11. '.I • 111 a, r . *>' ! I ri ■ 1 ,1 Hal. ij,"“ 'iT ^ - Hi.,. P>Tiu.i *■' Ultikt '■■= atlj 'j - lit, **:• I'fid. '' ^ { irit **' ' - ■UtiTv *'->r a,j. =1,. ■s;. . ^ r, AN. 'j I N 1; !., I \ \ I,K\ . >!; •\ . N riA , K, '1-L^ AV. li' \ - M I i AN, il . ■ .n tb ■ W Fijr- ’■ ■; sand- 1 'r- r:ver- ' ■ acres. T. “I'ld are we” rn--:; r -lie of t’le several g ,d sites A:.y pers'in rr ■■ .p oar!r app!i R.iHINS.iN 44-f ftis. retailing Fi, n !■ K: F-. ’ Ln ths ' H >r ex n- V nee. ■: ^ r; ' '.i-'. c .? i4 c). tr:.'r Its ■ - ir!v t';Vt_v ■ ariji-; ' : r i] wit) ' . -uccesa are ill .f ab. k- - iI.-Ihv in I) ••wirli - ; le. In i‘ ? *ic}i a ;i.. .f tj « ar. r^'.!y ' ■n ♦-»'!. ; h. ■ '1 ,cel .. ,ioi- iiif . . J/im I ; plai’inc , !1.- ‘II • ; bv ■ ii- H IV i ! i V i'Jl' - I- o^'ll . .1 III t; \i.i ♦*ry &€’. i , TJ'- Kul- \V. r.. ■ (irt«^lt |M : ^ Vouuji 1, ( ;i-ar; ■ ^ ,in‘l I i bur'''!-. ■.! I-; I R.-iiJt;r«. I .(Jiiiuii, M array's ' Farrier; >rt>-‘l ijudlities \i.}; \ .(I iii« plan of ■in AttHchment. r.K ,V SON. I Form Bwk. .15, ftOIf., WUlLlUfi SEMI.WEEKLY. VOI. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., OCTOBER 10, 1859. [NO. 856.] piilVIED MONDAY’S AND TIJL’RSDAYS EDWARD J. HALE & SON, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS ^ r\>r tiiC ;?emi-\Veekly OBstBVBK $8 00 if paid in , ;r,: V s'' P»‘'i «iurlng :he year of subsorip- , ,,r rtfter the rear has expire*!. • -.e Weekly Ubskrvtk 0»' per r.nuum, if paid iu ■>ssv. -• oi' if paiJ during the year of lubscrip- 1,, r 00 after the ye*r has expired. ADVERTISLMEXTS inserted for 60 cents per ire of I'i linos for the first, and 80 cents for each ■eeJir.g publication. Yearly advertisement* by spe- n^racts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are lie'teJ to «tate the number of insertions desired, or pv ’vi-i be continued till forbid and charged accord- ^ iTeri'ements to be inserted tntid*, charged 60 per iii ixtrs. FAYETTE VI LL.E MITUAL INSCRA.\€E COMPANY. T ASSETS $2&4)618i62> . rpHK subsorlbers hate r«ceived moat of th*irpuroha»M His Cvmpanjr has been in operation more than uix ; X for the approaching Fall Trade, «Hjbraoiu({ a lar^® i V oartf, and has paid its fire loBSdH, amounting tu and general auaortment of ^•>8,524.87 without any as.ewmeat. insura^e art^a^- ^rOCCrieS, HOUOW-Ware, By the Ton or lest; i Sole Leather, Calf Skins, Shoe Findings, ^ With articles generally wanted for manufaoture of Shoe*; inpoKTATlONS I Clolhlnir! Clothing!! STATE car AND MiCHIfiE WORKS. FOR THE FALL OF 1859. swj *»r‘hf Trade or isss. wiiaout any asseMment inj{ its members about ^ per cent Amount of property now insunsd, $l,6G3,4y0.01 Aiuount premium uote£ now on hand, 247,738.0j I>^RKCT0R8. S. T. Hawley, W. N. TUlinghast A. A. McKeuian, Geo. McN'eill, D. A. Ray, H. L. MyroTei-, S. VV. Tillingiiaei, Henry LiUy, X. A. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm McLaurin. A. E SPECIAL NOTICE Fr-'H. and after this date, no name of a new subscriber be eniered without payment in advanoe, nor will e lapsr be sent to tuoh subscribers for a longer time is rmd for. rich of our old iabscri>^rs as desire lo take th pa- oc this system will please notify ut when making • :;;ttance3. Jan y 1, I'^oS. H W. HORNE, JTTOR.VEY' AT JL*f H*. Af be found at the Office of Wm. B Wright. Esq., J. D. 'Williamj, Jas. G. Cook, A. W. .Steel, Jas. Kyle, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Bn;wn, Wilmington. Hall, Wilmington OrricEBs: (iKO. McNEILL, President. l>. A. Ray. Vice President. C'. A. McMILLAN, Secretary JuLn Collins and C. C. McCnunmen, Travelling Agents. jft^'The Company invite applications. May 19, 185V. IBT THE .\'ORTH €AROL.13fA In great variety, and SADDLERY HARD-WAUJi. They have also added largely by Direct Importation j from the Manufacturers in Europe to their s cuti,£r\* | Department, by which they are enabled to save to their ; customers the Northern Jobbers' Profits, and they aj'e | disposed to sell at a small advance on ooal on their { usual terms. They solicit an examinatiou of iheir goods by the Trade generally. In addition to the above variety of Goods, which iu ; the aggregate constitute one of ihe largest if not The Largest Stock to be Found Id North i Carolina, the undersigned are Sole Agents in this plaoe for Meax Wm. Carter & Son,"of Chatham Co., for the sale oftlieir SUPERIOR UWtOiiA:%H. iMlTlAL LIFE INSFRANCE COMPACT, Messrs. C. & Sou are manufacturing Shoes from L»all>ei tanned by themselves—except the outer sole; they have all the recent improvements in machinery, and are making 1 Sboe Tliat Planters Will Find Superior in every respect to any ever ofi'ered for sale in tlii* aee- tion, and at a reasonable price. Call i>.id see! I rEO. W. WILJ ’.MS A CO August 8, l&.jy 8!- ,\1 ne^tr the Court House .r.e 3 -, 2H-1Y H JOSKi'l! BAKER, Jr., ITTOR'VEV .\T LAW, A? ta'iLen an office next door to Wm. B. W^right’s I.aw ; 'S :e on Green Street. He will aiieiid and practice _ '.he '‘ounty and Superior Courts of Cumberland, "liueti. Robtisun and Sampson. Nii.'ch 18-53. 7»if P. J. Sl.lTCLAlR, AUorney and Coansellor at Law, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., TI’ll.L practice in the Courts of Robeson, Cumberland, i» Harnett and Richmond Prompt attention J to all buaineis entnisted to hin. Feb'y 5, 1&69 80- JOH*\~P. FLLiSr, .Vttoraey and Counsellor at Law, WILL pbactice is the cocrts or Kobesoo, CoiDberland, Columbus and Bladen. Office at Lumberton, Robe.«on Co. July 5, ISo'J '^OW in ihu tenth year of successful operation, with ; growing capital and firmer hold upon public con- fldenoe, continues to insure the lives of all healthy per sons from 14 to flO years of age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—all life members sharing in the profits. All slaves from 10 to ♦>) years of age are insured for , one year or for tive years for two-thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within 90 days at\er j satisfactory proof is prejcnted. For further information the public is referred to Agents . of the Company in all parti* of the State, and to R H R,\TTLK, Secretary, Raleigh F. J. HALE, .Agent at .lan’y 18.'>V. Fayettev’lle, N. C. w JAS. SMITH.] [miles OOSTIN JAS. C. SMITH & CO., IFartorg^ Commission and fV»r- tcarding •Jferchants WILMINGTON, N. C. PROMPT attention given to sale of TIMBER. LTM- BER, NAVAL STORES and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advancemenis made on Consignments. Refer to E. P. Hall, Pre.^'t Branch Bank of State. H. R. Savai'.i, Cash’r Bank Cape Fear. Johh Da'^«o.', Esq. July 20, 1869 3S-6mos N. C. 2i#tf D DENTAL .\OTICE. iCOTT offers his professional sen community, and may be seen at his office, two doors ' H. GRAHAM, CO*W*lf/«S.fO.V •!»£;jR€J!f.f.VT, WILMINGTOX, N. C. 'IT'^'ILL give prompt and personal attention to all con- \\ signmentfl of Spirits Turpentine, Rosin, Tar and Turpentine, and all country produce for sale. Ofhce up stairs, over the store of Mr. Vonglahn, and joining Lutterloh'* June 28. Wharf, North Water street. 2otf Last of the Market, 'ept. 6. 1859. 40tf .icLS de:vtistry. kR. J. D.WI.i having decided on j^ernia- nently locating in the Town of Fayette ville. respectfully offers his services to the this place and surrounding country. In all . rarious branches of his Profession, including the _ ,:; ;fifturfe of Mineral Teeth, he is satisfied, after an experience, to which is added a thorough Den- . .'.a: in, that he can give entire sati.sfaotion as far .D the p.iwer of Dentistry. All irregulai ities of the . :reai«d in a proper and careful manner, as well as • --,-■5 li 'he mouth. None but the proper metals are • r L'fc J* in the various operations. Charges will be ,te. that the benefits of the Profession may be i.ed wiihin the reach of all who may feel an interest n ';e pre>prvation of the Teeth. ''See over Houston’s Jewelry Store, where he •;.ay be r .und at all times. '■! iv I-', 9tf T. C. & II. G. W ORTH, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, WILMIXGTO-V: N C. Jan'v 28, 18.S9 S4tf WM. H. TlRLL\Gm\, Coniniis^iou TIerchant, WILMINGTON. N. C., W'lLL give prompt iind personal attention to all con- si)?nraents of SPIRITS TURPENTINE, ROSIN, T.\R, COTTON. FLOUR, and other country produce, either for sale or shipment. My wharf and warehouses being conveniently located for the reception of produce, either by Railroad or River, enables me to make charges lighL Nov’r 8 tf D. A McLAlRIW, t I ■^OULD invite attention to their large and desirable Stock of ' GROCERIES, •'onsisting in part of— 150 Bao;s Rio, Laguira and Java Coffee; 100 Bbls. and Hbds. Sugar (assorted;) 25 Hhds. Molasses; 30 “ Bacon—Sides and Shoulders; 500 Sacks Salt; 150 Boies good ToVjacco; 125 “ Sperm,.\dainantine& Tallow Candles; 50 “ Soap Cassorted;) 50 Candy “ 100 Bags Shot “ lOOU lbs. Bar Lead; 80 * Bbls. Snuff—Eagle Mills; 25 Kegs Soda; 250 “ Xails. —ALSO— A large and general assortment of Hardware and Cutlery; Farming Utensils, of all descriptioas; American, English, Swedes and Peruvian Iron; Blister, German and Cast Steel; Blacksmiths’ Tools; Coopers’ Do.; Corn Shellera and Straw Cutters; Suckets, Brooms and Pails; Cotton, Manilla and Jute Rope, (all kiadi and I quality;) Plow Lines and Bed Cords; i Hollow Ware; Cotton Yarns and Sheetings at factorj prices .\II of which 'vill be sold low roa cash, or on usual ' time to pr.'mpt paying customer^. »or c oc.vTBT Mercha.nts are respectfully requeeted to call and examine our stock before purchasing else where. D & W. McL.auRIN. i March JJ. 1859 9-Stf I The public are aware that I have been engaged in the manufacturing and selling of Gentlemen's Garments for 17 or : 18 years, and with this long experience : believe that I am as well calculated lo make good selections, as any person or , 'persons iu this business. My stock is all entirely new and adapt ed to the trade. My stock consists of No. 1 Dress Cloth Coats. Frock Coats (single and double breasted): Business Suits, con- ; sisting of Silk Mixtures, Harrison Cass., . Rib Cass, and Union t'as.^.. Fine Heaver, : Felt Beaver; Seal Skin and Union Cass. | Over-Coats; Felt Beaver Talmas—a new i garment, never introduced before this sea- i son: Pants of all grades, ranging in price • from §2 50 to $'J 00; an extra lot of Vel- | vet. .“^ilk. Grenadine Silk, .’loth and (’as- ' simere Vests; a large assortment of Youths’ { and Children’s Clothing; Gentlemen's i Shawls; Morning Gowns, Gentlemen's ail- J wor>l Under-Shirts; Railroad Rugs; Blan- i keis; Hosiery; aiuspenders; Napoleon-Ties; i Cravats; Slocks; Gloves; Bindings; Purses. Btiir Persons deslrouH or having i their suits made abroad, can call and ' leave their measures with me, and I will ; have them attendei to immediately. i '»11 at the PRICE I ri.0THI9ii IvMPORIUM.” A. J. WtfODW.VUD, .Market .Siuare. ‘i Doors below 8. J. Ulnsdale. Sept. 14 49-tf A fpEII! The New Style, Small, COLOIltl) PHOTOGRAPHS, AT VaiiorndcllS Csaliery. BOARD OF VAMATIO.^ Of the Faytttevllle and Cro.ss I’rceli Distrlcls, OCTOBER .S, 18o9. 'PHE Board of Valuation for the Fayetteville and Cross X Creek Districts have decided, that they will be able to make a valuation of the Real Estate more satisfacto- Car and Machine Works, would give tiotice that they are prepared to execute all orders lor Cars of every de scription, also all kinls of Machine work, such us re pairs of Steam Engines, Cotton. Mill and Mining Ma- lozether chinery, heavy forging, such as Mill Spindle-. Cranks. Resolved, That in the \c , at short notice. esute they will act as one Boanl By an arrnngement made with the Boston Belting following extracts from ‘-An Act entitled valuation of real Having started our Engine, and Woodworth’s Planer. Sicr. 4. “The owner of the land, or (if he be a ^n- we are prepared to plane all descriptions of Lumber reKideni his agent shall lurnish the district board With and Scantling, which will be kept on hand, for sale » 1‘st. including laud entries, setting forth the separate ii a.^ U. it il S: * V — X «2 &*o «ft, 1= • ART. 4 NEW STYLF, of Colored Photo- j\ ijrar.li.s tbst 'vjil last for ages— more beaut iful than Oil Painting— haj been gotten up at Vunor.'deU't Gallery. exp.-e?ily to suit e wsnts of those wno desire a small colored picture and who object to the oil por- i ^ trait on account of its cost. It is | "g j offered to the public with entire con- ' fidence in its permaneticy, and at a price that will suit all. Having just returned from the North with a new and complete set of instruments, where I spent five weeks in ge'ting the newest itnprove- ■ ments, I am able to sar to the citi- I lens of Fayetteville and surrounding ; country, that I can give them all the i different sixes and styles of Pictures that are gotten up North or South. Amor.g my instruments is a Wood- ward’s Solar Camera, which enables me to enlnrge a life-sixe Photograph I from the smallest Daguerreotype or j -Ambrotype. I Persons having a small picture of a deceased friend, can have it retaken of any desired sire, and colored in ; oil, India ink or water color, by send- I iug lo me, slating ihe color of hair j and eyes. Prices for Colored Photo- . graphs, from small sije to life, range ; from ;?10 to $50. 1 have removed and enlarged my either in the rough or dressed, as partie.s nrty desire. Contracttaken for the erection of i’.uildings, mate rial# furnished, and joVjbing of all kinds executed with ^ neatness and despatch. , Counter.s and Desk;? made to order. Stores fitted. Sash, Doors and Blind? mnnufactured, equal to any thing of the kind to be found in the Northern market. WALTON & BARRY, ' Car Builders anil Machinists. Fayetteville, Oct S, 1859 54-tf CLOTHING and Gentlemen’s Famishing Goods. '11'^E have now in store a very good and well selected V V stock of READY-.MADE CLOTHINi}, to which we would call particular attention. Our Clothine consists : of fine Cloth and Cassimere Coats, together with all grades and qualities. .Also Pant.= and Vests of all kind^, ; and Cassimere Suits; tliere is nothing better for gentle- ' men's business .suits than those Cassimeres. Youths’ ! and Boys' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hals and Umbrcl- : la«, .'iiid every thing usually kept in a Clothing Hous**. Persons war;ting goods in our line would do well to ; call and exaniine our stock of (Joods, as we are deter mined to sell at small profits. Be sure to call at NEW- BEURY’S CLOTHING STORE, North-east Jam. Mar-, ket Square, No. 12, next door to the Carolinian Office." Oct. 3. 1B59. -')4tf This advertisemeiit i-x especi ally for the ' enctit of all those gentloinen who wear plain front Pants. .\s there has been h -.carcity of this kind of Pants kept in our market. 1 Inid a large sup ply manufai’t'’ fd, to !^uit aged gentlemen. A. J. WOODWARD. Market Square. Sept 30 64 3t FRI IT T5»1:ES, IN FAYETTl VtM.K. I HAVE the agency for tho --ilf of Fruit Tree.- from the Nurseries of Joshua I.indle.y, whose eorrectnes.^ and superiorit)' of selection n»M‘d«i no comment in this community from me. ^t^r*Orde. handed >r ..cut •■o me before the first of November, shall have prompt atiention, and all persons may rely upon getting ju.st the kinds they wish. November is tlie be- aa..«r>n for planting out trees. For further partieular!» u)>plv to D. W C. BENBUW Oct'r 3, 18r»*. .■)4-9tpl Just to Haiitl. - - 100 F. M. WORTH & I TEEY, Forwarding and (renerai Commission Merchants, Faffeffci'ille^ .V. ■ ■ ••.'TH. l72tf) rT^TorreLl, TURPENTINE INSPECTOR. 100 JoU. ITLBV. T "'K ' nJing their Spirit* Turpentine to me may j ^y. :. it to have prompt and careful attentioa. i ii'u.ses are fronting the wharve* and near the ! i 4-'.tf ~ A CARO. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— i J.'L persons for whom I have been attending to | inkin;: business for years:—I am still willing to ! '■ you with the same promptness that I have always ; ^ aijd to others that may want discounts. Pension | ■ iiedS, ACC., &c 1 offer my services, with a promise attention. JA.S. G COJK. • tie tT, 1859. 2'jif i ■' H .\LLEN.] [J. M. CLARK. ALLEN & CLARK, Comiiils§ioii .Tlerchantii, WILMINGTON, N. C. UtUEES IX LIME, PLASTER, CEMEM, HAIR, Ac. .\gents for Rush & Orrell’s Line of Steamers. PROMPT personal attention given to consignments o 1 .Naval Stores, Cotton or other Country Produce, for ’-.e jr shipment. Jan'y 19, 1859. hl- vv 1L LI AVI J. PRIC K, inspectm* of A*aval Stores^ w/L.VJyGTo.y, y. c. SolicitB the patronage of his country friendh and • Miers engaged in the TurpentLne business. Office ^'ortli Water street. ' r'I'l. 1858. ti4-lypd JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. C O VI II I « I 1 i\ i AND ' Forwarding Merchant, C. Cl^Prompt personal attention givea to all Consign- ani rasli advances made on Produce to be shippel ‘Lt-r [.(jrts or sold in this market. V2. lh.05. 67tf WIEEIA.n D. .VIAH!V, innpector of JWtval St or eg, WILMINGTON, N. C.. .ii ta_v etrict attention to all business entrusted to his •3are. and solicits a share of public patronage. In Hall’s Building, >'o. 43, (op stairs,} North Water Street. 8, ls59 4-0mos BIZZELL, GROCER AND C 0 H .M 1 S SI 0 N M E R C B A X T No. 29 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Prompt and personal attention given to the reception of all kinds of country produce, either for sale or shipment. (Jrders for groceries from rash curtomers will receive immediate attention, free of commisF.ioRS. Nov. 19, 1H58. 64-ly T. A. E. HOHNSTEiriV Agent for Chirkering'^H Pianos, Of which he has always some on hand. I W'ilmington, N. C., Oct'r 2, 1--'>8. ■'>l-lypd BOOTS » SHUeS, AT WHOLESALE, j JNO. M. WALKER, of NORTH CAROLINA. ! WITH P. P. ^IIAW & CO., I 31 AND 83 Df.y Street, Nkw York, ' ITTILL be happy to see his Southern friends at the , W above establishment, where, either personally or by ' order, they may be supplied from an extensive and well | ! assorted Stock of Goods in that line, gotten up expressly i I for the Southern trale. ] I Nov. 29, 1858. 67-1 y. ;as fittln;s and fixtires. Bu)tscriber*> will be prepared by the middle of I -\ugurtt, tIt supply every description of Buildings,— | j Dwellings, Stores, Factories. ,vc.—with all the neces- ! ! sary FIXTURES, for the introduction of G.\S. j .\-i we are constantly engaged in the business of build- i ' ing Gas Work® in this and other States, we of course ; can afford to bring on a large stock and sell on more ■ I reasonable terms than others. Our stock will include I Chandeliers. Pendents, Brackets, Glass, &c. ,\s we have leasel the works for five years, it will be 1 to the advantage of those recpiiring such fixtures to get them of us, since upon us will tall the care of them, keeping them in repiiir. inc. For this purpose it is i both our interest and pleasure to emply none but the best (Jas Fitters. In our absence for a few weeks. a!l who wish to have ; the I’ipes introduced into their buildings, will please leave their names with Mr. W. ,N. Tillinghast, who will j give all necessary information on the subject. It ia : de.sirable to know as early as possible, so that the Fix- j lures may l>e intnxluced at the same time with the con- I strnetion of the works, and thus nil may light up simul- : Innrously. WATERHOUSE & BOWES. Favettevillc, June 10. 22-tf Herring! HerrinffI! BBLS. No. 1 Split and Hulk Herring; I'X) Bales EXTRA HAY; 50 “ RICE STRAW; 20 Boxes ADAMANTINE CANDLES; 40 “ BAR SOAP; 25 Barrels M. VA.SSAR .t CO’S ALE; 20 “ WHISKEY, some very fine, vix: Old ••Dew Drop " (5 years old,) Family, Mag nolia, Reserve, Excelsior; e. Packages FRENCH BRANDY: 1 Cask ,'.\TW ,\B.\ BR.\NDY. on Consign ment from a gentleman connected with a Bank in the city of N. Y.; will be sold on account of consignee. The above are just rec'd and will be sold low br J. H. ROBERTS & CO. July 11, 1859 31- bUbZ I Gallery, (oppotite the Marble Yard.) ® • I »nd my customer* will find a plea- ^ * ! aaui reception room and an Operator c n I determined to give satisfaction, rflpt. 19, 1859 5oO I’HoIvj, PIPES. — ALSO-- (iosh*n Butler, .''moked Beef. Cheese, No. 1 Mackerel. For sale at No. 22 Hav St., bv 1). ANDERSON Oct’r 3 54- Persons in Want OF PURE and splendil flavored old Whiskey o*n be furnished by us with Old Dew-Drop, Magnolia, Family, Excelsior and Reserve brands, all of which we j warrant as reprekenled or no sale. J. H. ROBERTS * CO. PS. We have other common brands of Whiskey, hut . none of the ••long rang*,'’ such as Coffin. Rifle. Monumental, Blue Ruin. J. H. ROBERTS CO. Jnly 6. 29-tf ~ Dr. FrTnK WILLIAMS’S RYE WHISKEY. R MITCHELL has made arrangements with Dr. , Frank Williams, to bo constantly supplied with his celebrated RYE WHISKEY, which can be had at his Store at all times, bv wholesale or retail. Oct’r 11. 1858. ' 53-tf J Hardware^ Cutlery, .«AO»L.EKY, A:c. .\MES M.^RTINE is now receiving a large and gene ral assortment of every thing in the above line. —ALSO— A prime article of Rio, Laguira ana .l«va C(^FFEE Crushed and iJrown SUGAR; Sugar Hc’se SIRl.'P and MOLASSES. All of which is offered on as go^jd ter;.a' • can be had in this market. Nov’r 24, IS”'^. OClf STOYES, 8HEET IRO]\, TI\-WAKE, &c. N HAND, a large assortment of Box and Cooking Stoves; Tin-ware: Sheet-Iron; Lead Pipe. Also 7/ie “Olcf ffominion Coffee For sale by JAMES MARTINE. Nov’r 24. 0 66tf wns Fixtures. TME “ubscribers have now at Mr. W. N. Tillinghast’s Crockery Store, S.VMPLES of Gas Fixtures. They would be glad il' pei .-ons intending to use the Gas would call and select, s.j that their orders ma}* be filled by the time of lighting up—early in November next WATERHOUSE ^ BOWES. Fftvetteville, Sept 24, 1859 62- PAIXTS, 01L.$, &c. SPERM, Refined, Lard, Linseed and Tanners’ OIL- White Lead; Burning Fluid; Putty; Window Glass and Sash of all sixes. —ALSO— A fresh supplv of POND’S P.VlN DESTROYER. For sale by* JAMES M.ARTINE. Nov’r 24. 1858. 66tf :%OW i:¥ iflARKET. 4 LL persons having NEGROES for sale, will do well j \ to address the subscriber ai Clinton. Sampson j county, as he is determined to buy and pay as liberal j prices for them as the state of the market will permit. . By addressing him he will call immediately, and ! make liberal offers, as all will find who will try him. 1 CHARLES T. STEVENS. j Clinton, Sampson Co., Sept 10, 1H.59 4H-ly ; ^^(KROE« W A If TED. | THE subscriber wishes lo buy FIFTV L.IKEIj\* .y^FMR03:S, for which he will pay The Highest Cash Prices. Persons having such property to sell will find it to their interest to address me at Clinton, N. C. A S. C. PO'W ELL. July 2«, 1859 35-t'impd !\'earroes! IVesrroes!! Wauled. nENTLE.MEN, your old customer is yet in market for \ J Likely Negroes, for which I am determined to pay the Highest Ca!«h Prices. Persons having such for snle would do well to give me a call, or address me at Clinton, N. C. \11 orders promptly atiended to. J. A. McARTHUR. Clinton, N. C., March 1859 95-lyrpd I¥otice—-.^'ejrroes W^anted. TO the farmers and citiiens of the Counties of Duplin, Wayne, Johnston, Harnett, .Moore. Cumberland, Robeson, Bladen, Coluinbiis. Brunswick. New Hanover, and Sampson: The subscriber bring desirous of purchasing a num ber of Likely Young NEGROES, of all classes and des criptions. avails himself of this method of informing those who may have such property to dispose of, that they would do well to visit me at home, or address me at Clinton. N. C.—for which they shall receive a visit. Between this time nnd the l-'ith October 1H59 I wish to purcha'«s 40 to 50 yoiiUK nogroen for the .-Vlabaiua ' market. 1 F.VERETT PKTL'ISON. , , July I-'’., 18p. ^-Im WAi\TEO. 1 AA -^BLE-BODIED men, to work on the Western 1 lJU Hail Hoad. For such ( will pay a liberal prioe. paytible once a month. -Vpply to E. F. Moore, or to the underbizned on the work. W. S. SMITH. Fayetteville. Sept 17 50-1 m DYSPiSi^IA^Airb FITS. Dr. O. PHELPS BROWN, The GREAT CURKFv OF CONSU.'H'TION, was for several ye;irs so badly aftlic*ed by Dyepepsia. that 1 for a part of the time he was confined ro his bed. He I wa.s eventually cured by a prescription furnished him by a young clairvoyaut, girl. This i-resciiption, given him by a mere child, while in a state of trance, hns I curud every body who >.as taken it. never having fniled once. It is equally sure in cases of Fits as of DyspepsiB. BOOTS ^ shoe:s: OF EVEUV STYLE AND VAllIETV. T'MF. J>ubsiTibor has returned from Ne^i York, and is n -iving his Fall and Win ter Stock of Boots and Shops, consisting in part as follows: . I All Kinds of Water-Proor Boots and Shoes, tine and coarse; all kinds of fine Dress Boots, from tlio j finest Stitch Bool to tiie finest I’ump; all kinds of Paicni ■ Leather Boots, .^hoes and tJaiters. and a good supnly vu I Boys’ Boots and Shoe.s, fine and coarse; also, a larg>- 1 supply of Brogans—of the best that the city of New i York can afford. i All Kinds or Lady’s Boots, m 1th heels and n lthout; Ladies' Slippers, Gaiters; .Misses’ .Slippers; Ladies j Walking Shoes; Misses’ French Boots. .Vlso, Children’s ’■ : Patent Metalic Tip. wiiii copfier on the toe lo ]irevei»> j the lo« from wearing out; Boy’s (jailers and .'^hoes and ; I Boots; all kinds of Calf Skin Shoes, the best style and well made, and cheaper than I ever h.id; a large lot of Over-.Shoes; High Vuarti-r Over-Shoos of (':i»siniere, also of the old style; .Misses’ (Jailers of all kinds, witli I and without heels; .Men's (iaiters of all .■!tyle>. light luid ■ heavy; Water-proof of a new style. Al.so. a lot of(!ar- ■ pet Bags, Satcliels. and Trunks. ,\ large lot of .SoK. i Leather kept on hand and fur sale.—out to >uit cu.'toiiiers. The above work will be sold hs low ar .•iiiy j>ers>n I can sell the same kind of w>rk. Thi> work I warrant ; not to rip before the sole wcar.v through—I will mend i them without any charge. 1 try to keep the be-^t iualiiy, ■ and I think ( am a good Judge, as I have worked at tiie I trade for the last 1^ years. 1 only ask yoti to call anil look, and 1 know you will buy from me. All you wan^ is to get that is good and at a low i>vice, and when you sec my stock, I know you will be ^atis^^ed. I am thanlv- , ful for the favors bestowed on me for t!io hist fiveye.-irs I past,—I hope they will be inerea>eii fir ilie time to i come. If any person wishes honie Tu.-idi.' wurk. 1 would ■ say to them, if they will leave their order'.; with me. I j will ensure as good a fit a.' can be n;:ide in the State, i and the workmanship I will compare witii any in the ! .State or out of the State. Repairing done in the best ' style and at the shortest no;ice. ! I think I have given vnii .i >ketcJi of my good.*:. 1 Call; 1 want to see you ;ill. and I t^'ll you we will have * a great town b>“t'ore long. Call and .■‘eo me. opposite 1 the Cape Fear Hank. tracts, luid also the several contiguous bodies or tracts of land owned by him in the district, together with the names of the water courses, or other noted places on, or nearest to which they may be situated, and the number of acres in each separate tract or contiguous body of laud.” Slc. 5. “Town lots shall be listed separately, and each lot be numbered according to the plot of the town. Each separate body or tract of land, and each town lot shall be separately and distinctly valued and returned.” Skc. 7. ••If any person shall refuse to furnish the list required above, or to take the oath prescribed in the preceding section, he shall be deemed guilty ot a mis demeanor, and the justices of the peace of said board shall bind him over to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of the county lo answer the charge; and. on conviction or submission, he shall be fined at the discretion of the court. Sec. 8. ••When the owner of the land, or (if he be t non-resident of the Statej his agent, be not a resident of the district where the land is situated, the required list, with aihdavitr^ of the same import as the above re quired oath, subscribed and sworn to Vtelore and certifi ed by a justice of the peace, may be transmiited lo the district board of valuation, and if received before tlie board shall be ready to value the land contained in the list, such list shall be received as though tendered and sworn to by the owner or agent in person.” Sei'. •‘When the board of valuation are not tur ' : nished with a list pworn to as above r'nir.''ed, or the , owner or agent rcfu.ses to an.swer to the conectness of j the .‘»tatement as to the ntimber iif 'icrt's l ontsined in . any tract of land, they may procure a county ir other j surveyor, and have the same surveyed. .\nd the .sur veyor may recover the amount ot' hi.-^ t't-es and all ex- i penses out of the owner of the laiid, before a justice ol i the peace, by warrant or attachment.” I Resolved, That all persons, owner.s, guardians, at- ^ torneys, agents and ttnistees, are hereby notified ihat cor- j rect listj of real estate, specifying the District in which I the land is, must be handed in to me Boards on or before j the 25th day of October 1859. Resolved, That the Lists be handed to Joseph Arey, ' Esq., who may be found at the Town Hall, from the 5th to the 25th day of October 1859, each day, {SundayS excepted, i between the hours of 10 A. M. and 1 o’clock P. M. Bv order of the Board. E. L. WINSLOW, W. McLAUKlN, W. DRAUGHON. Cross Creek Captain’s Distri« T. S. LUTTERLOH, JOSEPH AREY. A. A. .Me KET HAN, Town papers copy 2t.] Town Captain’s Distriot. YEVv7;ooi>s: new immii J. A. PEHBERTO:¥ I s now receiving his stock of F.\LL AND V* INTER GOODS, embracing All the Latent and most Choice Styles of the Season. His I'l iands and th«> piiblif gpn^rally, are respectfully invited to give him a call. W HOLE S A I. E B U Y E K S will find it to their interest to look through the above Stock. They will find some very desirable styles for heir trndi'. und prices to compare with the L(^)WEST. . for your»elve». J. A. PEMBERTON ''-.'j 4ti-2m riOTICE. 4 S there may be some persons in Fayetteville »nJ rV vicinity who may not be aware that Vt*heeler and fW*ilson'^s Seteing^ mfMachine is the best for family sewing, and who intend purchas ing a Sewing Machine, this is to advise them \ for their oicn iiitti-est.) to call upon the subscriber ami see one of ••'vVHEELER &. WILSON’S’’ before jmrchasing. It will prevent their purchasing one of tl'.e many inferior Sewing .Machines, which are offered for sale through the country. There are THIRTY of the Wheeler .t Wil«*n Ma- f.'iinet iu .“uccesgftil u.sh in thi.-* iilace :ind vicinitv. S. j. IIINSD VLE, Agi. Aug. 22 52• W HEELER .V for s.ile by \ng. 22 WILSON’S SEWINt; .MAi.HlM'S, .1. HINSDALE, Agt. 12- M. FAULK. bi-im book-blndlng i N all its kinds, executed with neatness and despatch. [ Small jobs when done must be paid before delivered. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Opposite thi Female High School, Hay Street. May 14, 186^. 14-ly Sugar Cane jflills. THREE STYLES Of Vint Premium 2 and 3 Roller So^ar Cane Mills, Manufactured bv BOYDEW A SOIV. S.ILISBCBT, N. C. Aug. V 1 Webster’s Elementary iSpelling^ Book, for gale bj £. J. HAL£ & SOM. -An engraving is here given of the principal herb em ployed in this medicine, and all of the ingredients are to be found in any drug store. I will send this valua ble prescription to any person, on the receipt of one stamp to pav postage. Addi’ess dr 0. PHELPS BROWN, No. 21 Grand St,, Jersey City, N. J. Sept. 14. Fayetteville. N. C.; Sept 20, 1859 WaWhES. ILOCK^ jewelhv. Silver and Plated Ware, Fine Cutlery, MILITARY ANP FANCY (iOODS. 'iUMC.it. I-s sr « r u K\'r S. &«•. JUST received in the above line, a large and handsome assortment, together w ith numerous other articles. Purchasei s are invited to call and examine at No. 11 Hay Street. W. PRIt)R. g^REP.\lKlNG of Watches. Clot^^ka, and Jobbing, strictly attended to. Aug. 22, 1859 42-3m ~El7wi:V t^iLOVER HAS RtU.'ElVED HIS FALL STOCK OF Watche!^, Jewelry, Silver Ware and Mil itary fcoods, wiiich he invites the attention of his , 1 cutitomci * and the public, andassuros them he will sell anything in his line hm cheaj' KS can be purehnsed either North . or South. 5^5° Particular attention paid to the repairing of Watche.o and Jewelry. Sept 1H59 4ij-3m :\otlte to ^ioldiers’ Widows. 1'^HK WidoTss of Me.'iican .''uidiei"', and tlie Widows of Soldiers who i>iri> in »ekvick iu the war of lf12. can have their pensions continued by calling on the under signed. (.’ongvc^ti having uiade additional provision for them. Give me the matiagement of your claim*, and the ' money shall come at once, or no chnrge. JSo. M. ROSE. Agent fur Pensions. Fayetteville, .^une 12, lf58. 19- 5*2 Ulids. (wood Bacon, $IOE« and SHOULDERS, jntt received and for sale by , D. & W McLAURIN. i July 2, im. Tiie ^iibscrilM'r liatl a Horse taken from his Stable la«t night. He is a Griiy, about I 1 years old, large size, flat footed and lazy. .Any in- foriiiation so that 1 get him again will be thankfully received nnd libcrallv rewarded. EL1.\S GAINEY. East side Cape Fear River, .3 miles from Fayetteville. Oct'r 3. 1859 .'i4tf 10.000 Bbls Spirits 'i'lireiitine wantea. between the 1st of L’ctober and the 1st of Jan uary 1860, at the market price. PAGE .'t SURLES. ."south Corner of Market .‘s'qimre. Next door to A. .1. Woodward’.® Clothine Emporium. .''Opt H') .5)-4w Land aind Wood. .\CFJKS of L.\.\D lying on the Fayetteville & OOO We.stern R. R. 7 miles trom Town. 4.'>0 Cords PINE WOOD cut and piled. .Ml for sale cheap to close the concern of C, E. Robert* & Co. Apply to J. H. ROBERTS & CO. , June 20. 1S59. 21tf Laborers Wante«l. ^PHL Western Rail Road Co. wih to eniploy 4 ab!t- 1 iKHlied Slaves for the balance of the yet*r. to work on track repairs befween Fayetteville and '.ittle Ri\er Depot. W. A. Ch. K Ul'Ki:. Julv s New State Boii«ls lor Sale. ^TATE Coupon Bonds, it’oupons ti;i\ iHe Vork, on the 1st .Vpril and 1-t t,>oiob'T.; in quanti- tie** to suit, ^pply at the Branch ol' the Cape Fear Bank. .V. .McLEAN. June 1 ^^tT W.4VI’ED. 4 LARGE quantity of COT'i'ON and LINLN HAGS, A for which fair iiioeK will be paid. DAVID MURPHY Aug. 17 _ _ To Rail Road CoutractorH! JUST RECEIVED — lOO WHEELBARROWS, light and itrong, for the Rail Road. For sale bv D..Si W. McLAURIN. March 29. 1859. 80Otf iBRAfSiS STRAl.y*ER n*MR£. 4 GOOD supply of various No's just received, which L we can furnith low. May 2. D 5: W. McLAURII?. lOtf