mmn Hi 1 I . III iti.. llT' • p,. «l * \u\, I kv iOtPtf.iis, li ■ I \i w Jl, IPATOTTWlIMilB r SEMI-WBEKL,Y. i \ KOM^ t. Ill l» II ?»»«*ii4‘r> WALL a [VOL. IX.l FAYKTTEVILLE, N. C„ SEPTEMBER 12. 1859. [NO. 848.] riMNI'l l) MO\l)\YS ANI» THURSIWYS. ntn tiii)IIAI.K & SOS. \m» i'i!c)i'niKTtKS ■ r ttu' Wiu-klv (>nsKUVKH S3 00 if pniJ in ■ .r- iC I'.Hiil ilurinp ihe year of subsorip- ir I n^'ior tlu' year has expired. ' !• Woi'kly Oum.rvku i?'J 00 per aiinuiu. if paid in ■ II. !•: S J .■>(> it' paid during the year of subscrip- 'i;’ (Ml nfter tlie year has expired. \ I KNT.'^ inserted for fiO oonfs per , :'i the first, aiid 30 cents for each r, din.; ]iiiMi- nii»n. Vonrly advertisements by spe- ii:i n t, ;it reasonabU’ rates. Ailvertisers are t" St;;io the uunilier of insertions desired, or i wHl be i-ontimied till forbid, ainl charged accord- \ , i- iTiiM-iiientR iv. bo inserted insiile, charged 50 per f'iirH. sl*K«'l \1, NoTK’K. ,, ...,,| tliis d:ito. no name of a new subscriber withmit p.iynient in advancc, nor will ... ,;,>,it to «uch sul>-t'ribers for a longer tin>« ; i ii.l t\.l-. ■;r subcrib('rs a di-sire to take the pa- •1 ::i' sV'tfni will jiiitise iiiitify us when making ■ AVKTTK% ILI.E MITIAL l?iSl]R.lXCE €OMPI\Y. ASSETS $254,618.62. rnHIS (’ompany has been in operation move tlian six ypai’s, and ha.s paid its fire losses, amounting to without any assessment; inaurixivce averag ing its members about J percent. Amount of pro]>erty now insured, SI .otVJ, lyo.OI Amount premium noten now on hand, ‘247,738.08 UlRKCTllKS. Geo. McNeill, H. W. HORNB, ,1 TTO K.VE Y .IT E..IW. M II \V >H“ f'luiid at the Otfica of Wiu. B. Wright, Escj., 1 ir the ('.lurt House. • 28-1Y 1>. A. Kay, !I. |j. Myrover, S. W. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. A. Steiliuan. S. J. Hinsdale. T. S. l.,utterloli. Vim. Mcl.aurin, A. S. T. Hawley, W. N. Tillinglia«t, McKetlian. J. I). Williams, .las. G. t'ook, A. W. Steel, ,)as. Kyle, Hon. .1. G. Slieplierd, K. F. Brown, Wilmington. .lOSKlMi I5AKKR, .Jr., VTT«K.\i:V \T LAW, \S • i ll an ‘.itlice next iloor tt> \Vm. B. Wright's Law lili o '..ii Creeu Street. Ho will attend and practice : I'l.iiniy and Superior (\iurt:» of Cumberland, II. and Sanipon. M .>-.-h -J;!. 1 7V*tf r. J. ^IA€'LAIK. A((onie,v and Couusellor at Law, FAVF.TTr.VlLl.K, N. C., j v:i.-tii-e in !lu‘‘’ourts of Robeson, t'umberland. \\ Ibiriu'tt und I'ichini'n'l Prompt attention _;ven t.i :ill liu-inc-s entru-ted tti hin. K. l.-y .ioii\ p. FI Vlloriie.v and Counsellor at Law, Wlt.t. I'KACTll. K IN THK t’OUKTS OF Ui»b(‘>oii, I uiiilxTland, ( olumUiis and Bladen. t itiico at Lumberioii, Kobesim Co.. N. C. •Jiih I'-V.t I’ytf .1' ■i»n .\ofice. MKS I„ : \INI-:. mid s..11 K. J. GAIN'F,.. will, in ire, I'nii tico law in copartnership, in th« (’oun- tit" if M.intjZ''iij**rv. .'^tanly. An^^'n an'! Moore. ’I'lit-y Ti: ly t..' addri-x-ifd either at Troy. N. C.. where K. .1. lijtines rc'id>'. or at Norwood n N. C. 'l'r*'V, April 7, IS.'i'.t 4tf .1. K. Ill LLA, Utoriiey and Counsellor at Law, .\SHKUOKt N. C., Il'll.l, ritteii l the’uurt-i >f llandnlph, Moore, Mont- _Miiirry. liavid'Mti and (iuilfi>rd. and promptly at- i,-i)d III all liu.-iiie-‘ eiitruitt!d to his care. ^I:!r^•h 10, 1I 9i»-Gni l»f:\TAI. AOTIt'E. 1 I! (>TT iitbT> his professional >;ervices to the itiioe. twii dears E. Hall, Wilmiiigloii Okhoers; GEO. McXElLL, President. I). A. K.\Y, Vico President. C. A. McMlLL.VX. Secretary John Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Travelling Agents. JgSr^'The Company invite applications. May ly, 1S5',. ItlY THE AORTH C AROI.1A A MlTl AL LIFE IXSIRANCE COMPANY, vrOW in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to (.10 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the prufits. -Vll slaves from 10 to iO years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within yi) days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further inforniHtion the public is referred to Agents of the Company in all pans of the Stale, and to R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE. Agent at Jan'y 1859. Fayettev’lle. N. C. ATI.AATKr Til TI AI. Fire and Marino Insurance I'ompan}, OAHOLINA (’ITY, NORTH CAUOLINA. Inrorpordti'il hi/ (in of' the Lo/isUifurt oj X'u-th ('iiruli)tii. I^HIS ('OMPANV being duly organized, is now jire- pared to receive .-ipplications l'«>r insurance upon Buildin;;s. Morohandiso, Furniturt*. Mills, Uanu- failoriON, Ships and tiu'ir lartfoos. And most kinds of property, at remunerative rates of premium. It is aimed in the organizatii'n nf this Ci'mpany, to make a safe medium for Indemnity and Protection to the assured in case of Loss. .\n honorable and upright course >f dealing, and a faithful fulfilliiu'nl of its con tracts, will at all times characterize tlie busine-'s of the ('•mpany. Apl'lii ati.ins for Insurance may be made at the office of the C'i>mp:iny, or to its authorized Agents. ItlUKCTUliS John A PaiTott, William S Long. I/evi T (>gle?bv, l>avi(i V\ liell, W B Cirant, l’> Chapin, Haviil .Innes, Samiud Letters, (fpoW 1,‘ill. Joel H I'avis, Col Tlios J Blakely, 1* Hargett, Luk« Hlackman, E Mallett. OFFICERS. Jidin Parrott, Pre-iitlent, Levi T Oglesby, V’ice President, W S Long. Treasurer, E Thompson, .\ttorney. A B Chaviin. Secretary. W B Grant, ) W S V executive COMMITTEE, uavid W Bell, j March I'J. 9ti-0ni ■■ iiniiiiTiiiy. :ind m-iy be seen at Iii-^ • ■t tfie .Maiket l»K\TIS«iTRV. R. J. I*A\ IS having decided on perma nently locating in tiif Town of Fayette- l ille. respectfully otiers his service? to the : ! ■•ii« •: tills j'lace an 1 siiiTouniling country. In all !•' v.'irioiis hranche-i of his Profession, including the ■i ' K’lure .■! ,M ineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an \ti i.-ive exj>eri*-nee. tu wliicL is add^d a thorough l>en- : iiK-aiion. tli.ii he c.-in give entire -atisfHCtion as far ' i' in tlie [Miwer of Uenfistry. All iiTegularities of the • ■ M tre:itvd in n proper and careful manner, a« well as ii-. ,1 the niouth. None >>ut the jiroper metals are I M'le ii-^e of in tlie various operiitions. V'harges will be d*T!ite. tliai tlie )>enefits of the Profe-ision may be i within the re:ieh all wlio may feel an interest u :|i' pie>erv?uion ot the Teeth. i)ftiei‘ over H 'UPtoti's Jewelry Store, where he 11 . ^le foiiiiil lit nil time-’. Mmv in. 9ff WORTH X: IT LEV. FofHardlnv and eneral Commission Merrhauts« t'fitfvfterittr, f\ .1. A. WMn rii. ' 7l!tf jds. i ti.kt. R. n. ORREI.I., TURPEWTINE INSPECTOR. ^plloSK ~en.liiig tlieir .''iiirits Tiir])entine to me may prompt JA^. C. SMITH.] [mII.E.S CO^TIN JAS. C. SMITH & CO., Far tors, ComtniHsion and For- irartfiHS tlterehants WILMINGTON, N. C. PRONIPT attention given to sale of TIMBER. LUM BER, N.W.VL STORES and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advancements made on Consignments. Refer to E. P. Hall, Pre.s't Branch of State. II. R. Sav.\«;p;, Cash’r Bank Cape Fear. Jons I).»wsox, '' Esq. July 2i. Is.i'.t 3;?-t>mos II. OKAIIA3I, C'o.Tf. nissMo,^*. ’/f.f.VT, WILMINGTON, N. V. 117ILL give prompt and personal attention to all con- signinents of Spirits Turj>entine. Rosin, Tar and Turpentine, and all country produce for sale. Office up stairs, over the store of Mr. Vouglahn, ,md joining Lutterloh’s Wharf, North W'at-.-r utreet. June 23. 2.')tf T. C. A: B. ,J. W ORTH, CoDimission and Forwarding Merrhants, WILMINGTON, N. C. Jan’y ‘28, 18.',0 84tf WM. H. TI RLLXGTON, C o III III i M M i o II ^1 V r v li a ii t, WILMINGTON, N. ('., ^^tILL give prompt and jiersonal attention to all con- I.YIPORTATIOA>i FOR TIIK FALL OF 1859. IlHE subscribers luive received most of their purchases for the approaching Fall Trade, embracing a large and general assortment of jJrocerie«, iiollow-Ware, By the Ton or less: Sole Leather, (’alf Skins, Shoe Findings, With articles generally wantetl for manufacttircof Shoes; In great v.iriety, and SAOLtLEKT HARD-WAKE. They have also added largely by Direct Importation from tlie Manufacturers in Europe to their U.MMtlP-nVtRM: A' €t TL,EKy Itepartment, liy which they are enabb'd to save to their customers the Xorthcrn Jobbers’ Profits, and they aro disposed to sell at a small advance on cost on their usual terms. They solicit an examination of tiieir goods by the Trade generally. In addition to the above variety of Goods, which in the aggregate constittite one of the largest if not The Largest Stock (o be Found in North Carolina, the undersigned are Sole Agents in this place for Mess. Wm. Carter I't Son,'of Chatham Co., for the sale of their «1 PERIOR nRO;AA>». Messrs. C. I'c .''ou are manufacturing Shoes from Leather tanned f>y themselves—excej't the outer sole: they liave all the recent improvements in machinery, and are making .V Shoe Tbat IManters Will vind Superior in every respect to any ever otfere'l for sale in t’.iis sec tion. and at a reasonable price. Call and see 11 GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO August 8, 18.')9 38- 1). & W. MfLAlRLN, ■yi^OULI) invite attentiim to their large and desii’able y\ Stock of OKOC EKIES, Consisting in part of— 1;>0 Hairs Kio. Lasjruira and .Java ('oflTcc; lOG ami Hlids. Sugar (assorted;) 2,') Hhds. Molasses; 3G “ i^anm—Sides and Sljoulders; 50(1 Saoks Salt; 150 Hoxes rt)od Toliaeco: 125 “ Sjiorni, Ad:iniaiitim» i*(c Tallow Camlles; ; 50 ‘‘ Soap (assorted;') ! .5(» “ ('andv “ i ino I^ags Shot' ‘* I lOfHt lbs. l>ar Load; 3ii i Hills. Simff—I'airle MilN; K I'lrs S )d;i; 250 “ Nails. — ALSO — \ large and general ass.irtmcni of I Hardnart* aii«l 4'iitlery; j Fariiiiiiir I’teiisils. of nil dc'criptious; I American, iMiirlish, Swede.-* .'ind IVruvian Iron; j Hlistcr. (Ii riuaii and ('ast Steel; Hlaiksiniths’ 'i’ools; Coiipers’ Pu.; ('orn Sheller.c anl Straw Cutter!*; Ruekets, Hroonis and Pails; Cotton, Manilla and .lutw Uope, (all kinds nnd (juality;) IMow Lines and H«‘d (’ords; Hollow Ware; Cotton Yarns and Sheetintrs at laetory prices. ••Ml of which will >»e sold t.ow rou c\su. or on usual time to prompt paying customers. 'oi NTRV Mk.U(’1i\nts jire re-ipectfully re'iuc'ted ! to call and exaiuine our stock before purchasing else- ; where. I». W. McL.VUlUN*. M.'irch 8, ISo'.t ‘jHtf AOTICE. Vs there may be some persons in Fayetteville and vicinity who may not be aware that ll*h€€l€r and Setcin^ *llttchine is the best for family sewing, and who intend purchas ing a Sewing Machine, this is to advise them (/or iheir own interent,) to call upon the subscriber and see one ot “WHEELER & WILSON’S” before purchasing. It will prevent their purchasing one of the many interior Sewing Machines, which are offered for sale through the country. There are THIRTY of the Wheeler & Wilson Ma- chines in successful use in this place and vicinity. S. J. HINSDALE, Agt. Aug. 22 4‘2- WniEEL yy for SI :ler & sale In’ Aug. 22 WILSON’S SEWING MACHINES. S. J. HINSDALE, Agt. 42- WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver and Plated Ware, Fine Cutlery, MILITARY AND FANCY GOODS, ’»IU!*ICAf. ■ \STUII TIEIVTS, &c*. JUST receivetl in the above line, a large and liandsome assortment, together with numerous other articles. Purchasers are invited to call and examine at No. 11 Hay Street. W. !’RI()R. ft^“REI’.\IRIN(J of Watches, Clocks, andJobl>ing. strictly attended to. Aug. 22, 185\t 42-8m ¥^R REA 1\ STORE, formerly occupied by G. W. McDonald as a Saddler’s Shop. DWELLING HOUSE, corner Rowan and Arch Street. DWELLING HOUSE, on Mumford Street. T. S. LUTTERLOII. Aug 20 42-:iw i OR SAl.K. I^USHELS CORN; ■'>0 bbls. Prime and Mess Pork; 8 hhds. Bacon—Sides and Shoulders; :5KJ casks Lime; loO “ Cement; ID b.alea Gunny Bagging; 2 tons Hoop Iron, fur lialing cotton: Rio and Laguira CotTec; Sugar in hlids. and barrels; Tanners' Oil; Molasses in hhds. ami barrels, kc. T. S. LUTTERLOH. Aug 20 42-:jw oOO NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! J. A. PEMBERTOli TS now receiving his stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, ep’bracing All the Latest and most Choice Styles of the Season, His friends and tlie pnlilic genenxlly, are respectfully invited to give him a call. W IT 0 L E S A L E B T’ Y E K S will find it to their interest to look through the above Stock. They will find some very desirable styles for their trade, and prices to compare with the LOWEST. Call and see for yourselves. J. A. PEMBERTON. Sept. 1, 18')0 4G-2ni Town papers 1 month. ' EUWIA CJMIVER HAS RECEIVED IIIS FALL STOCK OF Watches, Jewelry, Silver W are and Mil itary (voods, • ^pO which he invites the attention of his X customers and the public, and assures them he will sell anything in his line as cheap as can be ptirchased either North or South. gi^f'Parricular attention paid to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry. Sept 8, IhiiO 4b-3m Hotel ill Carthage ior !!»ale. rpHE undersigned intending to remove to the West. L will offer for sale, in the town of Carthage, on the 2'Jd day of September, his large and coiumodious Hotel builtling. standing on a lot of 4 acres in a high state of fertility, embracing a first rate garden and all the usual out-buildings of convenience. It is now well settled that the C’lieraw & (^'oalfields Railroad will be put umler contract at an early period, thus adding another incentive to the healthfulness and other advantages of the village. A bargain may be had by application before the day of sale. At kie same time will be sold a quantity of House hold and Kitchen F’urniture and Fi.xtures,—if not dis posed at private sale before. Terms:—Six months credit, interest from date; bond and security. H. C. McLEAN Sept. ' 46ts Jlvn. J. W ARD ILL resume the duties of her School in Arch St.. the 1st Monday in October 18-j!*. .''ept. 18-jy. 4*>-4t l\ THE .IA?I! Mv Mill It ■IlSl'-i llrl Vf fn'iiiiii'j (Old careful attentiou. the wharves and near the in. I- 4'(tf I I t 'link ■’ M 1'. Fir.Li' A 4'ARH. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— rPlI'K IiiT-nii« for wli'im I have been attending to I b ,-iiioss fur yi‘ar-i;—1 am still willing to >-■ :■ I "i'll till- iianie promptness that 1 have always i litin-lb tliai may w ini discuunis. Pension . 1 otl’er my pt-rvii'e-'. with a promise JAS. G. C(JOK. 2'ltf [J. M. CLARK. ALLKN & (LAKK, €'o III III i io II e re lia II t Wll.MlNCTuN ^ ,> DHAI.KKS IN LIMK. IM.AsTKK, ( EMKNT, IIAIU, Ao. I • AL'.Mit- for Rush .V: Orr-ir«: Line of Steamer-!.j )!:t\ll’T pi'roii;il jittcntion driven to (•onsipnuients o I \:i\;il .'^ioit.>. Cotton or other Couniry Produce, for i ‘ ‘ii- 'liijiiiifiit. i Mli'v IM. HI- j Wll.LlAM .1. i>RICi:. i litsfterlor of •'Vaval Stores^ w if.viycTox. X. c. ■olicits the patronage of his country friendb and - en;j'air»-d in the Turpentine fiusiness. street. ♦j4-lypd T.\R, COTTON, FLOUR, and other country jtroduce, either for sale or shipment. My wharf and warehouses being conveniently located for the reception of produce, either by Railroad or River, enables me to make charges light. Nov'r 8 tf \V I EE I ATI ». TIAHA, inspertor of •\*aral Stores, WILMINGTON, N. C., Will paj' strict attention to all liusiness entrusted to liis care, and .'solicits a sliare of public ]>atronage. Offlol* ill Hall's ItuiUIiiis, Xo. 1:5, (up stairs,) North >Vat(T Street. April 8, 18')9 4-Hmos JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. A N D Forwarding Merchant, W^itmins^ton, *V. N..S r 22. l^ E. liOILNS'i KDT, I'liirtifrhig^s Pianos, r. A vnt for ot which he has always some on hand. Wilii.ington, N. C., Ocfr 2, 1858. 61-lypd rompt jiersonal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be shipped to other jiorts or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 18.Vj. 07tf P. M. B1///ELL (i R 0 r B R A ^ n C U >1 .M I S S11) N )1 B K C II /\ N T, No. 29 NttRTH Watkr Strekt, * WILMINGTON, N. C. pRt.MPT and personal attention given to the reception ROIll n A AI PI E ATE ■> Ol AXO. '■pilIS FERTILIZER, compos,.,! of one-half REST PE j 1. RUVI.\N tiU ANO. one-half fine Ground ISone ainl I the BEST PHOSPHATIC Ol'ANO. is in condition for I immediate use. being jm'pared with new and improved ! mactiinery, by whicii means the mo^t intimate condii- I nation is ettected, reducing all to a uniform tine powder; j and for application by drill or otherwise, it is in the ' most perfect order. And we have hesitation in shv- ^ ing. tliat for all crops it is e'lual to any fertilizer ever j offered to the farming community. The ijuality will be ; kept perfectly uniform in all case«. and Warranted to eontain s per et. of .\mmoiiia .\.SD • l3 TO 3fl PER CENT. OP !0\E PHOSPHITE OF LHIE. Our Guano is put up in strong bags, weighing about I lilD lbs. each. 1 FR.\NriS ROBINSON gives his personal attention ! to prejiaring this article, and jturchasers can rely on I “Robinsox’s MAN'iPfL.fTKK Gt ANo” being in every par- I ticular as represented. All orders will receive immedi- ! ate attention. ; V. & f o., ; No. 4 Hoi,i.ixiswouT}i SritKET, up stairs. ■ BALTIMORE, Md. ROBI\SO\’S MAMPILATED GI AXO i Is for sale in lots to suit, ! BY THE FOLLO\VlN(J A(iENTS: JONATHAN TYSON, Frederick, Did. J. C. NEVETT, Alexandria, Va. : J. H. BRADLEY, Fredericksbnrpj, Va. i GARRISON & IMAIGNE. Norfolk, Va. E. H. SKINKER and CO., Richmond. Va. THOS. BRANCH & SONS, Petersburg, Va. T. C. & B. G. WORTH, Wilmington, N. C. R. C. LINDSAY, High Point, N. C. July 28 •‘51-2mospd TIN PLATE, ~ Mlieot Iron, Iron Wire, COOKi:\€i •«»TOVI> i> Ti :%-w Aitr. Always on hand, at Wh'ilesale or l{etail. IHK)FIM!. a r TTEHIXG. And all kinds of Jobbing, done at short notice, by C. W. ANDREWS, Market .''iiuare, Fuvetteville. July y. ‘ -27-tf BOOTS SilOES^ AT WIIOI.ESAI.K, JNO. M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA, \V I T II P. P. SHAW Sc CO., 31 Axi) 1>KY Stkkkt, Nkw York, ILL lie happy to see his Southern friends at the above estatilishment, where, either ]>ersonally or by order, thej' may lie supplied from an extensive and well assorted Stock of Gools in that line, gotten up expressly for the .'southern trade. Nov. 2(t, 18oH. f,7-ly. GAS llTTIXIiS AND FIXTIRES. rpHE sut'scribers will be preparel by the middle of I August, to supply every description of Jbiildings,— l)wellings. Stores, P'actories, &c.—with all the neces sary FIXTURES, for the introduction of GAS. -\s we are constantly engaged in the business of build ing Gas Works in this and other States, we of course can affonl to bring on a large .stock and sell on more reasonatde terms than others. (Jur stock will include Chandeliers, Pendents, Brackets, Glass. \c. As we have leased the works for five years, it will be to the jidvantage of those requiring such fixtures to get them of us, since upon us will fall the care of them, keeping them in rejiair, kc. For this purjiose it is both our interest and pleasure to emply none but the best Gas Fitters. In our absence for a few weeks, all who wish to have the Pipes introduced into their buildings, will please leave their names with Mr. W. N. Tillinghast, who will give all necessary information on the sultject. It is desirable to know as early as possible, so that the tures may be intro«luced at the same time with the ■^tructioii of the works, and tlms all niay light up simul taneously. WATERHOUSE & COWES. Fayetteville, Juno 1). 22-tf ; \ROE~IAA CTTV STEAM XAVIGATIOX COMPANY. ^PllE undersigufd liave been appointed by the General I Commi-'iouers in Salisbury, to receive subscriptions to the ‘apit;il Stock of the above t^onipany, and have prepared a Subscription liook, and are ready to receive the same, on application to J. M. Iiose. at the Rail Road Otlice. I) ECEIVEI) by Express this morning, a beautiful line I of C'loak^, l>re**H iioo(l», EiiihroiderieM, .\LL NEW STYLES. None of last season’s goods at No. 17 Market Sijuare. i handsome assortment or Misses' (ioods, .iust received ami for sale b^^ J. N. PRIOR. Sept. '). 4fi-2t ivOTICE. will be collecte and 1st July of each and every year. J. N. PRIOR. 40-2t l^ehediile of Departure and Arri- val or TIaiU, AT FAYKTTEVILLE, >. t FAYETTEVILLE TO RALEIGH—Via Mary’s Garden and Barclaysville. Leaves Fayetteville, daily, at o P. M. Arrives at “ “ at A. M. FAYETTEVILLE TO KENANSVILLF:—Via Clinton and Warsaw. Leaves Fayetteville, daily, at 2 P. M. Arrives at “ “ at ~h A. M. FAYETTEVILLE TO HIGH POINT—Via Carthage and Asheborough—(Tri-weekly.) Leaves Fayetteville Monday, ednesd.'iy atul Friday, at 1 P. M. Arrives at Fayetteville We«lneslay, Friday and Sunday, atllJA^M. FAYETTEVILLE TO ('HERAW-Via Gilopdis and Laurinburg—(Tri-weekly.) Leaves Fayetteville Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday, at 1 P. M. Arrives at Fayetteville Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day. at 8 A. M. FAYETTEVILLE TO FAIR BLUFF—Via St. Paul’s and Lumberton—(Tri-weekly.) Leaves Fayetteville Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, t*.t 1 P. M. -Vrrives .at Fayetteville Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day, at 4 A. M. FAYETTEVILLE TO R.\LEIGH—Via Summerville, &c.—(Semi-weekly.) Leaves Fayetteville Tuesday and Friday, at •> A. M. Arrives at Wednesday and Saturday, at P. M. FAYETTEVILLE TO ROBESONS—Via Elizabeth town—(Tri-weekly.) Leaves Fayetteville Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at t) A. M. Arrives at Favetteville Tuesdav, Thursday and Satur day, at 2* P. M. FAYETTEVILLE TO ELIZABETHTOWN—Via White Oak and Terebintli—(Weekly.) Leaves Fayetteville Tuesday, at (i A. M. Arrives at Fayetteville Monday, at 7 P. M. FAYETTEVILLE TO MAGNOLIA—Via Gravelly Hill and Taylor’s Bridge—(^Weekly.) Leaves Fayetteville Tuesday, at 2.’, P. M. Arrives at Fayetteville, Tuesday, at 2 P. M. FAYETTEVILLE TO SWIFT ISLAND—Via Mont rose—(Weekly.) Leaves Fayetteville Tuesday, at ‘.t A. M. Arrives at Fayetteville Monday, at tJ P. M. FAYETTEVILLE TO SWIFT ISLAM>—\'ia Troy— (Weekly.) Leaves Fayetteville Wednesday, at C >1. Arrives at Fayetteville Tuesday, at 0 P. M. FAYETTEVILLE TO PHILADELPHUS—Via Lumber Bridge, &c.—(W’eekly.) Leaves Fayetteville Monlay, at 2 P. .M. Arrives at Fayetteville Monday, at I P. M. All mails leaving before 7A A. M. are closed at the evening previous. Each mail is closed one hour before itb time of de parture. J.VMI'S (i. COOK. Postmaster. Fayetteville, N. C., Aug. 2’.i, 1S5‘.*. !'cpt. A A. J. M. J. A. JNO. Me K ETHAN. WILLIAMS, WtMriH. M. R(tSE, (.'ommis:-ioners. •2'nf FayettevilVr. N. C.. .Tune 2n. lH.>*.t. A'olice to ^ol«lierx’ Widowx. The Widows of Mexican Soldiers, and the Widows of Soldiers who died in skuvice in the war of 1S12, can have their pensions continued by calling on the under signed, Congress having uiade adilitional provision for them. Give me the managoment of your claims, and the money shall come at once, or no charge. JNo. M. ROSE, Agent for Pensions. Fayetteville, June 12. 18')H. 19- AEf^ROE^^ WAATED. THE subscritier wishes to buy rMFT\* for which he will pay The Highest Cash Prices. Persons having such property to sell will find it to their interest to address lue at Clinton, N. C. A. S. C. POWELL. July 2U, IS.j'.) oo-tjnip'i ■\etfro€‘s! Wanted. Gentlemen, your oUl customer is yet in market for Likely Negroes, for which I am determined to pay the Highest Cash Prices. Persons having such for sale would do well to give me a call, or adtlress me at Clinton, N. C. All orders promptly attended to. J. A. McARTHUR. Clinior,. N. C.. March f>, IR')'.*. '.o-lyrpd W. TILLER, I Ml’OUTER OF FANCY GOODS, ‘ Fix- rrMW'H. BEADS, and CONFECTIONERS’ ARTICLES, ? con- i 1 t.'hinii Dolls. Rich Vases. Toilet Bottles, Inks with I Figures. Jewel and Card Receivers, Etagere Articles, &C Latest styles of goods constantly received and sold ' at the very lowest cash prices. W. TILLER. j No. 21 South FOURTH Street, PHILADELPHI.\. ,hilyl8. ;^.2-2niiHl I lIeri*in$E^! Herrins’!S 1 /Ui BBLS. No. 1 Split and Bulk Herring: 1 LUV I'M» Bales EXTRA HAY: 50 “ RICE STRAW; 2U Boxes ADAM.VNTINE CANDLES; 40 BAR SOAP; I 25 Barrels M. VASSAR & CO’S ALE; j 20 “ WHISKEY, some very fine, viz: Okl j “Dew Drop” (>5 years old.) Family, Mag nolia, Reserve. Excelsior; I ti Packages FRENCH BR.VND\; 1 Cask CATWABA BRANDY, on Consign ment from a gentleman connected with i liank in the city of N. Y.; will be sold on account of consignee. fiV^f'The above are just ree d and will be sold low by J. H. ROBERTS & CO. .^l- A July 11, IH.y KR.MSS GOOD supply of various No’s just received, which we can furnish low. D. & W. May 2. McLAURIN. 10 tf IVr!«ioii« ill Want OF PUUE and sjilendid flavored old Whiskey can be furnished by us with (,Hd Dew-Droj). ^lagnolia Family. Excelsior and Reserve brands, all of which wo warrant as repre.s.enied or no sale. J H. ROBERTS CO. P,‘'. We have other common brands of Whiskey, but . none of the “long range.” such as Coftin. Rifle, I Moiuimental, Blue Ruin. I J. H. ROBERTS .-t CO. ; ,j. 2ii-tf ! DrrnJANK WILLIAMS'S KYE WHISKKV. R MITCH KLl- has made an-aiigements with Dr. Frank Williams, to tie constantly supplied with his I celebrated R’l E WHISKEY, which can be had at his j Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. I Oct’r 11. lS.->8. -M-tf ! liOOK-lUNDING 1‘cuted with N all its kimls. e\»‘cuted with neatnoss and despatch . IfJmall jobs when done must be pa;d before ilelivered. ~ I ■ THOS. H, TILLlNtJHAST. A'otice- — A'o;;’roo»i 'Wanted. j opposite the Female High School. Hay Street, rpo the farmers and citi/ens of the Counties of Duplin, ; May 14, b''-)'.). 14-ly Wayne, Johnston, Harnett, .Moore, C’umberl.ind, j — Robeson, Bladen, Columbus, Brtinswick, New Hanover, j w and Sampson: The subscriber being desirous of purchasing a num ber of Likely Young NEtJROES, of all classes and les- criptions. avails himself of this method of informing tloise who may have such property to dispose of. that they would do well to visit me at home, or address me at Clinton, N. C.—for which they shall receive a visit. ISetweeii this time and the loth Octolier l8o'.* 1 wish to purchase 40 to 60 young negroes for the Alat>ama market. _ EVERETT PETERS(»N. July 1:’.. 18.-);t. ni-4m ?ii?xt‘ellaiieoii'* Book>i. .\merican Home Ganlen, illustrated, by .\lex r Fresh •Irrivais. receiveil pr Steamer Fanny, Ms. Extra No. 1 M.ACKEKEL (for retailing,) f - .StS HlidM. Iiiood Bacon, NIDEM ot all kinds ot country produce, either for «ale or | a„d SHOULDERS, just receive.l and for sale by shijmient. ; ‘ D. .t W. McLAURlX ttriters tor groceries from cn.rh customers will receive immediate attention, free of comniistions. Not. 19, 1858. 2H(f Blank Bookx and Writing Ink. pURTHER supplies just received by A E. J. HALE & SON. July 2, "W^ATEII. LARGE quantity of (.'OT'l'ON and LINEN R.AGS, for which fair prices will bo paid. DAVID MURPHY. Aug, 17 41- 10 h “ do. “ 1 do. 10 ] “ do. “ 1 do, j ;o J MESS SHAD; !10 r»oxes CHEESE; ' roo Bags New Hulled BUCKWHEAT FLOUR; ' Fulton Market Beef: .Mess Pork; Gosiien Butter. Pocket Salt; Sugar; Coffee; Molasses; and every tiling in the provision line; which I will sell cheap for CASH or ex- I change for country Produce. W. Nov. 3, 183e. C. TROY 00-tf rpilE America I Watson; The Old I'bint itioii. by Htingcrford; Sylvan Holt’s DaiiL'hter. liy Holme Lee: Self .Made .Men. by .Seymour: Ei>isodcs of French History, by Miss Pardoe: Kendall s S.inta Fe Expedition: Miss McIntosh ' Wo-.k-^: Percy Anecdotes; Lives of the Queens of Scotlind. by .\gne“ Strickland; Barnes’ Not‘s on the Books of the New Testament: Literal Translations of the Classics: Alibott’s Life of Napoleon Bonaparte: ^Vc. .\jiril E. J. H.VLE I't SON. To C'lilia and Back, liy liana; ‘‘Love Me Little. L(>ve Me Long: Miss Mitford's Itecollections of a Literary Life; The War in Europe, with Mans: Tom liurke. by Lever; Harry Lorrecjuer, by Lever;Davenpoft Duiin. complete; Botliwell, by Aytoun; Carpet Bag of Fun: Irving's Washington, vol. .'ith. in cloth and sheep: Revival Sermon®, by Rev. Dan’l B.iker. D. D.; Peep of Day: Line upon Line; Precej.t upon Precept; Clarke’s Comment.ary: Scott's Commentary: Scliool Books, iSic.. &c. Further supplies just received. July 25 hale la SON. A TREATl!«iE ON THE LAW OF EVIDENCE, TEXTH EXHLISU EDITIOV. WITH COSSinER.MlLE .ALTEK.\TIOXS A.M> .MlOITtOXS. By the Right Hon. S. MARCH PHILLIPS and 'I'HOS. JAMES ARNOLD, Esq., one of the Police Magistrates for the Metropolis. FOVRTH AMERICAN EIHTIOX, With COWEN & HILL’S Notes, and with adilitional Notes and References to the Engli-^h and American cases to the present time, including those ailded to the last edition by J. Marsden Van Cott. BY IS-VAC EDWARDS, CorXSEM.OR \T L.\w. In three large volumes. The unequalled work of Mr. Phillips on the Law of Eviilence has long been acknowletlged. This eilition has undergone a thorough revision by Mr. Edwards, aud has received an immense amount of labor, and is now as nearly jierfect ns can lie made. The .American labor ami talent bestowed upon the work are not less tlmn that deriveil from the English source. The immortal notes of Messrs. Coweu \ Hill, together with those of .Mr. Van Cott. have been care fully preserved; and instead of being put in a volume by themselves, as formerly, they are now placed below the text—a ilisposition of them which will very mnch faci litate reference. The entire note and text are arranged in three compact volumes, with a table of cases, and an extremely full index to each. Mr. Edwards has care fully noted any distinctions that n ay exist between tlie English and American law, and has aibled all the late American decisions. Several copies of thi« valuable work jii-t received and for sale by E. J. HALE it SON, Fayetteville. Knitting Work, a Weliof many Textures, by Ruth Partington. Presbyterian Psalmodi.-t; Southern Harmony; School Books, Xc. .Tust received. E. J. HALE & SON. August 27. Chapman's Sermons, si.vtli edition: the >fetho dist liy Miriam Fletcher; Life at Three Score, by I'.arnes: Songs of the P. E. (’hurch: The Psalmist, with su]iple- meiit; Clarke's Conimentarv-, .vc. Juni 11. E. .1. H.VLE .V SON. JFtre Insttrance. 'I'fTE refer our readers to the annual -ii.-itemciit of th« -Etna Insurance ♦'ompany. of Hanford. This suc cessful institution was incorporateil liy the Legislature of Connecticut in 181‘.t, with a perpi-tual charter. Its c;ij>ifal is !?.')()0,0011, and its accumulat ions exceed j^8(>0.- OOil more, making its enti.’f as-fts over SIin vested ns iletailed in tlie ‘-tatement referred to. These results indicate that ibiring the period of nearly forty years since its organization, 'without a single change of its chief otRcer,) its busine.^s iias been conducted with judgment and prudence. It has )>een thus far succc'^s- ful in an eminent ilegree, di'^charging. as we are in formed, all its obligations t>y the payment of about irn I million ilollnrf for losses, without asking a ibiy's de!:i_\ in t anv instance. It iias had tmt little litig-iition. iiotwitli- ; stanling the immense number of tr.insactious mailo. In ordiT to attain as much rirlain';! as pos-ilde in ^in-li ;i >>n.'ines' as insurance, it has tieen tin- practi'-e of the ' Company, for several years, at gicai labor. c:irrf illy to ' cla.'sify and arrange their risks info about fifty ijisiinrt classes, so as to ascertain the amount in-uivd on .vich class, the amount of premiums received thereon, and the ' amount of losses upon each. Thi“ clasaiticaiion. exteiid- : ing over a long period, and covering property to :i very I.^rge amount, i'urnisiies i-eliahle ibita. and presents a sound, substantial basis of actutil experience, ujioti which to conduct its business, insurance is not a matter of ! luck or chance, as many its hazards are ascer- i tainable, and its principles capable of l>eiiig reduced to a system, the ] ractical workin- and ’cMittsof which are as certain a>i that of any otiier iiu'-ines'. The .Etna . Company, by adhering rigidly to it-; •system, and jdai-ing its l)usiness upon a healthy hasi^. lias obtained the con fidencc of the comi.iuiiity to an extent surpassed by no I other Company in tlie U. .'•r.iles, and has increased its business and its iiu-ome from year to year with a sternly oTowth. One great -oiirce of its 'security is the wide distribution of its ri.-ks—a jiolicy which it pursues with "reat strictne'-'^—limiting the anmunt to be covered in each locality. By tliis ‘ourse it has passed, with com parative iiiii>unity, through some of thf most sweepiiijr and ib--‘triiciive fires, wliich have swallowed up jth*T Companies less cautious in their busine-s. It is a like this, liased upon experience, which gives staViility and soundness to a company, and to the assured con fidence and security.—lial'inuire l‘ilriot. a^T’ .\gent of the tibove Company at Fayetteville. ■ H. J. HALE. Blanks t‘or sale at this Oltice.

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