M>r k Ti . , iwi 1. hK 1 Lli. i\\\ M* l IVf tii\ UU i» !! »I'IMUMs \ . I ; Vol. I, - r-f ill >ti AHOIJW. \ I'* .1 SEMI-WBBKL Y. VOL. IX.l FAYiyrTFAIlJ.K, N. C., SEPTEMBER 5, 1859. [NO. 846.] i;l\ri:i> MOMI.WS \N1> THl’KSUAYS I'DUAKl) .1. IIAI.K ^ I'.hl lOI'.S \NI> I’KorKli; I'ttKS . S.Miii-Vl'okly Vi:r, 00 jf jcii.l in - ’ill if ( :iiil liiriiiir ;lio yoar of sulisciip- !■ -1 n'-i T till' yi‘;iv lins »-x|>iroil. ,.’.1, lit!'! i;vn! no per ;uiiiinn. if j'.-ii'I in ;! 1 li.l ilin-iiiir llu'yonr of sn>>'i itn- "* iiUT ttio yt'Jir bus i-xjiircl. \ Ir 1;TIS 1;M l A i'S tot >0 cents' jK‘r . 1>. linc I'lif the lirvl. anil ;'>0 ctMits for enoll ■ \'cMrly ailvorliscmont?! Ity sju'- t, ■■K'!-. !it ro'i«nnM>il«' rafo-j. A'lvortisovs are ,| t . 'tri'i' ttio nntnhor ot insovtion-* lU'sireil, or ■’ J.i' .-..ntiMui' I till I'-ii'-iiil. uiiil ciiiiri'eil aci'oni- TIh‘ rat'^enf Carriage Fart or in the South! BOO l> & SHOES. FA LL AND WINTi-^R STOCK. K l7niA.\ ir l llll t' !t> t.> iiivrt('.l > cliargoil ">(* per sri t’lAL Ni»TlCK. ' V this Ti ■ iianio of a now Huhscrihcr : .1 u::1i- ui li.iyuu'iit in mlvanoi', nor will 'ont t ■ ni li 'jnli'Cril'pr-; for :i loiicror tinu' >M sul:'. rilicrs as ilosire to take the pa- tiMu will ploaso iiotil'y us wlicu making I' % \ I T r F. V11.1.1: IIOT 1^: I., T WAI'I'TLTi. I'uoi'iuKTdK. ^HIS. till- ni‘''t foninioilious Hotel in Noitli I aroliiiii. fronting feet on Hay and in.iM>on StiiH'is. located in tli« centre of tiie ■•■ii.'i liic t. wii. ati'l siirr"Hii'lc*-l l>y all ■ 11 \Vli,-.;;'«al,. Merolmnts and j>rinci- • lV:»lcr>. 'iiif'' nil'll will find ihp Hotel ii convciiieiit ■’•I’’ hiii'O. and dc]'art from this Hotel. UT ) HSl’KCTFUl.l.Y informs his friends and the public, that he has liuilt up larjje snhitantial lirick l>nild- in«rs at his Old Stand, expressly for manttfactnring ('ar- riage.s, 'riiankf{tl for ih“ very litieral patronage he lias receivutl for the hist •_’! years, lie hopes by strict atten tion to business, with a desire to gi'-e iaiibfactioii. to nierit a continuance of the siuiie. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of tlie bnsitu'ss. His work will Compare favorably with any made in the I’nited States, for neatness find dura)>ili(y. He is detenniiiod to >;ell i\ud do any work in his line on as good terms tis any Work done elsewhere that is as well done. Hu now has on hand, fiuishgd, THK LAUCKST Sl'OlMv OF Carrias^es, Baroiirhes, Rockaway^ and ever offered in this jilace, and a very large stock of work nearly finisht>‘l. which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very' low for cash, or on short time to punctual cttsioiiiers. |fe/y''He has on hand more than ONK HLNDltKI* AND FIFTY VKHU’LF.S finished and in course of construction. fi^f".\ll Work made by him is warri'.nted l‘J months with tair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanshii^ or material, will be repaired fi ee if cliai'g«>. I'orsons wishing to buy would do well to call and ex amine for tliemselves. '“>rders thankl'ully received and jiromjuly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very reason able terms. -Mav -S. l^•'•'.•. S'J-tf T. IIAWI.EY A: V1{K receiving a large stock of I'>ools and Shoes, em bracing every variety of style and |uality. MtoifH nttfl \*oifths^ f'trtf Boots, iMttifcrs A* Shoes, Light, T)otible-Sole, and Quilted IJottonis. •liisHPH, anti Childrcn'>s^ tine he.elefl iwniters. Slippers find Shoes,—in great variety. J^KRVA\TS’ %nOKH. A superior article, made to our order; Single iind Double Sole. -V large supply of Hlack and Kiisset: ninglc and lotible sole: ]iurchased direct from .Manufacturers at reduced cash prices; will be sold cheajv —ALSO— 't'rarciiIttf Trunks; f^rathrr oPafl kinds; Shof-lflmlinffH of every titseription. .Ml of which we otVer low for cash, or on usual time to prompt customers. .\ug. l!.j, IHoU 4o-t'.w tli* lVliwl(‘«al(‘ Ti*a«lt* of Mrliool .\oticc*. My School in (lie DONALDSON AC.VDKMY will be re-opened on .Monday, (,)ctober -id. 7Vr7)is per Quar/t r oj'fl it iri p^x: English, .■? 7 i'lO Latin, 10 00 Latin and Greek, 1’- OU Contingent, 2') A few piipila can he furnished with board in the family of the I’rincipal, on Hay Mount. .lE.'^SE K. McLEAN. A. M.. Principal. Aug 10 ;;t»- .HiMM Biii^'liaiii% School. MISS lilN'GHAM will resume her School for Young Ladies on Monday, the ^’d of October. Aug 27 4 I let. 1. :>i- iii:>iwi:LL nous I',. runr\ >ecii ki,.. •»t i IS . tvd . I -1 t: I'wirrTKVii.i.K, V. (i'll' ‘ Sfftrt, II r>ic / /!>. Mnh. t. pill' s ni'-!--' V de'ires through this medium lj;i' ihe ''’ I'ral ].aii'ouage hestow- '1 lip II hi^ ll 'ii'e the pa^i year—and as he . Tii tc I Ni. \\ Siabb-^ an I ''aiviagr Shed conven- ’ ^ IL -IT nil I : w iUT he tak.'". pleasure ill 'ay- iii' piii'ins ai'd liie pii'.’.ic gonerally, that he i- ■o| 111 I a.;i i‘iiiiiiod:in‘ Mieiii with trausieut aud M tin -.: I" .'. I. and !• ; .liy ' ilii it' a continuance f ; 1 il palV:ina'_'i‘ heietofnre received. Kvery ex- : II 111 lii,~ pan ,'liati ■■>■ ii-cd lo render them comforia- • i ■_ ^'leir ' ■■ urn wiih hiiii. llis table is alw:iys l l'iied with the ‘iC't the in.-irkei alVoid^. 1*. sH^;.^l\v^:LL. M-nvii >»;-ff %v % 1 \ i: II o I til il.DSl’.'iKo'. ,N. C. '■plIK iind«-V'i'_-ned nnn-Minces to the pii>dic I : ■ r ii. taken ^ liar^e of tlu- above Ls- • ;!'iiii eu:. and i - pri'pared to ai’Cnmmodute H' .iiilcrs. by the d.iy, week or UMiith. .\nd who m.ay IaV‘a him with their patronage, eiideaviii- give jierfect sati-ifaction. TaMe with tJie 1h‘s( the market ntliirds. JA.S. t;. SMITH. 6i-lvr A I.AHtJK AND (iKNF.llAr. V.-VRIKTY OF FOREIGN AXD DOMESTIC DRl GOODS, R H A 1) Y - M 1) K (' I. O T II I X (i, l/.jriN, .VOTMO.rs, MHJ(PM^-SK IHTS, Af. ^TAKR Ai \VlLI.IA.TI?«i, IN jilacing before the public this aunoiincenient, sinijily desire to say to their luimerous (^u^tonlers, and to all mercliants wiio design making their purchases here this Fall, that they are now opening, and will during the ensiling week be prepan d to expose for inspection and sale, one of the largest and most general stocks of Ijoods in their line, ever ottered to the Trade in this market. .V portion of these goods are of our own importation, conseiiueiitly we shall be enablei! to save to buyers the extra protit charged by the New York .lobber. In coniu-xioii with the abov-. i^tock, wc shall during the season be jirepared to sell at low prices, ItooK and ol'all nra4l(‘«>, bought directly ot the .NLuiiifaeturer—kou c.\sii. Those owing us account- luake I'lvment. .1. 15.'STAHM .1. M WILLI .VMS Favetteville. .Vuir 2L 1>>'>^'. -l-'tf i.lllUlNDliilill llllill L THK 14th Session of this Institution w ill open on the 12thof .IL'LY lS.j9, under the charge of D.vs'r.. Stkw.vut, Jr., r>., as I’riucijial. Board can be had either at the Steward's JIall or in the neighborhood at !?8 por month, exclusive of lights and washing. For further information apply to the undersigned at Lauriuliurgh, N. C. K. D. DICKSON, Secy. Laurinliurgh, June IH. 25-tf MliDIClL COLIiBliF. OF VIRiilMl AT lire JIM ONI), OO. TH E nest regular Course of Lectures will commence on the first Monday in (Jctober, and continuo until the 1st of March. Ch. Uell (Jibson, M. L)., I’rofussor of Surgery. A:c. David H. Tucker, M. D., Professor of Theory and Practice of Medioine. Beverly R. Wellford, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Arthur F,. Peticolas. M. 1)., I’rofessor of .\natomr. Levin S. .Joynes. M. D., Professor of Institutes of Medicine. James H. Conway. M. D.,* obstetrics and Diseases of Women aud Children. James H. McCaw, M. D., Professor of Chemistry. Marion Howard, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. Clinical instruction in the Infirmary attached to the t'ollege, which is also the Marine Hospii.al for the port pa^t due will j'kase j of Richmond. A great variety of medical and surgical ‘ cases mav be seen in its w.ards, and numerous siirgic;il operations are jierformed before* the class. The Itich- inolid .Umshoiise is al«o open to students. The lacilities for Dissection are unusually great.— CIRt'tLAR. ^l^HE nndersignetl has oj>ened an (>fiice iu the Brick I Building, two don's below the store tif ^Ir. George McNeill. Hay Street, at the foot of Hayniount, where he is prepared to receive on Consigii'iient for sale or for shipment, iliL KINDS OF nU'NTKY PRODK’E, OR OTHER ARTlt'LES. THE A'EW EUITIOA^K OF THK Siipreiiie Court Reports* ^PHE Publishers, conceiving that their New Editions. 1 with Judge Battle’s Notes, of some of the volumes of Reports which had gone out of print, have not sufli- ciently attracted the attention of the Profession, have He will also, (wheti placed in fiinds for that jmrpose,) j been haj>py to receive the following \olutitary tu ule promptly attend to the purchase and forwarding of all j to their merits, from a distinguished Lawyer, descriptions of Groceries and other Meichandize whicii Ualei;ii. July 27. If' ’' '. Jan y ’J'', I.'^ VJ NKAIIKST A.Xl! KOI Ti: TO Till ()ri('KEST RAILROA O! irOLMES & ROBINSON'S roll! HOUSE ST\UE IINE TO KEVANSVILLK VIV WtKSWV, I • •• di Ttc'i and most expeditious f.>r traveler: going itli. Leaving Fa\e!:evil!o everv lay at . 1. M. THIUK (.H I.N TEN ilol K.. ..eiin^ public whii Would study their comfort i.. iiieiice will take the War- iw Stage. Ti!!;-r;H TIi KETS to U|:L1>>N may be li, Si j^e ; ( . F etteville. \oti€t:. e fii’un wc will call f^r bidiev an.I children and er the s.itiie at their re-ideiices within tlie e.ir- lit- 1)1 the TuWm. wiio take passage on oin- lines . .Male j'a'^cngei-.' will lie rt'ceived ut the Stagi' 1‘id leli\ered at heir re-pective homes in tlie i ir. K icJi pa'rienger will be allowed ')0 lb--, uf tree of chafLrc. Hol.MKS P.ol'.lNSON, ('otit'rs Warsaw l^ine. c. i!\!:i:i;i: .v i;iio., t'iiiii i> llaleigh Line, evir.c. g. 'i, 1^ >'.‘. 2mpd U ri'EKLOirs !J\E. FRi:sil AKHIVAL! To lilt* liilcTfwl or l'iii*|>c‘nfiiK" Soroiid Stork Snriiis: and Siiiiiiiifr (loods. Ill«>tlll(‘r«. , . ,, 1.^ M r (I V \I A. B.VKElv would resiiectfullv inform Turi>entine '* • ' ■ ' - I I» . Di'tillers and otiiers tiiat lie is fully prepared to M.iniifacture or Itepair Turpentine, Brandy and Whis key Stills. Wori'is. \c., in fact, anything in the line ofSheet-Copj)Cr or Ironwork. Particular attention given to the making of Steam Pipes from a supcriui kind of I'opper, lor P.oats. Mills, vN;c. .\I1 Wi^rk etifrusred to niy l aresliall >ie properly d.itie. and warranted, and on the must favorable terms re gard- jii'ice. (live me a ctill and see for yourself, and 1 ktiiiw I stiall have your patronage. Iteing u piactii-al workman. I attend to all the wi>rk myself, which 1 tind is to the advantage of both my customers and myself. old Copper bought for ca-^h or taken in exchange for new Work. A. P..\KEK. Hay Street. Fayetteville. N. July ~~ ;>.’)-tiiiios . iTF, \Mi:U - F \NNV" loave- b.v Mti'l TImr'-day morTiiMg • : III ! iiii -iie-t III TiU'^day I i \ ; II; .1 elij:ei iind frei > i'll. >•:! TIIKHNLi:,' l!r;-'l ill :i ■e line. ' >cir I, Fayetteville every Mon- Mt 1-'i miTiiifo-i after Siin- and Friday, at o'clock, rht. with a full com]ilement WM. CARTER & SON, WIiuleMilc A Dealers and Maniil'artiirers tty ALh KINIIS OK Mjeather, Satlffles anil Harness. ot every descripiinii. l'o!lar. Whips, .vc. VN D we alsii particularly call the at temiun (-f the whole surriiunding ci.untry tu give us •• c;ill. as we.are de termined that niitie shall sin-jia-^s n>; in ijii.dity or Inw price-.!: and we will give the higliest casli price at all times tor Haw Hide> and Tallow, in exch.inge for our article-. f’i.untry Merchants whuM du well to call and examine our Siiick. as we can -ell them Shoes of .a much better ■ luality than they usually get. .in very accommodating terms. Southe-n Planters would do well to send ii>!a11 their orders as we are making a No. 1 article ol N EiiKO SHOES, that are w.arranted to give entire satisfaction. N. B. All (>r.lers from a di.itance shall liave iiromjit attention. S. S. CABTEU. (iuldstou p. (*., Chatham t'o., N. ( March l.'i. IS.-,-... 1.S ttow receiving liis bcoond stock of Spring and Sum mer Ci.iods. embi'.iciiig all the A i: w i: j^T !* T V L i:5». •Such as Summer Sitks^ 0irenadines, f##*- iiandies, *Vr., With a great v.ariety of new style goo.lsi for Traretin^ MPresses and MPnsters. ,\lso a complete .•issortmcnl (>f Ore«« €Soo«U. ■V large and varied as.'-ortnient of SILK and lace .mantles, CHANTILLY L.\CE POINTS. BL K ,\ND WHITE P.EHAGE MANTLES, STFLLA SHAWLS, .\:c. .\ few of those splen.lid Fret.cli EMIHIOIDEBED AND LACE SETS, COLLARS AND SLEEVES. Dougla« X Slierwiiiid's NEW .s;rVLl:; ('I >KS El T.S. with Bustle and Skirt-Suppurtcr a'tai'hed.i .\ gre:it variety iif NEW SIVLE llottP SKIRTS, \c..\c. In the above stock may l>e fuund a groat many new and desirable s’ylcs, just out. Thu public generally are invited to call early and examine for themselves. J. ,\. PEMBERTON. .\l>ril Pt. 7- \i:\v ooons. » A m rnFames Kfflc IS Now RECEIVINC A LARGE SUPPLY OF 1)RY(;()01)8.11A'1USI101:S. 15 0 LT I N (i (’ ]>()T II S, \c., Ced.ir Falls Sheeting and 'S'arn at Factory Piices. All of w hich will be otl'ereii B V W H (» L ES A L E o R ii E T AIL, 'an be had in tiiis .State. •J (If may be reiptirod or ordered. l.ikewise. he will attend promptly to all kinds of BANK 15USINESS,—obtaining discounts and making negotiations, renewing notes payalde at Bank, and pro curing and forwarding P>ank checks on ilisiant jilaces. Having had long personal experience .and knowledge of the business and trade of the place, he feels great confidence, that by giving his entire and undivided at- tejitioii to these matters, and making only' reasonable and very moderate charges for his services, he will be stimulated and encouraged by a liberal patronage, and that in all cases he will succeed in giving entire aud general satisfaction. BEVERLY ROSE. Refer to Messrs. IT. & E. T. Lilly. Mr. Georck McNkill. Tnos. S. Lin'KUum, Esij. Fayetteville, Aug. 10 40-Gw l*oi*tal>lc‘ and NIafioiiary l*lllll|»M, cVc. * are prepared to receive orders for the great Vt .\ME1{ICAN pump, worked without pf>cking or suction, throwing from 10 to (10 gallons of water per minute; sizes from 1 to 4. price SIS to S70. Patented Ajiril 5, lh.'»'.J. Also, Dodge's Gutta Percha ball valve, Suction and Force Pumps. Contracts Taken for the Ereetion of Buildings, materials furnished, ami jobbing of all kinds executed with neatness and dispatch. A lo Horse Power Stationary, and an H Horse Port able Engine, for sale cheap by WAf.TON BARRY. Machinists and 'ar Builders. Fayetteville, Aug. 15, li^o'.t _ 40- Town pajiers copy. Leatlior and India Rubber BKf.TlAO, HOSE, &c. '^PHE undersigned hereby give notice that they are 1 prepared to furnish at sl.ovt notice every description of Machine P>elting and India l!ubber Hose. H.aving in our employ cnnipeteiit workmen, we are at .all time- ]irepared to ]iut Steam Engines in order. All orders iiinm]itlv attended tti. WALTON P.ARRY. ('•ir I’oiilders and Machinists Fayctti.'ville. N- C., July 2'^. IHoO. Siisrair C'aiic^ THREi: STYLES M.\rt;iUAi. being abundant and cheap Through the liberality of Dr. Thoma-^ D. Warren, of | Of First Premiinn *2 and S Roller Susar Cane Mills, i .Manufactured by j S. KOVI>C.\ A: SO\, i Salisui hv. N. C. Aug. f sytNi North ('arolina. the Faculty are enabled to offer a i>iii7K OK On k Hi XiiUK.ii DoLi.Aiis for the best Essay presented by any member of the graduating class. FEES; To each Professor, v-Lj Di'section, 10 .Matricul.ation, o (iraduatioii, 2.> (lood board may be obtained in the city at I'lices ranging fmm S; .”)> to j-o jier week. For further information applv to L. .• JOVNES, M. D.. i>ean of the Faculty. July r». l^d'.*. 2‘J-aiOd .\s low as the same iiuality March l.'^o'.*. WM. L (’ARTER. tH>- re. . th. inure irip' j-er week, as cireum- StoTnier ••K((W\N” will be re- Slie will then lake her place in T. S. M TTEI;L(»H. .'>l-tf M^w i.im: When -enf . j Slater. isi|5 ■ ■ |;'.,.-k’.v-d. ‘ , ,i (. ■.! th” I’'" lh> ' , . ,, . ill . : ii> -houivi y ■ r ; . riT s; :'i;. .1. \V. RAKER Is tinw n-rciviti'j: (rotii the Xorth tlio largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of FI li\ITI Ks: ever o)rcr‘d in this market; which added to his own manuf.actm e, m ;kes hi." a-sorlnient complete; — all of which he will sell oi, the lowest ]io>sible terms for cash or on time to punciunl cn^toioers. Fa-hionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in s('tts; curled hair and ^hnck. and cotton Mattresses: Looking tilasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards; liureaus; Secretaries .and l!ook-('ases; What- Nots; Tables, al! sorts; Wash Stands; C.indle Stands; Wardrob-s; Picturc Fr.imes and (ilass; W indow Shailes; Cornices; rurtain Bari'N; Snfa-; in MaliogDiiy and W.al- nitt; Tote a Tc-tes: Ottomans; Divans and Stools; (Miairs of every variety. Fine Rtiscwond otic with ,Kli;iti at tachment; Rosewood Melo.lia?!'. from the best manufac tories in New York and Bovif.n, warranted a« good as any made in the country, and will be sold at New York prices^—freiglit only added. 4.‘)tf Sejitember 2. .liar hie II \\ l] .'i'* ,ci.ated with me. in this line, Mr. .lulm K. I>- . and will -tvlethe firm >RRELl.. ,v r>All,r,V. We \ !\e piiri'lia'.:ed the Stfamor Si>T‘TiiKt!Ni-;n. and in lew .iiy-, wdl have a .New Flat employed with her. e ta\-.iing Ur; witii their ]i.atronage may rely u|>on |.i le.'paii h, by .ajiplving to Mr. Dailey on board. ^ II , nice. ‘ R. M. ORRKLL. Faclorv, \i JfillX K. DAILKT. HM»-tf To Kail iload i'ontraclors! •irST RKCEIVED iOO WII EEI.RA RROWM, I -':i--,n.: fi.r the Rail Road. For sale by i>. iV W. McLAI.iUN. h :;'j, l:-!u',;. bOOtf - 1 ny (iv.u. LAIIDKR, TU'II DOORS IBOVE T. T. iniBIl it SO.V.S’ STORE Fayeltevilli*, c. Jan’y 20, 1859. 64-ypd Mor€‘ iVcw Cwood^i! 1.\M just receiving my Spring Stock of Goods in my line, 'i'hey were rclected iu the Northern cities liy myself." with great care, and boiiirht oti the most ro.ason- able terms, by whicli I am enabled to offer tho large stock I ever before oflered to the jmblic, and to otl'er them generally At (ireally Rediioed Prioe!«t FRUI TS—Kaisins. F'igs. Prunes, .\pples. Lemons, lr- an^es, Clierries. t’urrants. ,Vc. PICKLES, JELLIES AND PRESERVES—a great va riety; PERF'MERIES .\ND E\TR.\‘TS of various kinds; FANt V SO.VPS ,\ND POMADES; MU.'^D’AL INSTRU .M ENTS — Fiddles. Drums. Fite-i Plutes. Banjos. Guit.ars, i^c.; W\LK1N(I ('.\NE.''—oi'everv kind; j’.ASKETS AND WlLLoW WARE; Hol’>BV IIORSKS. \c.; NUTS; FINE AND COMMON C.VNDIES; SARDINES FINE t'KiARS: SMOKINC ’!! EW I NC TOBACCO; Ci:.\CKERS; FINE Po KET KNIVES; A lai ire assortment of PORT-.MON.V lES, some very nir F\NCV ENVELOPES, and F.\N«'V GOODS. TOYS and YANKEE NOTIONS; An a-^sortmeiit of INDIA RUBBER GOODS; COMBS. WHIPS. FISH INC. TA(’KLE. The j)ii>)lic are respectfully invited to call and ex amino my stock. 1 h.ave a great many handsome things that cannot fail to iiloaso. JAS. R. LEE. Hotel Building Al.arch ol, 18.">0 1- J^PRIAC- The Faya I, Kvereft and Havelock HaN! VI.so. •• beautiful assortment of the LATEST ST\ LE Sl*FT H.\ i'S (high and lnw crown.) an«l all the styles of the most elegant Hats of the season, • .n now be seen at the Bazaar. A. McRIMMON. March 10 '.'7-tf W. Tllil.ER, r ii i ij. # if i^ LI* a /.#, IMl’ORTKR OF FAN'(-Y (M)(H)S, '^poYS. BEADS, and CONFE’TK>NERS’ ARTICLES. 1 China Dolls. Rich Va.ses. Toilet Bottles. Inks with Figures, Jewel and Card Receivers. Etagere Articles, .:c. Latest styles of goods constantly received and sold Ht the very lowest cash prices. W. TILLER. No. 21 South FOURTH Street, PHILADELPHIA. July 18. 32-2nipd riii: |1 4k 3ft k l-Kf.r u;K|i V I'l: 111'. oin|>ounled entirely Crnni M. A. BAKER. S2tf ■ I- iiiv; HKsi 1 \ Cl.Oil • t »» h I'.fth’tfit'-. ir- •5C'-l ni'H t' e'. .'I, ;«'/!? rv ..if tint n'VTff. I I'M- '»»i: \ iiv. vriilio.il Hii\ ..f ll:e l-Hilif.il •i » >f It ►trciijr^h • • !f:c Mi* It . titj wlieit !Kkei. * -• ai ! i ^ u: v- . '''nt? lh»» l*tv» r 1^ on»» of tlie iH!.Ut -l> . H >l It f-:- •r (>erfi ■) Til .■ I4l {Jltlit, t*l* • •• j.nl TtK" IfVf] .pe( th -V UCM -'f linn iwfiilv th»* r*. l\,Hi thi* rPTr»N! J i, c.l u.lU l^lver ( cnii* > to trj A U>Ttle. i> *tern -« ' piiillyltiU lli- ■■ I iH|..;iru,e. 1^ luilofif nclii'k« ftr«* |j|%'rr Invt)'»rnt«>a*. « nftor »nd |*trre.it tbe from I »i.l V i>ri« io>e tnken Insfor* innrV. Onlj one dose at fftitJy. Hmi cur«' i.'O’*- Ot)« l4ik«ii Aft«r tfAoh e rtontf of two t«H. k ^Ick f One bottle tHk«»n for f« rn*i«e ot the diHPH****, ai'd Oiilrotie done imiueilinteiy , !*loi bu%, »» j « Mily oi.f* bottl; \n\ th« •fTet’th «*r n>edi 9^ On* bottle tnken tor J; flclent to relieve st.>njnc‘. riiiiitr itTHi »iMJrinc reiirir.K. nijrhl. Ux>M>iis b«-wr!- tivfiirsft. mHtil wiilcnr# l>y»|>t*pMia tipoonfuU will :r ro*l«obMrnction ien>o^e« •’ e H perfect lelieNfs whilr A dure cure for C'llolf-rn or I'liolrrn. 'lK«kiei to throw rf tt'** Cin« nf\t*r t« l-jJ.if •IfiltlKlif-e a’l *m\ from th^ kkiti. time b«fore »tit |f v» ftx>d w**!! curr* C lir«»nl€* while S n iM III r r :in.. , aUii(>»t to the fii^t li4so tackh raniiMi h.'' ' or i» Tiir|>(‘sitiii' Hac*k(‘rM, Mcraporis, Pullers and l>i|»|»c‘r.«, VLL of ihe first ipiality. can be had at M. A. B.VKER'S Cl'N SHOP. F'avett.'ville. N. C. .lan'y I-'.. ls.-,«. ‘ SOtf \o(ice to Turpentine Distillers and others. 1.\M fully j i-epared fo make or repair TP^RPENTINE STILLS, or do any thing in the Copper or Sheet hvn work, at the shorte-t notice. Fayetieville. J.ui'y 24. 18')0. Hardware, Cutlery, ).V^IES M.VR TINH is now receiving a large and gene ral ji'Sortment of every thing in the above line. —ALSO— A prime article of Rio. Lagiiira and Java COFFEE (’riislied anil Brown .SLG-M»; Sugar House SIRLP and M(»LA.SI:S. .\11 of which is otTcred on as good terms as can f>e had [ in thi- market. ! N-.v'r 24, IS.').'^. 'I'itf JSTOVI>, MIKKT IKO\, • TI\-W.1KK, A:v. ON H\ND, a largo as«ortTiiont of Box anl Cooking .Stoves; Tin-ware; Sheet-Iron; Lead Pipe. .\lso //»f “O/rf Ikotniiiioii Votfcf ; For sale by’ JAMES M.\RT1NI'’. Nov'r 21. t'l'itf PA I ATS A:c. ^PERM. Retined. Lard. Linseed ami Tanners' olL; White Lead: Buruir.g Fluid: Putty: Window Glass aud .''ash of all sizes. —ALSO— ’ A fresh supply of POND'S PAIN DESTROYER. ' P'or s.ale by .7.\.\II...S M.VRTINl'j. 1 Nov'r 21, i S.')S. ti^itf I85'J. Messrs. E. J. IL\lk & Sox;—Gr.NTLK.MKx:—I confess, I did not have an opportunity, until a week or tW'ii since, to examine your re-publication of the first A ol. of Dev. .t Bat. Eq. Kep., and also the first Vol. of the same Reporters' of the Law decisions of the Supreme Court. It is uo compliment, either to >/oii or Judgt llaltle, to say, as au humble member of the profession, I thank you for this most valu.able audition to the .lu- dicial treasure of the .State. To the members of the legal profession tho Notes of Judge B. are of great valu«, aud I do most sincerely hope you will receive from th« profession generally that encouragemeut and patronage which you deserve. I am, gentlemen, yours, most truly and resp'f’lly. H. W.'MILLER. The Ptiblishers have now in press, about two-thirds printed, the 2d Vol. of Devereux vt Battle’s Equity, with Judge Battle's valuable Notes, aud with many typograiiiiical errors corrected. Orders solicited. E. J. HALE & .SON. .\tig. H, 1S.50. A TRKATISE ON THE LAW OF EVIDENCE, TENTH ENtiLlSU EDITION', wrrn ooxsidkii.milk .^LTKu.^Tloxs axi> AoniTtoxs. By tlMi Right Hon. S. MARCH PHILLIPS and THOS. JAMES ARNOLD, Esq., one of the Police Magistrates for the Metropolis. FOIRTII AMEKK VN EDITION, With COWEN HILL'S Notes, and with additional Notes and References to the English and .\merican cases to the present time, iucltnling those added (o the last edition by J. Marsieu Van t!ott. BY ISAAC EDWARDS, CofXSEl.l.DIl .\T L.\w. In three large volumes. The unequalled work of Mr. Phillijis on the Law of Eviilence lias long been acknowledged. This edition has undergone a thorough revision by .Mr. Edwards, and h;is received an immense amount of labor, and is now .■t'- nearly perfect as can be made. The .Vmerican labor and t.alent bestowed upon the work are not less than that deriveil from the English source. The immortal luifrs of Messrs. Cowen .S: Hill, together with those of -Mr. Van ('ott. have been care fully preserved; and instead of being put in a volume by themselves, as formerly, they are now placed below the text—a disposition of them which will very much faci litate reference. The entire note and text are arranged in three compact volumes, with n table of cases, and an extremely full index to each. Mr. Edwards has care- I’ully noted any distinctions that ir.iy- exist between the English and American law, and has ailded all the late .\merican decisions. .Several copies of this valuable work just receivcil and for sale by E. .1. HALE iS: SON, Fayetteville. IHI59. 4.i4>l>,»!STO\ X riM.UR \RE now receiving direct from New York a large and desirable Stock for the ensuing Fall and Winter Trade.—consisting of liirocericM, Hnrduare Huliow- ware, Saddlery, Koot^ii .SIiocn. 4'ottoii Ra^^iiii^ and Rope. Many other goods, not necessary to mention. Ail of whicli will be sold on very reasonable terms, cither for cash or to prompt paying customers on usual time. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. A. W. FULLER Hay .Street, Ne.\t Door to 11. Ai E. J. Lilly. Aug. 24, ISo'.t 4o-lm''>^m Presbyterian copy 3 mos. fntiiiilinc tliti* mHiciite r. .\HJir. fliH! K*\,r. loiiM iMie wiHiu;: - t«M>lv to it- lovTtic^* fn nTii'Htuml One d me n i»hort -I MTjil m»key >')e dos»^ repeMedj t'liipa II* *1* f«'rni'». I complHtiitK yield ii.r r tw«i (liioeH «'Ure» Kt rhihitfn: there i» no Kurer. tl.r world, M it n^0rr I'ltift,. j A few bottle* cure-'^^ Mropsy, by excilinc \\\e We tHk«fd«k»Mre In rerom ‘ \ r^rent.ve tor Kl* VC r HIkI *:>d »J1 Kev«»r» 'f « Hll- w»th rei tninty. Htid thoG^HU't?* wnntlerfiit vinr.as. All \tIio unr It «rc ^Ivliicj tlirlv III IIm fa^or. \Vi»fe*r III tfir nioi«tti >^lth flic Irivl- ;;uinlui\ uiid «\%nllo\v botli to^ctlirr. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR A SriKNTIFK' MFUK'A!. IM»f(»VrKY. hiM >• -T Mkitip cu;eh. nhnont too prent to lielieve. I; c:jres h*. / .*> in*»eic. (ht ri'tf ifitiytQ ftf'd *»Wf?orr rrf -•.• t .-r- ntii* i'' rf(i»ir«d to nny kii.d of l.lvri* ‘••niMnin*. l-.nin the womt or />»,m T7jrt*i t’ » conim«*’i II- ■ ■ ni\ which Are the result of » l>lH«‘nS4 l l4lver. ! putrR ptn.LAK rsR iiottlk. ) Or. SA.VK'>KI>. I'roprit'tijr. 'Mo n hray. Sew York | Retailed b> nil lirujccist.* .W / Aj/ j JAS, N. SMITH and S. J. TIINSD.ALK. | Fayetteville, N. 0. , Nov’r 11. t)2-ly llewsird. [WILL ]>ay .S2') reward for the ajq>rehension and cou- fincMiieut in any jail, so that I get him again, of my boy REL15EN. who ranaway on the :51st .May last. Reuben is about •>(» years old. about feet S or It* inches high, dark color, will weigh 1 •'>() to I'’»-3 lb.'., small evc“. very thick li]>s. and has a small scar on the back of'one of his hand', near the root of the thiuidi. .Vnd 1 will ]iav a fui ther reward of for proof “iifti- cieut to convict any white person of h.irboring said boy or seducing him from home. J.VS. C. McE.VCHLX. Laurinburgh. Richmond co., N. C-, June 111 [21tf ^tate Roiid^ for Male. ^T.\TE Coupon Bonds, ^('oupons payable in New ^ York, on the 1st .\pril and 1st Octolier.) in quanti ties to >.^uit. Apply at the P.ranch of the t’.ape Fear Bank. A. McLE \N. .lune I oO rio%«!«!!! No. tl PLOWS; .'(It No. 10 Plows; .50 No. 11 *• 2-5 No. .5t> “ 2‘> No. tilt “ Points, Bars and Mould Boards to suit. For sale bv C. E. LE ETE. Jan y 12 - ‘ 7!»- Riittei*. tiieese and C'Faeker**. -I i k FIRKIN.S (iosheti liutier; : J \ | 2.'> I’oxes .''tale Clieese; ' !• I’bls. Sou.i and Butter Crackers. i .Tust received by T. E. LEETE. j Jan'y 12 '’•*- j lllid*i. Inood Kaeoii. MIIIIIMi and SHOULDIOll.S, just received and for s.ale by I D. \ W. McLVCRIN ! To l.aiid Kiiyerw. ^PH E umlersigned offers for sale, iu the (^oal region, L and within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville Western Rail iUiad on Deep River. KK^IIT HINDKED A( KES OF LAND, adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George ’A ili_-(ix, dec'd. and lying three miles .South from Car- bouiou, on Little Pn -ket Creek, .Moore county. These Lands are well adapted to the gruwtii of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, .'cc. There are on the prem ises a comfortable l>weiling, and all neces.=ary Out houses. with about one hundred and fifty acres under fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom l.and. This is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lauds are undoubtedly ad vancing in jiricc in this section For further information apply to Mr. .^I. M. McRae. Crane's ('reek. P. O.. Moore coituiy, or address we at Fayetteville. N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec’d. ('arbonton. Moore, co., N. C., Aug. 24 48tf AOTICE. ~ ^TR.VYED or stolen from the subscriber on tho I'.Uh i inst.. a fine RED BAY IIOP.SE, of medium size. S or ten years old. .Any information of him will he thankfully received, or any one faking him up, so that I can get him. shall be liberally rewarded. Address E. B. RICHARDSON, Prospect Hall, Bladen Co.. N. Au£T. 21 43-3t \i\KiiiAR. BP>LS. good Cider \ inegar. for sale low to close consijjnment. PE.MBERTON & SLOAN. i;j-2w A olfoii% TIoiiiitaiii Neeiiery. FURTHER supidyjust receiveil. E. J. HALE & SON. May 10. Harper^'s .tlagaxiiie f*or just received. £• J. HALE & SUN. July 2, IS.’O. 2'^tf 4i(ill Aet aiKl Neiiie Twine. i“ t i LPnS. (Cill Not Twine; / P''*’ 1*'“- f'cine “ •Inst received bv LEETE. Jan'y 12 ‘ 7!'- Tli*>cellaiieoiiN Rookn. n^llE American Home (Jarden, illustrated, by .Mex’r 1 Wat.sou: The Old Plantation, by Hungerford; .Sylv.in Holt's Daughter, liy Holme Leo: Self M.ide Men. by Si'ymoiir: Episodes of Fieiicli Hi-ioiy. by Miss P.ird^; KendaT'- .Snnfa Te EKpedition: Miss McIntosh's Work-; Percy .\necdotes: Ijives of the (^iM-ens of Scotland, by .\gne« Strickland: Barnes' Notes on the Books of the New Testament: liiteral rT.an'latioiis ol the ( lassics; Abbott's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte; .S:c. April E. J. 11 ALE & SON. To (’iiha and Rack, l>y liana; ‘*LoV“ M- Little. Love Ale Long; Aliss Milford's Recollections of a LiteTnry Life; Tiie War in Europe, with Maps; Tom Pmrke. by Lever: Harrv Lnrreqiier. by Lover: Davenjiurt Dutin. complete: Bitihwell, by Aytoiin; Carpet Bag of Fuu; Irving's W .i-hington, vol. .'»th, iu clotiiand sheep; Revival Sermotis. by Rev. Dan'l Baker, D. D.; Peep of Day; F.ine upon Line: Preceyit upon Preccpt; Clarke's Commentary; Scott's Commentary; School I’ooks, (Xc., &c. Further supplies just received. July 25 E. J. HALE & SON. ^ l..alioi*ei*!^ \%'anteil. ^pilE Western Rail Road Co. wish to employ 4 able- bodied Slaves for the l.al.auce of tiie year, to work on traclv repairs between I ayetteville aud Little River Depot. W. A. KUPr.R, Ch. Eng. \ Siipt. July i Rac'on! Racoii!! O/k n/Wi WELL S.MOKED BACON. Just re- ceived by E. F. MOORK. August 2'.», 1 ' 41-It liSiiid and Wood. .\CRES of L.\ND lying on the Fayetteville & Western R. R. 7 miles from Town. 450 Cords PINE WttOlJ cut and piled. All for sale cheai) to close the concern of C. E. Roberts .v (’o. Apply to J. H. R(.(BERI.S iV (JO. June'20. IB.-/*. 21tf kniltiii;; \Voi*k. :i Weliol inaiiy Textures, bv Utith Partington. Presbyterian Psalmodist; Southern Harmony; School Books, i^c. Just received. E. J. HALE ie SON.- August 27. (hapmairs Sermons, sixth edition; tlie Metlio- dist bv Miriam Fletcher: i..ife at Three Score, by P>arnes; Songs'of the P. E- Cliurch; The I’salmist, wilL suj-plc- ment; Clarke's Commentary, iic. junell. E. J. HALE .'c .SON. RIank Rook» and AVrifin;; Ink. I'^rRTHEll suiiplies just received by E. J. HALE SON. Webster’s Kleinenlary Niwllins Book, for sale by E. J. HALE & SON.