MK 'li. Will liur- I N: h. Uiko ir { »MV h.i.i ; ' "'‘ibor n, Jehv..rej Haleieh^" Pl-a.ure . an. previous p, .'^• Jr n;L VT,‘>’ -.1 ;'!^ i"id. r ’*"} prt'vi,,,, any --ther ' ounty “'T. lilt \i,.,,i • I' ""“f i>' I.,: *' t ’ '' iiiiiUt ■'' t-... ; ■ -xlnSiti;:; Hll ,nav „ ‘ "■ t-UUr-.:, I, •''^itutiun havin' th.- a|: u. come auj ™ th-ui tnr exhibi iiink: tliL’ ‘ t.: ev.rv ’l‘‘PHrfu*^„t uf.ur J '"■•■‘1 LI»!! T}, ''-11. Htnl a., f hup th *t' !i vain, hurn.uu.lin^ :joun th us t,,r li will they Mil !'’-k u! •IlJ> t»V. re- * ‘ K. H INs1=ai.E, Hv ANS. 'Ai. M4)amki., i H. Hawlky W. HTH. Am>kkman, s. KAN .iK, ’i‘ M: Lean, ' My HOVER, »' M.-I.ian, uiiv? ' oiijmittefi m, LAN-', Iving o!. tw :•. 'i s Fav river into the ssr”; lly diii'ii .l into r;v^-. nil. Ab- iit M! aerct Itirati. ■; ami jire w*.;, 11 Cirtt-H- ti.Tlf of :;.f arn aiTVt^ral ir> id si.,., id-hills. Any pers. r. 1 to Oiiike ®arly applj. ’AS J Hi >HI.\>: ;>• 44tf Urals. y., lEL for reudlinic it:AT FL')UK; r. -hen Lu::ar. V. 'Ve: id '..‘Tery thin^ in ihe )lc ' ' • (' .^ SH ■ r 91- U TROY •ance. iriu£.I statement of th« fHttr‘’-.rd. Tiiisiuc- li i-V Legislarart ' >rpwtua1 charter I; = uld ; s escf-'d f'"'.- « "ver C'; - >, ;ii- It refprr»*d to. Tu. p. -J ..f nearly fonj oii' !t siiigle cbun^'i ? cnndu'’'‘ d witL )o«n thus far »uoce*i rgui^. aa W‘ »r»- iD' p > ; ri* >f H*i ut *1- m(r a d>i v * del^y ir i«* ■ ,;ati->ii. n>iiwiiij- r« sHct: . .s made. Id 8' {! ■'!r' ;e in "uch » 111 tii** ;,racti;'i "f tii€ *«' , r. farcfii'lv ’■ J. i t diStine* ji !r - ..I':-' in e»i' d ‘ ;iei Ii. -lud 'ua tifcr ri'. to a very -ii'l jirf-Hnt' 0 ence, iij">n which I I- ii .. i of ilk i» are as' -r- f f '■ ■ .^r r . duced t* (1 : . ;■- >1’ which are ,n-\u- - The :s and placiniT bn.- ‘.'-.ined the con ,t*’ 'f ^ ,rj)»'^ed bj n>' in ! i 1 iiicre-tr- ’d its y>-aT with a iteadj s!-^uriiv i“ the wiJ* ph'ch it p irsues with J ,, • .. ci‘S=‘rt*d III . d. witli ■ . ; ;.ine » d UP •h*^r It is a .THbiliiy ip r ■ rc' c„n- ly t ' “ *viiie. r' - 1 lilac l4»to«* - n Ihi/ ; ir* ■' Attaoliiiient. J. HALK * lor at LaWf I. I. Sur,:-. ( .urts of t, n,i : ,i. =:u«. 1 pn.uipi af- •J.H * 1 ▼ roK?*». li .b; -n '0-. :)Htract for a. - COHJpl***- ■ i,.to »ond ''fi For further ,rriN-r» at Lit'l* McKfNN lh**r« I’ru- of thv Coun- jr-4L»V, Sheriff. SEMI.WEEKLY. [VOL. IX.l FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., OCTOE5ER 17, 1859. Pi iNii'i' 'i^Ni>Avs \M» KU\V\UD j. hale k SOX, K.nrious ANU ruopKiETous i : \v NT ov OF ,■« t. :l I' ll' .• 'ii,' .omi Wookly Ouskuvkr $!3 (M> if paid in - ■>" if p^id during tlie year of sul)sorip ,.i- ^4 ^fti'r ilie yoav has c'spiretl. Uci'k'.v MisvR\ Kit S'J 0(> por annum, if in ’ if I'-'iid duvin;; the year of suhscrip- ,1- .i HI ifter tlie year ha exi'ired. Al'\ 1>1-MKNTS msortel for »iO cents per for the tir-»i. an.l ;?(» cents for each ^r,. of I'iliner r j.uMicution. Yearly adverti>:enients hy sjte- .■.iirr.iot-;. at rea-^onaMe rate. Advertisers are ,10'^'eti “tafe the number of in«eriion«i desired, or V w.’.i I" continued till forbid, and charjxed accord- be insertL'd lUfi-U. charged .‘)0 per **i‘t. ll'-’ \ lverti«i'ments ! M -’xtra. srF.riAi, NoricK. f'.-.- ^’I'i Hiter tiiisdate. no name of a new sul>acriher , ■ K(. , i::erod without ]>aytnent in advance, nor will , !ii ,'r ^0 -ii'nt to unch '’abscrH^ers for a longer time . tn i« I'^id 'f '«r ..Id subsi'vibers as ile.*ire to take the pa- ., n :hi>'V«;eni will please notify us when making .. !:t.moo' iv:y 1. ;?loiiey WaiitcMl. rpijj.' Tiber having sull'ered a heavy loss by the I *.v I'hi^t ni.ffh., earnestly request* all j'ersons in- ;ed to him to make immediate puvment. .M. McKlNNON ■.Ti'ville, Oi't’r ti. 5o-8m Kootiii;? and Cwiitteriii^ir? Done at sh.>rt notice, by V. \V. MARKET Si^l ARK liOOKS AXD bTATlONEUY. We are just receiving ,ur new stock of Law, Medical aud Mifscellaueous Books; School Books; Bliuk Books; Writing Papers; Envelopes, &c. K. J. HAI.F. .'i SON. Oci'r tl. Is.")'.* .^.^- KOKl ?lc.\Allt, mtftoriirif anti f'outisetlor at Mjatr, l.UMMKKTON. alieiid anil )>ractice in the ('ouiity and Superior TT ’ourls of, Kichinond and ('uniberland. \1I business intrusted to him will receive prompt at tention and collections punctually remitied. 5.')tf H \VIN(J taken tlie .\geticy of “NICK \VILL1.\MS’ ()ID U^'K WIllSKKW” 1 am jtrejiared to furnish any iiuantily wanted at distiller's prices. Vhr Mjar^e9t tUivria^v Purtovtf in the l^outh! r. E. Oct. 0. I-KETK. 05-41 M Ii r 4 OO- \%. V, TR€>V ; i>t received this morning, from Steamer Nortli nrolina, .. bbl- No. 1 Mackerel, new. lu •• :i \ and ; M'l-. No. 1 do. ■J'» fi'.se': Cheese. keg", 'elected ;..'lien Uuiter. lit bbls. Leaf Lard. 16 •• N.'w Mullet in oak and pine hbN. He has on han.l a general assortment "f « ROi'm:RI m:s, whiidi will be sold cheap for ('ash or exchanged foi I iiinrrv I'rodiicf. .let. »i. I'^.j'.*. ■'■•■>tf LIi.. ch.lice r.altiniore cured Si>le; I'.'i Hhls. Mnllet^: ■ l.’.i'U lb' N. I’, cured Dai .in—hog-round; .'iti boxe-s as«orT.>'l bninds Tobacco, at Fac- torv ]>rices. by ■ 11. MlTt'HFLL. •V)-:.’w r } MKSDVMKS CHE(.\1UY i irilKKVILLY'S. BOARDl.\i; DA VM'IIOOI., Ft*ll YOFNt; LAUIF.S, Xo. lsM> Logan Square, Vine St., IMiilada. I .\D.\MF. respectfully informs lier ' friends nml the puViHc in general, that indepen- | deiitly of her Hoarding and l>ay School, ilirected by ■ herself and her niece, Madame I’revost, in New York, , she intends, in counection with her nieoe, .Mndauie I D'llervilly. ojiening in I’hilndelpliia, an Institution, on j precisely the same jilan as the one above mentioneil. The Principals will answer applications anti receive i visitors, on and after the 1-th .if Sei'tember, an.l the School will open on the l-'ith. Sept 18 49-1 nipd uTmRiai iiiiai sdiooL. The 14th Session of this Institution will open on the 1'Jill of Jl'LV l^'i'.', under tlie charge of Srv.w.vuT. Jr.. .V. 1?.. uj Principal. Board can be had either at the Stewar.l's II,ill or in the neighborhoo'l at per month, exclusive of light* ' and washing. For further information apply to the undersigned at Laurinburgh, N. C. K. D. DK'KSON. Secy. Laurinburgh, Juno 18. 'Jii-tt' |mILLI\KRV l\IMM\TmMlilM;. H.WINtr engaged the services of Mrs. TKLLICK, of! New York, an experience>l Milliner and l*ress Ma- ; ker. .who will be assisted by '.he best help to be prii- ; cured in the jdace.' I have titteil up Koom.s over my I .''tore, where I shall carry on the above business in all I its liranehe-'. All who require anything in this line ; will do well to call and examine lor themselves. ALEX. JOHNSON. Jr. .Sept. 2«i. 5l2tf lloiiiic'tK! V FINF. assortment of BONNET.'^, irimmed or uii- triiumed, alwav» on hand and sold low ai .VLEX. JOHNSON S. Jr. i Sejit 2*> 5-- , Bonnets! Bonnets!! Bonnets!!! OF ANY MATElllAL OK STYLE, at short notict*. at ALEX JOHNSON'S. Jr. Sept ■J'’’) 1.\L>1V'S can be served ill this lin*. and work J promptly, by calling at ■'"or the WSioleMale Trade of iN.m. A L.\R(iE ANLi (iK.NKKAL VAHIKTY OF i F0REH;\ AM) DOMESTIC DRV (iOODS, R K A 1) V - M A 1) E CLOTHING, j Mt,tTS,, I NT A ICR A: Wl 1.1.1 A TIN, IN placing before the public thi.s announcement, simply j desire to stiy to their numerous customers, and to all i nierchants w ho .iesign making I heir purchases liera tliis Fall, that they are now opening, and will during the I ensuing week be prepared to expo-'e for inspection and | sale, one of the largest and most general stocks of | fJoods in their line, ever otl'ered to the Trade in this market. ' A jiortion of tlirse ^:ood-: are of our own importation. I conseipienily wi> ^hall be enabled to save to buyers the I e.\tni jirotit charged by the New York .lobber. In connexion with ihe above stock, we shall during I the sea.soii be i>re|..'ii'ed to soil at low prices. : Roof^ aiil ul’ali liii*ale!ii, I boueht directly of the Manufacturer—F(iu cash. Those owing us accounts past lue will jileuse ; make pavment. ! J. H. STAKIl. J. M. WILLIAMS. ; Favwtteville. .Vug. ‘J4, I.''.')'.). 4:“>tf K F/I'rJA.\ R.K'»\ A.\l» 1‘OltK. LHS. WESTERN SIDES. HI i;i;ls. mess pouk. —ALSO— N. P.At’ON and lard sale by J. U. McDl'FFIE. No. -T (ireen Street. Sept. 'Jl. ')‘.i-4w LI'I'l'Kiii.oirs ij.xi:. RESPKPTFULLY informs his t‘'-ienils and the public, that h«» has built nj) largo sutntantial Brick Build ing.? at hi.s Old Stand, o.vjirc.s^ly i'or iiDUiiifiWtnrinsr ’ar- riages. Tliankfi;! Uir the very liberal patronage lie has received for the lust l!l years, he hopes by strict atten tion to business, with a desire to gi'e satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and b_\' experienced workmen in each branch of the bu-^iness. His work will Compare favorably with any made in the rnite-il States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and di> any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now ha.« on hand, finished, THE LARGEST STOCK OF farriages, Barouches, Rockaways aud Buggies, ever otfered in thi.s place, and .-i very large stock of work nearly finished, which will bo finished daily. All of which will he sold very 1 iw for cash, or on short time to punctual customers. B^^f“He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY VEHICLES finished anil in course of construction. ^^All work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, anil should it fail by bad workman»hip or material, will be repaired free of charge. Persoiiii wishing to buy would do well to call and ex amine themselves. Orders th.-inkfully received and promptly attended to. llei>.‘\iring executed at short notice uiul on very reason- abl« terms. May -JS. 18o0. Sft-tf NEH (^OODS! NEW GOODS!! J. A. PE3TIBERTOA rS now receiving his stock of F.VLL AND W'INTER GOODS, ep'limcing Ai! the Latest and most Choice Styles of the Setisou. His friends and the public generally, ar« respoctfull/ invited to give him a call. W II 0 L E S A L E 1? V Y E K S will find it to their interest to look through the above Stock. They will find some very desirable styles for heir tr.ide, and prices to compare with the LOWEST. Call and see for yourselves. J. A. PEMBERTON. Sept. 1, 18511 4G-;2m 7HEELER & for sale by \ug. 22 WILSON’S SEWING MACniNES, S. J. HINSDALE, Agt. 42- ‘F\NNY " leaves Fayetteville every Moii- morning, ut lo miniites af o clock. QTEAMER day and Thurs'l.ty morning, ut I-') miniites after Sun- ri>ie: an.I Wilniington Tuesday and Fri.lay. at -—carrying pH'iengei' an.l freight. Steamer “SOI TH EHN EH. " with a full complement of Flats, makes one or more trij's per week, as circum- >tances may re.juire. The accident to the Steamer ••ROWAN " will be re paired in a few lavs. She will then take her place in the line. ' T. S, LI TTEKLOH. (>ct'r I, 151-tf i\EW l^ook al ALEX. JOHNSON'S. Jr. Sert 2‘i MV Ledger tells me that Hotel and P>ar accounts are irrowing entirely too fa«t for a healthy business. -'.Ills interested ha.i better call and )>ay. as I have I. • tin.i to run around after these little liills. an.l will ij -ve '■! employ an agent who will take his eonlmis^iuns • 't the debtor. .\ll well regulated Hotels are con- red in the €.\sn system. T, WADl'ILL. ' 'r'r I'l .■(t'>-4w Ileal Estate tor ^ale. | 'PUK .scriber offers for sale tiie I’.L'ILD- I IN'i LoT.S in the Town of I'ayetteville. lying on ' •iii -idfs .if and fronting on -V.lam .street, near the , ■!l:.:..l; j ■ f N'^ 1 h.i- 1*1 acres r,f lan-l; N .. 2. ]:>. No. K': i 4. 1": No. .'i. lit; No. 'i. 111; N.,. 7, ](i; No. H': N '-:i. N . I'l has :i Dwelling with rooms an.l 4 fire-places. ■ 'Kt-ii..uses. Xo. lies just over ;iie Soiith-E.istcrn 's Ilf the town. ■ I- Iriti'l.s :ire thrifty, and with proper cultivtiiiuii ( ■ lot will .'iippoit a lamily. ' The location is healthy. 1 have livcl for the last Is i -'''vfirs in the ijf these 1.its, and my ' Mv iias en)ovel reiiiarkablv good health. ■ Apply I.' ' JAMES SUNDV. | !■'I. .‘tti*vil!e. Oct. >^. I"'.'i0. •‘)fi-4w Tow II i*i*o|>erty lor .^ale at Public Aiicfioii. 'j^flE DWELLING HoT.siE and Premises sitn.ited on I ■■'Id Street, the late ro.sidence of .Mrs. Perry, will be i ;it Public .Vuctioii to the highest bidder. ;it the '.riift H.iuse ->n M'.nd.iv. 24th >ct'r. at IJ o'cli I'k .Nl. ’ - i .n given immedi.itely. Terms, 'ix months, tppr ivcd negoti.iblc nite. .\l'.i. Si.x Sli.ires sti/ck ■ F.^v. ,v Western Plankrond C... WM WAHDKN. Ex'r ul Be/.e Perry. J. II. ('• H>K, .Vuct'r. :;'-'rl‘i ki:ko!sEi\e oil.. UtliH KntKS AT WilOLEifiALa:. I.\.M now receiving my Stock of tiroceries fur the Fall Trade, c.insisting in part as follows.— 115 Bags ('otlee: o'I BbN. (!offee Sugar; •JO Mhds. .Miilasses: o} Buses T»b!icco—factory price*; T.j *• .\damantine Candlei.: i Bbls; Snutl'—Eagle .Mills; •j'l Boxe- (’; 2iMK>t Lbs. hoti—assorted; -3i boxes No. 1 So;ip; 2-' M ('ig.'irs; •'>112 Bair® Corn: 70 Bales Ea.-tern Hay; 15 Firkins Butter: 2*,i Bbls. Leaf Lard: o5 J I'.bls. No. 1 Mackerel: .">111 Lbs. (’od Fish, ,'ic., ,'vc. IH.WE associated with me. in this line, Mr. John K. Dailey, and will style the firm )RHELL .S D.MLEY. We have purchase.l the Steamer Soi tiikknkr. and in a few days, will have a New Flat employed with her. Those favoring u« with their patn nage may rely iii'ou jiromjit desjiatch. by a].plying to Mr. Dailey on boanl, or to me af mv office. R. M. ••UllELL. The SMl>«€i'il>er liail a llor^e taken from his Stable last night. He is a Gray, about 11 years old, large size, flat footeil and lazy. ,\ny in formation so that I get him again will be thankfully receiyed and liberally rewarded. ELIAS GAINEY. East side ('ape Fear River. .1 niile.s from Fayetteville. Oct r 3. 185Jt o ltf 10.000 lfl>K .Npii'itw Tiireiitiiie wanted, between the 1st of October and the 1st of Jan uary 18tJ0, at the market price. PAGE & SURLES, South Corner of Market Sijuare, Next door to A. J. Woodward's Clothing Emporium. Sept 16 50-4w Land and Wood. 0^0 ACRES of LAND lying on the Fayetteville & OOO W'cstern II. R. 7 miles from Town. 4')U ('ords PINE WOOD cut and piled. All for sale cheap to close the concern of C. E. Roberts & Co. Apply to J. II. ROBERTS & CO, June 2>, 1R.V.». 24tf FAYKTTKVll.l.F Ml'TlAL LmRA\CE COMPANY. ASSETS $254,618.62. rpilIS Company has lieen in operation more than six A years, and has paid its lire losses, aiii.'iiutiiig lo S2:{,524.S7 without any assessnient: iiisiir>”^;e averag ing its luembers .about \ lierc«’iit. Amount of property now iiisiirod. .\niount jireniium notes now on Iniid, DntKiTOKs. S. T. llawlev. W. N. Tillii'gha«t, ,\. .K. .\ :^i,;V,;:. f'.Ht.tii 117.7."'^. Ioo. McNeill. D. A. Kay. H. L. .Myrover, .S. W'. Tillinghust. Honry Lilly. N. .Stediiian, S. J. Hinsdale, T. S. Liitteiloh, Will. McLauriTi, J. 1>. Williams. .I:|s. G. ('ook, A. W. Steel. Kyle, Hon. -I. i. Shepherd, r>. E. llruwii. Wilmington. .V. E. Hall. Wiliningtoi; )KKU'KI!S: GE(_). McNElLL. Presi.lent. D. A. K.VY. \'ice President. C. A. McMILLAN. Secret iry John Collini arid ('. (.^. McCrnmiuen. Trivelling |8rV'?“'Tlie f'ompanv invite applic.ntioiis. .May 1'.^, l^^.VJ. .\gont' D'Y TIIK AORTII ( AROI.I A A MITI AL LIFE l\SI RAXCE COMPANY, JOW in the tenth year of successful o]ioration, with N n. >1. onnKt.i.. .March 2*1. l.^*' E. F. MOoRE. 4b- 1 .acres of Land, Favi'tteville .'t (iREAT KKDUI'TION IN PKK’E. >iOVAKIA'riO> FOiC the: \Vi\rilBv. THE m mf mwmi oil i’ii. ■ INtaui.isiiki) iM.'il. : ' N’n'iI'NCE that, having made great imjirovement' ■ in the manufacture of Keroseiif, tlu'y are now en- : loled to otfer it to the Trade at j ONE DOLLAR PER GALLON. Wholesale.' The attention ot consumer.": i.s re-pectfully culleil to i •lie subjoined table, thf result of a photdini.irical ex.ami- ! UHtion, liy Ed’d N. Kent, Es.i., of Now York. Chemist. \ .V d dated Feb. lK-)''i. d - '■"‘riisene. Kerosene 2.4.'i5 l.oiij .Lid ■ ‘Hiphene, iCaniphene 5.*!25l I.2^'!^i (i->| 4.^^5 Oil, Sid.'ir l.Hlrjj HaSl.OfU l..rd(Jil, Solar lt;4(ij 7nf.: 1.2.')i 17.7(1 "I I'nii ; lil. Solar 2,l25j H50 2.2’> 2b.47 Fluid, Large wick' o't'l 3(M), H7l 20.OD Keiiable orders from the Trade, by .Mailor Telegraph i'd on application to AUSTENS, Agents, 93 Pearl St., \. Y. K I,i;.'»S|;.VE is also to be oblained at the Mariii- I'rices, (jf all the New York Wholesale Drug- -'s. i.rocers, Caniphene and Burning Fluid Maniifac- ' 'f- aii'l Dealers in Lamps. KEB)SENE is the trade-mark of the Kero- 'Co., and all persons are cautioned against •'■■I - Uie said trade-mark for other oils. *■ 7 56- Smspd Sej.t 12. l^.v.* AOTK'i: Is hereby given, that 1 wish to sell S.’l miles from Fayetteville, on the Western Plank Roml. This Tract of Land has a goo.l Dwelling and Out-houses. and a good well of water, and is well adajiteii to the cultiv.-ition of Corn and other grain, and e>pecially well adapteil to the cultivation of grapes. .Vbout 20 acres are now cleared and under cultivation. For further iiiforni.'ition call upon D. G. McDuffie utioti the jireinises. or ujioii nivielf in F.iyetteville. J. U. McDl'FFIE. Oct S ')4-:!w To liaiifl Buyers. '■[^HE iindersigiu'.! uti'ers for sale, in the C.,;il region, 1 and within eight miles ..f the terminus .f the Fay etteville .'it Western flail I'oad on l>eeii llivor, KKiHT lll .MJKKD A( UKS OK L VND, adjoining the lan-l belonging to the estate of George Wilcox, dec'd, and lying three miles .South from Car- Vioiitoii. on Little Pocket Creek, .'\loure county. Tiiese Land, are well adapted to the growth of corn, ci.itoii. wheal, oats, rye. .Vc. There «rc on the prem ises a comfortable Dwelling, and all necessary Out- | houses with about one iiutidred and fifty acres under fence. incUi.iiiig forty or lillv a'-res of n'ver-failing bottom latnl. This is n r.are ch.-uice for persons wish- 1 ing to make investments, as lauds are undoubledly ad vancing in price in tiiis section. For (urilier informatifin aiipi_\ to Mr. ,\I. M. .McRae, : Cnine s (’reek, P. O., Moore county, or address me at I Fayetteville. N. C. 1 ■ DANIEL McKAE, For the Heirs of(;il'>c>rt McKae. dec’il. 1 (,'arbonton. .Moore c.i., N. C.. .\iig 24 -l.'^if l'ottoii Planlalioii lor !^ale. 10FFEH for sale a Plantation in MarUioro’ District. ' situated nine miles t’rom P.eiinetlsville, two and a half from Pee Dee Kiver. .seven from I’ liirond, and two from the Springs. Tiie Tract contains TIIKKK niMIRKn AM) TIIIHTY-SKYE.V ArUKS, with 150 under cultivatiin. The P.uilding.? are all good. A NEW DWELLlN'tJ liorsi;. with six rooms—fire place in each room, passage ihrousrh the house, two piazAiis. one in front anil one in the '' .My Land will compare favorably with any in the District. I have sixty acres of Bog land cleared, ili.-it will make thirty busliels corn per acre. The pbu e is cultivated thi.s year liy .Limes Peterkin. He will show any one who wishes to look over the land. My only obj.ct for sell ing is I have ni'ived West. Terms easy. .Address me at Bennettsville, S. (’., until 1st Seiitember, after th.-it time at !elma, .Via. (JEOK(iE PETEHKlN. ■Vug. 4 4itf lla^:;;iiiU aiKl lloo|> Iron. O D."^. (Junny Bairgiiig. O, VvV Hoop Iron mid Kope. for sale by ’ E. F. MOORE. Sepl 12 Tobaeeo! Tobacco!! IrST receivi'd from Webb v Whifted's Manufactory. Hillsboroiigli, N. C., 25 1>((XL.'' lOi».\( (. O, vari ous brand* niid i|Ualiiies. ranging in j.rice from 1> to 75 cts. per lb., which 1 will sell at reduced Factory price.s. D. .\NlihRS)N, .\gent for Webb x Whitted. Sept 7 47- 1 would call Hie attention ol Tobacco Chewers t. the Vv EF.B X WHITTED 1!K.\ND. also the (,'ADET TWIST, which is superior toany thing ever soM in ihi- market. .\LSO— A lot of .\ N.I. 1 SMoKlNt; TuP,AC'«>. by lb., from W. ,v W. For - ile at No. 22 llav Street. D. ANDEllSON. 17- To tlie Interest of* Tiirpentine ll^•^tillerK. MA. P..\KER would respectfully inform Turpentine , Distillers and others tlitit he is fully prepared to Manufacture or Repair Turpentine. Brandy and Whis key Stills, Worms, >Vc., in fact, anything in the line of Sheet-Copper or Iron work. Particular attention given to tlie inaliing of Steam Pipes from a superior kind of Copper, for Boats, Mills, A;c. -All work entrusted to my care shall be properly done, and warranted, and on the most favorable terms as re gards price. Clive mo a call and see for yourself, and 1 know I shall have your jiatronage. Being a practical workman. 1 attend to all the work myself, which I find is to the advantupe of both my customers and myself. OM Copper bought for c.a»h or taken in exchange for new work. M. A. Pi.XKEU. Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. (,'. July 27 ;.'5-^mos l^aborer!^ Wanted. The Western Rail Road Co. wi'-h to employ 4 able- bodied Slaves for the balance of the year, to work on track repairs between Fayetteville and Little River Depot. W'. A. KCPF^R. Ch. Eng. 1% Siipf. July t; 2‘Jtf Mtale Rond»i lor Kale. ST.-VTE ('oupon Bonds. (Coupons payable in New York, on the 1st .Ap”il and 1st Oct.iber,) in quanti ties to suit. •^pply «t the Branch of the Cape Fear Bank. A. McLEAN. .lune 1 1‘Jtf UAATKO. , L.\llGE quantity of COTTON and LINEN HAGS, L for which fair prices will be paid. DAVID MURPHY. ■\ug. 17 41- To Kail Road Coat rad ortt! lUST RECEIVED loo iviii^:ki.barrow?, light and strong, for the Rail Road. For sale bv D. & W. McLArillN. March 29. lX5i». 800tf ^ept i Eli: li ei'.Kl' • K>-1> V I'K S . Nt K|I, CtnMpouiMlcri entirely from (•! MS, LI\ &:ii: i 0 li! ' ONK UK I i 1M K«; \T!VK \M» 1.!’. (.liKt • \VM, C.VRTKU & SON, n hdloiialv Kfetail Dealers and Manufaetiirers OK AM, KI.NDS OF M^eathei% Saddles atid Harness^ Of every descrijition, ('ollai-s. Whips, .Vc. \N D we also particularly call the attention of the whole surrounding r..,in:ry ti.i ^ive us a call, as we :ire .Ic- I termined tli it noin‘ 'hull surjiass us in quality or low ! prices; and we will give the highe-t cash price at all times for R.iw Hiilc.s and 'J'llhiw. in exchange for otir articles. Country Merchants would do well lo call and examine our .'stock, as we can s .p, them Shoes of a much better qu.ility than they usuall.v >;et. on v.'rv accoiniiiodating terms. Soulhcrii Pl.aiiter- W'.uid do well to vi.-iid iisall their orders -is we are making: a No. 1 article of NEt!K() SHOl'.S, that are warraiuc I r.. give entire satisf;iction. N. B. .Vll Orders from a dist.ince sluill have iirom[it attention. S. S. C.VH'I’EH. (iohKton P. ()., Chaihaiii ( ■■,, N. C. .March l-'i. l.''5'.(. WM. I'ARTEK '.It;- .'ilj ; iU‘ hlit t i> o!l t>mt lUHit^r. thn» nt . ’w-- . wi'l'.'Ui! a)i V of th^ I'jiinful tVv!: ^ ol ni- «• '*!'/;!-fi'.*. It h!rfcfj; ih»* ^ • tlMf it P'lrir*-’ il , ^r.1 when taken ‘Inily 1i. ►I • u'Uj.'V iij*i biilM h up wiih >• The 1,1 ver ^ on»* of th- lUiaA’i . liii.i wi^eu it Tl*-} ' {••rl'it m « ifftt ** iw to do it» iuty j»!. onii ot th^ yvropriol*" “ ^ fw*ti'*»' tf tnoif thmi »wi*nty wh'Trwifh lo rouitteriiCt | Jl -J* ’.i > -If. T'» jjii.vethut blfii .Aritli Liver i'oiii-* !ir\« tn»t t» I* N « Nttil^, 1 I'hrso rartidVf all ihf In ti'Virora’njf ilie «ion.Hch {kill ir> li‘U Itie bloo*!. whole niHChii»«rry. seniovM.jc fil'fcTliiK >i rH(lu*>tl ctiri*. i{|!loii« altnc-UH arc lirtl« i\ venfeif, >'V Liver )i>** at**»r rntiii^ U huT and the frHul frora t hily otif tKknn >>efor^ tnnr«*. Only on^ d»*** taken at jr»*n»ly. nnd rur^» One tnHeii aft«er eacb 0^ i >ne d' of two lea- SSIrk lle:i«1ac‘li4‘. One boitle taken for f# CHiiKtf of the and [ t hjly oii*» doi»** imm#»iiatelf 1 On«l..s© oftf*n TPp^tt*d i* I .Morlviift, and a preventive | yjT* Only one bottle itj nyinem tlie etTccti of medi-l^^ *“'-^Oii#» tM)ttle taken for i ^ ipnl Killv (ieV ot» ili» 1“ I- growing ca]>itnl anl tiniuM- hoIi upnii puMic oon- fidence, continues to insure the livi's of all healthy per sons from 14 to tlU years of age, for one, for seven years, and for life—all life members'haring inthe profits. All slaves from 10 to t’lO years of age are insured for one year or for five years for two-thirds their value. All losses are punctually paid within 1*> days after satisfactory proof is presented. For further information the public is referred to Agents of the Company in all parts of the Stale, and to ' R. II. BATTLE, Senetar;, ilaleigli. E. J. H.\LE. \g'iit at Jan’y 185^*. F.i,yeftevM1e. N. (’. A c:ard. A WORD TO mY OLD FRIENDS— ^piiOSE persons for whom 1 have been attending to JL Banking business for years:—1 am still willing to serve j'ou with the »anie promptness that 1 liave always done: and to others that may want discoitiUs, Pen.sinti business, iS:c., &c I ott'er my services, with a promi(»e of strict attention. ,I.\S. f!. COOK. June 27, 185'.*. i'ltf I A V i/r rK VI i. i. F. mrrs: i., T. WADi'IljTi, I’itdiMtiKTdi;. HIS, the most commo.lions fitr jm Hotel in N'lth Carolina, fronting J'.'iU feet on Hay and Donaldson Streets, localcl in the centre of the business jiortion of the town, and surrounded by all the Banking Houses, Whole^alv Merchants and princi pal Produce Dealers. giai^ Business men will find (he Huel a coiiveniKm and comfortable All the Stages arrive an.l dejiarl fr.iiii this Hutcl. Fayetteville. Oct. 1. 1S.')S. 51- SHI''. -'1 nor!**!':. F.tve.:’i"ri;vii.i,«;. \. Knat df drii-ii Strrif, u fv -■ .Vn fli ‘■t fh> rnlll’ Subs.ciber .h-sires thr.iUirii thi' mcdiiii;i lo ackow leilge I he liberal fiat roTiairc bestow ed upon his House the past year—and as lie has just erecteI New Siable> an.l Carri.igc Shed coii\en- ient to the House and lo w.aier he lakes pli'asiiri- in >a}- ing to lii.s p.itron.';ind the public geiii‘r:il!_\. ilj;ii lie is still prepared to :icconinio.l itc tl'em v.iili liMii'ieiit an.I permanent board, and resjiecifiilly solii-iiu ;i cuntinii.ince of the liberal jiatron.-ige heretid'ore ree.dved, Kvei y e\- ertioti on his pari sliail be used lo render ihciii coiniori.T- J . . , ble during their sojourn wil h hiii. Hi- iiMe i^.-ilways Lsr recened in the above line, a large jinpplied with the I'lest the marUei :i!l...ii-. and handsome assortment, logether , ISR.1SS If'f/fJF;. 4 G(30D supjdy of various No's jnst received, which ^ we can furnish low. D. iSc W. McLAURlN. May 2. 10 tf WATCHBS, CLO(!KS. JKWELRV. Silver and Plated Ware, Fine Ciitlery» MILITAKV AND FANCY GOODS, I \ !«* T K I TIE T N, &c. frf^HEPAIRINfi strictly attended to. .\ug. 22, 185‘J togeth with numerous other articles. Purchasers are invited to call and examine at No. 11 Hay Street. W. I’HIOPi. of Watches. Clocks, and Jobbing, M;livh 2L 18.5S. \\ ;l> '’f L Si.-lf 42-3ni % I ol at iHiih. and the v > X 'O lb K'>r the d •• »' tl.*»t oi- hai* mnd*' it Ux'* in \eifcjn. ti» I.JuJ -I 55*0 Ten.»»,' n!>iny dofHiijfrmeiits u» at laj»t fnnnd. an> pe* «' ri tr«ij plHllil, «>t iu r«.iio- coiivirti'.n Noeii»ti» . morbid or b»»>i r-^'ter t cu. plar* H healih.T Moh rf OR'isfng |«.f>d U» I'ell. itttr tOI'e atl'l llCMis'r t> litr the rau»« of the rure^l, ntidl, I** ficient to rHlieve the «!omarh riHtnfC and vouriiin: retiiinK, prevent'* nijrht, loo^enii the tl VrillMH. meal willcnre l>yM|>t |Mili» «pooi;fn!« will hI\« av> leiir % »• ' mala obMructtott r«*tuov»*^ ;l.r maktfh aj*erfert ( iirc. , relieve^ N^hilr !a ftnre (*iiie foi C’ltoletxi ;of ineed«il to throw out «*’ cine after a lonjr xk kiT" •lauiifllre >«more-> a’; kMi from the »kin. time before eatinj ‘ ffKid dijrcst well cmee C IlLo-* v,h\\t S u III in e I * aiuioHt lo the Ijirl ‘io'f tackv caniiefi by W 4«i in» i' •wfer, or ^pectliei 'ii* r ■ ■ by ex^*: a>ei»1fnc thi« t t Ajjue, *lilll loiiM Ty J' ntis m illii ff it'sti.y t-' 40,000 Sept 12 iiiiaiio! «iiaiio!! liB.S No. '1 Peruvian Oiiniio by ■ K. F. 48- For sale MOORE. 48- or nniiatnral color One doKO iHkeu a ihort f to lha appetite, at^d raak«* One doKe onei) repeated ril'ra in ii« womt formi, ('Otup)ai:ite yield Mpeoi I wo doHet rarcui at • hil iie»: . there in no nuror, tbe world, ai it /*ii7«. A few boltl«« onr*«! Kkbno: b»nt«. We Ukr pltanure in recom ' preTriiiive for Krver niil and all Krvt*r» ^ Ull- witlt oertaitit) , aud thoiuand* woiiil^rfnl virinw*. All »vl»i> U8»- It nr«- ^IvImk thrir uiiniilnioti* tv^dmoiiy In If* fnvo». I*Ili Wntrr In tli« monfh -viltli ll»c ln»l- ^tirntor. and tiwalloM' bolli to^etllt‘I•. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IS 8C1KNTIKI*- MKIiITAL I)IKC(KKY. and i- irm- workinif cnroj*. almoat too great lo believe. It «« r *ven O'f Jirnt (fiviutj and^**ef1ot*; r ' •*nc bottle ih rinjuired to cnre any kit:'l of 5l>n* * fUij ift-n- frotn the worM Jaun^iirt or to * t*on»n>oij • h!I of which are Ihe rennlt of a DUrQ^C'd Uvei*. PRICE 0»K DOLLAR P»« »OTTL». nr. SANP»KI>. Proprietor. ^46 lin»a*lwAy. .N>« York Retailed by all l»rmfitiHts. »Wi JAS. N. SMITH and S. J. HINSDALE, Fayetteville, N. C. Nov’r 11. 62-ly .1. IV. raki:r Is now reeeiviiiir tVdiii tlio Nortli the largest, finest, and most carefully solected stock of rrsi\3Ti hi: ever otfere.l in this market: wlii'di ml.led to his own mannfacturi-, makes his assortment complete:— all ot' wliich he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to jiiinctual customers. Fashionable painted cotf.ige bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair anil shuck, and cotton .Mattresses: Looking (Uasses; Willow W.-igons and (’radles: Side Boards: Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Table*, al', sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands: Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Gl.iss: Window .'^hades; Cornices: Curtain B.inds; Sofas in Mahogony and Wal- nut; Tele n Tetes; Ottomans; Divans an«l Stools: ('hairs of every vui iety. Fine llo.scwooij I’inno.s, one with ..Kolijiii at- tachnient; lloHCWood Melo.iians. from the best manufac- ! tories in New York »nd Biiston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sol'l at New York ! prices—freight only added. | September 2. 45tf .^larble Factory, EDwiA 4^i.ovi^:r HAS RECEIVED HIS FALL STOCK OF Watche.s, Jewelry, Silver Ware aud xllil- ! Itary Good^, ) which he invites tlie attention of his customers and the public, and assures I them he will sell anyth’ng in his Hue as cheap as can be purchased either Nortli ; or .South. Particular attention paid to the repairing of Watciies and Jewelry. ! Sept 3, 185'J 4ii-3m Aotiee to Soldiers’ Wifl»««>i. rpHE 'Vidows of Mexican Soldiers. ;uid the Widows of £ .sioldiers who i)ii:i> is >Kuvu'n in the war of 1812, can have their tiensions continued by call'iig on the under signed. Congress having made .-ulditional provision for them. (live me the nianagcment of your claini.s, and the money shall come at once, or no charge. JNO. M. i;OSE, Agent for Pensions. F.ayetteville. Juno 12, !>5S, 10- HIhN. >iood Racon, NIDI]!^ and SIlOULDEliS, just received and for sale by 1). .V W. McLACKlN. July2, 1S5'». 2Htf FRi rPT Ri:i:j*i, IN FAYETTEVILLE. IH.WE the agency for the sale of Fruit Trees froni the Nurseries of .Ioshua Lindley. whose correctness and superiority of selection needs no comment in this coininiinity from me. Orders handed or sent to me before the first ol' November, shall have jiromjit attention, and all person- may rely upon getting just the kinds they wish. November is the best season tor jdantiiig out trec^. For further particulars apfdv to I). W. C. BENilOW. Oct’r .■>, lS5".t .54-'.itpd 01>I»EI»NIA A\0 I ITJ^. I>K. O. IMIKI.P.^ JJIiOWN, rnllE GREAT (XMIEK OF CONSl'MPTION, was for several years so badly afflicted by Dyspepsia that for a part of the time he was confined to his bed. He was eventually cured by a jirescription furnished him Ity a young clairvoyant .eirl. This prescription, given him bv a mere chil'L wdiile in a state of trance, has cured every body who has taken it. never having failed once. It is equally sure in cases of Fits as of Dyspepsia. to ilie public 1 lie above IN a •ciiliiUl...i:Ue i'i.i:i;li. \iid I o’ II.".I: .in.i',:e. i Hy GKO. , TWn DOORS ABOVE T. T. H.Uf.n k SO>S’ STORE Fayetteville, C. I Jan’T 20,1859. 64>ypd .Vn engraving is hero given of tiie principal herb em ployed ill this medicine, and all of the ingre'lients are to be found in any drug store. I will sen«l this valiia- l>le prescription to any person, on the receipt of one stamp to pav postage. Addres.s DR (). PHELPS BKOWN, No. 21 Grand St., Jersey (.'ity, N. J Sept. 14. 4'.>-lni BOOK-HINDING IN all its kinds, execntel with neatness and despatch. Small jobs when done must be paid before deliv red, THOS. 11. TlLLINtJHAST, i Opposite the Female High School, Hay Street. 1 May 14, 1859. H-ly A V \ 1^: li o 1 (iOLl'SPoKo . N. C. UlE undersignod .‘miiounci" that he ha^^ taken 'ii iigc o; t ablishineiit. ami is (ir,-[iiivi..i t I'oaflers. by the d,iy. w.-ca .. he assures al! wloi mav fav.'i- him will; ;1 that he will eii'leavov to "ive ]'ei tect s;i.isfaetii>n, Tab1« siipplie'l with the best the market .atfords. J.4S. O. SMITH. Goldsboro . -Jan'y 2.'s, 1's.5'. .'^l-lyr NKAl’vKST VND ,»ri('K K.^T ROI Ti: TO TIBi: RAELKOAO! ■ I HOLMES & ROBINSON’S j FOI K HOKSK STAliK LINK. TO KK>A\SVnLE. , VII w \Ksnv. IS the shortest and tiiosi exi"*diii'M- or (’••.vi l.>v« going North or Soi\; li. l.eavintr I'aycitevil .• every d.iy at 2 o clock P. M. rillMii (ill IN i i,.N iKil IIS. The traveling public wh" woiiid slu i;. tlieir ci iiifort i and convi'iiience will tn’e the W irsa-.v Si.i^^e. I Ite^THKorC!! i'lCKKTS Til Wi LlU'N m.iy be had at the St.age Offi.-e, !'.;yeitevillc. Aug lS.5«t. ' :>-ly RAAK vrOC'k. i 4 S Administrator of Willitun \V. S't'dina'i. deceased, .jA ;it the door the Cbii-cn.lon liank. in i'ayetteville. ' on THl'itSDW. the 2'm1i 'l.iy oi (i.tolier. L- .'.i. 1 will ^ ,«ell at public ,\I'C110N. on a cii'dii ol Six niontlis. I XTY S11 1! I’S of t III. C l ;.il il .'>to.-',; .ii' C’nren.ion Bank. Terms niide known on the day of s;ile. IS.V.\*' S. (ilBStlN. A'im r. Si.j.r. '.I. !'^5'.i. !.' Meliool Rookx, ^tatio(iei*> Ac. P.MEllSoN'S .\rithnietic. 1st, Ji| ;n;.l .;il i nrts; Bui Ij lions' English (iraminars. thrre i.;i!i': \\'ebs.e;' = .School and Pocket DictionMries: Mi-Clinto-k s I'd tlroek Book; Harkness' 2d Latin P.ook; I’ierponi s \ooii>. Header; Hart's Class B iolc of Poetr\: i-r i C;i -Mr: Interlinear Translations .,f C;e-:ir, Ci. . ; .. '■ .'‘.i;'! and Virgil: .'cc. High Life in New York, by .Ifuia, Slick: Tumi Bnrke; “Enijiiire Within"; Scottish (,'hii.ts; w. Cap. Letter and Sermon Paper; Envelope'; ,\.c. Bills of Exch.aiige, bonii'l. Further supplies of the above just rcceivi>1. .''cpt 10. 1S,')'.1 E, J, II \l.i. V .'sf*N. fill llOOli ISOOK.*^. SMITH'.S F'nglish Grammar: ,N. Carolin.-i Kendpr*. three parts; Olney's (leogr.aiihy—revix.d edition; Monteith's Geographies; Pike's Arithmeti:; Murray h English Reader; N. ^ ork Keaders: M i' .n s I'arrier; Mattison's .\stronomy; \'c. Sepl 14 -I. 1?.'.LK V SON, llyniii!*i and S>iMeii»liiieN OF the .M thodist E. Church,—as... ,, ed •[iialitice. Jnst received. Aug Hi E. .1. ir.M.i; v: son A .New aiidl omplete North CaroUna Form Hook. .V further supply just rec'd. Aug. 27 ' E. .i. HALE .S: SON. Webster’s Elementary ^pellini;;' Book, for sale by £• HALE s SUN.