’“"■‘'■'an,. t|,= A s loH 'I ttjMiris, IPAHIETOWlIlLiyE SEMI-WEBKL, Y. VOL. IX.l FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SEPTEMBER 19, 1859. [NO. 850.] i:pohtv I t • quif>. \ol. I, »,v fii;: Ink* siM'f lin|» •KlM'l'l* MONl>A\S \N1> THURSDAYS KDWAHI) J, HALE & SON, , : i. \M> riun’KiKToiis . s,'ti:i-Wi cklv OnssRVFR S3 0) if paid iii -.1 j.siil during thw year of sub>evip- • : r. ili-‘ M nr tias cspirod. “ 1 I '' r^i KvtR CO annum, if paid in ■ I ■' I'ai.l during the year of »ubscrip- .it'll r I ill- vfar lias expired. \! \ Ki; ris!.\lKN rs inserted for till cents per • ■ ’iiK-' t'lir the and SO cents for eacii ; • “iiit.II \ , ;iviy >td\k-rtiseuienti? by ape- : ;it viilf-;. .Vdvertisers are The E^arg^Mt Carriage Fartory in the fioMth! For the Wlioleisale Trade ot 18^9. M( KF/ril AA ■!i' nuinbor of in-eviions desired, or II'I till fcrliiil. !»nd cliargod accord- t.p lj« iuierled i’lH’.lg, char^r^d \{' sri'.t'iAL nutick. •r I tii-i ImU-. n>> naii'o of a new subscriber wii: ’Ut pHviiiout in ttdvuuce, nor will • ■ ' ' 'iii'h snb-i-riber'^ for a longer tinio I ,-U fill will 1 I - MX desirt i~i‘ noiifv to take the pa is when making I r% V T P!I! n WAIMMLL, 1*rui>riiltor. the nit-it commodious Hotel in Noitb ir '!in:i, fronting feet on Hay and » i. ’ ' i' i^on Street*, loented in the centre of the ^ i.'Ti . f tlie i:>wn. aniJ snrroundeil bj all • Ili.u-e'. \Vii,,l. »;iU Merchants and princi- i. Dealers. l'-u-‘ine^s inen will fiud the Hotul a aouT«Di«ut . ' '1 • :Me h^iiie. :..o .'•iMgiw arrive and depart from thiii Hotel. ■ -ex. . • KI. 1. 1>.'>" 31- tTTKVII.I.K, C. . li/' (irfen Street, ti jttiv i/oors jVortu • r the Market- 'plir, Sui.siTilier dfsires through thin medium * 1 :irkowl«'ljre tlie liberal jiuirouage beniow- • S ,1 .a i.i* H'luse the pa»t year—and as be . • . -I 1 Ni^w Stable* and Carriage Shed conven- : !1-. i'f and to water he lakes pleaiiure iu i>ay- ; : i, - 1 v-.itis .^nd the public generally, that he i» ^ '.■-irevl to accomniodate them with tratuieut and ESPF.CTFULLT informu hiu fi-iends and the public, that he hai> built u]> large substantial Brick Build- iiige at hig Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing Car- riageu. Thankful for the very libc.’al patrouago he has receive*! for the last lil years, he hopes by strict atten tion to buiinesii. with a desire to gi'^e satisfaction, to >0 per I merit a continuance of the game. He wan ants his work I to be made of the best material and by experienced I workmen in each branch of the business. Hi.s work will j compare favorably with any made in the Tnited Slates, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere tliat is.as well done. lie now has on hand, tinisli« l. THE LAKflKST STOCK OF Carriages, Barouches, Koekaways and t ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work ; nearly fini.-hed. which will be finished daily. All of I which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to (punctual customers. Xl^f'He has on h;ind more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHICLES tini'^hed and in course of construction. I ®a^All work njadc by him i-* warranted 12 months j with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship , or material, will be repairei! free of charge, j Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and ex- ' amine for themselves. j Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. I Repairing executed at short notice and on very reason able terms. May I'H. lHo9. 89-tf School for Boys. A LARGE AND UENKRAL VARIETY Of _ 1 wie oa of October, at the Phuenix Lodge. POREIGBi DOMESTIC DRl GOODS, Tuition as before—SI 2 50 per term of D* weeks; (’on- R P V I) V M 4 P i' I r»TrrrVP tingencies 25 cents. Payable in advance. K L A 1) \ - 31 A 1> L (, I. O ] H 1 > (jr, THOMAS J ROliTNSON. H^iTS, .VaTI€f.VS, HlfftP-SKIHTS,S)C. Sept. 12, ]8ay. 48tt )>!»TAKlt Ac U1LLIA3IS IN placing before the public this announcement, simi)lv | de sire to say to their numerous customers, and to all i merchants who design making their purchases here this | Fall, that they are now opening, and will during the 1 ensuing week be prepared to expose for inspection and sale, one of the largest and Uiost general stocks of Goods in their line, ever offered to the Trade in this market. A portion of these goods are of our own iinportation, consequently we shall be enabled to save to buyers the extra profit charged by the New Vork Jobber. In connexion with the above stock, we shall during j 1 J ISS BINGHAM will resume her School for Voung j the season be prepared to sell at low prices. xil Ladies on Monday, the 3d of October. -MiHs Alice Campbell will re sume her School on Gillespie Street, on Monday, >ct 3. 1859. Sept. 12. 48-:it nru. V. J. WARD YY’^ILL resume the duties of her School in Arch St.. on tT the 1st Monday in October 1H59. Sept. ii, 185y. 40-4t .^liss Biiis;liaiii’K School. A TREATISE ON THE LAW OP EVIDENCE, Tt\TU K.VGLISH EDITIO.V, WITH CONSI' LHABI.E ALTEll.\Tti)SS AX1> Al>DlTI0S8. By the Right Hon. S. MARCH PHILLIPS and THOS J.AVIES ARNOLD, Esq., one of the Police Mapi.stvates for the Metropolis. FUIKTU A>iKKl( \> EUITIUX, MORMONDOM ^ n hat shall bv done with tht Munnont?—I hsve j been informed that Brigham Young and the other* : leading Mormons are desirous to leave America I and plant themselvoij and their followers on the j Island ot New Ouinea, one of the East India i Archipelago islands, lying near Borneo and the ! equator, and are in negotiation with the I. nited ruinin A.uii.nu .i.-x d,uiiiu^, i ^^Utes in regard to With (’OWEN & HILL S Notes, and with additional , transportation ot their whole Notes and References to the English and American resting place. M. To the liilerewt ol‘ Turpentine IliMtiller^. .A. B.VKER would re-ipectfuljy inform Turpentine Distillers and others that he is fully prepared to Manufacture or Repair Turjientine. Brandy and Whis key Stills. Worms, sc., in fact, anything in the line of Sheet-(”opper or Iron work. Particular attention given to the making of Steam Pipes front a sujierior kind id'Copper, for Boats, Mills, ic. All Work entrusted to my care shall be properly done, and warranted, and on the most favorable terms as re- : o r- Give me a c.'ill and see for yourself, and 'iiiLient. and is prepared to accommodate [ know I shall have your ]iatronage. Being a practical workman. I atund to all the work myself, which I find is to the advantage of both my customers and myself. Old Copper bought for cash gr tnken iu exchange for new work. M. A. B.VlvER, Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C. July 27 3i)-0mos iiaiii-ul 'I'lard. and respectfully solicits a continuance - nl t heretofore received. Every ex- . .‘II i,i-i ] :iri thall be ii-ied to render them comferta- riii.; till'!: soj>.'urn with him. His table is always > led wiih I tie best the market ^brds. > P SHEMWELL. ! !vh j;. is.-.x. 8t'.-tf U A V E~ H O * UOLDSBORO . N. C. '^HE undei signed announces to the public [ tliJit ! e ha.'i uiken charge of the above Es- | gard-: price. irders. by (lie day. week or month. And i. - ill who may favor him with their patronage, : . t'udeavor ti.i give perfect satisfaction. Table i with the best the market affords. JAS. G. SMITH. ' r .', Jan’y 28, 185a 84-lyr NE.VKKST AND gl lCKEST ICOITE TO THE RAILROAD! HOLMES & ROBLNSON’S ioiH IIORSt STM.E LI\K TO KE\A\SVILLK, \\i HAKSAW, .• ~h.irt.-t hiid mijst expeditious for travelers going • • ..r 'iih. I.eavinsr Favetteville every day at k r \1. I HKoliill IN TEN HOURS. ' • f : »v.'’ii!g ; ublic wilo would study their comfort . V'A tski* the Warsaw Stage. 1' TIfKET.S To WELDON may be -• _^e I ttjii-o. Fuvetteviile. .. .'). I-'.-. ■ :-i8-ly \«TI€E. ’ : ' :,e future we will i :il1 for ladies and children and I rhe sani'' at their re.'ideiices within the cor- ' of the l’-)Wn. who take passage on our lines - Mh!.- I' l--* ngfi 'will be receivc'l at the Stage ■ . ;m 1 'i.-!ivpr>-d at their re-^jiective honies in the . 'n. K ich pnssfn!ror will be allowed 00lbs. of HOLMES .V ROBINSON, Coni'rs Warsaw Line, s. r.ARBEE X BliO., Cnnt'rs Raleigh Line. ?.H-2nipl H rTi:KL>iI\S IJNH. WM. CARTER & SON, WbolesitU A. Ketai? Dealers and Manufacturers i)V At.L Kl.SUS 01' l^eather, Saddles and iiarneftH^ Of every description. Collars, Whips, &c. A ND we also jiarticularly call the attention of the whole surrounding country to give us a call, as we are de termined that none shall surpass us in quality or low Boots and )»hoei» ot'all (lirades, bought directly of the Manufacturer—ion t. \su. JgkS^*'Tho3e owing us accounts past due will please make payment. J. B. STARR. J. M WILLIAMS Fayetteville, .\ug. 24, 1859. 43tf BOOTN SHOES. FALL AND WINTER STOCK. s. T. HAWLEY A: HOH k RE receiving a large stock of Boots and Shoes, em- bracing every variety of style and quality. twents^^ ftoffs and l^\mths^ Calf BootSi, Gaiters A* Shoes, Light, Double-Sole, anil Quilted Bottoms. Mjadies^^ *Jtisses^ ami Children^s^ fine he.eletl Gaiters^ Slippers and Shoes,—in great variety. H^ERVAAT!§’ l§HOE5. A superior article, made to our order; Single and Double Sole. %EtiKO A large supply of Black and Russet; single and double sole; purchased direct from Manufactur«rs at reduced cash prices; will be sold cheap. -ALSO— Travelintf Trunks; i^eather of all kinda; Shor~l^n€Hng!t orever-y drnctHption. All of which wa otfer low for cash, or on usual time to prompt customers. Aug. 25. 18.jy 4U-Gw \EW SFKl.XG GOODS. ■ «S ^ • •fames Kyle IS NOW RECEIVING A LARGE SUPPLY OF DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES, BOLTING CLOTHS. Ac., Cedar Falls Sheeting and Yam at Factory Prices. All of which will b. offered BY WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, As low as the same quality can be had in this State. March 1859. y4tf Aug 27 44-tJw >^€liool ITotiee. My School in the DONALDSON ACADEMY will be re-opened on Monday, October 3d. Tfirrnu par Quarter uf ten tct'^kn: English, 7 50 Latin, 10 00 Latin and Greek, 12 .'iO Contingent, 25 A. few pupils Can be furnished with board in tlie family of the Principal, on Hay .Mount. JESSE R. McLEAN, A. M., Principal. Aug lo 39- LU'KL\BlRlill Hllili NCilOOL. The 14th Session of this Institution will open on the 12th of JULY 1859, under the charge of Dan’l. Stkwakt, Jr., A. B., as Principal. Board can be had either at the Steward’s Hall or in tiie neighborhood at $8 per month, exclusive of lights and washing. For further iuformatiou apply to the uudersigned at Lauriuburgh, N. C. R. D. DICKSON. Sec’y. Laurinburgh, June 18. 25-tf cases to the present time, including those added to the last edition by J. Marsden Van ?ott. The unequalled work of Mr. Phillips on the Law of Evidence has long been acknowledged. This edition has undergone a thorough revision by Mr. Edwards, and has received an immense amount of labor, and is now as nearly perfect as can be made. The .Vmerican labor and talent bestowe«l upon the work are not less than that derived from the English Source. The immortal notes of Messrs. Cowen & Hill, together with those of Mr. \'an 'ott, have been care fully j)reserved: and instead of being put in a volume by themselves, as formerly, they are now placed below the text—a disposition of them which will very much faci litate reference. The entire note anl text are arranged iu three compact volumes, with a table of cases, and an extremely full index to each. .Mr. Edwards has care fully noted any distinctions that n'ay exist between the English and American law. and has added all the late American decisions. Several copies of this valuable w'ork just received and for sale by E. J. II.XIjK SON, Fayetteville. 18o9. C»OLD!!iTO\ FILLER VRE now receiving direct from New York a large and desirable Stock for the ensuing Fall and Winter Trade,—consisting of iiro€erie», Hardware &. Hollou- ware, Kaddlery, Root« ^ ^hoew. t'otton Ba^gin^ and Kope. .Many other goods, not necessary to tneution. ,\il of which will be sold on very reasonable terms, either for cash or to prompt pacing custoiuers on usual time. G. W. I, GOLDStoN. A. W. FULLER toef* Hay Street, Next I>oor to H. 4: E. J. Lilly. Aug. 24. 1859 43-lm*3n) ( IRC I LAR. ^FHE undersigned has opened an Office in the Brick 1 Building, two doors below the store o! Mr. (ieorge •McNeill, Hay Street, at the foot of llaymoMiit, wlierehe is prepared to receive ou C'>n»ignmcnt for sale or for FALL 1859. ALEX. J0H:\>»0I%, Jr., ' Has received and is daily receiving by far the Lirgest and most desirable stock of Maple and Fancy ORY" (wOODM, ever offered by him to the public. Not deeming it necessary to enumerate, he would say it embraces all the New Styles for the Fall and Wiiiter trade. To which he would call the attention of his old Customers and the public generally. ALEXANDER JOHNSON, Jr. Sept. 8. 48-W 1 • I • , -L- I 1 -. ,1 i shipment, prices; and we wiu give the highest cash price at all j ... titoei for Raw Hides and Tallow, in exchange for our' KINDS OF (Ol\TR\ articles. Country Merchants would do well to call and examine our Stock, as we can sell them Shoes of a much better quality than they usually get, on very accommodating terms. Southern Planters wouhi do well to send u* all their orders as we are making a No. 1 article of NEGRO SHOES, that are warranted to giv« entire satisfaction. N. B. All Orders from a di'tance shall have prompt attention. S. S. CARTER. WM. CARTER. Goldston V. O., Chatham ('o., N. C., > March 15, 1859. / 96- >un- o’clock, ^ I i: ■■K.VNNV’ leaves Fnye'teville every Mon- ,1-. J 1 .'jijr.-'l.iv Dioi ni/jjr. 15 minutes after - ; :iM>i W :lniin'_'t"n Tufsdfiy and Friday, at -' ’ ■ ^ ■ J — MTi'i freight. ' iK:-;■ -.'Ol I'HLl’iM',R. ' with a full complement ' r i-'. iki'- 'III" or iiMi« iiijis per wwek, as cii'oum- d ill K t»' ■ the >teunier ‘'ROW'AN’' will be re- d:iv» Sh« will then take her place in T S. LUTTERLOH. 51-tf Ai:W LIAE. J. W. BAKiCR l.s now receivitiir from tho North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of FI K\lTI Ki: ever offered in tljis market: wliich added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;— all of which he will seli on the lowest pos-ribie terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-rooin Furniture in setts: curled liair and shuck, and cotton .Mattresses; Looking Gla-'ses; U iiiow 'Vagons and ('radios; Side Boards; Buivmus; Secretaries and l!ook-('a«es: What- Nots; Tables, ttl! sorts: Wash Stanils; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and (Jliiss; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in .Mahogony ami Wal nut; Tete a Trtos; (Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Kino lio.spwood Piano.s, one with ,?jolian at tachment; Rosewood .Melodians. from the best manufac tories in New Vork and Boston, warranted as good os any made in the country, and will be sold at New Vork prices—freiglit only added. September 2. 4-'>tf Factor PKODllE, OU OTHER AKTKIES. He will also. : when placed in funds for that purpose, promptly attend to the purchase and forwarding of a!! descriptions of Groceries and other Merchaii'Iize which may be requirel or ordered. Likewise, he will attend promptly to all kinds of B.VNK BUSINESS,—obtaining discounts and making negotiations, renewing notes payable at Bank, anl pro curing and forwarding i?!ink checks on distant j>laces. Having had long personal experience and knowledge of the business and trade of the placc. he feels great confidence, tliat hy giving his entire and nndiviiled at tention to these matters, and making only reasonable and very moderate charges for his services, he will bt- stimulated and encouraged by a liberal patronage, and that in all cases he will succeed in giving entire and general satisfaction. BEVERLY RO.SE. Refer to Messrs. H. & E. J. Lii.i.t. Mr. Gkouoe McNeill. ThoS. s. LtrTTKRLOH. Esq. Fayetteville, Aug. 10 To Land Buyersi. 1'^HE unilersigned offers for sale, in the Coal region, and within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay etteville & Western Rail Road on Deep River, KIKHT HINDKED ACRES OF LAND, adjoining the Vtnd belonging to the estate of George Wilcox, dec’d. and lying three miles South from Car- bonton, on Little Pocket Creek, Moore county. These Lands are well adapted to the growtli of corn, cotton, wheat, oats, rye, &c. There are on the prem ises a comfortable Dwelling and all necessary Out houses. with about one hundred and fifty acres under fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom land. This is a rare chance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad vancing in price in this section. For further information apply to Mr. M. M. McRae. Oane's Creek. P. O.. Moore county, or aldress me at Fayetteville, N. C. DANIEL McRAE, For the Heirs of Gilbert McRae, dec’d. Carbouton, Moore co., N. C.. Aug. 24 43tf Cotton Plantation for ^ale. 1 OFFER for sale a Plantation iu Marlboro’ District, situated nine miles from Bennettsville, two and a half from Pee Dee River, seven from Railroad, and two from the Mineral Springs. The Tract contains THREE Hl .NDREU A\D THIRTT-SEVEX ACRES, with loO under cultivation. The Buildings areallgiwd. -A NEW DWELLING HtJUSE. with six room.s—fire place in each room, pa-^sage through the hou.se, two piazzas, one in front and one in the rear. My Land will compare favorably with any in the District. I have sixty acres of Bog land cleared, that will make thirty bushels corn per acre. The place is cultivated this year by James Peterkin. He will show any one who wishes to look over the land. My only object for sell ing is I have moved West. Terms ea-^y. .\ddress me at Bennettsville, S. C., until 1st September, after that time at Selma, Ala. GEORGE PETERKIN. Aug. 4 4ttf FOR Sill. 1 OFFER for sale 040 Acres of L.VND, lying on the I West side of Cape Fear River, two miles below Fay- j etteville. and extemling froiu the river into the sand- i hills. This tract is about equally divided into river- i ridge, Mwamp and sand-hill Land. About 80 acres. 1 adjoining the river, are under cultivation and .ire well I suited to the growth of Corn and Grass: none of the StNHtiip has been cleared. There are several good sites for a ilwclling liouse on the sand-hilN. .\ny person wi^hing to purchase will do well to make carl^’ appli- CMtion, «s I have determined to sell. THO.MAS J. ROBINSON. Sept. 8, 18.')f. 4Jtf P. TAYLOR Has now in store, a oorupletc 8tock of Goods, consist ing of Dry Cioods, Hat^, Hoots & S$hoe«, with a full stipply of QROCERIES. Also, just received, a lot of NEW .MACKEREL and HERRINGS. Sept. ft, 185'j 47-8t J Land aud Wood. Western R. R Tobacco! Tobacco!! UST received from Webb & Whitted’s .Manufactory, Hillsborough, N. (/., 25 BOXES TOBA(?CO, vari ous brands and qualities, ranging in price from 18 to 75 cts. per lb., which I will sell at rwduced Factory price.s. D. ANDERSON, Agent for Webb & Whittel. Sept. 7 47- 1 would call the attention ot Tobacco Chewers to the W EBB & WHITTED BRAND, also the CADET TW IST, which is superior to any thing ever sold in this market. —ALSO— A lot of A No. 1 S.MOK.ING TOBACCO, by lb.. from W. k W'. For sale at No. 22 llay Street. D. ANDERSON. Sept 7 47- The undersigned informs the Shippers by his Line of Boats that tho loss of the Steamer Rowan will not lessen his facilities for the traus]A>rta- tion of freight. The new Steamer “NORTH CARO- LINW” will take her place, an.I for lightness of draught, freight capacity, speed ami finish for Passengers, she is not surpassed by any Boat ever on Cape Fear River. T. S. LUTTERLOH. Sept. 8, 1 b*>y 4i-3t Ipee dee la.Vd for «ale. INTENDING to chf*.nge my business, 1 now offer for sale my PLANT.\T10N on Pee Dee River, fourteen mih" above Rockingham, containing I7M) .Acrcs. Seven Hundred of which is good t'otton Land, unsurpasseil by any land on the river. There are about Two Hun dred and Seventy Five acres now iu cultivation, which will yield a good crop, notwithstanding the severe drought of July. The buildings on the premises were put up tiji'in tlie rough and tumble jirinciple, conse- tjuently not having cost much, will not be in the way of my selling good l ind at a rea.sonable price. 1 will be jdeased to show the land and growing crops to any per son wishing to buy. 1 also understand that they claim thiit there are one huiidred aud lifty thousand Mormons iu Europe who are ready to join them here, or, it they deteriuine to go to the island spoketi ot‘, to unite with them there. Huji/i. (or. vf the t*€ttnsyloania Inquirer. (Jn what authority this statement rests we know not, but we earnestly hope there may be truth in it. No other mode of dealin*; with this hideous excrescence seems pos.srt)le. Time has demou- strat?d that it will not of it.self rot and slough off Time has also proved that it will not scatter aud be absorbed. Every year but concentrates it, in durates it, enlarges it, and makes it the more malignant. Solt treatuieut htus been tried tho roughly and failed; and so has hard treatment. In spite of every thing the abomination holds its own and grows. There is absolutely no alternative loft but utter and clean removal. To accomplish this, violence cannot be used; forcible expulsion would be contrary to every principle ot our (lovcrnmerit. It can only be done by agreement; and if the Federal (Jioveru- ment chwjses to bargain with the Mormons for their property in the Territory, and pay them liberally, with an understanding that they shall (juit American soil, we Io not apprehend that there is any obstacle in the Constitution to prevent it, or that the public mind will fail to sanction it. It would be advantagetius to the fanatics them selves, tor they must always be the object of ha tred and opposition so long as they remain within our borders. The greater part of them would have no native ties to sunder, for they were born in other lands, and a second emigration would cost less feeling than the first. New (iuinea has much to attract them—an area half a dozen times larger than the State of New Vork, an excellent climate, and a very degraded and a very mixed population; it is moreover free from all civilized jurisdiction. The advantage of their leaving would be as great on our side- It would free us from an enormous anomaly in our republican system, which, if allowed to remain, must, for an indefinite period hence, trouble and scandalile us beyond all calculation; and it would oj>en a krge region to the ingress of an intelligent and law- rcspecting American population, who would in a short time form a State lit in all respects to be a member of the Union. If any propositions are really before the Federal trovernment for the voluntary exit of these people from our shores, we trust they will receive the most favorable re gard possible. No bettor time for deciding the matter can be expected.—A’. V. Cmir. and Enq. Rockingham. Sept. 185(^ V i 0 it WM. LE \K. 48-6t iT (I U! -VCRES of L.\ND lying on the Fayetteville & miles from Town. 4oO Curds I’lNK WOOD cut and piled. .Ml for sale pr.EP.^HKl) I'-V t>R S^NK.^Viti, ompouii(t‘d fiitirel) from (il ^is. I.i O.NK OF IHK hlC.T 1*U KlJ\Ti V« 1 IMll.Nr: cheap In close the concern of C. 1',. RoIktIs iS: Co. Ajiply to .i. M. IKiBKRT.S (.'O. June 20, l^.■)y, 2 Hf 40-t’)\T :i ■ .• -Id-.! with me. in this line. Mr. Jotin K. an 1 will .»tyle the firm ORRELL A l),\ILEY. ■ fiurciiii'cd tiie Steamer Soi’THEk-ser, and in will I.MVi- a .New Flat employed with her. iiiL' us witli liieir patronage may rely ujion i'Micli. l.\ applying to .Mr. Dailey on board, i niv ' R. M. ORRELL. i;r !. \|' .lyll.S K. UAILBT. 8()0-tf To Hail Koatl ContrartorHl n sT RE( ElVED IO« IVHEEI.HARROWN, •' 1 o’lMiig. for the Rail Road. For sale by D. i W, McLAURIN. M^r li la5'j. bUUtf illore I\e\v Cwood^! I AM just receiving my Spring Stock of Goods in my line. They were selected iu the Northern cities by I myself, with great care, and bought on thu most reason- I able terms, by which 1 am enabled to offer the largest stock I ever before offered to the public, and to offer I them generally I At Greatly Reduced Prices. I FRUITS—Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Apples, Lemons, Or- j anges, (.'berries, Currants, &c. I PICKLES. JELLIES AND PRESERVES—a great va riety: PERFUAIERIES .-VND EXTR.VCTS of various kinds; ; FANCY SOAPS AND POMADES: ■j MUSICAL INSTRU.MENTS—Fiddles, Dr«ms, Fifes, I Flutes. Banjos, Guitars. &c.; i WALKING C.VNES—of every kind; 1 BASKETS AND WiLLtJW WARE; I HOBBY HORSES, &c.: I NUTS: FINE AND COMMON C.ANDIES; SARDINES; ' FINE CKJARS: SMOKING k CHEWING TOBA('CO; : CRACKERS; FINE POCKET KNIVES: I A large assortmentof PORT-MONAIES, some very nice; ■ FANCY ENVELOPES, and FANCY GOODS, TOYS i and YANKEE NOTIONS; ! I An assortment of INDI.\ RUBBER (JOODS: j I COMBS, WHIPS, FISHING TACKLE. I j The public are respectfully invitel to call and ex- \ amine my stock. I have a great many handsome things I I that cannot fail to please. 1 JAS. R. LEE. I I Hotel Building. j i March 31, 1859 i- ' l^aborer« Wanted. ^pilE Western Rail Road Co. wish to employ 4 able- X bodied Slaves for the balance of the year, to work on track repairs between Fayeiteville arnl Little River Depot. W. .A. KUPER. Ch. Lng. \ Siipt. .July •> 20tf - - *nor« tlm*- h'it nth* Ii.it Iirlv a ' ihirnc. b il « Ltir, iriu#i.T. ii •r to inntt*»r. lh«n -'n the irr> Grrthm tw.iimt, itu? iwo fv ithout Hn\ puinfiil \ -.f U • fhnf It p' ,t ; und v>hr>n i-- - }»• i li ii|» WJti. 14; ISosids tor .^ale. Bonds, (t’oupoiis payable in New orfc. on tlie 1st .\pril and 1st Octolier.) in iiuanti- ties to suit. Apply at the rranch of the ’ape .Ml nT.ATE O Y Mtate CoUJloU Bank, •lune 1 Fear LF..VN. T.ttf »nd w!»en .t .1 '-t tfiitiralj ■ Ih® "'1*0’ •• • in .♦•vi. jf itk J prapti#'" * of *n >r# tweirr •r ' -irwitb to ro»nt#raot th« ■ .1 ; . I«. thtBif>U3*dj is |j|vrr t'oiii- bui t-- (rj « «- ':r«« .uju> all iMiaTHUtn supplriri;: in th«ir •r. jjormitijr \h# ^viuinrU. I»ui Ifyinif the hlooil. m rl'oi* ‘ I pi - peilOi!*'^ ii« ft* « 'j'Mi- on t) • h9Ai ky Mil n t- !.• rr- ^ • fi.% ui fau.:, »t ■[ -h* of or# o*ch:. *• « 1,1^ *•# Kv»r 111# ' f iUn' hii« Il his •iti'ir. :it * lo Ttid io;’!*! . rn QIALV ibilUi{;^n»«il'.k ' At likAt fonn1, an* |>«t » i4« » plnint, in unj of 11* for»- • r«iuin. niO''I>i'i or I*»*d f.»pr plac* a h«aUhT flow ot mutinp food lo di^«st KTid iut) cjiuM of (*ur*d. W By JKO. LAUI>l:i{, TWO DOORS .\BOVR C. T. IIAKMI & SOXS’ STORE Fayetteville, i\. 13. Jm’7 20,1869. 64-ypd !«»PRli\€} «T1EE$! The Fayal, Everett and HaFelock Hats! ALSO, a beautiful assortment of the L.ATEST STYLE SOFT HATS (high and low crown.) and all the styles of the most elegant Hats of the season, can now be seen at the Bazaar. A. McRLMMON. March 16 97-ff 1*01*1 able and .stationary En^ine$», Fiiinpw, I TFj are prepared to r(>ceive orders for the groat ! -VMHRIC.AN PUMP, worked without ppckiiig or ! pui-tion, tiirowing from Id to tii) gallons of water per j minute; sizes frotu 1 to 4, price fl8 to Patented I -Ajiril o. IS-j'J. .Also, Dodge’s Gutta Peicha ball valve, ^ Suction and Force Pumps ( ontnu'ts Taken Tur tlie Erection of Buildings. materials furnished, and jobbing of all kinds executed with neatness and dispatch. A !•') Horse Power Stationary, aud an b Horse Port able Engine, for sale cheap bv WALT(.)N i BARRY. Machinists and Car Builders. Fayetteville, Aug. lo. ItsoW 40- Town papers copy. Leather and India Rubber BELTIIVG, HOSE^ &c. The undersigned hereby give notice that they are prepared to furnish at short notice every description of Machine Belting and India Rubber Hose. Having in our emjdoy competent workmen, we are at all times prepared to put Steam Engines in order. .All orders promptly attended to. WALTON .t B.AItRY, Car Builders and Machinists. Fayetfeville, N. C., July 28, 185‘J. 35- Cruano! >fUano!! /m/k LBS. No. 1 Peruvian Guano. 4U,UUU by E F ^•pt12 ficient to rtli nminir &nd lettriiiif, pti uf tit* IT« tb« nrinc. \«tu* I . !ii|(Lit, looMn» lh«* bo«r«t» ^ tipoonfuls will i^lwRT* » ..ml* obstruction r»H*«\««tlii a perfect cut*. teii«ve» I'liollc, .a 8ni-« cai« for holci M lof Cliolera« ^uMde«l TO throw il* cin« aftwr n i*lrkii«** Jauiuilcc r»mov« •»; Mil from ihe «kin. lim« li«fore Mtiug vi . food w«IJ. cnvrt Cliroiilc while MtM filmoat to th« dot* tacks rs t.v Woriu* u Ut ibr Ai«riilitic tbik n:«diei)ie at a A|^u«, Clilll K*vc*r, .luUd Ty|>*. It op«*KiM lar* wfllii r iw t«*t$fv tf« For sale MOORE. 48- ORO€ERlE.«^ AT WHOL.E$$AL£. I AM now receiviag my Stock of Groceries for the J Fall Trade, consisting in part as follows,— 115 Bags Coffee; 50 Bbls. Coffee Sugar; 20 Hhds. Molasses; 50 Boxes Tobacco—factory prices; 75 “ Adamantine CaaJleai; 30 i Bbls; Snuff—Eagle Miiln; 50 Boxes Candy; 2oOO) Lbs. Iron—assorted: 50 boxes No. 1 ."^oap: 25 M Cigars; 502 Bags Corn: 75 Bales Eastern Hay; 15 Firkins Butter; 2i> Bbls. Leaf Lard: 35 J bbls. No. 1 Mackerel; 'lOO Lbs. Cod Fiah, &c.. Ac. 'ept 12, 185y E. F. .MOORS. 48- no 2(* 2tl “ 15 “ For sale V>y ."^ept 12 Wbi*«key and Rrandy. BBLS. Pure Corn Whiskey; Apple Brandy; N. E. Rum: American Brandy; Old Rye Whiskey. E. F. MOORE. 4S- Ragrsrin^ and Hoop Iron. *) /WUk VDS. Gunny Bagging. »)• vU'f Hoop Iron aiul Rope, for sale by E. F. MOORE. W cur^. in ioiii« nttn k« ■>«' l.«lv«>r )it\ One dot« Afui Is suf- ^ and pr#T^iit t}'» f«Hxi from i * ntir o » :*ikeu before ^ ntfirV. wnlj tmc* d>»a and (Hie d>>s« taken after eat'b | 0:^()tie dose rf iwo Mirk One boitle taken for fe eause of the di»«a*e, ftnd > Onlrot • '!osr Ininiedmtt*!v i (>ne dose often repeaMd is 9Torhus, and a prevemive , one bouie li Mvs'aiu the e^Tects cf med. prjr One bottle taken f'oi ^ I iwues^ or utiuaiurAl color Uni* iluae ufckeu a short | *o liie appetite, and roakc» i o. e dose o^ei) reprfti«*d*|^ I rira in its wortx forms. K»w«fl ron:plaint» >5t'ld ( or iwv dosiv enree at • •:iMren lUeio ts no r«>r!d, as it nr»^r f't a |'»w bi>tt!ce st*orbetjfca. \Vs tak« pleasure iu r« preTeniire *or Ke»rer •nd | nul all Fevi rk ■- a Kil- wiih tanifT. *t*d ihon'-atidt, wuuderfnt \ iiti ,\II »'ho usr If art- filling thlr ui>ni>liuf>ui> Iraliinunv In It* favol'. Ml* Water in th» moulti wllh tlm liivl- ((oi-ator, aiiit nirallow botii tof^tlirr. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR t» A si'insTiru: iirgcovKKr, nd • wurkinf: curee, almost too f^reat tc )>elieve. It cure* as i? is.' (•af.e, et^en th§ >lfut€ ffiwifff and seldom tkei bottle is reqt:ired to cure any kind of l.lv«r Pom tim wo'st yawn^iV« or Z>^Mi#petVj to a romirvn •ii'i >f wUtcL are the reault of a iMtt'asfCi l^lTfr. rRfCB ONC OOLLAK rCK lOTTLC Or. SaXKOKI), Fropriaiar, StS Hru't-iway. .>;•» T«rk RetaU*4 bv all Dtugfinit. m « V JAS. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. Nov’r 11. 62-ly F^re Instirance* E refer onr realers to the annual statement of the -Ktna instirnnce (’otnpnny, of Hartford. This snc- sfu1 in?titution was incorporated hy the I>e^is!ature of Connecticut in 181‘J, with a perpetual charter. Its C'i]>ital is ;?.')00,H)i>, nni its accumulations uiceed SHOO,- (HMI more, making its entire assets over ,oO(t,lMKI. in vested a> deiailel in the statement referred to. These results indii-ate that during the period of nearly forty 3‘ears since its organi/ation, (^without a single cliauge uf its chief oflicer, iits business lia^ b(>en conducted with judgment and prudence. It has t)ccn thu.-- far success ful in an eiiiiiient degree, di.^idiarging. as we are in formed, all its »l)ligations hy the paymcut of nl>ont million ilvlldm for b^^'es, without a.^king a d.iy sdehiy in any in.-^tance. It has had but little litigaiion. nutwith- stauding the iiuuictise number of iransactuiiit* tuad«. In order to attain as much cirtaiutp as posjiible iu aiuih a bu.'iness as in«ur;ince, it has been the practice of the Compnny. for several years, at great labor, carefully to cl:i«sifv and arranni* their risks into ahonf fifty distinct clas'i-H. so as to ascertain the amount iniiirel i>n each tiic amount ol pi euiiiims receivel tlieri on. and the amount of losses upon each. 'J’his clabsitication, extend ing over ;i long period, aud covering property lo a very large nnmunt. furnishes reliable data, and presents a s lund. 'uh-Jt.jiutial basis of acinal experience, upttn whicf to conduirt its business. Instirance is not a matter o- luck or chauce, as many suppoue; its iia/.ards are ascei* tainable. aud its jirinciiile.' capable of being reduced te a system, t’le ]>i-ai-Mcal working aiiil result* of which ara as certiiin :is that of any otiier iui'^iness. The -Etng Comy>:i!iy. ’>y j IIk . ing rigidly to i's systeai. and placing its ba'»ine.''i upon a healthy basi«, has obtained the oon fidence of the cor.nuunity to an i-xteiit sit1j>asi»«d by no ; other Company in tlie U. .States, and has iiicic».-,eJ its 1 business and its income from year toycar with a steady ' growth. One great source of its security is rhe wide distriliutiou of its risks—a policy which if pnr^iie® with I great strictness—limiting the ainonnt to be covered iu I each locality. By this course it has passed, witi* coia- i parative impunity, through some of the nios; sweeping and destructive fires, which have swallowed up other ! Companies less cautious in th“ir business. It Ijj a system like this, based upon ex))erienee. which given stabifity and soundness to a company, aud lo tl*e assured con- i fideuce and security.—lialtimure \rent of the above C’ouipatij. at Fayetteville, i K. .1. HALE. Blanks ot allltinds for sale at this Otftce. i Knitting? Work, a Well of many Texftires. hy Hulh Partington. ' Presbyterian Psalmodist: Southern Harmony: School I Books, icc. Just received. E. J. HALE ic SON. August 27.