! •ounii;:. ifiii iiijc, pr*-' e»l^^ • St- iwaoh raieftoviilo A; All»‘iiiarl(‘ Plank Sto.'Kl I'o. A X X r .V L -M 1-: i: r i x . extant of ! ^pili'. V^NU.\L Ml'i'.TINd ol'this romjiaiiy will lake 1> (‘O'*- f tUi’t «!’rr ea« h . | One tcH- I SIrk Il4'aia« hi'. I t»i!f h'lrtk* taken fo** fe • o! 'lie ainl I >n!v ni.e ini iietliavly « h f i1.»-e oUen rcpeHtt ti i aoil a |ire\^iit ‘ v«»' 3 ‘ o; iHitlle fn rhe eUfcMs of nieili ■ . ..t in-.i.Htiiinl C'lUir I' • taken a *^iOit j K-u •. • til** a;'|»eti;e. an«l nirtke.- ! n .>rr»*n rep^ftfrd i • h«t a u itf» wtnsi fomjM. I «• i iplai' •> .'I irh! t or t «* cures al I * b'l-i-r'i thete i* ti'> ■ i!;t* trorld. ti% il t'nilt. \ \ iK'ttlrfc rinr— ' rls. iiy isVAr LAUDER TWO DOIIRS ,\1MIVE (’. T. 111!(ill At SII.V’S’ STOKE FayeltevElie, A. V. Fayetteville, May D'>. 1 S.'>'>. .^Sii^C'ellaiit'oii!^ Elook«. ^pilE -\ni. ric.iii Home (!arden, illiisirated, by Alox'r I Waist)n: The Old Planlalion. by Hungert'ord: Sylvan Holt's Daughter, by Holme Leo; Sid! -M.ide .Men. by .Seymour: Ei'i-odes of French History, by Miss Pardoe: Kendall s Santa Fc Expedition; Miss Mclniosirs Works; Percy .\nrcdotos: Lives of the t^liiecn'; of .Sfitl.md. by .\gnes Strickland; Pi.n ne>>’ Notes on tho Bonks of the Now Testament: Literal Tran'^^lations of the t'lassics; Abhoit's Life of .Napoleon Bonaparte: kc. .\pril ' n'^lIE Westi'rn Rail Itoad I'o. wisli to oi.iploy ) abh-- : I bodied Slaves for the balance ol' the ye.ir. lo work I on tr.ack rejiairs between Favelteville and Little River ; Depot. ■ W. A. KUPKH. I Ch. Eng. \ Snpi. I July 0 -.x.Uf I Ntafo ltond« for Nale. S' ~"T.\TE Coii|ion P.onds. ^Couptiiis jiayable in Now York, on the 1st .Vpril and 1st October, i in i|iianii- lies to suit. \p]>ly at the Branch of the Gape Fear i Bank. * A. M-LEAN. I June 1 H'tf \V. in r-• •: ^nti\ tor l-'tt v«‘ I* rt w.-.t nil r‘VT^ of H Hll- j ‘>1 I f-itniiit x. *»i- . th-*ii'»Hi tin n’^ht. h«>»eiis tls* IIV4 IM'HK. wtlU'nrr I)ya|M |>Hin ^l>ooT^ft^l« will aln a \ » imwv** male oh?.trtJcti*'»n r^u>i»\ ;lie r!lHk«^^ a 'iTt fuif. tflievc** while a Mii'r iMiie toi i llol« I A of tj«*e«i»*‘l to tli;»'\^ out :l *• rint* after a '.i*ii^ n»-knr*.i •intiiicllre M'fui-wi* , li.>tu the »k'n. tin**' heiove eatitiit «li>rr^I ^fll cnte^ vrhlle S II Kl III 4* I' to thr tack** rMtjfcvil o' W «»riii *«a^ei. Ol •! ofG . .--ix i. l>rO|»?y. '“'•■•I «!:'■«• n., • • i: H-;- n-rHiri-.r . hill loiJ'4 - peia r- ifcie willin*: .• tf».tijy t » it- E. J. HALE & SON. Jan’y 20,1869. 64-ypd Clii’onolo};) of North Carolina, I'roui lost to isjs by D. K. Bennett. Just received. ct. 21. E. J. hale & SON. aotm'b:. VLL jiersons indebted to mo as Guardian of the Heirs of Charles .McAlister, dee d, are h-jreby notified to come forward and pay up. and save co-is. CHARLES COLVIN. Fayetteville, July 30 8fi-lm Ml \t lio I]«r l( Iii-e uiviii^ tlirir iiiihiiIiuoiik (4-.4til,ll>llf' 1*1 It.** IJi'Ol*. 9.^ \\ ntrr In (iir moiitSi vilth lir liitl- »ml xtvnllow Itotll r. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR |.. V .srlK.VTlFir MKDIiWl. HlsruVKKV, «i.! i, .i.i riiieh, almost too ^leat to l*«lieve. I*, crr^ hp if tfitiug ani ••»«ionj U' »rc il.»- • • c li'nU* i» rei(iiirpl t* rnre any of , ti c wor^t .Ittximii * or to a tl •{« hU-h are tlie fesMlt (»f H PKICK n-NK nOIliN ftK PoTTir.. !>r. I'loptifi »r. It on N-w Y*rk R«tailr(l all •* '" ’ *• J.\S. N. SMITH ajid S. J. H1NSDALF.V Fayettoville. N'ov'r 1 1 . f'2-I T I'olloiiV .Vloiisitaiii iKic'eiK'ry. V FUR THER supply just received. E. J. HALE & SON- May 19. JESSE R. McLEAN, A. M.. P rinciprtl- Aug 10 Dc'iital Aotic'o. Dr. R. SCOTT win be absent from Fayelicvill' •'out two weeks from the 18th of .\iigusi. Aug. 11 IK4;iI^AK. n^IlE undorsignod has o]>onod an Oflico in the I’rick I Building, two doors below the store of Mr. George McNoiU, Hay’ Street, at the fool of Haymoimi. whore he is prejiared to receive on (,'oiisiguiuenl for sale or for shipment, .ILL KIXUS OF COIMKV rKODl t K. OK OTHKK AKTitLES. He will also, (when jilacod in funds fur that purpose.) promptly attend fo tho purchase .and forwarding of all descriptions of (iroceries and mher .Merchaii.li/.e whii’h may be reiiuired or ordered. Likev.’ise. he will aiiond ]irompily to all kiiids ol B.VNK BUSINESS.—obtaining di>counis ajid makmg negotiations, renew ing notes payable al Bank, and pro curing and forwarding Bank chocks on disiani jilace-^. Having had long j>ersonal cxjiorience and knowledge of the business and trade of the ji'.ace, he tools great confidence, that by giving his (‘iitire .and undivided .at tention to these mailers, and making only reasonable and vorj’ moderate charges for hi- servjces. ho will be stimulated and enconraged by » litieral ]iaironage. and th.at in all cases he will succeed in giving onliro and general satisfaction. BEX LRIA liO.E. Refer to Messrs. H. vN: E. J. Lii.i.y. Mr. OF.outiK McNkill. Tiios. S. LrTTKKi.i)ii, Es'i. Fayetteville. Aug. 10 ln-'iw ‘"/•V TMir. J.lVItt EXCLISIVELY FWY DRV iOOUS! .1. A. PKIOK Will Open AT No. IT, Maukkt S»^i .vhk. *>\ rtiK Ni- OF Ski-1 KMItKH. Come and Look!—Everybody! .\iig. 10 ;i'.'-tsi Thi«* \v7* Waiil! ^pilOSE who are indebted to F. N. J. H. R(-*1>ERT.''. I J. II. R015ERTS Ac t’O., mid linn. ! aiut » !■; 150BERTS i.'i ('O., to pay the aecount.'iiow due. Till.'' WEEK! .\s after this time we >hall wair.aiit and siio without res]>ect to persons, on .all such :ici’ount :ind notes then remaining unaeltlcd. We have no time to dun. Aug. 15, 1H59 P.i-lw Sii^ar Came THREE STYLES Of First Premium 2 and 3 Kollor Su^ar tarn* JIIIK. Manufactured by .■%. BOVI>i:ii A; Salisblkv, .N. C Aug. y of*tNl Cotton Plantation foi* Male. OFFER for sale a Plantation in M.irlboro' District, situated nine miles from Bennettsville, iwo and .a half from Pee Dee River, seven from Railro.ad. and two from the Mineral Springs. The Tract contain-^ THREE HI NDUED AM) THIUTV-SEVE\ A( IIK.S, with 150 under cultivation. The Building.* are all g 1. NEW' DW ELLlN(i HOUSF], with six moms—Hre- place in each room, passage through the ho”-;e. two piazzas, one in front and one in tho roar. My Land will compare favorably with any in the District. 1 have sixty .acres of Bog land cleared, that will m.ike thirty bushels corn per acre. The jilace is culiivaied ihi' year by James Peterkin. He wifi show any one who wishos to look over the land. My only object for -^oil ing is I have moved West. Terms easy. Address me at P.onnetisville, S. ('.. until 1st September, after that lime ai Selm.i. .Via. GEORGE PETERKIN. Aug. 4 l*'tf vm FOR siLi;. I OFFER for sale (»40 Acres of L,\N1>. lying on the West side of Cape Fear River, two miler; below Fay etleville, and extending from the river into the sand hills. This tract is about enually divi'led into river- ridge, swamp and sand-hill Land. About >'0 acres, adjoining the river, are Hiider ciiltivaiion and are well suited to the growth of Corn and (iiass: iiune ot ilic Swamp has been cleared. There are several gootl -no for a dwelling house on the sand hills. .\ny j.erson wishing to purchase will lio well to make early aj'jili- cation, as I have determined lo sell. THOMAS J. ROP.INSoN, Sept. 8, 1858, 44if IjRiid and Wood. ACRES of LAND lying on the Fayctieville ,v Wosiern R. R. 7 miles from Town, i t.'iU (' irds PINF. WOilD cm and pile I. .\1I for '.ilo j eheaii u> close the concern of I!. Ro'oeri-i iV I'o. } Apply IP J. H. Ro!;r,r.TS Co. I .Imie ‘Jo, lf^.'>‘.), '-til ^ Prenh •Irrh'tffs. JUST received pr Steamer Fanny. 4 Rbls. Extra No. 1 .M.VCKEHEL (for retailing.) 10 J “ do. “ 1 >lo. , 1(1 } “ do. 1 lo. 10 ] MESS SHAD; 80 Boxes (’HEESE; 1(*0 Bags New Hulled BU('KWHE.\FLoUR; Fulton Market Beef; Me' Pork: Goshen Butler, Pocket ' Salt: Sugar: ColVee: Molas-i--^: and every thing in iho provision line: which I will >ell cheap lor V.'^ll or e\ change for country Produce. w. ('. t;;o . Nov. 1 'io- 1 ll€a*i*in$f! HerriisuIS liBLS. No. 1 .''plil and Bulk ili-i. iii; HMI Bales ENTR \ II \Y .'>0 •• RK'I-; .'^Tl: \U. •Jil Boxes AD.\M W riNl’, I'ANDI.I.S lo *• I’.AR SO',!'; •J5 P.arreis M. VVSS.\I{ & Co S .\l.i:; l2i> *• WH JSKEN', some very tine, ^•i7 i'M “Dew Droyi" (.'i years old,' Fand'y. Mu Iiolia, Reviorve. I'.xcelsior; Packages FRFNi'll 1U:-\N1*\ 1 Cask C.\TW.\B.\ l'R.\NDi. ... l oi;-: ■■ meiil froi.; a arenllcmsn e ii’ucti-d w o ■ • Bank in li;'- ' i'y .l \ ^ i bi- 1 -n account of consi'j^nee. jj„^The above are ju>it ror d and will b ■ -old lo • J. II. IMI'FIM'S i’o July 11, lS.')‘.i o1- Sleuard. IWILI* psy ,'S'_*5 reward I'or the apfirehonsi"ii and . o-i tinemeiiT hi any jail, so that I get him .i?>iin. ot -n-. boy REUI5EN, who rinaway on the .■;i't May !i Reuben is .•ihoni ^!0 ye:irs old, about -5 foe! s m- : > inches high, d.irk color, will weigh 1-'o to DI5 lb- , xmall eyo'. very thick lips, and has a small car lO. ilo- back ot one of his hands, near the roi>r of rho tli-i K .\nd 1 will p.ay a furlher rewar'l of .ft >'> !'‘r i'tMnf cieiit to convict any white per.^on .■•'harli^ vin'_>- - il I 1- . or selucing him from home. -» JAS. C. MeEACHlN. Laurinburgh, Richmond co., N. C., June Itj ['J4tf 1(11) iki

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