SEMI-WEBKL, Y fVOI . IX.] FAYETTEVILLK, N. C., SEPTKMHER 8, 1859. [NO. 847.1 i:l\i r.l> MONDAYS \M> THUKSDAYS i:i)\VAKI» J. IIU.K & sox, i:i>lT(»KS \M> I’HorniKTOHS :;.1\ nil' FAYfryrTKVILI.E MITUAL INSIRAXCE COMPANY. ASSETS $264,618.62. ■V ilii’ Semi-U fokly Ouskrvkk 00 il’ paid in I Company has been iu operation more than ti\ I years,^aml Iih« paiil it.s lire losses, auuiuntini; lo §'J3.;)24.87 wiilmut any assessment; iiibunwsce averag ing its members nboul ^ percent. Aiuonnt of ])rop(>rty now insiiro'l. SI .Tytill. r.Mt.Ol AniouMt pi'entinni notes now on 'J .'ill if paiil ilnrins rhe year ul’ snbsciip- it:-'V the year bus expired. \ liVKK O'* pi-r aniuiiii. if ptii'l in , 11, >■-’ •’>'* it’ puiil (luring tlu- year of s\ibscrip- tic .ifior the year has evj'iretl. \ l'\nri'LSI \1 KN'I'S insiTteii foi tiO eents )M‘r • !>■ liiii-- the I'lr-'t. anil cents for eaeli o.iiii^ I'liMie.ition. Vi‘;«rly ailvertiseiuents by spe- ■ iiM-.iit'. at re.'isonable rates. Ailw-rtisers lire 'i"l 111 '■■!.'ite tile n'.m'ler i>f inseitions desireil. or s,;’ ; . .>i;i i’lUi"! till forliiil, and elmrged aoc’ovd \.1\ iM i~‘inetit? t>e inserted ntsnir’, charged ”>(• per Sl'Kt'l.M. .Norit'K. ■in 1 itii'r I hi' la; r. ni nanie of a new 'iul>serilier .■iileri-il Hi lil'iil p.tyiiienl in fidv.nni-e, nor will I! I T t'f 'ent t. sueh s\ib>;erihev' for a longer time - ■.I'd fur ■I nr m' I 'iiib^erilxTs as ilesire to take the p:i I tlii> sV'lem will pleAkf notit'v tis when making ItllT'. (ieo. MeNeill. 1>. A. Kav. II. L. M yrover, tj. W. TilliHirhast Henry Lilly, N. A. Stediuati, S. .1. Hinsdale. T. S. liUtterloh, Will, McLHiiriii, A, l.?IPOKTATIO.\^> I ]\OTI(;i \ i I () 1^'' 1^'"”)^) I tlieremay bo «ome persons in Fayeitevill niid M .1 T w '>1 H. W. HORNE, TO f .# T n\ Wm. B. Wright. Ksip, 12S-1V iiind at I he • 'tiie^ of ■ (' iiirt II 'Use. w .m>ni:i>ii i?.\kek, Jk., \rriMt\Kl AT LAW, I\S : ' .•Il an otVu-e next door lo Wm. 15. Wright’s Law ■ ‘ i I irei ii Street. He wil! altrnd and practice . ' ■ u'y ;uid Snperiiiv Tnurti of Cumberland, i; tii‘--"ll (lid .■'rlli'.psiin. \1 - , Is.-.:: Tytf r. J. 5^1.\4 LAIR. ii(oriK\v and 4'ouiisellor at Law, r WKTTi:VILLK. N. C.. ’ il.I. ('Vi. liei' in the C.mrts of Uol'cson, Cumberland. II Il licit Htid Uifliiiiiiud Prompt .attention • . -I :in-iiiif>-. entrusted to hin. K.-' Is.-/' Sf’i- JOII\ I*. riLLLR, \ttonu\v and I'ounsellor at Law, wii.i rit^rvii k: in tiikidukts of Uoln'>oii. (iiintxTliiiul, ( uluiiil)us and Bladen. I'tli L‘ :ii l.iiiiibt, ri.'ii, lli.beson Co., N. C. V .■>, Is-,. -J'.'tf I\Mi:s L. ti MM’.S Mild son K, .1. r.AlNF:s, will, in fiiniri'. pr,'i i‘e Inw in copurfnership. in thu ’oun- li,'- i.t Nb ntg. iiMTV, Sianly, .\nson and Moore. T)i I;, IV lio rl.lrf'.sfd either at TroV. N. C,. where h. .1 ilrntic' re-iitlcs, or at Norwood'* N, C, I’r-y, ,\pril T. ls‘>'.*. 4tf J. K. Rl LLA, Attorney and Tounsellor at Law, ASHKBOKO’. N. C., ILL attend tlie 'mirts uf Urindolph, Moore. Monf- >''iiii‘Ty. I'Hvid'oii and tiuilford, and promptly «t- ■1 !■ >ill bii-ine>' entrusted to his care. M r.! I'i. Is:,'! W S. T. Hawley. W. 'rillinghu«t •\. A. Meixethati, ,L I>. Williams, .las. (.;. Cfuik. A. W. Steel, Jus. Kyle, lion. .1. (i. Shepherd, li. F. Mrown, Wilmington. D. Hull. Wilmington. ( >ffici:ks: Me.NLlLL. rresident. I*. ,\. It \Y. Vice I’resident. (’, A. McM 11.LA N’. Secretary •lohn ('ollins mid (’. ( . Mc'nimiiien. Travelling Agents. gfe|VThe ('ompanv invite ajtiilioations. May I'.t. LS.');*. ‘ It'.Y Tin: .\OKTII «',\KOI.Ili.V NlTl.tL LIFE IXSrK.l9i('i; (OMPANV, NOW in the tenth year of suceessfnl operation, with growing ea|iital and firmer hold upon public eon- tidence. Continues to insure liie lives of all healtliy per sons from 11 to I'.O years of age, for one year, for seven years, anil for life -all life memberssiiaring intiu- profits. •Ml slaves from lit to fiO yi-ars of age are insured for one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within '.*0 days aller sati.xfactory proof is presented, Fiir furth«-r information the public is referred lo Agents of tlie I'ompaay in all pai'ts of the State, and to U. H. liATTLK. Secretary, Ualeigh. E. J. HALF. Agent at Jan’y 1S.5'*. Fayettev’lle. N. C. ATLANTIC' .nr ri AL Fire and Marine Insurance Conipan}, (’AllOLlXA (MTV, NORTH (’AKOLINA. litri>rpirat>'d by tin .l' of th> »»/ \^"rth ('1 rolhui. IlIUS C()MI’.\NY being duly organized, is now jire- pare'l to receive apjdications for insurance upon Bulldin;;s. Merchandise. Furniture. Mills, Manu factories, Ships and Iheir (ar"oes. And most kinds of property, at remunerative rates of premium. It is aimed in the organization of this v''ompany, to make a safe meiii-mi for Imlemnity and I’rotection to the assured in 'ase of Loss, .■Xu honoraMe and upright course of dealing, and a faithful fulfillment i>f its con tracts, will at all times characterize the business of the '•m)>any .Applications for Insurance iii«y be made at the otlice of tlie (,'ompmiy. or lo its authorized .\geiits. i>nu;rT(jus. John ,\ I’arrott, Levi T t tg’est'y, W r> (.'inint, l»avid S .lone', (leo W l>i!l. Col Thos .1 lUskely, Luke iilackman, UFFlCKK.s .John .\ I'arrott. Levi T (Iglesby. \\ S Loiiff, K A Thonipson, A. r. Chapin, W 15 Gr«m, ) W S Long, -EXECUTIVE COMMITTFK. i*avid W Uell, ) March I’J. 9r>-('im rpHE subscribers have receivei! most of fheir purehii«es L for the approaching Fall Triide. embracing a iarge and general assortment of €»roc*t*ri*»i, llollou-Ware, r>y the Ton or les,-; Sole I.eatlier, Tair Skins, SIhk' Fiii(liii,i!;>. N\ itJi articles generally wanted for maim fact lire of Shoes; SetriH^ m:\TAL .\OTIC K. William Long, l»avid W Hell, ,\ 1> Ciirtpin, Samuel Letfers. Joel H I'avis, i> Hargett, E Mallett. rresident. Vice I’re'i'leiit, Treasurer, Attorn* V, Secretary. I»' It '(•T r I'tlers hi- ■''.iManity. and ma_\ h ■ f the Markt't. .t, js.'.'i. jirofessional services to the • 'fell at his i.lVu-e. two duors f'tf vK. J. It.XVl.' having dj-cided on j)erm i- ' nently Inciting in the Town of Fayetie- viUc. rc'pe. fully ntfers his a»»rrice« to the ■ii« "f tliis place and suiToiin'linn country. In nil ' ■■ v..; i.iu' branciii's of iiis rrol’ession, including the , M ,tafi':r.' ol Miin-ral roctli. he is 'aiistied. after an '.■r-i\e i'x]MTirnc‘‘. t.i which is ad'lpd n thurongh Den- i‘'lu'-ii!i ti. that In- I'an give entire oatisfactiun as far - . in th'^ p'lwcrof l>i-iitisiry. .Ml irregularities of the j '■ • ill tri‘.itv'l in a and careful manner, as well as | -■■ I'C' -f th»‘ iiViUih. None but the projier metals are 1 • 1 ■ in the various ■'jvfniiioii'i. '.'iiarges will be i ■ liTaie. tiiat the bi-nt-fit'of the I’rnff'sion may Lo | • ii i-'l witliin tlie real'll of all « )io muy feel an inrerc-t u Ilf I'rt-scrvatiiin uf tlie Teeth. j iirtice .>ver Hhiisikji's Jeweb-y Store, where he hf f'iiind at all times. M,iy lit, ]s.-,s. '.itf WORTH X I Ti.KV, Forwarding and (lenfral (onotmission Merchants, f'affetterilie^ .V. i\ J. A, Wiiui lt, T’Jtf ' Jus, tTI KT. R. n. oRRi:i.L, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. ''I^littSi; sciidiiit: their .s|iiiii-. I'.irpentiiie to me may JAS. C, S.MITH.] [.MILK.s COSTIN JAS. O. SMITH & CO., rartors^f Commission titul t'or- icardiNff ,lierchants i WILMlNtiTON, N, C. ' P.oMl’T attemioii given to sale of T1M15KR. Ll'M- ; HER, N.WAL STOltES aud all kind.« of I’roduce. , Liberal a'lvancements made on Consignments. tlefer to E. 1’. Pres’t l>ranch Bank of .'^late. ' H. R. Cash’r Bank Cape Fear. Jons 1).\wson, i Es.,. _ I July lit*. ls.>'.i ;i-l-t)mos . H. OR iIIA31, I CO, fi.UtSSi€P»^• .UM:RCMI,t.VT, w[l>il\(;t()X, X (' Al'^II,,L give prompt and yier^nnal attention to all C'ln- \\ signments of Spirits Turpentine. Kosin. Tar and Turpentine, and all country pr"'iuce for sale. Office up stairs, over tlie store ot .Mr. Voiiglahn. an'l joining Lutterhd' ii Wharf. North Water itfreet. June -3. -'itf T. C. A: tt.U. WORTH, Commission and Forwarding .Merchants, \vii.MiN«rrox, X. c. Jan'y 2h. IHo'.t Sitf \VM. H. TFRLLXiTON, 4' o III III i M i o n II v r c* li a ii t, WILMINCTON, \. (’., flLL give prompt and fiersomil ;iffention to all con- In great variety, and S AlMUdlKY H Kh W.AH Iv They have also added largely by Direct Importation from the ALauufactiirers in Europe to their Mt.MHiP-nMRi: X a department, by which they are enabled to save to their customers the ^iorthel■u Jotibers I’rolits, and they are disposed to sell at a siuall advance on ;osl on their usual terms. They solicit ati examination of their goods by the Trade generally. In addition to the above variety of Goods, which in tlie aggregate constitute one of the largest if not The Largest Stoek to be Found in l^orth Caroiina, the un'lersigned are Sole Agents in this place for Mess. Wni. Carter ,V Son,'of Cliathaiii Co., for the sale of their »1 ri^RIOR rro;aa>». MeSrs. C. t'i Sou are manut'acftiringSlioesironi Leather tanned by themselves—except the outer sole; they have all the recent imjirovements in machinery, and are making A Shoe That Planters Will Find Superior in every respect to any ever offered for sale in this sec tion, and at a reasonable price. Call and see 11 GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO August 8, 1S5'.» SS- D. iTw7 MoLAlRIN, Al'^'OULl) invite attention to their large and dealrabW W Stock of GH OCER1E8, (’onsisting in pari of— InO liiiiTS Rio, liajruiru and Java Coffee; lUt Hills, and llhds. Sugar (^a.sriurted;) ‘2:y llhds.; 30 ‘‘ Hacoii—Sides and iSltoulders; 50(1 Sacks Salt; ir»0 lioxt'.s pHid Toliaeeo; 125 “ Sponn, .\latuantine it Tallow Candles; 50 “ Soap (a.ssorted;) 50 “ (’andy “ 100 l>atrs Shot “ 1(H»0 lbf>. Har Lead; .■>0 A Hills. Snuff—Eagle Mill*; Ke;,^s Soda; 250 “ Xails. —ALSO— A Urge and general assortment of llaiMluare and C'litlery; Faniiiui: I tonsils, of all description.^; .\inericati, KIlL'■li^ih, Swt*les and Peruvian Iron; Hlister, llennau and (,’:ust Steel; Hlacksmiths’ Tmils; I (’copers’ Do.; ('orn Sheller,* and Straw Cutt-rs; Ptiiekets, Hrooins and Hails; (’otton, .^Ianilla and .luto Rope, ' »11 kinds and (juality;) I’low Lines and Hed Cords; Hollow W are; (’otton Yarns and Sheetihirs at factory price .Ml of which will Vie sold i.ow kou imsh, or on usual time to promjit paying customers. Ol NTKY Mkucu.wts are respertfully retjuested t'l i-all .md e.'iamine our utock betore purchasing else where. D, X W. McLM'itlN Mar. h IS-V.t '..:;if vicinity who may not be aware that amf ll'ilsott'^s •IMfichitte is I he best for family sewing, and who intend piii ch:i.-- inga Sewing .NL'ichine, this is to advise them (J'fr tln-ir iiwii uiterfisl,) to call upon the subscriber and see one of “Wili;K|yKf{ (i Wil.SON'S’ before purchasing. It will )irevent their purchasing one of the man,v interior Seuing Machines, which arc otTered for sale ihrouj;h the country. There are THIKTV of the Wheeler & Wilson Ma chines in succe-isful use in this place and vicinity. S. J, lU.NSOALE. Agt. Aug. -II 42- W Mir.ELKH .Sc for sale by Vuii. '11 WILSON’S SEWIN(i MACHINES. S. J. IllNSOALE, Agt. 4’J- WATCHKS. CLOCKS, JEWELRY. Silver and Plated Ware, Fine Cutlery MILITARY AND KAN(^' GOODS, I -^XTKI TIE.\TS, &*. IUST received in the above line, a large and handsome assortment, togetlier with numerous other articles. Purchasers are invited to call and examine at No. 11 Hay Street. W'. I’RIOK. Bfcy“HEl*.\lKINO of Watches, Clocks, and Jobbing, strictly attended to. Aug. -II. 18-V.t 42-;im For reat^ S'TORE, formerly occupied by 0. W. McDonald as a Saddler’s Shop. DWELLING HOUSE, corner Rowan and Arch Street. DWELLING HOUSE, on Mumford Street. T. H. LUTTEKLOH. -•Vug 20 42-ow SEW «001)SI NEW «OOI)SI! ' .1. A. PE.WBKRTO-\ rS now receiving his stock of FALL ANl* WINTER ; 1 GOODS, | All the Latest and most Choice Styles of| the Season* llis friend - and the public generally, are respectfully invited to give him a call. W 11 O T. E S A L K B U Y K K S will find it to their interest to look through the above Stock. They w-ill find some very desirable styles for their trade, and prices to compare with the LOWEST. Call and see for yourselves. J. A. rEMBERTON. Sept. 1, 185'J 4tJ-2m Town papers 1 mouth. oOO J' FOR BUSHELS ('ORN; r>o bbls. Drime .and Mess I’ork; 8 llhds. Bacon—Sides and Shoulders; .3lH) Lime; ]')» “ (’ement: lo bales Gunny Bagging; i! tons Hoop Iron, for baling cotton; Rio and Laguira Cuft'ee; Sugar in hhds. and barrels; Tanners' Oil; Molasses in hlnls. and barrels, a:c. T. S. LUTTEKLOH. •Aug 20 42-;!w KUWflV Cil.OVER HAS RECEIVED HIS FALL STOCK OF Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware and Mil itary Goods, ^pO which he invites the attention of his JL customers and the public, and asstires r them he will sell anything in his line as cheap as can be purchased either North or South. g^tjrParticular attention paid to the repairing of W'atches and Jewelry. Sept .‘5, 1859 4C-3iu Uotei ill Cai*tliag:e for Nale. TH E undersigned intending to remove to the W'est, will offer for sale, in the town of Carthage, on the 22u day of September, his large aud commodious Hotel building, standing on a lot of 4 acrus in a high state of fertility, embracing a first rate garden and all the usual out-buildings of convenience. It is now well settled the Cheraw & Coalfields Railroad will be put under contract at an early period, thus adding another incentive to the h**;ilthfulness and other advantage.s of the village. A bargain m.ay be had Vty api»lication before the day of sale. .•\l ifce same time will lie sold a ijuantity of House hold aud Kitchen Furniture and Fixtures,—if not dis posed at private sale before. Terms;—Six months credit, interest frotn date; bond and security. H. C. McLE.AN Sept. H 4Gts C^J~ W ARD TILL resume the duties of her School in Arch St.. on the 1st Monday iu October 185‘. Sept 18.' 4C.-4t IA Till: .lA^I! h IS.V.t ROKIA>iO\’? U I flAAiri liATEO A \ O. This FEKTH.IZEK. compose 1 of .me half I5KST ri!- I'UVl.W GU.\NO. oiie-half tiiio Ground IVuie aiid the 15KST I’HoSl’H.VTK' (U .VNo, i~ in coiKlition :ir immediate use, being ]irej>ared with new and imjirove.l machinery, by which means tlie most intini:iic ciniii'i- imtioli is etl'ecied, rciucing all to a unif'irm tine ]'owder: and for application by dijll or oTherwisie. it is in the most perfect onler. ,\n'l we have no hesitation in s.ay. ing. that for all crops it is e>nial to any feitili/er ever offered, to the farming community. The i|iiality will tie i kejit perfectly uniform in all cases, and , Warranted to contain h per et. of .lininonla ' • I’ li TO ;0 PKK CKNT. I!P iONK ril(i.'vr!!\TK (IF 1,1 weighing ibont GAS FITTINGS AXD FIXTI RES. The suliscriliers will lie jirepared I'V the middle of -\ugust, to supply every descri[ition of Buililiiips.— Dwellings, Stores, Factories, ^Vc.—with all the neces sary FIXTURES, for the introluction ofG.lS. As we are constantly engaged in the l>usiness ofbuihl- ing Gas Works in this and other .States, we of course can afford to bring on a large stock and sell on more reasonable terms than others. Our stock will include Chandeliers, rendents. Brackets. Glass. \.c. ,\s we liave leased the wurks lor five years, it will be to the advantage of those reiiuiring such fixtures to get them of us. since upon us will fall the care of them, keeping them in repair, .tc. For this purpose it is both oiir interest an'! pleasure to emply none but the best (tas Fillers. In our absence for a few weeks, all who wish t-jhave the Pipes introduced into their buildings, will jdease leave their names with Mr. W. N. Tillinghast, who will give all necessary information on the siibjcct. It is i desirable to know as early as possible, so that the Fix- i lures may be introduced at the same time with the con- ! struction of the work,-, and thus all may light up simiil- , tuueoiisly, I W.Vl'ERHOUSE & Bowes, I Fayetteville, .June !• I'J-tt 4'%ROLI YA ( 8TV STEAM NAVK;ATI0.\ rOMPANV. ^I^lll'. iiieU rsigne 1 have been api'oimed by the (ieiiera'i I I’.>iiimi.«i->ners in .'^ali'toirv. in receive 'iib-n ipiions to ihet’ai'iial Slock of the above Company, iiiid have I>re|>are'l a .'^iibscriiilion I’look. and are ready to receive tIo- sfiine. on application lo J, M. l'oe. at the Kail t >!hce, A \, J, M, J A ,IM >, 1)E('EIVED by Express this morning, a beatitiful line I of (ioaliw, liJoo«U, .^liawl!^, Eiiil»roi(leric‘!, .\LL NEW .'TVLKS. None of last season’s goods at No. 17 Market Si|uare. K handsome assortment »f Misses’ Uoods, just received and for sale by J, N. PRIOR. Sept. ~t. 4(i-2t AOTIC'E. LL .\C’orN'rS will be collected the Lst January and 1st July of each and every year. A .■^ept. J. N. PRIOR. 1fi-2t W. TILI.EK, f» If# #>.!#> m: f» iif.i, I.MHOHTHR OK FANCY (JOODS, '^PiiVS. HEADS, and (’oNFEi'TIONERS’ ARTK'LES I China Dolls, Rich Vases, Toilet Bottles. Inks with Figuri-s. .lewd and Card Receivers. Etagere Articles. l,;itest styles of goods constantly received and at tl,-' vi'rv lowe'-t cash prices. W. TILLER. No. 24 .South FOURTH Street, PHILADELPHIA. .FulyjS. ;>2-2mpd NEWSHAHHRS. RV JAMES RUSSEI.I, LOWELL. Wonderful to him who has eyes to see it right ly is the newspaper. To me, for example, sittitii: on tlic critical front bench of the } it, in my study hero iti Salem, the advent of my wiekly journal is that of astroliing theatre,orratherof a puppet .show. on whose stage, narrow as it is, the tra^cuv. comedy, and farce ot life are played in littli-, l>»- hold tlie whole huge earth sent to me lielidtiinai’. ally in a brown paper wrajiper! Hither to my obscure corner, by ind, or sti iim, on horseback, on droiiiedary-back, in tin- ]iouch «>i the Indian ruuuer, or elii kini^ over the lua^m tic wires, troop ail the famoii.s perlormers Iroiu the four quarters of the ulobc. Lookeil tit ln>m a point of criticism tiny puppet,^ tho3' m'» ni all. the editor sets his booth upon my desk atid nili- ciates ;ui showman. Now 1 can u uly see bow little and transitory is life. T’ho earth api'Oia's almost as a drop of vinejiar, on wbicb the solar microscope of the imaijination must be brought to bear in order to make out any thing distinctly. The animalcule there, in the pea-jacket, is Louis I'hilippe, just landed on the coast of Kng- land. That other, in the grey surtout and cocked hat, is Napoleon Bonaparte Smith, assuring 1' raiice that she need apprehend no intei feiencc trom him in the present alarming juncture. At tb:it sput, where you seem to sec a speck ot .something in motion, is an immense nniss meeting. Luok sharper, and you will see a man brandishing his mandibles in an excited manner. This is the great Soandso, defending bis position amid tu multuous and irrepressible cheers. That infinites simal creature, upon whom some score of others, as minute as he, are gazing in ojii-ii-moutlud :id- miration, is a famous philosopher, expounding to a select audience their cajiacity for the iniiinto That scarce diRcernible pufHet of smoke and dust is a revolution. That speck there is a rci’ riiu r just arranging a lever with which he is tn nmvr the worlti. Aud lol there creejis forw;iid the shadow of a skeleton that blows one breath be tween its grinning teeth, and all our distinguished actors are wlii.sked off the slijipery stage intn the dark beyond. Yes, (he little show-box has its solemn sug- restions. Now and then we catch a gllmjise oi a :rim old man, who lays down a scythe and Imnr- glass in the corner while he shift.s the scenrs. There, too, in the dim back-grouud, a Wo rd ibape is ever delving. Sometimes he lean- ujmii his mattock, and gazes, as a coach whirls by. bearing the newly married on their wedding j:iunt. or glances carelessly at a babe bruugbi lintiK- frotn christening. Suddenly (for the seenc ^rows larger and larger as we look) a bony hand snatch es back a performer in the midst of his ]iarf, and him w'hom yesterday two intinites fpa-t ami future) would not suffice a handful of dust i' « nough to cover and silence forever. Nay, \vc si • the same lingers opening to clutch th' .showman him.self, and guess, nut witlmut a shudder, that they are lying in wait for spcet i tors also. Think of it! for two dollars a year 1 buy a season ticket to this gr.'at Jlube Theatre, whu'-c seene-shifter is Time, and whose curtain i rutr: down by Death. Such thoughts will occur to me sometime-^ as 1 am tearing: oflf the wrapper of my newspaper 100 FavettevilK'. N, June 20, Mi KF.TII \N, WILLIAMS. WORTH. M, Rost'. romini — i.'iirr 2‘ilf w I upon 11 My « fu ehoilse' Se|,i r 1;:. I.s to havi are fro ' ]iroiiipt ■itiiig the .iM'l carefiil atteiitiou. wharves and near tlie 4.>tf A TARR. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— '^I^lll i.'^K per-'iiis for vvhiiiii 1 have heen atlelidiiig in I i’>,iii'.iti'_f liii'iiie-s t"i' ye:ir': I am still willing to ■ ■ y.Mi wiih the •aiiie promptness that 1 have alvvays ' • '' ' iiiheri; tiiai may wint discuunts. Pension 1 oil••r my services, with a promise ■ i'lii, ' JAS. «J. (’f)OK, • '' ■ ' litiif " *' [J (.’l-.MtK. ^ (LAIIK, 'oIII III iioil ,^i erelia III il\!i.m;ton. n. c. IIEVI.EKS 1\ l,l>IE, PL\STEi;, ( EMEM, IIAIK, Jie. I,- ■ \:-o iii- till l.iisli \ Oriell •> Line of .Steamers, I ^l■.||^ll I per'-'itial attention given to I'onsigntiK^nts o '■res. Cotton or other Couiiiry I’roduce, for hij'tiient. r.i. I'-i!'. K|. W HJJAM .1. PKICK, Mitsftrrlor of Stores^ A', c. I.-it .''olielts the jiatr-iiiage of his country friendu and :ii itlier- eiiuMged in tliu Tiirjieriiine businesB. %ortli \Vat«*r *vlreol. ! SI. }4-lypd r. A. K. liOHNSTKDT, • for i'hirkerinff'>s t*ianos, Of which he has always liouuj on hand, iliiiington, N. C., Oct’r 2, 1868. 61-lypd T.AR, COTTO.N, FLol'R. and other conntry jirodiice, either for sale or ■'hiiiiiient. My wharf and waridionse- being conveniently loc.iled for the reception of produce, eitherby Railroudor River, enables me lo make charges light. Nov’r H tf \% II.LIATI II. .TIARA, itisfff-rfor of Stores, WI[,MlN(iToN, N. Will pay strict attention to all business entrusted to his care, and solii-its a sli.are of piililic patronage. Onice ill llalTs Itiiilding, \o. i:t. iiip stairs,i North Water Street. .Xjiril IH.'i'.t 4-tiuios JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM r n TI I s s I o i\ A N I) Forwardiiij? Merchant, H*ilminiito», .V. f. 5li5y*Proiiipi attention given to all Consign ments, anil ('a'^h advances made in Produce to be shipfKal to other jiorts or ».old in this market. Feb. 12. 1H.‘>.">. ()7tf F. M. mZZKLL, IJII fl R K R A I) C 0 )1 M I S S I 0 N M H R C il \ N T, N». 20 North W.ateu Stkekt, W’lLMINOTON, N. C. I)ROMPT and personal attention given to the recejition of all kinds of country produce, either for wale or shipment. ((rders for grocrries from cask customers will receive immediate attention, free of commisBions. Nov. l‘J, 18'»8. »’i4-lj Rlaiik Rookn and Writing' Ink. Further supplies jum received by E. J. hale & SON. Our Ciuano is jmt u]> in strung bag: liio His. each, FR.VNCIS R(>l5IN.‘'ON gives his ]m i- iial attention to prcjiaring tliis article, and purcha~cis ■■ in rel_\ i.n ••Roiiinso.n’.-, M.\mi‘i t,.\ 1II ir.\ND " being in c'l ry par ticular as rc-jircsetited. ,\11 orders will receive imau di- ate at ten I ion. r. icoici’^i'io^ * »., .No. I Hoi.i.iNijswiHcni up sfMii-'--, P..VLTlM*Ki:, M.i I10BI\S0X'S MAMIM LATKD a \XO Is for sale in lots to suit, HV TllH FOM.OWINC ACL:NTS: JONATHAN TYSON, Frederick, Jfld. J. C. NEVETT, Alexandria, Va. J. H. BRADLEY, Fredericksburg, Va. GARRISON & MAIGNE, Norfolk, Va. E. H. SKINKER and CO., Pichmoiid. Va. THOS. BRANCH & SONS, Petersburg, Va. T. C. & B. G. WORTH, Wilmington, N. C. R. C. LINDSAYi High Point, N. C. ' ,liily2o l-2liios]id TIN PLATE, ^lioct Iron, Iron Wire, I 'OOK| \Cii STOV l]« \>f l> Ti W A 1C i:. 1 Always on hand, at Wholesale or Retail, i HOOF!Ml. OL'TTi:UI\C, .And all kinls id'Jobbing, done at short notice, >>y C. W. ANDREWS. | Market Square, Faj’etteville. | July 'J. ’ 27-tf ; ii O O TS 4V SHO K i .\T WHOLESALE. i JWO. M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA, w I T n P. I». Ml AW Sl CO., 31 .A.Ml '6:1 F>ey Street, New York, happy to sec his Southern friends at the above establishment, whore, either pt'rsonally or by order, they may be siipjilied from an extensive and well as.sorted .Stock of ,Joods in that line, gotten up expressly for the .Southern trade. Nov. 2!», 1W.-)S. 07-Iv. .\olife lo ^oldi«*i**i’ Widows. ^pilK Wi'liiW' of Nlexiean SnMiers. and the Wi l..W' of 1 .'^tildier-who niK.n IN si:KV 1CK. ill the War of 1S!'J, i-ati have their pension- ••oiitinin d by .■•iHiiig on :lie iiii'ler- siiTiied. ('iitijrpiw.. having uia le ad'litioiial tor t licm. ('live me li.e iiruiageiiieiit .>1 your ••laiuis. and th tiioiiev shall coiiK' at once, or im RP.I S. No. I Split anl Uulk Herring: Ittu I’.ales EXTRA HAV; .->o “ RICE STRAW: 2»t r.oxes A1»A>’ANT1NE CANI>LES; m “ RAR ^■OAP: 2'» Marrels M, VASSAR k CO’S ALE; 2ti “ WHISKEV, some very fine, viz: Old “Dew I>rop ’ years old,) Family. Mag nolia, Reserve. Excelsior: H Packages FRENCH RR.VNDV: 1 t ask t',\TW.\i’..\ r.R,\Nl>V. on (’onsign- ment from a gentleman connecte«l with a liink in the cit.v of N. V.: will be sold on acc'itint of ci>nM/nee, >.-/y» Tlic above are just rcc'd and will be sold low by .1, II. ROliERTS .V CO. .lulv 11. ’-■■) ' Fa% ettevilli 12, IX-'iS, your •li,irge. ■INO. M. ROSE. ,\i;ciil tor l’eli>iian I .V IS K.iss s TR, t •/; n II •#« (toiil) biipi'ly of various No’s ju«t received, which w\’ '-a;i furnish lo'.v. D. \ W. M, ^lav 2. •LAriilN. U) It Then suddenly that otherwise too dften vac:iiit sheet beconies iiivestel lor me with a stnuiirc kind of awe. Look! Deaths and luarri.iires. no tices of inventions, discoveries, and hooks, lists id promotions, of" killed, wounded, and missing, m-w of fires, accidents, of sudden wealth, and a^ s.i ldi ti poverty. I hold in luy hand the end uf myriad invisible electric conductors, alnni; which trem1.>le the joys, .sorrown, wrun_rs, triiimpiis, liupcs. and ilespairs (»f as many men ;ind v>(imcii every wliere So that upon that moiid ot mind which .'jocms to isolate me from miinkind as a sj,(>cfator uf their puppet pranks, another suporvcii in '.chich 1 1 feel that [, too, unknuwn and unln‘:ird id. am yet of some imjmrt to my fellows. For, tlirnu_li my ncw.'paper here, dw not families take pain- to ,'tnd me, an entire stranorr^ news of a diath amon_i themy Arc not heretwowim-.vna’. ! !i iVi luf know of 'heir marri;ip:e/ Aiil, of al.‘. ! is not this sini^ul ir person anxious t i have in.- I know that lie has received a fr- s!) sin.j,iy ,ii jcmi- ' does til* pri'S- 1 a' ,'Uch ■ eoii- arde.'sly a! the th'- r'.i ia:l« s. t. !>rois-ni,-.' A VAi l> W A \ r I:II. ♦ TIIL 'iil-cri)>ei wislu ' to t)iiy t ti'T 1* i.iiA b: I * ,vs:4>i Ko t:s, tiir which he will p;i_v The Cash Price-s l’,'rs..ii' having such jiropcrty to sell will find it to I heir ililei esl I o ad Ire- Jiily 21IS.','I (■ 0' lit I 'lin'on. N. S, ( . I-OWIILL. .■io-'ililp 1 !! Waiittd. ]( Likely Negroes, for wiiicii I am determined to jmy tlie lli^he^^l Cash Prifos, Persons having such for S'lle wou’d do well to give me a call, or address me at Clinton, N. C. .\11 orders promptly attended to. • ■ McARTIIUR, 0-')-lyrpd Poiwoii?* ill Want ,F i ri’.K aud silendid tiavorct ol 1 Whi-kcy can i>e furiiislie ! by .is wiih Old ’Uew i'i op. M ipnoli i, F.imil-. Exc.dsi'.r :oid Respvvc ''r.and' . all of wi.icli we warr::ut as reiTcsenied or no sale. .1 li. UtiiiilLl'S .V 11. i) S. 'iVe i; IVe o!lier ci.iiai'iii brands i>: iii-!.ey, but , tl‘iiO of the ■•IoUl: riiiige, ' -^uc’a as Collin. Ilitlc, .\l'i;iuai'.titai, !!Iu-.' itain. . 11. Ror.KRT.'- .V CO. 'y {;. Dr. FHVNK >nLldA\lS\S K\E \UllSivLV. 1) MITCHELL has nia.l- arriingements with l»r. Williams. be c instantly supplied with his Uii, t I no:u“ of 1] ent , even for a m.iiin n‘ di.'coriit tinue miraculoii,>. We Lriaiiej i siin-risc, :iiid ;et used to ''rion ;i The wniidir wear- (df. and ;n-:n>>rrow ih: .-liei’t. in which a. was let down to ni" iron; ln- .vi ii, ,'li.ill he a w: app;i;:;e to a !i;ir '.i' snap or ;hc ; : .ncr for a i!eL:Li:ii ’s I'roki-n \icliial . rel'er or,'- i-e-iii.-r' to t!ie ti.iii'nl sfate7i:-tr oi i’, • \\ -HtiiM Insar.'iici'^ i ■Miipany,‘i; ' Imc: ■ ■ . i ,ssic- cessf'.il inslil,iiiii,i;i \v.a - iii. or,. (’iiniie,-iic;;t in lSi;i, wi'li ■ I,.it 1 is ,■.■,no.dO'i. a id it-' '1 ■ ' 10f-. Ijl,lKitl;i^ ils elifivv ve-;t- I a-- ilei.:ilei| ii, ;!ie i rcsiili i indi •il“ Iliiu diiriiii' yea’. s ..viiu;i- ii- jrg mi/i-,':ii. its ch' I 'lii-er. . it> t'lijMi. - .e I, 1 c 1 to. celebrated I’Vl' WillSKF.\. which can be had at his ; judcriiieiit and jiriideii' it ilU,' .'s:ore at 'ill times. >iy wholesale or retail Oct'r 1 i. IS-iS. 58-tf letl' J. A. Miirch Cl, ISoti. 'I' Cioofi Raroii, MIDI2M und SmUJLUERS, just received and for sale liy 1». X W. McLAURIN July 2, IS.y.t, 2Stf W'A!\TKD. VLARdE ipiantity of COTTON and LINEN R.’\(iS, for which fair prices will be paid. I DAVID MURPHV. ' Aug. 17 41- AoUce—W anicd. iiu‘ farmers and citi/i'iis of the 'oiitities ni l)nplin. Wayne, Johnston. Harnett. Moore. Ciimbeibind, liobeson, Rladen. Columbus. I’.ninswick. New ll.inover. aud .'' laipson: The ."iibscribcr lieiiig desirou,'* of purchasing & num ber of Likely Young NEGROES, of all classes and des- criptiotis. avails liimselt of this meiiiod nt' informing those who may have sucli property to dispose of, that they would ilo well to visit me at homo, or n'Mress me : at Cliiiton. N. ('.-—for wliieh thev shaH rcceiv.- a vi^it. i I'.ctween this time and the I'ltli October I wish to ; purchase lU to oil young negroes lor the .\labama ; market. EVERETT PETEIUSUN. July 13, IS.^ft. :;i-4m Fresh mlrritais^ Jl'ST received jir Steamer Faiiuy, ■1 15’nls. Extra No. I M.VCKERIX (for reiailing.) 10 i do. “ I ilo. 1(1 } '• do. “ 1 do. 10 \ MESS SHAD; .■{(I f’.'ixes CHEESE: 10(1 Rags New Hulled HU('KWJIEAT FLori!; Fulton Market Beef: Mess Pork: Coshen Ru'ter. Pocket Salt; Sugar; Coffee: Molasses; and every thing in the provision line; which I will sell cheap for ('ASH or ex change for country Pn>liice. IN all its kinds. e\ecut«-d with nestncss and des[>«tch ^fm.tll join wlien doiu> must lio paid befuro delivered. rii.LINCHA.'^T, lliidi .'ichool. Hiiy Street. :iei‘. d’w'-liav? ■Il-; ''V th ' p ■I. witli.i'.it :iski;;‘.5 : hail but lit;ie !iiig nuiiib''r'.I r:iii..'c Opp nios. i-itv‘ the F '!m lie M-v 1-1. l.s.'.'.l. IMv yilE The S vlvali .S'elf .\1 I'I i >c*c* 11 :i II‘011 ^ Iloo k •. .\merican Home (larder, il’u-ti ::!e i W.Ksoii; o’o'l P’int:itl. n. by Huii.;i t i' rd: llua s U.iiigiiiir. l>y Holni' Lee: le ^^•n. 1. ' l>v Ab ■ vaioiir: ! fill il! a;! ■■ iin' iii 'i foi’i led. all ii'^ I'lir lo-i: j aii,\ i;is;jr.u.'. It ii.-i Stan lin^ tlie iiirii; !.' ord'-v to ;i!| a as !.';iic;i -i^ . ))ii~'ne-j.' a- iiiK-.iranec. it ha- tie,- i Coiniiatiy. t-ir ytar'. a: -.cni cl.i'siiV rtii'l arrange tiiei • r^ks in;i> classus, to nti to .iscer: liii th.-:iiuo:i:if iu class, tlr.‘anioiiu; o* preaiiuia' r'C:-U'.'i : i, a>n.'>i!;i! uf lo,-;-ie'' iip^n e.i.di. i'!;:- , ! . - ,i‘i ing ovei- a long p'.', iiid r rin'.; ; ■ ; large aniouiil. luriii die- rc'. iMe ■! ita sound, - ilisiaiiti.-il lia-is ‘>f i- .peri |.. e .Ii'bie. it- 'iii^iner-. 1'iSi;'■I'lce : 1,1...r li i;w . -iiM .-e; ii- ^ ■II. 1 K. ii:-!ory. t'.v . I - P Episodes •li' !'i Ken l:iU .'l.iU! .Miss Meliit"'ii W.ek-^; Per'-y .\iiecibite-: Lives of ilu‘ t.Mi' cns nf Sc itlaud. i>y .\gues .-^iriekbini'i; P.arne-' Nole- oil the Ro'iks of the New I e-ia aicni; Literal Tv iii-latiiiis of '!ie Cla-i-ic'; \boolt's Liic ot Najiol-'oii r.ouaparte; \c, A..,il 'I E .1, II ALE SoN t.iin .'Til tlie C.>iiip.iiiy. Il- i' ’ II tideiii . 'f I ’ ■ •h'-r ('-.iMi ; - V :ii •. • I -le- lh:U 'i! I :.iliiering ■ itii ■: h - ; '•..'.ir.iiii. IV i;i ' '.i‘- ■Wi;:- ib I ■ wM.I.- ! II. - ■. w. Nov. 3, 18-5e. C. TROV ♦;o-tf 'r« C'(il)a aiKl Kat’i*, l>y l>ai)a;, .u ‘■Love Me Lillie. Luve Me Long; ■Miss Milford's Recii'eetions of a Literary Liie; The W;u in Eur"pe. wilb \l:ips; Te^;; p.ill ke. by Le'n-r; Harrv Lorrciuer. by f.ever; D i venport Diuin, com).'etc: P.othwell. by \ytoun; C;>,rpe! ibig ‘if Irving’s W.i'^hington. vol. .'•th, in ejotb and sl,eo]e R.'vival Sermons, by Rev. I •an 1 Raker. D !•.: Peep of Day: Line upon Line: Precejit uii 'ti Precept: ('larke’s Comaient:Hy; Sc-itt's Commentary: .School IBooks, 'tc.. \'c. Further supplies just received. July 2-j K- J '5^^’ ^ i-i; ^ ^ ..U-. ^ ^ 'Hi . ‘ t ••III ' ir-nW ■t1;. Ojt" •:i' t » «.• • li.-i r ihuiioii ->f 1 -.t ;,Mt. 1 -I l i'*: n ■ i il \r.]^ (l.i- rich - »li:v ! 1 ;*s K'i*\\\ -O t'i' ;: •! y. ■ ir H.i'i r- J.r os. which • f ;u! i »u s in t'!'* lik*» ■i iq. ttU :in«l riOJia-Iut*- > * a c Hiy !l II !nir I ■' h ;v. ir b 111 I fidenci* and security. — l{i’*nnoii I'-i'r gent of the ab.ive Crmip-n^y .-It F.l ve"'--. ! ■' K .l'll,\LE, lllauki^ lor sale at tlii» OUite.

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