rioAs i 1 h. I- I ni- Ri .\ (• \»l. I ^ i . { ontf,n^s. ii \ I (DIB E M I-W E E K L Y. IX l FAYKTTEVILLE, N. C„ SEPTEMBER 15. 1859. [NO .849.] t:iNTI’|) MwNUWS AM' THURSD.VYS KlhVAKl) J. HALE & SON, i:i>rrni:.c wd i'P{(>i*i{iktoi:s , ■ • ■ 1- \V,-,'k!v (Misr.HVKR S:i (M> if jmiJ in j ■ ~ . J’ I'hM Jnvins Oio year li! sub'^cvij'- ■ : 'I I -r ;lio venr liu- exiiiroJ. . I h;~!;uvKli tM» ]ier Hiiniini. if puiil ill | ' i; 4uriinr ilio vear of mibscrip- '' itM'r the yoar litts t'xpircil. \li\ ;■ ;;TIS 1-. M K NTS inserttMl foi (>0 cent? per ' ’'iie> ii'i' ilie fioi. Hiiil :•{(* ceiit.s for each ; i'. iii.m. Vr irly ajvertiseiiients by «J>e- t. i i -. ;it r«'i-i>ii!ilile rate-. .\Ivertisers arc ■ , i‘, ihi- iHiiiilu’r ol' iii-iertidii-* le>iirel, or : .'Ti: iiiiif'l I ill l'.'rliil. ainl charjred acconl- 1 !>• l>e iiiserleil lusi'if, charguU 50 ]>er V I srr.' i \\. NitTK’i:. : i st'' :■ liii' 'ife. II" UHiiie .if a new subscriber • Vi ! ul’i i'ii; p.Tviiu-ut in ii'lvnnce. nor will t • '.iieh 5iihoriber-; for a lonjter lime ■ ! r. • ! 11 -i'! siib'i'i iheis H>- ileniru to take the pa- i y>ieiii will plea^f notify lu when making F i V^/rTKVII-I.E HOTKI., T \VA1>1>1LL, PkoI’riktor. l.”^, the n; j-t c^'innioiiious Hotel in NoifU iM K I:T!1A.\ The i^argnt Vnrriagr Ftirlory in ; For (lie Wholesale Trade ot I8S9. the South: j A LARdE AND GENERAL VARIETY OF FOREK;!^ and domestic dry iK)ODS, READY-MADE C L O T H I N (i, HAI M'S. .r«TfO*VN, MMOttP-Sti. MKTS, »r. ST\Rtl &: WILLIA.TIN, IN placing before the public this announcement, simply •lesire to say to their numerous customers, and to all merchant!* who design making their purcliases her« thi.^i Fall, that they are now opening, and will during the ensuing week be prepared to for inspection and sale, one of the largest and most general stockn of ?oods in their line, ever ottered to th« Trade in this market. A portion of these goods are of our own importation, consequently we shall be enabled to save to buyers thu extra profit charged by the New Vork Jobber. In connexion with the above stock, we shall during the season be prepared to sell at low prices, Root« and lilioex of all Crradex, bought directly of the .Manufacturer—for cash. maJ^Thoso owing us accounu pant dtie will please luakc payment. J. B. STAUR. I. M. WILLIAMS. Fayetteville, Aug. 24, IS59. 4:5tf BOOTiS & 81IOE8. F.\LLANDW1NTEH STOCK. iS i tViinting feet on llaj and j ; l«. ii Stvi'ftc. li>cat«d in th« cei\tr« of the ' '■ i:. the t.'wn. and surrounded by all niT H ' ijolexale Merchants and priuci- •f i'.! -i.en will find tho Hot*l a «onT*ni«nt i ■ i i;i'USC. i>:t" Hrrivo and depart from this Hotal. ■ ; '■■I. i. 1 ^ 51- ' >!\v i:m/ iiousi,. A VrTTKVIM.K. .■%. ..v '■ f./vr/t Scr'^nt. n r*ic (iuors Xorth t the r through thin medium 1^ KSIM'CTFL’LLY informs his friends and the public, i I ^ that h« has built up large aubstaniial IJrick Huild- | ing* at bin Old .Stnnd. expressly for muiiufacturing Car- ■ riagen. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he bus received for thw Iasi 'J1 years, h« hopes by strict atten- | lion to business, with a de.-*iro tu gi>-u salisfaclion. to ^ merit a continuance of ih« same. He \\arrants his work to b« made of the best mHt'.'rial and liy experienced , Workmen in each branch of the busitM'ss. His work will | compare favorably with any made in liie I'nited State!». ! for ne::tness and durability. He it> determined to sell ' and do any work in his line on as good terms as any I work done elxewheru that is as well done. He now has on band, finished, THK LARGKST STU«K OF Carriages, Barouches, Rockaways aud Buggies, ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will b* sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. Jig^fHe has on hand more than ONE HUNDREU AND FIFTY VKHICLKS linishe.l and in course of construction. ! ®ar -\11 work made by him is warrr.nted 1- months i with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material, will be repaired free i>f charge. Persons wishing to buy would ilo well t^i call and ex amine for themselves. ! Orders thankfully received .-\nd promptly attended to liepairing executed at short notice and on very reason- abl« t«rms. May 28. lS.i9. 8'J-tf .School for Boys. The undorsigned will open hi.s School on MOND.\^ the Sd of October, at the Phoenix Lodge. Tuition as before—$12 50 per term of 10 weeks: ('on- tingencies 2o cents. Payable in advance. THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Sept. 12, 18')9. 48tt Iliws Alice Campbell will re sume her School on Oillespie Street, on Monday, Oct 3, 1859. Sept. 12. 48-3t w yirti. C. J. WARD ILL resume the dutie.s of her School in .\rch St., on the 1st Monday in October 1859. Sept. 3, 1859. 4t>-4t JliMS Biu^ham’» School. MIPS BINGHAM will resume her School for Young Ladies on Monday, the 3d of October. Aug 27 44-6w \u F.. :k! ' to 1 1 1 N ■ if u..- I M :ir. V I'.li:.- 'iie libiTiil patronage bciilow- i Hi>ii»o tbc piiii year—aud hs be ■ V. and Carriage Shed conveii- U'l to '.THiei he tnkes pleamre in say- U 1 '113 and ihe piibUc ^. licrally, that he i* 1 r; d t,. iheui with transient and i.i\t and r>.-'pocifi''lly solicits a co.ntinuance heretolore received. F.very ex- ■; ' ; s»T’ »li:iii iwed to render tht>m comforta- "■■j. their s"ju;irn with liiiu. His tabl«» is always ; n^ili 1 til? l>L»t tLi.‘ uiaiket affo:ds. 1’ SHEMWFLL. /I l’4. S'-tf « I M. T %KOM\ I. M A v> K iforsi:, GOLDSBORO'. N. C. , , iinder«i!rnod announces to the public charge of the a>)ove Es- tali!i«hment. and is prepared to accommodate Boarders, bv ine dny, week or month. And . ' ;ir. wlu- may favor him with their patronage, . \v'.;; fiideavur to give period saiisfaciiofl. Table •M- w''li tlie best the market affords. JA.". 0. SMITH, ' . J in'v i.’J', 8l-lyr NKAllE.^T \M> (jrrt KI'ST ROl TK TO THE RAILROAII! To llie liilere«t ol* Tiirpeiitiiie IliolillrrH. .V BAKKR would rt-['octfi:lIy inform Turpentine Hi'itillerx and .>ttifr th it ho is fully prej'ared to .Manufacture or Repair'ine, 15randy and Whis key Stills, Wnniii, \r., in I'.ict, anytliing in the line of Sheet-l'opi'er or Ir^n work. Particular Httention given ti> the making ot Steam Pipes from a superior kind of Copper, fur Boats, Mills, io. .\11 work entrusted to iny I'are shall be properly done, and warranted, and on the ni'i-;i favorable terms as re- gard-i price. Oive me a call and see for yonr-^clf, and I know 1 shall have your paironnge. Being a jiracfical workman, I attend to all the W'tIv myselt. wiiicli 1 tiiid is to the advantage both my rii-tomcr-i and mv-flt'. >ld C"[>per ti.jiiglii fill- ea'li or taki-n it> fxchunkff for n«w work. '1 X. li.VKKR. Hay Stri'i-t, Fayetteville. N. C. Julv 27 o5-i;uiiis T. HAWLEIi Ai SO:% VRE receiving a large stock of Boots and Shoes, em bracing every variety of style and quality. it Off S fittf/ Calf Koots^ Offitrrs Ji* Shots, Light, Double-.'Jole. and (^Miilted Bottom'^. mfiisKes, anti f'hilfiren^s, fine heeU'd Waiters, Slippers and Shoes.—in great varietv. f!iERVA.\T«' .\ sujierior article, made to our order; Single and Double Sole. .'«E€:K0 RrtOG \ large supply of Black aud Russet; single and double sole: purchased diiect from Manufacturers at reduced cash prices: will be sold cheap. -ALSO— T'rarrUna Trttnkf*: i.eathet' of all kinds; Shoe-i'itifHtiflf* of errrtf drscHplioti. .Ml of which we offer h>w for ca-h, or on usual time to prompt customers. Atig. 25, 5icliool ^¥otice. MV School in the DON.^LDSON ACADK.MV will be ro-opened on Monday, October 3d. Terms prr Quarter of ten week*: English, if 7 50 Latin, 10 00 Latin and Greek. 12 50 Contingent, 25 A few pupils can be furnished with board in the family of the Principal, on Hay Mount. JESSE R. McLEAN, A. M., Principal. -\ug 10 39- A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF EVIDENCE, TKMH EXULISH EDITION, WITH COXSIDERABLK LTRRATION'S AND ADDITIONS, By the Right Hon. S. MAIK'H PHILLIPS and TIIOS. J.ANIES ARNOLD, Esq., one of the Police .Magistrates for tiie Metropolis. FOIRTII .1>IKR1C.\N EDITION, With COWt^N & HILL’S Notes, and with additional Notes and References to the English and American cases to the present time, including those added to the last edition >>y J. Marsden Van ('oit. The unequalled work of Mr. Phillips on the Law of Evidence has long been acknowledged. This edition has undergone a thorough revision by Mr. Edwards, and has received an immense amount of labor, unl is now as nearly perfect as can be made. j The .Vmerican labor and talent bestowed upon the i work are not less than that derived from the English source. The immortal notes of Messrs. Cowen & Hill, together with those of Mr. Van Cott, have been care fully preserved; and instead of being put in a volume by them.selves, as formerly, they are now placed below the text—a ilisposition of them which will very much faci litate reference. The entire note and text are arranged in three compact volumes, with a table of cases, and an extremely full index to eacli. Mr. Edwards has care fully noted anj' distinctions that n.'^y exist between the English and American law, and has added all the late American decisions. Several copies of this valuable work just received and for sale Vjy E. J. IL\LE & SON, Fayetteville. lUiKL\BlRlill HIGH SCHOOL. The Mth Ses.xion of this Institution will open on the 12th of JULY 1S59, under the charge of Dan l. .'^tkwaI’.t, Jr., A. B., as Principal. l>oard can bo had either at the »>teward’s Hall or in the neighborhood at per month, exclusive of lights and washing. For further information apply to the undarsigned at Laurinburgh, N. C. R. D. DICKSON, Secy. Laurinburgh, June 18. 25-lf 43-tlw \EW GOODS. • »m A • •fames Ktfle Ii« NOW RECEIVING A LARtJE SUPPLY OF DRY GOODS, MATS,SH01X B () L T I N C L () T H S , c.. Odar KalU Sheeting and Yarn at i’act«)ry I’rices. .\.ll of which will J>e offered B Y W H o 1, E S A L E O R R E T AIL, .\s low as tho same i|uality can be had in thi"* State. .March IH5y. 94 tf To Land Riiyer^. ^PIIE undersigned offers for sale, in the Coal region, 1 and within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville & Western Rail Road on Deep River, EKillT III \DKED ACRES OF LAXD, adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George Wilcox, dec'd. and lying three miles South from Car- bonton, on Little Pocket Oeek, .Moore county. These Lands are well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, Xc. There are on the pn-m- ises a comfortatde Dwelling, and all necessary Out houses. with about one hundred and fifty acres under fence, including forty or fifty acre-» of never-failing bottom land. This is a rare chance for person« wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad vancing in price in this section. For further information apply to Mr. NL M. McRae, (’’ratie's (.^reek, P. >., .Moore county, or address me at Favetteville. N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec'd. Carbonton, Moore co., N. C.. -^ug. 24 4;’if FALL 18o9. ALEX. Jr., H.VS RECl-lVI'.D and is daily receiving by far the largest iif ’ !nost desirable stock of staple aii«l Fancy DRY ever offered by him to the public. Not deeming it necessary to enumerate, he would say it embraces all the New Styles for the Fall and Winter trade. To which he would call the attention of his ohl Customers and the public generally. ALEXANDER JOHNSON. Jr. Sept. 8. 48-4w P. TAI LOR H.\S now in store, a complete Stock of Goods, consist ing of Dry Oood«, Hat% lSoot!« &: $hoe«, with a full supply of GROCERIES. )f NEW M.\CKEREL and -\lso, iust received, HERRINGS. Sept. 0, 1859 47-3t Tobacco! Tobacco!! 4'otton Plantation lor ^ale. I OFFER fo 1 situated ni r.ii.M. A—1^59. 4.iOLD^TOX A: El LI.ER RE now receiving direct from New York a large and J Winter A desirable Stock for the ensuinc HOLMES & ROBINSON'S fuik house stai.e line to kenansville, VTA WIKSIW, ' .r'- 'T ,nd most expeditious for travelers going \ ,■ 1,:^ I.f'fivinK I'avetteville every day at I’. M. i iiROl Gll i.N TEN HOURS. .• -v ■ J. wilo W"uld study their comfort - !i'. wiM t.iko the Warsaw Stage. TI' KI'TS T^) WELDmN ni;iy bo r,. iiii'p ! . Favetteville. ‘ 8M-ly \OTIt'E. ' • :v,j wf wi" i.’al! lor bi lies and children and .'it tl.eir residences within the cor- i'- -r till'Tov. II. who take passage on our lines - M :'■ ['.I'-enger'will be received at the Stage I ’ cd M* tlieir resp ’Ctive homes in tli« i!io ii passenger will be allowed I’lO lbs. of ; '-^ irtre. HOLMES i: RolJlNSON. i'ont'is Warsaw Line. •. S. i.ARBEi: .'i BRO.. ■ iiit'rs Raleigh Line. ' • e. A 5. IS.yj, ;58-limpl IJ TI KKLCMI'S h\SK. \VM. CARTER & SON, Whult‘k»l8 A Retail Dealpr'i and Mnnufhcturcrs on ALL KISDS OF MjCiither, SadiUes and MtarNexs, of every description. J.'ollars. Whiji', Fall .in . Trade,—consisting of ' liJroceriew, Hardware A' Hollow- ' ware, ^aildlery, Bootw Sk Siioew. 4'olton Ra^^iniir and Rope. I Many oth-r goods, not nece-sary to mention, .\il of I which will be «old on very reasonable terms, either for I cash or to prompt paving customer« on usual titue. 1 G. W. 1. GOLhsi'ON. W FULLER, j Hay Street. Next Door to H. ii E. J. Lilly. I Aug. 24. lx5y 43-lin*3m CIRCI LAR. H'^HE undersigned has opened an Office in the Brick , ,, , . X. . , , . i Building, two doors below the store of .Mr. George ^ND we al..o particularly call the attention of the whole , ,,3,. Street, at the foot of Haymount. where he Xc. surrounding country to eive us a call, as we are de- U»riiiined that none shall surpass us in quality or low^ prices: and we will give tiie liighe-c cash y>rico at all times for H*w Hides and Tallow, in exchaugu for our articles. Country Merchants wouM d- w.dl to call and examine our Stock, as we can sell them Siiotw of a much l)etter quality than they usually get. on very acrommoilating terms. Southern Planter- would ilo well to «end u« all their orders as we are making a .Vo. 1 article of .N’EfiRO SHOES, that are warranted to giv« entire satisfaction. N. B. All Orders from a di-iance «hall have j>roinpf attention. S. S. TARTER. Ocildkton P. O., i.'hatham Co., N. C March 1 ■'), 1S5H. WM. CARTER. I I ) U’>- rk i \ ROI.I ^ ^ M s d w; r 0. ■F '>\NY" leave- Fayetteville every Mon- iur-djty ni'iniing. at 15 yjiiuutes after Sun- ;u_'to!i Tuesday and Friday, al o elock, • -i iigttr,- aud I’reight.. ‘ H THRHNKPi,” with a full comjilement oriij Ol- Timre triiis per wuek. ciroum- ■ ji.iri-. ‘ ^ il.u SteKiiier ••ROW.^N" will b« re- s •' V Sli« will then tak» h*r place in T S. LUTTFRLOH. 51-tf i\E\v Lii\i:. J. W. RAKER I Is now rt'Ocivitiir I'rom the Xortli tlie I largest, fine.'-'t, uii'l most carefully selected ' stock of FI u:\ iTi It ever offered iu this market; which added to his own manufncture, makes his aaortmont comj«lete:— all of which he will seil on the lowest possibU terms for cash or on tima to {lunctual customeis. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts: cmlod hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses: Looking Glasses: Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards: ISureaus: Secretaries and Book-t-'a^es; What- Nots; Tables, all worts: Wash Stands: Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and (jlass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas iti .Mahogony and Wal nut: Tete a Tetes; Ottomans: Divatis aud Stools: Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood 1’iano.s, one vvit’i .Eolian at is prepared to receive on (\)nbignmeni for ^ale or for shipment, ALL KINDS OF tOIMRY PRODKE, OR OTHER ARTK LES. He will also, i when jilaced in funds for that purpo-^e,) promptly attend to the purchase and forwarding of all descriptions of Groceries and other .Merchandize which may be required or ordered. Likewi>e, he will attend promptly to nil kinds of B.\NK BUSINESS,—obtaining discounts and making negotiations, renewing notes payable at Bank, and pro curing and forwarding Bank checks on (listant places. Having had long personal experience and knowledge of the business and trade of the i)lace, he feels great confidence, that by giving his entire and undivided at tention to these matters, and making only reasonable and very moderate charges for his services, he will be stimulated and encouraged by a liberal patronage, and that in all cases he will succeed in giving entire ami general satisfaction. BEVERLY ROSE. Refer to Messrs. H. & E. J. Lii.i.y. Mr. Gkoinjk McNku.i,. Thos. s. I^t^TTFRI.OH, Es'l. Fayetteville, .\ug. 10 40-(5w More Xew Good^! 1.\M jtist receiving my Spring Stock of Goods in my line. They were selected in tho Northern cities by myself, with great care, and bought on the most reason able terms, by which I am enabled to offer the largest stock 1 ever before offered to the public, and to offer them generally At (rreally Reduced Prires. FRUITS--Raisins. Figs, Prunes, .\p[des, Lemons, Or anges, ('berries. Currants, ,S:c. PK.’lvl^ES. JELLIES .\ND PRF^i^ERVES—a great va- I riety: PEI’ii'U\l KRIE.'' .AND EXTR.VCT.S of various kinds; F\NCY SO.VPS AN1» I’oMADES; I MC.'-1('.\L INSTRl'MENTS—Fidilles, Drums, Fife.s, for sale a Plantation in Marlboro’ District, nine miles from P>ennettsville. two and a half from Pee Dee River, seven from Railroad, and two from the .Mineral Springs. Tho Tract contains THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SEVEN ACRES. with 15t> under cultivati>n. The Buildings are all good. A NEW DWELLING llt^USE, with six rooms—fire place in each room, passage through the house, two piazzas, one in front and one in the rear. My Land will compare fiivorably with any in the District. I have sixty acres of Bog land cleared, tiiat will make thirty fiushels corn per acre. The jdace is cultivated this year by James Peterkin. lit* will show any one who wishes to look over the land. My only object for sell ing i« I have movel West. Terms easy. .\ddre«s me at Bennettsville, S. C., until 1st September, after that time at Selma. .\la. GEt)RGE PETERKIN. -Vug. 4 4(»tf Li\D ToiTm I OFFER for sale C40 .\cres of L.VND. lying on the West side of Cape Fear River, two miles below Fay etteville, and extending from the river into the sand hills. This tract is about ecjually divided into river- ridge, swamp and sand-liill Lanii. About SO acres, adjoining th« river, are under cultivation and are well suited fo the growth of Corn and Grass: none of the Swamp has been cleared. There are several good sites for a dwelling house on the sand-hills. Any person wishing to purchase will do well to make early appli cation, as I have determined to sell. THOM.\S J. ROBINSON. Sept. S, 1S.>H. 44tf Land and Wood* ^ Q .*,CRES of L.\ND lying on the Fayetteville & Western R. R. 7 miles from Town. 450 Cords PINFJ WOOD cut and piled. All for sale cheaj) to close the concern of C. E. Roberts .S: Co. Apply to J. H. ROBERTS CO. June20, ISSa. 24tf l^aborers Wanted. ^PHE Western Rail Road Co. wish to employ 4 able- 1 bfidieil Slaves for the balance of the year, to work on track repairs fietween Favetteville and Little River Depot. ‘ W. A. KUPER. Ch. Eng. Ac Supt. July Ii 2'Jtf Mtate Rond« fbr ^ale. ST.\TE Coupon Bonds, {('oupons payable in New Vork. on the 1st April and 1st October.) in quanti ties to suit. Apply at the Branch of the ('ape Fear Bank. . * A. McLEAN. June 1 li'tf 1 U.''T received from Webb & Whitted's .Manufactory, • I Hnisborough, N. C., 25 BOXES TOBACCO, vari ous brands and qualities, ranging in price from IB to 75 cts. per lb., which 1 will sell at reduced Factory prices. D. ANDERSON, Agent for Webb & Whitted. Sept. 7 47- I would call the attention ol Toliacco Chewers to the WEBB WHITTED BR.VND, also the CADf]T TWIST, which is superior toany thing ever sold in this market. —ALSO— A lot of A No. 1 SMOKING TOB.-VCCO, by lb., from W. & W. For sale at No. 22 Hay Street. D. ANDERSON. Sept 7 47- Ttie iinder»l;^ned intorniM the Shippers by bis Line of Boats tb;it tha loss of the Steamer Rowan will not lessen his facilities for the transporta tion of freight. The new Steamer "NORTH C.\RO- LIN.V” will take iier plac«, and for lightness of draught, freight capacity, sj>ecd and finish tor Passengers, she is not surpassed by any Boat ever on Cape Fear River. T. S. LUTTERLOH. S«pt. 9, 1859 _ _ 47-31 7»EE Di^E LAAD FOR «ALE. INTENDING to changu my business, I now offer for sale my PL.\NT.\.TR>N on Pee Dee River, fourteen miles above Rockingham, containing 17(X) Acres, Seven Hundred of which is good Cotton Land, unsurpassed by any land on the river. There are about Two Hun dred find Seventy Five acres now in ctiltivation, which will yiehl a go'ol crop, notwithstanding the severe drought of July. The buildings on the premises were put up upon the rough and tumble principle, conse quently not having cost much, will not >>e in the way of my selling good land at a price. I will be plea.sed to show the land and growing crops to any per son wishing to buy. W.M. Rockingham, Sept. 1859. i'Sli: i.i C. LEAK. 48-6t It VHi0ilATOii! fKKC V liKli ! V Oil > VK.'Ki’, fOJij'MHindji! fullrely from |Q OVK OK Tilt BK.'l'i i*t K-: aTIVK l.lVl-.It VP: i i)i»'.NK> IK-W *1.^ pr;.’-. hit Pm r- - njildrr, Hi.'i mor# ihn . .HT tt I*.; i:- i. : ^ i u .'t t* not oitlv ft ^litjf • Lir*' »i. Airr/ t.> ilfc'Mi mn'ir.. xht -n tJif Hi -n Hi-J- Ru l i- to anyotlthM thus- ! ,. w’lhotu ail.' ‘’f painful .t r • . iliv* o, • .n of mojit I It ; vi :.eii and build fl up with »» 01.• of th -. ; tn l 'vh« . ' we>6 i>. U« .•U Un I proi • ^ lurii [.srU a: w •MU iM !. ^ !o ’*• ' k Mt it# o»« ib«t ihU r«me‘l7 #1 wit: KMri' ■»«» ka 'illi to LrT & 'lOl’U • rh 'i# ■ uni* » ^ i * JX in ‘ |MlVla>*tllSe tlie hicxxl, vrnoif niin'h!:.**'>, ♦ • I • 01 • ntlarUA bett « , j)rrv« I P’liitcs, !’>Mtijos, (Juitftrs, kc.\ tiichment; Rosewood Melodians, from the best manufac- ' "every kind; tories in New York and Bo.ston, warranted as good as ^'\-AF!E; any made in the country, and will be ttold at New ^ »>rk prices—freight only adii September 2. 4otf iflarble Faictory, % ic igii ■ .1 =.-.l wi'h me, in this line. Mr. John K. ;rid will -^ty'i-lhe firm ORliF^LL \ DAILKY. I.urchii.-cd' Ihe SuMUicr Sot tukk.vkr, and in . wi'l have a Now Flat employed with her. liii'.; iiii with their patronage may rely upon - ':ii( li, liy applving to .Mr. Dailey on board, I ., o.hrl'. ■ ' R. M. ORRELL. joh.n k. dailht. 8U)-tf \I.. ^'o Hail Hoad i'antraetornl IUST RECEIVED lOO W REELK ARROWS, (' I »ii-oiig, ftiT the Rail Road. For sale by D. & W. McLAUKlN. ■ 2'it, 80otf HOBBY HORSES, \c NUTS; FINE AND COMMON CANDIES; SARDINES; FINE CIGARS: SMOKING & CHEWING TOBACCO: CRACKERS; FINE I’OCKET KNIVES; A large assort ment of PORT-MON.AIES, some verv nice; FANCY ENVELOPES, and FANCY GOODS, TOYS and YANKEE NOTIONS; An .‘issorlmenl of INDI.\ RUB3ER GOODS; COMBS, WHIPS, FISHING TACKLE. The public are respectfully invited to call and ex amine my stock. I have a great many handsome things that cannot fail to please. JAS. B. LEE, Hotel Building. March 31, 1859 1- IJy Gi:o. LAUDFiR, TWO DOORS ABOVE (’. T. HlKiH k SONS’ STORE Fayetteville, €. Jm’T 20,1850. 64-ypd SPRI.\; STYLEJS! The Fajal, Everett aud Havelock Hats! Also, a beautiful assortment of the L.VTEST STYLE SOFT H.ATS (^high and low crown,) and all the styles of the most elegant Hats of the season, can now be seen at the Bazaar March 16 A. McRLMMON. 97-tf Fortahleand stationary Engines, l*iini)>», ^'C.' ll'^E are prepared to receive orders for the great M .AMF.lilC.VN PUMP, worked without peeking or suction, tiirowing from IH to 0(» gallons of water per iiiinute; sizes from 1 to 4, price $18 to S'lO. Patented .\pril IS.^y. Also, Dodge's Gutta Percha ball valve. Suction !uid Force Pumps ( ontracls Taken for the Erection of Bnildiu;;^, materials furnished, and jobbing of all kinds executed with neftiness and dispatch. A 1-) Horse Power Stationary, and an 8 Horse Port able Engine, for ♦tale cheap bv WALTON & BARRY, .Machinists and Car Builders. Fayetteville, -Aug. lo, ISo'.t 4(1- Towji p.'ipers co[>y. Leather and India Rnbber 1108E, &c. The undersigned hereby give notice that they are j>repared to furnish at short notice every description of Machine Belting ami India Rubber Hose. Having in our employ competent workmen, we are at all times prepared to put Steam Engines in order. .All orders promptly attended to. WALTON & BARRY, Car Builders and Machinists. Fayetteville, N. C., July 28, 18A9. 35- l«a- a tl' • . • Hick Ofi^ hoitfe tnkrn •k of the and « )!jN o’t inimedlHtel? ()n«lot« onen rep«rs’«*d it {^^t)ulT one houU :» ■ iht tfTeru cf boTiI* iRkeH fur I ^ lvwu*if or sH.u^mral color' Oti» doM ukau * tbort lo ih« ftpprtlU, and • >ii« doM oftet) repeated • l\or*a ill iu worat t'otnis. rnTTjpla?nt« ▼if‘f«i « or iwo Up*^« rurm al Milldin . Iher# it mo inr^r. ib*> world, at U A f#w bottir# our«« r» *>o« bent«. 'V»Uk»pW» ♦irr^rotn preT#nllT« for » all Kcv* i*» * Hll- wiih crrtaliitT, mirt ihoii»auri» wondarAil pf*rfo.llJii i:# (- tallv .-.n ir# hciil.kT uare riti, \rt at fni’M. ^ •»f Oil« — matiT darai.|f«iu«i :t \j n .• • atlart ronnil. an.T • philnt, in mi j .*f i.a f.-'» -. conT:'iio» ft cat aU.. niorl i't or »•*. . {l;« > plac« a wf l i • calli ng lu r t. £i \ t>'l( u>i.« an! \ ' * th« cau*« vha rniad. mid« \%ha( It iba r>ccat^)Tial ute ol iL# fident to r«n*T« tbt «' macli riiitifr and tonrinf?. reiirinc. loo»«n« tlie f Weitcfts. m«al wiUcura liy M|i«. p»|jB tpoonfula will alwa vt POLITICAL PROSCRIPTION i The following extract ia clipped from a recent : speech of Tom Corwin at Ironton, Ohio; We have parties in this country. lam notoseof those who believe that political parties are necessary. 1 am not one that believe.s that, as men of sense and discretion, we have need to differ about this thing at all. I admit that parties are made ne cessary by the present imperfections of mankind. But while I would say that, I would beg of you in God’s name, to putaway the little, mean and tri- , fling ambition and asperities of parties, and, my hie ! on it, if you would do that there would not be so muchpartyin thecountry as there is. If youcould get a President who would devote the whole tac- ulties of his head aud the better emotions ot his heart aud concentrate them upon the idea that he was the representative of the only free government on the face of the earth, and the one supposed to be the model of all to come after us in all nations of the world, that want to be free—if we could but get a man that would elevate himself even so high as to think that, and act upon it, do jou believe that the postmaster whose office on some prairie in Illinois, (I am speaking of a fact that I have seen related in the newspapers,) the proceeds ot whose office amounted to three dollars and seven teen cents per annum, gross, [laughter,] who had the impudence to poke his head out of the little log cabin in which hLs office wa.' held, and say that he thought Stephen A. I>ougla.s was a re spectable man, and was overheard by some ptxtr man—not poor in property but poor in soul, that had a little starved and miserable soul in him, who wroteon to this mighty representative of the only free country on the face of God’s earth, taking care of the liberty of the people of the country— thirty millions of them—that he did not like .Mr Douglas while the other man did; that he, the I’resident, would send forth a mandate to that poor little fellow on the prairies, who was collect ing bis three dollars aud seventeen cents a year— not a tenth part of the expense of fuel that he burned in one winter—to go out of office [laughter] and let some man come in who did not like DougIa.s? That IS a fact, so they say. Don’t let me now be holding up Mr. Buchanan as an exception. Such has been too much the case with every President since this party spirit has been so much in TOgue. Whig and Democrat, etc., have been guilty of the same sin. 1 know when you are electing a man to make laws xor you, you must elect one whose notions agree with yours, but I do not know that when you have a clerk at W xsh- ington, and the Whig party believes that the pen knife he usea ought to pay thirty per cent, ad ralorem duty, and that poor clerk has not been able to see that distinctly, although he i.s a capi tal book keeper and a faithful man, but in his soul and conscience he thinks it would not be right to pay so much duty as that, that you should turn him out of office, and say that he is not fit for :i book-keeper. It is not respectable. I know that because 1 have tried it. No man can feel like a gentleman, if God has made him one, and do that thing. Tf that man holds hLs tongue, we will not question him as to that, but if he is to go to Con gress and make laws for us, to establish th:it duty on the peii-knife, then we vvill ask him about it. All of this we have done, and this has increa.sed that ]>arty asperity, aud induced men to take sides with the party in power, aud of course the uieaiiest men in the country will get the offices on that principle—the little executive offices and the little ministerial offices. That is what we have all done. Let us quit it. Let us see if we cannot quit it. If you want a man to represent your Republic abroad, find a man who has some of the qualifications of a gentleman—1 mean a gentleman of God’s making, not a fellow in tine clothes, though of course he ought to be dressed decently when he goes vourting. [Laughter.] Let him be a man of respectability. You have enough of these men. Don’t appoint a man wh«. ' shall be spoken of, as a friend of* mine told me one of our representatives was. 3Iy friend had been charge d’affairs at Brussels a great while— four years. While there he became acquainted with a French diplomat, and that French diplo mat had seen a man who represented our Govern ment at , also as charge d’affiiirs. He was a very stupid man; he did not !«peak any languatre very well; and, said this French gentleman: ‘•Why don’t you send fine specimens, good look ing men who speak some language?” “Ohl” said my friend, “don’t they all speak some language^” j “No,” was the answer, “I met a gentleman at who speaks no language at all. lie wa.s from the State ofCihio, and he speaks some /s. I think he called it Ohio.” [Jjoud Laughter.] J Of course your representative was treated with I contempt, for they thought he was the best man : we had. ! That is what you should do. I would not be I very particular about his politics either, for our domestic politic.s have very little to do witli our foreign mi.ssions. Who would select a Jiulge of the Supreme Court or (’ircuit Court of the I'nited States, to discharge the great duties of that sta tion, because he was a Democrat or a ilepublican without reference t) other qualiticiitions!'' .Ju dicial qualifications have to do with this thing; ■ judges decide the matter of law, not measures ' of policy. nia]«obi>tn:rtio:t mak«s a narfect cnr». reliavn C'holfc. win • a tnra cura for ( IioUtd of CHolern. uaadfd to throw oa» o' cint afiar a Iwkk from the tlii.i. tim« l>#t'or^ aaiij f * » food w#n currm C'liriinlt* whiU S u IU in r I • * *o r.'»> lAckt can*rft ••^•r. »■« ■* ■ r^. •Si ^p: liropsjr, th’« t* ft Clitll lout Typf*. It • I* williiif Iu to Ciuaiio! Iiiuano!! 4:0 000 ^ Peruvian Guano. >S«pt 12 For sale F. MOORE. 48- All wlio UK'' It ■re'KlTlii|{ (heir iioaiilmuux irxdinoiiv ill Its Tnvor. Wiitrr III (U« tnoiilli wllli th* loii- (^irnlMv, aiiit ■\Talln\«' botti toK-tli*r. THE LIVER IN VIGOR ATOR IS ▲ SCtCNTiriO MEKIl-AI. I>IB«1>V1RT, ...u i. rurkin( eurvi, almiMt too to h«li«T«. It cur»« •>. r »• iMiiCi*, »i»B Jiitt 'I'M giving htvtfl. anU ••Mom iri..» !•».. we bottls !• ror« any kinrf TjI^‘9I* t'.-.ic.jjlr*’ Iroiu lh» wprit Jau'uli t or to » ronimpii .« «II af whirb «rr tbr 'Mull nf « DliX'aiirtl 1^1 rer. rmcK uKi DOLLAR ran ■omt [)r. S V.S'KOIlt), t'rojrl»lor, 1 »rk R*vaU«4 by «I1 I)ruKri«« '» JAS. N. SVITH nuJ S. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. Nov’r 11 82-ly ;rocekii:« at wholi^ali^:. 1.\M now receiving my Stock of Groceries for the FaJl Trade, consisting in part ms follows,— 11 '> IJ.'igH Coffee; /jo libls. Coffee Stisar; ‘JO Mhds. Molasses; •>0 Boxes Tobacco—factory pricai; To “ .Adamantine Candles; 30 J Kbls: Snufl'—^Eagia .\lillit; 50 lioxes Candy; 2O()0() Lbs. Iron—assorted; 50 boxes No. 1 Soap; ‘2f> M ’ipHrs; •')VJ Bag" Corn: 75 Bales Eastern Hay; 15 Firkins lUitter; j 20 Uble. Leaf Lard; 3o ^ Bbls. No. 1 Mackerel; 1 500 LV)8. Cod Fiiih, kc., &c. E. F. Sept 12, 185S* WhiMkey and Brandy. 1 1 A Pure'orn Whiskey; 1 lU -5 “ -\pple Br»ndy; •JO “ N. E. Kum: 1>0 “ -American Brandy; lo “ Old Rye Whiskey. For sale by E. Sept 12 MOORE. 48- F. MOORE. 48- Ba^g^in^ and floop Iron. Blanks of all kinds for sale at this Office. 3,000 YDS. Gunny Bagging. Hoop Iron and Kope. for sale by E. F. MOORE.

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