S; Mr iPAir ■MiK iSEini.fVElEKL Y. [VOL. IX.l FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SEPTEMBER 1. ISSO. [NO. 815.] ,K. ili- OOil. ti; tOl. I ana, ENCE. ON. :iM ii; Uk- Mfdii'- ; 1. % ' 'N iiiu Ink. orfli I a- riUM’Kl) MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS K1»W4KI^ J. HILK A; m, I'DITORS .\ND PROI'RIETORS The tjarse»t €nrrin^e Fnriory in the Smith I - c t'>r I ho Soini-Weekly Obskbveb if pnid in . IvMiifo; '>• if paiil diM-inp ihc vctir of subscH])- | I i :'n: iir S J iiflcr the year hns expired. I K,.i lio \Vo‘kly OiisKUVER f'2 IK) per annum, if pui.l in ^2 '>0 if paid durinir the year of tmbscrip- ; i ■ III; I'l- .■?:? (*•' after the year has expired. | (0-;. Al'VF.RTlSKMF.NTS insertetl for f»0 cents jter ; .. u>- I'f lt> linos for the tirst, aud 30 cents for eacli lorot'dinj: public.-ition. Yearly advertisement.s by spe- i'.>iitr;u'ts. at reasotiable rates. Advortisers are , to si.ito the niuuber of insortious de»ire«J. or .'V will b«> cciitinnoil till f>rbid, and cliarj^ed accord- Advorti-seiuentii to be inaerted iNsidt, charfced 50 per ni wxira. ^:rK(’l.\L N(>TICE. Kn‘111 nnd :iftor this date, no name of a new subscriber '1 1>: onteri'd ^viIllo^lt jiayment in advance, nor will (, sjior bo >oiit tc such subscribers for a longer time 1 ) i>:ii'l I'lir. . u li if viiir .>ld stibsoribers as desire to take tli« pa- ■■r III tlii> jivsiein will pl«age notify u« when making 'n:lI100'. Mclv KTIIA\ BOOTS & SHOES. School ]Voti€e. i l'A\fr:TTE:\ II.LE HOTi:i., T. WADDTLL, Proprietor. spills, the most comniodiou.s Hotel in Noith I Carnliiia. fronting .{00 feet on Hay and Donaldson Streets, located in the centre of the ' pi'rtioii of the town, and surrounded by all I’.'inking U.mses. Wholesale Merchants and princi- i 1 I’l'iduce Dealers. Ih.'- Iiii'tness men will find the Hotel a convenient Kii'i : oiufortable house. A'l tho Stages aiTive and depart from this Hotel. K:»y«'Uoville, ('cl. 1, 1S.'>S. 61- SIIRMWELI/ HOUSE. F.\VKTTEVII.il.K, C. A’ I i'ie "t iiri'tu Street, a /eic doors 2\urth >J th Mark' t. The Subscriber ilosires through this medium to ackowledge the lilnral patronage bestow od ii]»>n his House the past year- RESPRCTFUl.l^V informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial ISrick IJuild- ingh at his t)ld Si.ind. expres»ly fur mnnufaoluring Car riages. Thankful for tho very liberal patronage he has received for the last ‘Jl yours, he hoj«es by strict atten tion fo business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by exj>erienced workmen in euoh branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is dotennined to sell and do any work iti his lino on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on band, tinishwd, TIIF. LAUtJHST STtH'IK OF Carriages, Barouches, Rockaways and Buggies, ever offered in this place, aud a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. ®riy*'He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHU’LES finished and in course of construction. Jla^All work made bj- him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by liad workmansliip or material, will be repaired free of ch;.rge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and ex amine for themselves. Orders tliankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice aud on very reason able terms. Alav -JS, ls.')0. Hy-tf FALL AND WlNTEll STOCK. I Jt.nns pvr ijuartrr nj h u in rkti: English, 7 .>•) Latin, K» 00 Latin and Greek, 1- ;')0 Contingent, t'.'V A few pupils can be furnished with board in family of the Principal, on Hav Mount. JESSE K. McLEAN, A. M.. Princii»al. Aug 10 ;!‘J- Biii$;^haiii% Mcliool. MISS I1IN0H.\.M will resume her School for Young L. J!i. T. HA\% I.F.V A: VRE receiving a large slock of Boots and Shoeis, rni- braciug every variety of style ami (jnality. Crrwfst’, Hops anff ^*onths^ f^alf BootH, Craiters A* Shoes, Ijight, Double-Sole, and Quilteil Bottoms. Mjadies^^ JfiiHHen, ttnd CbHffreti^s^ tine heeled traitern^ Slippers and Shoes,—in great variety. «KRVAi%T^’ ,\ superior article, made to our order; Single and Double Sole. ^EGRO BrtOOAIV«. .\ large supply of Black and Russet; single anil double sole: purchased direct from Manufacturers at reluced cajjh prices; will be .sold cheaj*. —ALSO— Traveling Trunkfi; Leather of all tsinds; Sltoe-M^tttlinfffi ofevery denctHption. All of whicli we otfer low for cash, or on usual time to prompt customers. Aug. 25, 185y 43-fiw For the Wholesale Trade of jadies on Mondaj', the 3d of October. Aug 27 44-()W liMRINBllRlill llllill SCHOOL. The 14th Session of this Inutitution will open on the 12th of JULY 1859, under the charge of D.\n’i.. Stkwaut, Jr., .V. B., as Principal. Board can bg had either at the Steward’s Hall or in the neighborhood at $8 per month, exelu«ivo of lights and washing. For further information apply to the undersigned at Laurinburgh, N. C. R. D. DICKSON. Soc'y. Laurinburgh, June 18. 25-tf and as he 11 1* just oveoied Now Stal)les and Carriage Shed convcn- iont ti tlio ll'.iise and lo water he lakes pleasure in -ay- in;; ti> his patrons and the public generally, ihai he is SI ill prc]>ared to accomjiiodate them with transient and permanent boar'l. and respectfully solicits a continuance t)t'tlio liberal patronage heretofore received. Every ei oi tiiiu nti his part shall be used to render them couiktria- blo diiriiisr tlieir sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best thu market affords. P SHEMWELL, M.iroh 24. lSr>8. 8*i-tf W % V A K HOimE, GOLDSH »RO'. N. C. The undersigned announces to the public tliat he has taken charge of the above Es tablishment. and is prepared to accommwlate Boarders, by the day, week or month. And i he asstires all who may favor him with their patronage, tlmt he will endeavor to give perfect satisfaction. Table "ipplied with the best the market affords. JAS. O SMITH. • ioldsboro’, Jan'y 28, 185y ^4-lyr NKAKKST AND gT’lCKKST KOlTi: TO THi: KAILUOAD! 31. HOLMES & ROBINSON’S F(H R H»RSi: STAGE LI\E TO KEYAXSVILIK, VIA WAKSiW, Is 'he -hortest and most expeditious for travelers going .Vorih or Soiitli. Leaving Fayetteville every day at - . I - kP. M. THROUGH IN TEN HoUR.^. The tr.-ivoling public who would study their comfort •iii'l ciruvenienee will take the Warsaw Stage. B.-,' THIKJUGH TICKETS TO WELDON may l»e !i 11 at the Stage Office, Fayetteville. •\iig o, 1>'.'>'.', 38-ly AOTICE. I ■’' >R the future we will call for ladies and ciiildren and I deliver the .same at their residences within the cor- |i- r:iie limits of the Town, who take passage on our lines • S':ij:os. .Male passengers will be received at the Stage ''tlico. and delivered at their respective homes in the I 'l") iirntion. Each passenger will be allowed OtJ lbs. of Ii i:rj;age free of charge. HOLMES & ROBINSON, Cont’rs Warsaw Line, r. s. BARBEE .V BRO., Cont’rs Raleigh Line. Fayetteville, Aug. 5, IHjy. ;i8-2mjxi LUTTERLOirs LINR. A STE,\MF,1{ “F.SNNV” leaves Fayetteville every Mon day and Thursday morning, at 15 minutes after Sun i i'* : and Wilmington Tuesday ami Friday, at o'clock, cariying pa'^seiigols ami freight. StoMiiici- ■•SorTHF.RNF.R," with a full complement "f Kl;ii-. iiiiikc- one or more trips per week, as circuni iiiiiy require. Steamer “ROW\.V” will be re- She will tiu*n take her place in T. 3. LITTERLOH. 51-tf To the liilere«t of* Turpentine lliwtillerw. A. B.VKER would resjiectfully inform Turpentine Distillers ami others that he is fully prepared to Manufacture or Repair Turpentine, Brandy and Whis key Stills, Worms, Sic., in fact, anything in the line of Sheet-Copper or Iron work. Particular attention given to the making of Steam Pipes from a superior kinl of Copper, for Boats, Mills, ic. All Work entrusted to my care shall be properly done, and warranted, and on the most favorable terms as re- ganls price. Give me a call and see for yourself, and I know 1 shall have your ]>atronage. Being a practical workman, I attend to all the work myself, which I find is to the advantage of both ray customers and myself. Old Copper bought for cash or taken in exchange for :i«w work. M. A. B.VKER, Hay Street. Fayetteville. N. C ■July 27 o5-0mos WM. CARTER & SON, Wholesale ik Ketall Dealers and .ManuTacturerH OF ALL KI.NIIS OF Mjcather^ Saddles and Harness^ Of every descrifition. Cullars, Whips, \c. And we also particularly call the attention of the whole surrounding country to give us a call, as we are de termined that none shall surpass us in quality or low prices; and we will gi\e the fiighest cash price at all times for Raw Hides and Tallow, in cxcliange for our article-^. t.'ountry Merchants would do well to call and examine our Stock, as we can sell them SI oes of a much better (juality than they usually got. on very accommodating terms. Southern Planters woubl do wtll to semi us all their orders as wo are iiiakin>; .i So. I Hiticle of NH(iR( > SHOES, that are warraiUod to give entire satisfaction. N. B. All Orders from a distance shall have prompt attention. S. S. CARTER. WM. CARTER. Goldston P. O., Chatham Co.. N. | , . March 15, 185'.'. )' ' A LAROE ANU 1ENER.\L VARIETY OF foreh;n Am domestic dry iK>ods, 11 K A D Y - M A D E C L 0 T El I N G, H^iTS, .rOTJ«»rs, MaifP-SMklMtTS, ifc. KTARR Ac WII.LIA^ili, IN placing before the public this announcement, simply desire to say to their numerous customers, and to all merchants who design making their purchases here this Fall, that they are now 0{»ening, and will during the ensuing week be prepared to expose for inspection and sale, one of tlie largest and most general stocks of Goods in their line, ever otfered to the Trade in this market. A portion of these goods are of our own importation, conseiiuently we shall be enabled fo save to buyers the extra profit charged by the New York .lobber. In connexion with the above stock, we shall during the season be prejiareil to sell at low prices, ll«»ot*> an«l MhoeM of* all €>railew, bougfit directly of the Manufacturer—fou cash. grtjr Those owing us accounts past due will please make payment. .1. 15. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. Fayetteville, Aug. 21. 1S50. 4!ltf FUl^lI ARRIVAL! Second Stock Spring and Summer (voodsi. J A P E M BERT 0 N IS now receiving his second *tock of Spring aud Sum mer Goods, embracing all the AKWE^T »T1 LEI«. Such as Su»n»ner Silks^ Grenadines^ Or- gaudies^ /Tr., With a great variety of new style goods for Trarelintf Mfresses and Mounters. .Mso a complete assortmunt of .^oiirnin;:^ Dre»»( tjiood«. A large and varied assortment of SILK AND LACE MANTLES, CHANTILLY L.\CE •POINTS, BL K AND WHITE BEUAGE MANTLES, STELLA SHAWLS, Ka. A few of those splendid French EMBROIDERED AND LACE SETS, COLLARS AND SLEEVES Douglas .Sherwood's NEW STYLE CORSETTS, (with Bustle and Skiri-Support«r attached.) A peat variety of NEW STYLE HOOP SKIRTS, i;c., ..'ic. 1 In the above stock may bo found a great many new and desirable styles, just out. Th« public generally I are invited to call earlv and examine for themselves. I ■ i. A PEMBERTON -\pril 19. 185y 7- i\EW SVHl\G GOODN. « ss rw • •fames Kffle I.*? NOW RECEIVING A LA1M5E SUPPLY (*F DRY C001)8,H.VTS, SHOES, BO LT I N G (’ L () T II S, kc.. Cedar Falls Sheeting and Yarn at Factory Prices. •\ll of which will be otl'ered BY WHOLESALE O R R E T A 1L. in this State. J4tf MEDICAL COLLEliB OF VIR(iL\'M, AT RICHMOND, OF IS,T9~00. ^piIE next regular Course of Lectures will commence X on the first Monday in (Jctober, and continue until the 1st of .March. Ch. Bell Gibson, M. D., Professor of Surgery, ie. David H. Tucker, M. D., Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine. Beverly R. Wellford, M. D., Professor of Materia Melica and Therapeutics. Arthur E. Peticolas, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. Levin S. Joynes, M. D., Professor of Institutes of Medicine. James II. Conway, M. D., Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. James B. McCaw, M. D., Professor of Cheiui»tr3'. Marion Howard, M. D., Demonstrator of .\natoiny. Clinical instruction in the Infirmary attached to the College, which is also thu Marine fur itie port uf Richmond. A great variety of medical and surgiciil cases may be seen in its wards, and numerous surgical operations are performed before the class. The Rich mond Almshouse is also open to students. The facilities for Dissection are unusually great,— MATERIAL being abundant and cheap. Through the liberality of Dr. Thomas D. Warren, of North Carolina, the Faculty are enabled to otfor :» i’iiizk OF One Ht nobed Doll.xks for the best Essay presented by any member of the graduating cla»s. FEES: To each Professor. Dissection, Matriculation. Graduation, Good board may bo obtained in the city ranging from ?-3 50 to ^5 per week For further information applv to L JOYNES. M D Dean of the Fiiculi v Jtily 6. Itoi'.*. 2U-alttd' € IRC HI.A R. ^PllE titidersiirned has opened an Oflice in the Brick J Huilrtinrr, two door= below the store of Mr. George .^lpNeiU. Hay Street, at the foot of Haymount, where he is jirojiared fo receive on Consignment for sale or for shipment. ALL KINDS OF (OVNTKY PRODITE, OR OTHER AKTltlKS. He will also, i when placed in funds for that purpose.) jiroiiipdy attend to the purchase and forwarding of .‘ill doscription.s ol Groceries and other Merchandize which may bo roijuired or ordered. Likewise, he will atteml promptly to all kinds of BANK lU’SINFSS.—obtaining discounts and making negotiations, rei.ewitig notes payable at Bank, and pro- ctiring and forw:irding Bank checks on distant ]ilaces. Having had long ]>ersoaal experience aud knowledge of tho business and trade of the place, ho feels gi oat confidence, that liy giving liis etitire and unlivided at tention to these maitors, and making only reasonable and very moleraie ch.irge.' tor his services, he will be stimula:ed ami encouraged by a liberal p;itronago, ;ii;d that in all eases he will succeed in giving entire general .satisfaction. BEVEKJtV RoSl'. Refer to Messrs. H. A: E T. Lillv. Mr G KOKUK MoNkti.l Titos. S. Llttekloii, Esi Fayetteville, Aug. 10 I't-Gw l*ortal>le and stationary En^inew, Piiinpv, A:c. * II''E are prepared to receive orders for the great TT AMERIC.AN PUMP, worked without packing or suction, throwing from 10 to CM) g.'illuns of wat«r ]>er minute: sizes from 1 to 4, price $1S to ?70. Patented .Ajiril 5, 185*.*. ,\lso. Doilge’s fJutta Percha ball valve. Suction and Force Pumps Contracts Taken Tor the Erection or liiiildings, materials furnished, aud jobbing of all kinds executed with neatness and dispatch. A 15 Horse Power Stationary, and an S Horse Port able Engine, for sale cheap bj' WALTON .V BARllV, Machinists aiul Car Builders. 40- Fayetteville. Aug. 15, 1H5‘.) Town jiapers copy. Leather and India Rubber BKl/n\0, HO!Sf>, &c. undersigned hereby give notice that they are •15 ID pi ices prepared to furnish .at bhi/Vt u.iiico every description of .Nl.achine Belting and liidi.i Kitbbcr Hose. H iving in tmr em))loy compeient workn»en. w'e are at all times prepared to jiut .'^leaiii Engines in order. .Ml olilers prornprly fttioii-lo-l fo. WALTON vV BAItRi', Car Ibiildcrs and Machinists Fayetteville, N t’’.. .luly 2S. 1S5'.V o-")- Sii;irar I'aiie THREE STYLES Of First Preniiiiiii 2 and 'i Roller Snsar 4'ane Mills, Manufacttireil by BOVDi::V & «0!¥, SALtsBt nv, N. C Aug 31»tNl Tiir|»eiiliii(‘ Hat ker^, Scraiwrx, l*iillerM aiKl lli|i|»er!^, ^ LL of the first i|tiality. can be had at M. A. BAKER'S THE \E\\ EUITIO.\M OF THE Supreme Court ^piIE Publishers, conceiving that their New Edition^. 1 with Judge Battle’s Note."?, of some of the volumes of Re].orts which had gone out of print, have not sufli- ciently attracted the attention of the I'rofossion. have been happy to receive the following voluntary tribute to their merits, from a distinguished Lawyer: — R.\LF.n;tt, July 27. 1S5(*. Messrs. E. J II.VLE & SoN’;—Gentlemf.s:—Iconfess. I did not have an opportunity, until a week or two since, tu examine your ro-publication of the first \ ol of Dev. & Bat. Eq. Rep., anl also the first Vol. of tho satne Reporters’ of the Lttw decisions ot tho Supreme Court. It is no compliment, either to i/on or Jiiil/' /laffle. to say, as an bumble member of the profession, 1 tiianl. you for tiiis most valuable atldition to tho .Iti- ilicial treasure of thw State. To the members of the legal profession the Notes of .ludge B. ai'o of great visliiw, and I do most sincerely hope you will receive froi 1 :iic profession generally thai encouragenicnt and patronage which you deserve. 1 am, gentlemen, yours,. niont truly and resp f llv. II W.'MILLER. The Publishers have now in press, about two-thirds printed, the 2d Vol. of Dcveroux ..'i. Battle's Einiiiy. with .ludge Battle's valuable Notes, and with many fypograpliieal errors coiTccted. Orders solicited K J. HALE vS: SON Aug. 8, lS.5y. A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF EVIDENCE, TE.\TH E.\(iLiSii EIHTIO\, WITH COKSIDKKAULE ALIKKAllOXS AN t> APniTtONS. By thf Right Hon. S. MARCH PHILLIPS and TIIOS JAMES ARNOLD, Esij., one of the Police Magistrates for the Metropolis. FOURTH AMERK'AN KlUTlON, With COW'EN HILL'S Notes, and with additional Notes and References to the English and Ameriian cases to the present time, including those added to the last edition by J. Marsden Van Cott. BY 1SAA(^ EDWARDS, COUSSELLOK AT LaW. In three large volumes. The unenualled woik of Mr. Pliillijis on (lie Law of Evidence has long been acknowledged. This editfon h.-is undergone a thorough revision by Mr. Edwarils. and has received an immense ainount of labor, and is now as iiearly perfect as can be made Tiie American labor aud talent bestowed upon the work are not Tess than that derived from the English source. The immortal ni>tcs of Messrs. Cowen Hill, together with those of Mr. Van Cott, have been care fully preserve*!; and instead of being pul in a volume by themselves, as formerly, they aro now placed below the text—a disposition of them which will verj’ much faei litate reference. The entire note and text are arranged in three compact volumes, with a table of eases, aud an extremely full index to e.ach. .Mr. Edwards has c;u-e fully noted any distinctions that m.iy exist between tho English and .Vmerican law, and has alded all th‘ late .Vmeric.an decisions. Several copies of this valuable work just received and for sale by E. .1. HALE & SON, Fayetteville cr.N SlloP. Fayetteville. N. C. I-'., 8i’>t f THE i.ivi:k I \ > I (i 0 \i A r i) n! PREl’AKKK nv I'K si.Nt (KK. 'oni|»ouiiled eiitirely from 1 ONK i.K TMK Htisr (*l K«; VTI VK AM* l.i\ . K \i: 1 I'iriNKS pnhlic hc‘- ;.s h t ' «»H«ier, miltltr. »in«t iuor«* aftectnHl ibnit «ii v ki •« . It In rjot .•ijr A f\ifhurttr. hut a Lirrr jpjji'**!;, .i * :►' - * 0 Ltr^r to luntter «t»; iUi -•hI • %% lo *;arry ihnt mufier, thu** w> p.i i*— . ’• •r.v, without HT»> *f the ymlnful fewiiiMr* ik «h1 m ’ >.• li.i’iik '*f mi--; It htrcnjr?h*!»- \ .• tunc thnt it purfe» it . »ntl »h*»n tnfcen it* n .• will WaiUi fv up wii'i lapi-i.tx Tin* t »• ' of thi* , Hii.l t p' Wtt k v.f a; t* lb AlTUott / r/-- *..r ; et '•> •iom>tcU i* «t Is lU. « C W«l* lo >io ii» itT ,t r ..f thf. » of uiore thun twmtr wheiew.tb to eou:tUirA('t ihe it •« lialiie Tu pi ibKt tliii retnoilj ■» with l^lver C'om- but to ir; * botiW, Th.* 1 llti priuripH' p-Mtornj* tit* ' fully df ou tli« u un-«.-ri-^fuuci;o Aiv i»t Unit. n. of 01.0 *'■ Kor ihe hxt ii .fc T»«rs. to •>! at U-t ft»u plnliit. Vofioe to TiirpeiiliiieDislillors and others. 1.\M fully propMfed t(> make or repair TURPENTINE S TILL.’', or lo utiy thing in the ("'opper or Sheet Iron work, .i! the '^hnrtest notice. M A. BAKER Fayi’tteville. Jan’y 21. 185'.' 82tf Hardware, Cutlery, KADHI.EICT, Are. AMES MAI^TINE is now receiving a large and gene- al nssornneiit of every thing in the above line. _ALSO— .\ prime article of Rio. Lagnira and Java .'(*FFEE ('rushed and l!rown SUGAR: Sugar House SIRUP and .MOLASSES. All of which is otRred on as good terms as c.an t’o had in I hi"' market. Nvr21. 1S5S. W'.tf .1^:: bealihy : t'- ‘I l> e iiiid hvi Tlo- ;i. i ident to thi pall ' d ill M f,.,^- t •i-i r 1. ls;,H M-W LI!\K. In \ V associated with me, in this line, Mr. John K. i» iiley, and will style the firm ORRELL iSc 1),V11,EV. We have purchased the Steamer SdLTiiKiiNEii, undiu t l' w diiys, will have a New Flat employed with her. ’l i". !■ foviiring us wilti their patronage m.ay rely upon I ’ iiiifit div-jiateli, liy applying to Mr. Dailey on board, '!■ to me at my otlice. R. M. ORRELL. J. \V. BAKER Is now rfceivitiir from the North the l.irgest, tinest, .and most carefully selected stock of FITK>(ITI’K K ever offered in this m.irkot; which added to his own manufaotiire, makes his assortment comj>leto: — all of which he will stdi on tho lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. F.ashionablo painted cottage bed-room F'uiniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Lookitig (ilasuos: Willow Wagons anil Cradles; Side Boarils; P.ure;ius; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stainls; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Fr.ames and (ilass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curt.ain B.ands; Sofas in Mahogony and Wal nut; Tete a Totos; Otiontatis; Divatis and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Ro.scwood I’i.inos, one with ..Tlolian tit- fac)itn(‘nt; Rosewood MeIodi:ins, from the best manufac tories in New York and Roston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at New York prices - freight only added. September 2. 45lf i>larble Factory, fit’iriit lo rclie^*^ rifcii'K ai d •oinii-) retihn»j. prex .\s low as the same quality can be ha .March lK5'.t. M. OKliKLL. March 2ti, 185‘J JOH.N K. KAILKV. 8K)-tf To Kail Mtoad fContractors! JUST RECEIVED lOO WUEELBARROWM, ■ gilt ;md strong, for the Rail RoaiL For sale by D. & W. McLAURIN. M ■••h 2'.*, 1R59. HWtf i>lore \ew Oooils! T.\M just receiving my S]>ring Stock of (Joods in my line. They were selected in the Northern cities liy myself, with great care, and Innighton the most reason able terms, by w'hich 1 ant enabled to ofler the largest stock 1 ever before otfered to the public, and to offer them generally At iroatIy Kediired Prices FRUITS—Itaisins, Figs, Prunes, Ajiples, Lemons, Or anges, Cherries, Currants, i'ie. I’K'KLES, JELLIES AND PRESERVES—a great va riety: PERFUMERIES .\ND EXTR.\CTS of varioud kinds; FANCY SOAPS A.\D PtiMADES; MUSIC.VL INSTRU.MENTS—Fiddles. Drums, Fifes, Flutes, Banjos, Guit.ars, &c.; WALKINtJ CANES—of every kind; B.\SKETS AND WILLOW WARE; HOBBY HORSES, &c.; NUTS FINE -\ND COMMON CANDIES; SARDINES; FINE (’ItiARS; SMOKING & CHEWING TOB.U'CO; CRACKERS; FINE POCKET KNIVES; \ large assortment of P()RT-MON.\IES, some very nice: FANCY ENVELOPES, and FANCY GOODS, TOYS flnd YANKEE NOTIONS; An assortment of INDIA RUBI’>ER GOODS: COMBS, WHIPS, FISHING TACKLE. The public are respectfully invited to call and ex amine my stock. I have a gre.at many handsome things that cannot fail to please. JAS. R. LEE, Hotel Building. March 31, 1859 I- I*RIA>; >^T1I.E«! The Fayal, Everett and Hafelock Hats! li.sio, a beautiful assortment of the L.ATEST STYLE l/iV «tum. fpviff'Tftlhc ;ht iiui'IfylitK tlie H tAtitml cur«. nllueliA arc brtfer, i*reventi*«l, >*y l«lvrr IIIvl|orntor« (Mic iU't«>r ealinf !■ tuT- And iwfTeiit the fri*ru OniT on» •{oi'tt tftk«ti befiMv ninr**. oni» ftt (etitlj. luid oir9R C'oat* ii)« d'>ta tAken *firh d)«e of two Mlrk llendnrhe. One bottle uikeo for f«- of the d!M*>aHe. and Otitj one do«e immeiliAiely One d«me oncii rep?aU»l is Morl>iis, and a pr«vetuive W- Milr one bottle is ■yiitein th« •fTei'ta of meU-! c{i>e hAmf a lung l»ken for •lauiulh e .% w' , m _u:.. the ^t*'m*c| M^IK- the I-'** ni^ht, loo*en y tivnicvft. meal vvi]i cure llyt«|)i p*.ln ftpooufuU will nia1« obMniction reuioe* :\tr niHk(*i^ H pflitVot oMrc relitTVi* C'liollr, mhile A ftiite cuie lor i'liol* i*:> of ne«de«i to thr By G!:o. LAUDER, TWO DnORS .tBOVB C. T. IIAir.n Si SAX8’ STdRB Fayetteville, !>f. fJ. Jan’y 20, 1859 64-ypd t*>wn««ii or imnatiiral color Oik* do»e laktiii a ^hort i;‘>r it> the ai>i>cftite. and make^ >ue l->*e oAen repeated I'liira in it» worM fumu. complaints yield (>ite or t wo d(>k«« ctiren at Children : there i» tio Kurer, the world, a» it nnttr f\\U. 9^ A few bottle* ciire« ab»4ti tM>iita. WetakeplMxtre in rerom t>r«Tentive tor K«»v«’r aiiJ and all F'«ir'‘rs of a Htl*> IS ith rei taintT, tnd thouhaiidH wonderftil virtues. from the tkii fini** hefort- ft»od di»ce»t \ cniet C while S II III III 4* I aliYi(*»t to th« d.»M tarkj* ojin»i«i h> \\ «>ri4iH . safer, or PiH»edi«. i irnii'dy ii by excilirsr il-. mending thin in*dirp e t Aifiit*, t’hIU Ions Typ' STOVKS IRO\, TI.\-WARE, Arc. ON ll.\ND. ;» large asftortment of Box aud CiHjking .'!c.vos; Tin-ware: Sheet-Iron: Lead Pip‘. Also 'Ihf "IP/ll l^ntninioit Voffef F.ii^ale 1.TAME^ MARTINE. N.,v'rL'l. Wtf IV\I\TJ^. OILS SPERM, Kctined. Lard. LiU'ted and Tanners' t'lL; Whito Loail; Bi vniug Fhii'l; Putty; Window Gl:>ss ami ut ;ill iizor. —Al-SO— A fresh pupplv of P( )ND'S PAIN DESTROYER. ForsMleby' .lAMES MARTINE. Nov’r-Jt. is->. ^''tf Plow's! I*l«»w«!! l*low»!!I /V NO. t; PL'IU S; • -'>0 No. PlnWS; .'.ONo. 11 -'i Nt). '>11 No. nu ■ Po'nts, Bar'; ai'd Mould B For sale by Jati'v ll.' ;01.D$T0A s. riM.ER VRE now receiving direct from New ^ ork a large and desirable Stock for the ensuing Fall and Winter Trade,—consisting of fiirocerieK, Hardware Holl«>%v- ware, Saddlery, Roots Ac !Klioc^. Cotton Ragi^iiig; and Kope. Many other gootls, not necessary to mention. Ail "t ■which will be sold ou very reasonable terms, either Int cash or to prompt paying customers on usual lime. G. W. I. GOLDStt>N. A. V*’ FULLER Hay Street, Ne.xt Door to H. \ E .1. Lilly Aug. 24, 185'.' 4;i-lm':im Presbyterian copy ■'> mos. To Land RiiyerM. TFTR undersigne'l offers for sale, in the Coal region, and within eight milt's-of the terminus of the Fay etteville Ac Western Rail Ro-'d on Deep River. KKiHT HI VDKEl) ACUES OF lANn, adjoining the land beb.ngitig to the est.aie ot George Wilcox, dee d, and lying thi ee miles South from Car- bonton. on Little Pocket Creek. Moore couttty. These Lauds are well udaplod to the growtli ol oorn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, \c. There are on the prom- i.-es a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessary Out houses. with about one hundred and fifty acres under tence. including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom land. This i- a rare chance for persons wis-ti- ing to make iuvestnienta, as lands are utidoubtedly ad- vancinji in price in this section. For further information apply to Mr. .M. M. Mi.-r>ne, Crane's Creek, P. O.. .Moore county, ir ad lre«s mo nt Kuvetteville. .V. C. DANIEL McRAE. For the Heirs of Gilbert McUae, Joc'd Carbontnn. Moore co.. N. C.. ,\ug. 24 43tf ird.'^ to suit. C. E i.EKTF. s Mifv in SOFT n.\TS(high and low crown.) and all the styles of the most elegant Hats nf the season, can now be seen at the liaiaar. A. McRIMMON. March Di 97-tf W. TII.f^ER, p Mt Mn tuMjJP UM^£, IMPOHTKR OF FANCY GOODS, rnoYS. BEADS, and CONFECTIONERS’ARTICLES, I ('hina Dolls. Rich V'ases, Toilet Bottles, Inks with Figures, Jewel and Card Receivers, Etagere .\rticles, >'tc. Latest styles of goods constantly received anI sold at the very lowest cash prices. W. TILLER. No. 24 South FOURTH Street, PHILADELPHIA. July 18. 32-2mpd All u'vc It arc Klvliif^ tlictr iiuaiiliudus linoiiy III favor. Mix Watrr In til* moiitfi ^Itli llie Iim I* l^oi ator, uiit 4\%'ullo%% both f»^4‘tliei . THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IS A SriKNTIFK^ I>lsrt»VKRY. un.l i- aorkitifc cnren, ahuukt too irrtmt to Imlit-ve. Ii uh, t' \ \ ninric. tren life Jfr$t gitiufj hmtjit, and n- i r r'-.rti one lM)ttltf 1m reiiircd to cure any kind or LIvrr i • i>| ... ui. Trmn tl»« wor«t Jaun>H>-^ or I>yprptnt\ lo a ronimi>i! . .i •«l) 'f which are the re.snU of a 1^1% rr« i'KrCK 0.'C DOLI.AK FCR KoTTt.E. Or. S.VNKOKU, I'rnpnetor, llron-IwHv, S^w York, Betalled hy all I>i iiirirf'**-*. JAS. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. Nov'r n. fi2-ly $125 Reward. [WILL pay S’Jo reward for the apprehension and con- finotncnt in any jail, so that I get him again, of my boy REUBEN, who ranaway on the :'>Ist May l;it. Reuben is about years oUl, about 5 feet H or Dl iiudies high, dark color, will weigh DM) to Dio llw., small oye.s, very thick lips, and has a sm:ill .scar on the back of one of his hands, near the root of the thumb. .\.nd 1 will pay a further reward of for proof •^ufH- cient to convict atiy w'iiite person of harboring said boy or seducing him from home. .)AS. C. .McEAClllN. Laurinburgh, Richmond co., N. C., June I'i [2)tf Ntate Rondw tbr Naie. S' TATE Coupon Bonds, ((Jonpons jiayable in New York, on the 1st .\jiril atid 1st October,) in ijii.-mti- ties to suit, -^pply Jit the Branch of the t’ai'o Fear Bank. A. McLEAN June 1 I'hf folton’x .fountain .Scenery. i FURTHER supply just received. Kiiilei*. €'lit‘e>«ie and C'rat'kei’K. -j A FI 11 KINS (ioslion r.utter, J^tf -~t Bitxos State t'lieese; 1> Bbls. Soda and Butter Crackers. Just receivod by C. E. LEEi’E. Jan'y 12 •1^2 IIIkN. IhooiI Ifiai'on, Mli>IC^ and SliOL’LDERS. just received and for sale by D. ,V W. McL.\Ui:i\ July -J. IHV.'. Iiiiii .\et anil *“/i liBS. (iill Net Twine: i)t * 1 '.Ml lbs. Seine “ .lust receiveil by Jan'v VI NOTICE. 1TR.WED or stolon from the subscriT'cr on the l'*tli inst., a fine RED BAY HORSE, of medium size, ^ or ten years dd. Any information of him will be thankfully re«eived, or any one taking him tip, so that 1 can get him, shall be liberally rewarded. Address E. P.. RICHARDSON, Prospect Hall, Bladeu Co.. N. C. \ t!i. -Jl 43-3t VIXECiAR. BBLS. good Cider Vinegar, for sale low to close 'Usignment. 0(1 ^\f cm .Vug. ISo'.t PKMBEI:TI>N s SLOAN. 4;{-2w 28tf ,H«‘ine T%% ine. C. E. LEETE l^aborer'* Wanted. rpilE Western Rail Ro;id Co. wish to employ 4 able- I b.)died Sbives for the balance of the year, fo work ou track rep.iirs between Fayetteville and Little Hivor Depot. W. A. KUI'ER, Ch. Eng. it Supt. Jttlv ‘Jytf •>0.000 ceiv.., ■\ugust IH.y.t. Raeofi! Raeon!! LliS WELL SMOKKD P.ACON .In«l re E. F. MOORE. 41-U E. J HALE & SON. May li. Harper’s .Tlaj^axine tor Aii;;iiMt. juBt received. E. J. HALE iii SON. .^i«cellaneoii'« Rook*.. ^PME .Nmerican Home (t,irlon, illn«tr)itod. by .Mex’r t Watson; The old Plantation. l>y Hungcrford: Sylvan Holt's D.iughtor, by Holme Lee; Self MikIo Men. by Soyniour; E]dsoiles of Fioin li Hi.story. by Miss Pardoe; Kond.iH's .'^anta Fe K\]>e'.Hfion: Miss Melntosh's Works; Percy .Vnccdotes; Lives ,,f the t^ui'ens of Scotl.ind, by .\gnos Sfricklatid; Barnes’ Notes on the l’>ooks of the New Testamot.t; Literal Translations of tho Classic-^: Alitioit's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte: v'cc. ,\pril '.t E. J. HALE & SON. To I'liha and Rack, l>y Dana; ‘•Love Mo Litth-. Love Me Long; Miss Mitford'-i Recollectirins of a Literary Life; The War in Europe, with Maps; Tom l>urke, by Lever; Harry Lon-eiuer. by Lover: Davenjjort Dunn, complete: r.othwoll, by -\ytoun; Carpet Bag of Fun: li ving's Wii^iiingto!!, vol. 0th, in cloth and sheej': Revival Sermons, by Rev. T)an'l B.ikcf, D. D.; Pe‘p of Day; Line upon Line: Prece]'t upon Precept; Clarke’s Commentarj": Scott's Commentary: School Books, .vc., &c. Further supplies just received. July 2a E. J. H.V./.iL i'i SON. Lancl and Wood. 3/«k_) .\CRES of L.VND lying on tiie FiycKevilk'& • Western R. R. 7 miles from Town. 4.')> Conls PINE WOOD cut atid piled. All for sale cheap to close the concern off. E. Moberts Co. -\pplv to J. H. ROl’Lli rS .V ( Aj.ply June 2't. l^-j‘.J. ‘JUf Knittin;,^ Work, a %\ el>ot many Textures, by Ruth Partington. Presbyteri.m Psalmodist; Southern Hari\ony; School Books, iic. Just received E. J. HALE \ SON .Vugust -7. ( hapra.inN Sprin»»s, sixth (‘(lition; lh»* MrUxt- dist bv .Miriam Fletciier: Life at Three Score, by llarne-: .Songs of the P. E. Churclu The Psalmist, with iupple mont- ('l.'uke's Conitnentary, i:c. June 11. E. J. HALE i. SON. RIank RookM and Writins^ Ink. tj^UHTIlER supplies just received by I E J. hale be SON. ~%Veb«ter’« Elementary Npellin^ Book, for sale by HALE ac SON.

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