8E21I1.WEEKLY (VOl,. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., AUGUST 29, 1859. [NO. 841.] MONtiWS \NI> rm liSn.VYS FI^WIKU J. HALE & SO?i, Kl'lTdUS \N1> 1‘UorilIETitR!^ i ! r ilie Somi-Wockly Oiiskiivtk 5^3 KI if pai.l in ■in. ''; ^3 it' pai'l ihuinp llie year of subkori]'- ■r i'> ‘ifter llio yeiir ha* expiroil. n- Weekly i'iiskrvkb j>er anniiin, if pail in 111 I', - if I'siiil iliirinsr the yc;ir of pn>>sorip- : S' i'! after the your h»s expired. \1>\ l.llTlSKMKNTiS inserted for •'.(> cents per • 1-. li'-.". tor ihe tirsi, uinl oO cents for each i'uMieaticii' 'i >v»rly M'lvorii^ements liy ^pe i!fr:ic(s. ,f ri'.isnjii t.'e rdfe'^. A'lverti.sors iire = -t : :! e I 'i:: ■■■r iif iiisertiinis 'lesiri il. .,r s-M 1. .'iitinuo'l till fi'rl'i'l. nn.l chiirgO'l ncoov'l I. be insertc'l I'f ■ I, charcod 50 per ; . ■ ‘ -I S1’K«'I.\L N(>Tl«'E. 1 ;ifter till.';'Irtio. nonanipof rt new snbscriher . j,;. ro l without payment in nlv;inco. nor will i;: . ti'- >ent T ' ■=uch su^seriher- for a longer time . ..1 !'- r ;;r ..M >u1i.'0rih--r« ih-sire ii'> liike tlir j>:i- . hi- 'teiu will pleuse notify ua when niiikin>r 1. 1' H. W. HOHNB, .iTTOK.XK\' .IT i^.tW. M W b« foun.l Ht the tjftioe of Wm, H. Wriglic, lis-i. near the Court Hou.se. Jiine 80, ’JH-IY t A \ i:TTEVIL L K HOT K L, r Al)i>l liL, 1’HOI‘IUETOK the r.i.w; ionim.: lio-.i> Hotel in Noith 1 ';iroUnu. fronting feet on Ha\- and • I'.'U'.lilson Strevt^, lotriiLed in tlie ccntre of the ; • rti u the l"'.vu, iiii I surr.muiicl l>y all \ Hj: 11 )U>jes. N\ lii.lesule Mcrohiuiio ;uni pi iuci- i ■ i I'e.alor- j l-:TicSs Un'Il will find tllC H-.'.wl :l C'UTWli^nt ' rt'iMw’ hoii-”. ' I' ‘I ■ 1 JOSEIMI HAKER, Jr., %TTOIt.\KY \T I. AW, H as idken an oflice next door to Wm. IV Wrij^lit's Law Officc on Green Stroet, He will attend and jiractico in the County and Suyierior Courts of Cumberland. Blalen, Kot»es»n and Jjainp^on. March "J:!, 1H53. 7*.Uf I*. J. ^i|.\C'LAIK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, KAYKTTKVlLi-E, N. C., IITII.L practice in the t'ourts of llobcfion, Cuni>>erlnnd. yy Harneti and Hiclnnoml. Prompt attention irivcii to all business cntruatod to hiu. Feb’y 5, ISo'J 86- JOIl.\ I». I'lLLER, Attorney and Couu!!>ellor at Law, WILL rKACTlCt IN THKCOLRTK Of Koheson, Cuinborland, Columbus and Bladcii. Otfico ai Luuibcrton, Uobeson Co., N. C. July G, is't'j 2'Jtf Law \otice. lAMES L. HAINKS and lion K. J. G.MNKS, will, in •I future, practice law in copartncrshiji. in ilm Coun ties of Montgomery. Stanly. Anyon and Moore. They may be addressed either at Troy. N. C., whm'o E. J. (iaines resides, or at Norwood * N. C. Troy, April 7, 185'.*. 4tf rAYKTTKVILLK MITIAL L\SIKAME tOMPAW. ASSETS $254,618.62. ^PHIS Company lian been in oj)erntion moro than six 1 years, and lias paid it.-, fire lo,nes, amounting to ^■J3.521.(^7 without any assessment; insurftace averuj;- ing its member? about ij- percent. Amount of jiroperty now insured, Sl,’>ti;i,.p.'U.ttl AniouJit prciniuiu notes now on haml. •Jl7,7*b.(>^ Dikkotuks. S, T. Ifawlev. inroRTATioii!^ U. & W. McLURIPi, FOR THK FALL OF 1^51) (co. McNeill. l>. A. Kay, H. L. Myrover, 8. W. Tillinj;hast Henry I/illy, N. Stedinan. S. Hinsibile. T. .S. Luiterioli, VN lu. McLaui i:i, A C,EO. 1>. A. C. A John Collins and C W N. Tillinjrhast. A. A. McKethan. J. I). Williaiiis. .las. C. Cook, A. W, Steel, .la-J. Kyle. Hon. .). C«. .Shepherd, 11. F. llrown, Wilniins'ton. K Hall, \vihuinp;ii)u. { •fvic ku.-': McNElLL. I’resident. K.\Y. Vice rre>iidenf McMILLAN. Secret.iry Mct'ruimiien. Travelling Agents. Jfrt^ The Company invite applications. May r.*, IH.')', If.Y N J. R. KILI.A, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ASHEUOllO’, N. C , tTLI. attend the CoU’ ts of Randolph. Mooro. Mont- ^roiiiory. Havidson and Ciuilt'ord. a>id promptly nt- ':\cres arrivi: an! d».-pnn froij, ihi. ille. O^t. 1. 1'':." Hotel. 51- tend to all busines.s etitru.'ted to his care Mari-li 1'*, 1^ IIOIJSF.. f. '.U Mar l AVtTTEVSLLK, i'lc'Of (ir> u S’ ! /u-.' •/ th- t n'lE Su' 'I.ril or ile^iri' •iir..nu:h thiri luudium o’- ,w’>' Ice the ii'oeral p:r.i ona-.;>- besi.-w- l u]’ 'U ilia H- ,51' the ’a't year and a-> he .-r oi-f-t: •; Ni'W .''t^mi.I (' h v;:icrf Sh.'1 cojiver.- : \'u H 'e an t ■ water he 'ike- pleasure in ■ h': p;ur":i- uii I the publir generally, that iiv is .'ei' iicd 'ac • :’iiol!ii;: w'^h IruHE-lclU and ! ■ i: ’■ anl. and lu’ly sol;:.-!;-; :i c- '"iuualii'C i . ii ... r i' p itri.U'i^e he v’ o'le rcci.'ived. livery ex ;i II -li- p irt -l. iU be u-od riMi U r liinm i-..a ’. .*i:r, tiieir voj.iurii with liini. Hi- tuL'lc is alwa^'i .;ie i Nvi:li the best tho market atl >rd>?. 1*. .SHEMWE(,L. ;}. 1-0". >^''-tf D' 11. SCt'TT will absent from Fay cite villa .sbout ko week- fn^M tlie'l.''th of .\u>rust. THE AOUTIl i AKOI.I AA MITIAL LIFE I\SIRANCE COMIM.W, U'V in the tenth year of succci^sful '’I'cration. Avitii growing eaj'iial and firmer hold upon public con- tidence, continues to insure the live-itiV nil healthy per sons from ii to ijij years of age. for oue ye.ar, for ;even years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profitr. All slaves fmm 10 to ’0 years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two-third« their value. All losses are punctually j^aid within days after satisfactory jjroof is ]>resonted. For further information the ]>ubUc is referred to Agent-^ of the Company in all parts of the Stale, unil :o R. H I’ATTLF.. Secretary. Raleigh. E 1 H ' LE. \srent at Jan'y l'^5^'. F.iyettevMle. N AT I. A \ TI r .H I I' I A I. Flro and Marino liiMiraiue (ompaii}, ('AKoi.iXA crrv. Noirrii rpHE subscribers have received most of their purchases 1 for the approaching Fall Trade, emy>rftcing a large and general assortment of fiJl'oceries, llollow-AVave, Hy the Ton or less; Solt* Leather, Calf Skins, Shoe Findinj;s, j With articltis generally wanted for mannfacturcof Shoos; In great variety, and SAHHLEllY HARD-WARE. They have also aMcd largely by I)irccf Imyiortation from the Manufacturers in Kurojie to their n.iMtn-nvtRM. €iTijf:Rr department, by which they are enabled to save to their customers the Northern .Jobbers’ i’rofit'j, and they are disj'osed to sell at a small advance on cost on their usual tciins. They solicit an examination of their r«'od.s by the Trade general!}’. In addition to tho above variety of Goods, which in the aggregate cou"titute one of the largest if not The Largest Stock to be Found in North Carolina, the undersigned are Role Agents in this place for Me^s. W m. Carter ,'^c Son,"of Chatham Co.. for the sale of their «l PERIOR ltR04*AA>». Messr-^. I'c Son are manufacturing Shoes from [..eathei tanned by llientselves—except the outer s'lle; they have all the recent improvement sin machinery, and are making ■V Shoo Th.nl I’lanters Will Find Superior in every respect to any ever otfereil for sale in this sec tion, and at a reasonable price. Call and see! I GEU. W. WlLLlAMjj X Co .\ugust H, 1h5‘,( 3^'- /« "7' nt,,f h 'J .VuiT. 1 I J'7 XxrtJi C'i in.'s COMt*.\NY' being duly organized, is of f/f ro/i/xi (’AIK) UN. pre- IIE\TI»TRV. lU. J. UVVIS having dei'ide l 'n pornia- ncnily h>cating in the T'iwn of Fayette ville. re.-pectfully oilers his servicus to the if this place Htid surrouti'ling country. In all T pared to receive nj'j'liratioiis lor insurance upon Buildinifs, Morihandlse. Furniture, Mills, Manu factories. Miips and their Tar-roeN, ,\nd most kinds of property, nt remunerative rate-^ )f W \ V.\ E HO I JiiE, nnLi'sr.i^Ro'. N. I HE ;mclersigned announces to the citi7.cn '.he v:i.rii>us branches of Iiis l’rofe~sioii, incbiding the niaiiufactiire of ^lineral Teeth, he is -ali^^led. after an I cxtrii-ive ex’i 'Tienoe. to which is'iddcd a 1 horough Uen- tal educa'ion. that he ■•an give entire satisfaction a^- far I tracts, will at all tii as is in tlie p..wer"f l>viit:stry. .\!1 iiTegularities o’’the | C»nil .my Teeth tre.ilcd in a jir 'j'rr and careful manner, a-’ well.as diseases of the mouth. .None but the proper inetaU are made ii^e .if in ihe variou- ojierations Charges will be moderate, that the benefit--4' th« I'rofesMion may bo placed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. (>tlice over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he may be found at all times. Slay H', IS.')*? 'jtf preumim. It is .aimed iii the organi/.ation of tiiis Company, to liKike a safe me-lium t’or 1 i.-h iiniity aii I I’rotO' tioii to the :i--iired in ca-e of bo--. .\n hoiioraVli- ati l ujii-'ghi cour'^e of ilonling. and a faithful fnltillnicrtt of its I’ou chara«terize the business of the at the ..Ih ’e publii tli.'ii he h.a^ taken charge of the above Es ! I'l-'-hiMent, atid i'I'lvpared tc accomiiioilatc | i’.'.arder'. by the day. wefk or month. And ; ■ -lire- all who may favor him with their patronage, j tie will endeavor to give perfect sati'faction. Table :i I itli the best the market affords. JAS. G SMITH i 1?-1 a"'. Jan'v 1^5'J &>-lvr N K i; KST .\ N ]). jr 1 i' K KST KOI TE TO THE RAIEROAII! HOLMES k UOIUXSON’S rttli: IIOi;SL STU.K IIVK TO KKWVSVn.LK, VH W\i;SAW. • i-i. -^t and most expeditious for travelers t ang 1 •-I 1 S.juth. I.eaviue Favettevilhj every day ;i: i M. THROLGII IN TEN IKH US. I' M iVi'inir pnolii- who would study their coriifort :i : :;i- will t.ake the Warsaw Stage. THr.ul !,!! TICKF:TS T») WELDON may be .. ’ . . J. ( .’‘he - Fayetteville. 1;^8-ly AOTK'E. I’ i fu'tire wc will call for ladies and children and I r till- s- niie ut their re'id*-tice« within the eor- :,ii- oftliu Town, who take ]i;iss:ige on our line-' tU' . M lie ji'i'-^ tiL'iTS will be received at the Stagi- • Tel delivered at their ri ^{>■ :tivf homes in the ■uion. Each p.aasenger will be allowed Oitlbs. of -. 't’c fi e‘ of charge Holmes kohin'SON. Coiit r- Warsaw Line. C S I’.AUDEE \ IHU> . Cont'rs R.ileigh Liixv :;-vir..\ \\:g. 5, Is.'i'j. :lS-'Jiiipd LI rrEKLOH'S !JNE. WORTH A: I TEEV. Forwarding and (leneral Coniiuistiiou Merchants, Ffiifettcrilte, *V. J. A wnRTII. '7lllf; JOS. fTt-HT. R. n. 4IRREEE, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. ^pH'»SE sending their Spirits Turpentine to me may I r-!y np"n it to have pro:.ij>t and carcful attcntiou. .NIy warehou-es are fronting tlio wharvvs and nwar t!i« river. Sept r l;^. is‘" -l.'.tf \ i'\RH. A WORD TO mY OLD FRIENDS : 1-; ],er- .ns for wl.oni 1 !;avc been utteiidirig to I n.'itiking busitiess for years: 1 am still willinir to ! oerve you with the same j.romptiies« that 1 have alwa\? ; doue: an i to others that may want discounts, I'enbion bu^»ine>'. iVc., \c I otlcr my «orviees, with a promise of.strict iittcnti III. .I.VS. G Co'K. June‘-’7, l'^.'>y. L’i'tf IH)()K-I{IM)L\G Applie.ations for Insurance n.ay t e nia h :if the t 'oi:,pmiy. or t > ii- in'h'irivc 1 Agi'i'' DlUECTUllS. John V r;irroit. Levi T Ogle«by, W R ttrant. David S Jones, (Jeo W Dill, Col Thos .) lllakelj'. Luke lllacktiiMii. oFFIt.'Ki;s .lohn \ I’arrott, Levi T Oglesby, W ,S Lonir, E Thoiiipsoti, K r> (.’haiiin, ft r> Grant. ) W .S Long. I EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE i»avid W l>ell. I March 1'J 'ni JA*. SMITH ] [MU,K COSTIV JAS. C. SMITH & CO., Factors^ i'otnmission tiini i'or- u'anthi^ t Jtrrrliaufs WlL.MlNGToN, N. C. |)ROMl’T attotition given t. Willinm S Li i;ig. David \S !?.,11. ■\ l’> ’lia|'in, .■^amuel LetferK. Joel H Davi'. D Margett. E Mallett President. Vice I’residout, Tre.-isiirer. Attorney. Sect ttarv IN all it^ kinds, executed with neatness and liespatch Kiuall jobs when done mu-it lie j.uid before ■Iclivercd THOS. Ii. TIIJdNGHAST. OpjHisite the Female High School. Hay Street May 14, 1S5‘*. I'l-ly TIN PLATE, Shoot iron, Iron AVir*, C'OOKI.^Ci STOVr.S A\DTI\-\%AKK. Always on lianil. at Wholesale «r Retail. ROOFIXC, G L TTEliIX(}, .\nd all kinds of Jobbing, done at short notice, by C, W. ANDREWS, Market S.juarc, Fayetteville. ,Iuly ‘J. •J7-tf N liAMF.R ••FANNV’ leaves Fayetteville every Mon- i :iTi I Tiiiirs.l;iy morning, at I-', niiniiter after Siai- ■ '1 W;l:iiiir.:ton Tuesday tind Friday. »t o'clock, '■ ill" i‘:i--enger- iind freight. I Mti.f '.SI M'THERNER. ' with a full Conijileinent iii'.koj one or more trij'S per woek, m circiim- ■ ' ' 'V 1- iiiiire. 1,'it !■ thu .''teamer ••RtAV.VN ’ will be re- w ■ line ^ I. t'r 1, 1- biys. i^he will then tak« her plai’c' T. S. LLTTEULOII ■".1-tf \ \ I- :i--ticiiiteil witli me. in this line, Mv. .l .im K. and will .'-tylethe firm ORREl.L .V, D.MbliV • [lureliased the Steamer Sm ritKiiNKii. and in i'- will have ,N«\v Flat etuployed vvitli her. r.- ii- with their ; ati, tiage may rely iij-m ' . b .nil-' 1 ipplyitiu .Mr 11 Dailey on board. .M. ORRELL. li.MI.hT. N lO-tf To Hail iSond i'ontrariors! .(I’sT i:i;( Ei\ i;d too WH EEEKA RR«IWS, • 'T ' j: .u. t. Foi- ' ,i’o :iy D .V w M-l.M’KIN S'>Otf ROOTS 4V SHOi:S, AT WlIOi.KSAliE JNO. M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA, \V 1 T II P. r. SHAW A: I’O., ' 31 AM* Dev Stukkt, Nkvv Vmrk, ^ylLLbe happy to se« his sJouthcrn friend-i at tho above estalilishment. where, either j>crsonally or by order, they may be supplied from an extensivo and well assorted Stock (if Goixls in that line, gotten u]j expressly for the .Southern tntde. Nov. 1^5'^. ‘i7-ly. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V o iTi n I .s s 141 A N I) Forwarding Merchant, %%*Hmingioit^ *V. i\ rroiiipt I'ersi'tial attention given to ail t’onsign- [iiciit-. and C.i'-h a Ivances made on i’rodiice t> be si.ipju'd [o .iihci |iort-- or sold in this niaikct. Feb. i j, >;r;f K. M. BIZZELL, | ti R li i: K R .1 \ U CI111 .M 1 S S1II N .)! li K C II A .\ T, j No. 20 Nokth Watkk Stukkt. j WILMINGTON, N. C. j 1)llo\n“T :md personal attention given to the recei'iioti ' of ail kind- of countiy produce, either for sale or j thiinnent. ” I Ordera lor gio;eries frotti cnah customers will receive i immediate attention, free of commissions. I Nov. ly, Gl-ly j KR,§SS STtl.lt^Yiin \VMRt:. ! \(i001» siijijdy ol varioii- N.. jn-i receive'!, which , '.Vf i-an forni^h h'W : L' >V W McLATRlN. .May 2, 10 tf i aio of timi-.fr. I.I M- Ilf.l;. N.W.VL .'^'fiiRl'iS aud ill kind- ,i I’foduct?. Liberal a lvaneeinents ni.i'le on ('ou^i^itiient.s. Refer to E. 1‘. H vll. I’re- t Itranch Rank of .State. H. Ii. Svv.M'.K, Cash'r Ruiik (.'ape Fear. Jons D.iW'n.v, Esq. July 2h. 1 :i;i-i',ji;.is II. CliHAIIAM. CO.H^litSSKO.V .?f tint'It.t,VT, Wii.MlN.:T()X, X (' ll'lLL give prompt ;in,i jtcrsonai attention all con- ? f siL'nments .if Sjiirits Turpentine. Ro-in, Tar '»t>d Turpentine, and all country ].roduce f ,r s:ile. i office up stairs, over the >tore of Mr. VoiiglahTi. and joining Lulterloh's W harf. .North Water street June ‘Jii. 2.'>:t' T. I'.A: B. li. W ORTH, j Commission and Forwarding .Merchants, WlhMlNCTON, N. C Jan’y l'''i‘,* ''ttf WM. H. ti rllm;to.\, o III 111 i«»» i (»11 .VI o I* 1* li ant. WlLMlNdTON, N. C.. W^ILL give prompt and pcrsotial attention to all con- >> signment- of SIMRITS Tl’Rl'ENTINE. RoSjN. T.\R, C(*TTON, FLoFR. and other country iiroduce. either for sale or shi|unent. .My wh irf atid wa>-ehoiise« beinr conveniently Im-it. 1 for the reception of j.roilnce. eiiherby Railroad or River, enables me to make charge,-^ light. Nov'r s tf W. 11 ALLEN.] [J. M. CLAIM-:. ALLEN & CLARK, C'oiii iiiii^Mioii .florc*li:iiit«, Wl LMINCTON. N. C. UKALKRS IV LIME, l*I,\STi:il, ( KMKM. IIAIK, Ae. R-’f?" \gents for Rush ,'c Orrell s Lino of .'^icamer-^. 1)i;oMPT personal attentifin giveir to con.^ignments o Nav.il Stores, t’otton or other Country I’rodiice, for talc or shi]inu‘iit. Jan'y 1'', l^')^t. >1- RORI\»0.\'.S Ain EATED c;r AM>. spills FERTILIZER, comjiosed of "ue-half REST I’E- 1 llL’Vl.VN GL.VNO. one-half fine tiround r>one and the RliST riUt.Sl’H AT1»' GL'.VNo. is in condition for imniediate use, being ptepired with new and improved machinery, by which means the most intimate coud i- nation is etlected, reducine al! to a utiit"rmfine powder: and for ajiplictitiun by drill or otherwiae, it is in the most perfift order. And wi- have no hesitation in sa^’ ing. that for all crojis it i.s e»iu il to any fertilizer ever otl'ered to the farming community. The nuality will be kept )>erfectly uniform in all cases, and Warranted to eontain s per et. of Ammonia \NI> 1] TO ill I'EVT. (IF lUINE rilllsrilATE IlK LMII^. Our Guatio i.- pu: up in strong 1 ■I'rs, weighing ab.>ut D'li lb-, each. FR\N(’1S Ror.lNSi>N ^ive- his ]>erson!il attention to preji iring thi-) nrticde. and jiurchiisers can rely ii ••RiiHi.N'iin s M \Mi-i i. vTi:t> (i i ano " being in every jiar- ticulai as repre-etited. .\11 order-^ will receive immedi ate aiicntion. F. ieOICIKM>\ A CO., Nil. 1 H>LLlSUwiiiTll .'^ri'FKi. up stair-. RALTIMOUF Md IIOHINSOX'S M1MPI LATEU (il AXO la for sale in lots to -uit. 15V TIIK KOI.LO\VL\J Al^ENTS; JONATHAN TYSON, Frederick, Md. J. C. NEVETT, Alexandria, Va. J. H. BRADLEY, Fredericksburg, Va. GARRISON h IHAIGNE, Norfolk, Va. E. H. SKINKER and CO., Richmond. Va. THOS. BRANCH & SONS, Petersburg, Va. T. C. & B. G. WORTH, Wilmington, N. C. R. C. LINDSAY, High Point, N. C. .luly 'J;; ;? l-l’mo'ipd ;AS FITTIXiS AND FIXTI KES. ^pHE ^ub-cribers will be prepared by the middle of I .Xugu'^t. to supply every de-^eription of I’.uilding'^.— Dwelling-^. Stores, Factoric-^. .'ic.—witli all the ne( •- -ary FIXTCI! li.''’. for the infroductioti ofJAS. As We are constantly engaged in the )iii-ine-i' ofbiiihl- ing ias Work-’ in this and other St.ates, we of coui'e cm atbiv l to bring on a large -to.-k and -tdl e-n more rea-'ot'alile tet :tis than other'-'. Our -^foc]; will include I'li:i!ideliers. I’endents. f’.rackf't-, (ihi-is. Xc .V- we have leaded the work-^ for five year--, ii will In- t ^ the advant i/c o: tho-e rci|uiring such ti\ture to eet tliMnofu'-'. «itice upon tts will fail the care of them, keeping them in rep-iir, .Vc. P’or this purp,e it is I'oth our inti'rest and i-leti-'urc to emi>ly none but the lie-it •: 1“ Fitters. In our absence f'T a few week'-, all who wish to have the I’ipe-i introduced into their buildings, will ]ilea-e lea»(> their ti.inies with .Mr. W. N. Tillinghast. who will '.'■ive all neces-'ary informatiini on the subject. It is • li-'iirable to know as early as jmssible, so that the Fix tures niny be introduced ;it the -ame time with the coti- ■itruction of the works, and thu'^ all m;iy light up «imul- taneou'ly. WATER HOrSE \ ROWES. Fayetteville, June D>. 'J’J-tf I I IROEI^An rv” STEAM XAVKiVTIOX COMPANY. C; KOCF.R1KS, Consisting in part of— 1.^)0 IJajfd liio, Ija;^uira and .lava 100 lU)l.s. iiud HLdtf. Sugar (^a.'wortcd;) Uo Hhtlis. Mola,sses; 80 l>aeon—Sides and Shoulders; f)00 .Sack^ S.’ilt; 150 ]>oxe,>i ^0(m1 Tidiacco; 12 j ‘‘ SjxTiii. .\dainimtinu vV Tallow Candles; 5(1 Sfiaji (itsiortttd;) 50 “ (’andy “ 100 I’lirs Sliot “ lOoo 1I(S, l>;ir Lctid; oO h IJhls. Snuff—Kayle 3IilU; 25 Kvtrs Soda; 250 “ Nails. —ALSO— ■V largo and general assortment of Hardware and Cutlery: Fariuinir ( tcnsils. of'all descri|>tioDs; Aiiioricaii, Eno]i,sh, Swedes and IVruvian Iron; r.list'T, (lennan and Steel; lUacksniith.s’ Tool.s; ^'oopcrs' I)o.; Corn Shcllcrs ami Str iw Cutters; r.iieket.s, UrtKniiP and I’ails; Cotton, Maiiillii tiiid .lute Hope, (all kindh and .{tiality;} J*low Lines and lioil Cords; Hollow Ware; Cotton Yarns and Shcetinirs at factory prices. All of which will be soM Low luii c.ash, or on usual time to yirompt paying customers, ft;?" CotMUY Mf.kcii.ants aic respect fully reiiuested to call and examine our stock before purciiasing else where. I*. iSi ■ .McL.VLlilN. March :i. ISoV '.‘otf P»*esh mirrivats. )i ST received pr .Steaiuer Fanny. j I I’.bls. Ex.ira No. 1 M.\t K E I! EL i for rct.iiling.) 10 X “ do. 1 'to. li V do. •• 1 do. M .i .MESS SH.VD; i>oxe. ('HEESE; i(ti) (S.ifj-New Hulled J![’(’K 1VHE.\T FLOCR: Fulton ,M irket Ricef; Me-- I’oik; Go-hen Rutter, I’ocket S.alt: .'^iigrn: Coffee: ^Iola.-'c^; and every thing in the provi-iion line; which 1 will sdl ehcajj ior (,’ASIl or ex change for country Vr 'duce. W C. TROV N.>v. 8, 1^>. f'O-U’ l)r. FU\NK WII,M VMS'S KVK WHISKKY. MirCHELL h.is made arrangements with i'v Fr ink Williaiii-i. to be const-jntly supplied with his ■:\te.l RYE W11ISKI’.\ . which Cuti be had at his St.iti- at :ill titues. by wholesale or retail. Oei'v n, f I!. The ,^aj;i«lratej^ Cumberland County are rcnuusted to meet at the Court House in Fayetteville on THUKSHAV, tho Srir of SERTEMRER NEXT. (Vieing Thursday of Sejitember term ot the County Court,) at eleven o’clock, A. M,; for the jmrpose of tran>iacting the usual County business. 1» G. McRAE, Chm’n ■Aug. ly l--tC THK AKW KIIITI€l\>i OF TIIH Supreme Court K‘porlH. f^pilF. Publishers, conceiving that their New Edit;u)ns 1 wiiii Judge Ratilo's Notes, of .some ot the volumes of Report* which had gone out of print, liavo not sufli- ciently attracted the attention of tlie rrof»-s,sion, have been ha]>py to receive the following voluntary tribute to their nierii8, froni a distinguished Lawyen— Raleioh, July '21, 1851). Mkssrs. K, j. Halh i Son:—GEM LEMts;—I Confess. 1 did noi have an opportunity, until a week or two sinco, to oxaniino your re-publicatioti of the first \ ol. of l>eT, & Bat. Eq. Hep,, and also the tirst Vol, of the same U«portors' of the Law decisions of the Su]>ren.e Court, It iti no oompliiueut, either to yu or Jndj- ISitUlf, to say, as an huuiblo member of the pnTfessioti, I thank you for this most valuable adiition to the Ju dicial treasure of the State. To the metubci-. t'f tin- legal profession the Notes of Judgi' R. are of great viiluo, and 1 do most sincurcly hopt' you will receive from the profession generally that encouragement and pairoiiago which you deiserTo, I am, gentlemun, yours, most truly and resp’fllv. H. W. MILLER. The Publishers have now in jiress, about two-thirds printoil, the 2d Vol, of Devercux \ R.attlo’s F.ipiity, with Judgo Rattle's valuable Notes, and with m.any tvpographical errors eorrectod. Orders solicited. E. J, HALE vi SON Atig, S, AOTii’E. V.S there may be some persons in F,ayetteville and vicinity who may not he aware that l%*hvfler atiff Setritt:: • liar hi n*’ is the best for family sewing, .an 1 who intend piirchas- Sewing MiicLino. ihis in to ri'ivi^c iftont { fhr mrn m/fri.'-t,) to call upon the suiisctibcr and see one of “WHEELER WIJ.SONS" before purchasing. It will jirevent their purciiasing oue of the many interior Sewing Machines, which are otfered for sale ihrotigh the Country. There are THIRTY of the Wheeler Wilson Ma chines in successful use in this place ami vicinity. S. J, HINSDALE. Agt. .Vug. 22 12- ^50. HEELER WILSON S SEWISO M\111SF.S. for sale by S. J. HlNSUMiE, .\irt Aug. 22 12' W Heavy faiiiiiiy I'loHi; |\1’N1»EE COTTON RAGGING; P ROPE. HOOl’-IlUtN and TWINE. For sale by C. T. H \IGH .Sc Sf)NS. .)i(ly 21 ;{;J-bw \va\ti:h. THE subscrilier wishes to Imy I'it'T 1' I.tt^t.is 1 • .y^tiu Kot:s, for which he will pay The Highest Cash Prices. I’et -eiis ha\ing such jiroperty to sell will fmd it ti WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELUV. Silver and Plated Ware, Fine (’ullery, MILITAKV A\l> FAXCV C()(J1>S, .niJKICAI. I 1 ST Iftll :« T», A*. ICST received in the above line, a large and handsome a>.",ortment. togetlier with numerous other ui tides, rurcliaaers are invited Ui call and examine at No. 11 Hay Streejr W, I’I’loi;. Watches, Clocks, ;oid .lobbinu. j^'V^REI'ATRING strictly attended to. .\ug. 22. 1H5',» 4'J ^Iiii tiieir intere>t to addrvss lue at 'linton. N. C. A, S. C. ROWELL oo-bmpd July 2'I, l'''«y ,\€*i^roe>*I Ae;jr>e!x!! Wanted. / E.N ri>l'M I'N. your oM cu'-tomer is yet in tiiarkef for Likely Negroes, for whicli I am determined to pay I he Hin;iies( Cash Prices. Ri-rson- having ;ich for snle would ilo w’ell to give me a cal'.. or addre-^- me at t'liuion. N. .\ll ordet> promptly attetidecl t.>. ->00 J A. Clint oi; Mnrcii fi, 1S,'(',». McAHTHCR '.t.'»-lyrpd .\olice---Ae;;roe» Wauled. t the farmers and citizens of the Counties of I>u]ilin- 1 1 Wayne, Johnston, Harnett, Moore, Cumbrrland, R. besen, Rbidcn, Columbus, 1‘irunswick, New Hanover, i and Saiii[)son: ■ The subscriber being desirous of jmrchasing a tium- j ber of Likely Voung NI^CiRoES, of all clas.ses tind dt's ; criptions, avails himselt of this method of inibrming j those who niay have such j'rojierty to ilispose of. that | thev would do well to visit me a! hotiie. or jiddrcss me t'linton, N C.—for which they shall receive a visit, for l!^5ri and is-'jc— I OR ri:at. STORE, formerly occujded by (J. W. Mclionald a'- ;i S.addler’s Shoj>. I>WF',LLING IlOl'.''!'', coiucr Rowati and .Vrch Street. DWELLING HOlSiE. on .Mnmford Street. T. S. LLTTERI.oH Aug 2*1 12-;:w roR «>iAi.i:. PrSHELS CORN; ,'iO l)fi]s. Prime and Mess Pork; S hhds. r.Jicon—Sides and Shoulders; ;lOi casks Lime; l.'iO •• Ceiiient; lo b.ales Guntiy Ihigging: 2 tons Hooji Iron. Ior tialing cotton; Rio and Laguira CotVee; Sugar in hhds. au'i barrels; Tanners' Oil; -Molas.ses in hhds, anti barrels, iVc. T, S, H'TfEKLoli, .\ug '20 42-0w \OTI4'i:l IW’ILL sell for cash at the Couii House I»oor. on Monday of Septenibor ’ourt, ^it being the ,')tii d:iy if the month.) tlic following Lois or jiaroeN of Land, much thereof as will ['ay the Taxes and Costs ilue ^PHE undervigtied have bei-n appoitited by iheCionera’i I Cot;imissiom'rs iti Salisbury, to receive -subscriptions to the (’apit:il Stock of the a>n>ve Company, and have prei'art',! a .''’iib-cription IJook. and ai'e re.ady to receive the sMiiie. on appltcaii..n to.I. M Rose, at the Itail Ro;id >thc'v A A. J M .1. A .INO. Fav t’evilV*'. N. ' . .Itinc 20. 1^.V,'. McKETHAN. W ILLIAMS, worth. .M. ROSE. (!omniissioner-^ 2.'itf \iliee lo ^»ldi*i***'' Wilou>>. '^pilE Widow-; of Mexie.aii .oldie'--', and the Wi.lows of I Soi lier who imi.i> IN .■'K.ti\ ii't-; in the war of iMpJ. cati h iM' their peiirion- continued ''V c:iHiiig on tin- utider- si_rne,l. Co;i,rierS ha\itig tn ide ad litioirii jirevi-ion tov t hem. tiive me the nrinn'rement -f ynir claim-^. itil the t’loney -'lall coioe .it once, or no ch.irge. ,INO. M. IIOSE. -\gent for I’eti'-ion-'. F:iv i^eville. J'.in.i 12. 1'.*- Retween this time and the loth October ls.')‘.i 1 wish !■ pur.dia^-e I*' to .'>0 young negroes for the Alabam.a riiarket. EVERETT PETERSON. July l;!. is-V.*. :ll-4m ”rAKi:A 11% \KEN up and committed to the Jail of Cumberland | I County on the l-'.th in.st, a NE(iRi» ROY, named; JOHN RR.VCE or John FRANKLIN, who says he i> j free, and. that he came from (Jolumbi.a, S. C. .lohn i- , small, a Vuight mul.atto, and had on when taken up a | white wool hat :oul steel-mixed Irock co.at and pants. The owner o*" s.iid Negro is notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and t;ike him aw.ay, lU’ he ! >\ill be dealt with ac the law directs. i GEO. L .McK.VV, Jailer. I'ct’r 1 J, wv\ri:n. i luantity of • oTToN and LlNliN R.\GS. LARt;E for which fair pi ice will be p.aid. 1)AVII> MURPHY 41- Hrape*i! liir WILLIAM .i. I’RICi:, tHs/fcrtor of JWtraf Stores, w iLMixtrroy, x. c. Scilicits tlie pntronairo of his country friemh and ail otheis engaged in th« Turpentine bttsincs.-'. Wall*!’ Nov'r 22. 1V!,’)“. 'il lyi'd H. TI%H\, tusfteetor of ,Yarttl Slorr.^. WILMINGTON, N. C., W'ill pay strict attention to all business cntrnsTed to his c;ire. and solicits a ‘•hare of public patronagf. Offlco In Hall's lluildint:, >o. t:{, (up stairs.) .North Water Street. \pril ^. l-''’>y 4-i>nios T. A. E. iu)ilnsti:dt, • for €hlrkerin^'^s M"itrHos^ Of which he has always some on hand. Wihniugton, N. C., Oct’r 2, 185b. 51-lypd liJra lie'll!! we ii:ive eree;e,| a 1 ivge stotu' ’ell:ir and Press tor the pnriio.-e of Mrinnfjictnring and Refining W ine, we ui It! 1 like to buy. in udditioti to ihe produciiou of our i.iwti v:ne>, trom lOO ti Hioti bu.'dicls of tirap-'-. Libeiwl }.rices will be paid, according to kind atel ■ luality UI I rii eness of the 'irapcs. The {irapcs mu-t be perrecly ripe, and free from rot or green. Sciij - yievnonu. Muse.adine. Riillace or Cafiiwb.i will be | re- Ictred, aud higher prices paid for them than for oth-r ki'i !-. We de net wi-h to receive thi iu in lot le.-stlna :is.‘ bii-!iel>. Till! !rape^ 'iutst be ileliverc 1 tlic tic.M il;iv ::ttei L'atliei inu'. STEl'M \N noRNK ::s-lm \ug. 0 l*er««otis ill Waiil F ri Lli and splendid tlavored old Whir,key can -e fiiroi-hed by n- witii Old Hew iMop, .Magiioiii, F tinily. E;sCel^io;‘ an 1 Re-erve brands, all of wiiicii we warrant ;i-; represented or n j ;sal'.-. J. H. RORERTS >c CO 1> .“S We have other comtu in bran 1-j of W hi-key. but , none of the ■•long range, 'such as ^>Hiu, Ritb-. Monitujent.il, Rlue Ruin. J. H. RoliERTS (’(» July ('.. Rl>l^. of Herring tloR sale, verv h-w. 2i>" RbK H,irring, by GEO. W. WILLIAMS ,'s; CO March 14 .\uir. 17 VIiM'eilaiie4»ii!^ Itookt^. ''rilE '.nierican lii.ni'- (birden. illu-trated, by .Mcx t I W.it on; 'I’he >M I'l intati .n, by Hnng rford; Sylvan Holt’s Daughter. l>y Holme Lee; i .■^ell Made Melt, by Seyniour; i I'pisodcs of French lli'tory. by Mi-- P.irdoc; • Kendiill’s Satita Fe Expedition; | MisN M. Intosh's Work; Percy Anecdotes;^ Lives of the Jneens of Scotland. I'V .\gne-; Strickland: R.irnes’ Notes on the P.ooks of the New Testament: Literiil Traii«bition,» of the (’l-i'-ics: \bl. .tt'- Lite of V-.pilli on llon.apn'te; \'c, , aj.hI i;. J. 1!\LE & S(»N. '!'» I ii?9a and RaeK. I>y l>aiia: • i.ove Ml b:!;le. l.iive Me Loii;^; Mi-j Mitl' i'I - Hecolleetionv of a Literary Life; l l,e War in Europ,.. with M!i]>s. To'ii Riirke. by Lever; Ibiny I oiri'nuer. bv Lever;l.iavenpoi t Dunn, complete: t'. 'ihwelL by .\ytoun; l':irpet IVig of Futi; Ii .Ing'- \V;t;.iiitigt( u, vol. .'(til, in i-'o'liand -hcei-: Revival Serm.in'. bj. Rev. D.in’l P.aki-r, D. !».; Peep of Day; Line iijion Lit.e; Precept u| on Precep!: Cl.irke s Ciitiimentary; Sci.tt s (.’oiniiictitarj ; Sohool jbi.j’K'i. .VC.. \c. Further supplies just received. July ■>:, i:. J, n.M.i: i son, S(‘cn‘l Hlstop} of ihe Vrencli ( oiirt. b.\ VW tor Coit-in; \daiti iraeme, by .Mrs. Oiiph.int; Lo\e .Me l ii- ’!c. Love Me I oiii:. by Reade: The Scieti-e and .\rt of 'he-, by .1 M .nroe; Che ^ Hand R .ok, by an .Vmatenr: One Lot listed by Matthew Leary for Estate of .Solomon Nash, Hiluated on Wiitblow Street, for lH-')7, Taxes and costs due, 40 One Lot listed by Gurdon F. Webster, for 11 F. Web ster, residence, .Moore fifreet. joins W. T. Frizjell; fm 1S.'>G .and 1S.>7, Taxes and costs lue, > o'' One lot listed by .Tames Huske Ibr N, Rogers .'i: Son. oti Hay stre«t. ,joijis II. Nowell and others. .\l-o, one other Lot on I'ool Sj.ring street. Taxes due for IS.'.i'. aii'l lS-">7. Taxes and costs due, 11 S7 (Jne Lot listed by I’.jihraim Gee. situated on Nfirth Street; for l.^-'ibarn.l lS-')7. Taxes and costs due. ■> 12. One Lot listed by ,1. O'Hanlon, residence; >n' I>ot ' on Hay Street, .joins E. W. Willking- and other--; ! One Lot West of residence, and one Lot l.atw Mallett'.-, for l ''-%7. Taxes and costs due. 21 >•' •2tMt Acrc"i of Land listed for Estate of D. ((^Hanlr)ti, for lS->7, Taxes and costs due, 1 ; LV* .\cres of Land li-ted hy Ollin ’..«lwin, in Flea Hill I District, formerl}' listed by Malcom McLellan: lor IHa". Taxes ami costs due. 4 HECTOR McNElLL, ShlL, i’.y R, W', Hardie. D. S. Aug. 20, lS.%y J2t.SC llU;iliriL 1.\STITIT10\ OF WIT, (’IILIIIIL ^pilE Course of l.ectiires for ISoU f'.O. will conimenr. j on TllLRSD.W, SEPTEMliER l.'uh, and contiuui' tour niuiiths: — I Principles and Practice of Surgery, bv JoN \T1I \N , KNIGHT. M. D. • Anatomy Physiolog_v, by ’H.\.S. HOOivl'.f!. M D I Materia Medica and Therap«utics, bv llE.SRV RRON- ’ SON, M. D. Theorv and Practice of Physic, bv WORTHINtJTON Hot'KER. M. D. Chemistrv ati'l Pharmaey, bv I’.ENJVMIN' SII.LI- M\N. Jr.. Si. D. Obstetrics, by PI.INN .V. .lEWETi'. M. i* Lecture fi.-es, ? i ' ,'.0; malriculation, > >; gi.ilu i tion, c^l'i ('H.NRLES HOOKER. Dean. New Haven, .July 2''.. H-Cj.il l..\ HO R i : RN \VA AT ■ : I), rp i i.abor on the C\PK FE.\I! .\.ND DEEP RI\'iH! I WORKS, foi whom hu“ Dollar i> r Da), or Twenli Six Hollars jM-r Month and Boarded, Will be regul irly p.ii'l in ca.-h, monthly. .\pji!y to the undersigned or his \.'sistant. Capl. .loiin Lilly, nti the steamer Haughton. near .\vera«l>orougli. ELLWOOD MOKRL-^, Chief Engineer. AugustlS. 11-tlSept. Hr. KaneN Arelie l^\|iSoratioii*i, Further sujiplie The Art'of Extemiiore Sixaking. by .M. Rant.iin; School , Cloth, Sheep and half Calf Rinding. ' - E, J HALE it SON. jugt received. F-- J- H-\LE & SON. liooks, icc.

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