ranre^ ‘ ■ w. ‘ '-lit >f U! n 'v, ■ ■1 .n ,: III: ‘•■y is >' V'Ursiu.s „ w;-hV '•• •'! 'rtriii.M ^^..1 u! ' : - I'i. : \mw\. i». i I ,\: J.OO^OOO. = ’|-! -UJ-HI. ■ 1. K nUrK. -•t V ■ . 4}.- k ' . 'j' ■ 1-,-^ 1 j' y. s t •. If I i"': -i:,,.. 1 ; n. !• v.NJ 1..V- ' ' \\ j -Jl'.' ■ v.ik. -jl ! 11.. I I. I' {■J. »' n. - -1.7' ■ \ZINK "'rv- .-t; .-e;. 1'!;• ■r - .,,, : K'l'l:- :!- ■ i r:,.- . ■ ••- ( I’er - fill -/•■ • ...a . ,Ip : l-'-veFHf . F "ir ^ ^ . .'uH' ■ W' ubJ i'*'" „ . rhc^e w-vli- , f.r = -cl) .fth .// //'' J’’'' , ■: /■ II II ■' - ■'■’ , I linhfr-, SEMI-WBEKL Y. fVOI.. IX.] FAVKTTEVILLK, N. C., .4UGUST 25. 1859. [NO. 84.'!.] rUlN TKP MONI>\\S AM' THUIISD.WS KDWAliD J. HALE K SON. Kl)ir01>'. A\n TMJOPHlKTOns: Prioo !'>>r tlio Somi-W l okly (Mi.-if BVKU So •(! if paiil in :i.lv?u»cp; if I'tii'l tluritip; tlio yenr of •iu’on. i ii>- tii>n; or aftt'v llic year has ox{>irel. F 'r the Weekly Ohskrvku ?'2 0«) per Mimini. if pni.l i»i :i.lv,inoo; 5(* if p;iiil 'lurine the yetir of nuiiscvip- tion: 'V ?•> nfrcv the year lia.« ex]>irc(l. Al>VKHTlSKMF.NTS in>>ovtc>l foi fiO conts per r jUuri- I'f !•’ line.-* fi>r tlie first, aiul :>(• cents for eaoli •ihcceeiliiiil ptiMicaticn. '\'eai ly ailvcriioemcnts hy spc- i-iil I'.iiiiraol.". at rea.soiml>le ratc. Advvriiritrs arc to .tato tin. iUi'ii’iM'r of iiisertiuui ilo.'^iri'il. or tliov will 'h‘ ooutiuued till forliiil, ainl cliiirgel accurtl- Ailvertisenie«t> to i>e iiiicrtfil >»»//, thuri;ei.l per i-eni •xira. SlT.t'lAL N'('*TI’K. Fr 'Ui riti'l after tliis ilat»‘. no n;uiie of a new ^iil'soritier «.V i>i' omereil wiiliout piyineiit in a'lvaiii'e, nor will ho )' i]'*’r 1'e '■eti! t ■ such -^viti^cril'or:- for a lousier tiine i tli in ir paiil for. i .11.'li ‘fii.ir old sulwcrilicrs as dosirtt to take the j-i ’■tT 11 Ihir-system will pleano iioiil'v us wtun making iciiiin.inces ■Irin y 1, l.''’)f'. r iiotki., T. WAl>I>ILii, ruorniKTan. UnS. the pi.emnmi'ilioii-: Hotel ii\ N'oitli . (’aroliiia, fr.mtir.i: feet on Hay anJ j Lti'iialilson .'Streets, located in tlie centre of ilie j t iiii!C'S ]...rtioii of tlu- t.nvn. aii>l 6urr«iuniled t..y all j ■ i. li-.iikinj: llcnsrs. Wli.ile.'»aiv MertflivUL^ mil prirn;i- : ..i I’r : hu'e l»ealer>;. j ir-y iiusiness men wiil lui I H. W. HORNE, .1 TTOK.V^'!• .1 T fcwfW, AV h* foun-1 at the Offi^o of Win. 1? Wright, I'.sn Tiear the Court Hnuse. Jiine 30, IHfty, 28-1Y JOSEPH R VKEIl, Jr., \T'r K K V A r L A w, H .\S taken nn office next ..loorto Wm P> Wright’s LaTv Oflicc on flr»en Street. He will .-iltend and praotico in tlie (’oiinty and Siiperinr Courts of Cuiiihorland. I'lrtden, lutln*'on and Sampson March 18r).'l. 79tf P. J. 5«i|.\4 LAIK, Attorney and Couusellor at Law, FAYFTTKVILLE, N. C., pnictlce in the Courts of Uobesoii, (’umberlauil. If Il;!.vnott and Uie!iiiii.>ud IVoinj'f attention given to all liusinoss cnirustod to tiin. Feh'y r>. ISoO HfJ- J«H\ l». I I LLKR, Attorney and Connsellor at l.aw, WtLL rUACTICK IN IHh'COUHTH OF KoIhsoik (umborland, I'oluoibus and Klarteu. ('tiico at Luiiil)erton, UoVieson Co., N. C. Julv ft. IS.-.O 2')tf FAVKTTKVII.LK MITIAL limiMME €OMPA\V. ASSETS $254,618.62, rpH IS Conijiany has heen in operation more thaii i years, ami has paid its ,‘ire hisses, amounnng to 1.87 withiiut any assessment: iiiiur(V‘ce a\craj{- ing its memberp about ^ porecni. Anniiint of [troperty m>w Insured, .'^l,r>ti;!,4'.0.;il Amoutit premiuiH notes nov/ on hand, ■J•^7,7;^b.^l^ lilKkC’TO lis. Oeo. AlcN'eill, 1*. .\ Uuy, H. L. Myrciver, >S. W. 'I’illinghast, Henry N, .\. Stedman. S .1, Hins'iah*. .1 F..S the H.'iul C(.'Uvoiiicnt I'l'iiriuMe h'lU'e. ‘i.= Sjiijro-- rirriv;. iil',.1 L'rtevilic. >>ct. 1. I's.i'' • Icl''.' t 'roni liii. H..:i;l. ■M- Law .\otic*e. •\MKS L. UAINKS anl son E. J. GAINliS, will, in tutnre, practicc law in copartnership, in ihii Coun ties of Montgomery, Stanly, .\nson anil Moore. They m.ay be addres.sed either at Trtiy, N. C., whore K .1 riuines resides, or at Norwood's N. C. Troy, .Vpril 7. 18f>'.* 4tf J. It. IStLLA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law* ASUKUOltO’. N. il.L attcTi.i the‘'onris of llandol])h. M.>orc. ,M«nt- •.ri'iiii ry. Uavivlsoti *uul Ci'iihord. and pvonij.t'y at- -n.l tu all business entiMsted to his care M'lrch H>, 18.V.' y-.-n-.ii S. T. Hawley, W N. 'I'illinghast, .\. .\. McKethan. J. 1*. William.1. •Jas. 1. %>ok. A, W'. Steel, ■las. Kyle, 'r. s. I.iitterl'ili, Hon. .1 J. Shepherd. Wnj. McLhui'!!! U. F. Itrown, Wilmington. \ K. Hall. Wilniintrton. OkFICKUs: CF.O. M.M-lLl.. i-rusident. 1>. .\ U.VY. Vice i’fesidi'iit. C. A. McM 1 LL.VN, Secretary John Collin.s and C. I.'. Mc'rnmnien. Travelling Agents. J(>r^y’ Tlie Ciimpanv invite appllciiions. •May I'.t, 1.'^.'.!', ■ ir.Y TIIK iXOKTII MirHL MfB I^S1K.IS(K (O.HITW, TOW in the tenth j'«'ar of siiceesstul npei-iitian. wiih iN inPORTATIOAJii i 0. & w. .1lrl,lli|il9i, F0){ THl'j FALL OF i8r>;). ]\\'X"k7“' 1 subscribers liave received most of fheir piirchn-ies t H9 W ^ for tlie iippi'oHcliing Fall Trade, euibracing a large , rj Mm ■ m*J and general assortment of 1 Consisting in part of— .»r«feries, Hollow-Wai*€‘, l»y the Ton or less; Sole leather. Calf Skins, Shoe Findin.Jis, " itli articles gcnerftlly wanted for nianiifactnreof Shoes: IIOITSK. I \VKTTKVII.I,K, V {•■ast ii'lc -f h ir h |U- t, II ■ t thi Miirh-t. (iir Sub;.c>i>ter V'.'iri's thn uGrh this medium ti> ackiiwlO.lire tiic libcial vnagc bc'itow- .-.1 up .11 hii 11..use ihe j.ast year and a> be ervi't. d Now Sis'dcs anl t'arria'.:;- Shfi conven- . : -V.. H iin-l :.> w iUT be lake- pleasure in - h patr.'ns ali'l the public gener.iUy, th:it he ill prel'ii c'i t.- bile t' vM with lran>ic!U and 111 iii'T.t an'l rc->p elt'uliy sulicils .i c''I’iniK.i .-e . * L p lil.era; patr .iiac hor.-t .*'.re i’f.'eivc l, Kvciy e\- tM ti'Oi , ids ]>ari 'liall be use.l to render tlioni e.>mforta- bii iiig tlicir .«.'jt'urn wi:li liiiii lli> in'.lt is nl\Mi_% s - ■ . 1 with (lie I'l^'t :he market ?!i'.ir.is. \\ SHKMUM.L II, 1,tf M.'irch I v(> i\. S(’i>TT will be .ibseiii fnim Fayeftrville { ' two Wt'iks from the Ihtli of .\iigii.-t. Aug. 1 I W- I. .). li.VVlS liasing deei led on perma- netitly lnc:i!ing in the Town of Fuyetto- vilh', respectfully etl'eis his services to tlie ciiizen* i.f ;liis place aii'l sutT.nnidinji c.’Uiitry. In all 1 the vnrii-a.' biaiuiies of hi«- 1’r..fession, inelmiing the ■ leiiuufaedirt- of Mineral Ti'i-lh, he is sntistie.l. alter an e\!eii-iv I-e\[H‘riem‘e. tn which is a.lded ;i t!i..r‘High Hen- ^ vi! e liic.-ition, ibnl ho i-.an :rive entire s.itisfai-iion .is fur i a- i' in 'h(‘ p -wer of Hc'Ui'iry. .Ml irregulariiie- i.f the j Teeth treatv'.l in a pr..pri atel ’areful manner, a' well as : .li-M.i -C' if the ni.'Uih. Noiii- but th.‘ proper met ils are : !n:i.b‘ i:-«* if in the varioi:-; opera! i.'ti-'. Chaiires will be niotii-iate. :h i! the benefits of the I’rofe^-i.iii may be I ji’arc.l VMiliIn the reach of all who may feel an interest ■ . .1. \ \ \ i: II o I flOLHSlittni I . N c THK nn lersigned announces to the public j rhat he lias taken charge of the above F.s- tabli^hnlent, and is prepared to accommodate IJoar'ler^. by the lay. week or montli. .\n-l «■ a.'sures all who may favor him with their patronage, he will endeavor to give perfect sati.^faction. Table ■q i.lied witli the best the market atl'urds. JAS O. SMITH ■ i hUboro', -lan'y ■J''. 1''-''>V' 81-lyr NKARKST AND Ql'U’KHST KOI Ti: TO TIII^: KAII.R^IAII! in the preservation of the Teeth. /tKjY' >tlice over H.>ustun"s Jeweb'v Store, where he tiiHv be found at all times .May in, IS.",*?. ‘.>tf WORTH A: 1 TLRV. Forwarding and (leneral C'oniinls!»ion MerrhantM, fV/»/€'l/rr#//r, .V. 4'. fi.lence, continue.' to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to bit years of age. for one year, f..r “^even years, and for life—all life mi'nibers sharing in the ]>rotits. -Ml .'Iftves from H' to Citi years of age are insured for one year or for tive years fur two-thirds their value ,\11 losses are punctually j'.iid wi:hin '.*•• days after satisfactory proof is presented. ^'or I'lirt her intVirmation the public is referred to.\gent. of the i'ompany in all parts of the State, and to K. li. liAf’l'LK, Secretary. Kaleigh. K . H .\ LK. .\gent at ,lan' v l''-"i'i F lyettev’lle. X. . ATI.A'\TK' ?II T5 Ali Fin* and Marinr his'iram-r (’oinpany, CAliOl.lXA (MTV. NOllTIl ('NHOl.l.NA Im'fil'^iiit'iIfI If h't ^\i*f lit (hi jji'ijt:^liitHI'f >>f \nrf/i Cii rii/i lilt. ^plll.'^ Ct>Mr.\N^' Icing duly organized, i' n..w ]ne- I pared to receive aiijiHeation-; for in«^urance upon i MrrrJiamlIsp, Furnlliirc, Mills, Manii- lartorlr'. Ships and riirsrtM's, And moN| kin.I' of pro]M.'riy. at remunerative iate>i of iireiniiim. It is aimi-d in the orgatiiznti(>n of thi.' Company, to mnko a safe medium lor tnilemnity aiel i’lvitection to th> H-i'-uri-.l in eiise if Loss. .-\n hoiinrable .slid upright course of di-aling. and a faitliful fidfilbnent of its I'on- tr.icts. will at nil limes charaeteriTe the l>usiiie" of thi> 'omjiaiiy. .•Vppiicati. n-i for lii'-iir^nce may be ma'le at tho itf the I'oiapaiiy. or to its aM'.hori/e.l .\iients mUKCKjllS John r*trr.i!t. bevi T »gle>.^y W 1’. (Jrant. l>avid S .lones, Jen W I 'ill, (’ol Thos .1 Ulakely, Luke r.Iackinun, OFFKJKHS .bihii .\ Parrott, Levi T itglesby, W S Long, In great variety, .ind SADULKllV HAK1>-WAUK. They have also added largely by IMvect Imiiortation I’rom tho Manufacturers in Kurope to their a* rr Tijt:K\* Hepai'tmcnt., by wliieli they are enabled to save to their eustoiiier.s the Northern .lolihers' I’roiits. and they are dispi.sed to sell at a small ailvance on cost on their u-ual terms. They solicit an examination of their go.lib by the Trade generally. In addition to the abuve variety of Goods, which in the aggregate constitute one of the hirgest it not The Largest Stoek to be Found in IS'orth ('arolina, the undersigned are Sole ,\g(‘ni'‘ in this ]ilace for Mers. Win (’artor .V: .'^nn,*of Chatloim f'o.. for the saleoftheir «)il Pi:RIOK ISROI.iA\>i. Messrs. ’ iV .Son are munuiacturingSlioesfrom Leatl.ev •itnned by tlie;iiselvcs—e.'ccepi the iuter sole; thej' have all the recent inipi-ovements in machinery, and are making ■\ Hh(M‘ Tliat Planters Will Fliitl Superior in every respect to any ever otlercd for sale in this sec tion, and at ti reasonable price, ('all and se-1! GK(» W. WILLIAMS & CO Atigust H, lHrj',> Ro n IA A^M .^1A AI r rI. a t i: i> Ci t A i\0. PHIS FFllTILIZLK. composed of one-half I’.F.ST TK- IIUVI.VN (jr.\N>, oiie-iialf fine Grouti'i Uone and t ^),ore. li)tl I>aijs r»io, Laguirii and Java Coffee; IHO lUtls. and llhd.s. Suj^ar (^asaortctl;) 25 Iliids. AJolas.ses; 30 “ Ijucuii—Sides and Slitmldort; .'jtJO Saeks Salt; ir>0 IJoxes j^Odd Tubaceo; 1-0 ‘ Spcnii, Adamantine Talluw Candlfs; ;»0 iSoap (assortod;^ f>0 ('andv ‘‘ IHH Ha^s Shot “ 10(M) Ills. Mar Load; ol» i IJbls. Snuff—Ea^le MilL; U;> Kens StMla; •jr>U '• Nails. —ALSO— \ large aiul general assoriment of ll:ir«l«vai*o nii«l C'lidery: Farniino I 'tonsiLs. til'all dcoeription^; Aineriean, Kn;lislt, Swt dcs and IVitivi:iii fion; )ilistt.:r, (iennan and (’a-'t Sivtjl; 15lack.‘'niitli:;:’ Tools; (’(;ojK>rs’ Uii.; (’t>rn Sltfller.*. and Straw Cutters; i~iK-kcts, IJroonis and I’ails; Cotton, 31:inilla :ind Jute liopo, (all kindk ritnl quality;) I Mow Fanes and l>ed Cords; Hollow Ware; Cotton Yarns atid SlieotiiiL's at fiictory priec.s. All of which will be sold i.ow for c.\.sii, or on ui'ttal time to jiromj't jiaying customers. Cdi NTit\ Mkiu'ii.an i's are respeeifully rcijue.'tt d to call and examine our stock befire pnrchiising else- Tlio Cumberland County are requested to meet at the Court House in Fayetteville on THUKSHAV. the Sth ot SErTKMl’.KU NEXT, ibeing Thursday of September term of tbc County Court,) at eleven o'clock, .V. M.; for the purpose of transaciiug tiio usual County business. D. G. Mcll.VE, Chm’n. •\ug. I'J 4‘J-tC 1‘ .V V. .1 A WORTH, (7i!tf JO-. t I t.KV. KOLMES & UOBIXSON’S K(U K IIOKSK STVI.K LINK T« KKNANSMLLK. ! ViV WAUSAW, Ii!o' ’..it !e';t i.nd most expeditious for travelers ”..injr I N r!h .ir S. : !ii. Leavin'^ I’ayetli villc t very ibiy il ^ ■ .,k IV M THKtH'GH IN TI'.N HOUIIS i ■'’li tr ivelin._r pnlilic who would stii'iy tlu ir ••'omforl r.itr, !iien.-i will take the Wnr'-aw Stage. : U^,r'THROrtlH TICKETS To WFLDON may ) c i.l at :he St.Tze ’)iiice. FayeltevilU' ‘ / 'i, i •■i\i. .>"'-ly AOTI€ K. I''! Ul the future we will call f.r ladies an.I chiMren aiei h liver the same at tbi ir re-idi’necs within the cor- lie iiiiiits of the Tov. ti. who take pa^.-age on our lines Si'i. e~ Male ji;is~enir«'r'^ will be received at the Stage • and delivert .l at ilieir res(K'-» live home.J in the .11 .n ation. Each [mssenger will be allowe.l t'lO lbs ..f iiiiraire free of charge, HOLMES \ HOIUNSON. (ajnt’r^ Warsaw I,in*' C. S IVMM’.EE .V I’.KO , t’oiit'rs lialeieh Line. Fayetteville, .\tig- lS-')-b ;is-:^m)id I.UTTKIIMMI'S LINK. R. n. orri:ll, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. n'^Ho.'sK sending their Sjiirits Tnrj>entine to mo niay I I.’y upon it to have prompt »nil careful attentiou. .'ly «areliouse.' are fr.inting t)io wiinives an.l near 'he river. Sej.fr l:^, is.'- I'tf A ARO. A WORD TO OTY OLD FRIENDS— p(-rsoiis for wh'. II I hs\e been utteti'litig :. t.uain..*-3s for year- -I .am still willing to sa!i;o prom).fne»5 th.it 1 have ahsay,-- iffie. Williatn S Long. Havid W Hell. •\ I! ('Iiapin. Samuel Letfcrs, •loel H I'avis. H Hargett, E Mallett. E \ Thompson, A 1’ f’haiiin, 1ft' I? Grant, j W S Long, iiavi.l W I’ltdl. I March l:i. I’rewident. Vice I’resideiit, Treasurer. .\tlorney. Secretary. E X ECr TIV E CI *M MITT EF, Oii-Cni fAai SMlllI I [.MII.K,> (.MSJ'IN, JAS. C. SMITH & CO., Factors. Commissiott and f’or- irartlin^ • fMvrehants \\ ILM INo ros. N I’ I’, iiikiiig ,^.Tvc \ ;i with ihi 'I'.nc; ;ind t = .ithei biiiine-.-. \c., .Vc .f tri.M .tiieiuioii June I . that rioij- wii:! .li-count-, rciiai"!! 1 o'fer iiiy sorvice*-', wiiha y romi,-! .i,\S. ti. COOK I)l!OMI‘T ii;e!;ll.,n uiv.-l to r l!“ of TlMi:i;P.. I Ht-.li. N W AL ST'!i:i;S atil all kin.N ol I’ l.ilr ; l a.ivuiii eiiients ina.le oi; ( onsigniiu-nis, ;»etcr t.i K, l‘. Hm.i.. l*rc,-I i’ininelt liank .»! H, U ; E .Iiilv I.IM •o.)'!C.‘ ■wMiK. a-jh r lianki’ajic l''ear .iutis vCrKAMl.K "FANNV” leaves Fayetteville every N!on- .lay at: l Thursdaj' morning, at lo miiuneo ufier Suti- ri^e; aii'l Wilmington Tues.lay and Fiiduy. at o clock, . anyiog passengers and freight. steamer ••SOCTHEI’NER." with ■ full complument .f Flats, makes one or more trips per wvek. a» circuai- -tH.iice6 may rc'juire. Tht; uccidi-tit t') tho Steamet ‘-I'OWAN" will be re ptile.1 in a lew '.luys. Slic '.vill ;li»‘ii taU*: iier jiIhcc in itieline ■ T. s LCTTEKLOH ict'r 4, 1 h.,y .1-tf im:w 1,1 \i: rrm am? IU))K-lil\!>iXG IN nil it® kiti'ls. execute.l with neatness and despatch Small jobs when rliine mii-l he [ ai>l betore delivered. THOS, H. TII.LINGH \ST, Opposite the Female High Scho.il, Hay S'rect May 14, 1 f'o'.i. i 1-1 v i I TIN PLATE, Iron, Iron Wiro, 4'4»OK|,^4,i A If» TI W % IS i:. Always on han'l. at Wholesale »r Ketail. Rontixa, GL n'Einxo, And all kin.ls of Jobbing, d.mc at short notico. by C. W'. ANHKEWS, Market Square, Fsyetteville. .Toly 'J. 1^7 tf BOOTS 4V SHOi:S^ AT WHOLESALE, JNO. M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA, \V 1 T II I*. I». imiAW 4V Vil., ol AND oli l>t:v SlKj.KI’, XtVV VU!K, lirlLLbe haji]iy to see his S”'ithern friend- at iho \\ above estublishinent. where, eitlo-r personally .ir by or ier, they may bo supolie.l I'roin an cxi*nsive an.I wel! ass'ii te.i Stoek >.f (ioods iii that line, gotten uji expressly for the Southern trade Nov. 2',', l«r,H. fi7-ly. josbpk: r. blossom. 71 I « I O \ A N I> Forwardiiip: i^erchaiit, *v. f’. |li-.;y’'I>f,iiup[ person.il aitention given to all Coii-ign ■ 111 t. an 1 a-li adv.anct s on I’rodiice lo be .vhippt-d . ■ Mifi ; o!i' ol' Kohl in thi' m'lv.o ". K(b I'o. Is.'.o. tw'M llo %>!, f o.Jt.ftisstfP.v .fj.g.vT, W'lLMI.VC'roN, X (' per-'oiial altenl' .;i I lii ' in- r irpeniiiie. l\ ’'1LL give pr ui’iit ui i siL'ioacnl' f Sjiirits r irpeninie. l\ la. ]'ar md roipeniine, and ui! counti j prodtioe f..i sal - Oth' f up slair-i, over ,j.c le l! A1: \ .iMgb .ind joitiiiig i.iitlct ioi.'.s '^haii', N.ir^h \\ atcrr .Tun.- "J.i. ■.’.•It the r.FST 1-HOSlMIATir ;CANO, i-in i. mlition f it imniediate i.se. being ].rep;,re.l with new aiel imprnved 10 ichinei v, by which mean-t the nio'':' iiiliioate combi nati'in i- elTecied. redti. ing all t.i a ui.ifono fitie powder: an.! f.ir applicat'or by 'Irill or otheiwi^e, it i,' in the most jicrfeot irder. ,\nd we h ivc tio liesilatiou iii say ing, that for all crojis it is ei)iial ti> any fertilizer ever otlered to the farming community. The .juality will be kept jierfecily uniform in all ca^-es, and Warranted to contuiii H per cl. of Ammoiihi AM) 11 TO iO I’CR (’EM. (IF liONE IMlilSPHATK UP l.hlE. Our Giiaiio is i>u: uji in strong bags, \\eigliing about Ir.ll Ui'i. cfich. 1 FU.ANi'IS lloFiINSO.S gives his personal attentiin to jireparing tliia artitde. an.I jiurchasers can rely on ' ••Uoiusson'.'. Mamci i.vtkii til \.\i" being in every par- | ticular :is r«‘presented. .Vll orders will receive inimeiii ate attention r. «V li*., N.I. t Hol.LlNUS\N01t i II Sl Kt-.K I', up'taii-- , r.ALTIMoi'.E, Md. KOBINSOX’S MAMPI LITKD li> for sale in lots to suit. nv THK KOLLOWIXC ACEXTS; JONATHAN TYSON, Frederick, Ittd. J. C. NEVETT, Alexandria, Va. J. H. BRADLEY, Fredericksburg, Va. GARRISON & MAIGNE, Norfolk, Va. E. H. SKINKER and CO., Riclimond. Va. THOS. BRANCH & SONS, Petersburg, Va. T. C. & B. G. WORTH, Wilmington, N. C. R. C. LINDSAY, High Point, N. C. .Inly ‘J:: I-‘_’ino.ip.l |;AS FITTIXiiS ANI> FIVfl KES. ^pHE siibv.jribers will be jirej.are.l by the mi.1.lie of I ,\ugu^t. to supply every description of r.iiil.liii”s,— Hwelling-, Si.ires, Facloric'. \c.—with all the neces- 'uvy FlXTCIiE.''. lor tlie inirudiicii.'ti of .\ we are eonstanlly engaged in the bii-^iness of build ing G.■^^• \\'iirk- in thi and other St.ates. we >if cour-it? can atferd to bring on a l:irge >toek ami ''ell on more I ,i-.in.ilile lei-.IS ih in others. Our stock wi'd iiudii.|.‘ ( h.iildelier . I’elidenl-!. F.ra' kci". tihl'S. ,'.c, A> 've liav( , ,a-ed the orK^ t.r livi; year-, ii '.viil ;.. ih'.' 1'*^ ml ige oflli.i-e re.iuiiing -m li li.xnr. - : • j:.'l t li'ai nt'u'. Niii. e i.poTi n- will fll! t‘l‘,' ,ai e f lhi;;:i, keejiiiig tlu-m in repiiir. .vc, l'o\- thi- piiri o..:c it is lt,,'h ...11 intere.->l tin 1 jilcaMiii- to'eii;ply mine Imt the j bet (b-.s Fitters. I In our :i'. .'11.'.' tor a fe>v week.=. ‘dl who wish t ■ have i’li'e- introtbieed int.- their buil.ling“, vv:l’ jle.i-e ii-aveiheir names with .Mr. Vi' N TillinghasI, wli.i will ^'i\e all iieee, -:.ry iiiforin.ilion on the suhjeit. It is I ■ ila'ile to know :is early a.~ ) .issible. so that llie Fix- ■r. - lii.i be inli cilice I al the -ime time wilii the coii- -^ oetii.n .)f tlie work', an.I ilmsall may light up simul- WATEUHorsF .s. r.onr.s, F Ivi'tir viile. .Iiine lo. 'J2-tt Mareh Ih.'t'.i McLAl’HlN. *i.;tf IrST reeeived pr Steamer Fanny, 1 r.iil';. Extra No. 1 M.\i' K F K EL (for i-etailing,) In .\ do. 1 do lo ^ “ do. '• 1 do. 10 A MESS SHAH; !10 i’o^es CHI’.ESE: lIMI Hacs New Mulled l:i ( KWHEn' FI.OlMi: Fullon M:irket F.eef: Me-- i'orl-; (iosjien I’.uller. l'iK*ket Salt; Sug.ar; ('olfee; Mo!:is,e-; .and every lliiii”; in the provision line; wtiicii I will ;;ell che.ap tm- (' \SH i.r e>:- ehange f.ir counlrv I’r. bi.jc. W (’, THOV Nov O, l^:■>^', ''0-tf THK \i:\% KRITIOAN OF THE }*^upreiii€‘ Court lleports. ^piTl’ I’oblisherj", conceiving th,‘»t their New Edition^, I with Judge I’attle's Notes, of soino of the volumes if lleports wbicb ha.l gone out of print, have not suffi ciently attracicl tti‘' ,'\ttenfion of tho Profession, have been hap]iy to receive the following voluntary tribute to thoir merits, froni a distiuiruished Lawyer:— K\t.E!in, July 27. 18>y. Mkssk^. J II,vt.k5; So>;—Gf,sti,k»h.h:—1 contoss, 1 did not have an opportunity, until a week or two since, lo ex.amine your re-jaiblication of the first A d, of Dev. vt Hat. E.p Kcp., and also the tirst Vol. ot the same Uaporters’ of the Law decisions of the Supremo t’oiirt. It is no comidinieni, cither l.> V"« or Jiid'i- to say, as an humble member of the ^irotes^io;.. I thank you for this mo»t valuable addition to the .Iii- dicial treasure of thi; State. To the members of the legal firofttssion the Notes of Judge H. are ot great vabitf, and 1 du most sincerely hope you will rcceivo from tile profession genor.illy that cuoounvgenicut and patri.nage which you deserve. I am, gentlemen, yours, most truly and resp'l"lly, H W. MILLEU, The I’ubliihers have now in pre^s, about two-thirds ]irinted, the lid Vol. of Hevereux & Hultle’s E.juity, with Judge I>:ittle's valuable Notes, and with many t vpogi'Mphieal urioi'ii corrected. Onlers solicited. E. .1. HALE .'t SON Aug. s, isr.'b AOTH'K. \ri there niav be some ]ier«ons in Fayetteville an I vicinity who may not be aware that Wheeler a»tff n't/son's Seain;: . fiachitie is the bc“t fiir famil;. s( wing, and who intend juirelei inr a Sewing .M-tchine, this is to advise them i lnr llntr ou'ti tntrrixl,) to eail upon the ^ubscrilier and see one ot “WHEELER WILSON S" before |.mchasing. ft will preveiil theii tiiiiciia-ing one of the m.iiiy inb'r. u Sewing Machines, which are otle: ^ 1 tov sale thri a.;h the couutry. There are THlllTV of ihe Wheeb r .\ Wil-on Ma chines in Miet:essi'ul use in thih plai-e and \ieir; i\. S. J. illNSH.M.E. Agt. Au-i. 2-.: d-: »r. FKA>K WII.LIAMS S liVK \MIISkKV. .Miri’ilELL has in.adc arrangemenis with l»i-, Frank 'Villiams. lo be constantly siipi.lied with In'- lebrati 1 Il'i E WHISKEY, whiidi e.an be Im'l .it hi- Siore at all linies. Iiy wholes.ile or retail. »lel'r 11.1 ''o.'s. r>."-tf R. W 1» llo.‘iv\ I'lotli; CNHEE COTTON i:\(iGIN(J; llOI’E, HOOP-IIION find TWINE For sale by C. T. H.\inil X Julv -Jl ■ II EE LEU for "ale by .Aug. WILSONS SEWlNi'i MACIllM'..'i S. .1, HINSHXLE, Agi IL* SONS. ;'.-r.w \ VAi KO V.H W A ^ T K O. THE subscriber wishes to buy for whieh he will jiay The Highest Cash Prices. 1‘ersons iiaving such property to sell will find it i their inti-re>i to ad.lvess me at t’linioii, N. (^ A. S. C. row ELL. Julv ‘Ji'i. l"'">f ;i.')-f.mpd WATCHES, tJLtit'kS, JIUVBIdlV, Silicr and Platfd W.iro, Fiiii' rmliTj. MILITAKV AXD l'AX(’V tlOOHS. viiinkmi. Ikt fit Ii I-^ ts, *•. JliST received in the above line, a l.trtre and handsome ass-irlmenl, togethe’ wil h nuiiierous other articles, I’nreha^ers are invited to call an'l cNaniiiieal No. 1 1 HaStreet. W l’U!o|i pfc^Il FrAim N; of Watel-Ci. I'bi k.^, .and .bit.biiig, trictlv alien.l(‘d to Aug. -Z-1, !''>'• roit Ri:\T. ^CrOUE. formerly occii|.ied by •. W Mel)oii:.|.l (; I M ! I )i; I'.. Tormeriy j M Sad.lbu's Shop, ■ HWFI.LINC Horsi:. corner ibnvan an l Ar h Strr. I HWELI.INC HorSF, on 'himbird Street, j T. S Ll TTEULol) Waiil«Ml. Aug-ic , — lENTLE.MI'A, your old customer is yet in market for . I.ikely Ne^i s. for which I am determined to jiay the p.rSIirLS (’(HIN' i*ev- me a .Vii -all. Cash Prirps. I.-wing sueh f.ir sale woiiM do well ;.i give ir -iildres- iiu- al I'liniori. N. I'S |.rii:'.J.' ly al leii.i. I to. r,()0 nd 'les • I’orkj -Si b F and ShonM* .!, A. M ('lint' March fi. •AJ’.'l HI'I '.i.'i 1 vr'.d 'I II I i-si.na' all.’!.! Ill t.i s rriM'ENTiNi;, iiet othei counlry IMISIN. ] l .'.luce. T.i .X IM.\ IVOKl'ia, I ('omniis>ioii aiai Foruartlfng lliTfhanS. i \VILMIX«;TnX. X 1’, i Jnn’y 1S-*:' '■♦if | \\}h ii. Tl RLL^IiTON, ’ V o IIS Hi i H ^ i o II I* ( il sk WILMINCTOS, N (■,, 11’"ILL give p’-omp- ,;»i I p sigiiin.'nts of Si’lliri T \n. roTToN, Fi.oi i:, eithi'r f..r sale or siiipmeiit, .My wharf •iii.l w.u\.|io.i>ev beinu c.mveniently loc iti'.l for the i-e.-epii.iii ’’ pv.i'b euiit'les me to make ' l.tir! S'ov’r S W H, ALLEN. I [J. M ( LAItK. ALLKN k I.ARk, Co III III i on re li» ri I WILMINCTON, N. (' IIKALKIIS IN LIMi;, I’LiSTIvH, ( KMKVT, !!UK. ic. Vgeiits for Kush t ina-ll's l.ine of .'1 earners, t'. )I{OMI‘T iiersonal atieiilion given t.i (ain..»i.rninen' 4'ITV TKAM .NAVKJATIDN ('((MPANY. ^JMIE nnd.Tsigm-d h.ave been a]ipointed by the (leneral I oi,iiiii--ioners in S ilisbiiry, to receive ^ub^crijitions t.i the t’apilal Stoek of ihe j.velian-'! S.ib.s ripiiou ilie -.line, i'ti applica-ioti to J Mlioi ,!.ove t'onifiany, an.l have . and are ready to recei\. ,\i. llos.,'. Ill ilic Kail lu. i I .\olii*e-—'%‘^, ro*^ ;iiilt‘«l. V) the tan.HTs at;.I citi/.ens of the .'ounties of Hup’in- Wavne. .bihn^tun, H.iraett. Moore. Cumbeilaud. ilobese'i, Fdaden. C. lumtms. Hriiii'wick. New Hate.vci - a'l l Sa';.psi>n: '1'ln' sobseriber being desirous of purcliasing a nnm her ..I Likely « ounn NEtiliOES. of all (dasses and des- eriptiotis, av iils Itiiii'','!! of tin,' melh.j.i ol inlorieiii” iho-e who may have such ] r..perty to dispose n!'. tli:r they woul.l do w-?ll to visit me .a; Iioimc. or aiMr.'ss- nn Ht Clinton, N. C. —f..r which they shall receive a visil. Hetween thi!- lime anl the loth Ociolicr 1h..:i I wish to purchase 40 to 'lO young negroes for the .Ahibani.l market EVEIIETT I’l'.TF.RSON July 1^-Vt. :'.l-1m A A. J. M, J. A. •INt). ■ beinii C'lnvenii'ntly loc it' . eilhei ’.y Fi.iill.i.ad :ir Ki\; litrht tf FaTeticvillK', N. I'.. Ji’iie llo. IS-" :*ioiiev MeiCr.TH AN. U ILL! AM.'-, WOliTil. ,M. j;osE. ('oniniissi.nc r-; •J.'i:f 'I »!* lo ^V5low->. ■ rilHl Widows it' Mexi-ati SoMiei . aii-l the \V’doW'" o I ] .-iol-lier- who l>li:ti in si.' \ lei; in itie war of l>-i‘J. eai have lin ir jiensioiis coininned >iy e:illing on ihe :if;der i siiriied, t'oii'jri ess h iving made a.Milieii'1 provi-ion I I hem, 1 (live me the management of smir claims. I money shall eome .at oti e. or no eharge. ■ .(NO. \i, KOSl', j \i;eiit till- reli-ioiis. 1*.' TAiii:\ I i*, ■'AKEN u]'.and committed to the Jaii ot ('um)ieri.-^n.( i.'ounty on tiie l'ih inst.. fi NE(itlO I’.Ol. nicit ! .lOHN IHI.'t’E i:r JOHN FU VNKMN, wlio s,'.^ - ;,e i- fre.-. an.i, th it he c .me fmm t Vibiiid.ia. S. .iohii ;.s sm.lil, a bii_dil m-llatio, and h:i.l on w!..‘li rikeo u|. a wli’ie wool hat ami stecl-mi\ed f-oek e.tut ami pants The owner of sai-l .Seirro is notified to eome forwnrd. jirove pfojierty. pay clnirges. and t.ike i -m atvay. .r !o- will be teiili v.ith ai. the law diice.>. C.EO L 'ic-K.W, Jade; Oa’r !■". 1H‘«. ."iM I.Ms, Prime : s! hh.l-. !jieon- :’.|io iM'k.-; Lime l.iO .iiiint. '.'I i ales Ooiiti-i ti.igging, ■J I n.' Ho.Ip Iron. IV.r baling ?..ttin, II' 1 tn.l L igiiir:i ‘'oiYee: Su'2ar ill liliib.. and leirrel^; Tanners' Oil; .M.dasses in iihds. and >iarrfels, Jtc. 1. 8. LrTTEIlLon. i^oric'i:. I WILL «e1l for cash a: i)ie (’ourl Hoitsi' Moor, on i Mon.|:iy of Septt nibcr I'ourl, (it being iheoth day of the .;ionth, I !he f iilowmg l.ots or parcels ot Litnd, or so t,iu.:li there.if as will pay the Taxes and Costs due fer I s-'i'i ami 1 '•'>7: — One Lo! li te l 'ly Mutthcw Loary f .r Estiite of Solomon Nash, sitiiatrd oti Winslow Street, f..r 1857. T ixes and co.«ts due, !'• 1 One Lot listed !iy r,iirdon F. Webster, for II F. Web- j -ter. resiih'nee, Mooi(- streei. ioiusW. T. Frizzell; tor 1 ].~;.‘»li .and 1>''’>7. 'i’ i,\es an.l cosi,- .bie, o ; One |.«t liste'l by .iuoics Hiis!;e f'lr N. Ilogers Son, on H.iv ‘'trc't. .|Oins H, VeweVi and t'lliers. ,\lso. one oihiT Lot on I'oo! Sprilur s-ivei. Taxes due for l>^')'’» Jinil b-'">7. 'I'mno: an.l ei~!s due, 11 J'l j One l.oi lifted )iy id'hr.aiei (ice, -i!u:ited on .Niirih '^treei; br IS'.-: :,n-l l.'-.')7. T'xes inid costs .lue. lli ' On.- Lot Vi -ied bv , .1 O II inioii, i I'si.b-nce; One Lut ' on it::v Street, j.-il:' 1'., W, Wilikin>r-- all'l others; t'ne Lot Wesi of v. -id .nc.-, aiel .iMc Lot laie .vialleP s; lor '! a\->s !ii> 1 c.i ■: .Ine. -1 ■j.MI \cr •'-• Ol’ I,;»nd li-i.'.l for l.-t.ce .ii' i». O lianloii. fo!' !>' .7, Tave- ai;d ; ,.-l.- i'..-, I ' .\ LAPCE for which fair pi i peinti' V ol' (' I'ffl »\ ,-.,1 d hi F.iyi-ilevillo. .Inne IK.-.S Au^ rpiiF, ,,o.i LINTN i: \iS will bi- I'aid. HAVIH MI'IUMiV n- 1.%'i \. rt s .il' !,:ui I 'i In.lrict. f.ro'e.’y I H'>7 T-l\e' 11. ! 1 Ilf-, • I 1.;, M I ' .!|ie. !i; i ;■ Iwin. in Fle:i fli'i Icom .McLell iTi: fo;' 4 .i."» \i'-V!'.!LL, Shtl,, I'V Hardie, I*. 1‘JiSC Til'll llain'ou* im i ( MEIlir'.L !\'STiT! Tlll\ OF V\i.E rtlU.El.E, 11 N.aval Store sale or shipmciii .liin'v I'I, 1 rottoTi or ethet ''.un'i} l'r.id:ic!. tor I!' il \\ E ii.ssociale 1 with me, in ihis line. Mr .l.,lin K. t 1',‘ile.y, Mild will siyle the firm OlJIiELl. 1»\11,!’.\ 'Vi h '-e pm cli:: -e ! the Steulil. r Sm l o Ki! M:u, ami .n ‘ w .' ly^. will have a N’w Fial viiiphiy.-.l >vitn v *'.. .:iiiL- 11" wl'li ijieir j'li!r.'lifi!re may reiy ui .in I ■.,].ileh, by ai.i.iyiog |.i ,Mr Hailey .in boir l, ■I 1113’ -. Itice. li. M (IHIIELL "1- F. M. BIZZCLL. 1; !t ii ( h \i ,\ \ II C (I >M1 I S S! II N )\ Xii LMt XoisTH \V •. I'f.i WILMINtil’oN, N I^l'oMji p pi-rsoiinl atl' iiti.in ^ II :h Jii, 1 u.Ml.KX. KOO If To Kail iSoat! 4'onfrartors: Jl.ST F.Lt Kl\ EH 100 \% iii:i:Lir%Kito%v.H, 1 ti;', f'nr the ItaV: l!oi.l For sile by >TKKK’l', I r I en t •! t he 1 eeept ion | I : -it! . f co:intrv' pr..diie--, t ilher l"i' sali' .ir .hip:i.iMi:, , Ord.-rs i.ii gri.errics fr-'iiii I'lt-'h cii.itomers wil! receive ; immediate alieniinu, free of commissions. ; NoV 1'.), IH.'iH. tU-ly j W >1(1 h \b illN, HJOtf A Kii.iss sTK,trvi:/{ tiOOH sup])ly ot vari. i? N.)'s jnst reia'ived. whitdi •il low. 1>. .V W May McLAUHlN. 1U 11 W'lIJJAM .1. PRfC!-:. inspector of •Varefl Stores^ wn V! \trrox, a . c. ^“’■S ibeils the pati .mago .'if his co:.:iiry friemlv ull i.iiiei -; i iigaged in li.e Tin-peniine busine-s. Nov'r i;| l yjid U §*. !S %il\, inspector oi tVaral Stftres, WILMINCTON. N, ( ,. Av;;i ).av ivici attenlion Inisino" enti le-ted ti e.ire. an.l solit its a s|i,-ir. onic(‘ in II.UIN Itaildin \orth U.ifcr MiTCt. .Xjiri! 1 .‘'•’>9 l-liiiios T. A. H. liOllNSTKDr, • isent for 4"hicLerinf^'>s i*ianoa^ Of which he has always .«ouie on hand. 'W'ilniingtou, N. C., Oct'r 2, 1858. 51-lypd d-ii'ajM**! I«i*:i|»r*4;! f,;ri)|H's!!! \S W‘ ha'.e ereCU'd a 'arge stone ('el':;; ami I’ress ihe ,..npose .,f Maiiufaenirinir :ind I'.etininu W ine \\ ( >ViinI'■ like i.) bl,y. IM -I ■ I'lv .mil viili's, tr.i.i; 10;' I l.ib. ri! pr.e.'S '.'.ill be |>ai !, :n e.M.ling lo ki.ti .nn'i alilv ai, 1 rip. ness ol' the (irapes. The (iiape.s must In pei-feeiU ripe, ami fre.' from rol nr gn'cii. Se;i|. rtioii"’. Mns,*aIitU‘, liullac*' or ( :it,iwb:i will b** pre ■ I^liii.in I., ihe prodoi-lioa i I. lOtll! !e,i.,ii.-ls .if f!r.ip(' 1 fe. i-i‘ I. l.iirN. live I...,- dav aft of public [latroiiiige Xo. J i», ' iijj >l;iirs.! O'; all'! hi..;her prices pai.l fur ihem th-.n for oilier U'l- do nol wish t‘> re. eive I hen in lots le^s ; 1,-ni. hels. Til.' tfi'.ipis mii-( be I. !;crcd l!ie i.e.v: er gal herinj,, STEl'M AN .V HokNK , • :;.^-lm a*«’i‘M»iii» ill ;is# ’I ill'', ati'l s|ilendi.l tbn ore'l old Whiskey can be \ in.M'ie W|»S(.)|; The old Fiati .'itii.ii, bv llimgerfo' !: Svivaii Hob's !)an.j;liler. l y ll.>bie. I,ee; Si-lf Made M>-n. b_\ Se^ ino.ir: lipis.H'.es .if French llisiory. by Mi— I'-ii.i "' Iveii lail's .'sanla I'e F \pe.lil ion; Mis,., McIntosh ' W\i;ks: I'erey \'ie .l .le^.^ Lives ot the i^ii.-ens of Seollan'l. by ,\i‘nes Strieki:ilti; H.irne.s’ Notes on the Ib.oks of the New Testament; Literal Transbitions ni ihe • lassies; Milioit'- Lite jl Nap. h- n f.onapa.ie; vV-, F, .1. H\LE \h'^'r ^pili\ Cl :irse ot L(‘Ctores t.ir ts. i'.i iVi. s f-.'-iiW. .'■Miri’ii.MKidi i iiii. e.Iinii'll' euni ill' lool'l U i ilieipb' .1 I’ i.v JoN\T!I \N M. 1» ’I; Apri I'O ‘ 1 ov. Mi- V So.N. Oaii.'i: KNii-.IIT \n:Oomy i M-ileria Medii; I an 1 SiiN, M. H, ! I lo'o: •. :m'l l’r:iclii ^ iiooK!:i:, M. H 'lieo!i>(i r\ -III ' M \N. J*-,, M. H ! olis|,.| vies, by . apei. l !• I'hvic tloM';!::: HEMIV M V VVOin'DlNCTON ’-ieiv.o-.cy, i v HEN.MMIN STLLi I'i.l V. -l.-W FT i', M H- ..d M -ignolia. if w * tirni he.! by us wilh Old H ■iV-lbo| Family. Excelsior an'l I’leservc ! i- inds. :ill ■,v:irranl as representc.l or no -ab , ,) il. F.or.HHTS .V « o. !■) S. We have otln-r common bran.Is >^ W liiskey, but , iioneofthe “long ramie," s;ich as ('.Min, Ilitle. Monniiieni:il, Hliic Uuin. J II ItOF.EIlTS .S: ('(), Ju’y r., -^"-tf *.200 Ithlw. ol llerrixi;;: nOU sale, very low. 2(mi lU.ls Har.-ing, by t'liha and i>y Ml Little. Lo\t NIe Lon;, i Miif-rd's I'.ee.dUe'ions oi .a Li'e;ary Lit'.': Vlie Vi'-ir in Ein-ope, wilh ^l.tps; 'I'om Unrk.,'. Iiy Lever: H.ii rv Lo! rei|iier, bx Lever; ll,iven|.-i i i)nnii. eoiiipli le; I'.'.iliwi il, liy Vytonn: ('ii pei Hag . f Fen: !!\ill,:'-. W:i -hingl.'U, ■ •!. -'ih. in . loth .iii'l -Ir-ej.: Heviv'i^ ^'4'ri.i.iiw, ''V ll(*v, Han ! liaker. H. H,. I*i.ep 111' Hay; i.iti'* upon Line; brie.-pr upol I’recept,- t 1-irke's ( oiiiment.ai y: Sei S. h.L.l I’.i.olvs. .\e„ ,vc. Further supplies jusi n'ceiveil. .Inly -■'> I M \ !: I r H oo 1 i; i H n Op.i rs>' > OlH’ I. \i\Ti:5>, . I ;.M: \Nii HLLl’ ElV! H Vo!’. I\.'^ I'O- « li ’i'i IJoSLir |>« !' !*•».>. «r T»v*‘*ily-Sl\ Dollars per I 'omiiieni :irv K J II '. LE .V SON. Will be Api'ly I Lilli. on tin August IS. ii'nl {>»»avl(|. i;lariy pai 1 in casl,. ni.m.'ily the undersigned or iiis \s.Jisfin:, l ,.j.’ be Hnuirli''.;i. near ,\ vei'is'. ,. ..n ' ELLW'oof* MoCb’tS. »'h'.-t Engineer tl llSepI, I came March 14 WILLIAMS .S: CO 'Jti S(‘(n‘t llistoi} ol tlio Frtncli toiirt, b} Vulor ^ rousiii; AiiiUii ny Mi!s. * MijtliaiiC Me tie. Love Me Loiif:, l>y llea.le: The .Seicnee and ,\rt oi j 1'^ \ |»IO»*a I lOIl'', Chess, by J, Monroe: Chess Hand Hook, by an Amateur 1 IM . K.HH ^ H * r..,.,|,r.r The Art'of Exiempore Sneaking, by M. Haniain: b di.icl Sheep ind hah tall l.indm . - &e. J. HALE X SON, ' jwsi received E J. HALh ’•['I ■•ov. ,, Odd street,