r««>^-agcrop,i^[jJit;t, Ww ,. ’^ ®uyep». '**e Co»i A..: “-."■'■; [VOL. IX.} mtmm '••If,, f'.l •'Mhl. VI. f -j V ^ '■i-. ■ 'I'Hh.. 4;i*f »»»• lor ''■■' 'lurl;. - . ft (II i»5Jil««(j *IKTV-SIVe> J-B.,i,.|ln,. ' f- wuii .jjj '-•t '»>rou :l. ^ in th: » •> lu tUfliigtj^-, • ^ v» ;U , |. »' '' wil* *'io\» an- • « B*nn«f.iviH* s * time at Sebn*. Au »t:orgf peterkin 4lii- im:. of LAN!) Ijiag ot rh, er. two mjlei beIo» f», the nver into the uni- Wily diTided in,, Hve^. Lrh.I. About 8t cahnation anj «re w.. sad n.>n« *f The •to we scTerai gohi «it„ sand-hi’’^ Any per. -, ►•It to mak« earlT acD » .-*611 • J ROBIXSON 44ff Wood, _: un tLr t from '^twr, AU/br.c. t K ,erta jt Co R k->!;erts S J4tf l^anfed. ~ W45L t- oniploy 4 &i .. •e of the vear. lo work •terille and Lit/Je R;t, ^ A. KUPEB, ^ Ch Eng. s S'ipi ^i>r $ale. Ipons L.aj.'^ble m N-, St Ociobvr. in uus:, nch vf tije Can* Fm- ' M LFaN Ivtf ID. '» and LiSES RAU paid. h \ \ I) Mf RPHY 41- oop Iron. for - . jy F. a n o!! Ill GuAn-j. Fo*- sa K F MOijRE •te- ivaism EL ^.)r retailing, ? v;T r'. »UR; ^ '• Butler. Pocket ‘^▼ei y thiilg in ih^ «( !’ ' CASH or ex- . TROV •>Mf anc€» ttuii. "taiement of th'* Hartford. Thij suc- bj r le Legislature X' •i" lai charter. It? latio/ - exceed over r US'* >,000, io- ref~rred to. These eri'd -f nearly forty a -ingla change of sen conducted with n ;;.iis far 3U0ce"S- ng, as we are in- vmeiii yf about ng a day's dela\ in litigation, notwith- nsact; -ns made. In po!-?ible in such a the practice of the Itibor, carefully to about fifty distinct nt insured on eoch d thereon, an 1 the -•sififfition, extend- pi.. erty to a »crj K, ind presonts a erienoe, upon vhich ia not a matter- of hazards are ascer- bfit.g reduced t« r-ulia of which are net>-! Tiie --Etna t’" M. ind placinpt ol.. >tin«id the o®u t -urj»a>'ed by do iiH- ’'ncrea-sed its .■ur -.virh a ateadj uriiv 1- the wide h j pi:?’.sue8 with ti,. ec-vered in ,, -1, with coEB' rh.- inoHt sweeping iwahowed up other - I'isaayate® fii gives stability 'ti« at^»ured con F ivetieville, .1 'hale. racaived, which •dc.AURLN. 10 tf lini? Ink. m SBMI.WEEKL, Y. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., OCTOBER 3, 1859. PRIXi'KI* MONOAVS A\l» TilL HSDAYS LWARI) J. H4LE & EDITORS VNI) I'ltOrHlETORS t*r.o« lor the Semi Weekly OnsERVtK S3 DO if paid iu ttJvm.oo if paid un-in^ Ute year of iubsciip ;:. n' 111 i > at\er the veir hrti expired ? the U^fkly Ubsi.KVt'.K ;uit per aiiniiui, if paid in .ivHii.-.' jU if ’laid durini; tho yetir uf tubsorip- .. n ■ "0 Hfloi the year ha» expired. .M>\ ERTl5LMENTS inserted fot I'eiiis per .^uaiv oi 1'- lines for the first, »ud ciO cents for cai;ii ji.iO'.’eeJuig publication. Venrly advertiseuients by *pe- •'•■ntrai'ts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers ar-j requc-'ted to state th** number of insertioiirt desired. oi ;;,ev will be continued till forbid, and char(i;ed aoeord- ingly A'iveriisenii'nts to be insened lutide. charged ')U per j,!it «iitrH SPIX IAL NOTICE, from nnd after this ■l;»ie. no niiue of a nt*w subscril>er «... be eutere'l without payiiient in advance, nor will ■fii' p.iptT i>o sent to sui'h 4ub»i'rft>er"i tor h loijj(**r tiiiie :r.nn is paid for. Mioh of our old subscribers hs Jesii-e lo take the pH- ] cT 'II this system will iilea-^e notify u« whfU making ;i;Uatt:lIlCt'' 'sn y 1. l^oS. f AVI TTEVILliK IIOTKI., T WADDILL, Proprietor fpHIS, the most eommodiotii- Hotel in Noitb I Carolina, fronting 800 feet on Hay and L'lonaldfon .Streets, located in the centre of the ’ isiness portion of the town, and snrrouuded by all me Baiiking Houses, Wholesale Merchants and princi- Produce Dealers. Business men will find the Hotel a conTKiiimit Hnd comfortable house. ■All the Stages arrive and depart from this Hotel Favettoville. Oct. 1. IS-')?. -'>1- The i.argeMt t'arria^e Fariory i»i the iSimth! I) E.SPE(’TFl.'U.V iiilbrm.s i'i5 friend;! and the public, > It ihiit ha lifts built up larsre substrtiitial Brick Build ings at his Old Stand, expressly for ntanufacluring Car- ' riages. 'I'liankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict atten tion to busint‘5s. with a de^^ire to ^i'o satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced Workmen in eai'li branch of the business. His work will compave favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness atni durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in hi lin« on as good terms as any Work done elsewhere that is as w^ll ione. He now has on hand, tininiied. THE LAP.GE.'ST STOCK OF Carriag:es, Barouches. Koekavrajs and ever offered in thi* jilace. and a very large stock of work nearly tinished. which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual cubioiiiers. gis^He has on hand more than ONE HLWDiiEU A.ND FIFTY VEHICLE** finished aud iu course of construction. |fr^".\ll work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair u.sage. and should it fail by bad workmanship or materia!, will lu> repaired free of charge Persons wi-ihing to buy wotild do well to call and ex amine for themselves. 1859! JAMES KYLE. Is now receiving his usual supply of Goods among which are— Rich Silks, Col d and Black; French Merinos and Delaine?: English Do Do ; I Kid and Xet (Jloves, assorted, tied and Negro Blankets, Bolting Cloths, No 1 to Itj Ready -Made Clothing: Boots and Shoes; With a very large assortment of other Ooadb. All o. j which were purchased by the package at the lowe.t j price. Those purchasing will please call and look at tLe Goods and prices. Sept. 13. 186y. 49if For the Whoiei^ale Trade of 1859. School for Boys* The undersigned will open his School on MOND.aY the 3d of October, at the Pha'ui.^ Lodge. Tuition as before—S12 50 per term of 10 weeks; Con tingencies 2o cents. Payable in advance. ■ THOMAS J. ROBINSON. Sept. 12, 18oW. 48tt M A L.AROi; -4ND GENERAL VARIETY Of School IVotice. Y School in the DONALDSON ACADE.MY will be re-opened on Monday, October 8d. Terms j>er Quartor of ten w»eks: English, S 7 6o Latin, 10 W Latin and Greek. 12 -^U Contingent, 2o .V few pupils can be furnished with board in the family of the Principal, on Hay Mount. JESSE R. McLEAN, A. M . I’rincipal. Aug 10 3y- ,Tli«H Biiijrhaiu’v School. rUREIIi.N A.M) DOMESTIC DRV VOOI)S,| I^ISS BINGHAM will resume her School for Young iTl E« ‘ READY- M A 1) K t' L O T H 1 X G , A'irrHKVS^ arc. «TARU An \V11^L.IA.1I5, IN placing before the public tliis announcement, bimpiy desire to say to their numerous customers, and to all merchants who design making their purchases here this Fall, that they are now opening, aud will during the ensuing week be prepared to e.xpo.se for insjiection and ..adieh on .Monday, the 3d of October. Aug 27 44-6w MESUAMES tIIK«AK\Y A D’llEKVILLY’S, KOARUI.\«.i AHn DAY^CHOOI., FOR YOUN} LADIES. \o. IMW Lugaii Nquart*, Vino St., Phllada. .VD.AMK CHE(i.VR.\Y respectfully informs her friend;i and the jmblic in general, that indepen- M ever offered the Trade in th sale, one of the largest and most general slocks of j dently of her Boarding and Day School, directed by herself and her niece. Madame I’revost, in New York, she intends, in connection with her niece, Madame D'Hcrvilly. opening in Philadelphia, an Institution, on preci.seh' the name plan as the one above mentioned. The Principal.s will an.swer applications and receive visitors, on and after the 12th of September, and the School will open on the l.^fh. Sept 3 3 49-lmpd J. K. KYLE Ta NOW RECEIVING A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL 1 STOCK OF STiPLfi m F.l\lV DRV GOODS. — ALSO— Cluthiug, Hats, Caps, Bools aud Shoes* All of which will Vie disposed of at low prices, either by wholesale or retail. Call and examine. No. 34, Corner Hay and Donaldson Streets. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 22, 1859. oltf -HRS. FRA]\CES E. Hl>>KE, Has received a part of her F.ALL MILLIXERY; some handsome PATTERN HATS, and Trimmed STRAW BONNET.S; is prepared to make Dresses, and do all , kinci of Children’s and Ladies Work. Store first Door VVest of the •’’ape Fear Bank, at the sign of the Blue Band Box. Sept. 24. .^2-i‘)t mmm iMiMmui-MMisG. HWING engaged the services of Mrs. TELLER, of New York, an experienced Milliner and Dress Ma ker, (who will be assisted by the best help to be pro cured in the place.) I have fitted up Rooms over my •Store, where I shall carry on the above busines.s in all its branches. All who retjuire anything in this line will do well to call and examine for themselves. ALEX. JOHNSON. Jr Sept. 2»>. o2tf Goods in their Iidp market. A portion of tliese gooJ^> are of our own iniportation, consequently we shall be enabled o save to buyers tho extra profit charged by the New York Jobber. In connexion with the above stock, we shall during the season be prepared to sell at low prices. Boot«ii and Shoen of* all liiradeM, bought directly of the Manufacturer—ron i'\sn. 5^“Those owing us accounts pist due will please A I Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to _ Repairing executed st ihort notice and on very reason- | make payment able tarm.s. j J. B. ST ARE. Mav 28. It'Vi. 89-tf i Fayetteville. Aug. 24, 1850 siii:\iw ELI, Moijsi:, r.»YKTTi:VII.I.K, L'uit itde ijf (jreen Street, a rew ioors Xo- th of the Mark>‘f. ^ _» rpHE Subscriber desires through this medium . to ackowledge the liberal patronage bestow- ' yyL ed upon his House the past year—and as h« has just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed conveii- t ient to the House and to water he lakes pleasure in say ing to his pations aud the pubiic generally, that he i still prepared to accommodate ihera with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore received. Every ex ertion on his part shall be used to render them comforia- , ble during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market tfi'ords. P SHEMWELL : -March 24. 18o8. 8*)-tf J. M. WILLIAMS. 43tf FALL 1859. Af.EX. J0H\«0\, Jr., Has RECEIVED and is daily receiving by far the largest and most desirable stock of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, ever oSTered by him to the public. Not deeming it necessary to enumerate, he would say It embraces all the New Styles f"T the Fall and Winter trade. To which he would call the attention of his old Customers and the public generally. ALEXANDER JOHNSON. Jr Sept. 8 48-4W The 1 Ith Session of this Institution will open on the 12th of JULY 18.^9, under the charge of Da.x’l. Stew.\rt, Jr., B., as Principal. Board can be had either at the Steward’s Hall or in the neighborhood at S8 per month, exclusive of lights and washing. For further information apply to the underslgnel at Lnurinburgh, N. C. R. D. DICKSON. Sec y Laurinburgh, June 18. 25-tf w 4 YXE HOI SE, GOLDSBORO’. N C The undersigned announces to the public that he has taken charge of the above Es tablishment. and is prepared to accommodate Boarders, by the day, week or mouth. And .’.e assures all who may favor him with their patronage, Li,at he will endeavor to givr perfect satisfaction TaK;*. ».ipplied with the beat the market afifords. JAS. G S.MIIH Goldsboro’, Jan’y 28, 1859 S4-lyr NEAREST AND QUICKEST KOiXE TO THE RA11.ROAD! To the lnterc!«t of Turpentine Dis»tillerf«. U.A. B.\KER would respectfully inform Turpentine . Distillers and others that he is fully prepared to Manufacture or Repair Turpentine, Brandy and Whis key Stills. Worms, &c., in fact, anything in the line of .Sheet-Copper or Iron work. Particular attention given to the making of Steam Pipes from a superior kind ot Copper, for Boats, Mills, Sc -All work entrusted to my care shall be properly dona, and warranted, and on the moat favorable terms as re gards price. Give me a call and see for yourself, and I know 1 shall have your patronage. Being a practical workman, I attend to all the work myself, which I find ia to the advantage of both my customers and my-ielf. Old Copper bought for cash or taken in exchange for new work M. A. BAKER, Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C. July 27 35-6mos BOOTS & SHOE8. FALL AXD WINTER STOCK. HOLMES & ROBINSOVS KOIR HORSE STAGE LINE TO KEXANSVILLE, VIA WARSAW. IS the afaiirtest and most expeditious for travelers going Ni>nh or South. Leavinn Favetteville every day at ■ j. k P. M. THROU(iH IN TEN HOUR.S 1 ne traveling pubMc who would -jtudy their coiiitt'rT s:; 1 ■ jnv.-nience will r.ike the Warsaw .''tape. THROUGH TICKKTS Tt > WELDON n.uy b. .'ibd at the Stage Office, Fayetteville .■\.ug 18-5''. -’^-ly AOTM E. F’.iR the future we will call I'.r lailic-^i and children and deliver the same at thoir residenCL“ within the cor- ”a,e limits of the Town, who lakt* pas-^age on our line' ; Stage''. Male passengers will be rec^ivpd ut the Stage ‘ *‘hoe, and delivered at their res]>ective honics in tlie ■rp jration. Each passeneer will be allowed t;o lbs. of ‘ Rggage free of charge. li »L.MES ,v ROBINSON. ' ont’r.s Wur«KW Line. S B\RBKK BRO.. Hnt 'r P.alcigh Line. Fayetteville. .\ug. -5. I8oV). 3H-2inpd LU rTEKI.nil s \AS\ A \VM. CARTER & S0.\, Wholi^ale i Retail Dealers and Manafacturer!i OF ALL KI.VDS OF JLeather, Saddles and Harnestt^ Of every description. C 'liars, Whip.=, &c. ND we also particularly'.all the attetition of the whole surr-.unding country to give us a call, as we are de termined that non.‘ shall surpa'^s us in quality or low prices; and we will give th« iiii'hest cash price at all times for Haw Hides aud T.tllow. iu exchange for our .articles. Country Merchants w^luld do well to call and examine our Stock, as we can sell then, shoos of a nui''h >ietter i^uality than they usually get on very accommodating terms. Southern Planter^ \v iuld do well to send us all their orders as we are makinz a No. 1 article of NECIRO SHOES, that are warranted to give entire satisfaction. N. B. ,\11 Orders from a di->i*.aci* shall have prompt attention. S. S. (\ARTKR. \\M CARTER. Goldston P. 0., Cliatham (.'o., N. C.. ) March 1 •'>, IH.'jO. / 1)6- (^TEAMER “FANNY” leave.s Fayetteville every .Mon- 'lay !wid Thursday morning, at l.'> minut*-s after Sun rise: anil Wilmington Tuesday and Friday, at o’clock, '•arrying yjas'engers and freight. Steamer “SOUTHERNER." with a full complemeiii •jf Flats, makes one or more trips per week, as circuin- tiances may require. Tiie accident to the Steamer “llOW.^N' will be re paired in a few days. She will then take her place in ihe iine. T. S. LUTTERLOH. Oct’r 4. 1H.'>H. .'il-tt XEW LI\E. .1. w. n tici^R Is now roreiviiiL' from the North the largest, finest, and ino.-t carefully selected stock of FI StlilTI RK ever offeied in thi- market; which added to his own manufacture, makes hi-; as ^rtment complete; all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time lo punctual ciiniomers, Fa-hionable jointed coti.'igo bcd-room Furniture in sett-; curie.] h:i:r anil .shuck, am! cotton Mattresse.s; Looking (ilas'es; \S illow \\ .igons and Cradles; Side Board.-*; Bureau-; Secretarie'- ant.1 Book-Cases; What- Nots; fables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Caudle Stands; Wardrobes; I'icture Frauies and Gla-'; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bauds; Sof:.- in .Mnliogony and Wal nut; Tcte a Tftes; Ottomans; l>ivan.': uml .Stools; (,’hairs of every variety. {{(KSCWdOfl l*ianos, »ric with /Ef>liati at tachment: Rosewood .Melodi.'ins. trotu the best manufac tories in New \ ork and Pm-iton. warranted as good as coiiiilry. and will l>e sold at New York inly oddi-.i. 4.jtf any niade in ili prices—freight Seiiteniber 2. IH VVE associated with me, in this line, Mr. .John K. b.iiley, aud will style the firm OllilELL iV DAI LEV. "e liave jiurchased the Steamer SofTHKK.NEii. aud in ■ few djiyh. will have a New Flat employed with iier. Ihf.se favoring us with their patronage may rely upon I'Tompt despatch, by applying to Mr. Dailey on board. T -C) me at mv office. R. .M. OKREUi. 'I. oKKKLL. .'larch 2(1, IS-'/J DAll.KV. 800-tf To JKail Koad f'ontrarlorsi —JUST RECEIVED lOO UHEEEBARROWS, ;tit and strong, for the Hail Road. For sale by D & W McLAURIN. March 2iJ, 18u&. bOOtf aic‘f»ry. I By TWO DOORS .\BOVR T HAillll \ .SO.\S* STORE Fayetteville, ."X. V. Jan’r 20,1859. tt4-7pd S. T. HAIVLEI & SOA 4 RE receiving a large stock of Boors «nd Shoes, •m- XI. bracing every variety of style and quality. iientH^^ MSoifH and \*ouths^ Calf Boofs^ Oaifers 4* Shoeu^ Light, Double-Sole, and Quilted Bottoms. JLadies^, ^liisftes, and Children's., Hne heclfd €iaUer%s Slippers and Shoes.—in great variety. SERVAATS’ SHOES. A superior article. laade to our order; Singl« and Double Sole - A large supply of Black and Russet; single and double sole; purchased direct from Manufacturers at reduced cash prices; will be sold cheap —ALSO- Tratelinq Trunhn; Leather of at I kltnli; Shoe- fHnftlngfi of every dencription. All of which we offer low for cash, or on u;uai time 1 to prompt custoraers Aug. 2fi, 4.i-nw I iMore .\e\v Ooods! ‘ I AM just receiving niy Spring Stock of Goods in my ! 1 line. They were selected in tin .N'orthern cities by myself, with great care, aii'l bought on tiie must reason- I able terms. b_\ whicii 1 am enabled to olfer the largest slock I ever before ofl'ered to the public, ntid to oiler ' thenj generall}' ' At Grea!ly Reduced Prices. ' FRUITS—Rai>ins. Figs, Prunes. Apples. Lemons, Or anges, CheiTies. t’urranis. »vc. ' PICKLES. .lELLlES AND PRESERVES--U great va- rietv; PEllFUSlERfES and KXfP..\(’TS of>-irious kinds; FANCY SOAPS AND POMADES: , MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS—Fiddles, Dium*, Fif*s. i Flutes, Banjo«, Guitars. &c.; WALKIN1 C.VNE.S—of every kind; B.ASKETS AND WILLOW WAKE; I HOBBY HORSES. \c.: NUTS: FINE AND COMMON (’ANDIi-S: SARDINE-; | FINE CKiARS: S.MOKING k CHEWING TOBAt’l O; ■ CRACKERS; FINE i’OCKET KNIVES; , .A large assortment of PORT-.MON.\IES. -ouie very nice; FANCY ENVELOPES, and FANCY GOODS. ToYS ' and YANKEE NOTIONS; An assortment of INDIA RUBI^ER GO(>DS; COMBS, WHIPS. FISHING TA('KLE, I The public are respeclfiilly invited to call and ex- ; amine my .stock. I have a great many liaiid^unie things ' ' that cannot fail to please. JAS. R. I.EE, Hi'tel Building. March 31. 18o9 1 - SPRIAC; STVEES! The Fayal, Everelt and Havelock Ha(s! 4 LSO. a beautiful assortment of the L.VTE.ST .STYLE jjV SOFT H.AT.S(high and low crown.) and all the : styles of the most elegaut Hats of the season, can now ' be seen at the Bazaar McRIMM»\. .March lt> 07-tf Portable and Stationary Eng^iiiew, Piimp§, 4&:c'. ' lA^E are prepared to receive order-i foi the grem ' T A^1E.HIC.\N PUMP, worked without peeking or , suction, throwing froni 10 to >0 gallons of water per minute; sizes fiom 1 to 4. price S18 to .'570. Patentel | April 0. 1850. Aho. Dodge’s Gutta Percha ball valve, j Suction and Force Punips Contracts Taken for tlie EreoJlon of Bnlldiugs, maierials furnished, and jobbing of ail kinds executed ' with neatness und dispatch. I A 15 Horse Power Stationary, and an 8 Horse Port- I able Enginp, for sale cheap by i I WALTON & BARRY, Machinists and Car Bjilders. Fayetteville, Aug. 15, lS5^-• 40- ! Lonther and Indi.H Rubber BELT1\0, llOiSK, &c. ^piIE undersigned hereby give notice that they are I prepared to furnish at short noiine every description of -Macliine Belling and India Rubber Hose. Having in our employ uompetenl worumen, we are at all times prepared to put Steam Eiigincs in order. All orders promptly attended to. WALTON & BARRY. Car Builders and Machinists. Fayetteyill#, N. C., July 28, 1869 85- GROCERIES A'l^ WHOLESALE. I AM now receiving my Stock of Groceries for the Fall Trade, consisting in part as foUowg,— 116 Bags Coffee; 60 Bbls. Coffee Sugar; 20 Hhds. Molasses; 50 Boxes Tobacco—factory prio«ji. 76 “ Adamantine Candlea; 80 * Bbls. Snuff—Eagle .Mills, 60 Boxes Candy; ‘^'jOOO Lbs. Iron—assorted, 60 boxes No. 1 Soap 25 M Cigars; 602 Bags Corn; 76 Bales Eastern Hay, 15 Firkins Butter; 20 Bbls. Leaf Lard; 86 j Lb's. No. 1 Maokerel, 600 Lbs. Cod Fisk, &o., so- E. F .MOORE Sept 12. 1859 48- Whiskey and Brandy. I "j A BBLS. Pure Corn Whiskey, 25 “ Apple Brandy, N. E. Rum: American Brandv, Old Rye WhiskeV 20 20 “ 15 “ For sale by Sept 12 E. F .MOORE. 48- J Tobacco! Tobacco!! UST received from Webb i Whitted s Manufactory, Hillsborough, N. C.. 25 BOXES TOB.\CCO, vari ous brands and qualities, ranging in price from 18 lo 7-5 cts. per lb., which I will sell at reduced Factory price's. D. .\NDERSON, Agent for Webb i Whitted. Sept. 7 47- 1 nould call the attention of Tobacco Chewers to the WEBB A: WHITTED BRAND, also the C.VDET TWIST, which i* superior to any thin? e\er sold iu this tjiarket. —ALSO— A lot of A No. 1 S.MOKING from NV. ii W Sept TOBACCO, by Ib.. i'or sale at .No. 22 Hav Street. D ' ANDERSftV. 47- riif: isM 0 ii A I 0 u! pr.fT*vi: N*- '-4- oin{M>un«i‘ii eallre!} from Ms, J U.S. vK 1•*» J' .ll^ J K « *l ..N.-.* ..«• - ■. •. \ >v* - ‘ n:/i' •Us 1' •. m t J**. »nQ tnar* - i i ‘ ■»’ t*f It • • c* > . » Jit rt 1 ■ '.-.r »r ra • I ttiP.M, h' !if -n .. .V '.■OP. >ii in *: ;*f.. r .-I >1 1 rtny of’tie pH*. (I •• /• I- ■•j ' o' lU.»K’. i r.#*r/C, it ‘•i *•' }. 1 • .. f” ■ It » •• .1. ' \.\\rr ‘ • '• • 1- • I*- •» . s ,; V- ' - 1 J *-eci ’ • *• -ftlilB ■ f:.- . h n K. I • ■t;;.; * ■ Tin .‘•«L > ' •'». .r' ---I.■ ■ ■ ■ ^ mK*.> ■■■ ' • 1 >'> •>»* ‘>»»» ; vitb . f i: V - *' i: u» i» v A con V» H*i ; • . n.> rn n>oi • M ■ -«••« *-.pylvh :• W • ■ $ - ’tf -'-'r. ■ ^ ■K J * Ins f ft«- l»N l.l« 1 •tjfi • . -i.-lv o -«• Mi*i ntta( K% ^ '.••.j; th** f'- 1) i. *^ le-TDtjr » M- 1' .1 ‘ mm Ki'i. : - ?» . • r::-** ■)•*- t * i..«M 'S a^*«»i.e ' r ; w 1 •p.- HeailRt'lit*. ij- «..t> t«ikrti ft>*’ f 1 I.- 411.! •* I..- . ' , v tmtiie ifHte*' . V • ‘ if ' Ml 6 CM,. •. . I u pr« • o: ( ht.U IK. '.’.T ..-o I* 1 r.e V.l •.. . -Xii ^ emcifc 5 • i- tnkot. ;*‘r X HH . V. • ^ -• A m . 'l-rM Alt X u;l\ 1 »U f Uflr It t » ho It trHlnimiiV In Itff favor* ti» t)i« luoiiMi ivltli IIm i • »n«l I'. THE LIVER mVIGORATOH S* IKNTTI'' 'IKl-!' I. TM. . W/.V c;>ies, !' it f • I'ti'v've ?i ^ . #./T| Kff •ft. • I if’e i» rrquirni to > o( Ml • til** • pptf- ' p*r I .-1 \ .N>'- 'K !• • ->r. . k .-1 \}} .. .>rnp W I • JA8. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. Nov’r 11. 62-ly R-t- Bonnets! Bonnet^*!! FINE assortment of BONNETS, trimmei^ or u trimmed, always on hand and sold low at ALEX. JOHNSON’S. Jr Sept 20 .V2- Bonuets! Bonuets!! Bonnets!!! LUiRIXBrRi;irilHill SfHOOIi. Q F ANY MATERIAL notice, at Sept 20 OR STYLE. Kiaile at short ALEX. JOHNSON’S. Jr. -■»2- .VDIES Oil II prompt’.y. DreM!4 -liakin;;. be serveil in ihis line, and work doiu V calling at AI.EX. JOHN.SON'S. ,/r. 1 AI U p Sept 2*' .')2- Barfftiins: liargttins:i The undersigned aie uow teceiving and opening one of the largest stock- ■.! eM-r offered by ihein before. Our stock conii-t- '.i French, En^li%li PrintN and and .4meri'an Delaiiiej. Doniestic^: .Mailboi', I'isids. .Stripes and Lin^ev-; Shawls: Hosiery: Hooji Skirls; Satinelts. Tweeds. Kentucky .leans: KT>ey=‘; Blankets: lints: (Boots a\d Shoes ,\l.so, Su^^ar anti C offee, TIeis** Pork, Hoop Iron. (ilue. and iu fact e\er_v thing tliai a farinei may need. .Vll the above goods will be sold reasonably for cash, or to prompt paying ou.'-tomeis. i’AGE \ .SLllLES. Sept 17 .il-4w \E\V TliOS. .) goods: •M) H N S () N H receiving, a general ac GriK'eries, Hardware. .AS now in Store, and i sortmeni of Dry Goods Xew Vullet^, Rife, . I,ard. Wajne (ouiity Hams. MoJasxes, Ac.. Ar. t'Al I.DROA?^. JUST received, a lot of Cauldrons, large and >mall. from 90 gallons to LI gallons—inclusive. The\ are the very thing for boiling .Syruji. or foi farmers uhe. Call and look—and bti_- o; i -laud. THOS J. .JoHN.soN Sept. 22. IS.'.^ w \EW GOODS. .S;earner ’, the birif'!- t li'ld b»-.t Sept 20 11. WLBB. .\gen'. Rockingham. N. [.VO. 854.] I US'f received per •J selected stock of Dry r«ji)ds, llul.'. and ’aj-s, JJuot.i and ."hues, Hardware, (iruceries, I’roviaioii.s ami Li.jUors, Trus.s lluop-, atiJ (ilu*-. '3'iir|n-uiirif, Toopf'rs' and P ai iiK'r.s’ 'J ouls —Al-SO— IleniiiL' and -Mackfiei, , in k,it.^ ;uiii Ithls.; Mess !’irk and .''It's,'. Bccl'. ('offi'f, SuiTtif. .^l^dass^^'l and ('nndli"^. I'owdi r. .sliot and l.cad .Segar.s, ('hi \vinr and Siimkin:! I’obacfu. In fact a large ;i7.Hor!ni(‘iit ot' .i:'ic]e- usually kejii in a general stock. These Goo1:h are from the .Maiiut'actnrer. Importe;- and Producer, and conse jue!i!ly v. ill l)e s >id I 'lieap f... ('as)i or ex''hanged for goo-1 s!ior> rime paper, oi- »'oin!i v . Pnxluce. K. LKKTK Sej)!. 2H. ISM*. ■)2 Im 18o9. I860. StJNNYSIDE NTJRSBRIBS. \ear Rockingham, Richmond (o., X. €. li &. ’0., Proprietors. I^HE Proprietors of the above named Nurerie« beg leave to call the attention of the ]>iiV>lic to the fact that they have fr>r sale, dttring the roming planting season, a large number of Fruit I’ree- of the mn-t se lect varieties. It has been their aim to propagate only ilio-e kimU ailapted to Southern culture; and so fnr .is .\jiplc.-; :U'' ' concerned, it has become nece.ssary to reject nearly all j those of NoriLe; n or Kuropean origin. Their li-t of PE.VR TREES is extensive. ,md embr.ices a selection ' v.-hich cannot be snrjiassed. Prices will be a« low a-^ the same i)uality of trep» soli for anywhere in th.* United StatP“. They have also a tine .■I'-sortmctu of Ever-bloomiii" Roses, aiol a few of tiie choicest Evergreen Treo'*. They flatter themselve that their exjierience in fnii: fnltur«' for some year-; pn^t. together with thoir obser vation asio the mode adopted by the mo-t ituelligent Potuologi-t- of the country, enables them to give the most perteei assurances to their friends of the geiuiine- ness and value of the varieties eultiv.ared. Tliose iinacipiainted wiilj fruit?, would do well lo leave the selection of varieties to the Nurservmau. if honest, will ilo better for them than the_\- would d'l for themselves: not honest, it is liest to refuse to tr.-ide wilh him at all. .\ddress 1, AUNT Mary s cat Aunt Mary’s Cat three snowy kittens had, Playful, fai and gay.—So, she would sport. And let them climb upon her back, aud spread Her paws to fondle them,—and when she saw Her mistress come that way, would proudly show Her darlings,—purring with intense delight But one was missing,—aud Grimalkin ran. Searching each nook with frantic eageraess. Garret and Parlor, sofa, box, and-bed. Calling her baby with a mournful cry. And questioning each creature that she met, In her cat language, eloquently shrill And then she left the house. Two hours passed by, When dragging her lost treasure by the neck. Her head held high to shelter it from harm. She joyous laid it with its sisters twain. Who mew’d loud welcome, and with raptured leai Wash’d and re-wash'd its velvet face and paws It had been trusted to a lady’s care. By my aunt Mary, out of jmre good will To pussy.—fearing she might be fatigued By too much care and nursing. But she sought I'rom house to house among the neighbors all. Until she found it, and restored it again To her heart's jewels. One full month she fed And nurtured it,—then in her mouth she took The same young kitten, and conveyed it back To the same house, and laid it in the lap Of the same good old lady, as .she sat Knitting upon the sofa. Much surprised. She raised her spect.acles to view the cat, Who. with a mo‘^t insinuating tone. Fawning and rubhing round her slipper’d foot. Bespoke her favoring notice. This is true— .\unt Mary told me so.—Did pussy think Her child too young for service? and when grown To greater vigor, did she mean to show Full apjirobation of her mistre.ss’ choice, Bv- passing many a nearer house, to find The lady that its first indentures held? —This looks like Reason.—and they say that brutes •\re only led by Instinct. Yet 'tis hard. Often, to lraw the line where one begins. \nd wliere the other ceases. But I know Tiiat kindness to domestic animals Improves their nature,—and 'tis verj- wrong To take away their comforts, and be cross -\nd cruel to them.—The kind-hearted child Who make* them humble friends, will surely tind pleasure in such goodness, and obey The Book of Wisii,,m, in it- Law of Love. (’O.ME TO THE FAIK. idle Si,\tii .\iiiiual Fair ol‘ the Cumberland County .Vorieultural Society, will be held at K;iy«*ttevillf on NVethiesday, Thursday and Fri day, th* 2d. 0(1, and 4th days of November next. Tlie Annual Address will be delivered on Thursday liy W \V. Holden Esq., ul‘ Raleigh. The K.tecutive ('oinmittee takes pleasure in announcing tiiai the Society i.s now in a more pro.porou.s condition than at any previou.s period of its hi.s^try. \o {)ain.s will be spared to make the arranj;eiiient.s lor the l”'air complete; and we now ajipeal to the pooph* of our (’ounty tfi come forward and prove that they have !ounty pride etioui'li. with industry, enterju’i.se and public .spirit to back it. to make thi.s I'air excel any previous one and to rank far aht':il ot any other C^ounty 1 air in the State. 1’he ini)»ortan»^e ot sueii an iti.-titution iinr ad- vanfintr the interot ol the Farmer, the Mechanic ami tin- .^lanufa(•lur*.■r, cannot be doubted. It l).a,s for its oiiject the creation of an honest and laudable spirit ot emulation amonj' them, by in- creasinir their eifurts to excel iu their respective de{>artnionts. This i.s an atre tti'improvement and proirre-'. ami it is the int‘rest of all to keep pace with it. One important stej> in accomj»ii.shin^ that object is to build up and sui^tain e.vhibition.s i>i itidtisiry and enterprise where ail may meet totT'dher, view each otlier’s work.. compare note.s, increase in knowledge, tiud t;tke fresli courage in their res]>ective pursuits. An institution having such objects in view cannot lai) to meet the ap probation and support ol all. We now iiivite f»ur fellow-citizetis t« come and jiiin with us, and to bring witli them for e.vhibi- tion e\erv thing they may liav;-; and we promise to do every thin? in our jtowi^r to uiaki; tiie occa- ' sion one of intere.st. prolit ami ])le.t>ure tj every one. V»’e trust tliat our citizens generallv will exert tlieiuselves to iu;ike every de]>artment of our \lubitiou complete W*' look to tlie laditvs to till l^'jorai Hall. They have always porJormed this part vvfll, and as the time is ranidly aj)j>roacliing. we hope tiiey will )>,• rt-ady ;igain to prove tliat those who iook to : them in ;i --oti caii.sr iifVer look in ^in. We invite the eiti/cns oi tile surrounding coun ties t) come and oompeti- with ns tor the pre miums, and W(‘ assure them we will endeavor to llive satisl'action to all. A. IvKTUA.V. ,). W. pKAIirK. .John ,1. W. PoWKIJ,. Hriin McLk.\n. W. M. I.. .MrKAY, I l>AVIt) M I RI’HV. C. i). Mam.ktt. ; .) .\>. KiUKPATHICK. ' .JitiiN l}riK. .Ja> i. Cook, S. .1. Hinsdai.r. Thko. Lvans, II AN DA L M CI > A NIKL, •Jks.sE H. Hawi.kt. d. A. WoRiu, V\'m. Ai,i»kk>ia.n, ,1. W. Aik'h’u M( Lka.n, H. ii. Mvkovkk. Jons 1\ -McLean, FiXecutive ('ommittee. Se]>t. itii. l^.')f. %Veb«ter*« Elementary Spelling Book, for talo by G. J HALE SON. BSA AK NTOt K. Vs .\dmini'!i:ticir of William W. Siedman. dec-ased. .at the io"i' ‘>1 t iie •'larericlon Bank, in Favetteville, on THL'RSDA 'i. the 2oth day of October. 1 will sell nt pidilic ■'i I'lION. o)i :t credit of Sis monihs. SIXTY .sH.VRLs .it the Capital .S'ock of said (’lRr*>ndiii Bank. Terms m.ade known nii the tiay ot sa’e. lS.\.Ai’ S GIBSON. Adm r Sept. ‘t, Ib'f. ty.i, Uatk Fi:iktin*e». ^PHE siibscrihers have now at ,\lr. \'>. \. 'fiUinchiist - 1. Crockery Store. S.V.MPl.l’.S of Un- I’istere-. r)\e\ would be ghul it persons uitendiiig lo n-e tiie Ga-would call and sele.t. so tiiat their order- ina> be tilled 'iv the ritiie of lightiii" up esrh in .Voveajt er ae W.rn'RHOUSK * BOWKS. Fayetteville. Sept 2L lH.=i',i C'olton'M .Ylouiifaiu Scenery. \ FURTHER iujij^ly jiut received. E. J. HALE s SON. A .\ew and Idnipiete raroliiia Form Book. .V lin her -oi plv iu- ree d. .Vn;:. 27 K. .1. ll.\LE .•>: SoN. .School Book'M, station€‘ry dtc. jVMER.'^O.S .'S .\rithmeiic. 1-t. 2d aiol :;d pan-; Bul- 1^ lions En^lisii tJiammirs. tiiree part-: \Ve>ister's Sciiool and Poi'icet 1 >ici i.iaarii-s; .\lc'linrock -2d (ireek i’.ook; ILirkne--' 2d l.jiiin Pier;., rit - \ oung Reatler: Hart’- !.i-s llimk o! Poctr\; P.iii.ik- f'lt-ar; Inierlitieat Tran-hition- uf t';e-.i' . (’lee: •■. Salhist and Viriril: -Ve. High Lite in Ni >v Vnrk, .iona. .Slick: Tom Burke; •■Eiuiuire Within . Scoiiisli ( l.iels; aji. Letter and Serin.m Pap-'i; Knvelo]M -, ,Ve. Bill^ .if r.xehatiire. imnn I. Further sU]ii.lies uf the ;i : .ve it:- received. Seju lo. is.^o i;, .( If I.E \ St>N. SC IIOOI. KOOK.^. i^ .MlTH S Kiiuli'li ir.-iiiiai ir: N. Carolina Readers, O three part-; Uinev - ic'ijrrapliy—reviseti edition; .NLinteii h s (-ie.e^i iijihie-: Pikes Arithmetic; Murrays Knglisli Reader: N. ^ ork Readers; Masoli s Farrier: M.Tttis.,n‘- \stroM"Uiy; .vc. Sept 1* E. J. HALE \ SO.V and DiMCiplinew OF tlie M thodist F.. Chi’.rch.—assorted qiialiiiet. Just received. Anz lo K. .1 H.Vl.h X St>N. Devereiix% Kinnie'tt Black*»tone. f»ln«®d K) i^ue^iioiik and .\nowers, upon the plan of Kukuie « BlackittouM, on« Volume; Drake on Attachment, For salt? by L. J. HALE & RON. V. ioy