itn'Ctrh;; Yri k Vi-'" ' ' I'>* «sur,. „ Pm..a , '“«k, “I''"" - »na .. pri.l, ' -untv "1 t;,r ■’ M. 1 . ■ 1. " . },v . IV. p.-,,:, *'■ ' '“'I’li-iiiii.. ' xhihi.;,,,; i. r:-h ■t ■' ti'i, ill 0 lia\ii|r ! th, ■!l«. t-- :■ .1 w 1 ' ■*' • and ' Xhil,;. r ‘11.:^- -M 0:;- ' -Ifi Me p.11 ■ Hr ^ 'Wrv ■iHv wii; "!t (it ,.ur ■ H Th,-v ^ -in.l ;t •(,' ^ T' ffi’ y \v.; " hIu. 1,-k t. tU \.l.U r>'urnlin^ . ,iun U> t .r ti,(. ill t‘ii-,iLav i t. vk. INS Alt r. VAN-, t. M ' I 'A N I KL. 1 llA\Vlt> ^ »'tit .1. L M F H M A N . !JTRAN«jK, M. l.hAN. i1yri \ kk. ^ M l.r AN. iv- I' . ftnre, ..t ill,, '■ ■' • ' - I ur.- uf It. Mi . V ' in ri'. 1 : v,,u!. It n - M,'’.- ini:. . . ..■•• .i w;-!. tn ■ .- ■ "•* -'I- ;n- ills.I. ; le. ii t:ie r-a. ::.-e f tii i ii . I i ^tl.T •• ’ ■> 'i 1,'h qr , . r .E::v iij I I la. :. _ il ! t ' i I |uity, Vol. !• ( a* '1 w*‘h ' -ru 1j. . I; V -ir V K ii'ioiii. , . l-n. - e iiiit liffi ' n. ha'"’ butt' ioa ,, of the ,f gr-a! rece'*^ uit-nl J'''* t V .II'LKK. j. ...It ’ fc-i'ii'r h;m1 T7iih Iii-nv . •t-d liol iiiau% SON iPAiriETOWuiyyE ©bsieibt SEMI.WEEKL. Y. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SEPTEMBER 26, 1859. [NO. 852.] PHIVTEP MOND.WS! ANP TIirUSDAYS. KDWAKD J. HALE Hi F.l'lTORS AM) FROPRIKTOKS , f,i tlip Somi-Wt'ekly Ouskkver $3 00 if paid in ^,i'. iiu-i': if paid during ihu year of subscrip- . ,| ,ir S} ntti-v tlio year has expired. , i.o Weekly On-^cRvtii (X> per annum, If paid in M Ivrtiiiv: S- il paid during the year of iubscrip- • II. 'V > ! '"• after iho year han expired. AI>VFUTISK.MKNTS inserted for 00 cents per !'’■ linr^- for tJie first, and 80 cents for each .'e'liiiu {uililicution. Yearly advertisements by spc- .i'. ; mtract->. at roasonaMe rates. Advertisers are iif-iie l ' ■ state the number of insertions desired, or ,,>v will be continued till forbid, and charged accord- .\ lvtrii^emeuts to be inserted in»ile, chargttd 60 per nt siira. Sl’KCIAL NOTICE. F- 111 snd after this date, no name of a new subscriber i'e entered without payment in advance, nor will ,e ; ,'iper be rent to such subscrftiers for a longer time j.n ■ 1 far. ii ;.: our old subscribers as desira to take the pa- i\ this system will please notify u* when making Tsncos. ; v 1. !>■>'. FAYETTEVILLE MITIAL INSIRA\€E COMPANY. ASSETS $254,618.62. This Company has been in operation more than six years, and ha* paid its tire losses, amounting to $23,5:24.8i without any assessment; insurnace arerag- ing its members about ^ per cent. •Vmount of property now insured, $1,563,490.01 .\mount premium notes now on hand, 247.738.08 UikjlCToks. S. T. Hawley, \V. N. Tillinghast, A. A. McKethan, J. D. Williams, Ja». O. Cook, A. W. Steel, Jas. Kyle, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown. Wilmington. Hall, Wilmington. OrncERs: GEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. KAY, Vice President. C. A. McMILLAN, Secretary John Collins and C. C. MoCrummen, Trayelling Agents JK^“The Company invite applications. May 19, 1859. IGY Geo. McNeill, D. A. Raj, H. -Myrorer, S. V.'. Tillinghast, Henry Lilly, N. A. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, Lutterloh, McLaurin, A. K T. S. Wm. H. W. HORNG, JTTORA'EY^ .IT Wright, Esq., M utar the Court House Juno 3(.', 18-5y. 28-1Y JOSEPH BAKER, Jr., ITTO r:\ev at law, .iken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright's Law THK .liORTH lMROL,II\’A .WITIAL LIFE INSlR.tNCE CO.UPAIVV, 1^0W in the tenth year of successful operation, with growing capital and firmer hold upon public con fidence, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to 60 years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. -\11 slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within W days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the public is referred to Agents of the Company in all parts of the State, and to R. H. B.\TTLE, Secretary, Raleigh. E. J. HALE, Agent at Jan'y 185y. Favettev’lle, N. C. l.TllM>KTAT10x\^ l'\>R THI' FALL OF 1859. rpllK subscribers have received most of their purchases X tor the ap]>roaching Fall Trade, embracing a large and general assortment of C»roct*rie», Hollow-Ware, By the Ton or less: Sole Leather, Calf Skins, Shoe Findings, ith articles generally wanted for manufacture of Shoes! NEW GOODS! NEW OOODS!! J. A. PEnBERTOM I.S now receiving his stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, embracing FAIX 1859. NEW GOODS, FRE!$H FROifl iliEW YORK. All the Latest and most Choice Styles of subscriber has received and wiU receive in a the Season* public generally, are respectfully | Consisting of everything desirable for Ladies’ and Oen- i tlomen’s wear, ever oflTered before by him. His Stock j embraces all the Newest Styles of ' MMilESS GOOJDS^ ciolhiiig'! ciothiiii?!! A Fresh Supply for the Trade of 1859. J short time, tlie Largest Stock of STAPLE AXD FAXCV DRV (WODS, iiKcd on Green Street. He will attend and practice :a ;ne County and Superior Courts of Cumberland, B'.aJen. Robeson and Sampson. .March 23. 1858. ratf P. J. S^1.\CLA1R, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE. N. C., ILL practice in the Courts of Robeson, Cumberland, narnett and Richmond Bsq?“ Prompt attention (•;ren to all business entrusted to bin. Feb'v 5, 1859 «6- W J0H:V p. FIXI^ER. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, WILL PR.^CTICK IS THE TOCRTS OF Kobeson, Cumberland. Columbus and Bladen. OlSca at Lumberton, Robeson Co , N. C. July 5, 1859 2&tf Law i\oticee J future, practice law in copartnership, in the Coun- ’■.?8 of .Montgomery, Stanly, Anson and .Moore. They may be addressed either at Troy, N. C., where t J Gaines resides, or at Norwoods N. C Tmy, April 7. 1859. 4tf DE*\TAL .\OTlCE. R. R. SCOTT ofl'ers his professional services to the community, and may be seen at his office, two doors tttst of the .Market. Sept. 5, 1859. 4»Uf D DE.\T1«TRY. J. D.WIS having decided on perma nently locating In the Town of Fayette ville, respectfully offers his services to the c;:i2eii« of this place an 1 surrounding country. In all various branches of his Profession, including the .-ani.lacture of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an extenaivf experience, to which is added a thorough Den- “i’. eiucation. that he can give entire satisfaction as far 1" iu the power of Dentistry. .All irregularities of the Teerh treated in a proper and careful manner, as well as of the mouth. None but the proper metals are use of in the various operations. Charges will be .Jerate, that the benefits of the Profession may be piai'ed within the reach of all who may feel an interest ’.he preservation of the Teeth. Office over Houston’s Jewelry Store, where he ri.ay be found at all times. .May 10, l.S')8. 9tf WORTH &: ITLEV, Forwarding and General Commission Merchants, Fayetteville, .V. f\ J A WORTH. f72tf) JOS. rri.KT. R^ ORRELL, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. 'pHO.SK sending their Spirits Turpentin# to me may 1 rely upon it to have prompt and careful attention. \!y warehouses are fronting the wharves and near the ■ vpr. >ept'r 13, 1858. 45tf TIN PLATE, Nhfel Iron, Iron W’^ire, ( OOK|-%G STOVK?i 41TD TIli.WAKi:. Always on hand, at Wholesale or Retail. H O OFIXG, G VTTL UIXG, -^nd all kinds of Joltbing, done at short notice, by C. W. ANDREWS, Market Square, Fayetteville. Jiiiy 9, 27-tf A CARD. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— I^HuSE persons for whom I have been attending to Banking business for years;—1 am still willing to •trve you with the same promptness that I have always iyne; and to others that may want discounts. Pension tjsiness, &c., 4ic I offer my services, with a promise -strict attention. JAS. G. COOK. June 27, 1859. i»titf H ALLEN.] (iAS FITTIXtiS A1\D FIXTURES. The subscribers will bo prepared liy the middle of ; August, to supply every description of Buildings.— ' Dwellings, Stores, Factorie.'^. vVc.—with all the neces- j sary FIXTURE.S. for the introduction of OAS. j •\s we are constantly engaged in the business of build- : ing Gas Works in this and other States, we of course ' can afford to bring on a large stock and sell on more ' reasonable terms than others. Our stock will include I Chandeliers. Pendents, Brackets, (tlass, Jic. ' As we have leased the works for five years, it will be i to the advantage of those requiring such fixtures to get them of us. since upon us will fall the care of them, ' keeping them in repair, i:c. For this purpose it is ; both our interi'-t and pleasure to emply none but the ■ best Gas Fitters. In our absence for a few weeks, all who wish to hare the Pipes introduced into their ))uildings, will please ' leave their names with .Mr. W. N. Tillinghast, who will . give all neces.sarj- inforniation on the subject. It is ' desirable to know as early as possible, so that the Fix tures may be introduced at the same time with the con struction of tlie work«. and thus all may light up simul- t'iueouslv. WATERHOUSE x BOWES. > Favctteville, June 10. •J'J-tf I J.^.S. C. SMITH.] [MI1.F..S C03TIN j JAS. C. SMITH & CO., Fnrtors^ CommiHsion and For- irartliiis' •lierchantH WIL.MINGTON, N. C. Prompt attention given to sale of TIMBER, LIM BER, N W.AL STORK.' and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advancements made on Consignments. Refer to fcl. P. H.\ll, Pres't Branch Bank of State. H. R. .S.WAOK, (.’ash'r Bank Cape Fear John'. Esq. July I'M, 8:5-*>mos II. GRAHAM, WILMINGTON, N. C. 11’ILL give prompt and personal attention to all con- . II sipiiments of Spirits Turjientine. Rosin, Tar and 1 Turpentine, and all country produce for sale. office up stairs, over the store of Mr. Vonglahn, and joining Lutterloh's Wharf. North Water street. I June ‘J3. -jrdf T. C. A: WORTH,' Commission and Forwarding .Merchants, WILMINCjTON, N. (’, Jan’y 1859 8ltf WM. H. TIRLIXGTOX, C' o ni m i ^ M i o n e r c li a ii t, W’lLMINGTON, N. C.. ITT ILL give prompt and personal attention to all con- \V signments of SPIRITS TURPENTINE, ROSIN, T.AR, COTTON, FLOT’R. and other country produce, either for sale or shipment. My wharf and warehouses being conveniently located for th« reception of produce, either by Railroad or River, enables me to make charges light. Nov’r 8 tf In great variety, and SADDLERY HARD-WARE. They liave also added largely by Direct Importation from the .Manufacturdrs in Europe to their H^WRMUn\iRF ^ €MrTMjER\' Department, by which tluiy are enabled to save to their customers the Northern Jobbers' Profits, and they are disposeil to sell at a small advance on cost on their usual terms. They solicit an examination of their goods by the Trade generally. In addition to the above variety of Goods, which in the aggregate constitute one of the largest if not The Largest Stork to be Found in North Carolina, the undersigned are Sole Agents in this place for Mess. Wm. Carter & Son, of Chatham Co., for me sale of their SI PERIOR BRO(.iAA>». Messrs. C. Jt, Son are manufacturing Shoes from Leathai- tanneil by themselves—except the outer sole; they have all the recent improvements in machinery, and are making •i Shoe Thai Planters Will Find Superior in every respect to any ever offered for sale iu this »*c- tion, and at a reason.sble price. Call and sue! I GEO. W. WILLI VMS & CO -August 8. 1859 38- d7& W. MoLAlRIX,^ 'II’'0ULD invite attention to their large and desirable W Stock of OKOCEKIE!!^, (Consisting in part of— l.')0 Bags Kiu, Laguirti and Java Coffee: KJU Hbls. ami Ilbds. Sugar (assorted;) L':* Hhds.; 80 “ Bacon—Sides and Shoulder.s; iUO Sacks Suit; 1 50 Uuxes goud Toliiicco*, 126 “ Sperm, Adanuintine Jc Tallow Candles; 5t “ Soap (assorted;) 50 “ (\indy ‘‘ lUO Bags Shot “ lOOO lbs. Bar Lead; 3U * Bbls. Snuff—Eagle Mills; 25 Kegs .''oda; 250 “ Nails. —.VLSO— \ large and general assortment of Hardware and Cutlery; Farming L’tensils, ot’aii descriptions; Aiuerican., Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, (lennan and Steel; Blacksmiths' Tools; ('oopers’ Do.; ’orn Sheller.* and Straw Cutters; Buckets, Broom? and Pails; ’ottuu, Manilla and .Iut« Rope, tail kind* and • luality; > Plow Lines and Bed Cords; Hollow Ware; (.'otton Yarns and Sheetings at factory prices. .\11 of which will be sol.l lhw for c.^sn. or on usual time to prompt paving customers. CoLNTKT .Merih.\nts are respectfully requested to Call and examine our stock before purchasing else where. D. \ W. McLACRIN. March I!, If'-'i'J y;Uf invited to giTe him a call. WHOLESALE BUYERS will find it to their interest to look through the above Slock. Tliey will find some very desirable styles for their trade, and prices to compare with the LOWEST. Call and see for yourselves. J. A. PEMBERTON. Sept. I, 1859 4tJ-2m Town papers 1 month. .IfOTICE. 4 S there may be some persons in Fayetteville and I\ vicinity who may not be aware that \^'*heeler anti Sewing mHachine is the best tor family sewing, and who intend purchas ing a Sewing Macuinc, this is to advise them (/or thtir own iniere»t,) to call upon the subscriber and see one of “WHEELER & WILSON’S” before purchasing. It will i)revent their purchasing one of the many inferior Sewing Machines, which are offered for sale through the country. There are THIRTY of the Wheeler & Wilson Ma- uiiines in successful use in this place and vicinity. S. J. HINSDALE, Agt. Aug. 'I'l 42- WILSON’S SEWING M.\CHINES, S. J. HINSDALE, Agt. Shawls, Ready-Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps. Umbrellas, Lc. It would not do to attempt to enumerate as it would cost too much, and force him to add a little of the Tariff. I am thankful for past favors, and hope all my old friends and the world at large will call and see my Qjods before they purchase, as it would phase me, and add much to their interest. J. C. POE. Sept. 13, 1859. 49-4t YTheeler & T f for sale by VAug. 22 42- WxlTCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver and Plated Ware, Fine Cutlery, MILITARY AND FANCY GOODS, .Ml'SIC.4 1. I '%>*TKU.TIE.\TS, &,c. TUST received in the above line, a large and handsome assortment, together with numerous other articles. Purchasers are invited to call and examine at No. 11 Hay Stroet. W. PRIOR. lif“REP.AIRINii of Watches, Clocks, and Jobbing, >"rictly attended to. Aug. 2J, 18.')9 42-3m EDWIlf GLOVER H.\S RECEIVED HIS FALL STOCK OF Watches, JeweVy, Silver Ware and Mil itary Goods, '^pO which he invites the attention of his 1 customers and the public, and assures them he will sell anything in his line as cheap as can be purchased either North or South. Particular attention paid to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry. Sept 3, 1859 46-3m F^IjL^n 18o9! JAMES KYLE, TS now receiving his usiml supply of Goods, among which are— Rich Silks, Col'd and Pilack: French Merinos and Delaines: English Do. Do.; Kid and Net Gloves, assorted; 15ed and Negro Blankets; Bolting Clotlis, No. 1 to 10; Ready-Made Clothing: Boots and Shoes: With a very large assortment of other Goeds. All o. which were purchased by the package at the lowest price. Those purchasing will please call and look at the Goods and prices. Sept. 13,-1859. 49tf THF] public are aware that I have been engaged in tlie manufacturing and selling of Gentlemen’s Garments for 17 or 18 years, and with this long experience believe that I am as well calculated to ake good selections, as any person or rsons in this btisiness. My .stock is all entirely new and adapt ed to the traile. My stock consists of No. 1 Dress Clotli Coats, Frock Coats (single and double breasted); Business Suits, con sisting of Silk Mixtures. Harrison Cass., Rib Cass, and Union Cass., Fine Beaver, Felt Beaver; Seal Skin and Union Cass. Over-Coats; Felt Beaver Talmas—a new garment, never introduced before this sea son: Pants of all grades, ranging in price from $2 50 to 5‘J W; an extra lot of Vel vet, Silk, Grenadine' Silk, Cloth and Cas- simere Vests; alarge assortment of Youths’ and Children’s Clothing: {Jentlemen's Shawls; Morning Gowns, Gentlemen's all- wool Under-Shirts; Railroad Rugs: Blan kets; Hosiery; Suspenders; Napoleon-Ties: Cravats: Stocks; Gloves: Bindings; Purses. \ Persons desirous or having 1 their suits made abroad, can call and j leave their measures with me, anl 1 will j have them attended to inimeiliately. j (’all at the I “O.'VE PKIOC I riOTUINU EIHPOKIIM.” I A. J. WOODWARD, 1 -Market Square. \ 2 Doors below 8. J. Hinsdale. ^ Sept. 14 49-tf •Vo. 34 Hay Street! TILL be oi>ened about the 20th inst., at the above Number, Corner Hay and Donaldson Streets, a choice selection of STAPLE k R’ANCY DRY GOODS, All of which will be disposed of at reasonable prices. Call and examine vsnen they arrive. JESSE K. KYLE. Fayetteville, Sept 15, 18-'>9 49tf KOIII.\M>\ .S GL n %-ViPi L A\0. .ITED JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. C 41 .T1 .n 1 ^ « I O i\ A N I) Forwarding Merchant, Vt^ilmington, *V. V. 5l^*Promj)t j)ersonal attention given to all (’onsign- ments, and Ca^h advances made on Produce to be ship]ied to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12. 18->0. r.Tif ^PHIS FERTILIZER, composed of one-half BEST PE- JL RUVIA.N GU.VNO. one-liall'fine Ground Bone and the BEST PH0SPII.\T1C GL'.VNO, ii in condition for immediate use. being prepared with new and improved machinery, l>y which means the most intimate conibi- nation is etrected. reducing all to a uniform fine powder; and for application by drill or otherwise, it i^ iu the most perfect order, .-^nd we have no hesitation in say- in(r, that for all crops il is eijual to any fertilizer ever offered to the farming community. Tlie quality will be kept perfectly uniform iu all ca-tes, and Warranted to contain S per ct. of .\nimonla 1» TO 50 PER CENT. OF I oVe PIIOSPII.UE OF LHIE. Our Guano is put up in strong bags, weighing about ItJU lbs. eacli. I FR.VNCIS ROBINSON gives hi« personal attention : to preparing this article, and purchasers can rely on I “Robinson's M.^Nirt L mkd Gt AXo" being in every par ticular as represented. All orders will receive immedi ate attention. F. A CO., I No. I Hni.t.i.NijswoRTii Strket. up stairs, BALTlMt>UE, Md. ROBI\SO\’S MA^IPILATED (il A!VO Is for sale in lots to suit, BY TEIK FOLLcnVINO ACJHNTS: JONATHAN TYSON, Frederick, Md. J. C. NEVETT, Alexandria, Va. J. H. BRADLEY, Fredericksburg, Va. GARRISON &L lYIAIGNE, Norfclk, Va. E. H. SKINKER and CO., Richmond. Va. THOS. BRANCH & SONS, Petersburg, Va. T. C. & B. G. WORTH, Wilmington, N. C. R. C. LINDSAY, High Point, N. C. July '2'4 31-2mospil [J. M. CLARK. ALLEN & CLARK, Comniisnion .^erehantv, WILMLNGTON, N. C. dealers L> lime, piaster, cement, hair, iiC. f!i!^ .Agi'nt'i for Rush & Orrell’s Line of Steamers. pRiiMPT per.^ional attention given to consignments o I -Naval .Stores, Cotton or other Country Produce, for or .-^hij.inent. Jan'y 19. 186'J. HI- WILLIAM J. PKICK, tnspeetor of JVaval Stores, WILMIXGTOS, A'. C. Solicits the patronage of his country friends and all others engaged in the Turpentine business. Offire .%or(li Water -'' ■v'r-J;', 04-^lypd HIkU. Iwood llacoii, hil l ^HUULbERS, just received and for sale by 1>. 6: W. McLAURIN. July 1869. 28tf F. M. BIZZELL, GROCER \SU C 0 .M M1 S SI 0 > ,)1 K R i: 11 A > T, No. 21) North Water 8tkeet, WILMINGTON. N. ('. 1)ROMPT and personal attention given to the reception of all kinds of country produce, eitiier for sale or shipment. Orders for groceries fr*m eaxh customers will receive immediate attention, free of commissions. Nov. i;», 64-1 y r. A. E. iu)iii\sTf:i)i\ ^‘Igent for Chidcering^s Pianos, Of which he has always some on hand. Wilmington, N. C., Ocfr 2, 185H. .'il-lypd inspector of »\‘firal Stores, WILMINGTON, N. ill pay strict attention to all business entrusted to his care, and solicits a share of public patronage. Offlce in Hail’s Building, No. 43, up stairs,; >ortli Water Street. April H. 18.jy 4-t>mo9 To Rail Roatl Contractors! ICST KE('EIVEI) 100 \vhi:i:liiarrou.s, light and strong, for the Rail Rond. I\)i- sale by L>. .i. W McLAURIN. March 1859. BOOtf 100 A Herring! Herring 15HL.''. No. 1 .''plit and Hulk Herring: 100 Bales EXTRA JI.VV; 50 “ RK’E STRAW; ■20 Boxes ADAMANTINE CANDLES: 40 “ BAR SOAP: 25 Barrels M. V'.VSS.Ml I't CO'S .-\LE; 20 “ WHISKEY, some very line, viz: Old “Dew Drop " [o years old.) Family, Mag nolia. Reserve, Excelsior: « Packages FRENCH BRANDY: 1 ('a.-jk C.^T\VA1{.\ liR.VNDV, on Consign ment from a gentleman connected with a Bank in the city ol N. V.; will be sold on account of consignee. e^T'Tlie above are just reo'd and will be sold low Ijy J. H. ROBERTS A: CO. July 11, lt5y 31- BR*iS!fTs TR^iM.^'EK U 'MRE. GOOD supply of various No's just received, which we can furnish low. D. & W. McLAURlN. 10 tf May Per^onw in Want BOOK-BINDLNG IN all it! kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street. May 14, iHo'.t. 14-ly Hardware^ Cutlery, &c. •AMI'S MARTINE is now receiving a large and gene ral assortment of every thing in tlie above line. —ALSO— \ prime article of Rio. Laguira and Java COFFEF] Crushpil and Brown SUGAR: .Sugar House SIRUP and MOLASSES. All of which i» oll'cred on as good term* as can be had in this market. Nov'r 24. 1858. Crttf A Tiie Xew Style, Small, COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS, AT Vaiiorsdell’s Gallery. A JSTOVKS, SlIKET IRO;\, TI\-\V.»KK, A-c. N HAND, a large assortment of Box and Cooking .Stoves: Tin-ware: .Sheet-Iron: Leal Pipe. .Also The ^'Old dominion Voffe* Poi.'’' For sale by JAME.«! MARTINE. Nov'r 24. t’»jtf PAI.\T.S, OILS, &c. SPER.M. Refined, Lard, Linseed and Tanners' OIL: White Lead: Burning Fluid: Putty: Window Glass and Sash of all sizes. —ALSO— Afresh supply of POND'S PAIN DESTROYER. P'orsalebv JAMES MARTINE. Nov’r 24,'1858. 60tf Siigrar Cane THREE STYLES or First i'remiura *2 and i Roller Sugar Cane Mills, .Manufactured by BOVi>i:.\ & so:v. S.M.ISBIKY, N. C. .\ug. y 3'.'tNl Flou»! Plo«t«!! FIouhI!! /V NO. ti PLOWS: • OU 50 No. 10 IMows: 50 No. 11 “ 25 No. -50 •• 2-') No. “ Points, Bars and Mould Bosnls to suit. Fi>r sale by C. p;. LEETE. Jiin'y 12 7!>- ^pilF. subscriber has just received his F.\LL and WIN- 1. TER Stock, consisting of a general assortment of JJRV GOODS, HATS, IlOXXKTS, iloopSuirts. Flannels. Linsrys. Shretiii;. Sliirtinss, Bleached and unbleached; .Sugar: Coffee: Molasses: Shoe« and Boots: ('otton Yarn: Flour; .Spades; Shovels and Forks: Collins’ .Axes; Ley and Potash: Snuff and Tobacco: Umbrellas and Parasol*: School Books: Jaj'nes’ and other Medicines; Bagging and Rope. Together with a great many other articles. Those persons wish ing good bargains will certainly find thenj here, .as I am determined to sell very low for cash. All persons indebted to me will please call and settle as soon as possible. T. A. NORMENT. Lumberton, N. (^., Sejit, 17. 50-8t BV F ~ JUST received, N I C E I* I N E - A P P L E C II E E S E : Mjemons, Raisins, Vurrants and other Fruits. Willi a beautiful lot of F.VNCY GOODS. J. R. LEE. Hay Street, No. 40. Sept It) 50-3t MESDAMES CUEGARAY JL U’HERVILLVS, BOARDI.\(,i A .\l> DAV5>$rHOOL, FOR YOU.NC LADIES, .Vo. ISOD Los:an Square, Vine St., I’liiiada. \D.VMK ('’HEG.\K.VY vesjiectfully informs lier friends and the puJiIic in general, that indepen dently of her Boarding anil Day School, directed by herself and her niece, Madame Prevost, in New York, she intends, in connection with her niece, Madame D'llervilly. opening in Philailelpliia. an Institution, ou precisely the same j>lan as the one a’oove mentioneil. The Principals will an.^wer applications ana receive visitors, on and after the 12th of .Seiitemlier, and the School will open on the 15th. Sept 13 49-1 nipd ~ BA^TK J^TOC'K. 4 S .Administrator of William W. Steilman, ileceased, .Jl at the door of the Clarendon Bank, in Fayetteville, on Monday, the 9th l;iy of (October. l.‘59. I will sell at public .■\UCTION. on a credit of Six months. THIRTY SH.ARES of tiie Capital Stock of said Clarendon Bank. Terms made known on the day of sale. ISAAC S. GIBSON. Adni'r. Sept. '■>. 185'.t. 49-ts M ART. NEW STYLE of Colored Photo- I graphs that will last for ages— more beautiful than Oil Paintings— has been gotten up at Vanorsdell's (tallery, expressly to suit the wants of those who desire a small colored picture and who object to the oil por trait on account of its cost. It is offered to the public with entire con fidence in its permanency, and at a price that will suit all. Having just returned from the North with a new ami complete set of instruments, where 1 spent five weeks in getting the newest improve ments, 1 am able to say to the citi zens of Fayetteville and surrounding country, that I can give them all the different sizes and styles of Pictures that are gotten up North or Suith. Among my instruments is a Wood ward’s Solar ('amera, which enables me to enlarge a life-size Photograph from the smallest Daguerreoiype or Ambrotype. Persons having a small picture of a deceased friemi. can have it retaken of any desired size, and colored in oil. India ink or water color, by send ing to me* stating the color of hair and eyes. Prices for Colored Photo- grajihs. from small size to life, range from -SlO to $5(K [ have removed and enlargel my Gallery, (opposite the .Marble Yard.) and my customers will find a plea sant reception room and an Operator determined to give satisfaction. SepT. 1'*. 2 o 55 y A ? s r •iOtf A';' \0\\ lA TIARKET. LL person'* having NEGROES for ^ale. will do well But tei 10 C'liee^e and Crackerw. FIRKINS (ioslien Butter; 25 Boxe.'s .'>tate Cheese; l!> BbU. .Soda and Butter ’rackers. Just recpivc 1 by E. LEETE. .lan'v 12 7‘J- Fiaiio Ibr iiliale. \F1NE tone, handsomely finished Piano, 7 octave, U3el only for a short time, and kept in good order, and pronounceil by competent judges as being a superior article. Apply to .Mrs. M. E. HORNE. Sept 18 49t(Jl BOI>»i: l OR RKAT. TIIE subscriber offer.i for rent her desirable RESI DENCE at Chelsea. Possession given u 7th Oc tober. M. A. POTTER. Fayetteville, Sept. 17. 49-;>w 10,000 BI>I!4 Mpiritw Tiireiitiiie wanted, between the 1st of October and the 1st of Jan uary 1^^'SO, at the market i>rice. P.VGE SURLES, South Corner of Market .Scpiare, Next door to .A. .1. Woodward’s Clothing Emporium. Sejit 1 ti 50-4w 100 (will .\et and i I LBS. Gill Net Twine; 1'JO lbs. .'^eine “ Just received by Jan'y 12 ^»eine Twine. C. E. LEETE. 79- Dr. KRA.NK WILLIAMS'S RYE WHISKEY. MITt'HKLL has made arrangements with Dr. Frank Williams, to be constantly supplied wiih his celebrated RYI-' WHLSKEY. which can l>e had at his Store at all times, by wholesale or retail. Ocfr 11. 1H-5S. 5.‘^-tf R. Th *'■ Aolicc lo f^oldiers' ^VidowM. HE Widows of .Mexican .Soldiers, and the Widows of have their peii.sions continued by calling on the under- signeil. ^>ngieHS having made additional provision for them. (xive me the tnanageinent of your claims, and the money shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. .M. ROSE. OF PURE and splendid flavored old Whiskey can lie furnished by us with Old Dew-Drop, Magnolia, Fayetteville, June 12, 1858. Agent lor Pensions. 19- Family, Excelsior and Reserve brands, all of which we warrant as represented or no sale. J. H. ROBERTS & CO. S. We have other common brands of Whiskey, but none "I the “long range," such as Coffin, Kifle, Monumental. Blue Ruin. J..H. ROBERTS & (_0. Jnly ti. 29-tf (^Ml lO tl ^CIIOOI. BOOKM. i Englisli Grammar; N. Carolina Readers, hree parts; Olney’s Geography—revised edition; Motiteilh’s Geographies: Pike’s .Vrithmetic: Murray’s English Reader; N. York Readers; Mason's Farrier; Mattison's Astronomy; &c. Sept 14 E. J. HALE & SON. \va:\tki>. ARLE-I.ODIED .MEN, to work on the Western Hail Road. For such I will pay a liberal price. Payable once a nioijth. --^pply to E. F. Moore, or to the undersigned on the work. W. S. SMITH. Fayetteville. Sept 17 50-1 m WVJ^FKPSIA AAD FIT*. Dk. O. 1‘IlKLrS HilOWN, rpHE (5REAT ('URER OF ’ONSU.MPTION. was for J ever.'il years so badly atHicted by Dyspepsia, that for a jiart of the time he was confined lo his bed. He was eventually cured j. a prescription furnished him by a young clairvoy . .i girl. This prescription, given him by a mere child, while in a slate of trance, has cur.‘d every body who has taken it, never having failed once. It is equally ur*‘in cases of Fits as of Dyspepsia. .An engraving is here given of the principal herb em- ployeil in this medicine, and all of the ingredietits are to l>e found in any ilrug store. I will send this valua ble prescription to any person, on tlie receipt of one stamp to pay postage, .\ddress DR O. PHl'.LPS BR(»WN. No. 21 Grand !^i., Jersey City. N. .1 Sejtt. 14. 49-1 m Blank Book» and Writings Ink. TIURTHER supplies just received by r E. J. HALE & SON Webster’s Elementary !§pellin§^ Book, for sale by E. J. HALE & SON. address the subscriber at Clinton. Sampson county, as he is determined to buy and pay as liberal prices for them as the state of the market will iiermit. By addressing him he will call immediately, atid make liberal otlers, as all will find who will try him. CHARLES T. STEVENS. Clinton, Sampson ('o.. Sept 10, 1859 48-ly AKIiJROE^ WAATED. THE subscriber wishes to buy EiKEE\' ^^'EUROES, for which he will pay The Highest Cash Prices. Persons having such property to sell will find it to eir interest to acldress me at Clinton. NT C. A. S. C. POWELL. July 1 .Negroes! Aegroes!! ENTLEMEN, your old cust4)nier is yet in market lor Likely Necroes. for which I am determineii to pay the thei G s. c. o5-jmpd Wanted. Highest Ca^ih Prices. Persons having such for sale would do well to give me a call, or address me at Clinton, N. C. All orders promptly attended to. J. A. McARTHUR. Clinton. N. C., March ti, 1859. 95-lyrpd t Aotice—Aeg:roe« Wanted. ^jli) the farmers and citiz(fnsof the Counties of Duplin> Wayne, Johnston, Harnett, .Moore, t.'iinil>erlnnd. Robeson, Bladen. Columbus, Brunswick. New Hanover, and Sampson: The subscriber being desirous of purchasing a num ber of Likely Young NEGROE.''. of all classes and des criptions. avails himself of this method of informing tliose who may have such j)ropeity to dispose of, that the’^ would do well to visit me at home, or address me at Clinton. .V. C.—lor which they shall receive a visit. Between this time and the 15th Octo’r)t>r 1M59 I wish to purcha-'e 40 to 0(1 young negroeii for the .VlaSama market. EVERETT PKTEilSoN. July 13, 1859. ill-4m Fresh mlrrivalsn JUST received pr Steamer Fanny, 4 Rbls. Extra No. 1 MACKEREL (for retailing.) lt J *• do. “ 1 do. 10 ^ “ do. “ 1 do. 10 I MESS SHAD; ;-)0 Boxes (’HEESE; 100 Bags New Hulled BUCKWHEAT FLOUR: Fulton Market Beef; .Mess Pork; (ioshen Butter. Pocket Salt; Sugar; Coffee; Mola«ges: and every thing in the provision line; which 1 will sell cheap for ( .ASH or ex change for country Produce. W. (' TROY 60-tf Nov. 3, 1858. To C'liba anl Baek, by Baiia? “Love .Me Little, Love -Me Long: Miss Mitford’s Recollections of a J^iterary Life: The War in Europe, with Maps; Tom Burke, by Lever: Harry Lorreqiier, by Lever;Davenport Dunn, complete; Bothwell, by .Aytoun; (,'arpet Bag of Fun; Irving’s Washington, vol. 5tii, in cloth and sheep; Revival Sermons, by Rev. Dan’l Baker, D. D.; Peep of Day; Line upon Line; Precept upon Prcccj't; Clarke’s Commentary; Scott’s Commentary; School Books, &c., &c. Further supplies just received. July 25 E. J. HALE & SON.