»'.* h,.M ;i,nl 1 ,.j_ > t'flllitT t liul. iiill r' a^iro in " H III,.re t'Vi-.us p,.ri,.l aiv.l t.. laake ''■t«■; ;iiul \V(. "iitv tn c..n„. t‘"umy pria,. I j'uKlif pi_pjj :ni\ {Tt'viun.; "tlliM- C.IUlltV llTli tur u,i. tlu- .1 ■ '''t • 1 1 H 1 ■11. 1 -t th ■ I'V i,;. ' ■ r- 'p.-. tiv. T- '•iiK-ht iinl 1 I.. - !■ 1 »i . in t ■xlr' t-.,;,. ;ai '“'.ly ■Olll >b ' ■uruir,. in ■ tUtl.ill h.Hvillo > Ui "■t tlu- ;ip. a ' ' 'Ui and tMU ''-r •-■xliilji- ii'i " ]‘r'>ui'w,^ iiiV. a-iir.' T- .-verv .Tally will artiii.Mit ofuur •a! H " Tluy ’♦‘11. rui'l U' M|if ;hi-y will «• wl ■ l.-ik tii I V*'II. US t..r tht^ pre- ill etiilenV'T to JtiOK . i'l'ALu. t'AN'i. >!■ 1>AMKL. , Hawi.ly. >R Til. ;>KRM AN, MLfav. k K'>\ Kil, M. Li.an, niff*. Ilf' the irtl ’i-'l. Tiiis suc- tlu* I.- i.i'. ifure of [u;tl I-.' Hfit'r. Ii"^ >n- •r :■: .'“'ijMiu, in- itrri'i • ; These D'i '.il' ISiMl ’v t'artv ciianuf vf 1 . .i. iii.'-f 1 with thii' t' • -ufv'.’is- iir. «' w ■ HFf' in- >'t ah '.lit Un lit H iiiiy s iehiy in iiiir-'i: 'I. ui'iwith- lnrli iiH'it'. In ill ucli >i prs'-': e >t tlie ■ r. 'rfiui.v .1 111 I i!>n ! ?* ri i' H. f... V icli tti. -isilln’t i>n •.■T’- 'I;. -.ti i the Hi; II, exirti'J- .j.tTiy :>• H very :r, ■ a • 'II wliicl !l Ill-il! T u- r ia 'I -p :i-:Cer« ii^ i i'-i-'i te - • > :..t; Hid Thi* .Kui^ . ‘II : by ii ‘ . I V a ij . • iif wi'i« I 1. i:.-- with v.-T.-i ill -■ . with C"in-" - wf'pn**- - , ! ..riltT I' ; - ,i !>\ -tfm ^ . -i;i-'i!i'-y . ...1 C‘U- .-vi'ie, . ■ 1 VlK. (> 1' iiih. >ol* « _ i (■.n-: .n -f at.;- -!■; If-. d^.. : -• ! ( t - iiii'l .V.. • and w:th riir* folll with put. - ! -i ..n. Ol l».'V, liaitle's >cciv-i Mi- of I>. •• , . i-UX ' 1‘^' liti' i • 'iie'*e, are )1 til' , .f lrt-dell> ‘vi.’ •• - ,^xrHtit "f av til \ (- IR Dd w ill limes -111 '■ . • i.i-ir cus II M.l ir N«-w Kditione, of th.' v .luni*;-- It. liHv« not -iitli- |'r ‘ -M.m, ■voluiitar;. tribute Lawyer: Julv 'J.~. * KV.N-: I . tt w .-k or two of til*- tir-it tir-t V...1 of th« » of th.- S.ii.reme to . of th.- l.iiti.,ri t.. the Ju- , ,n.-inh.-r -f H nn- -f you V.::l receive iicoiir ■'Tti.-nl aii'i I. n;.. W ■ MIM-KH. , hI. .Ul 1.-- K.4U1IV, „i,.l with luHiiy IIAI.K .V rSON «■!» »l J , iU, .iiy: School llAuK 1 TiriynR S E M I-n'e: e: K L. Y. [VOL. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C„ SEPTEMBER 29, 1859. [NO. 853.] PRINTED MONDAYS AND THURSDAlfS EDHARD J. HALE & dON, EPITORS AVi) PROPRIETORS Price for the Semi-Weekly Ohiikrvbr S3 00 if paid in aJvanoe; fo 60 if p«id during lh« year of subscrip tion; or $4 after the year has eipived. Fiw the Weekly Obskkvkr $2 0) p«r aEnuui, if paid in advance: S2 50 if paid duriufj the year of tubsorip- j tion: or 00 after the year has expired. ADVERTISEMENTS inserted for 60 uenis per ■quare of Hi lines for the fir^t. and 30 cents for each ! (lucceeding publication. Yearly advertisements by spe- ciftl contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are ’ requested to state the number of insertions desired, or they will he continued till forbid, and charged accord- ! iugly [ Advertisements to be inserted mtitU. chargad -SO per cent Mtra The Largest Carriage Faetoryin the SoutK! >icK r/riiA\ JF^WjL,^ 1859! JAMSS KTL£, Is now reoeiving his usual supply of Goolk, among { which are— ( Rich Silks, Col’d and Klacki French Merinos and Delaines: English Do. Do.; ! Ki(i and Net Glnres, assorted; ^ Bed and Negro Blankets; | Bolting Cloths. No 1 to 10; I Ready-Made Clothing; , Boots and Shoes; ^ With a very large assortment of other Ooeds. .-Vli ». j which were purchased by the package at the lowest price. Those purchasing will please call and look at ibe Goods and prices. Sept. 1.3, 1859. 49tf SPECIAL NOTICE. From and after this date, no name of a new subscri}>«r will be entered without payment in advance, nor will the paper be sent to such subscribers for s longer time than is paid for Such of our old subscribers as desire to take the pa per on this «ystem will please notify ua when making remittances. Jan’y 1, 1858. Respectfully luforuis his friends and the public, j that ha has built up l&rge substantial Brick Build- | ings at his Old Stand, expressly for manufacturing Car- , _ riagcs. Thankful for the very Uberal patronage he has ’ „ Wholesale Trade Ot received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict aiten- ! ^ ” MUiesaie J. raoe 01 inov. tion to business, with a desire to gi'e satisfaction, to | merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work | ^ LARGE ANl) U£NKUAL VAKiUTf *>f to be made of the best material and by experienced | FORElIrN AKD DOMESTIC DRY trOODS, workmen in each branch of tlie business. His work will FAYF.TTEVILLE HOTEL, T. WADDILL, Pkoprietor. m m rpHIS. the most commodious Hotel in Nmih X Carolina, fronting 300 feet on Hay and .Donaldson Streets, located in the centre r>t the business portion of the town, and surrounded by all the Banking Honses, Wholesale Merchants and princi pal Produce Dealers. Business men will find the Hotel a convenient and comfortable house. All the Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville, Oct. 1, 1868. 51- oompare favorably with any made in ihe United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any ! work done elsewhere that is well done. He now has i on hand, finished, THE LARGEST STOCK OF i Carria^eii, Barouches, Rockaway§ aod j Bag|rie«i, j ever offered in this place, and a very large stock of work I nearly finishel. which will be flnished daily. All of which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. has on hand moi-« than ONE HUNDRED -VND FIFTT VEHICLES finished »nd in course of coustructiou. H^.\I1 work made by him i.f wan anted 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship ur material, will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and ex amine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing eseoiifpd at short notice and on very reason able terms. Way 28. 1859. 8«-tf SIIEMWELL HOUSE,' FAYt;TTEVIliE.F., C. j £ast tide of Green Street, a few doors North i oj t-he Market. MrpHE Subscriber desires tiirough this medium ; X to ackowledge the liberal patronage bestow- j ed upon his House the past year—and as he i has just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed conven- j lent to the House and to water he takes pleasure in say- ! ing to his patrons and the public generally, that he is j still prepared to acconxmodate them with transient and j permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance | of the liberal patronage heretofore received. Every ex- i ertion on his part shall be used to render them comforta- i ble during their sojourn with him. His table is always j supplied with the best ihe market affords. P. SHEMWELL. March 24, 185S. 80-if READY-MADE CLOTHING. U^ITS, jrOTIOJrSi H€fiMi»-StLiRTS^»r. STARR ^ W1LL.1AHS, IN placing before the public this announcement, simply I desire to say to their numerous customers, and to a'J i merchants who design making their purchases here this | Fall, that they are now opening, and w'ill during the j ensuing week be prepared to expose for inspection and sale, one of the largest and most general stocks of | Goods in their line, ever offered to the Trade in this | market. | A portion of these goods are of our own importation, consequently we shall bo enabled to save to buyers the j extra profit charged by the New York Jobber. j In connexion with the above stock, we shall during ' the season be prepared to sell at low pricos, : Boot* and Shoes of all Orades, i bought directly of the Manufacturer—roB cash. j J^^Those owing us accounts past due will please . make payment. j J. B STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. I Fayetteville. Aug. 24, 1859. 43tf | School for Boys* I ^HE undersigned wiii open his School on MONDA\ 1 the 3d of October, at the Phoenix Lodge. Tuition as before—$12 50 per term of 10 weeks; ('ou- tingencies 25 cents. I’avable in advance. ' THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Sept. 12, 185W. 48rt School IVotice. My School in the DONALDSON ACADEMY »ill be re-opened on Monday, October 3d. Terms per Quarter of tan wuekt: English, S 7 5o Latin, 10 00 l.atin and Greek. 12 50 Contingent, 25 A few pupils cau be furnished with board in the family of the Principal, on Hay Mount. JESSE K. McL'E.AN, A. .M., Principal. \ug !• 39- TliMM Biiif^iiain’ti School. ISH BINGH.AM will resume her School for Y’ouug Ladies on Moiiday. the .S1 of October .\ug 27 44-6w MESD.iMES CHEGAK.4T ii D'HERYILirS, J. K. KYL.E IS NOW RECEIVING A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL j X STOCK OF ST,iPLE m F1?ICV DRY GOODS. —ALSO— Clothing) Hats, €ap§, Boot§ and Shoe§* .\11 of which will be disposed of at low prices, either by wholesale or retail. Call and examine. No. 34, Comer Hay and Donaldson Streets. Fayetteville. N. C., Sept. 22, 1859. 51tf JIR^ FRA^^ES E. HUSKE, Has received a part of her FA.LL MILLIJfERT* some handsome PATTERN HATS, and Trimmed STRAW BONNETS; is prepared to make Dresses, and do all kind of Children’s and Ladies Work. Store first Door West of the Cape Fear Bank, at the sign of the Blue Hand Box. Sept. 24. 52-6t iilim HAVING engaged the services of Mrs. TELLER, of New York, an experienced Milliner and Dress Ma ker, (who will be assisted by the best help to be pro- BOARDI.\.i A3TD BAY SCHOOL. t curel in the place.) I have fitted up Rooms over my M FOR YOUNG LADIES, \o. 1S09 Logan Square, Vine St., I'btlada. .\DAME CHEGAR.AY respectfully informs her friend« and the public in general, that indepen- j dcntly of her Boarding aid Day School, directed by! herself and her niece, Madame Prevost, in New York, she intends, in connection with her niece, Madame j D’FIervilly. opening in Philadelphia, an Institution, on I precisely .the Kanie plan as the one above mentioned. The Principals will answer applications ano receive visitors, on and after the 12th of September, and the ; School will open on the loth. i Sept 13 49-lmpd ! Tul\Bll(ill HIGHTtBOOL.' ' 0 j Store, where I shall carry on the above business in all its branches. All who require anything in this line I will do well to call and examine for theniaelves. ' ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr Sept. 2ti. 52tf Bonnets! Bonnets!! { A FINE a'loriment of BONNETS, trimtaed or >m- I trimme'i. always oo hand and sold low at | ALEX. JOHNSON’S, Jr Sept 26 52- Bonnets! Bonnets!! Bonnets!!! To the M. If! Ilf! W A YIFE HOr SE, GOLDSBORO’, N. C The undersigned announces to the public that he has taken charge of the above Es tablishment, and is prepared to accommodate Boarders, by the day, week or month. And he assures all who may favor him with their patronage, that he will endeavor lo give perfect saii^tfactioii. Tablt- supplied with the best the market afi'ords. JAS G SMITH Goldsboro’, Jan’y 28, 1859 84-lyr NEAREST AND QUICKEST ROITE TO THE RAILROAB! Interest of Turpentine Bistillers. A. BAKER would respectfully inform Turpentine Distillers and others that he is fully prepared to { Manufacture or Repair Turpentine, Brandy and Whi»- I key Stills. Worms, 4c., in fact, anything in the line i of Sheet-Copper or Iron work. I Particular attention given to the making of Steam Pipes from a superior kind of Copper, for Boats, Mills, I 4c. j All work entrusted to my care shall be properly done, I and warranted, and on the most favorable terms as re- . gards price. Give me a call and see for yourself, and I know I shall have your patronage. Being a practical ! workman. I attend to all the work myself, which 1 find i is to the advantage of both ray customers and myself. ^ Old Copper bought for cash or taken in exchange for I new work M. A. BAKER. Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C j July 27 35-timos HOLMES & ROBINSON’S FOIR HORSE STAGE lIXE TO KEXAXSVILLE, VIA WARSAW, IS the shortest and most expeditious for travelers going North or South. Leaving Fayetteville every day at 2 o’clock P. M. THROUGH IN TEN HOURS. The traveling public who would study their comfori and convenience will take the Warsaw Stage. THROUGH TICKETS TO WELDON may be had at the Stage Office, Fayetteville. Aug 5, 1850. ;{8-iy irOTlCE. For the future we will call for ladies and cliildren and deliver the ?ame at their residences within the cor porate limits of the Town, who take passage on our lines' of :stage.s. Male passengers will be received at the Stage Office, and delivered at their respective homes in the corporation. Each passenger will be allowed tJO lbs. of baggage free of charge. HOLMES & ROBINSON. Cont’rs War.'iaw Line. C. S. BARBEE « BRO., Cont’rs Raleigh Line. Fayetteville, Aug. 5, 1859. 38-2mpd WM. CARTER & SON, Wbolesale Si Retail Dealers and Mana&ctarers OP ALL KINDS OF Li€ather, Satidles and Harness, Of every description, Collars, W'hips. ic. And we also particularly call the atteution of the whole surrounding country to gi\e us a call, as we are de termined that none shall surpass us in quality or low prices; and we will give the highest cash price at all times for Haw Hides and Tallow, in exchange for our articles. Country Merchants would do well to call and examine our Stock, as we can sell them Shoes of a much better quality than they usually get. on very accommodating terms. Southern Planters would .lo we’l to send us all their orders as we are making a No. 1 article of NEGRO SHOES, that are warranted to give entire satisfaction. N. B. All Orders from a distance shall have prompt attention. ! S. S. CARTER. WM. CARTER. Goldston P. 0., Chatham Co., N C., 1 March 15. 1859. LUTTERLOH’S LINK. STEAMER “FANNY” leaves Fayetteville every Mon day and Thursday morning, at 15 minutes after Sun rise: and Wilmington Tuesday and Friday, at o’clock, —carrying passengers and freight. Steamer “SOUTHERNER,” with a full complement of Flats, makes one or more trips per week, as circum stances may require. The accident to the Steamer “ROWAN’’ will be ve- paired in a few days. She will then take her place in the line. ‘ T. S. LUTTERLOH Oct’r4. 1868. 61-tf 96- XEW J. W. B4KER Is now receiving from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of Fl’K.'Vl'rURE ever offered in this market; which added to his own manutartnre, makes his a.iij^oriment complete;— 1 all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for • cash or on time to punctual customers. Fiushionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts: curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattresses; Looking Gla-i^es; Willow \\Mgoii. and Cradles; Side Boards; r.ureaus; Secretaries nud IJook-Oases; What- ■ Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; j War.lrobes; Picture Frame.n and GIhss: Window Shades; I Cornices; f'urtain Bauds; Sofa.>i iu .Mahogony and Wal- mii; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; l>ir«n.» nnd Stools; Chairs ! of evei-y variety. Fine Rosewood Pianos, one with Pollan at- I tachmcnt; Rosewood Melodians, from the best manufac- I tones in New York and Boston, warranted as good as Iany made in the country, and will be sold at New York prices—freight only added. September 2. 45tf FALL 1859, ALEX. JOH\SO:¥, Jr., Has RECEIVED and is daily receiving by far the largest and most desirable atock of Staple and Fancy BRY GOOBS, ever offered by him to the public. Not deeming it necessary to enumerate, he would say it embraces all the New Styles for the Fall and Winter trade. To which he would call the attention of hii old Customers and the public generally. ALEXANDER JOHNSON, Jr Sept. 8. 48-4w booWaTshoes^ FALL AND WINTER STOCK. s. T. HAWLEY Sc SOIF A RE receiving a large stock of Boots and Shoes, em- XI. br&cing every variety of style and quality. nopk and Vouihs^ Calf Boots, Oalters JT Shoes, Light, Double-Sole, and Quilted Bottoms Mjttdies^i, •ftisses, and Children's, fine heeled Gaiters, Slippers and Shoes,—in great variety. SERVA.^TS^ SHOES. A superior article, made to our order: Single and Double i Sole. i ^fECiKO A large supply of Black and Russet; single and double sole; purchad^ direct from Manufacturers at reduced cash prices; will be sold cheap. —ALSO— Travelinft Ttrunks; f^eather or all Mndu; ShofJnndingH of every deHcription. .All of which we offer low for cash, or on usual tirue to prompt customers. Aug. 25, 1859 43-fiw iHore I^ew Goods! 1^M ju=t receiving my Spring Stock of Go.xls iu uiy line. They were seleote.J in the Northern citie** by myself, with great care, and bought on the most reason able terms, by which I am enabled to offer the largest stock I ever before offered to tlie public. an*l to offer them generally At Greatly Kedured Prices. FRUITS—Raisins, Figs. Prunes, .\pples. Lemons, Or anges, Cherries, Currants, &c. PICKLES, JELLIES AND PRESERVES—a great va riety; PERFUMERIES AND EXTRACTS of various kinds; F.\NCY SOAPS AND POMADES; I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS—Fiddles, Drums, Fift-s. j j Flutes, Banjos, Guitars, &c.; { I WALKING CANES—of every kind, i ' BASKETS AND WILLOW WARE; ■ HOBBY HORSES. &c.; i NUTS; FINE AND COMMON CANDlES; S \RD1NI>; j FINE CIGARS; S.MOKING k CHEWING TOHACCo; CRACKERS; FINE POCKET KNIVES: A large assortment of POIIT-MONAIES. some verv nice: FANCY ENVELOPES, and FANCY GOODS, TOV.s i I and Y.ANKEE NOTIONS; ' An assortment of INDI.A RUBBER G"K'DS: I COMBS, WHIPS, FISHING TA’KLE I The public are respectfully invited to call and e\- I amine my stock. I have a great many handsome thing.s that cannot fail to please. JAS. R. LEE, ■ Hotel Building, March 31, 1859 1- i SPRliW STYLES! The Fayal, Everett and Havelock Hats! ALSO, a beautiful assortment of the LATEST STYLE SOFT HATS fhigh and low crown.) and all the I styles of the most elegant Hats of the season, can now ; be seen at the Bazaar. March 16 The 14th Session of this Institution will open on the 12th of JULY 1859. under the charge of Dan’l. ' Stewart, Jr., A. B., as Principal. ' Board can be had either at the Steward's Hall or in I the neighborhood at per month, exclusive of lighu and washing. 1 For further information apply to the undersigned at I Laurinburgh, N. C. , R. D. DICKSON, Sec’y. I Laurinburgh, June 18. 25-tf CiROCERlES AT WHOLESALE. J AM now receiving my Stock of Groceries for ihe ANY MATER1\L notice, at Sept 2(> OK .STYLE, made at short Al.EX. .loIlS.SON’S. Jr Bress Vlakin^. ADIES can he served in this line. anl work done I promptly, bv calling at A1.EX. JOHNSON S, Jr. Sept 20 52- Fall Trade, consisting in part as follows,- 115 Bags Coffee; 60 Bbb. Coffee Sugar; 20 Hhds. Molasse.s; 60 Boxes Tobacco—factory prioM; 75 “ Adamantine Candles; 30 J Bbls: Snuff—Eagla Mills, 50 Boxes Candy; 20000 Lbs Iron—assorted; 60 boxes No. 1 Soap; 25 M Cigars; 602 Bags Corn; 75 Bales Eastern Hay, 15 Firkins Butter; 20 Bbls. Leaf Lard; 36 Ebls. No. 1 Mackerel: 600 Lbs. Cod Fish. &c., Ac. E F. Sept 12, 1859 Whiskey and Brandy. 1 1 BBLS. Pure Corn Whiskey; XXU 25 “ Apple Brandy; N. E Rum: American Brandy; Old Rye Whiskey. .MOORE. 48- ! Hargainn: Bargains:: ' THF undersigne.l aie now reooiving and opening one of the largest str*cks ot flnntlri ever offered by them ' before. Our «tock consi'-is of , Frenrli, Englisli and American Prints and Belaines. Domestics: Marlboro I'laids. Stripes and Liuseys: Shawls; Hosiery; H.>0{>-Skins; Satinetis. Tweeds,' Kentucky Jeans: Kersevs: Blankets: Hats; Caps; Boitt and Shoes. .Also. Siif^ar and I'oliee. ^ess Pork. I Hoop Iron, rlue. and in fact every thing that ■ farmer I may need. All the above goods will l>e sold reasonably , i for cash, or lo prrimot paying ."ustomers. PAGE i SURLES i Sept 17 51-4w NEW GOODS! ^ T H 0 S J J O II N S 0 N , AS now in Store, and is receiving, a general as- | THE BURIAL OF .MOSES. [The aaoexed lines axe suppobed to h»v« written by a dUtinguiabed clergyman uf this city j Whether they have betore appeared in print, we i are unable to say.—Eds. Jour, of Commerct And He buried him in a valley in the land of Moab, oTer against Beth-Peor; but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day.—Deuteronomy, 34, 6 By Nebo’s lonely mountain. On this side Jordan’s wave. In a Tale in the land of Moab, There lies a lonely grave. And no man dug that sepulclire. And no man saw it e’er; For the angels of God upturned the sod. And laid the dead man there That was the grandest funeral That ever passed on earth; But no man heard the trampling, Or saw the train go forth. Noiselessly as the daylight Comes, when the night is d.we. And the crimson streak, on ocean’s cheek, Grows into the great sun Noiselessly as the spring time Her crown of verdure weaves, \bd o’er the trees and on the hiiis. Opens their thousand leaves; So, without sound of music. Or voice of them that wept. Silently down from the mountain’s orown The great procession swept Perchance the bald old eagle. On gray Beth-Peor’s height. Out of his rocky eyrie Looked on the wondrous aight. Perchance the lion stalking, Still shuns that hallowed spot, i For beast and bird have seen and heard 1 That which man knoweth not. I But when the warrior dieth. His comrades in the war. With arms reversed and muffled drum, Follow the funeral car. They show the banners taken. They lell his battles won, ( .^nd after him lead his masterle^s steed. While peals the minut« gun. Amid the noblest of the land Men lay the sage to rest. And give the bard an honored place,^ With costly marble drest, In the great minster transept. Where lights like glories fall, \nd the sweet choir sings, and thu organ ringit Along the emblazon’d wall. This was the bravest warrior That ever buckled sword: This the mo.st gifted poet That ever breathed a word; .And never earth’s philosopher Traced with his golden pen. On the deathless page, truths half aa sags. .is he wrote down for men. H Xew 20 20 “ 15 “ For sale by Sept 12 •J i K K MOORE 48- J Tobacco! Tobacco!! UST received from Webb & Whitted's .Manufactory. Hillsborough, N. C.. 26 BOXES TOBACCO, vari ous brand* anl .qualities, ranging in price from 18 to i 75 cts. per lb., which 1 will sell at reduced Factory prices. I^- ANDERSON. .\geni for Webb & Whitted. Sept. 7 47- I would call the attention ot Tobacco Chewera to the WEBB & WHITTED BR.-VND, also the CADET TWIST, which is superior to any thing ever sold in this market. —ALS(J-- A lot of A No. 1 S.MOKING TOBACCO, by lb.. from W. ,V W For sale at N. Sept 22 Hav Street. I).* ANDERSON. 47- MolletH, Klee, >. C. Lard. Wayne County Hams, Sweet Molasses, d:f., iiC. C AI LBRO.^S. UST received, a lot of Cauldrons, large and small, | from 90 gallons to 16 gallons—inclusive. They are | the very thing fur boiling .Syrup, or for farmers’ us«. j Call an.l look—and buy. Old stand. ] THOS. J JOHNSON. I .Sepi. 22. le>59 51-3w j i\E\\ GOODN. JUST received per “Steamer'’, the largest and bust | selected stock of | Dry (.loods, Iiat. and Caps, Boots and Sh.jes, \ Hardware, Groceries, Provisions and Liqaors. ! ’rnis.s lioop'j and (rlue. Turpentine. Cooper.s' and Farmers’ Twjls —ALSO — Hetrintr and Mackerel, (in kit; and bbls.) .Me.ss Pork and Mes.s Beef. C’otfee, ."^ue^r. Molas.ses and (’andlo*!. Powder, Shot and l^ead. Sej;ars, ('howin^ and Smokinir Tobacco. Tiif: i U Mi 0II l.ii A T .\ud had he not high honor* The hill-side for his pall. To lie in state, while angels wait. With stars for taper« tall; \ nd the dark rock-pines, like tossing plumes. Over his bier to wave, .\nd God’s own hand in that lonely land To lay him in the grave. In that deep grave, without a uauie. Whence his uncotBned clay Shall break again,—most wondrous thought’ — Betore the Judgment Day. And stand, with glory wrapped ar'and (>n the hills he never trod, .And speak of the strife that won our life With the Incarnate Son of God. O lonely tomb iu Moab’s land, 0 dark Beth-Peor’s hill. Speak to these curious hearts of ours. And teaoh them to be still’ God hath his mysteries of grace. Y^ays that we cannot tell.— He hides them deep, like the secret sleep Of him He loved so well. COMB TO THE FAIK The Sixth Annual Fair ui' the Ouiuberland .County Agricultural Sjciety, will be-held at Fayetteville on Wediie^ay, Thursday and J*'ri day, the ‘2d, Bd, and 4th days ot‘November lu-xt The Annual Address will bt* .lelivered oii I Thursday by W. W. Holden Ksq.. of Ualoigb The bixecutive CouiDiitt^e takes pleasure in , aniiouiiciug that the Soeiety is now in a nion- I prosperous condition than at any previous p«rioil j of its history. No paius will be spared to u»;ikf I the arrangements for the Fair complete; aud w.' i now appeal to the pe*»ple of our County to etnin- forward and prove that they have ounty pride I’KKl’ VK 'I I i: .Sf *i.; ( ornpoiiiidt'd oiiiirolj from (il .H>, •. ()V 1)1'. B.-'f 1 rhi . iiuia*-.. Hu«l ui'm f.tlt*IT • 1* m.M U ^ r^rh.Tr*ii-. c" 14* t mor ••‘i > cA-*ry -ifT tha; TUH! «*r. .» .1^. Hi*T «'f ’nt* ‘ tual I: : •• f.! %€'r .It' . n t. am» i.n* »ht‘ : fH’llt.ftt- •: I* I lo iU : - .fpM ih*» j.'op* Fn fact a large assortment of nrticles usually kept in a genera! stock. These Goods are from the Manufacturer. Importer ; , • l*- j ^ • i : i; and Producer, and consequently will be sold t^heap for j enough, with industry, en rpnsean. pu oHp Cash or exchanged for good short time }>ai>er, or Country | t«> back it, to make this rair excel any previous Produce. C. E. LCETE. * j one and to rank far ahead ot any i^ther (’ounty Sept. 26. 1859. 52-1 m ^ the State. The importance ot such an institution 1ti>r al- vancing the interest of the Farmer, the Mechanic aud the Manufacturer, cannot be doubted. Tt b:« for it5 object the creation of au honest and laudable spirit ot emulation among them, by in creasing their efforts to excel ii> their reepfcCtivo departments. Thip is an age trf' improvement and progress, :uid it is the interest d‘ all to keep pact- with it. One inip«irtant step lu accompJisfeing that object is to build up and sustain exhibitkin *v«th •t*. 1. ihi uat h ! • fin '..It A. McRIMMON. 97-tf marble Factory, IH.-VVE associated with me, in this line, Mr. John K. i Dailey, and will style the firm ORRELL & D.\ILEY. ' We have purchased the Steamer Socthernkr, and in a few days, will have a New Fkt employed with her. Those favoring iis with their patronage rnay rely upon prompt ilespatch, by applying to Mr. Dailey on board, ur lo me at my office. R. M. ORRELL M. ORRKLL. .March 26, 1859 JOHN K. 1>AII.BT. 800-tf To Hail Road Contractors! JTST RECEIVED too WHEELBARROWS, Ught and strong, for the Rail Road. For sale by D & W. McLAURIN. "^larch 2&, 1858. .gOUtf GKO LAtJOER, Portable and Stationary Eng^ines, > Pumps, &LC.' i IT'^E are prepared to receive orders for the great ' V\ AMERICAN PUMP, worked without packing or | suction, throwing from 10 to 60 gallons of water per minute; sizes from 1 to 4, price S18 to S70. Patented April 5, 1859. .\lso, Dodge’s Gutta Pereha ball valve. 1 Suction and Force Pumps j I Contracts Taken for the Erection of Ralldlngs, , I materials furnished, and jobbing of all kinds executed | I with neatness and dispatch. A 16 Horse Power Stationary, and an 8 Uorse Port able Engine, for sale cheap by I WALTON i BARRY, ( j Machinists and Car Builders Fayctierille, Aug. 16, 1859 40- i Leather and India Rubber ^ , B£LTIXO, UO^E^ | The undersigned hereby give notice that they are prepared to furnish at short notice every description of Machine Belting and India Rubber Hose. , Having in our employ competent workmen, we are at ‘ ■ All I I.IT.-I- Com- ,iT ^ boi'!«. ■ ■ W m* -til in ^ nc 1 Ifj IiiK Ihf P* « rrH-',i:i»ry. r. ^ k-itf iitr A iiltlt»iti attAi'kff *ii- hvttt'i* !*•*»*veMteil. y l^lvvr r'tMHi from j O'Tron** laW*** mare* *2 Mke«i Hi ai»d ctin» i4ik«n lifter enoh , 9^ uii« (inite of two llt'ndaclK* 1^ Oil** boiii« tttken for f«- ' cAiihc of ih« fttnl . do#M* | O. e of>eu rep«mu*d is ; PB awH » prevenlivel Duly on« hotlie it e ijf riefM* 9.i‘ '!)• taken for vr co'or loM: uikes a nhorl K.‘if *0*^* a].pftit^. unHniakeb .1 « !«>!.© ctlpn -ti womt forms, gn t i vocL>plHh>T» virKi two dtiseft cur*9 hi • no ?»uwr. ^ ’A »-.d. it nep^‘ /nils \ fftw Lotties r Ht |-i«' !0 ic;i* nim I pU. » .» U l>al I - flciem fo rUit>|r ami kOin • eti »4,’* 1? iiiirhl. liHi-et.a t*i- ■ > nifHl will rtsr** l> j ijy* |i*.| MpiontuU will H»wny^ ««-r* mHl« ob*triir»k>ti ti A pe: c !«. re^9^e0 ChoUr, a Buie cnie lOi C‘Uoi» of Cliolem. 10 o * Hne a Innr iJruikMc* ^n.4 ' ‘ from ibe sUl t. tinie b«*oi« eat' v ^ food tiiJJCsl onrt-:- hron!« i*U%r whilf S» II Ik) Sii t • ♦av-ks \ ^fer. i 18o9. 1860. I SUNNYSIDE NURSERIES. Xear Rocklngbam, Ricbmond fo.. N. C. , JiTijlii.K Al CO., Proprietors. I ^nilE Proprietors of the above named Nnrseries beg A leave to call the attention of the public to the fact I that they have for sale, during the coming planting season, a large number of Fruit Trees of the most se- ' lect varieties. It has been their aim to propagate only tliose kinds jQjy';.^trv and enterprise where ail maT meet adapted to Southern culture; and so far as Apples are j ^ ther, view each otlie* ’s works, . ompar.' not.‘s. , concerned, it has become necessarv to reiect nenrlv all I . , , , i ... i j- v, those 01-Northern or European origin. ' Their li'st of , lucreas^e in knowledge, and taite fr,;sh «iur^ in PE.-VU TllEES is extensive, and embraces a selection j their res]>ective purhuits. An iiifctitutu»n b&vitio I which car.not be surpassed. Prices will be as low as j tiucli objectis in view cannot tail to meet the np- . the same .juality of trees sell for anywhere in th,-, prtdiatiou and support o( all. j United States. r o v., . U’e now invite our fellow.citiieus lo come and 1 Thev have aI»o a fine assortmeni of Lvcr-blooiuinir ‘ . . . , , . • -iU .u i- fu j Roses.* and a . « f the choicest Evergreen Trees r *■ I They flattei ih..uselvfs that their experience in ft-uli, tion every thinvr they may hav«;. utid We promise j culture for .sonu' jears past, together ivith their obfier- j to do every thiini in our jH>wer to make the occa- ^ vation as to Ihe mode adopted by tiie most inielligeni ^iiMt one of interest, proHt and pleasure to ever\ I Pomologists of il.e country enables H«eu, .0 give th^ cUiaens KeneraUy y.il\ most perfect as‘tir.inces to their frieuds of thegenuuie- ■ ness and value of the vftrietie» cultivated. 1 Those unacquainted with fruii«. would d leave the selection of varietie-' to the Nurwrvman. I exert themselves to iiiake« very department ofoui well '» I exhibitiuli complete. \\\ look to the ladies to till i^'loral Llali- Ihcy if honest, will do better foi them than they would do . always pertovmei tiiis part well, und as the forthemselve»; ifnothone*L. itisbesrtorelWio.rad.- rapidly aimroacbinir. we hope thev will With him ftt *a1l r . I r ' . . with him at all Addres-i M. VVKUB, A gen*. 1’.orkinghaui. N. ' -1 r ’ 1 Son* Ti . e. inr* rllMi. lU W.. «ke II'r^c«r*( liztrt u • for ifttvor n»iJl ■ird '■ {Vvtrs o* a HIT* ■ -th 'I*' ^Mui.v,an^. oi.ti T('rtt>e>i. A.II v» ho i.s« It. nve ^Iviti}; thcIr J' In It* Tavor. Igr-31lx \V«t«T In H* nuiiitli with th» l*"i i^oriiiut'. aiKl swnllcw to;{«rthv-r- THE LIVER INViaORi^TOH IS .»(:IEXTIFIC .VKI'ItAl. MSf.iVV.KV ». • «urk'n(t carnK. «lmo*t too (cr*«t to U c;ir»« >- ■ rrrn ti*.’ Rnrt u!:« iKiuio Is r«qu1r«d ii> cui« any kind of I..lv.-r t ''W” r'om i r n-gr« ■» u * ci'ran: /’ 11 01 wi’icb are Ibe rw.lt Bf h Mvei'. rK:Clt O.M DOI.L.4H ruK II TTLX SA.VKi'KO, froj-ietor. 3'S 1' »■''•>5 ' ' >'■>»* ilDi’icci.-. .•■V/-' 'i JAS. N. SMITH and S. all times prepared to put Steam Engines in order. TWO DOORS ABOVE C. T. HUGH & SO*?S’ STORE ’ • w u v rayclleviHe, .■«. r. c»B-iidlS J Jan’T 20,1869. Fayettevilla, N. C., July 26, 1869. ' 86- - Nov’r 11. J. HINSDAIE. Fayetteville, N. C 62-ly Sept 20 B IXK .’"iTOtt. ” I 4 S Adminisiiator of VVjlliam W. Siednian. duceasud, at I he door of the I'lnrendon I'lank. in Fayetteville, on THUK.SD.Vi . 'be 20th day of Oetober. ! will sell at public .AL’CTlON, on a crodit of Mi* nionfhi*. SIXTV SH.-VKES of the CapiLa.1 Stock of «ai(l (.Ilarandon Bank. Terms niadt- known on the dav of *ate » ISAA*' S GIRSOV. Adm i. Sept. y. lH5y. 4V-ts iiiaK Fi\t«ire«. The uubscribeiK luive uow ai Mr. W. N. l'illin|tit»«i's Crockery Store. SAMI’LF.S t»f (Jh.'Fixtures. They would be glad if p- inteu'ling to um* tUeOafc would ' call and select, so that their order* ntay be filled ^y the time of lighting up—earlr in November umi WATKHHorSK linWK.S. , Fayetieville, ,S«pi 24, lH5tt , Ik? readv apiin ti )>rove that those who li>ok tlieni in a ^ood cause never look ii* vain. \Vc inviti-th*-citizens ot the sunoundintif coun I ties come and compete with us ior the pre- I tniiuns, and wc assnre tlu‘in we will endeavor to ( ffive sjitisfaction to jill. A A. MrKKTUAN, W. Pkakck. .luHN Kl.LiUT, ,J . W I’OWKLL. llHiH MchbAN. \V MrL. McKat. I>AV11» MuRPHV. (■ IJ MALLKfT, .Inu. Kibkpatru k, .John Himk. Sept. -ith, S. d lilMbDALK, ’i'Hko. Eva.NH, Ka.nuai. .JbHSK H Hawlky, J. A, WwRTH, Wm. AW>JUtMA\, d. W, Stranoe, AH( h’d McLkAN. H. L. MVKuVJiK. .JOHX }*. McLtA-'J. Kxeentive ('onimittee. Webster’s ElenientarT l^pellini^^ Bookf for fal^ b/ " £• J. HAXiE & SON. t Colton^s .'flountaitt »^c'euery. FUBTBEB supply just ^oaived. R J. HALE & soy. i Jlew asd UttSipleUs Sorth iarollsa F»riu Book. A furiuer supplv just rec'd. 21 , J- HALJfc ac SON.