IPAiriBWWlIlML SEMI-WEEKL, Y. [VOL. IX.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., OCTOBER 13, 1859. [NO. 857.] PRINTKO MONDAYS ANP THURSDAYS. EDWARD J. HILE & SON, EDITORS AND l’K(H>RIETORS ?rio« for tlie Semi-Weekly Obskrvbr ^3 W if paiil in advance; »;’> '>0 if paid during Ui« year of subsoriji- lion; or after the year has expired. For the Weekly Obskrvek '$'2 (K> per annum, if paid in advance; $2 50 if paid during the year of sub.-jcrip- tion; or $3 lX> after the year has expired. 1^* ADVERTISEMENTS inserted for (U> cents per g,4Uftro of 10 lines for the lir^t, and 30 cents for each suofeeding publication. Yearly advertisements hy spe cial contrac(f>. at reasonable rates. Advertisers are reiiuested to state the number of insertions desired, or ibev will be continued till forbid, and charged accord- ingly. .\dvertisements to be inaerted in.*ide, charged 50 per cent extra. SPECIAL NOTICE. From and after this date, no name of a new subscriber will be entered without payment in advance, nor will the paper be sent to anch liubscrfcers for a longer lime than is paid for. Such of our old subscribers as de«ir« to take the pa- HTOCU OF BOOKS AN im.VTIOXERY. Wo ;\re jnst receiving onr new stock of Law, Medical and Miscellaneous Books; School Books; Blank Books; Writing Papers; Envelopes, &o. E. J. HALE & SON. (>cfr 0, Ibo'J 55- R¥E WHI$«KeV. AVING taken the Ag»-my of “NICK WILLIAMS’ OLD RYE WHISKEY.’’ I am prepared to furnish any quantity wantel at distiller’s prices. C. E. LEETE. Oct. 0. 55-4t H' Tht' Carriage Farforif in the /^auth! ROKV nc'VAIK, ^ittorney atu! I'oitnsellor at JLaic^ LU.MRERTON. N. C. ^I'^'ILL attend and praciioe in the County and Superior M Courts of Robeson, Richmond and Cumberland. -VII business intrusted to liim will receive prompt at tention and collections punctually remitted. Oct. ■ 55tf MESD.iMES CHEG.VBiY JC U’ilEKVILLY’S, BOARDI\>} Altll DAY M HOOL, FOR YOUNG LADIES. Xo. IMH) Logan Square, Vine St., Tbilada. AD.VME CHEG.VR.VV resjtectfuUy iiit'orms her friends and the public in general, that indepen dently of lier Boarding and Day School, directed by M remittances Jan’y 1. l^'tB .^loiiey AVaiited. The subscriber having sutl'ered a heavy loss by the tire uf last night, earnestly requests all persons in- ^lebted to him to make immediate payment. Fayetteville. Oct'r 0, 1859 McKlNNON. 55-?.rn herself and her niece, Madame I’revost, in Nevr York, per on this system will please notify us when making ] she intends, in connection with her nieoe, Madame D'llcrvilly, opening in l’hiladelj)hia. an Inatitution, on precisely the same j)lan as the one above mentionod. The Principals will answer applications and re«eire visitors, on and after the I’Jth of September, and the School will open ou the loth. Sept 1;^ -49-1 mpd “ Hl!RI\BlR(iTl IIKill SdlOOL. The 14th Session of this Institution will open on the l:2t)i of JULY 1^5'.♦, under the charge of D.\n'l. I Stewart. Jr.. A. 13.. .a» Principal. | Board can be had either at the Steward's Hall or in | the neighborhood at S8 per month, exclusive of lights . and washing. For further information apply to the undersigned at : Laurinburgh. N. C. R. D. DICKSON. Secy. Laurinburgh, .Tune 18. 25-tf MILLI.NERl .l\n Ml\Tlll-.MARW. H aving engaged the services of Mrs. TELLER, of New York, an experienced Milliner and Dress Ma ker, iwho will be assisted by the best help to be pro cured in the place.) I have tilted up Rooms over my Store, where I sliall carry on the above business in all its branches. .All who reciuire anything in this liue will do well to call and examine for themselves. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Sept. III). 52tf Boiiiiet!^! Bonnets!! ,s«i'rf meiit trimmed, always Sept 'Jf’i Bonnets! Bonnets!! Bonnets!!! OF ANY MATERIAL OK STYLE, made at ihort notice, at .VLEX. JOHNSON'S, Jr. Sept •>‘-- For llie Whole$(ale Trade ot A LAR()E AND (IK.NKRAL TARTETT OF FOREIGN AMD DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, R E A L) Y - M A D E C I. O T H I N G, UtffPR-SMi tiiTS^ Sc. 9!iTARR & WILLI A IN placing before the public this announcement, simply desire to say to their numerous customers, and to all merchants who design making their j)urcha8es her# this Fall, that they are now opening, and will iluring the ensuing week ba prepared to exposg for inspection and sale, one of the largest and most general stocks of Goods in their line, ever offered to the Trade in this market. A portion of these gomls are of our own importation, consequently we shall be enabled to save to buyers the extra profit charged by the New York Jobber. In connexion with the above stock, we shall during the season be prepared to sell at low prices, BootM and ^lioes of all >irade», bought directly of the Manufacturer—kor cash. Jfel|j“Those owing us accounts ]m«t due will please make payment. J. B. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. Fayetteville, Aug. "J4, 1859. 43tf Roofing and Guttering, Done at short notice, by C. W. A.\DREW«, MARKET SQUARE. 11 ict'r 4 55- \V. t'. TROV H\S just received this morning, from Steamer North ( .iroliua. fi bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, new. IK •• “ 3 •JO ^ and J bbls. No. 1 do. 25 boxes Cheese. 5 keg.'* -elected Goshon Butter. 10 bbls. Leaf Lard. l.T “ New Mullet in oak and pine bbl. lie has on hand a general assortment of G ROC ERi ES, which will be sold cheap for Cash or exchanged foi Country PriMhice. Oct. *♦;. 1850. 55tf Received. I *' AAA LBS. cht'ice Baltimore cureil Sidfs; fJjUUv* -5 Bbls. Mullets: 3,5K) lbs N. C. cured Bacon—hog-r>und; 50 boxes assorted brands Tobacco, at Fac tory prices. For sale by R. MITCHELL. !»ct’r4 ' 55-‘2w Look at thi«! \IY Ledger tells me that Hotel and Bar accounts are 31 growing entirely too fast for a healthy business. Persons interested hacl better call and paj', as 1 have not time to run around after the.se little bills, ami will have to employ an agent who will take his commissions out of the debtor. All well regtilated Hotels are con ducted on the Cash system. T. WADDILL. Oct’r 10 5ti-4w Real Ei^tate for sfkle. The subscriber offers for sale the following BUILD ING LOTS in the Town of Fayetteville, lying on both sides of and fronting on Adam street, near the Rail RojmI: Lot No. 1 has 10 acres of land; No. 2, 10; No. 3, 10; No. 4, 10; No. 5, 10; No. ti, lU; No. 7, 10; No. 8, 10; No. 0, 10. No. C) has a Dwelling with fl rooms and 4 fire-jdace-;. and out-houses. No. lies just over the South-Eastern limits of the town. These lands are thrifty, and with proper cultivation each lot will support a family. The location is healthy. I have lived for the l.ast 18 or lio years in the neighborhood of these lots, auii my family has en)oyel remarkably good health. Apply to .JAMES SL'ND^ . Fayetteville, Oct. 8, 1859. • 56-4w Town Property for Nale at Piihlic Auction. The DWELLING HOUSE and Premises situated on Old Street, the late residence of .Mrs. Perry, will be sold at Public .Vuction to the highest bidder, at the Market House on Monday. l!lth Oct'r. at lU o’clock M. Possession given immediately. Terms, six months, with approved negotiable note. .Mso, Six Shares stock in the Fay. «Sc Western Plankroad Co. W.M WARDEN, Ex'r of Beze Perry. J. H. COOK, Aucfr.’ Oct’r 10 5t;ts Oil.. GREAT REDUl'TlON IN PRICE. .'VO VAKIATI»li FOK THE WI^TKit. BACOlf A^D PORK. LBS. WESTERN SIDES. 10 BBLS. MESS PORK. —ALSO— N. C. BACON AND LARD For sale by J. R. McDUFFIE. No. ft (Jreen Street. Sept. ’24. 52-4w LurrKRLoirs link. ' llJ A. A. McKIVrnAN RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that h« has built up large substantial Brick Build ings at his Old Stand, expressly for manufiicturing ('ar- riages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he,has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict atten tion to business, with a desire to gi^e satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in eich branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in liis line on as gool terms as any work dono elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, finished, THE LARGEST STOCK OF Carriages, Barouches, Rockaways aud Buggies, ever offereil in this ])l:ice, and a very large stock of W'ork nearly finished, which will bo finished daily. All of which will b« sold very low for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHICLES finished and in course of construction. All work made by him is warrantel 1’2 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material, will be repaire«l free of charge. Persons wishing to buy wouhl do well to call and ex amine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attenled to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very reason able terms. May 28, 1859. 89-tf NEW ;00D$! NEW (iOODS!! J. PE.nBERTO.'V IS now receiving his stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, en»V)raciug All the Latest and most Choire Styles of the Season# His friends and the public generally, are respectfully invited to give him a call. W H 0 L E S A L E BUYERS will find it to their interest to look through the ».bove Stock. They will find some very desirable styles for heir trade, and prices to compare with the LOW’EST. Call and see for yourselves. J. A. PEMBERTON. Sept. 1, 1859 4t)-2ni w $50. HEELER & for sale by Aug. 22 WILSON’S SEWING MACHINES, S. J. HINSDALE, Agt. 42- in hand anil sold low at ALEX. JOHNSON’ STE.VMER “FANNY■' U‘aves Fayetteville every Mon day and Thursday morning, at 15 minutes after Sun rise; atnl Wilmington Tuesday and Friday, at o’clock, —carrying passengers and freight. Steamer "SOUTH LRN KR,' with a full complement of Flats, makes otie or more trips per week, as circum stances may require. The accident to the Steamer ‘•R()W.\N’ will be re paired in a few days. She will then take her place in the line. T. S. LITTERLOH. Oct'r 4, 1858. 51-tf S. Jr. 52- XEW lilXE. L ALEX. JOIIN.«!ON S. Jr 52- Dre*i»i .^iakin^;. ADIES can be served in this line, and work dme promptly, by calling at Sert 2^1 €;iRO('KRIi:M AT IVHOLESiALE. I.V.M now receiving my Stock ot (iroceries for the Fall Trade, consisting in pait as fallows.— 115 Rags Coffee; 50 Bbls. Coffee Sugar; 20 Hhil«. Molasses; 60 Boxes Tobacco—factory prices; 75 *• Adamantine Camlles: ao i Bbls; Snuff—Eagle Mills; 5i Boxes Candy; 2(tOO' I.bs. Iron—assorted; 50 buxes No. 1 Soaj>; 25 M Cigars; 5(12 Bags Corn; 75 Bales Eastern Hay; 15 Firkins Butter; 20 Bbls. Leaf Lard; 35 ] Bbls. No. 1 Mackerel; 500 Lbs. Cod Fish. ,'tc.. &c. r H.WE associated with me. in this line, Mr. John K. 1^ Dailey, and will style the firm ORRELL & D.VILE^ . We h.ave purchased the Steamer SorTHERHF.B, and in a few iliiys, will have a New Flat employed with her. Those favoring us witti their patronage may rely upon pronipt despatch, by applying to Mr. Dailey on board, or to me at my office. R. M- ORRLLL M. ORKV.t.L. March 2*i. 1850 PMI.KT, 8KJ-tf .r,i prices. E. F. THE .\E\V VllKk kEKllSI':.\E OIL CO. (Estabmsiikd 1854,) VNNOUNCE that, having tnale great improvement in the manufacture of Kerosene, they are now en abled to offer it to the Trade at ONE DOLLAR PER GALLON, Wholesale The attention of consumers is respectfully called to the subjoined talile. the result of a phntometrical exami nation, by Ed'd N. Kent, Esq., of New York, Chemist, and dated Feb. 3. 185). MOORE. 48- MATIKIAL. Kerosene. Kerosene ('iiniphcne. ’:imi>hene Wlinle Oil, Solar Lmt.I Oil, ;.ular Sperm Oil, uSolar Burning Fluid. Large wick 13.08'.t 5.>125 1.802 l.r,4(» 2.025 553 I 2.435 1.00; 1.299, 0:’.l 833|l.Oo| 70(i, 1.25 850'2.25 300 ; 871 4.10 4.85 12.(K) 17.70 20.47 29.00 I^eliable orders from the Trade, by Mail or Telegraph filled on apjilicalion to AUSTENS, Agents, Pearl St., >. Y. KEROSENE is also to be obtained at the Manu- facturer^' Prices, of all the New York Wholesale Drug gists. Grocers, Camphene and Burning Fluid Manufac turers and Dealers in Lamps. B.—KEROSENE is the trade-mark of the Kero sene Oil Co., and all persons are cautioned against tising the said trade-mark for other oils. Oci r 7 56- Smapd Sept 12, 18.^9 xotkt: Is hereby given, that 1 wish to «i*ll 35 acres of Land, 3 miles from I'ayetteville. on the Fayetteville .S: Western Plank Roal. This Tract of L ind has a good Dwelling and (Jut-houses, anl a good well of water, and is well adapted to tlie cultivation of Corn and other grain, and especially well adaj)ted to the cultivation of grapes. About 20 acres are now cleared and under cultivation. For further information call upon D. G. McDuffie upon the premises, or upon mvself in Fayetteville. J. R. McDUFFIE. Oct ? 54-3w To La ml Buyers. ^I^HE unlersignel offers for sale, in the Coal region, 1 and within eight miles of the terminus of the Fay- etteville & Western Rail Hoad on Deep River, ElilHT HI \»KEI) .\CRE8 OF LWD, adjoining the land belonging to the estate of George Wilcox, dec'll, and lying three miles South from t.'ar- bonton. on Little Pocket Creek. Moore county. These Laiuls are well adapted to the growth of corn. ■ cotton, wheat, oats, rye, \c. Th.ire are on the prem- ; ises a couifortable Dwelling, and all necessary Out- i houses, with iibout one hundred and fifty acres under ■ fence, including forty or fifty acres of never-failing bottom land. This is a rare !hance for persons wish ing to make investments, as lands are undoubtedly ad vancing in price in this section. For iurther information apply to Mr. M. M. McRae. Crane's ('ivck, P. O., Moore county, or address me at Fayetteville, N. DANIEL McRAE For the Heirs of Gilbert McHr.e, dec’d. , Carbonton. Moore co., N. C'.. Aug. 24 43tf I 'otton Plantation lor Sale. 1 OFFER fur sale a Plantation in Marlboro’ District, situatel nine miles from B(‘nnettsville. two anl a half from Pee Dee River, seven from Railroad, and two from the Mineral .Springs. Tlie Tract contains THKKK HI \»KEI) VXD THIRTY-SKVEX .IfUKS, 1 with 150 under cultivation. The Building* are all good. A NEW DWELLING HOUSE, witli six rooms—fire- jdace in each room, pass.age through the house, two pi.izzas, one in frotit and (no in l)io rear. -My Land will compare favorably with any in the District. I have sixty acres of Bog land cleared, that will make thirty bushels corn per acre. The place is cultivated this year by' James Peterkin. He will show any one who wishes to look over tlie land. My only o)>ject for sell ing is 1 have moved West. Terms easy. Address me at Bennettsville, S. C., until 1st September, after that time at Selma, Ala. GEORGE PETERKIN. Aug. 4 40tf Tobaeco! Toliacco!! T received from Webb \ Whitted s .Manufactory. Hillsborough, N. C., 25 BOXES TOBA(’CO, vari ous brands and qualities, ranging in price from 18 to 75 cts. per lb., which I will sell at reduced Factory D. ANDERSON. .\gent for Webb & Whitted Sept. 7 ' I would call the attention ot Tobacco (’hewers to the \\ E!>B & WHITI'ED BR.W'D also the CADET TWIST, which is superior toany thing ever sold in this market. —AL.SO— A lot of A No. 1 S.MtJKlNG TOBACCt), by lb from W. .S: W. For sale at No. 22 Hay Street. D. ANDERSON. Sept 7 _ tiik: t \ V 1 a (I \i A T {) II! PKKIMKKK HV l>K SA.NK »KI>, ('oiii|>oiiiid(‘d entirely from Gl l-i O.VK «K INK BK'jT fl RW VTIVK .\NI> I.I\KR WK I ItirfNKS LOW iH-fo.e ihe iniMir, lli»t » I« »« n Cnllifn-i -. .•n-ii-r. iniMcr. »nl mor«> ftTrcliml lli»n *nv It IK iioi iii.ly K r.!lhiriir, but > Licrr rcniedjr. BciiT.k- tii«i i ili' htrr to I-Jrri III. inorl)Hl Ihen on the nml ti. «,• - to c»rry olT'hut mutter, thim m-complinllillii two pllrpl.».•^ ell. illy, witlioilt unroftti* painful frelii.»i exp«iieiir«) in the : I'iithnrlirf It •lreii|til‘«nk Ibe sj.ieni nl tli iim» ItiHl it pur|ti« It , »n»l when t»keii ilnlly In mo.le.ui>. will Btreiig^heii «nl build h up with jii«i.u»l rftpiilut of ihe • principal rriciil.ti. 0 The lAver I" hdtiiMti tm-ly ; *tu! »h«n U thi ot ihr «T!itern nre U liiiiiuMt entiniiy foi the niojt^r p«rlorm Ktomnch i» ftt fail It, the bo weU •'ifferAiiiconMgueiire liHrtttK to do it« duty fKii. on# of th6 proprietor* prHTiicH of mort* thun iwfniy ; whervvrilh to counteract th« ’ it ii> linble. yC To prove ih»t thli remedy hied with |j|v«*r C‘om- hfui blit to try h bottle, and I'Ufut (hitnn remove mU ihe»y*tttra. snpplyinfr In t^rfi^ | Inviifortlinif the RtooiAch, , ttie blaofi, whole machinery, »eni»»vinK , Hffectinir h rHdicnl cuie. i nilloUM attacks Are . by • Itivlf^orator* it* tn perfoi fttllj de\fhip«*d on the healthy nr:mi ance of i't" ‘'mici irng. Hre iftt tntilt, itiij the i of one "the* li\ Kor the di!»en^et ot haA TDHde it his rii yenru, tt» fitnl ^omt many derHn^enientii Im'I. hHt htc- One done atWi e»tlit|( tmf- ,iid pr« Only ( mil r«*. and prevent the from i »taken before at last found, any perunn ir***; pinliit, in any •.! it* ftii m»- convict»*n N certain, morbid or h>\d mMiter !icn place a heahhy How of hilt' caurting tn«»d to diK**>^^ well. fftvinK tone Ai d health t> the the cainie ot the dieea%»* — ,cured, micl, wlint l» 'the occHiional li^e «>( the ficient to relieve the ttoiwach I riidnir and tonring. retirinKi preveniK nifrht, loo»en* th* tIveiieMS. meal willcuie upoonfuU will aNaji relie\»* 'A 0 (i^ male ohitruction re make* aj»erfert cm*, •relieve* while a aurt cure for ('IkUvi ;of (needed to ihrnw out of 'I Cine after a loi'jf ni« kn**-^ !«lnundlr«f r«|no^f^ a'i k> from the akin lime before eatinf ' food d»ire«»t well. cur«t« 'liroiil«- Ola while Siinintri h almoet to the f>r«t tacks CHtued hy Woi iiti* l>ro|>«y« bj ex OiwiidinK thin njtni i hfll lotis T)’|>r. It . ; are willitif ;u tpstlf Ba;;;i^in;:^ and Hoop Iron. 3,000 Sept 12 \ l)S. (iiinny Bagging ilooj) Iron and Rope, for sale by E. F. .MOORE. 4H- 40,000 i'y bept 12 III nano! «iianoI! LBS. No. 1 Peruvian Guano. For sale E. f. MOORE. 48. The f^iibMcriber had a Horwe taken from his Stable last night. He is a Gray, about 14 years old, large size, flat footed and lazy. Any in formation so that I get him again will be thankfully received and liberally rewarded. ELIAS GAINEY. East side Cape Fear River, 3 miles from Fayetteville. Oct'r 3, 1859 54tf 10.000 BhlM ^piritt^ Tiirentine wantea, between the 1st of October and the 1st of Jan uary IftCO, at the market price. PAGE & SURLES, South Corner of Market Square. Next door to A. J. W'oodward’s Clothing Emporium. Sept 16 50-4 w Land and Wood. Q^Q ACRES of LAND lying on the Fayetteville & 00*/ W'estern R. R. 7 miles from Town. 1.50 Cords PINE WOOD cut anl piled. All for nale cheap to close the concern of C. E. Roberts & Co. Apply to .1. H. ROBERTS & CO. June 20, 18.59. 24tf FAIETTKVILLK iwrmL iNsiRA\fE roMPwr. ASSETS $254,618.62. This company has been in operation more than six years, and has paid its fire hmses. .imounting i(* $23,524.87 without any asse.s-'^inent; inKur«.-H;o uvcrHir- ing its members about J percent. Amount of property now insured. .Sl.o*;.". lOO.ol ■\mount jiremium notes now on hand. 247,• Diueotors. S. T. Hawley. W. N. Tillingha»t. .A. McKcihitn. Geo. McNeill, D. A. Ray. H. L. Myrover, S. W. Tillinghust, Henry Lilly, N. A. Stedman, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Lutterloh, Wm. McLaurin, J. D. Williams, .las. G. Cook, A. W. Steel, .las. kyle. Hon. .1. }. Shepherd. R. F. Brown. Wilmington To the Interest of* Turpentine DiNtillerM. MA. B.\KEK would resj»ectfully inform Turpentine . Distillers and others that he is fully prepared to Manufacture or Repair Turpentine, Brandy and Whis key Stills. Worms, itc., in fact, anything in the lino of Sheet-Copper or Iron work. Particular attention given to the making of Steam Pipes from a superior kind of Copper, for Boats, Mills, &c. All work entrusted to my care shall be properly done, and warranted, and on the most favorable terms as re gards price. Give me a call aud see for yourself, and I know I shall have your patronage. Being a practical workman, I attend to all the work myself, which I find is to the ailvantage of both my customers and myself. Old Copper bought for cash or taken in exchange for new work. M. X. B.\KER, Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. C. July 27 35-tlmos f.«ahorer« Wanted. The Western Rail Road Co. wi>;h to employ 4 able- bodied Slaves for the balance of the year, to work on track repairs between Faj-etteville and Little River Depot. W. A. KUPER. Ch. Eng. & Supt. July t) 2'Jtf ST A Y Mtate RonU lor Kale. A. E. Hall. Wilmington. GEO. McNElLL, Pre-idem. D. A. RAY, Vice President. A. McMlLL.\N, Secretary John Collin* and C. C. McOumuien. Travelling .\goiii“. 86^f“The (’ompanv invite Hpiilications. May H), IS.'ilt. ’ If.V THK \ORTil «'\KOI.I.\.» MCTl'AL LIFE INSI UtVt'K I'OMIM.W. 1^0W in the tenth year of suci’cs-'rul operation, with growing capital ami firmer hohi ui>.on jiiiblic rnn- tidence, continues to insure the lives of till liealthy per sons from 14 to •>> yeurs of upe. for one yenr. for seven years, .and for life—all life menibers sharing in ihe profits. All slaves front 10 to '>0 years of :ige .-ne iii'ured for one year or for five years for two-tliirds ilicir v.-iliie. All losses are punctually paiil witliin ’.to dnys nfier satisfactory proof is presented. For furtiier information the puldic is referred to .Vgents of the Company in all parts of the .''t:ite, uml to R. 11. B.VT'I LK. Seeret;irv. llaleigh. E. J. HALE. Agent :it Jan’y 1850. Fayetteville. N. C. A €:aki>. A WORD TO MY OLD FRIENDS— Those persons for whom I havi* been attending to Banking business for year«:—I am “till willin'^ tn serve you with the >iame promptness liinl I liave alway- done; and to others th.at may w inf di.-eniint.-*. Pen^i"rl business, !tc.. \.c 1 offer my >ervice'. \vitl\:i prmiii'e of Strict attention. .I AS. C. t 0('>K. June 27. IH.'*?*, ork, on the 1st April and 1st October,) in quanti ties to suit. Apply at the Branch of the Cnjie Fear Bank. A. McLEAN. June 1 lOtf A WAATKI>. LARGE quantity of COTTON and LINEN R.AG.S, for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID MURPHY. Aug. 17 41- To Rail Road Contractors! JUST RECEIVED lOO WHEEI^BARROAl i^, liglit and strong, for the Rail Road. For sale by D. & W. McLAUillN. March 29, 1859. BOOtf BR.tSS STR^IM.^'ER n'MRE. A GOOD supply of various No's just received, which w FA \ i.'r r K V11, a. i: mrv i: , T. WADDIL!., I’Hof HIS, thu mo«t eommodii' Carolina, fronting ". 'O re can furnish low. D. A W. McLAURlN. 10 tf WM. CARTER & SON, Wholesale t Retail Dealers and .ManuTacturers >F AM. KINP8 OF M^eather, SadtUes and MMarness^ Of every le.«cription. Collars, Whips, &c. And we also particularly call the attention of the whole s\irrounding country to give us a call, as we :ire de termined that none shall surpass us in (piality or low prices; and we will give the highest cash price at all times for Raw Hides and Tallow, in exchange for our articles. Country Merchants would do well to call and examine our Stock, as we can sell them Shoes of a much better quality than ^hey usually get. on very acconnnodating terms. Southern Planters wouM do well to tend us all their orders as we are making a No. 1 article of NEGRO SHOES, that are warranted to give entire satisfaction. N. B. All Orders fiotn a distance "ihall have prompt attention. S. S. CARTER. W.M. CARTER. Goldston P. ()., Chath.am ('o.. \. C March 15. IKTOIt. Hi.tel in No) ill feet on IlriV :ind Donaldson !^lreet«. loeateil in the centre of th(‘ business portion of the town. ;ind suinxmded by till the Banking Houses, Wholesale Mcrchuni,'' :ind priio i I Only one doi^e taken at ^ (eiitly. and cnret Cow ^ (hie (loA«» taken after ea’h One done of two tea- , Silrk H«‘Rdarhe« ' |^ One bottle taken for fe^ ^ male ohitruction rmoN e« :1m eauae of the di»ea»te, and | Only one doee immediately i One done of>en repeated U1 >Iorl>us, and a preveDtive! 4^ Only one bottle iw | ■viiein the etfectt of medi '0^One taken for ! lowueit ur unnatural color One done taken a ihort Kor to the appetite, and makes One done oflen repeated rlifien in its wornt formn. Howel coioplainii yield ( hie or t wo cure* at ‘’hiMre>i. there i« no Burer, ll.e worhl, an it A few t>nttl«« onr«p abiMX iK'Tita. \Vn tuks pUuur* in recom prBiriiliTf f(ir Krircr aii«l and »ll Kevern of k BII- wllh curtainty, •n't llion«»nd» wriiirlerful virf««(n. All %vli» iiae It nr« ^IvIiik tlirir iiiin>iliiioii« tcstlmnny In lU fnvor. ^Ilz Water In tlir nioiitli with tli- lii I- f^orntor, and Hwallow both THE LIVER INVIOORATOR U A SflK.STIFIC MKIUCAI. lUSrilVKRV, hikI it. .UU; workiiiK ciiriw, mlm'iiil too (frrat to hftieve. Tt ' iiirs «« il ! ni**ic, tern tht Jimt dim’ givtu/i hmtjit. »nd leliloni il- •• oil,; b.)llle i« r«i»irei1 to cure »ii3t kliid of I/lvfr • ■ Irom tlie wor*t Jnnntii-'f or to * «'nninion ... !! ..f whicli »re the re-itilt of u, UUeasefl LU rr. TKIC* OS* DOLLAR I'ER lOTIL* I>r. SAPfFORn. PrO|>ririor, S46 ltro«ilw»>. N»w York R««iled br »II t>ni(Ml«l» .W.l n/»> JAS. N. SMITH and 8. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. NoVr 11. 62-ly J. w\ raki:k Ih now refeivitijr I'roni the North the largest, finest, and most carefully selected stock of FI'!S>«TI'K i: ever offered in thi'J market: whicli added to his own manufacture, makes his axsortment complete:— all of which lie will sell on tbe lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctmil customers. Fashionable ]>ainted cottage fted-room Furniture in setts: curled hair anti shuck, ami cotton Mattresses: Looking Glasses; Willow Wiigojis and Oadles: Sitle Boards: Bureaus: Secretaries and Book-Cases: What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes: Picture Frames and (Jlass; Window Shades; Cornices: Curtain P>ands: Sofas in Mahogony anti Wal- ntit; Tete a Tetes: Ottomans: Divans and .Stools: Chairs of every variety. Fine llosewoixl I’iiiiios, one with ^l^olian at- tachmetit; Rosewool Melodians. from the )>est manufac tories in New York and Boston, warranted as gooil as atiy made in the country, and w^ll be sold at New York prices—freight only added. Septem>>er2. 4otf I iflarble Factory, vIHUmMS By Cil'O. T>AUDER, TWn DOORS ABOVE T. T. HAIfill k SO.!^S' STORE FayelteFille, IT. T. Jmi’T 20| 1869. 64-7pd May 2. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. Silver and Plated Ware, Fine Cutlery, MILITAUV AND FANCY GOODS, >HJNICAI. I \XTKU &•. JL'ST received in the above line, a large and handsome assortment, together with numerous other articles. Purchasei-s are invited to call and examine at No. 11 Hay Street. W. PRIOR. J6e^f*REP.\IRlNG of Watches, Clocks, and Jobbing, strictly attended to. Aug. -^2. 18o9 42-3m EDWIA (^I.OYKR HAS RECEIVED HIS FALL STOCK OF Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware and Mil itary Goods, ^po which he invites the attention of his L cu-itomers and the public, and assures them he will sell anything in his line as che.ap as can be purchased either North or South. jP(^f"Particular attention paid to the repairing of Watclies and Jewelry. Sept 8, 18.')9 , 40-8m Aotice to Soldiers’ Wiiloww. The W’idow« of Mexican Soldiers, and tlie Widows of Soldiers who kied in xkkvk'k in the war of 1812, can have their pensions continued by calling on the under signed. I'ongress haviug Hiade addititmal provision for them. Give me the management of your claims, and the money shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. ROSE, Agent for Pensions. Fayetteville, .luno 12. IX^H. 19- 4ood Bacon, MIWKK and SHOULDERS, just received and for sale bv I). & W. mclal’rin. July 2, IS-V.t, ^ 28tf FRI IT tri:k«, IN FAYETTEVILLE. 1 H.WE the agency for the sale of Fniit Trees from the Nurseries of .Joshua Lin lley. whose correctues« and superiority of selection needs no conunent in this I community from mo. I Jft}f"Orders lianded or sent to me before the first of November, sliall ha\e jirompt attention, and all persons | may rely itpoi; getting just the kintls they wish. I November is tiie best season for planting out trees. For further particulars apjdy to I). W. C. BENBOW'. Oct'r H. lH5t 5t-;>tp.l D1>»I*KPJ»*IA A\l> riT^*. i Dr. O. PUKLl’S HKOWN, Tin: C.RRAT CURER of ('ONSIMPTION, was for; several years so badly afflicted by Dyspepsia, that for .a part of the time he was confineil to his bed. He was eventually cui-ed by a prescri]>tion furnished hint ' by a young clairvoyant girl. This prescription, given ' hint by a mere child, while in n state of tr.itice. ha« ' cured every bo«iy who has taken it. never having failed once. It is «'iually *ure in cases of Fits as of Dvspep-ia. -Vn engraving is here given of the princifial herb em ployed in this medicine, ami all of tlie ingredients are to be found in tiny drug store. I will senl this valua ble ytreseription to any person, on the receipt of one stamp to pay postage, .\ddress DR O PHELPS BROWN. No. 21 Grand St., Jersey City. N. J Sei>t. 14. 4'.i-1m _ IK)OK-HlXI)ING IN all its kinds, executed with neatness ami despatch. Small jobs when done must be pail before delivered. THOS. H. TlLLINGH.VSl, Opposite the Female High School, Hay Strwt. 1 May 14. 1869. I**!/ pal Proluce Dealers Business men will find the Hotel a convenient and comfortable house. All the Stages arrive ami depart from this Hotel. Fayetteville, Oct. 1, ]S.")S. ' -il- 8IIK>lWSCi.L IIOIkSI:. F.%Vl;TTKVIIil,K, *•. Eust of (.Irt'fn Strot, ( jii' Jiors Smfh uj till' Mark’t. MrnHE Subsctilx'r desires througli this medium 1^ to ackowledge the lilteral palronage b.'stow- ed upoti his House tin* past year and as lie has j'ist erected New Stables and Carriage .sbed eotiTeu- ient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in say ing to his )>att\ms and the public goneially. that be;- still prepared to aceotmiiodate them witii ir.iiisieui and ftertii.aneni board. :ind respectfully solicits a eotilinuaiK'e of the liberal jiatrotiage heretofore receiveil. Every i x ertion on his part shall 1k‘ useif lorotider tlii'in CMiiiforl.n- ble dtiring their sojourn with him. Ilif talih* i"-:ilwa_\s supplied with the l>est the market afbods March 24, 1858. \A Sllll.MU I'LL sr,-if A V A 1^: H O I (JOLDSBORO, N. The undersigned annottnci that he ha' to the ])ublic » taken ebarge of the above I'.s- tabli«hment. and is prt jinred t.> accomnuidate Boarders, by the day, week or monlh. .\iid he assures all who may favor him wiili ilieii iiairi.n.ige, that he will endeavor to give ]*erfect «atisf.iotion. Table surpli^'l with the best the market afb>ids. JAS, G. SMITH. Goldsboro’. Jan’y 28. 18;y‘ H4-lyr NEAREST AND ynrivKST ROI TI^: TO THE RASI.KOAII! HOLMES k ROBINSON’S FOrR HORSE STA(.K M\E TO KK\ \\SVILLK, VIA WIKSAW, fS the shortest and most e\|a-ilitious f.ir travelers g'ling North or South. Leaving l’av'!tevil1o .‘very day :it 2 o'clock P. M. TIIROI GH IN TEN Hol ilS, The traveling publie who would study their eomfVirt and convenience will take the Warsaw .''tajre. i^^THRort;!! TH'KETS TO \Vi;j.lx»N mav te had at tlie Stage Ofhee, F.iyeiieville. Aug ’y IIAAK 1 S .\dministrator of William W. S!olman. docease l. \ at the door of the ('bireii'lon Bank, in Fayetlevil' ■. on THURSDAY, the 2'tth day of ((ciol.er. l«V.t. I will sell at public .M’CTIoN. "ii a en-dit i.f .“^ix moi;ili-. SIXTY SII.\RES of the apiial Sto' k >1 ^ai I 'hii i.ii iiii r*ank. Terms made known ui Ihe 'lay of '-.ile ISAAC S. (ilBS»N. \ lm I. Sept. IH.'i'i *'i is f; Ncliool IfiookK, ?»il;ilioiM*s*y Ac*. MERSON'.'' .Vrittimelic, l-i. 2d and .d [ lions' Entrli-^h (JtMiiunars. thr.M- part'- .Sehool ami Poeket Dii-lioiiaries; \1 ft 'ii;! .-k Book: Haikness' 2d Latin Bi>ok: i’ier|"tii Reader: Hart's Class Book cf l’>ieii \: i I'lol; • h Interlinear Traiisliitioii- of (’:e-ar, ( ic-i". .-a.ii.-i an Virtril: vS:c. llijrh Life in New York, by J.itia. .''lick: I I’.nrk ‘•Entjuire Within": .''rotttsh t'hiefs: .tc. Cap. Letter an I StTni"n Papi'r: Etivelopes; \c. Piills of Ex.'harige. 1) iiitid. Further suiu.Hes ct l!ie a!"'ve .just ri -i-iv Sept lo. ls.')'.i L- SOV. S fMITirS English iratiitnar: N. t’-noliiia Readtr*. Oliifv's Jeo;.'raphy revi-eil editimi (ieognipl'ii’s: Pike's Arithmeti': MiirrHv - ■ailer: N. Vwik Ri-iideis; .Mason'' Furrier. Astronomy; >vc. E. J. HALE SON. Monteiih's Eniilish R Mattison's Sept 1 1 0 IlyiiinM and the M tho'list E. t'hurfh.—ti-^'.rti'd .pialilie- Jnst received. Auk 10 E. .1. IIA 1.1, .'c SON. A »w nnd ('omplotc N»rtli ( aroUna Form HimjK. .\ further stiiiplv just rei-'d. ■ Aug. 27 K. J. H.VLK \ SON. Webster’s Eleiiiciilary Book, for sale by E- J- HALE & SON.

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