HilK. , S. •V s»>, loH «!*! i| rac ktrv k., - Sum, iu\^ {•‘POl'Is. ; N t > t iqult}. Vol. I. d . . h - . .flvV :'i - y lH>h •«. i, h> l>aiia: 1. 1 , ^ riling III**' bv =N tbi* ir> S|k*IIiw8^ iLi_ •: V* iPATiEWWiiiyyE SEMl-n'EBKL.Y. [VOL. IX. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SEFTEIMHEK 22, 1859. [NO. 85L] I'llINTKl) MONDAYS AND THURl^UAYS KDHIKO J. H4LK & SOI«, K 1)1 TORS AM> PKOPRiETOKS ,, r.'T till' J'oini-Wt'ekiv ()iis‘EKVkk $8 (X* if puid iu u lvMiiCf; if I'HiJ liiiring lh year of 8ul>sorip- ^ .n: or S4 Ht'for the year lias expired. the Weekly Obskbvkr $2 tx* per nniiiini. If paid iu ;ii|\iiine; Si’;')D iJ paid during th« year of futsuripr ;v.n: "V 5^ M) after the year has expired. gjg^ VUVKHTlStMENTS inserted for tJU ceuts per .uUi‘ of 1'' lines for the first, uiid 30 centa for each publicrttioii. Yearly advertisements l>y ape- . .ntiHiis, at rensonuhle rates. Advertisers are ... . ^ii'l tu itate the numhrr of insertions desired, or ,,.i «i'l lie ooiitiuued till 1‘orbid. and charged accord- ; V \,|viT(ist‘meuts to be inserted intidt, charged 50 per fli! SPECIAL NOTICE, i- II iiiil ;ificr this date, no name of a new subscriber . , I..' (.-iitercil without ]>ayineut iu advance, nor will .. MjpiT be >eut to such subscribers for a longer time ill paid fur. Siii h 'jf our old subscribers as desirv to tako th« pa- ' .III tliis ■^y^tom will pleas« notify us when luaking ■iiiiiirtncob. .i .11 V 1, 1858. H. W. HORNE, .^TTOR.^*ET .IT I..f »P, ^J.\V be found at th« C>t£o« of Wbi. B. Wright, Esq., UKar the Court llou9«. June 30, 1»6W. i8-lY FAYETTKl ILLE IHITDAL INSIIRIIVCE €OMPAi\¥. ASSETS $254,618.62. This Ct)mpany has been in operation more than «ix years, and has paid its tire losses, amounting to $-3,524.87 without any assessment; innurauce averag ing its members about ^ percent. .Amount ot jiroperty now insured, jil,503,4^0.01 Amount ]>remium notes now on Imnd. 247,788.08 — Dikix’toks. Oeo. ’^rcNeil], D. A. Kay, M. L. .Myrover, S. \V. Tillinghait, S. T. Hawley, W. N. Tilliughast. A. McKethan, J. L). William*. Jan. 0. Cook, A. W. Steel. •las. Kyle, Hon. J. O. Sliepherd, R. F. Brown, Wilmington. Hall, Wilmington. Offiokrs: GEO. McNEILL, Pre»ident. 1>. A. RAY, Vice President. C. A. McMILL.VN, Secretary John Collins and C. C. McCrummen, Trayelling Agents. 8^“The (’ompanv invite applications. May 19, 185y. ' 16Y Henry Lilly, N. A. Stodiiian. S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. l..utterloh. Win McLaurin. A. JOSEPH BAKER, Jr., \TTO r:\ey at law, H as taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law Odice on Green Street. He will attend and practice iL the County and Superior Courts of Cumberland, BWden. Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1858. 79if P. j7 $$lli€LAlR, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE, X. C., U^ILL practice in the Courts of Robeson, Cumberland, Harnett and Richmond Prompt attention 80- /iven to all business entrusted to hin. Feb'v 5. 1859 JOH.\ P. FLLLER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WILL rRACTICE IS THE OOCRTS Of Kobtaun, Cumberland, t'ulumbus and Bladen. Office at Lumberton, Robeson Co., N C. July 6, 1859 29tf Law \otice« J.\.MES L. G.\INES and son E. J. GAINES, will, in future, practice law in copartnership, in the Coun ties of Montgomery, Stanly, Anson and Moore. They may he addressed either at Troy, N. C., where E J. Gaines resides, or at Norwood’s N. C. Troy, April 7, 1859. 4tf DE.lfTAL -^TICE. Dr. R. SCOTT offers his professional services to the Community, and may be seen at his office, two door* Eaat of the Market. Srtpt. 5, 1859. 40tf THE .\UKTH tWKULl.^A Ml'TlAL LIFE INSIKINCE COMPANY, in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to 00 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. -■\.ll slaves from 10 to 00 years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the public is referred to .\gents of the Companv in all parts of the State, and to ■ R. H. BATTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE, Agent at .lan’y 1869. FayettevMle, N. liAsYlTTIXtiS AXD FIXTURES. H'^HE subscribers will be prejiared by the middle of 1_ .\u|{ust, tosuj'ply every description of Buildings,— Dwellings, Stores, Factories. \.c.—witti all the neces sary FIXTURES, for the introduction of GAS. ■Vs we are constantly engaged in the business of build ing Gas Works in this and other States, we of course can afford to bring on a large stock and sell on more reasonable terms than others. Our stock will include Chandeliers. Pendent.s. Brackets. Glass, \c. As we have leased the works for five years, it will be to the advantage of those re'iuiring such fixtures to get thrm of us. since upon us will fall the care of them, keeping them iu rejiair. Xc. For this purpose it is both our interest and pleasure to emply none but the best tHS Fitters. In our absence for a few weeks, all who wish to have the Pipes introduced into their buildings, will please leave their names with Mr. W. N. Tillinghast. who will give all necessary information on the subject. It is desirable to know as early as possible. *o that the Fix tures may be introduced at the same time with ihe con struction of tlie works, and thus all may light up simul- taneiin-lv. WATERHOUSE BoWES. Fayetteville, June 1*1 22-tf I^IP4IRTATI€IM!S KOH THI’: r.\l.L 01’ 1851). IlHE subscribers have, recoivotl most of their purchases I for the approaching Fall Trsile. eiubrui ing a large j and general assortment of liirocerii'w, lloilo«v-Wai*% By the Ton or less; Sole Leather, Calf Skiiis, Shoe Fiiidiii^s, •W'lth articlos generally wanted for inanufact m o of Shoosr mnj, In great variety, and S.VDDLERY H.\R1)-W.\HE. They have also added largely by Direct Importation from the Manufacturers in Euroj>e to their UaRU-nXiRM^ A' a Department, by which tliey are enaljled to save to their customers the Northern Jobbers' Profits, and they are disposed to sell at a small advance on cost on their usual terms. They solicit an examination of their goods by the Trade generally. In addition to the above variety of Goods, which in the aggregate constitute one of the largest if not The Largest Stock to be Found iu North Carolina, the undersigned are Sole Agents in thi:; ]>lace tor Mess. Wm. Carter ,& Son,'of Chatham Co., for the sale of their srPERlOK RRO(^A.\«. Messrs. C. & Sou are manufacturing Slioes from Leather tanned by themselves—except the outer sole: they have all the recent improvements in machinery, and are making .1 8hue That Flantern Will Find Superior in every respect to any ever offered for sale in this sec tion, and at a reasonable jirice. Call and sec 11 GEO. W. WILLIAMS CO August 8, 1859 38- KEW UOOUS! NEW iiOOUS!! J. A. PKnBBKTO.'V IS now receiving his stock of FALL AND WINTER (JOODS, etf'brHciug All the Latest aud most Choice Styles of the Season* FALI. 1859. NEW GOODS, Cloihlngr! C'lothiii$[r«* A Fresh Supply for the Trade of 1S59* Hi« friends and the public generally, are respectfully invited to give him a call. W H O L E S A L E B U V E U S will find it to thoir interest to look through the ftbove Stook. They will find some very desirable styles for their trade, and prices to compare with the LOWEST. Call and see for yourselves. J. A. PE.MBERTON. Sept. 1, Ih59 40-2m Town papers I month. i%OTI€E. JAS DE.\TI!!»TRY. having decided on perma- ' X.' nently locating in the Town of Fayette- i ■*-11 T T 7 ville, respectfully offers his services to the ; citizens of this place and surrounding country. In all •.:ic various liranches of his Profession, including the manufacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an t!i'.en:-ive experience, to which is added a thorough Den tal eJuoation, that he can give entire satisfaction as far : a* la in the pc>wer of Dentistry. All irregularities of the ■ Teeth treated in a proper EWid careful manner, as well as dist-ttues of the mouth. None but tlie proper metals are :nade u«e of in the various operations. Charges will be moderate, that the benefit.s of the Professioti may be p.n -ed within the reach of all who may feel an interest in the preservation of the Teeth. 8)1^ Office over Houston's Jewelry Store, where he mav be found at all times. Slay 1(». lj58. 9tf WORTH A: LTEEV, Forwardinp^ and f^eneral Commission Merchants, Fayettcvilie, .V. J A WORTH. :72tf) Jos. VTLKT. R. n. ORRELE~ TURPEWTIWE INSPECTOR. 'pMoSE sending their Spirits Turpentine to me may I rely upon it to have prompt Jtnd careful attention. .M;, warehouses are fronting the wharves and near the r'lvcr. .St-j.i’r 13, 1H58. 4.')tf TIN PLATE, ^lieet Iron, Irou Wire, M>KI\€i A.'VD Always on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. UOoFlXi}, GUTTERIXG, Ati'1 all kinds of Jobbing, done at short notice, by C. W. ANDREWS, Market Square, Fayetteville. 27-tf C. S.MITU.] [miles COSTIN JAS. C. SMITH & CO., ! Factors^ Commisnion and For- | ttardittg •llerchantH i WILMINGTON, N. C. j I3ROMPT attention given to sale of TIMBER. LUM- ! 1 BER. NAVAL STORES and all kinils nf Proiiuce. ! Liberal advancements made on Consignments. 1 Refer to E. P. Hall. Pres't Branch Bank of State ! H. R. Savage. Cash r Bank (Jape Fear. John DAW>t>N, Esq. I July 20, 18;'>9 '^. ’-Omos ' il. ORAIIA3I, WILMIN'OTON. N. (’. 11’’ILL givo prompt and personal attention to all con- M sii;iiments of Spirits Turjientine. Rosin. Tar and Turpentine, and all countrv jirodiu e for sale. office up stairs, over the store of Mr. Vonglahn, «n i joining Lutterloh's Wharf. North Water street. June 28. 25tf T. C . A: li! WORTH, Commission and Forwarding Merfhants, WILML\(rTON, N (’. Jan y 2H. 1S'.9 ' 4tf WM. H. Tl RLL\(iTON, o III III i « ^ i o 11 Tl e r c h a II t, WILMINGTON, N. ^^ILL give prompt and personal attention to all con signments of SPIRITS TURPENTINE, RO.'*lN, T.\R, COTTON, FLOUR, and other country produce, either for sale or shipment. -My wharf and warehouses being conveniently looatel for the reception of produce, either by Railroad or River, euables me to make charges light. Nov r 8 tf W .lulv A CARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— ^j^HOSE persons for whom 1 have been attending to 1 Banking business for years:—I am still willing to erve you with the same promptness that I have always ■lone; and to others that may want discounts. Pension usiness, Ac., fic 1 offer my services, with a promise f strict attention. JAS. G. COOK. June 27, 1859. 20tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, c o n n 1 K «I A N I) Forwarding Merchant, WTiiming^tou, .V. f’. BKiTl’ rompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on i’roduce to bo shipped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1>55. 07tf D. & W. McLAlKIN, IITOULD invite attention to their large and desirable W Stock of OKOCEKTE^, (,’onsisting in part of— 15U Hags Rio, Laguirn and Java Coffee; loo libis. and lILd.s Su^ar (assorted;) Hhds. Moliisst's; 3U “ Bacou—Sides atid Shoulders; jUO Saeks Salt; 150 Boxea good Tobacco; 125 “ Speriu, .Vdaiiiaiitiiio & Talluw Candles; 50 “ Soap (assorted;) 50 •• (’andy loo Bags Shct lOUO ll:)3. Har Leail; 80 Bbls. Snuff—Eagle .^lills; L'5 Kegs Soda; ■J50 *• Nails .\LSO .\ large and general assi'itment of Hardware aii«l C'litlrry; Farminc Utensils, of all descriptions; American, {>n>rlish. Swedrs atid Peruviau Iron; Blister, (rerTiian and Ca.st Sterl; Blacksmiths' ’roHl.-,; Coopers’ Do ; (,'orn Shcller. and Straw (’utters; Buckets, Brooms and Pails; Cotton, M anilla and Jutw Kope. ( all kinds and quality;) Flow Lines and Bed (.’ords; Hollow Ware; (’otton Varns and Sheetings at factory prices .All of which will be sold i.ow kmk CAiii, or on tisual time to pronijit paying customers. 8fc3^ (’iii'NTUY MKiicnANTs lire respectfully reijueste'i to call and examino our stock before purchasing else where. D .t W, McL.AURlN. March 18'>y H:;tf ROni^SO\'H Tl \ A11*1 I. AT£; D 0IA\0. This FERTII.IZKR. compose lot .no-h ilf best I’E- Rr\'l\N GUANO. oue-half tine «round Bone and the BEST PHOS'.MI \TI’ (if \Si>, is in condition for ininiodiate use. Iieifi;/ juef>ared with new and iiupr «vod , machinery, by whicli means tin* must iiitim.'tto combi nation is etfected, reducing all to a uniform fine |>owdcr; . and for application by drill or otherwise, it is in the ' most perfect order. .\nd we have no hesitation in say- I ing, that for all crop'J it is c|ual to any fertilizer ever I oUered to the f.anuing community. The quality will be kept perfectly uniform in all cast->, and Warranted t» conlaln ^ pi*r it. of .Itumonia 1 AM. . 45 TO iO PER TKM. (IF H)\E PilllSI’llATE IIP L1«K. Our (iuano is put up in strong bags, weighing about 100 lbs. e.ich. FR.VNCIS ROBINSO.S gives his iiersonal attention to preparing this article, and purchasers can rely on •‘Robinson’s .Manu-i latkh being in every par ticular as represonted. .\11 orders will receive imiufdi- ate attention. F. KOIfIli>iO'V A CO., No. I Hni,LiNi;swi)UTii Strket, uj> stairs, BVLTIMORK, Md. ROBIXSON'S MAMPILATED GLAXO Is for sale in lots to suit, BY TIIK FOLLOWING ACENTS: JONATHAN TYSON, Frederick, Md. J. C. NEVETT, Alexandria, Va. J. H. BRADLE7, Fredericksburg, Va. GARRISON & MAIGNE, Norfclk, Va. E. H. SEINKER and CO., Riclimond. Va. THOS. BRANCH & SONS, Petersburg, Va. T. C. h B. G. WORTH, Wilmington, N. C. R. C. LINDSAY, High Point, N. C. July 2:j 31-2mospd AS there may be some persons in Fayetteville and vicinity who may not be aware that W*heeier anti fSeteing^ JfiacMne is the best for family sewing, and who intend purchas ing a Sewing Machine, this is to advise them (/or their vu'u uUerttt,) to call upon the subscriber and see one of “WHEELER & WILSON’S” before purchasing. It will prevent their purohasing one of th« many inferior Sowing Machines, which are otfered for sale through the country. There are THIRTY of the Wheeler & W’ilson Ma chines in successful use in this place and vicinity. S. J. HINSDALE, Agt. Aug. 22 42- WILSON’S SEWING MACHINES, S. J. HINSDALE, Agt. I'RK^H FRO^ i\EW YORK. HE subscriber has received and will receive in a short tinu'. the Largest St()ck of STAl'LK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, (Consisting of everything desirable for Ladies’ and Gen- tleiiien s wear, ever otfered before by him. His Stock ! embraces all the Newest Styles of nKFss tiooDs, Hhawls. Koadj-Made (lotbliig;. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, I mbrellas, «Lc‘. It would not do to attempt to enumerate as it would cost too much, and force him to add a little ot the Tirif. I am thankful for j>ast favors, and hope all my old friends atul the world at large will call and see my Goods before they purchase, as it would pUasf me, and add much to their interest. J. '. POE. Sept. 13, 1809. 4it-4t WHEELER & for sale by Aug. 22 42- watches, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver and Plated Ware, Fine Cutlery, MILITARY AN1> FANCY GOODS, ■ '%>iTRr HE.\TS, &c. JUST received in the above line, a large and handsome assortment, together with numerous other articles. Purchasers are invited to call and examine at No. 11 Hay Street. W. PRIOR. glee^REPAIRlNG of Watches, Clocks, aud Jobbing, strictly attended to. Aug 22, 1859 42-3m r.lL,L.^ 1859: JAMBS KYLE, Is now receiving his usual supply of (Jood*. among which are— Rich Silks, Col’d and Black: French Merinos and Delaines; English Do. Do.; Kid and Net Gloves, assorted: Bed and Negro Blankets; Bolting Cloths. No. 1 to 10; Ready-Made Clothing: Boots and Shoes: W'ith a very large assortment of other Goads. All 0. which were purchased liy Ihe package at the lowest price. Those purchasing will please call and look at the Gootls and prices. Sept. 13, Ibol*. 49tf TiHE public are aware that 1 have been engaged in the manufacturing :ind selling of Gentlemen's (Jarinents for 11 or 18 years, and with this long exper>(>ni e (believe that 1 am as well cftlciilatod tu jm»ke good selections, as auy person or 'persons in thii business. My stock is all entirely new and adapt ed to the trade. My stock consists of No. 1 Dress Cloth Coats, Frock Conts (single and double breasted): Business Suits, con sisting of Silk Mixtures. HarHson Cass.. • \ Rib Cass, and Union (.'ass.. Hue Bea\ei. _i Felt Beaver; Seal Skin and L nion Ca«s. Over-Coats: Felt Beaver Talmas—a new garment, never introduced before this sea son: Pants of all grades, ranging in price from S>2 50 te $9 (X); an extra lot of \ el- vet, Silk, (Jrenadine Silk, ('loth aud Cas- simere Vests: a large assort meui of ^ ouths and Children’s Clothing: Gentlemen s Shawls; Morning Gowns. Gentlpuien s all- wool Under-Shirts: Railroad Rugs: Blon- kets; Hosiery: Suspenders; Napoleon-Ties; Cravats: Stocks; Gloves; Bimliugs; Purse-'. Persons desirous of Iiavlii;; their stiits tnaile abroad, can call and leave their measures with me, and I «ill have them attendel to immediately. (.'all at the ‘‘OXE PRICE clothing; KMPORIIM.” A. J. W(H)DWARD, Market S'^uure. 2 Doors below S. J. Uinsdale. ^ Sept. 14 EDWI.\ GLOVER HAS RECEIVED HIS FALL STOCK OF Watches, Jewelry^ Silver Ware aud Mil itary Goods, [^0 which he invites the attention of his customers and the public, aud assures them he will bell unything in his line cheap as can be purchased either North or South. Particular attention paid to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry. Sejit 3, 1H59 4ti-3tn T !{(K)K-l!I.Nni,Vt: IN all its kinds. execute>l with neatness and despatch Small jobs when done nuist be paid before delivered THOS H. TILLINGHAST. Opposite the Female High School. Hav .Street. May 14, 18.'>9. It-ly Hardwai*(% Cutlery, MAIIIH.EKY, A:v. J.\MES M.MiTlNE is now receiving a l:irgc and gene ral assi.rtineiit nf every thing in ihf aV.ove line. __ALS(I — A prime article of Rio. Laguira and .lava (’OFFKE I'ru.shed and Br^wn Sl'G.XK: Sugur Houxo SI l{UP and M(»L V.'^.^E."'. .Ml of whicli is utl'ered on as gn.id terms as i-au Vie had in tliis market. Nov'r 24. IH.'-.^. r.f.tf •V(0. 34 Haff ^reet: Tl'^lLL be opened about tlie 20th inst., at the above y V Number, Corner Ilay and Donaldson Streets, a choice selection of STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, All of which will be disposed of nt reasonable prices. Call and examine when they arrive. J ESSE K. KYLE. Fayetteville, Sept 15, 1859 40tf Ti\itnt:KTOA\ A nKni The New Style, Small. COLOKCI) PUOTiNiKtPHS, AT VaiiorsdellN tjiallory. T f^HE subscriber has Just received his FALL and WIN TER Stock, consisting of a general assortment of DI!Y COODS, HATS, BONNETS, Hoop Skirl’s. Flannfls. linseyn. Shfeliiis. Shirtings. Bleached and iinVdeached: Sugar; Cotfee: Molasses: Shoes and Boots; Cotton Vnrii; Flour; Spades- Shovels and Forks: ('ollins' Axe-:; Ley and Potash: Snufl'and Tobacco: Umbrellas and Parasols; School 15ook.s: Jaynes’ and other .Medii-ines: Bagging and Rope. Together with a great liintiy other article.s. Thoe ]>ersons wish- insr good bargains will certainly find theni here, as I am determined to sell very low for cash. All persons indebted to me will jdease call and settle us soon as poS'ible. T. A. NORMENT. Lumberton. X. ('.. Sept, 17. 50-3t W H ALLEN ] [J. M. CLAKK ALLEN & CLARK, Comiiii»»ioii .^ereliants, WIL.MINGTON, N. C. UKUEKS \S LIMK, FL.4HTKK, CKMKNT, HAIK, &C. #03“ .\>rpnts for Rush & Orrell’s Line of Steamers. •MPT (lersonal attention given to consignments 0 j Naval Stores, Cotton or other Country Produce, for iale or shipment. ■ Jun'y I'.t, HI- 1 ^V ILlTaM j. FRIC1% inspector of JVavat Stores^ WILMISGTOS, N. V. Solicits the patronage of his country friends and »11 others engaged in the Turpentine business. Office Hortli Water Slreel. N'ov’r 22, 1868. ti4-lypd ^*2, Hhdw. wood Racon, ^IDE^ *‘U'i SllOULDERS, just reoeived and for sale by D & W McLAURIN. July msy. 28tf F. M. BIZZELL, IJ R I) C E R A^U C (I .M .)] I S SI 0 .M E R C 11.1 M, No. 29 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C I)R(JMPT and personal attention given to the reception of all kinds of country proluce. either for sale or shipment. Onlers for groceries from rati customers will receive immediate attention, free of conimissions. Nov. 19, lH5y. Ct-ly T. A. H. HoiiNs ri:i)r, •Mgent for €'hiehering^s i*ii€uoH^ Of which he has always some on hand. Wilmington, N. C., Oct’r 2, 185S. 51-lypd ~ D. T1AH.\, inspector of Stores, WIL.MINGTON, N. ('.. W’ill pay strict attention to all business entrusted to his care, and solicits a share of public patronage. Ufllee In llairs Building, >'o. 43, (up stairs,) Xorth Water Street. April lb59 4-iiiuos 100 llerriH^! Ilerriiigr!! BBLS. No. 1 Split and Bulk Herring; 1(K) Hales EXTRA HAV; r.O » RICE STR.AW; 20 Boxes ADAMANTINE CANDLES; 4(» “ BAR SOAP; 25 Barrels M. VASSAR & CO’S ALE; :J(» “ WIllSKEV, some very fine, viz: Old “Dew Droji” (5 ^-ears old.) Family, Mag iiolia. Reserve. Excelsior: H Packages FREN('H BR.VNDV: 1 Cask C.\TW.\B,\ BRANDY, on Consign ment from a gentleman connected with : Rank in the city of N. V.; will be sold on account of consignee. Jg^ The above are just rec’d and will be sold low by J. H. ROBERTS CO. July 11, 1H59 31- BiS»iSS STie,il»^'FK n^IKF. GOOD supply of various No's just received, which \GOO we can furnish low sTovi>, ikov xv. S H VNl*. a l;irg‘ :i-«SMHmpiii of H 'X •m l ’ i.iking I'in-waro: Shet'f-li"ii; Lend Pipe. .\lso 'Ihe ‘‘(Hit IMomittion t'offee For sale by JAMK.'? MARTINI:. Nov'r21. t>*)tf ON H VNl Stoves: ClS c Oil.?*, Xv. MPF.RM. Refineil. Lard. Linseeii and Tanners’ OIL; White Lead; Riiruiiig Fluid: Putty; Window Glass and Sa>h oJ' all sizes. —ALS()-- \ fresh supply of POND'S P.\IN DESTROYER. For sale l.y JA.MES .MARTINE. Nov'r24. 1 tj'.tf ^iii^air Cane THREE STYLES or First rreiuiiiiu *2 at|l 'i Holler Suijar l aiie Mills, Majiutacturod by Aur. Kovi>i:\ iV •>*», .S.M.isni UY. N. C. 39tNl Plows! rio%vw!! PIoum!!! 0Q 50 No. It) Plows; 51) No. 11 “ 25 No. 50 “ 25 No. (•-(• “ Points. Bars and Mould Board* to suit. Foi' sale by C. E. LEETE. Jan'y 12 79- Riitter. I'lieewe and C'rackei^. FIRKINS (foshen Butter; 25 P.OXOS State Cheese: 10 Bbls. Soda and Butter (’’rackers. Just received by (’. E. LEETE. .lan'y 12 7'J- iiili .\et and ^eine Twine. LB.S. (iill Net Twine; 190 lbs. Seine “ Just received by C. E. LEETE. .lan’y 12 79- 10 HV JUST receiveil, NICE PIN E-APPLE C H E E S E: Mjemons, Raisins^ i'nrrnnts nntl other Fruits. With a beautiful lot of F.\N('V GOODS. J. R. LEE. Hay Street, No. 40. Sept Itj 50-Ct MKSDVMKS THEiaiilY 1 DMIERVILLY’S, RO A R A AII HA A' SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIES, \o. IMW Losaii S(iiare, Vine St., Phllada. M.XDAME ('HE(».\R.VY respectfully informs her friends and the public in gener.il. that indepen dently of her Boarding and Day School, directed by herself and her niece, Madame Prevost, iu New York, ■^’le intends, in i.innection with lier niece. Mad.\me D'llervilly. oj'i ning in PliilHdeljihia. an Institution, on precisely the same ]>lan as the one above mentioned. '1 iie Principals will answer apjdications and receive visitors, on and after the Pith of September, and the School will open on the 15th. Sept l:’> 49-1 mpd iVl A K ?^TOC K. Vs ,\dminisirnt(>r Ilf Williiim W. Sredman. decensed, at the door of the Clarendon Pmnk, in Fayetteville, on Monday, the iMli day of October, 1>'59. I will sell nt public .\UCTloN. on u crcilit ot'Six months, THIRTY SH.VRES of tliC (^apital Stock of said ('larendon Bank. Terin made known on the day t>f sale. ISA.Vt' S. GIBSttN, .\dm’r. Sept. 9. 1S59. 49-ts Piano lor ^ale. \FINE tone. hand>incly tinishcd Piano. 7 octave. u;>ed only for a short tinu*. and kept in good order, and ]>rononnccd bj-competent judges .as being a sujierior ■•irticle. Ai'ply to .Mrs. M. E. HORNE. Sept 13 *l;tOl HOrSE FOR REAT. nillE subscriber oilers for rent her desirable RESl- £ DEN(’E at Chel>ea. Possession given on 7th Oc- vol.er M. A. POTTER. Fayetteville, Sept. 17. 49-3w 10.000 RI)In ^»|iirit» Tiirentine wanted, between the 1st of October iuid the 1st of Jan uary 18'iO. at the market price. P VGE & SURLES, South Corner of Market Scjuare. Next door to A. J. Woodward’s Clothing Emporium. Sept lb 50-4w ART. 1 NEW STYLE of Colored Ph»to- ^ graphs that will last for ages— more beautiful than Oil Paintings-— has been gotten up at Vanorsdell's Gallery, expressly to sitit the wants of those who desire a small colored picture and who object to the oil por trait on account of its cost. It is oflered to the public with entire con fidence iu its permanency, and ai a price that will suit all. Having just returned from the North with a new and complete set of instruments, where 1 spent tive weeks in getting the newest improve ments. 1 am able to s.ay to the citi zens of Fayetteville and surrounding country, that I can give them all the ditierent sizes and styles of Pictures that are gotten up North or South. Among my instruments is a Wood ward's Solar Camera, which enables *me to enlarge a life-size. Photograjdi from the smallest Dagueri-eotype or Ambrotype. Persons having a small picture of a deceased friend, can have it retaken of any desired size, and coloretl in oil, India ink or water color, >>y send ing to me. color of hair and eyes. Prices for Colored Photo- graplis, from small size to lite, range from 5>10 to J50. I have removed and enlarged my Gallery, (opposite the Marble Yard.l and my customers will find a plea sant recei>tion room and an Operator s s' I determined to give sati.'taction. Sept. 19. 1H50 i, — if- c ^ tl _ A C CS ^ s 50: f^ AOW lA TIARKET. 4 LL persons having NEGROES for s.ile. will do well A to address the subscriber at t’linton. Snmpsou county, as he is determined to buy and pay as liberal prices for them as the state of the market will permit. By addressing him he will call immediaudy. and make lil^ral offer#, as all will find who will ti^ him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. (^linton. Sampson (’o., Sept 10. 1S.59 48-1 y ~T\ei;roej^ waated. THE stibscriber wishes to buy M'iFTy* MjMKFMjY* *^'FfmROFS, for which he will pay The Highest Cash Prices. Persons having such property to sell will find it to their interest to address mo at ( linton. N. (,. A. S. ('. Julv 20, 18.59 POWELL. ;’.5-r)mpd 100 R. Dr. mWK >ViLLl.i.>lS’S KVK WIllSKEV. MITCH l^LL has made arrangements with Dr Fratik Williams, to be constantly supplied with his IVA A rEH. ABLE-B(tDII’D MEN, to work on the Western Rail Road. For such I will pay h liberal price. Payable once a month. Ajiply to F. Moore, or to the undersigned on the work. W. S. S.MITH. Faj'ctteville, Sept 17 5ll-lm H 1>P E PJ% lA^ A A H EI TSi. Pit. (). l*ili:i.l‘S HKOW.N. mllE GRE.\T CUllLR OF CoNSUM PTK >N. was for X several years so badly atilicted by Dyspepsia, that for a pan of the time he was confined to his bed. He celebrated I’YE WHISKEY, which can be had at his i ^yas eventually cured by a prescription furnished him Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. ! i,y ydung clairvovaut girl. This prescription, given Oct’r 11, ]85«. 53-tf him bv a mere chih !. whii^ in a state of trance, has cured every body who hus taken it. never having failed MCLAURIN. lOtf To Rail Road Contractor si JUST RECEIVED 100 \VHEELRARROU>i, light and strung, for the Rail Rond. For sale bv D. & W. .McLAUiUN. March 29. 1859. iiOOtf D. & W May 2. Persons in Want OF PURE and splendii'. flavored old Whiskey can be furnished by us with Old Dew-Droy>, Magnolia, Family, Excelsior and Reserve brands, all of which we warrant as represented or no sale. J. H. ROBERTS & CO. S. We have other common brands of W hiskey. but none of the “long range." Buch as ('offin, Kitle. .VIonumental. Blue Ruin. J. H. ROBERTS & CO. Jn!y 6. 29-tf 1*. A'otice to .Soldiers' Widows. rPlIE Widows of Mexican Soldiers, and the Widows of SoMiers who i>iki> i.n skhvice in the war of 1812, can have their pensions contiinied by calling on the under signed, (''ongress having made additional provLsion for them. Give me tlie management of your claims, and the money shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSE, Agent for Pensions. Fayetteville. June 12, 1S58. 19- ilit'HOOl. BOOK«. SMITH’S English Grammar; N. Carolina Readers, three parts: Olney’s Geography—revised edition; .Monteith’s Geographies; Pike’s Arithtnetic; Murray’s English Reader; N. Vork Readers; Mason's Farrier: Mattison’s Astronomy; &c. iSept 14 E. J. HALE & SON. once. It is eiiually 'iire in cases of Fils as of Dv»i>epsia. .\n engraving is here given of the princijial herb em- j ploj’ed in this medicine, and all of the ingredients are * to V>e found in any di ng store. I will send this v;ilua- ^ ble prescription to any parson, on tiie receipt of one I stamp to pay postage, .\ddress ' DR O. PHELPS BROWS'. No. 21 tiraud St., Jersey ('ity. N. J Sej't. 11. 49-1 m RIank Rookw and Writing Ink. FURTHER supplies just received by E. J. HALE SON. Wel»4ler’>» Elementary Mpeliin;^ Book, for sale by E. J. HALE & SON. Aeffi'oos! Aejjroes!! Wanted. GGENTLEMEN, your old customer is yet in market for f Likely Negroes, for which 1 am determined to pay the Highest €ash Prices. Persons having such for sale would do well to give me a call, or address me at Clinton. N. ('. All orders promptly attended to. J. A. McARTHUR. Clinton. N. C., March b, 1859. 95-lyrpd Aotice—-\ejjfroe« Wante«l. ^pO the farmers and citizens of the (’oimties of Duplin* I Wayiu'. Johnston, Harnett. .Moor.-. Cumberland. Robeson, Bladen. Columbus, Rrunswick, New Han ivor. and Sampson: The subscriber being desirous of purchasing a num ber of Likely Young NEtiROES. of all cl.isses and des criptions. avails Limscif of this method of infonjiiiig those wlio may have such property to dispose of. that thev would do well to visit me at home, or address me at Clinton. N. (^.—for which they ^hall receive a visit. Between this time and the 15th OcU>ber 1^5'.i 1 wish to purchase 40 to 50 young negroes for the ALabu.ina market. EVERETT IM'.TERSON. July 1?,, 1H59. 31-4 m M^renh #•-#• ivals. JUSr received j>r Steamer Fanny, } Bbls. Extra .No. 1 M.\(’K EREL ; for ristailiiiir,) 10 i “• do. 1 do. 10 I •• do. “ 1 do. 10 J MESS SHAD; 3t) Boxes ('HEESE; UM) Bags New Hulled BUCKWHEAf FLO( R: Fulton Market Beef; Mess Pork; (i .shen i’.utter. Pocket Salt; Sugar; ('otTee: Mola-ses: «n I •■verv thiiig in the provision line: which I will sell cheap tor ( ASIl or ex- chanee for country Produce. ^ W. C. TR('»V Nov. 0, 185?^. To C'liba and Hack, by Dana: ‘•Love -Me Littl.*. Love .Me Long; Mi-^s .Mitford'' Reccdlections of a Literary Life; The W'ar in Europe, with Maps; Tom Burke, by Level: Harry Lorrequer. by Lever;Davetiport Dunn, complete Both well, by .\ytoun; Carp«*t Bag of Fun; Irving’s Washiugton, vol. Oth, in cloth and >hee[>; Revival SermoiLJ, by Rev. Dan’l Baker. D. D.; Peep of Day; Line upon Line: Precept upon Precept; Clarke’s Commentary; Scott’s Commetitaiy; School Books, &c., &c. Further supplies just received. E. J* HALE tX SON.

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